#got psychoanalyzed by a YOUTUBE VIDEO of all things
djevelbl · 8 days
I had a bit of a breakdown (ahaha great start to the afternoon am I right fellas) over backing out of an outing I agreed to, and to which I agreed purely to go see my friends and nothing else (I'm not particularly interested in the thing we were supposed to go see). And like my mum is calming me down and explaining stuff — she leaves after I take the decision of cancelling bc I just wasn't really in the mood, y'know?
I go to write the text to cancel, I start crying again bc it feels like I'm giving up on the friendship/relationship. My brother comforts me.
And the fucking I Was Wrong About Midsommar video meeptop posted a couple months ago starts blaring in my ears within my own skull like it's the newest Stray Kids song.
GoddAMNIT youtube, I can't believe you're doing MORE for my mental wellbeing than the year or so of fUCKING THERAPY I was on — guess I gotta go back to it now 😊
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lifmera · 7 months
OH MY GOD I TYPED UP A WHOLE THING AND ACCIDENTALLY LOST IT OH MY FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOD I HATE IT HERE- anyways *ahem* attempt no. 2 of me asking you for a Hazbin Hotel match because I have never done this kinda thing before and I'm curious :)
GENDER AND SEXUALITY: I'm non-binary, they/he/she pronouns. I generally don't have a preference between the three tbh but I do appreciate ppl mixing it up! I'm sex-repulsed asexual and gray-biromantic. Again no real preference lmfao
APPEARANCE: White, dark blonde hair, green eyes, just below 5'3, pretty basic looking all things considered. I've got a pretty angular face I think. I'm afab and don't shave cuz it's too much work. I wear pretty much exclusively graphic tees(band shirts, dumb jokes, fandom stuff... that kinda thing) or button ups with funky patterns paired w/ the comfiest pants I can find, but occasionally I'll pull myself together enough to make a dencent(?) outfit, typically reminiscent of shit scene kids in the early 2000s would wear. I also like dying my hair but usually don't bcuz I procrastinate on it for too long.
PERSONALITY: If I had to describe it in one word? Unhinged. I am unhinged. 7/10 people will agree I am a very frightening person to be around. I say out of pocket shit(ranging from vile sex jokes to just straight up threats of violence) pretty regularly. I also like to sneak up on ppl and make very loud noises just to see their reactions... *ahem* anyways, despite all that, most of my friends would also describe me as caring and loyal! I have low empathy, so the only way I ever understand any of my friends emotions is by using my own experiences to compare and contrast until I have a decent idea of what's going on in their head, but I AM very good at psychoanalyzing people and providing objective, unbiased thoughts & advice on their situations. I would also literally go to war for my friends. Like, if you hurt one of them say your goddamn PRAYERS because I am coming to your location with a knife and murderous intent. I'm kinda awkward & shy at first, but at my core I AM an extrovert. I just don't know how to talk to ppl bcuz I am ✨neurodivergent✨(autism & ADHD) and have a hard time approaching ppl bcuz I don't know if they'll like me or not. Typically I make friends by making very loud jokes and waiting for somebody to approach me because they like my sense of humor. Which speaking of, I am very funny! Most people I interact with regularly would agree I am a very funny person!!! I'm also really good at media analysis and making arguments. I don't do well in debates because I choke under the pressure(gotta work on that tbh), but I'm good at writing argumentative essays. Plus, I'm pretty good at just bold face lying to people so overall I can be pretty damn convincing. I like adrenaline rushes and try to actively seek out new experiences as long as I'm confident they won't cause me any significant damage(socially or physically) in the long run. Which is unfortunately not many because I am INCREDIBLY paranoid. Like to the point of accidentally staying up til 3am cuz I'm convinced someone's gonna break into my house and kill me... I also have depression, severe dissociation issues, and existential dread which is. Fun. That's fun. I also have a tendancy to go down random rabbit holes and obsess over inconsequential details in shows I like to the point of making whole ass conspiracy theories :)
LIKES: Cartoons, drawing, writing, acting, singing, reading fanfic, watching YouTube, long drives, listening to music, jumpscaring ppl, being funny, ziplining, problem solving, video essays, ghost hunting shows, supernatural stuff in general, psychology, media analysis, frogs, sharks, ferrets, cats, violence, chocolate, Drawfee(YT channel), glitter, and just. So many fandoms. Just so many.
DISLIKES: Slimey shit, being touched(most of the time, there are occasional exceptions), being touch starved DESPITE not liking being touched, ppl insulting my interests(only I get to do that), media illiteracy, projects I'm not invested in, ppl putting preasure on me, mosquitoes, existential dread, dissociating, being tired all the time, being wrong, taking risks, feeling vulnerable, and stories with a lot of potential that just. Don't do anything with said potential.
PREFERENCES?: Uh. Someone significantly taller than me(shouldn't be hard Hazbin characters are fucking huge) that'll listen to my insane rants and is able to match my energy.
Akdncksmfnsmdsn I rlly hope I did this right again it's my first time doing anything like this-
Honestly I was debating on like a few different characters BUT!
I’ve decided to pair you with… LUTE!
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Honestly I think she’d also be sex repulsed. She’s definitely more of a romantic lover! Though she doesn’t show it.
I think she talked to you at first because your style choices reminded her of Adam- and obviously, she misses him like crazy
If you did dye your hair often with her, she’d probably want to help you! I think she’d apply the color so it doesn’t get messy :)
She LOVES your personality. She thinks you are similar to her in many ways!
She also would need to experience it herself. She’s pretty stoic and doesn’t show her emotions. She’d probably think it’d make herself look weak.
I think you both would definitely fight back to back 24/7! You both would fight to the DEATH for each other.
She loves how caring you are for other people- it gives her a different sense of pace. Someone new!
I think Lute would see a TINY BIT through your lies. Lute is very observant with EVERYTHING.
She’d love if you made jokes. She need’s something less boring in her life than just standing there.
Adrenaline rushes? Totally join the exorcists- and you can be her right hand!!
She’d try to help you through paranoia, but you shouldnt worry much. She’s STRONG asf!
She’d LOVE TO HEAR CONSPIRACIES!! she would think they are SO COOL.
Although she isn’t much taller- I think she’d around 5’8 personally. She just looks small bc shes always next to Adam who’s HUGE!
She may not be able to match your energy, only because she’ll need to come out of her shell more- she’s always listening. She has ears EVERYWHERE.
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emilyrox · 2 years
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Youtube Music also has a recap I am SO READY to expose myself 😎
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This equals 954 hours and 47 minutes.
That equals roughly 39 days of just music. 39 days we'll spent.
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I got into The Weeknd earlier this year, a couple months after "Dawn FM" came out. So like, April or May. Both Dawn FM and After Hours own my heart and I've come up with a whole ass story line for them.
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All of these artists I've had specific phases for ar some point this year.
The Weeknd: summer + late October
Evanescence: honestly idk if this phase ever truly ends
Ariana Grande: early in the year. But comes back.
Flyleaf: September - now
Set It Off: March - May
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This song is why I don't think the Evanescence phase truly ended. This has become one of my favorite Evanescence songs. The vocals and instrumentation kick ass, it's fast and very stimulating in a good way, and it just hits different, ya know?
I also associate this song with Regina from Once Upon A Time. The lyrics remind me a lot of her internal struggle with dealing with the bad things she's done and wanting to disassociate herself from them (see the season 5 finale) but knowing she can't really do that, and having to accept that (see all of season 6).
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Both this remix and the original go hard and are S-tier.
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1. Already explained.
2. This song also goes hard and hits different. I know the real context of it is that it's about Jesus (Christian rock band), but I reinterpreted it as being about Emma Swan from Once Upon A Time. The first two verses and choruses can be seen as about her building up her walls due to all her trauma and people that have severely hurt her (Neal Cassidy, for instance), but the bridge and third chorus show her in a better place in her life, now surrounded by people that love her and make her feel safe enough to start breaking those walls (Killian, for instance).
3. I have a specific plot line made for this song but it's too long to put here.
4. Got into this song around the same time ISWM came out so I associate the two together now.
5. First off I had no idea that & Juliet existed until I heard this cover and I want to explore it more. Secondly I didn't think I'd ever hear Britney Spear's "Baby One More Time" as a tragic ballad but here we are. It's awesome and I want Anna's voice.
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I don't actually have a favorite genre but this tracks.
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Made this playlist because "Monster by KIRA slaps." I'm glad people enjoy it! Although there are definetely more covers to add to this by now. I made this in high school. I'm a sophomore in college now. It needs an update.
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YouTube Music was trying to say “Oh you set the trend of people listening to Kim Petras :D” which I honestly doubt, but it honestly gives me “I listened to Kim Petras BEFORE it was cool” vibes
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I guess this is true? I don’t think “Erase This” by Evanescence was her most popular song from the album “Evanescence” for example.
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My top 5 songs you saw earlier I put on loop for days at a time. I am not ashamed.
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Gotta have a sick beat for the climax of the fake scenarios in my head.
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I’ve been psychoanalyzed by YouTube music y’all. And it fits.
Like I said earlier, I don’t have a favorite genre of music. One day I’m vibing to rock, the next pop, the next Vocaloid, the next a song about a video game I’ve never played but it absolutely slaps.
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And this has been my YouTube Music 2022 Recap. Thank you for indulging me to do this.
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etherealsomething · 2 years
I've come to the conclusion that I am not a cathartic person. I don't engage in catharsis as much as I want to. Sometimes I have this intensely deep desire for a cathartic moment–one instance where all of my raw emotions come out, all at once. But instead, I think I’ve learned how to let my emotions out in a way where they come out little by little in everything I do. Think of it like water. My emotions are like keeping a sink just dripping in the winter to keep your pipes from freezing (something we always did in my Iowa home whenever it got too cold out) whereas catharsis is a holy dam breaking and releasing a flood of biblical proportions. For some reason… that flood is so appealing. 
I think it's because I used to have catharsis all of the time when I was younger. I loved to cry. I loved moments of intense emotion. And now I don't feel like I have those moments. Somehow I grew out of them. I don't know. 
I feel like my life has changed. So much and so drastically. Especially since I graduated from high school. I’ve become so much happier. But I also don't ever feel that sad anymore. And I kinda miss being sad. I need to stop running away from it. I think therapy would be helpful for that maybe.
I think I've definitely got some things wrong in my head. Wires crossed or whatever.
Let's psychoanalyze. 
First, I think I have a deep fear of my body, call it dysphoria (?). I think so much of my thought surrounds my body. What I wear especially. But also in my daily actions and interactions. I think I feel like I have to make people believe the fact that I’m a woman and so I overcompensate. Like, just today I feared watching a youtube video that was ‘too boyish’ in my mind because I thought if anyone caught me watching it it would take away their perception of me as a woman. I fear that if I'm not ‘feminine enough’ to be a woman, people won't perceive me as one just because of the body I was born in. So now when I look in the mirror I’m grossed out by my trans body. My boy hands. My weird legs. Because I see them through that lens. It's internal transphobia that manifests in my anxiety about my perception. 
