#got a grade back for an exam and started crying bc me n this other girlie in lab both took it & been talking about still not getting graded
navramanan · 8 months
still coping so horribly with the fact that i'm done in the lab
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mondaymelon · 9 months
ehehe sorry for the confusion, melon..my actual school learning time starts at 7 am- I just had to get there at 4 for early basketball practice and then I had to practice for 2 hours after school eugh my back hurts and my face hurts too bc I absolutely hate teaching 5th graders how to shoot into the hoop and meanwhile instead of the hoop. They aim for me.
but anyways, I only play basketball for the fun of it totally not so my college application looks good such as you and so I can take my pent up anger out on random kids that I’m supposed to beat the crap out of in ball and hOW TF ARE YOU STILL ON WINTER BREAK!!? MINE LITERALLY LASTED FOR 2 WEEKS 😭 AND THEN AS SOON AS I GOT BACK TO SCHOOL, MY MATH TEACHER DECIDED TO BE OH SO NICE AND GAVE US A FOUR QUESTION QUIZ. AND SHE KNOWS THAT I SUCK AT MATHHHHGDGSHXHS
but leaving all that aside, I actually am learning more abt you.. not creepily dang- but. I can speak two languages..am fluent in two :DD Chinese/Mandarin and English the second ones obvious but wtv and I have to eventually learn Spanish in my school in order to graduate high school-..and I’m currently working on Italian ( ̄▽ ̄) but uh, I don’t really know all that much in Italian- the most useful phrases that I currently know? ‘Un cappuccino con latte’, a cappuccino with milk, ‘Un cappuccino con zucchero’, a cappuccino with sugar, and ‘Che e un banco’, where’s the bank.
ANYWAYS, imma stop bothering you w my personal life issues and leave so I can start studying for my test although I more than likely won’t
- 🥦
so. like. hows your sleep schedule lookin 😀
OKAY I KINDA HATE ALL GRADE SCHOOlerS BUT JUST LIKE CHILDREN. idk if you saw it but i got A T T A C K ED By them during a social gathering good lord i despise children. there are a select few that are actually tolerable and sometimes even little angels but honestly those only exist in fiction (GIGGLES AT MY ADOPTED CHILDREN AKA NAHIDA N DORI N YAOYAO N COuntless otheRS)
these little bitches were banging down on my door and licking my books and throwing things behind the tv and honestly throwing everything that wasn't fucking bolted to the floor SIGHS . worst part is they may or may not be coming back saturday and if thats the case i will SOB. i was actually so close to crying the first time lmao cause oneo f them put their chair on my foot and then sat down on it and like girl yowch thats my foot youre sitting on 😀😀
ANYWAYS LMAO A COMPLETELY LEGAL WAY TO THROTTLE CHILDREN?? sign me up !!! annnndd i think your winter break started waaayyy earlier than mine since mine is only two weeks too, but im only a week in... i suffered knowing some of my mooties started like weeks and even a month prior SOBS
ngl i dont wanna be all "hohoho im so smart" but i got that shiny sparkly 4.0 gpa and math is one of the higher ones?? my teacher hasnt even put in my exam grade yet lmao it was on dec 20 or smth but i cant have done thhhhhaaattt bad right. (ILL MANIFEST GOOD GRADES FOR YOU ANON !!! just like how i manifested my navia pulls graahh)
and omg!??! im collecting mandarin-speakers like pokemon !! and woahhhh i dont know anyone that speaks italian, thats super cool!!
byebye 🥦 anon, wishing you the best of luckkkk !!
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Ok so i read a little snippet of the new interview w pedro and something stuck with me. He said something about loving to read aloud so IMAGINE FRANKIE. Like I have an idea maybe you’re like a college student who’s cramming for finals and assignments and all overwhelmed. One night before an exam Frankie reads your notes to you as you lie against him in bed. Like this mans voice lulls you to sleep. One page in you’re asleep but u can’t tell me the man doesn’t keep reading since he thinks maybe even in your sleep him reading your notes will help you remember the material for the next day I’m soft 🥺😭
Study Buddy (Frankie Morales x f!Reader)
W/C: 2.4K
Warnings: crying, stress, mentions of food, alcohol, non sexual nudity, reader is studying psychology
A/N: this is.... the dream. like the actual dream. And I included ravioli the cat bc I love that little man :)
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God, you can’t remember any of this shit on the page in front of you. It makes your brain hurt, and the fact that you’re studying psychology makes it all even worse. You’re studying what makes you tick, the reasons why you can’t remember it, and it’s endlessly annoying. Your eyes burn from how long you’ve stared at your laptop, hand cramping from the amount of definitions you’ve written several times in a desperate attempt to commit them to memory.
You’ve spent this Sunday at your desk, only getting up to use the bathroom. Your doting boyfriend, Frankie, brings you food, refills your water, rubs your shoulders for you. The final exam is Wednesday, but you’re still filled with anxiety over what you do and don’t know. It feels like everything you learned this semester went in one ear and out the other after the initial tests on the individual units.
This exam is important. The course is a heavily impactful one, naturally an essential knowledge base for the field of mental health work, and passing it with a good grade would be a real standout later when you’re applying for medical school. It’s safe to say the pressure’s on, and you’re feeling it squeeze down on you like a vise.
Frankie walks in again, about an hour after the last time, when he brought you graham crackers and hot tea. You lift your head to look at him, wincing as your neck crunches with the movement. Frankie winces for you. “Wow.” “I know,” you whine, rolling your neck side to side and working out the rest of the air bubbles that formed from staring down at the full notebook. Looking up at him, your eyes water from the constant light of your laptop, even with your blue-light glasses. “What time is it?” You ask.
Frankie sits on the edge of the bed, hands on his thighs. “Uh, it’s about 8 P.M. now.” Ravioli, his cat, lifts his head from where he’s curled on the bed. Frankie murmurs something and rubs the cat’s fluffy little head. Ravioli prances over to Frankie’s lap and curls up in it.
You groan and scoot your rolling chair over to him, his hand finding the tender spot where your neck and shoulder meet and rubbing the sore muscles. “Oh, honey,” he sighs, removing your glasses and wiping the small gathering of tears from your lower eyelids. “Can I run you a bath?”
“I don’t have time, baby,” you whimper, real heavy and hot tears forming as you look back at your desk. “A whole portion of the exam is gonna be on classical conditioning, and I can’t even tell the difference in the unconditioned and conditioned stimuli, and-”
As your words rise in pitch and the cry chokes your throat, Frankie pulls you out of the chair and into his lap. Ravioli nervously removes himself from Frankie’s lap, not wanting to be crushed as you two embrace. “You have all of tomorrow and Tuesday.”
“But I need to use tomorrow for parts of the brain and Tuesday for all-around final review!” You wail, burying your face in his chest and sobbing.
Your tears dampen his shirt but Frankie doesn’t care, he just wraps his arms around you tighter as you cry. He lets the tears fall for a bit, allowing you to get the tension you clearly need out… well, out. He rocks you gently in his arms, holding you in his strong arms and kissing your head. When the tears slow and your wheezes turn to small hiccups, Frankie gives a slow deep breath, knowing you’ll feel it and hoping you’ll mimic it. “You’ve been at your desk for nine hours, baby. It’s time to be done for the night. I’ll let you study a little longer, but I’m going to run us a bath. Okay?” He asks.
Nodding, you sniffle and wipe the tears from your eyes. “I got snot all over your favorite shirt,” you whimper.
Frankie shakes his head. “It’s nothing, querida. Go finish up and I’ll get the bath started.” He slides you back into your desk chair and rolls you back to your desk.
You wipe the snot onto the sleeve of your hoodie and look up at him with big eyes. “You’re too good to me, baby,” you coo, voice still watery.
“Just doing what you deserve.” Frankie stands behind you and removes the tight bun from your hair, letting it fall down and massaging your scalp gently. “Oh, honey,” he sighs as he sees you visibly relax. “That was tight.”
“Didn’t even notice,” you murmur as your eyes slip shut, falling back into Frankie’s strong fingers as they trace your sore scalp. He kisses your forehead and walks off to the bathroom, making you sigh and put your blue light glasses back on for the final few minutes of studying.
With these moments, you review things you already know, deciding to use part of tomorrow to focus on the classical conditioning components again. It’s incredibly basic, you know, and the fact that you don’t get it makes you even more frustrated. You break your own rules and stare at the blank diagram, trying to properly label them, only to feel angry tears welling up.
“Pavlov was an asshole, doing all that tempting to his dogs,” Frankie chuckles as he walks in to see you at the segment again. His small smile falls when he sees your eyes are watering. Helping you from the chair, he shuts your laptop and notebook and wraps his arms around you. “Hey. You’ll get it, baby. Taking a break and coming back helps, right? Didn’t you call that…”
“Spaced practice,” you nod. “Or dispersed. Either term works,” you sniffle.
“See? I’m learning from you. You’ll have your M.D. in no time.”
You give a weak chuckle and walk with Frankie to the bathroom, sighing as you smell your favorite candle and notice that he turned the bathroom light to a soft orange glow. He’d insisted on putting in the color-changing lights recently, and you have to admit you enjoy them. The tub steams with clear water and you turn to Frankie to frown only to see him holding two bath bombs. “Your choice. I know you like picking.”
This makes you finally break from your scowl into a small smile. You pick your favorite, one with pink and purple swirls and a rose on top. Frankie nods and lets you take it. “You do the honors. I’ll go get the bubbles.”
Before he can turn, you stop him and take his face in your hands, kissing him lovingly. “You’re the best,” you tell him with a weak smile.
“How about some wine too?” He offers, rubbing your side.
“God, let’s run away and get married,” you laugh and rest your head against his chest. “Yes, wine please, baby.”
“Be right back,” he smiles and kisses your forehead.
You squat and drop the bath bomb in the water, sighing as the steam becomes scented of jasmine and sage. The water swirls purple and Frankie returns in a few moments with a bottle of red wine and lavender bubble bath. Sighing, you stand to full height and stretch, your back aching from the strained position. Frankie helps you remove your hoodie, slipping it off and tossing it aside before removing his own clothes.
Frankie pours some of the opened red wine into two glasses, then drizzles some bubble bath into the tub. He turns on the jets for a moment, letting the bubbles foam to the top. He slides in once he’s fully naked, grabbing his wine from the side and sighing. “Come on in.”
Smiling over at him, you tie your hair back and slide in, sitting on his lap in the water and grabbing your glass of wine too. You rest your head against Frankie’s broad chest and he turns on the jets, swirling the warm water around the both of you.
It’s just as relaxing as he’d hoped it would be. You sip your wine as he snakes an arm around your middle, kissing the top of your head. You’re both fully naked, but the moment isn’t anything sexy or hot. It’s just loving, snuggling in the warm water.
Handing Frankie your glass, you slip beneath the surface of the bubbles, fully submerging yourself in the deep tub. God, you’re glad Frankie chose the deepest tub they had. Popping back up, you push back your hair and sigh, nuzzling back into his chest.
“Is this all okay?” Frankie asks you after a bit, having set his wine aside and wrapped both arms around you.
Turning off the jets to talk, you smile contentedly as his warm body envelopes you. “So good. God, you’re amazing.”
Frankie smiles at that and squeezes you a little tighter. “You deserve it. You work so hard all the damn time, and you’re so beyond smart. I’m so proud of you, and you need to be treated like this.”
The mention of your work alone makes your body less fluid and relaxed as you start going over your studying plan to make sure you have everything ready for the next few days. Frankie can feel it. “Hey. Relax. Do you want me to help you study?”
You open your mouth to say no, but the offer intrigues you, making you pause. “How?”
Frankie shrugs. “I could quiz you. Read your notes to you.”
His voice always makes things stick better. You remember things much better in Frankie’s voice, holding every little thing the man says in extra high regard. “That would be lovely, baby. Thank you.”
“Anything for you,” he mumbles and kisses behind your ear.
Frankie pours you another half of a glass and by the time you finish it, the water has become lukewarm. The two of you drain the tub and dry off. Frankie brings you warm and clean clothes, a pair of cotton shorts and one of his hoodies. “You know me so well,” you beam at him and kiss him slowly. “When this is over, I’m gonna give you the best fuck of your life for being so good to me.”
Frankie has to laugh. “I mean, I’ll never say no to that, but you don’t have to. This is what partners do. This is my job as your man.”
“‘Mmm, and what a good man you are,” you purr as you nuzzle into his body once your clothes are on. “Gonna go take my meds and meet you in bed, okay?” You ask.
“Sure thing.” He kisses your head and pulls on his pajamas, blue plaid boxers and an old t-shirt, a grungy old thing with a terrible graphic relating to the Delta Force.
“You wanna put some pants on?” You tease, admiring his bare legs beneath the soft fabric.
Frankie yawns, stretching his arms above his head, before shaking it and smiling at you. “Mind your own business.” He retreats to the bedroom, and you can hear him cooing to the cat.
Taking your pills in the kitchen, you return to the bedroom and smile to see Frankie snuggled under the covers, Ravioli’s whiskers sniffing at Frankie’s face. The cat stands on Frankie’s chest, investigating his face. When he sees you, Frankie lifts Ravioli off his chest and pulls back the blankets. “Get on in here.”
Grabbing your thick notebook, you snuggle into the bed, resting your damp head on Frankie’s chest. Frankie kisses your wet hair, wrapping his arm around beneath you and taking the notes from your hands. He cracks it open and sighs. “Alright, brace yourself. I don’t know how to say any of this shit.”
You laugh, resting a hand on his chest. “Do your best.”
“We’ll see,” he chuckles and reads over the page. “Do you want me to quiz you or just read to you?”
“Just read, please,” you say softly as you let your eyes fall shut, absorbing Frankie’s warmth and Ravioli’s weight as he lies down on your feet.
His voice is so soothing. It always is, everything about Frankie is. His voice is low and soft, only loud enough for you to hear it. He begins explaining the difference in the Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas, and even though he clearly doesn’t understand the meaning behind the words, his lovely voice makes them stick.
He reads to you as you get sleepier, the weight and exhaustion of your burning eyes bringing you closer to drifting off. Before you do, you catch yourself and open them, smiling at the cat snuggled at your feet and the rise and fall of Frankie’s chest.
“Will you read me the bit about the different components of classical conditioning?” You ask quietly, hoping his voice will make the concept clearer or at least more memorable.
He nods and his scruff brushes over your forehead as he readjusts his head. Your hand rests on his soft belly, the warm skin and tufts of hair leading lower. He’s like a human comfort blanket, and you can’t help but nuzzle closer into his body.
Trying to go slowly and understand the concept himself, Frankie reads aloud the differences in the conditioned and unconditioned responses and stimuli. As much as you try to focus, your mind slips away into a warm fog, only emphasized by the lilt of his deep voice.
It doesn’t take long after one last yawn. You succumb to the sleep, and your whole body melts into the mattress and into Frankie. One slow sigh tells Frankie that he has succeeded in relaxing you.
Careful not to shift you too much, Frankie leans upwards to toss the notebook on the desk. It lands with a slap, making you jump and startle awake. “Shh, it’s all good, baby, it’s just me,” Frankie murmurs to you, stroking your back through the hoodie.
That’s all you needed, a reassurance that Frankie’s got whatever it is covered. You give half of a nod and rest your head on his chest once more, returning to the slightly deeper sleep.
As your breath slows, so does Frankie’s. He just barely holds back a yawn, clenching his teeth so that he doesn’t make enough noise to wake you again. Once his eyes slip shut, he’s done for, and your little family is all asleep on the bed: you and Frankie intertwined, and the cat at your feet.
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jeongvision · 3 years
pairing. history teacher! seo johnny ✗ english teacher! fem! reader (ft. english teacher! mark lee)
genre. fluff, slight humor, high school teacher au, non idol au
warnings. some cursing and super soft hours after this huhu <3 and not proofread but we can discuss that later
author’s note. this is an continuation to this blurb! this could be read as a standalone but regardless i hope this brought a smile to your face bc it certainly did for me <3
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You should’ve seen it coming. Damn it, it was right in front of you all along, so why didn’t you see it in the first place?
You and your students have been grinding nonstop for the past couple weeks to prep them for the AP English IV exam. There was a time where you requested two days off from work for emergency purposes (thankfully it was nothing too major) leaving you to ask your coworker- Mark, another teacher in your department -to help fill in your students on materials needed for the exam.
