#gotta… draw dem….
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catzgam3rz · 2 months ago
Minecraft please never stop adding variants to farm mobs I love it I love you
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thereaderinsertlady · 9 months ago
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I love my sweet boys that I made up completely in my head
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swampstew · 1 year ago
I've caught up on my sleep debt!!
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Hoping to maintain a reasonable sleep schedule instead of going to bed at 4am and waking up at 9 every morning with fat naps in between. Don't ask me why I'm like this, I haven't figured it out after nearly 3 decades. A bitch just loves dreaming.
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cariciapadre · 2 years ago
maybe sergeant graham cud date caricias AND padre .,,, he looks like he could use two boyfriends
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djadecutie · 8 months ago
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perfect shirt
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He won him a stuffed horsey
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tinydefector · 7 months ago
Lazing Lagoons
Merformers AU
Jazz x reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: None, Absolute fluff.
Jazz masterlist
Full masterlist
Ask are open, please make,e sure to check my full masterlist and read my rules.
There will most likely be a part 2 to this
a human stands off to the side of the large outdoor rescue lagoon taking water samples, swirling them in little jars as they write down notes. They slowly step into the water in the shallow end taking coral samples and checking the few Rays which swim closer wanting a treat. The loud sound of water splashing has them tensing up "Don't even think about it!" They call over their shoulder.
A large webbed hand stops mid grab for fish in the bucket on the ledge of the pool.
The large silver and grey Mer surfaces, bright opal like optics flicker to the human as the Mer flashes a grins impishly, razor sharp denta flickering in the low light of the overhang. He swishes his long shimmering tail through the water as he drifts closer to the human who stands there looking mildly unimpressed. "Aww c'mon! Can't blame a mer for tryin'!" He calls back to them, energetically splashing tiny waves at their back.
Surfing nimbly through the shallows, Jazz zooms closer to observe their work on the coral, chin perched casually on crossed arms as he peers over the large reef bed, resting against it while he watches them with the tiny samples. "Whatcha got dere? Find any pretty shells? Ooh lookit dat lil crab!" His gaze darts around watching the crustacean quickly disappear before it becomes a meal.
A sudden flash of movement draws his attention a small silvery fish darting past. Jazz lunges with a playful growl, coming up empty handed as his prey slips through his fingers. Popping back to the surface, he beams unrepentantly at the human's stern glare.
"Aw don't lookit me like dat! Mers gotta eat, ya know!" Jazz swears with a wink and finger gun, before slipping silently back under the water to resume his hunt. In truth he wasn't that hungry but whenever he snuck into the lagoon he took his opportunity to try and snag a fish or two before getting scrolled.
They roll their eyes as a smile falls onto their lips. "You know the carnal isn't there for you to come in here you know, it's so the reef sharks have access to the ocean, and doing ocean releases." They state as they slowly move back to the bucket. Jazz waves a dismissive clawed hand, tails lazily keeping him afloat. "Psh, dem sharks ain't never around." fins flared and pearly teeth flashing. The human huffs out a reluctant chuckle, knowing full well he's the reason for the reef sharks' absence. “Uh huh, Sure you're not just spooking them to steal their fish?” They shoot back, refocusing on labelling samples, but can't help shooting sly glances at the spirited mer.
Jazz notes their amused smiles and beams, pleased as always to coax more positives from the typically stoic human. He swims lazily nearer, laying chin atop dripping arms as big opalescent optics peer owlishly up at them as the work. "Ya know, if yer ever feelin' adventurous enough for a swim with lil ol' me, Betcha ain't never seen the ocean reef like we merfolk do!" The offer, as always, hangs temptingly in the air.
They grab the bucket of fish and begin emptying it into the water, the small fish dart off in different directions into the reef, it makes Jazz's fins flare as his optics narrow as if on the hunt. "Don't eat them, they aren't for you!" They shoot back at him when he begins eyeing some of the colourful mix of reef fish, they splash water at him which earns a loud whine of a thrill from him.
"Awww c'mon, one lil fishy ain't gonna hurt nobody! But you're right, you're right..." he concedes with a sigh. Drifting back closer to the human who continues To watch him to make sure he didn't try and eat the fish meant for the reef.
"You know I swear I'm the only human who has issues with mer trying to get into pools, I swear if I ever told anyone about you they'd want to study why you're so interested in getting in here, bet Seaworld would pay me good money for you as an exhibit" they state in a huff, it was all talk, they would never do that, Jazz was a rather sweet mer, had surprise and scared the crap out of them the first time he ever showed up wanting to steal fish. It had shocked them even more when he had spoken to them.
