#got called into work unexpectedly tomorrow hopefully its slow
try-set-me-on-fire · 9 months
No wip wed post but cruise ship spec outline is 12 pages and counting
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Onward, Upward & Downward (The Roots)
Summary: A young magician's trek toward Vesuvia for a better life is unexpectedly waylaid by entering the magical realms in her sleep.
The following TWs apply: past references to abuse, blood, references to having been/lived in the middle of a war-zone, falling from immense heights at various speeds, falling through a void/space, temporary loss of one's voice, the unpredictability of magical realms, and nausea caused by aforementioned unpredictability.
It’s getting late. The sun is sinking into the horizon.
Keep heading northeast, I tell myself. Northeast, northeast, northeast. Northeast, northeast north-
I pause a moment to catch my breath. My knapsack digs into my back, full of my necessary supplies. 
I look down at my bandaged hands. Some of the strips are cut from my old clothes, long since worn out. The cloth strips are wrapped here and there over my fingertips, palms, and the backs of my hands. Some cloths can be easily replaced; other scraps of them I need to either throw away, or wash...
If I even can wash them at this point. One of the strips is an ugly, slightly damp brown over dried blood. The brown’s from the dirt and sand all around here. The injuries beneath, the dried red, were from laboring under my cousins’... ‘charitable’ mercy upon me. Mercy from them to take me on a long journey to my destination.
The ‘simple favors’ I had to do for them in turn were menial and backbreaking.
In the end, my cousins had taken me about ninety percent the way to Vesuvia. Since then, it’s just been me taking my sorry soul the rest of the way ever since. ‘Just follow the compass and go Northeast’ they said. ‘Northeast, phù thủy’.
I’m relieved I don’t need to rely on them anymore. I’m sick of being helpless, and being called names just because I know some magic...
I look to the left and right of me: golden fields. I look to the back of me: golden fields. I look to the front, and finally there is some differentiation: golden fields, but I think I see the faint outline of Vesuvia in the distance.
It has to be. I want it to be...
I’ve seen nothing but fields of gold for the past two days. It’s not exactly a desert, but are mirages from golden fields a thing? I don’t know! If there is, I really hope with all my might that the outline of the city ahead of me is not a fucking mirage!
Mind made up, I wobble over about ten to fifteen steps off the road and into the tall fields around me. My legs finally give out, and I fall flat on my face.
I push through the pain, through my aching everything, and unburden myself of my knapsack. Much to my chagrin, most of the contents of my knapsack drop and roll out into the dirt. I painfully crawl around, pulling my supplies back to myself as the sunlight fades.
When the stars finally shine and moon glows, I need to squint. My eyes are not the best in terms of seeing clearly. Trying to see at night is tedious, even with the moon above me.
I shift the formerly wayward items into the moonlight, checking to see if I have everything.
There’s my compass, a raggedy old map to Vesuvia from my last pit-stop, a tin of salve, a messy pile of bandage strips made from my old clothes, a canteen of alcohol, two canteens of water, one slightly damp washcloth, and a heavy tome, covered in strange symbols.
I smile at the tome, gently patting the top cover in greeting.
In response, the arcane text flutters its pages. A soft, raspy voice from between the sheets within ask:
"̸̲̍͌D̵͓͒̏o̵̝͋̍ ̵̫̑y̷̱̣͊͋o̷͕̘u̵̦̰̿͘ ̶͉̀r̶̞̮̈ḙ̸̗͋̆q̷̗̤ư̸͌͜ͅî̵̮r̵͚͘e̸̺͍͝ ̶̳͂̍à̶̭͐ş̴̌s̴̞̯̀̃î̴̳s̴͓̑t̵̩̠̋̚a̷̤̯͐ň̸̺͍c̵̛̪̘̈́ȅ̴̪͕̾?̶̰̓̆"̸̮͛
“No Umbrae,” I say to the tome. “I got it. Rest up in the moonlight; we’ll be in Vesuvia by tomorrow.”
