#graedari pokemon
graedari · 2 years
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Hehe hoohoo. Ace Attorney Brainrot™️
Anyhow- the Gavin brother can be so special to me, I have an entire OneNote page dedicated to Pokémon teams for all the AA characters, Sebastian is my little guy, and I literally cry thinking about Mia every single day.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk- See you all next time. Imma head out
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graedari · 1 year
Will you draw buizel
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Ask and you shall receive a Buizel-boi 💕
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graedari · 1 year
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Got some new markers and decided to draw some Pokémon recommended to me by @radjerda!
If you have any Pokemon you'd like to see drawn in a vague marker-easy style shoot me an ask in my inbox, I'd love to take some requests!
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graedari · 1 year
Hi! could you draw a Flapple? please
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I never really looked at Flapple too closely before this drawing and I can confirm that they are shaped
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graedari · 2 years
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Back on my Pokémon bs? It’s more likely than you think. Am I super late to the mixed reception of Scarlet and Violet? Yes, but I also bought Violet on release.
So please accept my hc’s for my Florian and Juliana from my own head <3 They’re cousins, with Florian being Juliana’s upperclassman. Please let me know if you want to know more about them 🥺
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graedari · 1 year
Hello! could you draw a Seedot? please
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A little round friend!
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graedari · 1 year
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My inherent need to combine my current interest with Pokémon is always strong and I never overcome it.
Anyhow- keep an eye out for my new Tron Pokémon crossover✌️
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graedari · 1 year
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Hey- Hey- You- Do you have a moment to talk about Pokemon Tron crossover- Please- Please TALK TO ME ABOUT MY POKEMON TRON CROSSOVER
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graedari · 5 years
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‘uI’ve also become a big SWSH fan. So have some sketches of the Big Three as younger tournament challengers! 
[Image ID: A full page of digital sketches of  characters from the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. 
1. A drawing to the left of the page depicting Leon and Hop aged much younger; Leon is around 10 and Hop is presumably around 5-6. Leon is wearing the Galar League Challenger’s uniform as well as a denim coat with fur around the collar; it being the coat that Hop would wear in the main game. He wears his signature hat and his hair is much shorter. Hop is wearing a pair of baby blue overalls, a yellow long-sleeve shirt with a purple pattern on it and brown loafers; he is looking up at Leon with a smile. Leon holds hop in his arms, braced against his right hip. In purple text above them reads Leon’s dialogue, “You’re gonna watch all my matches. Right, Hopscotch?”
2. At the top middle of the page, a drawing of Piers, aged about 10. His hair is much shorter. He wears a black tee with a v-neck that has a bright blue design in the language used in Galar that reads, “DARK”. He wears his signature jacket and choker necklace. 
3. To the right of the page is a drawing of Marnie and Piers. Piers appears to be around 10 and Marnie around 5-6. Piers is wearing the Galar League’s Challenger’s uniform; he is leaning down to kiss Marnie’s forehead, a soft smile on his face, Marnie is wearing his jacket, which is far too large for her, a pink top, and her signature choker. A maroon text above Pier’s head reads his dialogue, “Behave yourself ‘til I’m back from my match.”
4. The bottom of the page has a drawing of Raihan, aged about 10-11. His hair is tied back in a top knot behind his orange beanie. He wears a navy tank top with a cross-hatch pattern and gold text that reads in the Galarian text, “DRAGON”. Over the tank top he wears his black hoodie. He also wears a necklace with a dragon’s tooth on it.
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graedari · 5 years
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I may or may not have re-read the entire RS (and ORAS) arc of the Pokemon manga recently and forgot how much I just *clenches fist* love Ruby. Have some sketches of him!
[Image ID:
Image 1: Two digital drawings of the Pokemon Adventures manga character Ruby on a white background. The first drawing is in the upper left corner of the page. Ruby is facing the viewer’s right, he is wearing his outfit from the Ruby and Sapphire arc; his hat off, tears streaming down his face. There is a harsh light from the viewer’s left, illuminating his back. A dark blue background is behind him, matching the deep blue shading done. 
The second drawing is to the right of the page and has Ruby facing the viewer in his ORAS outfit. He has a look of horror on his face while a silhouette of a Salamence looms behind him on a dark purple background. There is once again harsh lighting this time coming from the front of the image, illuminating parts of Ruby’s face. 
Image 2: A panel redraw from a scene in the Ruby and Sapphire arc of the Pokemon Adventures manga featuring Ruby and his father Norman. There is a deep blue background with harsh lighting coming from the viewer’s left; it is raining. Norman stands to the right of the frame, holding Ruby up by the collar of his jacket; he has an angered look on his face. Ruby is holding onto his father’s hand around his collar with his left hand; a pained expression on his face. 
