#gray floor and wall paneling bedroom photo with white walls double door entry
cryblo · 2 years
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Bedroom in Seattle
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nexysworld · 8 months
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Summary: Leon is sent on a mission to carry out a hit for the government. He hated these missions the most, but worst of all you weren't supposed to be there. You weren't supposed to see him. Pairing: ID!Assassin Leon x Fem!Reader Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Smut, canon typical gore, graphic depictions of murder, comfort sex, mild dubcon, unprotected sex, fem!receiving oral sex, soft sex, angsty sex, hurt/comfort/hurt, dark content, descriptions of wound dressing. WC: 5.2k
A/N: This was a birthday fic for the wonderful @elfven-blog. <3 Title from the lyrics to the song Sextape by Deftones. Edit: I also have a bot based on this fic now: Character AI | Spicychat
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Cool air bristled the hairs on the back of his neck, limbs tingling with the typical anticipation of what came next. Hits weren’t his favorite type of mission, not by a longshot, he wanted to save people, not kill them. But with experience came a certain professional numbness and a way to compartmentalize. It didn’t help that the locale for this affair was in the dead center of a suburban upper class neighborhood. Every home had that same limestone brick or white overlapping paneling. Every door the same mahogany brown, tacky lawn gnomes, overly green grass, white picket fences – the works. The possibility of witnesses was high, the escape routes limited. 
Regardless, Leon was a professional, and he would make it work. He always did.
Tilting his wrist, he looked down at the gold rolex, it was a little past 2:30am. He listened closely, to ensure there was no movement inside. The double windowed back doors were his point of entry. The brass knobs were old, the locks inside not quite as intricate as modern ones, all it took was a good smack against the swiss army knife he’d jammed into it for the lock to click open. The door opened quietly, he made sure to not close it completely behind him to ensure he could make his escape. 
The house had an eerie quiet over it, almost like the universe knew what was about to happen. Leon cracked his neck and let out a breath, careful to not touch anything as he moved throughout the lower floor, clearing each room. The kitchen was pristine, nothing out of place on the island or counter. There was no homely smell of food, only the lingering scent of some harsh cleaner. Not a sign that anyone had even been down there within the past several hours – a good thing, he noted. Through the archway came the living room, he had been hopeful someone had opted to sleep on the couch, separate targets were easier targets. Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t so lucky. 
The plush gray sectional was untouched, not so much as a divet into the cushion. The TV remote lay on the dark oak coffee table. Unlike the kitchen, this room felt more homely. The faint smell of some fruity air freshener was all over, the cherry walls were lined with gold plated frames of the family. 
His target was some small town politician, Jackson Moore, normally somebody not noteworthy to the government in the slightest, but he made the unfortunate mistake of shaking hands with terrorists, facilitating the sale of some new viral invention through the local pharmacies. The idea of another Raccoon City incident made his stomach turn. He wasn’t sure who he held more anger for, the people like this person who’d bring it about, or the government that he knew turned a blind eye until now – the same government who wouldn’t make the effort to save the people who uphold it. 
He shook his head, and pushed his bangs back refocusing for a moment. He scanned over the pictures. Most normal family outings, some graduation photos and holiday ones in there. Hunnigan had told him beforehand that all of the kids were off to college, none due back for several more weeks. The only targets in the house were Mr. and Mrs. Moore. 
There was only one more room on the bottom floor, where he was sure his victims were, the master bedroom. Leon made his way over, silently padding down the short hall staring at the door. It was cracked, the sound of light snoring and the smell of mint wafting from the room. He peeked inside, letting his eyes adjust to the dark room, a string of moonlight the only thing illuminating the sleeping lumps on the bed. 
He tested the door, it squealed slightly as it opened making him freeze. One of the sleeping forms moved slightly rolling over. He waited, still as a statue until he was sure that both still remained asleep before sliding himself through the narrow opening he’d made. 
Looming over the sleeping forms, he pulled his gun out from it’s holster attached to his waist. Even with the silencer, he knew he needed to be quick. One shot would wake the other, and then it was a matter of speed. He cocked the pistol, taking a few more steps towards the unaware persons before him. The gun felt heavy in his hand, but he lifted it anyway, deciding to start with the official target first. 
Will the trigger pulled back, the room lit up for a split second with the bang of the gun. Time slowed as he watched the man’s body jolt slightly, blood splattering onto the pillow, the walls. The smell of gunpowder and iron hit his nose. The man’s fingers twitched slightly before his movement stopped. Just like he had expected, his wife was awake instantly, though no noise came from her. 
Wide eyed, she stared at Leon, then down at her husband next to her. Her mouth opened like she was trying to scream, but the noise was caught in her throat, tears welled in the woman’s eyes. Blood had splattered onto her too, some chunks of brain along with it dripped from her curlers onto her lap. Her trembling hands reached over to her husband, “Jacks.” She whispered, reaching over and putting her hand on his deformed face. “Jacks.” She leaned over the man, trying to scoop the bits and pieces of him back together. 
Leon wanted to feel sorry for her, wanted to wonder if that’s how someone might react to his death some day. But he pushed those feelings aside, she was a target, culpable in everything just as her husband was. He lifted the gun again, pointing it at her.
As she looked at him, eyes wide with fear, her mouth formed the shape of a word. He didn’t need to hear it to know it was a plea. He pulled the trigger again.
Deadshot, like putting down an animal, between the eyes. 
Her body crumbled over itself as she slumped forward onto the bed, the back of her head exploded open like a volcano of bone, blood, and brain matter. 
Not dwelling on it,  he put his finger to the device in his ear. “It’s done, Hunnigan.” “Good work Leon. I’ll make sure that –”
“Hey mom, you still up? I thought I heard something.” 
The soft voice pulled Leon from his conversation, there were footsteps out in the hallway and the sound of a lightswitch clicking on. ‘Shit.’ He cursed to himself inwardly.  He took a few steps back from the door, whispering to Hunnigan. “You said there were no other targets here.” “There aren't –” “The daughter is home.” “Does she know you’re there?” “No, not yet.” 
There was a moment of silence on the line before she spoke again. “Leon.” Hunnigan’s voice was serious, she knew him well enough after all these years to know his thoughts. “Leave no witnesses.” “There won’t be, she doesn’t even know I'm here.” The sound of the fridge opening and closing indicated the girl’s location.  “Everyone at the location is a target, Leon. Everyone at the location is a witness.” “Not if she – “ “Leon, this is an order.” “I can wait for her –” “Leon –” 
“She doesn’t have to die.” “Dad, is that you?” The sound of his voice, despite him doing his best to stay at a whisper, must've alerted the girl.  There was shuffling around on the other end of the line, the next voice he heard made his blood cold. The head of the D.S.O shouting into his ear. “Kennedy, this is an order, kill her! Complete the mission. Do you understand me?”
“Understood.” He said flatly, disconnecting from the call. In a worse stroke of bad luck, the door to the bedroom swung open nearly at the same time. 
And there you were. 
Glass shattering as it hit the floor, water splattering around as the light from the hallway lit up the room from the opened door. You trembled in place as you processed the sight of things. Leon was frozen where he stood too. You were an adult, but young, more importantly innocent in all of this. Rarely in his forced-on-him career has he had to kill someone completely innocent. Usually it was the partners of criminals, civilians caught in crossfire. But never someone as young as you, never in a situation so targeted.
He hardly registered the shriek you made before you bolted. Acting purely on instinct he took off after you, the delay of his own shock didn’t matter much when he noticed the slimy trail of bloody footprints from where you’d ran through the glass left in the hallway. His own boots crunching it against the ground as he moved.  If you had been smart, you’d have turned for the front door, or even the back. Instead, nearly sliding on your own blood you went for the staircase, the one route that would trap you on the upper floor. You let out a yelp of pain, trying your hardest to only use your less injured foot to bounce up the stairs as quickly as you could, the blood matting down into the carpet with each step. 
It didn’t take long for Leon to catch up, thumping up each one loudly as his boots made contact. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t take his gun out, why he was even letting you attempt this unwinnable escape, he also didn’t know. Maybe it was just delaying the inevitable. 
He reached out for you just as you made it to the top of the stairs. A simple shove was all it took to send you flying into the decorative hall table that waited at the top. A sickening crack was heard as your head collided with the dark wood, knocking it over as you rolled over with a groan, dazed from it. Managing to prop yourself up on your elbows, Leon could see the trickle of blood that began to run down your eye and cheek, along with the starting to swell shiner from your high-speed table collision. 