"̶̞̩͝V̸̱̯́ĕ̵̱͠r̸̡̺͒̏y̴̲̐ ̷̫͒̐w̶̤̆́è̵̗l̵͎͈̔͛l̶̥̄.̶̱̇ ̵̤̌̄S̸͓̐͗l̶͕̒̃e̴͍̅͑e̷͎̼͗p̵͖͓̈́͝ ̸̡̥͐͂w̴̳̞̉e̷̬̅l̵͉̀l̵̹͛͒,̴͖̎͆ ̷̝̓y̴̞͕̾o̸̳̣̐͠u̷̮̚n̴̺̔ḡ̷͇ ̸̝̀͜ó̴̞n̵̩̖̈́e̴̞͊.̸̘͐̉"̶͓̋̕
With that my magic teacher’s form settles down, looking like an ordinary book yet again.
I swallow, looking at my hands. There are open cuts and sores that are split open beneath uncomfortable strips of cloth. Eyes narrowed, I gather the items I need in order to change my bandages.
With an exhale, I settle back, grit my teeth, and begin pulling them off.
Well, to say it didn’t hurt like hell would be lying. I used the rest of the alcohol and the salve in my knapsack to clean my wounds. My hands sting something fierce, but the cool, minty smell is soothing.
It’s a struggle to even toe off my shoes, but I’m settled on the dirt now, eyes to the sky. My peripherals are surrounded by tall stalks of grain.
It’s strange, really. The stalks are so different, and yet not. I know they bear grains, like the fields back... back...
No, not home. There isn’t home anymore. Home is Vesuvia... or at least going to be home...
I think...
I’m not so sure yet. I hate to admit it, but I’ve heard nothing but bad and wild stories about Vesuvia. Mẹ said that her brother was irresponsible to settle in a place such as that. 
At least... at least I’d be with Cậu Bảo. He’d be a familiar face in a strange place, even if we haven’t seen each other in...
Ten years?
His letters to the house were always months and months late, but he has kept us updated on how he was doing. Mẹ read his messy script, saying that he really needed to work on his penmanship more, tut-tutting as if she were his mother, and not his younger sister.
Letters aside, I knew he was someone I could go to in case anything went wrong back at the house. Our village was right in the middle of two warring territories after all. The village was a neutral spot, which had been agreed upon by the warlords because of our position in the river. It was one of the easiest access ports in order to buy, trade or barter for food.
I just never expected it to go so wrong for me, the way it did...
I shake my head vigorously, getting my mind in the present. Right. No need to get caught up in that business now.
That was then, and this is now.
That was then, and this is now.
And here I am, at most two hours away from what is, hopefully, Vesuvia.
I move to rest my head on the low slope of my knapsack, adjusting every so often so I have some sort of support for my neck and head.
As the wind blows, the stalks around me rustle. They play a chorus of shh shh shh, the semi-repetitive sounds lulling me to sleep.
When I wake up, it takes me a moment to realize I’m somewhere impossible.
I’m floating in midair, surrounded by a sea of unfamiliar stars.
I bolt upright, and my body feels out of sync with my mind. My eyes see multiples of the same orbs of light all around me.
When I collapse back onto what feels like the ground, stars gather under where my hands and feet are planted. These things... they’re keeping me afloat...
Slowly but surely, the place around me finally stops spinning. Or rather, my vision stops bouncing around like a rabbit.
My breaths are shaky, but I slowly stand to my feet. Once fully upright, I look around.
As far as my eyes can see, there’s nothing but stars. They’re an assortment of colors and sizes, but the stars are spherical in shape. They shine like precious gems.
I am filled with a sense of awe.
A sound like a tree trunk snapping in two jolts me out of it. I’m suddenly aware that a path is assembled before me. Layer upon layer upon layer of stars gather together, creating a path. It looks like it’s a way forward... but forward to where?
I pause a moment, thinking.
The stars haven’t failed me yet. The stars for the past year and a half have not failed me. The only times they failed was because of human error. The gods placed them in the sky and we mortals are the ones that are supposed to follow the directions with the tools we have in order to navigate.
And these stars... say go forward.
With one more exhale, one foot in front of the other, I head onward.
I don’t know how long I have been walking, but it’s been an oddly pleasant experience. The stars not beneath my bare feet subtly hum and ring in greeting as I pass them by.
Before I can take another step, a deep, resonating rumble cracks the walkway ahead of me. The sheer force of it—!
I've been thrown off, backwards. I am flailing my arms about, trying to reach for the starry road, but I miss.
It dawned upon me that I'm falling.
No! No, nononono-!
I'm screaming, but nothing comes out. My voice... it's stolen from me.
