#gotta redo sleeves
hemlockgraves · 8 months
Working on some art and internally I'm thinking wow, drawing lace manually sucks. Found out fire alpaca has lace brushes so I may go back now and fix it
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typheus · 5 months
only 2 more squares and the body of the halloween cardigan is done!
also someone remind me on a monday to feed my neopets 😭 i keep forgetting
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bluevelvt · 11 months
my anakin cosplay isn’t complete yet but i was walking back from the club i just heard a group of guys say “we just walked past a whole ass jedi” and i think that’s beautiful
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Been busy enough to justify a full round up for this WIP Wednesday. The TL;DR being that I'm back to being fully lace brained.
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Blanket 10 is NEARLY finished. I've started attaching the last row and just need to finish out this row and then do a border (and give him a good wash, I've owned some of this yarn for years and it smells a little dusty). The nights are starting to get really cold here so I'll be happy to have it done, I just gotta force myself to work on it.
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Doily 14 (Yarn | Pattern) needs to go on a longer needle but other than that is very fun and cute. I've decided to put it down for a bit to work on the next two projects but I expect when they get boring I'll go back to this. This pattern is surprisingly simple for a Neibling as long as you're prepared for the long pattern rows. Absolutely going to have to break out the washi tape to mark off my rows for the second chart, but the first one has been very easy lace knitting.
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Unnamed project aka me fucking around to see if I can freehand this sweater design. I had started with a two row lace ("Honeycomb lace" from A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara G Walker) but honestly didn't find it fun to knit. So I transitioned to a favourite of mine (ssk, k2tog, yo twice). It's going a lot faster now tho it looks a little weird. I'm going to knit to the underarm and if it fits, it stays. If it's too small I'll rip all the way back and redo the shaping in this lace pattern instead with longer shoulder saddles. It's unfortunate that I didn't like knitting the honeycomb lace, I really like how it looks, I'll have to try swatching it in different yarns to see if the problem is just that this yarn has zero stretch (100% cotton).
I have decided I will put short sleeves on this tho. I had planned to just add ribbing for the arms but I saw a drop shoulder vest in a similar style and did Not like it, so this just saves me from having to rip back. I also think I'm going to have to leave this cropped, I'm not a big crop top person but with this yarn being cotton, having a full length body along with the sleeves is going to have the neckline very stretched. There may be no helping it regardless but there's no harm in trying. I imagine if this is does become something I wear it'll either be in the dead of summer or layered over a button up/some sort of top anyway, so a crop wouldn't be too uncomfortable.
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Last but certainly not least is Shawl 14 (Pattern | Yarn). My precious Evenstar is coming along very well, I'm actually on the second to last pattern row before the set up for the border. I know the border is going to be a slog but I'm excited for it regardless, he's huge even all compressed on the needles. My self imposed deadline for him is April, but the border is only 56 repeats. If I can do one every other day I should be right on time, which sounds do-able even tho I know I'll get bored by the halfway point.
I need to keep an eye out for patterns for this yarn, I have a whole second cone plus what'll be left after I finish this shawl. These cones staring at me will probably be the push I need to settle on an Orenburg shawl pattern. (Or possibly a large Neibling, or one of MMario's patterns.)
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morroodle · 2 months
I'm making good progress on the morro plushie! Not too much left, I think I should be able to get it done tomorrow assuming no one tries to drag me outside. Gotta finish up the gi, sew his belt in place, make the lil medallion and then just gotta make the cloak.
Unfortunately for me I made the wonderful decision to trim the gi in the most time consuming way possible. It looks good but my god it took me over an hour just to do the main neck/front part. Got the sleeves left, not entirely sure how to make them look decent since I already sewed the base together. I might have to tear it up and redo it
Anyway hes absolutely adorable so far! Cutie patootie. I want to cuddle him.
also I may or may not have accidentally given him a butt
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elvenbeard · 2 months
WIP Wednesday (actually on Wednesday!)
