#got another one tmmrw
aashiyancha · 1 year
Ah yes, the Nightmare Detectives once again
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arxxq · 2 years
Prompt 13 with itoshi sae please!, thanks a bunch 💖
13. “Whoever has a problem with us can come fight me” | Itoshi Sae
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Ah thank you anon for requesting! I just got back home and tmmrw I'm even more busy gah. ♡♡ i have school in a few hours lmao...should be sleeping but here i am
Hope you the best anon!
lowercase intended, mistakes will be fixed later on
Prompt list in my blog..can't post it here since this post won't be featured in the tags..
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now sae had realized something off about you recently. 
he was bothered by it but at first he decided to not ask you about it because maybe it was just for temporary.
but as time goes on, it wasn’t just for temporary. he wanted to know what wrong so bad but it wasn’t as easy because almost all the time he tried to approach you about it, you always manage to change the subject. you guys have been together for almost years, but he was so concerned on why you were behaving like this near him again as if he just started courting you.
he missed your touch, your embrace your warmth. as much as he does not want to admit it he missed it alot. even if he tried to hug you or even just simply touch your hand, you would pull away from him. he despise this action from you. just why in the world are you acting like this nowadays. 
but as time pass on, he knew that he will be able to get his answer just that it wont be coming out from your mouth. one day as sae was scrolling on social media, he found a post that caught his attention only because the post was something about you and him. 
it seems like whatever this person was saying was supposed to be directed to you. the post read “out of everyone sae had to chose that bitch..like c’mon there’s other fish in the sea!” and even the comments were agreeing with this said person saying how you don’t deserve him or saying that their better than her. sae scoffed at this. could this probably be the reason why you were behaving like this? its not safe to assumed so he decided to ask someone you trusted the most. 
“no i’m not telling you anything,” right now sae was talking to a friend of yours. well it was the only person sae knew you had put so much trust into after all you’ve known eachother like siblings. “i know you yourself are worried about them, so if you cared then tell me,” sae wasn’t wrong. your friend themselves were worried about you so they sighed and gave in. 
“yeah its about the post...and maybe also because they were cornered by others as well for the past few weeks..” now that was something sae was not expecting. sae nodded his head and the last thing he heard from your friend was, “you better make things right!” 
sae was now home, he was waiting for you to enter the door and when you did lets just say he had you cornered so you couldn’t escape. “sae i have to cook dinner you know..” you tried to reason with him but he was unfortunately one step ahead. “no need i ordered take out.” before you could say another word, he beat you to it. “don’t even try to make up a silly excuse,” 
you let out a breathe and lowered down your head lips trembling..sae immediately took notice of your action and pulled you into an embrace which surprised you “i know why you’ve been behaving like this and i don’t like it...so because of that i’ll say this once,” 
“whoever has a problem with us can come fight me,” those words made you smile and let out a tear. “so if you could please stop acting like this..” he mumbled which made you laughed. 
as you were eating, sae took the oportunity and made sure to remember to post that comment on the post. the comment says. 
“if u got a problem with our relationship then come fight me because fyi they are much more better then you’ll ever be,” 
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Reblogs are highly recommended
Do not claim your own and do not post on other platforms
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
task force 141 + christmas songs
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John "Soap" MacTavish, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Type: Fluff, headcanons
Warnings: explicit language
A/N: the order is kinda whack i wrote these as i thought of them. also i have two tests tmmrw halp
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yes ghost's favorite christmas song is last christmas by wham! it's been confirmed
i mean can you blame him?
to ghost, it's everything he loves about music mixed with a christmas song he can relate to (sort of)
he likes the sort of mellow but still peppy nature of the song (especially compared to artists like mariah carey who he thinks is too peppy and michael buble who he thinks is too mellow)
it's the sorta song you can absent-mindedly sing to while you're working which he enjoys
plus the drums and the cymbals (?) really get him in the festive mood
whenever he listens to it he'll tap his foot/nod to the rhythm or lipsync under the mask (another benefit of keeping his face covered)
ofc your chances of seeing him do this in front of the team are slim to none
but when he's alone (either with you or just in his room or smthing) he'll pull out a little shimmy when the song starts getting good
he also likes the sort of sad undertone to the lyrics
he feels like it adds depth and makes it relatable
kyle "gaz" garrick:
alright hear me out on this one because i actually really love this hc
so first, i can totally see gaz being a fan of tyler, the creator when he was younger, but then being less invested as he grew up
but he went to see the grinch (2018) in theaters on christmas day with his family and that was when he first heard the song
off topic but i also hc that gaz has a younger sister and brother
and they're like considerably younger, like they're children
idk what his canon family situation is like but idc bc this is what's canon now bc i said so
so yeah that's why they went to watch the movie
and i mean what's not to love about this song
he really likes the rap/hip hop twist on a classic christmas song
and let's be real the whole soundtrack slaps like gaz was definitely listening to it on repeat for the entire holiday season that year
when gaz hears this song he definitely starts grooving, clapping, singing along
i mean it's not like he has a choice the song is actually so good i love it so much
like he's just so in love with the way tyler, the creator was able to reinvent an old song and give it such a good beat and like completely change up the cadence but still make it sound good
and yes he lives for the ending scream
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
guys i mean this is just fact atp
and don't say that this isn't a christmas song because that is rudy's biggest pet peeve and he will fight you about it
because according to him it came out during the holiday season and it's a movie with amazing visuals of snow and winter and the main character literally has ice powers so therefore it's a winter movie
sometimes the rest of the team will try and come up with other movie soundtracks that would therefore qualify as christmas music according to his standards
this always pisses rudy off and he'll insist it's different
i think the best part is that rudy watched frozen 2 by himself
i mean he was a big fan of frozen he wanted to see the sequel can u blame him
in his opinion the plot was a little weaker than the first but the soundtrack gave the original a serious run for it's money
and of course before this came out his favorite christmas song was let it go (and yes he also got mad when people said it wasn't a christmas song)
he likes the panic! at the disco version over the idina menzel version because he says it makes him feel more seen
nobody really knows what he means by that
you guys just assume it's because it's a male singer
rudy will also sing this song out loud any chance he gets
he's a decent singer don't get me wrong but that song's got some high notes rudy just can't hit
he swears that one time he was able to hit every single one but he was alone when it happened
usually though he can hit a solid majority (and he always geeks out when he does)
and yes, he will insist on watching frozen and frozen 2 during the holiday season and yes he will sing during every song
john "soap" mactavish:
honestly same, soap, same
soap's a firm believer that not only is this song the best christmas song out there, it should be the face of christmas instead of mariah carey's all i want for christmas is you
people have tried pointing out that all i want for christmas is you isn't necessarily the face of christmas but he insists it is and insists that title is undeserved
he says he hates it because it's overplayed but everyone else is 99% sure there's something more
your theory is that one of his exes really liked all i want for christmas is you and then it ruined the song for him
but now onto sleigh ride
soap believes it's the epitome of everything christmas
it's festive, it's peppy, it's got great vocals
he really likes the instrumentals and it's honestly his favorite part
the snaps, the piano, the flute/whistling, the trumpets (?)