I hurtle past a hundred thousand things. I glimpse dying stars, whorls of stars with fields of blue and skies of green, spheres fit to burst with fire and ink, and bubbles full of nothingness.
It's more than I can comprehend, more than anyone can possibly comprehend.
Eventually, I've slowed down. I'm not in danger of losing my limbs if I flail about now, but I'm frozen. I'm curled up into a ball.
I'm crying; silence is still taking hostage of my throat.
If the tears I cry drip past my chin and miss my sleeves, they lazily wobble down into the darkness, dotted with glittering stars. It's above, it's below...
It's everywhere. Everything and nothing is the same.
Despite being semi-blinded by my tears, I began to take stock of what's around me. I've been rationalizing my thoughts ever since I slowed to the speed I'm at now.
I know I'm dreaming. None of this, this all around me, could be possible in the waking world.
Umbrae mentioned to me that was possible for humans to travel to realms in their dreams...
The bubbles I passed before... were they the realms Umbrae spoke of?
Despite my neck being sore, I lift my head to finally look around. Even if I squint, eyesight is still crap. I can't make detailed assessments.
After a while, I can make out that there's something below me. I'm too scared to move, so I just let whatever force is pulling me down take me there.
I can finally make it out: it's another bubble. A massive one at that.
I spot a smattering of white from my position. Spots of browns and greens peek through gaps of that top layer in that massive sphere.
Before I can process it, and to my alarm, I make contact at the very top—
—and I breach through the bubble.
An immense force overtakes my body. I'm pulled down, down, down, past a layer of what I realize are clouds. Faster, and faster and faster I go, heading for a blur of brown and bright green below-!
My voice finally kicks in as I scream. It’s the only thing I can hear aside from the wind whistling past my ears as my body falls.
  I'm sorry, Mẹ.
I'm flat on my front, eyes still shut. Dirt is in my eyes and my short, severely asymmetrical hair, but somehow, I'm alive. I’m alive.
Slowly, I wiggle my extremities. Finger by finger, limb by limb, I realize nothing's broken.
Blearily, I open my eyes. Everything is fuzzy, but I can feel that I'm in something that's like grass.
Tilting my head up, I'm greeted by a sky that is a confusing mix of hundreds, if not thousands, of colors.
I gag, my stomach lurching. I end up dry heaving into the grass...
Once my body runs its course with nausea, I manage to wipe the dirt out of my hair and eyes.
What... what the hell is going on with me?
I want to wake up. I beg silently. Please, let me wake up...
I freeze as a bush just off to my right starts to rustle. I fall back onto my bottom, my blood rapidly pumping through me as I'm face to face with that bush.
... There's something in it.
If it's hostile, I'm screwed. If it's friendly, it might be able to help me...
What am I going to do? What  should I do?
[ Investigate the bush || Run ]
~To Be Continued~
EDIT ABOUT 5+ HOURS AFTER INITIAL POSTING: Hello readers! I failed to note that this is NOT a choose your own adventure!
Lyra has chosen both options, but this is where her path from being an NPC turns onto the path of The Apprentice, or turning to the Love Interest AU.
You’re gonna get both! (In time. I’m still working on this and other things in real life).
Thank you for reading!
A/N: And also a disclaimer: I am not in anyway bashing on the devs’ decision to change the prologue to the way it is currently. I am merely explaining how I reached my decision in terms of *where* Lyra is coming from (location wise) to get into Vesuvia, based on the map the devs released a while back for Vesuvia.
Now then:
In the prologue, previously to version released on May 21st, 2019, there was a maze test Nadia gave MC to perform in order to find Doctor Devorak (Julian). There was an option to escape the maze, and you’d end up meeting Julian that way.
He notes that MC came out of The Palace from the Southwest side, and the background graphic that was shown upon exiting the maze was The Fields during the day.
This is where I have gotten my head canon for how Lyra came to Vesuvia, heading Northeast from the edge of the Fields. There is no way Lyra would’ve *survived* crossing from The Fields into The Forest, and passing out in The Forest is high on the ‘you’re most likely going to die’ route.
And with that, disclaimer & A/N done! Thank you for reading.
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kusunogatari-a · 6 years
[ Obito and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi, Suigin Ryū ] [ Verse: White Hands of Healing ]
Some days...you just have bad days.
