#got these images off twt btw!!!
off-the-heezys · 1 year
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I’m so mentally ill rn I’m going to explode
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bytemycupcakes · 4 years
Trans-mity in the Oracle track
Hehe Trans-mity? Like it? It’s silly but it makes me happy >:3c
Obviously this post mostly applies to my Trans!Amity interpretation, but some bits can extend to normal Amity too :p
It’s also.. More than just why the oracle track, I got on a roll and now it includes how he joined the track and a bit of how he figured out he’s trans :3 (It also has a bit of enby!Luz cause... Yes.)
btw, sorry I’m still calling him Amity through the post, I have a replacement name idea, but I wanna think about it more before I put it anywhere ;3;
Sorry it’s so long TwT
Okay first off, why I think he is dual-tracking in the first place.  (and tbh why Canon Amity should in the future)
Amity is a Blight. Blights are successful. Blights strive for the Emperors Coven, and access to all magic. It only makes sense to study as much magic as possible in preperation for that.
Though Amity is completely fine only doing one track before Luz came along and bent the rule, once multiple tracks became open, his parents likely had him consider it, or he brought up the idea with his parents and/or siblings. Discussing how useful it could be for his future, ect.
The Blights are obviously on board with that, cause if Amity is top student in multiple tracks? Well thats certainly something to brag about.
Why the Oracle track though?
In short: Amity always had a fascination for Oracle magic. Infact its the coven he intended on joining upon entering Hexside, but his parents needed successful children.
Principal Bump talks about “trying out” for a track when placing Luz, so it seems that theres requirements for entering one. Though with him just slapping Luz in potions, they seem to be lose or optional requirements. Suppose it all depends on the grades you want.
Thus, Amity’s parents only wanted him to join a track he was successful at, one where he showed promise. Thats what the twins did, it’s what he’ll do to. Consider it Blight Tradition. So for Amity, the “trying out” isn’t much of an optional thing.
Amity really wanted to do Oracle magic. He had already started teaching himself some of it, and seemed to be decent enough at giving Ed and Em vague predictions on their days, so he thought getting into the track would be easy.
And on paper it was, all you had to do was bring up an image of your adult self on a crystal ball, a small glimpse into your own future. Afterall what kind of Oracle can’t predict his own future?
Amity can’t apparently. Sure he hadn’t tried the spell before, but it’s such a simple one, cast and say the name of who you want to see. It’s basic oracle magic so why can’t he do it?? He sits there trying to do the spell for a good half hour before the teacher pushes him to go try some of the other track tests. And with a sinking heart, he does.
He doesn’t think too hard about what to go try next, just wanders and ends up ploping down in abominations. Ends up passing the test with no effort. Guess he’s an Abominations student now... Even if Ed and Em tried to push him to join the Oracle track anyway
At least he never quite gives up Oracle magic. He Continues to study it on his own, and gets better at giving Ed and Em daily fortunes. All while excelling in Abominations. He toyed with the idea of switching tracks once he could pass the beginning test, but every time he tried it with the library’s loan crystal balls, he still couldnt do that basic spell.
Well- Okay he could do the spell, he tried it with his siblings, classmates, teachers, every person he could think of. And most of them worked! But that didn’t matter since he needed to bring up himself.
It didn’t matter that he would easily get passing grades in the track, because according to his parents, if he couldn’t do the basic test, then there’s no promise. He supposes they’re right. Besides, his grades would probably suffer if he couldnt do any predictions about himself.
So he pushed it out of his mind, pretended he always strived for Abominations, and started showing fake pride at his achivement. Besides, nobody wants to hear Abominations top student has been half assing his classes and really doesn’t care much for the track.
Though it grows on him, he finds uses for the spells, and ends up growing fond of the creation process. And having an abomination follow him and do basic tasks was certainly an ego boost. He accepted his fate, and decided he could achieve his goals in this track. He’s a Blight, happiness comes far after success.
But then Luz comes along. Befriends Amity and pulls him out of his shell. Her openness about how humans navigate gender and sexuality fascinates Amity... He’s sure that’s just a human appreciation thing. He’ll take note to talk to the H.A.S about it.
Not that he hasn’t heard similar things around the boiling isles, it’s certainly not unheard of, Willow has two fathers for petes sake. But Luz talks about it more than Amity has ever heard... He could listen to them go on and on for hours... About- The gender stuff. Yeah. Otherwise he’d be so annoyed by Luz’s blathering... Yup. Definitely.