whatever it is he's in love and he thinks that it really just sells the cheeriness of christmas
he also lives for the 'ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-dings"
he will sing those out loud all day any day
he also tries to do mariah carey's whistle notes every time and not once has he ever gotten it
beyond that he also just sucks at singing
but honestly he just seems so happy singing that it sorta cancels out the way he's making everyone's ears bleed
he also does a little head wiggle and shimmy combo to dance to this song
and he does that little like dance and point at the parts of the song right before the beat "drops"
john price
alright so the first time he listened to this song was after christmas one year when his nephew said he wasn't cool
so he figured this song would make him cool
the efficacy of that tactic is still being debated
i mean don't get me wrong pentatonix fucking slaps
but also the acapella version of anything is not a very orthodox way of making yourself cool
needless to say his nephew was not impressed when the next christmas came around
price doesn't care though because he actually fell in love with the song after listening to it for so long
he's very much in awe of the way all their voices can come together and make it sound there's actually instruments and stuff
like he will rave about it for so long whenever the song comes on
whenever it plays he sings along but he doesn't try and beat box
that's bc one time he did that in front of gaz and laswell and gaz had to leave the room while laswell stared at him in shock
it's been his secret life mission to get insanely good at beatboxing and then show them someday ever since then
progress is not going well
also you can bet he has this song memorized to the tee
and yes he'll chastise people if they put the wrong gift to the wrong day
unlike his beatboxing, price's singing is actually pretty good so at least it gives the team something nice to listen to
alejandro vargas:
ok i feel like at first his favorite song was baby it's cold outside by idina menzel and michael buble
and then rudy pointed out the creepy undertones and it ruined the song for him
also he was distraught when he found out
and then this song took over as number one in his heart
for starters, he's just a massive fan of michael buble
also he once got front row tickets to a michael buble concert but he couldn't go last minute because he got called on a mission and he's still salty about it
he likes the way michael buble rewrote the lyrics to be more fitting for guys
also he likes the sorta relaxed almost lazy rhythm of the song
he insists it makes it sexier
nobody knows what that means or why it matters but he's very persistent about it
and god damn alejandro's singing voice is actually good fr
like it gives michael buble but if michael buble was a smoker and did country songs
but honestly the gravel in alejandro's voice works really well when he's singing
and lord knows he sings this song whenever it comes on
it's not obnoxious tho so it's nice to listen to
he doesn't really dance but he'll jokingly offer you a slow dance to this song
he considers this the classiest christmas songs and says it's only for people with real taste in music
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spinningbagel · 10 months
Hello!1!1!1 I’ve got another design for you, this time being Shooters and while I’m here, I’ll talk about districts because they’re pretty simple to explain
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And an alternative version with the glowy parts (because I’m a sucker for things that glow)
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Anwyas, design talk now.
The drawing on the left is what he normally wears since he works from home and doesn’t need to be on the field to assist Sheriff. So he’s incredibly dressed down. It’s not like anyone’s gonna see him.
The one on the right is for rare occasions where he does need to be out there with Sheriff to assist him. Is he dressed a little femininely and slutty? Yes. Will I change it? No. I’m sure you guys will live just fine.
The eye where in canon he wears a glorified eye patch™️ has been replaced by a prototype cybernetic eye. A gift from his parents. He’s their guinea pig of sorts with it. It obviously allows for sight and can zoom in or out on certain things, it’s also got a facial recognition software in it. To Y’know…scan faces,,,ID people. Anwyays x2
Some general things about Shooter is that his parents are head mechanical engineers for the company that make the cybernetic limbs and enhancements so their family is pretty well off.
He lives in district 3 which is why in the design for him being outside his apartment has blue accents on the jacket.
Shooter has his own apartment and job but despite that, his parents give him a monthly allowance. How much it is kinda depends.
Aside from assisting Sheriff on missions, his other job is adding enhancements or modding cyber weapons, his work comes at a surprisingly cheap price and his services are popular among those living in district 1 and the underground community. He doesn’t ask questions about people’s backgrounds, he just does the job in exchange for money.
Right so that’s Shooter out of the way, let’s talk districts.
The city, oh so creatively named CyberCity is split into districts which is basically people being sorted into areas based on status and money.
The districts are as follows:
District 0:
The poorest of the poor live here and this is where most of the underground community operate due to the fact there are no cops or authority figures to keep watch and any that are there, are more often then not corrupt. Brutux resides here and controls a very large chunk of the district. It’s like a slums. Also most people refuse to wear the district colour.
District 1:
The middle class basically, people who are decent financially and don’t pose threats to society. There are cops and therefore lower crime rates but there is still the chance of having corrupt cops in the system. Sheriff & The White family live in district 1
District 2:
Not much to say. Rich pricks live here, basically no corruption in terms of security, they’re well protected.
District 3:
Politicians. The most security. They don’t care about the lower districts.
The districts also have an allocated colour and everyone has to wear something that has the colour of their district. Obviously you can wear multiple colours but your district colour has to be the dominant colour.
District colours:
0 - Red
1 - Orange
2 - Blue
3 - purple
I think that’s everything I have to offer for him and districts. Enjoy, I’ll probably to Vegan’s design when I can. Prolly tmmrw idk.
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princesssmars · 2 years
something new pt.II
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a monet de haan x reader
the royals of constance billiard have invited you into their ranks, and the princess seems to have a motive.
contains: slighttt angst for kinda shitty parents in the start/middle. mostly fluff and me loving monet. maybe some ooc moments. the writing style changing every section. not really proof read we die like men.
a/n: writing this i realized that the group in ggrb does. not have a name. so corny ass "the royals" it is ! <3 this took me forever but im inspired by gg spotify playlists and pure gay yearning. also what the hell do you call someone with black hair.
if there's one thing you should have expected from becoming friends with the royals of constance billard, it was how quickly they got stuff done.
on your way home from the charity benefit hall, you opened your phone to see that the six enigmas you had met at the party had all followed you and already added you to a group chat. as soon as you open it you already see audrey tagging you and telling you how you're all meeting up tomorrow to go shopping, apparently. lucky you.
once you arrived at your parents townhouse, maybe one of the only things you found bearble at this point was your new home, for its gorgeous interior and exterior and your spacious room, you rushed inside and up to your room so as to avoid whatever bullshit about your behavior they're going to chastise. after cleaning yourself up and getting ready for bed, you laid down and typed ‘sounds like a plan. see u tmmrw.’
putting your phone on your nighstand to charge, you were left to stare at your ceiling and ponder over what happened tonight and asking why. why did these people gravitate to you so quickly? did they just want another rich kid to add to their posse? you knew people just used each other often in your world of the rich and powerful, but god did it seem unappealing.
as much as you hated to admit it, you wanted real friends. hell, maybe even a girlfriend.
as the thought crossed your mind, a certain brown skinned girl with ombre twists crossed your mind, making you jolt up in bed.
