#gosh I hope I don't sound whiny in this
manonamora-if · 2 years
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I was debating on whether to publish this post before or after the voting ended. I was wondering if it would influence the player's opinion of the game too much/at all. Even after seeing a few popping up on the Forum, I still felt a bit weird about releasing mine. I was also hoping to get a few more reviews/comments as well :P
If you haven't checked the IF Comp entries this year, I really recommend it!
This post will be hella long too. I am not kidding here, don't click Keep Reading/scroll further if you don't have a drink and are seated, it is almost a novella below. Also, it is a mix of very dry summary/emotional reaction. Like my entry, it might look like a mess. There is a TLDR on the Forum.
Table of Content:
1- Some Points about creation and process 2- So, did I manage to do what I wanted? 3- And what was the verdict? _ _ a. The Reviews _ _ b. Result and Further comments 4- What's the future for TTTT? 5- Some fun tit bits... 6- In Conclusion,
For people who don't follow me here (or only started following me recently), I've only been in the IF Community for about a year and a half by now, with my first game (Meeting the Parents) published in early June 2021. I have only created things with Twine (and mainly on SugarCube) and had not had any coding knowledge before starting my own project.
I- Some points about creation and process.
The Thick Table Tavern was actually conceptualised back in 2021, when I wanted to dip my toes into a bigger competition after completing Exquisite Cadaver. Since I had created MtP and EC (and the first part of CRWL) pretty quickly, I thought the two months ahead of me would be plenty enough to create a whole new game and submit it.
I've always loved Fantasy settings and RPGs, but often wondered why there were very little games centred around less heroic occupations or what would be the life of an NPC, like a bartender in a tavern (probably because it might be pretty boring). I also have very fond memories of those Flash games where you would build meals/drinks (RIP Flash).
I knew from the get-go that two components where going to be central to the game: the drink mixing aspect and your interactions with the NPCs. Instead of having random customers dropping in, I thought of 5 fleshed-out NPCs which would come, talk a bit with you about their story and order drinks. You might have been able to influence them a bit. But that would be it. Above all, I wanted a chill and light vibe, with Trope-y characters (ex: a coward but flirty bard, a pirate always in trouble, etc). I wanted people to relax and have some light fun, and enjoy themselves.
I worked on the project for about 2 weeks, having submitted my intent, started testing some code for the bartending side and written the introduction of the game and 2 characters (give or take 3k words).
Then I kind of... burned out.
Fast forward this summer, and I am back working on the project. Granted, I was not fully into the game at that point, since I was working on the re-writes of EC at the same time too. But I had sketched out the UI and was thinking about the code during writing EC. And I was talking my friends ears off about it too. What I knew for sure, is that the Bartending experience would be the core gameplay/interactivity of the game, with the story wrapped around it (giving you a reason to mix drinks).
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Here are some pictures of my very pretty handwriting about the UI and how the story/bartending should be formatted/coded.
Throughout July, I would take breaks from writing EC to set up the UI for this game (or create a SugarCube template because I have not self-control), learn more about grids, flex boxes and class hierarchy. [No joke, I learned A LOT about CSS/HTML with this game!]
August came around and my other projects were put on hold so I could focus on TTTT (I still did other stuffs, because again, no self-control). I probably didn't start writing until the last third of August, as I researched drinks recipe (I still have a form for future drinks addition, you can add your favourite), made lil' bottles and set the bar. Even then, the amount written was pretty marginal compared to September.
September was wild. I wrote about 45k words total during that month, averaging 2.5k/days by the latter half of the month. Not all that I wrote ended up being included in the entry, as I had to cut some NPCs since I didn't feel they were ready (which included a travelling salesman monk). Being oh so lucky, I caught Covid just as the last week of the comp started. And since I hate following my/sound advice, I kept writing and coding through that and insomnia until the last hours of the deadline. This was obviously reeeeaaaaallly dumb, it made me super exhausted after the whole thing, but I still pushed myself and even with the whole hazy brain I managed to submit the game with... a bunch of bugs (and a lot more typos). In retrospect, that should have been my sign to pause the project and submit next year.
All and all, I don't think I spent more than 3 months on the game, during which half of that time was being shared with other projects (old and new ones). Still, my goal was to submit a working game... and to rank in the top-half of the ranking overall.
II- So, did I manage to do what I wanted?
Short answer: definitely not. But I gave it my best shot...
Long answer: I managed to do more than I thought I would, especially as the deadline crept closer. My plan from the beginning (of this year's try, not the original beginning) was to build the game in 3 stages:
The basic create/serve drinks with no interaction with customers.
The NPCs you only meet once and appear randomly, with choices that have little repercussion on that NPC and story overall.
The Big NPCs who come back multiple times (4/5 times, depending on their story) with choices that impact both the player and the NPC. And you build a bit of relationship with those.
The first stage took a while mainly because I had to create a whole bar from scratch. I could have chosen to stick with a simple design/asset for the bottles (like the one you could see in my first attempts of the bar), but damn, this is the IF Comp, not some basic Jam... Go big or go home! While I didn't struggle too much with the mixing part, it was the serving/check the ingredients and optimisation of the code that gave me a few headaches. {And still does...}
The second step was thwarted almost as soon as I started, when I realised TTTT needed a lot more fluff parts to link each game block (morning, between drinks, end of day) to make the experience smoother. Like the randomness of the drinks I didn't want players becoming bored with starting/ending each days. So there's a lot there that took priority for a while. __Still, I managed to include some NPCs. Out of the 11-ish NPC ideas I had, one was fully included (the oldie couple), one was a re-hash of the last year's version of the Adventurer (Dylan), and one was added last minute out of frustration (the 4th Wall break). The Fortune Teller doesn't really count in my book, as she was always part of the Introduction (and written almost completely last year).
And the last one... *throw hands in the air*
I knew it was going to be very hard to include this one, especially since it required a bit more planning for the day (and work around the randomisation) and having to take into account the different variations. Not being able to include this one ended up not bothering me as much as I thought it would be. I get to keep it for an after-comp update... :D
What I manage to include which was not planned was, like I mentioned, the random linking bits and the long-form Endings. None of them were really interactive (nor had much choice aside from knocking the sign or setting the tip jar), and may have thrown the player off when everything gets randomised by Day 2. There is only the Setting Up/Cleaning the Tavern where you can get the same/similar enough text.
Ezabell and Brom were also not planned at all. In last's year's version, out of the tavern's employees, you'd only interact with your Boss (and Filessandro as one of the recurrent NPCs). I was really happy with Ez especially, and how much colour she brought to the tavern (and writing banter with her was so fun!). She was probably one of my favourite character to write (along with the Oldies).
There were also a lot more things I had to cut for time, whether it was writing or coding. This is a non-exhaustive list: the Tip Jar getting stolen event, The Watcher coming half-way through the game to check on your progress, having more options/choices when talking to people (patrons and employees), having an Ending Recap for the NPCs, having a choice at the End on whether to buy/pursue your original background choice...
So at the end, the agency stayed quite low (where most consequences happen when you create drinks). After the first day, there is very little new choices.
There were many things with the final version that made me frustrated, among others:
Misusing my time, forcing me to cut back on what I wanted to include, just because something new and shiny took over my brain (it's not new, I can have the attention of a toddler sometimes).
Definitely not realising early how much I was trying to include from the get go, in terms of words and code, and how much time I would need to manage it all (lol at me thinking the summer would be enough for this chunky of a game).
The Watcher and Fortune Teller's spiel heavily relied on the player having choices with consequences talking to the recurrent patrons (Step 3) and proposing activities/giving advice to the one-time NPCs (Step 2). Since 3 was scraped, and 2 was not finished... I ended up setting some mystery for pretty much nothing...
Not having a more rigorous proofreading period. A lot of what was written was done so very late into the process, and while I did use some proofreading programs, I should have taken more time to re-read my text, edit it more and correct it all. It is obvious where I put more effort/love... (yes, it's the Oldies)
Have beta testers a bit earlier to catch all the bugs I corrected on Day 1/2 of the voting period (that's related to the time management points above).
Not being able to have more NPC's during the day (adding 3-4 one-timers to the game more would have been great!)
Not having time to include music :(
Getting Covid... (not that I could do much about that :P)
I could have chosen to fix a lot of those issues/add more content half-way through the Comp, but it felt a bit like cheating... And honestly, I was too tired after that.
Still, there are many things I am very proud of achieving:
Actually submit an entry to the Comp (even with the bugs/typos still there...) !
I created a completely new UI all by myself from scratch, which has completely different designs depending on which passage the player is in (Title page, Main Story, Bar, The Notebook/Frenzy List).
Have I talked everyone's ears off about the Bar yet? Definitely not. Because it is hella cool. I spend a lot (maybe too much time) on it, editing each bottle/box so they would feel distinct enough from each other. My first attempt last year was... a whole mess with list points... ew...
I started dabbling more with CSS animations (the menu button in the Main Story, the text shaking, the starting page, etc...), all of which required A LOT of tweaking to get right (and including an accessible option too).
Creating more complicated widgets and learning how to optimise my code (I managed to remove over 500 lines of TwineScript code at once...) which was a fun puzzle to be honest.
Adding very last-minute addition with the Arcade Mode and the Restocking (which taught me about messing with CSS classes at random), which I think was a pretty good addition.
Adding as much accessibility tools as I could (key binding, toggles for animation, text formatting, etc...).
Look at this Passage Map! There's a lot of text/code in those...
Finally... Not submitting the game with only the Bar mixing as the whole game. The mixing mechanic without any text would probably not have gone over well.
