#greek gods - waikuuu
waikuuu · 5 years
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[ 6: 45 P.M. ] Greek-God!Jeno. As he went up to you on the playground and dragged you to his beautiful but dangerous bike. “Will you do me the honor and be the last ethereal girl to ride my bike?” Jeno asked shooting his signature eye smile at you. “Of course Lee Jeno.” You said to him as you hoped on his bike, wondering what this adventure would be. 
He started the engine and zoomed past the house you used to live in, you enjoyed late night rides with people by your side. Seeing the beautiful sky made you feel calmer, almost like all your worries were let go, and with Jeno beside you, it almost felt like the you were the only ones in the world
Riding in his motorcycle, the sun setting over the horizon painting the sky with such beautiful colours, head on Jeno’s shoulder and your arms wrapped around his waist. Passing through the castle of Poseidon, wondering what would happen next, but nothing possibly bad could happen right? And even if there were something bad to happen, you had Jeno by your side. The ethereal boy who hid his true self. 
tagging: @ofdreamsnwishes , @eyesmilesjeno , @nctyping
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yanggerm-archive · 5 years
IMPORTANT (if you follow @waikuuu )
Okay so i need y’all to vote what you guys want done first because your girl isn’t getting anywhere so i need a certain order I need to go in, the most voted goes first and the least voted gets released last, okay thank you.
You vote by either rebloging and saying which one you want or saying in my ask which is on my bio !!
Cheater ➢ Jeno ( )
Greek God!AU Series ( )
Dad!Lucas ( ) 
Seasons of Love ➢ Yuta ( )
Dare ➢Xiaojun (1)
Best Friend ➢ Haechan ( )
Nightlight ➢ Jeno ( )
Best friend to lovers ➢ Renjun ( )
Cuddling ➢NCT Dream ( ) 
Fast and Furious ➢ Jaehyun ( )
Wedding ➢ Taeil ( )
I promise more will be coming in the future, it just it happens to be these are all in my drafts as imagines. I appreciate if you spread this around so everybody can vote. Thanks and have a great day !!
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waikuuu · 6 years
Greek God’s AU;
by: @waikuuu
preview + list
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Requested: yes by anon
Member(s): NCT Dream (Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung)
Pairing(s): NCT Dream X Y/N
Genre: Fantasy//Greek Mythology//Adventure
Plot: 6 different Gods try to capture Y/N’s heart (more in preview)
Warnings: !!Mild Violence, Cussing, Cringy pickup lines!!
In a world full of killing and war, there lived these 6 immortal gods known as the Greek Gods of the century, follow there journey discovering Y/N and trying to capture their 20th wife or 100th lover. But little did they know, she was the hardest to catch, little did all the Gods know, she was the original daughter of Zeus. 
1. Greek God!Renjun  ; you’re so beautiful, would you give me the honor and be the one who captures my heart once again? (Preview, Imagine)
2. Greek God!Jeno ; will you do me the honor and be the last person to ride my bike?
3. Greek God!Haehcan ; if you take me in your heart, the serenading will last forever about your ever lasting beauty
4. Greek God!Jaemin ; the heart is one of the most beautiful but tragic doings especially with love, somehow you make me feel tragic but so beautiful at the same time.
5. Greek God!Chenle ; you enticed me from the second you walked into this hall with your face shining brighter than the sun. 
6. Greek God!Jisung ; you make me feel the butterflies, I never thought I’d feel with anyone, not even myself. 
Will be released each and every second day (first one will be released for tomorrow, the preview)
Blurb mini previews (To preview what the imagines going to be about or be like)
Full Imagines (The full story of the Greek Gods X You)
Number #1 Preview: March 26th, 2019 (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #1 Imagine: March 28th, 2019 (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #2 Preview: April 13, 2019   (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #2 Imagine: April 15, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #3 Preview: April 16, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #3 Imagine: April 18, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #4 Preview: April 19, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST) 
Number #4 Imagine: April 21, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #5 Preview: April 22, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST) 
Number #5 Imagine: April 24, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #6 Preview: April 25, 2019 (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #6 Imagine: April 27, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Rest is coming soon
Hello guys, so you might be wondering, where the heck did this come from? Let me explain, so like this anon requested me to do a full Greek God thing for NCT Dream and I’m like sure why not. Don’t worry I’ll still update a lot as usual other blurbs and imagines but this one is a special that deserves its own category!! If you guys don’t mind, come check it out when it releases and if you don’t like it that’s fine !! If you do make sure to spread it around, like/reblog so it gets recognition because I’m starting to work hard on this series, anyways, I hope you enjoy all the things I release for this but yeah. Thanks for reading and look forward to the first one !! Goodbye everyone !!!
