#got s6e1
eyes-inthe-skies · 1 month
Uhoh! Jonas is real cute! Im already becoming Endeared to him.
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I'm gonna be honest, the number of completely unnecessarily queer characters on these emergencies FEEL like a fuck you to execs poopooing a Bi Buck storyline before season 7
Like, I love the gay agenda and I'm asking to choke on it and for once someone is actually shoving it down my throat
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thirstghosting · 1 year
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You know, I may technically be from here, but I'm a god damn interdimensional traveler now. And all of you can kiss my sci-fi ass.
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kradogsrats · 1 month
I've been kind of hesitant to voice this analysis/theory because honestly even I find it hella depressing, but... here goes.
At the end of s6e5: "Moonless Night," we have this kind of cryptic sequence with Viren:
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Now, this isn't exactly subtle. It starts with a callback to Aaravos's "the human mage, already tainted by darkness and destined to play right into my hands," line (and a nice Callum > fake pearl > real pearl > Viren cut sequence) and ends with the kind of spider-and-fly imagery you bust out when you want the audience to really get the point. This sequence tells us in no uncertain terms, Aaravos will inevitably use Viren again... at least one more time.
I say it's cryptic because the eventual payoff is a lot more subtle, particularly since everything escalates so rapidly and is actually presented as a crazy, unexpected twist. Basically, there's no follow-up until s6e8: "We All Fall Down," where we have a highly specific series of events:
Sol Regem, under Phaaravos's direction, attacks Katolis
Viren decides to make the sacrifice of both doing dark magic again and losing his own life to protect the people from Sol Regem's fire
Viren successfully casts the spell and the people are protected
Phaaravos does this:
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Once Viren has cast the spell (and is probably dying), Aaravos is pleased and ends Sol Regem's attack.
Aaravos needs three things to free himself: the pearl, the staff, and a sympathetic mage. He can't just possess Callum and free himself at the start of the season, because—whether that would work or not—he doesn't have the staff. He knows, however, that Viren is going back to Katolis, so he can influence Callum to switch the real and fake pearls. Then, when Viren arrives, the pearl and the staff are lined up... but Viren is no longer sympathetic (and possessing him wouldn't really do any good because like, come on... he's in prison).
The way that the attack on Katolis plays out gives him everything: the pearl and staff are abandoned in the chaos, leaving them free for Claudia. Viren, being dead, is also now unable to influence Claudia directly—not to mention that, despite what he told her in s6e1, he chose to do dark magic again.
There are several reasons that could be behind Phaaravos's smarmy little smirk there—either he's satisfied that the staff is in play and will be easily accessible to Claudia instead of buried under a castle's worth of rubble, or he's satisfied that Viren is going to die and that removes what could actually have been a very serious obstacle to Claudia's persistence, or... he's pleased that Viren has caved and done dark magic again, whether because that's leverage he can use with Claudia, or for a more insidious reason.
We can stop here, because "Aaravos uses Viren's loyalty to his family and Katolis to manipulate him to his death and to set up his daughter for digging herself deeper in aiding his own return" is honestly plenty of payoff as far as Aaravos "using" Viren a final time. BUT just to get a little tinfoil-hat, here:
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How exactly are we supposed to understand the pearl got from the subterranean secret dark magic workspace to outside in the ground-level courtyard... except by Aaravos walking the dying Viren down there to bring it back out, then neatly arranging pearl, staff, and Dad's dead body in close proximity for Claudia's homecoming? Which is pretty fucking grim.
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As a counterpoint, the one thing this series sometimes plays extremely fast and loose with is the space-time continuum: like, working out travel times? Good fucking luck—it takes exactly as long to get somewhere as the plot demands, regardless of distance, terrain, or mode of transportation. So "how did the pearl get into the courtyard" could just be one of those "how did Soren and Claudia get up the Cursed Caldera without Lujanne knowing"-situations where the answer is "it's fine, don't think about it."
Sure, the staff, pearl, and Viren's body are all suspiciously accessible, but we also don't have screentime for Terry and Claudia to do an extensive search of the rubble overlaid with sad music and intercut with flashbacks. Sometimes shit just has to be convenient so we can move along... but I'll probably still always kind of wonder.
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purpleheartskies · 2 months
What is your opinion on the Robby/Tory arc this season?
Thanks for your question! I'm still gathering my thoughts on these two.
I'm heartbroken for them. They're the two kids worth rooting for out of all the kids. They have it the hardest and both feel so alone.
I'd predicted after s5 that Tory would go back to Cobra Kai, so I'm not surprised by the twist.
Robby believes in Miyagi-Do, and Tory believes in Cobra Kai.
In s3e8, Tory told Robby that she knows who she is, but he's still pretending to be something he's not. I assume, after she got to know him in s4, she realized she wasn't right about him pretending.
In s5e10, she told the Cobras that she wasn't betraying the dojo, she's just not buying what Silver's selling. She was still loyal to Cobra Kai.
In s6e1, she told Robby that Miyagi-Do teaches the exact opposite of what she's been taught. She still believed in Cobra Kai, but at the time, Miyagi-Do was her way to reach her goal.
Tory's at a really low point now, and Kreese and Cobra Kai are her solution to reach her goal.
It also makes sense that she would believe that the LaRussos wouldn't support her over Sam as captain. Tory doesn't know that Daniel didn't put her on his list of 6 students. He had put Demetri and Anthony on his list instead and claimed that Tory wasn't balanced enough to be Miyagi-Do. Plus, even Kenny believed that Daniel wouldn't believe him that Anthony had sabotaged him. (Of course, we know it was really Devon who had.) Point is that Daniel's favoritism towards his kids is obvious to the other students most of the time, so even if he isn't playing favorites, it's hard to trust him (and Amanda).
I wonder if Tory will feel betrayed by Robby for not supporting her need to fight for the captaincy. Hopefully, we get some context about what happened between the two of them between the last scene at Miyagi-Do and the introduction at the Sekai Taikai. I doubt Robby wouldn't have tried to reach out to her. Also, Sam becoming captain is out of his hands.
s5 showed that Tory's loyalty goes between Kreese/Cobra Kai and Robby. If she doesn't feel betrayed by Robby, then Robby will be a weakness for her.
Kim is aware of this. She knows that "the boy" is Tory's weakness. The Cobras may try to make sure that Robby can't get near Tory. Kim witnessed for herself what Robby is willing to do---walk into the Cobra's lair and confront Silver---if it can help Tory.
In s2e8, Robby said about Tory, " 'There's good in everyone.' She just needs to be shown the right way." In s2e1, Daniel had said that there are no enemies in Cobra Kai and that the Cobras are just taught the wrong way. In s5e9, Robby called Silver the enemy, but told the students that they weren't past the point no return. I assume Robby will do what he can to get Tory out of Cobra Kai so that she doesn't go past the point of no return.
Based on interviews, Robby's going to be completely off-balance now because Tory switched sides. This isn't surprising. He probably would have lost 0-3 if Tory hadn't shown up in time during his captaincy match. I think Robby will also blame himself because he didn't tell anyone that Kreese had approached Tory and talked to her.
I'm stating the obvious when I say it will be complicated for them in part 2. But their storyline is majorly tied to the overall conflict in the story, which shows their importance.
Overall, seeing them make that deal at the start of s6e5 to seeing where they ended s6e5 ... sigh... 😔 These two kids deserve to win and be up on that podium together, but I don't want Tory to win the female championship for Cobra Kai. I think this may be what happens, though.
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glitteringcrab · 5 months
SCHEMATICS BOOGER-AIDS-V1 (aka: the first Omega Device)
Season 6, Episode 10 "Ricktional Mortpoons Rickmas Mortcation"
At the beginning of the episode, we see Rick C-137 attempting to track Rick Prime using a killbot (presumably stolen during S6E1):
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By the end of the same episode, the view pans out and we get a full view of Rick's sub-basement:
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Note the hologram of naked Rick Prime dancing in the centre.
Season 7, Episode 1 "How Poopy Got His Poop Back"
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Instead of the hologram of the naked dancing Prime, we have a computer monitor.
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When Morty asks him if he's made any progress, Rick sarcastically replies that he totally found the version of himself that killed his wife (heh) and they had a big fight offscreen and Morty just missed it!
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Season 7, Episode 5 "Unmortricken"
We see a view of Rick's sub-basement again, and guess what?
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There is a clone in there now...!
So, the first thought that pops in our minds is that between S7E1 and S7E5 Rick C-137 went out hunting, defeated and successfully captured one of Rick Prime's clones!
...But Rick's line in S7E1 suggests that the fight might have happened shortly before the beginning of S7E1, and the Prime Clone was being analyzed offscreen somewhere at the time.
Alright, let's head off to the next point.
Inside the Box, Rick Prime announces to the Ricks captured that Diane has been erased from every universe across infinity.
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To which Evil Morty responds:
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Even though Rick C-137 knows how the infinite murder took place:
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Evil Mortyyyyyyyyy... You had stolen Rick C-137's memories! Rick C-137 knows about this weapon, so you should know about it too! I mean, maybe Eyepatch Morty has passed by sentimental trivia of Rick's life when he watched the stolen memories, but this sort of weapon is definitely the sort of thing that would pique his interest (as we saw).
Why is Evil Morty not familiar with the Omega Device?
Well, the conclusion I get from the above is that Rick C-137 found out about the Omega Device after S5E10, after Evil Morty finished scanning his brain (and, uh, well, Evil Morty probably reached the same conclusion).
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Gee, which inferior would that be?
(and I'm wondering if some sort of unspoken communication is passing between Rick C-137 and Evil Morty at that moment, because the moment Rick C-137 mentions the name of the device Evil Morty glares at him, understanding that something occurred after he had scanned Rick C-137's brain. And Rick seems quick to deny any involvement: he only heard the name of the Device from some random, "inferior" Rick lol. This does not seem to placate Evil Morty.)
Back at the safety of Rick's sub-basement, Evil Morty chastises Rick C-137 for not learning to cut his losses and quit:
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And well, that line makes sense because Rick has ruined his life searching for Rick Prime, but it will make even more sense if my theory is correct :P
Rick, in turn, is already aware of the fact that Evil Morty is scared of the Omega Device.
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Which, well, makes sense, but I remember being surprised at that moment. The possibility of Rick Prime targeting Mortys out of spite had not crossed my head, although from what we now know of Rick Prime, it's actually to be expected.
Let's head to my third and final point:
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Rick, Rick, Riiiick... Why would you be bummed he built it again (after it was presumably destroyed somehow, by someone, in the past)? Of course Rick Prime built it again, why did you expect/hope it'd be otherwise?
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And why would Rick Prime building the machine again be "impressive"? Even from Season 1 Diane was never around, she's been dead for years, obviously from the Omega Device! That's plenty of time for someone to destroy the first Omega Device, and for Rick Prime to build it again.