Well that falls through, Since Amity and Luz start dating.... Woops, guess he isn’t straight- Shit.
Luz and WIllow eventually point out how... Interested... Amity seems in Luz’s gender rambling, and Amity tries to play it off that he just likes listening to his partner talk! Is that a crime? The two back down, but Amity certainly takes note of how.. Defensive he had gotten.
He’s left thinking. A lot. And through that thinking, he reaches a state of denial. He’s already dissapointing enough now that he isn’t the perfect straight daughter his parents wanted, he can’t be.. not a daughter too! Maybe his parents were right and Luz is a bad influence- Perhaps he’s just making Amity think he’s all these things- Besides, Amity didn’t mind wearing a dress to Grom, or to other social events.. Sure he whined about how uncomfortable they were, and he makes a conscious effort to wear pants as much as possible. But that doesn’t mean he’s a guy. That’d be absurd-
Again, his denial falls through... Some deep talks with Luz certainly opened up some things... Damn Amity is just chock full of parental dissapointment.
But that doesn’t matter, because he can still be successful without their approval. Amity is still a Blight. And will always have the sway of power that it comes with.
Back on track with the tracks.
Amity had already moved past and shoved down his want to join the Oracle Track quite some time ago, so when he mentions it in passing when helping Luz with her Oracle homework... He’s caught off guard when they shove the crystal ball into his hands.
Luz encouraging him to try again, now that he’s figured himself out, and has a new name. Their professor said names are very important when it comes to some forms of fortune, so maybe thats why he couldn’t do the spell!
Amity blinks.... Then smacks his head. GOD why hadn’t he thought of that?! He already knew that from his own private studying, but just never connected those dots!
He takes such a deep breath, head swirling with excitement and even more fear. Afterall if he still can’t do the spell, then that means he really isn’t cut out for Oracle magic... He’s not sure if he can face that reality... But even if thats the case, he supposes he’ll always have Luz, he can help her with their oracle homework without doing the spells himself.
He casts. He says his name. He and Luz are staring at the ball, neither breathing as the few milliseconds start to feel like hours while they wait for any image to show up.
And sure enough... One does. A simple image of a much older Amity walking through a town appears on the ball, and the two teans squeal. Amity doesn’t even remember a time he was this happy, he’s rendered to tears. That he can do a spell thats been alluding him since middle school. All because Luz had put the pieces in place for him to learn about himself and figure it out.
When he takes the test again next semester and does it first try, the oracle teacher grins and ruffles his hair, “I suppose there was no future Amity Blight, hm? Welcome to the Oracle track, [name]”
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Rewatch: Mahou Tsukai Precure Ep 3
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Hey hey hey~!
I made it to Sunday with another MahoPre post again! Praise me, won’t you?
*bows extravagantly* ( -∀-)シ
Yaaaaa, you know the animation quality really went up when not only the new transformation sequence was top notch but the episode it debuted in was as well. Really! Everything was so sparkly and purdy~
Like Mirai and Mofu-chan’s excited faces, kyaaaaa~! xD
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Ahem, so we start off with Mirai calling home and let’s just say she’s very lucky it was Grandma who picked up.
I don’t know how long Mirai’s been gone but judging by how Grandma’s first question is about Mirai’s search instead of asking where she is right now, maybe she hasn’t been gone too long to raise any alarms yet.
In any case, the beginning of the phone call was hilarious cuz though Grandma shares Mirai’s belief in witches and magic, I’m pretty sure she never expected for Mirai to be contacting her from another realm, much less hear that she’s become a witch herself.
She’s like “Huh? Wut?” xD;
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And then there’s Mirai. Oh god, Mirai.
She really is the type to spill almost every detail out in a jumbled manner and gesture frantically on the other end of the line even though there’s no way her Grandma can actually see her, lol I do the same thing when I talk over the phone
Meanwhile, Headmaster and Riko are just standing awkwardly in the background, watching this girl play charades in front of a crystal ball.
(^ ∀ ^ ;;)
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Anyways, despite all the rushed explanations, Mirai wants to attend class here and asks for permission.
Naturally, any normal parent/guardian would say “no” because first of all, what the heck is she going on about? Flying brooms? Magic World? WAT? Did you hit your head while playing or something?
