#gosh your interest is so touching!
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katerinaaqu · 8 months ago
Gosh dude your comment is so amazing! It so made my night even further after having yet another conversation with you! Oh gosh thank you so much! 💖 and man yeah I imagined Odysseus having the almost literal Casus Belli by his side after 10 long years plus that traumatizing night of the sacking of Troy must have done a lot in his soul making him feel boiling inside. Gosh thank you! I wanted it to be a mutual conversation not just Helen calling him out or him calling her out but a mutual conversation in which they share their frustration.
Man I imagined that Helen would feel indeed starved for some kindness after that experience so feeling Odysseus so cold with her would make her feel like pointing out he is cruel to her. To which of course he retaliated as to what she expected him to be like or something if that makes sense.
Yup Telemachus was just born when he left for Troy so at the moment they speak Telemachus is already 10 years old! Just the numbers are crazy right?! And yeah somehow they do know that neither wanted any of this to happen and somehow their frustration needs to be spoken. And yeah I would imagine the title Sacker of Cities would burn him like hell fire now after that massacre!
Yup hehehe technically Odysseus meets Penelope when he goes to become a suitor to Helen. Which is what in a way leads to Trojan war. Odysseus made a deal with Tyndareus that he would help him avoid a scandal if a king was offended and in return he would speak a good word to his brother Icarius so Odysseus could become a suitor to Penelope and then Odysseus came up with the oath of Tyndareus which basically was what Menelaus used to call them all to battle. Yup hehehe Penelope was a spartan princess.
Oh my thank you! 🫂 oh gosh it would be too much to explain right?! (My some of that is explored to my fic "Guilt" however I do entertain all possibilities and man it surely is so hard!)
Gosh thank you so much! 💓 I am always ecstatic when people notice the tiny details and the discreet moves that I try to bring up! I am so honored it drew your attention! Oh my they are alike to that aren't they? Just for different reasons! Sheesh thank you! I loved the mutual respect and the matching wits between Helen and Odysseus so exploring their interaction was a great pleasure! And I really thank you for liking the pace!
If I mind it?! Dude I live for it!
Yup that was the concept @prompted-wordsmith used for the fic to which I replied with with this one. Basically Odysseus was holding the mouths of others who nearly responded to the calls of Helen. And that moment is indeed of massive inspiration to this interaction as well given that Odysseus could have been played a cruel game as well hearing Penelope for the first time after 10 years and holy moly it was a fake one. Well Menelaus wouldn't have a reason to lie about it given that his wife was proven to be cunning as well. It would make more sense for Menelaus to lie if Helen wasn't back at being his equal as his rightful wife. In this Helen sits to the same table as him and all so I am not sure if Menelaus would have any reason to lie with saying "I nearly broke my cover because of my wife"
Yup basically what made me so happy that Helen and Odysseus are basically matching each other in wits. Helen saw right through the cover of Odysseus and she chose not to sound the alarm because she was having a change of heart. It was the moment when Odysseus with Diomedes disguised themselves to scan the city and according to a prophecy they stole the palladium of Athena. And yup I absolutely had that scene in mind when I wrote this hehehe
That is a very good question. Well according to Odyssey yes she was tricked by Aphrodite. Could it be that Helen was lying and was trying to justify herself? Or even as she says it "Aphrodite made me fall for him" or "The goddess of love made me fall for him" in other words symbolically "I fell in love with him" 😉 Homer is a master upon writing stuff that can be interpreted in many ways and I think this one is one of them. I agree that from a writer's perspective her being young and foolish and somehow failing for Paris, abandoning her husband and children for him and regretting it the next moment would be a delicious case for a writer or indeed Aphrodite clouded her judgement (which again out of symbolic value can be translated as her falling in love). In this story I use the terms Helen herself used in the Odyssey but writer-wise I do not see the two as mutually exclusive because one can see it as a symbol. It also depends on how the Epic Cycle is being interpreted as well. Indeed. Helen could be seen as "a bit" damsel in distress in the essence of war because she is not a warrior but nope indeed she is far from that in general. She speaks her mind, she is self-conscious she is intelligent and she also has many talents and virtues. I'd say she is one of the most misinterpreted female characters of Greek mythology. She definitely is not just another pretty face.
Gosh thank you so much for this amazing insight and comment! You're awesome
This is for you because your small story was amazing so I want to create one in return! And since you want Helen to speak up more here is a little interaction pre-departure from Troy between Helen and Odysseus because why not!
The city hadn't yet stopped smoking from the night of massacre. Helen feared it never would. The smell of burning wood and asbestos was sticking on her clothes and hair; bitter reminder of the events of the night before. Helen didn't want even to think of the lingering smell of blood; metal and water that she had touched. It was as if everything was red now; hands and heart and bloodshot eyes. She hadn't slept that night or the night after it. She feared she never would again.
She could still feel that this was partially her fault; both the beginning and the end of it. She knew the Horse was a farse; a well-staged plan. She chose not to alert the alarm. She had chosen her side once more. And now women and children and men at Troy were laying down dead or worse. She remembered seeing Andromache being dragged out of the city in chains along with other women. They were to be sold as slaves or given as prices to the kings of the Acheans. The once proud queen was now crying woefully; mourning her husband who was killed. She had been dragged out of her husband's tomb where she went to seek sanctuary. That was the ultimate hubris along with her father-in-law Priam who she heard from a conversation had been slain upon the altar he hoped would grand him his life. She heard it was Neoptolemus, the young man who carried the blood of Achilles in his veins and apparently his rage and temper. Who would have known that a child like that could be so cruel and blasphemous? So full of rage? Helen could not see her infant son in her arms as she was taken away. She didn't even dare to ask. For a brief second Andromache raised her head and her honey eyes stuck within her blue ones. The look was almost accusatory as the tears had given her face reddish lines. Or perhaps it was the self inflicted scratches that she had made in her woe. That second lasted longer than it should be before the queen was dragged away.
"That could have been me..." she thought
However her position was not much different. As she was standing at the peer, she was always guarded by a soldier; obviously her husband wanted both to protect her but also obviously he didn't trust her. Helen couldn't say she blamed him but it still hurt. She was seeing Menelaus talking to Odysseus, sorting out the details. Helen watched her husband and her former fiance in wonder. Indeed how strange fate was! How different the two men were! She could tell Menelaus's auburn hair from kilometers away as they were held together by a band around his head. He was well built and strong, seemed dressed in sunlight. Odysseus next to him seemed the opposite. He wasn't tall. He was barely average, a few decent inches shorter than her husband and a good head shorter than her brother-in-law however he seemed wider in shoulder and his chest resembled a wall dressed in a coat of dark curly hair. His head was adorned with black hair that seemed golden under the setting sun: bushy and curly like a ram held together by various little bands that held his curls tamed under his leather headband. His beard was equally bushy and shaggy even if he had obviously tried to make himself more presentable from the night before. His onyx eyes were bottomless holes. The man seemed tired; prematurely aged that day. Helen knew that he had a similar burden to bare with her. How strange indeed, she thought. The man seemed like coming from the night. And yet he seemed darker now; his shoulders seemed heavier than before.
"Take her home safely"
Odysseus's voice drew her out of her daydream. His voice was hoarse and tired. He seemed aged before his years. Helen remembered again the flamboyant young man that was supposed to court her. Sure his eyes filled with premature wisdom and intelligence gave him an aura of age but she could remember his laughter and smile seemed those of a teenager as if trying to persuade people of his actual age. Now that teen was gone. He was a man now; long past that first youth; a Sacker of Cities.
"Otherwise all this would have been for nothing!"
The timbre in his voice; the seer accusation, hurt her much more than anything besides her husband's distrust. No, at least Odysseus...the wise and prudent Odysseus should understand. Menelaus nodded to his loyal friend and shot her with yet another look. Helen couldn't decide if it was angry or closer to sad. As he walked away she turned again to look at Odysseus. The man barely saw her with the corner of his eye but spoke nothing. Helen couldn't bare the silence any longer.
"Odysseus..." she finally spoke, "Why? How can you be so cruel?"
"Cruel?" His voice was full of disbelief, of anger that made his chest rise like the tide
He turned to her walking like a lion ready to pounce. Helen stood her ground though. She stuck her ocean blue eyes deeply within his black ones.
"Cruel?" He repeated, "I've lost my son's first 10 years because of this war!"
"This war wasn't my choice!" Helen felt the need to defend herself against him.
"It commensed because of you!" The accusation was finally spoken outloud, "Menelaus started this because of you!"
"I didn't know he-..."
"YES YOU DID!" Odysseus finally bellowed making her take a step back, "yes you did...you just didn't think!"
He turned her back at her. He was about to leave but he didn't seem done yet.
"The blood of many brave Acheans is on your hands..."
That was way too much. Odysseus should know better than hurt her this way! This was unfair even if spoken through pain and anger. Bravely Helen held back the tears that burnt her eyes. He wouldn't see her weep!
"If I told you..." she began with the best voice she could master, "...that gods play games with us all the time...that they cloud our judgment... Would you believe me?"
Odysseus looked over his shoulder but spoke nothing.
"You of all people should understand" Helen whispered
"What does it matter what I'd believe?"
"It matters to me!" Helen replied firmly. "Please, Odysseus...at least you...at least you should believe me..."
Odysseus seemed ready to reply but the last minute he stopped himself. He chose silence; cruel and cold silence. He began walking away. Two angry tears ran down her white, rosy cheeks. No she couldn't leave it this way!
"ODYSSEUS!" She yelled after him, "you're a hypocrite!"
That stopped him to his tracks as he turned around.
"What?" He asked almost scandalized
Helen was shivering from top to bottom and her knuckles turned white from clenching them too hard.
"Do you think you're any better, Sacker of cities?!" The last one was spat like an insult like a curse, "do you think your hands are clean? You say that the war commensed because of me! That so many Greeks died because of me! Then what about you, Odysseus? What about all the Trojans killed in the city in that bloodbath?! What about all these women and children that are now piled up to be burnt or eaten by dogs and vultures? Who is to answer for THOSE Odysseus?"
Odysseus of Ithaca was frozen in place, shaking in anger but so was she. And she wouldn't be stopped now. She was Helen of Sparta, Helen of Troy, Helen the daughter of Zeus!
"It was your plan, your scheme that got the Greeks inside the holy city of Troy! It was your idea that gave them the way to sack it!"
Odysseus, the eloquent man seemed now unable to respond. He seemed stripped out of his furious anger although some of it was burning inside. Instead he managed to utter
"This massacre wasn't my choice..."
A sound between humorless and mocking laughter and cry came out of her mouth.
"Oh so you tell me you didn't know? You didn't know that the Greeks who were away from their homes, wives and children wouldn't unleash all their piled hatred? Didn't you know they would burn the city that kept them away from them to the ground so it wouldn't rise again?"
He didn't respond. Helen knew he couldn't.
"You say the blood of the Greeks is on my hands. Then the blood of Trojans is on yours!"
Odysseus seemed to have trouble breathing. She had hurt him and she knew it. Perhaps she had simply voiced everything he had in his mind all those days. She could remember how tenderly he spoke of his wife and son. Her husband used to say he identified himself as father of Telemachus not son of Laërtes. Women and children...his son and wife... He seemed ready to either lash at her or leave. However as always The Man of Many Ways sighed and did the unexpected; he spoke again.
"It doesn't matter whether I believe you or not, you know. What it matters is if he does"
Helen took a glance towards Menelaus from a distance. He was preparing the ship. She sighed and returned her gaze towards the man they called "equal to gods".
"But do you?"
"Yes" he finally admitted, "yes I believe you"
Helen sighed in relief. It was her thanking to him
"There is fate between us, Helen..." Odysseus said hoarsely.
Helen didn't need to see his face behind his wide back to read his expression.
"Yes" she replied, "you could have been my husband"
"I am glad that I'm not"
That husky whisper made her look up in wonder. She didn't expect that answer.
"You don't deserve me" the son of Laërtes said, "and I don't deserve you"
He barely looked at her again over his large shoulder.
"I see now why my cousin loved you" whispered she
"And I see why he loved you." Replied Odysseus, "why he started a war for you. Not for his pride; for you. You were indeed worth it..."
He looked at her again for the first time for a while.
"You and I have both blood on our hands" he said grimly, "you, the starter of war, hold the blood of many brave Acheans upon you...while I, the one who ended it, the Sacker of Cities, will have to live for the rest of my life carrying the deaths of Trojans upon me... Women and children..."
He covered his face with his large hand and turned around. He was sobbing.
"Women and children..." he whispered again, "Penelope...my sweet Telemachus...children... infants no older than he was..."
Helen was afraid to ask. She didn't want to know. She had met enough horror for a lifetime. She wanted to move on. She wanted to forget.
"Get home safely, Odysseus" she wished to him, "Husband to Penelope...father to Telemachus. I hope you will get what you wished for..."
"You too, Helen, kissed by the sun like golden Aphrodite...daughter of Zeus. Farewell Queen of Sparta..."
He walked away. Helen heard his voice yelling orders to his men like the expert sailor he was. Helen sighed and smiled so slightly. The title he used...was addressed to her. Odysseus had recognized her admitted her but also signaled her, her fate. She knew now she had a second chance to rectify everything; first for herself and next for everyone else.
The journey had come to an end. A new one was about to begin.
Okay guys I am so sorry I have no idea why or how but yeah...this... I hope you liked it.
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marshmallowgoop · 11 months ago
no thoughts just Heiji Hattori (HD)
#detective conan#case closed#amv#my amvs#eye strain#heiji hattori#harley hartwell#conan edogawa#shinichi kudo#funimation english dub script#video#happy two-year anniversary to 'no thoughts just heiji hattori'!#while it's not my first amv (it's maybe my... fifth?)#it was the first one i made with davinci resolve and the amv that really got me into editing amvs for real#it's the amv that made me believe i could make amvs 🥺#and in remastering it i deeply understood how ambitious it was! i thought i did a lot of audio mixing for 'messed up'#but that's not even close to all the audio mixing i did here--cannot believe that i did all this for my first big amv project#it took about 20 hours *just* to remaster!#which is something i've been meaning to do for a while now so i'm very happy to finally share the results!#to make this a 'remaster' and not a 'redo' the only changes i tried to make were to the source footage and audio#video now uses almost entirely hd remastered footage from my blu-rays or netflix rather than my dvds#but oh gosh was it *hard* not to touch anything else! i'd do so many things differently now#but this video will always be really special to me (and i can't believe i did it at all tbh!)#i hope seeing it in hd is fun too! i'm so blown away by all the love this vid's gotten#and that it helped increase interest in funi's old english dub is amazing and 100% what i was trying to do with it!#thank you everyone for all the support <333 i wouldn't be the video editor i am today without this vid or your encouragement for it <3333#like the original the sources used are mostly from what funi dubbed (but mixed in hd by me!): eps 48-49 57-58 77-78 117 and 118 and movie 3#but i also used episodes 141-142 174 189 239 263 277 291 293 345 479 491 517 and 522#and ova 3 and tv special 6 (episode one) and movies 10 and 13 and ops 27 31 and 33 and the funi 5.2 dvd blooper for the one line lol#the song is 'you're stupid aren't you' by toshio masuda (from jubei-chan 2)
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joonieskinks · 7 months ago
Simon doesn’t like how your boyfriend treats you and makes you feel. He feels he could do better.
“Simon, please tell me this honestly.” You look to the ground nervously.
He chuckles a bit at how intense you look then hesitates. “Alright...”
“Am I ugly?”
Immediately, he laughs you off and simply shakes his head.
“Please, tell me honestly. I just feel like I need to know. My boyfriend, he- he doesn’t touch me, he doesn’t look at me, he doesn’t want me. I feel horrible about myself all the time, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Simon, so please. Just tell me.”
“No.” Simon’s voice booms.
Your teary eyes shoot up from the floor to meet his.
“No, what a stupid question. No, what a ridiculous thought. But yea, what an arsehole he is to make you feel this way about yerself, love.”
He strides over to you, taking your face into your big hands and looking into your watering eyes with so much love.
“No man should ever make you feel like that.” Simon says as gently as he can while trying to control his anger towards your boyfriend.
“I know I wouldn’t.” He whispers just low enough for you to hear and you’re taken aback.
“Leave ‘im. If not for a man who could treat you bett’r, than for yourself.”
His thumbs rub over your cheeks, soothing you. He’s so warm, so big, so caring. Never did you think you had a shot with him so you never tried. But here he is before you, gushing and he wants you.
“I didn’t think you were interested…” You look down trying to conceal your deep blush.
He lets out a huff of air as he smirks.
“Well now you know.” Simon takes a finger up to your chin to make you look into his eyes once more.
“Leave ‘im and I’ll show you how a beautiful lady should be treated properly.” Gosh, he loves seeing the affect he has on you- you quivering below him, practically begging for him to touch you and never let go.
Guess you have some breaking up to do.
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sbcdh · 3 months ago
“Oh gosh the fire. Yes it was truly a tragedy. You know, HECA79 was the prototype for the new regulation model. Well, haha, new for the time. It was the seventies after all. It really is fascinating. She was the first one we put in the class N tanks. Fascinating technology for the time, clever as the dickens. You see, the insides of the tank were to be lined with a thin layer of magnetically laminated gold calcite particles that formed a reflective lattice under electrical stimulation. A gold plated one-way mirror for brainwaves! I’m sure you understand, it was the best we could do for 1983-”
“So you subscribe to the, uh, equipment malfunction theory?”
“Huh? Oh! Oh. Terribly sorry. Equipment malfunction? As I recall, it functioned quite well.”
“So you believe the fire was caused by something else?”
“The fire? Oh. Well, I’m not quite sure. I don’t know the exact specifications, but if I recall correctly, there were all sorts of firebreaks and engineers and junior-engineers stationed all around –all helmeted, mind you– to make sure that sort of thing never happened.”
“And yet.”
“And yet. Indeed…Well, between you and me, I think It was one of the junior engineers.”
“Is that so?”
“Oh yes. We were a bit of a maverick bunch back then. Reagan gave us all that research money, but, well, its always a bit different when the wheels hit the pavement haha. Oh. Oh. I hope I haven’t gotten anyone in trouble. They were nice lads all. Well, some of them were Germans, but nice lads.”
“We are more interested in your observations of HECA79. I was told you were able to directly observe her during the incident. If there is anything you can tell us, please, speak loudly enough for the tape to hear.”
“Oh! Oh gosh. You know, I completely forgot we were being taped haha! And you caught all of my rambling! Well, I think I can help you out. Oh yes. Now. You must understand. A good half of this is going to be embellished. You know how memories go, you always get more heroic looking back as time goes on haha. But yes, I think I can help you out. Ah, where should I start?”
“What was the first thing out of the ordinary that you noticed?”
“Her lips were moving.”
“Is that out of the ordinary?”
“By gosh for a plutophant yes! At full emmanation, there is no part of them that is not the market! Every neuron soaked in hypno-amphetamine rocket fuel! Most of them –if you’ll pardon my language sir– shit their tanks the moment their Id touches the sub-finantial background grid! What do you think half those tubes are for! A plutophant in full emmanation doesn’t have a braincell to spare to keep their sphincters closed, much less perform something as complex as speech!”
“I see. Could you make out what the asset was saying?”
“Oh no. No, I’m afraid not. I can’t read lips. Back in those days, they were hooked up to a helmet, and then the helmet read the delta-wave patterns, and then printed that on magnetic tape. That way, we could feed the tape to some lob-, ah translators, and have them interpret the feed.”
“When did her lips start to move? What time of day?”
“Funny thing, almost exactly at 12:03. I should have been off at lunch, but I was procrastinating. I had a crossword I was right on the edge of solving. It was one of those big words that goes all the way across the page. TIMEPIECE. I remember that clear as day.”
“Interesting. I have here that equipment registered the fire almost exactly seven minutes later.”
“Oh dear. Do you understand what that means sir?”
“No, please, enlighten me.”
“Is that a schematic of the N class tank you have there? Hand it over. Thank you sir. So. Back in 1983, we didn’t have any of the fancy digital equipment we have now. Well, we did, but not to the same degree. Most of our equipment was good old analogue. You see this module here? These weren’t part of our system. No, we were waiting on the replacements to show up.”
“And, what is that part?” 
“Think of it like the uh, ah yes, the carburetor in a car. It keeps everything balanced. Keeps the subjects metabolism steady so they don’t chew through the drugs too fast, keeps the tank at the ideal temperature for chemical reactions, without boiling the subject like a lobster haha. But the key is, it was completely mechanical. But at the end of the day, it's just a bunch of tubes full of fluid that move based on pressure differentials.”
“Which means?”
“Well, heat would throw it off.”
“Here, I think we have a schematic. Now, doctor, this is very important. I need you to explain to me exactly how the machine malfunctioned, and how it would affect HECA79.”
“Well technically, it wasn’t malfunctioning at all. It was functioning correctly, just under less-than-ideal circumstances. Oh, haha. Yes, haha, but thats not what you’re looking for haha. Yes. Well. What side did the fire hit it from? Do you know?”
“This one here.”
“Fascinating. Well. Then, the apparatus would have uh, hm. Oh dear.”
“It would have spiked the hypnostimulant feed, while introducing impurities.”
“Which means?”
“I- I haven’t the slightest idea. It would've been deadly, I can assure you that. But its as if…Its as if you had a car, coasting in neutral, downhill at terminal velocity, and then you switched gears to high gear, and then slammed the gas while spraying rocket fuel into the intake.”
“Could we ask you to write a full report on your speculation?”
“Frankly sir, I am as intrigued as you are. You would have to hold my wrists to keep me from writing on this. Fascinating.”
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 7 months ago
I have ~Thoughts~ on the Harry Potter Phenomenon that was
(Courtesy of memories prompted by this Tumblr Poll)
Back when I was a senior in college (back in the mid-to-late 1980s), I actually wrote a fantasy novel for kids aged ~8 - ~11 (in a self-designed course for a single credit, under the guidance of my Literature advisor), inspired by a series of dreams and recurring characters that showed up in them.
My advisor encouraged me to try and get it published. And so, I arranged with teachers from my old school to have a class of 30 or so 10 year-olds beta read it, and give me feedback for revisions. The kids also encouraged me to try and publish it.
So I did.
Now, back then, there was no "Self Publishing." The closest thing was "Vanity Publishing," where you would pay 100% of the publishing cost of your book, which would be printed in hard copy, for the benefit of having 500 -1,000 books shipped to your personal address, which you were then responsible for storing and selling out of the trunk of your car in a parking lot, somewhere. And if word got out that you were trying to claim credit for being a "published author" because of a Vanity Press book, actual publishers wouldn't touch you with a 40-foot pole.
If you wanted to get published, you had to buy that year's copy of Writer's Market: a listing of magazine and book publishers, and agents, with a brief description of what material they published, and what they wouldn't touch.
Guess what genre no agent or publisher was interested in handling?
That's right, Gentle Readers: Fantasy for children aged 8 - 11. I would have happily sent out a dozen queries for each story I wrote, if there were publishers and agents willing to look at them. But for three to four years of trying, in directories of two-columns of tiny print, and several [hundred]* pages long, I'd be lucky to find two or three outlets even willing to look at fantasy for kids.
The general consensus, across the publishing business, was that fantasy was a dead and obsolete genre. If it was for kids old enough to read chapter books and novels, it must also be firmly grounded in realism and actual history, because everyone knows the only people buying books for kids that age were teachers, who wanted stories with practical applications in the classroom.
After 3 - 4 years of trying, while I was in grad school, I finally got a rejection from the one agent who agreed to read my novel. A few days later, I received news that my mother had died from the breast cancer she'd been fighting, and my heart just went out of the project altogether.
A few years later, the first Harry Potter book was published. And it became a worldwide phenomenon. And it was the kids, themselves, who were driving the sales.
See, I think the real reason the books were such a success, even though they were never really very well written, was because they were in a genre the audience was hungry for -- a genre they'd been denied access to for all of their young lives.
Someone who is starving will think even moldy bread is delicious.
*Gosh, what a word to leave out via typo; the Writers Market rivaled the Manhattan Yellow Pages in length.
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plaidcowboy · 18 days ago
!cosy & rafe visiting an animal shelter would be sooooo cute 😭
ᰋ rafe and ໑ !COSY ৎ visit an animal shelter 𖨂 𓈒 𓆇
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rafe gripped your hand to pull you back from charging at the animals. you stayed put, making a grabby hand towards them instead. he chuckled to the lady at the counter, “she’s excited,” he said.
he filled out the rest of the paperwork, then glanced at the animals, “and they’re like . . chill, right?” he asked the lady. she nodded, “of course. some may be a little skittish, but it’s normal. they’re totally chill. just want someone to love them.”
you turned at that, “and we’re gonna love them so much. right, rafe?” you tugged repeatedly at his sweater. he nodded, smiling at you.
“so, you’re free to browse around, get to know them . . ” you were pulling at rafe’s sweater as she finished her sentence, “yay, come on. thank you!” you scurried off with rafe behind you, following like a puppy himself.
you got up close to one of the dogs, placing your hand out for them to touch. rafe watched intensely, “maybe not so close . . i don’t know how honest that lady was being . . ” he trailed off, muttering.