You scuttled backwards, as best you could, haphazardly tossing the vase that had fallen at him. It missed, and went crashing onto the stairs. Tears mixed with the blood on your face, diluting the color, only leaving the dry specs stuck there. You looked pathetic and terrified in a way that made Leon’s heart twist.
“P-please… don’t.” You pleaded, putting your hand out and up as if that simple gesture would be enough to stop him, distance him from yourself. 
He couldn’t do this, at least not like this. He kneeled before you, cupping your uninjured cheek in his hand. “Shhhh. Shhh.” 
“P-please… I won’t tell any–” “It’s ok,” he cooed. “It’s not my style to hurt pretty girls, you know that?” He added as he scooped you up from the ground bridal style. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this. Getting his DNA all over you, getting your blood on him. This wasn’t a clean kill, this wasn’t what the upper brass wanted. For the moment though, he didn’t care. “Where’s your room, Sweetheart?”
You didn’t point or make a sound, your eyes darted from him to the cracked door next to him and then back to him as you shook in his hold. He wedged it open the rest of the way with his foot, before gently placing you down on your bed. It didn’t look right, all the blood staining into the fresh and plush sheets. It was different than your parents downstairs, the whole room screamed you. From the decor on the walls, to the laptop on the nightstand, your college hoodie hanging off the back of the chair at your desk. More reminders that you didn’t deserve this. 
Before you could, he swiped the phone off of the side table, stuffing it into his pant pocket. “I know you hurt right now.” He said sweetly, “Give me a minute and we’ll get you all cleaned up, alright?” He gave you a moment to process his words. ‘What the fuck am I doing?’ He asked himself, as he held your hand, patting your arm gently. He could see the confusion in your eyes as the gears in your head turned to try and make a decision – timidly you nodded. He shot you his signature smile. “Atta girl. Stay here for me, no funny business.” Pointing a finger gun at you before he slipped out into the hallway and into the upstairs bathroom. 
The suddenly bright lighting stung his eyes, he saw himself in the mirror, your blood speckled onto his jacket, some dried to his face. He looked rough, a cold sweat broken out onto his face, blue eyes distant looking back at himself. He splashed some cold water onto his face to calm his nerves before digging around to see if there was anything he could use to alleviate some of your pain, even if temporarily. The medicine cabinet was well stocked, though nothing would be enough to really combat the pain of your cracked head and torn up feet. He bit his lip as he grabbed some bandages and the bottle of peroxide. 
First aide wasn’t really his specialty, but he knew enough from training. Along with the other supplies, he filled the empty cup on the counter with warm soap water, and took the washcloth with him. 
To his surprise you were exactly where he’d left you, splayed out on the bed, looking scared and exhausted. Your head rested against the pillow, eyes staring up at the ceiling. “I’m going to take a look at your feet first.” Not that he really gave you the option, but you nodded in return. Leon was no stranger to gore, guts, and the rest, but something about them gave him pause. There was so much blood he could hardly see what was skin and what was glass. “It might sting just a little.” He assured, pouring the cold liquid out onto your feet. You hissed and squirmed a bit, but he placed his arm over your ankles to keep them still, watching as the peroxide bubbled, clearing away the redness of the blood. Small pieces of glass fell with it onto the now stained carpet. He opted to speak to you, see if he could get you to calm down some more while he worked, pouring more over the wounds. “You’re in college?” There was something about you that was indescribable to him, familiar to him, and he wasn’t sure why. 
“Yeah.” Finally you answered with words, voice barely above a whisper.  “Shouldn’t you be at school then? I thought the semester was still going.” He as he checked you over for any more obvious glass. When it was clear the peroxide had done it’s job, he took the bandages, gently wrapping them around your feet, gauze padding them. 
“D-dropped out.” You squeaked out. “Last minute decision, had to come home.” He tied off the bandage before moving to look at your face. “School’s not for everyone. You’re probably better off without it.” Leon dipped the washcloth into the cup, wringing it out over the carpet, not really caring about the mess. He dabbed it gently against your injured face, helping to remove the remaining mess and to get a better look. Luckily the cut above your eye seemed superficial and the blood had stopped running, it was just a matter of cleaning up the  dried mess that was left over. He was careful around the tender purple skin as he cleared as much as he could. “You have a boyfriend you leave back at school?” 
“No. Never had one at all actually.” You replied, wincing when he accidentally touched a painful spot.  “Never had one?” He asked more for himself than as a real question to you. ‘Hasn’t finished school, never had a boyfriend. This is so fucked up. She can’t be any older than Ashley was…’ He thought to himself, debating whether the court marshalling would be worth letting you go. In the same train of thought, he considered what would happen to you if he did. The government would probably send someone else just like him, someone less soft. He bristled at the thought, sitting up straight on the side of your bed. “That’s a shame, I would’ve thought a cute girl like you would be drowning in guys asking her out.”  “Not really” You seemed to relax a bit now, well as relaxed as a person could be in your state. He could still tell from your blown pupils and 1000 mile stare that you were still in shock. Probably a good thing. “My parents are… were, strict.” Your face contorted like you were about to be sick at the memory. 
Leon went back to stroking your cheek gently for comfort. “So no boyfriend, ever have your first kiss? First time?” Now that he had a better chance to really look at you, all cleaned up he realized who you reminded him of. Not so much Ashley, she was more strong willed and you didn’t quite look the part either. It wasn’t just the age, no…your voice, mannerisms, the way you looked. It was so very much her. Someone he hadn’t thought about since before even Raccoon City.
“Yeah. Wasn’t very good, some drunk frat boy.” You admitted leaning slightly into his touch. Silence passed between you both, nothing but the ceiling fan whirring above you. An automated air freshener spritzed roses and lilac into the air, barely covering the distinct peroxide and blood smell. Leon was surprised when you finally spoke again. “Why did you do it?”
The look on your face gutted him more than it should have. “I had to.”  “Because of his job?” “Something like that, yeah.”  “Did he deserve it?”  “Yeah.”
You nodded, turning your eyes away from the ceiling to look at him. There was another tense silence before you spoke again. “Are you going to kill me too?” 
He felt a chill ran over his body at the question. He leaned forward pressing his forehead to yours, moving his hand up to stroke your hair. “I don’t want to.” It wasn’t a real answer and he knew that, but it was honest.  “Why are you being nice to me?”  “I told you, I don’t like to hurt cute girls.” “That’s not it.” 
How you read him for filth like that he’ll never know. “You remind me of someone.” He leaned back just enough to look at you again, but kept your faces close, so close he could feel the warmth of your breath on his face.  “Who was she?”  “My first girlfriend.” He admitted.  “What happened to her?”  “We broke up.” He said with a short laugh. “Right before my very first day as a cop.” While the conversation was far from appropriate for the situation, he supposed it worked to calm you down more as he felt you relax into the bed. His internal struggle was still playing tug-of-war with his psyche, not sure of how to proceed.
The piece in his ear picked up with some static before Hunnigan’s familiar voice was heard. “Leon are you there?” 
He ignored her in favor of continuing to dote over you, hand gently running through your hair, taking in your features more. That trepidation never left your eyes – he understood it. He probably looked psychotic right now, a murderer who was being eerily kind. He was self aware enough to know that much. 
“Leon, we haven’t heard a status report. Has the last target been eliminated?” She spoke loud enough this time that while it couldn’t have been above the lowest whisper for you, it was obvious you heard it, eyes widened again, mouth opening slightly. To keep you quiet he leaned forward pressing his lips to yours, a soft kiss you didn’t really return. “Stay quiet for me, ok?” He mumbled against your lips, before sitting up again. He considered replying to Hunnigan, but looking down at you, he took his earpiece out, tossing it to the other side of the room instead. 
Hey eyed you again, before adding another kiss. ‘I shouldn’t be doing this.’ He reprimanded himself, as he placed another this time to the corner of your mouth, then your cheek, then jaw. Another on your neck for good measure. ‘I should’ve done it the second she opened the door. I should’ve done my job.’ Despite his mind’s dialogue he continued now at your collar bone. ‘Like ripping off a band aid…. I can’t let her last moments be like that.’ He began to rationalize as he looked up at you. “Let me make you feel good.” 
“Wh-what?”  “You deserve better than a drunk frat boy. Let me make you feel good.” He repeated.  “Why?”  “Because I want to.” He could clock the nervousness in your voice immediately. “You can say no.” He added. “I’m not a rapist.” 
“A-are you going to kill me if I say no?”  “No, of course not.” Again, it wasn’t technically a lie. He wouldn’t be doing it because you declined, but he felt mild disgust with himself for side-stepping the reality of the situation again. ‘It’s better this way though. For her.’ 
