#got the call that she has covid 🙃
raeathnos · 1 year
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msookyspooky · 9 months
Fours a Franchise
Part 12
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Wordcount: 8,567
Omfg I got the flu for a week, had a family fued that lasted months between my aunt and...EVERYONE. But thankfully my younger cousin I'm super close to is living with her Dad/My Uncle now after months of this bs so finally there's peace, then in-between this fued and my cousin moving out I got covid and ong I have been foggy headed for 2 weeks afterwards I'm just starting to feel like my normal self again....THEN Wattpad kicked me out of my account. From September till now has been an out of body experience in a bad way 🙃
So thank you all for your support and patience I appreciate it 🖤 but I am so done wracking my brain over this chapter so we're just winging it rn bc I want to write and get past this hump to finish this story then start on 5. So if I missed info or a typo or misplaced lore from previous books *No I did not*~
Annnnddd my motivation with recent Scream news.
The news of Scream 7 is so disheartening and screwed up with Sam and Tara's actresses. So I cannot promise I'm writing till 6 or 7 not only because I'm losing my hyper fixation for Scream after these 2 years but no Tara, Sam, Sidney and most likely no Stu because Matthew is a real one and wouldn't come back after how they treated Neve and Melissa so like? What's the point? This book and 5 I am for sure doing because Billy meeting Sam is a huge writing motive for me. 6 is iffy but 7? I am not. Not only do I not have the motivation to write that much more for this story but it's pointless with so much of Scream being written like bad fanfiction the last 2 installments...Hell, I could do that! But I won't because I probably won't even watch Scream 7 if they make it. The Studio has screwed over Neve and Melissa in ways that I really don't want to support.
Anyways, thank you for the patience. I appreciate all of you! ♡♡♡♡
   Ghostface grabbed your ankle and you hit the stairs. Hard. But the second they went to stab you, you kicked them as hard as you could in the knee sending them flying back and tumbling down the stairs. 
Jill grabbed your arm. "Come on, YN!" As you both bolted for Kirby's room…Kirby had gotten separated during the chase and you didn't know where she was. 
Jill locked the door and told you. "The balcony!"
"There's no other way out?" 
"You can jump, maybe, I don't know." Jill rushed out past her lips as she got away from the door. 
You breathed hard, looking down at the drop off from the second story. You couldn't think long as the door frame started bending; the wood splintering with each bang from the killer trying to break it down. 
"That's two stories." You looked at her trying to form a plan. "...Get under the bed." 
Jill looked confused, "Wha-" 
"Just do as I say." You harshly whispered. "Get under the bed and don't make a sound or come out until I get you, okay? Trust me!…Go!" 
You watched her go to crawl under Kirby's bed as you climbed over the railing.
Jill hid under the bed as you heard the door to Kirby's room finally break and the killer come inside. Slowly walking past Kirby's bed...
You made a gasp as you almost fell.
Ghostface darted out onto the balcony to see you descend onto the porch roof. You rushed down around the corner of the home and looked back to see Ghostface on the roof too. Staring at you through that mask before disappearing. You figured back inside to look for the others because you looked back around the corner to see they were gone.
You quickly used the opportunity to get your cellphone.
You faltered just a second...You didn't trust to call police because you did not trust Judy. You didn't care if she was out in the open when Jill's mother was killed. Partners. Besides, you did not have a good track record of using your one phone call for cops and either they don't show up, show up too late, or show up and make things worse with the killer. But you still had to call someone. Randy dead, Gale injured, maybe Dewey? Maybe just risk 911-
You heard a noise and out of reflex you accidently pushed a button on speed dial that you hissed a curse at. Too late, they picked up the phone as you frantically tried windiws.
As soon as it picked up you rushed out, "The killer's here at Kirby's! I need your help. 329 whispering lane-" 
You yelled as you rounded the corner to try a window you saw was cracked open just for the killer to jump out at you. You gasped and stepped back as they tried to slash you with the knife as you dropped the phone on the roof and lost your footing. Tumbling off the roof before barely catching yourself on the gutter. Your fingers and hands burned painfully from the impact as well as trying to hang onto the thin uncomfortable metal with your body weight. The hand you injured from the knife stab a decade ago hurt the worst. Tingling and burning as you desperately tried to hang on. 
You gasped looking up to see a knife and mask. The knife narrowly missed your hand as you let go and let yourself fall harshly onto the ground. Tumbling painfully before laying there a second from the impact. Robbie no longer screamed…Only the smell of flesh and hair and plastic burning as his body provided some fucked up bonfire in the front yard that blazed overtop a pile of dead leaves...And of course this house was about like Stu's with hardly any neighbors. Should've seen that a mile away.
"Shit…" You grabbed the knife from your boot and bolted, forcing your legs to move even if they didn't want to. Running back into the house before yelping at someone grabbing you. You went to stab them before she said, "No, no, no, no! Sorry, It's me." 
You lowered the knife as you saw Kirby. She drew you to a corner of the kitchen to quietly talk. "Look, I tried to call 911 but the landlines dead and someone smashed the router...And my cellphone is missing. I-I don't know, I think I lost it while running I don't understand. "  
Your mind raced with that.
But…Did she actually call 911? Or was she lying? Where had she been? Why didn't she go with you and Jill? Did she actually try to call or did she mess with the landline and wifi in her own house?...
You didn't have time to talk as you both heard heavy footsteps upstairs and Kirby opened the basement door and rushed you in, "Oh god. Go, go, go, go, go!" She urged before following after you and locking the door as you both quickly got down the steps as she informed you. "There's a room down here we can lock ourselves in. I heard you yelling at Jill; is she okay? Did she get away?" 
You both made it to the room as you told her, "She's safe but where's the others? Trevor, Charlie?" 
Kirby breathed out shakily. "I don't know." 
You hissed through your teeth. "Did Trevor or anyone have a shoulder or arm wound? I shot Ghostface in the shoulder tonight before they escaped the barn." 
Kirby mumbled, "I don't think so." All before locking you both in the dark room…Suddenly, you both gasped and jumped at a banging noise. Nearly jumping out of your skin as you instinctively wielded your small knife. You held your knife tightly as you both saw a bloody Charlie banging desperately on the glass door leading to the backyard.
"Kirby! Please, let me in!" 
"Charlie?" Kirby breathed out, going to the door…Her eyes darted to his bloody hand and arm. 
He looked where her eyes traveled and he shook his head. "N-No! I got attacked! Please, let me in!..." He kept banging his bloody hand on the glass while fearfully looking around. "Please! There is someone else out here, let me in! They burnt Robbie!...Jesus Christ, Kirby, they set him ablaze in the yard!" 
You saw Kirby ponder and you told her firmly. Already having your hunch. "If you can't trust him; don't open the door…"
Kirby looked taken aback by that realization. 
Charlie looked outraged on the other side of the glass. "My God! Let me in!" He begged Kirby with fear raising his voice a few octaves. "I don't know who's doing this but it's not me! Please!" 
Kirby swallowed but with a tense look told him. "...Get away from the door, Charlie." 
"Kirby! It's me!" Charlie whimpered with desperate pleas. 
Kirby had tears in her eyes, voice strained as she ordered him. "Get away from the door, Charlie!" 
Charlie's bloody hand slid down the glass as he cried out, "It's me! P-Please, Kirby! It's meee-" He whined the last part in a desperate sob. 
Kirby shook her head, tears welling in her eyes as her voice cracked. And in the tiniest, crackling voice she told him. "...I'm sorry, I can't…" 
You saw the struggle on Kirby's face. Trust no one…This could be a set up to make you trust her completely. You just stood back away from the door or windows with your knife ready. Back against the wall. Nothing behind the wall. Trust no one.
Charlie stepped away from the door into the porch light's view. "What the fuck?!" He yelled in outrage and disbelief. 
Suddenly, Ghostface appeared behind him as Kirby screamed, "LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!!" 
Killer grabbing Charlie and banging his head into the glass right over the bloody handprint he left. Smearing blood on the glass before dragging him away into the dark…
You and Kirby looked taken aback, both staring helplessly…Then suddenly, whoever was doing this shut off the outside light. It was pitch black both outside and in the room now as your eyes adjusted to the darkness surrounding you. Back against the wall as you swallowed hard and tried to get your mind in survival mode. 
And then…The lights turned on outside to see Charlie tied to a chair…So similar to the report of Steven Oarth's body found or that friend of the girl that worked for Randy. 
"Leave him alone!!" Kirby yelled, banging on the glass with teary eyes. "Damnit, leave him alone!" 
You stood back and watched in disbelief. Questioning everything. How did Charlie get tied up so easily? Was Kirby faking it? Where the hell is Jill? Where's Trevor? And now, you have no phone to call 911…It was on the roof…Then again, you called multiple times in 1996 that awful night and they didn't show up till a fire broke out...Apparently one body on fire in a leaf pile isn't enough. You felt cornered on your own here. The only thing driving you was to kill this Ghostface and find who they were. Honestly, at this point, in that order. Anyone dumb enough in this situation to run at you with that mask on deserved beat or stabbed and feel guilty about it later.
You saw Charlie bound and gagged in that chair. And you just stood in the darkness of the room helplessly watching. 
Kirby's phone rang. Charlie's contact as she answered. In the silence of the room, you could hear the Ghostface's voice on the line talk to Kirby. 
"Tell YN heads are gonna roll tonight! Tell YN this is all because of her! Or maybe she wants to take his place? I promise to be quick." 
You gritted your teeth hearing the sadistic excitement in their voice. Oh how much you wanted to yank that phone out of Kirby's hand and tell them to stop being a coward and come get you then…But you knew better. Instead, you whispered to Kirby, "Keep them talking." You knew it was most likely one of them or both of them…But it could be an outside influence, someone not necessarily in the group just like Neil was. 
Kirby tearily nodded as she sucked in a breath to keep Ghostface on the line as you snuck out of the dark room. 
Kirby stood there as you left, shaking like a leaf. "Please, let him go." 
"I hear you like horror movies, Kirby. But do you like them as much as him?...Forget watching Stab. You get to live it!" 
Kirby's eyes widened, "No! Nononono, he's the expert, not me!" As she locked eyes with Charlie who struggled against his ties. 
"Warm up question: Jason's weapon?" 
Kirby fumbled at first in her fear stricken state. "Uuhhh, it's a machete." She released a small sniffle and touched her head.
"There, ya see? You do know the genre." The voice is entirely too sweet. Mocking her before snapping. "Michael Myers?!" 
"Uh, butcher knife." 
"A Chainsaw! Please!" Kirby answered faster, desperate to save her friend as a small sob escaped her. 
"Just ask YN if you need some help. Freddy Krueger?!" 
"Uh, uh. Razor hands!" 
"Name the movie that started the Slasher craze. Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Last House on the Left, or Psycho?" 
"Psycho!" Kirby growled out through her teeth before the voice aggressively cut her off as Kirby kept pacing the doors window looking at Charlie. 
"NONE of the above! Peeping Tom 1960 directed by Michael Powe; first movie to ever put the audience in the killer's POV!" 
"Wha-" Kirby's breath caught in her throat as she clutched her head. "What? Please! Nononono, please just ask me one more question, just one more!" 
"...Alright Kirby. Then it's time for your last chance question …" The voice so sinister on the other line as Kirby softly cried to herself. "Name the remake of the groundbreaking horror movie in which the villain-" 
"Uh Halloween-" Kirby shook her head while frantically going over every horror remake she knew. "Texas Chainsaw, Dawn of the Dead, Hills have.. Eyes-" She scrunched her face forcing this out while trying to scrap her brain for every last straw she could grasp. "Uh Amityville horror, Last House on the Left, F-Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, My Bloody Valentine, When a Stranger Calls, Prom Night, Black Christmas, House of Wax, The Fog, Uh…Uh Piranha!...It's one of those, right? Right?!" She demanded while staring out the window at Charlie. 
…The line went dead silent. Everything stopped as the line was quiet, no attacks, no taunts. 
"I was right?" Kirby gritted her teeth to go outside. "I was fucking right." 