Of course, it's possible Rick Prime made the first Omega Device a long time ago, killed Diane, then had a clone guard his superweapon for many years, and Rick C-137 found and destroyed the weapon only recently (so of course he'd be surprised and bummed that Rick Prime re-built the weapon so soon)...
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Interesting line, isn't it? And doesn't Rick appear to be seething in this scene?
Now, supposing Rick Prime has been messing with time... Isn't it possible that:
Shortly before S7E1 Rick C-137 managed to trace one of Rick Prime's clones/decoys, which eventually led him to the Omega Device v1 (pardon, Booger Aids v1)
And that Rick Prime's clone retroactively killed Diane across all infinities?
Wouldn't this theory make Rick's line in the above screenshot a lot more literal?
Wouldn't it make Evil Morty's glare in the box a lot more accusing?
Wouldn't it give more meaning to Evil Morty's remark about Rick C-137 "reaaally learning [his] lesson about chasing this guy"?
Wouldn't it make the threat of the Omega Device a lot more imminent, and a lot more personal, to Evil Morty? After all, if Diane is gone, killed a few months ago in retaliation not to a hundred different Ricks pissing off Rick Prime, but specifically to Rick C-137's failed quest for revenge, who is next when Rick C-137 next fails?
Wouldn't it make Rick Prime's line ("this guy does not know when to quit") a lot... heavier?
Honestly, for me, the cherry-on-top of this theory is the possibility of Rick Prime and Rick C-137 bickering: Rick Prime's clone proudly presenting the "Omega Device", Rick C-137 calling that name dumb, and then Rick Prime changing it to: "the weapon too cool for a name" lol
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novaksupremacy · 3 months
The Veiled Law of Affection-Chapter 7
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hey my lovelies, sorry this has taken me so long! I proofread but my brain is also mush post Calculus final. Chapter takes place surrounding the events of S6E1 "Birthright" It's probably also my longest chapter to date 😅😅 angst, cute fluff, svu case talk, and of course your precious smut 😜I promise your next fix (and some one shot Calex stuff) won't take as long.❤️
Pairing: Casey Novak x Olivia Benson
Word Count: 8955
by PKJ @novaksupremacy
Read Part 6    
     “Patricia Branson, 6 years old, guy tried kidnapping her in a park full of people.” The uniform on scene told Liv and Elliot as they followed him to the victim and her father.
            “Anybody see anything? Stabler asked.
            “Only description we got was a white guy in a baseball cap, bystander chased him, but he got away.” The Uni continued.
            Liv scribbled notes down furiously as they walked.
            Elliot pulled the dad off to the side so that Liv could talk to Patty. She sat down in the ambulance using a soft voice to question the little girl. She quickly realized this was not the first time the child had encountered her would-be abductor. The little girl had originally seen who Liv had deduced to be a young adult/ older teenager for the first time outside the grocery store when he offered to let her play with his puppy.
            Fin and Munch stood outside the sliding glass doors next to the electronic kiddie ride Patty had described and showed her picture to the grocery store manager.
            “Anybody every use that thing?” Finn asked.
            “Sure,” the manager said with a thick NY accent, “kids ride that thing all the time. You’ll have to ask my employees if they’ve seen the girl though.”
            “What about anyone strange hanging around?” Finn continued to question.
            The manager crinkled his mustache, “Does that include two guys in a blue van?”
            John shot a glance at his partner then back at the manager, “What’d they look like?”
            “Both white, middle aged guy and some teenager with a mutt in his lap. Last week, right by the front door, blocking all my deliveries. Called the cops, Arizona plates and the number. Nobody showed up.”
            “We’ve got a pair of pedophiles,” Finn lamented as they left the grocery store and crossed the street.
            “With their very own perv mobile.” Munch added as they opened the doors to the sedan.
            “SVU Portable I have your plate.” Dispatch said over the radio and proceeded to give information about a complaint made outside Patty Branson’s school.
            “Alright we’re on it,” Detective Tutuola radioed back and hopped into the car.
            As they drove to their next destination John turned to Finn, “Hey you think Liv and Casey joined one of those women’s safety boxing classes or something.”
            Finn contorted his face, “Man where do you come up with this stuff. What makes you think that?”
            Munch shrugged, “I don’t know they’re just always showing up at work with bruises lately. I thought maybe they took up boxing or something. Or maybe they’re going to the bar after work and not inviting us, hanging out with their secret boyfriends while we hang behind and do all the paperwork.”
            Fin did his best to stifle his laughter, “Look man, I will tell you both Benson AND Novak are both seeing someone. But unless they come in with a black eye one day, I’ll let you do your own detective work on the rest of it.”
            “Why Patty?” Elliot asked when they realized their mystery men have Patty’s routine down. The park she visits, her school, when she’ll be alone.
            “They’re obsessed.” Liv offered.
            Elliot looked up to see the van parked not far from them, “They’re here. Circle around and call for backup.”
            Fin and Munch pulled up alongside Benson and Stabler’s sedan and rolled down their window to get the briefing.
            “Watch the back of that van,” John said as one of the suspects jumped out, “The big boy, complete with red baseball cap.”
            Cragen and Fin approached the van and banged on the window.
            “It’s an IAB caper Captain” the suspect said to Cragen flashing his shield.
            “What’s todays color then,” Fin questioned.
            Fin cocked his gun aiming it at the suspect, “Wrong. Take the keys out the ignition and step out of the vehicle.”
            The man behind the wheel hit the gas rather than comply. Fin and Cragen turned their attention to the second suspect in the ball cap, while Liv and Elliot took off after the van. After a brief chase Elliot managed to overtake the van by rear ending it, they drew down as the driver stepped out and then apprehended him. Munch managed to cut off the second suspect in the other squad car just in time for Cragen and Fin to apprehend him as well.
            “Three THOUSAND dollars’ worth of damage to the car?” Cragen exclaimed.
            “What can I say boss, I zigged when I should’ve zagged.” Elliot shrugged.
            “Let’s find a way to send these guys the bill, I already don’t like them. They made me run.” Cragen threw the invoice on his desk. “What do we know about them so far.”
            “PI ticket pretty well known for reuniting kidnapped kids with their parents. The kids ticket is legit too.” Liv rattled off from her notes.
            “So, someone hired them to snatch Patty.” The captain queried.
            “Seems that way Cap. No one’s talking.”
            “Let’s find out who and why.”
            “Can my Mommy come in too?” Patty had tears coming down her face.
            “No honey it’s very important that you do this by yourself so we can get the bad guy.” Liv said sweetly to the little girl.
            Elliot bent down next to her, “Hey Patty is it okay if I pick you up.” She sniffled and nodded. Elliot scooped her up. “I want to show you something special. See this glass?” He walked around to the other side. “No one on this side can see you, its magic, protects you from the bad guys and then we can take care of the rest.”
            The perps made their way into the lineup room.
            “I’m scared of the boy with the four. He pulled my hair at the park.”
            After a positive ID on the younger perp and a few hours of grilling them, the older PI told them that Patty’s biological mother hired them to find her daughter. The detectives took a ride to the address that the suspects gave up and went to investigate. Michelle Osborn answered the door and weaved them a tale about how her daughter had been abducted from a car accident that caused the death of her husband. She showed them a facial aging print out that showed what her daughter might look like now, remarkably similar to Patty, along with the addition of the diabetes diagnoses. She also led them into her daughters room which she had updated to welcome home a now 6 year old little girl.
            Elliot placed cuffs on her as Liv spoke. “Michelle Osborne you’re under arrest for conspiracy to commit kidnapping.”
            On the way out of arraignment Casey ran to catch up with Liv, “Hey they said you were in a car accident. Why didn’t you call me? Are you okay?” the redhead said frantically scanning her girlfriend for any sign of bodily injury.
            “Baby I’m fine. I promise. It was barely a fender bender. We hit the back of the van chasing the PI’s. If anything, I’ll be a little sore tomorrow.”
            “Well, you’re definitely in for a massage later, but are you sure you’re alright?” There they were: the puppy dog eyes that melted any worry Liv ever had.
            “I promise, I gotta catch up with Huang, but hey.” She grabbed Casey’s hand. “Case, if something did happen, I have I card in my wallet saying you’re my emergency contact, and have you saved in my phone that way too.” She tugged on her girlfriends arm a bit before walking away. “I’ll see you later okay?” Casey watched until Liv disappeared into the crowd after catching up with Huang and getting on the elevator.
            It didn’t take Michelle Osborne more than a few hours to violate her order of protection.
            “You’re making a mistake!” Michelle shouted at Liv.
            “No Michelle, you are. I read the police report, you’re daughter died in that accident with your husband and now you’ve violated the order of protection and I have to take you to jail, and the judge is going to revoke your bond.”
            “She’s my daughter!”
            “We know everything Michelle, we saw the police report,” Liv shouted as she put the cuffs on, “We know Anna Osborn died with your husband in that accident.”
            “Hey look who I found,” the brunette heard her partner yell out from behind her, she turned to see Elliot standing next to a squad car with their new favorite PI in the backseat.
            “You guys just can’t take a hint,” Liv scoffed walking up to the window.
            “There’s a piece of paper in my breast pocket. Read and weep.” The perp retorted.
            Elliot reached in through the window and removed the piece of paper. “It’s a lab order with the DNA sample from Patty’s hair that they snatched at the park. Patty Branson is Michelle Osborne’s biological daughter.”
            The brunette looked at Elliot in shock, not sure that she heard him correctly.
            “Patty and Anna are not the same child,” Melinda explained to the detectives when they got back to the precinct, “I ran another test, and they are definitely siblings but not identical. I saw that Anna was conceived through in vitro. The only way this incident could’ve happened is if both women underwent in vitro with the same doctor at the same time and I’m gonna need that doctors name.”
            Casey walked into the stationhouse with two large cups of coffee. She placed one down on the desk next to Elliot, “Hey, where’s our girl.”
            “Thanks Novak,” he mock-groaned in appreciation and took a sip. “I don’t care what Liv says, you’re alright.” He smirked. “She’s in the crib.”
            The redhead walked in quietly, she saw Liv’s eyes closed but knew by her breathing she wasn’t asleep.
            “Casey when I open my eyes you better either be naked or have a very large cup of coffee.”
            Casey laughed, “How did you know it was me? And how did you know I was alone?”
            The brunette smiled, her eyes still closed. “I can smell your perfume, and because I’m a cop.”
            The ADA walked over and sat on the edge of the cot. “Did you get any sleep baby?” She kissed her head and brushed her hair away from her face.
            “No,” Liv pried her eyes open. “I’m too wound up.” She sat up on the edge of the bed next to her girlfriend and leaned her head on her shoulder as Casey handed her the cup of coffee. “You’re the best.”
            “Oh yeah? That’s not what Stabler said you’ve been saying.” The redhead giggled.
            “Stabler’s a gossip queen.”
