#grace lavellan
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bishicat · 7 months ago
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I think he actually really wanted to go :(
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fenharel-babe · 2 months ago
It really messes me up inside when I think about how no one has forgave Solas like Lavellan/Whoever-Romanced-Solas did.
He says he’s a monster, he lied and betrayed them, yet the first thing they say is that they FORGIVE HIM.
I wonder if he ever felt such grace like that. Even when Mythal sets him free (I will NOT say she apologized), I don’t think it feels the same as when his Vhenan does.
They love him, the way a lover would and not an abuser who’s using him. They love him….and it hits him deep whenever they get into the Fade together.
They’re finally together and it’s so overwhelming. He still can’t believe they offered him grace. I can see him falling to his knees from pain physically but also pain emotionally and mentally. Man has gone through whiplash and is so…tired but so in love. He hugs his Vhenan around the waist, laying his head against their stomach, and cries.
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soyavii · 9 months ago
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my DA characters as Grace’s traits cus the colours suit them and i love both games
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+ sketch of Grace as a DA-Bard
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lelianasbong · 1 year ago
do you ever think about the fact that sera's adoptive human mother convinced her AS A CHILD that a total stranger hated her because of her race - to protect the woman's own pride, mind you!! it wasn't even true!! racist AND self-absorbed!!!! (which tbqh the venn diagram is a circle) - and the ramifications of sera cutting herself off as soon as she starts to say, "i hated her, and i hated- (myself)" and how ungenerously the fandom interprets her pain and makes it all about their picture perfect elf oc. because i do.
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kmackatie · 2 months ago
I wrote this as a little continuation of the second chat Rook has with the Inquisitor, a moment where they expand on their lives. It probably won't end up in a fic anywhere, so I'm sharing here.
I was musing over what Kari's life might have been in the ten years since the end of Trespasser, what she might have gone through, and this fell out pretty much as a formed idea and I had to write it down.
Featuring my Inquisitor Kari Lavellan.
“I have a child. A daughter. She’s three years old and takes after her father.” Kari smiles, fond and sad at the same time. She feels torn in so many directions, and responsible for so much. “Her laughter is the most precious sound I have ever heard. I didn’t truly understand what it was like, until we had her. I will do anything to protect her future and give her the life she deserves. That all children deserve.” "Oh." Kari sees Rook sit back and reassess. She wonders how much he knows, how many of the details of her life after the Inquisition made it up to Tevinter and Arlathan. The broad strokes, maybe, but the news of Inquisitor Lavellan and Commander Cullen welcoming a half-elf child? That might have slipped by. The arrival of Grace had been a surprise to Cullen and her both, terrifying and joyous and a catalyst for change. Grace Lavellan-Rutherford. Already trailing after Cullen and attempting to copy his sword work. She's going to be trouble. She misses them both fiercely, but it is necessary. She will see Cullen soon, at least, and Grace is as safe in Skyhold with Mia, Cassandra, and Tarelen. As safe as she can be, considering the state of southern Thedas and the trials they will all face far too soon. "I didn't know. I—we'll stop them." "Not exactly hot gossip outside of Ferelden and Orlais," Kari quips lightly, smiling more genuinely this time. "And we will. Varric has always been a good judge of character and I doubt he was wrong on you."
The few pieces of info I have worked out here is that Grace was not expected—neither Kari nor Cullen really though they would be blessed with one, but when they found out, they were 100% in and committed. Garce is so, so loved. She has Cullen wrapped around her little finger and nothing brings Kari more joy than seeing the two of them together. She will eventually be a mage, a little terror with too much power, but she will know how to swing a sword too. The best of both her parents.
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maabelasdaruth · 25 days ago
Amelin's tactics during games of Wicked Grace are psychological warfare, she's come to win and every game is a battle in a much larger war, especially when Solas is involved.
One of the best fights was the time she's able to clear the table and one of the first times she gets an upper hand on Solas. On a particular good hand, she brings up how Sera's function as Red Jenny is kind of like the Dread Wolf's rebellion in how they both fight against power for the people. This is one of their larger games with Sera, Solas, Varric, Dorian, and Bull. Both of Sera and Solas hate this comparison for different reasons. Sera's going off on Amelin for being too elfy meanwhile Solas is sitting there fuming with his injured pride in the comparison to Sera! Sera! Of all people! It's even worse because after both of them protest for a while, Amelin just smiles says, "you hate that I'm right" and raises. She keeps doing this as the others drop out and eventually Amelin's sitting there very smug over a big pile of gold and both Solas' and Sera's shirts.
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hellomehlo · 5 months ago
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Varric’s surefire breakup cure coming in clutch 🙏
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meandragonagechats · 1 year ago
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shivunin · 2 years ago
What do each of your ocs find most attractive in potential partners? (Asking for totally not self invested reasons no not at all) What about potential friends?
