#grand high jew elf king
drawkivi · 7 months
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yay fantasy south park sketch dump
big shout out to @ollisuu for inspiring me w their amazing sp fanart
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(og meme under cut)
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skenisasleb · 6 months
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Can you believe it guys? Just a week away! Snow Day is in a week! I’m so happy about this information.
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0-dear-rose-0 · 11 months
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stardust-sunset · 9 months
what is the most brutal high jew elf kyle would go if he were giant?? just out of curiosity because i’m tryna write a fic but i dunno how brutal to make him? like say it was the grand wizard who ended up growing him, like what’s the most brutal he would be?
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honeybumpkins · 2 years
They are running
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And here a version where everyone is labeled so you can identify them
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kylmany · 3 months
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High Jew Elf King and Grand wizard!!
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!!!!!!!Please read this part before you read this au!!!!!!!
As much as we welcome any one to read our au we do like to say that there will be some stuff that you may not like in aus so please if you don’t like something in the au just leave and don’t send hate because both of us are minors still
Tw this au will have:
-death in major characters
-characters who are shown for one scene and are killed off or never talked about again
-implied “scenes”
-oc x canon
The name changes:
-princess Kenny to princess Kelly
-paladin butters to paladin Leo
-high Jew elf king Kyle to high elf king kyro
-grand wizard king cartman to grandest wizard king Eric
The ships that are canon for this au:
Yentl x Eric
Stan x Wendy
Oc x oc
Craig x Tweek
The ships that are non canon for this au:
Kenny x butters
Damien x pip
Oc x canon
Implied ships:
Pip x Kenny(one sided)
Clyde x Kenny(one sided)
Damien x Kenny(one sided)
Any and all questions will be answered on a different blog which is not set yet
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chaoticsouthpark · 5 months
High jew elf king, do you like Stan Marshwalker(TSOT Stan)? And also, command all the elves to attack Grand wizard King Cartman!
High jew elf king:i like stan marshwalker as a friend but not as a boyfriend
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High jew elf king:but okay. Elves attack grand wizard king
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Grand wizard king:wait wha-
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grand wizard king:AAAAAAAAHHHHHH
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the-ourple-ouppy · 1 year
ky's stick of truth sona!!
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ok so my headcanon is that kyle absolutely INSISTED that ky joins in w/ all their roleplaying shit to help him make more friends or whatever, yknow? so ky puts an outfit together, but cannot for the life of them come up with a name or a backstory of any of that stuff. so kyle and cartman (kyle forced him to help) help ky with their character!!
eventually, after a LOT of fighting (mostly between cartman and ky) they settle on a story. ky's character is the grand wizard king's royal scientist (kyle's way of making them work together) who makes a bunch of weird potions and sciency shit like that. they're basically the grand wizards right hand man, and they are NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT. while they're playing, they say shit like, "i'm only in this job for the money" or whatever. basically imagine a REALLY PETTY servant who complains about having to help the grand wizard, but never actually leaves their job. (ky hardly admits it but they actually think cartman isn't TOO awful)
after they have the backstory, ky and kyle decide to let cartman come up with the name! and what does cartman decide, you ask? cartman decides on the name "crazy ginger scientist" and his excuse is that since kyle is "high jew elf king" they match or some corny bs like that.
also i am having WAY to much fun w/ this!! i'll prolly post ky's tfbw sona pretty soon!
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spiderrmax · 2 years
masterlist ✩
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all of my works in one place! last updated: 07/01
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main 4
love languages general dating headcanons s/o on their period soft moments group chat arachnophobic!reader
stan marsh
w/ a parental friend bf texts
kyle broflovski
my hand was the one you reached for — after proving your loyalty to the drow elvess, they ask you to return to the humans in order to spy for them. you agree, and the new distance has you yearning for the king; he's yearning for you too.
the end? — staying up half the night to finish a game with them (prompt 47 from 50 wordless ways to save i love you)
touch of your hand — holding their hands when they are shaking. (prompt 1 from 50 wordless ways to save i love you)
jealousy h/c high jew elf king!kyle & a human!s/o bf texts
eric cartman
for you (in the middle of the night) — running out in the middle of the night to get a food item they’re craving (prompt 35 from 50 wordless ways to save i love you)
w/ a plus-sized s/o grand wizard cartman & an elf!s/o
kenny mccormick
her lips on your neck (i can't unsee it) — kenny breaks the promise of loyalty you two share; you find him in the act
w/ a parental friend bf texts
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craigs gang
nothing yet!
