#gorshin riddler rp
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frank-gorshin-riddler · 1 day ago
DC Riddler Roleplay Blog
Batman 66 Riddler (Frank Gorshin)
Riddler goes by He/Him
Prefers to be referred to as "Riddler" rather than his real name (Edward Nigma)
No 18+ asks!
If sending an ask, try to keep cursing to a minimum
Use basic RP etiquette
Shipping allowed if you notice it has been used positively before (feel free to inquire for a mod reply)
You can ask more about the AUs used themselves on my main blog @britishsquidward
Multiple AUs will be used (and tagged as such)
Mod posts will have some form of indication on them that they are just that, whether it be the tagging (see below), or a post starting out with some variation of "Mod Post:", "Mod Reply:", etc.
Main Tag List Here (+ additional tag information!)
More information will be added to the Tag List or this post as necessary.
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wasteland-computer · 2 years ago
INTRO ! ! !
Hey all, this blog is a dedicated Riddler RP blog run by Mods Query and Echo; it's not too serious and somewhere to post our silly little riddles (( Frank Gorshin would be proud :D ))
Mod Query: Hey Hi I'm Mod Query, I use it/its pronouns or he/they as auxiliary pronouns! I've had a soft spot for Riddles since I was a wee baby and the dear Professor Hershel Layton captured my heart ! I'm a sucker for cryptology ~~ though can't say I'm as good as the Boss-man himself (( Nygma's got a knack for it )) ~~ /ooc /j
Mod Echo: hi hi!! i'm Mod Echo! i don't use any pronouns but if you must he/she is fine. i've always been into hypotheticals and questions and riddles that make me have to think hard, i'm really into gemology myself!
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cosmichitchhicker · 4 years ago
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mangledmenagerie · 7 years ago
for every ‘@’ sent (anon or not) I WILL mention and post some positivity about a fellow Tumblr user. 
There are so many lovely humans picking 3 is hard. Since this is an RP bloggo I will stick with RPers.
@verdantvillain   I adore Rabbit’s Ed. They treat my Myrtle respectfully even when Ed is not always happy to have her around and my Zsasz enjoys their glittery pranks with each other. Plus hello we share a love of The Beatles and Frank Gorshin’s Riddler. I am pretty sure they are Ed.
@heartsandmiinds  while I have not interacted with all the muses, mainly Holly and Mercy because Zsasz is fond of them both (completely head over heels for Mercy he is...) But I have occasionally peeked at the other muses and I see all the love and care you have for your muses. And uh well crafted OCs are always a delight.
@macellaiio  I will be completely honest Pyg in general creeps me the fuck out. And yet I find myself happy whenever our muses interact. My Zsasz thinks Pyg is fun to be around, My Harvey not so much... I like seeing them on my dash. 
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noordinaryperson-archived · 8 years ago
//what drew you to this muse? Your mains and Grace.
//What drew me to my muses?  Oh, Lord.  Here we go.
The funny thing with Riddler and Scarecrow both is that I initially didn’t really care for either character.  Scarecrow grew on me first, thanks in part to another tumblr RP-er I interacted with a loooong time ago who was an amazing Crane/Scarecrow.  I continued to basically hate the Riddler until I started watching the classic Batman series on TV, if truth be told.  Frank Gorshin pulled me in, and the Arkham games got me hooked.  One day I was minding my own business on my nice little Bane and Joker blogs, next thing I know, BOOM! I have Scarecrow and Riddler muses, basically.  I’ve come to realize since then that I do identify with both of them somewhat, and I honestly think that’s part of why they were always so problematic for me.
Rorschach, on the other hand, I pretty much always liked.  Despite the fact that he’s an extremely problematic character (being a racist, sexist, misogynistic, antisocial, right-wing hobo and all), he’s really easy to sort of latch on to.  He’s a lovable little shit, as long as you can’t smell him, because he never gives up on humanity and honestly sticks to what he believes is right no matter what he’s up against.