            Munch walked passed the doorway and stopped, “You two tired from all those late nights of bar hopping with your secret boyfriends?”
            Liv picked her head up, “Our what?”
            “Have you been talking to Elliot,” Casey asked him. Liv turned her head towards her girlfriend in confusion, who shook her head. “I’ll explain later.” she sighed.
            “No, Fin said both of you were dating someone and I just wanted to say that I’m a little hurt that I’ve never been asked to hang out with the cool kids. I did used to own a bar in Baltimore. I’m a pretty fun guy.”
            Casey tilted her head as Liv buried her face in the redhead’s shoulder to stifle her laughter, “You’re right John, next time we go out with our secret boyfriends we’ll make sure to invite you.”
            “Thank you, that’s all I ask.” Munch said in complete sincerity. “All the involved parties are here by the way. Time to get to it.”
Casey and Liv walked into the conference room where they sat Michelle and the Branson’s on opposite ends of the table. Liv sat down between them in an attempt to mediate with them.
“It’s come to our attention,” the detective spoke softly “that both of you conceived by way of invitro fertilization. We’re going to need you to tell us the names of the doctors you used.”
“Dr. Stanley Norton.” Mrs. Branson sniffled, choking back a small sob.
“He was my doctor too.” Michelle admitted and hung her head.
Michelle’s lawyer, Counselor Emmett, added, “Both girls born at the same hospital, within weeks of each other”
Casey paced across the room “Somehow, Sarah got Michelle’s embryos.”
“How could this happen” Mr. Branson asked, the look on his face showing he still felt like all of this was surreal.
“Dr. Warner said it could be as simple as a mislabeled petri dish.” Liv offered.
Both mothers exchanged heartbreaking looks as Michelle began to break down in tears. “I’m so sorry for what I did. I’m so sorry.”
Sarah Branson turned to Casey “is it possible to have the order of protection removed?”
Casey shrugged, “You can petition the judge if that’s what you want.” It was clear in her expression she didn’t agree but she wasn’t allowed to just blurt that out.
Michelle’s lawyer spoke up, “I’d like you to reconsider the attempted kidnapping charge.”
“Your client was ordered to stay away from Patty Branson, and she ignored that order. She broke the law. I have to take her to trial.” The redhead stated flatly. Liv jerked her head and looked at her in shock as if she couldn’t believe what she had just said.
Casey heard her girlfriend call to her as she left the conference room. “Casey, you gotta plead her out.” Liv emoted as she closed the conference room door behind her.
The ADA furrowed her brow, “Why would I do that?” She turned and gave the detective time to catch up.
“Because what happened was a mistake,” Liv argued.
“Michelle was uncontrollably driven to kidnap someone else’s little girl.” She continued walking down the hall, the detective walking along side.
“Her little girl biologically.” Liv’s tone escalated as she stopped at the corner of the hallway.
Casey turned on her heel, “but not legally,” she spoke lower trying to stay calm and show Liv she cared. “I can’t let Michelle off the hook just because you feel guilty you didn’t believe her.” She turned back and continued to walk.
The detective’s face dropped as she wasn’t used to going toe to toe with Casey over a case since that first day. She took a breath and then followed behind, “well then give her a break cause she’s also a victim.” Casey stopped at her door and turned to face Liv while leaning against it. Liv crossed her arms and continued, “What that fertility doctor did to those two women is genetic rape.” Casey cast her eyes to the side afraid she’d cry if she continued to confront her girlfriend. “And don’t tell me that that doesn’t bother you on some level.”
The redhead turned her head and stared into Liv’s eyes, her own starting to water. She wanted to clap back at the cheap shot, but she was already lost in her girlfriend’s charm. Her face softened.
“Talk to the doctor,” she looked down at Liv’s lips longing to kiss her, “confirm what Michelle and the Branson’s say, and I’ll consider a deal.” She stared at the brunette for a minute.
The Detective looked back at Casey’s lips just as hungrily and then nodded.
The redheaded started to head into her office but looked back as Liv was walking away. “Hey.”
The brunette spun around, “Hey.”
“I’ll see you for dinner later, okay?” She gave Liv the puppy dog eyes.
“You got it.” The detective smiled softly and then turned the corner.
Shortly after a visit to the good doctor’s office, the detectives were in Casey’s office giving her the run down. Michelle had insisted she never signed the form consenting to egg donation. The doctor was insisting she did and probably just didn’t remember because seven years ago is a long time to remember such a minute detail. Liv could feel it in her bones that the evidence was pointing towards fraud on the doctor’s part. She just needed some help from the DA’s office to prove it.
Both X’s look the same to me.” Casey examined the photocopied paper her girlfriend handed her.
The brunette looked at her determined, “It’s a legal document, forgery is a crime.”
            “You don’t know that doctor forged anything.” The redhead sat, leaning back in her chair. Her face contorted in contest.
Elliot chimed in to play devil’s advocate, “Look, maybe its buyer’s remorse. Michelle did consent to donate her embryos, and now she’s sorry she did?” He turned his eyes towards Liv.
“That doctor pulled that story out of his ass!” She came around him to stand between him and Casey, “Come on Elliot!” she scolded, “He was making it up as he was telling it to us!” She shook her head in disgust.
“So, you think he’s lying. Michelle Osborne hired private detectives to kidnap a child. Why do you believe her?” The ADA squinted, tilting her head.
“Because Michelle Osborn has never lied to us about anything. Patty is her biological daughter.” The volume of Liv’s voice started to escalate as she spoke passionately.
            Casey crinkled her nose G-d damn she’s so sexy when she gets herself all worked up. Pull it together Novak, cold thoughts, you still have a job to do.
Elliot piped up interrupting Casey’s mental undressing of Liv, “So let Michelle and the Branson’s sue Norton for malpractice,” he suggested bluntly.
Liv sighed, getting exhausted of trying to explain her point, “But if he intentionally put one woman’s eggs into another without consent, we can’t just let him get away with it.”
“There’s no law against that in New York State,” Casey tried to iterate that despite what they were all feeling for both defendants and victims, she still had to prosecute by the letter of the law. “And we can’t charge him with larceny because stolen property has to have value, and body parts don’t.” she said pointedly.
            The brunette argued back as the redhead let out an exasperated sigh knowing her girlfriend wasn’t going to let this go. “In vitro costs tens of thousands of dollars a pop. If Norton misrepresented what he did and put that X on this form, then we have him on fraud and forgery. If he did it once before, you can bet that he’s done the same thing to other women.” Her jaw was starting to get tight.
            Casey looked up at her girlfriend, she knew when Olivia had a gut feeling like this, she was usually on to something, and she definitely wasn’t letting it go. She pulled Liv down onto her lap and wrapped her arms around her waist. “Okay,” she kissed her shoulder. She had no qualms about Elliot being in the room, she knew he was a safe person for them. “Now all we have to do is prove it.” 
            “Right,” Liv turned her head, to look at Casey, her body still facing Elliot. Casey’s touch brought her back down to a calmer state. “This consent form is a copy; you get us a warrant for the real one and we will.”
            The ADA smirked, “You know you’re very sexy when you have your investigation pants on.” She leaned her forehead against the brunette’s, rubbing her nose against her girlfriend’s.
            “Oh yeah, that working for you?” She nuzzled back.
            “Mhmm,” Casey blushed and bit her lip.
            Elliot cleared his throat loudly, “Still here ladies.”
            The two moved their faces away from each other and turned back towards him, “Ahem, sorry.” Casey nodded trying to put her serious voice on.
Norton scoffed as he sat in interrogation “I did nothing wrong.”
Kessler waved his hand towards his client “Say nothing else Stanley. My client made an error in judgement.”
“That’s an understatement,” Casey’s voice was dripping with sarcasm as Liv paced behind her.
“Michelle Osborne gave my client verbal permission to donate her embryos seven years ago. Dr Norton wrote the “X” on the form because he thought it would help her remember.” The litigator retorted, an ever-present smug tone in his voice.
The brunette detective was getting worked up “Oh she remembers alright; she remembers that she never consented.” She barked.
Kessler laughed incredulously, “And you believe her, after she tried to have a little girl kidnapped?”
Casey looked at him with a know-it-all grin, “Because of what Dr. Norton did to her, so we’re dropping those charges.” 
“Still her word against my client’s”
“And his employees.” The redhead countered, “We have signed, sworn statements that you routinely implant one woman’s genetic material into another.”
Doctor Norton looked Casey square in the eye and straightened his cufflinks. “All I’ve ever done is help infertile couples have children.”
Olivia curled her lip, glaring with abhorrence at the doctor. “All you’ve ever done is pad your bank account” she leaned over the table towards him.
Casey looked directly at the Doctors attorney, “You can be sure we’ll find out how many other women he’s victimized.”
Kessler scoffed, closing his briefcase. “How? You can’t subpoena privileged patient records.”
The ADA grinned, “Unless,” she placed the pads of her fingers down on the desk pointedly, “there’s evidence of an ongoing criminal conspiracy. That forged “x” on the consent form is all the ammunition I need to go before a judge.”
Casey was beaming, “We scored a clean sweep.” She said proudly walking into the squad room. Her eyes locked on Liv.
            “Oh yeah what’d we get?” The brunette joked as she fixed her coffee.
“Warrants and subpoenas for all of Dr. Norton’s in vitro patients, plus all surgical and cryopreservation logs.” The redhead smiled, dropping some files on the desk, and facing Liv and Elliott.
“Cryo what?” Stabler asked as if Casey was speaking a foreign language.
Casey chuckled, “Where egg, sperm, and embryos are frozen and stored,” she schooled him.
“Any of this make an impression on Dr Norton?” He grabbed one of the files Casey dropped off and thumbed through it.
“Nope guy still thinks he did a favor for the Branson’s.” The counselor sat down on the edge of Liv’s desk placing her hands on her knee, “Anyway, Sarah’s medical records have a notation that none of her eggs fertilized.” She discretely caressed her girlfriend's knee with her thumb. The brunette felt it between her legs.
“So, Norton just slipped her one of Michelle’s.” Elliot shrugged.
Casey nodded, mindless tracing little circles on Liv’s knee, just brushing against the start of her thigh.
Liv popped up off the desk as the redhead’s followed her, “Okay so we get him on a couple of counts of fraud, he loses his license and does some time.” It was taking all of her willpower not so slam herself up against Casey right there in the squad room. The way the ADA’s eyes glistened as she smoothly negotiated subpoenas and plea deals just did something for Liv that she never expected.
“Yeah, and all thanks to the persistence of a beautiful brunette detective from the one six.” Casey bit her lip, subtly linking the tips of her fingers with Liv’s. “Damn I need to get you home.”
Liv blushed; desire written all over her face.
Cragen walked up next to them with a distraught look on his face, “Two-two just called. They’re mobilized.”
“For What?” the brunette looked at him confused.
The captain put his hands in his pockets, “Patty.”
