#got me having a good time in a damn autozone
vvh0adie · 11 months
y’all tonight…
three negros were about to tussle outside an Autozone over BTS
i was one of them
one of em talmbout sum “BTS SUCK!”
like i will fuck you up over my husbands, don’t play wit me. i am not the one or the seven
i walk in the bitch and they we’re already trying to test me on anime😭 (i swear men)
but one of em -the tall one- was pretty cool, but his short lil coworker was tryna diss BTS so hard.
i had to zip up out of there in my new lil V-hicka and spare my daddy from seeing how much of a deranged person i am for men across the ocean.
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violetskies65 · 1 year
The Mothman Festival '23
As a kid, I endured a bizarre cryptozoology phase. Looking back, sometimes it could be neat, other times cringey. Of course, I knew all the cryptids, and Mothman was the scariest to me, probably because I was a dumb kid and whole heartedly believed in everything I saw on the internet, and because it was a cryptid sighting and legend closest to me! Well, approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes from where I live. Of course I did some extra driving because I had to round up some good friends!
With me I had Sloan, and my childhood best friend Jennifer. I was glad to finally get to see her again and get out out of the house, although she was not fond of the crowd. i wasn't either.
We left pretty late. The festival lasts for two days, and on today, 9/17/23, it was set to close at 5. We ended up arriving at 2:40, but had to take an ungodly amount of time finding somewhere to park. As the festival website states, the festival takes place in the middle of the downtown area, and "parking is on you" We ended up parking at a local AutoZone and walking, but not without paying $10 first.
Usually, I don't mind getting places later. The parking situation was a bit annoying, but it was extremely crowded, with a lot of booths and food places. I stopped and got about two things of Shaved ice that was pretty good, but I was not interested in a lot of the food that was there, more or so the vendors and cute mothman merch.
Sloan got a magnet, I got a t-shirt and an absolutely adorable Mothman Plushie. Both $20 each, but like at other fairs and events, they run a tough bargain!
Overall, I was pretty happy with my trip, but the size of the town, parking options, and with the way the festival was sit up, I guess I can just say I felt crowded. Way more crowded in comparison to other WV events I've visited, such as the Ronceverte river festival. I do wish I got there earlier, and for those attending next year, please get there early so you can enjoy it and have much more fun! The day itself in Point Pleasant even had a mysterious feeling, due to the rain and atmosphere.
It's odd to say, but I'd say the town has an "alluring" element to it. Just that small town feel, but one of a town that can make you feel like yea, this place is small, and this place is cursed.
Unfortunately, I actually did not get a pic with the mothman statue! I was disappointed because that is probably what I wanted the most, especially with my friends. But that line was just too damn long, I'd rather go back another day and do it. I mean hell, I might even stop by if I make a quick visit to Gallipolis to marvel at their wonderful Christmas lights!
Like I said, always leave early for the festival, and BRING CASH! I'd argue that this place is a safe haven for those expressive with their identity, (goths and emos alike), cryptozoology fans and those into the supernatural and paranormal, and of course those intrigued with West Virginia history and culture! It is also pretty difficult to navigate through the small town of Point Pleasant, more so during the festival. If you have the patience to hunt for parking, you should also try out the Mothman Museum, and try eating at their local restaurants, as we did. Shoutout to Rio Bravo.
The stores and businesses outlining the festival are pretty nice, from restaurants to video game outlets blasting nostalgic music, it just feels like a fun place to explore and look at new things. I actually can't wait to go back through Point Pleasant, and see just what the town is all about!
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kyunnwon · 5 years
I’m finally fkn leaving this shithole!
After nearly 3 years living in a 30 year old RV we’re finally moving out.
Words can’t describe how happy I am to finally be out of here. To give you insight of what I’ve been dealing with for the past couple years:
I’m sorry this is so long, bless you if you manage to read all of it
When we got this RV, we were being kicked out of our previous house because we couldn’t pay rent due to my mom losing her job. We had to drive hours to this RV sales lot, park in a walmart parking lot and sleep there over night in my stepdad’s suburban (which had some expensive-ish upgrades on it, they were there before my mom lost her job) hoping we could trade it + some money for an RV. We got the cheapest, oldest one for the Suburban and had to drive hours back in it. it was hot as fuck and the ACs didnt cool it down. Before we could move into the trailer park, we had to park it in an autozone parking lot for some weeks. 
The stove didn’t work, and the fridge in it was disgusting, there were maggots in it and it had the worst smell on the planet. We NEVER opened it again. Instead we opted for using a cooler for all of our food. A small cooler. We constantly needed ice and couldnt fit much food in it. My parents even tried to clean out the fridge and tried to get it working but that wasn’t happening, eventually we got a working fridge and stove.
Nearly the entire RV is made of wood. The insulation is horrid and there are parts where the walls are separating from the ceiling and the floor. And because wood traps moisture, a lot of bugs get in. And by bugs, I mean these fuckers  which are native to Florida. Warmth + moisture = nice little home for these demons. 