“it’s fine,” you said as the dog nuzzled up to your hand, “she’s so cute,” you cooed, “rafe, you have to pet her. look how sweet she is,” you turned to find him gazing at the animal with a furrowed brow.
“she’s cute from afar, don’t need to touch her. don’t you want a cat?” he tried to change the subject, wanting to get in and out quickly.
you crossed your arms, backing away from the dog, “you have to pet one of them. one of these babies is gonna be ours. i won’t have their father be distant. ’s not cool.”
rafe frowned, “i’ll be great with them, it’s not hard,” he walked up to the dog, reaching his hand out. when she went to lick his hand, he pulled back, “no. none of that,” he chastised the dog with a stern voice.
“she just likes you,” you giggled, “that’s how they show it,” rafe frowned at something, “the thing’s licking herself,” he turned to you, serious. you giggled, “fine, we can move on to the cats,” you made your way over, immediately spotting the cutest kitten. you gasped, making rafe turn to you, “what happened? i told you, these things aren’t chill.”
you shook your head, “no, look,” you pointed to the kitten. it sat, gazing around nervously, “oh my gosh i love them,” you approached slowly.
rafe tilted his head, “it looks terrified. what are these people doing to them?” he furrowed a brow. you shook your head again, “this is a safe place. they’re probably a little scared around new people, like humans.”
“like how you are with people? like an anxiety thing?” his tone tacked on curiosity. you nodded, “yeah,” you turned to rafe, seeing that he was gazing at the kitten carefully.
“what is it?” you asked him, not sure where the interest came from, though you didn’t mind it. rafe shrugged, “he’s like you as a kitten, i dunno. wanna make sure that thing’s alright.”
you smiled, “you like them . . you want them. and you just compared me to a kitten, woah . . rafe, that’s so cute.”
he furrowed a brow, “whatever. do you want this thing? i bet you do, we’ll get them, fine,” he decided without you saying anything. you shrugged, “yeah, but . . you ask . . ” you said, referring to telling the lady.
rafe chuckled softly, “you two will get along great.”
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galene-gothic · 3 months ago
𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝗎𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖾 𝗌𝗉𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖾’𝗌 𝗆𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗍𝗍𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝗊𝗎𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝖼𝖼𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗒𝗈𝗎
୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊ I hope this reading found you in good health, every reblog is appreciated and thank you for everything :) ˖♡ ˎˊ˗ ꒰ 🐇 ꒱
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⊹ ! ೀ Pile 1 ꒱
One thing about your future spouse that you’ll love is how they’ll smell. They might have a woody smell mixed with something sweet but spicy. I’ve noticed that sweet scents are such that they tend to be more of the base scent alongside the woody one. It is going to cause your person to smell scrumptious. I don’t even care if you’re enquiring about a man, they are going to have a certain sweetness in their scent. I do not get the sweetness being overpowering or even obvious but something that is more of a base and can be smelled but the woodiness and spiciness are more noticeable, and apparent. You might be a sucker for sweet scents with a certain richness to them, like you might like vanilla or cocoa butter scents for yourself for example! Some of you could like floral too but I’m getting something richer than that so I can only think of the ones mentioned above. Either way, you’re going to love smelling them. You’re going to feel so greedy and selfish, wanting all of them to yourself to see, smell and touch. You’re going to be physically obsessed with them. It could be that you’re naturally a physical person, doesn’t even have to be sexually or you will be that way after you meet them. However, I am getting you finding them very sexy and wanting to do it all the time but that could simply be for a select few of you who have a high sex drive. Your person is unfortunately making me all smiley, blushing, unable to put my smile down. You’re going to like them so much, you might find yourself naturally reacting in such ways when you see them, even just on the phone. Like, they won’t have to be physically present for you to be attracted to them and feel the chemistry with them. Girl stop! I’m getting you thrusting your hips forward on simply seeing a picture or video of them. Gosh, you’re so down bad and shameless. For many of you, sex might be very important or it might simply be the intimacy that comes with it but you’re going to want to be attracted to your partner even over the years, you’re not going to settle for the “it gets boring after a while” bullshit because you think that relationships and marriage are such that you see the other person handle life, you’re with each other in really intimate ways, you have the knowledge that you have someone to call your own, you have disagreements but hold each other’s best interests at heart, you learn so much from each other, you are two strangers who choose each other and love each other, make each other your family, your life partner despite not sharing the same blood and choose each other again, and again, and that in itself would create a deep intimacy, understanding and love for the other, causing you to only find them more and more attractive over time.
Physical attraction or sex is being emphasised here, even if the other person isn’t physically attractive, you want them to be attractive to you chemically, making your hormones and heart go haywire by simply just their presence causing you to be physically attracted to them. You care about attraction and you’re going to be insanely attracted to them. You’ll honestly find everyone about them attractive, like you’ll want to love them in really nasty and dirty ways, and in really soft and divine ways as well. I’m not sure if I’m expressing it well enough but I do not want to list the nasty things here, it isn’t even just about sex, you’re going to be attracted to them even when they fart or have a morning breath. Don’t even try to deny what I’m going to tell you next, you enjoy clashes, fights or jealousy in your relationships. You feel like it brings the spark back and makes you feel a pulse on the lips, the vertical ones or whatever you possess. With that being said, you’re a very passionate person and partner, and are going to hold sex or physicality to be important, precious, and possibly even sacred, that’s great but you’re going to get very worked up over others possibly being attracted to them. You’re going to find them irresistibly attractive and sexy so you’re going to be upset about how others find them to be such as well. However, you’re going to love bringing it up and receiving assurance from them. I don’t even think that it’s anything toxic, in fact, I’m finding them finding it very funny and annoying too if overdone but still sort of enjoying how much you want them. They’re going to wish that you’d believe them but the truth is, they’d be similar to you, being extremely attracted to you and hence, possessive over you causing them to have their own jealous moments. You might get upset about people looking at them or interacting with them but will prefer self regulating and not letting it get to you (it will have already gotten to you but at least you’ll be trying), you’ll likely find it more maddening to think about their past or if they act out in ways that you think are disrespectful (most of you will overthink a lot at some point but will usually prefer dealing with it by yourself, internally and will never get over it but will still move past it) but your person is going to be like “why were you talking to him smiling so much?” And you might not have any clue what they’re talking about 💀. Someone will eye you and they’ll want to gnaw their eyes out, you’ll be similar too in this regard. “Who are they to look at my wife like that?” You’re going to find this aspect of them to be so sexy as well. Knowing that you’re desired the way you desire. It doesn’t seem to be unhealthy honestly but again I’m a very intense, passionate, jealous and possessive in love too so I shouldn’t pass any judgements here.
‘Jealous’ by Nick Jonas is coming through here “I turn my cheer music up and I'm puffing my chest. I'm getting red in the face. You can call me obsessed. It's not your fault that they hover, I mean no disrespect, it’s my right to be hellish. I still get jealous ‘cause you're too sexy beautiful and everybody wants a taste that’s why, I still get jealous. You’re too sexy beautiful and everybody wants your sex that’s why, I still get jealous.” You both wouldn’t want other people looking at your partner in ways that only you’ll have each other, it seems territorial mostly. Also, if either of you have had a past, that’s going to be enough for you to want to put a gun over your own head and pull the trigger 💀. I’m unfortunately getting explicit messages coming through here. Your relationship could be a very physical and passionate one, the idea of anyone else getting your partner like that is going to just hurt. I personally don’t think it’s toxic because romantic love and sexual relations are the most intimate one can get with anyone so it only makes sense to be slightly upset about your partner sharing something so special with anyone else. I wonder if this jealousy will cause some problems at some point because I am trying to move past it but it comes through again and again but yeah, back to the explicit message that I got earlier. They’re going to ask you to be loud in bed, to speak up and make some noise. “Make some fucking noise, let them hear how good I’m making you feel” is what I heard. You’re going to find them normally cursing to be sexy too. You’re going to feel really safe with them and are going to feel protected. “I have someone who is here for me, someone who’ll stand up for and with me.” I wonder if you’re planning on wearing lingeries for your future partner or have started seeing, or gained interest in slip dresses, lingerie, etc. recently or always have. If so, this is just confirmation that this is your pile. Honestly, your partner could get you these dirty, sexy and pretty things to wear, and the way they’ll eye you will make you weak in the knees. For some of you, not only are they going to have that intense gaze while looking at you in your skimpy clothing but might even have either a full on grin or a smirk that will make you all embarrassed. In fact, they might even say some dirty words, praising or degrading you but you’ll just want to drip on their wood. This is not even my usual language, it’s your energy, don’t get mad at me! One or both of you might make adult jokes or talk in innuendos, it could simply be casual jokes or dirty talking but it’s going to cause you to feel throbbing down there either way xD. I hope that you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading, much love and take care.
⊹ ! ೀ Pile 2 ꒱
You’re going to meet them after a break up or separation. The break up doesn’t have to be recent but it’s going to have put you in a spot where you became scared of love and had love or the desire for it make you feel worthless at some point. You might not actively be in a place where you are avoidant and think of love poorly but the effects of the past could both come up, and subside when you meet your person. You will have a desire for love but you’re also going to fear it and you’re going to have been scorned so you’ll be desiring a very particular kind of a love, and it could be rare to find such a pure and sacred love, you could have heard about how unrealistic it is from others or in small and big ways just realised that it’s not common, it’s not even something most people are aware of or think is possible? You could have seen people talk about hearing people getting cheated on, the first love theory of how people never get over the one that got away, all men or women are the same, etc. So you’ll hold romance to be sacred and also yourself to be such because you’ll have felt so dirty, worthless and used at some point, and will not want to feel that way ever again. You’re going to be trying to convince yourself that you should not have a negative view of love but that the kind of it that you desire might or might not exist, and might or might not find you, and that you need to learn how to accept that you might have to stay single forever and might never such intimacy with anyone. You might or might not actively think about love at the time you’ll meet them but you’ll definitely be trying to build more and more richness in yourself, and your life even without a romantic partner. You’re going to get very close to them, you’re going to develop deep intimacy with them, it’s going to be the kind of love where you’re so smitten that their dreams will be your own, where their happiness makes you happy and you’re just going to be theirs completely. I do not even care if you’re atheist, you are going to be grateful to the divine or just life for the love you’ll have, for the person you’ll have. It is like all your pain, complaints, negativity will be erased because of them. You’re a person who tries to practice love and goodness even without a romantic partner. You know how some people are trying to become rich, good looking or seem good in character only to attract the opposite sex or whoever they are interested in romantically. You’re not one of those people who expect romantic love for being a loving and good person, you in fact want to become this way more and more even if you never find a lover because then you’ll have at least led a good life. If you’re not this way yet, you’re going to have become that way by that time because people, love and romance will have disappointed you enough by then, and you will want to have a good quality of life even if it’s without it. The love you’re going to find in him is going to be exactly the kind you desire. For you, devotion is very important in romance and connections in general.
This is because you are a very devotional person, you find joy in giving your all into just one person who you feel passionate about. The world we live in doesn’t allow you to express your devotion enough because those you meet are not worthy of such devotion so meeting them is going to be so freeing, touching and just a safe haven. You’ll have experienced connections that will have hurt you a lot, you’ll be glad to have gotten out of such stupidity so meeting them knowing what you experienced last time but still choosing to love them and them not disappointing you is going to be enough to make you tearful. You’re going to hold them precious and will value them. You’re going to be so grateful for them like nothing will be able to pull you down because the love you will share with them is going to have you high at all times. “Nothing can bring me down” is the energy that I’m getting from you when you’re in love. When your eyes will meet theirs, you’ll feel like the fragrance of the heavens itself are spilling through. Your love is going to be such, the devotion of your souls to each other’s is going to be such that you’re just going to thank whatever or whoever sent you their way. “What did I do to deserve you?” Is how you’ll feel. When you meet them, you might not be closed off as per say but you might be more focused on other things and your own growth especially after whatever you will have experienced in your past connections, you’re not going to have it in you to deal with certain kinds of people, connections, let alone chase anyone or let anyone consume you. Your person is going to be very persistent with getting you. It’s going to be a “yes or yes?” situation for them. I feel like your person is going to be a bit playful in their approach. Initially, they will obviously not know everything that will have happened in your life and your inner workings but they’re going to have a crush on you, and will want to impress you, and you’ll make them feel all fluttery on the inside, they’ll be able to feel the butterflies in their tummy so they’re going to be smitten by you almost right away. I kept on getting something about the eyes with your reading and I finally understand it, they’re going to love your eyes, might make a comment about it (possibly multiple ones) and they’re always going to be looking at you, like they’ll make it so obvious, I’m not exaggerating here, anyone who looks at them and follows their gaze would know that they’re staring at you. I’m talking about before the both of you get together, because they’ll stare at you a lot, whenever you’ll look at them, your eyes are going to dwell within theirs for a while, further solidifying their attraction and connection to you. Incidents of the past will have affected you very deeply, you’ll have developed deep rooted beliefs that you’re not worthy or attractive enough to be desired, to be wanted right away, to be yearned for deeply, to be pined over. I’m not sure if this has already occurred but something or possibly even multiple situations either already have or will make you feel very worthless, mistreated and worthless. “Am I really that easy to forget and get over?” Is what I heard. I’m not sure what it is but there’s this thing of wanting to be enough for others.
It comes from a wounded place and perspective, an inferiority complex almost. In this lifetime, when you’re younger, you’re going to hold others to a very high regard, often believing that they’re better than you or that their opinions matter more. So you’re going to try different things in hopes of being liked, tolerated and enough but due to how scorned these connections will leave you, you’ll have developed a pretty good perspective of yourself and solid self esteem, you’ll have realised that you’ve always been enough, and valuable but your experiences will still have left scars, they’ll not even be visible to the naked eye for them to see but they’ll still be healing these scars, erasing them until they’re faded, as if they never existed by simply just desiring you. They’ll not even be aware of it, they’ll simply be staring at you because they’ll be attracted to you. Also, they’ll be attracted to you right away, it’s like when they’ll see you their heart will skip a beat, they’ll feel hot around you, it’s like you’ll have started within them, burning away their inhibitions and shame. They’re going to end up thinking about you a lot and just daydreaming, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had literal dreams about you because they’ll surely think of you before bed. Due to the wounds of the past, you do not consider such traumatising and hopeless situations, and feelings to be ‘love’. If you haven’t undergone such situations yet, all the best but again, you’re going to end up with your person so I hope that soothes your heart a little. You’ll consider only them to be ‘love’ because you’re a ‘one and only’ kind of a person. It’s not like you will be lying about it, your world will in fact start with them and end at them because they’ll breathe a new life into you. You’re not going to open yourself to them immediately but are going to express your love for them through your eyes, you will probably not make it as obvious as this person does, you will just look towards them, look at them just a second more than normal and then look away, not wanting to make it obvious. You’re eventually going to melt for their advances, gestures and words. They’ll make you feel so desired, so loved, almost like you’re worshipped. You’re going to find your body opening and melting into their arms, and body. Your sense of peace is going to be in them, in their breath. You’re going to greatly care about their health because you’re not going to know what you’d do without them. Well, you’d be self sufficient and lead a good life even without them but now that you’ve met them, it’s going to be depressing to imagine a life by yourself. You’re not going to be able to stay apart from each other, it simply won’t be possible. You’ll find them to be the most attractive and intoxicating so well, I do not even have to list individual qualities. This is the kind of love most people are not even able to imagine, let alone understand or receive but you’ll have it, you’ll experience it and you’re going to be grateful for it, wholeheartedly. I hope that you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading, much love and take care.
⊹ ! ೀ Pile 3 ꒱
There are two groups here, one group is a bit depressive and melancholic, the other has the mindset that we have one life and we should have fun instead of letting the heaviness of it get to us. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of you have had phases of both or somehow manage to be both ways but moving onto what you’re going to find attractive about your future spouse, their authenticity is going to be something very admirable and striking to you. They’re going to bring out a very childlike and fun, yet sensitive and innocent side of you. When they’ll enter the room, even if you haven’t gotten to the point of relationship or dating yet, you’re going to know that it’s going to be much more fun than it would be without them. The energy that I’m getting here is an innocent crush but a lifelong one. You might not even have gotten that deep yet in the physical world and might have a more fun dynamic initially but it’s like they’ll be seeing right through the heart of you. You’re going to feel like family to each other almost right away. You’re going to find your walls crumbling down with the strength of what you’ll feel for them. You’re not going to be willing to change yourself for them and it’s going to be their authenticity that will have this effect on you. It would be very difficult to get the real you before you meet them because before you meet them, you’re going to be trying on different personas and ways of life, however on meeting them you’re going to want to be seen authentically and also simply just lead a life that is true to you, to live as the person that you truly are. You’re going to love feeling like they’re changing you as a person but it’s also going to be scary. You’re going to start wanting to share a life with them but will feel really insecure because they’ll be true to themself while you’re not so you’re going to feel like they’re not going to want you. I wouldn’t be surprised if your pile has a temporary separation but that’s not going to be the case for many of you. You’re going to be a manic pixie dream girl to them. They’re going to find you unpredictable and very hyper fun, someone who’s gestures are exaggerated but will also see your softer, more vulnerable sides and they’re going to be shy when it comes to you. They’ll have just as much of a crush on you as you will on them but you’ll give them many mixed signals due to your own insecurities and the way they’ll be making you feel, and in turn, they’ll have mixed feelings towards you and will act accordingly. I’m genuinely getting both parties not being able to handle this situation well but they’re going to touch you very deeply without even a solid relationship being formed. You’re going to see them as a larger than life person who’s going to be forever young and works hard, plays hard, someone who’s just living life well. In this world where everything is so digital and artificial, most people are lonely, depressed and miserable because no one seems to understand quality time anymore, no one seems to have a life or love that is full of activities, you’re going to find the way they’ve managed to have an actual life to be really attractive. You’re going to separate but even after you do, you’re going to hold a lot of love for them. You’re going to be unable to forget their voice or the way they made you feel. At some point, you’re not going to be all up in your feelings anymore but are still going to have them in the back of your mind or thoughts of them will just come up and you’ll realise that you haven’t forgotten their manner of speaking yet. During this separation, you’re going to be mad at them, wondering if they just didn’t return your feelings.
However, gestures don’t lie and you’re going to believe that they did feel at least a little something but you’re going to be deeply grateful towards them despite the resentments here and there. You’re going to find yourself speaking about them a lot after you meet them even after the separation. Eventually, there’s going to be this thought of “what if they never felt the same way?” So as your emotions aren’t as fresh anymore, you’ll stop talking about them as much until it is gone almost completely, you will still think about them and pretty actively but despite the knowledge that you grew a lot thanks to them, there’s also going to be this thought of how you were left behind by them. ‘Co2’ by Prateek Kuhad is the energy that I’m getting here. “Maybe it’s the way that you can see what I’m missing, what I can never be. I just wanna feel like I deserve you ‘cause you deserve me” and “I couldn't say ‘I need you’ on that night when you left and I lost all track of time. I just want you close so I can feel you. Can you feel me? And nothing says ‘I love you’ like the words that were never said, but could be heard. If only there was peace around us, baby. You would hear me and maybe it's the way that lovers do. I just want for me what I want for you. Only with the sun above us maybe you would see me and even if you leave, I may be fine ‘cause my heart, it has its own design.” You’re not going to know if you feel grateful for having met them and grown so much or if you are resentful due to the fact that they could stay away from you, that they could leave you, forget you, move on without you or if they just never felt anything and it was just all in your head. The last one is going to be something that your memory of their actions will prove false but the possibility of it is always going to be there so it’s going to be complicated honestly. For some of you, it could be something like they dated people during the separation and you’ll feel like it isn’t respectful to you, that you should not let them in but there’s also going to be the knowledge that you handled things very immaturely in the past. You’ll have yearned for them, cried over them, questioned their feelings and intentions, gotten over them, all of that so you’ll not be sure if it’s worth it to entertain them but you’ll inevitably melt at some point when you run into each other and reconnect. You’ll have missed them a lot and you’ll realise it when you see them, you’ll be really happy to see them after so long but you’ll also know that you’re unsure about what ever is the reality of the connection. For those of you who watch bollywood movies or are indian, you’ll have gotten over your ‘Geet in Shimla’ phase by yourself so you’ll know that you can live without them and happily but you’ll still have missed them, and will have unresolved soft as well as hard feelings towards them. You’ll still not be willing to initiate anything towards them because you’ll feel bitter about how they moved on without you and would have probably never reached out to you if you didn’t run into each other. In fact, despite melting on the inside, you’re going to re-solidify yourself and be sort of reserved from them at least emotionally, you’ll be reminding yourself that you can’t enter the place that you worked so hard to get out of. They’re going to have missed you a lot as well so they’re going to prove their devotion towards you. They’re going to decide that they’re going to lose either way, in one way at least they’ll have tried, they’ll know that they majorly sacrificed by letting you go and were clueless about it back then due to the overwhelm, emotional deflection or/and immaturity but aren’t going to be willing to let that happen again.
When you reconnect, they’re going to find themself acting like a different version of them, one that they were with you, all the feelings that never truly left are going to come back to them and they’re going to realise that they’ve either already lost you or are going to if they don’t take action. You’re not going to be available for them because you’ll be scared of things going the same way again. You will have matured, changed and grown, you’ll have become more yourself than you’ve ever been, and they’ll have played a major part in helping you get there but ironically they’ll not have any of you, there will be no space for them in your life. You’ll still feel softly towards them but the fear is going to be there. You’re going to be so familiar to them but will have no time for them. You might try to avoid them by saying “I’m busy” or “I was at work”, etc. It’s going to be very hard for you because you’ll have a massive crush on them but you’ll still be pushing yourself to do it, to have some self respect and act like it. They’re going to find you and your connection to be precious, they’re going to be hopeful despite the distance and separation that you’ll have undergone. They’ll try to make plans and will try to pursue you. They’ll feel like home to you but with that there will come a feeling of vulnerability, a fear of getting hit where it hurts most. They’re going to treat you like family. Despite being someone who’s authentic to themself and having an active life because they’re the type to make the most out of their life, be productive and keep themself busy, they’re going to not have lost their soft spot for you but you not wanting to get played will still try to avoid them for a while. They’ll be persistent and the fact that they built a home with you despite being charismatic enough to have anyone they want and always being on the go will be something that you’ll love about them. They’re really going to have to win you over because you’re not going to let yourself melt right away. They’re going to support you through a lot and will be a friend, and confidant above just a romantic partner. You’re going to find their unabashed way of being themself, expressing themself and going after what they want to be attractive. You’re also going to find the way they make you feel and change you as a person to be attractive because while you may be mad at them for leaving you behind, you truly needed the space to grow by yourself at that time. You’re going to find their persistence after you reconnect and the way they treated you like family right from the start and the way they could just see right through you to be very attractive. I’m pretty sure even throughout the marriage, you’re going to find many new appealing qualities that they possess but it’s this that the spirit wanted to get to you today. Well, to put it quite plainly, you’re going to find all of them to be very attractive but the intense and dramatic ‘the notebook’ coded storyline is going to add more of a theatrical feature to the mix xD. You’re going to have the biggest crush on them even throughout the marriage, you’ll feel your heart flutter in your chest at the mere sight of them despite knowing that they have a receded hairline and wrinkles on their face. You’re going to be like “OH MY GOD, HE HEARD ME! OH MY GOD, HE KNOWS MY NAME!” As if you’re not literally married to them. I hope that you enjoyed it. While they’re pursuing you, they’re going to show you through their words and actions that their love for you is unwavering. Like, they’ll not be able to imagine anyone except you as their spouse and they’ll show it. You’d not settle for anything lesser than this anyway. Thank you for reading, much love and take care.
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strawberryhoney11 · 1 month ago
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Drew Starkey x Reader
You are just making your way into the industry, interviewing on red carpets and your podcast. When your interview with Drew Starkey goes viral, suddenly everything changes.
part two!!
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You stepped out of the hotel shower, drying your hair with one of the soft fancy towels and adorned in a robe. It was the morning after the big event and you were still buzzing from everything that happened. Madelyn Cline told you she had been obsessed with your videos for a while now and found you to be so cool. When you first heard this you couldn’t believe it, you were still shocked even now.
Suddenly, your phone chimes from the other room and you pull it off of the white sheets.
Have you been on TikTok?
You received a message from your best friend from college, as you still keep in touch today. It was like she was experiencing this all with you, becoming the version of yourself you had always envisioned.
No. Just woke up, why?
GIRL, your vid with Drew Starkey is blowing up…
What? Really?
Immediately, you open up the app. Sure enough, there are thousands of notifications in your inbox all for the same video. Thinking back on your interaction with Drew made you have the same nervous pit in your stomach. You found yourself questioning if it actually happened. But this video was proof and the recognition you were receiving was hard to ignore.
You opened the comments on the paused video, unable to bring yourself to listen to your voice or watch yourself flail around in front of Drew.