            Thankfully with the quick work of the SVU detectives they were able to find Patty pretty quickly with a sweep of Michelle Osborn’s house for some semblance of clues. The time and place on the back of a family photo indicated a beach house that Michelle owned. The detectives swiftly mobilized there to find Michelle and Patty. Liv was heartbroken when she learned that Michelle misled Patty by saying her parents didn’t want her. 
“You have to do something, babe.” Olivia took a sip of her wine leaning over the island at Casey’s.
            The redhead scoffed, “I thought you wanted me to plead her out? I can’t keep changing course based on your emotions.” She stared at Liv in disbelief.
            The brunette sighed and placed her glass down, “I know what I said earlier but Michelle is terrorizing this little girl. Patty Branson is a distraught six-year-old who doesn’t understand why this woman is trying to rip her away from her family and I feel for Michelle but she’s making it so much worse.”
            The ADA took her hand across the counter and ran the pad of her thumb across it, “You know that your huge heart is one of the things I find most attractive about you, right? I just have to make sure I don’t get my ass chewed out by Branch for letting that beautiful heart cloud my judgement.” She brought her girlfriends hand up to her lips and kissed across the detective’s knuckles. She glanced up at Liv, cocking her eyebrow, “is this helping make up for the fact that we argued earlier?”
            “Casey,” Olivia sighed.
            The redhead frowned, “Hey I’m sorry, I was just trying to do my job.”
            Olivia smiled and held Casey’s hand between her own, “No that’s not what I was getting at.” she chuckled. “What I was going to say,” she rubbed her girlfriend's hand soothingly, “is we’re not always going to agree on work. We may even shout out each other from time to time, but I promise never to go to bed angry at you as long as you’ll have me.”
She stood up and leaned in to delicately kiss the ADA, “and I promise to always have dinner waiting for you, even if its leftovers in the microwave.”
The redhead giggled into the kiss and draped her arms around Liv’s neck. “And I will always be grateful for that, Detective.” Liv stood up straight pulling Casey out of her chair and grabbing her legs, wrapping them around her waist, and placing her on the counter. The brunette started nibbling and kissing down her lover's jaw and then her neck. “Mmm,” the redhead sighed, “you are so wonderful.” She ran her hands through Liv’s hair.
The detective chuckled, “Mmm, I’ll remember that next time we fight.” Casey laughed and pressed her palm against the brunette’s cheek, nipping at her lower lip and then kissing her. Liv raised her eyebrow and flashed a grin, “thanks for making this easy for me.” She ran her fingers up Casey’s bare thighs and up under the skirt she was wearing. She pushed it up and pulled the redhead to the edge of the counter, sliding her hand up the attorney’s inner thigh. She gasped as she made her way to Casey’s center, she leaned in to kiss her neck. “Assistant District Attorney Casey Novak, have you not been wearing any underwear all day?” 
The redhead smiled deviously, her hand on the back of Liv’s head holding her to her neck, “Mmmm, well, Detective, if we hadn’t argued, I had planned on pulling you into the bathroom of the courthouse, or my office, or the backseat of a taxi.” She giggled.
“Babe!” Liv looked at the younger woman in shock. “Getting adventurous?”
“Mmm maybe a little bit. It’s hard to control myself around you. Do you know how many times when you’re getting heated about a case, I just want to bend you over your own desk?”
The brunette pulled back and looked Casey in the eyes, her own glossed over, pupils dilated. “I really do that much to you?”
The redhead bit her lip and then nodded. “You, Olivia Benson, make me crazy.”
Liv took this opportunity to slide her middle finger into Casey’s heat causing her breath to hitch.
“Fuck.” The ADA exhaled. She spread her legs slightly allowing her girlfriend more access, who then slipped another finger in. Casey gasped again, “Liv.”
The detective toyed with her lover, slowly playing with her arousal, watching Casey whimper with each movement. “Feels good, Daddy?”
Casey let out a moan, “Ohhhh, feels really good baby.”
Liv pushed the redhead’s skirt up further and laid her back across the counter. She brought her mouth down to Casey’s heat, lapping up everything she’d already spilled from her lover, and then brought her tongue up to her clit. When she did this, Casey’s head shot up as heavy sighs fell from her lips. The ADA tangling her fingers in Liv’s hair pulling her tighter to her body. “Hey baby I need you to do me a favor,” the brunette whispered, “can you spell my name for me?” She kissed down on her clit, a few quick swipes of the tongue.
Casey was panting hard, but what Liv asked of her caught her off guard. “What?”
Liv kissed her clit again and continued to do so between each word. “Spell. My. Name. Please. Humor me Casey.”
The redhead quirked her brow, still confused about why they were having a strange conversation right this minute. She decided to oblige. “O—”
As she did Liv pressed down on her girlfriend's clit, tracing the letter “O” across it with the tip of her tongue.
“Mmmm,” Casey inhaled sharply as she caught on. “L—” she whispered. “I—” she was whimpering and panting softly trying hard to concentrate “V—.” “I—oh god baby I, I’m gonna.” Her breathing was getting shallow, “A—” she could barely keep still, she was almost there, she tangled her fingers tighter in her lover's hair pulling her closer as she started over. “O—” that was all it took, “Oh, Oh, Ohhhh!” Casey let go, an orgasm surging through her body, coming hard as Liv lapped it up, humming and moaning with delight.
“Mmm, Casey do you know how fucking good you taste?” The brunette wiped the corners of her mouth and licked her fingers.
Casey sat up trying to catch her breath. “Detective if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying keep me around for a while,” she chuckled.
“Mmm maybe just for a little while,” Liv grinned as she kissed the redhead sultrily.
“That’s it, you’re in for it. Bedroom, now.” She hopped down off the counter and took the brunette by the hand leading her to the bed, pushing her back onto the mattress. Casey was in nothing but her bra before Liv could blink. She straddled the brunette and unbuckled Liv’s belt. “Wanna see a new trick I learned?” She bit her lip, smiling mischievously.
Liv looked at her lover surprised, “You have tricks I don’t know yet Counselor?”
The redhead giggled, “I got bored in my office the other day.” She pulled Liv’s belt off her pants and began to loop it around itself a few times and then held out a hand reaching for Liv’s. Liv furrowed her brow but cautiously gave the ADA her hands. Casey slipped the belt over the detective's hands and then pulled the end of the strap tight with her teeth.
“Is, is that okay?” Casey asked to check in, making sure Liv was good with what she was doing since it was new for them.
“Oh, that was,” Liv gasped with surprise, “impressive.” If she wasn’t soaked in arousal before she was now.
“You like that?” Casey asked with her eyebrow raised and her troublemaker grin. She brought Liv’s arms over her head and hooked the belt to the headboard. “Don’t move,” she scolded and brought her mouth down to her girlfriend's ear. “Be a good girl for Daddy.” She whispered and bit down into the side of the brunette’s neck.
“Oh, Casey,” Liv mewled, “Oh, baby mmm” She wanted to feel Casey’s skin, dig her nails into her back. Each struggle against her restraints made her throb, the leather rubbing against her wrists driving her wild.
The ADA was taking her time, sucking deep bruises into her lover’s neck. “Keep still baby,” she cooed, “I’m just getting started.” After she finished marking up Liv’s neck, she turned her attention downward. She unbuttoned Liv’s shirt one button at a time and threw it open, bringing her mouth down to tease the brunette’s nipples. She pulled each one into her mouth, wrapping her tongue around it and grazing it softly with her teeth, letting them go with a pop. She continued to roll and pinch them between her fingers as she kissed down the detective’s stomach.
“Fuck Casey,” Liv’s soft pants made the redhead simper. She tried to wriggle against the restraints again causing her to moan loudly. “Don’t tease.”
“Detective, you better stop resisting.” Casey joked as she shimmied her girlfriend’s pants down and then tossed them to the floor and then settled between her legs. “Mmm, baby you are so fucking wet. It might take me hours to clean all this up.” She taunted as she ran her tongue through the brunette’s folds. “Olivia,” the ADA whimpered, “G-d you taste so amazing.” She plunged her tongue into Liv’s core, gently fucking her, moaning as Liv’s nectars dripped down her chin.
“Oh Fuck!” the brunette cried out, pulling against her cuffs, her hips bucking towards the redhead's face.
Casey pulled her tighter, the tip of her tongue brushing against Liv’s g-spot driving her wild. She moaned against the brunette’s center, sending vibrations up her body.
“Mmmm Casey,” Liv whined, “Mmm Daddy, don’t stop.” her breath ragged. “Oh G-d, Oh G-d.” Her eyes rolled back as she pulled against the restraints, her body tightened as her walls contracted and she came on Casey’s tongue.
The ADA moaned loudly into Liv as she felt her let go, her mouth filling with her girlfriend's sweet juices. She pumped her tongue slowly as the brunette came down and then licked her clean. She ran her tongue across her lips as she looked up at her girlfriend smiling, kissing her thighs, and resting her head against one for a moment. The redhead brought herself back up and kissed Liv, sliding her tongue into her mouth, savoring the moment, and holding her thumb and fingers to the brunette's chin.
“You are such a good, good girl.” Casey kissed her again lightly and nibbled down her neck as she undid the restraints. She kissed Liv’s wrists and then laid against her as Liv wrapped her arms around the attorney.
“God, you are so fucking sexy.” Liv kissed Casey on her temple and then traced soft circles across her smooth skin.
Casey headed down to the jail to confront Michelle Osborne about her most recent kidnapping attempt.
“You can’t kidnap your own daughter.” Hissed as she was led towards the interrogation cell by one of the Riker’s guards. Struggling to turn her head to look Casey in the eyes.
 “The law says she isn’t yours.” The redhead argued, her patience with Michelle had long run out.
“Well, the law is wrong.” Michelle sat down on the bench in the cell, as everyone filed in and followed suit.
Emmett tossed her briefcase on to the table, “We should just forget about the law and focus on what’s right.”
Casey couldn’t help but laugh, “What’s right is for your client to accept that she has no claim to patty. You’re a victim Michelle we can take that into consideration.”
“How much consideration?” her lawyer queried.
“We’re still willing to make an offer, Michelle will have to serve three to five and get counseling.” The redhead stated, staring blankly waiting for a response.
“No thank you.” Michelle shook her head in protest.
“If you go to trial and get convicted. You’re looking at fifteen years in prison.” Casey was in disbelief.
“I’ll be acquitted, then I’ll sue for custody.” Michelle stated haughtily.
“Are you kidding me?” the ADA turned to the counselor, “This isn’t your idea, is it? It’ll never work.”
“I have to try.” The defendant whispered with determination.
“You can’t!” Michelle turned to see this exclaim come from Sarah Branson who was standing a few feet away from the cell with Olivia in tow.
Casey stood up in shock and looked towards Sarah Branson who had just walked in, and then to Olivia who had clearly brought her. “Why did you bring her here?”
Liv looked at Casey reassuringly, “Because she wanted to come.”