I've got body issues methinks…
Ugh. it's so complex. I don't know why I derive any sort of pleasure from hyperanalyzing myself. 
Let's keep going lol.
Next, I think what I was talking about at the start of this essay (memoir? manuscript? chapter?) is just depression. Like… I don't think it's normal that I don't experience emotions like a healthy person. I feel like catharsis on a regular basis is pretty normal. Healthy people cry pretty often. They have good days. They can cry at sad movies. They don't answer “just peachy” whenever someone asks how you are. I think I've just grown such an intense mask to hide all of my bad (bad…) emotions that I’ve accidentally masked all of my emotions. Dulled them all back to a solid zero. No positive. No negative. Just zero. 
It could also be the Wellbutrin. I don’t know if I'm supposed to tell people that I'm on antidepressants. My parents have always been so hush-hush about mental health. I didn’t know my mom was on Zoloft for the entirety of my life until I was twenty years old. And I didn’t know my brother had his own assortment of mental issues until years after he moved out. In my family, mental health was just something you couldn't really talk about. Which is odd because my mom loves to bring up mental health-related issues… 
God, it's all Freudian, isn't it?
I think my mom is probably why I'm depressed. 
That’s enough analyzing for tonight. I'm high and I just want to watch skins. 
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stickandthorn · 4 years
Ooooohkay so I’ve been thinking for a long time about why CR has so much god damn discourse, more than almost any other fandom I’ve been in. And I think I’ve boiled down my conclusion to a few main points.
1) Some of this is stuff I heard talked about in a YouTube video forever ago, might’ve been a Sarah Z video but i can’t quite remember, but I digress. It’s that indie creators/smaller creators get held to a higher standard because they feel more reachable by the audience, less like a brand. It feels more like talking to a friend than talking to a company. Also, indie creators are expected to do better. They try hard to do good about certain things big companies don’t, and so they’re expected to be perfect, since finding a place that cares at all about certain issues is really special. So you want that place to be really good, to do everything you want from a piece of media. Does that mean they’re above critique? No, but it means they’re critiqued far more than necessary.
2) Critical role breeds huge amounts of emotional investment. It has hours upon hours of extremely well acted content, you truly feel like you get to know the characters so you get more invested, you’ve put so much time in so why wouldn’t you be? Besides, critical role has a very home game brand, one that feels warm and welcoming. Of course you’d be invested in that, it feels like friends. And that tends to breed discourse, because you’re, well, invested. This especially manifests in things like ships imo, but that’s a whole other fucking discussion.
3) It happens real time, or roughly real time as of pandemic. What I mean is, while something like a book or a show comes out in chunks or once a week for a few weeks, already pre planned, this doesn’t. This comes out real time, once a week, not planned, and besides the pandemic break it doesn’t really take breaks. This means that a) I think there’s a feeling you can change what’s going to happen, subconsciously, and b) you don’t know how or if this cliffhanger is going to resolve, and you’re super invested, so you create a lot more content and discourse around it while waiting.
4) Out of all the other popular dnd podcasts and media in general, this is run in the most “true homegame” way. There isn’t specific seasons beyond the two separate campaigns, and the players choices never really get railroaded. This freeformness makes room for shocking or surprising things to happen, or things you thought were going to happen don’t happen, etc. And we’re used to media where you know what’s going to happen at the end, or there’s at least some solid guidelines. So when something happens you don’t like, it doesn’t feel like the way the dice rolled or the way the characters developed, it feels like something that was planned that got retconned or something, idk, because that’s what we’re used to.
Idk, it’s three fucking am and I’m tired and didn’t reread this, I’m probably way off the mark and need to stop psychoanalyzing and go the fuck to sleep so I don’t slam the rotohammer through my finger tomorrow. 
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
JIKOOK:DON'T ASK ME TO STOP LOVING YOU. I WON'T- Jikook Shading eachother pt3
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Everything expressed in her is my opinion. It is not intended to be malicious or disrespectful to any of the parties here in mentioned. Please don't be weird.
Jeon Jungkook is in love with Park Jimin. Period. If you have doubts, take my word for it. That man heard a bell ring and he's been following that jingle sound till thy kingdom come. Bless him.
No, I am not off track. We are still on the Jikook breakup/fights 2020 train and it's express. Beep beeeeep! Sorry.
Jk loves Jimin and it is the cause of all his woes- with Jimin as well as with the other bandmates. His problem is he loves that man- too much.
Yes, the 2019 November-December tensions with his bandmates was all because he keeps blurring the lines between his relationship and his career. He is lucky, both of them are lucky that they found eachother in a space like this where they have the opportunity to love and still have it all. Trust me, it's rare.
Except JK didn't join BTS to pursue a career. Bless him. He went there to harvest him some sweet love. Lol. Jokes aside, Jk when he started out had no goals, no ambitions whatsoever. He was young. He was just following the path set out for him by his parents perhaps, his teachers- and also he thought Namjoon's thighs were hella delicious. Lol
He has had to grow to love and appreciate his craft and career just as he's said in the recent Japan comeback interviews. He even almost quit singing to go be a dancer and all it took was Jimin telling him he had an amazing voice for him to stay- the power of park Jimin!
That's how young and naive he was when he began his career path. Let's get a bit deep and psychoanalyze him real quick. He made an entire life decision to join a boyband for seven years not because he loved to sing and dance but because he admired the zeal od RM?
Then when layer he was exposed to dance, and had to make an equally important life decision, he allowed another bandmate(Jimin) to make that decision for him. This should tell you the state of his mind as at the time. He was young and impressionable with no aspirations of his own.
Even as of 2019, he said he had no idea what he was going to do with his life after BTS had the band disbanded in 2018. That's a lot of experience span to not know what he wants to do with his life.
Now I don't mean to say he is immature but we all know the members especially Jimin have pointed out time and again that JK is in fact immature or can be.....
He seems to me as the type who still have a lot to figure out and per his recent interviews where he's talked about taking time to himself to work on himself and his hobbies etc. I have a feeling 2020 has been a period of awakening for him. A period where he is self actualizing a lot and I'm happy for him.
But it is what is causing this age of enlightenment in his life that has me curious.
Moving on, this young, naive, impressionable JK as he was in the early days of BTS started developed feelings for his hyung. Do you see the problem? I'll wait....
These feelings, I assume, began as pure admiration and fondness of Jimin. Jimin was this talented and hardworking, spontaneous, energetic hyung and JK with an impressionable mind as his was was bedazzled by him.
Soon these feelings would morph into what could be seen as an obsession, infatuation and then finally love.
The way I see it, loving Jimin gave him purpose for the first time in his young life. He may not have known much about his life goals and ambitions but he knew being with Jimin gave him a solid ground to stand on, a new sense of direction, certainty and purpose.
He got to share in Jimin's passions, share his with him, dance together, sing, practice, rehearse, make him the subject of his photography, the subject of his attention, care for him, be cared for by him- something he hadn't had the chance to experience from home before he was yanked away into idol life.
Growing up, we all experience that moment where we imprint on friends and relatives. My uncle was my mentor as well as my elder brother too. I admired them so much I sometimes confused that with romantic love till I got socialized properly.
Jk's socialization was.... He....
-Jk may be an introvert but he thrives and shines best when he partners up or is in a group like BTS or his friends group etc and Jimin i feel was the ideal partner for him; his queerness, his adventurousness, pushing JK's boundaries, challenging his beliefs, showing him how to have a good time- ok I really want this Jimin back! Like right now!
Jimin left an impression on JK's young mind. He imprinted on him. And for the longest time, we've seen the way he stares at Jimin.JK really loves Jimin.
So what's the problem?? Loving JM is consuming his mind y'all. It's all he thinks off. All he cares of. He seems super hyper focused on Jimin so much so that it is affecting the dynamics of their group.
His jealousy,possessiveness- He knows he has to keep his relationship a secret for the sake of the group because it is their secret too and yet he just can't help himself.
I feel RM and the others complain a lot about how he let's his jealousy get the best of him. Like how he almost exposed JM as his boyfriend on several occasions verbally( see previous post for further details)
Like how him getting jealous and possessive gives them away more often. I mean JM is bad at hiding it too but let's be honest JK isn't winning any awards with that bad acting. *sigh. He is hopeless.
But yes this is what led to the MMA standoff with RM. It is also the reason for the tensions between Jikook during Jin's birthday VLive (JM asked him to keep his distance because the members had tried to separate them earlier and so JM was just being salty af during this period. It had nothing to do with JK but the others. See Golden Disc and you'll understand)
This also led to their subsequent break up( which you will notice during the comeback interviews and promotions periods- I don't know about you but they were giving off two exes tryna to keep it happy for the cameras during that period but failed cos their interaction were just....)
PS: there are a lot of moments I want to point out but don't know where to begin cos there are a lot.
The blackswan behind scenes moments( JM asking JK if he he wanted to be in a subunit with someone else, JM making JK jealous during the interviews, JK using Tae to make JM jealous the next day, JK holding JMs hands not wanting to let go- he was missing his ex. Lol it's what you do when you have to be friends with that ex you still love and won't hesitate to touch them given the slightest opportunity and once you do you don'twanna let go)
Just look at that whole On comeback promotion moments. You'll understand what I mean.
Also the Run episode moments- you know the one JK almost beat Suga up with the frying pan- JM for this phase seemed to be to be trying to get back together with JK. Dude was clingy as fuck! And for once he was on his best behaviour, trying his hardest not to make JK jealous. I mean the Run behind scenes moment where JM was helping Tae clean off food residue on his mouth but stopped immediately when JK lifted his head. *insert skull head emoji. Lol
To say JM was a bit clingy during this getting back together phase would be an understatement. Remember his clingy moments during Suga's birthday Vlive 2020? And during Festa too? He was trying to get JK's attention and also impress him throughout.
Around this breakup moment too was when he was spending a lot of time with Tae playing video games with Army, posting their selfies at 4 AM and what not. It is also the same period he posted a picture of himself with his dogs on Twitter and said he was trying to spend time with loved ones- if that wasn't shade to JK!
They couldn't post 13th May because of these issues they were having. Not that JM didn't try though. He posted on the 1st, JK should have followed with 3rd but did was busy pouting somewhere. JM still gave us a 5/8=13 selca though so yaay!
What I'm trying to say is, their fight has been about JK not wanting to be separated from JM and JM asking JK to cool it off for a while to not cause trouble with the members and the company.
To which Jk responds with:
1. Interrupting JM's call with Jin during his VLive to ask him on a date and say I love you to him. Dude is a rebel, I don't know what you want me to say. He is not gonna cool it just because it makes the other worried he is exposing them too much.
Jk interrupting JMs live I feel got Jikook in trouble because after that Vlive JM never did a solo live on VLive again to this day. His subsequent lives have all been on YouTube.
I have a feeling he was penalized because that VLive exposed them. And no, I'm not being delusional. Jikook were both banned from doing a VLive together alone following their New Jersey VLIVE in 2019 when they- I don't even know how to describe what they did in that live!