“no…no no no dont do that.” you whisper and smack your cheeks, trying to convince yourself that no, you didnt have a crush on probably the most beautiful girl you've ever seen. that was crazy. pure insanity.
it made no sense. you could tell the kind of person she was, the queen bee, (technically the queen bee's second hand, intriguing), the girl everyone wanted or wanted to be and she knew it.
she also seemed a bit mean, which you were normally into.
but you didnt want to get yourself hurt.
not after what happened last time.
and so you fall asleep, thinking of pretty clothes and fake smiles.
youre rudely awakened by your alarm at around eight am, set the night before so you could get ready for the day ahead. you get up from bed, struggling to not check your notifications and messages on your phone before making your way to your on suite bathroom. in there you do your usual morning routine, rinsing off your body in the shower and doing your facial routine at the sink.
once youre finished, you head over to your closet to pick out an outfit when youre phone starts ringing. you see the caller id is max, and you swipe on the green to answer. "hello? you get up ths early too?"
"nah, but i had a feeling you would be. seem like the early bird type." max's voice drawls through the phone, still deep with the effects of sleep. "are you up at the asscrack of dawn because youre excited or because youre used to it?"
you laugh slightly, flipping through your pants and your skirts. "a bit of both, actually. my parents always made me get up really early so i know i have time to do everything. but the sunrise is also pretty."
max's voice laughs through the phone. "thats a good reason, ill admit. personally i like the sunset better."
"then i guess we've come to an empasse..." your voice trails off, finally finding a suitable outfit for looking nice but also being comfy while you walk around. "im about to get dressed, should i call you back?"
"nope put me on speaker, we've got things to talk about before we go shopping today." he states. youre confused, but put the speaker on anyway, giving him the go ahead to start talking.
"alright, youve probably already guessed this because you seem smart, but we all kinddd of want something from you." his bluntness makes you giggle.
"want something? from me? i sure hope its not my money." you joke, smiling as you hear his playful scoff from the phone.
"trust me, we're covered on that front. it was really julien and monets idea to bring you into the group, which congrats for getting in at the speed of light, by the way. i wasnt expecting any new additions considering weve all been mostly best friends for years."
this was monets idea?, you think to yourself as you finally wiggle into your clothing. there was a bit of a connection last night, but you didnt think it was strong enough for someone as seemingly impassive as her to start indoctrinating you into her friend group.
"what do you mean by mostly? you all seemed close from what i saw." you question.
max sighs through the phone, telling you that you might have guessed wrong. "its...a bit complicated. ill explain more of it later. my dads are calling me for breakfast. by the way, do you want me to pick you up later? i dont mind."
"sure, i want to hear all of the group secrets on the way there, though." you joke, laughing harder when he gives a fake laugh through the phone before saying your goodbyes.
after youve gotten dressed and made sure you had everything, you head downstairs to get a quick morning snack before the drive.
after grabbing your quick bite, youre stopped in your tracks by the sight of your mother in the doorway. she's wearing sportswear and her skin is slightly sweaty, meaning she just came back from her morning run. she eyes the food in your hand and you scoff, brushing past her to the front door.
for the next few minutes you stand in front of your home, scrolling through your socials and lightly listening to music until a honk makes you jerk your head up. in front of the sidewalk sits a very nice white car, with a smiling brunette boy looking straight at you.
"hurry up! i dont wanna hear audrey badger me for being late." he yells, making you match his bright smile. you get comfortable in the front seat, already vibing with the song he has playing from his spotify and the sweet smell of his car.
"do you really use a jelly bean air freshener?"
"i needed one that fit my personality."
"ah, i was wondering why i liked you so much."
throughout the drive to the mall, you get closer and laugh more with max, showing each other your favorite songs and laughing at each others lip syncing. after a few minutes, you finally ask him the question thats been on your mind.
"what did you mean earlier when you said you all...mostly got along?"
he stares straight at the road for a few seconds, the corner of his lips quirking up. "do you still talk to the people youve known since you were little? and i mean really little-preschool age."
you think about it beofre shaking you head. because of your parents frequent moving, you didnt make any solid connections. hopefully that would change soon.
"well youre kinda lucky. it sounds great when youre young to be best friends forever but in high school people...change. it starts slowly at first but it gets more noticable. i mean, when we were kids aki was like the mediator of the group, but now hes more impassive. audrey was the mother hen but now shes more overbearing, the list goes on." he rants, his voice sounding more melancholic as he goes on. "dont get me wrong, i love my friends but...everythings changing."
you nod along as he talks about his worries, giving him someone to vent to and taking in all of the information hes telling you.
max parks and you both make your way to the entrance, and he laughs at the look on your face when he says next time you should use the subway.
once inside, the rest of your new group of "friends" come up to you both.
"yn! i hope you made it here alright, hopefully max didnt talk your ear off on the way here." aki says, standing in front of you hand in hand with audrey, who smiles at you.
"youre just soo funny, menzies. you really should pursue a career in comedy." max jokes dryly, punching his friend in the arm playfully. as they start a playful arument, audrey takes your hand and pulls you over to where her and julien were standing.
"its so nice to see you again, yn," julien greets you and takes your arm in hers, audrey taking the one on your other side, "todays gonna be so fun, i promise. monet and luna are over in gucci, but i was thinking of heading over to saks..."
"why dont we meet them in gucci? then we can all shop together..." you suggest, your voice trailing off when you catch the look max is giving you in the corner of your eye.
julien smiles, tugging you along.
you get to the store, eyeing the collection of clothing, purses, and shoes. after a few seconds of looking around, your eyes connect with monets from across the store.
luna is next to her, the noirette talking lowly while shes observing a heel in her hand. but monets eyes stay on you, humming along to whatever shes saying-
"i think this would look pretty on you, yn," audreys soft voice yanks you out of your trance, holding up a cropped coat up to your chest, observing it from all angles.
"yeah, you're right. but its still august, isnt it a little too soon for a coat?"
"it'll get cold quick." monets voice pops up from the other side of audrey, startling you a bit. "didnt you live in maine previously? i wouldve thought all they had was lobsters and snow."
"i traveled with my parents in the winter months often, so i didnt feel the cold. but there were some perks of living there. a lot less...trash."
monets eyes widen and audrey barely stifles a laugh at your comment, the former slightly glaring at the two of you. audrey composes herself quickly.