Sarah Branson was sobbing “I know you lost your daughter, but can’t you see what you’re doing to Patty? Please, a mother wouldn’t do this to any child.” She pleaded with tears in her eyes.
“Look I’m not mad babe, I’m just saying a little heads up with you were bringing her to the jail would’ve been nice.” Casey said as the two women stepped on the train. They both reached for the center pole, opting to stand. Liv wrapped her arm around the redhead’s waist holding her tight to her as the train started.
“You’re right Case, I’m sorry.” Liv frowned, “I promise to work on communicating.”
“Just pretend we’re in bed, you communicate great there.” Casey teased, smirking, eyeing her girlfriend up and down until she realized an old man glaring at her from one of the nearby seats. “Sorry.” She cleared her throat.
The brunette giggled. “I’ll take that into consideration.”
The got off at their stop and walked down off the platform, “Coffee?” Liv grabbed the ADAs hand and laced their fingers together. The redhead blushed a little, the feeling that Liv wasn’t afraid to be seen with her filling her with butterflies.
“Maybe on the way back?” Casey mused, “I just want to be able to think straight again.” She shook her head realizing her phrasing, “I mean, I need to concentrate.”
Liv reached around the redhead to ring the doorbell of the Stabler house. The door opened and the two women were greeted by a very confused Kathy Stabler.
“Liv! Hi. and—” she scrunched up her face trying to figure out who Casey was and what she and Oliva were doing there. She looked familiar but they had never been properly introduced.
“Oh, hey Kathy, it’s nice to meet you, I’m the SVU ADA Casey Novak.” She let go of Liv’s hand to extend it to the blonde in the doorway.
Kathy’s eyes followed her hand and shook it, still looking puzzled until she glanced at Liv and then back at Casey and it clicked. “Oh, OH right hi! Genuinely nice to meet you! You need to talk to Elliot? He’s at the park with the twins. It’s three blocks that way and two blocks right.” she pointed down the street.
“Not me, just Casey here.” The brunette stated and placed her hand on the small of her girlfriend’s back.
“Ah well in that case, Liv why don’t you come in for a cup of coffee.” Kathy motioned towards herself. “Seems like we have some catching up to do.”
The detective glanced at her lover, “You gonna be okay on your own?”
“Yeah babe, stay, have coffee. I think we all know I can handle Elliot.” She chuckled nervously. She gave Liv a quick kiss and headed off down the block.
Liv and Kathy moved to the kitchen as Elliot’s wife poured them both a cup of coffee. “So,” Kathy looked at Liv, “I’m guessing that’s my husband’s new softball friend and the reason you’re wearing a turtleneck?”
The brunette snorted into her coffee and her face went flush. “Yeah, that’s Casey. She’s the best thing that could’ve happened to me.”
“I’ve gotta say I’ve never seen you so— open, with anyone before. It’s refreshing. Do you love her?” the blonde asked sitting down at the table.
Liv followed suit and took a sip of her coffee, “I want to. I just don’t know if I’m ready to say it yet.”
“Boy, you and Elliot really are two sides of the same coin,” Kathy laughed, “took him forever to say it, even though now he’ll admit he always knew. You know, I used to worry about you two. He’d confide in my why I didn’t need to and how he was the only one who knew about it so of course I just thought it was an excuse” she rambled as she took another sip, “but,” she paused. “I’ve never seen you look at my husband the way you looked at her on my porch.”
“Hey Dad, who’s that lady staring at us?” Lizzie asked as Elliot picked up the basketball, trying to explain to Dickie why hogging the ball would end up hurting his game eventually.
Casey was leaned up against the chain link fence at the park entrance. Her thumbs hooked through the belt loops on her jeans.
“Afternoon” Elliot smiled, confused.
“Yeah, your wife said I could find you here.” The redhead smiled.
“Dickie, Elizabeth, this is Ms. Novak. We work together.” He tussled his children’s hair and introduced them to his friend.
“You guys look like a couple of pros out there,” she approached the detective and the twins on the blacktop.
“Yeah, so go practice, and no hogging the ball.” He tossed them the ball as he and Casey stepped off to the side, “Let me guess, you just happened to find yourself on the ass end of Queens?”
“Michelle Osborne trial prep. I need a reality check.” She nodded, looking for some time of reassurance.
“Okay for what? Wait, Kathy told you I was here? You got Kathy to tell you a female she’s never met, my location?”
She shot him a look of c’mon Elliot, I radiate non-threatening LGBT energy.
A light bulb went off in his head, “You brought Liv, didn’t you? And she’s uhm.” He motioned his finger up and down his neck.
“See I knew you’d get there.” She crinkled her nose teasingly.
“Okay so about what?” Elliot asked jumping back to the original topic.
“There’s no way to win it.” The redhead stated, hoping Elliot would either bluntly tell her she was right or help her find a work around.
“You got her cold on the evidence.” Stabler shrugged as he headed towards the fence.
Casey shook her head, “Defense has already won the jury. Once they hear about what happened to Michelle, no one’s gonna care about evidence.”
“Are you worried about losing this case?” Elliot bent down by the fence to pick up his towel. “Or are you having second thoughts.”
The ADA stopped, turning to face him. “I don’t think the law can do anyone justice in this case.”
Elliot mopped his brow, “Are you just figuring that out now?” He sat down with his back against the fence.
“Michelle gets convicted; she goes to prison.” She tried to work out the conundrum out loud, “If Michelle gets acquitted, she’ll never let go of Patty and there will be no end to this.” Her voice got somber, “Either way, somebody loses.”
“Right.” Elliot looked up at her, his voice softer than usual, “What’s the question?”
Casey thought hard, finding it hard to articulate what she was thinking. She chewed on her lip, sighed, and sat down on the ground next to him. “If you found out you had another kid out there, would you want it?” She asked Elliot with genuine curiosity.
“Damn right I would.” The detective nodded.
“So, you know why she’s obsessed.”
“It’s not an obsession,” he shook his head, “it’s a love. It’s a connection that transcends everything and anything.”
Casey studied his face, now she realized how he could be so gruff but also so good with children. He was a good father, a good man. She smiled, thankful for his friendship as she continued to listen.
“I would die for my children and nothin’ in this world that would ever change that. Ever.” Elliot beamed with pride as he spoke.
The young ADA furrowed her brow in concern, “So Michelle and Sarah will never stop fighting over Patty.” She smiled but it was a sullen smile, full of sadness.
Elliot looked down thoughtfully, took a breath and began to recite from the bible, “And King Solomon said, “Bring me a sword. Divide the living child in two. Give half to one and half to the other.”
“Except I can’t split the baby.” The redhead said, her voice low, melancholy.
Stabler grinned, imparting a small modicum of wisdom on his friend, “Solomon didn’t have to.”
Casey looked at him puzzled and then it clicked, she grinned. “Thanks Elliot, I’m gonna go get Liv and make sure she hasn’t told your wife anything embarrassing about me yet.” She blushed and headed back down the street. Elliot took a sip of water and waved her off and then headed back to the twins.
The redhead stood in front of her dresser, taking her watch off and placing it in her jewelry box, “I don’t think I can do this.” She sighed.
Liv could hear the stress in her voice, “What do you mean, honey? I thought you and Elliot came up with a plan. He had “sage advice” you said, which I gotta say I wouldn’t expect someone to say about Elliot as much as I love him.”
Casey gave her a look, “Normally I would agree with you but in this case he was right. However, that also means I essentially have to bully a child on the witness stand. Sure, it’s for the greater good, but hasn’t she been through enough? I mean people already think I’m a bitch, I’m going to look exceptionally cruel tomorrow.”
“Hey,” Liv ran her hands down her girlfriend's arms and took her by the hands. “you’re doing what’s best for that little girl. She’ll understand one day and anyone worth their smarts will see what you’re doing. You’re going to be brilliant; you always are.” She tugged Casey closer and kissed her, “Come to bed baby, you need to rest.”
The redhead threw on one of Liv’s old PD shirts and some sleep shorts. “I hate this,” she mumbled as she turned down her side of the bed. “I feel sick.” She rubbed the moisturizer on the nightstand onto her hands and neck before climbing into bed.
Liv held out her arm for Casey to cuddle up against her, who happily snuggled in, “What if I wanted to hold you tonight?” she joked.
“Tough, come here.” The brunette kissed her girlfriends head and held her close. She ran her fingertips slowly up and down Casey’s arm and closed her eyes.
Casey couldn’t sleep. She stared at the ceiling fan for hours, her only comfort was the sound of Liv’s heartbeat and the rise and fall of her chest as she slept peacefully. She had no idea how she was going to make it through tomorrow. Before she knew it there was daylight peeking through the window.
Casey looked down at the little girl in the witness box, “Patty do you see the person who took you from the museum?
“Yes” the small child pointed to Michelle, “she’s over there.”
The ADA turned to the court stenographer, “Let the record show that she’s indicated defendant Michelle Osborne.” She turned back towards Patty, “So why did you go with her, Patty?”
“She said she had to take me to my mommy.” The child fidgeted with her hands.
“Where did she take you?” The redhead asked flatly trying to keep her tone easy for Patty to understand.
 “To her house. Mommy wasn’t there.” Patty said sadly.
Casey turned back towards Michelle, “Did you ask her where Mommy was?”
“Yes Michelle said she’s my real mommy. My egg mommy.” The little girl was physically upset.
“Did she tell you what that means?” The ADA continued her questioning even though she could feel the knot building in her stomach.
 “She said I came out of mommy’s tummy but the egg that I came from came from her tummy.” Even though Patty was distraught it was still clear she was extremely intelligent for a six-year-old.
Casey stammered silently for a moment trying to prepare herself for what she needed to do. Her insides were twisted, she wished she had a moment to glance at Liv. She knew if she could just see her, she’d feel better and know she was doing the right thing. “What did you do while at Michelles house, Patty?
Patty shrugged, “Watched TV, played with toys.”
“Do you think Michelle is nice?” The counselor inquired.
Patty shrugged again, “She’s okay.”
The redhead leaned down to get eye level, “You know what Michelle said about being your egg mommy is true right?” Casey took a deep breath, “Your Honor?”
Judge Bradley looked at the small child sympathetically, “Please answer the question, Patty.”
“No! It’s not true.” The little girl began to sob.
“Yes, it is Patty.” Casey’s voice had now become stern, confrontational. Come on Novak, don’t lose it, DO NOT throw up.
“Michelle’s not my mommy!” Patty sobbed, sweet innocent tears, breaking Casey’s heart.
 “You came from her egg, that is true.” The ADA corrected, almost fussing.
Michelle looked towards Sarah Branson, tears welling in her eyes.
“I want to go now.” Patty cried, big tears rolling down her face.
 “No, you can’t until we’re finished!” Casey scolded. She needed this to be over before she tossed her cookies. Sarah Branson began weeping from the gallery.
