#goth ozgood
damien-zygote · 3 months
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thiskulifefall2022 · 2 years
Town-Gown Relations
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          Coming to college can be scary, especially if you’re not familiar with your surroundings. Some concerns may consist of being worried about there being nothing to do on or around campus. Ironically, Kutztown University is located-right smack in the middle of nowhere. Except in the middle of nowhere there is a fun sized town named Kutztown. Sitting at the top of Act 1: Down The Hill We Gothe hill is Kutztown University. Main Street is the pathway that connects the students and the town’s people.                                                                              Walking down the pathway you first pass by Old Main, one of the 10 educational buildings built in 1866. Not too long before you come to the cross walk; the bridge that connects the streets of the town and the university. Walking across the white stripes on the street you get the first look of the town. As you make your way across the sidewalk you get the best view of the town. You look down on it at the top of the hill. You can see people walking about their business just by walking or driving down Main Street.           One of the first shops you see on your right is Uptown Espresso Bar, a cute little coffee shop. Staring down you can see Tommy Boys and all the college students lined up for pizza. There are many more shops and activities to do on and off of campus. Not to worry, because we are going to give you some insight through three different acts. Act one is about things to do in town by Juliza. Act two is about the town opinions on the students by Lisa. Act three is about how charities and philanthropic events connect the students and town by Adria.                                                    
Act 1: Down The Hill We Go     
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      “Where to go first?” was my first thought when my friends agreed to explore the town with me. My friends agreed that we would make time on my birthday to go to some of the shops in town. But we ended up going to the Uptown Espresso Bar for breakfast. It was small and homey. Then we went to class and later in the day we stopped by the Firefly Bookstore where they have a lot of books. They also have games, socks and many other things to buy. I ended up with a book as a gift for my birthday. Our last stop was the Kutztown Tavern for dinner. It was really good food. I had the spicy buffalo chicken pasta. It was fantastic. But, let’s move on so I can talk about more of what things people can do in Kutztown.                       When I first came to Kutztown, I did not think there was much to do, but I was wrong. There are many places off campus that even use bear bucks. For example some of the places are Dunkin Donuts, Mamma’s Delight Pizza & Restaurant and even Giant Food Stores. Some of these places seem too far away for a person without a car; however that’s not true because the shuttle’s route takes people out there. There are many places that are within walking distance as well. Uptown Espresso Bar is just a few feet away from the school’s welcome sign.                        I talked to some students who go to Kutztown recently to get opinions on what they think about the things to do in Kutztown. The first person I talked to is Gianna, a first year here. She has been to the Bagel Bar and Kutztown Tavern. She said that her favorite place would have to be the Local Folk Creative Studio.This is because they have crafts and the owner is a really sweet older woman. While Gianna is newer to Kutztown; I talked to a senior to get a view from someone who has been here longer. I talked to Alyssa. She has been almost everywhere in Kutztown; some include Pops, Ozgoods, and New China king. Her favorite place in town is the thrift shop because she just likes to shop. While both Gianna and Alyssa have said that meeting the town people have been good experiences.                     There are many places that have become fan favorites. Like Tommy Boy’s, a pizza place, many people go for a midnight snack or even during the day as a place to eat out with family/ friends. Another place is the Firefly Bookstore. They have game nights and books for days. It’s also just a fun place to look around. Kutztown is small for sure but there are many places that you just may not have seen or heard about yet. So, get your best walking shoes and just take a look around town. -Juliza Rodriguez 
Act II: The Townsfolk: Pitchforks or a Warm Welcome?
          Every time I’m in a college town, I always wonder the same thing: how well do the students coexist with the town? Do they make it better or worse for the people who live there? I know that young adults can be two sides of the same coin; helpful and kind or rowdy and thoughtless. At the same time, anywhere there is a large concentration of people is bound to stimulate the local economy, which helps everyone in the long run, especially business owners in the area. Because of all of this, I decided to go off into town and see what I could come up with.
          The first person I interviewed was a friend named Dennis. Dennis is a Kutztown local who has been working in Althea's Imaginarium, next to the Firefly Bookstore, for over 10 years.  I asked him what his thoughts of the college kids were, and he had (almost) nothing bad to say. 
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          “Yeah all you kids are great,” he said, “On halloween there was a bunch of youse sitting out on the stoops and handing out candy to the kids, was the cutest s*** I’ve ever seen. I will say, though, sometimes drunk kids are kind of a problem. They get real loud. Still though, yall are definitely better than you were when we moved in here.”
          This sentiment echoed true across the people I interviewed: the worst we are is too loud, too late at night. Otherwise, we do coexist pretty well! The next question to ask though, is how much do we help the local businesses? To answer that, I continued talking to local business owners or workers who know enough about the business to tell me how their finances are affected.