Both of the A/Cs that are built into the ceiling of the RV in the back room (where i stay) and the living room broke not long after we got it, for a while we actually had to live in the RV, IN FLORIDA, WITHOUT AIR CONDITIONING. just some fans blowing hot air around. Finally I got an A/C in my room and my parents put 2 A/Cs out in the living room. Turns out those weren’t strong enough and it was still getting BALLS HOT out there. so they got a third one. 
That third one... our outside breaker the trailer park provides residents with fucking CAUGHT ON FIRE because of it. There was just too much power and it just straight up over heated. Replaced it, rewired to split the power between two different breakers, all is good. 
The roof in the living room has such a bad leak that my stepdad had to make an electrical drain that you can switch on and off (before that we had to siphon the water off the roof using a hose and our mouths skhskghfsg)
The carpeted floor was gross and old so they removed the carpet and replaced it with like foam mats. There was a leak from the bathroom, we still have absolutely no idea where. It caused the entire floor from inside the tiny bathroom to outside my door to always be wet.
Which caused me to injure myself, worse than I ever had in my 20 years. I was on my bed, standing, attempting to kill one of those massive palmetto bugs, I lost it and it somehow ended up on my god damn head. I flipped a shit, jumped off the bed, right on the foam mat that was soaked beneath and it slipped from under me, I landed really badly on my left knee. I heard a crack then I immediately collapsed and screamed and cried for my mom, it hurt so bad, it was the worse pain I had ever felt in my entire life. It was only sprained, we think the cartilage was just cracked. I was supposed to go to physical therapy for it but I didn’t. Just wore the brace when I needed to, I still have the crutch I used to get around with, which let me tell you was not easy when you have just over 3 feet wide of walking space.  I’m somewhat sure this injury gave me mild PTSD. 
The leak which we could never find left water to sit soaking in the wood, so god knows how much mold is growing everywhere and how long I’ve been breathing it in, I’m surprised I haven’t gotten severely sick because of it.
The RV shakes like CRAZY when there’s movement. Like, in the back room, I’m talkin earthquake levels of SHAKE. At one point my stepdad had to get jacks to place under it because it was literally keeping me up at night because our dogs scratch a lot. One of them has a flea allergy and we literally cannot get rid of the fleas here no matter how hard we tried, so he’s up ALL NIGHT just scratching. The jacks stopped working no matter how tight he made them, the the shocks are old and the tires are losing air, over the last couple months it’s been so bouncy that not only is it keeping me from sleeping, it’s WAKING ME UP in the middle of the night. 
Because the pipes are so old, the water that flows from our sinks is undrinkable. We didn’t realize this sooner and it has started to make our pets sick. 
The water heater is broken, it doesn’t light when you turn on the switch inside so one person needs to turn on the switch while another person is outside with a lighter. That’s about 10 minutes of hot water, a lot of the time it’ll go out before any of us can shower.
Our neighbors have stolen from us, specifically a money order for my mom which she has not gotten back. 
My depression got so bad while living here that I gained 30 pounds and stopped going out. Going out meant I had to come back. I would constantly go up to two weeks without showering
Basically! My life has been absolutely terrible!
I’m so excited to be out of here tomorrow. To have my own room larger than fucking 6x6 feet. To have a closet I can put my things in, my own bathroom that isn’t made of plastic, a tub I can lay in. God the shower here is so fucking small. it’s a quarter the size of a normal shower, and it’s a lot higher off the ground, you can’t imagine how hard it was for me to shower with a sprained knee. 
I can’t wait to lay in a new bed. I’ve been sleeping on this one for five. fucking. years. It’s half the size it SHOULD be because I have all my belongings on one side because there’s literally nowhere else to put them. I can’t wait to have SPACE. To live in a healthy, clean environment. 
I’m literally excited to diet and exercise, because I know I’ll have a normal sized toilet to shit in (one that ISNT MADE OF PLASTIC), a normal sized shower to wash in (also one that isn’t made of fucking PLASTIC), and a normal sized bed to rest in afterwards. My own ROOM to decorate and surround myself with things that I love. I’ll have a flat top stove to actually LEARN how to cook on, a washer and dryer to clean my own clothes, a dish washer to clean my own FUCKING DISHES. A dining room to eat with my parents in, a fenced in back yard to play with my dogs in.
Just... fucking NORMAL stuff I’ll finally get to do again. And I’ll have it all tomorrow.
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my-wayward-son · 6 years
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2 months on T-------------------> 7 months on T
I’m late with this post.  Again.  Because I’m doing really shitty.  Again.
First, let me address the obvious: yes, I’ve lost weight. (Well, if you wanna get technical, I weigh the exact same thing as when I started, which I probably shouldn’t).  But beyond that, I don’t want to talk about it.  That change is probably 25% due to testosterone and the tendency it has to aid in the development of lean muscle, and 75% due to other factors.
All the previous changes I’ve noted in these posts are still happening/happening more, such as still more body hair growing/thickening.  There’s really nothing new to report, except that I pass better when I have on glasses and teenage boy clothes (as opposed to professional clothes), but still get a lot of gender neutral and she/her designations mixed in with the he/hims.  