I mean, even the most understanding person would just assume Mirai found a new friend at the playground who introduced her to some secret hangout or whatever and that Mirai just wants to stay out longer to have fun, that’s all.
But nuh-uh! Mirai’s really in the Magic World right now and she really wants to enroll in magic school for the rest of spring break!
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Miraculously (and again, she is so lucky it was Grandma who picked up), she does get the okay.
Grandma actually believes Mirai will be alright with these strangers in some foreign place she’s never heard of. She’s never met them, there’s no address or even a phone number she can call to check up on Mirai. For all she knows, her granddaughter could’ve been tricked and kidnapped by some shady hoodlums.
But over the phone, it doesn’t seem that Mirai is any danger...and since she sounds so eager, well then, alright. Grandma chooses to trust Mirai.
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Cue joyous, major squee-able hug! <D
(O_ O ;;)
It’s somewhat forgivable in an children’s anime where things are more idyllic and even Mirai’s situation is an exception among exceptions because of plox. 
But if your kid is asking to stay out in some vague location with people who don’t have your trust to look out for their well-being, then you get in your car or call the police or do whatever’s necessary to bring them home immediately!
...come to think of it, I wonder how Mirai’s parents reacted when Grandma told them the news. By the time Mirai got back home, they seemed pretty cool with it but Mirai should’ve at least called them every day (off-screen) to ensure she’s alright so that they didn’t have to worry a lot while she was away.
I dunno, please don’t mind me too much on this matter. I'm just very sensitive when it comes to the safety of children, that’s all. The news and living in the city scared me into being cautious.
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Honestly, I wouldn’t mind becoming an Uber driver as long it’s a magic carpet I’m flying.
But I’m not sure what the insurance policy on that is like and it doesn’t look like there are seat belts either which is a tad bit concerning. Hmm...
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Bouncy-wouncy flippy-floppy Mofurun~!
Look at this happy bear~! She’s having the time of her life!
Ugh, my heart~!!! x3333
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I believe this is the first time Mirai’s had the chance to tell Riko something about herself and it’s quite nice that Riko was the one who (sorta) initiated the interest this time around.
We all know what Riko’s like. She’s not fond of people being too chummy with her because if they get to know her, they’ll learn how bad she is at magic as well. That’s why she’s always trying to maintain a distance. Trying not to interact with others too much and not volunteer too much info about herself so she can uphold an image she doesn’t really possess and protect where she’s most vulnerable. Tsundere defense mechanism in the works.
For her to reach out to Mirai, even if it’s only out of some courteous small talk and minimal curiosity, maybe it means she’s gradually becoming more comfortable. At least in Mirai’s company, there’s no need to have her guard up that high and she can talk to someone normally for once.
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Mirai, on the other hand, is the honest type through and through and is thrilled to share anything about what she loves.
Her bright, sincere personality and close relationship with her grandma shows how well she was raised because no matter how wild or out of this world Mirai’s thoughts can get sometimes, those closest to her never ridiculed or made her think less of herself for that. That’s why she’s almost always able to face anything with open optimism. She’s free to be unapologetically herself because she has that kind of reassurance.
It’s a security that many people would die to have.
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And Riko is one of those people.
Listening to Mirai talk warmly about her grandmother brings a slightly lonely expression to her face because Riko doesn’t have anyone like that. No one whom she can talk to about anything and everything, no one whom she can show her true self to without fear of being judged by them.
No one to call a real friend.
Well, guess what, Riko? Ya got right one in front of ya, dont’cha? Hahaha~!
She just doesn’t realize it yet.
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Moving along, damn, the whole island is occupied by magic merchants and their shops!
Diagon Alley can’t even begin to compare!
Yep. If there’s any Precure universe I want to live in, it’s definitely this one! 8D
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At the center of the giant square, of course there’s a statue and of course there’s a story to go along with it and of course, there’s an old man (by the name of Mr. Hook) just waiting to tell that story to whoever’s new in town.
Nevertheless, this story is a rather interesting one in respect to the Linkle Stone Ruby that’s set to appear later.
The Merchant Alley is where people gather to sell their trades and goods. It’s a place where they can share the work they’re proud of and passionate about.
And Ruby is the Linkle Stone of what? Passion.
So the Passion Flame was pretty much the Linkle Stone Ruby all along and it returned to remind the people of the magic they still have within themselves.