Everything was perfectly fine when you came back, your coworker going beyond your expectations in taking care of your students. However, one thing you failed to take notice of is the recent changes the college board made in their AP exams, including the course you teach. After reviewing some of the revisions they made, you felt your heart drop.
They’ve added three additional sections to the exam, meaning an additional two weeks is needed to cover the materials for your students to grasp some sort of mastery on those concepts.
You have four weeks left until the exam, and you’re already compacted those remaining weeks with other necessary materials for the exam.
“Fucking hell,” you murmured under your breath.
Running your hand through your hair, you let out a tired sigh. It’s already bad enough that you have to work overtime in making revisions to your lesson plans. However, it’s worse to see the crestfallen looks on your students’ faces when you dropped the news on them. They’re already tired enough from dealing with other classes and extracurricular activities. On top of that, you know most of them are stressing about their acceptance letters from their colleges.
You dropped the pen in your hand and rubbed both of your eyelids. Relax, y/n you told yourself. Don’t worry, you can do this. You heard the door behind you open, meaning someone walked inside the teacher’s lounge.
“Hey, y/n. What’s up- Woah, woah, WOAH! What do we have here?” the person exclaimed. You let out a chortle. You could distinctively point that voice out from anywhere, and you’re sure as hell that the state of your workspace is nothing short of hell. Taking your hands away from your face, you crossed your arms and leaned back a little in your seat to look up at the latter.
“Well, hello to you too, Mark,” you chuckled. You both gave each a fist bump before he sits down in the empty chair beside you.
“What the hell happened here?” He grabs some of the documents splayed out before you, eyes scanning through the materials that you’ve scribbled on in the past hour. “Wait, what? They added new things to the AP exam?”
You sighed and nodded dejectedly. “Yep. And somehow, I gotta squeeze all those materials into my lesson plans before they take it next month.” You rested your arms on the table and rested your head on top of them. “At this point, I just want to light myself on fire and call it a day.”
Mark lets out a cackle besides you, prompting you to smile. You’ll never mention it to him, but his laughs and smiles are always infectious. It’s what makes him so well-known and loved in the English department in the first place, both faculties and students.
“Please don’t do that. We love you too much to let you do that to yourself,” he responded.
Sitting back up in your seat, you take a glance at the clock. Just four minutes before the section ends and you have to go back to teaching your classes again. You heard your coworker clear his throat, bringing you to face him.
“Do you need help with any of this?” he offered.
You shook your head. “No, it’s fine, Mark. I appreciate the offer but I don’t want to bother you with my workload.”
“No, really. It’s fine, y/n. I only teach honors and they’re all pretty ahead in their assignments, so I have some free time if you’d like.”
Just like that, you swear you could see a halo shining above his figure, your world much brighter and clearer than it was this morning. “Oh my god, yes please.” You shifted through your papers, searching the remnants of the piles before handing it over to him. “Can you please go through these and grade them for me? Here are the answer keys for them.” After debriefing him for that stack of papers, you gave him another one. “And for these, can you make some copies for me? I need them tonight so I can plan for tomorrow’s class.”
He listened attentively to your commands, taking a mental note and nodding each instruction given to him. “Okay, got it, y/n. I’ll get these done and hand them over by the end of the day.”
You’re gawking at him, surprised that your coworker is willing to lend you a helping hand. You could honestly cry out tears of joy right now, but timing refuses to let you do so as the bell rings, marking the end of a period. You both stood up in your seats and grabbed the papers on the table into a neat pile. You let out a content sigh as you both walked out the teacher’s lounge.
“Thank you so much, Mark. You’re the best,” you exhaled. Outside your classroom, you already see some students entering inside as you left it unlocked, free for them or your coworkers to enter as they pleased. You both stood next to its entrance before he shrugs his shoulders at you.
“Hey, I mean it’s what I do best, right? Being the best.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful shove, earning a laugh from him. Saying goodbyes to one another, you walked inside your classroom. You nodded to the students present. “Afternoon, class,” you greeted.
“Good afternoon, Miss y/n!”
“Miss Y/n, there’s a bouquet of flowers on your desk,” one of your students called out. You raised an eyebrow. Flowers? Looking over to your desk, your student was certainly not lying and neither are your eyes. Perched in the middle of your desk lies a vase filled with varying colors of tulips. Petals are in full bloom and the stems are clipped uniformly. You walked over and saw a notecard attached to one of the flowers.
“Who is it from, Miss Y/n?”
“Yeah! Who got you flowers?”
You looked up and realized more of your students are present, capacity almost at its max. Class was starting soon so more and more are rushing in to see the surprise gift settled on your desk.
“Is it Mr. Kim in the science department? I saw you two walking together in the hallways last week.”
That assumption piqued your interest. “Wait, Mr. Kim? The physics teacher?” you asked. The student, Krystal, nodded, causing you to huff incredulously. “Krystal, please. We’re merely just friends.”
Another student chimes in. “Friends don’t lock arms with each other at work.”
“Jongin, please. Your last girlfriend only stayed with you for a month and she started dating an upperclassman a week later.”
“Guys, calm down,” you interjected. “As much as I love you crazy bunch, I am still your teacher. Therefore, what occurs in my personal life stays private, and how much I am willing to share with you all lies in my discretion.” But unbeknownst to you, one of your students sneaks behind you to get a glance of the card, discreetly reading the contents:
‘The best deserves nothing less than the best.
Yours truly.’
The student, Luna, almost lets out a squeal. “Guys! Guys!” You jumped in shock, startled by her sudden presence and her high-pitched voice. “I think it’s Mr. Lee! The other English teacher!”
All attention is now on her, excitement filled in the air.
“Mr. Lee? The one that teaches honors?”
“The one with boba eyes?”
“The one that laughs at everything?”
Luna nods to each question, visibly thrilled with the subtle jump in her steps as she walked towards her classmates. “Yes! I heard Miss y/n calling him the best earlier and Mr. Lee joked about being the best! And in the card, it said ‘the best deserves nothing less than the best’.” The bell rang, marking the beginning of the period, but that didn’t stop your students from chattering with happiness, faces completely wiped from fatigue and stress of the upcoming exams. Some students entered your classroom late to the discussion, prompting other students to fill them in only to also be electrified by the ‘news’.
You run a hand through your hair again and sighed. Not this again, you thought to yourself. But just before you could jump in to stop all this chaos, you heard someone knock on your open door, diverting your attention and your class’ to the intruder.
“Well, good afternoon, class,” the person chuckled. “Why’s it so boisterous here? Did I miss a party or something?”
Of course, what better person to appear now of all times? It was none other than the infamous history teacher, Johnny Seo. You rolled your eyes before laughing. Coincidence, my ass.
“Mr. Seo! Someone gave Miss Y/n a bouquet of tulips! She has a secret admirer!” Luna stated.
He raised an eyebrow at her direction. “Oh, does she now?” He looks back at you with a grin. “Did Miss Y/n find out who this secret admirer is?”
“We think it’s Mr. Lee from honors English.”
“And what makes you think so?”
“Because we heard her call him the best earlier before class started, and the notecard called her the best.”
“Coincidence? I think not,” Jongin nodded.
All of the students followed along in unison, profoundly proud of their assumptions that left you shaking your head in disbelief. Surely, you had a smile on your face, but it’s surprising to know how your students are able to make such large assumptions based on groundless evidence. You sat down in your chair and turned on your computer, getting your lesson plan ready for the period as your students entertained themselves with Mr. Seo.
Johnny takes it all in, nodding to all of them before walking up behind your desk. “Well, I think it’s safe to say that you don’t pester too much to Miss y/n about it. You know how much she likes to keep her life private.” While you were browsing through your saved files and pulling up powerpoints, you felt the latter tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “Right, Mrs. Seo?”
And just like that, your hands stilled. Wait, did he just—
“Hold up..”
“Did you just—”
“Mrs. Seo?”
You squeezed your eyelids shut. Oh my god, here we go again—
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jeongvision’s milestone event!
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honey-makki · 4 years
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Characters: Tsukishima Kei X Fem!Reader
Summary: Fate works in mysterious ways to bring people who are destined to be together, to actually be together. 
Warnings: Sex!! blow jobs, face riding, virginity loss 
Genre: fluff, smut
Word Count: 5k
A/N: Well this started as a drabble request but here I am a week later with a 5k fic about it. Soft tsukki inbound. I hope you enjoy @salty4tsukki bc I def enjoyed writing this.
Being an only child is not a precursor to being lonely. Memories of family game nights, shared dinners and movies watched filled the air of your house letting you know that you were both never alone and, oh, so loved. 
You knew that having as healthy a home environment was unusual and that it was part of the reason that you are so emotionally intelligent. Many of your peers couldn’t stand their parents and found every excuse to avoid being home. Sure, you and your parents had arguments about curfew or the number of texts you sent every month. The last argument happened every time you brought home a grade that was unsatisfactory, which wasn’t often, but consistent enough that it was a recurring problem. 
“I’m just tired of them expecting me to be perfect! It’s unreasonable for them to expect perfect grades, being on a starter for the soccer team, and involved in other clubs! I’m only one person.” You ranted to Tsukki, sulking around his room before plopping on his bed, arms covering your sighing face.  Tsukki was the only person you came to with family problems because you knew he would understand and not push you. The usually sassy boy always softened these days, knowing that this was the one thing that you couldn’t handle being teased about. Today, he looked at you with soft pity, knowing the amount of work you put towards everything just to be told it’s not enough.
“I could tutor you in English if you want? I know we have our usual pre-exam study sessions, but I really don’t mind making them more regular if you think they would help.” Tsukki might listen to you complain but he still isn’t the best at empathy, rather resorting to problem-solving. He showed his care and compassion to you subtly. Offering his solutions in a way you could make them sound like your own, knowing that provided a semblance of comfort. Allowing you into his room whenever you needed to complain and not questioning your feelings. Always offering you a hoodie or jacket when you were worn out from crying, knowing that the warmth would lull you into a much-needed sleep
You knew he cared about you. Yes, sometimes you over exaggerated your feelings to take advantage of that, but only because you wanted his jacket on your body. The thought that it was his arms rather than just a Tsukki scented cloth surrounding you. Only crying a little harder with the hopes he would offer to have a movie night which always meant cuddles. No, you never faked your feelings to him, not wanting to lie to your best friend and consistent childhood companion, you just embellished them.
Relishing in the fact that for maybe, just ten minutes that Tsukki wasn’t just your best friend, that he grew past friends as he aged, and saw you like more, as his other half. The person he wanted to spend not only his childhood years with but also every single one he still had left. 
You aren’t sure when you fell in love with Tsukishima Kei.
It could have been his moment against Shiratorizawa when you saw him truly experience joy for the first time in the sport he spent so much time. It could have been the time he gave you his rain jacket when it was pouring before you walked home, knowing it wouldn’t do much against the downpour, but the barrier being symbolic. It could definitely have been the time you went over to study and you walked in on him singing to himself while studying, the soft tenor notes gracing your ears. You only really remember how his voice made your heart skip a beat, the flush of his ears when he turned around catching your eyes.
All you know is that you were hopelessly in love with the man who had been with you every step, every stumble of your life. The man who towered over you but never made you feel smaller than he, the man that laughed before checking on you when you tripped, but always ensuring you were truly ok. 
Watching him grow into his height and his body gaining muscles during highschool was both a blessing and a curse. Your eyes were drawn to his figure, shoulders hunched over on his desk, deltoids peeking out of the sleeves in a way that made you want more. Yes, you loved looking at him but sometimes it plagued you. 
Eyes scrunched shut and heavy breathing, all you can think about is what Tsukki might look like under those clothes. It was a curse, lewd thoughts of your best friend being the only way you could get off anymore. That didn’t stop you from plunging two fingers in and out for your dripping cunt edging yourself closer to your release. At the precipice, you pull your fingers out and eagerly circle your clit, the other hand moving from gripping the bedsheets to pulling at and groping your nipples. Tsukki’s name leaves your lips like a fervent prayer as you cum to the thought of him. You never felt worse about yourself than you did at this moment, but somehow you found yourself here regularly. 
You didn’t know that at that exact same moment Tsukki was in his room thinking about you. The way your smaller hands would fit around his dick, the hesitation you might experience but be driven forward by lust. The thought of being the first and maybe the only person to touch you always drives him to his release. 
He might have fooled around with some girls before, a handjob here and there, amidst a make-out session, but he could never find it in himself to go further. He couldn’t, no, didn’t want to be with anyone else, because he knew that the whole time he would be thinking about you under him.
As you had aged, sleepovers became less frequent but were something the two of you still cherished and actively made time for. Tonight is one such night, having just finished your final midterms and gorging yourself on celebratory ramen from your favorite shop. Tsukki’s parents were out of town for the week, but were used to your presence in the house and didn’t mind you being over. 
You being there should have been fine, nothing out of the normal but that's not how fate works. 
Once you arrived at his place you both changed into lounge clothes getting ready to binge the latest season of Game of Thrones. You went to the kitchen to grab you both some water, knowing neither of you will want to get up once you start.
Tsukki must have had the same idea because as you rounded the corner of the kitchen, you were met with a brick wall and a frigid wave running through your body. You realized it wasn't through your body when your nipples began to harden, peaking through your now translucent shirt. While you are still shocked at the chill, Tsukki looks down to see what happened. Instead what he sees is you, accidentally exposed, the white shirt clinging to the curve of your body like a second layer of skin.
He knows that if he doesn’t avert his gaze that he won't be able to suppress a rising tent in his pants. Committing the image to memory quickly, he apologizes for being in the way, “Shit Y/N, I’m sorry. Feel free to go grab one of my shirts to change into. I’ll clean the mess up.” With that, he moves towards the kitchen to grab a towel, brushing against your body in the narrow hallway.
You head up to his room and go to his dresser, you’ve watched him put his laundry away before, knowing exactly where he keeps his biggest and most comfortable shirts. You strip off your shirt, skin pebbling at the breeze from his fan. Blushing at the fact you are taking your clothes off in your crush childhood friend room, you strip off your lounge shorts now noticing they also have been soaked.
As you pull his practice jersey on you notice it reaches your midthigh, which causes a brief internal conflict. Should I grab a pair of his shorts even though I know they’ll be too big? This shirt is longer than my shorts were anyways, but it’s not the most decent thing. The deciding factor in opting for no shorts was nothing to do with you, rather with the man waiting patiently downstairs. It had everything to do with the glint of intrigue in Tsukki’s eye you spotted earlier, the almost imperceptible hitch in his breath, and the burning touch he left on your body as he passed you in the hallway. 
Tsukki was not even thinking about what you would look like in his clothes as he had more urgent problems. His cock was achingly hard in his sweatpants, the gray not doing him any favors of hiding how he felt about seeing your body. He was doing everything he could think of to suppress both the thoughts of you and blood rushing downstairs. 
After quickly cleaning up the spill, he got situated on the couch with a blanket hoping it would help hide his current problem as he got it under control. Tsukki spent the remaining time of your absence struggling to distract himself, reciting poetry meditating, anything to not think about it, think about you, think about the curve of your che- fuck he was failing.
His eyes shot open at your weight landing next to him on the couch. Subtly looking over your form, that he now has burned into the back of his eyelids, seeing you drowning in his clothes, his volleyball clothes. Wait, is she just wearing my shirt? His gaze lingering on the soft expanse of your thighs, knowing that he should be able to see the hem of your shorts with the way you are sitting. The thought of you in your underwear almost makes him moan, his already hard dick twitching with precum budding at the tip.
You shoot him a smile, apologizing for taking so long and say you're ready to watch if he is. After some time has passed, the air is nipping at on your still slightly wet skin, you scoot closer to Tsukki and get under the blanket with him. The slight abrasion from his sweats on your skin sent electricity tingling throughout your body and unknowingly did the same to him. 
Reaching forward to grab a glass of water after a particularly gruesome scene, your phone tumbled out of your lap. Not really thinking you lean forward and grab it, slightly raising your ass into the air to reach the last few inches. You plop back down with a grunt and throw your arms open, hoping Tsukki would know that this is your way of saying you needed to take a break from the show for a bit.
Neither of you expected the moan that escaped his lips as you brushed across his now very obvious erection. Neither of you knew what to do after either, he flushed red with embarrassment and hid his face, you with your arm still where it landed on his thigh, unable to move. “Y/N, can you please move?.” he barely chokes out. The obvious restraint in his voice was a sound you had only previously daydreamed of. 