Jazz at least has the good grace to look abashed at the chiding, schooling his handsome features into an expression of utmost innocence. Flashing a roguish grin, he swims lazy circles around the human, listening with keen interest as they speak. At the mention of study and dissection, his bioluminescent markings flare in alarm.
"Oh no no, we don't be wanting any a' dat study nonsense! Merfolk got our secrets ya know." He waggles his optic ridges. Boldly, he loops an arm around slim waist, drawing them close as a small collection of thrills and clicks leave him.
"How 'bout you just keep ol' Jazz your little secret, hmm? Then we can have all kinda fun exploring together without no pokin' and probin'." He rumbles softly, staring up at them with such optics that shimmer in blues, Greens and purples, it really did give the illusion of Opal in some ways.
After a moment, the human sighs, they flick him softly and turn away from him to put the bucket up. "So what can I do for you, and why are you in the lagoon? Did you drag yourself across the walkway to get in here?, did anyone see you?" They ask with arms crossed.Jazz rubs his forehead ruefully where the human flicked him, grin turning sheepish. Clearly his antics have piqued their curiosity or worry.
He swims a lazy loop in the water, gleaming dorsal fin cutting elegant lines through the water. "Well ya see, I MAY have spotted ya workin' over here and got a lil curious is all." He winks roguishly. "As for why I be here specifically..." Jazz casts a finned hand grandly about the enclosure. "Let's just say a certain lil reef shark was gettin' a bit big for his fins and I decided to, eh, relocate him elsewhere for awhile. No harm done!"
He flashes them a cheeky smile. "An' drag myself across the walkway? Psh, please. With these babies?" Jazz flares his tailfin proudly, fins flowing with iridescent light. "I'd put Aquaman himself to shame! Naw, I just slipped myself on through the current gates when the tide was changin'."
They glare at him " Jazz if you have broken the ocean grate down there in not going to be happy" they state while staring him down. Jazz holds his webbed claws up defensively, fins fluttering in placation. "Now, now, no need to be gettin' all ornery! I wouldn't do nothin' to compromise the barrier, I promise, I have claws i pudit back in place."
He flashes them a pleading look, big opal eyes widening in a manner he knows is hard to resist almost like cat eyes. Circling closer, Jazz gently grasps their wrist, feeling their pulse pound rapidly against his palm. He rumbles low in his chest. "All I wanna do is spend some time with ya."
Gingerly, Jazz lifts their hand to his faceplates, nuzzling gently against their fingers as his biolights dance an invitation. "Whaddya say? Slip in wit me, just for a lil while." Jazz gazes at them pleadingly, hoping his charm can sway them. They let out a sigh as they walk deeper into water. The lagoons were too shallow for a mer his size to be in there too long but he could still swim rather well throughout the lagoons Of the rescue facility.
Jazz's face lights up with unrestrained delight as they move deeper into the water so he didn't have to rest against the bank, willingly engaging with him. With chirps and whistles, he zips energetically around the shallow pool, fins splaying gracefully to manoeuvre his bulk through the tight space.
Jazz makes the most of it, launching up to momentarily breach the surface before slipping smoothly back beneath in a shimmer of chrome and azure. He circles ever closer to the human, radiating calm invitation. "Ain't this fun? Don't gotta go too deep ta enjoy the splash, eh?" Jazz grins, His optics practically glow with joy to have their focused attention.
"You're a pest you know" they state with a barely kept smile. As he slowly drifts closer.
Jazz merely chuckles softly at their halfhearted insult, spark soaring to see the smile they try to conceal. "Aw, but yer smilin' so I must be doin' somethin' right.” They nearly yelp as Jazz pulls them into the water only to land against his chest laying across it as the mer floats peacefully in the pool.
His grin flashes his sharp teeth up at their surprise face as strong arms encircle their waist, drawing them fluidly into the water. Jazz makes sure to keep their head above the surface, securing them safely against his broad frame.
"Oops, lil accident there!" He trills innocently, though his optics glitter with delight. Jazz gently cradles their back, letting them adjust to the cool embrace of the water. "See? Nothin' to worry about with lil ol' Jazz around." He rumbles soothingly, running webbed fingers in slow circles across tense muscles until he feels them begin to relax.
Floating was as easy as breathing for him, he held the human close yet loose, waiting patiently for panic or anger. They let out a grumbled sigh as they relaxed against his frame. One hand hangs over his shoulders in the water as they lay their head up on his shoulder as they both just exist. Floating in the pool as Ray's and fish swim around the lagoon.
