glowingtitle · 1 month
Herr Moers. we respect you so much. that being said, respectfully, where the fuck, respectfully, is the Castle of the Dreaming Books. respectfully
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The next Zamonia novel is nearing its completion. I can say this much: You have seen the protagonist in Captain Bluebear and it's set in a different dimension.
Walter Moers
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glowingtitle · 4 months
Hildegunst upon seeing Colossus:
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glowingtitle · 4 months
Walter Moers, one day you will be the death of me!
Instead of giving us new information on Castle of Dreaming Books, he announced yet another book that was on nobody's radars.
The One-Horned Squirrel that wanted to live backwards (Twenty Zamonian Flables) will be released on September 4th.
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Ein Einhörnchen, das lieber rĂŒckwĂ€rts leben möchte; ein Werwolf, der ein Wiewolf sein will; eine fleischfressende Pflanze, die gern Vegetarierin wĂ€re; zwei VampirgeierbrĂŒder, die Aas verachten – etliche Bewohner des Kontinentes Zamonien haben Probleme mit ihrer IdentitĂ€t und daher kein leichtes Leben. Aber ob Dummwolf oder Schlaufuchs, ob SchmiegehĂ€schen oder Halbtagsfliege, ob Froschling oder Buchling, sie alle finden ihren Weg in dieser Welt, in der die Fantasie und der Humor völlig außer Kontrolle geraten sind. Zwanzig zamonische Flabeln* ĂŒber diverse Spielarten zamonischen Daseins aus der Feder von Bestsellerautor Hildegunst von Mythenmetz, kongenial ĂŒbersetzt, illustriert und mit einem Nachwort – »Humor ist ein ernstes GeschĂ€ft« – von Walter Moers. *Die »Flabel« bezeichnet eine humorvoll-anarchische zamonische Kurzgeschichte und kennt, im Gegensatz zur klassischen Tierfabel, keinerlei Moral.
A One-Horned Squirrel that wants to live backwards; a Whowolf that wants to be a Howwolf; a carnivorous plant that wants to be a vegetarian; two vampire vulture brothers that despise carrion - several inhabitants of the continent Zamonia have issues with their identity and a hard life because of that. Whether Dumb Wolf or Clever Fox, Snuggle Bunny or Half-Day-Fly, Frogling or Bookling, they all find their way in this world where fantasy and humour have completely escalated.
Twenty Zamonian flables* about certain varieties of Zamonian lifeforms penned by bestselling novelist Hildegunst von Mythenmetz, congenially translated, illustrated and provided with a postscript - "humour is serious business" - by Walter Moers.
*A flable is a humorous-anarchistic Zamonian short story and knows, contrary to the classic fable, no moral.
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glowingtitle · 4 months
ah man this is stuff from about 1 year ago but i like coming back to it...
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This is hildegunst von mythenmetz, a known Zamonian writer!! Basically, i wanted to redesign the books by hildegunst von mythenmetz Walter Moers in my style for uni....and these were the skecthes i did but to be fair i just wanted to draw more of Moerses characters xd
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Ive known these books for a long time and its such a shame so little people know about them! Theyre mostly popular in germany and sadly they stopped translating them... Im not sure how i can sell you this series but City of Dreaming Books is great, it reminds me of grimms fairy tales but theyre humoristic as well, and moers did the illustrations for it himself... Recently a visual novel of the book i mentioned came out and its looking real pretty as well (also the books mostly feature non human characters which is cool for me i like creatures)
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glowingtitle · 1 year
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also PLEASE allow me to share an artwork that i've recently commissioned!!! many years ago my friends and i were fooling around while selecting a fancast for the characters from Moers's books. it was needed because we've always been fond of plain human!AUs and because it made commissioning artworks with our favorite ships so much easier. i believe the post with the initial fancast is still somewhere on this blog, but what matters for this particular piece is the fact that we chose Quincy Brown for human!Hildegunst [https://imgur.com/a/TXHZyyO] and Ashley Radford for human!Homuncolossus [https://imgur.com/a/ZZVL77P].
this is an illustration my friend Dasha [more of her art: https://vk.com/jou_ki] made for a very vague AU in which Hilde is a spoiled 'old money' mr know-it-all attending a fancy dark-academia-styled college, and Colossus is a seemingly phlegmatic cemetery caretaker. i don't remember the plot that this AU was supposed to have, but i'm pretty sure it included magic realism and some mystical detective stuff. also Colossus might or might not have been a mystical creature himself, wielding some hidden special powers (and having glowing eyes). who knows!! i just really really love the picture that my friend made!!!!
