#goose and kookaburra
sclfmastery · 2 years
thoughts on joan of arc?
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A pause. A softness that is rare crosses his features.
"I already know her well."
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"I married her, you see. Might think of me as her pilgrim."
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if-i-eated-soaps · 1 year
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got bored during a lecture so i doodled some birdies
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bolloxtothat · 1 year
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drew some hack frauds as birds for fun
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bracket reveal & tournament update
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folks, we have our bracket!
SO, here’s how it’s going to work:
tumblr has an upload limit for audio files. i want to include audio files so that everyone can participate regardless of how much they already know about bird calls. SO
we’re going to do a rolling release of each match-up for round one. new matches will drop every day 12 pm est, around 6 each day. polls will be 1 week long in order to keep up with releases.
below the cut, i will list each match-up. links will be added to the polls as they post.
thanks again for your submissions & the overall interest in this bracket! i hope we have fun!
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bokutosmochi · 2 years
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bokuto kotaro x fem!reader
"two orders of ice cream sandwich for bokuto kotaro and anon please!"
ingredients? you and bokuto take a stroll through the park and meet two teenagers leading to a heartwarming misunderstanding.
what's it? fluff
allergen warnings? n/a
sugar level? 1.1k
regulars? @tokyometronetwork @tahonet
parlor's note? i made bokuto into the biggest animal lover here because,,, he seems like he would be one
bon appetit!
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as much as msby's ace player loved volleyball, there were things about off season that he has grew to appreciate too; he could visit his junior akaashi, their batch of fukurodani graduates would hold their reunion around that time, and most importantly, he had more time to hang out with you. besides, just because it was volleyball's off season doesn't mean he couldn't play the sport he was in love with, right? you and him spent many hours of your free time playing it.
"i'm so glad you have so much more free time now, kou." you hummed, leaning your head against his bicep. you had an arm around his as the both of you strolled through tennoji park in osaka.
"me too, angel!" he beamed at you, his signature grin on his face and warming up your heart. you could feel the way he loved you through the way he looked at you alone, and the thought made your heart flutter wildly in your chest.
the park you were in was so beautiful and there were so many things you could do.
they hosted the tennoji zoo which your boyfriend was too happy to indulge in. you were worried his smile would cut through the skin of his face when he caught sight of the various animals they had.
he waved countless times at the animals they had in their animals of the african savanna zone. you noticed that he seemed to be particularly fond of the egyptian goose, the lesser flamingos, the giraffe, and the red panda. he found the spotted hyena's cackles to be contagious too.
after that section was the animals of the asian tropical rainforest zone. at first, you didn't think that you've ever seen bokuto as lively as he was looking at the animals in that section such as the egyptian rousette, the japanese raccoon dog - "oh my god, baby! look at how chunky he is!" he exclaimed, tugging at the sleeve of your shirt -, the siamang, and the brown kiwi. odd as it was, he also seemed weirdly intimidated by the lion-tailed macaque.
after that, you proceeded to the section that you thought he would be the most excited for -- the aviary zone. despite the fact that they did not have any horned owls, bokuto still had a soft spot for birds. several of the birds he liked he saw in the zoo today such as the little egret which he kept on saying hello to, the common mallard, and the chinese spot-billed duck. in the surrounding section, they also had polar bears, laughing kookaburras - which he shared a quick hoot with -, and california sea lions.
but what the real highlight of bokuto's zoo experience was going to their petting zoo. remember when you thought that bokuto has never been livelier as when he was visiting the asian tropical rainforest zone? you were wrong. he was much livelier petting and making friends with the noma horses, the long earred goats, and his personal favorite, the rabbits.
bokuto was next to vibrating when you exited the tennoji zoo. glowing and with a sparkle in his sunshine toned eyes -- it matched his personality, you thought.
"gahhh!! all the animals there were so cute! i can't wait to go to another zoo! maybe we can get a dog together too?? after all, we already live together, it's gonna be so fun!" he threw his hands up in the air. "i want a big dog! and i want it to be a rescue too so we can give the doggie a second chance!"
he looked at you with wide, hopeful eyes and tilted his head to the side "what do you think?" but before you could get a word out, you were interrupted by a fan of his.
"oh my god! bokuto kotaro of msby black jackals!"
two teenage girls ran up to the both of you wearing msby jerseys. one of them was wearing atsumu's with a skirt, and the other was wearing sakusa's with a pair of pants.