In truth they did enjoy his visits, but they fretted over him getting caught by others. They doubted anyone at the refugee would say anything but they didn't want to risk him getting caught, money could make people do alot of things and they didn't want to risk Jazz's safety or his pod.
Jazz's whole frame practically vibrates with subdued joy to feel them sinking into his embrace. One hand rises from the water to gently cradle their back, holding them securely as his claws trail soothing patterns across their back. He nuzzles their head fondly, inhaling the soft scent as his optics close briefly in contentment. Floating here in peaceful stillness.
They cuddle into him. "Do you want me to come swimming with you tonight?" They softly inquire. When they speak, murmuring that tender question, Jazz's spark practically swells until he fears it may burst from his chest. Slowly opening his optics, he peers down at them with such caring and gratitude, it's plain for all to see how deeply he cared for this human and how much they meant to him.
"Ah would be the happiest mer in all the sea if ya did," Jazz rumbles softly, servo coming up to gently cradle their cheek. Leaning in, he presses a chaste kiss to their forehead with a tenderness that belies his brutal strength.
"But only if it's what you truly want. I'd never force ya or put ya in danger, you gotta know that." Pressing their heads together, Jazz cradles them as if the most precious of gems. All he desires is their happiness.
The hum softly against him. "I finish my shift in half an hour, if you can sneak back out without getting caught ill meet you over by the jetty in the mangroves" they mumble softly as they sit up against his frame. "I still have to feed the eels"
Jazz practically vibrates with barely contained elation, optics glowing fiercely as he gazes up at their darling face. All he can do is hold them tenderly and nod. Slowly releasing them to stand, Jazz watches with eager affection as they exit the pool. "I'll be waitin' for ya where the water meets the land, babydoll." He rumbles softly, spark thrilling at the thought of going swimming with them.
Surfacing silently, Jazz offers one last wave before slicing smoothly through the water back down the ocean gate to the reserve's channels, back out to the open sea. Here, under the dusky sky, he lets his joy ring out for all to hear in a joyous chorus of whistles and clicks. Stealthily, he slips into the mangroves' shadowed crevices, ready and waiting for them to finish their shift.
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littlepadika · 8 months ago
Outbreak Day Eve
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warnings: daddy!joel, fem little, ddlg, cute fluffy daddy time
Tomorrow was the anniversary of outbreak day which meant everyone in Jackson had the day off. No work or school or chores. The exception was patrol. Most people wanted to be with their families so it was always hard to pick who would have to patrol on this most important day. It was a day of mixed emotions. Some people liked to grieve what was lost. Some people treated it more like a celebration akin to 4th of July. With the heat of the summer lots of people were having picnics and cookouts.
Harper, who was head of patrol, was surprised when Joel asked for time off. He never asked for time off. If anything he was the one who volunteered to work on holidays. But Harper could tell there was a change in the man over the last year. Something about being with you.
"You got it, Joel."
"You sure? I know lotsa people are askin'." Joel is takenaback
"You've never once asked for a day off. Picking up extra to help out everyone else... you enjoy your day off kay?" Harper waved him off.
He was so excited to tell you. He came home and wiped his boots off on the door mat.
"Petal?" He turned to see you sitting at the table drawing. "Hey... whatcha makin'."
"Everyone at the daycare was drawing pictures of stuff from before da outbreak. I wanted to make one." You don't look up because you are deep in concentration.
"Oh yeah?" Joel comes over and sits next to you. He peers over your arm.
"See daddy..." You point at each of the details. "Das us at a moobie theater. Dey used to have moovies on big big screens. All new ones all da time. And see you holding popcorn. I like the popcorn here but Miss Thomas said it was really yummy at the moobie theater."
"That's right." Joel smiled, almost tasting the butter on his tongue.
"Did you see dem?" you ask.
"Oh yes. All the time." Joel leaned back in his chair. "The seats were big and comfy. You could get special glasses that would make the movie look three dimensional- like it was coming out of the screen."
"And the popcorn was tasty but you also could get soda and candy all sortsa things...yeah I think I miss them a lot too." His smile falters a little as he stares out the window. He used to take Sarah to the movies on saturdays. It started with cartoons then more girly movies but Joel didn't care. He loved watching her eyes light up with imagination. He wishes he could share that with you as well.
"I sorry." you frown, not liking to see your daddy sad.
"s'all right." He seemed to snap out of his daydream, turning back to you. "come here and give your daddy a proper hello."
You hop out of your chair and into his lap. "I missed you daddy..." You hug him tight. He was so warm and solid and felt like home. He hugged you back just as hard.
