#grayscale cuz i’m lazy
lavender-rroses · 2 years
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one of my favorite parts of the shadow dub
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askbittyerror · 4 years
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” The human yells, shoving Huitzi off with significant effort as the skeleton wheezes, magic blown from two frantic jumps in such a short time. “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?”
He looks up and spins around, reeling at the sight of absolutely fuckall.
“My timeline, now would you stop yelling?” A human clothed in nothing but black and white says, dodging the first’s immediate punch and letting him throw himself face-first into the ground through sheer momentum.
The monochrome human looks from the groaning man clutching his face on the ground to the growling skeleton fighting to push himself up and sighs.
“Would you both fucking chill? You’re the first people I’ve met in decades and I’d rather not be forced to cut you in half if at all possible.”
Huitzi glares, propped up on his hands and keeping himself from collapsing through will alone.
“H- How do we know you aren’t going to do so regardless?”
“Because I’m unarmed?” He points out, rolling his eyes. “I can’t just stab someone with air, now can I?”
“Sorry.” Huitzi gasps, arms buckling and slamming his chin onto the blank floor. “Shit- I- we’re, ugh, just a bit on edge.”
“I’m never off edge!” The hooded man shouts from the ground. “And there’s no we in this! You just kidnapped me just cuz you wanted out of training!”
“I did not!” Huitzi yells at him. “I saved you from whatever that bastard was going to do to us!”
“Like shit you did, I would’ve been-”
“Would you two shut up?!” The only one standing yells. “Can we maybe try to have, I dunno, a conversation and try to sort this shit out?”
The floor human makes some sort of snarly noise and Huitzi kind of just hiss-groans.
“Great! I’m glad we could reach an agreement!” Captain skinned-a-zebra says, clapping his hands together. “Now let’s all just sit in a nice, calm circle and talk, okay?”
He drags the grumpy hooded creature upright and looks at Huitzi.
“You’re gonna have to get over here yourself, I’m pretty ripped but even I probably couldn’t lift you.”
“Oh, how humble.” The other human gripes and gets slapped upside the head and then laid on by the much taller human before he can retaliate. “WHAT IS WITH YOU TWO AND LAYING ON ME?”
“I, uh, don’t believe I can move.” Huitzi admits, trembling weakly. “I am injured and also very much spent.”
The taller human looks over him and nods, pushing himself off the other by jabbing a hand into his stomach and dodging his enraged flailing.
“I can help with at least some of that, I’m a decent healer.”
“Oh, thank you, that would be very much appreciated.” Huitzi smile-winces, the expression tugging at the wound covering half his face.
Mr. Monochrome kneels down, places his hand on Huitzi’s cheek and lets the magic roll into it, the wound slowly sealing shut.
“So, uh, what’s your name, big fella?” He asks.
“It is Huitzilopochtli. Or Huitzi, if you prefer.” He says, whimpering as the movement makes the human’s hand brush against the still-sensitive bone.
“That’s one hell of a mouthful.” The hands owner says, retracting it and fiddling around with a pouch at his waist. “I’m-”
“I’m Ash!” Ash declares, flopping onto Huitzi’s back and slapping a cinnabunny into his yelp-hole. “Nice to meet you Zi!”
Huitzi wheezes and coughs, magic dissolving the pastry before he can actually choke on it.
“Why the fell would you-”
“Eh, home sucks anyway, got a crazy-ass human there always killing everybody, it’ll be nice to get away for a while.” Ash grins, sprawling over his back, hands behind his head and feet up on Huitzi’s.
“Uh huh.” The other human shoves him off. “And I’m Lieutenant.”
“Here, open your mouth.” He says, nudging a vial of green liquid to Huitzi’s teeth. “Should perk you right up.”
Huitzi obediently does what he’s told, the mystery liquid pouring into his mouth and dissolving into his magic.
“Wow, no questions, alright then.” Lieutenant says, helping Huitzi to his feet and then back down into a sit then dragging Ash over by legs and dropping him just across. “You okay, dude?”
“It matters not whether I live or die, my existence was meaningless to begin with.”
“Wow, so deep.” Ash rolls his eyes while Lieutenant takes a seat, giving Huitzi a worried look.
“Yeaaaah, you’re definitely not okay.” Lieutenant leans forward, elbows on his knees. “So. What’s wrong?”
“I was stolen from my home, thrown into one where I had to kill to survive, then taken from that one to my own personal hell where time melded together and everything hurt, then I escaped to Ash’s world, was nearly found by my kidnapper, and accidently stole Ash from his home when I ran from that too.”
Both humans stare at Huitzi in silence.
“O….kay then.” Lieutenant blinks.
“Pfft, nice story.” Ash rolls his eyes for probably the billionth time. “I think you’re just lazy-”
The boys all scream and spin around, weapons summoned from nowhere except for the knife Ash pulls from his boot.