“Ok.” You said, nodding at him to continue.  He treated you like glass, gently working your thin tank top up and over your breasts. He continued by kissing each one tenderly before taking your left nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it until he felt it pebble. When you whimpered at the feeling, he began to suck on it, kneading your other breast with his hand. When he pulled himself off with a pop, he looked down at you, lips parted, eyes closed. Enjoying so much despite him having done so little. Adorable. 
He ran his thumb along your bottom lip until he saw those pretty eyes crack open before capturing your lips again, taking the chance to slip his tongue inside once parted. You were sloppy with inexperience, but tasted like dessert, sweet. It made his cock twitch against his pants. He groaned slightly into your mouth, ignoring his own need. Pulling away he let you catch your breath, giving him the chance to move down your body one kiss under your breasts. The next above your naval – stomach contracting slightly. He added one more above the hem of your night pants. 
He looked up at you, silently checking with you if it was alright to continue again. When you nodded, he helped you out of the pants. Gently tugging them down from the waist band, lifting each separate leg himself, careful to not hurt your already injured feet. “You alright?” “Y-yeah.” 
“Let me know if anything hurts, ok?” “Ok.” “Good girl.” 
Leon tugged his leather jacket off discarding it on the floor before rolling up the sleeves of his button up. He claimed a spot between your legs, lifting one over his shoulder for better access to what he was about to do. He gave a reassuring kiss to your thigh, using a free hand to part your folds, rubbing his thumb over your clit gently. He eyed you watching as you melted under his touch, soft whimpers tickling at his eardrums. “Such a pretty girl.” He cooed, replacing his thumb with his tongue, swirling it around the sensitive bud. 
He had to grind down on the bed himself to relieve some of his own tension, reminding himself to keep his focus on you. His grip on your leg tightened as you arched your back, squirming more and more against his touch.  “God…oh god…” You chanted, head tossed back, the leg draped over his shoulder kicking at his back. He knew you were close when your voice cracked, soft gasps escaped your lips. He continued lapping at you as you ground against his face, letting you ride through your orgasm – only stopping when your hands made purchase in his hair to get his attention. “C-can’t…can’t.” 
Pulling back, he wiped your slick off his chin with his forearm, looking down at you. He watched as your chest heaved slowly, returning to a normal rhythm. Your uninjured eye was lidded less with shock and more with that familiar coming down of pleasure. He went to move back when you grabbed his arm, looking directly at him. “What about you?”  He was a little shocked by the words, your concern for him. “I said I wanted to make you feel good.” He chalked it up to your likely traumatized and now lust hazed brain. “Don’t worry about me.” Leon made the motion to move again.  “Wait.” You called, grip on his arm tightening. “What if… what if I want to?” 
He didn’t move, unsure of how to respond. He’d already fucked up the mission, already covered you in his DNA, yours on him – but he couldn’t do what you were asking. That was too far.
“P-please?” You choked out, tears now welling in your eyes, spilling over and staining your cheeks again. 
And just like that he was taken back to that day again, right before Raccoon City. A night he swore was the worst of his life, until he knew better. Sitting there across from him, begging him not to go – you sounded just like her too, like she was frozen in time beneath him. Even worse, this was the opposite of what he wanted, he wanted to make things easier for you, relax you.  “I just want to be close, please? Please?” You were full on crying now, face scrunching up, barely able to catch your breath.  “Ok. Ok.” He said, leaning down to kiss you again. “Shhh, don’t cry. Don’t cry. How do you want me to take you?” Your words came out between sniffles and hiccups. “Any way, you want.” 
He nodded, sitting back enough to help you sit up, slipping your shirt off all the way. “Can you flip over for me? Lay down flat on your stomach.” He helped you comply with the command, still careful of your injuries. He could see the bandages on your feet had turned a slight pink. Once you were laid out the way he wanted, relaxed, face down into the pillow, he worked his own shirt off, tossing it over in a pile atop his jacket. His gun was removed from the holster, he was careful to lock the safety, discarding it with his other items. He left his pants on, undoing them enough to free his half hard cock, the head still weeping. 
He spat in his hand, giving himself a few good tugs, feeling himself hardening fully again. “You ready?”  “Yeah.”  He crawled forward, gently lifting your butt up just enough for him to line himself at your soaking entrance. He grunted when he pressed in, you sucking him in warm and wet. He let you take a moment  to relax down again as he leaned forward, pressing the entirety of his bare chest to your back, sinking his cock in slowly until he was buried all the way inside of your heat. 
He kissed up your shoulders, and neck, rolling his hips into your slowly. “God you’re tight baby.” He whispered against your ear. He didn’t have the heart to rail you into the mattress, wanting to abate your request for closeness, intimacy.  “S’big…” You lazily mumbled into the pillow.  “I know, I know.” He crooned your neck just enough for him to lock your lips together again. “But you’re doing so good, taking me so well.” Letting you rest, he returned to focusing on the motion of setting a steady but not too rough pace, angling himself so that he hit that spot inside of you that had you whimpering again. He rewarded the noises by rolling you both onto the side, where he could wrap an arm around you like a tight hug, leg gently pulled over over his own so he had a better angle.  Likely for the best, Leon was close already, he slowed down more, returning to simply rolling his hips as he trailed his hand down your stomach, ghosting it over your naval and thighs before rubbing at your clit for a bit as he kissed and sucked softly against your neck. He fucked you like he would’ve done to her, like you were his lover, the most important thing to him. 
Your velvet walls felt like heaven as they squeezed against him, closer and closer to your own second orgasm. “That’s it baby.” He whispered hotly against your ear. “One more time for me, ok?” He sped up his fingers, feeling you tighten around him so much that he nearly felt his own eyes roll back. “G-good girl.” He praised, gripping your hip to speed up his own movements, his balls tightening as he came, cock throbbing as spurts of his seed painted your insides. 
Leon held you like that for a while, curling in on you, offering soft praises as he nuzzled into your neck from behind. He didn’t move a muscle until your breath evened out completely, and he could tell by the low thrum of your heartbeat that you were incredibly close, if not already asleep. He looked up at the clock on the nightstand – 4:45am it read. He had about 20 more minutes max before someone from HQ would be sent in as backup, now that he’d been MIA for so long. 
Now fully soft, he gently pulled himself out of you, and carefully rolled off the bed. He watched you for any more signs of movement as he buckled back up and redressed. There was that eerie silence settling over the house again, he felt heavy with the weight of the evening crushing against him like an invisible force. He wished for a moment that the world would swallow him up where he stood so he didn’t have to face his responsibilities, the consequences. 
You looked peaceful laying there. He knew it was just the exhaustion, shock, and grief, that kept you tugged under the waves of unconsciousness, but for his own sake he pretended you were in a truly relaxed state. Moreso, he was glad you wouldn’t experience any more of that pain or fear tonight.  Leon clicked the safety off the gun, watching you for any signs of movement. Not even a twitch as he cocked the gun again. He walked over, sitting at the side of the bed again, eyeing you over one more time. It felt like he was saying goodbye to a lot of things at that moment, his ex all over again, your future,  another piece of the man he wanted to be.  “I’m sorry. You don’t deserve this, you know?” He whispered, mostly to himself as he pressed the barrel of the pistol to the pillow. 
He couldn’t look this time. He wouldn’t look this time.  His chest tightened, having to take a moment to stop the bile trying to work its way up, and the urge to cry that had him wanting to heave against the floor. He grabbed his earpiece as he made his exit. 
“This is Kennedy to HQ – the last target has been exterminated.” 
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Beach House
  Hello, my dear friends! How are you today? Were you able to relax over the weekend? We’re having a very harsh winter and I felt I needed to take a few days to recharge my energy and try to stay positive, knowing that spring will show its beauty not too far from now. Talking about that, this dreamy and happy beach house by Marnie Oursler of Marnie Custom Homes (@marnieoursler) is a place that can certainly cheer you up and make your day feel brighter!
Here’s the homeowner and designer sharing more insights on this beautiful beach house:
  “This 6,400-square-foot single-family Bethany Beach, DE home was designed, built and decorated by owner Marnie Oursler. This is Marnie’s former personal home located just one block from the beach with no detail overlooked!
The inverted floor plan capitalizes on waterfront views, with guest suites on the second level, a great room, kitchen and dining area on the third floor and a fourth-floor master suite. The top floor offers the best beach views, while the separate guest level provides privacy for visitors.
Marnie got creative with this home’s design with both the ability to maximize the available space—while efficiently adding custom built-ins, hidden doors, vaulted ceilings, doggie room, elevator and luxury finishes throughout. The home’s overall open plan is functional and modern with a vintage, beachy vibe.”