“I don’t want to go with Michelle.” The little girl continued to sob.
Emmet slammed her hand on the defense table. “Your honor she’s just a little girl!”
“Is this line of questioning really necessary?” Judge Bradley empathized.
“Patty, do you understand?” Casey pushed, she hated herself for this.
Patty was in hysterics at this point, “I don’t want to go with Michelle!”
“You don’t have to Patty—Not yet.” The redhead’s volume was elevated, her voice echoing throughout the courtroom.
“I want my mommy and daddy!” Patty shouted.
“No, you have to stay here!” The ADA remained stern.
Patty turned towards Michelle, “Please! Don’t take me away, please!”
Michelle stood up and shouted, “Stop! Just stop it.”
“Sit down!” The judge ordered Michelle.
“Patty I’m sorry,” Michelle wept, struggling to get words out, “I won’t ever bother you again.”
Patty ran to her parents, Casey stayed facing the witness stand breathing a silent sigh of relief that her and Elliot’s plan worked.
Michelle pleaded with the judge, “Ill please guilty if that’s what it takes. Just leave Patty alone.”
Casey closed her eyes, trying not to let the emotion leak out of her face till she got out of the courtroom. As soon as everyone one was adjourned the ADA made a dash for the bathroom. The room was spinning but she tried to splash some water on her face and take some deep breaths. She heard the door creak open, but she couldn’t even look up from the sink to see it was Liv. The brunette rushed and grabbed her from the side, she turned into her.
“Hey, hey baby I got you. It’s okay, you did great. Patty gets to go home with her parents. You did it babe. Shhh, shhh” Liv cooed softly trying to calm Casey down who was actively hyperventilating. “Hey Case, Case listen, match my breathing. Deep breaths.”
The redhead did her best to time her breathing to match Olivia’s until she was calm again. She squeezed herself tight against Liv. “Thank you for being here.”
“I’ll be here for you whenever you need me.” The detective held Casey’s head tight against her chest.
“Well then you’ll just have to always be here.” The ADA chuckled.
They walked to the squad room, Casey putting her briefcase down and handing a file to Elliot. “Michelle plead out to custodial interference. Her sentence was set aside, and she said she was going to move out of state because it was too hard to be around Patty.”
Elliot gave Casey a half smile and a knowing nod, “She did the right thing, loving her enough to let her go. I knew you’d figure it out.”
            Casey nudged Elliot.
            Cragen shook his head, “The damage is already done. That little girl's relationship with her parents will never be the same now that everyone knows the truth.”
            Casey sighed in agreement, “Law has to catch up with technology. When Patty’s 18 she has the right to make her own choice on whether or not she wants to contact Michelle, like in an open adoption.”
            Liv came around to meet everyone, “I finished the audit on Dr Norton’s clinic, turns out Michelle had sixteen embryos, ten of which were implanted in other women.”
            “How many live births?” Elliot asked quietly.
            “Besides Patty, Michelle has two daughters and a son out there.”
            Casey hung her head, they may have put a band aid over this, but it was far from solved. She stretched her neck to the side, Liv was quiet.
            Casey walked up and leaned against her side, looping her arm through her girlfriends, while the squad knew they still had to be careful about holding hands at the precinct. “Hey, what do you say we get a big bottle of wine and go back to my place. It’s been a day.”
Liv looked up “That sounds perfect.”
They started for the exit, “I still owe you that massage.” Casey smirked.
“You can give it to me while your body’s wrapped around me in that big bathtub you’re always bragging about.” Liv lightly hip checked her girlfriend.
Cragen looked at Elliot, “Do…do they think we can’t hear them?” he raised his brows.
“Captain, I think,” he paused, “when those two look at each other, they forget we exist.” Stabler folded his arms as he and Cragen watched them walk out the door.
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gemsofgreece · 3 months
If you want to watch content about Greece, do watch the National Geographic documentary Europe from Above. It has six seasons so far and S6E1 is about the Greek islands. (In the second season they had done Greece in general again but I have already made a post about that one - both are recommended). It’s a very interesting documentary, even I learned things I had no idea about.
It has a few inaccuracies here and there but it’s overall surely above average. The biggest foul is not showing Crete for the winter segment - dude, Crete has countless mountain ranges and two that are ultra, what the hell are you doing in the fortress in Corfu?! 😭
National Geographic brainstorming how to show winter in the Greek islands:
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Another one I remember now is them saying that mastic is used as gum and toothpaste flavour and that in the Middle Ages it was worth as much as gold… dude it’s literally one of the most potent natural remedies for digestion and gastrointestinal issues… 😭😭 how on earth do you know the rest but consider insignificant to mention that
But don’t let me doing my whiny thing sway you if you are interested. The documentary is really good.
Honourable mentions:
That dude who is a descendant of Laskarina Bouboulina?!?!??!?!!?! 👀👀👀👀
The Sims background music during Santorini’s segment caught me so off guard - well played National Geographic I give you that one
Story time: I have a (not so famous) app for reviewing movies and tv series and I went there to check the ratings and it’s the latest episode so it only has a couple ratings so far and one of them was giving one star. And I thought, what the hell, I understand it not being your kind of thing or expecting something else but this is just too harsh, there is literally nothing in this documentary indicating that it could even remotely deserve something close to a freaking one star out of ten! But then I forgot about it and I was about to write in the honourable mentions above about National Geographic casually Greeking it up and showing an anniversary festival for a sea battle of the Greeks against the Ottomans and it was literally like “so they set the Turkish flagship on fire and see how they revive this moment now and yeah after three tries the Turks never came back Greeks finally got rid of them”. And as I was about to comment on it, I realised, shit, that one star rating could have been Turkish. Imagine that Turk reviewer be like “I came here to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now” oh my goddd 😭😭😭
But okay, like I said, it has these moments that are a little funny but overall very good documentary!
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boasamishipper · 3 months
Hello! You are my go to expert for Night Court and Dan/Harry, so I would like to ask, which episodes would you recommend watching for particularly shippy Dan/Harry moments or storylines? Thank you <3
i am beyond honored to have been bestowed such a title, thank you nonny! <333
there are so many excellent danharry moments and storylines across all nine seasons, but here are my (very painstakingly selected) top five danharry episodes in chronological order:
1. S3E9-10 The Wheels of Justice (Part 1 + 2)
every time i think about this episode i go fully insane charlie kelly standing in front of the pepe silvia conspiracy board style. admittedly the first episode doesn't give us a lot of danharry content beyond harry smiling super fondly at dan while dan screams at bull's tiny tv, but the SECOND episode. jesus CHRIST. dan talking harry out of his slump in that pool hall........'you were good, harry! very good. you were impartial. you were fair. passionate. compassionate. understanding. and i admired you.'............dan hugging harry after harry apologized and said he would come back to court........the way harry and dan looked at each other after harry's line about taking the good with the bad no matter how bad the bad gets...........dan's smile while harry tells mac that dan is the only reason he left the pool hall..........and then. of course. this.
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what is their DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. S4E1 The Next Voice You Hear...
'emily,' night court nation says. 'this is not a danharry-centric episode.' you are correct! 'then why is this on your list?' because after harry found out his mother was dead, mac's first instinct was to call dan, and dan dropped whatever he was doing to come and console harry. they're best friends!!!!!!!!! and i cry about it Every Day
3. S4E5-6 Dan's Operation (Part 1+2)
this is THE danharry episode. every other danharry episode go home (except please don't, you're all wonderful). seriously though if someone told me when i first started watching night court that harry would fall asleep on a comatose dan's chest after begging him to wake up (AFTER they had a huge argument earlier in the episode) and dan's first instinct upon waking up is to stroke harry's hair and also Not Move Or Say Anything Because Harry Is Sleeping and THEN they would have ANOTHER argument that ended in both of them saying 'i love you' to each other, i would have died on the spot. and then i watched these episodes and i DID die on the spot. larroquette won his third emmy award for his performance in these eps and it is extremely well deserved.
4. S5E14 I'm OK, You're Catatonic/Schizophrenic
a danharry episode that raises more questions than it answers. what do you mean dan just randomly took a nap on harry's conference table. what do you mean dan kidnapped mel torme for harry. what do you mean dan said re: his kidnapping of mel torme '[harry's] gonna kiss me on the lips for this'. what do you MEAN dan handcuffed mel torme to a chair using 'a trick harry taught him' with 'magic shackles' that HE KNOWS CHAFE and WHAT DO YOU MEAN HARRY DOESN'T EVEN HAVE MAGIC SHACKLES AT ALL. SO WHAT WAS DAN TALKING ABOUT. someday i will get a ouija board so i can talk to reinhold weege from beyond the grave and ask him hey man!!! what was up with this episode!!!!!!!!! and also harry destroying dan's car in retaliation for dan accidentally destroying his mel torme record collection (on top of harry strangling dan upon receiving the news and also screaming I'M GOING TO EAT THAT MAN'S EYEBROWS) is proof that these two match each other's freak like no one else and that's why they should be endgame, thank you and good night.
5. S5E22 + S6E1-2 Danny Got His Gun (Parts 1-3)
1980s sitcoms were operating on a whole other level because if even an iota of this plotline happened to one of my otps on any of my currently airing shows the entire fandom would burst into flames. dan is presumed dead!!! his plane goes down north of hudson bay!!! and harry is the first one to receive the news!!! and the first one to receive further telegrams from the army and also dan's belongings!!! in his will dan left harry his 'heartfelt gratitude'!!! harry had to plan dan's memorial service!!! he had to write dan's eulogy!!! he had to sit there and watch everyone in attendance including the funeral director (barring roz) not be able to say a single nice thing about his best friend!!! then said best friend CRASHES HIS OWN MEMORIAL SERVICE!!! dan is alive!!! he has a beard!!! he smells awful!!! which i will maintain to my last breath is the only thing that prevented harry from kissing the breath out of dan right there in the funeral home!!! they!!! looked!!! at!!! each!!! other!!! like!!! this!!!
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vimesbootstheory · 2 months
CK S6 Pt1 Thoughts
Do we still call this "the cut" or did we leave that behind on LJ? Anyway the thoughts are under the cut. I haven't looked at anyone else's thoughts yet, no idea whether this is echo chamber stuff or if I watched a different show than the rest of you.
Overall I honestly had a blast, I'm probably gonna talk more here about stuff I disliked but that's because positive stuff kept me glued to the screen while negative stuff sent me to vent in the notes doc I had open in another window lol
Eagle Fang was Johnny's thing, not an extension of Kreese's Cobra Kai, and I was so angry at the show for not understanding that that I burst into tears
I continue to think that the big cast is spreading character work too thin, such that most characters were either made much less interesting than they have been in previous seasons (e.g. Daniel, Miguel) or were given too little time with the character work they had (e.g. Robby, Kenny) or both.
Characters I made particular note of who are now boring: Daniel, Amanda, Sam, Hawk.