Today happens to be one of Obito’s very, very bad days.
It starts in the morning. He sleeps right through his alarm, at one point pounding the snooze button so hard...the entire clock gives out with a few last dying bleats of sound. There’s a deadpan glare at the device, grumbling wordlessly to himself before stuffing his pillow atop his head.
That should have been omen enough that today was going to be a disaster.
In the kitchen, he finds an apology note from Ryū: there was an emergency at work, so she had no time to make him (or herself, for that matter) any breakfast. He’s on his own. He half contemplates getting something on the way to his community service, but that costs money...so, he attempts to make something for himself.
Key word: attempts.
By the time he’s done, the smoke alarm is going off, Fubuki screeching in the next room as he coughs. Throwing open a window, he tries to take a breath of fresh air...only to immediately swallow a bug. Gagging and trying to retreat back inside, he bumps his head against the top pane...which releases from its latch and smashes down on his fingers.
The neighbors hear him howl in a combination of pain and fury.
Torn between nursing at his fingers and trying to rub at the pain atop his head, Obito stares at the ruined pan that was supposed to cook his breakfast, on the verge of frustrated tears. Why can he never seem to catch a break?!
Defeated, he tosses the whole mess into the sink, mutters a farewell to Fubuki, and just...takes his leave. He’ll wait to eat until later.
On his way to the administration building to find out what he’ll be doing this time, he gets chased by a dog, randomly scolded by an old lady (he’s still not sure what she was going on about…), and someone in an upper-story apartment dumps water out their window...and right onto his head.
By the time he makes it there, he’s a wet, grumpy mess.
Kakashi stares, expression a bit uncertain. “It...wasn’t raining last time I checked.”
“No, it’s not,” Obito retorts through gritted teeth. “Just give me my assignment...and I’ll get it done.”
There’s an awkward pause, and the Rokudaime hands over a request for labor. Apparently one of the park’s gardens needs weeding and watering. Surely it can’t be that bad, right?
One of the weeds has a pollen that makes his eyes water. And then while clearing out some old, dead leaves and grass...he stumbles upon a hornets’ nest and gets chased all throughout the park. Which prompts a group of children to laugh at him.
Several hours (and wasp bites) later, he finally finishes, dragging himself to the coordinator to get their signature as proof of a job done. They eye him critically, what with his swollen eyes and patches of red on his face from the bug bites, but thankfully sign off for him anyway. Deciding to have Fubuki take the paperwork back as opposed to facing Kakashi again and in even worse shape, Obito skips the trip back to the Hokage’s office and heads for home, wondering what the hell else can go wrong.
Flinching as someone calls out to him, the Uchiha turns only to pause. Apparently also en route home, Ryū gapes at him, hands up over her mouth.
“What happened to you?!” Dashing across the street to the same sidewalk, she peers up at him with horror and worry on her face.
“...I’ve had what feels like the worst day of my life,” he admits, tone bordering on whining. But by the gods, he’s earned the right to complain - he can’t even count everything that went wrong today.
“Oh, koibito…” Giving him a sympathetic look, Ryū takes his hand. “Come on...let’s get you home and fixed up, ne?”
Handing off the paperwork to her summon, the medic bustles Obito into the bathroom, stripping off his still-damp, dirty clothes and urging him into a bath. Ignoring his protests, she proceeds to treat his wasp bites, nurse the headache he still has from whacking his head this morning, and carefully tend to his hands, sore from both the window and all the weeds he pulled today. Once he’s back in one piece, she takes to massaging his scalp, humming softly and occasionally moving down to his shoulders. Obito has to admit, this is quite the turnaround from the previous several hours.
...then his stomach gurgles.
“Sounds like you worked up an appetite, ne?”
Remembering the ruined pan (that she still hasn’t seen), Obito winces. “...yeahhh…”
A short explanation later, Ryū bristles. “You mean to tell me you went all day without eating anything?!”
“I tried, but -!”
She gives him a stern look, but then wilts with a sigh. “...this is my fault, I didn’t get you any breakfast made, and -”
“It’s not your fault. Today was just...a day from Hell,” the Uchiha mutters.
Ryū still looks guilty, tipping the pan into the trash.
Heaving his own weary breath, he mumbles an apology.