This slightly debunks the idea that the Linkle Stones will only appear when Precure do but it doesn’t change the fact that Ruby’s true form didn’t manifest until Mirai and Riko came to the Alley.
Anyways, on another note, isn’t it an extremely heartwarming thought that even though Mother Rapapa has been gone for centuries, her magic hasn’t disappeared and that it still extends itself to help people when they’re in need? Even now, Mother Rapapa still loves and wants to protect the world she defended with her very life which just goes to prove that the most ancient and most powerful magic of all is indeed, love.
Love never dying means magic never dying.
Aaaaahhhh~, that’s so beautiful! *sniff* <’D
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Aww, but I wanted to hear about Pegasus Lane!
( •́ ∧ •̀ )
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Ok, ok, maybe some other time.
At least we got Riko taking Mirai’s hand to lead her away instead. Me is a happy gurl~ <3
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But then Mofurun says she smells something sweet and duh, it’s clearly Ruby sitting in the statue’s lamp but they don’t know that yet so they all assume it’s just the cotton candy from a street vendor near by.
Well, their reaction was adorbs anyway.
D’aww, omgawd, look at Mirai, trying to tug Riko in the direction of sweets and Riko having none of that. Kekekeke! xD
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Ok, before we go in, I just want to say that I adore Francois and all the fabulousness he’s packaged with!
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But more than that, I love how he’s always so kind to people who visit his shop, especially the girls. He’s always eager to give them the best fashion he can offer and since he learned his trade in the Mundane World, it’s probably safe to say he isn’t at all prejudiced against anyone from there either.
But also, also...!!
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He knows how to recognize CUTE when he sees it!
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Oh yea, Francois is my spirit animal.
Poor Mofurun, though. She looks so traumatized. xD;
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My daughter is soooooo cute! Don’t you agree?
*pokes you in the back with ten needles* (*°∀°)
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Man, if I could do magic......I would probably still go out to buy clothes instead of making them myself. It’s less about not having the talent to design and more about gathering the material that would be a pain for me. I’d rather leave that to the professionals.
That said, since it’s magic we’re talking about, I hope retail prices are a lot lower over there since production requires less manual labor. Or should it be magical labor?
Well, it takes less time if an outfit can be fitted and finished within the hour so that’s a plus at least.
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Mmhmm. *nods appreciatively*
I wasn’t lying when I said this uniform is one of my (if not the) top favorite school uniform designs across all Precure seasons.
The colors, the plaid bows, and ugh, the HAT!!
...I wanna be a witch, too. TwT
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Honestly, Francois is just one of the best recurring characters. Period.
He’s so thoughtful, going the extra mile even when he doesn’t really have to. He’s not in it for the famous name or money, he just wants to make sure his clients look good and feel good looking good.
What an artisan!
(Btw, Mofurun still uses the same pouch when Mirai grows up and I just find that so awesome because they’re continuing to treat a gift from Francois with such care~ <3)
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I mean, fixing a loose button is a small task. Hardly worth mentioning but with Riko falling so often (*discontent Riko noises*), you’d think Francois would be exasperated about her always ruining her clothes.
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He just goes and sews it back in place without charge, gently telling Riko in his own special way for her to be more careful.
Riko doesn’t miss the sentiment behind his words and really, you’d have to be blind to not see how all the people Riko knows really care about her.
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More locals to meet and this one is Todd and he sells produce!
Not much to say about him other than he’s a nice dude, offering Mirai a sample of what a Frozen Clementine really tastes like.
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lol, oh Riko, don’t take it so personally. These things happen. <D;
Also, that’s two strikes for Riko today. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole town was aware of how clumsy she is.
At least, none of them are mean about it or deliberately poking fun at her. Riko’s just a little too sensitive is all.
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Again, the shifts through Riko’s many faces when eating clementines are fun to watch.
It’s okay, Riko! You’ll get there eventually!
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Wouldn’t put it past an eccentric, old man like him to do something like that.
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I mean, I’m positive that the Headmaster’s character is partially inspired by Albus Dumbledore who also fits these kind of descriptions so yea...
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Meanwhile, I am living for the savageness that Cathy is unrepentantly laying on the Deputy Headmistress concerning her stickler-policy/no-outsider opinions.