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graedari · 5 years
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I really love Glimwood Tangle.
[Image ID: A digital drawing of the male playable character from the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. He is drawn in the location Glimwood Tangle. He is looking to the viewer’s left as he moves forwards to the right. There are various glow effects from the bioluminescent mushrooms and spores in the background. /End ID]
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graedari · 4 years
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Oh look. Grace is indulging in another AU. Oops
( @wroammin and @lavender-mochi this is still your fault)
Taglist Below:
@are-you-even--real @killjoy-3000 @wroammin @true-chaotic-dumbass @escalatingtoofast @themagicheartmailman @mirinda03 @underthesea73 @booklover223 @fueled-by-angst-and-rootbeer @ambrechandra @cemmy @anxiousnotaesthetic @snek-boii 
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graedari · 4 years
Alright. Alright. Because of beautiful, amazing, talented, and creative @wroammin and @lavender-mochi talking about Pokemon and Sides and Emma so graciously blessing me with her condolences to post my own HC for the Sides’ Pokemon Teams and stuff, that’s what ya’ll are getting
It’s very long. I am so sorry. This needs to go beneath a cut
Patton is a breeder in the world of Pokemon! He loves to travel and explore new places with his Pokemon! He often can be seen gifting Pokemon he’s hatched to new trainers and those who aren’t able to catch their own Pokemon. His team consists of:
Togepi, who is one of Patton’s first Pokemon he hatched! It’s baby
Riolu, which very much reminds him of another very stubborn and emo friend of his
Happiny, who likes to help Pat care for and hatch the eggs and baby Pokemon he has
Eevee, whom Patton enjoys snuggles with. He’s offered to let it evolve many times, but has noticed it’s happy just the way it is, and Patton would never force it to change
Drampa, Patton’s first Pokemon! Drampa enjoys watching after all of Pat’s baby Pokemon and it’s very favorite kiddo, Patton!
Houndoom, Patton’s devil’s advocate and best puppo! Houndoom helps keep eggs warm as well!
Logan is a field researcher who is traveling through the regions studying Pokemon and their affects on habitats that they may not have been originally native to (think regional variants like Alolan or Galarian forms). His team is:
Alakazam, Logan’s first Pokemon, an Abra he befriended as a child 
Meltan, one of his first species he researched in the field when they appeared in Kanto unexpectedly and accidentally found one in his bag when he had moved on. It’s just his now I guess.
Porygon 2, a present from a relative for his birthday one year, Logan was surprised to not receive a Porygon through trade, but a Porygon 2 as it was holding an Upgrade when it was traded to him!
Reuniclus, one of Logan’s assistance in his research, who is a little mischievous 
Tediursa, another friend Logan acquired during his travels, the Tediursa had a strong liking to the jam Logan had brought with him for a snack one day
Sylveon, a sibling of Patton’s Eevee, evolved after Logan had a strong bond and was very surprised to find a Slyveon rather than an Espeon or Umbreon (his Sylveon is also shiny! Pat gifted it to Logan as he had assumed it was a regional variant at the time. He was not correct)
Virgil kinda just is there going on his Pokemon journey. He’s from the Johto region though just cause I said so. Idk I just like the idea of him participating in the Bug Catching Contest in the National Park lol. His team consists of:
Ariados, Virgil’s first Pokemon, which was a Spinarak he caught outside of Cherrygrove (can you tell Grace has been replaying HGSS?)