I was surprised in particular how Daniel was given virtually no character work other than this token Miyagi thing. I prefer when Daniel's a bitch. Daniel being The Reasonable One is incredibly boring.
We kinda got slutty gi back? In hallucination form? Briefly?
This was a hard realization: I don't think I ship Daniel/Johnny in these episodes. I'm still absolutely bonkers for them in previous seasons (1-4 mostly) and in the fandom sphere but honestly I wanted Johnny away from Daniel most of the time in s6e1-5. I found it really off-putting how much Daniel was trying to change Johnny into someone he's not.
Fave new character was Kwon. Enjoyably silly. I like his anime hair.
Delighted that Jarmen baby is a girl, even more delighted that the topic of the baby was pretty backgrounded, didn't spend a lot of time on it.
I am filled with incandescent rage that they neutered SamTory; it was weird rooting for Johnny's terrible strategies to make them frenemies instead of friends. But it looks like they're not quite done yet so I'm gonna cool my heels on this point.
Team Captain nepo babies lol. I would be so pissed if I were any of the other Miyagi-Do students.
Loved Johnny championing his female students. In an ideal world I would not have had a little voice at the back of my head wishing he'd spend the same kind of quality time with Robby (How about some Robby time? Robby? Robby now? Johnny and Robby?); nevertheless for what it was, I still really like Johnny supporting Devon and (to a lesser extent) Tory. Meanwhile Daniel over here in his sexist era I guess, ok. Like he really only wanted to send his daughter and no other girls.
Peyton List is the part-season's MVP, obviously obviously. She was so great. Kicked ass, kicked acting's ass. Tory was probably the meatiest character of the season, too, though that's not saying a ton.
My worst fears were not realized re: Johnny's character. He still isn't the fully-realized guy he was in early seasons, but relative to other characters, he's having a pretty OK season IMO. Knock on wood.
I was unexpectedly all riled up on Anthony's behalf. Why does he HAVE to get into karate? Why does he have to be Daniel 2.0? At least this was addressed textually.
So pissed on Kenny's behalf. Justice for Kenny. He deserved one of the top 6 spots. He got poo pants instead. Jesus Christ.
Loved the Lawrence vs Barnes fight, very metal, excellent choreo, love watching Zabka move. I would bet the cobros are lighting up at having an answer on that particular head-to-head.
This has been a running thing with Cobra Kai for a while, but I'm not even sure how I as an audience member was supposed to see Johnny's current teaching style? Honestly I loved his day of blended-style lessons. Obviously broken glass in the koi pond is not a great idea. But like. Jesus Christ, Daniel, katas HAVE STRIKES. WHAT DO YOU EVEN WANT.
Did they really just write Chozen out without any goodbyes? :(((
Daniel's ego flare-up and "I'm the boss" moment, contender for only interesting aspect to his character in these five eps. Hell yea hell yea. Show some goddamn teeth Daniel LaRusso.
One thing I think CK excels at and has always excelled at is keeping the stakes up for tournament-style fights, such that more often than not, I can't tell just through narrative signposting who's going to win. Robby vs Miguel in particular was a nail-biter. I did a full-body arm-pump when Robby won. Though the stakes were weird because it's not as someone can't win in Barcelona if they're not a captain? That was confusing and makes me think it's going to be their way of doling out successes across the main four kids. Like Robby and Sam for the captains, and then Miguel will win, presumably Tory too when she flip-flops back to team good guys again.
Interesting acting/directing/writing (idk which) choice during Robby vs Miguel, Johnny visibly rooting for Robby.
I love that Johnny brought up losing his mum when Tory's mum died, but I really hope they get the chance to bond over it at some point.
The fuckin magic jewel bottle cap got me so bad. Resourceful DIY toys is poor person realness and it was so cute and heartbreaking.
It's weird that new!CK got into the tournament because it's clearly not really the same dojo, so they haven't really qualified.
I'm so pumped about Kreese being the main villain. That was true before the season began and I still feel that way.
I'm excited for part 2!
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niktheniknik · 2 months
October 2024 is 2nd pride, we've got Venom 3 coming out on 25th and wwdits s6e1 on the 21st, we're truly winning frfr
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whoupmasturbuilding · 9 months
Rick and Morty Condensed Watch List
My friend wanted to watch rnm, but didn't want to sit through all 7 seasons- so I decided to make a list of the best/most lore important episodes that way they could enjoy the show without watching the whole thing. Red = episodes that are lore important Orange = not crucial for understanding the lore, but establishes character relationships and/or a consistent reference in the series yellow = episodes I'm personally a fan of (these are purely just recommendations for my friend, feel free to skip them)
s1e1 Pilot - first episode of the series, I'm sure this one is self-explanatory LOL s1e5 Meeseeks and Destroy - First Morty adventure, Introduces Meeseeks and "ricks catchphrase" (reoccurring), and does a good job of showing Beth/Jerry's relationship s1e6 Rick Potion #9 - Rick & Morty's dimension hop s1e7 Raising Gazorpazorp- sexy robot episode (my friend wants to watch this okay) s1e10 Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind - Introduces citadel s1e11 Ricksy Business - We meet a couple of Ricks close friends, some fun time stuff, and the season finale!! s2e1 A Rickle in Time - I couldn't really decide whether or not to keep this orange or red, since technically this specific ep isn't crucial to the understanding of the show. HOWEVER, still totally watch it because it wraps up the conclusion to season 1 AND its a great episode generally! s2e2 Mortynight Run - Introduces the Jerry daycare and Blips and Chitz (reoccurring) s2e3 Auto Erotic Assimilation - Introduces Unity s2e5 Get Schwifty - Introduces President, Learn more about Birdperson s2e9 Look Who’s Purging Now - Not plot relevant or brought up again in the series, but this episode has some Morty moments that I really like s2e10 The Wedding Squanchers - Meet the federation!! s3e1 The Rickshank Rickdemption - More citadel fun! And also szechuan sauce, very important. s3e3 Pickle Rick - Yes I'm putting pickle rick on here. This episode introduces Dr. Wong who's both a cool character and reoccurring. Although I wouldn't say this episode is as important as the other oranges, so If you really wanna skip it- go for it s3e6 Rest and Ricklaxation - TOXIC RICCCKK s3e7 The Ricklantis Mixup - More Citadel adventureeess! (<- Also this is where that fat Morty and lizard Morty GIF came from, thought you'd like to hear that) s3e8 Morty’s Mind Blowers - idk what to write for this one I just really enjoy this episode LOL s3e9 The ABC’s of Beth - We get an update on how Jerry's life is going, also some fun Beth development stuff e4e2 The Old Man and the Seat - big bad doo-doo daddy s4e10 Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri - More federation stuff, and we get an update on clone beth s5e1 Mort Dinner Rick Andre - This one isn't THAT important of a watch so if you wanna skip it you honestly can, but we do get to meet Mr. Nimbus and find out what happens to Jessica. s5e8 Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort - Bird person update ALSO MEMORY RICCCCKKK s5e9 Forgetting Sarick Mortshall - Rick and two crows show s5e10 Rickmurai Jack - Citadel fun and also more of the extra sexy crow rick s6e1 Solaricks - MEET PRIME! s6e2 Rick: A Mort Well Lived - I haven't watched diehard which makes this episode funnier to me s6e3 Bethic Twinstinct - okayy I'll be honest, a lot of people dislike/feel weirded out by this episode (me included) but I still think it's worth including for contextualization because this ep explains why space beth's has a reoccurring presence in the family. So watch at your own discretion LOL s6e8 Analyze Piss - ignore the goofy ass title, because it is REALLY good. I love this ep so much s6e9 A Rick in King Mortur’s Mort - This episode isn't really lore important and doesn't introduce any reoccurring characters, BUT the adventure itself is referenced later on s6e10 Ricktional Mortpoon’s Rickmas Mortcation - rick with a stubble and boxers on (very important) but no seriously, this episode is important s7e1 How Poopy Got His Poop Back - Some Rick/friend shenanigans, also we get a brief update on birddaughter s7e3 Air Force Wong - Not really thaatt lore important? But we do get an update on unity which is super sweet s7e5 Unmortricken - "OH SHIT, Evil Morty! Should I get the net?" s7e9 Mort: Ragnarick - this episode is very very fun and also where that image of rick being crucified comes from ANYWAYS THATS IT! Season 7 still hasn't ended, but it ends later this week so I may or may not update the list for that. If anybody has any critiques/changes I should make to this list, please let me know!
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xadian-daydreams · 11 months
Just creating a clean notes of what's been said about S6E1 from various sources. I'm going to update it if I get more clarification on things.
Edit: Update from Geeked Week.
Episode shown was only 18 minutes long (Giehl said to have mentioned ~3 min scene at end was deliberately omitted) and lacked credits/end cards.
Aaravos is sobbing hard while staring at water with a galaxy reflected within. A Startouch, the Merciful One (they/them), comes up behind him and says "We are all of us stardust, held together for a moment by love."
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Camera pans out to show it's all galaxy around them.
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Screenshot thanks to @aaravosaa
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So, probably what's being referred to by the Sea of the Outcast statues.
Similar opening to S4&5, however Viren's statue crumbles to dust when Aaravos tries to pick him up.
Book Stars Chapter 1 Startouched
Soren blindfolds Opeli. She's ushered to a secret Council meeting.
Ezran gives a summary to a guard of what dragang got up to.
In Viren's secret dark magic lab Soren takes off Opeli's blindfold to reveal the Pearl prison on the stand Zym's egg used to be.
Opeli thinks keeping the Pearl is a bad idea. Soren calls them the fellowship of the Pearl. Callum, aware of Aaravos' ability to manipulate from within the Pearl, advocates to destroy it. Rayla counters that destroying it is too risky - it could just release Aaravos. Ezran's plan is to keep it protected and hidden away in Katolis.
Zym spots the (damaged?) painting of Zubeia and starts howl-crying.
Callum notices the Stars rune on the Key of Aaravos is glowing. He suggests the Celestial elves in the Starscraper may know how to safely destroy the Pearl.
(I think a scene cut to just Callum and Rayla after leaving meeting).
Callum suggests Rayla and him go to the Starscraper together so they can also free Moonfam from coins. Rayla is still not ok with the risk. Callum is still very afraid of getting possessed.
Scene cut - Callum's bedroom.
Callum gets up and starts sleepwalking, with one of the baitlings following him. He goes to the dark magic lab and grabs the Pearl. He finds himself inside Aaravos' study. He excitedly looks at the books, then curious about the chair which he sits in and sees the broken mirror, realising where he is.
Shot of Aaravos holding the Pearl while Callum is trapped inside. Aaravos throws the Pearl down and it smashes.
Then Callum wakes up, only to discover his hand on the Pearl. He is suitably freaked.
Scene cut - Rayla's room.
Callum bursts in calling for and waking up Rayla. Rayla attempts to defend herself with pillows before realising it's Callum and those are pillows rather than her butterfly blades.
