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Alibaba is splitting its empire into six business divisions On the heels of founder Jack Ma being spotted in China after a year abroad, Alibaba had a major announcement to make.Read more... https://qz.com/alibaba-six-business-units-split-alphabet-1850272519
#tmall#taobao#wanlin#jackma#yuyongfu#alibabagroup#tencent#bytedance#aliexpress#companies#trudydai#business2cfinance#tmallmarketplacecompany#alibabagroupholding#googleventures#onlinemarketplaces#jiangfan#danielzhang#alphabet#googlecapital#lazadagroup#cainiao#economyofchina#Ananya Bhattacharya#Quartz
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Primeira leitura do ano. Go, go! -An act or short spell of running at full speed. Recover the time! . . . #sprint #sprintmethod #fivedays #google #test #idea #bookstagram #book #googleventure #learn #business (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYwf8wErvfV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Interesting Education Facts

Google has a venture capital fund called GV, Which has invested in more the 300 companies-including Uber, Tunein and DocuSign.
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Visual diary #7 | SIDEWALKLABS
Sidewalk Labs is a group within Alphabet that exists to solve a singular problem: to reimagine how cities can improve quality of life. Sidewalk Labs is a pilot program within Google that has partnered with the city of Toronto to explore new ideas around leveraging technology within cities. This group believes that technology has more to offer in terms of how we plan, structure, and build our cities. They are using this opportunity to test assumptions in an attempt to inspire and lead other cities around the world.
This isn't just a concept either. Sidewalk Labs will be designing a singular district in Toronto's Eastern Waterfront. Sidewalk Labs is exploring the following topics (and more!), as part of their search for the most human-centered city plan:
Sustainability. How can a cities infrastructure adapt to its surroundings and reuse energy to create a truly "climate-positive neighborhood."
People first. Parks and public areas should be more accessible, safe, and comfortable. Sidewalk Labs is investigating ways to leverage emerging technologies to ensure their model makes the best use of existing infrastructures.
Communities. Take a holistic approach to social services to ensure all people have what they need at an affordable price.
Digital transformation. Technology has come a long way since most of our cities were built. How can we leverage the tremendous progress we have made to address the mounting problems our cities are facing?
I think Alphabet is a design leader, utilizing this group to explore huge problems that will face future generations. They weren’t assigned or commissioned to take this on. They saw the problem and realized they had the potential to offer a solution. That responsibility and self-awareness are the traits of a design leader.
Bliss, Laura (2019, Feb 25). Critics Vow to Block Sidewalk Labs' Controversial Smart City in Toronto. [Weblog post] Retrieved from https://www.citylab.com/equity/2019/02/block-sidewalk-labs-quayside-toronto-smart-city-resistance/583477/
Sidewalk Labs. https://www.sidewalklabs.com/
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#아침독서노트 #018 #sprint #google #1daySprint #theFlow #startup #leanStartup 스타트업씬 에서 필독서로 항상 언급되는 책은 린스타트업 비즈니스모델제너레이션 #블루오션전략 #모멘텀이펙트 #스타트업바이블 #마케팅불변의법칙 #제로투원 #디퍼런트 #스틱 #매칭 #권도균의스타트업경영수업 #쫄지말고창업 😌 등등이 있다. 문득 떠오른 책들만 적어봤지만 전부 필독서로 지정해도 될만큼 좋은 책들이다. 이미 알고 있거나 이미 몇 년 전에 읽어봤다 한들 다시 한 번 리뷰하면 반드시 새로운 인사이트를 얻을 수 있다고 확신한다. 독서의 가장 큰 즐거움은 한 권의 책을 다독하는데에 있다고 확신하기에 강권하는 바이다. 다만 잘 언급되지 않는 한 권의 책이 있어 오늘 소개하고자 한다. #googleVentures 의 #JakeNepp 이 쓴 #googleSprint #구글스프린트 라는 책이다. 저자는 #최적화작업 에 미쳐있는 괴짜였는데 뭐 늘상 그렇듯이 #구글 에는 이런 괴짜들이 모이게 된다. 🤣 구글에 입사 후 그의 최적화작업은 이내 프로세스로 귀결되며, 스타트업이나 프로젝트의 프로토타입 제작을 위한 최적화작업을 완성해낸다. 2012년에 구글에서 처음 시도했고, 반복적으로 사용하고 개선하며 쌓은 노하우들을 집대성 한 책이 바로 구글스프린트가 되겠다. 경영, 마케팅, 스마트워크 ( 협업툴 , 프로세스 ) 를 컨설팅하는 내 입장에서는 미친듯이 땡기는 책이기에 번역서가 출간되기 이전부터 애정했던 책이다. 컨설턴트로서 고객들에게 제품이나 서비스의 프로토타입을 일주일만에 출시할 수 있다고 얘기하거나 기존에 하던 일이 있기에 한 달이 걸릴 것 같다는 식으로 얘기하면 그게 가능하냐는 식의 반응을 자주 접한다. 그렇게 갸우뚱 하면서 시작한 스프린트는 한 달 뒤에 확신으로 변한다. 그 과정은 사실 이 구글스프린트 프로세스의 변형이며, 누구나 적용할 수 있는 최적의 시스템이라 자부한다. 