Drew is crazy for the “I’ll be waiting”
This girl is living my dream…
The comments only speed up your heartbeat. Everyone seems to think that you and Drew have chemistry. As much as it rattles you, it also confirms that it wasn’t all in your head. You felt it, just as much as all of these people. Could this mean that he felt something too?
SORRY did he just grab her microphone???
She's better than me because if that man was in front of me…
The wave at the end would have had me on my knees
OH I love this for her!
You can’t help but laugh as you read the responses. The fact that everyone thinks you actually have a shot with him is amusing to you. You eventually have to set your phone down instead of scrolling continuously.
But when you hear another chime, this time from Instagram, you have to see what it is. Your breath catches as you read who it is from, Madelyn Cline. She DM’d you! Your eyes grew wide as you stared at the message.
Hi! I would love to invite you out with the cast and me tonight! Would you be interested?
You didn’t know if you were stuck in a dream or hallucinating. This was insane. You thought that the biggest opportunity you had ever gotten was to interview the cast on the red carpet but now you weren’t so sure. With this invitation, you had to bring your hand over your mouth to stop an excited scream from escaping.
Oh my gosh, hi! I would be so glad to take you up on your offer! Thank you!
You hit send on the message, exhaling a breath of excitement. She answered right away.
Awesome! We’re having dinner at this really nice place and maybe going to a bar afterwards. I’ll send the details!
Thank you, again! I feel so honored.
Of course! All of us girls are excited to hang out with you and don’t worry, you won’t be the only person invited who isn’t a part of the show. So, no pressure!
Oh okay, good! Can’t wait!
You shut your phone off, falling back onto the bed sheets, your wet hair draped across the duvet. All of this excitement and nerves had your stomach twisted in knots, but you couldn’t complain. This was something straight out of a movie. You thought this couldn’t possibly be your life, but it is. These things just didn’t happen to girls like you.
You draped your arm over your eyes, breathing out a laugh.
Another notification popped up on your phone, you held it in front of you in the morning light.
*Drew Starkey Started Following You
You dropped your phone by your side, audibly exclaiming now. This was a lot to take in, in the few hours after you woke up. This was crazy. Drew knows who you are and he now follows you on Instagram.
What more could a girl ask for?
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 months ago
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mixed messages | r. sukuna
✮  tags ; gn + afab!reader, unhealthy relationships, not cheating but reader flirts with gojo while tipsy for fun, undefined relationships, fingering / making out, jealousy, modern!sukuna, sukuna and yuuji r brothers 18+
✮ wc ; 2k
✮  a/n ; a snippet / extension of my modern sukuna post for @arguablyferal. i hope it gives a clear-ish idea of what he's like!!
some more like. relationship explanation in an authors note at the end.
✮  synopsis ; you've never been able to get a good read on him. would he really come to a party just to keep you from flirting with another guy ?
somehow you doubt it.
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He's hitting on you.
Gojo is, you think. Though you can't be sure since it feels...a little conceited to believe that a guy like that suddenly developed a genuine interest in you. You can think of a couple reasons he would hit on you, all of them to do with getting on Sukuna's last nerve in their never-ending rivalry.
But it's weird because it doesn't really feel like he's just messing around. As in, it doesn't seem like it's just for that reason.
You know Gojo. Not as close as Shoko or Getou might but enough to comfortably call yourself a distant friend. A little more than acquaintance but less then close.
He's facetious—melodramatic, really—totally by design. By necessity, some of it is an act, but you're good enough at reading him to know what's playful and what's not.
That's why you think that Gojo is really hitting on you. He's using the fact Sukuna, your...whatever, isn't here attending with you. He was supposed to be here but he flaked last minuted on coming with you. You ended up taking Yuuji and his friends though, anyhow.
You're letting him do it. He's serious about hitting on you, and he probably knows you're not very serious about returning his feelings.
But you're entertaining it, despite yourself.
Everyone you know is looking the other way while it happens too. Gojo is leaned close, sitting next to you in a plastic chair, and you're just a little bit buzzed. Humid summer air warms your skin, makes you want to sink into the night.
You're not touching, but you're too close for not-quite-friends. Gojo edges on touchy. A soft nudge here and there, the kind of proximity you shouldn't have. Gojo is a breath away, sober because he doesn't like alcohol.
And he's super friendly, which is nice.
A beat of silence settles between you as the night rolls in a little heavier.
Gojo says you what you assume he's been thinking about all night, without any real introduction.
"You should break up with him," He says, just over a can of soda with a kind of sincerity that makes you restless. You feel your nerves flip.
Your mouth moves before your mind has a chance to fill in the answer. You laugh. "I know."
"You're really too good for him, tsk," Gojo laments, clicking his teeth. Playful again, using just enough drawback so that you don't suffocate in the honesty. You shouldn't entertain this but the attention is nice. "And gosh, you're so much more fun without that dark cloud hanging around you, y'know"
You giggle unconsciously at the thought of Sukuna as a dark cloud. Big and broad with a deep voice—it's an astute comparison. Shaking your head, you give him a playful glance. "Am I really more fun? I feel like I'm not as good a conversationalist as a certain someone,"
Gojo smiles at you proudly. "I'm having fun at least."
You close your eyes and take another, much longer drink. "Yeah, me too."
"If you know you can do better, why bother with him? I figure that bastard might be holding you hostage but," He's serious again, brows raised. "You've got more options, you know?"
You shrug, absently. You don't know the answer yourself. It's one thing that Sukuna never quite lets you leave but it's another thing you come back to him every time. You settle on your reply with closed eyes then laugh a little too loud. Gojo doesn't startle.
"Who knows? But you know, thank you anyway. It's good to have options. Maybe it'll knock some sense into me,"
Friendly again. He's a nice guy you think.
"If it doesn't, make sure to give me a call. I'm pretty great too, y'know."
You give him a lighthearted smile.
It's hard to hear much over the loud thump of music. You're not very in touch with your surroundings and the pleasant air around you all but swallows you.
It takes you a minute. Longer than you care to admit, to realize that someone is approaching you. Even longer to realize who.
Sukuna is looming over you and Gojo when you finally look up.
"Having fun?"
You blink, pulling away to make sure you're hearing correctly. Sinking back into your chair, your eyes flicker up to whats casting shadow overhead. His voice almost bellows, deep and coarse but not loud.
"I thought you weren't coming," Is all you can think to say. Sukuna rolls his eyes.
"Yeah. I thought so too,"
He doesn't ask you to get up as much as he tugs you towards him. He's careful not to pull too hard but you come up still on a stumble, drink still in hand, and face in his chest. Your heart thumps, embarrassed by the sudden warmth. His hand sits on your lower back and suddenly there's a conversation happening overhead.
"Quit sticking your nose where it doesn't belong," He spits. He's talking to Gojo you realize.
"Be careful there, nii-san. You're gonna make it seem like you care."
Sukuna tenses under you before he relaxes again - rolling his eyes. He's not happy about it but you can hear that he's trying not to let it show.
"Stay out of it." Sukuna demands. Gojo whistles.
"Sure, sure. You two have fun there."
Sukuna turns you around like that, your face still in his chest as he drags you away. You hear Gojo laugh faintly as you walk further away from the crowd.
You don't really get any explanation from Sukuna as he packs you and himself in the backseat of his car.
He's quiet the entire walk there, and the air is so heavy your lungs can't find a breath around it. He doesn't say anything to you even as he opens the back door. He tells you to get in but doesn't show any emotion you discern.
Instead you end up laying in the backseat with Sukuna over you - cramped as his tongue slips all the way into your mouth and his hands grab your waist. All too sudden, without any ceremony at all.
You kiss back because he's being so suffocating and it's all you can think to do to appease him. As soon as he lets you breathe, you put a hand on his chest and push him away.
You make eye contact but he still hasn't said a word. "Are you mad?"
He sneers. "You tell me,"
He ducks down again to kiss you and you let him this time, doing your best to gauge what exactly he's thinking. You know he's upset, rather - but it's weird. Something is different about it.
His mouth is hot as he hands slide underneath your shirt further- his knees keeping your legs apart as his thigh presses against your clothed sex. You shiver, moaning into his mouth and Sukuna swallows the noise. Gasping, you pull back again.
"All you do is piss me off you brat," He tugs your lip back between his incisors as he speaks, voice bordering on a snarl. "You should know better than to cozy up to that idiot."
You squirm. "I wasn't cozying—"
"You think I'm fucking stupid? Think I don't got eyes to see with?" And then, like he's predicting your next question. "Yuuji texted me."
"And you came?" You stop, keeping him from going any further. "You came 'cause Yuu-chan sent you a picture of me and Gojo-kun....?"
He ignores your question. "Take your pants off,"
You make a face at him but oblige, hands unbuttoning your jeans as Sukuna practically tugs you out of them and your panties in one go. He sits back up on his legs and maneuvers carefully to keep his hands between your thighs. His middle finger runs through your slit, palm putting pressure on your clit.
He's rushing more than normal, mouth crushing yours again in a kiss so heavy it makes you gasp. You feel like you're imagining it but each time you pull back - his teeth sink into your lips until they're throbbing from how hard he's bitten them up.
He's possessive. Always has been. He's territorial over you in one way or another over everything, but it's usually only when you threaten to leave. There's a merit to what Gojo said about keeping you held down. But even in that, there's never any emotion stronger than annoyance to follow your little tantrums. You wouldn't call what you feel now desperation by any stretch.
But it's something more then simple possession and it makes you ache.
"I wasn't gonna do anything with him." You say half-way between a breath. You see his jaw tick with irritation at the mere thought. "It was just for fun—"
He quiets you with his fingers. With his hands, rough - spitting hard on your clit from where above making it splatter against your thighs. His fingers fingers the thick layer of spit and drag them down against your throbbing clit to make it wetter. He touches you hard and fast, places kisses against your jaw and collar before sinking his teeth into the clothed shape of your tits.
His fingers find your pussy not long after. Thick, scarred, intrusive - he slips them in one at a time. As much as he knows you can take until he touches that spot inside of you that leaves your whole body tingling. Knuckle deep, he presses his palms up against your clit to make sure you have the right friction. You moan his name loud, eyes rolling up into your head,
The windows are starting to fog.
He grabs hold of your face with free hand, bordering on a snarl. It's mean you think, but more then that there's a genuine frustration to it that makes you shiver almost shamefully.
"You're mine." He sneers. You feel your cunt twitch unhelpfully at but Sukuna doesn't budge. Doesn't even go to make fun of you He just keeps growling, leaning in to kiss you - forcing his tongue into your mouth and pulling away again. "Get close with that bastard and I'll kill him."
Your stomach flutters in arousal at the aggression in it. The unreasonable, unhelpful, trained part of your brain nearly screams. He wants you, he wants you, he wants. It makes you wanna—
"G-gonna—gonna cum, fuck, Sukuna."
He kisses you again, murmuring against your lips. "Cum,"
Your thighs clamp around Sukuna's wrists as he continues to finger you, grinding yourself the edge of his palm as you ride out your high. Your voice pitches into a high whine, spine arching. It's rushed but intense, scratching the itch but not enough to tamp down the heat completely. You squirt around his fingers in a full blown gasp and find you can barely get your head above water.
You cum hard, convulsing. He doesn't move his hand until you grab him by the wrist and shake your head. Surprisingly, he listens easily and pulls away.
You pause and stare at him after you've caught your breath.
"What's wrong with you today?"
"Stay the fuck away from that guy."
You roll your eyes. "He's right. It's starting to sound like you love me or something. I wasn't gonna sleep with him anyway so chill out."
He scoffs. "Don't even fucking dream of it. I'd kill you both."
You take a second to look at him. You can't read him to save your life. But he's looking back at you, into you maybe, in a way that makes you wonder if there's something about him you're missing. You wrap your arms around his neck just to see if he'll tell you to stop clinging.
He doesn't though.
"Did you really come all the way here 'cause of what Yuu-chan sent you?"
He glares at you. "Are you deaf? Didn't I say that?"
"But then it sounds like you were jealous."
He rolls his eyes. "You're stupid."
"....You were jealous? Really?"
"Shut up already," He says. And maybe it's the alcohol but you swear his face goes warm. "And seriously stay away from that idiot. If I see some shit like that again I'm locking you in the house and chaining you to my bed."
"Weird proposal but okay."
"You love me,"
He rolls his eyes and goes to kiss you. Doesn't deny it, you notice. You pretend not to be giddy.
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✮ extended authors note ; hi!! i hope sukunas personality made sense here.
my point with sukuna in modern is that i think it takes away a lot of his unsavory aspects but the deep sense of possession and ownership sort of stays. this is a modern au so he's different from canon in many ways.
he has a hard time committing but he also does not do things he doesnt want to so him spending time with you and wanting your loyalty are both genuine desires. he understands why you're entertaining gojo's flirting and rationally knows it's unfair to want loyalty from you.
but he's into you so he gets. fucking pissed anyway. skjsjd. anyways i hope u liked it and i hope it made sense!! i just wanted to add this incase!!!
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ham-st4r · 2 years ago
Cyber sex - L.HS
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Pairing: heeseung + female reader!
Warnings: heeseung is 32, smut, anal sex, unprotected sex, protected sex, phone sex, cam sex, oral both receiving, fingering, sexting, cum eating, ear licking, spitting, dirty talk, use of tinder, skype instagram and FaceTime, mutual masturbation, cursing, use of sex toys and lube, heeseung is cringey and clingy and awkward but it’s cute, angst, crying, fluff, heeseung says stop once but he doesn’t really want you to.
Genre: smut, long distance relationship, slightly inspired by cyber sex from doja cat.
Summary: after heeseung comes home from a long day at the office, he quickly gets bored and finds himself scrolling through the Tinder app that he made an account on a few days prior, and much to his surprise, he had gotten a notification that he had found a match.
Wordcount: 19,546k
All I can say is sorry for the long wait. I hope everyone will enjoy!
This is complete fiction by no means can you go on tinder and find yourself a hee so please stay away from that app (I mean it)
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After a hard day's work, all heeseung wanted to do was take a shower and relax on his comfy king sized bed in his house, and that's exactly what he did once he got home.
He quickly made his way to the bathroom, stripping off his suit and tie before stepping into the warm stream of water, he sighs in relief as the water cascaded down his tired, aching muscles. Despite what most people may think, sitting down at a desk all day definitely takes its toll on one’s body.
He grabbed his favorite shampoo, lathering his hair with it and washing away all the stress from the day, the faint smell of mint clearing his sinuses as he massaged the sudsy liquid through his wet hair.
A few minutes later, he rinsed his hair out and lathered his body with matching body wash, covering himself in the fragranced gel. He then grabbed his body scrubber, washing himself thoroughly before turning off the water and stepping out of the shower.
He towel-dried his hair and body before walking to his bedroom and grabbing a clean white shirt and a pair of boxers from his drawer.
Once he was completely dry, he put his clothes on and hopped into bed, peeling back his covers and tucking himself in, reaching for the TV remote and clicking the power button, watching the first show that piqued his interest.
After an hour, he started to feel bored, which wasn’t unusual. He lived in his big house all alone and didn’t have any friends after graduating college. He just didn’t have time to hang out and party the way he used to. Not to say he really missed it though, back then he was a young adult, but now that he’s a grown man, he realized there was so much more to life than drinking and women.
On top of everything else, after 8-10 hour work days, he just didn’t have the energy to attend any social gatherings to meet new people, so needless to say, he was a homebody.
But living this kind of life every day after landing his dream job was starting to get old. Don’t get him wrong, he’d never go back to his wild college days, but thoughts of settling down and having a wife and a child or two or more definitely had been crossing his mind as he was reaching his mid-thirties.
He sighed and slumped further down in his bed, grabbing his phone once the TV show had ended.
Just then, a notification from Tinder popped up on the top of his screen.
What can he say? He was lonely and maybe even a little bit desperate at this point.
He clicked on the notification and, saw that he had a match, and nervously started a chat.
He debated on what to say as he chewed on his bottom lip in thought. Gosh, he hasn’t realized just how out of touch he was with everything.
Before he could leave a message, another alert on his phone went off,slightly startling him.
You: Hi handsome 💕
You nervously typed on your phone, waiting for the guy that swiped on you to respond. You were surprised someone that looked like him was even on Tinder. He was tall, good, looking a co-CEO, and a decent age, which was appealing cause you were tired of dealing with little boys that called themselves men, and to top it all off, he didn’t live that far away.
He made a sound similar to a mouse when he read the message, and he felt his face heat up at your blunt text. The last time he’s been called handsome was by his grandmom last Thanksgiving. “Relax,” he rolled his eyes at himself for acting like a preteen. It was just a simple text, and he was already getting flustered for no reason. You were just a girl that he met online.
A very, very pretty girl he met online.
Heeseung: Hey
He only realized just how boring and bland that sounded once he had hit send. “Ugh,” he buried his head into his pillows.
You happily looked at the notification on your phone, and you can’t lie how excited you got when he replied so quickly, but your excitement soon deflated when you saw his reply. Maybe you were already reading too much into it, but he didn’t seem to reciprocate your same excitement.
You: How are you?💕
You sent back, kinda unsure of how to approach him after his seemingly uninterested reply.
Heeseung: Good, how about you?👀
He sighed. If he wanted to keep you interested, he definitely needed to up his texting game.
You: Good
you reply simply.
“What happened to the little hearts?” He frowned slightly at your reply that wasn’t accompanied by emojis like the first few texts were, and now he was getting nervous because he didn’t know what to say next to keep you on the line.
He scrolled through your bio again, looking for something to strike up a conversation.
The first thing he saw was that you liked animals, so he quickly decided on that topic so he wouldn’t keep you waiting for a reply.
Heeseung: So you like animals?
You just blinked at your screen when you saw his message and no wonder he was single. If his conversation was this bad in real life, you wouldn’t be surprised if he died single.
You: Yeah hbu?
You reply back just as dryly.
Heeseung: Yes, I’m quite the animal myself😏
He attempted to flirt, but it came out sounding entirely wrong.
You read his reply over and over again, and you couldn’t reply with anything but.
You: ??????
If he could go back in time, he definitely would cause he was going to die of embarrassment any moment now.
Heeseung: I meant in bed…..
You: Oohhhhhhhhh
You replied in between a fit of laughter that was probably the lamest thing you have ever read, but you couldn’t deny it made you laugh, and somehow it was even kinda endearing in an odd way, not to mention the smirking face emoji he sent along with it was amusing, to say the least.
He face-palmed himself before texting you again.
Heeseung: You know what? I’m sorry, just forget about that.
Heeseung: Or better yet, I’ll just leave you alone.
Heeseung: Nice meeting you.
He stuffed his phone under his pillow, burying his face in his covers. “And that’s why you’re single,” he mutters to himself. He didn’t realize just how much he actually sucked at talking to women. It was a lot easier in high school, or maybe it was easier cause he looked better in high school, and the girls didn’t care that he had no game. Who knows? All he knows is that he just blew his chance with a beautiful girl who showed interest in him.
But it wasn’t the end of the world. Maybe someone else would swipe right on him, and he could learn from this god awful experience on this god awful app.
After your small fit of laughter died down, you texted him back.
You: I don’t think I’ll ever forget that one. I might even have to use it one day🤔😂
Heeseung was brought back to reality when his phone buzzed with another notification from you. He didn’t even want to read it, but he did anyway, and he cringed at himself even more.
Heeseung: Please don’t. Wouldn’t want you to willingly embarrass yourself like that,
He texted and didn’t even realize there was a small smile on his face. At least he made you laugh, though.
You: So, do you always refer to yourself as an animal when you talk to girls?
You chuckled slightly and got more comfortable on your bed now that the conversation was interesting.
Heeseung: Only pretty ones, was that better?👀
He asks you jokingly.
You: Maybe just a little bit
You smile, and you can’t believe he’s making you all giggly with his cheesy pickup lines.
Heeseung: I’ll try harder next time😂
You: Next time?
Heeseung: I mean, only if you want to talk again. If you don’t, I completely understand 😅 Haha,
He can’t lie the idea of messing up his shot with you wasn’t sitting all too well with him. You were exactly his type. You were both looking for the same thing, and he had to go and ruin it by saying something stupid.
You: If there’s a chance I can get some flirting tips, then I’d definitely like to talk again🤭
Heeseung: I can assure you there’s plenty more, but as you know you have to work for a tip so….
You: I’ve never been scared of a little work😉
Heeseung: I like that 😌
You: What else do you like?
Heeseung: Hmm… girls who like animals
You: You’re getting better already.
Heeseung: What can I say? I’m a fast learner.
You: What should I do with that information? 😝
Heeseung: That’s up to you, beautiful 😉
You: *Blushing*
Heeseung: And I’m not even trying hard.
You: Oh, is that so? Maybe you should🤭
Heeseung: Yeah? Want me to go harder, beautiful?
You’re not sure when the conversation steered in this direction, but you can’t say you weren’t enjoying it.
You: Go your hardest
you taunted.
Heeseung: I don’t think you’re sure of what you’re asking, doll face.
He had no idea where this newfound confidence was coming from, but he liked it.
You: Well, maybe you can show me sometime? Just so I can be sure.
He bit his lip at just the thought he’d definitely be down for that after getting to know you better.
Heeseung: I’d love to show you sometime.
The rest of heeseung’s night was spent talking and flirting with you. You both agreed to share Instagrams after hours of talking to each other and getting to know one another.
Luckily, he had redeemed himself along the way and was able to hold a smooth conversation without being too awkward.
You: It’s late. You should probably get some rest now since you have work in the morning.
You say to him.
Heeseung: Trying to get rid of me already? And here I am, thinking that we’re bonding :(
You: Noooooooo 🥺 It’s just you need to rest so your face can be even more handsome in the morning.
Heeseung: That was supposed to be my line😞
You: Well, you can use it on me tomorrow night
You reply, hoping that he will message you tomorrow cause you had a lot of fun talking to him.
Heeseung: I definitely will. Well, I guess you’re right. Make sure you get some rest, too, okay? I’ll try to message you before work if I don’t sleep in too late😂
You: Okay! Talk to you Tomorrow. Goodnight, heeseung sweet dreams💕
Heeseung: I can’t wait to talk to you again goodnight y/n 🩵
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t kicking his feet like a schoolgirl before bed.
➜ ➜ ➜
Heeseung: Morning, beautiful🩵
Heeseung texted you as soon as he opened his eyes. It was really early in the morning, so he wasn’t expecting you to reply so quickly, but he wasn’t complaining either.
You smile at the conversation from last night and his latest text.
You: Morning, handsome💕
He smiled and got out of bed, running the shower while he texted you back.
Heeseung: I’m headed off to work now, but I’ll message you again when I get off if you’re free later?👀
You: Me too. I get out at three, so anytime after then is fine if that’s fine with you?
Heeseung: That’s perfect for me! ☺️
You: Great! ttyl enjoy your shift💕
Heeseung: You too, pretty girl😉
You hearted the message he sent and scrambled to get ready for work with a smile on your face.
With your fast-paced life, it was hard to get out of the house truthfully, too many meetings stacked on business trips and extra hours during hectic weeks.
You felt like you never got a breather. You had gone about this same routine for years, and though you absolutely loved your job, even you had to admit you didn’t have a life outside of work.
And your friends made sure to remind you of that every girl's night out, always talking about what guy they fucked and if he was good in bed or not, and while you knew they were just having fun, it sucked not to have any steamy stories of your own so you could be apart of that conversation.
You hadn’t had any in ages, and the last time was so disappointing cause right when you were about to do the deed, he passed out from drinking too much.
And that wasn’t much of a story to tell.
You wanted some action but didn’t have the time for it, not just so you could be a part of the girl talk, but you really just wanted some interaction with the opposite gender, and after seeing one too many Tinder ads pop up in your face, it was like even the internet was telling you that you were single and pathetic and you needed help to find someone.
So, deciding to download the god-awful app after pondering on it for a while turned out to be not so god-awful, at least not yet. Anyways, you matched with a ton of guys, not to toot your own horn, but so far, only one caught your interest. His name was heeseung, and he was exactly your ideal type, so you matched with him. and you know It’s only been a day, but so far, so good.
You just hoped it stayed that way.
Heeseung: Hi! I’m on break. I hope your shift is going well so far.
He hit send, before he could even shut off his phone, you replied, making him smile instantly.
You: Hey, it’s going well, thanks for asking. What about you?
You smiled as you sent the text, feeling happy that he kept his word and texted you back like he said he would.
You: btw I’m on break too👀
You sent a follow-up message.
Heeseung: Oh nice, maybe we could talk for a bit if you’re okay with it?
You: Sure, I’m bored out of my mind🙄
Heeseung: Same. I’m always bored, and the food in the break room leaves a lot to be desired 😒
You: Sounds like we work at the same place 🤭
Heeseung: I wish. I wanna meet you 👀
One of your co-workers approached you before you could read his message. “Only two more hours,” he grumbled while making some coffee to get him through the rest of the day.
“We’ll make it. We always do,” you chuckled as he sighed and rested his hands on his head while his coffee was brewing.
Heeseung: I’m sorry, that was probably too soon
He sends back when he sees that you stopped responding even though his message was clearly left on seen.