She opened the door, looked around, before rushing to her bound friend. "Hold on Charlie." She removed his tape from his mouth as he gasped and groaned at the feeling. Kirby quickly worked on untying him as she spoke. "He tried to trick me but I fucking won!" She smiled a bit as she got his hands free. Looking cautiously around herself in the dark as she tried to get the tape undone on his wrists and ankles. She helped him up and told him, "It's gonna be okay! It's-" 
"Kirby." He said her name like it was a chore. "This is making a move." 
Kirby gasped as she felt searing pain…A knife Charlie had hidden plunging deep into her abdomen. She choked on tears and air…And her eyes darted to the blood on his white shirt that he claimed was from an attack by the killer…It shifted as he stabbed and she saw a bloody gauze thickly wrapped up where the blood had soaked through from earlier…From us shooting him in the barn…She remembered him acting odd, noticing him wincing a bit when he sat down earlier but she thought it was nerves from stress…My God…It really was Charlie. 
He killed his best friend Robbie. He stole Robbie's Dad's Crossbow. He stabbed Gale. He killed Randy Meeks…It was him.
Kirby's teary eyes looked at him desperately for an answer to the madness as she choked on her sobs of pain. He jerked it back out. 
"Four years of classes and now you notice me?! All those times at the video store that you could talk Randy's ear off about horror movies like he's a fucking Messiah of horror while ignoring me?! All those years of teasing and leading me on in the friendzone and now you care?!" He demanded with angry tears in his own eyes as Kirby gripped his shoulder in pain gasping for air with wide eyes. Charlie yelled before plunging it back in her again. "Stupid bitch! It's too late!!" 
Charlie gripped onto Kirby as her body went lax. Tears and choked whimpers escaping her as the pain felt like shocks coursing through her. 
Charlie shhed her as he held her in a soft voice, "Shh, shhh. I know, I know. It's okay, take your time…Doesn't happen as fast in real life as it does in the movies, I know." 
He smirked a bit as Kirby could do nothing but feel pain as the shock of all this slapped her in the face… 
He brutally killed Olivia to look like Tatum's death. He hosted the party. He massacred Randy. Stabbed Gale. Set his so-called best friend on fire…Now? He was stabbing her to death and killing their entire friend group plus YN. 
"Just like Sidney Prescott …Shh…I bet she suffered in that house, huh? Stab had her die instantly but I bet she gasped in pain too when Billy plunged his knife in her." He softly told Kirby. 
He then whispered something in Kirby's ear that made her eyes widen…
Kirby choked out pained gasps before Charlie shook his head and shoved Kirby off his knife to let her lay on the ground. Taking gasping breaths like a fish out of water as a pool of blood.
Charlie looked close to crying and ran a hand through his long hair while he stalked back to the house. The night wasn't over. 
You tried to look for Jill, Trevor, your phone but couldn't find any. You put your small knife back getting  a much bigger one off the counter…Kitchen knife in hand and backup knife in your boot.
You came downstairs, that front door still open as you rounded the corner.   Opening the door to the bottom level Kirby was at last…But stopped yourself from calling out to her. It was too quiet…You wanted this Ghostface dead or caught. Wanted to help these kids. But everything in you screamed get in the car and get away. 
You took a steadying breath and backed up the stairs a few steps. Knife in hand, eyes darting before someone grabbed you in a chokehold so tight you gagged as your knife clattered down the steps and you were jerked backwards.
Charlie's arm had you in a tight grip with his knife at your face. Blood staining his white shirt…And he seemed in pain with the arm he was holding you with. Blood on the shoulder you shot. 
…You knew it. 
He was pressed against a wall as he mumbled in your ear, “You know you learn a lot when you watch movies over and over. All the plots are about to ridicule you…Think you're gonna get away? Think anyone gets away?” His lips near your ear as you gritted your teeth and slammed him back against a wall. 
As soon as he hit the wall he let you go and you grabbed your knife from your boot as you went to run out the door. You were getting out. You were outnumbered now. Just until help got here. 
…But you got intercepted…When someone plunged a knife deep into your stomach.
You had been shot and stabbed but never in your gut like that. It knocked the wind from you, your body freezing up in pain as you fell back against the staircase wall. A choking gasp escaped your lips as you clutched your stomach. You went to slash at them, jolted by the pain you felt the second you moved your arm as it radiated down to your abdomen. Ghostface easily smacked that small knife out of your hand.
It clattered to the ground feet away and you felt all air leave your lungs.
The Ghostface came towards you, lowering their knife before taking off that damn mask you learned to resent…
Long dark hair cascaded out first followed by a fair complexion and a smirk on full pink lips…And your mouth dropped.
You shook your head. Shocked because she wasn't even on Randy's radar. And then your face soured as you realized this was just a decade ago all over again. Another one of Sidney's family is either jealous or wanting revenge.
“Hello, Yn…” She tilted her head with a smirk. “Surprised?” 
She got inside her mask to show a small camera. “See this? This is the part where the cameras…” It beeped as she held it up smugly. “Turn off.” 
“Good.” Was the only thing you heard before a man's hand jerked her by the head and slammed her forehead against the staircase railing as she screamed in pain and anger. Billy had a firm grip on her hair.
“Jill!” Charlie went to defend her before Stu grabbed him by the throat and jerked him back.
 “Where you goin’?” Stu taunted. Knife jerking back ready to stab Charlie repeatedly at a moment's notice. “After party's just starting man. Pretty lame if you ask me. Mine was a rager.” Stu jeered with an insane grin.
You couldn't help the relieved smile as you clutched your bleeding abdomen…They actually came back for you. They heard your call and came back.
The sound of a knife jerking out of a pocket sounded as Billy readied his hunting knife. Jill cursed and struggled. “Time to join the other idiots.” He murmured.
Stu grinned, “Hell yeah, man! Number one, baby! We'll always be the one-” 
Right when Billy went to plunge his knife into Jill's side she jerked with a scream as he barely got her…Before a gunshot ran out and you saw Stu jerk back with a shocked expression on his face.
Charlie pulled out a gun leveled it behind him shooting again as Stu got shot right in his rib area jerking back from it before Charlie went to shoot again and Stu tripped backwards over a spare chair landing through the glass sliding door with enough force to fall through it.
“Motherfucker!” Billy hissed out ready to slit Jill's throat and Charlie quickly pointed the gun at us; grabbed us by the back of the neck.
Damn…This has happened too many times before.
“Let her go…Or YN dies.” Charlie mumbled, nervously licking at his lips as he fidgeted with you in his grip. You went to struggle, trying to elbow him and Charlie shoved it to your temple as you groaned in pain.
Billy really considered…He glared, Jill still in his grasp. Until Jill stabbed him in the leg. He yelled, accidentally letting her go as he clutched his thigh.
Charlie jerked you into the kitchen as Jill hissed, seeing a bit of blood where Billy barely stabbed her side before she kicked him to follow Charlie and You. “Move, asshole!” 
Billy growled in his throat as he readied his knife to stab the ever loving hell outta her before Charlie pointed his gun at him while still having a painful grip on you. “You heard her.”
Billy looked ready to take the risk, not one to back down but hearing Stu groaning in pain among the shattered pieces of glass on the porch and you yelping when Charlie shoved you with too much force into the counter. Right where your stab wound was…He relented. 
Walking as Jill told him. “Give me the knife.” 
“Bite me, bitch.” Billy scoffed. 
Charlie threatened with the gun again. “Come on, what's a knife gonna do with a gun anyways? Try to think.” 
Billy scowled before dropping the knife.
Jill smirked. “Not totally stupid. Now walk.” She ordered shoving him as Billy dragged himself forward with her knife leveled at him and her pocketing his for now. 
Jill called out Charlie's name as he forced Billy to stand beside you near the kitchen counter. “Already taken care of.” Charlie told her while shutting doors and she stood near you both with the knife. 
“Get that other douchebag for the line up.” She ordered.
Charlie went to Stu dragging him through glass by his ankles as Stu groaned in pain, teeth clenched. His shirt too dark and bloody to tell where he was shot before Charlie heaved him with a groan and shoved him up to stand. Then shoving him near the counter as Stu tried to swing on him and missed. Just hissing in pain as he caught himself next to Billy, and to your surprise, Billy instinctively reached out to steady him.
Charlie blew air past his lips with a smirk and showed a camera from his pocket. “Damn, he's a big boy, huh Jill?…And guess what? I got great footage of my Robbie kill. Better than Marnie or Olivia even.” 
“Good. We'll cut and upload it later to make it all traceable to Trevor.” Jill replied with the knife near your face.
You panted in pain while Billy stood near you leaning on the counter. His dark eyes scanning the room for any way to get leverage. Stu gripped the counter, sweating but looking murderously at both teens holding you all hostage right now.
If Charlie didn't have that gun? This would've been over with both of them dead. If YOU had your goddamn gun this could've been over before Billy and Stu even got here!
You stared at Jill, seething once the shock wore off realizing the last few days you and Randy were so nice to her; you were talking to the killer all along. Her and Charlie didn't seem to recognize Billy and Stu or if they did they weren't saying.
“Speaking of which-” Charlie opened the doors to the closet and dragged out Trevor who he threw on the ground bound and gagged with tape.
“Remind you of anything?” Charlie retorted towards you.
Yeah, did it ever. Only this time Billy and Stu were just as much victims as you were.
Charlie ripped the tape off as Trevor begged, “Jill pleas-” 
“Shut up!” She cut him off with a yell as she stripped herself of the Ghostface robe.
Charlie got closer towards you, blood on him. “See everything I learned I learned from you.” 
Stu shoved him away. “Get the fuck away from her, man.” He growled out in pain but this was a man that took so many stabbings when younger and still attacked you and flipped you both over a couch. 
Charlie scoffed but he knew who had the power right now as he smirked. But…He looked at Stu longer. Almost trying to connect the dots. 
Jill brought Charlie back as she mumbled, “Who are these guys anyways? Don't tell me they're your side pieces or something.” Jill jeered with a malicious smirk as you all said nothing. “You think my cousin Sidney had a shitty boyfriend, YN!? Here's one that fucks you, dumps you…And doesn't even make you famous.” She gave a wry smirk before kicking Trevor in his shoulder as he cried out.
Billy's eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared at hearing Jill was his old girlfriend's cousin. You could tell he wanted to kill her that much more. 
Trevor cried out, “The fuck, Jill!? I loved you!” 
Jill rolled her eyes, “Shut the fuck UP already!” Before kicking him multiple times as he yelled out in pain each blow.
Stu mumbled to Billy and you, “Mean ass girl, isn't she?” Sarcastically while he huffed and held his side in pain.
Billy asked, "How you holding up?"
"By my last bit of skin, man...Fuck. He got me in the side and lower belly." Stu huffed out in a wince.
"Fuck." Billy scoffed. "...You know what to do still?
Stu smirked, "Yeah..."
Charlie gave the gun to Jill, “I'm sure the cops would want you to have this, Jill. For your protection.” 
The second that gun wasn't aimed, Billy and Stu tried to charge Charlie for it. Their street smarts and instincts ready to attack in pain or not but before they could Jill stabbed you in the gut again and the most strangled cry escaped you. It hurt your throat to scream with such a primal pain and it instantly made Billy and Stu falter just enough for Charlie to aim the gun at them.
You cried, tears in your eyes at that god awful pain as you clutched your lower gut. 
Jill glared, “Do that shit again and I'll stab her in the throat.” She tilted her head. “Who are you anyways? Shouldn't you both be dead?” 
Billy and Stu had no choice but to back off. And when Jill said that…Charlie's entire demeanor changed. 
“Oh my God…No way…I-I thought you looked familiar but-” Charlie drew out like some star struck fan.
Jill's eyes widened too before she laughed loudly. “Shut the fuck up!...No way, Gale was right? Gale Weather's was actually right about you, YN!?” 
You sniffed back tears, gritting your teeth in contempt but not answering her. 
Charlie pointed the gun to each of them. “Bill Loomis…And Stu Macher. It's such a privilege to meet you two in the flesh!” 
Billy sneered at him, “Great, another dick rider.” He grumbled under his breath. 
