heritagecolony · 5 days
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...They probably should've talked about this BEFORE the kits were born, but oh well, always good to talk things out, amirite.
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everybody-loves-purdy · 7 months
My anticipated warrior names for this arc's new apprentices and kits:
Bristlekit → Bristleheart, Bristleleaf, or Bristlepelt.
Graykit → Grayspots, Graydapple, or Graysplash. The -dapple suffix hasn't been used in Warriors since Firestar's Quest, so it'd be nice to see it used again.
Stemkit → Stemflower, Stemwhisker, or Stemblossom; for some reason, I suspect that either he or Bristlekit could potentially become one of ThunderClan's next medicine cats, especially since Jayfeather is now around 9 years old and not far from retirement.
Birchkit (now Birchpaw) → Birchstorm, Birchfrost, or Birchwing. We haven't seen much of this little guy yet so it depends on how his personality develops, especially with the growing anti-Tigerstar sentiment in and outside of ShadowClan.
Bloomkit → Bloomshade (after her black pelt & in honor of her Clan)
Whisperkit → Whisperstep, Whisperstrike, or Whispercloud.
Firkit → Firfall, Firleaf, or Firshade
Streamkit → Streamsong, Streamsplash, or Streamstripe.
Whistlepaw → Whistlesong, Whistlebreeze, Whistlewind, Whistlewing, or Whistlegrass/Whistlestalk (what I have in mind for this particular name is a grass whistle!) Whistlepaw has already shown she has a strong sense of justice & is willing to go against the highest authority figures in her Clan to do so, so a name like Whistleheart is definitely in the books for me too.
Stripekit → Stripefur, Stripepelt, Stripetail, Stripeface, etc...I wonder what was so intriguing about his tabby pattern that Larkwing looked at her son and chose Stripekit as the best possible name choice? No wonder her parents are disappointed in her.
Brookkit → Brooksong, Brookwhisper, Brookmist, Brooksplash, Brookbreeze, really anything. Several different warriors suffixes would fit nicely with Brook-.
Beetlepaw → Beetlewing or Beetleflight
Beepaw → Beefeather, Beesong, Beecloud, Beeflower
Ridgekit → Ridgeflower, Ridgelight, Ridgesky, or Ridgefrost.
Duskkit → While Dusklight and Duskheart are nice names, I'm betting on Duskfoot or Duskstep as being more probable names, given the fact that he's a white cat with dark-colored murder mittens.
Mistpaw → Mistlight, Mistshine, Mistflower, or Miststorm.
Graypaw → Graylight, Graystream, or Grayfeather.
I feel that Jayfeather would rather keel over and die than admit he needs to retire lol, but ThunderClan has had three medicine cats before so I can certainly see that happening again, and I think it would be really nice if a SpotStem kit did fill that role. Stemkit would probably get on well with Jayfeather given he’s swearing already lol
And with Whistlepaw I definitely agree she’s probably named after a grass whistle
These are all really good! And all very likely I reckon, I would be very surprised if a few of these don’t become real
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trashdemon132 · 6 months
My parody version of Warrior cats Into the Wild
Battle Cats by Mary Huntsman. It was about an abused and neglected cat Copper who was abandoned by his owners and Copper finds himself in the forest where some forest cats who live there offered him a home to stay in only to discover that the healer of the group found out that Copper is a part of a prophecy that can save them all.
Instead of the suffix ’star’ at the end of every leader’s name it will me replace with ‘Stellar,Bright or Sun’ (I know they’re not good, but I’m tired so let me live OK? 😭)
The healers can have a mate and kits as long as they have a fully trained apprentice. So thing of it like an huge long final test for the apprentice if they’re mentor is pregnant and see if they can take over for six moons 
Firestar/Rusty’s name will be Cooper and he’s the opposite of his canon counterpart he’s still a hero, but because he was abused by his owners he’s extremely timid nervous and anxious all the time and almost left the group of cats three times and none of them could blame him. It seems like he’s not up to something like this. But the healer keeps telling/forcing him to come back because he’s a part of prophecy. His apprentice name was Sparkpaw and his warrior name is Sparktail on account when the sun shines on his pelt and when he gets scared his fur bristle up it looks like fire sparks. His leader name is Sparkbright unfortunately because of this name some cats who don’t live in the forest, assume that he will be a she-cat because the name sounded feminine. It doesn’t make it better that he has a high-pitched, feminine voice.