"monet is right, once it hits late september the temperature starts dropping quick. youre buying it." audrey thrusts the piece of clothing in your hand, starting to look for more in the expensive collection.
monet still stands in front of you, smiling at you with an emotion in her eyes you cant quite place. but if you had to guess, it was nothing good for you.
"what do you want from me?" your bluntness shocks her out of her stupor, the girl crossing her hands on her chest.
"why do you think i want something from you?"
"lets not act coy. i just got here and your merry little band is trying to make me feel as if ive been here for years, and i know you have something to do with it."
she continues to smile at you, tapping her manicured finger on her arm. "and just why would i do something like that? i dont even know you."
alright, this was just pissing you off. "look, im not gonna turn into one of your little pawns. so whatever dumb ass game you're playing, leave me out of it."
"oh, yn," she sighs, bringing her hand up smooth her soft hand down your face, "you're already on the board. and trust me, when the time comes for choosing, youll wanna be on our side. now, lets go shopping, hm?"
you open your mouth to rebuttal but she shuts you up with a wave of her hand, moving directly to your left to loop your arms together and continue walking through the store.
despite some hesitance brought on by your inherent suspicion and monets ominous words, you will admit you had some fun with the group at the mall and going around to see the sights of new york.
but maxs comment from the car rung in your head often, and you noticed how they all had little groups within them. monet and luna mostly stayed to themselves if they weren't getting julien picture perfect for a picture. said julien really only seemed to connect with audrey, talking to obie but his face looked...conflicted?
during your observation your eyes yet again catch on monets, who just gives you a little smile and a wave.
you had a feeling this wouldnt end well for you.
eventually the sun starts to set and conversations start to dull, with julien suggesting you all come to her place and chill and to record some stuff for her instagram. julien calls her drivers to pick you up, but because of the uneven number, someone is going to have to sit by themselv-
"join me in the second car. i wanna talk." monet whispers from behind you, causing a shiver to go down your spine at the sudden nature of it and her closeness. intrigued you oblige, crawling into the back of the suv behind her and settling in.
its quiet for a handful of seconds, only the faint noise of the city and the moving car surrounding you.
"what do your parents do?"
the question throws you off. you would have thought she had done extensive digging on your history.
"theyre in the investing business. they just look to colleges with the most promising alumni and fund their programs. guess they also invest in start up businesses. but frankly i dont care and want nothing to do with it, and im confused at why you're asking me this."
she sighs, as if debating if she wants to speak - or really if she doesnt. she closes her eyes and rubs one of her temples with her fingers before pushing what she wants to say out.
"im asking because i want you on my side. everyone treats me like im just one of juliens dumb followers and that what i do is a joke but its not. i want to actually do something and make a business for myself, thats why i push her so hard. i dont want to join my familys company and i can tell you dont either."
you nod along to her words, not going to ignore her opening up to you. "buttt what do you need me on your side for? are you going to start some kind of war or..."
"i love julien, i really do. we've known each other since before we started teething. but shes changing and becoming this...sentimental wannabe good girl and i know eventually shes gonna leave me and my management in the dust. when it happens i need something to fall back on."
"so what, you do all of this shit for me just to be your back up plan?"
"i did it because i need to trust you. and i need you to trust me." she states, looking you dead in the eyes. you can see the sincerity in her eyes, and you hope its real because if not she was a really good liar. "besides, i know alll about what happened at your last school. you may try to act like some impassive above it, all cool girl attitude, but i know we're a lot more alike than you think."
your heart stops the same time the car does. the sincerity is still there, but nows its sinister. manipulative. and if you were being honest, kinda hot.
"think about what i said. and dont mention this to the others, ok?" monet composes herself, getting out from over you when the door is opened and youre still frozen in place.
you're snapped back into reality when she grabs your hand and helps you out, pressing her shoulder to yours as you walk into the lobby of juliens building. you dont know whether to be scared or excited when she whispers in your ear again.
"it can be our first little secret."
this. took me forever. and kicked my ass. but season two is here so i rushed. id appreciate any feedback bc ik the plot right now feels messy but hope yall enjoyed anyway <333
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hes1an1asshole · 3 months
One time there was this fucking bitch, I was telling her about this guy I liked and how he was coming to the library today she was like "I'm so excited to meet him" and I was like "me too", I was kinda worried they wouldn't get along but then they got alo g to well they started talking and I was so worries he would like her more, even if it was in a platonic way, at one point I left because I dunno that's usually my response when possible to anything, leave. He dragged me back by the wrist I think, I love him. After that she begged me for his number I refused, she went up to him in school and was asking him and he was like "oh Taylor has my number, you can jsut ask her" and she was slike "no I can't be-" and was gonna tell hum I refused to give it to him. Then later I joked that she's not allowed to talk to him anymore and I even out "/joking" so she knew, amd then she was like " you can't do that, we really bonded you know" like...yeah...thanks for reminding me, I litterally said I wa smoking no need to get that upset girly
Later we're hanging out at the library and litterally every time he comes she runs and hugs him, which to be fair she does to everyone but he rarely hugged me so thst fucking...nvm...but yeah we were playing dnd together and he had was sitting on her side a lot while they were trying to make her character and he kept getting really stressed out because she kept leaving all the time, and we were like an hour in haven't made her character yet, and then she fuckung hugged him and he was like "" thank you" and im like " fucking asshoke" were at the library another time amd I kept leaving because I wa upset for some reason probably because of Charlie doing stuff with my bf and I knew I couldn't stop from crying so I felt really bad but I had to keep leaving, because I couldn't let him see me break down and cry but I and to keep leaving to ball my eyes out Erica*librarian* said they were looking for me but then i come back and she's touching him on the face, probably wiping his tears cuz he got frustrated like the little bish she is, one time she was upset for some reason and attitude wanted to hug her and she was like "no, I don't want to, hug your gf" and he was like " I don't want to". He also says stuff like "go" or " leave"
I'm pretty sure he's joking but it hurts, I wish I could tell him it hurts, but I don't want him to know it hurts, I'm pretty sure he's never seen me cry, he's seen me panic, but not cry, because everytime I'm about to I'd run away
I was gonna write a song on chat got in how much I love him, and then u started brainstorming ideas, and then I wrote all this lol
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Also no hate to my bf please, he doesn't mean it, I think-hope, it's my fault, I need to be more communicative about my needs rather than just letting this sit because I'm so scared of my fear turning into hate, and I think I've let it a few times, maybe, I can't rember, I was crying the whole time I wrote this,, it's way to late rn but maybe tmmrw if we call or maybe I could text him say " remember how you'd tell me to leave during school a lot lol" and then he'd probably say smthin like "....yeah what about it?" And I'd say ".. could you maybe not do that next year" and u know it's way to late for me to be making any promises because I know once I wrote birthday cards for him at like 3 am and expected my non- 3 am sled to give it to him
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naaaaayyyhaay · 2 years
Hot Take: Ian doesn't actually deserve Mickey
Ian never understood the lengths Mickey went to for him and it breaks my heart because Mickey always wanted to make him happy and always went so far for Ian and he never appreciated it.