Heeseung: I swear I’m not a creep or anything like that
He sighed after realizing that made him sound creepier.
Heeseung: Never mind that last message and the one before that 😬
He triple texted cause he was overthinking things. He didn’t think that maybe you might have gotten busy with something, and that’s why you didn’t reply immediately.
You looked back down to your screen, reading the three messages he sent. Your heart rate increased as you read the first message he actually wanted to meet you? You definitely weren’t expecting that, but like he said, it was a bit too soon to meet. Plus, he lives four hours away from you, and you’re not sure when you could get time off to see him.
You: you’re so cute💕
He was literally apologizing for no reason. Besides, isn’t it like normal to want to meet someone you met online? Honestly, it wasn’t creepy at all, just a little soon and a bit sudden.
Heeseung: 😳
His initial panic disappeared as soon as he read your last text. Thank god you didn’t think he was a weirdo or some kind of creeper.
You: I wanna meet you too, but maybe let’s get to know each other a little better first
Heeseung: Of course! Maybe if you want, we could call each other when you get off work?
You smiled at the thought of hearing what he sounded like. You wondered if his voice would match his angelic face while in your daydream. He started to overthink yet again when you didn’t reply to him immediately.
Heeseung: Only if you’re like comfortable with it. If not, I completely understand. I just wouldn’t want to make you feel weird or anything like that.
Before he sent a whole other thread of text, he willed himself to stop typing and going completely overboard.
You: My break is up, ttyl cutie. I can’t wait to hear your voice 😉
Heeseung: You got it!
You giggled at the odd reply, but still, it was undoubtedly cute.
“Is that a yes? I think that’s a yes.” he smiled and looked at his watch, showing him the time and that he had gone a minute over his break. “Shit,” he mutters, clocking in and hoping he wouldn’t get dinged for it.
You both arrived home and took showers before plopping into bed, completely tired and exhausted minds riddled with meetings and reports upon a slew of other things.
Heeseung was waiting for the clock to strike three while you sat in bed waiting for your phone screen to light up with his call.
Five minutes past two, he called you, and much to your enjoyment, his voice sounded as heavenly as he looked. You and heeseung started chatting over Skype after exchanging phone numbers prior in the evening.
You both talked about your day and the problems you faced at work and soon transitioned into a new topic to learn more about each other.
“So, what else do you like other than animals?” He chuckles on the other end of the call, thinking about your first encounter with him. He felt lucky that you even stuck around after that foolishness.
“Mmm, well, a friend of mine named y/n met this guy the other night. His name is heeseung, and she likes him a lot, but she doesn’t know if he likes her.” You giggle, pretending that you’re not talking about yourself.
“Is that so?” He hums and plays your little game. “Crazy enough, I know this guy named heeseung that just so happens to like a girl named Y/n. In fact, he said he’s head over heels for her.” You can tell he was smiling just by the sound of his voice.
“She’s such a lucky girl,” you say seductively, half intentional, half unintentional.
“You think so?” He immediately matches your playful flirtatious tone.
“Yes,” you whisper the tiniest hint of a moan at the end.
“And why’s that beautiful?” He bites his lips softly.
“Hmm,” you pretend to hum in thought, but anyone with ears could clearly hear you were moaning. “Cause he’s handsome, tall with a pretty voice and even prettier eyes.” You don’t know what exactly came over you so suddenly, but you blamed it on not having any interaction with men for so long and left it at that.
“I guess she is lucky, huh?” He chuckles, trying to mask how flustered he was by your words. “He’s lucky too, you know?”
“How?” You reply quickly, desperate to find out exactly what he thinks about you.
“She’s beautiful, has all the same interests as him, unintentionally cute, and not to mention she has the perfect body.” his heart wasn’t the only one racing after saying something so straightforward on the second day of knowing you.
“How perfect?” Your throat feels dry as you whisper the words into your speaker.
“So perfect,” he breathed out, contemplating if he should continue this, but you started the flirty conversation, so he assumed it would be okay with you. “The type of body that I fantasize about.”
“What do you fantasize about? Tell me what you’d do to me?” You finally break your character, and you clearly hear his breath hitch on the other end.
“I’d lay you out on my bed, admire every inch of your perfectly sculpted body, then I’d undress you slowly, one piece of clothing at a time, kissing, sucking, and licking every single inch of you, whispering sweet nothings before eating your precious little pussy and savoring every last drop” he curses to himself lowly the image of you like that now swirling around in his brain. “And that’s just the start, beautiful.”
Embarrassingly enough, you could feel a slight tingle down there just from his voice alone, and he’d be lying if he said something wasn’t stirring below his waistband. “Tell me more.” You feel so easy and desperate after just knowing him for two days you’re practically throwing yourself at him, but you just can’t help it, and you also can’t help the way your hand slipped inside your underwear. “Please,” you whisper, and he audibly gulps from the way your tone has completely changed since the call started.
“Then I’d make you cum on my fingers, on my tongue, and lastly, my cock. You’d like that right feeling my cock stroking deep in your pretty pussy” There’s no denying that he’s hard, especially with the way you’re practically moaning while he talks to you, and it only dawned on him what was actually going on when your moans increased in volume, and your breathing had quickened. “Wait, are you?” he says, completely shocked. If you were doing what he was ninety-nine point nine percent sure you were doing, he was going to lose his mind. “Are you touching yourself?”
Your hand comes to a complete stop when you hear him say that. You quickly take your hand out of your underwear and clamp your legs shut as guilt and shame washes over you. “S-sorry,” you quickly apologize for your behavior. You felt terrible cause he wasn’t even aware of what you were doing while he was on the other end. You could only imagine what he was thinking about you after that shameful act you just committed.
Except he was thinking, what the fuck exactly were you apologizing for? He felt like he was on cloud nine. The fact he was able to turn you on to the point that you wanted to touch yourself was beyond huge for him. He had no idea anyone would even find his dirty talk attractive, let alone to the point of masturbating to it. “Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. Just tell me about it next time so I can do it with you.”
“Okay,” you mumbled, embarrassed, not knowing what to say next, but Heeseung knew exactly what to say.
“Now pretty, tell me, are you wet?” He moves his blankets back to slowly palm himself over his boxers.
“Yes,” a shaky breath could be heard from him after your response.
“Fuck keep touching yourself pretty wouldn’t want you waiting too long to make yourself feel good. Can I touch myself, too?” He asks you for permission.
The thought of him wanting to touch himself for you was making your head spin already. “Yes, heeseung, please touch your cock for me” You hear him almost whimper, and it makes you throb so hard down there as you continue fondling yourself to his voice.
“Okay.” He hastily reached into his drawer, pulling out a good size bottle of lube, flicking the cap open before pulling down his boxers, holding the bottle above his tip, and squeezing a nice amount onto his shaft before he spreads it around, covering his entire length. “Anything in particular you’d like me to do?” He hisses as he slowly works his cock up and down. He feels so shameless for doing this, but he can’t even care anymore. His mind is too clouded with lust, and your voice sounded too good for him to stop.
“Rub the tip.” You bit your lip as you buck your hips into your palm.
“Fuck” he whines and does as you say. “It feels so good.” he slowly cups his palm over his sensitive tip, rubbing the head like you asked him to. “Are you fingering yourself?” He breathes out, eyes falling shut from the pleasure his right hand gives him.
“N-no, just rubbing.” he twitches in his palm at that, imagining how pretty you must look while pleasing yourself.
“Play with your little hole, stick your fingers inside, and pretend that it’s me fucking you open” Your eyes rolled back immediately as you stuffed your fingers deep inside you, thinking about his cock instead.
“Heeseung,” the moan of his name nearly makes him cum on the spot.
“Does my cock feel good?” He grunts out.
“Mmm, yes, so good, so fucking big and thick” The moan you let out was absolutely obscene, but he loved every last second of it.
“Yeah? You like my big cock stretching you out, pretty?”
“Yes,” you whine, feeling your legs shaking as you got close.
“Me too” he grips his cock tightly, trying to mimic the way you’d feel around him. “Love splitting your tight cunt open with my cock feels so fucking good” he jerks himself faster, and you can hear the wet slippery sounds of his hand moving up and down on his dick.
“Want your cum” you beg shamelessly as your walls tighten around your fingers, too far gone to even try to stop the filth coming from your mouth.
“Cum on my cock, and I’ll give you my cum, pretty,” he says, knowing he’s right on the edge. Even though you weren’t physically together, he still wanted to make you cum first.
“Cumming!” You sped up the pace of your fingers and finally reached your end as the pleasure filtered through your body in waves.
“Gonna take this cum?” He groans.
“Yes, heeseung,” you whine, and not a second later, his cum is spilling all over his chest in long hot ropes.
“Take it pretty. Take it all like a good girl.” he rubs out every single drop, moaning and panting in exhaustion mixed with pleasure.
You can’t help but moan with him as you caress your clit till you're satisfied.
Once your guy's moans fade out into silence and your minds clear, there’s a hint of awkwardness.
The silence continues cause you’re both deep in thought about what just transpired.
He hopes you don’t think he’s just someone who’s nasty and has phone sex with random girls after just meeting them because he doesn’t. You were his first and probably would be his only. There was just something about you that he couldn’t say no to. He wanted to blame it on his nonexistent love life, but that just wasn’t the case.
You, on the other hand, were freaking out because what if he thought you were just some slut that went around having phone sex and flirting with guys you just met on Tinder? You really hoped he didn’t get the wrong idea about you despite literally having phone sex with a guy you just met, but heeseung somehow felt different. How could you not touch yourself to a voice as seductive as his? It’s not your fault that he was literally the epitome of perfection.
“I’ve never done that before,” he finally says something, knocking you out of your intrusive thoughts.
“Me neither,” you tell him, and the relief you both feel is enough to wipe away any awkwardness or apprehension about each other that was once there.
“I liked it,” he chuckles bashfully as a smile climbs up your lips.
“Me too,” you reply with the same shyness as him.
“That’s good to know,” he smiled, and that was all he needed to hear.
“Fuck baby, I’m so fucking close,” heeseung moans, and you’re not far off either.
You had just gotten off of work, and since the first time you both had phone sex, you’d been doing it every time when you got off work, and it was better and better each time, especially when you found out about the toy collection you both owned.
Heeseung was currently balls deep in his clear flesh light, restlessly pounding into the toy pretending it was your pretty pussy instead.
Much like him, you had a huge clear dildo buried to the hilt inside you while you played with your clit. “Mmm,” you moaned, biting on your lip when a risky idea popped into your head. “I wanna see you,” you say without even thinking twice about it.
Heeseung halts his movements, thinking he heard you wrong, but he knows he didn’t. “Me too, baby,” when he responds, your heart beats frantically in your chest. Not being able to hold your excitement, you prop yourself up, making sure your surroundings are presentable before requesting to FaceTime him.
He scrambles to quickly find a good angle, not expecting you to request a video call, so soon he connects the call, and you’re met with a view of his neck, and downwards you hold your phone, giving him a clear view of the toy slowly sliding in and out of you.
You do your best to focus on fucking yourself, but it’s hard when you’re eyeing his body up and down. He looked so much fucking better than what you imagined, and so did his cock. He was literally huge.
His deep voice brings you somewhat back to reality. “Wish you were here right now” he sat on his knees, covering his cock with the clear flashlight, slowly fucking it until his red-hued tip poked through, leaving your mouth watering and your pussy creaming. “I’d fuck that creamy little pussy so good” he easily matched the pace of your dildo, trying to make it feel as real as possible. “Look at your thirsty little pussy sucking that cock right in, taking it real nice and deep, yeah?”
“Fuck heeseung” You did your best to keep your camera in focus, but it was hard to when your body was shaking with so much pleasure.
“Pull it all the way out and fuck it back in pretty. Show me how hard you like it.” Your back arched as you slithered the toy out of your hole only to shove it back in, and you gasped out a loud moan when you stuffed yourself full.
He mimics your rough pace. “Faster,” he commands while he snaps his hips into the fleshlight.
“Oh! H-heeseung,” you babble out his name, going faster and harder just the way he wanted you to, and none of your late-night sessions alone in your room ever felt as good as this.
“F-faster,” he whines, pushing the toy further into his mattress as his body starts to feel sore, but he needs to see your pussy coming around that toy before he can cum.
Tears well in your eyes from the pleasure. You barely feel coherent, and you’re not even sure if your camera is still on. All you know is that you’re seconds away from coming.
“Fuck me, heeseung,” your voice vibrates in your throat, and you come hard around the dildo, squeezing it tightly as your orgasm takes control of your body.
“Fuck y/n fuck” his own voice sounds strained, and you can hear that he’s close from all the moaning and heavy breathing. He quickly pulls out and grabs his camera. You catch a faint image of his face before he flips his phone showing his cum shot to you. “Wanna cum in you so bad,” he whines and grips his base jerking out the rest of his milky release for your eyes to see, and you wish it was inside of you instead.
He falls on his bed, avoiding his cum soaked sheets holding his phone normally so you can see his bottom half as his cock starts going soft between his pretty legs.
He nearly moans when he sees you pulling the dildo out of your hole. It’s soaked in your cum, and he swears he’s never wanted to be anything more than that stupid toy right now.
Your hole continues to pulse as more white dribbles out. “Such a pretty hole,” he says, and it makes you feel shy knowing that he’s seeing you up so close and personal. “That was so hot,” he comments. Once you turn off your camera and go to clean yourself, he can’t even see you, yet you’re brushing like crazy.
“You are too,” you say shyly, and he’s happy you turned off your camera because now he’s a blushing mess.
“I’ve never been so jealous of an inanimate object,” he sighs, folding his sheets and tossing them in the laundry bin in the corner of his room. “I need you soaking my cock like that baby, not some stupid toy,” he whines, and you laugh.
“Hee, stop it.” You make your way to the bathroom cause after that, you definitely needed a shower and sheet change.
“Okay, okay, anyways, do you wanna shower with me?” You’re not even sure why he’s asking. Of course, you wanted to. It’s been your little routine for the past couple of weeks after you both agreed cause it made you feel like you were actually with each other.
“Of course, hee,” he swears. His heart melts every time he hears you say that little nickname you gave him.
He props his phone in the window seal, requesting to FaceTime you again.
You nervously bite your lip. You never face timed in the shower before.
After three rings, he grows a little nervous, thinking he once again overstepped his boundaries. He should have asked before just FaceTiming you. He frowns after a few more rings, knowing you’re not going to pick up. He doesn’t know why you’re not answering him, though, it’s not like you haven’t seen each other naked before, but maybe you’re just into him for cyber sex, and maybe he’s way more into you than you are into him, those thoughts make him overthink, but luckily you answer him before he could doubt everything you guys have done up to this point. “Hi, pretty,” he said excitedly and waved at you like a little kid.
“Hey, cutie,” he steps out of frame doing a little happy dance, but what he didn’t know is that you can see him in the reflection of the mirrors in his bathroom.
You couldn’t help but laugh. He just kept getting cuter by the day.
You both silently wait for each other to get into the shower, and when you do, he’s asking you a question that, In his mind, was long overdue. “So,” he starts and lathers his hair with shampoo. “It’s been a while since we have known each other correct?”
“Correct,” you smile, already knowing exactly where this is headed.
“And we’ve learned more about each other.” he plays with the suds from his hair, making a goofy face into the camera that makes you laugh.
“A lot more,” you reply, working the conditioner through your hair.
“Yes,” he chuckles at the double meaning of your words. “So we should meet, what do you say? Nothing too extreme, but I was thinking something nice. You and me have the weekend off, so I thought now is the perfect time.”
“Sure,” you chirp, and you both share warm smiles before chatting about random things here and there.
Once you’re all done showering, you both climb into bed, nearly running on empty batteries on your phones.
Neither of you wanted to hang up, but the sleepiness was taking over fast. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay baby?”
“Okay, goodnight, hee.” His eyelids droop even further, and he’s just able to make out your reply before he passes out.
“Night night, pretty.” You’re not even sure if you hung up or if he did, but before you could think about it, you were already drifting off to sleep.
Heeseung: Morning, pretty.
You smile at your phone when you hear the alert, already knowing who it was this early in the morning. Another sound chimes before you can look at the first message.
Heeseung: Missing you
He sent along with three attachments, and he nearly gave you a heart attack because someone could have easily looked over your shoulder and seen him in all his glory.
You quickly turn down the brightness after analyzing those photos in far too much detail.
You: You can’t send me stuff like that at work😐
Your reaction wasn’t exactly what he was expecting, but he should have known better than to send that to you at your workplace. You could have gotten in trouble.
Heeseung: Sorry baby☹️ just thought you might like it. I won’t do it again
Why was he so adorable? You nearly squealed from his cuteness.
You: Hee baby, I did like it, but maybe next time, send it while I’m on break. Someone could have seen you, and I don’t want anyone seeing you.
He felt warm from your reply. It was cute to him that you wanted him all for yourself, and he felt the same way about you.
Heeseung: Don’t worry, I’m all yours, pretty.
You: Good.
You answer him quickly, taking one last look at the photos he sent you. The cam didn’t do him much justice cause his cock looked even prettier in those photos.
You: I’ll let you get back to work.
He hides his phone under his desk before he gets scolded for not paying attention to the meeting he is currently in.
Not even five minutes later, the dampness in your panties was unbearable, so you went to the bathroom to take them off.
You: Hee, I can’t focus 😩
You sent him. When he felt the buzz on his thigh, he couldn’t help but unlock his phone and check your message.
He smirks at the text.
Heeseung: You liked it that much, huh, baby?😉
You: Of course🥺 I can’t even wear my underwear 'cause they’re so wet
You whined in frustration. You needed him so badly right now.
He flicked his eyes across the room, making sure no one noticed him.
Heeseung: You’re wet?”
He loosened his tie and began impatiently bouncing his leg up and down.
You couldn’t believe him. What the hell did he expect after sending you not one, not two, but three whole pictures of himself?
You: Hee.. I need you.
Heeseung: Baby…
He responds, and maybe this wasn’t as cute of an idea as he once thought cause he now had a boner in the middle of his meeting.
You: Please, heeseung, I’m so 💦
You sent, knowing that would get him riled up, but it’s only payback, though.
Heeseung: Fuck baby, don’t do that. I’m in a meeting. I’ll talk to you later.
He quietly puts his phone away.
You frowned. Of course, he’d start something he couldn’t finish. Looks like you were just going to have to do the rest of your shift with a puddle between your legs.
Heeseung: Baby, I just got home. What are you up to?
He sat down on his bed, undressing himself, not bothering to shut off his phone cause he knew you’d respond right away.
After a few minutes with no reply from you, he squints at his phone, finding it odd you haven’t replied yet.
Heeseung: Baby~👀?
Heeseung: are you there?👀
You saw his messages, but you weren’t going to read them as payback for what he did to you earlier.
Heeseung: Did you go to sleep? If so, sweet dreams, baby talk to you later tonight😘
It was hard not to reply to him, but you weren’t going to keep it going for much longer. You just wanted to tease him a little.
After two hours, heeseung was having a hard time not hearing from you. It’s not like he couldn’t go without talking to you, but he was accustomed to it, and now he was missing it.
Heeseung: I hope you’re sleeping well, baby. Wake up soon, though, cause I miss you already 🥺❤️
Why did he have to make this so hard? Ugh, him calling you baby was your ultimate weakness. So you gave up and just messaged him back.
You: I miss you too, hee🩵
He nearly dove on his bed when he heard the alert go off.
He didn’t bother texting you. Instead, he called you, wanting to hear your sweet, sweet voice. “Hi,” he nearly keels over at the sound that he’s grown to love so much. Your voice was so so pretty.
“Hey baby,” he sighs dreamily, closing his eyes softly, listening to your soothing voice until it wasn’t so soothing, and his eyes shot wide open in panic.
“I’m mad at you,” you tell him, and he sits up straight.
“Baby? Why? What did I do?” He starts panicking right away, and you can’t help but laugh. “Why are you laughing? If I hurt you, it’s not funny,” he pouts.
“Hee, I’m kidding. Calm down. I was trying to pretend that I was mad at you and ignore you this whole time because of what you did to me this morning,” you groan and throw yourself on the bed.
“You did? So you weren’t asleep? Baby, you’re mean,” he fake cries.
“Me?! Hee, you’re mean, you left me wet all day.” Kicking your feet, you whine loudly, making him chuckle. “And you’re laughing at me?!”
“Sorry baby,” you can still hear him laughing. “I didn’t make you wet, though.” You wanted to jump through the speaker and smack him for trying to play innocent. “You chose to get wet.”
“So when I send pics tomorrow while you’re at work, just remember it’s you choosing to get hard.” You hung up the phone without giving him a chance to respond.
“What! Baby, no, I’m sorry I didn’t me-“ he looks down at his phone, seeing the call had disconnected. “Uh oh”
Heeseung’s hands were literally sweating. He was so nervous if you did indeed send him pics, he didn’t know what he was going to do. It didn’t take much to get him going, and he’s sure just a simple pic of your panty line could make him hard. It’s not like he was that easy. It’s just you were that fucking sexy to him.
The morning went by smoothly. You had already texted each other your good mornings, and he figured you had forgotten about what you said last night.
Until the last hour of his shift, he gulped. Hearing the alert on his phone, he contemplated not even picking it up, but what if you needed something and it was important?
With a heavy sigh, he hides his phone screen and opens up your message. “Fuck” he moans quietly and looks left and right, making sure that no one heard him. He left his chair and immediately went to the men’s room. “Fuck fuck fuck” he curses, locking himself in the bathroom, and that’s what he gets for teasing you like that the day before.
Heeseung: Guess who’s in the bathroom as hard as a rock😐🪨
You giggle at your screen, texting him back.
You: No? Who?”
You felt like the devil for doing that to him, but he could take a little payback.
Heeseung: Not funny, y/n😔
You: Aww, my poor little bunny,🩵
He grins at the new nickname, but he’s still semi-upset with you.
Heeseung: Come help your little bunny👀🥵
You laugh. There’s no way you could leave work and drive hours for him even though you really, really wanted to.
You: No way, hee, just accept your demise.
You hide your phone, making sure no one sees you.
Heeseung: Fine, but baby, why are you so wet in those pictures? You didn’t get off without me, did you?🤨
If you did, he so wasn’t going to let you get away with that.
You: I might have looked at the pics you sent👀
Shit, he wished he never even asked because the idea of you looking at his pics and getting wet made his cock twitch.
Heeseung: You’re so naughty😏
The throbbing between his legs was becoming unbearable for him, but he knew he couldn’t do anything without you.
You: I get it from you😉 Now, bunny. I have a meeting to attend ttyl.
Heeseung: Baby… don’t leave me like this 😩🫠 at least call me when you get home so we can get freaky on camera.
You laugh, reading his last message, and left him on seen, leaving him to find out a way to get his boner to go down all by himself.
You asked to get off earlier than usual, and luckily, your boss let you go. You wanted to have a little extra time before heeseung got home cause you were going to surprise him.
Except you were nervous as heck because you weren’t sure if you were doing too much, but you guess you’d find out about that soon.
When heeseung called you after he got off work, the last thing on his mind was to see your ass up, barely anything on and a clear diamond plug inside your tight hole and a dildo in the other though it was unexpected, but, it most definitely wasn’t unappreciated. “Oh my god, baby,” he trailed off at a complete loss for words.
You looked so fucking perfect.
“You like?” You say, looking back at the camera as you bite your lip and slowly bounce up and down on the dildo.
He nearly choked on air while he tried to answer. He rushed to his bedroom, quickly yanking off his jacket and undoing his belt. You laugh when you find out that he liked it, a feeling of relief washing over you. “Yes baby, you look so pretty.” he looks at you with what you could only describe as heart eyes. “I'm already so hard.” You hear him unzip his slacks, but you quickly stop him.
“Ah ah, no touching,” you chuckle softly at his expression.
“Please don’t do this to me” he throws his head back against the headboard feeling like he was going to explode if he didn’t cum soon.
“Hmm, fine, I suppose I’ll let you off this time. Go ahead, hee, get yourself off, cutie,” you moan when you come down on the dildo.
“Thank you” he smiled faintly and quickly pulled down his pants and underwear in one go turning the camera around so he could show you his hard leaking cock.
“Hee,” you whimper at the sight of his cock. No matter what, you knew nothing would feel as good as him inside you.
“Ride it,” he spits in his palm and wraps it around his thick cock, slow stroking it.
You lift yourself off the dildo, hearing him groan as you clench down on the tip. “So fucking creamy, baby” he tilts his head slightly and bites on his lip, mesmerized by the thick strings of arousal that coat the silicone toy.
“Just for you,” you purse your lips, unable to keep yourself from bouncing faster. He hated how that toy got to feel you, and he didn’t.
“God, I can’t wait to see you in person gonna fuck you so much better than that stupid toy” he picks up the pace with you gradually so you can both cum together.
“I know you will,” you whisper now, desperately fucking yourself onto the dildo.