I had a dream last night about correcting my dad (his typical naming convention for me is Laura, I mean, Laur, she, I mean, Laur...) . So he’s trying when he’s in front of me, but it’s obvious he isn’t trying when he’s talking to my mom without me present.  I’m torn between being upset about it and letting it go.  My dad was diagnosed with Aspergers as an adult and he struggles with shifting his perspective.  This is something else I don’t want to talk about, but just know that my far-from-NT-yet-decidedly-allistic ass has a hard time reconciling it.
But anyhow, the transition is going great, and I have no reason to be upset about anything, but I’m upset about everything, and the rest is going under the cut because it’s going to be full of triggers (suicide and ED stuff).
For my whole life I never understood why anyone would want one of those dolls that you can customize to look exactly like you.  My thought was always, ‘what’s so special about me?  I kind of suck.’  I thought so little of myself and my live, even as a little kid, that I would rather pick the princess or the American Girl or whatever with the most interesting story and change myself to match.  Like I’d beg my mom for an outfit the same color as the character’s, or wear sunglasses with the lenses popped out, or only style my hair the same way as the character in order to adapt into that character.  
Of course all those phases were just that, phases.  They were highly tied to the media I consumed, and as I aged, that media changed.  So I was always editing myself to match my current obsession.  I never gave thought to what I was actually like, deep inside.  Like it didn’t matter what my actual personality was.  I hardly even thought about it until the end of high school, and then a series of traumas knocked me down a few pegs, and that sense of self didn’t come back to the surface until mid 2017.
In mid 2017, I went to a 2-week dance convention.  At that time I was living as female, had basically given up on the idea of transitioning, and was just trying to push through as a painfully shy 24-year-old who worked full time and danced part time with a local ballet company.  At the convention, I studied various styles of dance, realized I was extremely untrained in every field but ballet, and spent the entire thing on the verge of tears because I was with students over 10 years my junior in most of the classes.  It was an “all ages” program, but literally all the other adults were in professional level classes for all styles.  I was only in the professional level class for ballet.  I couldn’t wait for the convention to end.  I hated every second of it.  I had a chronic foot injury that made dancing painful (but not dangerous), but I’d always pushed through it because I loved it.  Now I could barely stand to go to class, even back with my regular company.  So I made arrangements to retire. 
I retired from professional dance in May 2018 and had foot surgery in June 2018.  I could dance again, if I wanted to, but I’m not ready yet.  Eventually I might go back as a recreational adult dancer, just taking class from time to time.  But I don’t know.  
I still love ballet, but as of a year ago, ballet was the one thing hanging over me that I hated.  I hated the obligation; I hated the way it tore up my body; I hated the way it made me exhausted and ate up all my spare time. However, I was damn productive.  I wrote so many fics and drew so many pictures, and I went to therapy at least every other week, and sometimes to PT.  I was at the studio approximately 20 hours a week, on top of working 40 hours a week.  But I guess I was so busy and tied to my obligations that I quite literally couldn’t fall apart.  
My uncle died (suicide, marking the 4th attempt and 2nd success in my family) and my granddad died (heart condition), so I had good reason to fall apart.  I was freaked out and sad for a while, but I was also fine.  I was a robot.  When I look back, I realize that the last time I was happy was prior to the 4th of July 2017.  I call that the “Wonder Woman Moment.”  I did a photo shoot for a ballet personal training/nutrition service that dressed me up in WW-esque dancewear.  We blasted Patty Smythe and had a ball.  Even though it was a really feminine thing, it was so much fun, and I had no worries.  It was July 1st 2017.  Before my uncle died, and before my granddad died and before I went to the dance convention.  That’s my last happy memory.
After unpacking some acute issues with grief and anxiety, my therapist started talking to me about my issues with gender ID.  By November 2017 I was thinking about transitioning (I had thought about it before, but never felt it was feasible).  By December, I’d decided it felt right.  I sought out a doctor in January 2018 and had my first appointment in February.  I told my mom on Superbowl Sunday.  Then a month later at my Oscar party, she basically washed her hands of me.
I love film crit and the Academy Awards almost as much as I love fanfiction and ballet and coffee and all the other good things.  I’ve been on the edge of my seat waiting for the 2019 noms to drop.  I know a few of them just from the grapevine, but I haven’t looked them up yet.  I’m still working from my early prediction spreadsheet, even though the actual noms are just a few clicks away.  I’m scared of the feelings that’s going to bring up.
One year ago, all I could think about was getting through the next 6 months and reaching a series of milestones: my company’s production of Alice in Wonderland.  Moving to a new apartment.  My company’s production of Water for Chocolate (an original contemporary ballet choreographed on me and 14 other dancers).  Starting testosterone.  Retiring from ballet.  Foot surgery.  I thought my life would be so much better.
And in a way, it is.  I have the confidence to do random shit, like walk into Autozone and talk to the workers about what is wrong with my car, then help them fix it.  A year ago, I would have panic attacks over things like that.  But a year ago, my mom loved me.  A year ago, I thought I’d have my current job forever.  A year ago, I thought once I got on T, my eating disorder behaviors would go away.
