#grand theft auto online character
thatslytherinqueen · 3 months
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Gta v!!! 🥰⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💚💙🧡💜
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charliesgayhead · 8 months
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Been playing GTA Online lately and wanted to draw my character
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sweetling-dulce01 · 5 months
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(Imagen no mia)
Este es mi primer headcanon ^^ si quieren uno de algún personaje de gta lo pueden solicitar sin problema 🍄 comencemos~
✨Trevor Phillips X Y/n (Lector/a✨
¿Trevor es celoso? 👀
- Trevor de por sí tiene un carácter difícil y es muy protector contigo. Suele enojarse con facilidad , por lo que si un chico se te acerca aún que sea para pedir la hora o charlar , Trevor simplemente estará como un chicle contigo pegado ati todo el tiempo estando al pendiente de que este chico no tenga intenciones raras contigo.
- Trevor suele ser inseguro en varios aspectos, como por ejemplo, teme de que encuentres a alguien mejor que el y lo abandones :(
- A Trevor le gusta mucho que le prestes atención , por lo que si estás en tu celular no dudará en ver que es lo que te tiene tan entretenida , no te arrebatará el celular pero si no le haces caso podría llegar a hacer berrinche como un niño pequeño hasta que le prestes atención.
- sueles tener muchos amig@s que suelen invitarte a menudo a salir ya sea a fiestas o a pasar el rato, pero Trevor no permitirá que vayas sola por ningún motivo , siempre te llevará y te recogerá. Se pone algo paranoico cuando no le respondes los mensajes , piensa que te paso algo.
- efectivamente , Trevor es muy celoso y sobreprotector 👀💕
This is my first headcanon ^^ if you want one of a GTA character you can request it without problem (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
✨Trevor Phillips X Y/n (Reader)✨
¿Is Trevor jealous? 👀
- Trevor already has a difficult character and is very protective of you. He usually gets angry easily, and if a boy approaches you just to ask the time or chat , Trevor will just be like a piece of gum stuck to you all the time, making sure that that boy doesn't do anything weird to you.
- Trevor is usually insecure in several aspects, for example, he is afraid that you will find someone better than him and abandon him :(
- Trevor really likes your attention, so if he sees that you are on your cell phone he will not hesitate to see what is keeping you so entertained , He won't take your cell phone away from you, but if you don't pay attention to him, he will whine like a little child until you pay attention to him.
- You usually have a lot of friends who invite you to hang out at parties, but Trevor won't let you go alone for any reason. He will always take you and pick you up, he can get very paranoid if you don't answer his messages because he may think that something bad happened to you.
- So indeed, Trevor is very jealous and overprotective of you. 👀💕
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asseiiy · 1 month
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been playing alot of gta online with my boys these past few days, drew our characters in the loading style
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asdear · 1 day
Here she is. 👀
I'm also going to post screenshots of what I wrote about her because I'll be honest, I don't feel like pasting everything and then re-formatting the text if it gets all messed up. I will paste her backstory/life summary, though. 🫠
I also used CharacterHub's OC template, but I removed, added, or changed some prompts to fit my character.
My other two fan characters are mentioned in her info, too, and y'all will get some hints about them. So just an FYI. 👀
C/TW: mentions of mental health, different types of abuse/assault, violence, drinking, sexual stuff, non-romantic age gap pairing, divorce, toxic parent, neurodivergent struggles
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Backstory / Life Summary
Grace grew up in a lower-middle-class, single-parent household, where she had a mostly happy childhood despite some challenges. She loved riding horses at riding stables and cheerleading in middle and high school, and her dad often took her to a riding stable that offered free rides for people with disabilities. Since she had ADHD, she was eligible for it.
However, at age 14, her dad began to struggle with mental health issues related to his divorce in his past, which led to toxic behavior that affected Grace deeply. Fed up with his behavior, she impulsively fled to Los Santos when she was 16, using her passport and savings for college to stay in a hostel. To avoid being tracked down by her entire family, she deleted her social media accounts and used her own bank account to avoid leaving any evidence of running away. Despite doing everything out of impulsion, she did not regret her decision, even later on.
Only a week after arriving in Los Santos, she met Lamar on the street, who offered her the opportunity to become a gangbanger in exchange for money. She accepted the offer, despite him not knowing her age, and found that she enjoyed the thrill of criminal work.
Lester, another contact, eventually heard about her activity on the streets and reached out to her as an unknown contact, leading to her first big job working for tech billionaire Avon Hertz. Because she was underage and running out of money for her hostel, Lester was kind enough to buy her a temporary house to live in, as well as get an underground facility for her, though he had her pay him back for the facility when she had the money.
