#graphic sample
gentil-minou · 1 year
had a conversation with a client today and apparently i'm weird sooooo it's time for a poll
I LOVE getting my blood drawn or donating partly because I like helping people but mostly cause capillary action is cool and it makes me think of vampires
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rillette · 2 years
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hal keychain designs!! pre-orders will open... once i figure out how much shipping costs lol, and should run for like 2 weeks.
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antisocialxconstruct · 7 months
oof as much as I'd love to start drama by asking what IFs you have beef with..... I have to go with the less targeted question of 'what are some IF tropes you think are overdone'. personally if I have to see the same four ROs recycled into another game one more time I'll scream
LOL probably a safer question for me to answer too...
ROs are a big sticking point for me as well. Seeing the same archetypes over and over, feeling like someone came up with ROs first and is now desperately trying to finesse a story that can justify all of them being date-able*, someone having an actually interesting and compelling story to tell but bending themself into pretzels to fit in six romance arcs that may not even serve the plot just because that's an expected convention... Also in general I never lose interest in a new project faster than when I see artbreeder RO portraits. Not even because it's """AI art""" but because it's always the same empty eyed model-perfect 20something in different colors.
(*NOT the same as a story primarily designed to be a dating sim. I generally think that's fine as a genre, and some of these people would have an easier time if they were willing to admit that's what they were writing and not some sweeping grand narrative.)
My other biggest issue with a lot of amateur IF is like... excessive and overly ambitious customization? I think a lot of authors don't know where the line is on what they can just allow the reader to imagine without there being a variable for it, as well as what they should frankly just... be willing to decide for the reader when it best serves the story. As far as MC customization, I think this really stems from a lot of people in the community getting their first introduction to IF through CoG and then drawing the conclusion that if some character customization is good, more customization must be better! But if it's not going to come up in-text and be directly relevant to the plot or how the MC is characterized*... it doesn't need to be canonized.
(*by which I mean, like... making your character a specific religion, or disabled, or something like that. Things that actually impact how they engage with the world.)
Branching off of that, I think maybe my most potentially controversial take is... not every IF needs to have a customizable MC at all. It's entirely possible to write a story with a set, static protagonist, and still allow the player to make decisions that allow them to shape that character and the broader plot in a way that still feels personal and like they're an active participant. VNs tend to go this way, or else they have a faceless MC who still tends to have a more set personality, and I think sometimes I read IF demos and I really get the feeling they wish they could be writing someone specific, and they're getting hamstrung by the idea that they need to sand off enough defining features to let the MC be anyone.
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ryanmaniulit · 1 year
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The Grey and the Gallant sample comic I used to pitch the story to publishers! So much has changed but I still love this little snippit.
Book slated for Fall 2025 with ABRAMS books.
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aleksiremesart · 1 year
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A small sample of my work-in-progress short storybook named Moon Memoirs. The story tells about two children of the Moon and their common dream of flying to the Earth.
Can one grow into a person only on Earth? Do flowers also bloom on the surface of the Moon?
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Any of y'all going to any of the in-person Warrior Cats meetup? I want to go but I feel very awkward about it because I'm 19 so I feel too old to do that. I don't want to be weird
A lot of people in various WC-centric Discord servers I'm in (like MAP/Zine or Roleplay servers) which have primarily adult/late teens fans are going so it should be fine? But what do y'all think
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daintydoilypon · 6 months
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Yay or NEIGH on this shirt, fam?
Unrelated, but kinda related, my friend is starting a sustainable/ethical brand, and the necklace is by her! I might make merch necklaces with her, and it'd be more subtle than WAHCHA since it'd just say 'Dainty'? Idk man 🤷‍♀️
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moondust-bard · 1 year
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a-krowjones · 9 months
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My AU version of Casey Jones Jr. from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who goes by the name of Krow Jones.
( HOME. ) ( CARRD. ) ( RULES. ) ( MUSE. ) ( MUN. ) ( ASK. )
It is said that when one does things and later reaps the consequences, the past catches up with them. But what were to happen if one caught up with the past?
Well, that was the story of Krow’s life.
The future was full of unspeakable terror and pain as the war against the Krang raged on, and Krow only got a taste of it. As the end drew near, he was sent back in time on a mission by his sensei to find a key and stop the Krang from taking over the world.
When the key got compromised and the Krang came through the portal, Krow despaired. He knew their doomed fate, and it felt like the final act was playing out in slow motion.
Yet like bold voyagers who chart their own course across the unknown, the heroes of the past blazed the trails of their destiny. With hope in their hearts, they rocked the universe so hard that it sent shock waves through time and space. That day, fate was nudged in a more fortunate direction. Their demise was prevented, and the past timeline was saved from the slimy tentacles of the Krang.
Krow’s mission was complete. Now what was he — a young man from the future, a “time anomaly” (as he had been described by the genius turtle), a person who did not belong there — supposed to do? He had yet to figure that out himself.
Every day was a new adventure, and the ride so far had been pretty intense. If he had his way, Krow would glide along for a bit, get his bearings, and figure out how to survive his biggest challenge yet: the crazy, crowded, noisy, blindingly bright, breakneck-paced past. There was much to see, learn, and do, all while being barraged by overwhelming sensations. Baby steps, the family assured him, were key. But while he took his time discovering the new world of the past, Krow figured that he wouldn’t mind some company.
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somelazyassartist · 8 months
Oh shit I've been out of the TAZ loop for MAYBE two weeks bc I've been temporarily focusing on Dungeon Meshi and in that time nobody told me TAZ Live! in Seattle came out????
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indecisivepsyche · 2 years
Is it just the customer service inflection throwing me off, or is Justin intentionally making the Taako voice not quite right to reflect the fact that this is an employee acting as Taako for their job?
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alphachromeyayo · 6 months
Going wild tonight! 💥
By which I mean, I'm chopping up Daytona USA samples for fun 🏁
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innerhavenstudio · 8 months
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Design by Inner Haven
Instagram @Innerhavenn
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prayeranimal · 8 months
originally intended for a project about cruelty visited upon animals
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slithergaunt · 2 years
Serpent Song: ch3 page 19-21
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Characters traveling = Free landscape montage baybee
Read the story so far at Serpentsong.com
Support the ongoing series at Patreon.com/ECTmonster
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389 · 2 years
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Kunst Kredit Poster (1979) Exhibition - Sample Fair Basel
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