I’ve gained personal confidence, but lost so much else.  Lost my family.  Gained a new one, but still, I lost my relationship with my biological mother and father.  Lost my job satisfaction, which makes me worry that at some point I will have to interview for a new job and integrate with a new company, which is frightening in the extreme.  T has changed my body shape in the way I like, but it’s not magic.  I’m still afraid of eating, and stress doesn’t help.  I’ve also had health complications that add pressure and make me feel run down.  Some is my own damn fault (Hi, I’m Laur and I abuse OTC medications like a rebellious teenager, which is apparently not advisable when also on several prescriptions).  Some is a fluke.  But feeling like shit while also mentally feeling like shit has destroyed me.  I hate my life.  I hate everything.  I don’t see the value in anything.   
I know there’s a Spider-Man: Far from Home trailer out there.  I haven’t seen it.  I don’t know what to expect.  I want to see it.  But I also don’t want time to move forward.  I like the MCU as it is (I like it pre-Infinity War, actually, but nobody asked me, so I won’t belabor you with my opinion).
And that’s a good metaphor for my life right now.  It’s a mess.  I can’t picture anything far in the future, so the light from my proverbial headlights is dim and dull.  I’m afraid of moving forward, so my tires are spinning in place, kicking up mud and dust.   I’m incapable of shifting side to side, so when I do roll ahead a few inches, I hit every obstacle in the path.  If I just changed the lightbulbs, twiddled the steering wheel, took a breath and let myself move, I’d probably be fine.  But somehow that seems like the most impossible choice.  
I could slam the car into one of the cave walls, triggering a rockslide and killing myself.  If I did that, I know it would hurt a lot of people in my life, but it would also fulfill all of my hopes and dreams.   Peace.  Calmness.  Stillness.  Not having to deal with a world that insists on moving forward with the passage of time.  
The most compelling reason is that I can’t find a reason not to.  I wish I was an undergraduate student again, because I want to get a degree in philosophy.  I don’t know why living is so highly valued.  I can’t figure out what makes this “will to live” the correct way of thinking and the desire to die the wrong way of thinking.  Right and wrong are subjective.  They don’t exist, really.  There is not value behind things and thoughts and actions.  They just are.  What’s to say that a lack of serotonin or whatever in a depressed brain is really not normal?  The non-depressed brain may have an excess.  Normal is relative.  Averages don’t mean correct.  Just because most people in the class chose answer B doesn’t mean that it is the right answer to the question.  Just because most Americans are a little overweight doesn’t mean that that’s the healthiest body type.  
Sometimes I really want to try to get well and forge ahead and get my life together.  Sometimes I want to say fuck it and take all the pills in the house and lay down and drift away.  I can’t decide which is better because neither is better, they both are just choices.  I can’t use other people’s reasoning to back up either one, for they are slanted for reasons I cannot understand.  They have a bias toward life.  I have to choose what I really want most, and I just don’t know.  I truly don’t.  My wants and desires-the deep ones in the core of my being- have been so long ignored, given up for what a character would do, or what my mom would do, that as an adult, I hardly know how to access the decision-making skills that most children have already mastered.  I’m a fucking goldfish; when I’m upset, I’m only upset, and I’ve always been upset.  When I’m happy, I’m only happy and I’ve always been happy.  I don’t know how to take a step back and see both at the same time.  I can’t hold contradictory truths at once.  I’m not wise.  I’m set up to fail because there are cracks in my foundation.
As long as I continue to not decide, I don’t take action.  I’m stuck in a holding pattern of “I don’t know,” and “what’s going to get me through the next 5 minutes,” and “just fuck it all, it doesn’t matter.”  
I’ve never, ever, in my life imagined myself as an elderly person.  I’ve thought of myself as a middle-aged adult, but never past 40 or so.  Sometimes I see myself as a woman, sometimes as a man, sometimes an NB person.  But that’s not what matters.  I don’t see myself living to old age.  Mortality is comfort.  The fact that this life doesn’t go on forever is one thing that honestly makes it seem ok to keep living.  But by definition, it also makes it seem like a good choice to die when things go wrong.  Because I will in the end.  
I see my life as a project, and I’ve always had this dilemma with projects: if I make a mistake, what point is too ruined to salvage?  What factors make it more worthwhile to backtrack and fix the mistakes vs. just throwing it away.  Fixing the mistakes shoes dedication and perseverance, but it’s frustrating.  Hot.  Angry.  Uncomfortable.  Embarrassing to show youthful ineptitude to the world.  Throwing it away is quick.  Easy.  Zen.  Brings immediate cool relief with grace and style.  But it’s selfish.  So fucking selfish.  