  Make sure to see these popular house tours by Marnie Custom Homes on Home Bunch:
Beach House Interior Design Ideas.
Beach House Tour.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Beach House
Marnie wanted a classic New England look for her personal home, so she chose weather resistant NuCedar Shingles in Sherwin Intellectual Gray that gives the appearance of cedar without the maintenance.
Red Front Door
The homeowner chose Benjamin Moore Heritage Red for her front door because it signifies good luck.
Front door – Custom Simpson Door- similar here –  Color: Benjamin Moore Heritage Red.
The entry level includes a spacious foyer with tile flooring that mimics the look of brick.
Shiplap painted Sherwin Williams Pearly White.
Chair: Restoration Hardware – similar Chair & Ottoman.
Artwork: here & here – similar.
Table: Pottery Barn.
Flooring is 3×10 Jeffrey Court Specialty Brick Dias. This is a tile that looks like brick – very similar here.
Chandelier: Restoration Hardware, 19th c. English openwork pendant 12″. Color: gilded iron – similar here & here.
Games Room
Off of the foyer leads to a game room with a custom weathered flag-inspired Ping-Pong table designed and built by Marnie.
Wall color: Sherwin Williams Modern Gray.
Vinyl Plank Flooring: Coretec Plus 7” Engineered Plank. Color: Waterfront Oak – similar here & here.
Ping Pong Table: Designed by Marnie.
Rug: Cotton Dash & Albert Rug.
Barn Door
A chalkboard wall, along with a custom barn door, becomes the focal point of this space. Door and trim paint color is Benjamin Decorator’s White in High Gloss (throughout the house).
All Shiplap is  “Sherwin Williams Pearly White”.
To create the ideal kitchen, Marnie designed a 14.5-foot-long island with two countertops—a four-inch-thick walnut countertop provides a seating area for six, while a Caesarstone Calacatta Nuvo white quartz countertop provides an ideal prep area.
Recessed lighting and a tray ceiling above both islands create a very clean look.
The kitchen provides the ideal space for prepping and entertaining with a bar in the adjacent family room that completes this entertainment space.
Barstools: Restoration Hardware Hudson Parsons – similar here & here – Other Popular Choices: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Wall Color: Sherwin Williams Pearly White.
Double Islands
Marnie chose two different countertops to break up the all white surrounding it and likes the wood for mealtimes as it mimics a kitchen table.
Cabinets: @DécorCabinets painted “Benjamin Moore Decorators White”.
The large island’s size maximizes the room’s storage and offers fully integrated appliances while the elevator’s close proximity is ideal for unloading groceries.
Dishwasher: ASKO Logic Dishwasher D5554XXLFI.
Additional elements include squares of beadboard in the coffered ceiling to add character, a stainless steel RangeCraft hood and a glass-mosaic backsplash from AKDO that correlates to the seaside setting.
Both islands are in white-washed wood complete with large galley sink and double dishwasher – similar Sink & Faucet.
A TV in the prep area links to an iPad for easy recipe viewing.
Island: Custom fabricated; walnut with sapwood.
Backsplash: AKDO Eternity Timeless Thassos with Azul Celeste – Other Beautiful Tiles: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Range: Wolf DF366 36” Dual Fuel Range 6 Burners – similar here.
Refrigerator: Wolf 30” Designer Column Refrigerator with Internal Dispenser Panel Ready.
Freezer: Wolf 30” Designer Freezer Drawers with Ice Maker.
Countertop: Caesarstone Calacatta Nuvo 5131.
Dining Room
Situated right off the kitchen, the vaulted ceilings are the show stopper in this dining area with tons of natural light.
Shiplap painted: SW Pearly White.
Hardwood: Solid Hardwood – White Oak, Rift and Quartered and Wire Brushed – Custom Stain.
Table: Restoration Hardware 17th C. Priory Round Dining Table. Color, Weathered Natural – Other Beautiful Tables: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Slipcover for Chairs: Parsons Slipcover Chair (with custom number monogramming) – similar here.
Chandelier: Interior Homescapes, Cabochon Chandelier 41”Hx30”D – Discontinued – Other Coastal Chandeliers: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Curtains: Restoration Hardware – white linen – similar here & here.
 Great Room
You can’t go wrong with blue and white at a beach house. It’s a classic. Marnie did shiplap walls (painted Pearly White by Sherwin-Williams), added white oak floors from Old Wood Delaware (@oldwoodde) in a herringbone pattern, and painted the back of the bar and the coffered ceilings pale blue (Iceberg by Sherwin-Williams). A polished nickel light fixture and a stainless steel range hood from the nearby kitchen tie the spaces together.
Ceiling & Bar –SW Iceberg.
Side Chair: Restoration Hardware – similar here.
Chandelier: Restoration Hardware, Victorian Hotel Pendant – similar here.
Coffee Table & Rug
Rug: Surya color “Tahoe”.
Coffee Table: RH.
Photo Credit: Maria DeForrest.
Sofa: Restoration Hardware Belgian Classic Slope Arm Slipcovered U Sofa Sectional. Fabric: Brushed Belgian Linen Cotton. Color: Sand.
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Powder Room
Pro Tip: To make a powder room look larger, add wainscoting 2/3 up the wall as Marnie did here. This draws the eye up and makes the room brighter and look larger.
Vanity: Restoration Hardware Gramercy Metal Powder Washstand. Finish: Polished Chrome. Countertop: Italian Carrara Marble – similar here & here (double).
Chandelier: Restoration Hardware 19th C. Victorian Globe Pendant. 14” in Polished Nickel.
Paint: Sherwin Williams Modern Gray.
Marnie turned a former closet in the hallway into extra sleeping space for kids with folding doors and removable ladder.
Sweet Dreams
Isn’t this a great idea for a beach house or even an airbnb?
Easy Pin!
Make sure to share this great idea with your friends!
Bunk Room Door
A custom door with window cut-outs leads into a custom built-in bunk bed room perfect for younger guests.
Bunk Room
Each bunk is outfitted with individual lights, outlets and drawer storage.
Bunk beds: Custom built by Marnie.
Lighting: Restoration Hardware Baby Industrial Era Task Sconce – Cream – similar here.
Tile on Steps: Aguayo Mosaicos Cement Tiles (Custom Color) – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Wall color: Sherwin Williams City Loft SW 7631.
Bedding: here – similar.
Bunk Bath
Sink: Kohler Brockway 5’ cast iron wash sink.
Tile: Aguayo Mosaicos Cement Tiles (Custom Color).
Lighting: 20th C. Factory Filament Bare Bulb Rectangular Pendant. Finish- Aged Steel – similar here & here.
Mirror: Custom.
Reclaimed Shiplap Bedroom
A cool, coastal retreat for guests who may never want to leave! Pro Tip: Can’t find a chandelier you like? Try using an exterior light instead like Marnie did here.
Accent Wall: Reclaimed wood from @oldwooddelaware.
Chandelier – Exterior lantern – similar here.
Bed: here & here – similar.
Nightstands: here.
Coastal Bedroom Paint Color
Coastal Bedroom Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 6210 Window Pane.
Bed: here & here – similar.
Affordable Nightstands: here, here & here.
Coastal Bathroom
Vanity: KBC Abbey 48” Single Bathroom Vanity.
Chandelier: Discontinued – Joss & Main– Others: here, here & here.
Floor Tile: here – similar.
This doorless walk-in shower features floor-to-ceiling marble tile and custom shelves.
Neutral Bathroom Design
This guest bathroom feels timeless and elegant. Shiplap paint color is Pearly White by Sherwin Williams.
Vanity: Restoration Hardware Weathered Oak Double Washstand Base. Finish – Distressed Taupe – Other Beautiful Vanities: here.
Sconce: Restoration Hardware Wilshire Single Sconce. Polished Chrome.
Mirror: Custom – Others: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Floor Tile: here.
Master Bedroom
The master suite has a Scandinavian simplicity with a combination of shiplap and reclaimed barnwood walls with a whitewash treatment. Marnie made this built-in platform bed and nightstands using the same whitewashed wood. For contrast, Marnie added swing-arm sconces in an oil-rubbed-bronze finish.
Bed and nightstands – custom built by Marnie Homes.
Shiplap & Ceiling painted SW Pearly White.
Wall paneling – Old Wood from @oldwoodde. It is 1×8 with an 1/8” shim.
Light fixtures – Restoration Hardware.
Curtains – Restoration Hardware –White Linen – similar here.
Sofa & Chair: RH – similar Sofa & Swivel Chair.
Bedding: here – similar.