Jill chuckled, “I can't believe it.” As even Trevor looked flabbergasted from the floor. “Wow, YN…Little Miss American Sweetheart is actually a treacherous lying snake. I mean, hiding two of the famous Woodsboro killers under everyone's nose and ruining Gale Weather's career over it?...Under different circumstances I'd applaud you.” 
Charlie looked momentarily freaked out. “Jill…Jill, what are we gonna do I mean…This changes our plans! I-” 
Jill took his gun. “Shhhh.” She softly told him in a way to calm him down. “It'll still work, Baby. Remember? I'm YN and you're Randy…Now, Trevor doesn't have to be Billy. We can work with this. I mean, who is going to question who the killers were with Billy and Stu here?” 
Charlie's breath hitched as he forced a smile. “And this time, Randy gets the girl.” 
She kissed him. Looking at you with the gun pointed the entire time.
Stu and Billy sneered. And the idea hit you. Charlie…Charlie you shot Charlie in the barn. He wants to be the ‘new Randy’...He was jealous and killed Randy because Randy got Kirby's attention, Randy was the movie expert, Randy was a cool nerd in school unlike Charlie. 
You shook your head in disgust. “You'll never be Randy…Do you hear me? He was better than you in every fucking way!” You forced out through tears and clenched teeth. They stopped kissing as you practically snarled at Jill. “And you will never be me! You're nothing but a jealous attention seeking litt-” 
You cried out as she pistol whipped you upside the face hard enough to jerk your head and taste blood in your mouth. Billy and Stu had to stop themselves from lunging at her, remembering the gun.
Jill looked at you with a glare as you coughed and wiped blood off your lip. Swearing she just knocked out a tooth. 
“Don't you get it? You're old news.” She gave plainly. 
You stood back up, blood on the corner of your lip as you tiredly clutched your stomach.
Trevor cried out from on the floor, “Jill, baby! Please, this isn't you!” 
Jill gave him a bored look. Leveling the gun at him and holding the knife towards you. You swore she was gonna shoot him but instead…She looked at Charlie.
“Charlie…Ya know, now with us being able to pin this on thee Billy Loomis and Stu Macher…Trevor's role can change. We don't need another Billy or Stu…But we need a James. I mean, every final girl needs some fucked up shit to happen to her like her boyfriend being mutilated. Media will eat that up.” 
Your eyes widened and you shook your head. 
Charlie even faltered a moment. 
Jill glared at him. “Do not chicken out on me now, Charlie!” 
Charlie just shook his head swallowing. “Not chickening out…Just gotta make sure we film this. Are we good on time?” He started putting the Ghostface outfit back on.
Jill smiled, “Oh yeah, we're perfect.” 
Trevor looked terrified and so did you as Charlie quickly threw Jill's outfit on, getting the mask off the counter and turned the inner camera on. He dropped down to Trevor and slid the knife threatenly over his neck. 
“D-Don't!” You begged on deaf ears as Trevor gave a blood curdling scream as Charlie started doing what Billy and Stu did to your boyfriend back in 1996 in that field. Billy and Stu seemed both unfazed or annoyed at best while you closed your eyes and covered your ears screaming over Trevor, “STOP IT!!” 
The sounds of him screaming in pain, flesh being ripped as Charlie pulled while sawing, the smell of blood. You felt ready to scream yourself as Billy to your shock drew you near with a hand on your shoulder protectively so you didn't do something stupid like lash out. Him and Stu watched the whole time. While this was the one traumatic thing that happened to you indirectly that you thankfully didn't see even if James was a shitty boyfriend. You closed your eyes and Billy had a death grip on you. You felt sick whether from bloodlose or this was debatable.
You shakily looked when the screams died down and wished you hadn't. Seeing Trevor bloody and half his face skinned off as he seemed to tremble and writhe as his body went into shock from the pain. You wanted to pass out or throw up and knowing Billy and Stu gleefully did this that night while calling you and…And hearing James sobbing and begging you to help him.
Billy's grip tightened on your shoulder as if he knew. His eyes narrowed. Stu tried inching towards a door and Jill shot the gun near the door as everyone flinched or ducked.
She said nothing, not wanting her voice on camera. As Charlie peeled his face the rest of the way off then stabbed him from sternum to groin as he choked and jerked and spasmed in pain on the floor.
And Jill just numbly watched…Watched a boy that loved her get this done to him.
Charlie took off the mask and shut off the camera with a bewildered smirk. “Holy shit…That was awesome.” He held up Trevor's face. “Hey, YN; wanna reenact TCM 2?” And tried to threatenly put Trevor's face on yours as you instinctively hid in Billy's chest. Trying to face away with an uncharacteristic whimper at what you were just forced to see. Like you were a scared teen girl all over again.
“I will staple that face to yours if you even try it! It'll be one hell of an improvement!” Stu jeered and weakly shoved him back as Billy put an arm over you.
 However, Billy gripped you and forced you to turn around. You knew it was his way of silently telling you to be strong and you forced yourself to not look at Trevor or the face in Charlie's hand and instead glared at Jill. Feeling weak with blood loss and yet you had so much hate for her. 
Jill smiled, “Now THAT is going to get views.” She looked at you. “See with you the world just heard about what happened but with us…They're gonna see it. It's gonna be a worldwide sensation. I mean, people gotta see this shit!” Jill chuckled. “It's not like anyone reads anymore.” 
Charlie took off the glove and showed you guys a video of…Of Randy being killed. Of him on the ground backpedaling with an arrow in him. All alone in the dark. 
“No please! Don't-” He got cut off choking in pain as he was stabbed repeatedly. “D-Don't hurt them…Don't hurt my kids and wife…D-D-Don't hurt YN…Please-” He pleaded with blood near his mouth before screaming in pain again as Charlie stabbed him repeatedly and the video cut off…To a close up of him hanging…Still twitching barely alive as he hung there…Guts out.
Tears welled in your eyes as your breathing got shallow. You were trembling with so much rage and mind shattering devastation. Seeing your best friend in his final moments tonight in pain begging for his life…For yours even after your argument. Even after everything he didn't hate you.
“...I'm gonna kill you…You goddamn pieces of shit…” You forced out shakily through your teeth as tears rolled down your cheeks. “I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!!” Billy and Stu had to jerk you back, Billy the least injured having you in almost a headlock before you got shot. 
Jill laughed, “God, you are so dramatic! So that goody two shoes love and peace for all; is that some PR move or-” She mocked as Billy jerked you and you were trying to fight him even in ungodly pain to get to her or Charlie.
“Stop! Now!” Billy ordered in your ear. “...We'll get them…” He reassured while still holding you back as you stopped struggling and glared daggers at them both tears rolling down your face.
Charlie informed you. “Stole Robbie's Dad's crossbow. I mean that guy on Walking Dead just gave me major ideas and Robbie also…Lured Randy back to the party by recording you and Kirby. Poor kid had no idea he was helping me get Randy tonight. Jill took care of things at her house and Kirby's phone.” 
You could only glare at him.
Jill told you. “We're gonna have fame you never even dreamed of.” 
Charlie looked at Jill in adoration. “You were the perfect victim, Jill.” 
Jill laughed like a teen girl getting away with sneaking out past curfew while Trevor bled out on the floor. “I was SO believable today, wasn't I? I mean, I told so many lies that I actually started to believe them…I really think that I was born for this.” 
Stu huffed, looking tired and woozy himself. “Congratulations.” He sarcastically monotoned. 
You got away from Billy as he let you go and you demanded weakly, “How could you do this?...Sidney-” 
“Shut up!” Jill demanded, her smiling dropping. “Do you even know what it was like in this family being related to Sidney Prescott?! Sidney this and Sidney that and Sidney, Sidney, Sidney! She was always just SO FUCKING SPECIAL!” She screeched.  “And then you…” She pointed the knife at you. “I hated you just as much. What? You survive bad luck and get all this attention? Big house somewhere, never have to work, all these interviews and book deals because your life was hard?...You had your 15 minutes of fame NOW I WANT MINE!” She yelled.
Billy groaned as Stu tiredly mumbled to him. “Told you. Fame. You owe me 50 bucks.” 
You ignored them and stared at her, shaking your head mumbling. “You'll slip. They always do.” 
Jill gave a wry smirk, looking back at Billy and Stu who technically did get away with it before saying, “Come on Charlie, let's get this over with.” 
Stu was losing a lot of blood and so were you as you both gripped the counters and Billy wasn't able to run. You all were pretty much sitting ducks right now.
Charlie handed Jill the knife. He started breathing puffs of air out of his mouth, bouncing on his feet as Jill told him loudly, “You've gotta be strong…And hold still! Okay?” 
He nervously breathed, “Old School, like Billy and Stu.” 
Billy made a face and Stu despite his condition let out a mocking laugh. Billy added over Stu's laughter, “That's right, real deep too. Don't be pussies now in front of your idols-”  
Charlie closed his eyes saying “Come on, get it up-” Before slapping himself across the face multiple times.
Stu laughed silently hanging his head and leaning on the counter for support.
You stood there thinking you felt like you were in a Twilight Zone right now or a damn insane asylum from back in the day while Stu and Billy had sadistic grins on their faces eager to see some ‘fan’ that gave them injuries get stabbed.
Charlie smacked his shoulder shakily yelling at Jill, “Shoulder me, shoulder me! Come on! GET IT UP-” 
You gasped with a slight satisfaction yourself when Jill plunged the knife right into his chest. Billy went from watching with interest to smirking with a dark look in his eye and Stu through his sweat and pain grinned ear to ear.
Charlie choked a gasp, holding his bleeding chest. “The heart?!- T-That's not how we rehearsed it!” 
You finally spoke with an edge to your voice. “You said it. Billy and Stu…If Trevor became James. And Robbie was supposed to be Stu…” 
Jill smirked to herself seeing it dawn on Charlie. She told him, “I know it's going against the script…But this is a franchise. Not a remake. And what the media loves is a sole survivor.” She whispered cruelly. “Robbie was your partner. Both of you jealous little outcasts but you…You were the idea man.” 
She plunged the knife in again as Charlie gasped harshly falling to his knees. Hyperventilating as he bled. Shock written all over his face before collapsing in a pathetic heap on the ground. 
You didn't care if it made you a monster too…There was some satisfaction. Especially when you remembered what he showed you on that phone. “You'll never be Randy, Charlie.” Was the last thing you said as Stu almost gave a little hollar of glee and Billy chuckled under his breath watching Charlie be betrayed and now only seconds from dying.
You glanced at Jill holding your stomach and like Stu things were getting blurry for you. “So…You killed all your friends…Now what?” You asked the bigger picture of what happens when all this is said and done.
Jill glared at you. “My Friends?” 
She walked up to you and Billy and Stu tensed up a bit. It was 3 against 1. 2 grown men, a grown woman and one teen girl…Problem was 1 grown man looked ready to pass out, the grown woman wasn't far behind him, the other grown man had a fucked up leg now that couldn't move as fast and the little teen bitch from hell still had the gun.
“What world are you living in? I don't need friends, I need fans ….DON'T YOU GET IT!?” She snapped at you. “This has never been about killing you…This is about becoming you. I mean for fucksake all my friends and boyfriend had to die.” 
“And your mother?” You asked, trying to be brave but staring crazy in the face again after so long…Worked on your mind.
“Collateral damage.” She mused with nothing in her dark eyes…Just nothing. “That's sick right? Well, sick is the new sane.” She whispered with a small smile eyeing you.
Even Billy and Stu didn't kill their own parents.
“You had your 15 minutes now I WANT MINE!” She yelled in your face. “I mean, what am I supposed to do? Go to college, grad school, work? Look around. We're all in the public eye now, we're all on the internet…How do you think people become famous anymore!? You don't have to achieve ANYTHING!” She gestured to you. “You just gotta have fucked up shit happen to you.” 
You stared at her in shock at her logic of wanting to be you. To have your life. To want to be the victim, to want to have people whisper about you or treat you horribly or treat you like glass. To have a target on your back forever.
All of this…ALL of this pain…Because some brat wanted attention and to get by easy in life?
Billy and Stu looked just as bewildered as you. Stu finally gave a humorously dry chuckle while trying to breathe, still holding his wounds. “I mean…Okay idea but-” 
She instantly shot him.