And to make it less obvious, I think BigHit decided the others should stop doing solo Vlives on VLive altogether because now they all do their solo lives on YouTube as well and if they have to do a Vlive it is heavily monitored by BigHit staff or its radio and not done in their rooms too.
So I think Jimin got pissed at JK for doing that and getting them in trouble again. I mean if you heard him sigh during the new Jersey VLive you would know how frustrated JK makes him. He loves him too but.... Jk can be a bit too much ya know?!
Anyhoo, so I believe JM called for some space and told JK to take up interests in other things beside him and I don't know how JK took it but he responded with this:
Posting the cover of the song Not Never. Which was him basically saying for as long as he lives he will not never think about JM. As in he is never not ever keeping away from JM. We might have to pry Jimin from his cold hands! *sigh
Which leads to the radio Vlives moments,
Something Jimin said during his interview with suga caught my attention. He said it was nice that they get to speak with Armies at least like this. I believe all these were putting a lot of stress on Jimin as he has decided to take a break off social media prior to him saying so on this interview. But the wording of that statement also made be believe some thing or someone was preventing him from talking to Armies in the usual manner.
Earlier with RM he had said how he would go crazy if they weren't allowed to do certain things he was used to doing on stage as well. So that also raised a flag to me.
I had a feeling Suga had invited JM on that Radio live to address his 'issues'- including his issues with JK. Jikook have a subtle way of communicating with each other and somehow social media has a huge part in that. They not the only ones, Beyonce and JayZ also addressed their relationship issues through their music, going back and forth yet they lived together. I DONT UNDERSTAND THESE CELEBRITIES!!!
Sorry for the rant. Anyway I had a feeling JK was listening to the radio interview too.
Suga asked JM why he didn't come to his music video set to support him- which I believe he was referring to his Daechwita shoot. JM didn't go because, take a guess...
JK was there too. Lol. He had gone with Jin and even ended up filming a part in the music video. My guess is Jk thought Jimin was gonna be there because he always go to Support Suga and the others in times like that.
So Jimin responds with 'were you expecting me? .... I didn't come because I want you to want me more.' Now that's an absolutely random response don't you think? He couldhave said something logical like he had to record at a studio or something- unless he wasn't talking about Suga but was sending that message to someone else who was listening in. A certain man with a JM tatto ring on his ring finger perhaps??
JM from this response revealed he intentionally missed that shoot. He knew JK would be there and he wanted him to ask where JM was at it he wasn't at the shoot. It's also interesting how during this period JK was spending a lot of time with Jin. When he interrupted JM's Vlive call he was with Jin. He went with Jin to Suga's MV and Jin posted a selca of him and shirtless Jk dieimh this period too while JM was mostly seen with Tae. What does this remind you of??
MANILA. same thing happened when they had that Manila fight. Jin was with JM and we all know who was siding with JK!
Why would JM say he wants to be enacted more? Easy- He a slytherin and a Libra and those two mixed together is sinister. Kidding.
I believe JK intentionally took a step back from JM, to give him the space he wanted and it had JM feeling someway about it. Probably had him feeling JK didn't want him as much anymore. Dude is insecure we been known. He a Libra and a slytherin what y'all expect?
So I'm guessing JM put up the classic textbook attitude towards JK which had JK all confused because he had no idea what their issues were anymore or why his boyfriend was spending his nights at Tae. You want space, you got it. Why you mad?
So JK reaches out to Suga for help. because the intention was fix his relationship not have it plummet. Dude is in love with this man and will do whatever it takes to keep his relationship. *Sigh
Suga comes through for him with the interview. And I think JK put two and two together- literally. He comes up with still with you a few days after JM's interview and does a radio interview with Suga as well.
Now the focus of this interview was his "apology to Armies for his scandal.' But funny, cos his scandal happened a month before the interview. Suga radio had been ongoing after the scandal and yet this man didn't think once to come on it and apologize to Armies about an incident that BigHit had already addressed until JMs interview.
You don't talk about scandals. That's the protocol.
Let me also point out JK has had several scandals in the past of which he had never addressed in a Vlive let alone apologize in that way. Not saying he wouldn't, he hasn't. They themselves don't address scandals unofficially, that's the protocol and he knows it.
If they were allowed to think Armies would be more interested in him addressing the Tatoo gurl scandal not his Friday night happy hours with his friends. That apology was for Jimin not armies.
Also, he pointed out how still with you was written when he was alone in the dark thinking by himself. That sounds to me like something you do when you've had a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend and they've packed their things and left your shared apartment.
Interestingly, Jk mentioned during Festa the rain fight. Still with you literally has rain drops sounds in the beginning of the song and also on the cover on sound cloud. Seems to me that whatever happened that night had JK reminiscing about times he'd fought with JM- the rain fight. Which is what inspired still with you (I will do a full analysis of that song and others soon here on my blog'
Yea, so he apologized to JM for their fight I guess and said he loves Army. *smirk.
And things started falling into place right after that. They started- Jikooking again. Jk called JM out on Weverse so they start their online flirting thingy- posting immediately after each other, 13, those kinda things
Things seemed good. Untill their Japan interviews when JK said spending time alone pursuing new hobbies was gold to him and JM saying maintaining his relationships with friends and family is good to him. Seems JK is still salty about JM wanting space. It will take sometime for him to get used to not being around JM 24/7. Know what I mean?
I don't think there was major tension there. Just two lovebirds shading eachother. *smirk I mean the passive aggressiveness of it all. Lol
I have a feeling JK will keep jabbing at JM with that because let's face it, he is the emo one in that relationship and most importantly he loves JM with all his being and wants to be with him always. A partner asking for space can feel like they are pushing you away or rejecting you. It triggers a lot of insecurities so I understand JK in that sense. They are both not wrong in my opinion. Space can be a good thing and hey at least JK got to read a whole book during this time! Who woulda thought!
And quiet honestly, if Jikook are real as I believe they are then these issues they are having pales in comparison to the hurdles that lie ahead of them for when they decide to come out or live as a forever couple.
I guess It is why JK put these lyrics in GCF Helsinki at JMs part:
Why do you spend your time leading the chorus,
When the war was just waiting before us?
As if you didn't know
I guess it's sums up what Jikook were dealing with during that period of you take into consideration the fact this was released end of December/ early 2020.
Jimin pays too much attention to what people thinks of their relationship as if he didn't know what he was getting himself into. ...
This has been a long one, chai! Sorry. I get carried away sometimes talking about Jikook. Lol.
So what is the state of their relationship? They good. I been told y'all JK is trying to bring back their old online filtering habits. He did it on Weverse when he posted about him reading and asking what JM was doing forcing JM to come out with a response.
He did the same yesterday when he posted a cover song after JM posted his selca on Twitter. They good. They more than good I believe. I will keep observing and will update y'all with my observations as and when.
Oh and I will be doing an analysis of his new cover may be later tonight. Until then its Jikook forever bishes! Gang, gang, gang,
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badbookreviewclub · 4 years
Compete Review - Stones to Abbigale, by Onision
Disclaimer: This review will contain spoilers… if you haven’t already watched the seven billion book reviews there are for Stones to Abbigale. I won’t be linking to where you can buy this book because I don’t want to support Greg… James… whatever the fuck he’s going by now. If you look hard enough, you can find it for free online. 
Stones to Abbigale is the first book published by Onision. I’m sure we already all know about Onision and how horrible he is, if not I highly recommend going to Youtube and watching The Right Opinion’s videos on him. They’re very enlightening as to the kind of person that Greg is. Anyways, this review isn’t about Onision (kind of), it’s about his book. I couldn’t figure out where the book was published, aside from a small stamp at the very last page just saying it was published via Amazon.
The Summary: There isn’t one. Fuck. The Characters: James - Simp who likes to act like he’s the hero, but also the victim. Definitely Onision’s self-insert.
Abbigale (Abbi) - A very traumatized person who is written very poorly
Jason - The jock who’s there to make James look like the victim but also the hero
Davis - a character who has no impact on the story and could be completely written out. His presence affects nothing. 
Ms. Robertson - The school counselor who could never actually be a school counselor Mr. Hanson - The history teacher
The Problems: Aside from a multitude of grammatical errors and some spelling errors, this book is just a mess. The characters are incredibly inconsistent to the point of being unrealistic (e.g. one moment Jason is the bad guy and the next he’s James’s best friend). Actually, in general, none of these characters are realistic. It’s really easy to read this story in Greg’s voice because it all sounds just like him. They speak with the same mannerisms that he does and like they all read a psychology book in fifth grade and now they think that they know everything about people and how they work. It’s annoying and incredibly frustrating, actually. 
Another big problem that this book faces is that everything is written in big blocks of text, without regard for needing commas or periods. This makes reading dialogue incredibly difficult and at times can make it really hard to decipher just who is talking. I’m convinced after reading Stones to Abbigale that Onision doesn’t know what the enter bar is. Take this for example, “As we got closer to the gym Abbi was giving me a funny look, as I normally didn’t walk her that far, I said, ‘Don’t worry, I’m not stalking you, we have the same class now.’ She replied, ‘Manipulating your schedule to be with someone sounds like stalking Mr. Patrick.’ I said, ‘Not if you drop Mrs. Stanley.’ She pushed me playfully saying ‘Jealous!’” Let’s split the dialogue up now (and add in proper punctuation. 
As we got closer to the gym Abbi was giving me a funny look; I normally didn’t walk her this far. “Don’t worry, I’m not stalking you. We have the same class now,” I said. “Manipulating your schedule to be with someone sounds like stalking Mr. Patrick,” she replied.  “Not if you drop Mrs. Stanely,” I said. She pushed me playfully, “Jealous!” 
This is a lot easier to read and aside from word choice, it’s not terrible. It could paint a picture a lot easier with better word choice, but this is Onision’s first book so I guess I can cut him a tiny tiny tiny bit of slack on that. Actually, no. This could use better word choice to paint a better picture and make them seem less like cardboard cutouts. 
Another problem is the plot itself. The ‘climax’ of the book, if you will, happens almost at the beginning of the book, which is fucking absurd. It makes the rest of the book feel pointless and like it’s dragging on. 
The Book: 
Chapter 1
We meet our main character, James. Except we don’t know his name is James yet. We do know that he paints his walls, his ceiling, and even his bedframe a startling white however because he “likes to inflict mental torture” on himself. Not sure why he does this, but he does. I think I’ll be the first to say that in any white suburban neighborhood, you could walk into just about most children’s rooms and find white as the standard (at least, that’s how it is in my neighborhood). Why? Fuck if I know. White just looks nice with most furniture, I guess. 
Anyways, our main character is late to school and rushes out the doors with a note he scribbled for an excuse as to why he was late. Yay, we finally get James’s name from Mr. Hanson, who couldn’t give less of a shit that James was late. He just wants to talk to him after class. James starts people watching to an almost creepy extent, trying to get into people’s heads and assuming what they were thinking. If you haven’t read any of my other reviews, you should know, I am not overly fond of when someone tries to assume someone else’s thoughts in this way. Where they psychoanalyze them without have a single hint of qualification. It’s annoying in storytelling. That’s not to say I’m not guilty of having a character do that at times, but I’m trying to be more aware of it and to stop writing like that. With how James is written, however, it’s clearly intentionally and gives off r/im14andthisisdeep vibes. 
