salted15 · 2 years
um. hello 0.0
uhhh i just wanted to say im a huge fan of how you use watercolour it looks very pretty and ur art is so wonderful to see
do you have any tips with watercolour? like how to layer the colours to look nicer. or just getting neat lines when lining, my hands are a little shaky so its kind of hard sometimes
ty for ur time ur very very cool >~<
ty !!!!! :DDDD
for watercolor tips my best bet would be to wait for it to mostly dry before you layer and if you're extremely impatient like me then skip around areas that aren't touching so you don't have colors bleed into another . also base colors will most likely look bad but once you add more you'll be fine- and if you have a hairdryer then use it , use a higher heat but less power so you don't blow it across the whole paper sjkdfhgkljdgf (and also more pigment is easier for layering because you can blot it away with a paper towel if there's too much)
for lining i struggle with the same thing- typically for lining anything i make really fast strokes or i do a sketchy-type thing just really clean . going fast with little lines usually is the way to go with shaky hands
i use tube watercolors but they're very similar to pan ones imo !!!! i use master's touch ones which are p generic brand (i think) but any works . also make sure to use actual watercolor paper (or at the very least multimedia) it works better
thank you for the ask :DDDD
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pyro-madder · 1 year
hm... meta knight!
borb......... thank you
1 - sexuality headcanon : exclusive use of he/him despite being hermaphroditous, i'm not sure what that falls under // bi + very, very demi (won't feel attracted unless the person has his full, continued trust) 2 - otp : ............ if you know you know 8') 3 - brotp : metadede !! 4 - notp : also metadede X) i get it, and i see them with a dynamic that should absolutely fall in my favorites, but i'm not comfortable with the sudden spike of popularity it got orz no offense to the shippers ofc, you enjoy that food 5 - first headcanon that pops into my head : he's claustrophobic ! thanks, HNM and HWC test tubes 6 - favorite line from this character : "Kirby, forgive me ! I blame the yarn !" 7 - one way in which I relate to this character : cringefail edge + bats very good + sweet tooth 8 - thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character : "yeah i'll thoroughly destroy my own battleship for training" 9 - cinnamon roll or problematic fave ? : honest to god somewhere in-between, he was a reckless sweetie and been through so much q_q
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somethinginworl · 1 year
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Tried going for different palettes ~
Thank you @fluffed-luvbug , @greatdetectivesaturn & @happystims for letting me draw your amazing gijinkas!
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Did some art of some of the kinght ocs people gave me on the discord server i'm in
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I really like how they turned out so why not post it here
None of these scrumblys belong to me!!
Hope ya'll don't mind the tag
Ivory knight @chaosandcookies
Tempeste knight @greatdetectivesaturn
Seiuchi @imelht
Venus knight @sarcastic-bug
Bet and iroto @chaotic-spork
Sasakai @saikodoesstuff
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kosmic-autokrat · 1 year
Noll by @greatdetectivesaturn
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sacrificecage · 2 years
The Bas-terpost (OC tournament)
Introduction, a Little Overdue
If you want to follow me, I'm on the following platforms:
Discord for communication - BlizzardBonjam
Cohost - SacrificeCage
Pillowfort - SaturnsBonjam
Mastodon - SacrificeCage
Bluesky - SaturnsBonjam
Artfol - SaturnVonJ
Greatdetectivesaturn => Sacrificecage
Pkmn irl blog: @pokehistoryandhexology, @bright-knight-star-light, @bee-bee-kyuu, @psn-spikes
Hello. I am Saturn/Ness/Lux/Whatever Name Applies to my Pfp
My pronouns are He/It. They is acceptable but on thin ice.
My current interest is Kirby. Specifically, I am a gijinka artist. Hoping to have an ask blog running soon. Maybe.
Do not approach me with any kind of fandom drama I can promise you I don't care most of the time. I don't care about your shipping dramas, if I feel unsafe I'll just block them myself.
Going forward I'm likely to be tagging a lot more. Basic key:
My art - Self explanatory
Friend's art - Same - either from mutuals or people I know from discord
Cool art - Other art
Saturn's Assembly - Personal stuff
Writing Trove - Writing and stories
rb - reblogs
Fandoms are tagged accordingly. Characters are not. Ask me to tag anything.
Thank you, Goodbye!
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Smokes and Mirrors and Databases
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Oh hey, the new fanfic's out now. It even has new art! Check it out!
Just like before, I asked mutuals if they want to submit some prompts, and @greatdetectivesaturn was craving some Amazing Mirror-related stuff which I translated as "give us more Mirror World content damn it". Which means time to give our mirror puffball a tiny spotlight! Honestly, I was writing this and fighting against my exhaustion, and had to finish this with a phone as mom basically told me to screw off my laptop as the family was going to sleep.
Enjoy this... significantly shorter writing. And there's a bit of a surprise at the end too... Hm...
...maybe there will be one more fanfic incoming, then we'll be doing more Meet the Cast stuff. Maybe. We'll see.
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Burber :]
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