#gracious o callahan
In maleficent seven
Gracious :you need people of intelligence on this mission, quest, thing
Sacacen : that rules you out then
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skultrashfics · 4 years
Heyy!! Could you do something fluffy with gracious o’callahan x reader, maybe a movie night marathon or going to a convention?? Tysm! 🧡🧡
Aaaaah good ol’ Gracious. I’m so NOT funny so please forgive me trying to write that way XD But Imma try! Such a Lil cutie though, enjoy Anon! 
Pairing: Gracious O’Callahan x Reader Word Count: 958 Themes: Nerdiness, Movie Date, Fluff 
The church was gradually starting to brighten as the sun lifted into the sky, it was a cool morning and so silent that you could hear the drips of morning dew echo around the hall. You took a deep breath and smiled, it was always best to tour monuments like this before it opened to the public. Even if that meant breaking in. As you walked around gazing at the beauty of the stone carvings you hummed softly, the acoustics of the hall were perfect and you glanced around quickly to make sure nobody was around. Reassured that you would not be caught, you began to sing May it be from The Lord of the Rings soundtrack. 
You had practised the lyrics so you even knew the elvish parts perfectly. Your voice rang out through the chamber clear as a bell while you sang, it sounded almost hypnotisingly beautiful. Gliding across the floor you sang toward the beautifully ornate stained-glass figures on the windows as well as those that rested in their tombs. The echo of your voice gave it a mystical sound and it made you smile being able to just relax and sing to yourself while the sun rose. The song came to a close and an abrupt noise suddenly disturbed the peace, you turned around dazed to find two men standing there and clapping. You blushed furiously and made to run but you realised they were blocking the only way out of that room, “A-Am I in trouble?”, you mumbled shyly. The shorter one laughed and glanced toward his taller friend, “I’d say we don’t tell anyone. Since she seems so nice”. “Yes and we don’t want anyone to see us either. Otherwise we may get arrested. Again”. They both nodded simultaneously and you raised an eyebrow, “Arrested? So you- you don’t work here?”. They then both shook their heads in unison, “Nope. We broke in because we heard your singing and thought you might look as beautiful as you sounded. And you do. Considering how much I love that song, I must be in love with you too. Let’s get married”. The taller friend spluttered with laughter, elbowing the other in the ribs, “Gracious you can’t just ask a stranger to marry you. She probably wants to run away now”. The man called Gracious seemed upset by this and looked at you once more, “Do you really want to run away? Darn, I must have come on too strong”. As you watched them banter back and forth you couldn’t help bursting out into laughter. Gracious grinned and gestured toward you, “There see that Donegan? She thinks I’m funny. We are hitting it off already”. Donegan sighed, “Or she is just laughing at how ridiculous you are”. You stood up straight after calming down from your laughter, “Maybe we should leave? Since this place is opening soon?”. Gracious approached you relieved that you seemed friendly, “Let’s leave together then… maybe we could catch a movie? Or go out for breakfast?”. Donegan frowned softly, “Are you ditching me for a date?”. Gracious simply shrugged as though it were obvious. You giggled again and started to walk toward the exit, “I think that sounds lovely…”. Gracious gave Donegan a cheeky grin before following you, Donegan only rolled his eyes in response, “I can’t believe that worked”. 
After walking and talking with Gracious and Donegan in the early morning you had come to discover that they had been searching for a strange creature that often dwells around churchyards. Which is how they came to find you singing all alone in the church. So they were the monster hunters that wrote those unusual books, you had thought to yourself. They were both extremely delighted that you had read their work and even more so when you told them that it was on the school curriculum in Roarhaven. Donegan eventually went home claiming he was tired, but it was more out of courtesy for you since technically you were on a date with Gracious. You had decided to get a Wetherspoons breakfast as it was convenient and not too expensive, plus it was the perfect place to get a pint at 10 in the morning without being judged. It turned out you had a lot in common, both of you were raving about how excited you were to watch Marvel’s newest release in the cinema. “That’s what we should do then. After breakfast let’s go and see it”, you beamed excitedly. Gracious seemed just as keen as you and nodded in agreement, “That sounds like a perfect plan!”. As your large full English breakfasts arrived both of your eyes lit up with a delighted hunger. The only thing you left on your plate was the mushroom and Gracious left his tomato. You smiled at him, “Your tomato for my mushroom?”. He laughed swapping your plates.“I thought you would never ask”.
You came out of the cinema sniffling as you recovered from the end of the film, Gracious handed you another tissue and you took it to dry your eyes and blow your nose. “Thank you. You must think I’m so silly for crying at that film. And I’m a mess”, you whined worried that you had not made a good first impression. Gracious smiled at you sweetly, “Hey I still think you look beautiful. And between you and me, I cried in the cinema- but it was dark so nobody saw me”. You laughed again as he took your free hand in his and you walked down the high street together. “So what should we do now?”, you asked curiously. He leaned over and kissed your cheek, “Who knows? Sometime adventure just runs right out in front of you”.
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sp-fanclub · 3 years
Another thought. If the Monster Hunters knew about Pokemon, would they be the type who check stats for the best team, or would they just choose the ones they think are cool?
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adler-obsessed · 5 years
Helloo!! If you haven’t already, could you please do a Gracious O’Callahan inspired mood board? He is one (1) best boi, thank you!! Xx
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Gracious O’ Callahan - my best soft boi (fight me)
Okay wow so my tumblr queue is a meanie and didn’t post this A MONTH AGO and I’m so sorry it took so long but be prepared I’m doing some monsters hunter vines to make up for it ;) xx
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sp-fanclub · 3 years
Do the Monster Hunters know about Pokémon tho. Do they know about Pokémon? When Fletcher joined did he tell them about Pokémon? Am I forgetting something?
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