You froze as Stu got shot somewhere in the abdomen and went flying back. Billy went to lunge at Jill and got shot as well. He growled in pain and hit the counter. Wincing and slipping on his bloody palms trying to keep himself up. Stu laid limply and you tried not to hyperventilate at how messed up this was becoming because of one damn girl. Stu groaned on the ground coughing as he weakly held himself.
Jill laughed, “I WAS going to kill you all and blame Charlie and Trevor or Charlie and Robbie but now?...No…I think it doesn't matter if these two idiots live. Great! Because no one will question it. NO ONE. Billy Loomis and Stu Macher survived? They clearly did this and almost killed a poor innocent girl after slaughtering her friends.” 
You shook your head with fearful tears in your eyes. Billy glared daggers at her sneering, “You dumb little fuck…You think I'm going down after 15 years?!” He grabbed a kitchen knife and took the risk of throwing it. 
It went right into the arm that held the gun as she screamed and he instantly with his adrenaline pumping tried to grab it…You went for it too this time to help him instead of the other few times.
You gasped as a sharp painful cry escaped him…Jill stabbed him in the abdomen and jerked sideways. 
“Billy!-” You went to attack her too, hoping for an opening. ANYTHING! You were gonna die and-
She jerked the knife out of her arm with an almost enraged scream and stabbed you when you least expected it. She made it look like you had an opening to grab that gun and maybe you did? But her determination was just that much stronger.
She plunged the knife deep into you as you saw Billy had tried to get up multiple times and kept slipping while trying to hold his own wound close and slumped down gasping for air…Stu wasn't moving from what you could see…And you just got stabbed again. Deep. Blood spurted over your hand. This felt higher than before.
“Sorry, there's only room for one final girl and let's face it…Your time's up.” She looked so pleased with herself. So giddy as you collapsed onto your stomach.
You laid there trembling, barely breathing with your eyes wide open in fear. You heard footsteps seeing Jill walking away.
Billy looked just as bad but your eyes locked with each other on the kitchen floor. “B-B-Bill-” You couldn't even get his name out.
He shhed you. Cringing and as quietly as he could gritted his teeth to drag himself over to you as Jill started going ahead and hurting herself…Absolutely trying to kill herself by stabbing you hitting her head on a glass picture frame while yelling in pain. Trying to make it all look like she was brutally attacked.
Billy shhed you again when tears started falling from your eyes…After so long of being numb…You didn't wanna die. 
“I'm…I'm scared…Billy-” You just admitted it. Trembling like a scared child while bleeding out on the ground. Things were getting harder to focus on as he laid next to you on his back to keep his guts from pressing against the gash. 
You never thought you'd ever give him the satisfaction. Not at that shed, not in your house, not in the closet, Stu's house, Windsor, the motel- Never thought you'd give him the satisfaction of admitting you were scared of dying but you were.
Your hand trembled uncontrollably and he shhed you again. Weakly telling you, “Hey…Shh…It's alright…Don't cry, she'll hear you. If she stabs us in the head or throat or heart we're done, kid.” 
You shook your head trying not to sob as your head felt like you were gonna faint. 
“You're tough. Okay?...You can do this…You've always been a tough bitch to beat…I should know…Don't let that brat win. Don't let me or Stu win either…” He told you with heavy tired eyes. His head lolling to the side to gaze at you. Both of you held eye contact before he reached out and so did you.
“Billy…I-...I never meant…I always wanted-” You knew what you wanted to say but…Getting it out.
He stopped you with another soft shh and held your hand. He held it tight. His own fear of dying present but his urge to put on a brave face for his ego…For you too; was stronger. It's like he knew what you meant and he released a soft breath of air as if a giant weight was off his shoulders.
“Mine…” He mumbled with a small tired smile. “You've always been mine…” And then his eyes just…Closed.
Mark entered your mind and you couldn't control the small whimper as you trembled Jill crashing into things in the background.
“...Billy?” You whispered. Trying to move but couldn't as you held his hand so tight it hurt. “Billy, wake up. Please…” You whimpered as you were so tired…So so tired.
The last thing you saw was black…And glass shattering as Jill threw herself on the coffee table…And then sirens outside.
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ayoyoungg · 29 days
Because I got sucked into the drama on Twitter, I watched Popstar Academy (would not have otherwise):
First, I hate survival shows. I’m just like keep that stuff within the company and start showing us material once you’ve chosen the people for the group. I know every company goes through that process of selecting people for the debut group but I’m not a fan of seeing it.
Reason I say this is because I understand & get people having star power or certain people always being in the lineup because they fit what the company is looking for. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. In fact I think that’s the industry. But the way this show was formatted and presented to the girls, they went in thinking something else. Which I’m not sure what they were pitched vs if it was naïveté. (Also, it seems like only a small percentage of the girls were actually familiar with or fans of kpop, just an observation).
Having like 8 or so trainees join LATE, and picking trainees that didn’t even have singing or dancing background was certainly a choice. Like the show made the initial training group feel like a pre-training to get the girls where they need to be for the actual training/show. It’s a typical Netflix thing but I feel like some of the later trainees could’ve really benefitted from being there from the start. Especially since the show had some of the girls really starting from ground 1.
It turning into a survival show halfway through was VERY messed up, especially considering how many girls kept asking before they agreed to the program if it would be a survival show. That contract must have either been very vague with the wording or small font or something.
As the program was happening live, I think I only saw the Buttons performance. I wasn’t paying much attention to the program because I wasn’t interested. That said, the survival show didn’t even make sense if it was solely based on the performances & whatever content the girls chose to post on social media. I understand wanting to gauge fan interest in the girls but like idk have test groups? They should know any time there’s fan voting it’s biased as hell. There should always be a percentage taken into account with fan voting vs judge voting. But anyways, what makes this survival show weird is that part of what affects choosing favorites in other survival shows (like p101) is that you get to see the trainees interact with each other. Even though mnet evil edits, you see through the show who has leadership skills, who’s caring, who’s hardworking, who gets along, who’s improved, etc. All of that was missing when the program was live?! (unless I’m wrong) We’re only learning this stuff through the documentary. I’m only using this as an example but the girls were so shocked Manon scored high, but viewers didn’t know about the missed practices & stuff. Had viewers known, would Manon have scored so high? Who knows (she def has it girl + charisma, so very likely, but you see my point)
On Manon, as I alluded to before, I think it def would’ve been better if she were in that starting trainee group. While some things were missed due to covid which is excusable, it seems that other classes/training were missed just because. It has me curious if something serious irl was going on or what the cause was, but I suppose that’s her business. Classes/training are important. Personally, it would affect my choice of a bias if I knew that they skipped a lot and broke rules such as missing curfew a lot. That said, I do appreciate that she does show up & out when the time calls for it. I’m not sure if the girls really did isolate her or if anyone at least made an attempt to check on her. I understand the frustration of someone who consistently breaks the rules not getting penalized in some way. I’m glad Manon held herself accountable and really showed up at the end.
This program being in partnership with Hybe is so…🙃 to me. For example, Bang PD discussing the plateau in trainee growth and urging them to debut faster. Meanwhile Hybe groups are on blast about their short trainee times and the need to develop skills further. We start seeing more & more injuries in the girls and it’s like maybe if they took the time to further their training and learn how to properly do things, the amount of injuries could lessen. And then the emphasis on social media, developing a fandom, and discussing the parasocial relationship — felt very Hybe. Like yes social media skills are needed but the way they discussed creating the fandom was kinda 🙃 to me. Like the fandom is going to form. Those who were less comfortable/confident/familiar with posting on social media were at a disadvantage. And with them suddenly being thrown into a survival show, it’s not like they were prepared to appeal themselves to the public yet. I don’t think it should have been so important for them to necessarily be good at social media yet. That’s something I think could have been saved for the debut group (or maybe if they KNEW from the beginning it’d be a survival show with that type of format, more of the trainees would be those good at social media). But with how this survival show was formatted, social media was the only way to learn anything about their character.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 20 days
Popping in to say hello again. :)
Classes are supposed to start on September 4th here, so I've mostly been hanging out at home. One of my roommates is teaching me how to play Spider-Man on the PS4 while we have time to kill. I've also been working on my writing projects, which has been me putting the blorbos through the wringer, but they're okay! Mostly.
I haven't learned anything useful from my appointments, so I'm stuck waiting for phone calls and follow-ups again. There's one more roommate who's supposed to move in soon, but she's been exposed to COVID, so I'm not sure what exactly is going to happen. Things have been a bit tense about that because the others are worried about me getting sick, but I think we can figure something out.
Hi Gryphon! ❤️
Dang, school starts late for you! That’s nice that you get that reprieve after taking classes all summer.
I remember playing Spider-Man on the PS2 all the time when I was a kid. I liked throwing people into the Hudson. And tossing bad guys on buildings and watching them run off 🤣 they weren’t programmed to be very bright lol
I see you treat your blorbos about as well as I do 🤣🙃 Sorry you haven’t got much from your appointments, though, that’s annoying. 😩 Also hope your roommate is ok!
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lemongingerart · 1 year
Hi Peb, responding to your 'get help'!
(((I made a separate post for several reasons. Lately, if I reblog something with extra content, it's just ignored. Also, this content has dirt on it. Lemons. NSFW. I wanted you to choose whether or not you want to be associated with it and how you want to get the tags right 😅))))
Ah, I'm sorry to hear that you're going through tough times! How is it that bad things always seem to happen simultaneously? I certainly feel you on the first topic though, right now I'm under a pile of blankets with covid as well. Tough mf.
We all sometimes need a pat on the back (or a bottle of red wine to share 🥲) so I do like this idea and dug through my Hux x OC fic for something shareable (because in all honesty that's the only content I have 🙃)
So… have this partially unfinished and unreviewed smutty chapter, that I won't be publishing this year anyway, because it’s so far up my fic no one will remember I shared this today 😅
(Oh stars, I think this is the first time I'm putting smut out in the open, and it's not even romantic, it's pure horny filth mainly for the ginger general's pleasure … but I'm too exhausted from corona to care 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️ )
Tagging the moots, in case they're horny for Hux: @liminalpebble, @mylifeisactuallyamess , @morby - let me know if you want in
Wourd count: about 2 500
Tags/warnings: Hux POV, in universe but kind of AU if you read this separately, established relationship, Hux x female!OC (called Miko), hints of dom/sub relationship, boobs, dry humping maybe?, oral (m!receiving), a shoe.
Let me know what I forgot, because I most certainly did forget something (hence, corona)
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'H, we got an issue on the eastbound production line' Miko said, barging into his office and suddenly standing next to his desk.
Armitage skeptically looked up from his datapad, not amused by her lack of discipline. Still… he thought he would never have to admit it, but he was getting slightly used to it. The annoyance towards her unprofessional behavior had dwindled, now only a minor hindrance and thus making him able to focus on the reason she stumbled inside his office in the first place.
"Lieutenant, at ease." He said, although it wasn’t like she was standing straight up anyway. "Please explain. Slowly. "
Miko nodded, but the way she pulled up her eyebrow made it clear she wasn't having any of it. Stars, each time she was besting his authority she was encouraging him to find ways to fuck her and he wondered if she was doing it on purpose or even by reflex.
She swiftly provided him with an overview of various calculations, clearly visualized on her datapad, while she was elaborating on the numbers with her usual passionate style.
Hux didn't hear what she was saying though. Although he was watching her lip movements closely. And the way her chest heaved when she took a breath in between her rambling. Hmm, he'd love to free up some time in his busy schedule to open the clasps of that uniform and feel how warm and pliable her breasts feel today.
Miko stopped her exposition. "You aren't listening, are you." She stated, setting up a pouting face and her right hand on her hip. He knew her enough to assume that the disappointment was at least exaggerated, at best staged. He also knew how to turn that disappointment into something much more pleasant.
"You’re distracting me, Lieutenant. " Miko turned a quarter when she laid down the datapad before him. She switched hands, planting her knuckles on her other hip. She frowned. "Distracting you? This is kind of urgent, otherwise I wouldn't barge into your office and disturb your heavily stuffed planning like this." He could swear she was mocking him now.