Grarystripe’s personality is heavily changed. He’s not the goofball comedy relief, tom cat but a grumpy slightly mean and sarcastic cat that not many members of the group will spend five minutes around. His parody name is Grayspots on account when he was a kid and he snuck out one night a small dog basically around his size (he was 5 moons old when this happened.) and the dog bit his side it but the dog didn’t hit his skin, but the dog to rip out a huge chunk of his fur, leaving a part of his skin exposed. Because of this, he swore revenge on that small dog.
Ravenpaw personality has changed a little bit. He now has this goth personality and a bleak look on life and the world he’s still a little timid but he knows how to fight when needed and it’s not afraid to speak his mind and call someone out even if its a cat who has high authority over him and because of that he gets in trouble a lot. In this parody, he didn’t end up leaving the group and receive his warrior name Ravenrain on account of his gloomy personality. The only things that he likes to do when he isn’t working is hanging out with his friends (at least he thinks they’re his friends)Sparktail and Grayspots,hanging out with the elders or the kits or spending time with his farmer boyfriend Spots. (Barley I know not a good parody name for him.)
Bluestar’s personality is slightly the same except when the forest caught on fire She didn’t lose her faith in Starclan but instead announced that she is extremely tired and believes she is too old to stay leader, and she’s aware at her that she may have dementia so the best thing to deal with this is to step down as leader and retired to the elders cave. Because of this she didn’t die in the first arc, but instead died in the third arc because of her old age. Her parody name is Stellarsun
Tigerstar/Tigerclaw’s personality change largely He’s basically neutral instead of pure evil he was born incredibly intelligent so he’s planning out battles and battle strategies instead of participating in them which surprise cats because of his size and muscle. His father Pinestar stayed in the picture because Starclan and Goosefeather didn’t see him becoming evil and training in a dark forest and didn’t tell him to kill his own son. Therefore, he didn’t grow up with it resentment against kittypets so he completely ok with Sparktail. Tigerclaw does not want to be a leader of the group or any group he’s more comfortable being on the sidelines planning out plans and strategies. His parody name is Quickclaw because on account of how quick, he is think he can think battle plans through and bring his group to victory and he still has abnormally long claws.
Part 2 tomorrow!
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Guesses on what the warrior names of the current kits and apprentices will be -
Whistlepaw - Whistlebreeze
Frostpaw - Frostwillow/Frostripple
Mistpaw - Mistflower
Graypaw - Grayfeather
Beepaw - Beewing/Beeflight
Beetlepaw - Beetlewing/Beetleflight
Bristlekit - Bristlepelt/Bristletail/Bristlefur
Stemkit - Stemfoot/Stemtail
Graykit - Grayspots
Birchkit - Birchleaf/Birchbranch
Whisperkit - Whisperheart/Whisperthroat
Bloomkit - Bloomshade
Firkit - Firstripe/Firclaw
Streamkit - Streampelt
Ridgekit - Ridgenose
Duskkit - Duskfoot
Brookkit - Brookfur/Brookpelt/Brooktail
Stripekit - Stripefur/Stripepelt/Stripefoot
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thistlescratch · 2 years
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one of these days i should actually finish this story XD
poor Leafkit (the white and ginger kit on the foreground) is being haunted by the ghosts of their great aunts, who'd killed each other long before he was born. one is doing everything she can to manipulate and possess him while the other is doing her best to protect him- unfortunately it's entirely unclear to him which is which. Ashenkit (the gray kit hugging Leafkit) is Leafkit's brother, he's doing his very best to be supportive and help out, but there's not much he can do when he can't see or hear the ghosts himself or follow Leafkit into his dreams. the aunts are shown in the background, it's supposed to be a glimpse of their past, when they were still alive and letting whatever they were going through push them further and further apart. the white and brown one is Whitetail and the gray one is Grayspots. the writing of the story isn't great as is, it was from ages ago and i've made a lot of changes to my plans for it, but if you want to check out what's there you can read it here
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ivypaw · 7 years
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mushroomshine · 2 years
Warrior names for the young cats in River
I saw a video on YouTube by Mapletail of Riverclan where she gave the kits and apprentices warrior names. I haven’t watched the video yet because I wanted to do it myself first, but I’ll definitely watch it after this.