Overall, a lot of frustration but also a lot of pride (I definitely felt that last one mixed with anxiety when I pressed the Upload button the first time). I was really impressed with myself for being able to do this much in such short amount of time (considering everything).
Would the game have benefitted from a bit more time, attention and love? Definitely (especially, the writing). Do I regret submitting it like this? Not even one bit! There were a lot of new things I hadn't done before or even came across with my other projects until now. I've gone even deeper into Sugarcube, CSS and even some JavaScript (my nemesis)!
III- And what was the verdict?
Before going into the reviews/comments I got publicly/privately or the ranking/votes (apart from 3B, I wrote this post before the results), I won in the eyes of some important people (to me). Of course the ranking/votes matter to a certain extent, but I feel like I already had a little victory even before the reveal of the ranking. My biggest offline supporters, some of whom never played any IF before (nor knew it existed), absolutely adored the game, especially the bartending bits. My folks were so amazed about what I done (especially as their view of the gaming world was pretty... narrow/negative to say the least). And I was so happy they tried something they never done before too! I'm glad I got to introduce IF to new peeps :P
There was even a small contest with my family on who could get the most drinks done in the Timed Arcade Mode (the 38 cocktail highscore has yet to be broken)! Also, bless my sister for spamming her friends to play the games... They even sent her messages back about what they played and how cool IF is :)
A- The Reviews
[Again, this was written before the results] According to the Review Spreadsheet, I have gotten 13 reviews on the Forum/IFDB: 7 on the Forum (?), 5 on IFDB (9 ratings). This is about the average amount of reviews games got this year. I received a few more messages through Tumblr and Discord about my entry as well. (Note: one review disappeared from IFDB during the voting period)
First of all, I want to thank again every one of you who not only tried the game, left a vote, and for some of you even a review. Everyone who took their time to share what they thought of my little bartender simulation and to answer some question when they stumbled upon some bugs too.
Here are some cute titles of reviews I got: Innovative Bartending Simulator, A lengthy and somewhat heartwarming game about running a tavern, Bar game of my dreams, Lots to like with this one, Beautiful Gameplay, Fun Mixing Minigames...
A few reviewers "played the game" and included drink puns in their reviews, which I absolutely adored. One was really nice and pushed through their first impression of the game to give it a fair shot (I put a nauseating gif in the starting screen, which couldn't be turned off until the next passage...), when they didn't have to.
I should probably mention the elephant in the room before getting into the comments: out of the reviewers on the Forum, only one or two did not run into what we called the Groundhog Day bug (the Brom event repeating itself for no reason), while on Tumblr, only one person ran into it (and even then it was with only one of their playthrough) AS FAR AS I KNOW since I didn't get more reports. Sooo... that really sucked so see :/ Fun fact: Covid was kicking my ass while I was writing that event. Maybe it was a sign...
That bug was something I could not recreate for the life of me, nor did it appear on any savefile I was able to get my hands on (thank you again!). Unluckily for me too, this looked like it was a cache bug: yay for the code not being the culprit (Thanks Twine Discord), booo because this was something that could not really be fixed because it was not browser/extension specific (emptying the cache helped). This obviously/probably affected more people's rating of the game to no fault of my own nor theirs. Just bad luck. The only common denominator here seem to be the IFComp website. Maybe it was the source of the issue? But at the same time I didn't get anymore reports after that... I can't say for sure until I upload the game on itch and more people raise the same issue. Also it worked meh on tablets, my mom showed me... Impossible to click on the garnishes...
SO! I rounded all the comments I got from everywhere (save for the offline one, because they are more than bias and just said I was the best; they swore they were fair in the ratings tho) on a spreadsheet and made two columns: what worked and what didn't. I wanted to address the comments in a Post-Mortem rather than answering them on the Forum too much, partly to avoid writing in an emotional state. I will be paraphrasing below, since quite a few aspects were shared by multiple people. Overall, the reviews were quite positive, ranging from very neutral to overly positive.
The Bartending Mini-Game
Let's start with the Bartending Mixing-bit. From the reviews, it was a bit of a coin flipper. Some REALLY enjoyed the mixing aspect, and how relaxing and fun it felt; others found it too grind-y and monotonous. This is not surprising, game mechanics are very much a personal preference. Though having a randomiser during Frenzy giving you up to 9 drinks meant that someone could end up with making 20 drinks during one day... which is a lot considering the size of story.
The difficulty settings were not as challenging as it appeared, nor did it give any sense of progression in skills. While the latter was partly explained in the story (you've been a bartender for a while, you should know your stuff), it was mainly because I did not think about that at all (or how to implement it). Similarly with the Difficulty Settings, I thought the differences would be large/annoying enough between each of them, but it wasn't really [I did get some interesting ideas from the reviews tho!].
When it came to combining ingredients and serving drinks, some thought it was great fun, other felt some responses were missing. The random colours appearing can be confusing (it's just because it's fantasy ~magic~). And outside of serving drinks to named NPCs, you do not know whether you've done well when serving the drink until the end of the day (that'll be easily fixed with some notifications).
There was a little hitch with the UI, with the longer recipes requiring a bit of scrolling to find the last ingredients (I knew about that, and thought it would still be ok to be left as is, turns out not really :/ ) and some notifications not appearing (known issue with the macro used when clicking too much in a short span). Still the overall visual was really well received, and people really liked the names of drinks and how diverse they were (there were 29 when I submitted). I also forgot cherries were not berries... I should rename the pot Red Fruits instead later...
Shoutout to the Arcade Mode being a bit of an MVP here, making people compete for highscores! (And people sending me good points to make it more fun)
The Writing
This was where I lost a lot of peeps (and for fair reasons). The biggest gripe people had was related to the writing needed a lot more proofreading/edits, as it made reading distracting at best, confusing and boring at worst. This is not new to me, I've had comments about typos on other projects too (there's even a special section to report typos in my usual bug forms...), but it was worse here because of the time constraint (inflicted on myself, having written most of the game in September). Blaming it on English being my second language is not even fair, I could have asked other people to take a look at the text {Some users in the Forum do that!}. Honestly, compared to when I started or where I was even at the start of this year... I've progressed a lot (ahem... current version of MtP still online being a whole mess and a half). I still have a lot to learn and grow in my style, but I'm getting there!
Quite a few reviews advised to cut 25% of text in each passage, as the prose was either awkward, too long, threw the pacing off, or was unnecessary. Again, not really news to me. I am a very descriptive writer, I like to go on and on about small details. [Look at this review...] Still, while I will definitely edit the text (since it is necessary), I don't think the amount of text will be cut this drastically (I like my descriptions, thank you very much :P).
On the plus side, people enjoyed the snarky and humorous tone of the story, making for a fun experience overall. Yay for keeping a consistent funny tone :D
I've had lovely compliments about the dialogue, which is amazing, because it's a thing I struggle with the most (aside from proofreading, lol). It's so hard to be sure to have distinct voices between characters (and keep that up), have a good pace/back and forth between them, etc... I think working on the EC re-writes just before (which is 95% dialogue) helped me a lot there.
The Story
I've also had positive return on the story itself, as it was playful and chill. Some even found the story immersive with cute and fun storylets. Honestly, I tried to have fun while writing. Each tit bit was framed to bring a laugh or a smile in mind. This was the tone I wanted throughout the whole game anyway, and I am glad people vibed with it. Some also found the worldbuilding intriguing (I got quite a handful of asks about it after the release).
On the other hand, some found the story having nothing to say, with a lot of missed opportunity in the theme and concepts introduced leading to nothing or being brushed off quickly. A large part of it has to do with me cutting a lot of the story to make the deadline, removing a lot of choices (because variations would require more writing and time). The rest of it being just... life. The game's story is essentially a slice-of-life. Life doesn't always make sense and is often just random. There's not point to it.
Still the replayability of the game was noted, with the amount of randomisation of the fluff text. I made sure there was enough variation for players who needed the full 14 days to complete the game (sooo much writing 😭).
Another issue related to the pacing, was with the introductions. Because I did not just do one, I made two of them. It made sense in my head, since I was probably thinking wayyyy to ahead (with all the planned aspects of the game included) and thought it would be the best way to introduce, well, everything. But it made the first day needing more than 30min to complete (which is already 1/4 of the allocated voting play per game). The first intro felt very long and required a lot of clicking (or space-bar pressing with the keybinds). Both were very disjointed with the other. And fair... after the first day, it's pretty much thought of being a bad dream (even when you meet the 4th wall character).
With how the story was written, it left very little choice for the players to have (if you disregard choosing to serve a good drink or not), with most having little consequences on the story as a whole. The only thing driving your end result was either running into a bug (fixed) or getting the required amount of gold. This was not always noted positively. Again, understandable, I had to cut a lot more than planed to make the deadline, turning the MC's agency into a very minimal state. Still, some reviewers did not mind or realised how little choice you actually have (thank you Mixing section and Characters for the distraction!).
The Characters
My pride and joy. And also more positive comments there. Almost everyone had something nice to say about the characters, whether it was finding them overall quite fun or well-constructed. There were so many lovely adjectives used about the NPCs, I was so so so so happy people liked them as much as I did.
From the storylets, the Oldie Adventurers seemed to be everyone's favourite (they were mine as well) and the 4th Wall Character got a good laugh (yay for self-deprecating humour). Getting this kind of response was SO validating.
Aside from it, the tavern's employees/boss were also well received, even if they were quite the stereotypical kinds. Hey... If it works, it works!
Some found the camaraderie between the tavern peeps touching (which works even more if you get a "good" ending). A few notes were given on the confusing appearance of Brom, which is fair because depending on the randomisation of the text you'd get introduced to him as the cook or you'd just think he'd be a weirdo doing strange things in the tavern. Similarly, the characterisation of the boss felt confusing for some, going from incompetent hardass to loving "uncle" for no reason.