Driven by lust, or excitement, maybe even fear that another opportunity would arise, you do move, but not in the way he had intended. You get up off the couch and he's sure that you are getting ready to leave, disgusted with him, but instead, you settle in on your knees between his thighs. Doey-eyes looking up through your lashes with hesitant excitement. “Ok, I’ve moved, what next?”
Is the one thing he dreamed about is really happening? The actuality of it seems almost incredulous. “Y/N, stop joking, I’m sorry about this. They just kinda, happen sometimes.” He can’t meet your eye because he’s sure he would cum just from the sight of you between his legs. 
“If you don't want me here Kei, I’ll move, but I’m serious.” As you say his first name, another moan comes from his throat, spurring you to action. Biting your lip, you move the blanket and hesitantly grasp his erection. 
Tsukki is hazy with confusion but simultaneously everything is crystal clear with pleasure, unable to focus on anything due to the duality inside his head. Even if he wanted to tell you to stop, to stop and think, he wouldn’t be able to choke out the words.
He notices you aren’t really moving which is driving him mad until he looks down and sees just how pure you look. “Kei, I don’t-- I don’t really know what to do. Just tell me what you like and I’ll do my best.”
“Princess, are you sure you still want to do this?” as he pulls you up to eye level, cupping your cheeks. Seeing your nod and nervous smile, he leans forward to kiss you. 
The chill that had previously permeated your body is replaced with warmth, the feeling of his soft lips moving in time with yours, his gentle but assertive grip on your back acting as heat sources. It’s a comfortable warmth, an invitation into him.
You plan on taking that invitation as he deepens the kiss, one hand in the hair at his nape, the other returning to palm him through his sweats. As he stops your kiss, holding in a groan you take that opportunity to return to your original position in front of him. Waiting patiently, looking up at him for instruction with an absolutely pornographic gaze. 
Tsukki thought the image of your chest was the best thing he would ever see, but this takes the cake. Your hands playing with the waistband, with slight hesitation before pulling both his bowers and sweats down with his assistance. 
You knew what a dick looked like, but that doesn’t mean you are any less intimidated when one is just a few inches from your face. Long and curved, a prominent vein running up to the head that is flushed red and slick with precum. His hand rests on your head with the other on his thigh. Seeing his excitement on his face gives you enough encouragement to kitten lick his tip two times. “Fuck Y/N, please don’t tease me,” his voice wavering between a moan and a whine, you’ve never heard him sound so dependent, so needy before. 
Knowing that you are the one doing this to him gives you the confidence to start taking his dick in your mouth. You pause at the head, moving your tongue around, unsure what feels good until his grip on your head tightens as you rub against the bottom, just before the shaft. “Fuck pretty girl, please move your head down, please I wan--” A groan cuts him off as you follow his command. Slowly starting to bob along a portion of his length, with increasing speed.
“Spit on your hand and stroke the rest, god your mouth is heavenly” after pulling off to follow his command, you finally notice the familiar Tsukki-induced burning in your stomach, but amplified by a hundred when you see his cock twitch as you spit into your hand. He watched you with half-lidded eyes as you positioned your hand under your mouth, whispering uncharacteristically gentle words of praise.
Soft moans fall out of his mouth as you swirl your tongue around his head on every upward movement. Your hand mimicking the speed of your lips, trying to give him as much pleasure as you can. One particular comment of his shoots straight to your core, “Y/N, I never imagined you would make me feel this good.” The implication of him thinking about this, the same way you have, makes you moan around his dick, which in turn elicits a sharp intake from Tsukki.
His grip has been tightening on your head slowly, but all of a sudden he pulls you off. “Don’t wanna cum in your mouth without asking, just hand me a tissue.”
You never imagined Tsukki making the type of sound he did when you artlessly stuttered out “W-Well you have my permission.” 
Returning your tongue to his tip, which is now angrily red and coated in both spit and precum, it only takes a few seconds before he bucks into your mouth as he orgasms. His cock reaches further than you expected resulting in you choking as he hits the back of your throat, unintentionally intensifying his orgasm.
He pulls you off of him, grimacing at the cold air hitting his spent dick, bending forward to look you in the eye.. “Pretty girl, I’m so sorry for that last bit, I didn’t mean to hurt you. Are you ok?”
The pressure of his thumb wiping off a few spare tears makes you wonder what his touch would feel like on the rest of your body. As your mind delves into lewd thoughts, you shift your thighs looking for some pleasure, and give him an absentminded “It was fine, unexpected but I wanna make you feel good.”
He carefully sits you in his lap and pulls you into a deep kiss, slow but hungry. He moves down your jaw to your neck before whispering “Well, I guess it’s my turn to return the favor huh.” You bite back your moan, but as he harshly sucks a spot at the base of your neck it slips out. “You don’t have to hide your noises, princess, let me know how good everything feels.”
He runs his hands up and down your sides underneath his shirt before they find your chest. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve imagined these.” You tug your shirt off and do the same to him. Both of you are just marveling at the beauty in front of you with lust. 
He makes the first move, gently bringing your right nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, as his left-hand switches randomly between rubbing along your side and massaging your left boob. The warmth of his tongue flicking against your pebbled bud is miles better than your own fingers, endless breathy moans falling out of your mouth as you find purchase for your hands in his hair. 
You must be unconsciously rutting against him because he stops his ministrations and stills your hips with a harsh grip. “Feeling needy now? Let me take care of you.” Tsukki rolls you off of him and you expect him to get on his knees in front of you, making you clench your knees both out of excitement and embarrassment. 
So when he lays down on the floor in front of you and shoots you a smug smirk, “Come take a seat,” your jaw drops in shock. 
“No, Tsukki, you don't have- What if I don’t taste good, please don’t worry about it-I don't want to suffoc-”  excuses and concerns pour out of your mouth but your body betrays you at the thought of him licking your sex.
“Y/N. Get over here. I want to do this and I’ll ensure you enjoy it.” His tone was commanding enough that you moved from the couch to straddling his head without a thought, losing your panties along the way. Your mind is murky with lust and anticipation, thoughts of how many times you’ve imagined his tongue on your clit being the only thing breaking through the fog. 
His tongue pierces through the haze as he runs the flat of it along your entire soaked core. Your body wants to pull away from the pressure but buck into the pleasure at the same time but Tsukki makes the decision for you, wrapping his arms around your thighs so you are snug against his face. 
He repeats the action, trying to coax a moan out of you, adding a little more force each time. It isn’t until the bridge of his nose brushes your clit that you finally let out the noises you’ve held in. “Kei- hi- fuck- higher,” breathy moans coat your words in lust.
 “Your wish is my command, princess.” His smug tone would have been annoying except for the fact that he was pressing hesitant licks against your clit eventually circling it with the tip of his tongue. You have no control over the whines you are making, only broken up by saying “yes Kei, yes, fuck” and other words of praise
Knowing how it felt when you moaned around his dick, he tries humming with his lips surrounding your clit and if he wasn’t already hard, he sure is now after the way you lewdly moaned his name and fiercely tugged his hair. 
The view of your tits heaving along with your breaths drive him to be a little more aggressive with his tongue, mercilessly switching between toying with your folds to harshly drawing shapes into your clit. 
Your cunt is drowning Tsukki in slick, coating his face and chin and he’s never been happier. Sucking your folds and using his tongue to taste all of you. He can't believe that anything has ever tasted better than you do right now.  
He can tell by the legs squeezing his head, and the shake of your entire body you are close to your orgasm. Wanting to try something new, he slides his tongue into your hole, causing you to grip his blonde locks so hard, you probably pulled some out. 
The wanton moans reverberating through the room are the only encouragement he needs to keep pressing his tongue against your tight walls. Your cunt so desperately wants to be filled its almost sucking his tongue in, but you know that alone won’t be enough to make you cum.
“ ‘m close, fuck. Please my clit, Kei please” The loss of his pressure in your cunt is overridden by the shockwaves of his lips around your clit, paired with him tracing letters and a deep moan from his throat. That was all you needed to be pushed over the edge. His moan continues as you ride out your high, hips jerking forward at the intensity.
As he pulls you into a sitting position on his lap, “Obviously I didn’t need instructions on how to make you feel good. I’ve thought about this for years.” You aren’t clear-headed enough to slap him like you usually would. All you can think about is the painful tension already building again in your core and his painfully hard dick pressed into your thigh.
You pull him into a kiss that conveys your unspoken words. Full of need and lust and wanting to make up for all of the time you lost. Your lips meet his harshly, like if you stop that it might disappear, afraid to pull back for air.
As he moves to your neck you instinctively rut your hips against him, looking for some form of release. Growling into your ear, “Oh, so one wasn't good enough for you? You want another orgasm?” 
“Well, It’s obvious you want another one,” matching his smugness with another roll that causes him to groan.
Before you can recognize it, he's flipped you over on your back and is hovering over you, eyes committing every inch of you to memory, drinking in the sight of your body, pebbled nipples, slick coating your thighs, love marks he's left thus far. It’s almost enough to make him go feral. 
“Y/N, are you sure you want to do this? We can stop. I really don’t mind.” The concern in his voice is clearly fighting against the lust, just barely winning over his more carnal desires. His answer comes in the form of your hand grabbing his dick and giving it a few soft, needy strokes.
“Please Tsukki, I need you in me. I’ve thought about this for so long, no way am I stopping”��
“Alright pretty girl,” and with that he returns to your deep kiss, your lips feeling like a home he never knew he left. He brings his hand down to your core, ghosting his fingers on your lips before teasing one finger in slowly. 
You hiss at the pleasure, hands finding stability rooted in his shoulders. He takes your bottom lip in between his teeth to help distract you while he rocks it in and out of your pussy. Quickly, he could tell that you were ready for a second and slipped it in, being met with you clawing at his shoulders while letting out a wanton moan.
Tsukki moves to place wet kisses along your neck and down to your chest, sucking every once in a while and then following it with a swipe of his tongue. You miss the pressure on your mouth, but you can feel another orgasm building, and it's getting harder to breathe. 
You genuinely do stop breathing when he takes one nipple in his mouth and uses his free hand to start rubbing circles into your clit. Well, if this is the way I die, I don’t really have any complaints. The coil in your stomach is about to snap and the only warning you can get out is slapping his shoulders.
The wave almost knocks you out, back arching off the floor while also trying to get more from the man between your legs. Inserting a third finger stretched you so good, he watches you try to fuck yourself on his hand through the orgasm, greedily wanting more. 
“You ready, pretty girl? Ready to take my cock?”
“Shit yes, Kei, please fuck me. I’ve dreamed about cumming on your dick, please please--” you are reduced to babbling pleas when he runs his dick along your slit coating himself in your slick. The jolt of pleasure every time his head hits your already over-stimulated bud edges on pain but you don’t want him to stop. 
You see stars and hear symphonies when he thrusts into you. A duet of his staccato grunts and your euphonic moans, accompanied by the fortissimo sounds of your pussy as he slides in. After taking a rest for you to adjust to his girth, his pace starts off slow but gradually increasing as you beg him for more. 
“Fuck, please, fill me up, god I never thought your cock would feel so good, Fuck” 
Your babbling praise is reduced to a high pitched whine when he starts slamming into you harder than before. The heavy slaps of his hips into yours replacing your moans in the melody. You barely process his words as the tip of his cock slams into your cervix with no remorse, over and over and over again. 
“Did I just hear you say you didn’t think my cock would feel good? Do you want to go back to cumming on your fingers to the thought of me or do you want me to continue stretching your tiny little pussy out?” 
Tsukki never minced his words, but the sheer lewdness of them causes heat to rise in your face. “N-no Kei. Please help, shit, me. Wanna cum on your dick so b- so bad.” His answer is to push one of your legs back towards your shoulder, the new position and the curve of his cock has him hitting that spot inside you always struggled to reach. 
Every muscle in your body is tensed up, burning from the desire to cum. Shockwaves of pleasure radiating from your pussy reach the tips of your toes and through every hair on your head. 
Your walls are clenching around him, wanting him deeper, even though there isn’t really any room left for him. Your body is driven by lust and disregards any pain you should be feeling, rather interpreting it as a different octave of pleasure. 
You find your fingers on your chest, groping and tweaking your nipples, knowing that you get even more sensitive when you are ready to orgasm. “Kei, please cum in me, I wanna cum but I wanna, no I need to do it with you,” it sounds more like a moan or a plea than a request, but Tsukki was already struggling to hold back his own orgasm.
He took your lead, moving his mouth down to your chest and rolling your other nipple against his tongue. Simultaneously, he snakes a hand down to your vagina, to the spot you begged him to touch earlier and rubs meticulous circles on your puffy and neglected clit..
Your back arches off the floor at the first touch of your clit, and your cunt clenched around his dick, making it even harder for Tsukki to thrust in and out. Your orgasm is stronger than its ever been, you’re certain you blacked out for a minute, only coming to when you hear a hearty moan from Tsukki and another wave of warmth in your sex, this time coming from him.
His forehead pressed against your chest as he fucks you through both of your orgasms, hand still curling your clit, attempting to extend the euphoria you both feel for as long as he can. Your hands find their way into his hair and you gently tug and scratch his scalp, making him look up at you. 
Your face may be covered in tears, and spit but he’s never looked at you with more adoration. You continue to pull him up to your face, placing sweet kisses all over his face as you both ride out the last waves of your high, his dick still inside of you. Wincing as he pulls out to lay down on the floor, he ends up pulling you into an embrace.
You look over to his content face, illuminated by the television,  eyes closed with a ghost of a smile dancing over his lips before he murmurs, “I never knew Game of Thrones sex scenes were quite so realistic, but I’m not complaining.” 
“God, Tsukki you’re so annoying,” you say trying to shove him off of you with a laugh, but he just holds you tighter. 
“I like it better when you call me Kei.”
@ceo-of-daichi @roandtheroses @sugawara-sweetheart @nonexistent-social-life​
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dawnsociety · 3 years
best friend!rowoon
hello everyone, I decided to start my writing work for sf9 with a bullet scenario for rowoon. the tall man has been bothering me a lot recently, idk why but I felt the urge to write something about him being y/n’s bff. I think he’d be an amazing friend, always there to support you :(((((((( okaY ANYWAYS, HERE IT IS.
lemme know if you like it, my ask box is always open!!
best friend!rowoon
okay SO
i think he’s be the most supportive friend you could ever have in your life
no matter what you’re doing, what goal you’re trying to achieve, HE’LL BE THERE FOR YOU
studying hard for an exam? he’ll bring you coffee, trying not to interrupt your study session. working on a very difficult project at work? he’ll send you a text in the morning cheering you up for the day that has just started, or at night, telling you how hard you worked that day.
honestly, you have no idea how he always finds the right words to make you feel bettere but hE DOES!!!! 
you’ve been friends for years yet sometimes you’re amazed by him
he’s the friend you’ve known the longest, and you’re pretty sure you two will get old together
“my friend, it’s time to look for a lovely nursing home where we’ll spend the rest of our lonely lives together”
“who told you I am not going to get married and that i’ll die alone?”
“you won’t, you’re too tall and don’t understand memes”
dsjklfjdlkfd you love teasing him for his height, bc he sulks when you do so and it makes you laugh (evil)
(he’s not the type to sulk easily, but when you call him a hag for not knowing the latest memes his lips turn into a lovely pout)
you’re glad to have this gentle toll man by your side tho!!!!
after all, your friendship started off thanks to his unexpected grow (when you were in 3rd grade and went to his place after school once, you’d ask his mom to cook you what she would usually make for rowoon so you’d grow as tall as him)
(his mom got all flustered and promised you to cook the both of you a delicious meal for dinner)
ANYWAYS, you were in kindergarten, coloring the drawing that you teacher had asked you to make for Mom’s day
you were really proud of it, and were coloring all happily when suddenly this little kid came to you and took the yellow colored pencil from you
you asked him to give it back to you and when he said no, you started crying (ofc, you were a little kid)
before your teacher could intervene, rowoon came to you
the kid who stole your pencil got scared as soon as he saw rowoon, due to his height (he was taller than all the other kids in class)
rowoon told him kindly to give the pencil back to you, and he quietly did so before running away
in the meantime, you had stopped crying. to thank him, you gave him half of you snack
from that point onward, you became besties!!!
always by each other’s side
you basically grew up together, always being at each other’s house
your parents became friends as well, thanks to you
what you love the most about your friendship is how you’ve always given each other space to grow: even when you opted for a different major at uni (which meant moving to a new city) he did not budge, and gave you his unconditional support
(even tho he was dying a little inside, the thought of not having his best friend by his side made him sad but didn’t want to show it so to not upset you)
time passed quickly tho, and you two soon reunited when you found a job near him
he spends most of his time at your place, stealing your food helping you taking care of the house (since you often get back home late from your new job)
as an acting major, he doesn’t have a typical 9 to 5 job so his schedule allows him to adjust his life accordingly
(which means that yes, he’s always at your place)
when you moved, he rented a pick up and came to your old place to help you move
you complained abt it, telling him he didn’t have to but NO!!!! everything for his bestie
when you started showing interest in boys and got into dating, you’d often ask him for advice
and he would tease you, telling you how clueless you are when it comes to love and romance lololol
you’d defend yourself saying how it’s men who aren’t used to communicating (unlike him tho, he was an open book and viceversa)
sometimes you think you don’t reciprocate his affection for you as much as you wish/he deserves, so you get all silent
once you were watching a movie at your place and this thought occured to you
so you got all silent, and rowoon could sense the tension immediately
“hey, is something wrong?”