I was tagged by @therealnightcity @chevvy-yates a while ago and @pinkyjulien indirectly >:D
So I'm gonna do a small dump of all the (too many) things I'm doing at the moment!
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Modding: I've started NPVince, finally!! That screenshot is from two weeks ago but I didnt make much progress yet cause being ill and cosplay things got in the way xD But on a basic level he is done and I'm really looking forward to start customizing him (not so much cleaning up the files and custompathing xD but I'll get there!)
Cosplay Stuff: ngl, this vest might be one of the nicest pieces of clothing I've ever done so far uwu I'm really proud but also already know several things I'd like to redo about it when I make a 2.0 version xD I also want to redo some details on this, technically still gotta add sleeves, and also so many badges and the samurai patch and bullets and aaahhhh! But I love it a lot already uwu other than that what's missing of my 2023!Kerry outfits still are the pants, and I've never done pants as complex before, but I'm really looking forward to tackling that :D
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Art: Next up are some commissions first, but inbetween I'm working on several smaller illustrations all at once. One I cant post on tumblr in full xD this one is hopefully gonna be the start of a series of my favourite in-game scenes visualised like movie still-frames :3
Writing: I'm also slowly working away on my longfic, chapter 16 is almost done! But I also have brainworms atm about an alternative ending ficlet with max 5-8 chapters for the PL ending 👀 we shall see when and if I get to that xD
I'm not tagging anyone in particular, but if you see this, consider yourself tagged and pls tag me so I can peek at the cool things you're all working on!!
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I’m bored so here’s some of my jackets IG, pretty much all of these were jackets that I got on sale super cheap or that I was given.
The purple jacket is my newest and still very much a work in progress, (all of them are escrow the Donnie Darko one actually, purple is jsut the newest) and I need to redo the back patch (Polkas Not Dead by The Dreadnoughts, fave album by my fave band) next to it is my other main jacket which has a Danger Days back design. “Do Good Recklessly” is a saying that has resonated with me a lot so I figured it would be cool to have it there. I got a Reel Big Fish patch coming in the mail soon and I wanna get a Ska Dream patch for it, trying to decide if I wanna add some colored/patterned panels to it bc that night look cool. Gotta figure out what other bands I wanna put on it but it’s kinda hard to find colorful patches lmao
The gray jacket actually started off as a cosplay item for a Killjoys OC that I never got around to doing. I consider this my first jacket even tho there was a really shitty vest that I wore one singular time before I got this one. My boyfriend actually made a few of the patches that are on the gray jacket (Days N Daze and Polkas Not Dead above the spider) as birthday gifts when we first met, I don’t put a ton of patches on that jacket and it’s all bands that are v important to me for various reasons, the Frank Turner one was from the first show I went to with my boyfriend and he has one on one of his jackets too. Mischief Brew is one of my fave bands and their music means a lot to me, LS Dunes (the pyramid) has a really cool community surrounding it so I thought it would be cool to put that there. It also has zippered sleeves which makes it really nice for year round use!! Also has a Billy Idol pin because I grew up listening to Generation X and I still adore that debut album. Im immunocompromised and have a kidney transplant so I decided to add the pins to represent that because they are a big part of who I am.
On the bottom two pics, the left jacket is my queer horror inspired jacket. I am at some point gonna get a backpatch of The Old Dark House of a scene at the end of the movie with Morgan (Boris Karloff) holding Saul’s body (Brember Wills.) It also has a few Rocky Horror related items on it such as the “creature of the night” patch coming from the song Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me as well as the iconic lips and Frank-N-Furtor. Also have a The Lost Boys pin and the Babadook as well as a Beetlejuice pin. The Elm St. pin is specifically for Nightmare 2 and Gene Co is from Repo the Genetic Opera, a movie with a bisexual face stealer. It’s a fun time. Frankenstein and the Bride are classic queer coded cinema and James Whales was an openly gay man who directed both (as well as The Old Dark House) in the 1930s.