"And I got good news baby! I get the day off too."
"Yay!" You bounce on his lap.
"So what do you want to do? We can go for a hike. We can do crafts. Whatever you want."
"What do you wanna do?" you ask, feeling very big for thinking about your daddy.
"Whatever you want." Joel reiterated with a squeeze of your thigh.
"No daddy." You furrow your brow. "Is outbreak day and you were there so dat means is daddy day."
"That what it means, petal?"
"Mhm." You nod feeling even more like a big girl. "That's what dey said. Do somefing you miss"
"Mm well... I guess I miss..." Joel thought of movie theaters, of baseball games, of concerts, of swimming pools... barbecues with neighbors and friends...
"What! daddy!" You cup his scruffy cheek.
"It's- i'm not sure we have one."
"What!" You exclaim, hating the not knowing.
"It's a slip'n'slide." Joel smiles at your eagerness. "It's uh a long mat that links up with the hose and we would slide down it.:
"Let's do it, daddy!" You bounce on his lap again.
"I want to." He chuckles. "I gotta see if I can fashion one." His mind already coming up with ideas. He missed building things. This would be a fun challenge
"I wanna help!"
"Of course you do, you good girl." Joel kisses you gently. "Why don't you draw a design for daddy to use."
"Okay!!!" you squeal.
Joel digs out a long tarp which is fairly slippery. The yard is small but at an angle there's a decent track for the slide. He hooks up a old sprinkler system into ends of it and runs the hose between them. You were right there next to him, eager to try it out.
"Like dis daddy!" You show him the drawing of a sprout of water coming out on either side.
"Mmm oh you want it there?"
"Mhm, daddy. Please."
It takes a few tries to get a passable stream of water but he felt pretty pleased with himself by the time the sun was fading in the sky.
"Can I try it daddy!"
"I don't want your nice clothes getting wet." Joel leads you back inside and changes you into one of his old shirts.
"What about you, daddy?" You look expectantly at your daddy.
"Oh dear I'm not sure I can make it down. I'm an old man, petal."
"Please daddy!" You hug him around the middle and give him your best puppy dog eyes. "Please daddy! I only wanna if you do it too!"
"Oh alright." Joel sighs, knowing his back would complain in the morning but he wanted to share this experience with you.
"I ready!" You signal him to turn the hose on. "Catch me daddy! catch me!" You give yourself a running start before pushing yourself onto your belly. you slid down the tarp way faster than you thoght you would. It was kinda like flying. You squeal as Joel catches you at the end.
"I gotcha!"
"That was so fun daddy!" You giggle. "I wanna go again!"
Joel lets you go a few more times before you are looking at him expectantly.
"Your turn daddy. I catch you. I catch you."
"Oh dear..." Joel chuckles. "You sure?"
"Mhm. You can do it daddy! You brave!"
"I'll try to be, baby girl." He strokes your wet hair before walking up to the start. There's a slight slope to the yard which helps. "Things you do for a girl, miller." He muttered to himself. He shucks off his tshirt and shoes. On the count of three he pushed himself onto the slide, traveling much faster than you. His legs slide out to the side which makes him laugh.
"Oof!" He stretches out a hand to stop himself and keep the full weight of his body from knocking you over.
"Yay daddy!!!" You were jumping up and down. "You were so fast!" You kneel down and flop on top of him.
"That was fun, huh?" He laughs.
"Ya." You kiss his collarbone. "I love this, daddy. Was every day like dis?"
"Yeah..." Joel hugged you close. "But it's better now that you're here."
The sun was staining the sky pink and orange and both of you watched it set.
"So... what are we gonna do tomorrow?"
Joel bursts out laughing.
daddy masterlist
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snow-body · 5 months ago
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gotta ship dem enemies or maybe I rly wanted to draw Tousen, cause boi is beautiful af. (2020, reupload from my old account)
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louloulemons-posts · 2 years ago
Cuddles and Stew
StepDad!Eddie X Mom!Reader
Summary : The third instalment of Margot - you get sick and Margot calls Eddie
Word Count : 2.2k
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Warnings : Not proofread, half was written at 4am lol, petnames, cuteness, talks of illness and pain meds, margots just adorable, girl dad eddie, mainly margot and eddie content - not much reader.
A/N : sorry for lack of updates, i’m working hard on the multi part fic and am going into a writers block lmao 🫶🏻 sorry loves, hopefully more should be coming soon.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Lay underneath his vans, Eddies hands were dirty as he tried to fix a ticking sound. He heard the faint ringing of the phone from inside the trailer and Wayne pick it up.