"we're such big fans of you!" the exclaimed when they stopped in front of you. "my little brother even started playing volleyball because of you! he said he wanted to be as cool as you."
bokuto thanked them for their support, and ever the great role model, offered to give the girl's brother a video message; there really was a reason why your boyfriend was always the one to be chosen by msby black jackals' pr team whenever an interview or a promotional video had to be done. everyone naturally gravitated towards him and his cheerful personality, and he's just generally very likable.
you thought that you were just going to be in the background like you always were whenever bokuto was approached by fans, but you thought wrong. "hello," they greeted you. "you and bokuto are always so cute. the way you support each other? ugh!" she squealed. the person she was with laughed at her friend's behavior. "it's true! you're literally relationship goals. i'm glad bokuto put a ring on it, you seem so sweet and genuine."
immediately, your face heated up and your eyes widened. "n-no, he hasn't put a ring on it. we're not engaged or married." you laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of your head as the two girls simultaneously went ohhhh. "well, that's just another tale of online news reporters spreading untruths, i guess." she shrugged. "i'm sorry for the misunderstanding. i hope the two of you have a good rest of your day." she bowed deeply before they both walked away.
you were about to turn to bokuto to share a laugh with him because of what just happened, when you were crushed to his chest. he gave you the type of hugs you usually received whenever you take him to the airport for an away game, or the type gives you after away games that he couldn't bring you to. his signature bokuto bear hugs. "yet." he mumbled into your hair. "i haven't put a ring on it yet, but one day, you'll be mrs. bokuto! i swear you will!"
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i get: reblog
you get: owl stuffed toy
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wildflowerwoodsworld · 11 months
I don't really talk about my aus on here, but I'm pretty proud of the work I've put into this one so I thought I'd share
Nobody ask how long this took.
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As per usual, several of the ocs on this list (Nickole, Bastian, Aella, Madlyn, Ruth, Madeline, Vivian, Cornelia, Silas, Angela, Primrose, Lerola, Dalila, Levi, Sylvia, Hannah, Juniper, Silvester, Alexandra and Alderbrand) belong to the lovely @crazedstoryteller, the rest of the ocs (Fiona, Lana, Tondra and Lia) are mine, and obviously canon chracters are canon
(alternate version of the table under the cut)
Surname Name Height Bird Wingspan
Poizot Gueldre 194cm Common Ostrich 142cm
Vermillion Mimosa 161cm Beautiful Sheartail 143cm
Vermillion Kirsch 182cm Purple-Throated Carib 152cm
Unsworth Dorothy 145cm Green Peafowl 158cm
Mehmad Rhya 181cm Superb Lyrebird 168cm
Adlai Marie 135cm Eurasian Magpie 182cm
Becquerel Letoile 165cm Zebra Dove 187cm
Vermillion Nickole 168cm Rufous-collared kingfisher 191cm
Silva Nebra 170cm Buff-Breasted Paradise Kingfisher 192cm
Tenmanyashiki Fujio 176cm Anna’s Hummingbird 192cm
Florimond Bastian 176cm Turkey 202cm
Pappitson Charmy 142cm Dalmatian Pelican 216cm
Silva Acier 167cm Kookaburra 217cm
Clarkson Aella 165cm Northern Cardinal 218cm
Swallowtail Secre 152cm Anti-Bird 225cm
Francois Marx 167cm Common Grackle 226cm
Faust Morgen 180cm White-Necked Raven 228cm
Silva Nozel 177cm Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher 228cm
Faust Nacht 180cm White-Necked Raven 228cm
Fiore Madlyn 149cm European Robin 234cm
Roselei Ruth 169cm House Sparrow 235cm
Bergen Fana 162cm Baltimore oriole 236cm
Mehmad Fana 162cm Baltimore oriole 236cm
Angel Puli 168cm Tundra Swan 236cm