Anyways, James rushes off to art class so he can see Abbi. He has never talked to Abbi a day in his life but spends a lot of his time thinking about her and wanting to be with her and basically, just being a simp. He puts too much value on Abbi without ever having talked to her and having no reason to do it, his world revolves around Abbi and she has never so much as shared a word with him. 
But he’s basically staring at Abbi, waiting to say something to her when his hand brushes up against some chewed up gum under the desk and he yells ‘EW’. This doesn’t stop Abbi from wanting to pair up with him however when the teacher gives them an assignment they need partners for. Abbi was originally paired up with Jason, who I guess makes Abbi uncomfortable. That’s understandable that Abbi would want to switch if that was the case, but Onision doesn’t lay it out like that. Instead, it’s laid out that Abbi wants to be paired with James just because. 
Abbi has shown no care for James at the beginning of the book and seemingly before this even started she never seemed to care for or about James. Suddenly though, as soon as the story starts, she cares. She wants to, needs to be with and around him. Why? Because the main character always has to get the girl. 
Anyways, Abbi gives James a piece of paper with ‘NISEONE’ written on it. Apparently, this is her phone number because, on a number pad (the ones with the letters), it is 647-3663. It doesn’t state this outright, so it took me looking at some other reviews before I figured this out. 
We also learn in this chapter that the school is practically falling apart and is dripping with sludge or mold, or something, so I don’t know what kind of school James goes to, but it’s not a good one.
Chapter 2
James goes and talks to Mr. Hanson and it turns out that Mr. Hanson wants James for a TA position. Because ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? I guess James shows a lot of potential, even though he’s late like… all the time. Anyways, the night before Abbi and James decided to make, not a Frankenstein(‘s monster) teddy bear by combining two of their stuffed animals, rather, they’re making a zombie stuffed animal. And it turns out that Abbi wasn’t at class. For what reason? I don’t fucking know. The next day Jason comes to bug the class for some fucking reason because he got kicked out of his own class. There’s absolutely no reason for Jason to be there aside for James to stand up to him because Jason was ‘bullying’ Mr. Hanson. Anyways, Jason gets pissed off because of this and while James is on his way to the art class, Jason beats James up. I’m pretty sure this was only done to make James look like the victim (wonderful :P). James gets suspended for two days because he pushed Jason and Jason is suspended for nine days. 
Before he can leave to go home, James sees Abbi and Seth having what I can only assume is a one-sided fight. Seth is yelling and being very aggressive towards Abbi, and Abbi is just taking it. So James walks her home after Seth gets pissed and leaves. I guess it was raining this entire time, so as they’re walking home, Abbi’s makeup runs and James sees the bruises on her face. When Abbi asks if James sees them, he says “I see a beautiful girl, who I very much enjoy walking with in the rain” (pg 31) (by the way I HAD TO NUMBER ALL THESE PAGES MYSELF). Anyways, cheesy romance, it’s clear Greg doesn’t read his lines out loud and I don’t think James does a single thing to try and help Abbi get out of her abusive situation. He just tells her that she’s beautiful. James is also absurdly upset about the suspension at this point. Like, ridiculously upset. Like you love school so much and the thought of not being able to go feels like the end of the world upset (I was that person in school). But… James has shown absolutely no reason for why he is as upset as he is? Like he genuinely is about to cry over this but he has shown absolutely no care about school before, so it’s just confusing.
Chapter 3
James has a dream that Abbi is being eaten by the ground. He wakes up and writes her a kind of creepy letter about how, despite having only had three conversations with her, he loves her and lives to be with her. He emails it to her and a few minutes later Abbi calls him. She wasn’t aware of the email but invites him to meet her at the Quick Shop. She says that she’ll read the email before she meets him there. She never meets him there (shocker). Chapter 4 
James finally goes back to school and sees that Abbi isn’t in the art trailer still. But the mishmash stuffed animal bear thing is there. Under it is a note from Abbi asking James to meet her behind the church. Rather than stay for the class or anything like that, James bursts away to go to Abbi’s side. 
Abbi tells James that the note weirded her out a little bit, but she was just nervous. She tells him that she has been absurd by Seth and that her mother abandoned her and that her father doesn’t care about her. The only comfort James is able to offer her is that every time he sees her, she’s more beautiful to him than she was before. 
Chapter 5
James’ Mom has a boyfriend who comes out of fucking nowhere named Rick.
At school, James has his schedule rearranged so he can be Mr. Hanson’s TA and so he can still have a class with Abbi. Now he has gym with her. We meet Mr. Mack, who I guess is Jason’s uncle. He’s also the only teacher that James bonds with, I guess. Ms. Robertson, while reorganizing James’ schedule gives him an ominous warning that Abbi is no good and that he should stay away from her. 
Abbi and James spend the rest of the night on the phone, talking to each other. 
 Chapter 6
A few days have passed. Rick and James’ mom announce that they want to move in together. James thinks his life is over and that he’ll never get to see Abbi again. Later that night James suggests to his mom that she just let him live in the house by himself with Abbi and she just agrees to it. Supposedly his mom doesn’t even have enough money to get him a shitty cell phone either, so I guess Rick must be fucking loaded.
Chapter 7
It’s the infamous school shooting. After figuring out that the school is being shot up by Seth, the bus driver does as any rational human being would do and drives away to get everyone to safety. Then he does something that nobody would do and lets James off the bus after James threatens to jump off (despite there being no way that he could?). James rollerblades to the school through the blur of his tears and bursts in. He sits in the puddle of blood in front of the school to get his rollerblades off before rushing in through his tears to find Abbi. He finds Seth first, but rather than being the one to save the day, it’s Jason who saves the day and beats the shit out of Seth. James finds Abbi after this and the two of them sit together while the paramedic patches up James’ feet because he ran through glass while looking for Abbi. Chapter 8 
They’re back at school and a spokesman for the president gives a speech. They see Mr. Mack on a projector and he tells them in gruesome detail about how he tried to take down Seth and how Seth shot him. Definitely what a bunch of traumatized teenagers needed to hear and see. Chapter 9 James and Abbi go to her house, where Abbi’s father drunkenly stumbles out and starts threatening Abbi. A policeman who James claims probably sees too much of this on a daily basis stands to the side (because he just so happened to be nearby with is K-9 partner) and waits for something to happen. Something happens with Abbi’s father smashes James over the head with a beer bottle. The K-9 rushes forward and latches on to him and James claims that the officer is sadistic and likes to see people suffer. He then claims not even two paragraphs later that the cop is numb to what’s going on. Which is it? Is he sadistic or is he a dead-beat cop who sees too much of this shit? 
Abbi’s father is arrested and James decides to press charges. This is how Abbi ends up staying with James. 
Chapter 10 
The president shows up and nothing comes of it. He promised that he would answer everyone’s questions and talk to everyone. He only talks to two people, James and another kid, named Chris. Chris just asked why the president was such a D-Bag and the president just says “that’s President D-Bag to you.” James asked what the president thought of what people said about him and the president goes on this long diatribe about freedom of speech. 
Chapter 11 
Abbi wants to talk to James but insists that they do it in the shower. For some reason, James agrees to this and Abbi comes out of the shower to show all of her self-harm scars. Once again, James does nothing than tell her she’s beautiful and that’s about it. They almost fuck after this, but don’t because James’s mom is home. 
Chapter 12 
James and Abbi stay home to help his mom pack. Later they go to the park to stargaze and affirm to each other that they want kids. 
Chapter 13 
Abbi leaves James a big long note for him to read in class about how she was raped by some boys. Mrs. Roberston helped to get those boys in jail, but after finding out that Abbi was pregnant, she insisted that Abbi keep the baby because she is very pro-life. Seth found out about the baby and punched Abbi in the stomach until she miscarried. James’ response to the note is to go straight to Abbi’s classroom and make out with her in front of everyone and on the desk. He goes back to history class and Mr. Hanson basically high-five’s him for doing this, despite the fact that he walked out in the middle of class to do it. 
Chapter 14 
It’s Christmas break. They fuck. 
Chapter 15
James beats the shit out of Jason because Jason was groping Abbi. For some reason, when the principle comes out to confront everyone about this, Jason doesn’t rat on James.
Chapter 16
While driving somewhere with James and Abbi, Davis rushes out of the car into the middle of the freeway because he sees a man hanging from a rope from an overpass. Davis is killed. This is the only purpose that Davis serves in the entire story. It’s to die so James can be the victim once more because apparently if he was never born so he could never be in Davis’ life then this would have never happened. Survivor’s guilt is a thing, don’t get me wrong. But what Onision is using here isn’t survivor’s guilt. It’s James twisting the situation so he’s the victim still. 
Chapter 17
Davis’s funeral. Nothing happens besides James playing the victim some more. 
Chapter 18
Mr. Hanson and Mrs. Roberston confront James and they want him to become Class President. James doesn’t want to but it doesn’t seem like they’ll take no for an answer. A little while later Abbi, while walking with James, is pulled into the front office for some questioning by police. Mrs. Roberston shouts in front of everyone that Abbi was responsible for the school shooting. Because… you know… that’s a reasonable thing to do…
Abbi confronts James later that night and tells him that she wrote in a note to Seth, when she was in a really bad place, that she just wished everyone would disappear (not unreasonable and something I’ve done before). James, being the little bitchy drama-queen that he is, storms off to take a dramatic shower. While sitting in the shower though he realizes that Abbi did nothing wrong and comes back. Abbi immediately accepts him again and isn’t upset that he suddenly stormed off after she told him something rather hard for her to do. They make out (and probably fuck).
Chapter 19 
Abbi gets a bucket of paint thrown on her while she’s coming into the school and James punches the kid who did it. The principle shows up and both intimidates and threatens the kid who threw the bucket of paint. He also calls Mrs. Roberston into his office after James tells him that she told everyone that Abbi was responsible for the shooting. 
Chapter 20
Mrs. Roberstson was fired and burned down the entire school in retaliation. All the students get passing grades for the rest of the year (which is about 6 months of school left by the way). James ends off the book by saying “Well, I guess this means I won’t be running for President.” 
The book drags and has a lot of pointless info in it. At one point it genuinely made me feel sick how he was using Abbi’s trauma throughout the book to write a very, very poorly conceived hero fantasy. All the characters are unrealistic and nobody means anything to the story other than Abbi and James. I’m just glad it was a fast read. There are huge info dumps in the beginning, but as you can see, the rest of the chapters can be summed up in less than a fucking paragraph. The climax of the book comes way too early (the school shooting) and in general, it’s just a poorly written plot. It feels like a first draft that should have been taken back to the drawing board to be reworked until the shooting could become the ultimate climax of the book. It was rushed, and because it was rushed, the rest of the book dragged on. 1/10 stars. I didn’t hate it as much as I’ve hated other books, but it wasn’t good by any stretch of the imagination. 