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waikuuu · 5 years
Greek God AU
by: @waikuuu
Renjun preview
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[ 7: 25 ] You walked into the gala, getting glances and rude stares from everybody, you weren’t from here. You were from earth, but from what you recently found out, you have been lied to your whole life. You were a daughter of the sky king, Zeus. You never wanted to be here, but you were forced to since it was too dangerous for you and the whole palace, if you were in danger. You enter into the main hallway to see a big bright chandelier right in the middle with all these Gods talking to each other. You saw your step-brother Apollo playing a song keeping all the guests entertained. It was the biggest gala of the year, where all the Gods would come together and enjoy. You look around finding all the Gods you read about, this was an amazing but horrifying experience. 
“Y/N, come here darling.” Zeus calls out as he looks at you smiling. You walked over to him and stood beside him. You looked around at the Gods right in front of Zeus, there was it seems to be an older man and one that seemed to be around my age. His jawline was prominent, his nose was narrow, his lips were full and his hair looked so fluffy. 
They all looked at you smiling, especially the boy. He looks cute when he smiles, you thought to yourself. “So everyone, this is my daughter Y/N. I actually banished her onto earth to protect me, but recently major threats have been trying to attack her, so I decided to let her live here.” Zeus said. They all greet you, shaking your hand, but the handsome guy held your hand for sometime causing Zeus to land a glare at him, and pulled away. Everyone called you beautiful and pretty, but you never thought so, but the guy who stood right in front of you was a whole another level of different. 
“Hello Y/N, I’m Eros and this is my son, Renjun.” Eros said smiling at you and Renjun smirking right at you. Oh how this night was going to be interesting...
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waikuuu · 5 years
Capture of You (H.RJ)
A Greek God AU Series
By: @waikuuu
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Requested: Yes by Anon
Member(s): Huang Renjun (NCT Dream)
Pairing(s): Huang Renjun X Reader 
Genre: Fantasy//Greek Mythology//Adventure
Plot: Y/N comes to the biggest gala of the year only to meet one of the most handsome God’s ever, Huang Renjun. The son of Eros. 
Warning(s): Mild Violence, Cussing and Mention of Blood & Weapons
Word Count: 3234
Hello guys, welcome to the first part of Greek God AU !! I hope all of you enjoy this first part of the Greek God series featuring all the NCT Dream members, I also promise there will be NCT127 and WayV and even all of NCT AU’s it just this one was requested so props to anon. Okay enough of me rambling, I hope you like it. 
Y/N. A quiet kid who loved books and theories so much. She was raised by Percy Jacksons mother and treated like a sister to Percy. She knew she was adopted but what she did not know who she was the daughter of, y/n always thought that her real biological parents didn’t want her but really she was the daughter of Zeus, the God of the sky. 
The Jacksons knew but they didn’t want to tell her until her 18th birthday. But by that time, it was way too late. 
As Percy, took out his sword and Y/N took out her bow and arrow. The monster ran towards them as Y/N shot her bows into the monster, making the monster weaker but it still kept running towards them and Percy runs forward and kills the monster once in for all and proceeds to rush Y/N home. 
This was just another day in Percy’s book but in Y/N’s she was horrified and she couldn’t take it, Percy’s mother also felt like Y/N before but she had gotten used to it. Percy opened the door as Y/N trailed behind him closing the door to their home as they took off their shoes and Y/N proceeding to go to her room. While Percy went to his mother’s room.
“Mom, when are we going to tell Y/N?” Percy asked whispering sitting on his mothers bed. “I don’t know how about as long as possible we don’t say anything.” His mom replies with. “Mom, our lives are endanger because of this, we need to tell her and get her to Mount Olympus to go live with Zeus.” Percy whispers with a worried look on his face. “Fine, we’ll tell her at dinner today.” Percy’s mom said while sighing and heading to the kitchen to cook dinner.
Percy took out the plates with the forks, today’s dinner special was Steak, Y/N’s favourite. They didn’t want to break it to her, but they had to. The spell was getting weaker and all the monsters could track her down. Which would put all the Gods in big danger. Which was a big no no since they just recently had a war. 