Wechsler Grey 159cm Kererū 238.5cm
Funar Recca 153cm European Robin 240cm
Thorncroft Madeline 171cm Black Swan 241cm
Mikuriya Fumito 176cm Eurasian Teal 241cm
Adlai Gauche 181cm Eurasian Magpie 245cm
Tium Shiren 183cm Great Potoo 245cm
Silva Solid 169cm Yellow Billed Kingfisher 246.5cm
Silva Noelle 161cm Common Kingfisher 250cm
Vaude Langris 166cm Western Tanager 253cm
Tormenta Fragil 162cm European Robin 254cm
Portaport Cob 173cm Willow Ptarmigan 256cm
Shipley Vivian 175cm European Robin 257cm
Franklin Cornelia 159cm Black-necked Grebe 257cm
Kozma Lolopechka 165cm American White Pelican 257cm
Luftair Randall 175cm Mute Swan 263cm
Libardirt Morris 177cm Mallard 267cm
Vaude Silas 173cm Hepatic Tanager 271cm
Keller Mariella 157cm Pacific Loon 271cm
Code Dominante 167cm Superb Starling 272cm
Clarkson Angela 168cm Vermilion Cardinal 274cm
Hage Asta 155cm Shining Bronze Cuckoo 275cm
Bullard Sally 160cm Pacific Loon 277cm
Roulacase Fiona 171cm Common Snipe 278cm
Marron Sol 180cm European Robin 282cm
Enoteca Vanessa 170cm Taiwan Rosefinch 283.5cm
Roselei Lerola 170cm Aztec Thrush 283cm
Roselei Primrose 175cm Varied Thrush 283cm
Holt Nash 136cm Common Kestrel 286cm
Ringard En 176cm Great Spotted Woodpecker 286cm
Roulacase Finral 172cm Great Snipe 287cm
Lister Dalila 177cm Great Spotted Woodpecker 288cm
Legolant Henry 190cm Trumpet Swan 290cm
McNamara Owen 180cm Great Spotted Woodpecker 293cm
Roe Levi 178cm American Coot 294cm
Vaude Sylvia 167cm Summer Tanager 295cm
Orfai Orsi 180cm American Coot 297cm
Hangatsuji Jozo 178cm Alpine Chough 297cm
Aquaria Lily 160cm Grey Heron 306cm
Kruger Fanzell 178cm Spur-Winged Goose 310cm
Kezokaku Ginnojomorifuyu 169cm Pygmy Falcon 313cm
Sandler Alecdora 178cm Common Cuckoo 314cm
Caseus Hamon 170cm Least Sandpiper 317cm
Starr Mars 170cm Common Starling 325cm
Gerver Hannah 169cm Chimney Swift 338cm
Ideale Zara 177cm Carrion Crow 340cm
Bronzazza Sekke 175cm Rock Dove 341cm
Rapual Theresa 162cm Common Kestrel 341cm
Salik Revchi 176cm Rock Dove 342cm
Lugner Xerx 177cm Snowy Sheathbill 345cm
Roselei Charlotte 171cm Mountain Bluebird 346cm
Voltia Luck 167cm Peregrine Falcon 348cm
Vaude Lana 168cm White Winged Tanager 349cm
Dorthonion Ladros 180cm Rock Dove 350cm
Landvik Valtos 178cm Chimney Swift 356cm
Ideale Zora 176cm Hooded Crow 357cm
Vermillion Leopold 170cm Brown Falcon 360cm
Boismortier Rill 165cm Kea 363cm
Swing Magna 169cm Gyrfalcon 364cm
Lunettes Klaus 176cm European Nightjar 371cm
Fodor Gadjah 176cm Magnificent Frigatebird 377cm
Novachrono Julius 180cm European Golden Eagle 379cm
Granvorka Kaiser 193cm Kori Buzzard 393cm
Mushogatake Yosuga 181cm Saker Falcon 400cm
Grinberryall Yuno 172cm Common Swift 404cm
Kay Juniper 170cm Great Shearwater 406cm
Sturm Tondra 167cm Barn Owl 407cm
Vermillion Mereoleona 178cm Fox Kestrel 409cm
Yami Ichika 156cm Northern Royal Albatross 414cm
Gidul Vetto 196cm California Condor 420cm
Vermillion Fuegoleon 188cm Nunkeen Kestrel 421cm
Garver Silvester 184cm Eurasian Hobby 429cm
Spirito Rades 174cm Hooded Vulture 435cm
Swallow David 175cm Tree Swallow 438cm
Imari Komari 160cm White-Throated Needletail 440cm
Mehmad Patri 172cm New Zealand Dotterel 440cm
Vangeance William 172cm New Zealand Dotterel 440cm
Vermillion Alexandra 181cm Madagascar Fish Eagle 441cm
O’oka Daizaemon 193cm Great Buzzard 453cm
Bardsley Lia 168cm White-Throated Needletail 462cm
Summerfield Jack 197cm Common Swift 464cm
Agrippa Gordon 187cm Rüppell’s Vulture 468cm
Yami Sukehiro 183cm Wandering Albatross 476cm
Vermillion Alderbrand 185cm African Fish Eagle 493cm
Ryuudou Ryuuya 182cm Amsterdam Albatross 507cm
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noelcollection · 2 years
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What comes to mind when you think of laughing animals? Hyenas? Kookaburras? Now you can add the Laughing Goose, represented in today’s illustration, to your list!