My Reasonings include but not are not limited to the following...
strike one: not visiting Mickey in prison even though when he was bipolar and in the psychward Mickey didn't abandon him
strike two: not wanting to throw his parole to be with Mickey in prison for another year even though the whole reason why Mickey was even in prison was because he ratted in order to be with Ian
strike three: having second thoughts about marrying Mickey at town hall
TRIPPLE THREAT: the whole "promise ring" ordeal where he was a huge hypocrite because he was saying that they didn't need to get married because it was just a piece of paper but the whole reason why the seriously broke up in the first place was because of Mickey literally being forced to marry Svetlana and Mickey still wanted to be with Ian and didn't care about the marriage to Svetlana because he only saw it as a piece of paper but Ian disagreed and ran off to the military, so MAJOR hypocrisy there.
((bonus: forcing Mickey to come out even though he wasn't ready to and his life would be in danger, trying to run off when Terry caught them together even though Mickey attempted to protect Ian but Ian basically only stayed because Terry put a gun to him, and of course lets not forget all the cheating he did while he was going through his manic episode although i understand he was not in his right mind that still doesn't take away all the pain that Mickey had to endure because of his actions.))
oke this was just a much needed rant that I feelt i needed to get out, again this is my own personal opinion so pls keep that in mind if you even made it through this whole thing lol. but if you did i would love to hear any thoughts or discourse on what my fellow Gallavich stans think :) oke its literally 2am and i've got work tmmrw aahhh
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randomartsideblog · 2 years
My train of thought is Rollin along as I sit doing nothing in a chair
Train pulls up into "Sailor moon" like usual
Trains passes by "that one sailor moon game I was gonna download like 2 weeks ago but called quits bc I didn't know wtf am emulator was"
Hold up
Shoots up from chair, hits my desk; my neck is also somewhat sore because I torture my body with weird resting positions
Takes a moment to do neck stretches in an attempt to ease uncomfortable feeling
Furiously opens computer, types Sailor Moon Another Story English ver
Clicks on website
I take the time to learn what an emulator is (by skimming through the 1st two articles)
Which, BTW I didn't read the 3rd. That's important
Okay. Finds an emulator. Downloads
Downloads the patched file only for the English ver of the game
Got patched n prepatched mixed up like an idiot
Deletes, re-downloads the right file
Creates folder for this stuff because this is a new power I am going to use
Struggles to open game before realizing I'm in the wrong folder
Successfully launches game!
Accidentally skips intro part of the game
Restarts game
Sits through the entire intro cutscene (which I have a recording of and I might make a gameplay video for that/stream the game)
And I press space, ready to play and I'm stuck at the loading screen because THE BUTTONS ARENT WORKING???
Checks control section of the little manual file, and then I pause and reread
"Oh this is for Nintendo super controllers"
Stupid moment
I skipped the 3rd page of the explanation meaning I didn't know you needed it or playing any game would be hell
Sighs, and presses buttons randomly. Loads new game. Oh. So v does that.
But now this is gonna suck bc I don't know any of the controls
Well. Better get a controller
Closes out game
Does some research
Sets sight on a controller that may work
Sudden remembrance that family member who's a friggin nerd (affectionate) had game controllers for their PC
Issue: it's very late so I can't call for details, that's a tmmrw problem
I find: Gameboy, and apparently there's a Pokémon game too?? It still works so I just need to find the game
A pair of probably broken headphones, layer confirmed its broken. Sad, but hey who knows, I can learn to fix it <- idiot
And I have tiny hands so I have to take those for now but the 2 keyboards, one of which is a potential chunky guy that makes satisfying noises does not go unnoticed
I run off to set my treasures down, return for the keyboards shoved in the back
Put my findings on my desk
Pull out phone, open Tumblr, and recount the entire past hour
AS MENTIONED: I might stream the game, probably on twitch! I want to get a controller first for it but, when that's said and done, I'm gonna try streaming. I'm terribly socially awkward and a nervous wreck who lives with maniacs so chances of how it would go: bad.
Thank you if you've read this far abt my silly shenanigans.
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ssomepersonn · 5 years
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We Got A New Mug Lads,,,,,
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dylanwritesgood · 2 years
All your faith, all your rage | Chapter 3
masterlist | ko-fi | ask
Part: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine
Summary: Gareth is relearning how to deal with high school after sudden hearing loss, and Eddie sees in him another little sheepie to rescue. Set before ST4.
Pairings: Eddie Munson & Gareth Emerson
Word count: 3,401
Warnings: brief talk of adoption, overprotective parents, autistic and deaf character written by an autistic and deaf author
Read on Ao3
A/N: Eddie gives Gareth Hawkeye (1983), which is notable because it's the first instance of deaf!Hawkeye. They retconned and godmodded the shit out of that in other comics, but it's a notable early instance of representation in comics. Fraction's Hawkeye run and Hawkeye vs. Deadpool were two super important comics for me when I was struggling with my own loss so I wanted Gareth to get that support and representation, too. Read Hawkeye (1983) here but USE AN AD BLOCKER. Most of the ads are adult in nature, last I checked. Full A/N on Ao3.
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Wednesday brought another meeting with Ms. Kelly, who was pleased to hear that Eddie and his friends had kept Gareth at their table and were trying to communicate. It brought another free period nap, which was ended by an apologetic Ms. McNally, touching his elbow and pointing to her wrist as he startled awake.
On Thursday, Gareth found his own way to their lunch table and was met with a note, already written and waiting.
Read Hawkeye yet?
Gareth shook his head. He’d abandoned them on his nightstand and hadn’t gotten the chance to try when his evenings were filled with homework and fighting for his life to follow a metronome. And chores. Apparently being suddenly, catastrophically disabled with no medical explanation didn’t get one out of taking the trash out.
Eddie made a face, playfully annoyed, like Gareth was frustrating him but he didn’t mind. “Dude… Read it.”
He was busy writing a new note before Gareth could think of a retort.
We need to roll your character before Sat. Tmmrw after school? 30 min.
“I don’t know what that means, Eddie,” Gareth sighed. There were apparently a ton of rules and mechanics to learn, which is why Eddie had brought him an entire handbook to read yesterday after his mom had agreed to let him come play. He’d gotten through some of it, but he didn’t really get what he was reading.
Make your character.
Okay, that made sense. Everyone else had been playing for a while and had characters. He didn’t, but instead of picking a pre-made one, he had to design his own. He hoped Eddie was up for an intense session of passing notes because he still needed it all explained.
“Yeah, I can do that.” Gareth nodded. He’d let his mom know when he got home.
“Cool.” Eddie grinned.