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onisiondrama · 6 years
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Says he’s going to react like an adult and he’s not being a character. Needs to talk about something serious.
UhOhBro had 2 million subscribers and half a billion views before he removed half the videos for demonetization. Was a successful channel that gave him a lot of wealth, which he doesn’t have anymore.
Says he might be at “square zero” soon because he got a gigantic, jaw dropping bill that he’s appealing. (most likely the wetlands thing)
He sold his house and cars and this bill will still take everything if it goes through.
Thanks Patreons. Says he could get a job as a cop, but still wouldn’t be able to pay his bills.
Complains about taxes business owners need to pay, the IRS (”there’s penalties for using turbo tax” lmao um no [edit: misheard, he said “penalties for using turbo tax wrong”]), and the adpocalypse.
“Everything I did was 100% honest” lol yeah sure. Like how you keep lying about just pulling weeds or how your only fault in your 2nd audit is just not knowing about the property tax law and blames turbo tax for it.
His accountant is figuring it out so hopefully he’ll take care of it.
His point in mentioning all this is because he wants you to know he’s used to stress.
Mentions again he lost his house and his cars. (He always says this, but I feel like it’s misleading. He just downgraded. It’s not like he’s homeless or car-less.) 
Not trying to make us feel sorry though. Just telling us his situation. Don’t go to patreon because you feel sorry for him.
His documentary did not “for a fact” say Shane was a pedo. Said there’s no conclusive evidence, just pointed out evidence that’s weird. Also talked about their bad history. Also connected dots to predators like his dad.
Says he got a strike on his Shane Dawson documentary, which was on UhOhBro. (It was taken down for harassment and bullying.) Says the video had 1k likes and 5k dislikes.
Goes on and on about how YouTube a popularity contest and how even though he was factual, he said something negative about someone popular so people don’t like his videos.
Complains anti-onision videos are very popular. Someone with 11k subscribers got 300k views on an anti video. This makes people want to make more videos ripping him apart. People said he needs to be beaten, but no one gets flagged.
Last time he flagged a video was 4 years ago because someone said full names. If someone flags an anti video now it’s his fans, not him.
Because he’s not popular, people are allowed to bully and harass him like crazy.
An example is someone getting 1 mil views ripping apart his book and making fun of the character based on his dead friend Jad. He made a comedy response, but no one go the joke so he made a monotone response that only got 37k views and was demonetized. That person called him a creep and probably made thousands of dollars on the video. He didn’t insult her, his first response was just comedy. She made more money than all the sales of his book.
All these things are hitting him at the same time. He’s alive because of the power of love from his family.
He spent all day making an un-biased, honest, blunt video where he defended Shane at times. He didn’t call him names and didn’t viciously attack him. It was balanced review.
His objective in this video is trying to connect with us (Shane’s fans?) on a human level. He says he's had so many characters, ego, and narcissism “by some people’s description”. He says he’s not a therapist so he doesn’t know what these characters are.
Says his spouse is a psyc major so it’s funny when people try to psychoanalyze him to them.
It’s really rough. He lost a majority of his income, a majority of his popularity, a majority of his fans, fans turning into people that hate him. This would cripple an egomaniac. He cried when he found out he was going to lose his house in a video and that video got half dislikes.
He’s at a point where he needs to accept, understand, and expect people to hate him no matter what he says. He realized the only thing that really matters is people in his life. Not money or fame. He loves supporting his family. Lainey- I mean Kai stepped up and helped him.
He’s proud of his family. One of his kids wants to be a Youtuber, but they won’t let them because kids are sacred. They can go online but shouldn’t post stuff online. If they turned into a family channel it’d solve their financial trouble. but he loves his family too much to expose them to what he and his spouse goes through. He can handle it.
He thanks people that support him and are positive to him. Says he can’t talk about/be critical of Shane or anyone popular again because he needs to feed his family. Even Eugenia, he shouldn’t tell her to eat because it could destroy him. He learned his lesson. This is the second time he got in serious trouble for criticizing a big Youtuber.
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eldritchsurveys · 6 years
Do you hate it when everyone you know is sleeping, so you are bored? >> I’m usually also asleep when everyone I know is asleep, lol.
How much of your time to do you spend being bored? What could cure that boredom? >> I don’t think I spend a whole lot of time being bored. Restlessness is actually more likely -- I have stuff to do, but I don’t want to do any of it (or I want to do all of it at once so I have indecision paralysis).
Have you ever received any angry messages because someone was offended at how you answered their survey? >> No, thankfully.
Do squeaky toys annoy you? >> Depends on the particular kind of squeak. Some of them are more shrill than others.
Animals: love ‘em? Why or why not? >> Sure, I suppose.
Is a solitary person necessarily an unlikeable person? >> Not necessarily.
Do you like how Mexican futbol announcers yell ‘GOLLLLLL?’ >> I think it’s amusing.
If you’ve ever been to NYC, what was your favorite part about the city? Least favorite? >> My favourite thing about NYC is the cultural diversity. My least favourite thing is the population density.
Have you ever been to San Antonio, Texas? >> Nope.
What are your least favorite kind of people? >> I’m not sure. I don’t think I have a least favourite kind of person as much as I just have traits I am learning to avoid no matter how interesting the person seems otherwise.
Why do some people take surveys when their answers are all “idk” or “uh?” >> That’s none of my business.
Do you ever try to psychoanalyze yourself? Do you succeed or fail in doing so? >> I try to analyse my reactions to things, and find the patterns of behaviour. I don’t know if that’s psychoanalysis, exactly; I just like figuring out how I work.
Do your relatives sit in front of the TV all day watching FIFA? >> ---
Are you a picky eater? >> No.
Do you ever hear something, and then you’re not sure if it was real or not? >> Yeah. That happens to me and Sparrow all the time.
Do you hate trying to get to sleep at dawn? >> I don’t go to sleep at dawn, though.
If you play Sims, have you ever saved a Sim from death? >> I mean, considering how much Sims I’ve played over the years, probably.
Are you hopelessly addicted to the computer? >> Not hopelessly, lol.
Do you prefer online or face-to-face communication? Why? >> I like to have both in my life. I kind of have an imbalance right now and it’s starting to show.
Have you seen/read Matilda? If so, did Matilda’s parents just crack you up? >> Yeah, I’ve seen and read it. But I was still single-digit age at the time so I don’t really remember her parents. All I remember is Ms Trunchbull and the Pokey, lmao (and Miss Honey, a little).
Do you have a Netflix account? >> I do.
What kinds of things do you watch on Youtube? >> Music videos, Soulsborne LPs, The School of Life, Honest Trailers, funny videos with animals or about games I play.
What’s the significance of your Bzoink profile picture? Why’d you choose it? >> It’s just a photo of myself.
Do you have a Tumblr? What’s the URL if you do? What do you blog about? >> This is a sideblog; my personal blog is @foundcarcosa. I basically just blog stuff I like, no real rhyme or reason.
If you’re offered a trip to either Hawaii or Alaska, which would you choose? >> I’d like to see Hawai’i, that’d be nice!
Once something becomes trendy, do you automatically dislike it? >> Nah. I did do that with bacon, though, lmao. It’s because they started putting bacon on everything and I got oversaturated to the point where I just stopped liking it.
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yoongicide · 3 years
I think you need to check yourself because it's not the jikook delulu that started problems as you say. The shipping thing can be annoying, every groups has them, but I love how everybody just turns a blind eye to the shit Taekookers headed by their manipulating leader, Tklives has caused by painting Jimin into an attention needing homewrecker who forces himself on Jungkook. That caused the problems to the point that now any interaction that Jimin and Jungkook have is labeled fan service and JK is forced to pretend he likes Jimin. That group are the ones filled with larries. When I first joined this fandom I was bombarded with Taekook videos on youtube trying to paint Tae and Jungkook into being secretly dating but the company is forcing them apart to keep it secret. Sound familiar? Only this time an fellow band member is the beard supposedly used to hide the "real couple". While some Jikookers are annoying af with their insistence that Jungkook and Jimin are a couple without solid proof or confirmation, all most of them do is watch actual BTS content and squeal about what Jimin and Jungkook have actually said or done. Meanwhile you've got Taekookers who rely on slowed down clips or videos made to manipulate a situation and then surprised when someone shows them actual footage that was left out of those clips or videos. They also make up shit and then spread them as fact. Example - Tae was also supposed to go to Tokyo with Jimin and Jungkook but he decided to go with family. Wtf??? Where has that been said??? No where. All Jimin said once was that he wanted to go to Tokyo with Tae. I've seen so many Larries believing Taekook is real and that's because they're use the same blueprint! Shipping is out of control in BTS but I find it pretty shitty that Jikookers are painted as the ones causing problems when it's been the virus in this fandom called Taekookers causing most of the problems. Most of them are despicable towards Jimin and his friendship with Jungkook. I'm disgusted at this fandom continuing to ignore the actual idiots. It's fucked up.
Dude…. This is exactly my point.
Y’all take it way too far. There is no reason for this to be so deep. At the end of the day their RELATIONSHIPS are their PERSONAL lives. There should not be SHIPPING WARS. Read your fanfiction and mind your business. No need for the constant delulu and psychoanalyzing every single interaction they have.
Learn from the Larries, Louis literally said the shipping ruined his friendship with Harry. But I’m not worried bc the K-fans will not let it get that far lmao. They will check y’all so quick.
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voeux-envie · 6 years
Plato had a point when he said that music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t listen to a song on a daily basis. For some people, songs are a source of entertainment, a means to make them feel all sorts of emotions from happiness, sadness, love, anger and so much more. To me, songs are more than that. They’re like poems (which they are) but better. They’ve got a melody that’s hard to resist. And yes, I called them “they” because songs are like persons. Each one has a story, a message, and a purpose. Like an old friend you’ve never met yet knows you best, finding the perfect song that describes exactly how you feel and what you’re going through is a magical and extraordinary experience–if you let it be. And this is how I fell in love with music.  
When you think of Taylor Swift, the first thing that would probably come to your mind is a mainstream love song of hers you’ve heard on the radio or the amount of celebrity boyfriends she’s dated in the past years from online articles you’ve probably scrolled through on social media. This is how the media portrays her to be: a mainstream American pop singer whose only goal in life is to sing about her exes.
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Taylor was only sixteen years old when her first studio album came out in 2006. I was four years younger than her, but there wasn’t any other artist I could relate to as much as her. As a teenager, she helped me go through the toughest and most confusing phase of my life. Not a lot of people know that Taylor wrote more than just love songs. This is what the media fails to tell. She wrote about friendship (Fifteen), what it’s like to feel betrayed (I Did Something Bad), and what it’s like to be an outsider (A Place in this World), to be alone, and to be bullied (Mean). She wrote songs about her family (The Best Day), about a child who passed away from cancer (Ronan), about not wanting to grow up (Never Grow Up), about her relationship with music and her fans (Long Live), and so much more. Her self-written songs were authentic, personal, and relatable. It was as if she was writing my own life story while simultaneously giving me life lessons. She knew how to express my thoughts and feelings better than I could. Because of her, I fell more in love with songwriting. It became more than just a hobby to pass the time. It became therapeutic. The next thing I knew, I was on YouTube watching video tutorials on how to play her songs on the guitar and piano. 
