#grant regarding the weight part i’ve alway had a high metabolism and according
famouslysleepy · 10 months
Personal Life Complaining Time!
you know of all the side effects to get besieged by from my first dose of the rabies vaccine (<- this is a very recent state requirement of vet tech students but luckily my school could afford dish out their own vaccines with the costs just being added with the tuition i think instead of dealing with the upfront costs from like cvs i guess)
i gotta say the muscle aches and joint pain are definitely the most annoying and inconveniencing side effects for me personally
cuz ya know considering my default method stimming typically involves pacing around sometimes physically jumping up and down and generally moving my body around a lOt
i’m handling it well enough i guess but MAN it’s super annoying to feel like my muscles are telling me “WOAH SLOW DOWN THERE Ain’t nobody told you to STRETCH first?” meanwhile all i did was literally just stand up or increasing my walking speed just a little bit or hold my hand in one position just a sec to long
like siggghhhhh can’t i get One Weekend free of body shenanigans like my period had to gall to start and end during my thanksgiving break just last week now this?
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