William Jardine’s The Naturalist’s Library describes John James Audobon’s encounter with Anser erythropus, also known as the White-fronted Goose:
“Audubon met with them in Kentucky, and high on the Arkanzas [sic] river; their flocks seldom exceeded above thirty or forty, and he considered them as by far the least shy of the species which are indigenous to or that visit that country. They are considered there as “delicious eating”.”
Image from:
Jardine, William. The naturalist’s library. Edinburgh: W.H. Lizars et al., 1843. Vol. 27. Catalog record: https://bit.ly/2Q98p8i
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puphoods · 1 year
birds i see: -australian magpie -currawong -magpie-lark -lorikeet -superb fairywren -house sparrow -chicken -crimson rosella -wattlebird -spotted dove -starling -common blackbird -common myna -cockatoo -pigeon -kookaburra -australian ravens and crows -purple swamphen -masked lapwing -duck -seagull -black swan -goose -
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fenneykindlefire · 5 months
My birds alphabet
Albatross Blue Jay Canary Duck Eagle Falcon Goose Hoopoe Ibis Jacana Kookaburra Lorikeet Magpie Nightingale Owl Puffin Quail Robin Sparrow Toucan Umbrellabird Vulture Woodpecker Xenops Yellowhammer Zebra Finch
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❛ say you want me, and i’m yours. ❜
"I want you."
The Doctor closes the distance between them quickly and presses her forehead to his.
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Contact, hearts.
"I want you. I want you now, I want you forever. I want you to catch me when I fall, but I also want you here to celebrate the triumphs. I want you. I want you."
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sclfmastery · 3 years
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@mostincrediblechange @sciencebeyondmagic​ 
(To take place directly after X)
The Doctor has been reassuring Bill Potts--Koschei’s prize, his rescue, his successful first attempt at heroism, his scale-tipping act of selflessness!--or so he thinks, for the past half hour.  
Zinnia has been lovingly banished back to bed, and only the old Time Lord and her friend who has returned from the grave remain in the Console Room.  
Whatever they may be discussing, whatever tears may be shed, whatever embraces exchanged, it’s rudely interrupted by a distortion in space just above their heads. Following the ripple of molecules, there’s a zapping sound, and a tempestuous clash.  And then a crash, as a familiar form falls from that spot, near the top of an amber-glowing pylon.  He lands in a pile of rags at their feet, stunned, breathing labored. 
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His skin is clammy and almost gray from weeks in a sunless environment.  He’s lost a good ten pounds.  But he’s clutching an ad-hoc vortex manipulator in one hand, which covers the other.  Beneath that occupied fist is a spattering of dark reddish-brown. 
Should either soul standing where he lays be so courageous, they’ll find the hidden hand isn’t made of organic tissue. In fact, a metallic sheen runs the length of that entire forearm.  
Thankfully, in the early days of Mondasian cyber-tech, not all conversions began with the head. 
    “....So. I may...have miscalculated.  A tad.  But they didn’t have me long, heh.”  
The Master looks up at his observers, and spots Bill.
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   “Oh, good. You got here. At least there’s that.”
His eyes close. 
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auniverseaway · 6 years
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Made a little gift for @masterfulxrhythm​ and @forgediinfire​ ♥ ♥
Don’t wait for the world to be ready. . .
                                                    Who says you can’t explore?
                                                    Who says you can’t explore?
All the MONSTERS in your head now, stare them all down
                                                                                          If they come back around, you’ll be alright.
and when the journey gets tough, just know that you’re enough
                                                       You’re like a WARRIOR, keep up the fight.
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eating3piesatonce · 6 years
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I’m drawing birds for a game that @patrickpants is making!  Here are a few of them
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Art Block Support: Winged Creatures
Use the Random Number Generator to help you make a harpy, angel or fae/fairy creature based on the following birds:
Rainbow Lorikeets
King Parrot
Condor / Eagle
Shoebill Stork
Guinea Fowl
Duck or Goose
King Vulture
Greater Prairie Chicken
Tawny Frogmouth / Pootoo
Cockatoo (Black or Sulphur Crested)
Pigeon / Dove
Seagull or Sea Tern
Any type of Finch (such cute teeny fuckers)
Butcher Bird
African Grey Parrot
Ibis / Bin Chicken
Secretary Bird
Magnificent Frigatebird
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nieded · 3 years
All right, after reading @kookaburra-laugh's fic rec list of 2021, I decided to make my own. This is in no particular order, my favorite stories I read this year (even if they all weren't written in 2021).