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glowingtitle · 1 year
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glowingtitle · 1 year
I just recently reread the Dreaming Books series and got a new theory of what truly happened in LoDB.
There may be some similar theory somewhere, but I didn’t manage to find it, so I’m just gonna let it out here for my own amusement (and most of all, to sooth my obsessive troubled soul):
Keep reading
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glowingtitle · 1 year
i feel like millions of English-speaking contemporary romance writers struggle with fleshing out strong and convincing romantic relationships in their works while the craziest, most serious and reckless magnetic 'love-and-affection' magic was accidentally assigned to a couple of barely humanoid creatures in a whimsical fantasy/dark fairy tale book written by a reclusive German author
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glowingtitle · 1 year
Attention tiny Zamonien fandom of tumblr:
For those of you who don't know it yet, one of the zamonien books gets a short film!!!
Its gonna be the first chapter of 'Der Schrecksenmmeister' / 'The Alchemasters apprentice' and it's a project by film students that's been in the works for the past 3 years.
There's only two trailers so far 1 & 2 and it will be shown on a few indie film festivals I think but I hope it will be avaliable online as well. It's only gonna be 15 minutes but it will be the best 15 minutes of my life!!
So go on be excited and support those fellow Zamonians and their gorgeous project!!
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glowingtitle · 1 year
HEY ZAMFANDOM !!!!!!!!! what's good??? have anyone already read the last Moers's book?
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glowingtitle · 1 year
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I'm not sorry.
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glowingtitle · 1 year
your honor, he’s neurotic
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glowingtitle · 2 years
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a couple of days ago an extremely kind stranger left a bunch of fantastic comments under my Hildecolossus fics on ao3 (they’re written in Russian) which kinda rekindled my fire???? so i showed my friend @capelthwaite a couple of my favorite Hildecolossus fanarts and told her, “i love how we just went collectively crazy for a paper golem and a moody lizard”, and she just said, “i’m surprised y’all did not twinkify the lizard. why did you not twinkify the lizard??” and then she sent me EXAPMLES AND I CANNOT FUCKING BREATHE
dears and darlings, please, behold,
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glowingtitle · 4 years
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what’s that? an excuse to cause problems

.. on purpose??
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glowingtitle · 4 years
Gimli, pre-quest: i hate elves. elves are stupid. noone trusts an elf. all elves can fuck off
Gimli, post-quest:
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glowingtitle · 4 years
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Legolas sees Gimli’s tiddies for the first time at the counsel of Elrond and bursts into tears ‘cause he’s never wanted to be railed so bad in his life. 
Elrond misunderstands and is like tsk we must overcome our prejudices, Thranduilion 8-|
And then Legolas spends the entire quest like,
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glowingtitle · 4 years
a fic i won’t write
thranduil is jus trying to be supportive bc he hasn’t heard from legolas in a hot minute and now suddenly legolas wants to come visit again? obvs thranduil is trying to play it cool (nobody knows how to tell him that “playing it cool” usually just comes across as being a distant and disapproving father) and he sends a letter that’s like “that will be fine” and he erases the exclamation points he wants to add
he also starts fixing up the place a little bit (more horse shoe decals on the walls) and starts trying to get more deets on legolas’s bf, who legolas is bringing along with him. how can nobody know who this dude is?? “elf natalie do you know who the fuck legolas’s love is?” “no mr. your elf highness. heard he was in the fellowship tho??”
thranduil is now 100% convinced that legolas is shacking up with aragorn. he’s not about to discourage homewrecking (he is not a hypocrite usually) but he also doesn’t know how to publically support legolas’s relationship w/o starting a full on war with the reunited kingdom (and arwen always seemed like such a nice girl?? who thranduil doesn’t want to be enemies with??). he’s a little stressed out abt it 
the day arrives. thranduil is sitting like a respectable power gay at his throne w one leg thrown up over the side, holding a glass of nice wine for his nerves. he’s going over some last minute prep for the homecoming feast and then the throne room door is kicked open. legolas is standing there holding a dwarf’s hand.
legolas: you thought i was fucking aragorn??
thranduil: drops his crystalline wine glass
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