His mom hadn’t cared if he stayed a little late when he explained it, and after one extraordinarily frustrating session with Eddie in the library after classes let out, he had a character. A human cleric, lawful good, named Bran Cloudfollower. Eddie thought it might be the most boring character to ever walk the map, but the party needed a cleric after Kim’s half-elf cleric died a horrible death at Eddie’s hands. She was playing a backup character, but he was a ranger. And ol’ Bran here was a great starter character to learn the game. Gareth carefully tucked his character sheet in the player handbook that Eddie insisted he keep, and headed home, hustling to make sure he wasn’t too late since it had taken longer than Eddie had anticipated.
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That evening, once his homework was done, Gareth skipped the torture-by-metronome he usually subjected himself to, and sprawled on his bed to finally read those Hawkeye comics so he could give them back to Eddie. The first three issues didn’t really do much for him, but he pushed through. Eddie was excited for him to read these, and he… wanted to make Eddie happy. 
Then he read the fourth issue with one eyebrow creeping closer and closer to his hairline as Crossfire locked Mockingbird and Hawkeye in a mortuary and subjected them to ultrasonic frequencies to make them fight. At least I’ll never have to worry about that!
Then he saw it—the last panel on page fourteen. Surrounded by a squiggly thought bubble suspended over Hawkeye’s head… My ears are ringing so hard I can’t hear a thing.
Gareth paged ahead another few pages, rapidly scanning the panels until he found what he didn’t know he was even looking for on page seventeen: Still can’t hear a Dad-blasted thing!
Page nineteen: I-I can’t let her know that I think I’ve gone deaf. I couldn’t stomach the pity… I haven’t the slightest idea what she was saying but if I stick around for even another second, I know she’ll find out what happened to me.
Page twenty: I’m not talking about helping you get a hearing aid…
That’s why Eddie wanted him to read it. Gareth set the comic aside carefully, safely out of the way of the tears he felt coming on. He dashed them away with his fingertips, but new tears appeared just as quickly as he could clear them away so he stopped trying. 
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Gareth slipped a sideways glance at his mom, drumming her hands nervously on the steering wheel as they stopped for a red light. He wasn’t sure who was more anxious this morning, him or her. She’d carefully wrapped up a huge batch of cookies in plastic wrap, already baked and starting to cool by the time Gareth even made it out of bed. They sat piled on a tray in his lap as her station wagon swung a left turn through the intersection and pulled into the adjoining neighborhood. Eddie had mentioned that they were holding today’s session at Kevin’s. It wasn’t hard to find the house—there was a handful of cars parked out front in varying states of aged and inching towards a breakdown. Definitely the cars of a bunch of high schoolers. His mom touched his arm to get him to look at her.
“I’ll come back at two, okay?” She pointed to her watch then held up two fingers to make sure he understood. 
Gareth nodded, reaching for the door handle. She tapped his arm again before he could get out, and he turned back to find her holding up her hand, middle two fingers curled and pinky and forefinger straight like she was throwing up horns at a concert, but her thumb was extended to the side. It was the only sign they knew, a gesture that was an amalgamation of the ASL signs for ILY. I love you. Gareth returned the sign with a smile, swung the door open, grabbed his bookbag from the floor boards, and got out. His mom waited until she watched the front door swing open and Gareth be ushered inside by a heavy-set kid with dark hair before she pulled away.
It was a little overwhelming when Kevin greeted Gareth and led him to the dining room where they were setting up. Everyone there greeted him enthusiastically, genuinely happy he was there. A new little convert to the game. Eddie swooped in to steer him towards the head of the table, plucking the tray of cookies out of his hands and passing them to someone else to deal with. There was a screen set up at the head of the table, and Gareth looked curiously towards it. Eddie slid between him and the materials behind it, shaking his head.
“Nope! Not for you. Sit here.” Eddie pointed to the seat on the right-hand side of the head of the table—the spot he always occupied at the lunch table. Kim sat beside him and set a small chalkboard on the table between them. Eddie scooped it up.
Kim was a cleric. She’ll help you.
Eddie plopped the chalkboard in front of Gareth for him to read, before retreating behind his screen. Kim erased the message with her sleeve when Gareth was done reading and set the board within reach. Once everyone had settled in with their snacks and sodas, it was time to begin.
Eddie surreptitiously slid a piece of paper to Gareth as he started setting the scene, and Gareth glanced through the typewritten page, corrected in blue ballpoint pen, realizing Eddie had, at some point, written up his description for Gareth to read along. He took a deep, steadying breath, ignoring the glances everyone threw his way as he did so.
The game progressed slowly, but no one was impatient as they scribbled notes on Kim’s chalkboard to offer advice. They all let him read their character sheets so he could learn about their characters and figure out how his fit into the existing plot. Kim wrote down the moves and actions and spells as they happened, hand flying across the surface as she transcribed the game in dusty chalk before wiping it away with a flick of her sleeve. Every time the scene changed, Eddie handed over another typewritten description. Once, he handed over the wrong one and snatched it back before Gareth could get more than two words into it, sheepishly offering him the right one. It was clear that the whole group had worked to prepare for this session. To prepare for him to join.
A little before two o’clock, they reached a natural stopping point in the game, taking refuge in a bower of trees beside a spring to rest. Gareth’s cleric needed it badly after he’d worn out his very limited spell slots healing Vic’s idiot dwarf thief who picked a fight with a small band of highwaymen while the rest of the party stood by and watched him get what he had coming. Gareth tidied up the papers he’d amassed and tucked them into his notebook where he’d been writing down everything he’d learned. He put it back in his bookbag, and realized that he had Eddie’s comics in there. He pulled them out and handed them over.
“Like them?” Eddie asked, adding them to the pile of materials he needed to pack. 
“Hawkeye still is the worst Avenger but… yeah. I liked them,” Gareth admitted. He hoped Eddie understood what he meant. A happy smile twisted its crooked way across Eddie’s lips, one cheek dimpling. 
“Good.” he glanced at his watch, then glanced out the window towards the street. “Your mom is here.”
The party sent Gareth out the front door with a now very empty platter, a spare set of dice donated by Joe, and a smile so big it sort of hurt his face. 
“Good?” His mom asked hopefully as Gareth slid into the front seat. 
“So good,” he sighed happily, before rummaging in his bag to pull out his notebook. He flipped it open to show her all the sheets of descriptions Eddie had made. “Look. They wrote the story down for me.”
Janet paged through, skimming the detailed descriptions of surroundings and the explanation of what had befallen the imaginary kingdom. It read like one of those paperback novels Gareth loved, typos edited in blue ink, additional notes penned in the margins as an afterthought. She closed the notebook and handed it back, taking a deep breath of her own and willing down the grateful tears.