At least one point in this section should be taken for the character of the Watcher. A character you only see at the start and end of the story, does not have any impact on the game aside from introducing you and asking you how you liked your run. Understandably, it was a let down. I used the character a bit as an introduction of the character (I had more MC characterisation choices in mind), with the plan of commenting more on your choices in the ending... which doesn't really happen because there are very few choices to talk about. Still, I stand by my choice of keeping the Watcher. It gives it a bit of a mystical air you'd have in a fantasy setting :P My first idea with the Watcher was to make it a Dungeon Master and the player is a TTRPG character... but after writing it it felt way too weird, so I scrapped it.
The Interface
I don't think I've had anything but compliments about the UI and visuals of the games. From the Bar and its bottles, to the different pages, it was praised for the polish and care I gave the game. Considering I spent a lot of time on it, it was nice to hear about this. People found the interface welcoming and colourful. The UI was consistent throughout the game, and little was left to be desired. Someone even said it was the prettiest Twine game they had ever seen, while another found it having the most accomplished visual designed by pushing the rules of CSS this much.
I've had good return about the accessibility points: especially the keybinding (you technically don't need a mouse to play the game), which is not often present in Choice-Based games, and the font options for ease of reading.
Aside from an obvious accessibility mistake I need to fix (the already mentioned nauseating intro gif), there was not much to add about it. It was crisp and high-production and definitely took too much time making it look the way it did.
OH: the Tarot Cards. Even if it amounted to nothing (because why would it... :P ), people liked the Tarot Cards :D
Miscellaneous Comments
Here is the part where I discuss comments I didn't know where to file.
The randomised encounters added to the bartending experience for some (since this is what would happen in real life...), but it also meant that some players did not get to see some characters. While the randomisation helped the replayability aspect, if the player did not enjoy the introduction it would have been unlikely they would press the restart button (I didn't put a fast play link for that...).
Similarly, some enjoyed the structure of each day, while others found the repetitiveness of the tasks boring. Like with the Mixing part, this might be more of a personal preference, it did not really seem to skew one way or another.
Having the Restoking event or the Tip Jar amounting to nothing was also disappointing (latter cut for time, the former only realised after I submitted the game -would need to re-edit the whole bar code to make it work as intended).
There were a few other frustrating bugs (the raised ones were taken care of as soon as I got them, but it included the gold not tracking properly, which always gave the player a bad ending), but with a game this large and complex (in the coding part), I am sure there are still some here and there. I am still dedicated to polish this game (see the final section) but some things will take a while to implement/write. The gold tracker was set one line too high on the code page.... sigh
A last point I wanted to address here was about TTTT not knowing what kind of game it wants to be. To me it is obviously clear, since I made it, but I think I now understand why players might feel that way (I didn't when the review dropped, it even made me a bit angry, even if the comment held some truth). The game starts with a mysterious character never seen until the end, and the mystery amounts to nothing as the player is left in the dark (pun). Then, we move to a more slice-of-life-y fantasy setting with a bartending sim. Then you serve a Fortune Teller that pushes the idea of agency, which goes nowhere because there are virtually no real choices in the game. Aside from getting little to no tips, the Bartending section does not change nor indicate how you are doing. Then you flip between light-hearted storylets and others with more dark undertone. Repeat until you reach an ending. When experienced that way, yeah... what's that game about? What does it want to do? What's the point of it? __Frankly, there's no point to the game, aside from chilling at a bar, making drinks and talk to people. Winning or losing does not mean life/death, you don't hurt anyone really (unless you make terrible drinks, but even then). It's about the vibe more than anything else. Relax and enjoy and mix some ingredients.
So, what, then?
While a very reductive and deprecating conclusion would be that my entry was all show and no substance, it would be misrepresenting a lot of positive aspects of the game. It is definitely very Show but the Substance is lacking in some part (duh, since I cut a lot) or need some extra care for it to reach what it should have been.
I kinda shot myself in the foot by focusing so much time/effort on making sure the bartending experience and UI was not only working fine but that it was visually pleasing, since it meant rushing through writing a whole game in such short amount of time. It might have given quite a few player too high of an expectation on what the game would be (though I tried to warn it in my blurb that it was more of a chill type of game). I was too ambitious with what I wanted to do with this game, especially more in the time frame. It happened in other Jams (for EC and SPS IH). Unfortunately, it didn't pay off here.
A huge saving grace, it seemed, was found in the characters (outside of the Watcher and maybe the Fortune Teller). Had they not be charming or interesting, TTTT would have done much worse than it did.
Overall, it worked for some people and not for others. Even if it didn't work for some, they were kind enough to leave me extensive reviews about what didn't work for them and what they would have done to enhance the gameplay (thk u 💚). And even when it worked, I got some lovely suggestions to make the game even better.
But how did I handle it all?
I did not, because I never do :P
With this edition of the IFComp being my first, it was honestly nerve-wracking. The IFComp is considered the SuperBowl/Olympics of IF and amazing pieces of IF have been released during the previous editions. Before I submitted mine, I knew a few other participants who had submitted before were planning on having an entry (and I really like their works). It was also going to be my first time getting reviews outside of essentially the "chill" Tumblr/Itch crowd. I had seen those long reviews on IFDB around Comp season and honestly it scared me a bit (even if everyone were so very lovely).
As the reviews were dropping in, I was wondering if maybe I should have forgone submitting (or even withdrawing), spent more time on the game (I really should have) and submitted at the SpringThing instead. My entry had nothing to say, it was just there, sipping on a cocktail and enjoying the vibes. This feeling got increasingly worse when I played other entries and compared my work to theirs (so many amazing ones).
My goal was to reach the top-half of the ranking (this year, the lowest ranking for half would have been 35?). Half-way through October, I was dead-sure that I wouldn't even reach that rank. Now that we are hours away from the Voting Deadline, I think it will be just fine. It won't be so good that I will reach top 10, but that reasonable starting goal will be doable. Though I might be a tad disappointed if I don't...
B- Results and Further Comments
It is now Sunday 20th. The results dropped yesterday... 37th out of 70. Honestly, I can't hide I was disappointed a tad. I was this close to reach my goal (by 2 spots). I think I am more disappointed I was so close to this goal and didn't reach it more than I didn't rank high.
For anyone interested (though I already posted it yesterday, this is a screenshot of how the voting went:
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I was kinda surprised to see 1s and 2s in there. Though, sure if judges played during the first days, when I was still ironing out some bugs, it's understandable. There was even someone in the anonymous comments who encountered that Ground-hog Day bug (I wonder if they left a review, because I didn't receive anything about this one outside of the reviews/one ask on Tumblr). Someone else had ran into a strange bug with the Fortune teller has well (again never heard about this one either...). Of course, everyone has their metrics... but 1 is pretty much unplayable/doesn't belong in the Comp... and I don't know. It's not sitting right with me because TTTT doesn't feel like either? _ _ At the end, everyone has an opinion. If they really hated the experience, so be it. You can't please everyone... *shrug* Looking at the curve, I was a tinsy disappointed there were not 10s, it would have made the curve so much more satisfying to watch... I think my family's votes looked too much like spam as well (or they didn't fill in their form correctly), cause they ranted their score was not there after I sent them the result. Bless them, they tried.
Regarding the anonymous comments, there wasn't much that stood out that hadn't been spelt out for me in the reviews/direct feedback: UI great, story meh, atmosphere is nice, needs more proofreading/pruning of the text, bartending is fun/tedious (this is really a coin toss damn). My favourite comment: as-is it's borderline unreadable.
The most interesting comment I got out of it was whether my entry should be considered a point-and-click rather than interactive fiction. I think I understand where that reviewer is coming from: you lack interactivity/choice during the story bits, and that is compensated by the bar mini-game being, well, point to the bottle and click to serve. Still, I would love to discuss more about this with that reviewer (or anyone really). Is point-and-click IF?
So how did I handle that?
Meh. Again, disappointed. Can't lie about feelings. I thought I had done a better of a job than I did (according to the judging scores). Even looking at the reviews/feedback I had gotten on IFDB/Forum, I thought I had done better. My gut feeling half-way through the voting period was correct, after all (damn it! it always is...).
But having written 95% of this post just before the results dropped was surprisingly cathartic and brought a lot of perspective on the whole experience. It was obvious where my entry lacked and where it shined. At the end, you get a overall mediocre entry (as in of only moderate quality). It made sense for it to end up where it did. Like I said previously, I was over-ambitious, and that really didn't work in my favour, because I didn't have the stuff to back it up.
Sure it was disappointing to see my entry scoring so low/not be a favourite, but weirdly... it didn't last long? I checked the voting pattern, the anonymous feedback, talked with a few peeps, had some some food, a nice hot drink, and went back to business as usual.
Maybe it will hit me later...
Anyway, I'll just finish this part with saying that my family was more mad about the ranking than I was. Not because I didn't do better than I did, but because they couldn't believe other people didn't have the same opinion about the game than they did. Quote from my mom: This is the first time I've liked a game. That's one of my wins right there (that and the stickers we are getting :P).
IV- What's the future for TTTT?
Like I mentioned above, the reviews and interaction I had on Tumblr gave be a bunch of ideas/suggestions for the next step of this game. I don't know the timeline for the intended update or how I will update the game (in one go or in chunks - probably the latter) or how the code may need to change (it definitely will need some sort of overhaul). There is A LOT of work ahead of me.