“Shit,” he couldn’t take his eyes off the clear stud that was nestled deep inside you, shining every time you bouched and the light hit it just right, and now he had not one but two toys to be jealous of. “Your ass is so pretty” his eyes roll back into his head as he feels the heat pooling in his abdomen. He knows what that’s a sign of, but he doesn’t want to cum so soon. “I bet you’d like it if I fingered that tight little hole while I fucked you hard and deep, yeah?”
“Mmm yes hee would you fuck my ass too?” You rubbed over the plug, gasping as you pushed it inside you further.
He growls when he hears your naughty request. He’s never tried anal before, but he’d love to try it with you first. The idea sounded so sexy to him. “I would. Fuck, wanna feel both your holes around me so fucking bad, baby” he could barely contain himself watching the way you swallowed up that toy and how well it stretched you out, but he knew he’d stretch you out so much more that you’d need an even bigger toy by the time he was done with you. “You’re gonna make me cum” he whispers, moaning while pumping his dick faster.
“Want your cum on my ass,” you cry out, legs shaking and sore as you reach the point of no return, and that knot inside you is seconds away from breaking.
“Oh- fuck” he pants heavily, and you gasp as his cum shoots out, some of it splashing onto his camera lens, but that makes it so much hotter.
“Hee,” you breathe out. Just imagining him cumming on you makes you unravel, and your orgasm washes over you in tingling waves of pleasure. “Oh yes,” you moan, falling forward to give your legs a break as you roll your hips and ride out your high.
“Keep going,” he grunts while the last beads of cum bubble out of his sensitive tip. “Mmm fuck” he hisses, body shuddering from the intensity.
You whine into your pillow, trying to catch your breath, the butt plug definitely highlighting the pleasure as you rock back and forth until you can’t anymore, and the exhaustion finally takes over.
You got off the toy and laid flat on your bed, panting and sweaty. “I loved the surprise, baby.” heeseung flips his camera so you can make out his sweet features as he stares at you with a lazy smile and half open lids.
“I’m glad.” You smile tiredly, but it drops when you see him frown. “What’s wrong hee?” You whisper softly.
Even with his blankets pulled up and hugging his pillow, it still feels cold and empty without you there. “I wanna cuddle with you so bad. You’re gonna make me drive hours to hold you in my arms, baby,” you giggle, and he pouts. “I’m serious.”
“I know, bunny, just two more days, though, okay?”
“Okay,” he grumbles. “I want to take a shower with you, and I want to stay on the phone till we fall asleep,” he demands in the cutest way ever.
“Whatever you want, bun” he kisses his camera lens, and that’s when you knew he really couldn’t wait to see you. “Mwah,” you kissed him back, and the smile on his face made you think that he might really be the one for you, but you wouldn’t blow things out of proportion because you still had to meet him first and see how things go cause you didn’t want to take things too fast.
Once you both got into bed, you came up with a brilliant idea. “We shouldn’t talk to each other till we meet.”
“What? No, no, no, I don’t wanna do that.” he shakes his head back and forth like a child.
“Bun, think about it. It’ll be like not looking at the groom before the wedding,” you say, ecstatic about your idea.
“We’re not getting married,” he deadpanned.
“Fine,” you mumble.
“Wait, baby, we can do that if you want. It would make seeing you even more exciting if that’s possible.”
“See!” You flop down and get into bed.
“Yeah, I see your point,” he sighs, just staring at your beautiful face on his phone screen.
“I can’t wait till the weekend,” he smiles, happy that you’re just as excited as him. He could really see you two working out. Same hobbies, same interests, and a decent bond after just two months, not to mention how comfortable with each other you both already were, sure things were going a bit fast but it didn’t feel wrong and everything was going great and the fact you even liked him back was a miracle in his eyes.
“Me neither, baby, but for right now, close those little eyes and get some sleep, okay, pretty.”
“Okay,” your eyes flutter shut softly.
He makes kissy noises, and despite you feeling embarrassed by his behavior, you do it back, which makes his heart beat for you just a little bit faster. “Goodnight, pretty.”
“Nighty night, bun.” Only time would tell how things would go between you two, but it looked very promising.
Like you both agreed, neither of you faced time or called each other for the rest of the week. It was hard, but you both knew it’d be worth it in the end.
Heeseung had already packed the night prior and was on his way to see you first thing in the morning. He was so excited he literally couldn’t wait, and neither could you. Every minute felt like an hour waiting for his arrival.
But soon, the clock struck seven, the time he said he’d arrive, and your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest when you saw his black Mercedes’ pull up to your driveway. You smoothed out your black dress, taking a long, deep breath as he knocked softly on your door.
He nervously played with the petals on the flowers he bought you while waiting for you to answer.
When you answered, he felt like the breath got sucked out of him. He was literally in awe of seeing you in person for the first time. “Hi, pretty,” he smiles widely, greeting you like he normally would over the phone. And it wasn’t awkward at all seeing you, but it was definitely exciting.
“Hey, hee.” You take in his features, and he looked just the same in person, if not better, and you think not talking to him for those few days really did make meeting him all the better, and he’d have to agree with you on that.
“Baby, you look so beautiful in person,” he says softly.
“So do you.” You complement him shyly. He looked amazing in his all-black suit. You could barely contain yourself from jumping on him.
“Thanks.” He looks down, playing with the flowers once more. “I bought you these. I hope you’re not allergic.” he extends them out to you.
You shake your head back and forth lightly. “Thank you. Come in,” he steps in, taking a short look around.
“I like your place. It’s nice.” You place the flowers in a vase on your table, smiling fondly at them.
“Thank you.” You turn to him and walk over to where he is standing as he looks at you up and down. “So where to?”
“You’ll see.” he grabs your hand, leading you outside your house. Opening the car door for you like a true gentleman, and that was already a green flag.
Once he gets in the driver's side, he sets the navigation to the destination of a small but fancy restaurant. It was outdoors, and he thought it would be more romantic for your first meeting than dining inside around a bunch of people.
At dinner, you both talked like normal nothing was weird or awkward. Everything seemed like you two had known each other for years. It was so casual, and a big plus was you weren’t overdressed like you had worried about when you were getting ready.
And since you were so comfortable around him, you felt bold enough to pull your next move, something you only thought of a few hours before he arrived at your place. “Open your hand,” you said to him after you two had finished eating dinner and dessert, and now you were having a few drinks before heading back home.
“What do you have for me?” he smiles and opens his hand for you to place the tiny controller in.
“Look and see.” his expression was priceless as he looked up at you, not expecting this at all.
“Baby…” his words get swooped away in the wind, and he can’t even begin to comprehend what’s happening, but it all becomes clear when he presses the power button, setting off soft vibrations inside you that make you gasp and shift in your chair slightly.
He turns up the speed higher, and your mouth gapes open, eyes nearly turning completely white as you throw your head back in pleasure, and the pulsations in both your holes begin to make your legs shake. “Fuck, we have to go now” he stands up, offering you his hand to lead you out of the restaurant before he loses himself. “Wait, is it okay with you?” He stares at you, big, round eyes showing nothing but care and you nod your head shyly, feeling beyond lucky to have found someone like him.
After opening his car door for you, he scrambles to the driver's side impatiently, gripping and struggling to put on his seat belt. You giggle softly as he presses the start button with shaky hands. He paused for a moment and took a deep breath before pulling out of the parking lot and heading straight for your place. “I can’t wait to have you baby. You have no idea.” he placed his hand on your thigh, trailing it up your skirt and leaning over the console to place a kiss on your cheek when he reached a red light.
“I think I have an idea.” You smirk and grip his wrist, placing his warm hand up your skirt and between your legs. He gasps when he feels the river flowing out of you, and he can’t help but rub you while he’s driving. “Hee,” you whisper, and he takes his eyes off the road occasionally to watch your expressions while he thumbs at your clit.
“Patience baby, gotta take it slow” he removed his hand from under your skirt, and you whined from the loss of touch, but you knew it was better this way, even if you did feel like cumming on the spot when he smirked at you and sucked your wetness off his fingers.
He turned the vibration up to full speed without warning, and your back arched off the seat, mouth parting in a lewd gasp. “Fuck” You turned to him, eyes already lidded and filled with lust as you looked between his legs seeing his thick bulge poke out from his dress pants, and you couldn’t help but take him in your hand so you could feel just how thick he really was.
“Gonna be inside you real soon, pretty,” he groans when you squeeze him in your tiny hand. “Look at you so dirty, baby. Can’t wait for me to fuck you, huh? Already stretched and ready for my cock” you hum as a response, already feeling dumb from his words mixed with your holes being stuffed to the brim.
“Mmph yeah,” you bit your lip, stroking his cock as your mouth waters. You felt so desperate for him to fill you up. You’ve waited months for this, and just minutes away from your house, he was finally going to be all yours.
“Fuck” he curses and presses the gas. There was no one on the street anyway, and he needed to be inside you at least ten minutes ago.
Within a few more minutes, he arrives, yanking his seat belt off. He rushes over to get the door for you, and you yelp in surprise when he hooks his arm around your back and just below your knees, carrying you up to your home.
You quickly type in the password, allowing the both of you to enter. “Bedroom?” He nibbles on your ear while you kick off your heels at the door, and he does the same with his shoes.
“Upstairs,” you mumble, wrapping your arms tighter around his neck as he takes you to your bedroom. He quickly opens the door, practically slamming it shut with his foot and laying you on the bed.
You take the liberty of taking off your skirt, leaving you in just your panties while he rips open his shirt and easily strips down to nothing but his Calvin Klein boxers. “It’s so big.” Your heart thumps over and over as you take in the sight. No video call could have ever prepared you for this.
“Yeah? Like it?” He bites on his lip to contain how happy your words actually made him. You nod, eyes still heavily trained on his dick print. “Baby, you’re even more perfect in fucking person,” he moans shamelessly at the sight of your breasts, and his body is instantly drawn towards yours on the bed, remote still in hand. He lowers the vibrations, giving you a break from the intensity. “I can’t believe this is actually happening,” he whispers, just focusing on the moment while you twirl your hands in his hair.
“Me neither.” Your smile makes his heart race, and before he gets too sentimental and kills the mood, he placed his lips on yours, kissing you like you were his first kiss ever. “You’re so cute, bun.”
He hides his face in your neck, kissing your pulse. At the same time, you sigh, indulging in his soft touch as he moves his head downward, his tongue poking out, leaving snail-like trails of saliva on your perky breasts. When you wrap your legs around his waist, he balls the sheets in his fist, rutting his bulge against your core. The soft vibrations of the toy shooting through his dick automatically make him whimper, and he turns up the speed masking his loud moans by sucking on your right tit.
“Hee, I’m gonna cum” With the vibrations from the toy and his hard cock rubbing your clit you couldn’t take much more he shut off the toy entirely. There’s no way the first orgasm you experience with him would be because of a toy either you’d cum around his fingers or cock, nothing less.
He sits up, dropping his boxers around his ankles to free his cock, and you’re left speechless and clenching around nothing.
His cock twitches as he catches your line of vision. “Need you inside me, hee, please” After what felt like at least an hour of torture and teasing, you couldn’t help but desperately beg and moan for him to fuck you.
“Breathe baby, just relax.” he steps out of his underwear and hooks the waistband of your panties, eyebrows raised in anticipation to see what’s underneath. “You’re perfect,” he comments, continuing to pull your panties down your ankles. You lift your legs up slightly, aiding him in the process of removing your panties. “Gonna take it nice and slow baby, we have all night.” he lays between your legs, placing a hand on the toy and gently pulling it out, only realizing that it had been in both your holes this whole time. “Are you trying to fucking drive me crazy?” You only moan as you feel your holes being emptied and clenching down around nothing.
“Maybe,” you smile mischievously.
“Well, it’s fucking working, god baby, you’re not gonna get any sleep tonight because of me” Your stomach turns with arousal, knowing that he means every word of it, and you don’t mind one bit.
He starts out kissing your clit and exploring your vulva with his warm tongue while your hands find the hair on his head. Gripping it softly, his hands squeeze your plush thighs as he hums from the already addictive taste coming out of you. “Taste like fucking candy, baby,” he exhales a long breath diving back in for seconds, poking the tip of his tongue in your hole, swiping up the first glob of wetness that drips from your slit.
“Hee,” you bite into your lip, closing your eyes and enjoying this experience. It’s been so long that you couldn’t help but soak in every wet lick and warm flick of his tongue. “Oh my god.”
Oh my god, is right. He thinks because you taste like fucking heaven on earth so much that, he could cum from your arousal on his tongue alone.
His two fingers slip right in from the earlier prep. He curls them up and suckles on your clit, finding your spot easily like he’s had you before. You’re amazed and confused at the same time cause you’ve never felt yourself cumming this fast before. This was a record by far. “Hee”
“Baby, I know,” he whines, allowing his eyes to fall shut as your walls tighten around his fingers. The little vibrations from his voice replicate the toy from earlier, and your legs shake from the sheer intensity of your impending high. He sucks on your clit, slurping at the little nub until he takes the first orgasm out of you.
Your mouth hangs wide open, the repeated flicking of his tongue sending you into complete bliss. You rotate your hips, riding his tongue and gripping his hair tightly while you lose yourself in the feel of him. “Oh heeseung!” A loud moan travels up your throat and comes out, sounding like the sweetest song he’s ever heard.
He opened his eyes, looking up at you as you cried his name in pleasure. He pulls his slick fingers from your hole carefully and sucks off everything swallowing it down, savoring your taste until he’s content.
He licks your pretty pussy clean before hoisting himself up on the bed as you try to catch your breath, only for him to take it away when he smothers you in the wettest hungriest kisses you’ve ever felt. You whine into his mouth, writhing underneath him at the loss of breath, and you feel lightheaded, yet you chase his lips in search of more, and he delivers, sticking his tongue down your throat, devouring your mouth with one lust filled kiss at a time.
Your body shudders as you feel his warm cock rubbing over your pussy. Your legs find their way around his waist yet again, begging him to push it in. He rolls his hips, brushing his wet tip between your swollen folds. You’re both so lost in the kiss that you barely notice the increased pace of his thrusts. It’s only when his tip slips inside that the kiss ends, leaving you both gasping in each other's mouths. “Oh fuck” your moans get lost in each other’s mouths when he pushes in all the way, easily bottoming out inside you. “You’re so tight and fucking warm shit, baby,” he groans.
“Hee, you’re so big,” you squeak and rake your nails into his back as he groans again from the sting, but the pain only fuels him to buck his hips into you faster. His arousal coated balls smack against your ass. The clapping sound made everything feel so dirty but so hot at the same time.
His elbows dig into your mattress, and he cards his fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp, heightening the pleasure to a new level that you didn’t even know was possible. “Hear that?” He breathes out in your ear. “Hear how wet this pussy gets for me?” You clench at his dirty words, and he smirks, knowing just how much you love his dirty talk. “Clenching so tight for this dick, you must have really been craving for me, huh? Who knew such a pretty face could be so naughty?” he dips his tongue into your ear, tracing every little crease, and you swear you go crossed eyed from all the different sensations that he makes you feel at once.
“Yes, want it so bad” Your hands grip his ass pulling his body closer so you can feel every last inch of him stuffing you full. “Feels so good. I love your cock”
“Yeah?” He withdrew from you to admire the look on your face. The sight of you under him, sweating, panting, and moaning just for him, nearly made him cum. “If you keep talking to me like that baby, I’m gonna cum” he rested his forehead against yours, and you took the opportunity to capture his lips for another short kiss.
“Cum in my hee,” you say, not entirely in your right mind.
“Baby…” he slows his pace down. Just the idea of cumming in you was enough to make him feel like emptying his load in you, and that wouldn’t be very responsible of him.
Your head was somewhere else. Despite his warning, you still wanted to feel his cum in you. You used the last ounce of sanity to say something you never expected to say to him, at least not on the first night. “Then fuck my ass, hee cum in me please need to feel you so bad,” you beg.
“Shit,” he pulled out right away. The thought of filling up your ass was the only thing on his mind. He knew you could take it too, after all the dirty little surprises on cam that you did for him, and finally, he could be in the place of your little toy collection.
He hoisted you up slightly, legs still around his waist, as he swiped up your arousal with his shaft, using it as lube to coat your twitching little hole. He stuck his thumb in testing the waters, and he easily sank in. “Gonna fuck your tight little ass so good, pretty girl” he pulled out his thumb once he made sure you were ready and pushed his cock head in your hole. The wetness on his cock made entering you nice and smooth as he slowly buried his cock inside you squeezing your thighs, trying to ground himself.
“Fuck yes,” you moan as you feel him enter you. Your eyes roll back as he fucks his cock deep into your ass. The pleasure was so overwhelming, but you enjoyed every single second of it.
“So tight,” he grits through his teeth the deeper he gets. When he was fully covered in your warmth, he bent down to kiss you. It’s messy, but it’s so good the drool dripping from his mouth turns you on so much that more arousal drips from your hole and dribbles down to his base. “You feel like heaven,” he choked out, leaning back to take a breather, his eyes catching sight of the leak between your legs. He gathers it on his fingers, pulling it out halfway and rubbing it on to wet his shaft to make sure the slide is still comfortable for you. “Hmm,” he grunts loudly, placing his hand on your hip and pressing down on your lower stomach with the other. “So creamy.” he locks his eyes on the white coating his shaft, and his mouth falls open. It felt so different from your pussy but still so good. It was soft and so so warm.
You propped yourself on your elbows, and his eyes flick over at you. He smirked, feeling your hole clench as you watched what he was doing to you. “You like that, huh? Watching it go In, watching me fuck your tight little ass, yeah?” He moans from the tightness around his base.
With pursed lips, you nod your head. It was absolutely filthy what he was saying to you and what he was doing to you, but you loved all of it. He was giving you everything you’ve ever fantasized about and then some.
You fell back on the mattress too fuck out to keep yourself up any longer. “Yes, heeseung, keep fucking my ass just like that,” you scream, and it sets off something in him. His nails dig into your hips as he pounds your ass ruthlessly.
“Baby,” he moans, biting on his lip. The sheen of sweat on his body makes him look so much hotter, and you swear you feel yourself getting even more wet. If that’s possible, he rests one hand beside your head and the other on your hip, using his thumb to rub on your clit.
You tremble under him, and you feel your body go completely limp, legs jelly, mind numb with nothing but the thought of his cock thrusting inside you so perfectly till you came clenching around him so tightly that he could barely even move. “Heeseung!” You writhe beneath him, a panting, moaning mess. “Cum in my ass, please” you moan, and it sends him over the edge. He stills in your tight rim as his balls tighten, and he groans, filling you up his with his creamy cum just the way you begged for it.
“Fuck!” He whimpers, feeling a chill run down his spine as he collapses on top of you to lock his lips with your whimpering into your mouth about how much he’s cumming and how good you feel around him. “Oh god,” he winced slowly, riding out his high, keeping your ass plugged with his cock as his cum settles in you. “Shit,” he huffs out, resting his forehead on yours.
You’re too fucked out to even respond, and he chuckles, lightly pecking your lips. “That was so fucking good” he leans up and pulls out of you, watching your rim twitching and pushing out his cum, and it was a lot. Your hole looked so pretty, leaking all his white semen out of it.
You moan, feeling his seed drip out of you. He immediately lays down next to you, both of you utterly exhausted. He pulls you close to his body, caressing your bare skin softly. “That was amazing, heeseung thank you.”
“Hmmm, of course, baby,” he smiles. “Been waiting so long to hold you in my arms,” he kissed your cheek, hugging you a little tighter. “You wanna shower now?” You nod against his chest, but he waits a few more minutes, so you both can catch a break after that, and soon he carries you to your restroom, getting ready to bathe you and cuddle you asleep til his heart is content.
Meeting you went even better than what he had originally planned.
You hum in delight when you feel heeseung’s warmth so close to you you snuggled up to his chest, kissing his pecs until you made him stir in his sleep.
“What are you doing?” He laughs, his voice still deep with sleep as he lightly strokes your hip. “Miss me already. Hmm?” He smiled and cracked his eye open, looking at your gorgeous face in the morning. And he knows it’s far too soon to say this, but it’s an image he could definitely get used to waking up to every morning before work.
“Yes,” you scrunched up your nose, a playful grin on your face as you ducked beneath the sheets.
“Y/n, what are yo- ahh” he moans out when he feels you kissing on his tip, and he was thanking himself for going to sleep naked with you last night.
You peppered his soft cock with kisses loving his quiet little moans as you did, so you took things a step further and licked his tip. “Fuckkk,” he breathes, eyes fluttering closed while you did him under the sheets.
You smile, dipping your tongue into his slit and swallowing his sweet sticky precum. You placed your hand around his base, tugging on it gently and guiding his length into your mouth. “Baby, feels so fucking good” he runs a hand through his hair from the feeling lip caught between his teeth as he arches off the bed slightly.
His words only encourage you to fit more of him down your throat until his tip nearly gags you. You begin bobbing your head slowly and pull away with a pop. After a few good sucks, you jerk him off and trail the tip of your tongue down to his balls, taking your time suctioning each one of them into your mouth and slurping him up.
“That’s so good.” his eyes are in his skull. He’s sure of it. He’d never felt this kind of pleasure in his life ever, and needless to say, his release wasn’t far off.
You switched positions, swallowing his girth back down your throat and rubbing his sensitive sack. “I’m not gonna last.” he puffs out a breath and grips the sheets, whiny moans slipping past his lips and ringing in your ears in the early morning.
You hum, anticipation boiling in your stomach as he pulls the sheets back, finally to see you there, laying prettily between his legs. The sight of you looking up at him while his cock was shoved deep down your throat was all it took for his toes to curl and his cum to fill your throat. “Baby!” He winces and cries out as he tucks into himself, jerking slightly as you suck the high out of him. “Ugh,” he whines, balls tightening in your hand until you suck him dry. “Please s-stop,” he says but continues bucking his hips and fucking your throat. “Please, ah fuck”
You smile with your eyes, knowing that he’s loving every last second of it cause if he wanted you to stop, he could have easily pulled your mouth off his dick.
You pull away, giving him a slight breather as you let his cum mixed with your saliva, dribble down his shaft, and soak his swollen balls.
“Oh fuck!” He throws his head back, gasping for breath as his nipples harden from the sensation your mouth was so wet and sloppy, and he loved it so much that he was bound to cum again.
You use your other hand, bringing it up to his chest, tracing the lines of every muscle, and playing with his perked nipple. “Oh my fuck, y/n, please, please, please! I’m gonna cum again” his body language was enough to tell you he was close, and the twitching of his dick confirmed it. “Cumming” he moaned, and your chest fills with pride when you saw his body go limp at your touch. He throbbed on your bottom lip, giving you every last ounce of his cum, and you happily swallowed it all down, gulping everything until it was completely gone.
When you were done with him, you looked up to see his hair sticking to his forehead, body still trembling, and cock twitching ever so slightly. “Y/n,” he called to you, and you smiled as he reached out to grab you and hold you. He kissed your lips and pulled back, staring into your eyes with his completely fucked out ones.
Not only was he fucked physically, he was fucked figuratively cause he was sure after spending the night with you and waking up in your bed that he was undoubtedly in love with you, but he couldn’t say it now. He didn’t want to come off as weird, and what if you didn’t feel the same? He wasn’t ready to take that type of rejection after being so open and honest with you. He was literally giving this relationship his all cause he wanted you to be his last stop. Cause after you, He couldn’t see himself with anyone else even though it’s only been a few months, but he felt like he’d known you forever.
“What are you thinking about?” You booped his nose, doing a complete 180 to when you had just given him the best suck of his life.
“You,” he says simply, and it was true, but you didn’t have to know what about you he was thinking in particular. “Kiss.” You lean in, pecking his pouty lips softly, and he closes his eyes, burying his face into your chest, holding you as close as possible. Your body feels warm with happiness as he holds you like you are his, which you really want to be his, and you want him to be yours. You just wonder if this is a phase for you or if you're as deeply in love with him as you think, but as you lay in his arms and kiss the top of his head, your heart feels like it’s about to beat out of your chest and you’re sure this isn’t just some phase you want lee heeseung the guy who first introduced himself as an animal in bed.
You chuckle at the memory. You’ve both come a long way since then and so have his flirting skills.
“Let me eat you out,” he says, breaking your train of thought. “Please? Or I can fuck your pretty little cunt or that tight ass” he squeezes your bottom, and you feel shy from his words despite the fact he did all those things to you just last night. “You choose, baby. Just wanna make you feel good too.” he noses your bare chest, and the once sweet moment is broken cause now arousal is stirring in the pit of your stomach. “Please let me make you feel good,” he whispers and peppers your chest with kisses as you run your fingers through his damp hair.
“Okay, hee” he smiles and springs up from his once slouched position, his eyes gleaming with joy now that you’re allowing him the honor of pleasing you.
“Tell me what you want. I’ll do anything.”
“Heeseung, please hurry,” you say as he grabs a condom out of his pants from last night. He had already made you cum on his tongue once, and you couldn’t wait any longer to have his dick inside.
He quickly hops on the bed, trying his best not to keep his baby waiting. He opens the condom and hands it to you, wanting you to put it on him instead. He smiled shyly as you rolled down the rubber. Once you finished, he got between your legs, rubbing his cock through your folds for lube. “Gonna put it in now, okay?” You nod, and a gasp rips from your throat as his tip splits you open.
