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usnatarchives · 3 years ago
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David McCullough speaks at the National Archives on Constitution Day 9/13/2011. NARA ID 210383267. See the video!
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David McCullough, Pulitzer Prize—winning biographer of President Harry Truman, researching at the Truman Library, 1990.
#RIP David McCullough
"The great collection of the National Archives is one of the wonders of our country, the richest, most enthralling documentation we have as a nation of who we are, what we have achieved, our adventures, and what we stand for." David McCullough
Historian and author David McCullough believed and demonstrated through his remarkable career that history matters and records matter. He frequently researched, visited and spoke at the National Archives and was our greatest fan.
Asked what he would add to the 2000 National Millennium Time Capsule, McCullough said "A Boston Public Library card":
"I recommend that the time capsule include at least one public library card for a child…a Boston Public Library card would be particularly suitable, as the Boston Public Library was the first to allow readers to take books home. Our free public library system is one of the greatest of all American institutions, and reflects perhaps as well as anything could the theme of past and future. Cross the threshold of a public library and you enter a world of pure democracy, the world of books and learning open to all, free to the people.' What journeys of mind and spirit are there for the taking with a library card." Clinton White House time capsule statement.
McCullough helped launch the 2002 Our Documents initiative highlighting 100 milestone documents in American history— drawn largely from our holdings. He was the recipient of the first-ever National Archives Records of Achievement Award in 2004, given by the Foundation for the National Archives.
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President George W. Bush, in the Rose Garden with David McCullough (right), announcing the Our Documents initiative.
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President George W. Bush honors McCullough with the 2006 Presidential Medal of Freedom, 12/15/2006. AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais.
More online:
Playlist: David McCullough at the National Archives
David McCullough speaks at the Kennedy Library on the Wright Brothers, 6/22/2015
David McCullough speaks at the Kennedy Library on "The American Spirit"
David McCullough speaks at the Kennedy Library about Senator Ted Kennedy’s life and their friendship, 1/28/2010.
“Our Documents” Captures America’s Milestones, Prologue
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ohhitherea · 8 years ago
Human Beings and Artificial Intelligence
Thought you’d like my paper on Human Beings and Artificial Intelligence. HAPPY READING!
Specific Goal Statement: To inform audience about if A.I’s have human intelligence and does it qualify them as human species? Thesis: What makes Human Species humans?
I. Introduction A. Attention-Getter 1) Who has heard of the artificial intelligence? If yes, most people asked if the A.I’s have human intelligence or considered human. The necessarily of condition to be a person species is, all persons are humans or only humans can be a person. But there is problem with that according to Peter Singer. The rejection of human consideration, possibly have the right or moral consideration, the fact that artificial intelligence is not a member of our own species or base of their race is speciesm is also equal to racism.
2) Racism is a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial difference produce an inherent superiority of a particular race or discrimination. Why are humans so judgmental of another species?
B) Connection 1) Let’s say you idolized someone that you treat with great respect and morality but turned out they were not human species, they were Martian or A.I, exactly just like you. Some people have relevant capacity to accept that possibility of A.I could also have a potential to be like human species, therefore there are humans. Some people may react differently, some human species are none persons, born with small capacity of intelligence. 2) If you think about it, after you’ve accept to be a spceciesms being a member of human species, is either necessarily or not, we either have to accept that artificial intelligence has the right to be a person.
II. Body A) Let’s look at the history, human had suffered from slavery and the laws we have, how our generation became, the divisions amongst race, the social media that gives us idea to do such acts and kill for self-gain. We idolized the wrong morals and repeats history because no one bothered to listen the first time, maybe artificial intelligence would be a great idea. This idea is cause by male species. B) What is Intelligence? Intelligence is an ability to achieve goals and to solve problems. One of the goals are to reach to control the humanity. This also falls to create power or utterly callas and to subjugate humanity. And this is where A.I comes from. C) Would Artificial Intelligence could ever surpass the human species? No, it is a myth. A lot of organism strive for intelligence have created for power. If we create intelligence, w develops some security which example cars with air bags and bumpers. And this is caused by female species. D) There are more human species in our earth that are not qualified to be humans yet we consider them as a person. The difference between the A.I and human species is the morality and the recognition of race differences, they only see what’s underneath which another argument, the morality and the recognition of differences, they only see what’s underneath which another argument, the morals and the kindness.
III. Conclusion A. Review a. The problem we all have about humanism is we divided humanity based on their skin colors and beliefs. We do not qualify A.I as human species because of their brain structures but the capacity of the potential they have to qualify as human is more than a living human. b. If you bite the bullet and accept every one as human species, the division amongst human beings will be avoided. We have to recognize that some humans are NOT humans and some A.I. are considered human species. B. Connection Restated a. If we create intelligence, we created a design of our intelligence. As we develop a smarter intelligence, the more advance we get. There is such thing as high intelligence and all organism have the ability to have higher intelligence, but we build Artificial Intelligence with safe guards. b. Most of invasion are created by both species, male and female. Female controls the safe guards and male controls the intelligence of such thing. C. Concluding Statement a. There was a paleontologist named Pierre Chardell, said that everything that rises must converge and there is body of thought that if everyone is in separate tribes but the whole thing is moving us, everyone is our brother and sister, the only way for this tribe to become close with each other, they need to interact. Yes, it will be a conflict. b. I believe that if you go beyond the big picture and analyze every single thought of humanity, whenever you encountered the unknown, you will become more of human to know thyself. You were always taught that A.I’s will overcome us, when they moved in next door, and you find out there are the most unhuman species yet are more qualified than a living human. c. Whatever you’ve learned and lived for is not shattered. So now, you will build a bigger wall to separate between you and the neighbor. The printing books were nothing before, we laughed now, but we are only 15 years in the technology, and we are in massive transition. d. The entire world is advancing so quick. Whatever there is disruption, all new technology will bring some kind of possibility and disruption, either humans will find it or say, this is amazing and we should learn more. Some people will fight it or accept it. If we could open our minds, we could change the entire world to become one? But how can we start? References Cohen, I, Glenn. “Regulating Reproduction: The Problem with Best Interests.” Peter Singer “Human Intelligence” Pinker, Steven. “The Moral Imperative for Bioethics” (2005) Bell, Rob. Speech, What’s the Difference between A.I. and Human Species
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