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Clean, a track from her album, 1989, is one of my favorites to listen to on Spotify. During her 1989 World Tour concert, she gave a speech about what this song meant:
“Let me tell you, people are mean to each other, but no voices are as mean as our own voices are to ourselves... Let me tell you the things you are not, okay. You are not somebody else's opinion of you...  You are not damaged goods because you've made mistakes in your life... You are your own definition of beautiful and worthwhile. It's not about being perfect... One thing I have learned in 25 years, and I'm still learning, is that if you get rained on, you walk through a bunch of storms, life is constantly coming at you. That doesn't make you damaged, it makes you clean.”
It wasn’t just her songs that made me connect to her, because what made me like her even more was her personality, her humor, and her outlook in life. If you look beyond what she posts on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram, you’d realize that she not only uses it to update fans about her life, but she also uses it as a platform to personally interact with them. Tumblr is her safe haven. This is where she’s most active and where she’s most like herself. Since 2014, she’s liked over 27,000 posts from her fans, commenting and reblogging their content. By using this platform, she proved that she’s not an untouchable celebrity that’s high up in the clouds. She was and still is a fan of her fans and saw through their eyes, forming a strong bond with them. This proved to be an excellent marketing strategy. The Swifties are the ones who naturally do the promotion for her.
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When it’s album release season, one thing Swifties look forward to are her Secret Sessions. This is an event where she personally messages her fans on social media and invite them to hang out with her and bake pastries at her house. She lets them hear the unreleased songs on her new album and talk about them before its release date. There aren’t a lot of celebrities who would go so far as to trust their fans to let them in their own homes. This just goes to show how much she treats her “fans” as more than just fans.
Despite everything she’s done to create good image of herself, the media always has a way to tear her apart. As a celebrity, she was constantly criticized for her every move: from the clothes she wore to the people she dated. People called her a snake, saying she was deceitful and manipulative because of Kanye West’s rap single Famous, where he degraded her with his lyrics. Because of this, haters spammed her Instagram and Twitter posts with snake emojis. But instead of letting this get to her, she used her craft—her music—to fight back. Before her latest album, Reputation, was released, Taylor took a break from social media. She deleted all her posts because of the hate she was receiving. She came back armed with songs and used the symbol of a snake to her advantage. It became the whole theme of her album.  She decided to turn the tables around and use their hatred as her strength. This is how Reputation was born.
A post shared by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on Aug 23, 2017 at 7:01am PDT
Aside from her album, she also wrote poems to talk about what she went through.
Excerpt of Why She Disappeared:
"Whatever you say, it is not right."
"Whatever you do, it is not enough."
"Your kindness is fake."
"Your pain is manipulative."
 When she lay there on the ground,
She dreamed of time machines and revenge
 Said a prayer of gratitude for each chink in the armor
she never knew she needed
Standing broad-shouldered next to her
was a love that was really something,
not just the idea of something.
 "without your past,
you could never have arrived-
so wondrously and brutally,
By design or some violent, exquisite happenstance
 And in the death of her reputation,
She felt truly alive.
Those who only know her from the surface would say she has a bad reputation, but for fans like me who have been following her career from the start, I see her as a strong, mature and down-to-earth woman–one whom I aspire to be. How the media psychoanalyzes every single aspect of her life does not tell us who she really is. Those who care enough to really listen to her music beyond the title tracks do.
Taylor’s Social Media Accounts
Official Website: https://www.taylorswift.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taylorswift/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/taylorswift13
Tumblr: http://taylorswift.tumblr.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/06HL4z0CvFAxyc27GXpf02
 Plato’s Quote:  http://www.sjsu.edu/people/thomas.leddy/courses/66/s1/Plato-on-Music.doc
Why She Disappeared Poem: https://genius.com/Taylor-swift-why-she-disappeared-poem-annotated
1989 Secret Sessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKnl7STzSMU
Instagram Snake Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/BYI48JxniO3/
Clean Image & Speech: https://soundcloud.com/igor-astapov/taylor-swifts-clean-speech-1989-world-tour-foxborough-ma
Album Covers: https://www.theprospectordaily.com/2017/08/26/a-look-at-taylor-swifts-lead-singles-over-her-career/
Taylor’s Tumblr Replies: https://twitter.com/tswiftla/status/559017810740137984
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yugcom · 6 years
Thank you so much about your post about Jake, you took the words out of my mouth. Out of curiosity, whats your opinion on Kati coming with Shane, pretending to be the producer?
omg thanks, I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels this way!
but tbh this whole thing with Kati is not cool. As a marriage and family therapist she isn’t even qualified to diagnose someone with aspd and it’s clear that she doesn’t deal with that stuff on an everyday basis, so I generally have a problem with her being in this series (i’ve watched her for quite some time and i like her videos, but i think because of youtube she got unprofessional? idk, but i don’t like her describing a disorder as gross and icky wtf). and that producer stuff is just shitty and rude tbh. i love shane, but that’s quite a few steps too far. no one deserves to be psychoanalyzed by a therapist who uses the term sociopath in serious tone (eugh i hate that word) and describes people with aspd as robots and monsters wtf
but i have to say, i still don’t hate the series. even if it spreads kinda false information (and we can’t even say that because there’s still 4 more episodes to go and i can imagine there will be an open minded conclusion on how shane learned from that experience i hope?), i feel like people are finally starting to talk about how the words “psychopathy” or “sociopathy” aren’t synonymous with murderers and monsters (i know, the words are literally only used in a criminological context, but just to make the comprehension easier) and it’s nice to see people talking about other mental illnesses, because just like depression is getting more and more attention, aspd needs to be talkd about more to erase all the stigma around it.
i’ll wait until the series is over and then i’m gonna judge, but for now i’m not a fan of kati in the series
thanks for the ask! :)
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
Do you hate it when everyone you know is sleeping in, so you are bored? No. I sleep in, too, and when I get up I have my coffee and do my own thing while I wake up. Others in my household are up before me majority of the time, anyway.
How much of your time to do you spend being bored? I get bored with life. Like sometimes the things I do everyday that serve as a distraction, but also as things I like to do, just don’t cut it.
Have you ever received an angry messages because someone was offended at how you answered their survey? No.
Do squeaky toys annoy you? They can if you keep squeaking them. Although, it was adorable when my dog would play with her squeaky toy. Every time she would make it squeak it would make me laugh.
Animals: love em? Why or why not? I love ‘em.
Do you prefer having a lot of friends, or solitude? Why? Definitely not a lot of friends. I wouldn’t have the energy for it. I used to have a small group, then that dwindled down to two, which was fine, but then over the past year that got to be too much even. My health took a turn physically and mentally, and I just completely distanced myself from everyone. I’ve been so withdrawn. It would seem I prefer solitude, but I’m not sure that’s the case. It’s just... I don’t know. :/ I guess my health has isolated me and makes me feel like maybe that’s how it should be.
Is a solitary person necessarily an unlikeable person? No?
Do you like how Mexican futbol announcers yell ‘GOLLLLLL’? It’s not something I’ve particularly thought about.
If you’ve ever been to NYC, what was your favorite part about the city? I have never been, but I’d love to go. I have an aunt who’s going later this week, actually, and I’ve thought about stuffing myself somehow in her carry-on. Haha.
Have you ever been to San Antonio, Texas? No. I had a stop in Houston, Texas during a flight, but all I saw was the airport. I suppose I could still say that I technically have been to Houston, ha.
What are your least favorite kind of people? Cocky, know-it-all, obnoxious, rude, people who think they’re better than everyone else kind of people.
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your attractiveness? Zero.
Do you ever try to psychoanalyze yourself? Ha, it doesn’t help that I’m a psych major.
Do your relatives sit in front of the TV all day watching FIFA? I have a cousin who plays soccer, like literally she lives and breathes soccer, and she watches it.
Are you a picky eater? Very.
Do you ever hear something, and then you’re not sure if it was real or not? Wait, what?
Do you hate trying to get to sleep at dawn? I used to stay up that late sometimes.
If you came across an Elixir of Life, would you use it? Maybe.
Are you hopelessly addicted to the computer? Yes.
Do you prefer online or face-to-face communication? Why? Online or texting. Face to face over talking on the phone, though.
Do you have a Netflix account? Yes. Well, my mom does and I use that. ha.
What kinds of things do you watch on Youtube? Vlogs of certain YouTubers I watch and whatever other type of video those YouTubers make (collabs, challenges, trying certain foods/products, etc) and ASMR videos.
Would you ever take nakey pictures of yourself? Nakey lol. Reminds of Rugrats, which is what I’m watching right now. I say that because there’s an episode where Tommy wants to be free like his dog, Spike, and not wear clothes. So, he takes off his shirt and diaper, and his friends Chuckie, Phil, and Lil do the same thing. He called it being “nakey.” Also, there was the part where Tommy sees Lil naked and he’s like, “Uh, Lil, can I ask you a question...?” You don’t get that until you’re older, but it’s because Lil looks different “down there” compared to how Tommy looks. Oh, the adult stuff they put into kid’s cartoons.
ANYWAY lol, no. I would not. I am sooo not confident enough to do that. I wouldn’t want someone having that photo of me or it getting out/seen somehow. I have no reason to have naked photos.
If you’re offered a trip to either Hawaii or Alaska which would you choose? That’s a tough one actually, but I’d have to go with Hawaii.
Once something becomes trendy, do you automatically dislike it? No. I like what I like whether it’s trendy or not. I don’t like or not like something because of its trendiness or lack of.
Do you think you are better than people who are poorer than you? Wow, no.
What cause (feminism, gay rights, abortion, etc) are you most passionate about? I’m passionate about causes for things for those who don’t have a voice i.e children and animals.
Do you know how many people your mom has slept with? No, and it’s not something I need or care to know.
Have you ever been in the car with a drunk driver? Nooo.
Do you have a truth box? No. What is that, exactly?
When’s the last time you toked up? It’s been almost four years.
Something that happened to you today? Nothing worth mentioning. Nothing out of the norm.
How much money have you saved by shop lifting? I don’t shoplift.
Do you hate when couples are like “i love you” after dating for about 2 days? Do I hate it? No. I don’t understand it, though. But hey, it’s not harming me so do you.
What’s the last thing in your house you broke? I don’t know.
Ever buy weed in sea side? No.
Have you ever run away? No.
How many times have you snuck out this summer? I’ve never had to sneak out at anytime.
What “type” of people do you hate? Didn’t you ask this? Well, you said what type of people do you least like or something, but same idea.
On a scale of 1-10 how badly do you need money? It would be helpful, but I mean I’m okay.
Do you talk about people behind their backs? Everyone does sometimes, whether it’s good or bad.
Ever been attacked by a dog? No.
Do people tend to stare at you or listen to your conversations? I don’t think so?
Are you friends with someone who lies about the stupidest shit ever? No.