“Yes.” You sigh in pleasure, placing your hands on his chest, kneading every inch you could touch as you wrap your legs around his waist.
His chest feels tight the moment he bottoms out. It’s so good that his eyes squeeze shut, and his mouth falls open. “Ahh fuck” he groans, setting a good pace right from the start. “Never gonna get used to the way you feel around me. Just so fucking good, your pussy feels so perfect” his head lulls back, leaving his neck on display. You watch his Adam's apple Bob each time he gulps, and he looks so sexy on top of you while stroking your walls.
“Hee,” you rub his toned chest, clenching around him tightly, almost too tight for him to move.
He pushed your legs up to your chest, hitting the deepest part of you, and you screamed out, the feeling made you feel dizzy. He was so so deep, and his thrusts were slow but rough and every bit of hard. “So. Fucking. Wet.” He spoke between each thrust, hitting your cervix repeatedly as you clawed at his abdomen, which was soaked in your leak. “Gonna fuck you so hard just like I promised” he leans down, kissing your forehead, and that’s the last gentle thing you felt before he was fucking into you like a wild beast grunting every time he bottomed out, his balls banging against your ass, creating loud clapping noises along with his hips colliding with your thighs.
“Oh heeseung! You cry, eyes rolling in your head as the bed begins to squeak, which only motivates him to go harder until the bed is rocking against the walls, and a mix of arousal and sweat splashes all over your bed sheets.
“Like it pounded nice and deep, yeah?” he breathes out, snapping his hips as he feels you clenching, and he immediately starts fondling your clit. “I can feel that pussy squeezing so tight for me, baby.”
You nod, lips in a pout, tears nearly in your eyes from how good he felt. Your whines make his head spin, and he swears you’re the most beautiful woman on the planet, all sprawled out just for him taking everything he has to give you. “Fuck it hard and deep heeseung, please, baby” Your meek moans make his cock impossibly hard, and he falls on top of you, stroking your cunt with all his strength as he plays with your clit and sends you over the edge, soon after he whimpers, cumming into the condom just seconds after your first harsh clench on his dick.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chant endlessly and grip his shoulders, pulling him down for a kiss while he chuckles and moans into your mouth, finishing inside the rubber. Oh, how he wished he was cumming inside you instead.
After your orgasms settle down a bit, you both take a little moment to breathe.
“Hmmm, keep squeezing on me like that pretty milk my cock” Your ears heat up from his words, and somehow, after everything, his dirty talk is still enough to make you blush. Despite him still being deep in you, you can’t help but feel shy.
“Hee,” you whine and hide into his chest once you both finally finish and the post orgasm clarity kicks in.
“You like it, though, right?” He smirks while trying to catch his breath and gain his bearings as you shyly agree with him. “I knew it.” he kissed your forehead and pulled out, tying off the condom and tossing it in the trash bin by your nightstand before cuddling with you again.
“You really are an animal in bed.” his go wide, and you smile. Much to his horror, he really prayed that you had forgotten about that a long time ago.
“Y/n,” he whines and hides himself under the covers, only for you to pull them back and tease him some more. He giggled when you tickled him, and you swore it was the cutest thing ever. Once your little play fight ended, you were lying in his arms yet again. “Baby, are you hungry?” He turns to you, and you melt when you see the look in his eyes. You’re not even sure what it is, but every time you make eye contact with him, you nearly melt.
“Hmm, you just fucked the life out of me, so I’d say yes.”
“Oh my gosh,” he blushed, and after that, he couldn’t make eye contact with you anymore. He literally looked everywhere in the room except at you, scratching his nape shyly like he hadn’t just said the filthiest things to you just moments ago.
“You’re so cute, you know that right bun?” You lay on his chest looking up at him, and now it’s his turn to nearly melt. You looked so freaking cute his heart could barely take it.
“Why don’t you call me that during sexy time?”
“You’re so stupid,” you cackle and hit him on his chest, which only makes him chuckle cause you weren’t using any real force. “Next time, but right now, I’m starving.”
“Me too. Let me take you out on a little breakfast date. I was looking up places to take you, and there’s a place that’s supposed to be really good, and it’s only a few blocks away.” You stare at him fondly, falling for him even more cause of his thoughtfulness, but of course, him being him, he starts to overthink your silence. “O-or not, maybe we could do something else if you like. I don’t know. I just thought you know.” his words fade out as he plays with a loose thread on your sheets. He clears his throat and looks back at you before his eyes flick back down on the blankets, and you know what? You’re actually in love with him, like deeply madly extraordinary in love with him. Every little detail about him makes your heart palpitate.
“Hmm?” He looks in your direction, a nervous look in his eyes and a small pout on his lips.
“Take me on a breakfast date,” you smile, and he breathes a sigh of relief.
He doesn’t say anything. He just pulls you impossibly close and presses his lips on yours until you can barely breathe, and even then, he has a hard time pulling away.
“Let’s go on a date!”
The date was lovely, nothing too extreme, but still simple and nice. He took you on a short drive after to a flower park where you held hands and got ice cream later, and of course, he was just as cute as could be during the whole date. He stops on the trail, turning to face you, and you can’t even focus on the flowers because of his handsome face. “So, did you have fun?” He mumbled, and you could barely even hear him. “Y-you know, on the date,” he smiles bashfully, unknowingly squeezing your hand out of nervousness. The last time he’s been on a breakfast date was never.
“I loved it, bun.” You kissed his cheek. “Best day I've had in a long time.” You wrap your arms around his neck as he stares down at you. “Thanks for today, and I’m not just saying that. I really mean it.” And you did, it’s been too long since you had a nice day out of the house.
“Yeah?” He rested his forehead against yours and smiled softly as he encircled your waist. “We should do it again soon,” he pauses for a moment. “But, like, only if you’re free, if you don’t have time, it’s fine, and I can completely understand you have a life outside of me.” he leans back, and his eyes go wide. “Not saying you only make time in your life if it’s for me, bu-“You just shut him up with a kiss. He was so adorable, but he had a little habit of talking too much, but you didn’t mind cause you used it as an excuse to quiet him with a kiss. “So, is that a yes?” He searches your eyes for an answer, and you swear you can hear his heartbeat.
“Hee,” you breathe softly.
“Yes, baby?” He focused back on your beautiful eyes that were boring into his own with a smile on his face.
“It’s 100% a yes, but for now, take me home so I can ride you.” You smile and bite your lip. “Bun,” you add, and you swear his eyes rolled back slightly.
“Come, come,” he grabs your hand quickly, driving you both back to your house.
“Feel good, bun?” You already know the answer by how quickly he’s panting and how his mouth is gaping open as endless whines spill past his lips, but you still wanna hear him say it.
“I- ugh fuck me,” he whines and grips your hips rocking you back and forth on his long cock. “I love it. Feels so good I’m gonna cum” he buries his face in your chest, your boobs smothering his face, and he twitches from the feel of you. Everything combined makes him short circuit. “So close,” he tries pulling out cause he’s not wearing a condom, but you just move his hands away. “Y/- oh fuck!” He squeezed his eyes shut, balls throbbing as he shot his cum deep inside you painting your walls pearly white.
“Yes, bun, give me all your cum” you moan as he digs his nails into your hips, whimpering and filling you up with cum. You’re so warm and so tight around him he feels like he could pass out or maybe even cry cause that’s just how good you felt, not to mention how you called him bun just like he wanted you to. That nickname alone could make him cum on the spot. “Fuck I’m cumming, bun,” you moan, throwing your head back as he rubs your clit in fast circles sending you to the brink and creaming all over his dick as he squeezed your left breast while sucking on your perked up nipple. “Ooh fuck yes, bun” You grind back and forth on his lap, riding out your orgasms until your legs completely tire out, and even still, you roll your hips, savoring every last stroke and rub of his cock while he’s buried balls deep inside your puffy walls.
“Fuck” he hisses, watching the pool of cum drip from your hole onto his abdomen. “Give me a kiss,” he says breathlessly, and you gladly pull him in, pressing your lips on his. “You’re so perfect,” he breathes against your lips, making you smile at his compliment.
“So are you, bun.” You rubbed your nose against his, laughing softly.
“Shower with me dinner and then cuddles,” and who would you be to deny such a sweet, relaxing evening with him?
“I’m so happy I’m finally here with you,” he spoons you from the back, stroking your shoulder lightly. You both had just finished showering and eating takeout. Now, you were in your pjs cuddling and watching some show that you weren’t even watching, not really, anyways.
“Me too, hee,” you sigh in contentment, scooting back into his warmth.
“Can’t believe I have to go back in the morning, though.” he hugs you tightly and sighs. You don’t even want to think about him leaving after the past two days you spent with him. “Didn’t even feel like a day,” he says disappointedly.
“Let’s not talk about that right now, bun. Let’s just enjoy each other with the time we have left.” You kiss the back of his palms, and he pulls the covers over you both, hugging you until your eyelids get heavy. And he soon follows suit, eyes closing as he settles into your comfortable body heat.
“Night, baby,” he whispers and shuts off the TV before falling asleep all cuddled up next to you.
“I don’t wanna go,” he whined while you tied the knot on his tie before sending him off.
“I don’t want you to go, but you’ll be late for work, bun.” You peck his lips one last time and straighten out his suit jacket.
“Forget work, I’ll call in,” he tries to reason, even though he knew if he called in in his position, that wouldn’t look too good for him or the company.
“We’ll get some more free time together,” you tell him to lighten the gloomy mood.
“I know you’re right, but I still don’t wanna go.” he steps closer to you, hands wrapping around your waist as his lips hover over yours, his warm breath hitting your face as that little smirk etches onto his lips.
“We can’t.” Placing your hands on his chest, you push him back maybe an inch, if that.
“Why not?” He inches forward again, and you nearly cave, but somehow, you snap out of it.
“Cause your suit will get wrinkled and dirty, and you don’t have time,” you whisper, knees almost giving out from the proximity mixed with his smell.
“I’ll take it off, and so what if I’m a little late? Hmm?” When you can’t come up with any other answer, you stay silent as he smiles, leaning down to fully press his lips on yours in a very delicate kiss. “On second thought, you’re right.” he sighs and leans away from you, a little teasing smirk on his face, and you’re left speechless.
“Bun,” you whine, and he smiles.
“Can’t give out all the goods to you right away, gotta give you something to look forward to for when I visit again.” he unhands you and grabs his overnight bags, walking to the door.
Which you gladly open for him. “Bye baby, see you soon.” he tries his best to smile, knowing that soon wouldn’t be soon enough.
“Bye, bun,” you say sadly as you watch him walk down the steps. His feet feel like a million pounds, and all he wants to do is stay there with you forever, but he knows there’s a lot more that he needs to learn about you before he makes such a big step in committing.
A sigh left your lips, and you shut the door. Already feeling alone and empty, you walked over to the window, watching him loading his suitcases into the car. Without thinking, you quickly sprinted out to the car as he was backing out of the driveway.
He steps on the brakes and quickly rolls down his window when he sees you running outside. “Baby?” you don’t answer instead, you pull him in for a kiss, a kiss that felt like you were longing for him for years. You cupped his cheeks, and he let go of the steering wheel, holding your face the same exact way as he kissed you with every ounce of passion in his body that he could muster. When you ran out of oxygen, you pulled away slowly and rested your forehead on his.
“Call me when you make it back,” you say softly.
“I will,” he whispers.
“Message me after you get out of work,” you demand, and he chuckles. God, you love his laugh so much.
“Yes, mam.” his eyes fluttered closed as he nudged you softly.
“Promise me you’ll come visit again.” You rub your nose against his, making a billion butterflies erupt in his stomach.
“I swear I will if it’s the last thing on earth that I do.” he leans back, pecking your lips for the final time. “Think of it as hello and not goodbye,” he says and rubs your cheek when he sees the tears in your eyes.
“Yeah,” you smile, nodding at him. He smiles back as he rolls his window back up cause the longer he stayed, it’ll only make it worse for the both of you.
He finally pulls out of the driveway, watching you wave at him until you’re no longer in his sights. His eyes start to water much like yours, and he reminds himself that it’s just hello and not goodbye, but even still, he can’t help getting a little emotional, leaving you behind after having the best two days of his entire life.
Heeseung: Baby?👀 your bun made it home safe
he sighs. It feels bittersweet texting you like this again.
You: I’m so glad you made it back safely🥰
You unintentionally swoon, smiling at your phone and watching the three little dots appear at the bottom of your screen.
Heeseung: My heart is missing you already, baby❤️🥺
Gosh, if he got any sweeter, you swear you’d die from a sugar overload.
You: So is mine, bun.🩵
Heeseung: Can you change my name to bun in your contacts? I’m gonna change yours to baby🥰
You: of course bun!💕
Bun: thank you baby💓
You couldn’t reply before he sent another text, one that was very unexpected.
Bun: My 🍆 is missing you too, baby. I swear I almost pulled over and called you on the way home🥵
You squealed and turned your phone around, laying it on your bed as you kicked your feet like a teenager.
Bun: Baby👀? Are you still there?
Baby: Bun, you can’t just say stuff like that.
Bun: Why?
When you read his text, you could literally hear him doing that cute little whine he always did.
Baby: Cause…
Bun: Cause nothing, baby. Anyways, like I was saying before you rudely interrupted me 🙄 is, I miss you, I miss your smell, I miss your face, your smile, your eyes, the way it feels to be inside you, and what I missed the most is holding you while we sleep.🩵
If you weren’t already in love with him, you would have fallen for him all over again right then and there.
And you almost typed those eight letters, but you held yourself back from doing so.
Baby: I miss you so much, too. hee, as soon as you left, everything felt empty.
After typing that, you realized how that sounded, but it didn’t feel wrong saying that to him because that’s how you felt. But if he didn’t want to take things further with you, then you would accept it. It’d be hard, but if you were going to put your feelings out on the table for anyone, he was definitely the one.
Bun: Why am I happy and sad while reading that?🥲
That was it for him for you to say something that meaningful about him. He knew that he was ready to take it to the next step even though it was just two days after meeting you and hours from leaving your house that text alone told him what he needed to do.
Bun: But don’t worry baby, I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise 🥺
Baby: You better be 🥺
Bun: Pinky swear🥹 Unfortunately, baby work is calling my name, but I’ll text you every break.
Baby: Pinky swear, okay, bye bun, I’ll miss you. Think of me💕
Bun: You know I will, baby, and Bun jr will, too😉
you rolled your eyes. Of course, he had to say something like that.
Baby: Whatever, hee🙄🩵
He hearted your message, and he was smiling from ear to ear his whole way to work.
“So what’s his name?”
“Is he hot?”
“Is he tall?”
“Does he have money? More importantly, does he have a big dic-“ You cupped your hand over your friend’s mouth. It had been two months exactly since you’d hung out with them, but somehow, as soon as they saw you, they could tell you had been seeing someone. According to them, you had an “afterglow” or, in their terms, “after dick glow.”
“His name is heeseung, and yes, all of the above,” you said shyly as they squealed, delighted that you had finally got some action.
“So, is it official? Are you just fucking? Give us the deets,” Irene says.
“No, it’s not official, and yes, for right now, we’re just fucking” you whispered the last part. “I think?”
“What do you mean you think you either know or you don’t.”
“Well, okay, tell me what you guys think. I met him two months ago. He’s made time for me every day of the week, no matter the time, and doesn’t leave any of my messages on read. He always wants to FaceTime me before bed. He kisses me goodnight on the phone, and the other day, we met an-“
“What do you mean you met? What was happening before?”
“I met him on Tinder.” The loud sighs and gasps you heard were definitely warranted, but Bun was different from the rest. He was sweet and caring.
“Met him on Tinder, he swipe left on bitches, and he don’t even scroll through insta less he going through-“ she looked at Wendy, and then they both turned to you, smiling and singing the last line in unison. “My pictures”
“Guys!” You whisper shouted to gain their attention again.
They both scoffed at you for killing their vibe and told you what they thought about him. “Red flag, ditch him.”
“Yep, move on to the next. Out with the old,” Irene agreed. “Why are you even on Tinder?”
You glared at them, already judging your baby before they knew anything about him. “Well, let me finish when we met, he took me out on dates, he never tried forcing himself on me, and he even looked up places in my area where we could do things together, isn’t that sweet? Not to mention the four hour drive he took, and he never once asked me to drive to him.” You look at your group of friends, hoping that you weren’t being delusional about him, and when you heard the awe’s, the swooning, and them saying he was cute, you were relieved, to say the least, not that you ever doubted him though you just didn’t want your desperation for a relationship clouding your better judgment.
“So are you sure you’re just fucking? And things aren’t official cause, girl,” she fanned herself, and you chuckled.
“What spell did you put on him?” Wendy joked, taking another shot.
“The important question is, do you want things to be official?” Your table got a little serious at the mention of you dating someone after so long.
“I really, really want it to be,” you sighed. “But if things don’t work out this time, it’s not like I’m gonna go looking for someone new.” If things didn’t go as planned with heeseung, then there’s no way you could give someone else another shot so soon after getting comfortable and getting to know him so well it’d be hard to move on so quickly.
“Aww honey, there’s not a doubt in my mind after everything you said. I’m sure he wants the same,” Irene comforted.
You smile, thankful for their encouraging words, but of course, them being them, and with the few drinks in their system that they got from the bar, you knew something unsavory was about to be said.
“So, how was he in bed?” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“Oh my gosh,” you buried your face in your hands. There’s no way you could go into detail about everything you did with him. Even if you had ten shots, they couldn’t get that information out of you. “You’re drunk,” you laugh and push her away from you after your little talk. You finished the night texting heeseung here and there, and they teased you for the nicknames you gave each other, but you knew they were just teasing, and they thought you two were cute.
Heeseung wanted you to text him when you got home, and that’s exactly what you did after taking off your heels.
Baby: Bunny~💙
Bun: Baby!🥰, did you enjoy your girl's night out pretty?
Baby: I did. I would ask if you enjoyed work, but I know you probably didn’t ☹️
Bun: Actually, baby, if I’m being honest, it wasn’t all too bad.
It wasn’t bad because he got his vacation time approved just so he could see you as soon as you had time off.
Baby: Yeah? I’m glad.
You smile. At least he didn’t have a bad day on his first day back.
Bun: yeah, and baby, speaking of work, when’s your next weekend off?👀
Baby: The one after next, why do you have it off as well?
The excitement was rising at the idea of seeing him again so soon, but it died down immediately when he responded.
Bun: Unfortunately not😞
He told a little white lie cause he wanted to surprise you a few weeks from now.
Baby: Oh,
Your whole mood just completely deflated.
Baby: When are you free again, bun?
Bun: Not for a while, baby, I’m sorry😔 but Bun will call you every day and text you every day pinky swear👀
Baby: Pinky swear🩵🐇
Bun: That’s my baby.
He smiled at the little bunny emoji he loved when you called him bun it made him feel all giddy and warm inside.
After texting him for a while, you started to feel a little bit better, but even when you said goodnight to him and kissed him through the phone, that empty feeling was still in the pit of your stomach. Maybe you were being dramatic, but you really wanted him there with you.
The next few weeks were the same, calling and texting heeseung, and though in the beginning, it was enough now that you actually got to feel, see, touch, and smell him, it wasn’t, no matter how many FaceTimes you did or how many times you pressed the phone to your ear to pretend he was there with you nothing could quite replicate his presence.
Bun: What would you do if I was coming over right now?
Heeseung was parked outside a few blocks from your driveway as he sneakily texted you.
You smiled at just the thought of seeing him.
Baby: I’d give you a big bear hug and never let you go again, bun.
Bun: Is that so?👀 that sounds so nice.🥰
Baby: Of course, bun.
Bun: So why don’t you do it?
He texted you, standing right outside your door now after leaving his car.
Baby: Do what?🤔
you reply confused.
Bun: Give your bun a bear hug, after all, he is waiting outside👀
Baby: Bun, stop playing around. We both know you’re at work. You already told me🤭
After sending the message, you could have sworn you heard an alert tone outside your door, but you thought it was just your mind playing tricks on you.
Bun: So, no hug?☹️ It’s kinda cold out here, and I was really looking forward to it, baby.
You toss your phone onto the couch and open your door, and low and behold, there he was, your precious little bun standing on your doorstep with a pinkish tint on his nose and that smile you couldn’t get enough of.
“Hey baby,” he laughs at your puzzled expression. He’d be shocked, too, if you did the same thing to him.
You couldn’t believe it. You stood there in shock. How was he standing there in the flesh when he was supposed to be at work?
“I heard from a little birdie that if a guy that goes by the name of Bun, he could come to this address and get a hug from his baby. Is that right?” He smiled.
“That’s right!” You finally gave him a big bear hug, just like you promised. “I missed you so much. How are you here? I thought you had work.
“Well, I may or may not have taken time off to see you.”
“You’re sneaky.” You pulled him inside, clinging onto him for dear life and never wanting to let him go.
“Maybe just a little.” he wraps his arms around you, waddling you both to the couch, where he cupped your face and pecked your lips. “Hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” You rubbed his nose with yours, heating him up inside and out. “I missed you.” You tackled him on the sofa, kissing every square inch of his face.
“I missed you too,” he chuckled and flipped you over so he was laying on top of you and riddled your face in kisses, maybe even more than you gave to him. “I couldn’t get you off my mind, baby. I swear every day without you felt like hell.” he buried his face in your neck, sighing in relief now that he was finally in your arms.
You smiled and ran your fingers through his hair, inhaling his shampoo, that faint mint smell you couldn’t forget cause it lingered on your pillowcase days after he left.
“Would it be crazy of me to say I want to move in with you and stay here forever?” He lays on his side, stroking your cheek.
You giggle and smile. That smile could make you do a million things, and you think that now was the right time to tell him, he drove all this way to see you, so he must feel the same, and if he didn’t fuck it, it was now or never, but you weren’t going to wait another day. “Heeseung.” You sat up, and his smile dropped when you called him by his full name.
“Yeah, baby?” He sat up with you, and his heart rate was off the charts.
“We’ve only known each other for a little while.” he nods, and you take a breath, grabbing his hand in yours.
“What’s wrong?” He says when you hold his hand and, he’s never heard your voice sound the way it does now, nor has he ever seen that expression on your face.
“Nothing, bun,” you laugh slightly, but he was still feeling uneasy. Did he drive all this way just for you to say you didn’t want him anymore?
“Okay,” he whispers.
“It’s just our relationship started out very uhh fast, you know,” you hinted about how, in the beginning, you both started out things that were of the adult nature, and he seemed to understand what you meant by that. “And it’s only been a few months, but I just can’t-“
He cuts you off before you were even able to finish cause he thought you were breaking things off with him. “Well, we don’t have to continue having sex. We’ll wait as long as we want, and we can talk more, yeah, baby? Let’s just talk and take things slow, okay?” He brought your hand up to his lips and gave it a kiss, trying his best to stop himself from shaking.
“Bun, I don’t want to take things slow,” you told him softly. You were so caught up in what you were about to say that half his words fell on deaf ears.
“Please, baby,” you finally hear him when his voice cracks and his eyes begin to water. “Let’s just try to work something out,” he said with a tremble in his voice when you looked at him confused and finally understood what he was saying.
“Please, I’m begging you,” he sniffles.
“I want us to work so bad, baby. I’m trying so hard.” he hugs you in his arms tightly.
“Bun!” You yell and break free from the hug.
“Baby?” He says above a whisper, a look of shock on his face. Did you really not want him that much?
“What are you even talking about?” You ask calmly.
“I’m trying to make things work,” he says blankly.
“Bun, I need you to listen to me, okay?” You smile and wipe his eyes as he nods. “I was trying to say that even though we started out fast and it’s only been a few months since we met that, i-i love you, bun, and maybe it’s too soon to say it, but I do.”
“W-what?” His body reacted before his mouth did, and he cupped your face with a huge smile on his lips before he closed the distance between you both and pressed his lips onto yours. “Oh my god!” he kissed you again. “Me too, give me another kiss,” You chuckle and kissed him again. “I love you so much, baby.” You smiled into the kiss, relieved that he felt the same way as you. Finally, you could say those words to him, and it was the best feeling ever. “I’m so happy you feel the same, baby. I thought the same thing, too, but just was scared to say it, but I love you so much.”
“I love you too, my little bunny,” you pecked his nose.
“Yeah, I’m your little bunny.” he tackled you down on the sofa hovering above you. “Told you I’m an animal in bed,” he winked.
“Is it too late to take back that I love you?” You joked.
“You’re mean,” he tickled your sides, making you laugh. “But why did you make me cry?” He pouted. “I thought you were breaking up with me well, not breaking up with me, but.”
“Bun, I didn’t make you cry. You chose to cry.” You teased him, and he whined. “How could you ever think I wouldn’t love you?” You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Cause you’re like perfect, and I’m weird and insecure and a huge over-thinker,” he admits to you for the first time this whole two months he knew you it was great, but the whole long distance thing really made him feel a little unsure.