Toxtricity (Low Amp Form), a gift from Patton as a Toxel, Virgil wasn’t entirely sure what to do with the big purple baby, but he loves this dude with all his heart and they jam out to Panic! and MCR
Haunter, a friend! Virgil found this dude in one of those places someone probably shouldnt be like a burnt down tower, but they vibed so it was all cool
Phantump, another ghost friend Virgil picked up. He was planning on taking it to Patton to take care of, but the little dude got attached to Virgil so now, as Patton put it, Virgil has graduated to dad status as well
Mimikyu, if you couldn’t tell there’s a theme of Virgil picking up ghost friends while just vibin in random abandoned places. He found Mimikyu while joining Logan on his trip to Alola to study Alolan forms of Pokemon
Absol, this gal just kept showing up right before Virgil was about to have a hard time with stuff (i.e. the time Virgil almost walked off a ledge, Virgil almost getting trampled by some Pokemon, etc. Y’know. Just Virgil having horrible luck). He ended up just catching he darn thing so it didn’t have to follow him to keep tabs on this poor unlucky child
Roman is a contest star in the Sinnoh and Hoenn region (mostly Sinnoh though as he more specializes in their form of contests even though the twins are from Hoenn). He loves to pamper and dote on his Pokemon as well as compete along side them in the contests. (I’m working with contests as sorta a hybrid between the games and the anime and idk if that will make to anyone but me lol). His team consists of:
Swablu, big fluffy cloud that is also tiny blue bird that will sing with him. It’s part of his whole “Prince” image he built up
Milotic, one of his star Pokemon as it was one of the first to win Master Rank. Roman raised it from a Feebas he befriended when he and Remus were kids. Remus loves it too <3
Gardevoir, Roman’s first Pokemon and  one of his aces when competing in Hoenn contests as he does own a mega stone and Gardevoite to Mega Evolve it! Roman caught it as a Ralts when he and Remus were kids
Gallade, trained from a Ralts by Remus, the Gallade showed that it wanted to compete in contests rather than compete in battles, so the two traded Pokemon. Roman will usually enter doubles contests in Hoenn with Gallde by his Gardevoir as he also holds a Galladite to Mega Evolve it as well (depends on the routine which he will mega evolve)
Jigglypuff, an Igglybuff gifted to him by Patton, a drama queen raised by Roman, often sings and helps Roman commentate his contest routines
Zamazenta, a good doggo Roman befriended when he accompanied Logan to Galar for his researched. While he was investigating the Galarian Wheezing of Slumbering Weald, the twins may have snuck off to a secret altar on accident and may have accidentally become the spiritual successors to the Princes of Galar but that’s uhhhh... There I guess
Remus is a trainer bound determined on getting every single gym badge (and Grand Trial Stamps) . What is he doing with them? They don’t know. He won’t challenge the leagues after. His team is:
Zigzagoon (Galarian form), a very energetic doggo which slight kleptomaniac tendencies
Grimmsnarl, Remus’ 2nd strongest Pokemon, it’s carried him through many a battles (it also carries the G-Max trait and can Gigantamax)
Applin, nicknamed “Princey” after his brother. The Applin has an affinity for sweet things
Applin, nicknamed “Dukey” after himself, this Applin was the Pokemon Roman traded for Remus’ Gallade. Roman had managed to find a Shiny Applin while out with Logan and was told how rare that was. He wanted to give Remus something of great value for taking on the care of such and important Pokemon to Remus (as the Ralts had been Remus’ first Pokemon). This Pokemon has an affinity for sour and tart things
Malamar, a Pokemon of their family that took a liking to competing in battles. It had been a gift to Remus after he completed his first set of badges
Zacian, Remus made his own doggo friend when they went wandering in the Slumbering Weald
A Top Ranger from the Almia region who is currently traveling regions to check in with those who don’t have regular Area or Top Rangers. He has a set Pokemon team, but isn’t allowed to use them while on his job, but does use his Arbok as his Partner Pokemon. His recreational team includes:
Arbok, his trusty Partner Pokemon. The Golden Snake is a well known face in the Almia and Fiore regions (yes it’s a shiny. Fight me. It’s too perfect)
Ditto, a Pokemon he picked up because he was intrigued by the very nature of such a Pokemon and hadn’t ever come across one as they aren’t native to Almia
Zoroark, a Pokemon he had befriended during a job in Unova that involved checking in one the Lostlorn Forest
Hypno, a Pokemon causing trouble that he relocated, but it was stubborn and continued causing problems, so Janus caught it and is now rehabilitating it
Shedinja, a Pokemon that had accidentally been left behind when a trainer hadn’t realized it didn’t have a Pokeball to reclaim it once their Nincada had evolved. Janus took it in and kept it as part of his team
Kecleon, little fucker kept eating his capture disc so he threw a Pokeball at it 
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graedari · 4 years
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Sanders Sides as Pokemon Trainers? Combine two of my biggest Hyperfixations? Well... If you insist... 
Meet the Prince of Contests: Roman and his team!
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graedari · 4 years
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But really, I’m so so happy to create for all of you to enjoy and I’m more than excited to talk to you all as well! Please don’t hesitate to come drop by my ask box or shoot me a message!! (unfortunately this blog is a side-blog and I alas cannot actually reply to ya’lls’ comments you leave on my art without using my main blog). 
I just really want to give a special thanks to all of you who have left such nice words on my art anytime I’ve posted. It means the world to hear something I created may have left a smile on your face or could be the very same idea you may have had yourself. 
Anyhow, this is my post saying, “Hello! This is me!! We’re legally friends now. You can come talk to me!” 
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graedari · 4 years
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Good Omens and Pokemon, I have no further explanation. Thank you. 
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