#greech the meowth
starryoak · 5 years
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yo guess who already had this drawn and only had to finish it? it’s me. More of that Star Trek/Pokemon AU I posted about! Worldbuilding!
So, anyway, got bored one day, came upon the idea of a Pokémon/Star Trek AU where it’s kinda like ‘His Dark Materials’ and their daemons, but without all the spiritual stuff. Essentially, almost everyone, universally, has a Pokémon partner, like Ash and his Pikachu, to whom they share a special connection with.
The fact that Pokémon have a very explicit supernatural origin leads me to believe they would be the first thing people had in common with each other when first contact was made; the fact that they share common species across the galaxy is one of the main things that connects people to other species in the galaxy. The different legendary Pokémon created different worlds, and all worlds have Pokémon. I have more, but that’s for worldbuilding posts if people are interested.
And now, the fun part. Alien Pokémon!  Pokémon from other planets can vary just as much as regional variations; they can be different types, but they’re still technically the same Pokémon!, Since I did choose these Pokémon to match the character, I still wanted some essence of the Pokémon’s theme to remain, so yeah! Fun!
Every world has Pokémon on it, although each planet has different species distribution, there are 17 types and 896 individual Pokémon species known to exist currently. Pokémon can massively change over time from their environment, which means that a Meowth from Earth would look much different than a Meowth from Ferenginar.
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(Ferengi Meowth shown here with an Alolan Meowth for scale. Click for image alone.)
Meowth on Ferenginar gradually became Bug type from a steady diet of nothing but bugs (this is Pokémon and I do what I want) and have grown in size slightly. Their most distinguishing feature is their headdress, which grew from the coin on a normal Meowth to a full crown, growing in their Persian rubies from birth (and becoming emeralds) instead of waiting til evolution.
I chose a Meowth for Quark because of the association with money, and then decided that most Ferengi would have cat associated Pokémon.
Ever since Grand Nagus Zek started keeping Incineroars, there’s been a trend among Ferengi to raise mostly cat Pokémon; Quark, ever the traditionalist, is no exception. His Meowth is named Greech, after a famous former Nagus. (who is not canon but whatever)
Greech is a complete gremlin beast of a cat, which is only fitting, considering who his owner is. He’s a wretched little thief who likes to pickpocket customers and has mastered using Payday to trick stupid people. (Payday generated money, in my imagination, works much like leprechaun gold in Harry Potter).
Quark claims no responsibility for any money lost by people stupid enough to fall for any tricks a Pokémon can perform. What his cat does with its fake money on its own time is none of his business and he can’t be held responsible for it, and he resents you insinuating he would use Greech as an accomplice in scams.
Greech has a lifelong rivalry with Odo’s Zoroark just like their owners have with each other. Actually, not really (for one, it’s not filled with sexual tension because they’re only Pokémon). Odo’s Zoroark just would straight up eat Greech if she was allowed to, and Greech is a little more genuinely terrified of Odo’s Zoroark. It’s mostly like a Tom and Jerry kind of situation.
God, I love drawing things. If anyone wants to suggest who I should draw next, or want to know more about the AU, just ask! (be aware I already have Pokémon for everyone besides the Star Trek Enterprise characters and will not be changing them)
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starryoak · 4 years
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Even more of that Star Trek/Pokemon AU I posted about! This one was finished so fast because tbh I’m super excited about this one, because there’s a lot of worldbuilding here, and Odo’s backstory is slightly altered!
So, anyway, got bored one day, came upon the idea of a Pokémon/Star Trek AU where it’s kinda like ‘His Dark Materials’ and their daemons, but without all the spiritual stuff. Essentially, almost everyone, universally, has a Pokémon partner, like Ash and his Pikachu, to whom they share a special connection with.
The fact that Pokémon have a very explicit supernatural origin leads me to believe they would be the first thing people had in common with each other when first contact was made; the fact that they share common species across the galaxy is one of the main things that connects people to other species in the galaxy. The different legendary Pokémon created different worlds, and all worlds have Pokémon. I have more, but that’s for worldbuilding posts if people are interested.