The squeak of the trailer door, made him slide from under the van, “Eddie it’s for you,” the man said, urgency in his voice. It made Eddies brow furrow as he wiped his hands and jogged to him.
“Hello?”he spoke.
“Eddie?” A voice he wasn’t expecting.
“Mar? That you sweet girl?”
“Yes,” she spoke softly.
“Is everything okay? How come you’re calling me?” he asked, obviously he adored that she was, but he was concerned he couldn’t hear you whispering to her in the background.
“Something wrong with Mama. Mama said this number for ‘mergecy.”
“Hey I’ll be right there okay? You got sit with mom and do not answer the door, I’ll be there soon baby I promise.”
“Okay,” the young girl said softly.
Ripping his greasy clothes off, changed into the first things he found. “Hey I need to borrow your car,” he spoke to Wayne, panicking.
“Yeah son sure, everything okay? Little Miss doesn’t normally call.” Eddie explained, shoving his foot in his trainers and grabbing Wayne’s car keys.
“Well call me and let me know how she is son,” he said, as Eddie climbed into the vehicle. Speeding away, he knew the neighbours would complain to Wayne about reckless driving.
He didn’t care, he needed to get to his girls.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Putting his key in the lock, he pushed open the door. The house seemed fairly quiet, TV chattering away faintly. “Baby?” he called out.
No answer. Your car was here so you were home. “Margot? Margot are you here?” he tried again peeking round into the living area.
“Daddy!” A whisper shout came from the top of the stairs. There was Margot, hair frizzy from sleep, her favourite pyjamas and one sock. “Hi Sweetheart, where’s mom?”
“Here!” she did a summoning motion with her hands, so he bounded up the stairs to meet her. She took his hand and led him down the hallway.
You were sat at the end of the bed, on the floor. Head between you knees, breathing deeply. “Mama,” Margot said gently, kneeling next to you, “Mama wook, Eddie.”
With eyes scrunched in pain and confusion, you lifted your head. Meeting his brown eyes, you couldn’t fathom why he was here. “E-Eddie, what are you doing here?” you asked.
You looked awful, skin pale and flushed at the same time. You looked exhausted, body breaking down in a way. “Margot called me.”
“Numbers for ‘mergencies Mama.”
Tears welled in your eyes, you felt awful. You’d sat down because your head wouldn’t stop spinning, you thought it would be the safest place. “Oh Mar I’m so sorry,” you sniffled.
Eddie came and crouched next to you now, holding your head gently. “It’s otay Mama, Eddie make you bedder,” she spoke, resting her head on you.
A large palm was on your forehead, lovely and cool. “Babe, you’ve got a fever. Come on we’ve gotta get you into bed. Rest, fluids, sleep.”
“What? No! I can’t, I gotta get up,” pushing yourself up the ground, it wasn’t even a full second before you were coming back down.
Head buzzing and pounding.
“Sweetheart, you’ve got to let me look after you.”
“B-but, Margot and work!” you panicked.
“Baby, come on calm down,” he held your face in his palms, “I’m gonna look after Mar, and hey it’s a long weekend. So you can rest up.”
Sighing you nodded, “I need new pyjamas.”
“I ged dem!” Margot spoke, running to your draws. Her voice made your head pound, the volume of everything seemed to be amplified.
Pulling out your favourite pair, ones that matched those she currently had on, she brought them to you. “Thanks baby,” you said, gently stroking her hair.
“Okay, get changed okay, me and Nurse Margot will get you some water and other things you need,” Eddie spoke, helping you to your side of the bed.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Margot stood on her step-stool, filling your water bottle at the tap. “Da, it’s done,” she said, so he could come and do the lid. He grabbed pain killers, tissues, cold juice from the fridge. He was also heating some water for a hot water bottle.
“Good job Bubby,” he smiled, kissing the girl on the head. Soon enough the kettle whistled letting him know it was done, “You stay over there okay? This is very hot.”
After he filled the water bottle he let Margot carry the tissues and your cold water bottle up the stairs to your. You were lay under the covers, eyes closed, now clad in your new pyjamas.
“Here you go Mama,” the small girl said quietly, placing the water and tissue next to you. Eddie did the same, but lifted the blanket slightly so he could put the hot water bottle under it.
Pulling the curtains closed, he hoped that’d help your head. “You stay with Mom for a second, I’m just gonna get a compress for her head,” he said to Margot.
Wetting a washcloth so it’d cool you down, although you were freezing right now, he had no doubt you’d be sweating in a minute or two. “Here you go,” he pushed you hair back, letting the refreshing feeling take over your body.