Accent Pillow: here.
Rug: here – similar.
Master Bathroom
Frosted glass French pocket doors open to this spacious, marble master bathroom with vaulted and beamed ceiling that mimic the bedroom. Marnie streamlined the design by choosing one material (Carrara marble) and using it several ways. There’s a slab on the counter, rectangular tiles for the backsplash, and larger tiles laid in a herringbone pattern on the floor. The result? Subtle differences that don’t clash. She paired the cool stone with mirrors and sconces in a polished chrome finish.
Bathroom Floor Tile: Arabescato Carrera Marble 4×12 Herringbone pattern.
Wall Tile
Wall tile by vanity & shower walls: Arabescato Carrera Marble 3×6 honed.
Mirrors: Pottery Barn Astor Medicine Cabinet.
Sconce: Restoration Hardware Wilshire Single Sconce. Finish: Polished Chrome – similar here.
Vanity & Side Chest: Custom by Jennifer Gilmer Kitchen & Baths @jennifergilmerkb.
Tub Alcove
Wall Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 7631 City Loft.
Tub: Langly 72” cast iron double slipper tub.
Custom Built-in
Custom storage and built-ins throughout and abundance of natural light create a tranquil and serene bath space.
Photo Credit: Maria DeForrest.
Shower Wall Tile: Arabescato Carrera Marble 3×6 honed.
Shower Pan Tile: Carrara White Marble Basketweave Mosaic Tile with Bardiglio Gray Dots Honed – similar here.
Photo Credit: Maria DeForrest.
A Dutch door leads to the mudroom, laundry and powder room. Marnie chose Dutch doors for the laundry area and tied in the brick floor from the foyer along the mud room wall.
The floor is vinyl tile by Coretec that looks like wood. It’s a good choice for the entrance level because it stands up to all the water and sand that get tracked in from the beach.
Custom built in’s designed/built by Marnie.
Outdoor Shower
A separate entrance is a must for a beach house after rinsing off in the outdoor shower.
Outdoor Bath
Wall color: Sherwin Williams City Loft.
Pedestal Sink: Signature Hardware.
Flooring: Coretec Plus 7” Engineered Plank. Color: Waterfront Oak.
An outdoor living and entertaining area including a hot tub, built in grill/bar, screened in porch and three balconies to see those beach views.
Siding – NuCedar shingles in color Sherwin Williams Intellectual Gray.
Railing & Pergola
Railings & Pergola – Intex Millwork.
Garage Door
Garage – Clopay Coachman Series CG21 Model. Color: White.
This shingle beach house exudes charm and a timeless curb-appeal.
Windows – Andersen Windows.
  Many thanks to the builder & designer for sharing the details above!
Builder: Marnie Custom Homes (Instagram)
Photography: Dana Hoff Photography.
  Best Sales of the Month:
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  Serena & Lily: Enjoy 30 to 70% OFF on Sale Styles!
  Wayfair: Up to 75% OFF on Furniture and Decor!!!
  Joss & Main: End-of-Decade Dash Sale!
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  West Elm: End of Season Sale – Up to 75% Off.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
from Home https://www.homebunch.com/beautiful-homes-of-instagram-beach-house/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Beautiful Homes of Instagram If you’ve read Home Bunch for some time you might recognize Hollie from @artfulhomestead. I first featured Hollie’s main home on “Beautiful Homes of Instagram” in 2016 and she has been featured many other times on Home Bunch after that, but today she comes back not to feature her main home, but instead her dreamy vacation home. Here she talks more about this exciting time of her life: “I have always wanted to be a homemaker, I know that sounds outdated but I was born in the 50’s. My love for decor didn’t blossom though until Mr. G and I bought our 4th home in 1982. I remember the day clearly as if it was yesterday when my mother in law said to me “ Hollie you need to save some of your household money and buy a knock knack once in a while”. So my quest to make our homes lovely began on that day. This is our 16th home that we like to refer to as “ our sunny home”. My style has evolved over the years and I am now in a phase of simplicity. My color palette is shades of white and blue. Linen of different hues is my choice when it comes to upholstery. I mix vintage finds, which are mostly passed down from generations gone by. I love setting a pretty table even if it’s an ordinary day. The knick knacks I now use are mostly useful items as well as pretty to look at. I love placing a stack of plates on top of a cake stand, beautiful handmade pottery is also all about my home. I believe everything I decorate with needs to earn its keep and must be useful or have a story to tell. Everyone can have a beautiful home and the key ingredient is heart not money, because we all have a story to tell and that is what makes a house a home.” Beautiful Homes of Instagram Blue Gray Front Door Paint Color: Stone by Restoration Hardware. Trim Paint Color Exterior Trim Paint Color Whisper by Behr. Similar Exterior Door Set: Rejuvenation. Foyer The serene blue-gray double doors open to an bright foyer. The bottom of the walls in entry are Slate by RH. Top is Pale Silver. Living Room Hollie’s California home features an elegant yet relaxed feel. I especially love the blue & white with hints of pale pink color scheme. Trim Paint Color: Whisper Behr. Chandelier Chandelier is Restoration Hardware Clay Bead Empire Chandelier. Similar here, here & here (smaller). Furniture a mix of vintage and Restoration Hardware. Similar coffee table here. Rug The blue grey rug is Restoration Hardware – similar here. Garden Stool: Paula Greif. Get the Look: Hardwood Flooring Floors are Oak – original to the home. Dining Room What an intriguing dining room! Wall Color: Charcoal by Restoration Hardware. Bead Chandelier is Restoration Hardware Clay Bead Dome. Painting by Leslie Duke. Hutch Cabinet This built-in hutch is classic and timeless. Notice the paneled backsplash. Dishes are mostly vintage. Hardware Hardware is from Schoolhouse Hardware. Similar Brass Hex Knobs: Here. Pulls are Schoolhouse HardwareMidvale Pull. Wine Cabinet Wine Cabinet is painted in Benjamin Moore Gunmetal 1602. Sconce is Restoration Hardware. Kitchen Hollie’s kitchen is probably one of my favorite rooms in the house. I absolutely love the layout and the elements chosen for this space. Runner: Anthropologie. Hood is Vent-a-hood – similar here, here & here. Island Paint Color Gunmetal by Benjamin Moore. Stools: RH Backsplash & Hardware Backsplash tile is Ann Sacks. Similar subway tile can be found here & here. Perimeter Counters are leather finished Black Granite. Cabinet Hardware: Schoolhouse. Cabinet Paint Color Cabinet painted Whisper by Behr. Island Countertop The island countertop is Polished Perla Venata Quartzite. Breakfast Room What a lovely view you get from this breakfast nook. Also, notice the ceiling. Wall color is Pale Silver by Restoration. Chandelier Chandelier: Vintage Glass Bottle Chandelier can be found here. Similar here (small). Table and Chairs: Restoration Hardware. Powder Room The countertop is Carrara Marble and faucet is Kohler. Sconces: Schoolhouse. Laundry Room This laundry room with stacked washer and dryer features so many amazing ideas. This layout is clearly very practical and smart! Laundry bin is from Rejuvenation. Guest Bedroom The guest bedroom features an enchanting white canopy bed. Similar here & here. Window-Seat Isn’t this window-seat lovely? Hollie makes the most beautiful quilts! Drapes are Pottery Barn. Guest Bathroom Bathroom Round Brass Mirror: Target – similar here. Sink: Kohler Door hardware: Emtek Sconce: Schoolhouse Tile: Home Depot Master Bedroom Hollie’s bedroom feels transitional and timeless at the same time. The artwork above the bed ties all of the elements together. Mirrors: Anthropologie. Similar Settee: here, here (White linen) & here (Grey linen). Chunk Knit Throw: RH – similar Here & here (grey) Sitting Area This is where you would often find me if this home was mine. How cozy and inviting! Get the Look: Master Bathroom Hints of blue and a vintage dresser brings some extra personality to this spacious bathroom. Runners: Anthropologie. Paint Color Bathroom Wall Color: Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore. (It looks darker in this picture). Backyard This classic home features a lovely backyard with pool. View Imagine opening your patio doors and seeing this view every single day… Make sure to follow Hollie from @artfulhomestead on Instagram to see more photos of her beautiful home! Best January Deals Pottery Barn:Up to 40% OFF + Free Shipping – Code: SAVEBIG Wayfair: 70% Off + Many New Items on Clearance! West Elm: Up to 60% Off. Code: BYE2017. Horchow: 20% Off + Free Shipping. Code: NEWYEAR One Kings Lane: Save Up to 60% Serena & Lily: Up to 70% OFF!!! Williams & Sonoma: Up to 75% off Nordstrom: 50% OFF Half Yearly Sale. JCPenny: Clarence 80% OFF – Extra 40% OFF on $100 or more. Code: NewYear Neiman Marcus: Up to 60% OFF Pier 1: Huge Sales! Up to 75% OFF Joss & Main: Huge Sales – Up to 75% OFF Price Drop Event. Post of the Week: French Interior Design Ideas. California Beach House with Classic Coastal Interiors. Family Home with Grey Exterior and Interiors. Coastal Interior Design Ideas. Classic Shingle Home Design Ideas. Classic White Kitchen with Grey Backsplash. Newly-Built Board and Batten Modern Farmhouse. New 2018 Family Home Decor Trends. Trending on Home Bunch: Open-Concept Family Home Design Ideas. White Beach Style Kitchen with Shiplap. New 2018 Interior Design Ideas. Inspiring California Beach House Design. Belgian-Inspired Farmhouse. English Farmhouse Home. Transitional Family Home Design. More Interior Design Ideas. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Have a Blessed day, my friends. We’ll talk again tomorrow! with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane “For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
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taniasinel · 7 years
Jackye in Charleston!