Oooh *rubs hands together* buckle up cus this ran long! And thanks for asking c:
Movement and texture. I think it took her a very long time to identify when she is feeling attracted to someone in general, but Wen likes to watch the way people move. It's not about grace, per se, but skill. So---someone who is skilled at what they're doing physically, whether it's dueling with daggers, swinging a staff, or wringing out the laundry efficiently (yes, really), she is into that. Physically, she's (frankly) a little face-blind, so she doesn't really have particular features or body types that she's into. Also, she's a very tactile person, so anyone with exceptionally soft hair or skin, callused hands, hairy arms, and so on---she'd be into that, too.
As for friendships, I think she values people have a unique and specific view of the world. It's part of why Alistair and Morrigan wind up being her closest friends of all of their little group. Wen respects conviction, even if those convictions are contradictory. I think she's probably best balanced by someone with a plan, but tbh she abhors standing around and talking things through. Someone who can think on their feet and act quickly is ideal, and preferably someone who doesn't try to take care of her too overtly.
(Also, people who are nice to animals. The quickest way to her heart is to compliment Princess, her giant spider/pride and joy. She can't be friends with anyone who is mean about her animals)
A sense of humor tops the list for both. If she can't laugh with someone, they won't fit as a friend or a lover; that isn't negotiable. Physically, she finds strong or distinctive features the most intriguing regardless of gender. She also has a thing for hands and forearms (people who have veins visible on either are like. that's her kryptonite. the meme of the girl side-eyeing a guy's pecs, but it's just someone's hand resting on their thigh and the tracery of veins is visible beneath their skin). Ah, and people who are taller than her, but that's...a low bar to clear.
I also think---and I know this doesn't necessarily reflect well on her---that Maria is drawn to people who need her, even if it's just a little. She has a deep-seated need to help people, she likes to feel like she is useful and necessary, and all of her closest friends need help in some way. It's not that she wants them to be indebted to her. She'd be horrified by the thought. Friendship, for her, is being able to act on someone's behalf and trust that if she is in the same situation that they'd do something about her pain in return (if that makes sense).
Elowen is attracted to competence over and above everything else. Anyone who knows what they are doing is her type. Beyond that, she is generally aesthetically attracted to masc people and fighters, but she's been with people who don't firmly fit into either category. Weak spot for pretty eyes.
For friendship, she needs someone who will actually listen to her. She struggles with not feeling heard/not feeling like what she says matters, so someone who will try to understand her is really important. Also---and this is going to sound basic---someone who is kind. I think she would have trouble being vulnerable with someone who isn't overtly kind (which is why she is friends with Josie and not Leliana, for example, even though she respects Leliana greatly). She also finds it easiest to relate to other Dalish elves, because she dedicated so much of her life to being the ideal Second, but that's not a necessity especially once she settles into the Inquisition.
Emma doesn't really feel attracted to people until she knows them pretty well, but she is generally into people who can keep up with her mind. Someone who is really passionate about something and dedicated to studying/understanding it would catch her eye. Also people who are well-travelled (she has a huuuuge crush on Lace for this very reason). I wouldn't say she has a "type" beyond that because most people just don't register as romantic/sexual partners to her.
Honestly, in a friendship it's going to be mostly the same things. I can't think of anything that differs greatly here, except that she is the kind of person who doesn't like parties at all but does like sitting in a crowd of her friends, quietly and companionably sipping a cider.
Salshira doesn't have a type because she's in love with the world. She finds an extremely broad category of physical traits attractive, and that category shifts depending on where she is and what mood she's in. She finds it more difficult to see someone as a potential sexual partner once she knows them well, with very few exceptions, and she almost never dates or sleeps with other Dalish elves. Other than that, she is marginally more attracted to women than men and more attracted to tall/muscular women in general, and she has a bit of a thing for Qunari women (it's the horns) but...again, it's pretty situational for her. Sex is very recreational for her and romance is an entirely different (complicated, painful) story.
As far as friends go, she likes people who can tell a good story, people who will laugh with her, and people who won't push her too hard for personal information. She doesn't trust easily; she's the poster child of "deflect and joke and nobody will notice you haven't said a word about how you are." She's here for a good time, not a long time (or so she says, at least; the way she hangs onto the friends she does have proves that this is a lie). Salshira could get along with just about everyone, so long as they aren't trying to help her or pry into her feelings.
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topaz-carbuncle · 2 months ago
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I don't tend to showcase my mods on here often, but I'm in love with the one I made for Rook:
Tarot Lavellan Vallaslin and Body Tattoos
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ndostairlyrium · 2 years ago
Ankh: I'll bury you (affectionate)
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grapecaseschoices · 6 months ago
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soriel. what do your elf eyes see?