“That’s great, Gare. I’m so glad.” She nodded, watching him reverently tuck the packet back in his bag like it was a priceless thing. To him, it was.
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Janet seriously thought about calling up that Eddie kid and thanking him over and over until her voice gave out when she and Gareth got home. She would have if she hadn’t known that it would embarrass Gareth horribly should it get back to him. High school was tough enough without your mom calling up the older kids who let you tag along and thank them for doing that. She managed to eke out her “cool mom” status by being a little younger than most of his peers’ moms and because honestly, her son was a momma’s boy, but she’d lose that fast if she did something as embarrassing as calling his friends. So instead she told her husband about it. 
He wasn’t Gareth’s father, but he’d come into their lives when Gareth wasn’t more than a baby bump so really, Bobby Emerson might as well have been. It wasn’t his name on Gareth’s birth certificate, but it was his name on the adoption papers that were filed the same day. Gareth knew, of course, because he’d come home one day in sixth grade after his science unit went over Punnett squares and he wanted to know why he had blue eyes when the teacher said he should have brown. 
Bobby had been the one to take eleven-year-old Gareth to Dairy Queen for ice cream and explain that, while he wasn’t the one to contribute to Gareth’s DNA, Gareth was still his kid—legally, even—and that genetics didn’t change that. Gareth was even named after his grandfather. He also made sure Gareth knew he wasn’t any less loved than his sisters, who he now knew were actually his half-sisters. Gareth had been unphased by the whole thing. He probably should have been, his parents thought, looking back, but he’d shrugged it off because really, it didn’t change what his life looked like. He did start playfully protesting “You’re not my real dad, Dad.” when Bobby told him to load the dishwasher, though.
“They wrote out everything for him, Bobby,” Janet explained, curled on the couch against his side. He’d been reading one of Gareth’s fantasy novels, since he shared a love of reading with his son and Gareth had been raving about this book. “Everything! All the elaborate descriptions, what happened on everyone’s turn, when they talked about what to do next… He said someone brought a little chalkboard for it.”
He shifted to let her snuggle under his arm and ruffled her sandy curls. “He have a good time? I know you were worried…”
“Hell, Bobby, I was terrified for him. What if they decided he was too much work and dropped him? Or he just sat there, not knowing what they were talking about? I know he’s not fragile, but—”
“But he’s your kid. I know. I’m not really keen on him hanging out with seniors, but after all his friends from band vanished…” Bobby interjected.
“Exactly! Little shitheads. I mean—I know I shouldn’t call them that, they’re just kids themselves but argh! I could just pick them all up by the scruff and shake them!” Her fists curled closed and she mimed shaking a teenager like they were a naughty kitten.
“Shitheads,” he agreed with a laugh. 
They looked up as Gareth passed through the living room on his way to the kitchen, giving them an awkward little wave. He knew they were talking about him. Felt like the only thing anyone ever talked about around here.
“He’s been practicing, though,” Bobby continued once Gareth was out of sight. “He still does his drills every evening. I’m glad he didn’t stop but… he’s a little rough on himself.”
“I heard. I’m trying to pretend I don’t hear him crying because I—well, shit, I don’t know. I feel like he’d be mortified if I was constantly hovering every time he got upset. I can see he’s trying to hide how rough it is and put on a brave face, but also I don’t want him to feel like he can’t talk about it…”
“Jan, hon, Gareth will talk if he wants to. He’s the biggest momma’s boy. When I was his age, I wanted nothing to do with my mom and everything she did was mortifying. He still bonks foreheads with you and says ‘I love you’ in public. He’s gotta work it out for himself, though.”
“I know but…” she whined, before he interrupted her.
“But we raised a resilient, tough kid who had his whole world flipped upside down and now he’s picking up the pieces. We help by making sure he understands his homework and encouraging him to get his independence back.”
“… are you telling me I need to let him have his bike back?”
“I’m absolutely telling you that you need to let him have his bike back. He’s going to start driving in less than a year.” Bobby laughed. Gareth was a cautious kid, he’d be fine.
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The next month proceeded about the same. Gareth saw Ms. Kelly twice a week and they talked about strategies to help him cope when he got overwhelmed and came up with his escape plan for when he needed to remove himself from a situation. She gave him a Tangle to give him something to do when he couldn’t keep his hands still.
He ate with his friends (they were his friends! Jeff laughed and nodded when he’d asked. Duh!) and they started to piece together a casual set of signs for the topics they discussed the most often: D&D, classes, scheduling things, and music. Gareth still shied away from talking about music, and they didn’t know how much he loved it, but he still eagerly followed their conversations when he could. Eddie got a fresh notepad because he scribbled so much at Gareth he’d filled the old one. Vic got his hands on his older sister’s ASL textbook from college and they passed it around, too.
They played D&D every Saturday rotating between houses so no one’s parents got sick of them, and Bran leveled up a few times as Gareth got better at the game. They developed signs for the game and made flashcards of their most commonly said phrases, too. Gareth’s mom started trusting him to bike to sessions, especially since Jeff and Kim lived nearby. 
Eddie teased Gareth about what he thought was a little crush on the senior girl, which Gareth vehemently denied. Kim was really nice and really pretty and liked to play with his curls, but it wasn’t like that. She helped him study for biology after his first quiz came back with a red C- at the top. Kim told him that he was still plenty smart, even if he needed a little bit more time to get the concepts down because he wasn’t sitting through the same lectures his classmates were. 
After that C- though, his parents had firmly asked him to try wearing his hearing aids in class, at least. He could take them out in between classes, he didn’t have to wear them at home or with his friends, or on the weekends… but he needed to try getting used to them in class. Begrudgingly, he did, but he levered them out and dropped them in a pocket as soon as he hit the hallway. He got a little better at figuring out the sounds around him, too, even if he felt more on edge with them in than normal. Crashed a little harder during his free period, ended up napping again after school before he dug into homework. But he was getting better at it.
The cafeteria was far too loud and chaotic for him to leave his hearing aids in, so he clicked them off and stuffed them safely in his pocket as he got in line. When he’d gotten his lunch and sat down at the table, everyone was engaged in some sort of discussion, the ideas flying faster than Gareth even wanted to try to follow. He elbowed Jeff when he sat and made a questioning expression. Jeff pulled his own pad out of his back pocket and started to scribble. 
No one can host this week.
Oh. Yeah, that would explain the frenzied discussion. They hated to skip a session if they could help it.
“I can… ask if we can meet at my place?” Gareth offered, watching the table fall quiet, all turning to face him. It was always unnerving when that happened.
“Really?” Mickey asked, leaning forward to catch Gareth’s eye from down the table. Gareth looked at his eyebrows instead. He hated when they did that. Gareth shrugged.
“Can’t hurt?”