So now, I have multiple To-Do lists: one created while I was working on TTTT before I submitted it and one after the Comp deadline. The first included ideas I would have while writing or coding and items that I could not include in the game because of time. The second were ideas I would get while getting returns/impressions, suggestions sent/in reviews, and stemming from discussions I've had with players. {Not every comment I've received in the reviews will make me change that particular aspect, but even those gave me ideas.}
Here's a non exhaustive list** of the first one:
Obviously adding the missing NPCs (both the one-timers and recurring ones).
Adding more choices while talking to those NPCs (eg: stopping them from doing something, giving unsolicited advice, etc...) and giving each of them an Ending.
More drinks! {would require a few new bottles and merging the Soda ones together}
Reloop the Restart to the Story Screen as a NewGame+ Function.
Adding Music for the ~ vibes ~
Creating an Achievement list and have more stats trackers.
Creating a Highscore page for the Arcade Mode.
More MC Customisation (as an option to do, it won't have any consequence/effect on the story, just for the lolz of it all).
Redesign the Menu to look more like a Bar Menu (and includes the name/link to the real drink).
Adding a Codex Page for NPC's encountered (maybe an achievement too).
More fluff text!
Adding the missing Events (Stolen Tip Jar/Knock on the sign combo among others)
Maybe try to scale it for mobile (v unlikely with the size of the bar)
And here's the non exhaustive list** of the second one:
Have a more detailed tutorial explaining the combined bottles and where to find/what to find in the Guarnish box.
The Restocking Mini-Game to include penalties (bottle not available until restock/next day), except on Easy Difficulty.
Re-work on the Difficulty Setting: make the Hard Time harder, Recipe not available on Hard (only in the Menu list), Hard Mode could have measurements instead of one click-bottle.
Adding a Setting for a fixed amount of drinks during Frenzy/Rush time.
The bottles in the Bar appear randomly (time/space).
Look into substitution of ingredients {the code would need to change drastically, depending on the recipes might not even be possible...}
Make the Umbrella do something (extra tips?)
Arcade Mode-TIMED: perfect drinks add time to the timer, really bad ones removes time.
Proofread and edit the text (obviously, but no cuts!).
Give a choice to play all 14 days (which will be fixed to 14 days when I introduce the Recurring NPCs)
After finding the Tip Jar, only give one choice: display or hide it, rather than leave the option to change your mind (that confused people)
Have something to do with the coins if you get too much (this started from a bug where the gold wasn't tracked properly)
**It's mainly non-exhaustive because I have a bunch of post-its with ideas and it's not organised yet. If you are reading this and thought of an interesting thing I could add to the game, do shoot me a message! I welcome it all!
V- Some fun tit bits...
Here are some random thing about the game/process that didn't make the cut in the novel above.
95% of the drinks are actual drinks, and as close to the recipe I could get them. I spent hours looking at recipes, and I even made a few while making the game.
Renaud's Nightmare is named after a disgusting concoction mentioned in Exquisite Cadaver (referencing my own work :P).
For a few weeks, I went back and forth between keeping the bar as is (one click on a bottle) or making it more like VA-11-HALL-4 (5 ingredients, different measurements). It was worse when I was fighting my code.
MelS (my writer for TTATEH) helped me name half of the drinks and of the characters (including NPCs not in the game currently). He also had to suffer through my various attempts at making the page look good (his go-to responses: I don't know what looks good or not, it's fine and both versions look good, why do I have to choose? You know this stuff better than me.).
I've been on a Terry Pratchett binge since May-ish, and it inspired the humour of TTTT to be a bit more over the top than I would have probably done otherwise. The Last Continent was one of the reasons I gave the MC an Australian accent.
All bottle ingredients had at least 2 versions: plain colours and the current 3D-looking version with shading and a cap/cork.
There are over 120 assets/images in this game, 3/4 of them being the glasses.
VI- In Conclusion
You've reached the end of this post. Thank you for playing reading! I hope you enjoyed the ride and I hope to see you again when progress on the new version finally starts. Like during the making of TTTT's Comp version, it will be well documented on this blog. In the meantime, you can find the game on itch now!
Thank you to everyone who played my entry, voted for it, left a review or a comment, and interacted with me on this long/short journey!
I don't think I'll participate next year tho... I am exhausted. Well... unless I get a good idea until then... I should try to make a smaller game this time...
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tvrningout-a · 10 months
i know my focus has been on chiyo and my lore lately, but i really would like to get more j.jk stuff started once i move blogs. atm it's hard to feel motivated to keep miyuna and tsugumi when i feel like they never garnered much attention even when i was full-blown hyperfocused on them. that's also a matter of audience -- i was mainly a k.ny blog for a while -- but also? it just seems extra hard to enter fandoms lately. i'm kinda word-vomiting bc i'm really tired, but this is all to say that i'm going to make an effort to focus on j.jk interactions going forward so that my girls ( and chiyo, kaiya, and hyouka's verses ) don't continue to gather dust like they have been uvu
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cubffections · 5 months
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𑁥౿ 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒 — sunday.
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۫ ּ 𓂅⋆ cw. nsfw, 18+ ! fem, sub! reader. office sex. use of nicknames ( he also calls u pup once :p ). possibly ooc ? :o js jealous mista sunday at the gala <3 ( 2.2 is finalli out ! had to drop hehe ! )
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sunday, despite maintaining his nearly perfect persona, was a jealous man. it’s a flaw of his that he must clean up— he knows. trust me, he’s trying . .
“hello there, my pretty girl.”
he whispered in your ear, hoping his tone of voice was calmer than the raging thoughts racing inside his mind, because you see, this is him trying. if he had his way he would've swiftly tugged you away from the random attempting to make conversation with you. he truly does not know how much more he can take watching you chat and dance with so many disgusting men all in one night. though his rational side promptly reminds him it’s only natural you do so as his partner and co-host of this event.
“dearest !” you cheered, doing a quick nod to dismiss the man in front of you before turning to your beloved. “i was just wondering where you disappeared too, how could you leave me out here all alone ?” you pouted, cheeks puffed out as you glared at him. god, you just don't know how adorable you are, do you? even when you're berating him your eyes shone with love for him, and that alone was making this hard-on of his even more unbearable.
“my apologies darling, i’m afraid the crowd pulled us away from each other.” sunday mused, pulling you in close, strategically hiding the boner in his slacks from the view of others. he brushes off a stray hair strand off of your shoulder, the thought of it belonging to another man making his brows furrow. “i’m happy to have found you..”
“gosh, so am i ! all this socializing is sooo draining, y’know?” you spoke exasperated, soon going on about the fellow members of the family’s questioning on your career and the direction of you and sunday’s relationship. though to be honest, the winged man was too preoccupied by your lips to catch everything.
fuck, what flavor lip gloss did you have on today? strawberry? mint? peach, maybe? he couldn't help licking his lips in temptation, with half the mind to steal a hungry kiss. however he couldn't, not here where all eyes laid on you both.
after making up his mind, he was tuning back into your annoyed rant, nodding in agreement to whatever you last said. his fingers trailed down from your shoulders to caress the curves of your waist as he lowered his lips to your ear.
“well doll, how about we take a break away from all those problems . . how does that sound?”
the authoritative gaze of his amber eyes smiling down at you as he finally pressed you against the ache that's been begging to be made known the entire time. a look of realization flashes across your features before flushing into something more sensual and needy. finally, you're on the same page as him.
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“don't make such a fuss sweetheart, you act like you haven't rode me before.” sunday commented. his honey eyes watched you struggle to sit on his cock, observing every squirm and weak complaints falling from your lips.
your cunt was stretched and soaked, taking him like you were made for this, so he couldn't comprehend why his angel was too afraid to bottom out completely.
“s-so b..big ! ‘s too much !” you squeaked, your eyes foggy and obviously cockdrunk. sunday couldn't help but click his tongue in disapproval since this was your punishment after all. your angelic presence drove him crazy all night but you couldn't do the simple task of sitting on his dick? unbelievable. perhaps he did spoil his angel a little too much.
a smirk plays on his lips as his fingers grips into your ass firmly, slamming you down immediately. he groaned out as you let out a high pitched squeal, his cock thrusting up into your maddening warmth at a quick pace. your breathy moans were soon becoming more choked and whiny as mindless babbles fell from your sweet lips.
“so— fuck,, 'so big' was it? but here you are, humping my cock like a needy pup.”
he grunted as the sound of his hips slapping into yours echoed through his office, catching your lips into a sloppy kiss. your mouths pressing into each other with a strong fervor for each other’s touch. his hands traveling around your bare skin to pull your perky nipples and massage on your clit as he pounded himself deeper into your pussy.
“pleasepleasepleas . . “ you wailed out, voice cracking as you felt yourself being engulfed even further by his cock. he was acting like such a bully the way he fucked into you, so fast and deep but would slow down everytime you neared the edge. soon your pretty eyes was staring down at him with tears threatening to fall. “sunday make me cum, d-don't be mean . .! m’ need it soo bad!” you sobbed, desperate for even a slight release, causing an amused huff from the perpetrator.
“oh dear, you really don't have a clue?” he grunted, faux sympathy laced in his words as he started his quick pace once more, rendering your ability to answer his question. your heated breaths were mixing and his cock filling you to the point where hearts were twinkling in each of your gazes as you made eye contact.
“your beloved is a jealous, jealous man.”
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makeyoumine69 · 2 years
dubcon + creampie for the celebration please? thanks!
◥ PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Reader
◥ SUMMARY: You forgot one very important rule - never be rude to Patrick Bateman.
◥ WARNINGS: 18+/ NSFW │ dub-con, fingering, wall sex, cheating, swearing, creampie, degradation, Patrick being an asshole.