Because I’m basing this off of the cats who are kits or apprentices at the end of River, there could be spoilers. You have been warned.
TunderClan:  Let’s start with ThunderClan’s only litter, the one of Spotfur. For Bristlekit the names that came to mind immediately were Bristleshade (Bristlefrost’s death in the Dark Forest), Bristleleaf (Stemleaf) and Bristlelight (Bristlefrost’s a light in the mist).  And though they sound nice, I wasn’t very happy with them. Because Bristlekit already has a legacy-prefix I didn’t want her to also have a legacy-suffix.  So I started thinking of other names like Bristlepool, Bristlecloud or more basic suffixes like Bristlestripe or Bristlefur.  In the end I like Bristlecloud the most. 
For Graykit I started with names fitting his appearance like Grayspots or Grayspeckle. Then I also have some legacy suffixes in Graylight or Graymist (y’know, lights in the mist).  Other names I like are Graystorm or Grayhaze.  The ones I like the most are Grayspeckle or Graystorm.  Stemkit is next. Stem- is a hard prefix. I only found appearance-suffixes like Stemstripe or Stemfur, or some more nature based suffixes like Stembloom, Stemflower or Stemblossom.  I like Stemflower the most.  ShadowClan:  Next up are the also legacy named kits of Dovewing. For Rowankit I found Rowanstripe as a cute basic name and Rowanshade because of his dark pelt color.  Other than that I found two nature-names in Rowanleaf and Rowanbloom.  I think all four of them are really really cute and I can’t pick a favorite.  For his brother Birchkit I only found two names. Birchlight for his light brown fur and Birchleaf as y’know … trees. I know, I wasn’t very creative with those two.  Anyway, I like Birchlight the most.  Next we come to Cinnamontail’s kits. For Firkit I found a name very easily, because I have an OC who was named Firlight, before I had to rename her. Her new name Firmoon could also fit. But of course I don’t just want to give Firkit the names of my OC, so I also have Firstripe, Firpelt or Firheart.  Because I’m biased I like Firlight the most.  His sister Streamkit is a hard one, because it’s a new prefix. After a very long time I found the names Streamshine, Streamfur and Streamclaw.  Streamshine I like the most. 
Bloomkit also has a new prefix, I think. But I found it easier to find names for her. I have Bloomnight and Bloomshade for her black pelt, or Bloompetal or Bloomstem as a nature-suffix.  But I also have Bloomheart, Bloomfur and Bloomshine as random names.  I like Bloomnight or Bloomheart the most.  The last one in their litter is Whisperkit. For his first name I stole his sisters prefix to make Whisperstream.  But I also like Whispercloud or Whisperfur.  Whispercloud is my favorite. 
SkyClan:  SkyClan is the first Clan on this list with apprentices, so let’s start with them. For Beetlepaw I only found a few. Beetlespeckle for his appearance, Beetleflight fitting his prefix or Beetleshine.  I like Beetleflight the most.  His sister Beepaw has a better prefix. At least for findig suffixes. I have Beesong or Beeflight fitting the prefix perfectly. Beestripe or Beefur are also cute names.  Beesong is definitely my favorite.  Next up are SkyClan’s kits. For Ridgekit I found many pretty names. Some fiery names for her pelt color like Ridgeflame, Ridgefire or Ridgespark.  Some others are Ridgeclaw, Ridgenose or Ridgepelt.  My favorite is either Ridgeflame or Ridgespark.  For her brother Duskkit the names Dusklight, Duskshine and Dusksky immediately came to mind, because they were so perfect for his prefix.  I really like all of them.  WindClan:  Whistlepaw will probably get her medicine cat name soon, but she doesn’t have it yet, so I’ll tell you my ideas. My favorite is definitely Whistlenight, but I also thought about Whistlestripe or Whistlefern. 