And now, the fun part. Alien Pokémon!  Pokémon from other planets can vary just as much as regional variations; they can be different types, but they’re still technically the same Pokémon!, Since I did choose these Pokémon to match the character, I still wanted some essence of the Pokémon’s theme to remain, so yeah! Fun!
Every world has Pokémon on it, although each planet has different species distribution, there are 17 types and 896 individual Pokémon species known to exist currently. Pokémon can massively change over time from their environment, so a Cardassian Zoroark is different than a Terran Zoroark.
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(Cardassian Zoroark with a Terran Zoroark for scale. Click for image alone.)
Interestingly, Zoroarks aren’t very different between the Terran and Cardassian versions, they were already well adapted to sneaking around the darker caves, and remain Dark type, just adapting with an extra claw and growing slightly smaller. In fact, it’s speculated that Terran Zoroarks might have actually been the one to lose their extra claw in the less harsh Earth environment.
I chose a Zoroark for Odo because they’re associated with transformation and aren’t Dittos, because I was absolutely not gonna give him a Ditto because honestly, even with the transformation association, it just doesn’t fit Odo that well. That, and the other reason...
In this universe, I’m going with the theory that Ditto are a result of failed clones of Mew, so Dittos in the Poketrek universe were created during the Eugenics Wars during their experiments and attempts to recreate Mew.
In this universe, Odo’s life was a little bit different; when it was discovered he could transform, it sparked a debate on whether he was to be classified as a creature or a Pokémon.
Some people wanted to define Odo as a Bajoran Ditto, since his abilities are somewhat similar to the Pokémon. If he was defined as a Ditto, it would open some strange questions up, since Dittos were created by humans, and Odo was discovered somewhere where no humans had ever been, to everyone’s knowledge.
Eventually, after a lot of arguing and (painful) testing and experiments, it was decided, due to the fact that Odo was unable to copy the main defining trait of Pokémon, their moves, that he would be classified as an unknown alien. There’s still a lot of debate on this, and it means that some people still argue that Odo should be treated as a defective Pokémon rather than a sentient being.
Since Odo’s abilities were not unique, while this means he was treated less like an anomaly, it also meant that he was held up to the standards of another creature, and his inability to perfectly replicate humanoids and his slow learning was treated as evidence that he was imperfect and defective, and often was punished for his failures or pushed beyond his limits because they believed he was simply not trying hard enough.
When Odo was brought to Terok Nor and Dukat gave him the job as investigator, he was given a Zoroark as a gift to ensure his loyalty, and he named her Ital. Ital was meant to both ensure that Odo felt a gratitude to Dukat for treating him like a sentient being who deserved a companion Pokémon like most others have, and also as a threat; that Dukat could always take her away from him if he misbehaved.
Ital, however, bonded with Odo a little more than intended, and during their haste to retreat from Terok Nor, was not taken, and now Odo is her owner in more than spirit.
Ital is a Very Good Girl, and eager to please Odo, she loves solving crime and catching criminals and adores her job as Odo’s enforcer. She’s almost even more obsessed with her job than Odo is, although it’s more understandable, since she’s basically a very smart dog, she just is eager to do her job and receive the scritchies and brushies for a job well done.
While she is very much dedicated to being a Good Girl and doing her job, she does have one secret desire; she would love to just flat out eat Quark’s Meowth, Greech. It’s not even like Quark and Odo’s sexually and romantically charged rivalry or anything, it’s straight up ‘this smaller animal looks tasty and if my owner didn’t say no, I would eat him’. They still terrorize each other in a rivalry fairly similar to Quark and Odo’s, it’s just also kind of like Tom and Jerry, where one of them absolutely would kill the other given half the chance, and is only stopped by Odo forbidding her to actually eat Greech.
God, I love drawing things. If anyone wants to suggest who I should draw next, or want to know more about the AU, just ask! (be aware I already have Pokémon for most all major characters besides the Star Trek Enterprise characters and will not be changing them)
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