Nothing against the Deputy Head since she does come around eventually but hell yea, Miss Sassy Crystal Ball! xD;
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Next up is Gustav’s, where Mirai gets her own broom!
God, I love this broom so much. It’s simple but so charming!! Perfect for a young witch!
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Nooooooo, Riko-chan~
That’s not what she meant! (^ ∀ ^ ;;)
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Ooo, that’s three strikes now!
Riko really can’t catch a break, huh?
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I wonder how many times everybody in town has heard this reply, lol
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Y’know, these shopkeepers have known Riko since she was little so for them to comment on Mirai accompanying her today just further supports the idea that they’re always watching out for her however they can.
Riko’s an awkward kid who’s trying too hard to act and see through the eyes of an adult and that’s why she blunders so much.
But perhaps, if they were to point that out too directly, it’ll just make Riko feel more ashamed or make her more stubborn than she already is.
If that’s true, then I’d like to think they all agreed to just give Riko her space and let her grow into it in her own time. They’ll still support her every now and then (because she needs it) but they won’t overdo it to the point where she’ll notice and misunderstand it as an remark on her poor skills in magic.
Anyways, at least Gustav seems happy to see Riko’s finally got a friend to spend time with. As much as Riko’s unsure about calling Mirai her friend, no one’s going to deny that Riko not being alone anymore is a good thing for her, hehe~
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They got to eat cotton candy, after all! YAY~!
Gotta say, this might just be the best way to eat cotton candy cuz it just levitates a little above your hand and you don’t have to worry about holding onto a stick and then the candy melting onto the stick and your hands getting messy cuz of that and whatnot.
Also, it really makes it look like you’re munchin’ on a cloud. Cute, right? :D
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So far, Mirai is having a superb day. She got the whole magic user starter kit and it really feels like she’s become a witch now.
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But as Riko says, it takes more than just looking the part to be a genuine practitioner of magic.
I wonder if she realizes how contradictory she sounds here because if she knew that all along, then that would label her search for the Emerald as hypocritical.
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Though it’s possible she only realized this after coming back from her recent trip to the Mundane World empty-handed.
Still, there’s no doubt the Emerald’s profound and mythical qualities would be desired by many, including those who are efficient in magic. Nobody is really sure what it’s capable of but since it’s reputed to be the rarest and most powerful of the Linkle Stones, we can at least expect it to live up to its name in some way.
And when Riko overheard the Headmaster talking about it in his office, well, who can really blame her for shooting off to go find it then?
If anything, had she found it, Riko probably would’ve used the Emerald to figure out why her magic seldom worked out the way she wanted it to. Then from there, she’d do whatever she could in her own power to make herself a great witch.
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Mirai, however, is more impressed by how brave and aggressive Riko is on fulfilling her dream. 
In fact, she’s more amazed by Riko than the Emerald itself and doesn’t think her search for the Emerald sounds ridiculous at all.
To her, Riko is a hard worker and she should be acknowledged just for how much effort she puts into becoming a witch worthy of respect.
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But when she asks what Riko means by stuff like “excellent” or “splendid”, even Riko’s not sure.
Of course, even if you have a good amount of magical prowess, that doesn’t automatically mean you’re a great magic user.
Rather, it should be how you use your magic that determines whether you are great or not.
I guess that’s why Riko suddenly turned that question back on Mirai. Because as of this moment, she’s only looking for ways to cast her spells without them backfiring on her. She hasn’t given much thought on what she can do with magic once she does have it in her hands.
Riko doesn’t have an answer yet. And because she doesn’t want to appear like she doesn’t, her walls go up again in an attempt to prevent anyone else from realizing how unsure she actually is inside.
But you know what?
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Mirai’s not sure about her own dream either. 
She’s never thought of it before now and nothing really comes to mind just because she’s asked out of the blue like this. However, that doesn’t really bother her.
It’d be awesome if one day, she can find something to dedicate herself to like Riko does...but until then, there’s no need to rush or stress it. If she’s meant to find it, then she’ll find it eventually.
Having a dream should be a wonderful thing, after all. It’s not something you must have but something you want, something you choose to pursue. 
I believe that’s what makes Riko so special in Mirai’s eyes. Because despite all the doubts and hardships that come with it, Mirai can tell Riko truly cherishes her desire to become a fine witch some day. 