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hawkepockets · 8 months ago
on a second DA:I playthrough i’m noticing so much more foreshadowing in companion/advisor dialogue of how cadash/adaar/lavellan/travelyan as a person HAS to be obliterated by the inquisition as a political, religious, and narrative force and the title of inquisitor.
mother giselle tells you from the beginning it doesn’t matter what you believe about being/not being the herald; you are an icon to the common people and the chantry.
josephine tells you after the truth about “andraste”/justinia is revealed in the fade—it doesn’t matter what you saw or felt, only what is remembered collectively.
dorian tells you if you ask to go with him to tevinter—you can never undo being the inquisitor, and would take away his agency just by being there.
varric tells you in haven that you’re a tragic hero, and asks at the wicked grace game if there is still a “you” separate from the inquisitor.
solas tells you in skyhold, if you tell him you intend to disband the inquisition, that the power you’ve amassed can’t be destroyed, and will only pass to less worthy hands if you relinquish it.
and all of that is just off the top of my head and comes up before ameridan’s name is ever mentioned.
and it’s all been said before but like! fuck! truth is the game was rigged from the start! you’ve been COOKED, inquisitor! YOU CAN NEVER GO HOME! it’s so fucking good
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lost-in-thedas · 2 years ago
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Those bonding moments make me so happy !
Seeing Athrahel smiling like this warm my heart 🥺
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emmg · 6 months ago
I want Solas to go full "tragic, emotionally unavailable, disappointed stepfather who’s constantly on the verge of tears" on Rook.
Like, this man is done. He’s stuck in the Fade, possibly forever, with the person who singlehandedly derailed his ancient, meticulously planned ritual. Now, instead of pulling the god-killing lever himself, he’s got Rook, who can't even pull their shoes on without falling over.
Might as well adopt them, right? Since this is his life now.
But here’s the twist: every interaction is just Solas trauma dumping like it’s his new favorite hobby.
It’s like the entire journey is just Solas remembering how much better Lavellan was at literally everything, and Rook being forced to listen to the most tragic, histrionic commentary ever while bumbling through the apocalypse.
Rook: "So... I found this artifact we need to stop the gods—"
Solas: deep, world-weary sigh “Ah, yes, that artifact. Ellana once pulled one just like it... from a pile of bear dung. She didn't even flinch. She was so graceful, so brave. You... well, you’re holding it upside down. I... suppose that’s a start.”
Every step of the journey, Solas is spiraling deeper into a well of despair that Rook accidentally dug.
Rook: trips over nothing
Solas: eyes glistening with the weight of a thousand broken dreams "Ellana never tripped. She glided across the ground as if Mythal herself carried her. You... you fall like the world is conspiring against you. Perhaps it is."
And then there’s the constant emotional whiplash of him being both disappointed and overly dramatic, as if Rook is physically siphoning his will to live.
Rook: "So we need this rune to—"
Solas: "Ellana carved runes like they were extensions of her very soul. She would have whispered the words to the stones themselves, and they would have sung in response. But you... yes, go ahead. Scribble on the ground like a child with a crayon. I’m sure the Fade will be very impressed."
He’s so wrecked that it’s painful to watch, and yet... he’s the one who dumped her. Solas is out here, pouring his heart out about Ellana like he didn’t personally decide to break up with her to pursue his ancient, god-killing, megalomaniacal goals. It’s like watching a Shakespearean tragedy unfold, but the tragedy is just… him.
Rook: "So... do we take this path or the other—"
Solas: staring longingly into the void "Ellana would have known. Instinctively. She always knew which path to take. But you... sigh... you stand there, confused, as if the very concept of a 'left turn' is foreign to you. How... fitting."
Rook: "It’s literally just a left or right choice—"
Solas: voice cracking "Ellana would have chosen left. She would have led us... together. But no. Now I must follow you. Into the unknown. Alone. Forever."
He’s not even trying to hide the fact that he’s emotionally wrecked. Every single time he mentions Lavellan, it’s like watching someone recite their own tragic poetry at an open mic night—except the mic is the only thing keeping him from sobbing.
Rook: “So we just need to—”
Solas: cutting them off “Ellana once saved an entire village using only her wit and a single lockpick. And now, here we are. Together. Alone. In the Fade. It’s fine. I’m... fine.”
Rook: quietly “Are you though?”
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veilishvixen · 7 months ago
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I don’t understand why so many people hate Lavellan (specifically mage Lavellan) being associated with the stag instead of something ostentatious that has claws and fangs.
Stags are known mythological symbols of power, spiritual journeying, wisdom, and intuition; they are the heralds of winter. The stag’s antlers grow ever longer as it outwits the hunter year after year. It listens to it’s instincts and heeds nature’s lessons wisely; there is no need for pride.
The lion may be king, but it would be mere bones if there were no gentle things for it to prey on. The stag is a beloved figure of the forest; what gives us life and forces us to remember our honor even at our bloodiest. It is the grace amidst the violence; the dream of a better tomorrow…a purity the world may never deserve.
I think too many people mistake her tarot for a trembling fawn. Look at the antlers on that creature…it has lived a long, long life and still treads with the utmost care. It is no wonder Solas became such a besotted fool so quickly. There is no arrogance to be found here, only years of temperance and wisdom. Put some respect on my girl’s name.
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