#gotta keep those impostor gods and goddesses out after all
Abducius mutilates, marks, brands, and disfigures subjects. Oftentimes, Zoth performs rituals to bring pieces of conciousness and sentience from fallen astral beings forth and into the bodies of the disfigured. These two and their gruesome crafts can lead to decently threatening terrors on the battlefield. Turning simple humans into monsters unlike any created elsewhere.
Humans already loathe and despise Barbatos, the deliverer of fresh livestock, but they absolutely fear Abducius and Zoth. All except those that these two decide to deem as their own. They both have a small group of specially selected and initiated subjects. Subjects that tend to their will, assist their twisted hobbies, and in general benefit them in various ways.
Abducius' human servants are marked through colorful means of mutilation and crafts of the flesh.
Zoth's servants all bear a soul-deep sigil on their bodies. Brought into potency through ritualistic means.
These two terrifying astral beings together form a truly horrifying team. As if their looks alone were not enough to frighten, Abducius' skill and Zoth's power combined bring worry and uncertainty even into the bodies of other, equally powerful beings.
If only some of their pets belonged instead to princess Yan Luo. Adorned in gold, jewels, and special garb to show ownership. Pampered pets. As long as they obey her Magesty.
Oh and then one human becomes a fucking astral guard. That's the doorman. A main focus in this au. Isn't that entertaining??
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