She sighed, waving her free hand towards the datapad on the table and ticking on the graphs. While doing so, she leaned on his desk and he could smell the champoo on her hair - of course she wasn't using the regulated one - and a hint of the tea they shared this morning.
"Still, you know what your lack of manners and disrespect do to me." He hissed, turning his desk chair and sliding her way. Miko looked back to him in bewilderment. Did she really not expect him to make a remark like this? She frowned for a second.
"Apologies, sir, for speaking before my time. " she then quietly said, blushing and turning her gaze towards the ground. He didn’t miss the flicker in her eyes, though, signaling Hux she was more than happy to play along. Stars, he never was sure if she did these things on purpose in the first place.
He did want to get that uniform open now, just a little bit to feel if he could make her moan with one hand in, kneading her tits and making her nipples get stiff between his fingers.
Outstretching his right leg, he locked his foot behind the back of Miko’s knee, coercing her to come closer. Hux hips had sunken more towards the end of the chairs seating now, making him lay back a bit. She followed his unspoken directions with baby steps, the closer she got the more blush apparent on her cheeks.
As she was standing in between his legs now, he raked his long fingers over the side of her figure. He could spot how she pulled in her lower lip, biting it as if it could stop her from breathing heavily, betraying she needed his touch.
He chuckled, he deeply appreciated the way she played her part right now. It was still a mystery to him how she could just… be who she was to him.
"I'm not sure if I can just accept those apologies. But I am in a good mood. Can your eastbound issue wait for another 15 minutes?" Miko only nodded. "Good. Because I'm going to solve another problem first." He whispered, pulling her closer by the neck clasp of the uniform. She had to bend her knees forward and he made sure her upper legs reached the chair, right before the center of his pants. The next friction created by her leg moving was no coincidence though, it made it clear to him she was aware of the boner in his pants and how she was more than willing to do something about it.
But first, he wanted to open up that uniform just enough to see her nipples come out and give them some of his treatment, while still some of the skin remained locked in fabric.
He pulled her closer even more, planting a kiss on her lips, the kind of kiss that is making her want more by the way she tries to pull on his lips. But he wasn’t going to give her those yet. He still had a firm grip on the collar, making sure she couldn’t steal away any extra kisses. The soft but needy complaining sound that escaped her lips, made him chuckle.
His other hand found a way to the clips of the uniform, expertly opening it up from under the collar to right under her breasts. Keen on reaching his target, he slipped his hand inside, pulling up the tank top she was wearing underneath. Still holding her by the collar and enjoying the way she looked bothered and desperate for another kiss, he cupped her left breast, fingers sliding between the fabric of her bra and her warm skin. The way they moved made him knead them a single time, before pulling down the bra and exposing her skin to the cold air.
Seeing her facial expression change to something even more needy, almost animal like, was his new favorite thing. While he was most certainly doing this for himself, pleasing her always gave him that extra rush to the head. Lately, in the afterglow, it made him realize that he would do anything to keep her by his side.
He repeated the process on the right side, this time taking in how both tits looked out in the open and if it was matching his recent visualization. Gods, he loved the sight of how tense they stood, all restrained through the fabric and the cold air. Matching the pout on her face.
He pulled her closer by the collar again, contemplating if he should kiss that cute pout from her face or not. Her feigned disapproval had proven to give him more inspiration before.
"H., s-sir… we really do have an issue in the eastbound.." she breathed into his ear, stopping mid-sentence due to the soft pinch he performed on her nipples. While he should probably credit her for not leaving out a sound, he relished in how he could control her like that.
He pushed her back, letting her neck go, making her stand up so he could appreciate the sight. The minute he saw realisation dawn on her features, she became to blush even more. "Lieutenant, how come that you always have such a lood mouth, but somehow this is the only way I can make you feel-"
BLIEP, the comm on the desk did, making Hux snap out of it and Miko have the strangest reflex he ever saw in a human: she dived right onto the floor, hiding from the visual receptors of the holocomm device. Hux sighed, turned his chair towards his desk and pressed the accept button to answer the call. He had made it clear he only wanted to be interrupted for urgent matters only, so he could not ignore the call.
"Better be something important, Captain." He started with a snide. He could hear Miko giggle from beside him and he almost rolled his eyes.
The problem with captain Gavin is that he thinks every gossip that happened in his department was of utmost importance. Another problem is that Hux, while higher in ranks, could not simply replace him yet. Drawbacks of running a mid-sized business compared to a complete fleet.
He sighed, annoyance apparent on his face, but still having a hard dick under the desk and a Lieutenant on all fours, tits out, next to him.
He subtly rolled his desk chair to Miko’s side, sliding his foot towards her and halting it right in front of her. He then moved his toes upwards twice, the leather of the boot making a scratching sound, to signal her to come closer. He saw her nodding in the crook of his sight, eyes wide, expressing she got the message. On hands and knees, she silently started crawling towards his foot. While Hux feigned interest in Gavin, he reached further and lower with his leg, the calf of his foot first touching her right boob, then making her crawl closer even more until he could settle his foot in between her legs.
Making sure her head remained under the line of sight from the desk, he turned back in forward position so she slided on his foot, under the desk. "Captain, explain to me why you're not wasting my time.", he asked the holo. Said captain resumed his reasoning while Hux tried to remain as boring looking as ever, while stars he could feel her grind on his shoe right now.
If there was something he really wanted to see, it was the sight of his favorite Lieutenant (the only Lieutenant he favored), half naked but still in uniform, riding his shoe and enjoying it very much. Sadly, he couldn't afford looking down right now, so he just had to imagine her boobs bouncing, her pants getting soaked and the leather of his shoe getting stained. He'll wear the mark throughout the remainder of the day with pride, something his old self would forsake him for.
Gah, he needed some depressurising for himself, and resume with what he had in mind before he got the holocall.
He subtly brought his hand down, fingers stretching and probing for contact with the only person he could trust down there. Almost immediately, he found her hair and pulled it closer in between his legs. That was enough for her to interpret the silent order correctly and get to work on his belt, all the while Gavin rattled about modulators and wrong versions and disgraces and what not.
Hux wasn't sure his face remained stoic the moment she slowly licked the head of his dick, making sure no precum got spilled. What he was sure of though, is that his right leg bumped the underside of the durasteel desk as if it was hit by lightning. That would sting later.
She had pleased him with blowjobs before, so the sensation itself wasn't new, although each time it felt as heavenly as before. That's why he knew she was taking whatever she would get, the wretched woman loved to turn him inside out whenever she could.
But this setting, with Miko under a table and he himself having to concentrate on acting like he was interested in captain chippy? That was completely new and more of a challenge than he had anticipated.
When he felt her make little circles with her tongue, obviously having fun and trying extra hard to make sure he won't forget this particular session, he automatically clenched his fists. He pulled her hair, and she took the action as encouragement, taking him in her mouth completely and slowly sinking down towards the base. Fearing this would be too much to handle all the while making the holocall, he brought his free hand up before his mouth, trying to hide the scowl that was forming. When she reached her limit, she started to go up again, sucking with all might and making him see stars. As soon as he felt the turn in her movement on his cock, he commenced curling his fingers and pressing his fist against his lips, to make sure he wouldn't start panting in front of the camera.
Soon, she started pumping his dick, following the rhythm she knew he enjoyed all too well, and he had to stop his hips from tensing and stretching. By a thousand suns, why was she so good at this?
"General, I'm sorry to disturb you, but have you seen Lieutenant Ylena? We have an issue in the eastbound sector and she wanted to be informed of the process." Sergeant K interrupted captain Gavin during his boring plea. Hux had to focus on the conversation again, now that two of his subordinates were in view of the holo. A daunting task considering how much underpressure she was putting on his cock right now - he could imagine the dimples in her cheek. Oh frack, he needed to answer now, so he pulled her still with the grip he still had on her scalp. Miko immediately stopped, but didn't let him go though, applying the littlest of pressure and letting him know that this game works both ways.
Hux sighed and answered the men in the holo: "I've just heard her, she's on her way up to me for some other matter. I'll send her over once I'm done with her."
Shit, she was definitely chuckling on his dick now. Then, she started doing little short sucking motions on the head of his cock, sending him to new heights. This conversation had to come to an end now.
"Captain, sergeant, I propose we end this debate right now and I will see to it that Lieutenant Ylena will be at your department as soon as she can," he blurted out, way too fast for his doing but he just needed to close the communication line and stop her from using her mouth and driving him to his peak so soon. In the meanwhile, he had come up with other plans.
He pressed a button and the holo disappeared. Now that he could move more freely, he brought his other hand down and stroked her filled mouth: "Shush, I still want you on the desk my little Lieutenant." He said with a crooked smile while pulling her back from his cock at her hair. "Get up while I lock the door. This time I will not be disturbed while I make you feel exactly how hard you made it for me. "
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lemonbalmgirl · 21 days
I didn't end up going to the show last night, both because of the heat and because of using too many spoons earlier in the day.* I DID listen to the band's stuff on Bandcamp though, to try and throw them a few cents at least. (Here's my favorite track of theirs.)
I'm somewhat-last-minute pet-sitting today and tomorrow, but after pet-sitting Gracie in July, this weekend's client, Gus, is nearly a piece of cake. Gus likes to bark at EVERY THE THING, but she remembers me and is really comfortable with me and I can pet her/give her belly rubs.
Dealing with the COVID exposure has sucked, but it's also sort of given me a few days to just exist, which has been nice?
Somehow, I can still end up feeling like I don't know which way is up, though - trying to keep Work commitments straight & schedule personal/social events feels like, idk, a tower of cards that's just barely staying upright? 🙃
At least by Monday, I should be clear of COVID exposure risk and can FINALLY HUG MY GODDAMN GIRLFRIEND. Which is literally what I was on my way to do when my mom called me about the exposure on Wednesday. I WANT MY HUG STILL.
*I helped Roommate transfer Cocoa, the 17 year old ball python, from our back bedroom to Roommate's new school classroom downtown. Her enclosure is a 30(?) gallon tank, which is MUCH easier to move with 2 people.
The larger spoon cost was when:
A) Roommate forgot her phone at home, which contained the building alarm code, so we had to drive all the way back home to grab it.
B) Roommate was given incomplete alarm information, so the alarm went off when we entered the building. Roommate was told to wait by the office phone for a call if this happened, so we waited by the phone for...at least 15 minutes (and no, there wasn't any sort of "in case of emergency, call x person" sign posted anywhere). We finally gave up and continued to her classroom to get Cocoa moved in.
On our way out, trying to figure out if we *could* reset the alarm, Roommate finally got a call on her personal phone from a school administrator and was given correct alarm information. So we were finally able to set the alarm and leave.
All in all, the errand only took about 4 times longer than it should have. 🙃
Here's a Cocoa pic for tax.
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As well as this really cool trilobite fossil that the previous teacher left. I didn't realize they were related to isopods and could therefore ROLL UP LIKE PILL BUGS. 😍
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donttakeitsopersonal · 6 months
Seeing internet drama like… match up or I suppose mirror the subplot of a webcomic I’m reading is so so fascinating. I mean it’s like drama that we’ve seen a bazillion times if you’ve spent enough time in the right circles but idk seeing it playing out too with real people got me thinking again.
Waffles under cut
Ima keep it vague even tho im an absolute nobody, knowing my luck, this will breach containment and then my unorthodox new ways of thinking will ruffle feathers haha but yeah.