“There’s no need for that. You can’t kill me. Besides,” The grayscale child smiles. “I’m actually here to help.”
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May 23/4, 2021
Yo yo yo guys welcome to me being a very interesting productive person :) i will have 1 post per day just to boost productivity, some days may include smaller things & others may not, that’s not being i didn’t do those thing son other days, but some days you just need to boost yourself up more. this may lowkey turn into a diary (because the formatting of tumblr is every similar to evernote & honestly that’s all i need), but I’ll always summarize the stuff I did at the top, after a short paragraph like this :) I won’t interact with people much with this but I’d love if people followed so I’d feel like I wasn’t just yelling into the void. If I get more attached to Tumblr I may a more “social” blog later :)))))
i’m really happy tbh because this may be all it takes to feel self autonomy & get over my stupid ass executive dysfunctioning :)))
since i’ve given myself 9-now hours to do whatever i want, i have given some goals below, then for the 5 hours after that, before school stuff i HAVE to do :))))
9h-- btw if i do literally nothign here that’s ok, the goal is to do WHAT I WANT & not feel like time is running out or guilt myself for it, while still, y’know, not going into a depressive episode & avoiding the world
read, suggestions:
the history textbook, if you feel so inclined, lol
gender theory
communist theory
the great gatsby
a brief history of time
dd (location unknown)
anna kareina
the music theory 1 !!!
sister’s superhero book
tumble & blue ig
library-- renew shit, bike there, make the list
sewing-- pants
learn knitting, crotcheting
playing i/me/yself or cruella de vil on piano
finish get access
write a song !!
go biking
make the lsit of things to text people-- text & call people because you CAN
clean room, dubay, eat
bike for boba/ice cream
meet someone
ab w/o, general w/o
learn 3d modeling (that app)
learn how to remix things
organize phone :/
add the discord attachments
brush teeth :D
redraw OCs (esp. they)
go skateboarding, rollerblading
mentally prepare for working HARD <3
make an animation
sew patterns on clothes
content creation
i’ll add more as i find more
as the halfway point is reached, some rather specific things i’d like to do:
go on a short walk/skateboarding
finish 3 books (specifically the communist manifesto, a brief history in time, & anything else)
read my friends fanfic & look through her PPT
draw several pages of art, specifically anatomy/posing & cats
finish the OC
finish another art piece PLEASE
draw myself another profile picture
go on a midnight fruit picnic (& brush my teeth @ back)
clean my room
do the dumbass w/o <3
take out the dubay
broom downstairs (?)
play a SHORT EASY song on the guitar
play i/me/myself, at least partially, on piano
write for an hour <3
japanese video lesson thing
japanese script (send to tutor, actually)
precalc 2 vls
precalc 3.5 wa s
precalc review
+ extra notes
chem wa
precalc check tests
chem WS
english reread that part of life of pi
history read & take notes from textbook
japanese extra notes
chem review notes
pi project
ok so this whole thing was lowkey a test on, if i could literally do “anything”, limited only by my fear & laziness, what would i do? because otherwise, tbh guys, i’m either chasing something or avoiding the chase. point is, Sudbury schools would do WONDERS for me, so far, i have:
texted a friend :) (she did text me first, but i don’t think you get how rare it is for me to have a conversation)
gone on a discord voice call (on a study server tbh, but some dude gave me a friend request swo O-o)
i streamed on twitch?? & like changed up the whole channel look too?
i literally wasn’t toxically on social media-- possibly because i impulsively deleted tiktok while breaking down & freed up THIRTY FIVE PERCENT of my storage, cuz of the # of drafts... ANYWAY uhhhh i try not to think about it
i embroidered half a flower
i listened to the beginning of the communist manifesto
i drew a draft of my OC redesign
more reflection: if there was a healthy way to mix my hobbies into creativity, i would do it, but my inherent opposition to authority & things i’m “supposed to” do, no matter how fun they’d theoretically be ++ my parents being toxic as hell if i EVER take a break leading to issues w the grayscale means it would be much harder, & the main issue in my situation rn + previous situations has been my procrastination meaning the 2 separate like oil & water but my free time is only anxiously & attempting-to-dissociate-ly spent :/ idk how to explain the grayscale comment tbh, so hopefully it makes sense
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madd-nix · 7 years
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I doodled some refs for the skelebros and their bone structures. I drew Papyrus with more long, thin bones and his long leggies and Sans with thicker, shorter, more sturdy bones and a shorter torso and legs. I drew their eyes and noses (eye sockets and nose holes?) just to get a feel for where they would be on their faces, but decided not to draw their mouths cuz I'm lazy and it would look more like they were just standing there awkward and naked. Anyway, hope you like my sketch and I hope this helps anybody who wants to draw them but is unsure of their bone structure. (Also, the left image is the original and the right is a grayscale image. I couldn't decide on which looked better.)
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