If you’ve read this far, please proceed to pour water into your ears and shake vigorously.  This was not meant to be imprinted on your brain.  This is for me to sort out my thoughts, which are, and shall always be, unable to be ordered.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
There's a few things wrong with us going on no people need to see just how damned annoying these a****** monster retards are and why they're doing it and he's right that Chalet experience was horrible they'll just drinking and they weren't eating stuff right they went bathing right and they wouldn't heat and cool the place right after a while my son he said I'm tired you just trying to do it yourself if you can't all the stuff to find more blankets he said it too he pissed all over the place cuz he couldn't help it they have too drunk they got really pissed off he said if you don't like it I'll just start killing you don't know where you f****** f*****it started laughing so he hates us too he says no I just couldn't stop happening cuz you haven't drink too much cuz you're not really aware that my brain is worth something intact on me running. It started fuming you can't see that to us so why your dog can't handle it they said this we can handle it we can handle you like I said step over here and die boy it's inside yelling at you out loud I said going back get over here then I can do anything shut your face so come in there it's like five of them too you know the wall and he started yelling he said you're f****** assholes AutoZone car and nobody was with him and the stuff was packed threw in the car and drove off so that was this place burned down with them in it we're out there killed him and took them in you know what they said he can't stand him in any way we don't care if he's valuable but really wasn't the truth is is they couldn't control themselves they felt bad about it so yeah I didn't make it there Jason the new brain in we do it all the time as you demanded and you're the dumbest a****** now we do too constantly he's f****** f****** fat a****** up there in Hawaii I'm tired of you people so good idea of the Chalet treatment actually what happens get the f*** out of here and you're like I paid too it's like halfway through the weekend so you can't stand this get out and as he's leaving they're telling the f*** off and our son says I'll probably just come back and bring you burn you to alive. They never heard it before and wish I said they went outside and asked him if he's okay if he's going to come back and burn them alive it's a step away from the car I'm going to run you over and step back and he drove out there and straight dirt all over him he started going their cars and they heard this coming from the car you go after me and shoot you and you meant it too you're missing a gun or two dumb assholes so you go and check and they couldn't find any weapons cuz we took them inside of being afraid of him no I didn't know about it he didn't take any weapons didn't have one but he knows that he's so mad and steamed that they would take it for real but seriously he's escaping with his life from a stupid vacation I got burned me down and kill you f****** so you said so so just sat there waiting for it and we came and pulled them out cuz here's my men cuz I can't stand you. If you like this need to be discontinued because they're hurting my brain we need to know who they are where they are how many there are what kind of attacks they can't stop. We had a huge list of things that we could do to him start doing it hit one alive and said this is what happens he's screaming to get rid of himself is watching and laughing when do you say they can't bear it anymore and say good you deserve it I've seen it started crying they go to the cycle so really he retires are not suited for this work and you've been breaking like this every few seconds we need you out of here this is what the complaint is it's been that way for a while well before you lost power I can't believe what you were doing you had all these businesses and you're sitting there crapping them out thinking you're going to win something and nobody was doing anything cuz the max couldn't cuz he just overwhelm them so you just go like ruin society and ruin yourself you forced us to take over
Thor Freya
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365day2021 · 3 years
Day 95
Interesting day today. Woke up around 850 and got to work at 950. During the first 30 minutes I helped setup as usual and then Adam asked me to re-work on a device that people have tried earlier to see if I could do it. It was an old SE display and yeah I couldn’t get it to work as well bc of the enclosure being bent. So closed it back up and then helped organize some 12 screws we got in a long time ago. After that I was in for download which was as usual. After that started the day on OP and not much to talk about there. It got a bit hectic midway into it cause they pulled Stuart off early and it was just me and Jordan but all good. Went to 15 and then after I was on GBFS which was literally just iPhone repair because there was like 5 phones checked in and no one checked in at the bar. So I asked to help back there and leads were cool with it. It was me and Brian for the majority which was pretty constant moving until my lunch. Lunch I went out with Olivia and we got boba (I got a Thai tea) and then I tried to get Sarku for vege delight but the line was hella long so I just went back and ate 2 hot pockets and sour cream & onion chips. After lunch I was back on iPhone Repair for 2 hours which was pretty damn constant moving. Ethan helped me out a bit cause there was 1 8 battery that needed to be re-worked cause the multi touch didn’t work and then 1 swap needed to be made cause Face ID failed. Daniil did come in and help out after a bit because we weren’t necessarily behind but just a lot checked in so our TAT was bad. So once again pretty constant moving and then I went on my 15. Last part was queue and yeah that was constant moving as well I don’t remember how many I took but there was one girl that her apple id wouldn’t allow her to use her phone number. I tried logging in on a test phone and moving SIM and didn’t work so only thing to do is to try a new Apple ID. So we made her a new one but it takes about 24-48 hours to activate so had to let her go, but let her know if it still doesn’t her phone number is most likely blacklisted and she needs to call Apple Support. She was cool and all but I just felt bad. Anyways that was pretty much the last of it and I left about 10 minutes late. Called my parents on my way out and went to their place cause they made steak.