The last jacket is my Donnie Darko jacket. Donnie Darko is one of my fave movies, everting except the pins were done by hand. The pins are all artists who are actually featured in the soundtrack of the movie.
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lunasun1verse · 1 year
Omg I shouldn’t have promised to redo my BoS as a devotional act 😩😩😩
But I’m glad I did. Having a BoS in a binder means I can rearrange and readjust as needed. Now I just gotta fight the urge to buy 500 protective sleeves…..
Side note: I plan on making a map of a fantasy land like the one tiktoker did, and I’m super excited to do so because it’ll feel like the book came from an exotic place and landed in my simple ass lap with instruction on how to get back there. Almost like Narnia 🥹
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referring to the school bus graveyard asks, how about a interaction between jasmine and (your choice) ryan/the boss, just what you think their conversations would go like😋
Let's go!!!! It's been awhile since I've written anything for Jasmine (I never even posted the things I did write, whoops), and I've never tried writing anything for Ryan, so this was pretty fun!!
Words: 420
Summary: A conversation between Jasmine and Ryan that takes place right before Jasmine leads the kids to the rift.
Under a readmore!
Jasmine turned her head from left to right, her eyes staying steady and studying her ears and lip as she studied herself in the mirror. “Looks weird, right?”
All of her piercings had been replaced with transparent fillers, her tattoos covered and concealed with makeup that the two had carefully blended into her skin. Not that there was much that needed to be hid anyway, her sleeves did most of the work. But Ryan insisted that it would be better to add concealer "just in case" her sleeve got pushed up somehow.
“I’m pretty sure I’ve never actually seen you without tattoos or piercings. Less, sure, but. None? That’s new.”
“What, are you saying you don’t recognize me?” Jasmine said, flashing a smile in Ryan’s direction. She pitched her voice up subtly, laughing. “Come on. I still sound the same.”
“Not when you do that, God.” Reaching over, he pushed her shoulder. “Yeah, I think I could still pick you out of a crowd. Probably.”
“Oh, don’t you sound confident.” Jasmine teased back, nudging him with her elbow. "I look so plain right now."
Ryan moved back as her elbow scraped against his side, a snappy ‘watch it’ leaving his throat as he stepped away. “I know we sealed your makeup already, but be careful. If it gets screwed up, we’ve gotta redo it.”
“It’s not even that much, just my upper arms and shoulders. That’s all we’ve gotta hide.”
“Still, it’d be a pain in the ass.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She shrugged her shoulders loosely, looking back at the mirror. “I get it, you don’t wanna have to redo it. I’ll be careful.”
“Good, you better be. It can’t get ruined until after you lead her to the rift. Alright?”
“I know, trust me, I remember what we’re supposed to do.” Jasmine waved him off, turning to lean against the sink behind her. “I’ve got the whole tour guide thing down, and it’s not like I’ll be doing anything that might smudge it. My sleeves help hide it, too.”
“Really, I’ll probably just order some food, have them call me when it’s ready for pickup, and then take the call pretending its an emergency or something to ditch them after a little bit. It’s not gonna take long at all. Sound good?”
“Just don’t get followed or something. C'mon, let's go.”
“You know I won’t.” Rolling her eyes, Jasmine pushed herself away from the sink and towards the door. "Just hang out nearby, I'll call you when it's over."
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ella-ashmore · 2 years
Formal and Glance for Robin please! And AU!!
formal ; he LOVES dressing up but he only owns one suit. currently at least. its a nice light blue color and its got paint on the cuffs of its sleeves so its not exactly in the best condition fhsksj,, hes been saving up allowance and birthday money for a nicer one !!
glance ; i think the color in his hair. its very bright, whenever it fades he either redoes it or dyes it a new color. plus stains on his uniform. thats a pretty consistent thing with all his clothes
alternate ; going with uhhhh 50s au for this,, constantly wearing funky patterned shirts and the like. his hair is cut shorter and just generally looks a lot neater, as do the rest of his clothes. not nearly as many stains, gotta look decent at work yk
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sweetestofchaos · 3 months
🐸🌴🌿 (Gotta do my favorite color.)