◥ A/N: Finally, I'm pleased with the result. Sorry it took me so long to write this, I hope you like it! Thank you sm for the request!🥰
◥ LINKS: │Bingo Writing Challange Masterlist│ │Main Masterlist│
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The sounds of jazzy music were quietly playing in the background mixing with the loud crowd noise, making it hard for you to follow up another of Bateman’s monologues about how he hated these parties and most of the guests.
“Why are you still here if you can’t stand places like this?” You questioned, slightly rolling your eyes.
“Because Evelyn would take my head, if I dared to leave her cheesy party,” pouting, Patrick took another glass of champagne from the waiter's tray. “And why are you asking like you really care?”
Sighing, you glowered at him before reciting: “You still haven’t told her about us, right?”
Bateman let out a weary breath and quickly had a sip of his drink, not breaking eye contact with you. “I’ve repeatedly noted that this topic is closed… Once and for all. I don't intend to discuss it.”
“Oh, really?” what an asshole–you bellowed to yourself, feeling an intolerable urge to punch him right into his perfect face. “You know what?”
“What?” Patrick rejoined in a challenging way.
“Screw you and your fucking fiancée!”
Before you left, you noticed his deadly stare, but you didn’t care as you were already moving across the big living room, searching for the exit.
As soon as you stepped into the narrow corridor, you heard someone’s loud footsteps behind your back. Frowning, you were about to spin around to check who it was, when the large palm tightened around your neck, causing you to wince as if from a wasp sting.
“What the-” You tried to shout, but you were immediately hushed as someone pressed you against the wall. And then, you saw Bateman’s conceited face, as he was towering over you, his hands continuously slithering over your frightened face. 
“You better keep your mouth shut, if you don’t want me to choke you right here,” pure rage was seething inside his body, you could sense it in the way he squeezed your jaw, inducing your eyes to water. “Fuck, what a whiny stupid bitch…”
Breathing rapidly, Patrick looked over the surrounding space, and the next things he did were dragging you to the door nearby, opening it and literally pushing you into the dark room.
Once he gave you the ability to speak, you almost squeaked: “W-what the hell is wrong with you?!”
Briskly, Bateman found the light switch on the wall beside you, sprawling you against it with his massive muscles. “You can't talk to me like that, (Y/N). No one can!”
Growling, he trapped you in his brawny arms, making you wail through your half-compressed lips: “Pat-Patrick… Stop-aghh,” you yelped from how his mouth latched on the sweet spot on your neck. “Don’t… Don’t t-touch me!”
“Fucking whore…Stop fronting and kiss me already!” snuggling into you more and more persistently, Bateman licked your cheek. “Use your mouth as intended, for once!”
Squirming against his broad chest, you attempted to push him back, but he was so huge and strong, you didn’t even have a chance. “A-aah, get off… Get off of me! We are at Evelyn's house, for God’s sake!”
“So what?” savagely, he slammed you against the wall, his firm hand was already between your legs, teasing your treacherously drenched pussy with light strokes. “You want me to bring her here, so she can watch us fuckin’? Tell me, slut. Is that what you want?” he smacked your ass with his free palm, squashing it after and making you nearly sob into his ear. “Or maybe you want everyone in this house to know what a pathetic whore you are?”
“Oh, Gosh…No, n-no,” you moaned as his sneaky digits eventually reached inside your panties, and now they were playing with your engorged little tip. “P-Patrick… Mmm,” you pleaded, fiercely wreathing your arms around his beefy torso, as the lascivious desire was taking over your mind too soon. “You can stop this… It's not too late-aaahhh, p-please…”
With an immodest squelch, Patrick shoved his fingers inside your sleek pussy, harshly stretching you from the inside, forcing a loud moan to fall from your lips. “No, silly...It’s too late since you decided to be a bitch!”
Pressing you harder against the wall, he went even deeper, burying his fingers almost till the knuckles, twisting and curling them at a ruthless pace. Abashed, you arched your back instinctively, feeling yourself so close to the edge from the way his experienced digits were working up your tight inner channel. 
“Mm-mmhm, I’mma cum…”
“Already? God, you’re so wretched,” instantly, Bateman pulled out his fingers to spin you around, with your ass brushing against his hard groin. “I’ll forgive you this time, but never again will you dare to test my kindness,” he enunciated while unzipping his pants, covering your mouth with his big palm, because he knew what was going next. “Be quiet, and maybe I will let you cum.”
Huffing in anticipation, he possessively bent you over for a better angle, and then Patrick slapped your butt several times with his stony cock; his blushing tip was already so leaking, you could sense the pre-cum dripping on your skin.
“Mm-mhh, Pat!” muffling through his fingers, you jolted under his weight as he was sheathing himself into your needy cunt until his heavy balls hit your ass. “A-aawww, mm-so d-deep…”
“(Y/N), I know, now shush…” Bateman muttered, putting his chin on your head and rocking into your little form with relentless exertion; your legs becoming weaker with each thrust he made. “Such a cock drunk slut, s-shit…”
Absolutely shameless sounds of flesh-meeting-flesh along with your taut nipples rubbing against the wall, impelled your inner walls to encase his dick so tightly, you both twitched from a blissful delight, while Patrick had to nuzzle against your neck to stifle his growls.
Panting, you both lost it nearly at the same time, his beefy shaft never stopped drilling your little hole, even when you reached your climax, and your whole insides were exploding from the ecstatic sensation of being flooded with his hot cum.
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hollowsart · 2 years
Here are my thoughts on all the Doc Ock, and for the most part their voices, mainly.
If there are any doc ock I missed who have talking parts that I missed, feel free to let me know and I will edit this accordingly after checking them out:
60s: Doc Ock sounds like such an old man. It looks 30s-40s at best but he sounds 70-80 dhdnfnrjd I love him tho. He's so stupid (affectionate)
70s: sounds like he could have been a character on Batman 66 tbh... and that would be a compliment.
80s: SO WHINY. Baby rage. Sounds almost like an old lady. Poor dude, puberty did you no justice. 😔
90s: ..ah. This is the German Otto. My man. Your outfit is so... yikes. And your poor hair. My guy.. My dude.. plz.
The Sinister Six, game: oh.. oh this voice gives me Humongous Entertainment Games vibes.. the visuals are absolutely absurd tho LOL
2004: Hi Mr.Molina, sir. Hi. Where's your shirt? Awfully drafty scuttling around like that.. with your whole chest out.. like that.. easier and breezier? I can respect that.
2000 game: I think he needs to clear his throat and maybe take a nap. Not too many German Doc Ock's. Fascinating.
Enter Electro: holy crud, Doc. Very gruff and a little gravelly. Dang.
Spiderman 2 game: I didn't know you did 1920s Detective Noir villain voices. Sounding a little more unhinged here.. you good, Alfred?
Friend or Foe: Have you considered going into voice work as the narrator for movie trailers? I think it would be a better occupation.
Shattered Dimensions: Ma'am..? Have we not learned from the past?
Total Mayhem: Hm. I uh. I don't know what to say, really.
Edge Of Time: Oh. Oh someone save this poor guy. It's ok Otto, you will get out of this safely and be able to take a nice long and well deserved vacation (I hope?? Is this man okay?? Someone tell me he's alright, I worry--)
Lego Marvel Superheroes: wow. Just. Wow. Saturday morning cartoon guy.
Ultimate, and Lego: Hi Tom Kenny. Hi. The heck are you doing here, my good sir?
PS4: Oh hey gramps. Sick arms. Love the wicked glow and the glowy claw tips
Ultimate Alliance: Nice voice. Maybe.. tone down the anger? I feel you get a lot of headaches from all the rage.. need a vacation, buddy?
Marvel's Spidey: Oh gosh. Oh gosh no. Hi uhh.. Hi Robin from Teen Titans? I... I don't... I don't like this.
Marvel Superhero Adventures: Oh my gosh. ...Oh.. My gosh. His voice. I love it. It's so stupid. Like a dumb stereotypical nasally high pitched German mad scientist. My word. I need more.
Spidey and his amazing friends: ...Girl what. #girl ???
No Way Home: HI ALFRED. HI. WELCOME BACK, SIR. Glad to see you warmed up with a sweater! Love it! Looks cozy! Gotta stay comfy and classy when committing crimes against your will and better judgement! Are those transition lenses? Awesome! Very convenient!
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bigkpopstan · 2 years
The thought makes me melt 🥴💫. Omg </3 Jay begging?!!??! Him just pleading over and over again or saying "more" 🥴💫 LMAOBSWIWJ. yess 😭💖💖 at first you'd think he'd just giving you an innocent hug until you either feel smth against your leg bc he's already hard OR he asks and that's when you realise it isn't innocent at all lmao <3. Omg no because he'd be like "what if someone catches us?" But doesn't proceed to stop because I feel like he'd kind of like the risk? I don't think he'd actually want to be caught by anyone but just the risk alone and the adrenaline yk aldbs but yeah...eating him out on the kitchen counter sounds good 🥴💫
Ahh no I meant like...it hurts a lot now but usually it never hurts 😭. Is it because I keep playing with the jewellery 🥲 I hope it's not infected 💀 it doesn't look infected?
his begs would consist of “please” and “more” 🥴 and this might be biased bc of my praise kink but he’d also moan out about how good it is…gosh imagining his face against the pillows and his necklace dangling…nooo bc imagine jay coming up to you, giving you a back hug with soft kisses and immediately melting going “awhh baby🥰” and then he’s like “please eat me out again” while continuing to give you soft kisses 😭. but the idea of him walking up already hard bc he’s been thinking about it…😵‍💫. DUDE I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THE POSSIBLY GETTING CAUGHT ASPECT-and that’s one of my biggest kinks-anyway, he’d be whiny about it too…he’d whine and say that and then he’d whine and go ‘baby I cook here…” without making any moves to stop you. Or teasing him about how he’s the meal now..and the hands thing about but eating him out on the counter while he’s on his back (difficult ik) but resting your hands on his tummy while doing it ugh. I’m getting self indulgent now 😔. yes yes it does, I agree🧍
Oooooh Im sorry i misread Avery! It might be? Did you bump it recently? What kind of jewelry are you wearing? Hopefully it’s not infected! Is it warm when you touch it?