I have always loved Atlanta interior designer Jacquelynne aka Jackye Lanham’s style.  I love her use of fine antiques mixed with casual fabrics.  And I love how she displays antique accessory collections, especially the plates on the wall.   Jackye has always been a bit under the radar – there’s no coffee table book with all her designs in it, although I wish there was!  Hint, hint!!!    But, several of her projects have made a lasting effect on design, in my opinion
1992 - Southern Accents featured Jackye’s own beach house all in blue and white years before blue & white became so on trend, as it is today.  And look!  Shiplap – years before Joanna Gaines made shiplap so hip.
  This magazine cover of a bedroom by Jackye became an instant classic.  Her fabulous set of intaglios was universally loved.
Jackye’s house with her scalloped curtains and wonderful slips – filled with antiques and old portraits - was another much loved project of hers.
This cover showed a breakfast room by Jackye.  It has to be in the Top Ten Most Memorable covers of Southern Accents.
Everyone remembers this cover which showed a collection of brown and white transferware mixed with a bold check fabric.  To DIE for!!
Architectural Digest published this beach house in South Carolina with its pale slips and a striped dhurri.
This bedroom by Jackye had a painted Swedish antique chest – long before everyone started reproducing them.  LOVE!!!!
Everyone uses this tub…now.  Jackye used it years ago.
Her kitchens are some of her more beautiful rooms.  Here, these two brown shuttered cabinets look more like furniture.  I love the open shelving on the bank of cabinets at the left.
This beauty mixes a pewter collection with a pewter-look hood and pendants.  LOVE!!!!
A more recent design, this house by Jackye was in Atlanta Homes.  Notice how she treated the asymmetrical door – by balancing it with a chest and a print.  And love this – instead of a large coffee table, she used two garden seats.
A feminine living room in soft colors – her trademark.  I adore this room!!
Here, in another recent project, Jackye used antiques and a printed fabric, mixed with collections of old bottles and creamware – with touches of black.
  At this year’s much lauded Southeastern Designer Showhouse and Gardens, Jackye received the high praise of being named Honorary Chair.  She and her assistant designed the foyer.
And there was also this.
Do you remember the story in Southern Accents – back in 2006 – about Jackye’s house in Charleston??
Jackye, based in Atlanta, would come to Charleston to shop for clients.  She and her husband fell in love, hard, with the city and they decided to look for a small house there to combine business with pleasure.  After a two day search, they found a three story original built in 1778 – small enough that they called it a pied a terre.   In 2006, Southern Accents featured the pied a terre and the pictorial made a lasting impression, judging from the number of pins taken from the story.  
Recently, the Lanham’s Charleston house was put up for sale and I spotted it while perusing South Carolina real estate listings, a new favorite pastime of mine.   The house is notable for its original mantels, pine floor and cypress paneling.  Jackye had fully restored the house with new wiring, plumbing and HVAC, along with a new kitchen.  There is also a private garden ala Charleston.
The house was originally built for a cooper, or a barrel maker (what is that?!?!) and he used it as both his private home and the shop where he met with clients. 
The tiny brick house is attached to a pink stucco beauty.  Notice the large stone step at the front door.  This is the door used by the original owner’s customers.  It was placed high off the sidewalk so that clients could enter right from their carriages.
Jackye added the curved brick wall to provide privacy to the garden and front door.  The front door is actually at the side of the house.
2006:  As seen in Southern Accents’ 2006 Christmas issue, the newly built curved privacy wall is not landscaped.  Nor is there the stone step at the front door.  Nor is there a window box.  Notice that today – the shutters on the front windows are closed for a reason you will see inside.
The long ago history of the house is posted out front.
The gate at the curved wall leads toward the front door and the private garden.
Behind the curved wall that Jackye installed is the side/front door.
And opened.
The front door opens to the center stairhall.  The kitchen/dining room is on the right and the living room is on the left.  Ahead is the powder room, down the half stairs.
The powder room.
The view from the stairs looking down at the foyer.  Jackye hung her large collection of antique prints and silhouettes on the paneled walls.
A glimpse into the living room from the entry hall.  Look familiar?
2006:  The pictorial was a Christmas story.  The living room as seen in Southern Accents.  Jackye used ticking for the curtains to make the 10’ ceilinged room seem less formal.  Ticking slips cover the sofa.  Her trademark antique trunks double as a coffee table.  Beautiful antique chandelier and mirror.
I remember this photoshoot so well.  It seems like yesterday, not over 11 years ago!
2006:  Across from the sofa are these two gorgeous leather chairs.  Not a pair, though.  The portrait is circa 1810!  LOVE!
2006:  Jackye bought this desk in Charleston.
Today:  The room looks almost exactly as it did, just a bit more lived in with books added.   The two French doors lead to the back garden.
Today:  The leather chairs.  This is what you call Patina!
Today:   The view from the living room to the dining/kitchen.
Today.   The French doors in the living room – lead out to the back garden.
Today.  The shutters are actually operational – and they can close off the doors.
The garden with the antique trough/fountain along the back wall.
Another view.
2006:  Across from the living room is the original shop from the 18th century, which is now the kitchen/dining room.  Here the chairs were slipped in a gray toile.
2006:  The galley kitchen.  I think I would have installed a small range instead of those stacked ovens which would make the counter all one height.  Remember the two shutters at the front windows which were open in 2006 and closed in 2017?   Here you can see the shutters are open behind the cabinets which lets in extra light.
2006:  By the door, the bar.
Today:  The kitchen.  Here you can see the original front door that opened to the former shop.  OK.  I don’t care for those rugs!!!   I”m sorry!!!    They seem a bit too busy here.  The slips on the chairs are different now.
Today:  The galley kitchen.  Perfect for a small vacation house.  But, still, a small range would take up so much less space and the counter would be longer.  And here, you can see that the shutters are now closed.
Another view of the updated slips.
Today:  You can really tell that someone loves to cook and eat in this family!
Today:  The view of the bar and into the living room.   The cabinets seen here are original to the house.   Such a cute house!!!
2006:  From Southern Accents, the stairs with all the art work.  Notice the risers are painted gray.
Today:  The second floor landing.  The master bathroom is seen down the landing.
2006:  The Southern Accents photoshoot in the master bedroom.
2006:  Southern Accents,  the chest across from the bed.  Gorgeous, antique mirror.
Today:   The master bedroom.  The original hearth on the fireplace is interesting – it is brick. 
2006:  As seen in Southern Accents.  The master bath was created out of a room.
Today:  The bathroom was added to the small house.  Two armoires divide the dressing room from the tub room.
Today – looking at the vanity from the bath area.
Between the two armoires is the bath area where the original fireplace is located.
Today:  the marble shower.
The landing on the third floor – shows one of the guest rooms.
This guest room has another canopy bed with a chest and fireplace.
Today:  The two bedrooms on this floor each have sinks in their bedroom, as seen here.
A view of the sink vanity and the door with its original hardware.
The view of the landing up to the 4th floor loft and into the second guest room on the third floor.
The guest room and bathroom.
Today:  The guest room has it’s own fireplace with the brick hearth.
And it has its sink in the corner. 
Today:  Lots of curtains.
BEFORE:  From Southern Accents, 2006.  The guest room was shown, with the antique hanging corner cabinet in focus.  Jackye said since the guest room had only a small bed, the curtains were more dramatic.
2006:  The nightstand got its own photo with part of Jackye’s salt glaze pitcher collection.