Essentially the comic is about the aftermath of a murder and how people are living their lives after that. One of the accomplices is free and living their life and they’re also online. People find out and bully them, someone even suggested deleting their accounts and going offline for a while, but they don’t want to. One thing that is brought up with it is everyone keeps telling them they got to take accountability, which is true. But that’s got me asking well what does that look like? Like it can really look a lot of different ways but watching irl drama play out it makes me wonder if anything will ever be good enough for people. Like I’ve even seen this same scenario play out many times and there’s usually always a vocal group who just want the guilty party to be forever guilty. Is it good enough for them to take accountability, apologize, and rectify their behavior? (I’m talking low stakes drama here not like heinous abuse lol) it just really feels like if you ever make a tiny misstep online that’s your cross to bear forever. I feel like it’s very reductive and doesn’t allow the person to grow and change, which, isn’t that what we want? For people to grow and change and better themselves? Like idk man at this point in time if you can’t show me examples of someone doing XYZ shitty thing within the last year, like yknow something recent, I really couldn’t give a flying sideways fuck. If someone said “hey I did XYZ at this time and that was fucked and shitty and I’ve worked to change myself” and they haven’t done XYZ and did work to change themself, then idk man you sound incredibly immature and like you gotta mind your own business. Like it’s perfectly fine to be like “I don’t like this person they’re icky to me” that’s fucking fine you don’t need a good reason to not like people they can just give you general ick, water and oil don’t mix and you won’t like everyone you meet. You don’t have to be a bully tho 🙄🙄
OMG lemme waffle about other silly drama I saw that’s just like oh myfuckingod you do not need to and also hey wait a minute. So this one car influencer who is a very mean girl that’s also mean to other women while trying to present as a ✨Girl’s Girl✨™️ has had this, I shit yall not, YEARS beef with this other gal. So two face (that’s what ima call her lol) years ago, like BC(before covid) times TF was doing modeling and mechanic work, wow femme model on car soooo original /s 🙃so at this point in time she was actually a ✨Girl’s Girl✨™️, or at least pretended like it well enough lol, and was friends with some other blue collar girlies. She said she’d help them start their own OFs if they wanted and one took her up on that offer. Idk what happened exactly but TF started accusing said girl that she was copying her and taking her business. And like this was all so funny to me because like this just gave me DeviantArt sparkledog furry drama circa. 2007, like legit “yOu CaNt PaInT yOuR cAr PuRpLe!!11 YoU cOpIeD!!!!2!11!” Like bro this is straight up “you copied my design because you also have stripes on your tail” like day one internet shit, get with it girl. But also this is funny too because I seen her at that time basically copy someone else’s video like cmon. So anyways that basically made their friendship implode on itself and she has since then had a vengeance on this poor girl lol so here’s the nutty part, TF will constantly say “this girl is always copying everything I do, I saw her doing XYZ” which like is kinda inconspicuous when you hear it but then it’s like wait, you say you do not like this person, you try and avoid them, so on and w/e so it’s like wait,,, HOW do you know that??🤨unless you’re checking out her page and following what she does 👀 sussy. And like the other gal she’s cool and nice, we’ll call her GG, but I NEVER see her saying SHIT about TF unless TF did something like get her page flagged or something, which I feel is normal. And like mind yall this has been going on for over the span of years. So being an outside spectator to this all I seriously think TF is projecting onto GG, at least with the “oooh you stalking my page waaah” like girl idk you the only one posting videos about someone else 👀and also I feel like TF feels like I wanna say attacked but not really, maybe more like GG makes TF feel inadequate? But like I feel like seeing GG’s journey it’s what TF have strived for, like GG was a dealer mechanic, and now has her own shop with her mans and their friend. Like TF has only ever worked at like quick lube places and I think very very briefly at a custom shop or something. Like a month or less. And while I can say TF can perform the work, she is not what I would consider a high level mechanic. Like you just realistically have not seen that many cars, you’re not going to see the normal stuff that comes into places you’re not going to have that experience. Yeah working on your own stuff gives you skills a dealer or shop won’t but there’s far more you’ll learn in a shop, and I feel like deep down she knows that and feels threatened by it. Cause like girl why the hell else would you be paying so close attention to this game that you’d clown on her miscarrying like brruuuuuhhhhh you did not have tooooooooo 🥴🥴🥴that VIDEO could’ve stayed in the drafts😶 the fact she made a video too is big YIKES. But wow yeah it’s nutty asf, reality is stranger than fiction
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theretirementstory · 2 years
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Bonjour et bienvenue, it’s a new month and I am well aware that autumn has arrived, unfortunately it’s been rather soggy so my plans for the garden are on hold (not until next year I hope!)
I managed to visit “La foiré bulles et gastronomie” last Sunday. I didn’t even partake of a glass of champagne at the Sapeur Pompier stall, because as I arrived in the vicinity my friend “Le chef de police municipale” was standing there with her colleague and she has already told her colleagues that the terrace at the front of my house is where I drink my cocktails 😂, so I didn’t want her to I think that I take my liquid refreshments “anytime, anywhere!” 😂😂
I visited the doctor for my prescription for the usual blood tests. Unfortunately, something I mentioned set alarm bells with the doctor, so I got a spray for under the tongue, have had additional blood tests, an x-ray, am going for a CT scan this week and an ECG next week. I was thinking I was going to “peg out” there and then when I went to book an appointment for my blood tests, and was told I needed to have the ones for my heart straight away! I then went to book for the x-ray and at 12.25 was told it would be done at 13:00! I didn’t even have time to go home for some lunch. Then the doctor phoned on Wednesday and said the x-rays and blood tests were OK but she still wanted me to go for CT scan, she said it isn’t quick for an appointment. I phoned on Thursday and got booked in for next Friday 🤔 is that not quick? Oh well, have the tests and see what they say. No use worrying, if there is something in there that shouldn’t be in, it’s too late now!
Pauline of Tours (previously Paris) messaged to say she may be coming to town this weekend. That was earlier in the week and I haven’t heard anything since. I guess she maybe hasn’t had time to do the journey.
I finally heard from my Finnish friend Liisa, she is away this weekend but as her youngest son is now at school, we may be able to meet up one morning. That will be lovely, it’s so nice to have these young friends.
I had a video call with my gorgeous grandchildren. They are lovely, but so noisy! My grandson likes to scream not for any reason other than he can. They are just so funny, it’s hard to have a conversation with my son without one popping up in front of the screen and the other one shouting or screaming….. the joys of parenthood!
“The Paralegal” is collecting some lovely items for the “big move”. No date as yet but he doesn’t think it will be much longer. He celebrated his birthday this week too and had a good day.
I was at the knitting group, five ladies arrived, two pregnant ladies with just weeks to go 🙃. We had a lovely time chatting but I had to leave quickly as I had to take a call.
Yesterday, a visit to the bar was called for, I haven’t been for some time and I wanted to get the lowdown on the changes that are taking place in the town, the cinema closure which produced a “manifestation” outside of the Town Hall, the champagne bar closed until a new tenant can be found to run it. I mentioned to Christophe that it must be difficult running a cafe/bar after Covid when people maybe realised they didn’t need to go out. Some bars are trying to attract business by hosting bands but that is not so easy as these places are quite small. I don’t know if it is the time of year but the town seems to have lost a little of it’s earlier lustre.
I made stew in the slow cooker yesterday plus some carrot and lentil soup. Today I would like to make a quiche and another large pot of stew. Talk of food is making my tummy rumble, so I had better go and make myself something, obviously my porridge and banana haven’t kept me fuller for longer!
Wow the sun has put in an appearance, I am going to bring some washing down, who knows I may get it done and hung out (pigs might fly). Sorry folks, sun was short lived!
Bon dimanche!
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solarisrenbeth · 3 years
when (the dam breaks)
pairing: mason x f!detective (jordan “jordy” anderson) | featuring bff!felix word count: 1,207 | rating: T (language) warnings: biological contagion/quarantine mention (not COVID)
summary: after a trapper attack at the station forces jordy into a medically induced coma, a distraught mason has a revelation.
author note: for all my choices stans out there: basically my brain said “what if open heart 2x11 but make it twc and worse.” pls ignore any medical inaccuracies 🙃
this is the first fic i’ve ever actually finished + posted so i hope you enjoy! <3
“mason. mason!”
the team leader’s voice is loud, commanding, but mason can barely hear anything over the ringing in his ears.
“you can’t go in there!”
“the hell I can’t…” mason growls through gritted teeth before making another move for the detective’s vacuum-sealed office door.
two pairs of strong arms loop into his elbows, holding him back, but he doesn’t care—can’t care, can’t think about anything other than getting to her. he’ll fight them all if he has to.
when mason got the call for backup at the wayhaven police station, he had immediately dropped his phone and was already bursting through the door before adam could even finish his briefing. maybe if he had heard the warnings…
-- biological weapon -- potential code black -- quarantine protocols in process --
…he could have prepared himself, approached this more rationally…
-- unknown toxin -- medically induced coma --
but now, after catching a glimpse of jordy through the chaotic blur of caution tape and hazmat suits, every base instinct in his body is screaming that he needs to be by her side, to feel her pulse, to—
a softer voice this time. nate.
“mason, please…” the edge of desperation in his teammate’s voice makes mason pause, if only to catch his breath.
“this isn’t just about agency protocol,” nate continues, keeping his voice as calm as possible. “until we know what kind of contagion we’re dealing with, only trained toxicologists can break the quarantine. it could…” he pauses, weighing his words carefully. “it’s not safe.”
not safe?! mason bares his teeth in rage. how dare he talk about “safe” when jordy is—when she’s—
but nate shakes his head, interrupting mason’s spiraling train of thought. “mason,” he says again, his tone pleading now, “if jordy wakes up and finds out that you willingly exposed yourself—”
“when she wakes up,” a firm voice interrupts, and the three grappling vampires turn in surprise.
it’s felix. he’d been so quiet they’d almost forgotten he was there, steadying himself against the station’s front desk.
“not if she wakes up,” felix says again as he straightens his posture and takes a step towards them. “when.”
his determined gaze fixes on mason.
“nate’s right, though,” he says, amber eyes narrowing—more stern than any of them have ever seen. “if you do something stupid and get yourself sick, jordy is gonna kill you. and then probably me for letting you.”
mason blinks and then lets his body sag, defeated. he shakes off adam and nates’ protective strongholds with a huff but meets felix’s eyes with equal purpose.
“when she wakes up,” he says resolutely.
felix nods in response.
“when she wakes up.”
- - -
“felix,” mason snaps, “can you stop doing that with your leg for one second? jesus fuck.”
it’s just the two of them now—nate and adam having been summoned to debrief a distraught rebecca—and mason’s nerves are far past their breaking point. it’s hard enough not to think about the cold bench they’re both slumped in, or how it’s usually reserved for grieving mothers or fucking bobby, without the damn thing shaking under felix’s anxious limbs.
the younger vampire shoots mason a glare but tries to still his body all the same.
and when he fails—which he does, quickly—felix takes to pacing frenetically around the waiting room.
mason doesn’t know which is worse.
with shaking hands, he fumbles in his pockets for his cigarettes only to find the pack empty.
fucking shit, you’ve got to be fucking—
the sound of felix’s voice re-captures mason’s attention, and he looks up.
“I care about her too, you know.” felix has stopped pacing to face him, arms crossed and jaw defiantly tight.
“I know you’re doing your whole ‘brooding and lashing out’ thing because you’re scared and have the emotional awareness of a toddler, but…”
mason rolls his eyes at the half-hearted insult but lets felix continue.
“…but she’s my best friend, mason. she’s—“ his voice wavers, almost a whisper now, and he shifts to look at his feet. “she’s my family.”
at this, mason feels his breath hitch in his throat. something about the unhindered care in felix’s voice when he talks about jordy…it cracks something in mason, exposing the raw nerve of a feeling he hadn’t yet dared to name…
until suddenly, like a dam breaking, he’s bursting with it; knows it with as much certainty as he knows the shape of every freckle on her face; can’t remember why it took him so damn long to figure it out in the first place; if only he could just…
“felix…” he hears himself murmur on a shaky exhale.
there’s a long pause, and it’s mason’s knee that’s anxiously jiggling this time, his head in his hands, but he knows he has to say it out loud. to put words to the feeling that has been caught in his chest for months. now, while he can still hear her heartbeat—faint as it is through the layers of plexi-glass and protective plastic that separate them.
he clears his throat and forces himself to look directly at his teammate, at jordy’s best friend, when he says it.
“i’m in love with her.”
immediately, felix slumps back against the front desk with a sigh. his defensive posture softens and a flood of empathy overtakes his features.
“I know.”
another pause.
“do…” mason sucks in a sharp breath, steeling himself. “do you think she knows?”
felix turns his head to look thoughtfully down the barricaded hallway, to where they both know a team of agency specialists are fighting to keep jordy alive, and nods.