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twinklelilstarkey · 3 years
Hi. Au Dad with Roope Hintz? I don't think that I've ever read any of those. I hope that you are enjoying the holidays. Merry Christmas from America.
A/N.: OH ABSOLUTELY!! We do need Dad!Roope. I hope you're enjoying your holidays as well, my love, Merry Christmas ❤️
First time on ice - Dad!Roope Hintz
Words: 2.4k+
Type: Fluff
Summary: Roope's little boy goes ice skating for the first time.
Warnings: Dad!Roope. Mentions of pregnancy without marriage (Y/N and Roope are still just dating).
Y/S/N = Your son's name
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Today's a big day. Roope has been dying for this day to come ever since his little boy was born. He can feel his body vibrating with excitement ever since he got up from bed this morning, so much that he wouldn't be surprised if he actually exploded.
Like any other holiday season, the Dallas Stars are having a family skating day. They're quite fun when you have someone to be there with you. Usually, players bring their parents, siblings, and kids, and when those can't be there, they take their girlfriends or even their friends.
Roope's family skating days never consisted of a lot. He started to bring you with him after you had begun dating since his parents are all the way back in Europe and unable to visit just yet. And that's pretty much it. You were there for all of his family skating days ever since the start and he would not have it any other way. You would skate around him, and with him and you two would have your fun every year.
After the solid (almost) 4 years of dating, aka, almost two years ago, you had a kid. A baby boy.
This baby boy has been the highlight of Roope's days ever since he was born. Roope's schedule doesn't exactly let him constantly be there for both you and him, but he does his best to help you out when he's home and make the best of the time that he has.
Now, the baby is already a toddler as he's practically reaching his 2-year-old birthday and he now walks, runs, jumps, breaks things, and babbles in both English and Finnish. Overall, he's one very hyper little human that owns the entirety of his dad's and mom's heart.
Last year, when family skate day happened. Roope was hoping to get Y/S/N in skates, and so were you. He was practically making a countdown on his head of that day, coming closer and closer, and it was making him the happiest person on earth.
But Y/S/N got a cold that week.
Not one too bad, but it did make him cranky. He did end up going to the family skating anyways, but he refused (with his whiny sounds) to put on the baby skates and, especially, get close to the ice. He had spent the whole time under his thick jacket, wool beanie and scarf, and with his little gloves - all of it to not let him get worse from his cold - and in Roope's arms, of course, constantly leaning on closer to him and snuggling in, and very much away from the cold, cold ground.
Roope didn't get too upset. Of course, he did want to see his kid have little skates on and try to move with his help, but, at the same time, he would never force his kid to do something, especially when he's already sick and in that bad of a mood.
And many people, when hearing him talk about this, do ask him 'why don't you just take him to the rink on a normal day?', but he never has a clear answer for them. It's just that he had planned this whole day in his head for more than a year. Gosh, he has been envisioning this day with all his teammates ever since he held the baby in his arms for the first time. He just wants to replicate what his imagination had created in every aspect.
That is exactly why a month before today, Roope has been focused on his son like crazy. Wrapping in all the blankets like a burrito whenever you would open a window or step out to the balcony - worried that any cold wind could make him fall sick again. Running after him when he goes off in the park with the other kids so he doesn't get hurt in the slightest of ways. Not trying new food so that he doesn't get an upset tummy.
Roope had this in the bag.
To no one's surprise, when today came, Y/S/N was more than okay to go skating. Roope doesn't think he ever had this big of a smile on his face in his life.
This morning started off as chaotic as possible as Roope spent the whole morning cuddling with his son instead of getting anything ready for the day, but, you stepped up to help. Making everyone get out of the house with time to spare (and even get good outfits for all the pictures).
After the drive over to the stadium, funnily enough, Roope doesn't let you be the one to get Y/S/N from his seat. Again, everything needs to go according to his plan, so, of course, you let him.
Roope carries him through the parking lot while holding your hand at the same time and continues on with his conversation about a particular toy truck with his toddler.
Right as you enter, many of the teammates and their families come by to say and wave their short 'hi' to the two of you, and, of course, the little guy - who still needs to get used to meeting new people, as he uses Roope's neck as a refuge whenever someone walks on closer.
All sorts of things like, "How have you been?", "You look great", "Today's your boy's big day, isn't it?" and "Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for you!" are most of the things that went on and on during your conversations. And all the mentions of today's special moment make Roope's smile even wider every time.
But, as always, the guys do need to have their morning training before the whole families come into the ice, so your conversations were cut short when someone announced the time to the group.
"I'll see you in a bit?" You ask your boyfriend.
Roope looks away from your toddler to you and with his little grin, he nods. Slowly, he does pass down Y/S/N to your arms and lays a kiss over his head and another on the side of yours.
"Have fun." You tell him before he steps away.
Roope goes off to do his job, but, while working, his mind just kept on reminding him what will be happening in just a few minutes.
When already at the ice, his heart also didn't behave like normal. Pumping quicker than ever before, especially when he would look over at the glass and see you with Y/S/N in your arms, pointing at him. All the cute smiles his toddler gave him when he passed by him and the giggles he let out when he tapped the glass with his stick, throwing his little head back to your shoulder.
His heart melted into a puddle every time.
As soon as the final blow on Bowness's whistle sounds through the entirety of the rink, Roope just feels like he's going to explode. It's all going to start now.
You let many of the families go in first since you didn't want to be with a shy toddler in the middle of all the commotion. And only after it clears out a bit, someone from the staff passes you the right size of skates for Y/S/N. As you look up, you notice Roope coming into the benches at the same time you do.
"Hi." He tells you with his big cheeky smile, excitement more than readable in his face.
"Hi." You tell him back.
He takes off his gloves and passes down his helmet and stick to someone from the staff team. You sit down on the bench beside many other moms doing the same thing you'll be doing and sit Y/S/N over your legs. Roope squats down in front of you and begins to help you with putting on the skates on the fidgety toddler. Starting with taking off his little shoes.
Roope still has to go to the locker room to get his gear off like his teammates are currently doing, but he would not forgive himself if he missed fixing up his little boy's tiny skates.
You watch as your boyfriend just smiles and answers every babble of some words in Finnish, sometimes even laughing with what your baby keeps on telling him. Roope's curly blonde hair sitting at the top of his head, not too squished from his helmet, and his smile just as big as ever. Practically making you fall in love with him all over again.
After tightening the laces, Roope runs to the locker-room (which almost made him fall as he tripped on a cable), and right as he walks through the doorway, he's already stripping out of his gear - keeping on some of it like everyone else, but enough to make him more comfortable throughout the whole skating.
He runs back - this time, careful enough to not trip - to find you in the exact same place, talking to one of the wives, and already with your skates on.
Right as his baby's eyes land on him, his little arms stretch towards him. Roope, when close enough, picks him up and lays a hand at the small of your back, casually ending your conversation to pull you with him to the gate that leads to the ice.
You're the one to step foot in first, turning back to see Roope holding onto Y/S/N close to his chest while stepping in as well. You two skate to a more empty area to not ruin any kid's race or something along those lines, and Roope begins to lower his toddler to the ground.
"Ready?" He asks the toddler.
He nods while biting his lower lip, almost as if a bit lost in thought.
Y/S/N's feet touch the iced floor and he looks down at it, finding it a bit strange to step on it with the blades. Roope holds onto his little hands and forearms as he hunches over him, and begins to use his own feet to make the two of them move just a few inches.
You stare at the two of them, heart melting and eyes practically already watering at the cute sight.
Roope's smile is ginormous and his tone is constantly soft to his kid, all while he tells him how to kick out his little feet to be able to skate 'just like dad'.
After only a few minutes, Y/S/N begins to get the hang of it, kicking out his tiny feet while being held onto by his dad. He looks up at you and Roope for reassurance a few times, and that makes you two love the moment a little more every time.
As Roope tells him littles "you're doing it!" or "good job", the overall happy feeling was more and more readable in Y/S/N's face. Especially when he would just let out similar sentences to himself.
"'m doin' it!" He says, louder than Roope, in his cute little voice.
You skate beside them the whole time, watching them carefully while giving a few of your own vocal encouragements as well. But also being the one that notices all the looks everyone's giving you three. The bright smiles, especially by Roope's teammates, as they know how much this day means to their forward.
After some more minutes, you switch with your boyfriend as his back begins to kill him for that awkward position he was in the whole time. Which you two had to laugh at as he held both of his hands by his back while letting cackles of pain.
You squat down and just hold your toddler steady over the ice as he looks up at his dad cutely. Yet quickly, he looks back at you and gives you a toothy smile, holding out his little hands to your face and giggling as he would touch it.
"Are you having fun?" You ask him, getting a large and enthusiastic nod from the little one.
Roope, after some time, squats as well and that steals the attention of the toddler once more. You and Roope are in between a very short distance, your arms can easily reach out to get to either of you, so Y/S/N is more than safe in between you.