Avon initially didn't know her age, but he found out when - after the infiltration of the IAA facility - he secretly asked Lester if she was a “child.” He would even briefly catch her carrying around and playing with a unicorn squishy toy during meetings, making him wonder if she was very young, especially since fidget toys were stereotypically associated with children. Lester told him that she wasn't a child, but she was still underage and was 16 years old. Of course, the billionaire was shocked and in disbelief after discovering her age.
It took Agent 14 and Mrs. Rackman - though mostly Lester - to stand up for her and get him to accept that she was capable of doing such hard tasks. Despite using his narcissism to “protect" her innocence with degrading comments, Avon eventually got used to the idea of working with an underaged employee, though he still rarely made remarks about her age.
All of the jobs Grace did had a mental impact on her, as she struggled to adjust to the shift from casual gangbanging to high-stakes criminal activity. During and after being associated with Avon, she experienced nightmares, dissociation, and insomnia as a result, and often tried to avoid thinking about everything that happened. Despite the difficulty of the jobs, she was motivated by money and insisted on continuing to work for Avon, despite Lester and Agent 14's concerns for her well-being.
A couple of days after killing Avon, Grace went out of her way to steal his Cyclone from his house and keep it for herself, even making up lies to explain how she obtained it to anyone who somehow recognized it.
Nearly a month later, Agent 14 introduced her to the gunrunning business, which provided her an opportunity to get a kickstart in owning illegal businesses. Regardless if she was underaged, he still allowed her to purchase a bunker for her to earn more money and, although not the primary reason, as a sign of gratitude for her and her heist partner rescuing him from Merryweather and Avon.
Grace continued to expand her criminal empire over the years, buying more illegal businesses, taking on new job opportunities, and meeting a variety of contacts in Los Santos. Then, in mid-2019, she met Jordan at the Diamond Casino and Resort, where they were sitting alone and drinking away their pain after a failed bank heist they attempted; they had lost their entire crew and received no money in the end. Grace comforted them and let them spend that same night at her penthouse. She even brought them into her crew, and they robbed the casino together later on in the year with the help of Lester.
In 2020, Grace went against the Kkangpae gang - who were trying to attack and kill her yacht staff members - and she managed to succeed in fending them off, even killing the gang’s boss. As December 2020 then approached, she met Martin Madrazo's son, Miguel, and he introduced her to robbing the world's most notorious drug lord, Juan "El Rubio" Strickler.
Although appearing uninterested in Grace at first, El Rubio seemed to briefly give her flirtatious looks as she was driving him and English Dave to the beach party. She never knew if she was simply seeing things, so she pretended to be oblivious to his facial expressions.
While scoping out his island, Grace was horrified to witness him killing his staff member, Gustavo, with his panther, and Pavel, her associate, was just as equally shocked. However, she quickly did her best to shrug off the moment and continue scoping the island.
In late 2021, Grace met Luca at the Music Locker nightclub, where he introduced himself by attempting to flirt with her; it especially was awkward since they were both mute, and she felt weirded out by it. She didn't show interest in him, though they continued to talk - via texting and using text-to-speech - and clicked almost instantly as friends.
She found out that Luca was a recent legal immigrant from Italy and was also a criminal, but he didn't have much luck continuing his criminal work in Los Santos, as he barely knew anyone. Grace decided to bring him into her crew, now having her, Jordan, and him as a crew of three people to do various illegal jobs and heists together.
Later on, in mid-2022, Grace returned to Avon's missile silo as part of a mission assigned by Agent ULP. Accompanied by Luca - being both an emotional support partner and going with her in case any tasks required two people - she hacked the servers while he fended off the cyborg juggernauts. The juggernauts first activating triggered an anxiety attack for Grace, due to her lingering phobia of robots, though with ULP telling her, “Stay calm, agent," and Luca staying near her, she managed to quickly calm down and stay focused on her tasks.
In early 2023, Grace confessed her romantic attraction to Pavel, and although he rejected her, they eventually decided to become friends with benefits. He preferred not to date while isolating himself in the Kosatka submarine, but he was mainly very hesitant and unsure of dating a much younger adult. He was even aware that, despite both of them looking for something serious if they wanted to date, they were entirely different in terms of their ages and a bit of their personalities - she was a stereotypical young, wild party girl who hated being away from people for too long, and he was an older, laid back man who liked avoiding crowds.