“yeah. yeah, I think she does.”
as mason follows felix’s gaze, he finds himself fighting desperately not to think about words like toxic contagion or medically induced coma or—
“couldn’t hurt to tell her though,” felix adds with a small smile, snapping mason out of yet another spiral. “you know, when she wakes up.”
mason looks at felix then—really looks at him—with something suspiciously like gratitude.
“yeah,” he says with another nod, leaning back and closing his eyes to focus all his senses on the still-steady beating of jordy’s heart.
- - -
big thank you to @kenziezarneki, @kyrassantana, @nathanielhsewell and @zevorah​ for beta-reading when I brain-vomited this in the middle of the night lol 💕
already working on a pt. 2 so if anyone wants to be tagged in that and/or other future jordy x mason fics, let me know! xoxo
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walks-the-ages · 3 years
If anyone is able to help us pay bills for this month and beyond, I just got the text from work today that I got exposed to COVID-19 by a coworker on August 15th, 2021! (As of writing this post... That was the day before yesterday!!!)
And even though I'm fully vaccinated and have been wearing a mask even before people were taking it seriously, I started getting a sore throat today :/
I better fucking not have a breakthrough COVID case because stupid antimaskers and goddamn antivaccers surround me at work all fucking day.
Oh, and I'm STILL single handedly paying all the bills, because despite everyone having signs saying "we're hiring!" LITERALLY NO ONE IS ACTUALLY HIRING ANYONE and Rjalker hasn't been able to find a new job down here. She's been unemployed since October because of the pandemic and our fucked up genetics and Walmarts shit employee practices dislocating her legs and hip from bare concrete all day, and has unemployment benefits given her a single cent? Nope!
The only reason we have food on the table is because we were finally approved for foodstamps.
I had to spend $20 on a carpal tunnel brace only to realize I've probably got cubital tunnel issues in my elbow instead, I literally can't sleep without waking up every hour with my entire right arm burning and going numb and being unable to bend or straighten my fingers without pain. Apparently if it goes untreated it can cause permanent nerve damage in your hands 🙃
I only have 28 hours at work this week and JUST got it bumped up to 34 by aggressing to come in for some 9 hour shifts to help cover for someone being out... And then and only then got the text saying the person is out because they have COVID and worked on the 15th. Which. You know. Means I was fucking exposed to COVID at work and they didn't even mention it when they asked for extra coverage. I have to have an appointment at some point to check the possible nerve damage in my elbow(s), but at this point I will probably have to call out of work and get tested for fucking COVID Incase it's a breakthrough fucking case.
If anyone has anything to spare to help us pay bills because I'm probably going to be behind on rent this month, let alone utilities,
My c*ashapp is $WalksTheAges, any dollar amount you can afford, no matter how small, would be a lifesaver!
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hollyjollybaby · 3 years
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Phew. Writing posts is so exhausting lately. Really can’t wait til the technology exists to transform thoughts in my brain directly into typed words 😂
My doctor appointment last week went well. I felt like my doctor really listened to me and validated what I was saying and didn’t try to brush me off, which I was worried about. She started me on meds but I have yet to receive a call from the pharmacy that they’re available 🙃
Jake has spent the last half a week sick. His Covid test came back negative but he definitely had some sort of nasty virus. He has been really fatigued and today was the first day in about four or five days that he had enough energy to get out of the house. We went to the pumpkin patch with his parents that we went to last year when Holly was just a baby. She had a really fun time for the first hour, especially riding around in the wagon with the pumpkins. After about an hour something very minor set her off (she was pushing the wagon up a little path and Jake turned it around so she could push it back the other way) and for some reason that made her absolutely lose her mind. She threw a massive fit for like 20 minutes and we couldn’t get her calmed down so we just had to quickly buy our pumpkins and leave. She has just started (just here really recently) actually throwing what I guess you would call tantrums, where she arches her back and flops to the ground and is inconsolable. It’s super new behavior so I’m not good at handling it still 🤯😳 I was really sad about it, not necessarily because we had to leave and not even upset that she threw a fit, but just sad that we had to leave before we got a single family picture of us. Having photos from fun things that we do, especially seasonal things like going to the pumpkin patch or even just anything that involves all of us getting out of the house and doing something as a family, I always am really obsessed with getting pictures of. It’s something that’s extremely important to me to have photos to look back on and it really throws me off to have to leave an event without feeling like we got a good picture. I’m not sure if this is normal or something that’s reasonable to be upset about. Because like we WERE there all together and we DID have fun. But I don’t have photographic evidence of it so it feels almost invalidated. Part of it is also my sadness at feeling like I don’t have many good photos that aren’t selfies of me and H because I’m always taking the photos (and I always take pics of her with other people). I’m not sure what this says about me. Anyways we’re going to an apple orchard next weekend so we will try again. 😅
She had her second swim class yesterday. She really really enjoys the first half of it and does not like the things that they want us to have them do in the second half. Like sitting them up on the ledge, pulling them into the water, and then flipping them over and trying to have them crawl back out. And like I don’t blame her because the pool deck is rough and I wouldn’t wanna crawl out on my elbows and knees either. And she doesn’t understand why I’m taking her in and out of the water when she just wants to stay in the water and play. So we don’t really do exactly what the instructors want us to do but like, she’s 1, and it’s just for fun so I’m not super worried about it. I don’t need her to be a Navy SEAL I just want her to enjoy the pool 😂
Yesterday afternoon since Jake was still feeling crappy I took Holly to my mom’s house and we walked from her house to downtown and through campus. We let Holly out of the stroller once we were on campus and let her run around for a long time. She absolutely loved it and I loved watching her explore my old campus. By the time we walked back to my moms house we had been out and walking for about 2 1/2 hours. It’s really feeling like fall finally and the weather forecast for the next 10 days is all 60s and low 70s and I am here for it 😍
Soooo in no particular order I guess that’s the update!
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skippyv20 · 3 years
Kensington Anon and PG
KENSINGTON ANON AND PG 🌳⛲️🌳… “ We want mummy, we want mummy ‘ …” Poppet , mummies gone out with her friends and Her books so people can find them’ what happened to the unicorn rocket? “ … “ The rocket broke down and Louis doesn’t want to be tied to the rocket.” …… “Ahhhh ‘ ok” …… “ Daddy ,can I play on my laptop.” …… “ Ok but only for an hour , I’ll unlock it for you” …… “O goody, there’s a new unicorn game” …” come in the study and sit next to daddy, I’ll get some of Maria’s cookies”… HORRAY
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
MAY 8/2021
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you PG!  Wonderful and so entertaining!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜🦄
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So y'all know I have older brothers. They're twins. JT has a 9 year old son and a 5 year old daughter and JP has a 9 year old daughter who is autistic and non-verbal. Every year I ask them for ideas for their kids so I can send Christmas gifts because duh, aunt life. This year JP basically said he doesn't want to exchange gifts because A, my niece, doesn't "get along with stuff". She doesn't play with toys like other 9 year olds and he didn't want me sending stuff she wouldn't use. It made me a little sad because even if it's not toys, even if they want clothes or books or whatever for her I like to send a gift to remind her she has an aunt. (They live on the east coast and we don't see them except maybe once a year, and that's in non-COVID times). But anyway I respected his feelings and said fine, we won't exchange. Well a few days ago he texts me and says he has an idea for Christmas but wants to run it by me and I'm like ok.... ?? I guess my niece loves to FaceTime people and she has her own iPad that she does it from. So he asked if he could buy Knox an iPad and as a trade off she can call him whenever she wants. I was like omg. I have an iPhone she can call that whenever she wants!! You do not need to buy my kid an iPad. But he was insistent. (This brother is quite wealthy and he was basically like... money doesn't matter. #cantrelate 🙃) Soooo my not even 2 year old got a freaking iPad in the mail today. 😂 We got it all set up and already FaceTimed with my niece and even though she's nonverbal you could tell she was so happy! She kept hugging her iPad and Knox would do the same back to her and then give her kisses. It was freaking cute. I'm (admittedly) really bad about calling and reaching out to family so I'm excited that we have this and hopefully get to talk to them a lot more often!
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menalez · 3 years
hiii i hope you're doing great & that germany is treating you well <3 my top genre was dance pop too this year lol. also please please make an effort to stay warm this winter! a lot of people who move from warmer regions have a really tough first winter in a cold country, it happened to me too even though i spent part of my childhood in an even colder place than france lol, i still got really sick my first winter here but not again after that. so yeah take care of yourself! also how has it been learning german & just adjusting to everything new?
-East African anon 💕
EAST AFRICAN ANON WHERE HAVE U BEEEEN 😪😪😪😪 girl my first week in Germany, not even winter yet, and i get a cold from standing outside too long while at a flea market. and then the cold triggered my asthma several days later, and then my asthma got so bad my gf had to call an ambulance 😭 a month & a half later and i finally was able to pay off the ambulance bills i got (bc my insurance said they wouldn’t cover me 🙃 my fault tho) like two hours ago. all this bc i got a bit of a runny nose from being out in the cold!!! now im out here wearing a jacket over a hoodie over a sweater over a tank top and two pants over each other to try to avoid this happening again dhdhshs. my poor girlfriend was so freaked out over seeing me suffer from my asthma that she started worrying that id die bc of COVID being back on the rise in germany.
anyways besides all that drama, living in Germany has been great! i readjusted quite quick and im already used to living in a cold country (again). didn’t think being stuck in Bahrain for two years would’ve made my body so unable to handle cold weather but i was proven wrong there. i live in an area that’s got a lot of MENA people so it wasn’t that hard to get around & now im in level B1.2 in german so i can get around using german. “kann ich mit kreditkarte bezahlen” has been one of my most used german phrases. found out that several banks refuse to open accounts for people from Bahrain which was distressing & complicated things & was really scared going on the S-Bahn without my gf for the first time but overall it all ended up well. i think in a few months ill start missing some of the great foods we can easily enjoy in Bahrain but right now im just having a good time ☺️ i hope ur well & thank u for the advice (even tho i had to learn firsthand 😭)
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aceopmari · 5 years
The Bidders During the COVID-19 🦠 Pandemic Headcanon:
Warning: Angst, death, sickness, mental illness drugs, dark humor, sadness, racism, and feels, ahead. You’ve been warned.
A/N: This is what happens when your out of the job, your fridge is almost empty, your bank account is suffering, you have 200 assignments, your ignoring the fact that your rent payment day is coming up and your trying to cope with distress. 🙃
📉 The moment the spread of the virus was reported in Japan, Eisuke did not hesitate.
📉“We’re leaving to my private island in Dubai. Pack all your things and be ready in 3 minutes!”
📉 MC was surprised. Wow! 3 minutes? Not even 5?! She was guessing that Eisuke wanted to get the hell out of Japan immediately.
📉 Using his connections, he got a COVID-19 test for him and MC in a matter of minutes.
📉 Although he and MC both tested negative for the virus, deep down, Eisuke was scared shitless(but he wouldn’t let that show).
📉 He was worried about the others, his businesses, and mostly the MC’s safety. He had gotten out of tougher situations before, but even a man as powerful as him was no match for a global virus.
📉 The chaos made the CEO a little soft. He wanted to call his sister. Maybe just to check up on her?
📉 On the upside, being friends with the CEO of Amazon had its perks!
📉 If he or MC ever needed anything (food, water, clothes, masks, expensive brand of toilet paper) you better believe an Amazon delivery chopper would deliver supplies to his island in a matter of minutes!
📉 Eisuke was forced to work from his laptop. He watched in horror as his stocks and sales dropped at Tres Spades Japan, New York, and the cruise line.
📉 There would be no way in hell that he would be able to bring in customers onto his brand new airship hotel when there’s an airborne virus threatening the lives of many.
📉 On each of those aforementioned establishments, a staff member or a guest had tested positive, including his faithful slave Kenzaki, which left many of his rich and angry guests in quarantine...
📉 The CEO was screwed...
📉He grew so depressed, he didn’t even want to drink MC’s coffee anymore...
📉 And now with social distancing enforced, what would become of the black market auctions?