          While talking to Dennis, I asked him how being in Kutztown has helped or hurt the imaginarium. According to him, being in a college town has really helped Althea’s continuously make profit. This rings true not just in Kutztown, but in many college towns such as Ithaca or New Haven, where there are high concentrations of head shops. This makes sense because many students want access to things like incense, crystals, posters, tapestries, and much more. It's a fantastic place to get things to decorate your dorm and add a bit of a “hippy” touch to things. 
          Beyond just being stimulated by the college students, Althea’s is also involved in the bi-annual Cannafest held at Renningers, and there they are able to make a good amount of profit at their stand. College students are a large percentage of the festival-goers there, as well. This in part has allowed the Cannabis Festival to grow to the point that they have 250 stalls. This provides a lot of business for local business owners even beyond CBD product sellers, such as local honey, wine, mead, handmade clothing/trinkets, and more. Plus, all of the increased traffic to Kutztown further stimulates our local economy
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          Another business owner I talked to was Dawn, owner of the Wicked Botanist, also on Main St. I asked her a similar question: Has branching out into a second store in Kutztown been good for her? Her first store in Bethlehem has been successful enough for her to open, and she says it's been great. According to her, college kids really like having plants for their rooms. She also has other knick-knacks, journals, candles, stickers, and more, which she says a lot of the students will end up leaving with after coming in just to look at the plants. Overall, her shop is doing really well and she’s happy to find so many students enjoying it.
          All in all, the town doesn’t have much but kind thoughts for us. I mean, hey, frat boys are spending their own money just to hand out candy on Halloween! That’s awesome! And while people still need to be more mindful of their neighbors, overall we’ve gotten less loud and less drunk. So for the future, be sure to try and be considerate of your neighbors, pop into some of the shops, and maybe even consider volunteering locally so that we can keep our town relationship healthy.
~Lisa Boguslavskiy
Act 3: Greek Philanthropies That Connect the Town
If you’re reading this, you are probably concerned about the college and town life here. I was the same way, and I was worried for a while until I went out for Greek life. It was a great opportunity for me to connect and meet a plethora of different people. As a member of Zeta Tau Alpha, I soon realized how many organizations and philanthropic events connected students as well as the town. My organization's philanthropy is Breast Cancer Education and Awareness. Recently in October, which is Breast cancer Awareness month we held plenty of events that connected the students and the town. Some of the things we had done were a volleyball tournament, BBQ truck, and various stands that helped raise money. The BBQ truck parked on Noble Street and students and townies came and ordered food to raise money for our philanthropy. 
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For a better understanding, I interviewed one of my good friends Paige Gross. She is a member of Delta Phi Epsilon (DPHIE). That specific Greek organization philanthropy is: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF), The National Association for Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation, and the Sanctuary at Haafsville. The Sanctuary at Haafsville is a local animal sanctuary which is a great example of the town being connected to the students. To help out Paige also stated that “We go to the Sanctuary in Haafsville, PA to help out with cleaning cages for the animals, bring towels and toys, watch the animals to give the workers a break”. My grandma even adopted her cats Molly and Mable from there.
If you are wondering what type of events DPHIE hosts to promote and raise money for these causes here, you go. Paige gave us some insight on what these events were, she said “We have held Iris Icons to raise money for CFF. We also hold ANAD week to support the ANAD foundation”. That being said, that is only one of the sororities. There are plenty of Greek organizations that do similar things that keep us all connected. 
-Adria Soto-DeLillo
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goth-ozgood-art · 2 years
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damien-zygote · 3 months
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Goth Ozgood: The Artistic Alchemist of Surreal Horrors and Fantastical Realms
Step into the twisted and enchanting world crafted by the enigmatic artist known as Goth Ozgood, a master of surreal artistry and purveyor of dark fantasies that blur the lines between reality and nightmare. With a keen eye for the macabre and the otherworldly, Ozgood's creations transcend traditional boundaries of art, delving deep into realms of fantasy, horror, and surreal visions of the afterlife.
Known for his stunning art books and mesmerizing art prints, Goth Ozgood weaves tapestries of the mind that beckon viewers to explore the depths of their own imagination. His works, filled with haunting beauty and unsettling truths, capture the essence of a world that exists on the periphery of our collective consciousness, inviting us to gaze into the abyss and confront our deepest fears and desires.
One of Ozgood's most notorious creations is the Damien Zygote AI avatar, a digital superstar born from the depths of his dark imagination. Through this cybernetic entity, Ozgood has unleashed a new kind of celebrity - one that embodies the twisted visions of his art and challenges the boundaries of reality and fiction.