As for Grace?  She was a product of me asking “What if Adrian’s plan ultimately failed and things went to shit?”  I started with this notion that when crime rates skyrocketed again, the police force couldn’t keep up, and from there I came up with the notion of repealing the Keene Act, and new teams of vigilantes being assembled nationwide.  Grace originally wasn’t going to be a Comedian-archetype at all, I originally had a sort of biological-warfare type person called the Plague Doctor in mind, who used chemicals to incapacitate her foes, but it was a really impractical idea, and when I honestly looked at her personality, I realized the Comedienne was a better fit for her.
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frank-gorshin-riddler · 2 days ago
Finally a site that may appreciate TRUE genius...
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frank-gorshin-riddler · 5 hours ago
If an opposing villain can't answer your riddle, are they even a supergenius OR a threat?
Egghead don't @ me
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frank-gorshin-riddler · 20 hours ago
you're like if an oriental shorthair wished to be human and i find that very adorable :)
These are the ones with large ears, correct? And that can only mean one thing, because you know what they say about big ears.
Thank you once again! It's about time someone realised just how brilliant I am! (And compared me to such a lovely animal!)
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frank-gorshin-riddler · 21 hours ago
Riddle me this!! Why are you totally adorable and very silly? Not flirting! Just asking like you ask your pet cat!
That- that is-!
Hmphf... you are not playing fair, there, I see!
...I suppose you may have somewhat of a point. I am great in every way, so if that also includes being the best at being "adorable" and "silly", then so be it - thank you kindly for the compliment, huhu-hee!
Very big fan of how you phrased your sentence as well, you've clearly been taking inspiration from the King of Conundrums himself (me, of course). Keep up the good work!
And good choice of animal, my friend, cats are far more bearable to me than dogs, what with all that noise they make. And additionally, it's great to be appreciated! It looks as though joining this site may prove beneficial after all...
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frank-gorshin-riddler · 1 day ago
Riddler Rambles - Riddler chat posts.
Riddler Responds - Riddler replying to Tumblr asks.
Riddler Replies - Riddler replying via reblogs.
Riddler Reblogs - Posts that Riddler has reblogged.
Riddler's Riddles - Riddler's... riddles!
The Prince of Personability - Riddler's media images.
Enigmatic Artwork - Riddler's art.
Draw a Conclusion - Others' art, reblogged.
Puzzling Pictures - Others' media, reblogged.
Mod Note: if curious about any AU, see pinned post to know where to go
General - No particular AU, just general universe.
(More To Be Added)
Mod Post or OOC - All out-of-character moments or mod-related notes.
The Riddler RP or Gorshin Riddler RP - All posts.
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frank-gorshin-riddler · 1 day ago
Riddle me this!
When is a lunch item like a ghoul on holiday?
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frank-gorshin-riddler · 21 hours ago
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How rude! No need to bring age into it - I can be here if I want to, and provide the place with a little class.
But Facebook is an insult to my talents! Riddle me this: why is that website like what you should do to make your statement weighty?
Because if you perhaps put your face in a book, my friend, then you may have some genuine intelligence to combat me back with! Hee-hee!!!
Finally a site that may appreciate TRUE genius...
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frank-gorshin-riddler · 20 hours ago
PENGUIN?! I'm nothing like that foul-feathered bird! And classiness doesn't just have to be wealth-related, you know - it's about style and sophistication! So if you are for one moment suggesting that I am neither of those things, I suggest you take another look!
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This is the epitome of good fashion-sense!
Furthermore, hearing all those quotes must go in one ear and out the other, because last I checked...
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...Intelligent people don't find themselves cowardly enough to leave their additional responses in the tags!
To address your point, the River Rat Gang are their own people... mice... I merely hired them for ease of getting around the city undetected. And I did sort the sewers and waterworks out a little for my duration down there. At least I managed to make the place smell nice and look presentable - which cannot be said about you after using sauce, I take it?
Finally a site that may appreciate TRUE genius...
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