“It’s fine...it’s just a pan, Obito. But next time, please just...pick something up to eat, ne? It’s not a big deal. I’d much rather you have something in your stomach than your wallet, okay?”
“But -!”
She gently rests a finger against his lips. “No buts,” she insists, giving him a smile. “We’re doing just fine. And hey...I’m proud of you. You had a dismally horrible day, but you still got your work done! Not everyone would have worked through all of that.”
“I have to,” is his muttered reply.
“Well, still…” She replaces her finger with her lips. “Now that you’re all cleaned up and back in proper shape, we’re going to go out to eat, and we’re going to try to salvage this evening into something better. Okay?”
Obito opens his mouth to protest, but hesitates as Ryū gives him one of her doe-eyed stares. “...oh...fine,” he grumbles. “Make it takeout instead of going out, and I’ll agree. I don’t want to go anywhere after today...”
Boxes in hand, they snuggle up on the couch, staring absently at some movie playing on a channel. Setting the empty container aside, he gives her a glance. She doesn’t notice his staring, caught up in whatever plot is going on across the screen. Every so often she takes a slow bite, eating almost an afterthought compared to reacting to the movie. Though Obito wouldn’t personally call it anything interesting or scary, her eyes are glued to the screen, occasionally jumping with a squeak as something pops up unexpectedly.
As she does so again, Obito just snorts, lifting his arm as she seeks protection against his side. Amusement in his tone, he offers, “Nothing’s going to get you so long as I’m around, hm?”
“I know, I know, but it’s so creepy!” Another jump, almost spilling her food as she turns to hide in his chest.
Chuckling at her, he retorts, “You’re such a baby.”
“But it’s scaryyy, ‘bito! I can’t watch anymore!”
“It’s almost over.”
“I can’t!” She persists in her cowering, and he actually feels her shake a bit.
Dark brows lift toward his hairline in surprise. Free hand setting aside her leftovers, he grunts and hauls her more into his lap. “Such a baby…”
He just grins, watching the monster tear apart a few more people before the credits roll. “Okay, it’s done, you can stop hiding now.”
Pouting, she doesn’t move.
Obito rolls his eyes. Well, he doesn’t really have anything else to do. Already clean, fed...and feeling much better than he did before she found him. Funny how she does that: always makes him feel better. Mulling that over, he decides any bad day isn’t quite so bad as long as she’s at the end of it. So, for now, he gives a contented sigh and snuggles her a little closer.
Tomorrow’s another day.
     HAPPY BERFDAI MEG. It’s still technically your birthday, right? xD So here you go: a dose of silly with an extra helping of fluff at the end because these dorks are adorable when I’m not being angsty with them ahaha~ Also I had to steal that title because it’s perfect xD      I was honestly lost for a while what to write...I’m not too good at funny, eh heh .w.;;; So hopefully it’s at least somewhat entertaining...poor Obito! I gave him one thing going wrong, and it just...snowballed, lmao      ANYWAY. Here’s your cute. Hope you like. Congrats on getting old, even if I’m still like six years older than you, ya munchkin =P
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thefloorisbalaclava · 7 years
If it's okay could you do “Enough with the sass!” and “Tell me you need me.” for the drabble requests and for Hanzo please. ;)
I’m sorry this took me so long! I hope this makes it worth the wait. Like I said, I know you’re working on some art for this and I just tried writing a little story about it using the prompts! Its a little over 2,000 words.
There wasn’t a day that went by that Hanzo didn’t thank hislucky stars for you. You were the one to help build him back up. When he was athis lowest point, you were there. When he lashed out unexpectedly, you refusedto leave his side. The anger inside of him was never meant for you and you knewthat. There were times when you felt like you weren’t good enough, butsomething told you to stay.
You rolled over and watched him sleep, a child-like innocencereplaced the hardened lines of his face. You smiled as you tucked his hairbehind his ear. He mumbled and grabbed your hand gently, holding it to hischeek before going still again. There was a time when a good night’s sleep forhim was almost impossible. Even when you two weren’t living together, he wouldcall just to hear your voice. You were the only one who could soothe him backto sleep. Now that you were here with him, all he had to do was wake up andlook at you.
You couldn’t fall asleep again, so you got out of bedquietly and went downstairs. You expected it to be quiet out at this time, butit was quieter than usual. When you looked out the window, it became clear asto why—snow. Everything was covered in a sheet of white and snow still fell asyou looked on excitedly. You were snowed in with the love of your life, niceand warm.