“Sweetheart, you need to take these too,” he handed you the medication and drink, helping you sit up. Eyes still shut, unable to deal with any kind light.
Once you laid back down he spoke again, “You rest now. Me and Margot will go make us all something yummy and come back later to check on you.”
Picking the small child up from your side, you head a faint, “Bye Mama, wove you.” Which you repeated in a slurred and sleepy way. Snoozing away moments later.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Mama gone be otay?” The young girl asked from Eddies arms, as they went to the kitchen. “Yeah Sweetheart she’ll be okay, she’s just gotta get lots of sleep.” Margot hummed and cuddled into Eddie.
“We’re gonna make her some soup okay? Make her feel better.”
“I help!”
“Of course, we’ve gotta get some veggies from Aunt Maeves patch.”
The pair went into the garden, Maeve had said they can always help themselves. Updating everyone one what was ready to be harvested and what to leave.
In all honestly, Margot was the best person to have with him, she knew what plants were what and if they were ready - she spent lots of her days with Maeve in the garden becoming sun kissed.
“Okay so we need some potatoes, carrots, onions and I’m not sure what else.” Holding Margot on his hip as she was still only wearing the one sock, she pointed out all the different veggies they needed.
“Think we’re gonna need to make a few trips Love,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to her hair. “Auntie Mae has a bwasket,” she told him. “A basket, let’s go get it then.”
“Me help!”
“Bubby your feet will get grubby.”
“My boots!” She wriggled from Eddies hold, and ran to get her welly-boots. She looked a picture, pyjamas, crazy hair and wellies. Pulling a large basket behind her, Margot returned to Eddie.
Pulling a hair tie from his wrist, he comb it all into one hand and sat a loose bun on her head. She didn’t have much hair cause she was still small, but there was enough to annoy her. “Twanks Da,” she said, and went to the potatoes.
“I got-ta big one!” she squealed as she shook the dirt off. “Good job Mar, we need 3 more of those okay?” Eddie crouched down beside her, putting the basket between them so she could put the veggies in.
“And Two! … And ree! … And dats Fo-wr.”
“Good job! Let’s go and get some carrots.” Running away, Margot boots stomped on the group. “Well hello you two.” Maeve stood at the door.
“Auntie Mae!” Margot smiled, waving with grubby hands. “Hello my dears, what’s going on here?” she asked, coming out into the garden. “We’re making soup,” Eddie said.
“Mama, not well. I call-ded Eddie and now we make soup!”
“Mom isn’t well?” she said, caressing the little ones hair, looking up at Eddie. “She’s got a fever. We’ve taken her everything she needs and she’s sleeping now, so we thought we cook her something nice.”
“That’s very kind of you. I can cook it if you’d like?” The older woman offered, kindly.
“Would you mind, I honestly have no idea what to put in it.”
“I’ll write you a recipe,” she smiled, crows feet by her eyes.
“Why don’t I finish getting all of this, and you can help Margot get ready for the day,” she smiled to Eddie, taking the basket from his hand. “Thank you Mae, Margot come on Sweetheart.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Soon enough Margot was clean and dressed, clad in a little blue dress with a white tshirt underneath. Both feet now covered by socks and hair under control.
“Hey Sweetheart, why don’t you go and see if you can help Mae,” Eddie spoke, and the small girl ran off. He headed into your room, you were snoozing away, you seemed to have cooled down. Placing a soft kiss to your sticky cheek.
He found Margot and Maeve in the kitchen, the little girl stood on her stood, helping chop the veggies with her plastic knife. She caught sight of Eddie and smiled, “Wook Da I choppin’!”
“You are, that’s some super good chops bubby.”
“How’s she doing?” Maeve asked.
“She’s still sleeping, she seems to have cooled down a lot.” Maeve hummed and continued to dice an onion.
“Eddie!” Margot said in a sing song voice, he hummed and stood behind her. “Can you put dem in the pot, pwease.”
“Sure babe,” he kissed her head and took the roughly chopped potatoes and carrots to the pot.
Soon enough it was simmering away, and Maeve had added some chicken. “It shouldn’t take too long,” the older woman said, taking Margot to living room you sat her on the couch.
“Eddie, is Mama otay?” the small girl asked.
“She will be, I promise. She just needs to sleep.” As soon as those words left his mouth, he heard the bedroom door open and soft padding feet down to the bathroom.
“Stay here,” he said to the small girl, jogging up the stairs. Knocking on the bathroom door he spoke gently, “Baby you okay?”
“Yeah,” you said faintly, exhaustion clear in your voice.