The 4th floor attic loft has room for more fun.  The rough floor boards were painted gray.
The laundry room doubles as another bathroom.
Laundry & bathroom.
                                                                                                                                            The attic bedroom is not furnished.   Love the painted wood floors.  If needed, this room would make a great bunk room for grandkids or extra guests.
This darling house is for sale HERE for $1,795,000.
And like all the antiques Jackye has?  Many are now on sale:
Like a natural rug like Jackye uses?
Stark’s natural fiber rugs on sale HERE.
Incredible Stark area rugs at great prices!!!  HERE.
from COTE DE TEXAS http://cotedetexas.blogspot.com/2017/07/jackye-in-charleston.html
0 notes
Modern Farmhouse Family Home REFINED Custom Homes built this modern farmhouse for a wonderful family. Mom and Dad (both in the healthcare industry) have two young children and worked with the builder to design and build their “forever dream home”. Designed and built for efficiencies of a busy young family the home boasts wonderful touches and details. The kids main floor study room near the gourmet kitchen is a perfect balance of productivity and assistance. The master suite bathroom includes an oversized double headed shower and a luxurious soaking tub. On the lower level is a bright entertainment space anchored by an approachable and functional bar. For those crisp fall evenings the backyard includes an inviting patio for sitting around the wood burning fireplace. Dream on! Modern Farmhouse Family Home Exterior Paint Color: Siding color is trim is Benjamin Moore White Dove and the body color is Benjamin Moore Sabre Grey. Front Door Paint Color Front door is Benjamin Moore Newburyport Blue. Outdoor Lighting: Visual Comfort. Home-Sweet-Home The front door opens to a foyer with light grey walls and hardwood floors. Flooring: Red Oak flooring with custom stain. Entry runner can be found here – similar ones: here, here, here, here, here (Perfect for long hallways or kitchens!) & here (timeless). Bench Foyer features a long built-in bench. Isn’t it a great idea? Foyer Paint Color Paint color is Benjamin Moore Horizon (including the tray ceiling). Console table can be found here – Similar in Brass: here & here. Similar Fig Tree: here. Lighting is Quoizel. Family Living The foyer leads you to an open-concept family room and kitchen. Similar sofa in grey, (here & here) in Grey Velvet & in Linen. Great Room This living room features grey walls and white media cabinet flanking a fireplace with white paneling. Fireplace surround is Frost White Quartz. Color Palette This living room features a lively color palette – I really love the mix of magenta and navy. Isn’t it fresh? Magenta Chair This magenta accent chair brings a lovely punch of color and liveliness to this space. Similar Magenta chair: here & here. Similar (but neutral) chair can be found here. Coffee Table Similar coffee table can be found here – and here it is another round coffee table to consider. Rug is from Wayfair. Similar quatrefoil rug can be found here. Paint Color Wall Paint Color: Benjamin Moore OC-53 Horizon. Ceiling, Trim & Millwork: Benjamin Moore OC-65 Chantilly Lace. Kitchen The kitchen features white perimeter cabinets and a blue kitchen island. Cabinet Layout I really like the layout of this kitchen – notice that the island seats five and that the cabinet conceals a walk-in pantry. I love this idea! Kitchen Island Dimension: 54” x 116” Island Paint Color Kitchen Island Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Wolf Gray 2127-40. Cabinet Paint Color The perimeter cabinet paint color is Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace. Lighting & Backsplash Pendant light is Quoizel. Backsplash tile is Bellavita Nova Hex, Eggshell, Bevel Out. Countertop The kitchen features a marble-looking quartz countertop; Venatino with 1/16″ Eased Edge. Faucet: Delta. Sink: here. Dining Area The dining room is welcoming and it opens to a kid-friendly backyard. Ahead, you will find a navy home office. Lighting The crystal linear chandelier can be found here. The tray ceiling features a wallpaper by Thibaut – Merrill Silver. Home Office Paint Color “Benjamin Moore Wolf Gray”. Lighting is Savoy House. Powder Room What a soothing space! The grey cabinet paint color is Benjamin Moore Ozark Shadows and the navy ceiling is Benjamin Moore Hale Navy. Wallpaper is Anna French Arran. Color: Cream. Vessel Sink: Ronbow. Faucet: Moen. Countertop is Frost White Quartz. Oval glass knob can be found here. Mirror can be found here. Master Bedroom Paint Color “Benjamin Moore Van Deusen Blue HC-156”. Details The master bedroom features tray ceiling with a grey wallpaper – Thibaut Gilon – Color: Pearl. Lighting: Crystorama. Similar Bed: here. Bedding: here. Lumbar Pillow: here. Table Lamps can be found here. Master Bathroom Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Sterling Silver. These gorgeous sconces can be found here. Floor is 12×24 Carrara marble tile. Countertop is Frost White Quartz. White Ceramic Stool: here. Glass knobs can be found here. Faucet is Moen. Grey Bedroom Paint Color Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Harbor Gray AC-25. Lighting: Jonathan Adler. Desk This kid’s bedroom features chunky shelves and desk. Navy & Green Bathroom Cabinet paint color is Benjamin Moore New York State of Mind. Wallpaper is Thibaut Medina – Color White. Countertop is Cotton White Quartz. Floor Tile: Penny round snow white tile. Nursery Paint Color Paint color is Benjamin Moore Rain Drops on Roses. Light Pink Rug: Safavieh. Bathroom What a cute kid’s bathroom! The “Sunshine” shower curtain can be found here. Faucet: Kohler. Playroom Horizon by Benjamin Moore is a very light grey that feels very soothing and calming in any space, including this playroom. Laundry Room & Sewing Room Isn’t this laundry room/sewing room dreamy? I love the amount of workspace this room offers. Paint Color The grey cabinetry color is Wilsonart PLAM 4830-18 Stainless Steel. Lighting: Savoy House. Basement This open-concept basement features a family room and a bar area. Bar Paint Color Most Popular Navy Paint Color: “Benjamin Moore Hale Navy“. Countertop is Frost White Quartz. Lighting: Elk Lighting. Bar Faucet is by Delta. Guest Bedroom You really don’t need to break the bank to have an inviting guest bedroom. Keep things simple, add crisp linen and some beautiful pillows to create a welcoming space. Similar Floral Pillows: here, here & here. White Quilt: here & here. White Bedding: here. Patio The outdoors is as good as the indoors, isn’t it?! I am loving this patio and that architectural fireplace. Backyard This home truly was designed to build beautiful memories… Builder: REFINED Custom Homes. Photos: Spacecrafting. Get ready for the Holidays – This Week’s Sales: One Kings Lane: 30% Sitewide & Free Shipping on orders over $100 with Code: OKLFREESHIP Serena & Lily: Get started on your holiday shopping with 20% off everything at Serena and Lily. Use code CHEERS Neiman Marcus: Up to 70% Off in ONLINE CLEARANCE! Nordstrom: Up to 40% off select styles plus an extra 20% off sale items. JCPenny: 65% OFF when you spend $100 or more: Use Code: 33FORYOU J.Crew: Take an 30% off extra. Use code: BUNDLEUP Pottery Barn: Amazing Sales – Save Up to 70% + Free Fast Shipping On Your Order with Code: CHEER Wayfair: Blowout Sales – Up to 80% Off Shopbop: Up to 30% off full price items and 75% off sale items. Use code: MORE17 Saks: Earn Gift Card up to $750! 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Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Hello my friends, Pinterest: Many of you have written emails asking me why you aren’t being able to pin lately. Pinterest is working to resolve this issue ( I have sent them many emails – feel free to send them an email too – that might help them to act faster!) and hopefully we’ll be able to pin soon. Meanwhile, feel free to pin from my Instagram or repin my pins here. Thank you for your support, my friends and have a Blessed day! with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane “For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
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taniasinel · 7 years
  When my daughter Elisabeth was in middle school, we hired a tutor that who would come to our house every afternoon to help her with her studies.  Jenny continued to come until Elisabeth left for college and by then, Jenny was getting married and having her own children.  Needless to say, we spent a lot of time with her and she became a part of the family.   Smart as a whip, beautiful, soft spoken – Jenny was a life saver.
Over the years, Jenny and her husband have moved a few times – each time,  buying a house that is a better investment than the last, because she and her husband are both very business savvy.  Her latest house is located in one of the best neighborhoods in town where young families with 2.5 are all hoping to move in.  They completely remodeled their house and now they are moving on – leaving this house for another young family to love. 
Jenny showed me the photos of her reno and I thought you would be interested in seeing them.   It’s a textbook example of how to take a 60s ranch house and turn it into a comfortable, updated, and modernized house for the millennium.