“Bun,” you say, and you noticed those little details about him, but you didn’t know that’s how he thought about himself. You just thought he was a little shy and cute. “You’re not weird, you’re cute, and it’s normal to overthink. I did so much, but look at us now,” you pecked him. “And what do you have to be insecure about? I was just telling my friends about how perfect you are.”
“Were you now?” He raised an eyebrow. “What did you say, hmm?” He teased.
“Not too much.” You played with his hair.
“Good,” he laughs. “Don’t think they’d want to know how I had their friend begging for me the whole weekend,” he leans down, nibbling on your ear gently.
“Bun,” you moan immediately, even his slightest touch could always make you react.
“Don’t get too excited, baby, gotta wine and dine you first. Our reservation is in an hour.” he stands up, offering you his hand.
“You’re really sneaky,” he smiles, seeing the excitement in your eyes and he can’t wait to spend all night with you.
“Just a little bit,” he smiled as you go up on your tippy toes to give him a kiss.
“Be right back, handsome.” You gave him that same compliment that started it all on the day you both met while smiling brightly at him, and he knew that smile was going to be even brighter when he asked you to be his girlfriend over dinner tonight.
So maybe the Tinder app wasn’t so god awful after all.
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Cyber sex taglist 🔖 @donghyckl @dneltrise @jackass1123 @m31j @en-thralled @rayofsunshineeee @heeverseblog @mimimovv @hwa-0403 @leeheeheeseung @ethelia @kaykay11sworld @heeanaree @isylvr @luvleyk @yeonjuns-sock @heehoneyxxluvs @cherriruto @ambrosesworld @whoslai @luvitria @iamliacamila @heeseungssidechick
Permanent taglist🔖 @furious-eagle @hoyeonheeseung @hee-pster
Thank you for reading. Please reblog and leave feedback. - 🐹
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paxtito · 4 months ago
birthday girl
pairings: wednesday x reader
word count: 5.2k
warnings: none really, kissing and swearing here and there.
summary: wednesday was born november 13th, 2006, it’s her birthday soon so enid- being overly invested in your relationship- convinces you to plan a birthday surprise. you steal a very expensive book and put together an addams family themed escape room.
a/n: i’ve written quite a few fics since august so i’m just doing a little clear out of my drafts. apologies in advance for any mistakes. i’m no edgar allan poe expert, don’t come for me if the price is wrong.
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It’s officially November. Wednesday’s birth month. You wasn’t planning on doing anything for it out of respect to her boundaries but Enid’s constant yapping in your ear brought you to the brink of insanity.
“Jesus! Fine, Enid… We’ll plan something, okay? Stop talking my ear off.”
Enid squealed excitedly, clapping her hands together. "Oh my gosh, yes! This is going to be so much fun!"
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the small smile tugging at your lips. Enid's enthusiasm was infectious, even if her ideas were sometimes a bit... much.
"Alright, let's brainstorm," Enid said, plopping down onto your bed next to you. "What does Wednesday like? Besides death and darkness, I mean."
You chuckled. "Well, she seems to enjoy solving mysteries and puzzles. And she has a thing for creepy crawlies… Dead things…”
Enid wrinkled her nose in distaste but nodded. "Okay, so maybe not a spa day then. How about a murder mystery party? We could invite everyone and have them dress up in costume!"
You shook your head. "Wednesday doesn't really do 'parties' or 'people'. She'd probably just end up killing someone for real."
"Good point," Enid sighed. "Hmm… What about a private escape room experience? Just the two of you, working together to solve some kind of creepy puzzle. That way it's intimate but still fits her interests."
You considered it. That actually didn't sound half bad. "Yeah, I could see her getting into that. Let me look into it."
Enid beamed. "Perfect! Oh, and don't forget her favorite foods - bugs and gross stuff. You could make her a special birthday cake with... I don't know, worms or something?"
You made a face. "I have to draw the line somewhere, Enid. I may love her, but I'm not putting actual worms in a cake… I’m not touching worms.” You grimace, a shiver running down your spine at the thought.
Enid pouted but nodded in understanding. "Fair enough. I guess you could always just make it look like there are worms in it. You know, like those chocolate bugs they sell online? That might be more her speed anyway.”
You shake your head firmly. "No food. Definitely no bugs or anything gross. I'm drawing the line there."
Enid sighs. "Alright, alright. No bugs in the food. But we need to get her something, right? Like a present?"
You nod, considering Enid's suggestion. "Yeah, a present is a good idea. But what do you get for the girl who has everything? Especially when 'everything' is basically just death-related shit."
Enid taps her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm... Maybe something personalized? Like a custom-made necklace with a little vial pendant that holds a drop of your blood or something."
You cringe. "Uh, no. Definitely not going to give her bloody jewelry. That's just weird."
"Okay, okay," Enid says, holding up her hands in surrender. "How about a book then? Like a rare edition of some creepy classic literature?"
You mull it over. Wednesday does love to read. "That's not a bad idea actually. I could look for a first edition copy of one of her favorite Edgar Allan Poe stories or something.“
Enid claps her hands together. "Yes! Oh, and you could inscribe it with a little personal message inside the cover. Something like 'To my darling Wednesday, may your days be as dark as your soul.' "
“Where would I get the money though?”
Enid smiles slyly, leaning in closer. "Well, you could always ask your parents for some birthday money. Or... you could sell some of your old junk online. I bet there are a ton of weirdos out there who would pay top dollar for your crusty gym socks or used toothbrushes."
You make a disgusted face. "Ew, Enid! That's gross. I'm not selling my dirty laundry to some freaks on the internet."
"Suit yourself," Enid shrugs. "But if you change your mind, I know a guy who runs a pretty lucrative online market for this kind of thing. He's always looking for new... supplies."
A week later, you and Enid are hunched over your laptop, scouring online bookstores for the perfect rare edition for Wednesday.
"Ooh, look at this one!" Enid exclaims, pointing at the screen. "It's a first edition of 'The Tell-Tale Heart' published in 1843. And it comes with a handwritten note from Poe himself!"
You lean in to take a closer look. The book does look impressive, with its aged leather binding and yellowed pages. But the price tag makes your eyes bulge. "$25,000?! Are you insane?"
Enid pouts. "C'mon, it's a collector's item! And it's not every day you find something this rare. Wednesday would love it!"
You shake your head. "I can't afford that, Enid. I'm just a high school student… I’ll steal it.. Where’s the store located?”
You lean back in your chair, rubbing your temples. Stealing a rare book from a specialized antique store sounds like a terrible idea, but you're desperate to impress Wednesday. Plus, you've always been pretty good at breaking and entering.
"The store is downtown, near the old theater district," Enid says, squinting at the screen. "It's called 'The Raven's Nest' - fitting, right? They specialize in rare horror literature and occult artifacts."
You smirk. "The Raven's Nest... I like it. Okay, here's the plan: we'll case the joint tonight, figure out their security system. Then tomorrow night, I'll break in and grab the book while you keep watch outside."
Enid looks nervous. "Are you sure about this? I mean, what if you get caught? What if there's some kind of magical protection on the book?"
You roll your eyes. "There's no such thing as magic, Enid. And I won't get caught - I'm the fucking master thief of Nevermore Academy.”
As you and Enid walk down the darkened streets of downtown, you can't help but feel a thrill of excitement coursing through your veins. The anticipation of pulling off this heist and surprising Wednesday with the perfect gift is almost too much to bear.
"Alright, here's the plan," you whisper to Enid as you approach the old brick building that houses The Raven's Nest. "I'm gonna scope out the back entrance while you check out the front. See if you can spot any security cameras or alarm systems."
Enid nods nervously, clutching her jacket tight around herself. "Got it. But be careful, okay? I don't want you ending up in jail or worse..."
You flash her a cocky grin. "Relax, Enid. I've got this. Nothing can stop me once I set my mind to something."
With that, you split up, each of you slipping into the shadows to survey the store. The back alley is dimly lit, with only a single flickering bulb casting a weak glow. You notice a rusty fire escape leading up to a second-story window - the perfect entry point.
Enid shivers, pulling her collar up against the chill night air. She scans the front of the building, noting the ornate iron gate and the dim lights from inside. There seem to be cameras positioned above the door, but no obvious alarms.
You quietly ascend the fire escape, each step sending a faint creak echoing through the alley. At the window, you peer inside, spotting rows of shelves packed with dusty tomes and strange artifacts. In the center of the room, a glass case catches your eye - and inside it, the priceless first edition of "The Tell-Tale Heart".
You carefully pry open the window, wincing as the old hinges let out a soft groan. With a deep breath, you hoist yourself inside, landing softly on the creaky wooden floorboards. The musty smell of old books and mothballs fills your nostrils as you creep through the shadowy aisles, your heart pounding in your chest.
As you approach the glass case, you can't help but marvel at the beauty of the ancient tome. The leather cover is worn and cracked with age, but the gold lettering still glints in the dim light. You reach out, your fingers trembling slightly as they brush against the cool glass.
Just then, a sudden noise from the front of the store makes you freeze. Footsteps, slow and deliberate, growing louder with each passing second. You glance around frantically, searching for a place to hide, but the open layout of the shop offers little cover.
Panic rising in your throat, you duck behind a nearby shelf, praying that whoever it is won't spot you. The footsteps grow closer, accompanied by the jingle of keys and the click of a lock being undone.
You hold your breath, pressing your back against the wall as the footsteps draw nearer. Your heart hammers in your chest, threatening to give away your position. The shop door creaks open, and a beam of light slices through the darkness, illuminating a section of the floor just inches from where you're hiding.
"Who's there?" a gruff voice calls out. "I know someone's in here!"
You remain perfectly still, barely daring to breathe. The light from the doorway sweeps across the room, and you shrink further into the shadows, praying that your black clothes will camouflage you against the dimness.
The footsteps move closer, the owner of the shop clearly searching for the intruder. You consider making a run for it, but the thought of being caught red-handed with the stolen book makes you hesitate.
The owner's footsteps pause just outside the aisle where you're hiding. Your palms are slick with sweat as you grip the edge of the shelf, preparing to bolt if necessary. The seconds tick by agonizingly slowly, each one feeling like an eternity.
Suddenly, a hand reaches around the corner, grasping at the air mere inches from your face. You flinch instinctively, but manage to hold your ground, not daring to make a sound. The owner steps into view, his thick-rimmed glasses reflecting the dim light as he scans the area.
"I've got you now, you little thief," he growls, his breath hot and rank as it washes over you. "Come on out, hands where I can see them!"
Your mind races, desperately trying to formulate an escape plan. You could try to overpower him, but he's significantly larger than you, and the risk of him calling the police is too high. No, you need to be smart about this.
As the owner takes another step forward, you make your move. Ducking low, you sprint past him, heading straight for the back of the shop.
The owner bellows in anger, his heavy footsteps thundering after you. "Stop, thief! I'm calling the cops!"
You don't dare look back, pouring every ounce of speed into your desperate flight. Your lungs burn as you race through the cramped aisles, dodging past stacks of books and leaping over precariously balanced piles of occult trinkets.
Just as you're certain the owner is about to catch you, you spot the back door. With a burst of adrenaline, you lunge for it, your fingers scrabbling at the handle. The door swings open, revealing the darkened alley beyond.
You tumble out into the night, the cool air hitting your face like a slap. Behind you, the owner's furious shouts echo from the shop, followed by the shrill ring of a phone - no doubt calling the police.
You don't stop running until you're several blocks away, your chest heaving and your legs burning with exertion. Only then do you allow yourself a moment to catch your breath, leaning heavily against a brick wall as you gasp for air.
You turn to Enid who’d been running after you, “you’re an amazing lookout..” You mumble sarcastically.
Enid looks absolutely terrified, her eyes wide and her face pale in the moonlight. She's breathing hard, her chest heaving with each ragged gasp. "I... I tried to warn you," she stutters, her voice trembling. "I saw him coming in and I ran to find you, but... but you were already gone."
You push off the wall, your legs still shaky from the adrenaline rush. "It's okay," you say, trying to sound calmer than you feel. "We got away, that's what matters… I got the book.”
You pull the book from your jacket, holding it up in the moonlight. The leather cover glistens, and you can't help but feel a surge of pride at your successful heist.
Enid's eyes widen as she takes in the ancient tome. "Wow," she breathes, "you actually did it. You stole a first edition Poe book!"
You grin, tucking the book safely back into your jacket. "Of course I did. I told you, I'm the best thief in town."
Enid shakes her head in disbelief. "I can't believe you just broke into a store and stole something. That's so... so..."
"Cool?" you suggest, raising an eyebrow.
Enid laughs nervously. "No, not cool. Crazy! You could have gotten in serious trouble."
You wave a dismissive hand. "But I didn't. And now Wednesday is going to have the most amazing birthday present ever."
Enid bites her lip, looking uncertain. "Are you sure about this? I mean, what if she finds out you stole it? She might be mad."
“She won’t. Trust me.”
After weeks of planning and anticipation, the day has finally arrived. You've managed to lure Wednesday out of the house under the pretense of a "special surprise", blindfolding her before she could ask too many questions. Now, as you guide her down the street towards the escape room, your heart is pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
"Where are we going?" Wednesday asks, her voice muffled by the blindfold. "This better not be some kind of lame party or something."
You can't help but chuckle at her grumpy tone. "Relax, Wednesday. It's nothing like that. Just trust me, okay? I promise you're going to love it."
Wednesday huffs but doesn't protest further, allowing you to lead her onwards. As you approach the escape room, you can feel a sense of anticipation building in your gut. You've put so much thought into this surprise, and you're determined to make it perfect.
The door to the escape room looms ahead, and you take a deep breath before pushing it open.
As you guide Wednesday inside, the blindfold is removed, revealing a dimly lit room decorated with eerie candles and macabre artwork. Wednesday blinks, her eyes adjusting to the gloom as she takes in her surroundings.
"What is this place?" she asks, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Some kind of gothic-themed restaurant?"
You grin, shaking your head. "Nope. It's an escape room. And it's all for you, Wednesday. Happy early birthday."
Wednesday's eyes widen, a flicker of surprise crossing her usually stoic features. "An escape room? Seriously? You know I hate those tourist trap things."
You place a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I know, but this one is different. It's tailored specifically to your interests. Mysteries, puzzles, all that creepy stuff you love. Plus, it's just the two of us. No annoying strangers to deal with."
Wednesday narrows her eyes, studying you intently. "Okay, I'll bite. What's the catch? There's no way you'd actually think I'd enjoy some dumb escape room."
You can't help but smile at her skepticism. It's one of the things you love about Wednesday - her sharp mind and unwillingness to be fooled by empty gestures.
"No catch," you assure her, holding up your hands in a gesture of sincerity. "I know how much you love a good mystery, and I thought this would be a fun way to celebrate your birthday. Plus, I may have mentioned to the owners that you're a bit of an expert in this kind of thing. They're really excited to have you try it out."
Wednesday's expression softens slightly, a hint of curiosity sparking in her dark eyes. "They know about me? How?"
You shrug, trying to play it cool. "I may have dropped a few hints about your... unique skill set. But they were sworn to secrecy. This whole thing is just between us."
As you and Wednesday enter the dimly lit escape room, you can't help but feel a rush of excitement. The space is decorated with an eerie attention to detail, filled with cryptic symbols, antique furniture, and a general atmosphere of macabre intrigue.
Wednesday's eyes dart around the room, taking in every detail with a keen curiosity. "Looks like they did their research," she murmurs, running a finger along the spine of an ancient-looking book resting on a nearby table.
You nod, grinning with pride. "I told you, I made sure it was the perfect fit for you. And trust me, the best part is yet to come."
Wednesday raises an eyebrow, but before she can respond, a low, ominous voice echoes through the room. "Welcome, dear guests," it intones, "to the Addams Family Escape Room Experience."
Wednesday's head snaps up, her eyes widening with surprise. "Wait, what?"
The voice continues, "In this immersive adventure, you'll navigate the twisted world of the Addams family, solving puzzles and unraveling secrets.”
The voice pauses dramatically before continuing, "Your objective is simple: escape the room before the clock strikes midnight, or risk being trapped forever in the Addams family's morbid mansion."
A sinister laugh echoes through the speakers, sending a shiver down your spine. Wednesday, meanwhile, seems entirely unfazed, her expression one of intense focus as she begins to examine the room more closely.
"Impressive," she admits grudgingly, running her fingers along the intricate carvings on a nearby bookshelf. "They've really captured the my family’s aesthetic."
Wednesday's eyes narrow as she takes in the details of the room, her mind already working to piece together the clues. The walls are adorned with eerie paintings and strange artifacts, each one seemingly hiding a hidden meaning or secret.
"Okay, let's start with the basics," Wednesday mutters, more to herself than to you. She begins to methodically search the room, her movements precise and purposeful.
As she works, you can't help but marvel at her incredible focus and deduction skills. It's like watching a predator stalk its prey, every action calculated and deliberate.
Wednesday pulls a dusty old book from the shelf, its pages yellowed and brittle. As she flips through the pages, her eyes widen. "Found something," she says, showing you a page filled with cryptic symbols and riddles.
You lean in closer, trying to decipher the message, but it's like reading a foreign language. "What does it say?" you ask, feeling a bit lost in the face of Wednesday's brilliance.
Wednesday's lips curve into a small, enigmatic smile as she traces her finger over the cryptic symbols. "It's a riddle," she explains, her voice low and conspiratorial. "A challenge, of sorts."
She reads the words aloud, her tone almost reverent:
"Seek the key that lies within
The heart of darkness, where the shadows begin."
Wednesday closes the book, her gaze sweeping the room once more. "Darkness, shadows... I wonder if that's literal or metaphorical."
She strides over to a large, ornate mirror hanging on the far wall. As she approaches, you notice a faint glow emanating from the frame, pulsing in time with some unseen heartbeat.
Wednesday reaches out, her fingers hovering just above the surface. "Interesting," she murmurs, her breath fogging the glass. "This could be it. The 'heart' of the room."
She turns to you, her eyes glinting with a newfound intensity. "I'm going to need you to do something for me," she says, her voice steady and commanding.
"I need you to stand behind me," Wednesday instructs, her voice low and authoritative. "And when I give the signal, I want you to push me against the mirror as hard as you can."
You blink, taken aback by her request. "What? Are you sure that's safe? I don't want to break it or hurt you."
Wednesday's eyes narrow, a hint of impatience flashing across her face. "Trust me, Y/N. I've done my research. This mirror is reinforced, designed to withstand pressure. It's part of the puzzle."
Still uncertain, you nevertheless comply, moving to stand behind her. Wednesday positions herself in front of the mirror, her stance wide and her muscles tensed. She nods once, a silent signal for you to proceed.
Taking a deep breath, you place your hands on her shoulders, feeling the firmness of her muscles beneath your palms. With a grunt of effort, you push, propelling Wednesday forward into the mirror.
As Wednesday collides with the mirror, there's a blinding flash of light and a crackling sound, like electricity surging through the glass. For a moment, you're blinded, your vision swallowed by the brightness. But as the glow fades, you blink rapidly, trying to clear your eyes.
When your vision returns, Wednesday is gone. Vanished. In her place, the mirror reflects an image of a dark, shadowy hallway stretching into the distance.
For a heart-stopping moment, you're frozen in shock, your mind struggling to process what just happened. Then, as panic starts to set in, you hear a voice echoing down the hallway, distant but unmistakably Wednesday's.
"Y/N! I'm in here!"
You lean closer to the mirror, your breath fogging the glass as you peer into the shadowy depths. "Wednesday?" you call out, your voice sounding small and uncertain. "Where are you?"
There's a pause, and then Wednesday's voice returns, sounding strained and urgent. "I'm stuck, Y/N. I need you to follow me. Quickly!"
"Hurry, Y/N!" Wednesday calls out, her voice echoing strangely in the shadowy hallway beyond the mirror. "I think I found the key, but I can't get it out."
Your heart pounds as you lean closer to the mirror, your reflection staring back at you from the darkened glass. The image of the hallway wavers and shifts, as if the shadows themselves are alive and moving.
Taking a deep breath, you reach out and press your palm flat against the mirror's surface. The glass is cold and smooth beneath your fingers, but as you apply pressure, you feel it beginning to give way, like a door yielding to a firm push.
With a grunt of effort, you step forward, feeling the resistance of the mirror against your body. For a moment, it's as if you're being pressed between two planes of existence - the real world behind you, and the shadowy realm ahead. Then, with a final heave, you stumble through, tumbling into the darkness beyond.
You land on your hands and knees, the floor beneath you cold and damp. As you push yourself upright, you see Wednesday standing a few feet away.
She's standing in a shadowy corridor, her face illuminated by the faint, eerie glow emanating from the walls. Wednesday's eyes widen as she sees you emerge from the mirror, relief and urgency flashing across her features.
"Thank god you're here," she breathes, her voice trembling slightly. "I was starting to think I might be trapped in here forever."
You take a moment to orient yourself, taking in the strange, otherworldly environment surrounding you. The walls seem to pulse with an inner light, casting shifting shadows across the floor. The air is thick and heavy, carrying an unsettling scent of decay and old secrets.
"What is this place?" you whisper, your voice sounding too loud in the oppressive silence.
Wednesday shakes her head, her eyes never leaving the object clutched in her hand. "I'm not entirely sure," she admits, her tone uncharacteristically uncertain. "But I think it's part of the escape room's final challenge."
She holds out the object for you to see - a small, ornate key, its metal surface etched with strange, twisting symbols.
Wednesday holds the key up to the flickering light, examining its intricate design. "The inscription... it matches the symbols from the riddle in the book. I think this is what we've been searching for."
She glances around, her eyes scanning the shadowy corridor. "But there's no lock here. We need to find where this key belongs."
You nod, following Wednesday's gaze as she begins to move down the hallway, her steps cautious and deliberate. The walls seem to shift and sway as you pass, the air growing colder with each step.
Wednesday stops suddenly, her head tilting to the side as she listens to a distant sound. "Do you hear that?" she whispers, her voice barely audible over the oppressive silence.
You strain your ears, trying to pick up on any noise. At first, there's nothing, but then you catch it - a faint, rhythmic thumping, like a heartbeat echoing through the darkness.
"It's coming from that way," Wednesday says, pointing down a side passage branching off from the main corridor. "We need to follow it."
As you and Wednesday move deeper into the shadowy realm behind the mirror, the atmosphere grows heavier and more oppressive with each step. The thumping sound grows louder, more insistent, echoing through the dark corridors like a macabre heartbeat.
Wednesday's brow furrows in concentration, her eyes scanning the walls for any clue or hidden passage. She moves with a predatory grace, her steps silent and purposeful as she navigates the twisting labyrinth.
Suddenly, she stops, her hand shooting out to grab your arm. "Look," she hisses, her breath hot against your ear.
You follow her gaze to where the wall seems to ripple and shift, like water disturbed by an unseen hand. As you watch, a shape begins to emerge from the shadows - the outline of a door, its surface covered in the same eerie symbols that adorn the key in Wednesday's hand.
Wednesday's grip on your arm tightens, her nails digging into your skin. "This is it," she breathes, her voice trembling with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. "The final challenge."
Wednesday's hand trembles slightly as she raises the key, the metal glinting in the eerie light emanating from the walls. With a deep breath, she fits the key into the lock, the symbols aligning with a satisfying click.
As the lock disengages, the door creaks open, revealing the room they’d started in.
"That was... impressive," she says, turning to face you. "I mean, it was still an escape room, but at least it had some real challenges. Whoever designed this clearly knows their stuff."
You step forward, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of your mouth. "You're welcome," you say, pulling the carefully wrapped package from behind your back. "Happy birthday, Wednesday."
Wednesday's eyes widen as she takes in the small, rectangular shape of the gift. She reaches out tentatively, her fingers brushing against the smooth paper. "What is it?"
"Open it and see," you encourage, handing her the package.
Wednesday tears into the wrapping paper with gusto, revealing the pristine leather cover of the book underneath. Her eyes widen as she reads the title embossed in gold lettering: "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe.
"Is this...?" she breathes, running her fingers reverently over the ancient binding. "A first edition? Y/N… How much did you spend-“ She begins, ready to scold you.
“-I stole it.”
Wednesday's eyes snap up to meet yours, her expression a mix of shock and awe. "You... you stole this for me?" Her voice is barely above a whisper, but there's an undercurrent of something else beneath the surface - something that sends a shiver down your spine.
"That's right," you confirm, stepping closer to her. "I knew how much you loved Poe, and I wanted to give you something truly special for your birthday. Something no one else could ever give you."
Wednesday's gaze drops back to the book, her fingers caressing the leather cover with a reverence that borders on obsessive. "This is... incredible," she murmurs, almost to herself. "I can't believe you'd go to such lengths for me."
You reach out, gently tilting her chin up to meet your eyes once more. "Of course I would," you say softly, your voice low and intimate. "You're worth it, Wednesday. More than worth it."
Wednesday's breath hitches as your fingers brush against her skin, her dark eyes searching yours for any sign of deception or ulterior motive. But all she sees is sincerity, and maybe something deeper - a longing that mirrors her own.