You turn the toddler around and Roope puts his warm hands over yours. And that's when you notice that his hands are there but his hold really isn’t, all while he begins to encourage the mini-him to try and kick out some steps on his own.
Might be a bit too early to do this, but why not try?
Poor Y/S/N did try, and he lost his balance in many of the tries. His butt would never hit the ice as both your and Roope’s hands were there to hold him, so, that only meant that he never really lost faith in himself.
For this reason, he still continuously kicks his little feet towards his dad as he holds onto Roope’s jersey sleeves the whole time, still while fully trying his best.
After much, much trial and error, a loud gasp leaves your lips.
Your toddler, unbelievably, is able to skate the whole small distance between the two of you practically on his own (even though he had your hands there the whole time), but the sight of him doing it, completely broke Roope.
He pulls his son into a hug and lays kisses on the top of his head, congratulating him while at the same time, looking up at you in disbelief. And that's when you notice how teary his eyes are.
"Awn!" You say out loud at the sight of your boyfriend and give him a big smile while getting closer to him.
Your hands lay over his cheeks, comforting him, and you give him a quick peck on the lips. Roope smiles too, finding humor in his own display of emotions and your quick response with comfort, and you two stand back up.
The two of you get back on congratulating your toddler with many tickles under his open jacket and kisses on his chubby cute cheeks, and all while he giggles loudly. His little beanie-covered head is thrown back as he tries to get away from the two of you, and you could not ignore the look on Roope’s face as he looks down at his son. His eyes would move over to you, time and time again, almost as if not sure who to look at for longer.
And his eyes were filled with only one emotion...
Pure and utter love.
Love for you. Love for his baby. Love for his little family.
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osamiiya · 3 years
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Pairing: Atsumu x Reader (Slight Osamu x Reader)
Summary: Atsumu has a date with his longtime crush, only for him to get sick. Luckily, his twin brother has a can of semi permanent hair dye and an open schedule.
Warnings: Atsumu and Osamu having one brain cell
A/n: Alternative ending with Osamu ?
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The first time was when Atsumu was too sick to make it to his 'no makeups' math test. Osamu ran to buy a can of spray-on hair dye and combed his hair the other way.
And it worked, Atsumu got the 100% and Osamu got his chores done for a month.
The second and third times were just for fun, a test to see how long they could go before someone noticed, and usually by practice someone did, but it was always doubted because; "Well, it looks like Atsumu."
The fourth time was when Atsumu scored a date with his longtime crush, a feat nobody saw coming.
Atsumu had built himself up to ask for your number and a date, striding across the classroom amidst the laughs and giggles of his classmates, confidence draining with each step as he neared your desk.
'Act cool, Act cool'
The mantra plays on repeat as he clears his throat.
"Are you free Saturday?" He holds out his phone in hopes you understand.
Nobody expected you to give him a smile and carefully take the phone out of his hand, putting your number in and texting it, waiting for your text alarm before adding his contact into your phone.
And in hindsight, Atsumu should've been careful the following week, not overworking himself and certainly not forgetting his umbrella in the morning.
He layed in bed Friday night, covers pulled up to his chin as Osamu laughed at his sniffling and raspy voice.
"You should just reschedule." Suna offers, watching Atsumu's pink face, from his fever, go even pinker with indignation.
"There's no way, I've been waiting for this for a year now." A cough punctuates his argument and Suna and Osamu cringe behind their facemasks.
"There's no way you'll be able to go when you're this sick." Osamu nods in agreement with Suna's words, feeling slightly sorry for his brother now.
Osamu is quick to jump in when Atsumu opens his mouth to argue.
"You won't be completely better by tomorrow night, that's just crazy."
Atsumu pouts, significantly more whiny now that he was sick.
The trio sit in silence for a moment before a lightbulb goes off in Atsumu's head.
"I don't have to go on the date-"
Suna groans and interjects with a "That's what we've been trying to tell you."
To which Atsumu rolls his eyes and continuous.
"-Osamu can go."
It's silent as the words process in the boy's minds.
"What?" Osamu let's out a shocked laugh.
"You don't have any plans other than gaming with Suna anyways, just go as me and if you score another date I'll go on it. They won't be able to tell."
Now it should be said that sometimes Atsumu has bad plans said with great enough execution where it makes a sliver of sense.
A few minutes of arguing later, Osamu agrees with a huff as Suna laughs.
The next morning Atsumu helps spray Osamu's hair with the semi-permanant hair dye, watching his hair go from gray to yellow before combing it to the other side.
"We still look nothing alike." Osamu's grumpy, and the blond is slightly off, the way they stand completely different.
"Nonsense, you finally look hot."
Osamu can't strangle a sick person, that would be cruel.
But he does anyways, finally letting go of his twins neck at the three frantic taps Atsumu smacks on his shoulder.
The clock strikes 6pm and Osamu finally heads out, his gait changing slightly to be more believable as Atsumu's phone weighs down his pocket.
And he waits for you at the restaurant, flicking through his brothers phone mindlessly, going through his social media feed and commenting on all of Osamu's posts.
And then you arrive.
"Hey." Osamu, no, Atsumu smiles, tucking his phone into his back pocket like he's seen his brother do before.
"Ready to go in?"
"You look nice Atsumu."
Osamu, now Atsumu, smiles cheekily before returning the compliment.
The two of you have dinner, laughing and talking about everything, even holding hands as you walk through the streets, pointing out things in shops and even stopping at an empty store for rent.
"My... brother wants to open a restaurant." The place is perfect, the size, the location, the price.
"Oh yeah, Osamu did want to open an onigiri restaurant, I kind of remember that."
Osamu takes a picture of the store and sends it to his phone, wanting to remember this location.
"Who knows if he can do it, I think he should just stay with volleyball." Osamu's words are an echo of Atsumu's, and a sad glint takes place in his eyes.
It's noticeable enough for you to catch, squeezing his hand slightly to catch his attention.
"I think he can do it."
It's silent for a beat, Osamu completely taken aback before realizing he wasn't supposed to be Osamu.
"We'll see if the idiot actually goes through with it."
You continue walking, swinging your hands slightly and Osamu gets why Atsumu is so infatuated with you, the way you look under the street lights, the sound of your laugh, and gosh, your smile.
He snaps out of it as he walks you home.
"Thanks for taking me out today Osamu." You smile and wave from the doorway, and Osamu waves back, not realizing at first.
And then his face flushes and he let's out a shocked sound of question as you lean against the doorway.
"You think I wouldn't be able to tell my crush apart from his brother? Besides, Atsumu was out sick yesterday too, there's no way he'd get better so quickly."
You think for a minute, studying his face, they really did look similar.
"Besides, your eyes are different."
Osamu's shocked enough where words don't form as you continue.
"Don't tell Atsumu I know, I want to see what happens." You laugh slightly as you wave goodnight and close the door, Osamu standing in shock for a moment before walking home.
The moment Osamu steps into the house, Atsumu's on him like a beast, a flurry of questions sometimes interrupted with a coughing fit as Osamu trys to lean away.
"It went fine, they really like you." The jealousy is well hidden, and if Atsumu wasn't sick and head already feeling muddled, he would've picked up on it.
"Dude, I need to wash this out of my hair." Osamu groans as Atsumu asks more questions, what were you wearing? What did you order for dinner? Osamu payed right?
Atsumu doesn't get a text all weekend from you, leading to an argument between the brothers, Atsumu thinking Osamu had messed everything up, to which Osamu argued that it was Atsumu's idea in the first place.
Until Monday, Atsumu all recovered and sitting anxiously at his desk waiting for you to walk throught he door.
"Y/n!" He's out of his desk in a flash, smiling nervously as he approaches you.
"You, uh, never texted." He prepares to be rejected, and prepares to finally murder his twin.
"You never showed up Atsumu." There's a teasing smile on your face as murderous rage fills Atsumu's eyes, Osamu stood you up?
"I was pretty bummed when Osamu showed up instead."
The lump in his throat goes away as he realizes.
"How did you know?"
You smile playfully, catching eyes with Osamu across the room.
"You have different eyes."
"How does this upcoming Saturday sound?"
Atsumu's confused for a second before he realizes.
"Like a date?"
At your nod he smiles.
"Then it's a date. And with me, not Osamu."