Y/N rushed out of her room to find a beautiful steak shining on the plate. She rushed to her regular spot in the dinner table, after they all followed and sat down and grabbed their own slice. Dinner was usually loud filled with jokes and laughs but today it was silent. Percy’s mom wanted to keep it a secret and not tell Y/N but maybe it was time. Before she spoke, Y/N interrupted.
“Why is it so quiet today?” Y/N asked as you put steak in your mouth.“Y/N we need to tell you something.” Percy’s mom said as she looked down. “What? It’s not bad right?” Y/N asked confused. “Y/N, you’re the daughter of Zeus.” Percy’s mom blurted out, making you freeze in your spot and dropping your fork and getting up to go to your room and closing the door behind you. 
You leaned your body against the door and crawled into a little ball, tears streaming down your face. You knew you were adopted but why did it have to be the sky king? You had a rough past of being in foster homes and being treated badly. He could have given you a better life up in the Heavens, so why did he banish you to earth? Where you had a worse life? Why did he do it to you? Did he hate you that much to banish you? All these thoughts surrounding your head making you feel worse than you already have.
After a bit of crying, you heard knocking on your door, you opened it to see Percy Jackson. He opens his arms for you to hug him and you gladly accept as you fall into his arms still crying, and suddenly you cough and cover your mouth, and you removed your hand off of your mouth to suddenly find blood and your vision getting weaker and weaker. It felt like the world was suddenly spinning around almost like gravity was lost. You end up closing your eyes and falling to the ground as blood surrounds you and Percy Jackson’s left their in worry and fear as he screams for his mother. 
You wake up to your eyes being matched with a light above, with paintings above that looked like Greek Mythology. You stood up looking around, not knowing where you were. Gold laminate and paintings of Greek God’s surrounded around you. You felt weak but you didn’t care, you just wanted to go home. Suddenly the door opens to reveal a centaur, half man/half horse.
“AHHHH, who are you?” Y/N screamed out looking frightened. 
“Don’t worry I won’t hurt you. Here let me introduce myself, I’m Chiron.” The Centaur says bringing up his legs to shake your hand as you took your hand and shook back. 
“Where am I?” You asked with a confused look written all over.
“Ahh, where are we? We are in Zeus palace.” Chiron said smiling
“Where is Zeus?” You ask Chiron giving him a small smile
“Zeus is in a meeting with Poisedon but he’ll be right with you after you’re done. I will be taking care of you for a bit, but Y/N, he’s missed you so much.” Chiron says heading over to you and sitting beside you on the bed. “Why did he banish me to earth to suffer even more?” You ask, your eyes watering up again. “That’s his place to tell but I promise it’s not because he loves you, Zeus loves you very much.” Chiron said hoping you’d feel better. “Thanks Chiron.” You say giving him a hug. “You’re very welcome, let’s go feed you breakfast now.” Chiron said smiling and standing up telling you to come follow him. 
As you follow him to the grand master dining room, seeing all the painting and how big the palace was, it amazed you. You never lived in something bigger than an apartment, and this was so grand to you. You finally arrived in the dining room which was bigger than your whole apartment. You look at the dining table to find, so much food. Sausages, bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles, chicken and etc. You quickly rushed to the table which made Chiron chuckle. You grabbed all the food you could get and munched on it as fast as you could. 
After you finished your food, you felt like santa clause because of all the food layed out for you, you wanted to go back to your room but Chiron ended up disappearing which left you all alone, trying to find your way back. The way back for you was a mess, running into Gods you never knew you even existed and interrupting certain meetings with important Gods. But you ended up finding your way up to the room you were in and ran to the bed, lying face plant onto the bed. Falling fast asleep.
You woke up to somebody shaking you really hard. You turn to the shadow to see, the sky king himself, Zeus. “Hey, wake up kiddo.” Zeus said shaking you as you stood up and laid on the headboard. “Good Afternoon to you too.” Zeus added laughing. “You’re finally done with your meeting?” You whispered feeling awkward. “Yes but hurry and get up because we have a gala tonight.” Zeus said pulling you up. “Wait there’s a gala?!” You said screaming. “Yes now come on, we need to get you ready.” Zeus said dragging you to the grand closet leaving you shocked.
He left you with 10 professional God designers to dress you. They took you to the dress section and pick a dress for you. You ended up getting a long dress that has baby blue highlights but mostly white. You get pushed into the changing room as you put on the long dress, looking at yourself surprising how pretty you looked. You walked out receiving surprised stares and stares with awh.