Doing anything tonight? Possibly another survey. I also read another chapter in the Bible before bed. I do that in the morning and at night. I’m also debating about having my nightly coffee. Usually it’s not even a question, but I don’t know. I feel weird tonight.
Can you run a mile? No.
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storyledge-blog · 5 years
Major Components of a Strong B2B Marketing Plan
Below is an audio transcription of the YouTube video above if you prefer reading rather than listening. Your patience is appreciated as the transcription software isn’t always as accurate as a human transcriber would be. :-)
 [00:00:14] Today we're going to talk about the components that make up a really good, solid business to business marketing plan. Now your company is unique. Your industry is unique. What works and what doesn't work for you is you know it's all unique. So you need to take this as a nice framework. If you don't have a lot of experience doing a lot of this or you could certainly cross-check what we're going to talk about today and just see maybe there are some things you haven't thought about or haven't tried. But of course the best judge of what's truly going to work for your business really involves getting in there trying some of these things measuring it seeing what works the best what has the best return on not just your marketing budget investment but return on your time investment. So you know you kind of have to think a little bit critically but this is a really good solid framework based on years of working for a business to business seeing how things have kind of changed over time this will give you a really good framework.
 [00:01:17] So what we're going to do first is well let me take a step back. So.
 [00:01:24] The way I approach marketing planning is a little bit different than probably the way I've seen a lot of my colleagues approach marketing planning. So a lot of times people you know they go on the Internet they see kind of what is everyone else doing and then they put that on a spreadsheet just kind of listing things one after another and they're usually on target. They're usually like 70 percent of the way there but I like to understand why we're doing what we're doing and what that means in the bigger picture. And so that's why some of the stuff we'll talk about is a little bit bigger picture maybe than strictly the tactical level which we will cover at the end of this talk. So first things first is we want to think in terms of the cells funnel the buying funnel whatever you want to call it. So if you google funnels you'll see you know many different kinds of funnel some people call things differently somebody will have like you know six or seven layers within a funnel. I don't like to get that granular because I can start to psychoanalyze like Well is this really this part of the funnel or that part of the funnel and it gets confusing. So I've found that three distinct areas are three distinct funnel sections really make most sense in my brain. So the first the very top of your funnel is awareness. So when you're building a B2B marketing plan you need to be asking yourself well how do I get people to actually know that we exist.
 [00:02:58] You know especially if you're in a very niche industry or if you haven't been around that long or you know if there's a new player in the game and if anything's changed you need to make sure that you're thinking about how to make sure people know that you exist but then you also and there's a whole set of strategies and tactics we'll talk about here in a moment. As far as how to go about doing that but then the second level just a little bit more a little bit closer to the bottom of the funnel is the intrastate. It's right in the middle. And that is. OK great. So we've done all these things and now people know we exist. They've heard us. They've seen are our ads they've seen our marketing efforts. But now how do we get them to actually care and to start to engage with us maybe not make a purchase but just start to want to download white papers or like and comment on our post or things like that like how can we kind of get them interested. Because a lot of times you can't instantly convince someone to buy. There's going to be somewhere you know some effort put into showing that you know your stuff that you're interesting and getting people to engage interactivity. So again there's a whole set of strategies and tactics for this stage in the funnel and this stage in the funnel. Like I just said is a little bit closer to getting someone to buy and it is a necessary steps. They get to make sure you pay attention and think about it. And then the final step in the funnel is conversion. And in fact I see a typo on my little chart here it should be number three not number two but yeah. So conversion in this all depends on your company's business model. So if your company is you know for example Maus that you know the SVOD tool that a lot of marketers use then you can just whip out a credit card and you can sign up and then it's absolutely your goal as a marketer to make sure you're doing everything you can to drive sales. However. Also kind of considered a calm and in most people's mind B2B really requires more of a salesperson to actually close the deal. So that's where we're going to focus on this conversation. There will certainly be other videos about how to go about doing e-commerce marketing. So yes. So the final goal is getting someone to convert and as a marketer really what you want to do is in this kind of a model is you just want to know when there is enough buying signals that you're ready to pass that lead on to the salesperson. So that's kind of your role in this sort of a a model. So now let's jump into the strategies one would use for each of these three funnel stages. So for awareness you want to really I'm kind of repeating myself with this strategy but I didn't want to just say awareness but really your strategy just to make sure people know you exist. That's what awareness is. You know I mean it's pretty obvious in the name if you think about it but sometimes it's as marketers we just say that so much we don't really think about the core of what that actually even means. We you know we just think oh mass marketing that's awareness. No it's really it doesn't have to be mass marketing but it's just who is your market and do a good chunk of them know that you exist. So there's there's going to be four different tactics that we'll talk about on exactly what I recommend a good B2B marketing plan should be doing to make sure people know you exist.
 [00:06:42] Then for the interest phase or the interest stage of the funnel there's a few strategies and they'll each have their corresponding tactics. But one of the strategies is you have to prove that you're an expert. So it's not enough for them to be aware of who you are but to ever get them to want to make a purchase.
 [00:07:01] You've kind of got to prove that you know what you're talking about. And this is especially true in most B2B companies because you know when you're selling to another organization are usually not selling sticky notes or ink pens you're usually selling something like software or complex service or something that really does isn't quite cheap. And so you've got to actually prove that you know exactly what you're talking about. And then there's a certain set of things that we can go about doing to accomplish that. Then another thing we want to do is build trust. So to build trust that's another thing that's really big is OK.
 [00:07:42] So you've got my attention. I can see you know what you're talking about but how do I know you're not shady. Like how do I know that your execution of the service or the software is going to be somebody that's going to be good and I'm going to be happy after I fork over all my money. And that's where a building trust comes in. And so again you really can't get someone to pull out their wallet until you've given them some sort of trust.
 [00:08:09] And the cheaper the price you have the less trust you necessarily need to build or the easier it is to get a refund or something like that you know trust is not going to be as urgent obviously the more expensive your product is not just in terms of cost but in terms of time investment of all the employees with your prospect that they would have to put into this then yeah you've really got to have some solid trust. And lastly in terms of building interest is you've got to stay top of mind. So you know especially in today's world there's so many vendors there's so much stuff competing for heritage and I don't have to get on you know a lecture circuit for all this. This is we know this.
 [00:08:56] And so a lot of times we you know just as a consumer we go to a Web site we check it out if we really really love it. Great. We might buy but 90 percent of the stuff for ninety percent of the stuff that we encounter really don't keep and hold our attention.
 [00:09:13] So as a marketer you've got to find a way to keep the conversation going so that when and if they do get ready to actually make a sale then they don't forget about you or they don't just go say now what was that company that had a really cool thing and then they go try to google the topic of what it was and then someone else pops up and they get the sales. So got to have a really good solid top of mind strategy and then very last.
 [00:09:41] For the conversion is again this is assuming a business model where you know there's really a couple types of business models for B2B but this whole talk is centered around those that really need to pass it on to the salesperson to close the deal. So your job as a marketer then is to know when that right time is if you. Pass any and every lead to a salesperson. They will not respect it after long it's been my vast experience across many different organizations and industries that you're kind of wasting their time you're putting a lot of pressure on them to stop everything that they're doing to call a lead that someone fill out a form they downloaded a white paper but it was like a college student or something. Or it was just you know it just wasn't a targeted lead and they weren't even really ready to buy in this gets to be especially true that you have a very solid strategy on passing the time. If you generate a high volume of leads per salesperson so if you're just generating two or three leads per month per salesperson fine go ahead. You're on the side of passing them to the salesperson but if you're giving them one hundred leads or something that's really a lot of work and there's a lot more you need to be doing as a marketer to make sure that that lead is qualified before you pass it on salesperson.
 [00:11:07] So now that we've talked about the funnel the three funnel stages in each of the corresponding strategies that go a long with the final stages. Let's talk about the actual tactics that go with each strategy. So let's let's open up that column.
 [00:11:28] And so in me and I'll just close these other two funnels for those listening you don't know what I'm talking about but for those watching the video you see what I just did. So on the awareness stage like I said the strategy is really just to let people know you exist. And there's four core things you can do.
 [00:11:47] There's a million other things you can do and again as I said at the beginning of this talk. If you find something that really works well for your industry test it. Keep doing it and whatnot. But these are the foundation of what tends to work for B2B when it comes to letting people know you exist. So one is you're going to need to drive people to your Web site. Now if you have a very boring product that there's just not a lot to say though I question if that's really true. There's always usually very clever ways to talk about your boring product. Sorry if that offended anyone but yes unless you're in a super niche thing where there's just not a lot to say about your product. You really need to be blogging and you need a blog at least once a week. And that blog post needs to be at least 500 words. So once you start to do that then over time give it about six months or so at least. Be patient. Be consistent. You will start to drive traffic to your Web site and these will be people that are searching for exactly what your product is. Why how do you know that. Well because you're writing about exactly what your product is. So make sure you're blogging. That's a very in the. Well how do I say this is not a very easy thing to do. It does take a lot of discipline and time but it is free. So in that sense it's it's one of the easier things and were impactful things in a marketer or do. Now second along with that it's kind of like it should be paired with the blogging is FCO.
 [00:13:25] So if you're going to be writing a lot of good content you do need to have a good solid FCO strategy in place and there will be other talks that I'll give you. Where do you start. What do you focus on with FCO. Because that in and of itself could be a full time job and then some. It really you can go all out with FCO but basically in a nutshell you need to make sure you know you've got in your headings your subheadings and a couple of times throughout your coffee you've got a couple of keywords and you don't have to keyword stuff and cram it with your thing in fact you'll get penalized if you do that if you just go crazy with that Google can see the ratio of which words are repeating and if that's normal they're very fancy and sophisticated with their algorithm. So I would say first write your blog post very naturally without worrying anything about keywords and then at the very end pick two or three keywords you want to try to rank for make sure they appear two or three times in your copy. And then one or two of those keywords in your headings or subheadings. So that's the way a light version of how you would do some SDK that actually makes an impact. And so when you do that the FCO coupled with blogging you'll start to generate a lot of awareness.
 [00:14:48] You'll start to get free traffic that doesn't cost you a dime other than your labor. And this pays off for the rest of your companies career you will always have that content.
 [00:15:03] Now the next thing you can do is just serve ads on the various either social media platforms you wouldn't want to do retargeting for awareness but serving ads on the various social media platforms for people that seem like they're interested in what you offer. That's a great way to build awareness since you're a B2B you're probably going to want to do LinkedIn and with LinkedIn you can target certain industries and you can target exactly do you want the very top you know the CSO level or is your product more for mid management and they're the ones that are that above the decision makers. So you can target the industries and the level as well so that's a great way to generate some awareness. We've seen some really good results with that. And then lastly would just be social media. This is the one that's the quote unquote sexiest of any marketing tactic that there is. And it's the absolute least effective.