“uh? uhm no, why?”
he knew you so well he could almost read your mind. “c’mon, tell me. is something going on at work?”
“oh, no no. it’s just... you do so much for me...”
he was looking at you with his big, doe eyes, waiting for you to continue
“...and i don’t do much for you. you helped me move, you’re always there for me when i need to rant, the other day your friends from uni asked you to hang out together but you said no bc of me”
“you were sick, how could i leave you alon-”
“it was just a headache, i took a painkiller and it went away”
“yeah but what if it got worse?”
you paused the movie and turned to him, his gaze fixed on your face
“i don’t want you to get overly worried, or put your life on pause bc of me”
“but i don’t”, he laughed. “to be honest i wasn’t in the mood to hang out that night, but this doesn’t mean i’ll never do that. besides, you do a lot for me, don’t be silly. remember when i injured my back and you halted your schedule to help me? this is not something anyone would do”
you two then hugged (HIS HUGS ARE THE BEST!!!!) and he promised to take you with him the next time he’d hang out with his uni friends
he introduced you to all of them, especially this guy, youngbin, who was older than both of you (he was really cute)
did i mention how he makes the best gifts?
like, you mention something once and he’s like “here!!!! :D for your bday!!!!!”
all in all, rowoon is the bestest of friends you could ever have 
please love him a lot, he deserves nothing but the best :(((
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atalho-s · 3 years
Sweet Sugar
1 | Subterranean Homesick Alien
Tumblr media
(gif it’s not mine! let me know if you’re the owner!)
pairing: tom holland x reader / tom holland x brazilian reader (she’s from brazil here, but you can picture her being of any place that you want! Since the story wouldn’t change bc of that) 
warnings: swear words, underage drinking (not much tho, nothing like “Skins” lmao), suggestive scenes in some chapters, not smut, but minors be aware. Fluff/angst/drama/ Y/n and Tom being stupid teenagers with feelings.
words: 2.4 k
Summary: Y/n has always been best friends with Harrison and Tom. Since childhood they've always been close, but what happens if after a break up with her first boyfriend, she starts to feel something more about Tom?
A conflict of feelings, the non-acceptance of falling in love and the fear of losing her best friend, all in the head of an 17-year-old teenager. And on top of that, still having to fear of not being accepted for college.
This is a series i have in portuguese on my wattpad! It’s kinda long and have 2 parts haha but i decided to translate to post here too :) 
It was my first fanfic ever, so be aware lol
I never been to europe, so i’m sorry for any mistake about city features or how school works...
I just want to thank @petesrparker​ : Gio you’re the best and thank you for always helping me and hype up this series since the beginning! Seriously, you’re the best, this story would be nothing without you 😭❤
She even did a playlist for this! ikr? She’s amazing 💕 you can check out here if you want! 
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It was 2 minutes to 7am and I was late for school. Running to put on my warm sweatshirt and getting ready psychologically to go out in a cold weather, I grabbed my keys and tried to lock the door almost dropping my backpack on the floor. It was almost summer, but my town wasn't disappointed in having very cold mornings and hot afternoons.
"Shit," I murmured as I kicked the door, insisting that didn't want to close it. "Why hasn't my mom called someone to fix this thing yet?" I spoke to myself and finally managed to close it hearing a click. Coming down the stairs practically running, I closed the small gate and strode down the street.
I lived with my parents in a town called Kingston-upon-Thames, in a tiny two-bedroom house, very close to the school. You just need to walk about 4 blocks and voilá, I could already see the entrance gate and the familiar faces of the gringos. I was in the last year of high school, just turned 17 and I was born in Brazil, but grew up in London, when my father had to move because of his work, when I was only 6 years old. Obviously we weren't rich, my father worked with woodwork, and my mother currently worked in a small flower shop in the city center. But when my father received an offer to move to another country, he didn't think twice. Learn another culture, a new language and still earn some good money?An offer that cannot be refused.
The first time we arrived it was very strange, only my father knew intermediate English and my mother and I obviously did not know a single word. But we quickly befriended a family that lived on our street: the Osterfields. Jenna and Carter were the parents of two children: Harrison, the same age as me and little Charlotte (newborn at the time). Harrison and I immediately became inseparable, and he became like a brother to me and our families became one.
Obviously with him, also came nothing more and nothing less than: the Holland family. Nikki and Dom had 4 male children, one my age: Tom, Harry and Sam twins, 3 years younger and Paddy who was born 2 years later. So the family just grew, our parents became best friends, and me, Harrison and Tom became an unbeatable trio. There was no Y/n, without Tom and Harrison and vice versa, we're always together.
We went to the same school since always. As Haz lived only a few houses below mine, we meet and go together and Tom, who lived on the other side of the school, met us at the gate every day.
I went down the street and saw Haz sitting on the wall in front of his house, fiddling with his cell phone with a earphone, as soon as I approached he raised his head and smiled.
- Finally, I thought you aren’t going to class today. - He said getting up and giving me a kiss on the cheek.
- Good morning to you too Haz. - I said laughing and hooking my arm on him, while we went down the street. - You know that now that my mom is working on the other side of town she leaves early and then I have to wake up by myself, which is clearly a problem.
- Sleepyhead, - he said and I playfully tapped his arm while he laughed.
- Well, i'm, what can I say? Sleeping is the best thing in the world. - I said. - Did you do the history homework?
- Wich history homework? - He stopped suddenly looking at me in shock.
- Harrison Osterfield, you are not going to tell me that you forgot the work that I talked about it every day for almost a month. - I said putting my hand on my waist scolding him.
- Well ... I completely forgot. - Haz said scratching the back of his head with the face of a stray dog. -I was busy decorating the lines from the play.
- Wow Harrison, that way you will fail and then you'll  came crying to me. 
- Ok mom, sorry! But was it for today? Can I copy it and give it to you later? 
- Ok, but just this time, and do me a favor to exchange practically all the words I used or i'll be in trouble. - I said taking out my briefcase, while he held my backpack and I handed him my work. 
- I love you... - he said giving me back my backpack and hugging me, kissing my head afterwards.
- And I don't love you at all, bummer. - I giggled and we rounded the corner of the school.
Tom was already leaning against the side of the gate with his backpack between his legs, talking to a guy who was doing theater with him and Harrison. He was laughing at something, wearing a black hoodie, his hair was a little messy under his hood and his nose was slightly red from the cold. For some reason my stomach did some flips as we approached.
Harrison and Tom were very handsome, there was no denying it, they were half nerds, half bad boys (in the sense of forgetting to study for the exam or not doing their homework once in a while), they did theater, they were nice and got along very well with girls since they started puberty. As for me, I was the nerd who was always concerned about grades and getting into the journalism college, I didn't always have excellent grades, but they were enough to pass or impress the professors when I felt inspired. I wasn't popular, but not a completely ghost too, because being best friends with the boys ended up calling attention in some way.
The only boyfriend I had was a guy named Steven, and also my first kiss, to at age 15, but we broke up last year. Steven was cool, but we had different views on things and use to think about completely different futures, so we thought it was best to broke up. And since then I'm alone and very well, thank you.
But since I broke up with Stev, for some reason I've started to have some weird feelings for Tom. Weird in the meaning of being shy around him, with whatever he does, or whatever words he exchanges with me. Which is ridiculous, because he's my childhood friend, and I never felt any of that with Haz, so why with him I feel? I always saw Haz as my brother, but with Tom it's different, and I never understood why.
Anyway, here I was with my heart beating faster and faster as we approached. As soon as we got close, Tom waved goodbye to the guy he was talking. He grabbed his backpack off the floor and patted Haz on the back, kissing my forehead afterwards, which I immediately feel my cheeks burning with embarrassing, but no one realized.
- Hey mates! Finally! I thought you weren't coming anymore.- he said as the three of us went through the gate towards the school.
- The madam here, was the one who ended up sleeping too much, I was also waiting a long time.- Haz said and I rolled my eyes, making Tom smile.
- I understand Y/n, I also love sleeping... By the way, I said I was waiting a long time, but actually I just arrived. - He laughed - Your mother started working on that flower shop, right?
- Yeah! She started today, so I'm still getting used to waking up just with the alarm without my mom pulling me from under the covers by my hair.- I replied and they both laughed.
- Which class do you guys have now? - Tom asked as we went up the stairs to the first floor where the class rooms were.
-Math- Haz said, rolling his eyes. - Actually, I really have to go, because if I show up a second late again Mr. Jones will kill me. - he said giving us a brief wave and running to the opposite side.
- I have philosophy, thank God, one of my favorite subjects.- I said raising my hands to the sky as a joke and Tom laughed.
- Wow y/n, I thought your favorite subject was biology and English.- he said and I stuck out my tongue, but feeling a little warm inside, these subjects were the ones we had together.
- Anyway, see you later? I have physics now unfortunately.
- Yeah, I'll be at our new favorite place. - I giggle, it had been a week since me, Haz and Tom found a perfect place to stay during the break, which was on the back of the school, on a hill next to a tree, where we had a full view of the students down there. It was perfect, because the warm morning sun was shining and we'd be left on the ground gossiping and watching what others were doing.
- See you there shortie. -Tom said kissing the top of my head, giving me a wink and leaving towards his class room.
- Look who's talking. - I said loudly for him to hear and he showed me his middle finger from a distance, laughing at my face.
I turned around smiling and headed towards my class. The first two classes were normal, nothing new, I was still a little sleepy, so I ended up almost sleeping in the second geography class, where I was almost kicked out by Mr Wilson, who let It pass this time. The alarm hit indicating it was break time and I thanked God, practically running to stay out in the sun.
I grabbed my phone from my pocket and my headphones, hitting play on Radiohead's Subterranean Homesick Alien song and walking outside. I saw Steven with his new girlfriend Lily right on the way out, they were talking, hugging each other and looked very happy, he saw me and gave a smile from a distance where I reciprocated. Our break up went very well, without resentment, which made me happy.
I walked up the small hill and saw Haz and Tom already at our meeting place. Tom was lying down looking at the sky while Haz was sitting propped up in the tree.
- Did you guys miss me? - I said sitting next to Haz.
- Yeah, we were even thinking about how we could handle living without you y/n- Haz said and Tom chuckled.
- I know you two love me. - I said shrugging.
- In fact, we were arguing when you're going to have a new boyfriend. - Tom said and I froze.
- And who said I want a new boyfriend? I asked raising my eyebrow.
- We know you y/n, you starting to have your head in the clouds lately, always retweeting couple things and posting romantic songs, I can see that you're falling in love again.- Tom said, still looking at the sky.
- I agree. - Haz said taking the side of my earphone and putting into his ear. - She's even listening to Radiohead! And you always listen to Radiohead when you're in love. - I gave them a sarcastic laugh and pulled the earphone of his ear turning off the music making Haz laugh.
- You guys are idiots, I'm fine alone thank you, I just want to focus on my studies from now on. - I said and they both made a "hmm" in unison, making me roll my eyes.
- Actually, we were discussing where we're going to celebrate my 17th birthday tomorrow.- Tom said changing the subject, turning his head and covering the sun with his hand to look at me.
-Tomorrow is your birthday?- I asked pretending to be surprise and Tom rolled his eyes playfully.
- I know you two always look forward to my birthday, because you love me and want to surprise me.- he said and Haz and I laughed ironically. - But Marcos offered his house, because his parents are traveling, so we could make a cool party there! So I was thinking about calling the theater people and some of our friends like Julian, Tuwaine and etc, maybe getting some drinks too... - Tom said sitting down and cleaning some leaves that were stuck on his hoodie.
- I think it's a good idea, I'm not much of partying or drinking, but with you both I always have fun.- I said and Haz rested his head on my shoulder.
- Good to know we make you happy Y/n. - Haz said and I giggle patting his head.
- So we meet tomorrow? You guys want to stop by my house so we could go together?
- Actually, I have to go to my granny first, so I'll go from there.- Haz said and Tom gave him a thumbs up.
- Y/n you can go? Around 7pm it's ok?
-Of course Tommy. - I said and he smiled at the nickname.
- Okay, I'll wait for you at 7pm and I'll send you the address, mate.- he said to Haz as we got up listening to the bell ringing indicating the break was over.
- Deal!- Haz said.
- Deal. - I also said as we went down back to class.
The last classes were history, the subject I had with Haz and he returned my homework, assuring me that he had changed the words. We spend the whole class sending notes talking about nonsense and making jokes. Haz and I were pretty good at sending notes without the professor seeing.
But I confess I was puzzled by what the boys had said earlier, how did they have the impression that I was in love? I wasn't, was I? Was I showing too much that i had feelings for Tom? I don't know, I just know that the whole story had left me with immense anxiety.
The class was over and I said goodbye to Haz, because he had theater with Tom and I didn't have any extra activities that day. The only days that i had something was on monday, tuesday and thursday, when I have a school reinforcement to improve my notes to enter college. Which was a relief, since I had to run to the mall to look for a gift to give Tom for his birthday. I had been looking for weeks and I didn't find anything interesting to give to my best friend. Best friend isn't it? Nothing more than this...
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a/n: if you liked and want to be tagged on the next chapters let me know! 😊
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Weirdos (LoV x Reader)
Pairing: LoV x Reader, platonic relationship
Shigaraki, Twice, Dabi, toga, Kurogiri x Reader
I’m combining two anon requests I got for this one (they were kinda similar and I have a lot of requests to go through):  “LOV x young reader (fem or genderfluid). reader just wants to be loved. Toga's like a big sister, Dabi's a big brother, Shigaraki is that one gay cousin and Kurogiri is the father figure (hey no stOp that). Shenanigans ensue” and “Hello love! I just read sleepless with the LOV gang and I was wondering if you could do a platonic LOV x teenage reader where she gets hurt in an attack from the heroes and what their reaction would be. If you’d like to add her quirk maybe something about controlling plant life? Thanks love”
Tags: @wwwwyamd​  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ 
Genre: Crack I guess
Word Count: 1,260
a/n: Ugghhh this took me a long time and I’m still not that happy with it...  I’ve been slowly losing steam, it’s probably bc of finals coming up and my grades and yeah...  Still!  I hope this crackity type thing makes you guys smile.  This is kiiind of a sequel to Sleepless? It happens in the same continuity/universe/timeline, think of it that way.
Also!  I have a few more requests and more originals from myself, but I have exams this week, so I possibly won’t be posting until after Wednesday, unless I decide to write that Bakugou hc request I just got to tide you guys over.
I didn’t use it very much, but gender neutral they/them pronouns here!
As soon as I stepped into the kitchen, all their eyes were on me.  Their silence is exactly what I expected, and I wanted nothing more than to disappear.  I try tilting my hat down so they can't see my face as I place the plastic bag on the table.  "Sorry I'm late, here's food. I'm gonna wash up-"
A hand comes down on my head and I gulp.
"What happened to your face?"
Dabi's voice lowering a whole octave and a half is the scariest thing in the world, change my mind.  "N-Nothing..."
"That's also not the jacket you left with earlier," Twice adds across from me.
Damnit, when did they get so perceptive?  I haven't been staying here for too long, I didn't think they would care about me other than when I go get their food and run other errands for them.
"(Y/n)," Kurogiri crosses his arms over his chest.  "Take the jacket and the hat off.  Now."