"Why?" she asks, her voice barely audible. "Why would you do this for me?"
You lean in closer, your lips nearly brushing against her ear. "Because I care about you, Wednesday," you murmur, your breath warm against her skin. "More than I've ever cared about anyone else. And I wanted to prove it to you, in a way that no one else could."
Wednesday's heart pounds in her chest, her body responding to your proximity in ways she didn't know were possible. She's always prided herself on her emotional detachment, her ability to remain unaffected by the whims and fancies of others. But with you, she feels herself crumbling, her carefully constructed walls beginning to fall away.
Wednesday's breath catches in her throat as your lips brush against her ear, your whispered confession sending a jolt of electricity through her body. For a moment, she's frozen, her mind reeling as she tries to process the intensity of the moment.
But then, slowly, she raises her hand, her fingers coming to rest gently against your chest. She can feel the steady thrum of your heartbeat beneath her palm, a reminder of the life and warmth that lies beneath your skin.
"Y/N," she whispers, her voice trembling slightly. "I... I don't know what to say."
You pull back just enough to meet her gaze, your eyes dark with desire and something deeper, more profound. "You don't have to say anything," you murmur, your hand coming up to cup her cheek. "Just let me show you."
And then, before she can react, you're leaning in, your lips capturing hers in a kiss that steals the breath from her lungs. Wednesday's eyes flutter closed, her body melting into yours as she surrenders to the sensation of your mouth moving against hers.
Wednesday's mind reels as the kiss deepens, her senses overwhelmed by the taste and feel of your lips against hers. She's kissed you before, of course - quick, furtive pecks stolen in the dark corners of school. But nothing like this. Nothing that makes her feel so alive, so utterly consumed by the other person.
Your hand moves from her cheek to the back of her neck, your fingers tangling in the silky strands of her hair. Wednesday lets out a soft moan, her body arching into yours as her hands come up to grip your shoulders. She's never felt so wanted, so desired, and it's both thrilling and terrifying all at once.
For a long moment, Wednesday is lost in the sensation of your kiss, her mind going blank as she succumbs to the heat of your touch. But then, with a sudden surge of willpower, she pulls away, her chest heaving as she struggles to catch her breath.
Wednesday's eyes snap open, her gaze locked with yours as she tries to regain her composure. Her cheeks are flushed, her lips swollen from the intensity of the kiss, and she can feel a warmth spreading through her body that has nothing to do with the heat of the moment.
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 year ago
Oh my gosh! HELLOO!
I had a request for Alastor with a reader who’s contract with Valentino just ended and Angel brings them to the hotel to help them get on their feet, they have lots of trauma from what the endured, maybe they stay close to Alastor because he’s very much a gentleman and never treats them like Val did?
Thank you!!
Oooh! I like this one a lot! We got a second Angel but unlike Angel, we’re probably better and less snarky and bitchy. Sorry, Angel. Anyway! Idk if it’s meant to be romantic or not so I am gonna guess—
Alastor- Redemption Path
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Alastor can’t help but feel sorry and feel pity for you. You’re just like Angel but you aren’t as bad as Angel. A ex-pornstar that has finally been free from the pimp Overlord, Valentino and your dear friend Angel Dust is so relieved that you’re safe from him, now, he’ll take even more measures to make sure you’ll do better than him
Bringing you to the Hazbin Hotel, Angel Dust introduced you to the Hotel Staff. Hoping they could help get you back into Hell more stably. Out of Charlie feeling immense sorry for your sexual abuse trauma, Vaggie considering to sign you up for counselling and Angel Dust barking at Husk to be nicer to you. Alastor is the one who is the most interested in you
Alastor is the one who escorted you around the Hotel. He is the only one who treated you so perfectly, he is a true sweet gentleman and he is doing much for you that it’s unbelievable. He doesn’t want anything from you? How is that possible
Throughout the days since you first checked in as a client, Alastor notices the way you follow him around and he finds it adorable. You’re such a lost lonely little puppy needing somewhere to feel safer and he doesn’t mind playing that little safety spot for you. It’s quite amusing
“Oh. My dear, is something bugging you?” Alastor asked curiously as he finally turns around to face the cute eager shorter sinner that has been clinging onto him and following him around ever since he was polite and ‘respectful’ to them. Treating them like a person and not like an object. Unlike the first and only Overlord they knew at the time, he doesn’t even notice their curvy attractive body or make creepy sexual remarks in the slightest
He just compliments the cozy colourful classy outfits they’d wear, calling each and every one ‘adorable’. He finds you adorable as a whole and he is entertained that you’re so enamoured by his kindness, that you act like a baby fawn following his mother around
The sinner that has been following him around all day, takes a few seconds to even blink. You’re shyer around Alastor since he actually gives you a voice and a say-so, something you’re unfamiliar with. Having that… you never did back with Valentino and it’s almost overwhelming that such a friendly treatment is addictive to have, the way he handles you with delicacy. He isn’t usually a man to sympathise with an awful situation but for some reason, he sympathised with you in his own special little way. You’re thankful that he is even more polite and caring than anybody you’ve ever met, even Angel!
“Oh. My, you’re shivering. Are you cold?” You didn’t actually answer Alastor with words but instead with actions, approaching him and shyly reaching out for a handhold but you didn’t actually touch him, reminding yourself of his no touching clause. You hoped he’d let you slide this once. You don’t really have anybody to talk to after you were jolted awake from night terrors over what that awful squeaking sex-obsessed freak of a moth did to you throughout your contract with him
Angel is there as a friend but he’s busy still suffering under Valentino’s maniac rule right now, you don’t want to bother any of the staff nor Charlie about your problems whilst they are busy. Sooooo
You figured your emotional support, the one who has been very patient and understanding with you. He hasn’t let you down once just of yet
Alastor willingly takes your hand when he recognises your reach out attempt and brings you up to his side in a lone but strong tug. Not minding the sweater you wore being your only coverage for your bottom half. Just a cute off-the-shoulder sweater and thigh highs. Whilst your style mirrored Angel’s in an odd way, you didn’t gross the Radio Demon out like the current top pornstar did. You’re more innocent, more sophisticated
You’re nothing like Angel, despite escaping from the same ugly world as that spider sinner is still trapped in. You’re a recovering traumatised, overexploited pornstar in need of help to gain a new life within Hell and Alastor actually likes the idea of playing that knight in shining armour you clearly view him as. He can’t tell why but he likes it
Leading you down the empty, slightly dark hallway with one arm around your body to keep you close, pressing your face against the side edge of his broad chest and the other slightly stylishly twirling his signature staff-like microphone cane, the Radio Host plans to take care of you in other ways then just hand you some blankets and set you out to your own Hotel room. He’d prefer to personally put you to sleep and the process would be begin with a picture show, a talk and a darker warmer room
You didn’t know why but your face was beet red, your heart was pounding in your chest and your eyes sparkled as you tilted your slightly fuzzy head up to look at Alastor. In, what felt like a blink, his crimson red eyes flashed a sense of genuine affection before returning to the usual half-emotionless bloody haze as the radio effect on his rather mighty voice kicks in with the overlap of both sincerely caring and classic semi-mocking Alastor style caring
It doesn’t help that you swear you can feel his heartbeat grow faster…
Is Alastor feeling the same you are?!
“Come now, darling. You’re clearly having bad sleeping patterns. How about me and you watch that picture show you’ve been holding off? Yes. Yes, I know. I don’t like your technology but I wouldn’t be a help provider if I didn’t provide you help, now would I?”
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joonieskinks · 9 months ago
Simon “please will you be my fake girlfriend” Riley
Simon couldn’t be happier for John. Finally, he’s met a woman whose head over heels for him, who will stick around during the hard times. The man deserves this, deserves her. It’s about time they got married after all.
Today is his wedding day, and Simon was actually delighted to receive an invite. Although he had to dress up a bit for the event and all, he didn’t mind. It was for one of his greatest friends, and the energy in the room was so positive, so supportive. He can honestly say he felt happy to be here.
That was until he spotted eager mamas eyeing him at the reception, no doubt coming over to set him up with their daughters. Nope- he was not having that whatsoever. He went into full panic mode, trying to avoid their eyes, their presence that was ever closing in on him. Simon turned straight around and made his way to the bar where he found you.
“Gosh, how long does it take to find white wine-?” You complain under your breath before the handsome stranger from the corner of your eye interrupts you.
“Pleasewillyoubemyfakegirlfriend?” The rather tall man asks frantically as your eyes finally meet. Yours, rather confused, and his, rather desperate.
“Uh- sure?” You laugh nervously as you sip your wine that just arrived.
“Great- M’ Simon, I’m from England, I work in the military, we’ve been together six months, ‘right love?.” He explains rather quickly, eyes darting back and forth between you and the mamas rapidly approaching.
But you get the message.
“You can call me that “love” of yours, I work for the government if you should know and you have to act like you want me for this to work, Simon.” You pull him down by his tie to whisper in his ear.
“If you want them to stay away, touch me.” You kiss his cheek and pull away, performing with a laugh.
It disarms Simon how effortless you make this seem, how quick witted you are - this mysterious yet willing woman at the bar. You’ve truly peaked his interest and he’s so grateful. So yea, absolutely he will touch you, a gorgeous woman in this gorgeous dress.
Simon takes you by the waist, pulling you to his body, whispering back how beautiful you look. It makes you blush, looking back at him rather surprised. He’s equally surprised by his own bold actions, but he plays it off good enough and smiles. Glancing at your pink cheeks with a “good” as you’re both interrupted.
“Simon, darling! There you are!” One woman says.
“I’ve been looking for you! May I present my daughter, Bridgette. She’s a nurse in London as a matter of fact.” Another states proudly.
“I’m terribly sorry, mam”, you interrupt, turning towards Simon and tidying up his tie. Your fingers brushing up against his chest, his throat, it gives him shivers. Any excuse to touch him really was your thought process-
“But I’m afraid he’s already spoken for. As of six months ago tonight, actually. Isn’t that right, darling?.” A proud smile on your face, and Simon just thinks you’re absolutely hypnotizing. Tongue in cheek, yes, but he already wants it to be real, to be yours. He just hopes you’ll say yes to dinner after this, and that you actually didn’t accompany anyone here.
“Yea, this is my girlfriend…” he starts, completely blanking.
My God, he didn’t even know your name, and yet he’s utterly entranced. Talk about a backwards way to start off a relationship.
“Y/N,” you stick out a hand to the mama and her nurse daughter, but they just painfully smile, clearly trying to decline “politely”. With that, they mutter an excuse and walk away, already sniffing for the next eligible bachelor around this evening.
“Well. That’s that then. You’re very welcome, boyfriend dearest.” You tease, bringing your wine glass back up to your lips, admiring his features. He really is a handsome man, it surprises you he doesn’t have anyone special in his life.
“Thank you for your help, Y/N.” He says your name on purpose, he wants to test it out on his tongue. He finds he rather likes it. You do as well.
“Can I get you another drink? On me…” Simon shyly asks, leaning against the bar.
“If it means you’ll stay and have one with me, then yes.” You flirt, waiting for his reaction. Alas, a blush appears on his cheeks. It makes you smile, a big, gorgeous man like this- yet he’s rather timid. It’s sweet really.
“It’s nice to meet you Simon, formally.” You stick out your hand for him to shake. His eyes meet your own and he smiles before taking it. Your hands are so soft, he wants to touch you always if it’s like this.
“Likewise, love.”
You two spent the rest of the night together, by the bar chatting, walking through the gardens getting to know one another, he asked you to dance. Hell, even Price and his new bride thought you two were together by the end of the night.
It took an official date or two, but eventually you were.
Who knows, maybe you two would be the next to get hitched. Simon certainly hopes so.
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save-the-villainous-cat · 2 months ago
hi! idk if you take requests currently. I'm new around here, but I've read. Everything in your whole masterlist. And I love your writing so much. Um. So!
I really love. Flirty villain with the power to mess with people's emotions to like, calm them or seduce them or whatever he really wants X hero who should hate it but secretly is really into it because it's a release of control for him and he's exhausted
“You’re back,” the villain stated. The hero was…an interesting person. Although they had avoided the villain in the beginning, now they were crawling back to them — nearly desperate.
A desperate hero was generally easy to control, the villain was fully aware of that. They didn’t even need their powers to do so. So, the advantage, the position of power the villain found themselves in was anything but unappetising.
However, there was something in their stomach, something that twisted whenever the hero was standing in front of them.
“…I’m sorry to bother you again…I, I don’t know, maybe I can pay you next time?”
“Next time?” The hero started blushing and unfortunately, the villain was very amused by it.
“Oh, sorry, I—”
“Come in and sit down.” The hero stared at them with those horrible puppy eyes, jaw slightly dropping.
Sometimes, the villain’s heart would start beating fast enough to worry them. Mostly, when they looked at the hero for too long. That wasn’t only distracting, it was also incredibly annoying.
“Thank you,” the hero said and they smiled that sweet smile that was usually reserved for scared civilians as reassurance.
Was the villain even worthy of such a smile?
The hero sat down on the villain’s couch and folded their hands in their lap.
“Anxiety?” the villain asked.
“…yeah, it got really bad again.”
The villain stared at their nemesis. Lamentably, they could see how well-built their nemesis was. Them being attractive was becoming an actual problem since the villain was slowly getting the feeling they were the one being seduced.
They took in a deep breath. Their powers demanded physical contact.
Which made it quite intimate.
The villain didn’t know how to feel about that.
“What do you do outside of work?” They walked behind the couch. Last time, they had held hands.
The villain swallowed.
This time, they touched the hero’s neck. They were gentle, but the hero took in a sharp breath.
As usual.
“Voluntary work, mostly.”
“God, you’re disgusting.” As response, the hero laughed quietly. Apparently, they were already relaxing.
“I also work out.”
“Yeah, I figured.” The villain let their hand wander under the hero’s shirt, gliding over their collarbone. “Do those things calm you? Or are you thinking about work the entire time?”
“…it…” The hero took in a deep breath and the villain leaned over, their lips close to the hero’s ear.
“Easy, take your time…” The hero let their head fall back. They let out a somewhat satisfied sigh that sounded a lot like the villain’s name.
The villain’s eyes widened.
“Don’t be inappropriate now,” the villain mumbled. The hero smirked.
“Sorry…nothing calms me like you.”
“You’re being a little careless, don’t you think? Maybe I should keep you to myself, you’re certainly pretty to look at,” the villain said, pushing their voice deliberately deeper. They let their fingers go up: following the hero’s throat up to their chin.
“Gosh, you can be so mean.” Suddenly, the hero grabbed the villain’s wrist and started guiding the villain’s hand.
Too stunned to speak, too surprised to do anything, the villain simply let them do whatever they wanted, only for the hero to stop on their chest. Right under their palm was the hero’s heart, the villain realised.
“I loathed you so much when you did this the first time,” the hero admitted. “I don’t know if you remember, but we were fighting. You were teasing me a lot. You even slapped my ass, I think.”
The hero rolled their eyes, smirking.
“Well, you deserved it,” the villain said. They could feel the hero’s heart beating under their skin.
“Hmm. You remember.”
“Of course.”
“I hated how safe I felt.”
“You’re not really safe with me,” the villain reminded them. They could betray them anytime. Capture them, keep them here, kill them…
“You’ve never taken advantage of me when I’m like this,” the hero said.
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean anything.”
“It means something to me,” the hero said. Even though their eyes were sleepy, they looked quite serious. “I love it when you’re soft.”
They raised their hand and touched the villain’s cheek.
The villain’s innards were melting. It was painful. So damningly painful.
“I’m exhausted,” the hero whispered. “Can I stay here a little longer?”
The villain couldn’t really breathe. They swallowed. What on earth was this hero doing to them?
It was one word, but their voice cracked several times.
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san8ny · 8 months ago
Porno Casting Agent! Ellie HCS!
!: paying homage to camgirl ellie..but not really? slightly sleazy Ellie, sorryyyyy.. >:3
Ellie who comes up to you softly from behind the couch, brushing her fingertips delicately over your exposed collarbone from the tanktop you wear,
Ellie who smiles when she sees how jittery you are, telling you in a dorky voice that everything will be fine— afterall, you agreed to the conditions.
Ellie who begins rolling the camera, asking you to ‘look up at me, baby’ then your name, age, interests, etc— the basics.
“‘ya guys hear that?”
“You’re so polite..”
“I’ll treat you good.”
Ellie who’s towering over from where you sit, camera in-hand with the other raking itself through your soft hair when she bluntly tells you to unbuckle her pants, a complete 180 from the persona she’d been fronting.
Ellie who’s eyes are trained on you, asking you seemingly embarassing questions while you fiddle with her jeans buckle,
“Do your parents know you’re doing this?”
“It’d be funny if they saw, huh? No? Ah, just kidding..”
“You’ll make bank from this, ‘yenno? more than you’ve likely ever touched since you need it so bad.”
Ellie who, when you get to the final layer, tells you to stop, cheshire smile on her face when she asks you to lick the bulbous tip of her strap through her boxers.
“There ‘ya go..”
“Gosh, you’re so good..”
“Aht! Aht! Up at the camera..”
Ellie who, herself, is quite the amateur when it comes to porno-making, you being the first person she’s ever booked to her start-up company on craigslist.
Ellie who hisses when your flat tongue makes first contact, instantly soaking the cotton fabric as the darkening wet splotch expands,
Ellie who after a while of teasing, thinks she should quicken the process, not wanting any of the potential people who’d be viewing the tape to lul to sleep,
Ellie who leads you, in-hand, to the silky hotel bedsheets, your hand fitting perfectly within hers when she pushes you down, earning a slight noise of unexpected excitement from you.
Ellie who’s lazily giving you head, you now holding the camera from your POV, though she’s not in view-shot, her seemingly talented pink tongue is, trudging through your fat pussy folds like the champion it was while you hiccup cute gasps and moans.
Ellie who’s got her grip back on the camera, showing your ass ripples from how she slams her hips into you from behind, stutters of movement from when she’s especially plowing into you like you’re some toy. God, she can’t break you on the first day! How would she become successful then..
Ellie who gathers your hair back into a ponytail to pull you backwards and land an exceptionally sloppy kiss on your glistening ones— flexible, she notes..
Ellie who forgets this was even a porno in the first place when you two begin tribbing, her ontop because she wants to see how your tits move from here, and also your dumbed out face, but mostly the sisters.
Ellie who doesn’t even realize you’re choking her from underneath, and neither do you? Your eyes are closed and you’re just holding onto whatever you can to make the pulsating go away. Poor you..
Ellie who leans inbetween your legs with the zoomed in camcorder, spreading your cunt slightly open with 2 V shaped fingers, licking her lips with how much of a mess she you’ve made yourself into.
Ellie who turns the camera off, pulling herself into your warm chest while you slumber. No, i’m serious, she’s quite literally propped underneath your arm, head on chest while she watches you sleep with her creepy ass.
Ellie who decides you’re a good asset to the company, and her’s life, but don’t hold your breath if you think you’re even ‘gettin money because guess what—Ellie will also act as your personalized accountant. She’ll take care of all that complicated money stuff for her pretty new employee..
Ellie who thinks she’s never letting you go.
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soleilapproves · 5 months ago
This is part 2 of the arranged marriage AU with Nanami where the two of you struggle with intimacy.
You both learn to cuddle in this one. This is a bit long so grab some snacks and a warm blanket.
After that fateful night of receiving flowers from your husband (personally and not through his family for a proposal), you had start warming up to him. You found out that he enjoyed mundane things like reading, walking at the beach, and most of all, bread. He learned about a lot of your likes and dislikes too.
Gradually, you found that it was easier to make conversation with him while having dinner so the two of you started having all your meals together. You’d talk about your work and what unruly things your coworkers did to cross you and he’d add in his two cents about them being incompetent. The relationship started to feel more friendly. He was glad his wife was talking to him about something other than the weather!
He also had a new desk moved into his study so you could work alongside him rather than stay holed up in your room. Your desk was adjacent to his (so he could look up to stare at you whenever he wanted).
He started noticing all the little things about you, like the way you liked doing your hair, your favorite spot on the couch, what kind of music you’d hum while doing chores. He was slowly chipping away at the ice and was enjoying every minute of it.
To be loved is to be known. He didn’t know how to show you that he was becoming more and more interested in you without displaying physical touch or being afraid of saying something that you may not be comfortable with. So he’d buy you gifts and try to spend time with you as much as possible. His gifts would be simple yet meaningful, like a record player for your room so you could listen to all your favorite tunes and pilates equipment for your home gym because you had been talking about how you wanted to work out but without leaving the house.
Your heart wasn’t letting you rest either. You started making him lunch for work and would write random notes along with it. It could be a fun fact or a simple motivational message. He would always thank you for them (and save them in a little box he has in his office). Sometimes he’d ask you more about the fact and how you learned about it.
Everything felt stable. It was like living with a best friend.
Until one day, you both were sitting next to each other while watching a horror movie. Separate blankets of course, but you were close enough for your knees to touch while sitting criss cross. A particularly scary scene came up and you jumped, holding on to the sleeve of Nanami’s sweater. He was alarmed, not because you screamed in fear but because you held on to him for comfort! “Can I hold your bicep? I’m sorry, this is just a little too scary.”
He could simply nod. No words or thoughts could form when he felt the warmth of your body against his arm. Your breath would occasionally land on his chest from how you were unintentionally leaning on him and it was driving him insane. Normally things like this would give him sensory overload but with you? Gosh, was it a good feeling. He always thought that that men who bragged about being protective were strange and were trying to prove themselves for no reason but they weren’t wrong. Knowing that you felt safe with him made him feel like a true man. Like he could run into the sunset and scream his lungs out.
After the movie was over you were still shaken up. “Is everything alright?” He looked down at you. You still had his arm in your grip. “Um, no, I’m still a little freaked out from the movie which is weird cause I’m a grown adult. Why am I scared of such movies anyway?” You smack your hand on your forehead. “It’s alright. It was a little too scary than what I’m used to as well.” He then paused, as if, he wanted to say something but he couldn’t. You looked up at him expectantly. “Since you’re scared, would you… like to sleep in my room? And I’m saying this in the most respectful way possible.” He sheepishly smiled as he asked.
Sleep? In the same bed as Nanami? Scratch that, sleep in the same bed as your HUSBAND? Of course, especially when he has been so sweet with flowers, gifts, and even comforting you through a strange movie. “Yes, I’d like that very much.” You whispered. You were afraid that if you spoke any louder you’d be breaking your bubble of comfort with him. “Then, I’ll make the necessary preparations.” He immediately gets up to go straighten up his room (and switch on his diffuser).
By necessary preparations, you didn’t know that he meant getting you a separate blanket and having a divider of pillows between the two of you. This was the opposite of what you wanted. You were still scared and needed some sort of physical touch to be reassured that you weren’t going to be harmed.
“Nanami, are you awake?” You whispered into the dimly lit room. The moonlight through the window acted as a natural night lamp. “I’m up. Do you need anything?” He responded swiftly. “No, everything is great except for one thing.” You turn towards him and remove the pillow between your heads so can make eye contact. “When you suggested sleeping in the same bed I thought we’d be holding hands because I’m scared.”
“Oh.” Was all Nanami could muster up. You were tense. Did you ask for too much? Maybe you should’ve asked his permission before requesting for it. Consent is key. But all your thoughts are silenced when Nanami simply grabs your hand and pulls you close. “Th-Thanks.” Your heart was racing a mile a minute. Nothing really happened after that though. Pure silence engulfed the room again, except for the occasional rustling of the sheets while you moved around.
“Y/N?” Your husband broke the silence. You hummed in response. “Do you know how to cuddle?” What an odd request, not unwelcome but definitely strange as Nanami never really initiated any sort of physical touch with you. It was mostly you either accidentally touching him or squeezing his bicep before work. You were too scared to admit that you had never been in a relationship before. What would he think? He’s a handsome man, so there’s no way he had never been in a relationship before. Maybe he never cuddled with his exes. He did tell you that he used to be very particular about his personal space.
“Yeah, I do.” You said, your knowledge from reading romance novels was finally being used. “Can you teach me? You don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable.” But you turned to your side so you could properly face him. You let go of his hand, missing the warmth provided by them. “I’ll teach you an easy one first. It’s called spooning. Since you’re a beginner, I’ll let you be the little spoon and I’ll be the bigger spoon.” Nanami snorted at your description. But obliged. “Alright, what does the little spoon do?”
You then instructed him to turn, making his back face you and then you wrapped your arms around him and leaned your forehead against his back. “So this is what spooning is. I think I’d much rather prefer being the big spoon. I want to be able to protect you from that ghost in the movie.” You giggle at his words and oblige. When his arms wrap around you, it feels as if everything has fallen into place. The world is in order and you both don’t need anyone else but each other.
Nanami is in ultimate peace with you in his arms. The warmth given to him by your body being pressed against him is a feeling like no other. It felt right. Like you two were meant to be all along. His heart raced at the thought of other cuddling positions. However, a sense of jealousy rose in him as he thought about who you might’ve experienced this with first. Alas, he can still make new memories with you so he comforts himself to sleep.
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