  BEFORE:    The house was a very pretty ranch – very much Houston from circa 1960s.  
    AFTER:   The biggest change made was Plantation Shutters were installed inside – they create a unified look along the front facade.  Another change is the beautiful gas lanterns and new address plate.    The trim was painted a soft gray.   A new sprinkler system and French drains were installed!  Nice!!
  INSPIRATION:  Unified window treatments dress up a ranch.
TIP:   Although Jenny chose not to do this, many people are painting their brick houses – white, gray or taupe.  Painting the brick can really update the house.
  AFTER:   The house is on a corner.  The owners added a new garage and in the space of the former garage, they added a much used playroom and a workout room.
  AFTER:  The new gas lanterns add so much, as does the new address plate and the gray paint.
The house was built in 1959 and is 3570 sq. ft.
The biggest change was made this year when a brand, spanking, completely new HVAC system was put in, including new duct work.
  For Houston, this will mean a very cool summer – think 68 degrees inside.
  INSPIRATION:  Gas lanterns add masses of curb appeal.
  BEFORE:  The layout is a typical ranch in Houston – living room and dining room on the left and family room, straight back from the foyer.  The biggest change to the interior decor were the installation of new hardwoods – most of the house had carpet which needed to be removed.  The new floors are fabulous and were a great change!!
    TODAY:   Here you can see the new wide plank hardwoods in the gray stain that is so popular today.  The lantern was removed in place of recessed lights. 
  BEFORE:   Off the front foyer is the living room – with the dining room behind it.
    BEFORE:  Today, most people in Houston with this floor plant turn the living room into the dining room and the dining room into an office or playroom, which is exactly what these owners did.  Most of us never use a formal living room – but we do need larger dining rooms than what was standard in the 1950s and 1960s, when this house was built.
    TODAY:   The living room is now the dining room – which allows the family to seat 10-12 people at the dining table.  Double brass lanterns highlight the room.   The walls and ceiling and molding are all painted one color which updates the house and gives it a bit of a contemporary look.   In the former dining room, there is now a study.  
INSPIRATION:  To update a house with non-descript trim, paint the walls, trim and ceiling the same color.  Use 1/2 strength formula on the ceiling.
TIP:   Paint  Sherwin Williams Repose Gray
  AFTER:  The view towards the foyer show the host chairs.
  TIP:  To keep chandeliers from creating light streaks as seen here – use frosted bulbs!  Also, I use the silicone tipped bulbs in low wattages which creates a very soft look.  Below is the link to the bulbs I use, if you are interested.  I buy a box of them, which lasts longer. 
    I use this for chandeliers – click on photo for info.
    For sconces – I use this silicone tipped bulb.  I also use these in a lot of lamps where I don’t want a bright light.  I’m not a fan of really bright rooms, but that’s a personal preference. 
Click on the bulb for info.
  For modern chandeliers – check out the vintage Edison bulbs.  There are different varieties for every type of fixture. 
Click on bulb for more info.
BEFORE:  The dining room.  You can see how small this room was – with seating for only 8 at most.  The kitchen is reached through this room.
    AFTER:   Today – the former dining room is now the library.   The mirrored wall was removed and shelves and cabinets were built to create an office/study/library.  Perfect!
    AFTER:  They added a new light – and notice the cabinets’ feet!  This small detail added much luxe.
    I really like how Jenny styled the shelves!   She used a series of prints along one section of shelves and above and below them, she added antique books.   The sunburst mirror is a focal point you can see from the dining room.
    BEFORE:  The foyer leads to the family room that overlooks the back yard.  The corner fireplace is another typical feature of this Houston floorplan.
  BEFORE:  The view towards the bar that looks into the kitchen.
  TODAY:  The family room has been totally renovated.  New French doors replace the sliders.  The fireplace was updated with a coat of white paint.  
  AFTER:  a beautiful built in media center against the back wall adds so much to the room!  Plus it creates a home for the flatscreen.  This is a great idea. 
  Closeup of the newly built-ins which is perfect for the flatscreen.  It prevents the flatscreen from becoming a focal point when it is surrounded by shelves filled with books and art objects.
TIP:  Flatscreens over fireplaces tend to become focal points.  Try to find another place for the TV if possible.
  AFTER:  And here – you can see the kitchen was opened up – the small pass-through was enlarged by taking out the cabinets and walls surrounding it.
  BEFORE:   The pass-through to the kitchen with the breakfast room to the right.  While the area has charm with the brick wall – the area was ripe for updating and making it more up-to-date.
  AFTER:   The same area is now clean-lined and more effective as a bar.  The small pass-through was enlarged by removing the side cabinets and opening up the wall to the ceiling and enlarging the counter – now, a more useful and much larger bar has been created.
  BEFORE:  Carpeted breakfast room – hmmm.   An outdated slider and old fashioned paneling, along with that 60s style chandelier.  How many of you grew up or owned a chandelier like this?  These were so popular!!!
  AFTER:  Past the bar is the breakfast room that overlooks the back yard.  New French doors open the area up to the terrace.   The carpet was removed and replaced with the wide planked wood floor.  The wallpaper was removed and the paneling was painted which makes it disappear.  Love the chairs in gray fabric and love the two round convex mirrors that flank the French doors.
    AFTER:   The breakfast room – through the door is the new playroom and workout room and further on, the garage.
    BEFORE:   The kitchen had been updated along the way with tiled floors and white Formica.  The former dining room and dry bar is through the door on the left.
      BEFORE:  The kitchen with the view towards the breakfast room.  Where the door is – leads to the garage.  Today, the garage is now a playroom and workout room.
  BEFORE:  The footprints of the kitchen remained, but it’s all new appliances, subway tile, farm sink, and shaker cabinets with quartz countertops. 
  View towards the playroom and workout room.
  The area between the study/old dining room and kitchen is now a dry bar with built in shelves for glasses.
  AFTER:   Two years ago, the playroom was added in the former garage space.  This is such a wonderful space for a family with young children and teenagers!!  French doors overlook the backyard.
  AFTER:  On the other side of the playroom in the former garage is this fabulous workout room!!
      BEFORE:   Off the family room leading to the bedrooms is the study which is also the 4th bedroom.  Carpeted.
    TODAY:   The study has new wood floors and new French doors that lead to the terrace.  The doors close off and this is a flex 4th bedroom.  The new owners can easily close off this doorway to create a more private bedroom if needed. 
    AFTER:  The powder Room with new vanity sink.
    BEFORE:   The front bedroom.  Laura Ashley bedding! Remember this?!?!  And the white wicker.  How many bedrooms looked just like this?!?!  Memories!!!
    BEFORE:   The bathroom that connects to the front bedroom.
    AFTER:   The front bedroom has two windows with plantation shutters and new wood floors.
INSPIRATION: These two elements – new hardwoods and plantation shutters really make such a huge difference.
  TIP:  The bedroom walls are a different paint color:  Sherwin Williams:  Mindful Gray 
    AFTER:   The bathroom that connects to the front bedroom.
    BEFORE:   The second bedroom.
  AFTER:   The second bedroom with new wood floors and plantation shutters.
NOTE:  Jenny told me she regrets painting the closet doors white, but I don’t necessarily agree.  I kind of like them painted a bright white.  What do you think? 
  Another view.
  BEFORE:   The second bathroom with 60s styled tile counters and walls.
  AFTER:  New quartz counters, extra sink, and wood floors totally update the bathroom.   The wall of tiles was removed and replaced with sheetrock. 
INSPIRATION:  New counters and floors make the bathroom new with a minimum of expense.
    AFTER:  From the entry, this hall leads to the bedrooms.  Love the seagrass runner – it adds texture and a neutral color that looks good against the gray.  At the end of the hall is the master bedroom.
    BEFORE:  The master bedroom with the bay window that overlooks the back terrace.
  BEFORE:  Another view of the master bedroom.
  TODAY:    The master bedroom with wood floors, seagrass and plantation shutters.
  Another view of the master bedroom.
  BEFORE:   The bathroom with carpet.  Is this England?!?!   Just kidding!
    AFTER:  The bathroom is now marble tile with a large walk in shower. 
  Two vanities with double sconces.   There are three closets in the master bedroom, one which is reached here.
    TODAY: Large backyard with pergola.
  There is a large lawn with a swing set and gym.
    For all the details about this house, visit the listing HERE.
If you are interested in this house - HURRY!  It won’t last long!! 
This is a very much in-demand neighborhood and the house is a total redo!!
from COTE DE TEXAS http://cotedetexas.blogspot.com/2017/05/houston-renovation-for-sale.html
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