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
I don't really know. I don't think I have one if I really think about it. I haven't had the chance to really do what I want in that aspect of my life if that makes sense. Still trying to figure that out, I guess 😅 My taste changes all the time, but it has to have purple in it.
I'm currently redoing my place to my liking and I'm having a lot of fun. I just got a purple bed set that is different shades and it makes me so happy. I will be putting up my kpop merch on display at some point this month, so I'm looking forward to that very much!
🌴 Desert island item?
A swiss army knife without a doubt. If my 29 years has taught me anything, you can do damn near anything with a good knife. But let's be real, I would die within two weeks 'cause I am no made for the outdoors 😂
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
High waisted jeans and a v-neck t-shirt. It's simple and easy, I don't have to try much with it. I prefer black or light wash jeans with some holes in the knee or upper thigh. Short sleeves are my go to for shirts, I can't even remember the last time I wore anything strapless. Knee high boots or chucky heels. Always gotta have silver earrings and diamond studs. If I want to dress it up, a cute belt or cardigan can/will be added. Or I'll add a necklace if I feel like it. I am a very simple person at the end of the day.
Thank you for asking bestie.
wanna get to know me?
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threenorth · 8 months
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Pizza thin base for crouncy bread crisp, thanks new York. But Chicago has it place. Unfortunately Colorado honey dipping wasn't on the table... But
Pasta sauce, fake monzerla cheese, fake bacon,
Pinnaple does belong on pizza, thanks cannda.
Red bell pepper and impossible mince with refried beans...
Dinner completo.
Then me and mom tried to work on a cover letter for a company out of Queensland, where I'm going to apply for four roles... Looks like a really good company... Anyway then we watched the walk, directed by Robert zemkiks.
I think he's good but this story isn't his best tale.
Gump, bttf1, bttf2, castaway, I'll put the walk here, who framed Roger rabbit, then lastly real steel.
JGL did really well acting as Frenchman, but cgi makes it sad to think of the towers, but good story, pretty nice overall but missing a bit of ompf of making kids think anything is possible rather than being daredevil I guess? I dunno...
In my minecraft world, I gotta redo my cabin as it never really worked out good and now I'm getting enough resources...and trying to figure out a good design for the cabin per say...
My bridge across the river. As I pulled it up as I might redo this.
My basic sugar farm I'll think of something for this farm land now... Or completely remove it.
And redo my villagers traders like trade hall... They seem to be out growing their make shift house...whoops.
I'm about 1/8th left on my iron farm to do, for now I'll just do one level... I need to finish that up, for hoppers for my next farm...
As I'm starting a sugar farm for paper now that I have an eltra, but my subway tunnel from main isn't deep enough and but I will need to find snow soon for snow golums, that will be used to make a creeper farm for gunpowder, but that's after.
Hopefully it will keep me busy for awhile till then... Mom wants me to go to Church tomorrow ugh...
Tonight is hot and mugy it was like 24c at 9? it's almost 1 now and it's finally cooling down...
Here's some messages...
I'm not proud of my life, but at least it's better then it use to be, question is... Will it be better more when I'm hopefully going to be getting a six figures salary, I hope so...but my life has been quite fun but last year has been pretty rough... Probably one of the worse years of my life but that's life...
Not a day goes by I don't think of you, you are in my phone and in my wallet... Missing you... Always.
You didn't hurt me, I'm just vulnerable with you, and you show me so many things... Let alone your smile, it speaks to me like the art at the gallery...
If I could I'd kiss you every minute we're alone. But for right now I'll settle on a kiss through the time and oceans and air via the stars and the moon kissing my soul.
Again, you didn't hurt me, I just wear my heart on my sleeve... And I guess you just know how to break my walls...
You want to start over? We can't change the past but I'll always be your present and future.
I'd really hope you'd pickup the phone, maybe your sunday... Mondays are pretty dull around here.