1. The Way We Are by @entanglednow, E, 2k
I personally enjoy stories about real sex, which is weird to write about snake!Crowley, but it certainly feels real and loving. This story is less sexy and more just romantic and supportive. It changed how I view and write Aziraphale.
2. Omens of Another Kind by WorseOmens, NR, 189k
Do you want an immersive setting with high stakes, a rich fleshed-out alternate universe full of magic and wonder? This story is so good, I couldn't put it down.
3. (Slow) Burn, Baby, Burn by orchidlocked, E, 279k
This is maybe my favorite story I have ever read, ever. I love the setting. I love that it could easily slide into a canon timeline. I love that they are still supernatural, but the emotion and stakes are so very human. This story doesn't shy away from difficult themes, and it makes the universe so rich. It doesn't hurt that it also comes with a fantastic playlist. Please, please give this a go. You will not be disappointed.
4. Curse of the Witchfinder by KitschyKit, M, 2k
I have this story under a tag in my bookmarks called, Makes Me Feel Seen. It's a story I come back to again and again about an unusual protagonist, Shadwell, and the burden he's carried throughout his life grappling with his queer identity. It's a love letter to the older generations in the LGBTQ+ community, and I love the role Crowley plays here as well.
5. out here making news by sabinelagrande, G, 1k
Featuring bastard!Aziraphale, this is the Untitled Goose Game/Good Omens crossover you didn't know you needed.
6. side effects by darcylindbergh (@forineffablereasons), E, 7k
This gut-punched me and falls under the tag Makes Me Feel Seen in a big, big way. I come back to this on the days I'm feeling my worst not because it makes me feel better but because it makes me feel less alone.
7. Faster Than a Speeding Bentley by nightbloomingcereus (@moondawntreader), M, 76k
God, this story is delightful. It has all the best comic book archetypes while still feeling true to Crowley and Aziraphale. This story scratched a huge itch I had for a good superhero AU.
8. A Shifting Spectrum of Grey, by PenroseSun, E, 21k
I can't fully express how this story makes me feel. It's aching at times and so beautifully written and explored.
9. Part and Parcel by sabinelagrande, E, 2.5k
If you haven't noticed, there's a theme in my list about identity and acceptance, and this is a very hot, hot way to go about it. I just love anything with Crowley and gender feels, and this hits the spot.
10. Dinner and Diatribes by KitschyKit, E, 8.5k
Please heed the tags. This is a love letter to consensual non-consent. It's well-written, excruciatingly hot, and so loving, but of course, it's not for everyone.
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djnomc-blog · 3 years
My Bird List
 Apostlebird, Maidenwell 3/9
Australian Brush-Turkey, passim.
Australian White Ibis, passim.
Australian Pelican, passim.
Australian Raven, passim.
Australian Ringneck (Cloncurry Parrot), Alice Springs NT 2/10
Australian Wood (Maned) Duck, Yorks Hollow Brisbane 1/07
Australasian Figbird (Imm), Banks Street Reserve 10/16
Barn Swallow, Ashgrove Brisbane 04/11
Barn Owl, Cirque du Soleil Carpark, Hendra Brisbane 11/06
Black-breasted Buzzard, Darwin NT 8/10
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike, Wilston Brisbane 03/10
Black-faced Woodswallow, Stanthorpe 8/20
Black-shouldered Kite, Byron Bay NSW 12/06
Black Currawong, Freycinet Peninsular 5/22
Black Swan, Yarraman 10/13
Blue-faced Honeyeater, passim.
Brahminy Kite, Rainbow Beach Queensland 3/10
Brown Cuckoo-Dove, North Stradbroke Island 2/19
Brown Falcon, Toowoomba 5/15
Brown Honeyeater, Darwin NT 3/10
Brown Quail, Blackbutt 2/14
Bush Stone-curlew, Oxley Brisbane 2007
Cape Barren Goose, Apollo Bay VIC 3/08
Cattle Egret, Byron Bay hinterland NSW, 12/06
Common Myna, passim.
Crimson Finch, Darwin NT, 3/10
Crimson Rosella, Apollo Bay VIC 3/08
Diamond Dove, Darwin NT 8/10
Dollarbird, Woodford Folk Festival Bird Tour Queensland, 12/06
Double-barred Finch, North Queensland 9/06
Eastern Reef Egret, Fogg Dam NT 8/10
Eastern Whipbird (immature), Byron Bay hinterland NSW 12/06
Eastern (pale-headed) Rosella, J.C. Slaughter Falls Brisbane, 4/10
Emu, in captivity and in wild.