Now let’s come to Larkwing’s kits. Stripekit was also a hard one, because not many suffixes seemed to fit. So I just went with the obvious choices of Stripefur, Stripepelt and Stripetail.  I think all of them are kinda boring, but Stripetail is the best one.  Brookkit wasn’t easier, I just found one name: Brookstream.  RiverClan:  Now we have the litter of our new Protagonist. So let’s start with Frostpaw. For her I had many ideas. Some legacy names are Frostfeather (Curlfeather), Frostclaw (Jayclaw) and Frostshine (Willowshine).  I also like Frostlight and the last one is Frostsight, based on her special connection to StarClan.  I like Frostfeather or Frostlight the most.  Her sister Mistpaw has the same legacy suffixes in Mistfeather and Mistclaw. But for her I also like the names Mistsnow or Mistspeckle.  My favorite’s Mistsnow.  Last but not least we have Graypaw. He was difficult because I wanted to have different suffixes for him than for Graykit. Of course we have legacy names Grayfeather and Grayclaw.  But I also found some cool RiverClan sounding names like Graycloud, Graysplash and Graystream.  I like Graysplash or Grayclaw the most.  If you read all of that, thank you. Those names are just my personal opinions and you can argue with me if you want. I would love to hear your thoughts. 
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graycoolme · 7 years
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Rias tari kreasi "Asmaradana". #talent by @nye_mit #makeup & #hairdo by Dian T Indrawan. . #events #event #dance #creative #grayspot #grayspotmua #makeupartist #makeupart #taribali #tarikreasi #taritradisional #tarimodern #moderndance #ponitail
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catlover800 · 8 years
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Previous names: Cedar Date of Birth: 26 BC Gender: Female Fur Color: Black smoke tabby (I tried xD) Eye Color: Yellow Appearance Notes: Small Traits: Strong, determined, stubborn
Role: Rogue (26 BC - 0), CedarClan Leader (0 - present) Mentor: Apprentices: None Cause of Death: Date of Death: Age at Death: 
Parents: Addertail & Shadewhisker Littermates: Whitewhisker, Grayspots Mate: Children: Friends:
Notes: Original leader of CedarClan
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On To The Next: The Wolf On to the next Name: Wren Solkolov Gender:Male Hg:6ft4 Age:18 Nicknames:Wrenny, Birdie, Grayspot, Sunshine, Chuckles Don'ts * look at his bare back * Be nosy * Ask about his scars * Call him ‘Little Wren’, ‘Little Bird’ Likes:Heat, the woods, snow, oversized clothing & blankets , ice skating, his family, his friends Dislikes:THAT place, Hawks, Bratty people, being snuck up on,
Personality: Blunt/Apathic/Stubborn/Observant/Caring/Mysterious
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heritagecolony · 19 days
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mrsweber · 7 years
Always fun at work with @grayspots (at Never Coffee)
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heritagecolony · 12 days
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"Mom won't kick me out!!" "Yay!!"
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heritagecolony · 26 days
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Ahhh, the good ole days of secretly meeting up with your boyfriend at the dead of night...
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ivypaw · 7 years
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some side by side comparisons of the three year difference between the two videos ive made
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graycoolme · 7 years
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Mengapa kami memilih menggunakan produk pewarnaan dari @ilvasto_haircolors ? Karena kami percaya kandungan yg terdapat pada produk ini selain tahan hingga 18x keramas, juga memiliki kandungan herbal lebih banyak serta kadar amonia lebih sedikit di bandingkan produk lain sehingga membuat rambut tetap lembut*). So, kenapa harus ragu memilih produk unggulan kami? . *) jika disertai perawatan rutin. . #salonpanggilan #grayspot #hairdresser #salonpanggilanjogja #hairstyles #haircolor #ilvastohaircolors #hair #haircolors #haircolorist #hairstyle #yogyakarta #jogjaexpat
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