Opening the door up, you smiled weakly at the curly haired man. “How you feeling?”
“Tired. Thank you for looking after Mar.”
“Hey it’s no trouble, Maeves watching her right now. We’re making you stew? Soup? I’m not sure,” he laughed.
“It smells good,” you hummed.
“I’ll bring you some up when it’s done, I’m sure Mar will be joining me too. Let’s get you back to bed.” Helping you down the hall and to the bed, you sipped some water.
“Do you need another compress?” he asked. “No I’m okay, I’m feeling a little cold so.”
“Okay baby, well the water bottles still warm so it should be okay. Let’s tuck you in,” he smiled.
Placing your quilt and a thicker blanket over you, you hummed in contentment. “How’s your head?”
“It’s not hurting as much and I’m not as dizzy anymore.”
“Good good, it’s going then. How come you didn’t call me babe?”
“It started a few days ago, I didn’t think it was anything. Apparently I was wrong. I can’t believe Margot called you, what if I’d collapsed! What if she got hurt!” your eyes welled.
“Hey hey,” Eddie sat down beside you, “Baby it’s okay, she’s alright. She did so good, you taught her so well. She explained what she needed too and she stayed safe near you.”
“I just feel bad.”
“I know, but it’s not your fault. You’re sick, you can’t blame yourself baby. Okay?” you nodded at him. “Now get some sleep.”
Closing your eyes, the door clicked closed and Eddie headed back down to Maeve and Margot. “Mama otay?”
“Yeah she was just telling me she’s starting to feel a bit better.”
Maeve squeezed his shoulder, “Well the food should be done in a little while, why don’t we watch one of your movies?”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The three of you sat on the bed, a tray on your lap. Big bowl of warm soup and some crusty bread. “Oh it taste delicious! You guys did such a good job.”
“Feel better Mama?”
“Yeah Mar I feel better, thank you for looking after me. You did so good calling Eddie.”
“You did,” Eddie smiled, squeezing the little one who sat in his lap.
“Just did what chu said Ma,” she smiled.
“You did the best babe, that’s why you’re my best girl. We’ve gotta be careful though or you two will definitely get sick.”
Margot coughed. “Oh no.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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fluffygiraffe · 17 days ago
Hello, there seems to be a little ask chain going around, and now I'm spreading it on to you >:]
What are the top 5 things that make you happy?
Ask this to some moots or some people who liked your posts in such. No pressure to participate! 😊
Ooooh! Okayokay! Uhmmm...
Gotta be PJ. Sorry, but I love PJ! NGL, he was a normal au at first, but he's become a sort of comfort slash kinsona character for me! I get so excited when I see PJ, and even mistake some. drawings. aspj. SHHHHhh I'M NOT STUPID- /silly
FRIENDS!!!!!! I literally LOVE talking to them, I love making LORE with them, I love making silly AUS with them, and I love playing GAMES with them! If I had any other ideas, I'd list them off! Literally, I don't know what I'd do without my friends. My besties. My anchors.
Art. Like, doesn't even have to be my art, it can be others' art. I look, i feel happy, i like. Just looking at art and scrolling through my faves' tags is amazing!!!! and not to mention, like, being proud of my own art! it's so nice seeing stuff come together :33333
Going outside. Like, genuinely. It helps me get my mind off of stuff, helps me think, and looooots more! :333333 i love swinging specifically, alalalla!!!!
PERCY! BEST FOR LAST CAUSE I LOVE YOUUUUU AJFHDSBHFSDHBSHDBFSJFSFBSDFBSJDFBSDBFSDH YOU GET YOUR OWN!!! Perc's been with me since my Pizza Tower days when I started a lil' drama wiff dem, and ever since, we've clicked! Duuude, so many times I've just been talking with them in their DMs over absolutely nothing? I'm... ughjfnsjdnfhsfnh /pos
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bunny-hoodlum · 9 months ago
So... I finally made a twitter account. 👉👈😚 And I've been blocking all the bots that keep following me. 😩
I still feel like I don't know how or what to fill my bio with. 🙈 Ugh, and if I try to do anything that's based on a redraw trend or smthn else's work 'but in my style' or whatever, I gotta not be too lazy to figure out how to attach to their post. It's by retweet or?? Ahhhhhh!! I'm a failure of a Millennial, I don't know how to use anythinggggg. 🥲 Sites like deviantArt were simpler, dammit. And imgur once allowed NSFW. The internet has simultaneously become too accessible and too obstacle-ridden, it can't just be me. 🙈
So, I'm supposed to be helping a buddy from work with NSFW art, like, he's gonna share his clients with me or I just ink for him on the side, and I get monayyyy. I've already done a few commissions for his clients before, but haven't had a SocMed to post them on (but I still don't wanna claim them, I gotta be honest. 🙈) And that's a convo I gotta figure out how to have, becuz I wanna do my own thing but I'm still cool with taking on certain commissions from him. 🤔 They just not gonna fit with my account (or the tasteful kinks I wanna draw. 😏)
But I mainly wanna do Hinata thirst trap art, and eventually Nart thirst trap when I get better at drawing dem muscles. 😤 I also wanna do NH and NHS NSFW, which I think I gotta make a side account for?? Maybe?