 [00:15:58] So I just I want to say that I've tracked this stuff with many different companies and when I say social media I mean what I call organic social media. I mean writing a post and posting it I'm not paying any money I'm not really even boosting it I'm just posting some content. So it is something that can gain some traction and especially if you have some interesting ways to communicate about your products and really. Videos or things like that. There was one called chatter on link down like cheddar cheese and that one always catches my eye because the stuff's really interesting. But no one else really ever does so. And I would if you want to test what I'm saying when I claim that social media really doesn't. I would say social media is the least effective. So just pick any prominent page a company in any industry and go to their page and look at their recent posts and you'll see that they don't get a whole lot of engagement. And if they do it's probably because they post they boosted this post or they on Facebook or on LinkedIn. So be careful not to overinvest in social media but it can have some payoffs you definitely want to do it and it just looks good it looks does not look good when someone goes to your company page and they see that it was last year that you posted something. So having that kept up also served some other marketing goals as well. So these are some very not only strategic but tactical ways that you can actually grow your awareness. And now we want to talk about how to gain interest once the people start to become aware of you. So let me sort this.
 [00:17:53] OK so on the interest level proving that we're experts. That's the strategy that I talked about well how do you really prove they you are an expert.
 [00:18:05] Well one thing is to write some content talking about your expertise or talking about the subject matter at hand. So white papers are the absolute mainstay of the most used marketing tactic for to be in this business model. There's nothing that gets more traction. So what does a white paper. Well to a scientist or an engineer especially one from ten years ago. That might mean you know a 30 page highly technical paper but really in the marketing world when we say white paper it could be as little as two or three pages with some pretty charts and graphs that kind of tell us something about a problem or a solution and packaged it in a PDA. So white papers are a great way to show that you're an expert. Otherwise it's just other forms of content marketing right. So putting together some videos some infographics just anything like that. If you have a core online tool HubSpot it became famous because of their online tool 10 years ago or so where you go to the Web site enter your Web site and it would spit back like. 50 page report about all the stuff wrong with your Web site that you need to improve. So it was a cool tool and that proved that they knew what they were talking about. So you can do something similar and that will gain interest and make someone more likely to buy if you can prove that you know what you're talking about. Then the other thing is just to build trust. So how do you build trust. Exactly well there's three main ways and B2B marketing as I mentioned before I know of other like kind of nitty gritty ways and things you can do like reviews and things like that but really three easy ways to go about doing this.
 [00:19:59] It shouldn't take you but one day to put together hopefully would be one would be testimonials so surely you can get with your sales team have them get with a customer that's really happy to write a testimonial or better yet it would be maybe a video testimonial when you get that post that all over your Web site and your social media properties and try to have at least three at a minimum if not more. But three really looks good then. Then another thing you can do to build trust would just be to put some awards on your Web site. If you're in B2B a lot of times there's awards for you know being an industry leader. Now that does take some time to apply for the awards and it can be expensive for your company CEO to go fly say in hotels give speeches that kind of thing so they actually are a little bit tedious to acquire the award. But once you have the award there should be an award logo that you should be able to put on your Web site. So if you have that handy make sure you put that on there if you don't maybe don't kill yourself at this point in your marketing to go out and acquire some awards. Then lastly in terms of building trust is just to have your industry affiliation logos. So if you're in a particular industry and just trying to think of one off hand just let's say you are. This is not a given but yes. So if you're a member of some sort of industry some sort of trade where you've paid money you're in the directory you are a member they'll have logos and you can put that you know in the footer of your Web site or maybe even on your about us page. But this just feels good. You know when you go and you see that Hey I'm about to fork over twenty thousand dollars for this thing and you see that there a member of an affiliation that's just kind of social proof and in a weird kind of a way it just lets you know they're legitimate enough to where they're not doing anything wrong to where they would be banned from some sort of industry affiliation but that should be real easy one for you to do Antigua and then the last couple things in the whole sales funnel talk where we're still in the interest stage of the funnel on the strategy of staying top of mind.
 [00:22:28] What you have to do here is you have to do some lead generation and lead nurturing so lead generation simply means and I think if you're a marketer you probably know this but I'll take a second just in case your brand new lead generation is where you gate content on your Web site and by gate I mean there's no way. Can even access that content unless you fill out a form in that form then is what we call a lead. So if you come up with a white paper like I just mentioned have a you know have a landing page on your website that says download this awesome white paper have a cover image of what that white paper looks like so they can see Oh that's exciting and then have a form that they have to fill out. Keep the form short and sweet and you'll get more leads if you make them answer 100 different questions. You'll get very few leads though they will be better quality because anyone that's that interested in your white paper to answer 10 questions of First Name Last Name City State Zip company how long have you been with the company. What's your position. Anybody that's willing to answer all that there a harder lead but if you really if I don't like to do that I'd like to generate a lot of leads and qualify them in other ways so Lead Nurturing is a process that you'll need. We'll have videos about that. The other thing you can do to stay top of mind and the thing that you must do with your leads because simply building scuse me is simply generating leads actually doesn't keep people top of mind. It's the nurturing of this leads. So when someone fills out a form to download a white paper. Have the little checkbox right before they click submit that says I agree to receive updates or something like that weekly updates and make sure you put them in an email marketing program. So MailChimp is a really good one. It's virtually free for a couple thousand people but there's many I mean just Google email marketing program and just put those people in that program and then make sure that at least once every three to 10 days they get an email from you. So it's not enough that they follow you on your social media pages they really need to be receiving an email and that email needs to contain more content demonstrating that you're expert and that you're trustworthy and things of that nature. So that's how you have a good solid marketing strategy for that second stage. That is the entire stage but for the very last stage the conversion stage if you recall the strategy is to pass the baton to sales but you don't want to pass everything the sales or they start to ignore all your leads because they think they're all junk and they're not ready and they're not hot and they're wasting their time calling over and over and over to get people that were totally just browsing. So what you need to do as a marketer is what's called lead scoring and really there's the phrase lead scoring is a strict phrase. There's you can take that phrase and kind of reinvent it in a way that technically makes sense for you as you'll hear in a minute but lead scoring.
 [00:25:48] All it is is once you generate that lead you know someone fill out a form that download a white paper you stick a mailchimp starch and nurture that lead once you say that they have been opening you know every singly every single e-mail for five emails or better yet they've been clicking every single e-mail for five emails. It might be time to pass that onto a salesperson now more sophisticated tools have lead scoring which is essentially what I'm talking about where rather than saying Oh did this person open five emails in a row and click it says I'm going to give you a point every time you do something that expresses interest or I might give you more than one point for certain things and express even more interest. So for example you might give a a point to someone in your email database and you need a tool that automatically scores this you. This would be kind of a nightmare trying to calculate all this every day all by yourself. So there's ways to assign a point if they open it or you might decide. But if they click that's where three points if they open up more of them once or perhaps every single time they open you keep giving them a point then if you have a really robust marketing program like HubSpot or something like that that's a fortune frankly. But there's other cheaper ones out there. But yeah if you have that then you can do some sort of scoring that includes not just what they're doing with your email but how often they're engaging in your web site. They just come three days ago that you can even get fancy with it and have decay so you can say well you lose points if you're not doing this.
 [00:27:34] If it's been a long time since you took action.
 [00:27:36] So if you fill out a white paper in January and for two or three weeks you're like opening and clicking every little thing that I've got but you're still you still don't have a high enough score that I think you're a really hot lead and certainly worth the. It's time to try to sell you. Then they stay in the system. But then they just kind of fall off the radar for a few weeks and they just forget about you and move on with their life. That every week that they're not taking action. You could say deduct 10 points or something like that and eventually they kind of get back down to square one again and they're really not that hard of a lead. So you can kind of build this however you want but the point is you need whether it's official scorers with numbers or just common sense of once a week you go pull a report from your e-mail database and anything that's had a lot of opens and clicks consecutively passes sells for it's in some way somehow you need to score your leads. And if you do all these things you will have a very solid B2B marketing plan that is generating awareness for your company. It's getting the people that become aware of you really interested in making sure you've got a system in place to convert those people that are interested in the form of passing on the sales force. So as I mentioned there's going to be other talks that get into a little bit more detail on actually how to build out a proper and complete marketing plan. Certainly stay tuned for that. But in the meantime I hope this gives you a really good starting point of a way that you can build out a B to be working plan.
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morganlacasse · 6 years
Day 2
5 September 2018
Yesterday, I decided that I would focus on my media intake today, so here goes.
When I woke up this morning, I had my usual breakfast and scrolled through my instagrams. While getting ready I listened to Natural by Imagine Dragons a few times. I then started listening to a playlist of George Ezra songs on Spotify, which is 16 songs (53 minutes). While commuting, I finished that playlist and moved onto Bastille’s album entitle All this Bad Blood and got through half of that album, which was 12 songs (about 45 minutes).
I went to my surface design class, and got out early so I was able to eat lunch before my next class, which would ordinarily only be 15 minutes later. While eating, I watched an episode of Friends. I packed my lunch because there’s not any nearby gluten-free options, and because it’s cheaper and healthier. I ate a ham and cheese sandwich (gluten-free bread), chips, a granola bar, grapes, a single starburst, and a sucker.
I continued to listen to music while walking to my next class, and then once that class finished. I listened to a playlist called Best of Marvel Songs. I love marvel movies, and because I can’t just constantly rewatch them, the next best thing is to listen to the songs from their soundtracks. The playlist has 30 songs (1 hour and 47 minutes). I also watched some youtube videos between my classes.  During my commute home, I finished this playlist then started one called This is Panic! At the Disco. I listened to about 20 of the songs (probably 1 hour and 10-ish minutes).
I got home an ate a small gluten-free pizza, while watching another episode of Friends. I started a new book, called Ender’s Game. It’s been on my list of books to read for a while now, and I’ve finally gotten around to it. I ended my day by going to a taekwondo class. While typing this up, and getting ready for bed, I’m listening to a playlist that I created myself of songs that make me feel powerful. I’ve gotten through 8 of the songs (30 minutes).
[some math: 86 songs today, probably about 5 hours and 5 minutes]
I knew I listened to a lot of music, but I never realized that it was that much. That’s about one third of the time that I spent awake today. I think I’m going to need a few days to even process that. Maybe I’ll do the self-psychoanalyzing about why I need music tomorrow.
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uncleanakin · 7 years
I seen the most hilarious thing today. Between all these fake leaks... Some guy on youtube made it look like he was recording the movie from a theater. He took pieces from the trailer and reel, played them on his computer with amped up speakers and lights out. He recorded it from a certain angle to try to make it convincing as possible lmao. His videos got taken down for copyright. By time we get the real spoilers, nobody is going to believe they are real lol
haha wow i admire that kind of dedication
tho i can’t for the life of me understand why ppl pretend to leak spoilers... like?? ppl are gonna find out you’re lying and all you’ll be remembered for is the fact that you’re a liar. and besides, why do it in the first place?? i’m guessing that whoever does that feels like they don’t have enough love and attention (which are things every human should have tbh) and so try to get those by having ppl pay attention to them bc of “spoilers”. it’s p sad tbh
lmaoo what am i doing
im like psychoanalyzing this dude haha. i guess you can tell i like psychology lol
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