The leading lady went up and gave you heels and a little bag. You opened the bag and it had a phone and a lot of cash with a wallet filled with credit cards. You looked up at her and she said “This was orders from Zeus, now let’s do your makeup.” She said smiling at you and leading you over to the makeup station. You didn’t take long since you already looked beautiful so they just put some some finishing touches like lipstick, mascara and eye liner. While all of them stared at you in awh. Zeus came through the door as you finished, looking at you.
“You look beautiful darling, are you ready to go?” Zeus asks. “Yes.” You say walking over to him. “Okay let’s go, but warning I have to go first, since I have some special guests coming.” Zeus said leading you to the car. 
You both ended up taking different cars because he had to arrive earlier than you to welcome them. During the car ride, all you could think about what all of this was. Was it a dream? Was it reality? You could never figure out, its been a crazy 24 hours for you. The last thing you remember was reality was when you were sitting with Percy Jackson and his mother eating your favorite food. As you pass all the statues built giving you past memories which made you almost tear up, leaving you feeling sadder than ever.
The car stops and parks. “We’re here Mrs.Y/N.” The driver says as he opens the door and helps you get out with your long dress. He lead you to the door’s of the gala and opened it, revealing all the God’s. You walked into the gala, getting glances and rude stares from everybody, you weren’t from here. You were from earth, but from what you recently found out, you have been lied to your whole life. You were a daughter of the sky king, Zeus. You never wanted to be here, but you were forced to since it was too dangerous for you and the whole palace, if you were in danger. You enter into the main hallway to see a big bright chandelier right in the middle with all these Gods talking to each other. You saw your step-brother Apollo playing a song keeping all the guests entertained. It was the biggest gala of the year, where all the Gods would come together and enjoy. You look around finding all the Gods you read about, this was an amazing but horrifying experience. 
“Y/N, come here darling.” Zeus calls out as he looks at you smiling. You walked over to him and stood beside him. You looked around at the Gods right in front of Zeus, there was it seems to be an older man and one that seemed to be around my age. His jawline was prominent, his nose was narrow, his lips were full and his hair looked so fluffy.
They all looked at you smiling, especially the boy. He looks cute when he smiles,you thought to yourself. “So everyone, this is my daughter Y/N. I actually banished her onto earth to protect me, but recently major threats have been trying to attack her, so I decided to let her live here.” Zeus said. They all greet you, shaking your hand, but the handsome guy held your hand for sometime causing Zeus to land a glare at him, and pulled away. Everyone called you beautiful and pretty, but you never thought so, but the guy who stood right in front of you was a whole another level of different. “Hello Y/N, I’m Eros and this is my son, Renjun.” Eros said smiling at you and Renjun smirking right at you. You never fell in love with anyone. All the guys who had a crush on you, always got rejected.
But Renjun made you feel this weird feeling in your stomach. You never felt this before, it felt like you were about to throw up and you felt nervous too. You soon left trying to find food, you look beside you to see Renjun. “Ahh you scared me, why are you following me?” You say glaring at Renjun. “Don’t flatter yourself too much sweetie, I wanted to get food too and I ended up being beside you in the line.” Renjun said smiling deviously at you as you gave him a fake smile back. You both got your food and headed to find tables, and you ended up seeing a group of boys who looked your age so you decided to go sit and talk with them. Little did you know, Renjun was best friends with these boys too. 
“Hello, mind if I sit here?” You asked smiling. “Sure.” All of them say as they smiled at you. Renjun followed behind and sat in his saved spot by the dolphin laughing boy. “What are your names, if you’re comfortable telling me.” You ask. “Hi, you already know my name, and if you forgot, you’re an idiot.” He said laughing as you also laughed along with the other boys. “Hi, my name is Jeno.” Jeno said finishing off with his signature eye smile. “Wow, has anyone told you, you’re so cute and you’re eye smile is so pretty.” You say to him amazed. “Yes but thank you so much anyways, you’re really pretty yourself.” Jeno said turning red, as you flushed red too. “Can y’all stop flirting? You guys just met.” The guy with the brunette hair said chuckling. “Anyways, I’m Jaemin, the cute one.” He said adding on. “No you’re not.” Renjun adds on and earns a slap from Jaemin. “I’m Haechan, the brightest sun in the sky and the savage one.” Haechan said as he flips his non existent long hair. “Hi, I’m Chenle ! The responsible one out of my twin here, Jisung.” Chenle said smirking and earned a glare from Jisung. “Hi I’m Jisung, the youngest and the most calm here actually.” Jisung said to you smiling and then glaring at all his older friends. “Now it’s my turn I guess, I’m Y/N.” You say as you smile at them. 