@sachirou-senpai @kenmas-bitxh @tetsurolls @elianetsantana @peteunderoos @jovialnoise @ryusex-wife @dai-tsukki-desu @aruhappy @indecisivehusky @curiouslilbeast   @alphabetsoupyum @dumbiebambi @dejvns @x-ia-n @itsmeaudrieee @llamakenma @hawksnumberoneuwu @prayerofthehaim @morpheus-rex @kac-chowsballs @sushii10 @chiiasa @kageyamasgirl @toworuu @yuujiya @realityisabitch-blr
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feral-mouse · 3 years
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Omg thank you for being interested in my boy!!! 😭😭😭
God I’ve barely posted content for him too so I'm surprised that you guys are interested. But I will give you the facts I will give you the info 👁👁
Ok, so anyways, I am so sorry that you guys have bad taste because THIS GUY IS AN ABSOLUTE SCUM BAG SPDJFSPFJSD HE’S THE FUCKING WORST OH MY GOD HE’S SO ANNOYING
Like, he’s just an unfiltered walking bag of memes, he’s the worst and doesn’t think about what he says before saying it, just making everybody uncomfortable because he’s creepy and annoying and won’t stop bothering you, oh my god what do you want, why do you keep following me, do I don’t want to hear about your extra toe please leave me alone for the love of god-
He’s somewhere in his 20s, and I originally wanted him to be scrawny and tall, but now he has been nerfed down to 5’6 because every single time I imagine him, he’s kinda tiny. Like not the smallest, but still kinda small. I’m also contemplating about whether or not he should have freckles or moles on his face. Because I kinda like the idea that he just has a bunch of moles sprinkled on his skin everywhere, but like yeah I’m still kinda figuring that out
He’s just very ratty and kinda gross overall. Do not talk about his hair, that’s a sore spot for him. His hair is very thin, and even though he’s still young, his hair is thin enough that at the top, you can see his scalp. He gets very defensive over it because everyone’s walking around with their beautiful full hair, and he’s over here hoping that more hair doesn’t fall out. He doesn’t know why his hair is so thin, it just kinda is
Oh my god don’t get me started on his voice. I purposefully wanted his voice to sound so annoying and punchable. Like omg his voice is so whiny and it’s kinda high. And it gets worse when he’s mocking you or when he gets mad. He has a very short temper and is willing to dish it out with anyone. He sort of purposefully goes out of his way to pick fights with people. Part of this is because he secretly does love getting beat up, but at the same time he fucking revels in his victories, because it just proves that he was better than them
He will mock you, he will make fun of you, and he will also kidnap and stab you. He is a murder oc, but he can also very much be a murder mc given the right circumstances. There’s this abandoned underground restaurant in his neighborhood that no one goes to, so he typically stashes his victims there. His neighborhood is honestly a really bad place, like it’s pretty dangerous. But also it’s cheap, he doesn’t care about how dangerous it is if it means he doesn’t have to pay as much to live in his apartment. He sleeps with both a gun and a taser under his pillow in case of emergencies. But he’s gotten used to it at this point, he could care less
If he found out that you guys liked him, oh my god he would be ecstatic and his ego would shoot through the roof. He would laugh obnoxiously like the little prick he is, and gloat about how much better he is than everyone else, just trying to grasp at every little victory he can get
There are like more tidbits about him that I could talk about, but I don't want to make this too long 😭. And I haven't even gotten into his backstory yet. It's not the most interesting backstory, but I mean at least he's got something. If you’re interested in more you can send in some more asks if you’d like
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likesofsue · 2 years
“Hi, Sue. How’re you doing? Whoa… shit… Is that a bandage? What happened? Y’know that’s very metal. You’re not hurt, are you? I hope nobody hurt my little birdie. If they did, hehe, I might have to go full Dungeon Master on their ass. But if not, then that’s fine too. Oh, Sue… no, no, you’re never a bother. Actually, you’re quite entertaining, very fun to be around. You’re not whiny or clingy or anything like that. Although I understand if you’re still a little shy around me. A lot of people think I’m mean and scary. Ya know… I was a little nervous when I first met you? I thought… you might be a little scary too, but you’ve never struck me as mean. But really, you’re so sweet and fun. You just… you get me, y’know? You’re not asking for too much. You’re not annoying. Quite the opposite, actually. And cuddling a bit later sounds fun. My uncle might not be back around my trailer for a while if you do still want cuddles. I don’t bite, I promise.”
— Eddie
Hi Eddie! I'm okay, I guess. Maybe a bit tired again. And my left hand is kinda dead pffft. Yep, it's a bandage. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I'm fine, I prommy. You know, sometimes I donate blood plasma and I need to wear a bandage after that so I don't, well, bleed out. You are so cute, oh my gosh. I appreciate this a whole lot, but you don't have to do that. I'll be good. Maybe the Dungeon Master could be really silly with me later, hehe. Oh okay... *sigh* Thank you for telling me that. Sometimes I just overthink and worry too much. Bad memories and everything... EDDIE!! You are NOT mean or scary! I never thought of you that way. Never have, never will. Okay? I'm serious. I adore you! You are the exact opposite of mean and scary. You are kind and sweet. It has nothing to do with you. I'm shy because I'm insecure about myself and I don't want to ruin anything. I don't want to annoy you and scare you away or something. I love being together with you, I really do. You mean a whole lot to me and I don't want to ruin it. I'm sorry. Anyway. Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm the one who's mean and scary. *I'm silly. I try to make an angry grimace and bare my teeth, but I end up laughing.* Have you seen me? Eddie, I'm literally a hobbit. Or maybe a dwarf since hobbits are even smaller. Hehe. Again, thank you for telling me that. I can say the same about you. I think you really understand me. I can be my nerdy and weird self with you. And I'm very grateful to you for that. Thank you for reassuring me. Stupid insecurities, you know... Actually... This sounds like an amazing plan. Pretty please? I want it pretty badly. Because I do feel clingy right now. I know you don't bite, I don't bite either. So... Hehehe. Thank you, Eddie. *I hug him really long and tightly and kiss his cheek.*
Oh wow. Another way too long answer. Please excuse me, Eddie anon🤭💕 I just have so much to tell him, I get all babbly and soft🥺 I love these messages so incredibly much. I love talking with him this way. And I love to build this relationship with him. I can never thank you enough for all your help and support. Thank you, my dearest friend😭💜 At this point I probably sound a bit like a broken record. But I just want you to know how endlessly grateful I am to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Let me hug you?🥺🫂🫂
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dancingskys · 5 years
About that "little" random questions thing ... here we go ^^ From part 1 question 11, part 2 questions 7 and 9 because I'm interested in your answer and couldn't decide for which I was more curious, for part 3 it's 11 again and another 11 for part 4. For part 5 it's question 9 and finally for part 6 it's question 5. If you're uncomfortable with sharing any of the answers to the questions, obviously you don't need to give an answer ^^
Part 1, 11:Go-to ice cream order?
I’m actually not a big ice cream fan. I always have to cough afterwards... But when I get some it’s usually vanilla or stracciatella with shipped cream. Might scare the vanilla with my dog (after I’m done). Or strawberry spaghetti ice!
Part 2, 7: Do you believe in witches and/or magic?
Hm... I do not believe in magic in the sense that you can heal everything with herbs, stones and the power of the moon but. Wouldn’t be opposed to it being real but I have to admit I’m somewhat hard to convince because I don’t believe in any higher power or spirit so if there is not ‘scientific proof’ it’s hard for me to believe it.
Part 2, 9: Do you believe in anything mythical/supernatural? (Bigfoot, Mermaids, Vampires, etc.)
Not really but again I wouldn’t be opposed to accepting it if there was proof that fitted my standards. Sometimes I want to believe there are mythical beings out there and I very much like imagining fantasy worlds but I kind of separate that from my actual reality. You should see what goes on in my head sometimes. Showers and car rides are wild times for my brain.
Part 3, 11: Talk about one of your favorite memories you share with a friend.
Hm... this is difficult because I feel like humans generally forget a lot of the good things? And I’m not a very emotional person, neither happy nor sad, so I am even more prone to forgetting stuff. 
I think - and this is not really a memory - it might be the knowledge that my only really close male friend is kind of an exact copy of me? We understand each other on levels that others can’t comprehend because we have very, very similar views and pretty much the same personality. I know I can talk to him about anything, even if we don’t text much and only see each other every few weeks/months. 
Then as for an actual memory... going to the zoo with one of my best friends a while ago. I was a really, really nice day and I just came up with the idea one moment, texted her and she said ‘yes, let’s do it!’ so we did and it was great. Some people might have thought we were a couple because we were holding hands and linking arms pretty often. We’d make a great lesbian couple x,D Polar opposites but still very understanding of one another.
She also completely understood that I had trouble going to her birthday party this year because I didn’t know the people and the plan was to go clubbing. She said she had expected me to want to stay home (in a really nice way, it just doesn’t translate well) and told me not to worry about it, we could just go out to eat some other time, just the two of us and I think I almost cried when I read her message.
Part 4, 11: Favorite song right now?
Let me look for the most recent songs in my playlist because I never have just one.
Birds - Imagine Dragons
Everything Black - Unlike Pluto, Mike Taylor
Rescue Me - One Republic
One Foot - Walk The Moon
Walk On Water - 30 Seconds To Mark
Yes, I listen to very diverse music. This doesn’t include any K-pop.... Mikrokosmos by BTS because I get fucking emotional and remember the concerts in Wembley T^T
Part 5, 9: Be famous while you’re alive but forgotten when you die OR Be unknown while you’re alive but famous after you die?
Be famous while I’m alive because I’d like to use my fame to change things which I can’t actively do when i’m dead. I don’t know I’m not famous anymore when I’m dead so... no big deal.
Also... this might sound like an attention seeker but I’m a content creator and recognition is something I crave a lot which I sadly always feel like I lack... not saying my works are revolutionary and need all the attention but I crave interactions with my audience which have gone down A LOT so I have lost some of my drive.
It’s like working on something for weeks, you show it once you’re on stage and there are a few people sitting in the otherwise empty audience but they just stare and then get up and leave without doing anything until you are left alone with your creation.
Gosh, I sound like such a whiny baby, I’m sorry. It’s just that I was at this point before and I completely stopped writing for a fandom, stopped writing a story I hadn’t finished and just... yeah, I’m scared of that happening again which I feel like it might be happening. I’ve gotten better at creating things for myself but still. It’s... very unsatisfying.
Part 6, 5: Have you ever cheated on a test?
Ha! YES! My English exam in sixth or seventh grade. Had no idea what the fuck anything meant so my friend (the same friend from the zoo memory) told me all the answers. I also cheated on all my math exams throughout my last three years of high school. Nothing major but I wrote down how to calculate things and had those in my pencil case because that was the only way I could get acceptable grades.
Otherwise no. I’m not one for cheating and haven’t done it apart from those times.
I hope I got all question correct. Thank you for sending them in! I hope I didn’t scare anyone off with my lengthy answers but I just really like talking.
Ask me some questions~
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