craig tucker
asking reader out
tweek tweak
gen. headcanons asking reader out
jimmy valmer
w/ a parental friend
clyde donovan
w/ a parental friend
tolkien black
nothing yet
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the girls
wendy testaburger
w/ a parental friend gf texts
bebe stevens
heidi turner
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not all characters i write for are here. im just lazy
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alemonyoyo · 2 years
Reminders of the Princess <3
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The petals are supposed to be reminiscent of Princess Kenny! So implied K2 I suppose, since i hardly ever draw for that ship-
Also I reverted back to an old style of lighting, it feels weird to use it again!
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Finally, South Park art. I did it- I drew for South Park! You better like this, drawing in general has been really hard for me recently-
I tried some new things here. Rather than doing a full sketch of the drawing, I used brief guidelines and the last image (which normally would be my sketch) became my lineart. I think this made it look more fluid and dynamic, and less rigid and plain.
Art/General Rant- You don't have to read, I just need to get this out somehow-
Recently, I've been really, really unhappy with my art. I think if you've seen my posts often then it should be semi obvious. I don't exactly try to hid my distaste for it, though I know the whole world doesn't revolve around me, and it's not guaranteed that you've seen every self deprecating post about my art.
It's just very hard you know. I'm not all that old myself, but I'm definitely not young either, so nowadays, whenever I see people who I think have better art than I do, and they are younger than me, I can't help but just lose all motivation to ever continue. It's weird, because whenever the alternate happens, and I see gorgeous art created by people older than me, I only get more motivated to create and be like them. It's simple pettiness and feeling threatened that makes me feel the way I do about younger artists, and because of that, it's hard to feel fulfilled in my creations. Most of the time, I just block these artists. After all, it's better to stay out of conflict and jealousy, and blocking is the best way to do that. But some of these people are my friends who I have unfairly hinged a lot of my happiness on. And in turn, being around them in general, online or otherwise, makes me euphoric and both self hating all at once.
It's kinda for those reasons and more that I don't believe I have been truly happy as of recent. Like properly. If you asked me from 2 years ago how I felt, I'd say I was happy. Sure, I had *felt* sad but I wasn't *sad* overall. But now, ever since lockdown, this year at school, and everything mentioned above, this fact has flipped, and although I am capable of feeling happiness, it's in bursts shorter than what I need to keep going, and I've wanted to give up many times. Overall I'm sad my mood gets ruined, and drawing was once an outlet for whenever I felt this way, but for some reason my own expectations make me feel like it's no longer something for my frustrations, it's something I must be good at, but I'm not. I'm not good at it.
A broken record I might be, saying my art is bad. I'm sure it's annoying for the lovely people in my life who have told me otherwise, but from my perspective its all pitiable phrases said to ensure my esteem. I just can't believe it. And it feels worse hearing it weirdly enough. Which is so utterly stupid, and completely my fault for thinking that way.
A lot of this is due to my happiness hingeing on the many things which make me feel so bad, which makes my mood completely messed up and wild. Tumblr in itself is a big one for me. I am practically always on it if you've ever noticed, and the only time I'm not is when I'm asleep. It's one of the few things that gives me interaction, escapism and comfort. Yet it is also the source of a lot of my hatred, a teased negative passion, and jealousy. So I come on the sight, hoping to feel better, and only feel worse. So then I'll come back to the sight mere minutes later hoping to feel better.
And it's the same thing with many of my friends, who I talk till they're probably sick of me. I talk to them when I feel terrible, about whatever they want, but I always feel conscious that I talk about myself too much. And that and the factors above also contribute to this terrible feeling. I know in my heart they can't hate me, yet the lack of texting first and more convinces my heart otherwise. And so I have convinced myself that most people in general heat me for my overbearing nature and lack of development with my mental health, though I've tried to be better I don't know how.
I've tried to pursue things for better mental health, all things considered, I am one of the few people I know who has never reached out for proper help. Mostly because I have a brother who already does, and my family focuses on him and his problems more than me as I am the oldest, and although I communicate my struggles to them, they aren't really valued. And this lack of attention on that front makes me come on here and complain, yap my mouth like I'm doing right now to a vacant space. Make me hinge my happiness on people who have no idea I do so, and that every time their offline it makes me one inconvenience away from tears. I'm so weak now, I wish I could go back to pre-covid me.