Follow me home? I'm still got my arms out. Hopefully I get a good job, I think you'll like Australia except for the heat...
She kept a little box, for little mommets, and I gave her some big gifts that couldn't fit in a small box but I know, the small things I should try enjoy, thanks colombus for that lesson in 2010 (zombie land)
You didn't let me down, if anything I think you flowered my mind and soul when I needed it the most.
To the moon and back, my dear were in far away galaxy's...I miss you and love you as a far as a lightyears.
You'll always welcome back, and like I said I wasn't going anywhere fast... I might have needed some time to recover from some things you said but I still am here, thinking and day dreaming about you. If you want another chance I'll always give you one, message me anytime you want.
I need you in my life, but here's not so good Auckland crime rate is getting crazy,... Last night at supermarket down the road was held up at gun point and all the staff held as hostages, how fun.... but here in my life even virtually would be a nice place to be in...
Things can be different, if you want to take a step I'll be going as fast or slow as you want but we both know the end game.
I'd like to read it if you still have it, but I don't know if I can well, we're see if I can read your hand writing...
It's always been you, my future is with you...
If you want to see me, you know where I'll be state side, maybe I'll be working and see if I can try get to Denver or dro... Anyway, if you want to see me virtually you have my Skype, Instagram, phone number, both... What's app/signal and Facebook and my snap.
The only thing that will change for me, is finding what we can both get into, but I'm not sure about horror still... But maybe... But I need to hug you snuggling up...
Your basicly my sister, but I love you so much you are my best friend, and I miss talking with you about allot.
Romantic things, I'd buy you flowers but I don't know where to send them...I'd have a candle bath if we can find a bath that fits two tall people... Even making dinner together like we said we would...
Freinds and lovers, remember juno... Part time lover full time freind...
I'll follow you wherever I can but I'd admit, only fans was fun right? 😂
Your my person, for lack of a better word everything person.
And rip, my phone web browser crashed...
Have a great Saturday
Today at the gym a guy said I was pretty lanky but was like woah, you got some good numbers I said maybe I shouldn't of started on the squat press 😂
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sillycraftycrafter · 1 year
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Tilly WIP #5
Just have the ruffles to finish and put on the shirt and I can consider the doll to be finished. I'm thinking of redoing the neck ruffles because the size I had it seems to be too big, so I'll be using Gavel's ruff measurements (11/16" wide). I've already got the strips for the sleeve ruffles cut out, so I just gotta mark, gather and attach them.
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rockmonopoly · 2 years
Fanart, fanfiction AND cosplay? Dude??? I'm. Damn. /pos
Did you mentions esmp1!Joel coat??? Please please please can I see it once it's done please please?? I love Joel and Mezalea and I'm I think I might die if I see and irl coat but like man I will go insane I will
- Mango anon <3
PS: if you do find the time to try vtubing, I would love to see that too. You really just mentioned a bunch of things that made me go "!!!" all together huh.
what can i say im an overachiever /j no I just get so distracted so quickly and jump from one thing to another smh
but YEAH i was working hard on an esmp1 joel coat right before the semester started and burnt myself out HORRIBLY. taking a long long long break from it bc I fucked up some of the stitching and got sloppy and also ripped part of the back so I've gotta go back and repair a lot of it. At least it'll be good this time around ough. soon I'll be pulling it back out of the spare room I dumped it in and getting back to it I think bc I've been feeling the urge to get it done recently... now that I think abt it. may redo the sleeves entirely bc goddamn if they're in as rough shape as I recall... hmmmmm lots to do!
ill deffo shout abt it [vtubing] when i have everything together. haven't touched twitch or streaming in general since 2020 but I put in so many hours on video games I might as well stream them. running gag of the friend group is that the world simply is not ready for me to start streaming given the setbacks I hit every time I think I'm ready LMAO
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i love sewing patches on jackets (LIE)
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monsterbroth · 4 years
button sewing is going great I procrastinated a bunch and now it’s 5am!
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