Rapid, frantic footsteps coming down the stairs made youturn around. Hanzo stood on the last step staring at you. His hair had fallen intohis face adorably and you bit back a laugh.
“You were not there when I woke up…” he said sleepily. “…Iwas worried.”
You held your arms out to him. “Come here.” He smirked andwalked to you, wrapping his arms around you immediately. “I’m here,” you toldhim. “I’m not going anywhere.” You always knew what to say to make his toughguy exterior melt away.
He sighed and bent so that he could rest his head on your shoulder.“That is good to hear. So good.”
“I love you, Hanzo,” you said. He always seemed so surprisedwhen you said it.
“I love you, too.”
“It snowed,” you said, and he looked at you.
“Did it?” You nodded and led him to the window. “So, it did.”
“You don’t seem very happy about it.”
“Well, I was planning on going out to get something today.”He closed the blinds and crossed his arms over his chest. You hugged him from behindand kissed his back. He was always so warm.
“I’m sure whatever you wanted to get will still be theretomorrow.” You laid your head against his back and felt it rumble as he spoke.
“I wanted to get a cake.”
“A cake? That can definitely wait.”
“No. I think I’ll brave the snow and walk to get it.”
“There has to be at least a foot of snow out there.”
He turned to you. “I can handle it.”
You held your hands up. “Okay tough guy, but don’t comecrying to me when you get sick. You’re gonna be laying right there on the sofawhining for everything and all I’ll say is: I told you so.”
“It is a very important cake. I am willing to risk my healthfor it,” he said, and you rolled your eyes.
“Risk your health? You are so dramatic.”
“The cake is for you.” He pointed at you and sneered.
“For me? I never even asked for cake. What if I’m not evenin the mood for cake?”
“Enough with the sass!I am going to get a Christmas cake and you will not stop me.”
“Fine. Can we at least go back to bed for a few hours beforeyou risk your health for a cake?” You walked to the stairs and held your handsout to him which he gladly took.
“Yes. You should know that Christmas cake is very importantto me.” After climbing into bed, he held you and told you all the importance ofChristmas cake in Japan. You felt horrible for teasing him about it now.
“I had no idea. I’m sorry.”
“I can take a few jokes,” he assured you. “I know you’lllove the cake too.”
“I do love strawberries.”
“Oh no, those are mine,” he said confidently.
“Hanzo…you said the cake was for me!” You slapped his chestand he chuckled.
“Yes, the cake. Isaid nothing about the strawberries.”
“We’ll see,” you murmured before curling up against him again.“So warm.” Your eyes began to close.
“Sleep now,” he said before kissing the top of your head andfalling asleep himself.
When you woke up, Hanzo was already gone and you panickedfor a moment before remembering the cake. Of course, you worried about him outthere in the snow. You looked out your bedroom window and saw that the snow hadslowed but not stopped. Hopefully, the bakery was open, and he hadn’t made thetrip for naught.
You tried distracting yourself by doing things around thehouse, eventually deciding on watching Christmas movies. You checked your phonerepeatedly—no new messages. Now you were really starting to worry. You had noidea how long he had been gone before you woke up, but it had been a littleover an hour since you woke up. “Hanzo, where are you?” you whispered.
You looked out the window again just in time. You spottedhim making his way up to the door, his head almost completely tucked into hiscoat.
“Hanzo!” you yelled as you opened the door. He made his wayinside, shaking himself free of snow and getting some on you in the process.You gasped and told him to stop. When he unzipped his coat, you saw that he wassmirking. “Troublemaker.” You walked up to him and held him out of his coatthen brushed the snow out of his hair. “No hat? You’re just begging to catch acold, aren’t you?”
“I’ll be fine,” he said. “I have the cake.”
“What took you so long?” you asked. “I was starting to worry.”
“I had a special request that took a bit longer.”
“Hmm…are you sure you didn’t take the long way home, so youcould eat all the strawberries?”
He scoffed. “I assure you, the strawberries are still on thecake…for now.” He held up another bag. “We must eat before dessert.”
“Can I at least see the cake?” you asked.
“Uh…no.” He turned and walked into the kitchen to put thefood down. “I am going to change out of these clothes.”