To make things fair, though, he allowed Grace to explore her feelings for him while not worrying about a committed relationship. He especially found her platonically and sexually attractive, though he just didn't want anything romantic with her.
In January 2024, after being unintentionally distracted in his office, she was caught by one of El Rubio's guards during a robbery and was held captive for a few weeks. She had to deal with physical, sexual, and verbal abuse by El Rubio himself - being stabbed, dragged around by her hair, starved to near death, and forced into certain sexual acts were some things she had to put up with during her time on the island. Doing whatever she could in her situation, she would attempt to fight back and resist anything he was doing to her, even when he'd try to hold her down or drag her around.
As a trick to avoid giving him the reaction he wanted, especially if it was risky, she pretended to enjoy the torture, even using her resilient personality to stand up to him and his brutal acts. Secretly, though, she was tired of faking, but she was never sure if she wanted to give in to him either. Even when he found out her trick, he still pushed to verbally, physically, and sexually hurt her to make her give up, but she would still try to act unaffected by the torture.
After being held on Cayo Perico for what felt like a very long time to her, she finally had a way to escape one day. She noticed a guard passing by her holding a knife in his pocket, and she managed to seduce him to let her out of the cage. Once he opened the cage door, she walked up to him and briefly kissed him, while carefully taking the knife from his pocket and quickly stabbing him to death. She then used as much of her strength as she could to drag his body somewhere hidden, stole his clothes, and escaped the island with her disguise.
As expected, El Rubio was enraged and completely snapped when he discovered that she escaped, yelling at all of his guards and even killing lots of them. He would always do what he could to track her down and also kept sending out some guards to try to find her, though he hadn't been lucky.
To protect herself, Grace has taken extreme measures, such as wiping everything on her old phone and getting rid of it, using a different phone number, and deleting her social media accounts. She also bought a new flip phone to use for calling and texting, and a new smartphone only for criminal tasks, like hacking. Even if features and apps were limited on her new primary phone, she also liked the aesthetic and function of it, making her more tempted to use flip phones in the long run.
Shortly after she returned to Los Santos, Pavel revealed to her that he had witnessed the abuse through CCTV feed, and that Jordan and Luca had initially been planning to rescue her, though she escaped before they could move on their plan. Even though he was hesitant about going outside of the submarine, he also thought about going with them to help out.
He especially temporarily stopped their FWB relationship to give her time to mentally and physically heal. He was distraught witnessing what El Rubio did to her and didn't want to make her uncomfortable by jumping back into their sexual moments instantly.
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iristhepng · 1 year
(does a little shake)
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fogaminghub · 16 days
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🎉 Hey, gamers! If you're a GTA+ Member, you're in for a treat! Get your hands on a FREE Enus Deity sedan along with a bunch of exciting weekly rewards throughout September. From discounts to unique outfits, discover all the incredible GTA+ rewards waiting for you! 🚗✨ Read the full post for all the details! 
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meilia-stims · 1 year
Think you can do my GTA Online Character OC: Kervin?
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I will give some facts about fun facts about him and include the gameplay:
He loves to use guns
He focuses on money and being rich
He likes killing depending on what situation and his backstory
He is a gamer in Arcades
He wears a fox mask which he is secretly a furry for foxes
He is a foodie and eats candies and and drinks soda (for healing)
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Kervin (GTA OC) stimboard for @kervinfire
🦊 💰 🦊
💰 🦊 💰
🦊 💰 🦊
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Fav pictures of me and my Hubby! (also sorry for being gone for so long lol)
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aiisstuffnthings · 5 months
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drankastrickler · 11 months
Sooo today I'll be introducing my GTA OCs (Not all of them because I have a lot)
Let's start!
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Dranka Meredith Bellic
She's 30 years old in 2023. She's Niko Bellic's Daughter, Juan's Strickler's (El Rubio) wife. She was married to Trevor Philips but divorced in 2019. (She's also the character I play the most with and who has the longest backstory, I might make a post about her story 👀)
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Rhea Strickler
She is 23 years old in 2044, born in 2021. She loves illegal car races and gambling. She's very attached to her younger brother Darko. She has a twin sister named Moira. She is Juan and Dranka's daughter.
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Moira Strickler
Rhea's twin sister. She is an ex drug addict that became a FIB agent, cutting all contacts with her family except for her sister Rhea.
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Darko Strickler
Rhea and Moira's little brother. He's 20 in 2044, born in 2024. I have a quite long backstory for him too, might post it as well. (He's the second character I play the most with)
Well, that's it for now, I have 4 more GTA OCs, and other 2 OCs that belong to my sister, I might make a second post for them!