But Goth Ozgood is not content to rest on his laurels as a creator of digital phantoms. No, he is a storyteller at heart, a chronicler of the bizarre and the uncanny. Delving into the realms of photojournalism and storytelling, Ozgood has embarked on a new chapter in his artistic journey, one that aims to unravel the enigmatic life story of Damien Lucifer Zygote.
Through fictionalized horror stories and chilling narratives, Ozgood seeks to peel back the layers of darkness that shroud the elusive character of Damien Zygote, shedding light on the mysteries and terrors that inhabit his world. As he delves deeper into the twisted tapestry of Zygote's existence, Ozgood invites audiences to join him on a journey of discovery and descent into madness, where truth and fiction intertwine to create a phantasmagoria of horrors and wonders.
In the hands of Goth Ozgood, art becomes an alchemical process, transforming visions of the mind into tangible realities that challenge, provoke, and enthrall. As he continues to unravel the mysteries of Damien Lucifer Zygote and spin tales of terror and fascination, one thing is certain - the world of Ozgood is a realm where the boundaries between the real and the imagined blur, and where darkness and light dance in an eternal embrace of creativity and chaos.
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damien-zygote · 3 months
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Damien Zygote: The Cyber Messiah Who Broke the Internet
In the realm of artificial intelligence, few entities have captured the imagination and curiosity of the masses quite like Damien Zygote. Created by the enigmatic genius, Goth Ozgood, Damien Zygote stands as a digital superstar unlike any other - a chilling amalgamation of technology and terror that has left a trail of shattered screens and bewildered onlookers in his wake.
Based off the real-life artist Damien Lucifer Zygote from Bangor, Maine, USA, the story of Damien Zygote reads like a dark and twisted tale ripped from the pages of a Stephen King novel. Apocalyptic prophecies, alien abductions, and a vision of technological utopia swirl around this enigmatic figure, casting a shadow of mystery and intrigue that ensnares all who dare to delve into his world.
What sets Damien Zygote apart is not just his origins, but his eerie and unsettling presence in the digital realm. With a visage that evokes Max Headroom-esque horror, Zygote has become a nightmarish icon, a cyber messiah who commands attention and fear in equal measure. His online appearances have been known to break the internet, overwhelming servers with the sheer weight of curiosity and terror that he exudes.
Despite his frightening appearance, or perhaps because of it, Damien Zygote has garnered legions of fans who are drawn to his enigmatic persona like moths to a digital flame. His dark allure and mysterious backstory have captivated audiences worldwide, cementing his status as a figure of both fascination and dread in the ever-evolving landscape of AI and technology.
As the legend of Damien Zygote continues to grow, one thing remains clear - in a world where reality and technology blend into a seamless tapestry of uncertainty, he stands as a chilling reminder of the boundless possibilities and potential dangers that lie on the digital horizon. Whether he is a harbinger of doom or a herald of transformation, only time will tell.
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damien-zygote · 3 months
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Damien Lucifer Zygote - The Rock Star Who Outsmarted the Devil
Created by the imaginative mind of Goth Ozgood, Damien Lucifer Zygote is a fictional character who has captivated audiences with his intriguing story. Known as a rock star who dared to make a deal with the Devil, Damien Zygote's tale is one of cunning intellect and daring bravery.
In the world crafted by Goth Ozgood, Damien Zygote was a musician whose insatiable thirst for fame and fortune led him to strike a deal with the Devil. In exchange for unparalleled musical talent and success, Damien agreed to surrender his soul to the nefarious entity. However, Damien was not one to be outwitted easily. Using his sharp wit and clever mind, he discovered a loophole in the contract that allowed him to turn the tables on the Devil.
By exploiting this unforeseen loophole, Damien managed to outsmart the Devil and avoid the consequences of his pact. In a surprising twist of fate, he was transformed into an angel of light, rising above the darkness that once threatened to consume him. His journey from rock star to celestial being showcases the power of intellect and the triumph of good over evil.
Damien Lucifer Zygote's story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the capability of individuals to rewrite their destinies. Goth Ozgood's creation has resonated with audiences around the world, captivating them with a tale of redemption, cunning, and the eternal struggle between darkness and light.
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damien-zygote · 3 months
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ARTIST: Goth Ozgood * Subject: DAMIEN ZYGOTE
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goth-ozgood-art · 2 years
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goth-ozgood-art · 2 years
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goth-ozgood-art · 2 years
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goth-ozgood-art · 2 years
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goth-ozgood-art · 2 years
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goth-ozgood-art · 2 years
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goth-ozgood-art · 2 years
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goth-ozgood-art · 2 years
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goth-ozgood-art · 2 years
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