“Good idea.”
He kissed you then grabbed the bag with the cake in it. “Iknow what you were thinking. Clever but not clever enough.” You pouted as helaughed his way up the stairs.
You set the table and put the food on plates for the both ofyou. When he comes back downstairs, the cake is not with him. “I’m not telling you,”he said before you could ask.
“You don’t play fair, Mr. Shimada.” He only winked playfullyand sat down to eat, his face giving nothing away. You ate silently but youreyes wandered to him often.
“It is impolite to stare,” he said suddenly and you down atyour plate. “Do you like the grey?” he asked, scratching at his beard.
“I love it,” you answered truthfully.
“Am I too young to be so grey?”
You shook your head. “It’s perfect, Hanzo.”
“Do you like the way it feels when I kiss you?”
You blushed and nodded. “Yes.”
“All over?” he teased.
“Hanzo! If this isyour way of trying to distract me…it’s working.”
“What?” he asked innocently.
“Finish your food.”
“I wish you could see how red you are right now.” You lookedup at him slowly and pouted. “That only makes you cuter.” He continued eating,smiling proudly to himself.
“I’m done,” you said. “I want to leave room for cake.”
“Well, I am still eating so you have to wait.”
“Fine,” you groaned. He ate slowly, teasing you and enjoyingevery second. Eventually, he put his fork down and wiped his mouth.
“Okay, I am finished.”
“Finally,” you mumbled.
“There’s that sass again.” You cleared the dishes and waitedfor him to get the cake. “Let’s go.” He stood and waited for you. “We’ll havedessert upstairs.”
“Oh, this is new.”
He led you upstairs and you gasped when you walked into thebedroom. There were candles all around and rose petals sprinkled here andthere.
“What’s this about?” you asked. “All this for dessert? I ama lucky woman.”
“And I am a lucky man,” he said. “The cake is just there,but I need you to tell me something first.”
“What’s that?” You turned to him.
“Tell me you need me”,he said, voice full of emotion.
“Of course, I need you. I need and want you…more thananything in the world.”
He sighed and closed his eyes in relief. “I feel the sameway about you. Now…you can have the cake…with the strawberries.” He smiled asyou stuck your tongue out at him.
You looked at the cake sitting on the bed. You picked it upand turned to him. “It looks delicious. And all the straw—” You stopped whenyour eyes landed on something that sparkled. It was hidden behind one of thestrawberries.
He walked up behind you and took the cake out of your hands.You turned around and looked at him, tears filling your eyes.
“I need you just as you need me. I want you just as you wantme. And I love you more than you’ll ever know. You’ve seen me at my worst and stillstayed with me. You picked me up from my lowest point. I can’t imagine my lifewithout you.” His eyes glistened with tears and he sniffled. “Will you marryme?”
You nodded. “Yes, Hanzo, of course I’ll marry you!”
He plucked the ring off the cake then wiped it off on hisshirt. “Sorry.” You giggled as he slid the ring onto your finger.
“It’s perfect,” you told him.
He stood and kissed you, his beard tickling you just the wayyou liked.
Hanzo called you from the sofa…again.
“I’m getting your soup now!” you yelled from the kitchen.You ended up being right in the end—Hanzo was sick and down for the count.
You brought him the soup and he looked up at you pathetically.You felt his forehead and shook your head. “We have to break this fever.” He coughedand groaned. “Sit up so you can eat.” You helped him sit up and began feedinghim.
“In sickness and in health,” he said before laughing thencoughing. You laughed too and fed him more soup when you he stopped coughing. “Icouldn’t ask for a better caretaker.”
“Is that all I am to you, a caretaker?” you teased.
“What? No…of course not. I only meant—”
You laughed loudly. “I’m joking. I know you what you mean. Iwould gladly spend the rest of my days taking care of you.”
“No. Once I am better, I will take care of you in every wayI can.” He looked down at the ring. “I feel better just looking at that on yourfinger.”
“Well, hurry up and get better so I can kiss you and holdyou all I want.”
“I’ll be better in no time with you taking care of me.” Heate more soup then laid back down. “I love you,” he said weakly.
“I love you too. Get some rest. I’ll be right here when youwake up.”
“I know you will, my love.”
You tucked the blanket around him as he fell asleep again. “Iwill always be here.”
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