You all talked for the rest of the night and it was so fun, you ended up getting each others numbers and ended up making a group chat with you in it. You all ended up getting closer, even to Renjun. When it came to you, he was a big flirt which made you always turn red and you ended up getting teased by Renjun and Haechan. Jeno and you have been especially really close. Which made Renjun secretly jealous, because little did you know, he’s had a crush on you ever since you walked into that gala and got introduced by your father. But the reason why Jeno hung around you is because he needed love advice, because he was in love with Jaemin. When Jeno told you he was gay and liked Jaemin, he looked so scared but you will always support him no matter what which made him happy. You also started to develop something for Renjun too, with all those cheesy comments and the sweet things he did for you. How could you not fall for him? Of course only Jeno knew this and would always tell you Renjun won’t stop talking about you and he loves you so much, but you didn’t want to believe him, you didn’t want your heart to broken by a guy.
You’re dad called you to his chamber, as you walked in feeling the tension in the air and you walk up to him kneeling as he sat on his thrown. Feeling really stressed and tensed. 
“Y/N I have a duty for you.” Zeus said in a serious tone. “What is it father?” You asked him feeling worried. “We need you to fight off one of Hades’s demon’s.” Zeus said looking down. “Why father?” You ask him confused of the order. “We tried to get rid of him and kill him, but the demon ended up killing our guards and won’t step off our kingdom palace unless you and the demon fight.” Zeus said. “But aren’t I weak father?” You say to Zeus looking at him. “You’re more stronger than you know, anyways, I’m letting Renjun come with you because he’s also very strong.” Zeus said as he gives you a bow and arrow. “Now go and make me proud.” Zeus said smiling sending you off. .Why did it have to be Renjun? I mean he’s better than Chenle. 
As you walked out of the doors being greeted by the one and only smirking Renjun. “Are you ready princess.” He asks you looking straight in your eyes. “Sure.” You said as you walked away towards the location of the demon and Renjun trailing behind you. As you arrive at the location, you see no one there and you walk towards the middle of the location or ‘pit’. “WATCH OUT, BEHIND YOU.” Renjun yells out, as you effortlessly turn around and shoot it in the head. As Renjun takes his special gun out and starts to shoot the demon and you proceed to keep shooting with your bow but it wasn’t working. “RENJUN IT’S NOT WORKING, WHAT DO WE DO?” You scream out. “PLAN B.” He yells out. “WHAT IS PLAN B?” You ask screaming out. “I HAVE TO SEDUCE THE MONSTER.” Renjun replies yelling back. “WHAT THE ACTUAL RIGHT MIND ARE YOU THINKING? THAT’S SO DANGEROUS, YOU’RE GOING TO DIE.” You scream. “Y/N TRUST ME.” He yells. “FINE JUST DO IT.” You say. “OKAY ON THE COUNT OF 3. 3, 2 ,1.” Renjun yells out as he uses his best lines on the monster which ended up the demon being distracted and having all the heart eyes for him. You went on top of the demon, and shot it on the head, arms, legs and the heart which caused the demon to disappear in thin air.
“YAY WE DID IT Y/N.” Renjun yelled out happily and ran to you to give you a tight hug. As you hugged him back making you both turn red. After you let go of each other, you were about to walk away until Renjun dipped you and said,  “you’re so beautiful, would you give me the honor and be the one who captures my heart once again?” As you chuckled, “that was such a cheesy confession but yes I like you back and I would do the honors of stealing your heart, Mr. Flirt. You said as you crashed your lips onto him, catching him off guard as he kissed back and it felt like your lips connected, like you were soulmates and for once, you felt like time stopped, you felt those butterflies once again, as you broke the kiss. Looking over to you, to see the 5 boys cheering for you and looking over at Jeno who was holding hands with Jaemin. “Finally you confessed, that means I don’t have to hear you talk about Y/N anymore.” Chenle said teasing Renjun as he ran away before Renjun could catch him and Renjun chasing after him as fast as he could causing you all to laugh. And from that day, you and Renjun were known as the power couple of this generations Greek Gods
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yanggerm-archive · 5 years
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