📉Losing his businesses were actually the least of his worries as MC had come down with an awful fever after coming in contact with one of the Amazon delivery guys. She wore a mask and layed in a separate bed, crying to Eisuke on how horrible she felt. There definitely won’t be any lovemaking now.
📉 Although not in her presence, Eisuke for the first time, went into a state of panic. He wanted to get her to the nearest hospital but he feared that leaving the island and being near other infected patients in hospitals would cause him to fall ill as well. But then again, he could have caught it from MC. He was conflicted on what to do...
📉 “...Is this what losing feels like?”
🔫 Soryu and MC were living peacefully amongst the Ice Dragon branch in New York when the outbreak had occurred...
🔫 The Chinese Ice Dragons were getting a lot of heat for supposedly “bringing the virus into the country” and the current US president wasn’t making the situation any better...
🔫 “We need to establish control over the ‘Chinese virus!’”
🔫 Soryu had lost some of his men. Not just in NY but everywhere across the globe where he had an Ice Dragon branch.
🔫 They weren’t just receiving hate crimes from civilians, but other mafia organizations who were out for blood.
🔫 These Americans were so stupid! He hadn’t even been in China for awhile! Were they really gonna blame him because he’s Asian?
🔫 The ignorance had extended to other mafia organizations that he made connections or merged with. If the Ice Dragons showed their face in public, they would kill them on site.
🔫MC was worried about her dear friend Mei Ling of the Bell Crickets syndicate. She called her to see how she was doing but it was already too late.
🔫Mei Ling has tested positive for Covid-19 and later died just a day after her birthday, which left the MC depressed for weeks as she was her only female friend in the mafia.
🔫Soryu was shocked when he heard the news. Mei Ling was so young. He had sent his condolences to her father.
🔫 Soryu needed more man power and ammo if he was ever going to defend the Ice Dragons and MC.
🔫 Gun sales in America were increasing as fear rose amongst US civilians. This made it harder for Soryu and his men to obtain needed weapons for protection.
🔫 Luckily he has connections and was eventually able to obtain some from an overseas branch.
🔫 Soryu ordered for a mandatory shelter in place for the Ice Dragons and MC.
🔫 MC wanted to do her part and go grocery shopping but Soryu strictly told her to stay by his side for her safety, leaving grocery duties to Inui and Samejima.
🔫 They bought out a large establishment in NY that had plenty of rooms and space for social distancing.
🔫 If anyone would dare to lay a hand on MC or his men for ignorant and racist hate crimes, Soryu wouldn’t hesitate.
🔫 He would be out for blood, and would show NO mercy!
🧼 Under the orders of the world leaders, all non essential businesses would have to shut down. That included Bloom...
🧼 Ota felt sorry for his employees who were all out of work. He was kind enough to write them each a check of $2000 to survive on for awhile.
🧼 He was deeply sadden to shut down Bloom since the business had just taken off. It had an affect on his mood.
🧼 He was doing well with his art work though! Only, he wasn’t designing his usual sculptures or paintings.
🧼 Rich people, celebs, and influencers around the world were commissioning designer face masks and gloves from him.
🧼 Ota rolled his eyes when he saw his self-absorbed and ignorant customers tagging him on their Instagram posts of them wearing their masks while posing in front of empty store shelves and expressing “sadness” on how COVID-19 “affected” them.
🧼 Ota wore masks and gloves 24/7.
🧼 MC was surprised to come home from the grocery store when she saw Ota in the rather spotless living room with a bottle of Clorox Bleach and a can of Lysol.
🧼 With a sharp glare, he warned her not to tell anyone about how she saw him cleaning, or she would be punished.
🧼 No germs would be getting in their home.
🧼 Ota social distanced himself and the MC away from the others.
🧼 Older people were at risk of catching the virus after all.
🧼 Ota grew quite irritable staying in one place most of the time. All of his favorite places, activities, and events were cancelled and/or shut down.
🧼 No more art galleries, no more fashion shows, no more champagne parties, and no more manicures to keep his perfect hands clean.
🧼 Ota had thoughts about filing a restraining order against his own mother who wouldn’t stop calling for him to come home and to stay in isolation with her.
🧼 Ota managed to cope with all his stress an anxiety with jokes.
🧼 “Baba, are you sure you haven’t tested positive, yet? You aren’t getting any younger you know.”
🧼 “Pets need to wear masks 24/7. They can also catch the virus.”
🧼 “You can’t use human soap to wash your paws, Koro. You’ll have to find another way to stay clean.”
🦠 Baba had his work cut out for him with his heists.
🦠 Since museums were also shut down to the public, it made stealing a whole lot more easier.
🦠 Suspecting that people won’t be buying artifacts as much with the current situation at hand, Eisuke ordered for Baba to go to hospitals and steal COVID-19 testing kits so that they could sell them on the brand new online auctions he had Hikaru create to keep the business going.
🦠 Baba didn’t like having to steal tests from the people in need, but he did what he could to support himself and MC. He was sure the hospitals would make more and be alright...right?
🦠 The online auction sales were booming! Baba couldn’t help but continue traveling despite experts saying that it was a risk.
🦠 The guilt briefly went away when he saw the prices at the auctions.
🦠 10 Million for a year supply of expensive toilet paper? 30 Million for cleaning brand supplies and masks? 90 Million for a COVID-19 test?!
🦠 MC nearly fainted at the prices.
🦠 MC was worried when she spent many night alone, hoping that Baba wouldn’t get infected with the virus. She begged him not to go, but Baba assured her that he would be alright.
🦠 He traveled country to country and robbed from museums and hospitals.
🦠 MC was upset when she saw the news on how supplies from Italian hospitals were robbed of supplies. She added 2 and 2 together.
🦠 Baba has lied about his trip to America and actually took a private flight to Italy.
🦠 He didn’t mean any harm. He just wanted to meet his ex-lover Cynthia.
🦠 She had tested positive for the virus. He brought her needed supplies from the hospitals to help her out.
🦠 When Baba returned, MC had scolded him.
🦠 Her anger soon turned into horror as Baba had come down with a fever...
🦠 Although he felt like a truck had hit him, he remained optimistic, as to not frighten his fiancé.
🦠 “Relax pretty lady, it’s probably just the flu! It’ll go away! *Cough! Cough*”
🧻 Mamoru wasn’t like the others, so he was struggling just as much as the average person today.
🧻 He was flabbergasted when he saw the empty toilet paper shelves.
🧻 How was he going to wipe his ass?!
🧻 He searched store after store for supplies for him and MC to survive on, but the selfish customers had gotten to them first...
🧻 He used self quarantine and social distancing as an excuse to slack off most of the time.
🧻 But with each passing day as things got more serious, Mamoru decided that he had to get off his ass and work his sake and the MC.
🧻 Days at work included investigating cases of online hackers manipulating and cashing in on the chaos or arresting young spring breakers who trespassed on closed off properties that shut down due to the virus. They didn’t seem to take things seriously.
🧻 Considering how health experts said that smokers were at risk for catching the virus, he had to quit...
🧻 That wasn’t going to be easy.
🧻 On shifts he would try to resist the urge to not smoke, but with his added stress he would sneak in one smoke...or maybe two.
🧻 And one day...he just couldn’t stop coughing...the wheezing got worse...
🧻 Was this what having asthma was like? This was hell!
🧻 And then he one day collapsed in the lobby of the hotel before being sent to the nearest hospital for quarantine...
🧻 MC couldn’t sleep for days as she spent many nights alone. Baba and Ota kept her company and assured her that Mamoru would be okay.
💉 This surgeon hardly even got sleep, but with the flood of patients who had the virus, sleep was no longer an option.
💉 Luke grew to hate coming to work everyday, with the lack of bone surgeries to fuel his fetish.
💉 Patient after patient, case after case, Luke just wanted to die. He hoped a patient would pass the virus onto him so that this chaos could end and he wouldn’t have to live in this sick, sad world anymore.
💉 What pissed him off the most was how he couldn’t even come home that much to be with “Sexy Bones” and caress her beautiful collarbones.
💉 He hardly ate, and his health was dropping as he barely slept a wink.
💉 The drugs he took to keep himself alert and sane did more harm than good. If the virus wouldn’t kill him, the overdose surely will.
💉 The higher ups would scold Luke for being too sluggish or moving too slowly when it came to treating the patients.
💉 Luke...didn’t care...
💉 He just wanted to see some collarbones. Maybe return to UK and sip some tea. But flying home was not an option anymore as his home was greatly infected.
💉 Supplies and bed space were all running low, as hundreds and thousands of patients filled the hospitals everyday.
💉 Luke had lost it. He grew irritable and felt nothing. He lost motivation to treat patients. He had, had enough...
💉 MC spent the rest of her days depressed and alone in her room in quarantine as Erika and her minions had tested positive. The rest of the bidders did what they could to form a search party to find Luke and bring him back...
Hishikura & Hikaru:
👓 Since he worked in the government, Hishi also spent sleepless nights in the office, trying to find a solution to the global pandemic.
💻 Hikaru stayed by his side and assisted him with whatever he needed.
💻 Hikaru had his work cut out for him, by creating the online auctions and assisting Hishi by stopping cyber criminals of taking advantage of the situation.
👓 Hishi became very stressed. This was the worst situation since the World War! He had to take action!
👓 What about suggesting martial law?
👓No...it would be too crazy...but it wasn’t entirely a bad idea and it could slow the spread...
💻 Hikaru told him that whatever his decision was, he would support him no matter what.
👓💻The two childhood friends were brothers in arms and had never felt so relieved on now neither of them tested positive for the virus. As long as they had each other, they would surely get through this pandemic together!
🤪 He feared the unknown.
🤪 Quarenting down the rabbit hole for too long made even the Mad Hatter himself, lose his mind.
🤪 He managed to get a hold of Soryu’s gun and brought it to his head...
🤪 There would be no funeral. After all, people were too scared to leave their homes.
🤪 MC had checked herself into a psychiatric facility a week later where she now takes her meds.
🤪 The auctions were no more and the sales of the auction took a nosedive once more as the managers couldn’t find anyone to replace him due to the fear of the virus.
🤪 [Tea] party’s over...
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thelifeoflorna · 2 years
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~1/4/2022~ Things have taken a downhill turn physically, which I wasn't expecting, as yesterday eve I was honestly feeling the best I had been in months 🙃🥺 I just thought I was feeling incredibly burnt out this morning. Had mentoring call. Then a review phone call to do with the brain in hand app, which has been feeling like way more trouble than it's worth, but the person I spoke to was cool and irish so didn't mind too much. Then a zoom with E (disability advisor) - she only had half an hour to speak to me - it was mainly a case of recapping the main things that are happening uni-wise - still a waiting game. But she said she would be around next week if I want to speak to her again. H came at midday - we made some very low key plans as I was feeling very fatigued. Went to McDs and I just had some fries and a hot chocolate as stomach has been feeling questionable. Noticed my chest has been feeling quite tight - this sometimes happens after a spell of more potsie moments - I've also had quite a few episodes of ectopic beats over the past week and it feels kind of linked to that. We went for a nearby walk - and then drove to Pets At Home as we wanted to see the animals and to pick up some catnip to try to tempt Bella to use the new furry pom pom balls I've got her (it hasn't worked!). H asked me on the drive over there if I was feeling alright - she actually seems to be really good at spotting it now - was even before me! She said my head does this drop thing - I did start feeling hot, clammy, pale, and bad nausea - took antisickness, and realised I needed to head home to the toilet as (TMI) the McDs fries seemed to be heading south fast. I continued to feel very unwell the rest of the afternoon and into the evening - still felt very sick, but tbh think it might be that because I'm struggling to keep anything inside me for long, I'm not absorbing much of the meds. Felt a bit shivery too but no fever. Had to rest, sitting still, and just messaged a friend when I was up to it. It's hard to work out if I'm normal people sick or my usual chronic illness sick - in some ways I feel quite similar to when I had suspected covid before so gonna do a lateral flow (cont..) (at Arundel, West Sussex) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb0an22qGfKLtiJhzcLWuVEDRfdlder4zVOjEI0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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