I have a lot of art studying to get serious about before I do any SFW art that I'm happy with. Rn I've only been drawing ppl and I suck at drawing clothing folds still, so NSFW is literally the path of least resistance option rn, hahaha. 😂 So I guess, if the clothes-on thirst trap stuff stays on my 'main', I can still transition into more arty stuff in the future without major whiplash lmao, and just do whatever I feel like from there. 🤔
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fatsamsgrandslamspeakeasy · 2 months ago
Well there it is folks: that's gotta be the dumbest and most racist thing you'll read so far since 2025 started!!! But what else would you expect from Crap News Network and one of their guests?????
Speaking for conservative woman everywhere, I can honestly report that I understand the importance of deporting criminal, illegal immigrants over having berries in their smoothies…unlike Ms. Arnold, THEY WILL SURVIVE without them!! Not only is she a poor “strategist,” but she’s just not very bright. Too put it in even simpler terms that maybe Ms. Arnold can understand:
Laken Riley being alive vs. Jenna Arnold's berry smoothies??? Well, we can clearly see the Dem's priorities.
But if you bothered to read your history, Jenna, you will find that in the first half of the 19th century one of the arguments against ending slavery in this country, by the democrats, was "who will pick the cotton?" Guess what? The cotton got picked after the American Civil War. Much to the democrats chagrin. So what did the democrats do? Created the KKK and passed Jim Crow laws. This is your legacy Chuck, Nancy, Joe, Kamala, Tim, AOC and all of the rest. That's what democrats truly think of the illegals, that they are only worthy of mowing lawns and picking fruits and vegetables. Here is a novel idea, you take the people drawing welfare and not working, and you put them to work to pick the fruits and vegetables at the farm nearest to where they live.
I mean, really??? Is she serious???? Berries????
That reasoning, that attitude, the pettiness..... Jenna Arnold gets my vote for being the ultimate Karen!!!!!!
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ilipikagirl · 7 days ago
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the average wlw couple. omg i love dem sooooo much my beautiful girls.... soon i will draw their lore. SOON. SOON I WILL DRAW IT I SWEAR 😔😔😔 it's all planned out in my head i just gotta put it on paper lolol <3
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tomster1274 · 4 months ago
Gotta learn how to draw dem trolls againe
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tinytalkss · 2 years ago
um hi i saw u do ac reqs? um can u do papi (lazy villager) hanging out w a gn reader? hes my acnh best frend
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yea, i can do some papi headcanons! sorry it took a bit, i wrote it all but it got deleted, now i’m back lol! i added a moodboard too! i wasn’t sure if you wanted the reader to be little too, so i wrote both ways!
If reader is big:
papi would show you around the island, pointing out his favorite spots
he would find cool rocks and shells for you as well!
papi would talk your ear off about anything you would listen to (superheroes, favorite foods, drawing, nature… or just babbling)
would constantly want to show you things: “hey! come heres! look at dis!”
regresses to anywhere between 2 and 5
often holds your hand and hides behind you when small, especially in front of others
If reader is small:
you two would be the cutest best friends on the island!
you’d run around, babbling to each other all day and the other villagers don’t seem to mind
he’d take you on “adventures”, even if it was just to see another villager, or to the museum, or shop
when he’s not outside, you two are dancing around to music in his house…
…or writing comics! papi loves to draw, so you write the stories and he draws for them!
when he’s regressed to older than you, he makes it his mission to protect you (ex: “guys! *your name* is jus’ a lil baby right now, so you gotta be nice to dem!)
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qkopi · 2 years ago
that fanfic just inspired a WHOLE alternate universe for me and now i gotta draw it😭 tysm for existing💛💛💛💛
oml tysm bb🥰🫶🏽 and pls SHOW URSELF WHEN U FINISH DEM DRAWINGS ANON I WANNA SEEE😻 (if u could, pls draw one where miles and milo are fighting cs that’s the main idea of this fanfic😋)
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