Ate the steak along with salad and a bit of my dad’s pasta and then we looked at my car. Let my dad know my right brake light was out so he took it out and then we went to O’Reilly’s. Got 2 bulbs there for $9 and then went home and my dad changed em both and I learned how to do it from watching. Now I was leaving because Madison and Olivia were out with Traci as a going away thing since Traci’s moving to Ohio soon, but as soon as I was heading there my car started stuttering a bit and the check emission light that my car’s been having troubles with started blinking. So I liked parked by Pelican Watch and called my dad and he told me to come back. Steve happened to be outside and they popped the hood and they just think it’s good to have O’Reilly or Autozone run a system and check cause they can do it for free. I had work tomorrow so I took my mom’s Prius and then went. It was us 4 at first and I just got a beer for the time being, but then Traci mentioned shots and everyone was down. So I got a green tea shot and then MayMay ended up coming as well, so we got another shot there. This time I got a vegas bomb which Traci recommended me and it was actually bomb. Like a Jager bomb but I don’t know what the liquor is but it was way better than a Jager. So we were chillin’ having a good time and I got a mini cheesecake brulee cause dessert. Then Kyle ended up messaging and saying he’d buy shots for everyone and he came around 1110. He got shots for all of us (I had another Vegas Bomb) and then things started getting awkward at least for me. MayMay and Kyle were having a heated conversation about work and I was pretty much just sitting quietly the whole time. Kyle got a blue moon and somehow that got spilled on me which was super great. We ended up pretty much leaving on an awkward note bc you could just read the room. On the way out I slightly commented that it was the 2nd most awkward thing i’ve been through and I somehow got “attacked” because “i’m a man that never experienced anything bad from Angela” and “I don’t deal well with confrontation” even though I was literally quiet the whole time. So from then on I was a little bit salty but we all said our goodbyes and I drove Olivia back to apartment. It’s 1257 now and i’m feeling pretty okay just gonna listen to music, take a melatonin and then pass out pretty soon
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blahandwhatever · 4 years
Today has been a slow and steady ladder climb from feeling like absolute shit to, eventually, feeling pretty good. The first part of the day already feels so far away.
In the morning the mechanic called and said that my battery was completely dead and thus they couldn’t test anything in my car. From the long instructionless silence that followed, I inferred that I needed to get a new battery. After checking my AutoZone order and warranty information from earlier this year, learning that I needed to bring in my old battery to get a new one, and slapping on some sunscreen and minimal makeup, I walked the 15-minute walk to the repair shop, which wouldn’t have been that big a deal if it weren’t for the facts that I had not eaten anything or had my coffee, had not showered or brushed my teeth, had not applied all my skincare products, had not had any time to settle into the day, and had woken up on the very wrong side of the bed. But the place closed early today, and I had to get this done ASAP.
Boy was I not prepared for the weight of a car battery. While the AutoZone was, thankfully, only eight minutes away on foot, it felt like an impossible journey to complete with this burden, and I only managed to do it by taking several increasingly long breaks, drained dangerously close to the battery’s own depletion level. At AutoZone, they tested the battery and said they could charge it (in retrospect, it’s weird that the mechanic didn’t bring this up as a possibility when I said I’d get a replacement, and also I would have thought this was something mechanics could do themselves, but what do I know). I went home and had some breakfast, tooth brushing, and day settling in the meantime. I remembered the handy cart I had in storage from hauling furniture, and, while an inkling of pride told me to man up and just carry the battery again, in the end, sanity reigned. I was told there was nothing wrong with my battery, and I hauled it back on its little truck, feeling a waft of nostalgia for pushing my brother around on a stroller and a silly anthropomorphic feeling of having taken my homebound wheely buddy out on an adventure.
It was almost closing time when I brought the battery back, so I won’t know until Monday what the problem is or what it will cost to fix. I worry that it might be expensive. I wonder if it has anything to do with that terrible burning smell I smelled that one time. Fortunately I got a new financial irresponsibility-enabling credit card just in time for this, though I’d hoped it would go to more pleasant uses.
In the meantime, I’m trying to get things done at home and make myself well. I have a rash on my hands whose cause I’m not sure of - maybe it’s from the vinegar I used to help deal with some more damn mold, this time around the window (or the mold itself). There’s lots of things I want and need to do, if only my fickle states of mind permit. So often I find myself lamenting the waste of all the worlds accessible to me, worlds beyond listlessly passing the time that I simply cannot penetrate sometimes, feeling sorry for the better selves who will be eager to explore them all but won’t have the time to do it on their own.
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Hiya! Can you do a scenario where UT Sans and US Papyrus are arguing with their crush (who likes them back) and they (the skeletons) end up confessing their feelings? Thanks! I love your writing btw! It's super good omf
Okay so first off, sorry about being a damn slacker on my inbox. Secondly, these arguments are going to be less than serious because I’m awful at angst XD
And can I just say how mush fun I had with this one? I got a little too carried away with Stretch’s scenario though.
You and Sans were probably arguing about something completely dumb and obscure.
“You’re wrong and I’m right, loser. Just admit it.”
Sans quickly chides you with a wag of his finger. “that’s where you’re wrong, kiddo.”
You crossed your arms and leaned on the couch. “You really think that the first Shrek was better than the second one? Ha!,” With a soft knock to his skull, you giggle at the hollow sound it makes. “Such a bonehead.”
Sans rolls his eyelights and pushes you away. “ha ha ha, very funny, but seriously though. you prefer shrek 2 over the original? that’s just sacrilege.”
You put your jazz hands up and wiggled them a bit. “Ohohoh! So the magic skeleton wants to talk religion, huh?”