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thatslytherinqueen · 1 month
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Gta v plushies 😊⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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panzerproxy · 2 years
All of My GTA Online outfits Male (Updated)
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Casual Heist
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Assassin Formal
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Sleepwear Skater
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Biohazard Flight
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Desert Dollface
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sweetling-dulce01 · 5 months
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✨💚FOOLIGANZ X Y/n (Lector/a)💚✨
°¿Quien dijo que los fooliganz no pueden enamorarse? 👀💕° claro que sí ♡✨
Los fooliganz parecen ser personas que solo buscan pasarla bien y divertirse en grupo , pero porsupuesto que también pueden enamorarse ✨
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✨DAX X Y/n (Lector/a)✨
• Dax es el tipo de persona que siempre intenta animar el ambiente por lo que sus cambios de humor pueden notarse mucho. Dax sin duda al estar enamorado de ti será directo y te lo dirá a la cara , no importa si los otros fooliganz están presentes.
• aún que no lo parezca , Dax puede llegar a ser muy romántico de lo que crees. Te regalara cosas que vayan con tus gustos (ropa , videojuegos , etc) pero también le gusta ser detallista y recibirás detalles que el mismo haga.
• Por más raro que suene , Dax suele tomarte fotos mientras estás distraída , le parece tierno.
• Dax puede llegar a ser muy cursi contigo por lo que tiene muchos apodos por los cuales llamarte como el clásico "Fresh meat" (Carne fresca) , Preciosa , Dulzura , Bonita , o su favorito "Rayo de sol"
(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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✨LUCHADORA X Y/n (Lector/a)
• Luchadora es bisexual así que no le importa si eres hombre o mujer 👀
• Nunca se había enamorado tanto antes desde que te conoció. es como si la hubieras hechizado , tanto así que se distrae de su trabajo.
• Luchadora por más que parezca una jefa ruda , suele ser cursi , pero también le encanta consentirte y que la pases bien.
• Le encantan los besos , en especial los tuyos así que no le importaría besarte delante de los demás fooliganz 👀💕
• Es mexicana , por lo que ella sabe que amas su acento.
• Le encanta cuando actúas como niña/o pequeñ@ , le parece muy tierno de tu parte
• Le fascina mimarte , así que almenos cariño y afecto de parte de ella nunca te va a faltar , así como también será la primera en defenderte.
🍄 TRANSLATION (English headcanon)🍄
✨💚DAX X Y/n (Reader)💚✨
• Dax is the type of person who always tries to liven up the atmosphere, so his mood swings can be very noticeable. Dax, without a doubt, being in love with you, will be direct and tell you to your face, He doesn't care if the other fooliganz are present.
• Even though it may not seem like it, Dax can be very romantic than you think. He will give you things that match your tastes (clothes, video games, etc.) but he also likes to be detail-oriented and you will receive Gifts that he makes himself.
• As strange as it may sound, Dax usually takes photos of you while you're distracted, he finds it cute.
• Dax can be very cheesy with you so he has many nicknames to call you like the classic "Fresh meat", Lovely, Sweetness , Pretty, or his favorite "Sun ray"
(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
✨LUCHADORA X Y/n (Reader)✨
• Luchadora is bisexual, so she doesn't care if you are a woman or a man 👀
• She had never fallen so much in love before since she met you. It's like you've put a spell on her, so much so that she gets distracted from her work.
• Luchadora even though she seems like a tough boss, she is usually cheesy, but she also loves to pamper you and have a good time.
• She loves kisses, especially yours, so she wouldn't mind kissing you in front of the others fooliganz 👀💕
• Luchadora is Mexican , So she knows that you love her accent and she also knows that you like that she speaks Spanish.
• She loves to see you act like a little girl when something excites you, she finds it cute.
• She loves pampering you, so at least you will never lack love and affection from her, and she will also be the first to defend you.
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bdangkingfish · 1 year
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Martin and Patricia Madrazo (GTA V; Free on July 23rd)
Patreon link is on my dashboard
"You better treat her right man! Or else....the other ear!"
Martin and Patricia feature in Chapter 3 of The Simsfather, Part II.
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asdear · 2 days
Not me considering putting a twist on the whole "OC/canon character relationship" trope and making an open arrangement between characters. And by that, I mean pairing two of my GTA Online OCs, but also making one OC have an FWB relationship with a canon character... 😏
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