Callum explains what just happened - Aaravos took me over, had the Pearl in my hand. Rayla points out it's late and he was dreaming, but Callum insists and Rayla says she believes him, but what can they do?
Callum says he has a idea and runs off with Rayla's blanket.
Stella complains and Rayla replies, he took our blanky, before collapsing back on the bed.
Callum visits Barius the baker. He requests Barius make something special and innovative to stop Aaravos.
(Not sure how scenes are cutting or locations for next few bits).
Zym is still sad about missing his mother. (Soren mentions wondering where his mother is). Soren tries to comfort Zym by howl-crying with him.
Callum tells Ezran that he has a new plan.
Callum sews spell blocking runes onto blanky.
Barius enters dark magic lab with a decoy Pearl. Rayla doesn't get what's going on. Then Callum swaps the Pearl for Barius' decoy and wraps the real prison in spell blocking blanky.
At dawn Rayla and Callum, with concealed Pearl, leave for the Starscraper.
Also, Soren leaves with Zym to search for Zubeia. (Riding Pyrrah?)
Scene skip - Terry and Claudia.
Eyes blinking POV of sleeping Claudia looking very corrupted, haggard and bloody. Cuts to show a waking up Terry. Claudia is using Sun staff as make shift crutch.
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Claudia goes on about how her mother and brother left her, and now her father's dead. So, to make sure Terry never leaves her - she then raises her staff, scaring Terry- she's going to leave him instead. Then she drives the staff next to his head.
Terry is devastated as Claudia limps away, calling out he loves her and would never leave.
He stumbles to the ground and calls out he'll be waiting here for her.
(There should be another scene, but it wasn't shown).
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katy-133 · 1 year
Solaricks and Setup/Payoff
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Solaricks (s6e1) has become my favourite episode of Rick and Morty. There's several reasons why, but the one I'd like to talk about today is.
Solaricks is an excellent example of Chekhov's Gun (the dramatic principle that recommends details within a story will become important to the overall narrative later on).
It's comparable to the "spaghetti disaster" episode in s3e12 of Bojack Horseman--A culmination of various things introduced in different episodes all becoming important for one big event that is greater than the sum of its parts.
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In order for the overall plot beats of Solaricks to have happened, and for the viewers to have the full context of the different pieces, they will have watched the following episodes:
S5E10 Rickmurai Jack: The episode starts with Rick and Morty stranded in the Citadel with little hope of rescue. The place is in ruins and they can't portal out of there. This is the aftermath of the previous episode, which was season 5's finale.
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S4E10 Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri: Rick and Morty are then rescued by Space Beth, who is introduced properly in Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri. (There are also even earlier episodes that lead to her appearance, but her first speaking role is s4e10.)
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S2E2 Mortynight Run: Near Solarick's start, Jerry starts glowing green and asks why. Rick explains that they're about to jump to their original dimensions. Jerry then realises he's not from their current dimension because he got swapped with another Jerry in the Jerryboree. An event we see at the end of Mortynight Run as a quick throwaway gag.
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S1E6 Rick Potion #9: Morty then gets teleported to a version of Earth that is overgrown, is full of hostile monsters, and meets an alternate version of his father, Jerry, who is now very different. This is the aftermath of the Rick Potion #9 episode wherein Morty and Rick left their version of Earth after being unable to save it.
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S1E10 Close Rick-Counters of Rick Kind: The idea of dimension-hopping has been important to the show since episode 1, but we are only fully introduced to the concept that Rick and Morty can meet alternate version of themselves (and ones that are evil) in Close Rick-Counters of Rick Kind. This is key for this episode, as we meet Rick Prime, a version of Rick that is willing to kill his own grandson's father.
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S3E1 The Rickshank Redemption: We get a scene with Rick Prime, who was previously introduced in Rick's backstory, which Rick at the time had said was made up. This is later proven to be wrong in s4e10 where Morty glimpses Rick's memories and sees Rick Prime in them. The s3 backstory explained that Rick Prime killed our Rick's wife and daughter.
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S3E9 The ABC's of Beth: Rick is able to fight off Rick Prime's robots using his cybernetic arms, which he gave himself in The ABC's of Beth after he gets attacked by a creature in Beth's childhood world Rick built for her.
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In total, that's about 7+ episodes spread through 5 different seasons. It's hard for writers of a television series to be able to coordinate the use of Chekhov's Gun within 1 season, but Rick and Morty's unusual commission situation (they were commissioned by Adult Swim back in 2018 to make 100 episodes) I imagine allows the writers to mentally go, "Okay, here's where we are, here's where we should be by season 10." And it's interesting to see how that affects the writing and design of the show.
The episode Solaricks is able to manage a bunch of moving parts in such a way that it shows the writers have been paying attention to past events in the series. It's the care of continuity (something Rick lies about not caring about) that I appreciate.
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chomuggaacapri · 7 months
game changer s6e1 spoilers!
GOD that episode was good. i think the whole idea of deconstructing even the most basic aspects of a gameshow (doing the best = winning, for example) is what makes game changer so great, and the team did an awesome job of making sure the contestants couldn't just throw every prompt by going last and intentionally picking between the other two players. i also LOVED the little breaks where they'd do a gameshow as a round. kept the pacing up really really well. also, i mean, come on. Brennan fucking Lee motherfucking Mulligan. Dude was anti-everything-about-that-shit and managed to win because the other two stumbled into having the exact same score by the end. sam getting got by the contestants was the perfect button to the episode.
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charliemac · 2 years
i counted “rcg involvement” as any episode written by rob, charlie, and/or glenn, including with other non-rcg writers or creating the story but not writing it. every episode in this list does not have rob charlie or glenn credited as writers. excuse my typing errors and also feel free to add/correct anything because this is absolutely fascinating to me
s2e8 the gang runs for office - david hornsby
s3e13 the gang gets whacked part 2 - scott marder and rob rosell
S3e15 the gang dances their asses off - david hornsby, scott marder, rob rosell
s4e4 mac’s banging the waitress - david hornsby
s4e8 paddy’s pub: the worst bar in philadelphia - scott marder, rob rosell, david hornsby
s4e10 sweet dee has a heart attack - rob rosell and scott marder
s5e1 the gang exploits the mortgage crisis - becky mann and audra sielaff
s5e3 the great recession - david hornsby
s5e4 the gang gives frank an intervention - scott marder and rob rosell
s5e6 the World Series defense - david hornsby
s5e7 the gang wrestles for the troops -scott marder and rob rosell
S5e8 paddy’s pub: home of the original kitten mittens - sonny lee and Patrick walsh
s5e9 mac and dennis break up - Scott marder and rob rosell
S5e10 the dennis system - david hornsby, Scott marder, rob rosell
s6e1 mac fights gay marriage - becky mann and audra sielaff
s6e2 dennis gets divorced - Dave and john chernin
s6e4 mac’s big break - rob rosell
s6e5 mac and charlie: white trash - luvh rakhe
s6e6 mac’s mom burns her house down - Scott marder and rob rosell
s6e8 the gang gets a new member - david hornsby
s6e9 dee reynolds shaping America’s youth - david hornsby
S6e10 charlie kelly king of the rats - Scott marder and rob rosell
s6e11 the gang gets stranded in the woods - Scott marder and rob rosell
s6e12 dee gives birth - david hornsby, becky mann, audra sielaff
S7e1 frank’s pretty woman - scott marder and rob rosell
S7e2 the gang goes to the jersey shore - dave and john chernin
S7e3 frank reynolds’ little beauties - scott marder and rob rosell
S7e5 frank’s brother - david hornsby
S7e6 the storm of the century - charles hornsby
S7e9 the gang gets trapped - luvh rakhe
S7e10 how mac got fat - scott marder and mehar sethi
S7e11 thunder gun express - dave and john chernin
S8e5 the gang gets analyzed - luvh rakhe
S8e6 charlie’s mom has cancer - scott marder and rob rosell
S8e7 frank’s back in business - dave and john chernin
S8e8 charlie rules the world - david hornsby
S8e9 the gang dines out - mehar sethi
S9e3 the gang tries desperately to win an award - david hornsby
S9e4 mac and dennis buy a timeshare - dave and john chernin
S9e6 the gang saves the day - dave and john chernin
S9e7 the gang gets quarantined - david hornsby
S9e8 flowers for charlie - david beinoff and d.b weiss (game of thrones creators/writers)
S9e9 the gang makes lethal weapon 6 - scott marder
S9e10 the gang squashes their beefs - rob rosell
S10e1 the gang beats boggs - dave and john chernin
S10e2 the gang group dates - rob rosell
S10e5 the gang spies like U.S - david hornsby
S10e7 mac kills his dad - david hornsby, dave and john chernin
S10e10 ass kickers united: mac and charlie join a cult - scott marder
S11e2 frank falls out the window - david hornsby
S11e3 the gang hits the slopes - dave and john chernin
S11e4 dee made a smut film - eric ledgin
S11e5 mac and dennis move to the suburbs - hunter covington
S11e6 being frank - scott marder
S11e7 mcpoyle vs ponderosa: the trial of the century - conor galvin
S11e8 charlie catches a leprechaun - jon and josh silberman
S11e9 & s11e10 the gang goes to hell parts 1 and 2: david hornsby and scott marder
S12e2 the gang goes to a water park - eric ledgin
S12e3 old lady house: a situational comedy - dannah phirman and danielle schneider
S12e4 wolf cola: a public relations nightmare - david horsby and scott marder
S12e5 making dennis reynolds a murderer - conor galvin
S12e8 the gang tends bar - megan ganz
S12e9 a cricket’s tale - david hornby and scott marder
S13e1 the gang makes paddy’s great again - david hornsby
S13e2 the gang escapes - megan ganz
S12e3 the gang beats boggs: ladies reboot - dannah phirman and danielle schneider
S12e4 time’s up for the gang - megan ganz
S13e5 the gang gets new wheels - conor galvin
S13e6 the gang solves the bathroom problem - erin ryan
S13e7 the gang does a clip show - dannah phirman and danielle schneider
S13e8 charlie’s home alone - adam weinstock and andy jones
S13e9 the gang wins the big game - conor galvin
S14e2 thunder gun 4: maximum cool - conor galvin
S14e3 dee day - megan ganz
S14e4 the gang chokes - john howell harris
S14e6 the janitor always mops twice - megan ganz
S14e8 paddy’s has a jumper - dannah phirman and danielle schneider
S14e9 a woman’s right to chop - dannah phirman and danielle schneider
S14e10 waiting for big mo - david hornsby
S15e2 the gang makes lethal weapon 7 - keyonna taylor and katie mcelhenney
S15e3 the gang buys a roller rink - rob rosell david hornsby
S15e7 dee sinks in a bog - david hornsby and rob rosell
S15e8 the gang carries a corpse up a mountain - megan ganz
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