I can't refuse them when they're all piercing me with their murderous gazes like that.  They've been nice enough to keep me here, but they're still villains, I can't say they don't scare me in the slightest.  I'm deathly afraid of what might happen if they see what happened to me.  I slowly remove my jacket first, revealing a few scrapes and bruises on my arms.  When I'm met with silence, I remove my hat too, scrunching my eyes closed and preparing for the worst.
"What. Happened?"
I flinch at Dabi's harsh question, not having the courage to look up and look him in the eyes.
"Answer me, kid."
I pick at a scratch on my palms.  "I-I got caught up in an attack w-with the heroes.  I got a little-"
"A little what?!" Twice slams a hand down on the table and I jolt.  "Your face has a giant sore!  What hit you?!"
"Or who?" Dabi asks, hands clenched as his arms cross over his chest.
I back away, defensive about the whole situation.  "It wasn't on purpose.  They hit the ground and something went flying at my face-"
"You could've gotten hurt worse than that!" Dabi booms at me, stepping forward.  "Why didn't you block it in time?"
I feel myself getting smaller and smaller.  "I was running, and I heard someone screaming behind me, and I wasn't paying attention, that's all."
"Aw Dabi, you don't have to be so harsh," Toga wraps an arm around my quivering shoulders.  "You're being scary again, tone it down a notch."
"Yeah, stupid, you're going too OP on the yelling, no one wants to hear your mouth," Shigaraki pipes up, seemingly unbothered by the whole thing ad choosing to focus all his attention on his handheld console.
Dabi whirls onto him.  "What'd you say, Crusty?  How about you say it with your chest?"
Shigaraki stands up and gets in his face.  "I wonder what burnt chicken ashes tastes like-"
"Enough, you two!" Kurogiri booms out.  "There are more pressing matters than your pointless bickering."
"Yeah, our poor birdie (Y/n) got hurt," Toga rubs my face.  I wince when her finger brushes over the sore spot, but I don't want to push her away for fear she might do something to me.  "That's gonna leave a huge bruise for a few weeks."
"I'm gonna destroy whichever hero it was who caused it," Dabi returns back to me.  "Who was it?  Endeavor?  Best Jeanist?  One of those UA kids?"
"I don't know.  I didn't see them clearly," I squeak.  He's really gonna kill me now.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T SEE IT?"  Blue flames emerge from his palms.
"Hey, hey, take it down a few notches."  Twice wraps an arm around Dabi's shoulder and pats his arm.  "No need to act all tough."
"I'm sorry I got hurt, I'll be more careful next time."  The tears build up behind my eyes, but I try to hold them back.  I don't want to see what happens if I cry in front of them.
"Aw, look what you did," Twice exasperatedly motions to my bowed head.  "This is what happens when you're a tsundere hiding your feelings all the time."
"Come here, (Y/n)."  Kurogiri motions to the seat next to Shigaraki.  "Let me take care of your wounds."
"But," I blink back to clear my vision, "I deserved it, didn't I?"  Shouldn't I be in trouble now?
"Oh, shut up, stop being an emo," Toga pushes me toward the chair.
I end up seated at the bar, still constricting myself inward.  I'm not comfortable with anything going on, not to mention how perplexed I am.
Shigaraki spares a sideways glance at me before mashing at his buttons nonchalantly.  "That's one hell of a bruise, you're gonna look worse than me for a while."
I can't judge from his tone if he's insulting me, or trying to make a joke, or failing miserably at comforting me.
Kurogiri places a first aid kit on the counter.  "I'll do your face first."  He pulls out a few cotton swabs and a bottle solution.
Twice leans his arm on the counter on my other side.  "What's with that face, (Y/n)?  You look worried."
I pause for a moment before I look down at my feet.  "I'm waiting for you guys to do something to me."
The entire room freezes again and goes silent, sending me into another heart-racing mini panic.
Twice is the first to break the silence.  Even the soft hand he places on my shoulder makes me jumpy.  "I don't know how things were before you met us, or if that's the kind of impression we give," he shoots a look at Dabi, who just crosses his arms and looks away, "But that's not how we do things.  It was an honest mistake, how could you have known that would happen?  We're just concerned about if something bad happened to you."
I perk up at his words.  "You mean, I'm not just your lackey running your errands?  I'm not just an annoying kid you found on the street?"
"You make it sound like you're a stray cat or something," Shigaraki comments.  "Though, you are quiet and require a moderate amount of attention..."
"Of course you're not just a lackey, silly!  You're one of us!"  Toga's sweater pawed hands envelop my torso in a hug.  "Dabi's just being a meanie because he doesn't know how to show affection.  He should still apologize though."
"Yes, Dabi!" Twice adds with a flourish, "Apologize to my poor child!"  He grabs my head and forcefully pushes it into his hard chest.
Dabi sighs heavily, rubbing the back of his neck as the two stare at him expectantly.  "I shouldn't've yelled at you, kid.  I didn't know you'd be scared like that."
"It's fine."  It's weird being smothered by a group of housemates who might as well be strangers, but it blooms warmth into me somehow.
"Alright, you get first bite of the grub."  Twice eagerly opens up the bags of food and rips open one of the containers and disposable chopsticks to feed me.
Kurogiri gently blots at my face with his first aid supplies.  "Toga, stop wiggling, you're moving (Y/n)!"
Her grip around my waist doesn't loosen at all, her face snuggling into my back.  "Ey, Twice, it's no fair you get to feed (Y/n) first, I wanna do it!"
It's at this moment when I feel like Dabi and Shigaraki are the most normal ones out of all of them, until they start bickering over a container of noodles and start destroying things so Kurogiri needs to reprimand them again.  Even so, among all the prodding, squeezing, pulling, bickering, and smothering, I wonder if this is what family is supposed to feel like.
A secret smile only I can see quirks at my lips.  Nah, they're just weirdos.
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ayzashl · 4 years
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Crack (i think)
Also um, im new to these so sorry for possible gramatical errors or typos (i dont double check bc I literally was bored doing this and just, decided to share it on tumblr lmao)
Disclaimer, I made this out of boredom because I was thinking about exams and stuff and was wondering about how my husbando would react about my situation, having placed on high ranks barely putting efforts towards studying lmao (Not rlly bragging im sorry if it came out as bragging :((, i jusy rlly be curious and hopefully I portrayed it like how I expected for him to react, sorry im new to writing bc I mainly draw🌚👉👈)
It was already sunset. The hues of yellow, orange and red envelops the dorms of U.A high school, its gradient tinting the windows of the students occupying the rooms shine bright, displaying its vibrant colors on the inside of each dorms facing the sunset.
You, who were sitting on your knees, switching positions time to time, searching for a particular pose to get comfortable while drawing on your boyfriend's kotatsu in his dorm, door leading into the balcony open, making the cold breeze of late October allow itself to enter the room.
Autumn has already arrived, and that also means midterm exams. It had just finished today. After a almost whole month of preparing for the exams, and the 3 days of taking it, the students of 1-A was relieved and relaxing in their rooms as the days of hardhips were finally over, plus its a Friday so the students were scattered on each others dorms due to the upcoming weekend.
You were taking a sip of your juicebox, almost emptying it now out of frustration for having a hard time drawing a hand. In your opinion, the struggle was equal or actually a lot harder than your midterms. Art frustrates you a lot and your boyfriend wonders why you still do it, yet never really ask you since he can also tell you're really passionate about it than your other hobbies.
He was sitting on his futon, leaning againts the wall as he stare at your back figure, watching you scribble something on your sketchpad and aggressively erasing it afterwards, making the papers crumble into the direction on where you rub it, making you groan in annoyance even more.
As he observes your actions, a thought runs up his mind, asking himself the same particular questions over and over again.
He asks himself. Why were you putting most of your effort into this drawing? Why were you more irritated in this than the midterm exams?
"Just..... why?"
Shoto had noticed you since the start of your so-called-library-dates, although its mostly just you accompanying him to gather resources for the upcoming exams while you just scan your notes or draw, or read a completely different book whose topic is not related to your exams.
Its always been like that everyday, he never really saw you offer a lot of your energy in terms of studying, like most of the students does, as he noticed the library being almost full as soon as October started.
He saw you scan your notes time to time, yes. But full on concentration on studies? no, never seen you. The most of what he saw were you fixate immensely on your math notebook before exams started, and that was it.
The exams ended abruptly on the second day but there was extra curricular on the Hero's Course on the third day before their final grade were posted. And yes, both of you did well. After the announcement, Shoto (and you) were shocked to find out that you were in 6th place and he placed in 5th. You both exchanged congratulations, you mostly squealing out of joy to actually achieve this particular rank.
Shoto on the other hand was, doubting?. Of course he feels happy for you, but at the back of his mind, he was a little agitated. You both got the exam results at the end of the third day and to his surprise (and also yours, but internally) your scores were high, almost having the amount of same mistakes as him, except your math which you devastatingly, almost failed (lmao), which merely affected your overall result since your scores were high anyways.
Your boyfriend wasnt the type to get irritated over these things, heck yeah he feels ecstatic over your accomplishment, signal the kiss he gave you on your forehead plus the soft look he gave you with a slight smile displayed on his face. But there was a faint thought of doubt running through the back of his head, how did you get such results when you were barely even studying? There was no way you would cheat right? He didnt want to accept it, he didnt want to doubt you, but it was the one of the highest possibilities that was mostly that likely happened, as he could think of right now.
He couldnt let go of this thought unless he confronts you about it right now, so he decided to ask you, waiting for a few moments, observing you, waiting for you to calm down a little from your work.
"Hmm?" you hum, not turning yout back at him, eyes and most of your attention fixated on the paper.
"How did you manage to get a high rank even though I barely saw you studying?" he finally asks, hoping you wont get offended by it, but this thought had been bothering him a little, and he wouldnt be satisfied until he gets his answer, as the stubborn man that he is.
"Are you doubting me?" you say in an offended tone, although you meant it sarcastically, turning your back, giving Shoto your full attention now as you crawl towards him, pencil dropping in the background as you make your way towards your boyfriend, offering him to lay down as you pat his futon. He complies so, already knowing you wanted to cuddle whenever you do that certain action.
You cuddle next to him, facing him as you give him a smile to reassure him that you werent offended by him back then. "Did you notice that in class, I always, almost bury my head on my notebook, writing on it almost 24/7 whenever lecture starts?" you ask him, as you start to fidget his hair on the sides which you and him really enjoy, making its way up to his bangs, and back and fort.
"You were.... writing?" Shoto asks, raising an eyebrow with the same stoic face who seemed not to show a lot of emotions, a little dumbfounded. "I thought you were doodling". You burst out in laughter from the small misunderstanding of your boyfriend.
"Of course I was. You see, whatever the teacher blurts about that sounds important to me, I write it down because, you know, its usually what appears in exams" you explain to him, closing your eyes time to time as if you were a philosopher, passionately explaining your beliefs, only with an added self-sense of humor. As he was on the other had was, fascinated.
I mean, who knew?
"Also just to clarify things, I do put some extra effort on, some of my studies"
"By some you mean just the science topic you reported you keep rereading everyday"
Shoto lighlty chuckles as he moves your head to his chest, placing an arm on your head, planting a kiss on your forehead, as a sign of affection like he always does. He feels a little guilty, assuming you were cheating but in the end, you were just and always has been the genius that you were. Heck if you actually put a lot of effort in your study, you might actually come out at the top in the class, but he's aware you have other things to focus and worry about as his eyes gaze at the table with a slightly crumpled juice box standing out.
"Were you mad?" you ask, out of curiousity. You had assumed he was maybe upset about the results because he gets a little too competitive or has the sentiment that he has to prove that he only isnt good with his powers, but in academics as well, considering his situation.
He lightly shook his head as he fully encloses you to his grasp, leg placed on your sides, locking you in as he settles his face on your hair, inhaling the sweet scent of your lavender shampoo in which he always adores.
You on the other hand, was relieved now that the matter was somehow resolved? Putting those thoughts at the back of your head, your perception of relief was shortly replaced by a wave of worry as you lightly chuckle of uneasiness.
"Shoto?" you tap his sides, body tightly secured onto his. This was the one that made worry. His hands tightly clutching you, but not too much, leg on your sides, locking you in so that you wont get away easily, to him it made him feel happy, knowing that you werent going away and draw for a while. You've had situations like these already and all you ever do is give up and shower him with affection, already knowing he was slightly, probably getting a little touch starved, craving for your attention and affection. But in your situation right now, it was, unpleasant, so to say.
Not after you just finished your juicebox.
-Disclaimer, uh, I made this from
He hums in response, head tilted a little more into your head's direction. He was sure you would have given up already, knowing that he will never let you go.
"I need to pee"
"All I can say is good luck getting out"
"Noooooooohohohoooo!!!" you exclaim, with a sarcastic crying in your tone. This was gonna be one hell of a struggle.
Im bad at explaining things, hope you did enjoy reading this as much as I did though :))
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waynewifey · 4 years
I JUST READ UR CEDRIC FIC AND IM IN LOVE!! LOVE I TELL U 🤍🤍 omg would it be alright if u wrote a cedric x reader where the readers friends w the golden trio and close to harry and cedric both. the reader starts spending more time w harry bc of exams and makes cedric feel left out since hes a year older.. cedric gets jealous and tries to make the reader jealous by spending time with cho? and when exams are done the reader finds cedric & cho hugging & after cho leaves they talk and both confess?
Who am I to you? —
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Summary: (request from @hauntsu)
Warnings: panic attack, angst, fluff at the end.
Words: 1200.
A/N: Thank you so much for this request. I was about to delete my account because I had no inspiration and this totally helped me reminding how much I love to write. Thank you for your feedback on ‘Womanizer’ too, it really means so much to me. For the sake of the request, I modified the grade Cedric was in and his age, which I know it makes no sense and technically he wouldn’t be in the Triwizard Tournament, just ignore this. So just we’re clear: Cedric is 15 and Y/N is 14. I hope you enjoy this, feel free to send requests!
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As the exams were getting closer, the students got more and more anxious. Y/N L/N was a great student, but a bit paranoid about her grades. She would often spend the entire night studying, revising and doing her homework, which led up to a very poor sleep schedule. She then started to sleep in class, or even skip them. Good thing that she had great friends who helped her with it. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were L/N’s best friends since second grade, they were always there for each other. This year, Y/N and Harry got closer, her helping him with the Triwizard Tournament and him helping her with her studies. He wasn’t a genius like Hermione, but at least he had patience and enjoyed her company. L/N and Potter sat under a tree next to the Black Lake, eyes focused on their books and hands on frenetic pens.
“So...” Y/N broke the silence after an hour, “Any clue on the first task?” She said monotonously, already expecting a ‘no’.
“Oh, didn’t I tell you? Right, last night Hagrid told me to follow him into the Forbidden Forest — he’s crazy, I know — and showed me a couple of dragons there. There was some kind of staff too, so I’m positive that the same task has something to do with dragons.” Harry said proudly, though he hadn’t really a plan, “Delacour and Krum know it too, so I was thinking of telling Diggory, you know, it wouldn’t be fair with him.”
“It’s a good idea, really... I wonder how you stayed so humble being The-Boy-Who-Lived.” Y/N grinned to him, gathering her things. “We better get going then, it’s getting late.”
“Can I have a word?” Harry said, making Cedric instantly get up from the bench he was laying down.
“Alright.” The older one said, following the teenagers. His group of friends screaming ‘Ya stink Potter!’, making the blond boy laugh.
“Dragons. That’s the first task. They’ve got one for each of us.” Potter said, when finally far enough from the other students. ‘Come on Ced!’ said one of the Hufflepuffs.
“Are you serious?” Cedric’s eyes flickered between the green eyed boy and Y/N, who stood beside him. “And, um, Fleur and Krum... do they-?”
“Yes.” L/N murmured, rolling her eyes at the group who kept calling Cedric. She wasn’t able to look at her childhood friend since she realised she was in love with him. She feared he would discover and, being as popular as Cedric Diggory were, everyone in Hogwarts would know. The HufflePuff nodded once and the Gryffindors turned to leave. Cedric reached to Y/N’s arm, making them both turn back to him.
“Hey, listen... About the badges, I’ve asked them not to wear them.” He kindly told them, looking directly at Y/N, as she was the one who deserved that apology.
“Don’t worry about it.” Harry replied, quickly leaving with his friend.
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“L/N, hey!” A boy exclaimed, sitting beside her at the library, with a couple books. ‘Shhh!’, proclaimed Madam Pince. He apologised with a shy smile.