Anyway back to art- I find no comfort in it, and its really hard to draw, especially for South Park. Recently, I've had a source of immense motivation for it (though, that will hopefully be revealed at a later date so stay tuned!) but drawing for it outside of that is quite difficult- I can't tell you what I hate about my art. I just do. I can't tell if it's the artstyle, the content, my technique and understanding, my posing etc. Which is why, if you have read this (insane- but I love you), please, just tell me what you hate about my art. It's really all I want to hear at this point, rather than people reassuring me my art is fine. Critique will help me get better after all- And it's easier to be harsh on people when online than it is to be nice (I'd know for sure heh) so go ahead. Please.
And thank you for reading,
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drabesacraben · 3 years
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Kyman Week 2021
Day 2 - The Stick of Truth
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catnip--corpse · 2 years
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Stick of truth redraw :D
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stardust-sunset · 9 months
Chapter 1: Beginning.
Tw: none
Reminder that this is my OC, I know it may be cringe but I really don’t give a shit.
Running. It’s used to that. I was in a constant state of paranoia. When would it come next? When would be the next time that my unhinged magic went off the rails? With magic like mine, one would always be in a constant state of fear. Who could blame me? No matter how I felt, it would always have a consequence.
I guess I should clarify, shouldn’t I?
My name is Bambi. Bambi Blair. Or, in other words, Bambi the Unhinged. I am a mage. More specifically, a Shekori. We were born like anyone else, except we had magic. Inherited from our parents. Most Shekori had normal magic. Pyrokenisis. Hydrokinesis. Telepathy. Stuff like that. Everyone had two powers; one from each parent. We would go to magic training to better manage our abilities. We were grouped together based by power. Elemental control was a espérate class. Any powers having to do with animals were grouped together. Illusionists and other mind altering powers were grouped together. We could all turn into our “100% Shekori form”, which would come once the Trials of the Mage” took place at the age of sixteen, which was nearing for me in a few mere months.
With hat out of the way, that sounds great, right? Life in the forest, magic, training…but it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Especially not for me. So what were my powers exactly?
Weather control and size manipulation. That in itself doesn’t sound too bad, right?
Wrong. My mother had been cursed from the day she fell pregnant with me. She had disrespected her parents’ wishes and married my father. As a punishment, her parents had sworn that her first child would be a beast. A beast beyond her control. And she was right.
The moment I was born, I had caused nothing but rain for weeks. Our crops died. Our rivers overflowed. Our soil grew muddy and impossible to even walk in. It only grew worse from there. Whenever I was mad, I would storm and cause wildfires. When I was too happy, I caused droughts. When I was scared, I caused winds so strong it nearly pulled trees up from the roots. It wasn’t just outside either. I would rain and storm inside too. Similarly, I couldn’t always control the size of myself, nor others around me. When I was mad, I would grow. When I was sad or scared, I would shrink. Gods forbid I were to touch something or someone in such a state. It had happened before. It didn’t end well.
It didn’t help that there were enemy tribes that surrounded us on all sides. Most didn’t like us Shekori. We were seen as cunning and deceptive. Even if that wasn’t true for the most part, it held true in some regards. Many years ago, we weren’t like this. We had a very strong bond with many creatures, primarily the Drow Elves of Zaron. But our king had grown greedy, and had snuck into their kingdom and stolen the Stick of Truth for themselves from the Elven Queen at that time, Queen Cleo. Ever since, we had been sworn enemies with them.
My tale had been told across the lands. Word had spread that a Wicked Witch had been born, and had been the cause of all the misfortune and distraction across lands. I didn’t go to magic school like the other kids. My mother, the weather mage, had tried to teach me. My father tried to teach me to control my size manipulation. I wa better at the latter, but I still had slip ups.
I knew I was unhinged. I knew I wasn’t the most loved mage But nothing. Nothing could prepare me for what would happen next…
Note: I know this is shitty, I write it on the bus at 6:30-but I hope you enjoy? I’m gonna make a separate blog for this series/my other OC fics. LMK if you guys are interested or have any questions about Bambi ^^
Lux out!
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not-siri · 3 years
Yo look how cool this is
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