#gramadach gan stro
finnlongman · 2 months
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My Irish teacher moved back to America, and before she left, she gave/lent me her old copy of Gramadach Gan Stró, because I was complaining that the university's copy is in library storage and not borrowable. So, in order to properly appreciate this gift, I must now use it.
I swear I've learned Irish grammar half a dozen times at this point, and the rules just don't stick in my head, but learning it through Irish is a new challenge -- a lot of the technical/linguistic terms are unfamiliar to me, because I learned most of my grammar as part of learning Old Irish, where the terminology tends to be in English (and distinctly old-fashioned). Hopefully, though, the very process of learning it through Irish will help, because my brain won't be constantly switching back to English. That's the aim, anyway...
Knowing that I have a poor memory and usually have to learn things a dozen times, there's no value in going too slowly through the book, as I'll never take everything in the first time round anyway -- but I'm still trying to take it nice and steadily, and to actually do the exercises, not just skim over them. So it'll take a fair while for me to work my way through the book.
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