“I thought we were on a first name basis, Ced.” She replied, without directly looking at him, head still on her parchment.
“Well, it’s been a while since we’ve talked properly. Do you mind if I study with you?” Diggory smiled hopeful at her, already opening his material. She didn’t say anything, just kept writing her potions assignment. “So, you and Potter, huh?” He said after a couple minutes.
“I- What?!” Y/N exclaimed too loud for her own good, receiving dirty looks from the other students. “Where did that came from?!”
“You’re always together, I thought...”
“We-” She paused. “I... don’t know, actually... I’ve never thought of it that way before.” Y/N thought for a moment. She never noticed if Harry had any interest in her. They were only friends, of course. Or maybe not? Maybe she should get over her crush on the older boy. Cedric was still, the side of his mouth twitched in anger. He, too, had liked her for a long time now, and seeing her drift away made him angry at himself. He was scared of loosing her someway, and Potter seemed like a bit of a competition.
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Y/N’s eyes burned Cho Chang’s head from the other side of the Great Hall. The Ravenclaw had her arms around Cedric’s body, both of them smiled happily. L/N’s body was consumed with jealousy. She wanted so badly to be the one next to him. Her friends noticed and tried to lead the conversation somewhere else, but she wouldn’t pay attention to them. As people started to get up, the (y/h/c) haired girl felt salty tears falling on her cheeks. She angrily stood up and left to her Herbology class. The tears blurred her vision and she could no longer see the hallways. Her legs were weak and failed her, dropping the girl on the floor, desperately crying against a wall. Why couldn’t that be her? Why was so difficult to be with the boy she loved so much for so long? Her eyes closed and all she could see was the couple through that week. All the times they held hands, hugged and laughter together. She heard footsteps approaching but ignored them, only feeling the pain on her chest. Large arms embraced her with a familiar scent.
“Hey, I’m here. You’re fine. Just remember to breath.” Cedric guided her breathing for a couple of minutes until she finally stopped crying. He knew about her panic attacks and always helped her when he could. Once the (y/e/c) girl was stable, she realised who kept her company. “Are you okay? Can I ask you what happened?”
“I can’t do this anymore, Ced. I can’t keep pretending I’m not deeply in love with you for years now. I can’t keep seeing you with another girl and wishing it was me. Like, who am I to you? I just... I can’t.” Her voice was weak and she stared at the floor at her front. She felt a warm hand on her chin, making her look to the boy. He had a soft grin on his face, a comforting one. She frowned her eyebrows in confusion as his eyes admired her lips.
“I love you too, Y/N. Cho was a terrible attempt to try to make you jealous... She doesn’t even like boys.” They both giggled. “I thought you liked Potter, honestly. All the time you’ve been spending together and I thought you were slowly driving away from me because I’m one year older. I’ve loved you since ever. I just- I’m sorry.” Cedric’s hazel eyes were sad. Y/N smiled softly at him, putting her hands on his neck and slowly pulling him into a kiss. Their lips danced like they’ve done it for years. They broke the contact smiling.
“Come on,” Cedric said, helping L/N to get up. “I have a fake girlfriend to break up with.”
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kenmas-consoles · 4 years
Jdjcjcjcjjcjc Aye aye can I request for Tanaka with a 2nd yr s/o but since I'm uncreative it's like this: he hated/disliked her at first bc idk she seemed suspicious? But gradually with the help of the 3rd and 2nd yrs (not the 1st yrs, they'll ruin everything) he learned to be closer to her and accept her, but then ykyk plot happened and bo0m, they be dating u can choose if oneshot or hcs, whichever u prefer, also fem reader ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
Tanaka x Reader Request
Tanaka Ryuunosuke was a simple man. He loves women, he appreciates them, worships the ground they walk on but (y/n) was an exception to this. It wasn’t that she was ugly or unladylike, far from it actually. Except there was something about the girl that constantly made Tanaka feel somewhat weary and uneasy.
Sure she was pretty, well respected and popular, heck he even liked her at one point but after what he had saw in the middle of their first year made him realize she was what people would stereotype as the “kind fake”, at least he believed so. Everytime he saw her smile and offer someone help made his stomach churn, and not in a good way. Her smile and laugh haunted him and reminded him of that dreaded day.
It was 4 pm and classes had just ended, the boy had hurriedly packed up his belongings and rushed of to the gym in fear of being late and getting scolded by some upperclassman or worse Old man Ukai. This had caused a shiver to run up the boy’s spine imagining what kind of punishment he would have to endure if he were to be late.
“(Y/n)-chan. . .” A voice choked out, causing the boy to snap out of his daydream.
“It’s not funny,” the same small voice said.
This was coming from the back of the gym, taking a peak inside the gym door he noticed that no one was in there yet so he decided to check out the scene that was happening behind the gym.
With his back on the wall he had took a sideways glance at the scene before him. The scene had shocked the boy as there was a girl bawling her eyes out, before he could intervene and ask what was going on he heard laughter, one that he had grown to love for the past few months. He poked his head out a little more to see you with a couple of other friends smiling and laughing at the poor innocent crying girl.
'Sick' he thought, 'to think I like her, she made someone cry. . . and now she's laughing at them' Tanaka grumbled and left the scene as he had seen enough and didn’t want to be late for practice.
Although from behind the gym, and unknown to Tanaka, this was a little surprise (Y/n) planned for one of her friends.
The girl had brushed of a few stray tears that had escaped her eyes when she was laughing, "I'm sorry for laughing but ahahaha you should've seen your face. Who knew surprising you for your birthday would get you," the girl motioned to her friend, "like this." the continued in fits of laughter. From the corner of her eye she had saw Tanaka’s running figure that made a small smile grace her face.
One of (Y/n)’s friends looked over to where (Y/n) was staring at with a smile on her face and saw the same buzzed cut haired male, “Ooooh〜 does are little (Y/n)-chan have a crush?”
The said girl exploded into a vermillion red as she tried to deny all her friend’s teasing accusations
For the next following days Tanaka could barely look at (Y/n) without remembering the scene and how cruelly (Y/n) had been to the crying girl. Everytime she neared he would be sure to stay clear of her, he even had told his best friend Noya all about it just so he wouldn't fall hands into her trap. The girl albeit confused didn't mind much but she was still very much hurt that her crush was ignoring her.
Now that they were 2nd years, nothing much has changed since then. They were still classmates, Tanaka still thought she was fake, and (Y/n) still likes her chivalrous classmate. The only thing that has changed however is that (Y/n) is now more open to showing her interest in the buzz cut boy.
Which now leads us to our current situation.
“Tanaka-kun, do you want to be groupmates with me in this pair activity? I’m actually really good at (f/subject), so I really won’t be much of a burden.”
Tanaka’s eyes widened, if he was any other guy in his class or who he was last year then he’d be stoked that THE (L/n) (Y/n) was asking him directly to pair up with her. ‘Don’t fall for it, don’t fall for it, don’t fall for it’ he chanted in his head like a mantra.
“Ahah, sorry (L/n)-san but I’m already paired with (R/n).”
“Oh. . . I see, well maybe next time then?” The girl replied and looked up at him with expectant doe eyes.
Tanaka quickly averted his gaze and mumbled an inaudible ‘yeah sure’. He watched how (Y/n) skipped of to her friend circle and punched her friend in the arm. ‘There she goes again, pulling a 180 personality turn, how does no one see that??’ he thought to himself.
“A-ah, (R/n) let’s be partners for the pair work.” He had said clapping the boy on the back.
Meanwhile with (Y/n)
She skipped over to her circle of friends with a smile, “Oooh〜 does that mean prince charming accepted your proposal?” (F/n) asked with a smirk while the rest of the group sniggered. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and playfully glared at her friends. (F/n) gasped, “Is it a yes? My god he said yes. WE DID IT MR. STARK.”
(Y/n) playfully punched (f/n) in the arm and whined before dejectedly looking at the floor, “Well, actually. . . He said no. . ."
"Awweee, our poor baby"
"It's okay (Y/n)-chan"
"You want me to beat him up for you?"
(Y/n) shook her head as she turned around to see Tanaka with his arm around (R/n)'s shoulder.
Volleyball practice was yet to start as they were all gathered around in a circle waiting for Takeda-sensei to give some announcements.
“As you all are aware you have final exams starting next month, right?” Takeda started to which the quick freak duo and the rowdy second years paled at, “So, I think you know what I’m getting at, but if you fail any subjects supplementary classes will be held that weekend.”
Tanaka and Nishinoya shared a knowing look and were quick to try and bolt out the gym doors.
“Hey, There’s nowhere to run!” Daichi shouted after them, “Ennoshita, catch them!”
“Gaahhh, I can’t believe it,” Tanaka started as he laid face flat on the clubroom floors. “I’ve got no one to teach me, Saeko-nii would just laugh if I even mention trying to up my grades at this point.”
Sugawara laughed as he changed into a spare shirt, “I’m sure you’ll find someone.”
“What about you Suga-san?”
The said boy dismissively waved his hands, “What subject do you need help with anyway?”
A lightbulb went up Suga’s head as he heard Tanaka’s reply.
“(Y/n)-chan is still your classmate right? You should go ask her, she’s really good at that subject,” Suga added, “Plus we went to cram school together and she’s pretty advanced, I could ask her for you.”
Daichi, overhearing the conversation mentioned that you spend a considerable amount of time in the library that he often sees you there one more than one occasion, “That and she’s really nice.” Daichi finished.
Tanaka had enough of this talk about you being all that as he stormed away from the clubroom, leaving Daichi and Suga to think Tanaka was so flustered he couldn’t take it anymore. The two looked at each other and hatched up a plan.
The following day Tanaka couldn’t help but notice Ennoshita, Daichi and Suga acting all suspicious during practice.
“Okay, what’s up with you three?” Tanaka questioned.
“Ah, it’s nothing, it’s nothing” Suga said with an overly nice smile that Tanaka swore he was almost getting cavities.
As the four continued their banter a certain (h/c)-ette had entered the gym in search for her Senpais.
“Suga-san, it’s really hard to believe you when you put on a face like that”
“Like what?”
“All I’m saying is you all are acting weird it’s like you all are up to something and I don’t buy it one b-
“Suga-senpai, Sawamura-senpai,” (Y/n) said with a small bow as she walks over to the quartet.
“Ahh (Y/n)-chan, nice to see you here.” Suga said patting the young girl’s head.
Daichi moved over to the pair so (Y/n) was inbetween Daichi and Suga. “(Y/n) here will tutor you so you wouldn’t have to worry about flunking your exams” Daichi boomed with a smile and a hand in the girl’s shoulder causing the girl to smile as well.
The trio smiled brightly at Tanaka, from across the gym Tsukishima squinted his eyes at the sight, “It looks like two parents handing over their child to an unwilling suitor” he said.
“Nice one Tsukki”
“Shut up Yamaguchi”
“Tanaka-kun, you have volleyball practice every Monday,Wednesday and Thursday right?” (Y/n) asked as they walked home together, something in which The third years had made the male do because ‘a girl shouldn’t be walking home alone at night’ Now here they stood walking three feet apart each other.
The boy hummed in reply, “So I was hoping you’d spend atleast an hour with me in the library after school on Tuesdays and Fridays and maybe thirty minutes on days when you have practice?”
“Alright, I can’t wait,” the girl said enthusiastically, “Can I have your phone number? For you know tutoring purposes”
This had made Tanaka stop dead in his tracks, ‘A girl wants my number?’ This was the first time the boy was asked for his number, regardless if he didn’t exactly like (Y/n) his heart fluttered all the same that caused a pink hue to spread on his cheeks. The girl had saw this and the same pink started dusting her own cheeks thinking she must have been too forward.
Tanaka coughed and fished out his cellphone and held it out towards the girl who gently took it with shaky fingers. Typing in her number she handed it back to the boy as they continued walking in silence, not noticing how close they seem to be walking now compared to the 3 foot distance they had minutes ago.
It has been a week and the two had only met up thrice to review over (fave/subject) in the library. The week had made Tanaka realize that the girl wasn’t all that bad company and he racked and questioned his mind and eyes if it were truly you who he saw at the back of the gym during your first years.
It was a Tuesday and the pair were working at the library, “You could use a break, you’re actually doing quite good so you deserve it.” The girl laughed. They were going over English today practicing grammar and vocab.
Tanaka had stretched his arms out on the table which caused the girl to laugh a little more, which soured Tanaka’s mood. ‘There’s that laugh, it’s no denying, that same laugh burned in the back of his mind as he replayed the scene all over again’
“I’m going to grab some thing to drink I’ll be back in a few.” The boy said and hurriedly left. Tanaka was hunched next to a vending machine aggressively chugging down a Calpico drink mumbling what a fool he’s been fraternizing with the enemy.
Was she really the enemy though?
Tanaka managed to carry himself all the way back up to the library seeing as he was abusing his “break time”, might as well go back to work then right? As the boy walked towards the table he had so “kindly” left you at he saw your figure a few tables past your original one playing with a 5 year old boy.
The boy was finger gunning the girl who was taking a step towards him in a zombie motion and the girl silently acted as though she was getting shot. The little boy giggled before ducking behind the table and continuing this pattern.
“Ah, Hibiki I think the young girl’s boyfriend is here for her now.” The librarian said to the child who looked mildly upset that he couldn’t play with the older female anymore. The boy waved goodbye towards the girl and (Y/n) happily waved back. The girl then turned her head towards Tanaka who was frozen where he stood when the old woman called him your boyfriend.
“Tanaka-kun looks funny, did you enjoy your break?”
“I had a Calpico”
“Sounds refreshing” the girl replied with a laugh.
The two continued on with their prepping for English and had come across a word that Tanaka had a hard time comprehending.
“Yeah, it’s an english expression, it means to be shocked about something you weren’t expecting. Hmm, when was the last time Tanaka-kun was surprised?” The girl had asked to keep the ball rolling.
“Well the team surprised me on my birthday sometime ago, I was really taken aback and couldn’t help but cry a little.”
“Oh, back during my first year we threw a huge surprise party for my friend at the back of the gym. We got her a cake and everything, she cried too, it was really funny-“
‘Wait. . . What?!’ Tanaka had thought. The pressure building inside him was intense, ‘God, was that what happened? I TOTALLY MISINTERPRETED’
“Surprised.” Tanaka said in english. He totally wouldn’t be forgetting that anytime soon. The boy felt bad for judging her all these years and guilt was literally creeping up on him that he actually found it hard to breath. He felt like such an idiot, for not reading into the scene correctly and for mistreating (Y/n). He needed someway to make it up to her, but what?
“Do you want me to walk you home today?” The question came out before he could think.
The girl tried to hide a smile, “That would be great.”
The two had grown significantly closer since then much to (Y/n)’s friends and the Karasuno’s third years pleasure as they’ve been rooting for them for the longest time. Tanaka would ask to stay and review longer with the said girl even if h could barely understand but he made an extra effort to impress her so he took a considerable amount of prep work at home much to his sister’s surprise. This had earned him a bit of teasing, he endured it all just for the sake of his pride, and the volleyball summer camp.
The day of the exams rolled in and Tanaka was actually extra nervous about this. There was 4 exams to take and everything (Y/n) taught him was slowly scuttling out the window. Regardless he answered what he could making a few guesses here and there. Now all that was left was to wait for the results.
Tanaka had his head in his hands staring up at the teacher who was calling onto students to give back their test papers.
‘It’s okay. . .’
“Hai. . .”
‘It’s okay. . .’
“Hai!” He said standing up abruptly making his chair screech from behind him. Every step he took closer to Nakamura-sensei felt heavy, upon receiving his papers he quickly bunched it up and decided to look at it later. (Y/n) wasn’t present in class as she was pulled out for club activities and he thought he should save looking at his grade for when they would meet up later.
(Y/n) was standing outside the gym doors leaning against the balls of her feet waiting for a certain buzzed cut male. Tanaka saw her standing there and was bouncing his leg up and down exhaling as he made his move to advance towards her, “(L/n)-san!” He called out.
“Yknow we’ve known each other for a while now, so you can call me (Y/n) if you’d like”
“A-ah, okay then, anyways the test results came out. . .”
“How’d they go?”
“Well, I haven’t exactly saw it yet, I was hoping to show you and find out together. . .”
A smile graced it’s way on the girl’s face, finding courage she grabbed on to his hand and gave a firm reassuring nod as he dug for the results in his bag.
