#granted my doctor is especially nice and good and i know that isnt always the case but
13eyond13 · 1 year
Les Miserables for classic novels themed asks 🙃
Les Miserables - What do you do when you’re sad?
This has been a big one for me this year as well since I've been struggling with depression for quite some time. I usually cycle through a lot of my comfort activities when I'm sad. I listen to ASMR and take a nap (for me it's usually stuff that kind of feels like a soothing mom is telling you a bedtime story), take a bath, I play my favourite video games, I blog excessively (this blog is my specially curated comfort space and my online friends are such a source of security for me too), I take walks in my neighbourhood or the woods or pace around my apartment listening to music, I clean, I talk to my brother or my mom or dad, I brood a lot to try to articulate what it is that's particularly bumming me out and how I might be able to make some sort of proactive change. Honestly though I think some of the best things for me to do are the more practical and social and less self-indulgent and solitary and introspective overthinking of things. Making myself leave the house more and spend time with other people unplugged from my phone, making sure I'm exercising and drinking water and going to bed at reasonable hours, and focusing more on making other people's days better rather than on myself and how miserable I currently am. Also not being petrified of being a burden and just genuinely opening up to people about it or asking for some help or support or company at times. Some of these things can feel SO HARD to do when you're particularly low and already feeling so tired and sad and unfit for human company and being perceived, but little steps and little goals can be a good way to start putting yourself back out there a bit again. And I definitely also recommend seeing a doctor if you're really struggling in a long-term sort of way... I had to do that a couple months ago when I couldn't even make myself get out of bed, and it definitely helped push me toward starting to take care of myself and feel a little bit more hopeful about the future again ♡ It has been a rough few years for so many people, and I really hope everything is ok with you
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