Sans punched your shoulder playfully and laughed. “oh stars, that’s not what i meant and you know that.”
“Oh but of course,” You cooed incredulously. “But back to the subject! There’s no doubt in my mind that Shrek 2 was the best Shrek movie.” You were dead set on proving this bonebag wrong.
“alrighty then, shoot ‘em.”
You blinked. “Shoot what?”
Sans snickered, “your reasons, kiddo. show me the carfax.”
You beamed, propping a victorious leg next to Sans. “Gladly,” You cleared your throat and began your spiel. “Well first off, the soundtrack was undeniably genius; Holding Out For A Hero, Funkytown, I Need Some Sleep. Freaking Livin’ La Vida Loca! Secondly, the plot is much more dynamic and eventful than the first one! But most importantly, h u m a n S h r e k.”
Sans rubbed his face and chuckled. “oh stars, one of your reasons is human shrek?”
“Oh come on!,” You threw your hands up. “Don’t tell me you wouldn’t bang human Shrek! You’re a liar if you say otherwise!”
“oh yeah, cause that’s what i think about every night: doin’ the nasty with a humanized version of an ogre, right?”
“Uh yeah? At least, you should be.”
Sans gave you a weary smile. “riiiight… welp, i can’t judge you. ‘sides, when i first saw the movie, i thought fiona was pretty hot.”
You let out a whooping laugh. “What?! No way!!” You were sure if you had water, you would’ve done a spit take.
“yeah, but she’s not as hot as you.”
You laughed. “Pfft yeah… wait what?”
Did…did he just…
Sans quirked a bone brow at your odd expression. “what? all i said was-” Sans replayed what he had previously said and in an instant, he smacked his mouth shut.
“Y-You,” You began with a titter. “You just c-called me hot.” You felt the heat rise to your cheeks. Had your long-term crush finally admit to you his true feelings, or was this some sort of sick fever dream?
Sans gulped as he sank in his hoodie. Oh how he wished he could just fall off the face of the earth right now. He didn’t give you an answer, but his skull was a luminescent blue right now. He feels like absolute crap right now. And from that gaping look on your face, he could tell he was being rejected.
“S-Sans I-”
“you don’t need to say anything.”
“Just give me a second to-”
“there’s no need to explain yourself, y/n. i get it.” He sounded so bitter, yet there was also hurt… disappointment?
You furrowed your brows. You’ve had enough of his negative nancy attitude. “Damn it, Sans! Just listen for once!,” With a tug of his hoodie, you plant a kiss on his teeth, lingering just a bit before pulling away. “I like you too, damn it! And I don’t like it when you close up on me like that! I’m not a mind reader, ya know?” Your face was hot with frustrated love.
Sans just nodded at you, a far out look now resonated in his sockets. “whoa…holy mackerel,” He was unable to wipe that stupid grin off his face. “you like me back, huh? so cool~”
You had to stifle a laugh. This reminded you of those wisdom teeth removal videos where the loopy people said all sorts of weird stuff while they were all hopped up on anesthetics. “Oh Sans. What am I going to do with you?”
Sans shrugged. “i dunno. perhaps we could talk about it over dinner? my treat.”
“O-Oh,” Damn this smooth criminal! “Sure boneboy, though we have to agree on something.”
“and that is..?”
“The third Shrek was the absolute worst,” You reached out your hand to Sans for a handshake. “Agreed?”
He took your hand quickly. “agreed. now about that dinner date…”
“Stretch, you tall asshole, don’t do it.”
“i’m gonna do it.”
“Stretch I swear to Toriel, you better not!”
He grinned at you, his cursor hovering over the forbidden course. “nobody can stop me. not even you.”
“If you press that button, I will personally delete your Mii, along with all of your precious work!”
“oh? is that a challenge i hear?” He asked coyly. You gasp as his finger pushes the ‘A’ button twice. “well then. rainbow road, it is.”
“Oh fuck!,” You fumble with your controller, hastily slipping the arm band on and clutching the remote tightly. “You asshole! You really did it this time!”
“aw come on, honey. rainbow road ain’t that bad.”
You shot him an annoyed glance. “That’s because you play this game 24/7!”
Stretch laughed, biting down tightly on the sucker in his mouth. “now that’s just stretchin’ the truth, honeybun.”
“You!” You wanted nothing more but to throttle him, but the countdown had already began.
“hey y/n?”
“What.” You said flatly, getting in the zone. Autozone.
“see you in second place.” And with that, the buzzer sounded.
After plenty of launched koopa shells and banana peels, you were about to conclude your third lap in first place. That is, until you peeked at your skelefriend’s screen. Oh no.
Your eyes widened. “Fuck, don’t do it, Stretch,” Your voice came out as a desperate plea. “Just let me have this one race.”
Stretch jerked his controller to the side and laughed. “sorry hun, but all is fair in love ‘n war.”
“Stretch wait-” You drew in a sharp breath as you heard the blue shell launch. “fuckfuckfuckFUCKFUCKFUCK NOOO!” You cried as the blue shell knocked you up in the air.