(Fave/subject)- 83/100
Math- 42/100
English- 66/100
Science- 46/100
Tanaka stared at his papers in disbelief. This was the highest he’d scored since primary school. The girl flung her arms around his neck as the boy gripped her waist and swung her around in happiness, laughing in sheer mirth of the moment. Tanaka slowed as their laughter died down, eyes locking onto each other.
Suga and Daichi was hiding behind the bush watching them. They fistbumped at the success of getting the two together. Tsukki and Yamaguchi were heading towards the gym at the exact moment Tanaka and (Y/n) were leaning into a kiss.
"Now, kiss" he said aloud.
"Uwoooohh Tsukishima what are you talking about? huh, is that Tanaka-san?"
"Oi Boke don't watch them."
"Ne ne Tsukki do you think they're dating?"
Daichi and Suga face palmed at the ruined moment.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Okaaayy yes but Steve has severe dyslexia and he gets so frustrated when he and Billy are working on homework together because Billy will be done with the assignment before Steve even gets three pages in and Steve’s getting angry and he has a headache and he’s tired and feels like an idiot but Billy is the most comforting bf EVER
I was working on an assignment and I didn’t understand a fucking word so this is really just some angst because I started crying into my textbook. I usually try to get my books online bc you can change the font and background color (they’re also usually cheaper, wink) but this one I had to get physical and It’s been a long day and dyslexy brain was bein MEAN tonight.
Dyslexic is the only way I write Steve. (I love projecting onto this boy)
Read on ao3!
It took Steve a very long time to learn to read.
He didn’t begin until well past many other children did. He learned from a very young age what his big brown eyes could do. If he unleashed them in an unsuspecting nanny, he would always be read to, and could avoid wading through the gibberish another day.
It wasn’t until he reached Kindergarten someone noticed something.
Steve was okay with his alphabets, would sometimes get letters backwards, but overall, he did fine. His chubby five-year old hands were a little clunky around a pencil, but when the teacher, Ms. Green, upgraded from individual letters to everyday words, she started noticing certain things.
He would scrunch his eyebrows at double consonants, words like button, balloon, alligator would make him huff.
When they moved on to phrases the true problem presented itself.
He would write words incorrectly, words like of and to were never quite right, and no matter how much she calmly explained the rules of a silent ‘e’, he just couldn’t get it.
She called his parents in for a meeting, sitting them down with the head of special education at Hawkins Elementary, Mrs. Collier. She handled them Steve’s work, examples of scrambled letters. Mrs. Collier produced pamphlets, threw around words like dyslexia, dysgraphia, learning disability.
Mr. Harrington was livid. He told them repeatedly he would not allow them to test Steven, that he just needed to focus, work harder. Ms. Green raised an eyebrow, said Steve’s five, he’s working as hard as he can, if we can test him to confirm, he could work easier.
Mr. Harrington had left in a huff, refusing to sign the paperwork consenting the school to test Steve, muttering all the way about no son of mine’s retarded.
Ms. Green exchanged a look with Mrs. Collier and the two women worked out a plan.
This Plan was handed from teacher to teacher as Steve progressed through Hawkins elementary. Mrs. Collier began each school year by explaining the situation to the teacher, working with them to create accommodations for Steve that wouldn’t get back to Mr. Harrington, his assignments were often printed larger, reading assignments were handed to him pre-annotated, sometimes deadlines were extended.
The Plan followed him to Hawkins Middle.
In seventh grade, he asked his English teacher about the accommodations, why his assignments were often due a week later, how he was encouraged to stay after his tests, take extra time and head off late to his next class with a note explaining he had an exam.
“When you were in kindergarten, your teacher wanted to have you tested for dyslexia. Your father wouldn’t allow it, so before every school year each of your teachers meets with Mrs. Collier, head of Special Education at Hawkins Elementary and we work out accommodations for you.”
Steve felt like he could cry. His father had always been hard on him, been vocal about how disappointing Steve was, is. He nodded at him, speeding out of the room to Social Studies, where he noticed his packet was at least two pages longer than anyone else’s, the font size large.
High school was much the same. His essays had three separate deadlines, he would meet with the teachers, would discuss alterations he could make to improve it.
He was assigned note takers in each class, a peer whose notes the teacher would xerox for him in case his own got messy.
When he started slipping, struggling, he would have peer tutors, kids in his class he would meet with in the library.
Senior year was the worst. He was struggling more than ever before. His father had doubled down since he didn’t get into college, would pretty much only talk to him to call him an idiot.
He was meeting Billy Hargrove almost everyday after school getting help with his Algebra. Yeah, algebra. He was a senior, in a class full of sophomores. But the formulas killed him, swam about the page like nothing ever had.
Billy was in AP Calculus B/C, the highest math class Hawkins High offered as a junior.
He swept into the private study room at the back of the library, Steve settled into one of the chairs already.
“Hey, Pretty Boy.” He kissed his head as he went past. Steve smiled at him.
“Hi, Bill.”
“How’s the math?”
“Fucking awful.” Billy took the sheet Steve was working on, grimacing at it.
“Yeah, Sweet Thing, these are, uh, these are mostly not correct.” Steve slammed his book shut, putting his head in his hands.
“I just can’t do this. I don’t know why this fucking chapter has been so hard for me.”
“It’s because you have like, nine formulas to memorize.” He got out a yellow notecard, writing out the formulas, the concepts for imaginary numbers, a few basic examples of factorials. They had found that the yellow paper was easiest for Steve to read on, Billy kept his handwriting crisp, big.
He slid it at Steve, between his elbows. He took his wrists, prying them away from his face, finding tears tracking down his face, his big eyes glassy.
“Hey, why the tears?” Steve just sniffed.
“Because I’m fucking stupid, Bill.” Billy used Steve’s hand to smack himself. Steve looked affronted.”What the fuck?”
“You know I don’t like it when you talk bad about yourself.” He made Steve smack himself again. “Be nice to yourself. Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you’re stupid. Because you’re not.” Steve was smiling lightly. “So, we’re gonna go through these problems slowly, and when shit gets wiggly, you tell me and we’ll give it a second.” Steve sighed, pulling the card closer, reopening the textbook.
“So, honestly I’ve been lost for like, a month.” Billy looked scandalized.
“Why didn’t you talk to me? You know I’m always happy to help you, Baby.” He stroked a hand through Steve’s hair, Steve dropping eye contact, his cheeks heating up.
“It’s just, it’s embarrassing. You’re so smart, Bill, and I’m, I’m not.”
“You’re plenty smart, Mac n’ Steve. Being good at school doesn’t mean you;re smart or not.” Steve gave him a Look.
“Whatever, let’s just work on this.” Steve huffed.
They spent forty five minutes working on Steve’s math, Billy flitting in between helping Steve and his own homework, flying through assignments like crazy while Steve had gotten steadily though four problems.
An hour and Billy was finished with his own math, his lab write up for the AP Chem section he was in with Nancy, and had finished half his assigned reading of Moby Dick, the densest book Steve has ever seen.
And Steve, Steve had done four and a half problems.
He slammed the book shut again, tears once again in his eyes.
“I’m done Billy. I’m over it.” Billy was back to him, cupping his face in his hands.
“Hey, I know it’s frustrating but-”
“No! No, Billy. You don’t know. You have no idea how frustrating it is to sit here, barely getting through my work while my fucking genius boyfriend just finished all his homework for the next week.”
Billy didn’t know what to say. There wasn’t much he could say to Steve when he got like this.
It wasn’t as though Billy was trying to make him feel bad, this school shit just came real natural to him. But he guesses that’s probably the issue, that he didn’t have to work.
He just grabbed Steve, pulled him until he slumped into his chest, taking a few shaking breaths.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry so it’s hard for you, Baby.” Steve just whined, melted into Billy’s chest more.
“I have a headache, Bill.” He was getting pouty, which was always a good sign with Steve, when he got all cute, knew it made Billy weak. Billy kissed the top of his head, rubbing the spot above his ear, the spot Steve always complained about.
“You wanna go home? We can have a little fun before we keep truckin’ with your math.” Steve wiggled a little, shuffling to look up at Billy.
“Depends on what kinda fun you mean.” Billy smirked, Steve’s eyes bright.
“You know what kinda fun I mean, Pretty Boy.”
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tigsousa · 4 years
INTRODUCING TIGS… @gallagherintro​​
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⌠ CHAY SUEDE, 22, CISMALE, HE/HIS ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, THIAGO “TIGS” SOUSA! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in UNDECIDED; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (a shittier silver chain than connell’s, eDgY shirts with missing buttons, book rolled into back pocket, flipping everyone off, rolled cigarette tucked behind ear, bruised eyes or just bags?). when it’s the (aquarius)’s birthday on 20/01/1998, they always request their COCO POPS from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
liam gallagher
grew up in a pretty rough and dangerous neighbourhood in dc, filled with Street Rats
parents: irresponsible, violent, addicts, basically only kept him for the benefits. home life was pretty miserable where he picked up most of his traits and habits.
but at one point it got so bad, his grandma reported them and took him in. they served some time in jail. he doesn’t know what they’re up to now, doesn’t care to find out either.
no one’s perfect -- his dad obvs gets it from somewhere -- but his grandma's love doesn’t make him cry. 
but he was an ungrateful lil shit ! so after a big argument, he left her and ran away/taken to LANDAN with a gang of grifters he met on da streetz for some gigs and what he thought would be Big Money
street fights were a common occurrence re: snatch *mickey o’neil vc* i’ll fight ya for it … if dc is here he learned how to fight, london is where he learned to fight dirty
the gang began to pull cons on a Bigger Scale until they got caught ! he was a Big Coward and ran away … but was sent back to the u s of a with 0 money lol (was p traumatic actually! ppl got killed! it still haunts him!)
came back 2 grandma n said sry a bajillion times n they made up
gma works as a housekeeper for a big time politician fam in d.c. and would get a few smol jobs for him as a pool boy or whatever else rich ppl have
but then his gma got ill and they don’t have medical insurance or da money for treatment so he dropped outta school and continued 2 swindle, in d.c. or where the money was tbh
gd thing about d.c. is politicians and they have lots of money !!!
it felt weird to scam people by himself. he wasn’t used to working alone so he started off small: hung out in bars, targeted politicians. end up in a hotel - they paid for it. long story short he got enough ammo to blackmail them into giving him $$ or he’d sell photos/videos to journalists ... n we all know how homophobic politicians are :clown emoji:
newayz … one of the cons ended up being a trap (fffff). they knew about his lil tricks n wanted to use him so proposed a deal: they’d pay for his gma’s everything, put her in the best hosp, pay off debts, send him to a good school which would secure his future !! in return they wouldn’t hand him over 2 da popo, clear his record, but he’d work for them + blackmails their opponents to strong arm them into votes or w/e
obvs he said yes bc he luvs his gma ..
Edgy n Cockney
has a dog called amigo
eats cereal out of the box for breakfast lunch n dinna xx it’s vegan xx
talks rly slowly, super lazy, as if he’s high 25/8
had 2 grow up quick so he is Mature but wasn’t allowed/able to Process all of his Shit so acts out + has childish tendencies (shock!)
super selfish + looks out for himself First … soz it just how it be it’s nothing personal
prefers to ruin things on his own terms so he is unforch #TeamFuckThingsUp
likes breaking thangs, likes burning thangs, likes gettin into fites .. For Fun !
rly just does what he wants regardless of whether it hurts other ppl – doesn’t rly care abt right/wrong .. aloof/detached/boner 4 nihilism yada yada
maybe that’s due to him liking d.c. coke a lot … a coping mechanism<3 microdosing mostly<3
if u get over all of that lol then he has a Deep side n has a lot of thots (which will b hard for me but o well) can be caring etc.
anti govt, anti rich, fuck da system a la vincent cassel in la haine etc. etc.
surprisingly Smort, likes 2 read + retains info like a sponge, good at exams without rly trying, will happily take exams for $$
likes getting to know ppl tho not out of genuine interest but also won’t say shit about himself
everyone at gallagher is stupid smart n kinda show offy abt it … highkey grinds his gears because he rly hates rich ppl and the govt and will fight u on it
will rationalise himself being at gallagher by saying he’ll destroy the system from inside out !!! lol ye rite
prefers to sit at the back, blend into the background, do his own thing
never chases after anything so if he does be suss
big fan of documentaries - louis theroux daddy
friends: prefers 2 b more lowkey, more of a small chill group of ~pals than big groups of dumbos re: bros chat.
ex-friends: gimme platonic heartbreak! he has a tendency 2 fucc things up on purpose and will not hesitate to burn bridges 2 hide in da smoke (deep)
flings: type to kick u out bc he sleeps better alone and won’t hit u up for at least a week … no hard feelings</3
ex-flings: no emosh capacity for a full on relationship but it could’ve ended for a lot of messy reasons !! makes me laff
exes? he doesn’t rly believe in monogamy i’m sry . probs would’ve messed ur chara around a bit :// or mb it could’ve been legit srs i o n o
fre/enemies: he just … has 0 loyalties tbh so
met ur match: someone who just runs circles around him + plays his game better than he does ! its Messy !
senator’s kids: ur chara’s parent the one who took tigs in! probs shud be a Baddie tho
i cleaned ur pool: mayhaps he was ur pool boy one (1) summer + stole some of ur shit, maybe they got along, maybe they hate each other
pot head gang: talking about conspiracy theories on da rooftop at 2am pls ty
anti-painkiller: someone who is feeling shitty so hits him up to feel even worse . this cud become soft tbh . extra Spice if she wants 2 keep it a secret
underlined the good bits: based on dis lil nugget but instead of saving mankind make it taking down the government lol or a lil discussion or legit anythinnnn :-) bonus points if they dk each other :-)
why didn’t u ask me to stick around?: *peyton sawyer vc* erry1 alwayz leaves … n so did he !
the worst best partner: they were forced 2 partner up together but they rly rile each other up but lowkey werk well together and got a smashing grade ! he doesn’t care abt grades so probs someone who is a Show Off so he gets Aggro
if any of these fit ur chara/u vibin wit em, holla + we can go from there: uno, two, three, three and a half, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten point five, and most importantly: ot3 !!!!! and another one
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Hi... This is my first time doing this so if it's literal crap I'm sorry... how would the three ( Bakugou,Todoroki,and Midoriya) react if their s/o was slow or hard headed...? Female reader....Maybe she thinks she is dumb or stupid and they all comfort her. (separately) ...u feel me? Well anyways do this if you can!By the way👉👈😶I really admire your work it's really good👍👌Keep makin the good kush😛
It’s not crap at all~, more like...I feel this in my sooouuull,
being dumb and stuff, I had the WORST grades, especially compared to my friends,
and well, I think I made my tutor cry internally bc even with their help it
never got better, … but I try to tell myself grades don’t define my true
intelligence, well shit in today’s society it does, damn xD 
Well, that aside, I
hope you like it~ (*´꒳`*) 
Bakugou Katsuki
actually tries to help you when you feel like you need another form of explanation because you didn't quite catch it during class and will not mock you, since he knows you sometimes feel insecure about not being super quick to understand certain topics
However, he is still Bakugou, so prepare for him to get frustrated when you need a little longer, this is just his impatience though, so don't think too much about it, you know how all bark and no bite he is, and even if he whined how you still don't get it, if you need his explanation five times he will explain it to you until you fully understand
When he catches you being really upset or even almost crying because you feel dumb and stupid, he will tell you to shut it, academical intelligence says nothing about a person's actual intelligence and knowledge; this however doesn't really make you feel any better so after teasing you for being a crybaby he will hug you tightly and he will hold you as long as you need to calm down
If there is anyone else commenting on your intelligence, or maybe mocking you because you got a bad grade or something, he will get furious and tell them to fuck off or he will blow them up right then and there
Bakugou knows, you compare yourself a lot with others, especially with him and even though you love him dearly, you can’t help but feel envious, both of you studied the same amount, but the grades are way different, at times like this, you just laugh it off when you get your test back, though he knows when you are alone in your room you cry, mostly out of frustration; on those days he waits till evening, before grabbing a bunch of unhealthy, delicious snacks and the real expensive but tasty ice cream as well as that unbearably mushy movie he hated but you loved and he will make you watch it with him while cuddling on the bed
Todoroki Shouto
you once told Shouto, jokingly, you felt like your brain was a walnut when you compared yourself to him; he was, and that surprised you, a little angry when you told him that, scolding you that, no, you do not have a walnut brain and that everyone has something there are good and bad at, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t smart
most definitely will help you study, he may not be in the top 3, but he is smart and grasps things quite easily during class, so he will try his absolute best to also help you and it really helps that Shouto is a very calm person in general, he doesn’t get frustrated with you as quickly as other tutors
if anyone, especially Mina or Kaminari, dares to label you as “you are one of us dumb kids, L/n, it’s fine.”, Shouto will immediately grab your wrist and pull you onto his lap, or if he stands, into his arms, telling them immediately you were not dumb and it was not in his usual calm voice, but a little threatening; they never dared to say something like that ever again after that
on days were you feel incredibly insecure about your intelligence and worried about what would happen if you were to not successfully graduate or something, he is by your side, calming you down and telling you, everything will work out fine and he will do anything to help you; on those days you two end up in either your or his room, eating junk food and watching your favorite show, distracting you from your worries for this evening
Midoriya Izuku
probably the sweetest about it, as he will try and cheer you up the best he can, even if he had to make funny faces so you would start giggling again, if you were crying prior because you felt inferior to most of your classmates being really good academically
Izuku is so sweet, it sometimes backfires horribly, because there was this one time he failed a test on purpose, just so it would make you feel better that you weren’t the only one struggling, but you immediately felt something was wrong and after he confessed what he had done, you scolded him a lot and ever since then, he never failed on purpose again
overhears some people from Class 1-B whispering about “that dumb (h/c) haired girl in Class 1-A” and how you weren’t supposed to be in U.A, and even though he felt his knees shaking a little, he immediately defended you (it ended in a fight that the teachers had to interrupt); when you found out, you immediately treated his light injuries, before the rest of the day you two just cuddled in bed)
ask him anything, really, he doesn’t mind one bit, if he understood something himself, he will gladly share his knowledge and explain to you anything you don’t understand, also, he is very patient and sweet, if you feel like you bother him, he will immediately tell you that you could never ever bother him, what were you thinking?