Forest Kingfisher, Darwin NT 8/10
Forest Raven, passim TAS 5/22
Galah, in captivity and in wild.
Great Cormorant, Minnie Water NSW 2/24
Great Egret, Fogg Dam NT 8/10
Grey Butcherbird, Wilston 2/10
Grey Fantail, Eumundi QLD 3/10~
Grey Goshawk, Darwin NT 8/10
Grey-headed Honey-eater, Ross River NT 2/10
Grey Shrike-Thrush, Enoggera 4/20
House Sparrow, passim.
Intermediate Egret, Nudgee Beach Brisbane 3/10
Laughing Kookaburra, passim.
Little Black Cormorant, Rainbow Beach 12/16
Little “Brush” Wattlebird, Byron Bay lighthouse NSW 5/10
Little Penguin, Apollo Bay VIC 11/08~
Little Pied Cormorant, Hobart 5/22
Magpie Goose, Fogg Dam NT 08/10
Magpie-lark, passim
Mangrove Gerygone, Darwin NT 8/10
Masked Lapwing, passim.
Mistletoebird, Rainbow Beach QLD 3/11
Mulga Parrot, Alice Springs NT 2/10
Noisy Friarbird, passim.
Noisy Miner, passim.
Orange Footed Scrubfowl, Darwin NT 8/10~
Pacific Gull, Hobart TAS 5/22
Peaceful Dove, Darwin NT 8/10
Pheasant Coucal, Bribie Island Queensland 12/05
Pied Butcherbird, Caboolture Lakes Queensland 5/10
Pied Cormorant, Darwin NT 8/10
Pied Currawong, Byron Bay hinterland NSW 12/06
Pied Oystercatcher, Low Head TAS 5/22
Plumed Whistling Duck, Blackbutt 2/14
Purple Swamphen, Yorks Hollow Brisbane 09/09
Rainbow Lorikeet, passim.~
Red-necked Stint, North Stradbroke Island 2/19
Red Knot, Low Head TAS 5/22
Restless Flycatcher, Murwillumbah Hinterland 5/13
Rock Dove (Feral Pigeon), passim.
Royal Spoonbill, Enoggera Creek 8/07
Shining Flycatcher, Darryl's house 1/21
Silvereye, The Shed Nanango 8/23
Silver Gull, North Stradbroke Island 11/17
Southern Emu-Wren, Minnie Water NSW 2/24
Spotless Crake, South Bank 4/10~
Spotted Pardalot, North Queensland 9/06
Spotted Turtle-Dove, Enoggera Creek Brisbane 12/08
Straw-necked Ibis, Kedron Brook Brisbane 8/07
Superb Fairy-wren, Enoggera Reserve 8/17
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, passim.
Tawny Frogmouth, passim.
Torresian Crow, Maidenwell 10/13
Variegated Fairy-wren, “The Joynt” Hotel, West End Brisbane 4/10
Wedge-tailed Eagle, wedding weekend near Warwick 1/09
Wandering Albatross, Wooli Beach NSW 2/23~
Welcome Swallow, Brisbane City 2/08
White-browed Babbler, Homestead Caravan Park Nanango Queensland 02/23
White-cheeked Honey-eater, Stradbroke Island Queensland 11/07
White-faced Heron (Imm), Kedron Brook Brisbane 1/07
White-gaped Honey-eater, Darwin NT 8/10
White-headed Pigeon, Cairns 11/12
White-naped Honey-eater, Wilston Brisbane 6/09
White-winged Black Tern, Bribie Island 1/15
White-winged Chough, North Stradbroke Island 2/18
Willie Wagtail, passim.~
Yellow Oriole, Fogg Dam NT, 8/10
Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo, Mt. Glorious, 2/10
Zebra Finch, Palm Valley NT 10/08
TOTAL 104 birds 25 February 2024
1st bird - Pheasant Coucal at Bribie Island w/- Graeme Norris Xmas '05
50th bird – Brahminy Kite flying over Rainbow Beach SLC, w/- Kirsten Easter 2010
75th bird - White-headed pigeon in downtown Cairns w/- Kirsten 24/11/12
100th Bird - the White-browed Babbler - Homestead Caravan Park, Nanango 2/23
103rd and 104th birds Southern Emu Wren and Great Cormorant at Minnie Water NSW February 2024, identification assisted by Kirsten
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