“that first place is mine~” Stretch hummed, contently watching the screen as his toadstool passed by you, crossing the finish line with ease.
You sunk your head in defeat, reluctantly crossing the finish line for second place. “Damn it, Stretch. I was almost there…” You whined. Never had you been so close to beating the skillful skeleton in your life.
He ruffled your hair endearingly. “better luck next time, honey. now give me a congratulatory hug.”
You jerked away from him with a huff. “No!”
“no? aw come on. i didn’t mean to put you through shell.”
“That’s it,” You set your remote aside and stand up. “I’m out.”
Stretch can’t stop himself from laughing. “no don’t leave! i’m toadally i love with you!”
“Damn it Stretch- wait…wait a minute…”
Did this dude just whip your behind at Mario Kart, and THEN confess his love to you with a Mario pun?
Holy shit…
Stretch hadn’t realized what he had said. “what’s with that look, honey?”
“You just said you… ‘toadally’ loved me… HOW DID YOU EXPECT ME TO REACT?!” Your face burned with the passion of a thousand fighting Alphyses. Oh stars, you couldn’t stop blushing!
And from the looks of it, Mr. Suaveandtoocoolforautomaticmode was in the same boat, his skull glowing a vibrant orange. “s-shit. i said that outloud, didn’t i?”
Stretch tittered nervously as he scratched the back of his skull. “m-my bad. so uh…what are your thoughts, h-honeybun?”
You looked down to Stretch’s sitting and blushing form. A smile tugged at your lips as you sat down next to him. He really liked you, didn’t he? Grabbing the remote, you prepare as if you’re about to play another round. “If I win, you take me out to dinner. But if you win, I’ll treat you to Muffets.”
Stretch was at a loss for words, his phalanges fiddling with his remote. “h-heh, i um..,” He cleared his nonexistent throat and smiled. “y-you’ve got yourself a deal, love. just know that i usually order quite a bit from muffets.” 
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crrim · 7 years
Okay H E R E I G O bc I have just had THE MOST wonderful fucking day ! I got to spend the majority of it babysitting my adorable little nephew, we danced & sang, & played with our puppy, & even shared some cheesy mashed potatoes. It was wonderful. Then later when everyone got home & my little nephew was down for his nap, I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to go on a little date, which ended up being the most fantastic thing I've probably done all summer. He picked me up a little late, which turned out to be 100000% okay, since he was only late bc he was picking up my favorite drink and! sunflower seeds so we could go feed ducks! So that's what we did! We went to the park & fed so many cute little ducklings, explored, got chased down by some sunflower loving god damned geese, found tons of weird frogs, and fed more ducks. Which was cute & fun & we held hands & named each of the ducks too. There was Gina, Ferdinand, & Polka, to name a few. So after we finished feeding the ducks, we were heading to the truck to go see the falls, but then I saw a swingset & we absolutely had to go swing together. So we get on the swings, I'm going high as hell, having the time of my life, & he's staring at me like I'm the damn stars, so I slow down & we start talking, telling each other about what we did at the park when we were little, how I used to be the leader of hide n seek ALWAYS, how he could never swing high or spin without getting sick, how I used to organize dangerous dodge-the-swing games, and how he was never good at climbing the jungle gym, which we later both got stuck on. I had jumped off the swing & ran over to show him how I could hang upside down on one leg, but my leg got stuck, & I was too in the way for him to get down, so that was a total mess but we laughed & figured it out. Then we went to go see the falls, but they were closed, which meant it was time for Frostys. So we hop in his truck, & as we make our way to Wendy's he remembers he's gotta stop at Autozone, so we go in & he's making his little purchase, then comes over to me, where I'm standing looking at some shirts. This boy loves cars & whatnot, so I tell him to pick a shirt since they're all vehicle orientated, & then I buy 2 of the one he chose so that we can match! (He changed into that shirt like 10 minutes later & I died bc CUTE!) Alright so then we make it to Wendy's & go in, I order 3 frostys for us & a large fry, & the whole time, this employee dude is staring at me, like dead ass, locked on target, staring! And I'm a little freaked out. So of course when we get to our table, away from the weird staring guy, I tell my baby, and he's ready to get up & cause a scene, but I get him to calm down & all that good stuff. Now the whole time we're in there he has me cracking up, laughing absolutely way too loud considering it's nearly 11 at night & we're in the middle of a Wendy's, but we're in love & having the greatest time, so who cares? Once we finish up our little meal, we get up to leave, and the weird staring guy comes out to like, watch us go & the whole thing is very odd, and only gets odder when he & his friend do that weird Guy Nod to each other. So me being me, I yell, "I AM TAKEN" grab my boyfriend, and dash into the parking lot, where we absolutely lose it as we get into the truck. (Minor detail I just remembered: on our way to the park, we had stopped at a red light that was taking f o r e v e r, so of course the only right thing to do would be to absolutely freak out the guy sitting in the next lane over, by screeching in a terradactyl like fashion as loudly as possible. This ensued in a very startled man, as well as an incredilous yet laughing boyfriend) After Wendy's we both went home bc it was late, but it's been a couple hours & I'm still giddy because we had a fantastic time ❤
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