If she didn’t, Riko wouldn’t have needed to try so hard. But she did and is still trying because she really wants it. That is what earned her Mirai’s admiration.
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Not sure if those feelings reached Riko but at least it seems that she knows Mirai respects and understands her to extent in that regard, which then draws out a smile from her as well.
Cuz c’mon, it’s just nice to talk these things out with a friend.
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That’s right, they’re definitely friends now.
They’re laughing together and the atmosphere is very light and pleasant and happy.
Just look at Mofurun, the perfect mood indicator. If that’s not enough to show how well our girls are getting along, then I don’t know what is.
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Ugh, unfortunately if there’s a good mood going on, a mood ruiner is never too far off.
This time it’s Sparda and she introduces herself by stealing Mirai’s Diamond pendant. *GASP* BAD! >:(
Demands are made for the Emerald’s location, Mirai loudly defies the villain again and villain decide to wreck things as a response. Yada yada yada, same old, same old.
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Except with them missing one Diamond and unable to transform into Precure, they really can’t do anything to stop Sparda.
As the situation becomes grimmer, so does the anger start to build within Riko as she surveys the damage of the town.
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We even get a mini-montage of a younger Riko (OMG ISN’T SHE THE SWEETEST LIL’ WITCH-IN-TRAINING?!?!? KYAAA~!!! xDD) on her first time visiting all the shops, essentially telling us how many important memories she’s made here and how much the people who helped her mean to her.
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This finally, finally makes her blow her top.
How dare this cretin selfishly trample all over the innocent people trying to do their daily jobs peacefully! How dare this insect woman make a mess of their community, a place where everybody works so hard to support each other, without remorse!
That is absolutely unforgivable!!
...but at the same time, Riko releasing her anger is just what they needed. Her feelings are now fully synchronized with Mirai’s...
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...which causes the Ruby to awaken and reveal its true form to them.
Hmm, this is really fascinating because we can interpret it to mean that passion, the idea that the Ruby represents, is linked to many emotions and not just a strong sense of love towards something. 
Or you can say even “negative” emotions like anger or sorrow can also be proof of a very strong love.
Considering that rage and passion are often symbolized through flames and fire imagery, I’d say that the connection between those two is really appropriate for these turn of events.
But moving along...
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I’ll go into my thoughts on this design another day but ahhh, I do so love this Form Change to death. Have a hard time deciding if this is my top favorite among the MahoPre forms.
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As for the battle, well, sad to say this one wasn’t worth writing home about either. And I think the animation quality dropped a little around this part of the ep. Not sure why there’s a sudden inconsistency when there wasn’t that much “fighting” going on.
But again, I’m not here to write about the battle scenes (until maybe post-Felice debut), which are more or less the same anyway so I’d just be repeating myself if I were. I’m here for the chemistry between the girls, the character studies and so on.
Some key highlights, though, because I couldn’t ignore them:
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Mofurun catching the Diamond back like one would catch a home run ball.
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This kick.
This kick is everything.
Miracle and Magical grabbing each other’s hands to help propel their feet at the Yokubaru.
And then the ice thawing immediately upon impact, a call out to the Frozen Clementines they always eat and further demonstration of symbolism of passion through fire because heat melts ice.
Looks like this might’ve been the first time Riko was successful in using this type of magic. Too bad you can’t really eat it. But not that you’d really want to, lol
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Then Ruby Passionale and another day saved.
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And now everybody’s witnessed the legend in the flesh!
lol, Miracle being polite to the crowd while Mofurun is trying to hide her face ("No pictures, please-mofu!”) and Magical is so close to freaking out cuz they gotta get outta here before their transformations become undone and their true identities are found out and ohhh, we don’t want to stick around to find out what that’s gonna be like......
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...so they leave by leaping to the rooftops.
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Later that day, they go to pick up Mirai’s broom and aww, that’s so nice of Gustav to give her a cute ribbon as an extra service!
It comes in both her and Riko’s colors, too! How did he know?!?!?!? 8D
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And he even gave one to Riko to match with Mirai!
Ugh, Gustav is so awesome. I want to buy him a steak dinner. 
I’ll buy dinner for any character in story who helps me ship my ship, hahaha! xD
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Hehe, my lovely girls~
I love them soooo much. <3
Mmkay, I’m done for the day. I think I can manage to do one more post for next week. Then we’ll see what happens from there cuz I’ll be going back to work soon.
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