smothers you with kisses when you successfully passed a particular hard exam and will celebrate with you, yes, other’s might think its stupid to be this dramatic, especially if you were barely passing, but he doesn’t care, he knows you worked so hard, so he wants to celebrate
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groundzerobakugo · 6 years
reunited // k. bakugou
anonymous said: “Hey, I was wondering if you could just do a simple Bakugou imagine. A good old friend from grade school walks into 1-A on the first day of school. Sorry if it’s not much”
of course anon!! sorry, for the delay! i was trying to get out baku’s and kiri’s soulmate!aus when i received your message; thank you for your request! hope you like what i come up with!
 gender in this imagine will be female, if you wish for me to create this with male or genderneutral pronouns please feel free to send a message my way! i would be happy to help!
warnings: language bc bakugou, a bit of angst for good measure
word count: 1.4k
summary: it had been a tough three years after moving away from your childhood friends, but you finally get to return to musutafu when you pass yuuei’s entrance exam.
quirk: shockwave, able to send seismic waves from your fingertips much like an earthquake, can be detrimental to oneself.
 you were never really too sure why your parents had decided to move from your lovely home in musutafu, moving to kasukabe right before you’d have finished grade school. you suspected it was to be closer to your paternal grandmother though, she hadn’t been doing too well after your grandfather died. however, that didn’t damper your spirits on wishing to return in order to attend yuuei, the top hero academy in all of japan.
 your mind always went wondering whenever you thought of yuuei, how a boy you used to know had dreamed of going there, of achieving his own dream of becoming a hero.
 bakugou katsuki--he was a classmate of yours, one you always gave your cup of fruit to, and in return, he gave you his jello cup. you wondered what happened to him after you moved away, if he ever did stop bullying midoriya; you were never actually given the chance to say goodbye, you never found a way until you just up and disappeared from their lives.
 the day you were accepted into yuuei academy, you were ecstatic, as well as your parents; they knew your dreams of becoming a hero, and they knew your quirk would take you far. there was a small celebration with your middle school friends, and while you were sad to say goodbye, nothing could dampen your spirits.
 it was a nice day out, april bringing about the blooming cherry blossoms. your uniform was pressed and clean, you’d left your new apartment (that your parents so graciously paid for) twenty minutes earlier than you had to, and you were wondering if any of the other people you’d applied with would be in your class in the hero course, your mind drifting to bakugou for a moment before a green-haired boy had bumped into you.
 “sorry! i wasn’t watching where i was going!” he stammered, picking you up from the ground.
 you dusted off your clothes, smiling at him, “it’s okay, i technically wasn’t eith--midoriya-san?” your brows furrowed, looking at the boy in front of you. while he’d grown up quite a bit, you could still recognize those freckled cheeks and bright green eyes anywhere.
 he jumped back with a blush on his cheeks, “uh, d-do i know you? i mean, i can’t, you don’t look familiar, and i don’t think we took the exam together, but like, you’re so pretty, and i’d remember if--” he gulped, “s-sorry.”
 you just laughed, “you’re still the same, midoriya-san. i didn’t think i’d changed that much.”
 he blinked, cheeks still red. “i-i’m still not following. wh-who are you?”
 “it’s me, (name)!” you beamed. “i’ve returned to go to yuuei!”
 his eyes widened, “(n-name)-san? you look so different! wait, where have you been? we were all so worried about you, you just disappeared!”
 you gave him a sheepish grin, “yeah, sorry about that.”
 “what happened? kacchan was so upset,” he replied.
 “we moved to kasukabe to live with my grandmother,” you said. “i feel bad i never said goodbye, but i didn’t really know how to--wait, what time is it?”
 midoriya’s eyes went wide as he checked the time on his phone, “we better get to class before we’re late!”
 “come on!” you grabbed the freckled-boy’s hand, dragging him as you ran towards yuuei. it wasn’t too long of a run, and you two had luckily made it about ten minutes before class, which wasn’t half bad considering you took a wrong turn (or two).
 you sucked in a breath at the gates, midoriya looking a bit nervous.
 you spared a glance his way, “oh, i never asked. did you get into general studies or something?”
 he scratched his cheek, “ac-actually, i got into the h-hero course.”
 “what?! b-but... this is gonna be great! we’re classmates!” you grinned, “i can’t believe you got into the hero course! what happened? were you a late bloomer?”
 he laughed nervously, “something like that.”
 “cool! i can’t wait to see it,” you replied, walking down the halls. once again, your mind drifted. “hey, midoriya-san?”
 he hummed, looking over at you. “yeah, (name)-san?”
 “do... do you know if kacchan got in?” you asked, stopping in your tracks as you looked out the window.
 “we’ll find out sooner than later,” was his reply before you both turned a corner and stood in front of the towering door of class 1-a. “well, let’s see what--” he opened the door, immediately hearing the sound of an argument already.
 you looked past midoriya’s shoulder, looking into the room before you noticed two boys yelling at each other. one you had recognized from the written exam; tall, dark hair and dark eyes, a pair of glasses perched on his nose as he scolded the one in front of him. but when you noticed the blond, your eyes widened and your brain went fuzzy.
 he looked almost exactly as he did when you had last seen him; hair unruly and jutting out in tufts of blond, crimson eyes narrowed and uncaring as he yelled back at his classmate. but as he was still the same, he was also different. this kacchan was taller than the one you knew, shoulders more broad, lips curled into a permanent scowl.
 you snapped out of it, pushing past midoriya and sitting in the seat you were assigned to, near the back of the room in the corner. you almost wanted to say hello, but if midoriya couldn’t recognize you, you doubted bakugou would.
 however, you were surprised when you noticed his eyes on you as you sat down.
 just before you could say anything to the blond, the teacher had arrived, and both your attentions were directed to the front of the room. guess you’d have to wait for lunch.
 your body ached somewhat after aizawa’s random and stressful quirk assessment test, your hands shaking with slight tremors from the earthquakes you’d sent throughout your body. you wanted to leave a good impression, and you certainly didn’t want to be expelled on the first day.
 you sighed, about to pass by a hallway when you blazer was grabbed and you were dragged and the corner, a gasp of surprise falling from your lips.
 “oi, what’s your--kacchan?”
 the blond stood there with a scowl on his face, staring you down with narrowed eyes.
 “kacchan?” you asked.
 “who the fuck gave you the right to come back?” he growled, hostility lacing his tone.
 your eyes widened, “wh-what?”
 “you think you can come back here after fucking disappearing and shit?” he still hadn’t let go of your arm, the grip tightening. “you left without a fucking word, and yet, now, here you are, shitty girl.”
 “i-i’m sorry,” you mumbled, looking down at the ground. “i didn’t mean to disappear--”
 he scoffed, “but you did. you fucking left me in that class with fucking deku, of all people.”
 you hesitated, words catching in your throat. “i-i... i didn’t know how to tell you. how to say goodbye. i’m sorry, kacchan. i’m--”
 he surprised you then, grabbing your head with his free hand as he pulled it to his chest, your body following until you were pressed against him. he let go of your arm, wrapping it around your shoulders as he hugged you. “i was so fucking lost, shitty girl. i didn’t know what the fuck happened, or where you were, or if you fucking died. you were just... gone.”
 “i’m sorry, kacchan,” you wrapped your arms around his waist, burying yourself in his chest. “i just-i didn’t want to have to say goodbye, and then time was up too fast, and i didn’t know what to do, and my parents, we had to live with my grandmother, and i--”
 “you’re rambling, idiot,” he mumbled. “and quit fucking apologizing.”
 you pulled away from the hug, wiping away the tears that had started to spill over (you couldn’t even tell when you started crying). “sorry,” you whispered hoarsely.
 “oi, what did i just say?!”
 “i don’t know what else to say!”
 he scoffed, “whatever.”
 you rolled your eyes, “so, are we gonna stay back here, or can we get some lunch? i’m starving.”
 “tch, let’s go, shitty girl.”
 you grinned, “you know, you’d think that after a few years to think things over, you’d find a new nickname.”
 he glared at you, but he didn’t reply. he was just glad to have you back.
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Hi :) I was wondering if you maybe would write a second part of that Tendou college scenario you did a while back (post/180040401365), cause I really loved it ^_^. Something like them becoming a couple with lots of comfort kisses and cuddles.
LOVE me some lizard boi! And I’m really happy to hear you liked that piece!!!! I’ll link it below so we can all collectively reread it
First Part Here
Tendou Satori:
How completely tired and useless could one feel? You could count the ways… You’d missed out on class today, you hadn’t gone into your school study job, you hadn’t gone to your after class clubs or even left your dorm room to get something fresh to eat.
You’d stayed in your bed, for most of the day, watching Netflix and Hulu and Youtube while binging on junk food you had stashed in your room.
For good reason, though! You wanted that to be completely clear to your own self! You hadn’t gone to class today because you had passed all your college exams for the semester - there was no point in going in until the next semester! You hadn’t gone to your study job because the office you helped out in was closed for the end of the semester! Clubs, also, were only simply shutting down for the closing of the semester and the cafe…. well, you didn’t wanna get out of your warm bed!
That last one didn’t really have a good reason, but you weren’t going to beat yourself up about it.
“_______-chan~, you’re in the same position as when I left this morning!”
You scoffed with a smile, “Not true! I had to get up to pee like 20 minutes ago.” Only a split second was allowed for you to open your arms, your phone still playing loudly since you hadn’t paused what you were watching, before your boyfriend was flopping down into your bed with you.
Tendou hummed happily as he laid his head down on your chest, his arms wrapping around your hips while his body rested between your legs. He was a very tall young man, so you knew his legs were more than likely hanging off the end of your bed.
Bringing the phone back into your view, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, your wrist resting on the side of his head so you could still watch your show. Tendou didn’t seem to mind, tilting his head so your arm was resting on the side of his face now and he could hear your heart beating against his ear. Calm and slow… Comfortable. Tendou closed his eyes as he relaxed in your arms.
Though the mood was a bit off. Something felt wrong. You knew something was different from when he’d left that morning to now…
So you set your phone down after tapping the lock button. Your hands were back on him in the next second, fingers running through his hair, your other hand rubbing up and down his back soothingly.
As the seconds ticked by, he seemed to relax more and more into you and the bed, taking comfort in your body heat and your gentle hands.. You were here for him… You loved him… “You okay, Satori?”
He let out a quiet whine, reaching a hand up to press against your face, “Sssshhhhhh, I’m trying to sleep, ______.” He didn’t want to talk about it - you knew enough from that response hat something had happened for sure. Something had happened or someone had said something….
But you weren’t going to just let it go that easily.
You smiled, but it didn’t reach your eyes.. Almost a whole year together and he still didn’t seem to be okay with telling you everything outright… Still seemed reserved in his feelings and things happening to him.. But you had never been one to push him. This relationship between the two of you went as fast or as slow as he wanted it to - because his being comfortable was just as important to you as yours was to him. “I love you, Satori…” You whispered, knowing he’d only whine about sleeping again if you spoke any louder.
Tendou felt his heart constrict at the feeling in your voice. You really did love him, didn’t you? His arms tightened around you, his eyes closing a little tighter as he held you closer. Why? “Why?” He asked, struggling to keep his voice from sounding as choked up as he felt inside.
Any cheesy response now wouldn’t be taken lightly. He was hurting. His heart ache from school and his own parents and friends… still affecting him now as he grew into his own adult. So you didn’t stoop to that level. He needed you to be serious with him, and honest.
“Because I do.”
Not too serious, though. You knew your boyfriend got really uncomfortable if things became too surreal too fast. Too serious and morose too quickly. More than not… It was hard to find that perfect balance, so he took what you said to heart but didn’t run away from the truth of your words, either.
His red eyebrows furrowed, and he peeked an eye open to look at you; why did you like seeing the black of his pupil contract inside the red of his iris? The contrast, you were sure. He pursed his lips as he peered up at you, “Not any particular reason?” You only smiled softly, “Not cause I can get things off the top shelves or because I get you all the staring attention you could ever want?”
You shook your head, “Nope. None of those reasons.”
Now he pouted, not daring to look away from you, though. You were his hope and light in this world.. And now, after what’d happened before he’d come back to you, he needed to bathe in your warmth. “Then why?” He really did want to know… or rather, the darkness that would replace your light, when you eventually left him, wanted to know… So it could weaponize your words against his own heart and against his own head.
“Because we’re two halves of a whole-“
“Soul….” You laughed quietly at his interruption, “You’re definitely not an idiot, Satori.. You have better grades than I do!”
Tendou shrugged, “Guess you’re more ¾ths of an idiot then, huh?” He laughed when you tugged on his hair, tilting his head a bit more so both his eyes were trained on you… But not tilted enough to pull away from your comfort giving chest. “You believe in soul mates….?” He’d meant it as a statement because he knew you did… The two of you had talked about it before..
That was the one of the best things about your relationship, he thought. Being able to talk about something as romantically serious as soul mates when the two of you were just beginning to talk. Or what the meaning of life was or what happens after death even though the two of you hadn’t even hit the peaks of your prime!
“I believe in you…” You edited, running both your hands through his hair now, letting one rest on the side of his head while the other stroked down his back, fingers pressing into his shoulder blades and muscles on either side of his spine. He felt more relaxed now. You were thankful you were able to get his mind off of whatever had happened.
Though he didn’t look too impressed with your answer, but you didn’t give him the chance to rebut your belief.
You leaned down and pressed your lips to his. It was an awkward position for you, since you kind of had to do a ‘sit up’ and use muscles you didn’t normally use, but you’d walk through hell for this boy.
He practically chirruped against your lips, and you could feel his body heat from the sudden kiss. Tendou sure did love surprise affection - but his body only seemed to be embarrassed by the actions. And when you pulled away, you could see the blush on his face was as violently eccentric as his hair, and his eyes seemed to have this dreamy glaze over them as he stared up at you.
What had he done right in a past life to deserve someone as beautiful, as gentle, as loving and affectionate as you? And how could he convince you to stay with him for the rest of your lives?
Lovestruck. That’s the only way you could describe his expression. “Let’s get hitched, ________-chan~.” He suddenly sighed out happily, arms constricting around your middle to hold you ever closer. While this would usually leave you breathless, you couldn’t help but laugh quietly at how his heart had immediately gone to that topic.
“We will.. After college.” You booped his nose before bringing up your phone to rest on his head again, “For now though, I wanna hear you do your best Dwight from The Office quote for quote impressions.”
“You’re watching the office again? What episode? Without me? How dare!”
A/N: Not gonna lie… I legit almost started crying bc of how much I absolutely adore Tendou… My sweet boy needs more love TT~TT
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