The others exchanged glances, finally nodding in agreement. If the little sophomore’s family would let them invade, that would work. The only reason they’d never added him to the rotation was that he was still new, still the youngest. It seemed unfair when they’d had their system set up before he’d joined. It was settled—Gareth would ask his parents if he could host the party.
“Have you thought about making it a school club?” He asked, tipping his head and shaking his bangs out of his eyes when they fell in his face. Eddie made a face, looking like he was ready to muster up another treatise on forced conformity and submitting to The Man, but Gareth ignored him. “We could always have a space at school, then.”
The rest off the table browbeat Eddie into agreeing to at least find out what they needed to find to create a club before they had the next session. Eddie complained and grumbled, but he did reach over and ruffle Gareth’s tawny hair when no one else was looking. He scribbled a note and slid it over.
You’re helping me.
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sleepingclimb · 7 years
good night!
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feyredarlinggg · 6 years
between the shelves | KIM TAEHYUNG
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summary: You find yourself intrigued by a new employee at the library, unaware that he is just as intrigued - if not more - by you.
status: complete - part ① | part ② | part ③ | part ④ | part ⑤
notes: the parts are very short !! [also-- if you enjoy intricate storytelling, this is the perfect fit for you]
He worked at the library. 
You spotted him one day-- all by chance or luck or perhaps even fate. On any other typical day, you could hardly ever muster enough motivation to study for anything, let alone take the effort to drive all the way to the library. However, your rapidly declining calculus grade called for drastic measures; even you, in your catatonic state, had limits to your laziness. So, despite your inner reluctance, you begrudgingly agreed to partake in a tutoring session with one of your friends.
“Meet me at the library,” she had said, reassuring you that math really could be fun if you gave it a chance. You had tried not to laugh. 
You had shown up right on time, and not seeing your friend anywhere, released a sigh and plopped down at one of the library tables. You were obscured by some of the towering bookshelves while you had sat, waiting, your foot tapping impatiently on the floor. Nearly fifteen minutes had passed when your phone buzzed with a text from your friend:
I’m so sorry but I won’t be able to make it! Forgot about my AP Gov test tmmrw :(
Groaning, you had stood to leave, when suddenly-- your eyes caught on a boy, one of whom held a stack of books in his hands. He was humming quietly, as if careful to not disturb the peace, while he made his way through the aisles closest to you. You observed him as he stopped every so often, glancing down at one of the books in his hands before placing it on a shelf. 
Hence, this is how you got to where you were now: shamelessly staring at the male librarian. 
While you rarely came to the library to study, you came often enough on book runs to know that he was new. You hadn’t noticed him before, and as you tried to casually catch another glance, you still held no recognition of the boy. If he had always worked here, you were sure you would have remembered.
Your curiosity getting the best of you, you decided you no longer wanted to leave. Pretending to read some of the book titles on a shelf, you attempted to casually walk over and sit down at a different table, one of which gave you a clear view of the checkout desk-- which was where the librarian was now standing. 
You watched him interact with different people as they came up to check out their books. You could almost feel the happiness pulsing off of him as he greeted each person, the epitome of cheer and friendliness as he chatted away; it was both genuine and endearing. He was cute - really cute, if you were being honest with yourself - with dark hair that seemed intentionally messy and shining eyes that caught the light. You swore he even had earrings, which you found the utmost intriguing in the best way possible.
However, his smile was the first thing you truly noticed. It was brighter than anything you’d ever seen, and he lit up the room. You felt it. It was almost a physical, tangible thing that you wanted to grab and keep safe in your pocket.
You stayed at the library almost all day, leaving only when you knew they were about to close. 
To be fair, you hadn’t stayed purely with the intention of staring - after snapping out of your librarian-induced daze, you studied - actually studied! It was the most productive you’d been in months, and you felt a proud sense of accomplishment as you walked towards your car. 
And so, it was for for these reasons that you began to come to the library every day. While you told those who asked that you came to do homework, you were aware of the real motivation behind your decision, albeit not willing to admit it to anyone else. You came everyday, if only to catch a glance of him or witness his grin. It was worth it. 
part ② 
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taocastleprincess · 7 years
You going on your date today or did you punk out?
:( why y'all so aggressive w me? lmao i’m not a punk.
it wasn’t set for today, it was for tmmrw and i didn’t “punk out” lmaooooo. what happened was: he has an internship luncheon tmmrw… soooo ofc he wouldn’t be able to go. so i left it alone. i was gonna go w another (platonic) guy but the friend that i was supposed to be double dating w got tonsillitis. i’m rlly glad tho (that the date is cancelled, not abt her sickness :/) bc i rlly just wanna go out tonight and stay out rlly late doing headass shit bc this week has been rough, i’ve written so many papers already and the semester just started.
also there have been so many news stories this week about domestic violence and men abusing women. it’s so draining and sad and tbh? all men (even tho ones i know are safe/that i’m into) are on thin fucking ice. so i’d rather just hang out w girlies this weekend.
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roseinrapture · 7 years
In your happy fan au, does professor membrane know Zim is an alien? How did Zim end up becoming a member of the membrane family?
Professor knows as like a side note but doesn’t really care to examine it. Like “Oh Zim doesnt like water! Let me make an electrolyte solution for him without it!” Like he knows that Zim is very much outside the realm of what constitutes as human ,but so is Gaz, Dib, and himself so he really doesn’t care, unless Zim decides to make it his business.
And Zim and Gir got in the family via osmosis, aka, hanging around Dib and Dibs House and Gaz that it just sort if happened. There is only so many times you can sneak in and trip a house alarm to punch Dib in the face in his sleep before, someone is turning off the alarm,to get some sleep, or open the door and watch you and Dib fight.
 And then its Dib arguing at the door that you can do it tmmrw, when its time to wake up. Then its you bringing a roll out mat to sleep on Dibs floor to shake him in the morning, then its you moving into the guest room and you making your home in it, cuz Dib is tired of you waking him up in the middle of night to discuss his cleaning habits.
It soon turns to fighting for enmity, to fighting for the remote. This goes over a process of years and Dib maturing to realize some hard truths about society, and Zim realizing some hard truths about living in a capitalist empirical society that hates your guts and doesn’t value you, and the fact that you both are better and became better helping each other out.
Zim and Gir eventually become very loved members of the household grudgingly. Gaz gets an older sib to commiserate on Dib with, Dib gets a sort of supportive sibling with his paranormal shit (the amt of times Zim has encountered the paranormal because of Dib, has Zim paying the exact amount if attention to not have to get cursed fatally another time), and Professor gets a person who he can talk to, and who will update him about his kids, and is more stubborn then his love of science.
Professor has literally been dragged out of his lab and wrestled into a disguised voot cruiser, for Gaz’s art shows once and once was enough.
Gir bonds them all together by the chain of" how many things can we gir proof" and is sweet in his own way i guess. He also cooks but rarely does any one eat it on account of his questionable tastes in add ins.
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