스타트업 뿐만 아니라 #개인사업자 #소상공인 #자영업자 #부케프로젝트 #글쓰기 등등 모든 프로젝트에 적용이 가능하다. 구글 기준에서 하나의 프로젝트는 우리가 상상하는 것 이상으로 스케일 크므로 중간 단계가 매우 복잡하고 정보와 데이터를 방대하게 모은 뒤에 토론을 하고 조언을 구해야 하지만, 소규모 프로젝트는 1daySprint 로 충분히 가능하다. 일단 스케일이 작고, 기존에 이미 수많은 정보와 데이터가 쌓여있고, 해당 프로젝트에 대한 계획이 어느 정도 잡혀있는 경우가 대부분이기에 가능하다. 이번 주말 일요일에 간만에 #1daySprint 를 달린다. 그날의 최적화 작업을 위해, 놓친 것이 있는가 검토하기 위해, 다시 한번 구글스프린트를 리뷰하는 중에 끄적여본다. 몇 번의 1daySprint 를 하면서 충분히 최적화작업이 된다면, 이 또한 하나의 컨설팅 서비스로 런칭하게 될 것임을 알리며 글을 마친다. 혹여 자신이 아직은 미완성인 1daySprint 의 실험체가 되어 자신의 프로젝트의 프로토타입을 만들어보고 싶다면 편하게 연락주시면 됩니다. [email protected] asap!! 😈 (at 반포 한강 공원) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChaoHJzBSWZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Meu Tempo, Meu Espaço… SPRINT, uma leitura magnífica, borá lá sair fora da caixinha😎 #sprint #jakeknapp #googleventuressprint #googleventures #arquitetura #arquitecture https://www.instagram.com/p/CVqYlH2rCUw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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¿Necesitas #diseñar y #validar una idea de negocio o alguna funcionalidad de un producto o servicio? La mejor opción que tienes es implementar un DESIGN SPRINT. Esta metodología es usada a nivel mundial por empresas grandes y pequeñas como una herramienta para la #innovación y la resolución de problemas y uno de los procesos más comentados actualmente. #DesignSprint #4days #googleventures #metodología Ver más en: https://medium.com/design-sprint-academy Aplica Design Sprint en remoto (Miro): https://miro.com/templates/remote-design-sprint/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFR8agMnzk/?igshid=81oiw9lrasfg
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What is a Google Design Sprint and How it Works?
Philippe Antoine did a tempting job showing the Design Sprint methodology on Google booth at Vivatech last May. What is the Google Design Sprint approach? It’s a 5 days framework, merging Design Thinking with Lean Startup, to be in motion from a customer problem to a series of creative ideas, and a tested prototype. In further words, it helps answer serious business questions through user testing and rapid prototyping.
What’s a Google Design Sprint?
It was created by Google Ventures about 5 years ago, and the Design Sprint framework is a foundation of the understanding of Design Thinking. Design Sprint is a 5-day process for answering serious business questions through prototyping, design and testing ideas with customers and final users, basically, a method to solve design problems speedily.
The Design Sprint is operated by the Sprint Master who is responsible for the event, and also accountable of the team, leading them in the direction of a much higher level of satisfaction and of deliverables. The main goal of the Sprint Master is to spot the challenges the team must be solving and also invite the right aptitude for the Design Sprint.
How Google Design Sprint Works?
The Sprint Master starts identifying the problem and once the definition of the problem is revealed, the Spring Masterworks in 6 problem-solving ways to decide the challenge.
Six Problem Solving Ways
1. Understand:-
Understand to be understood. The initial part of the Sprint requires tempting the right people to split business goals, user need, and technology capability. The aim of this stage is to increase the understanding of the product/project.
Understand: The team plans out the problem to spotlight on, and joins under a shared brain; this phase involves lightning talks, which are 20 to 25-minutes sessions set by knowledge experts, as well as the “How might we” note-taking process, and likeness mapping; the team puts himself in the shoes of the user with empathy building exercises, consumer journey mapping, user interviews, and accomplishment metrics.
2. Diverge/Sketch:-
Anything is possible. Participants in the Design Sprint ought to discover every one of the possible solutions to the user problems. Sketch answers on paper: produce a broad range of ideas, and narrow down them to a decide on group; team members are provided space and time to come up with solutions on their own: they can gaze to comparable problems for inspiration, boost idea generation, take note share and choose, and slender down to one well-defined idea for each person, generating their own detailed Solution draft.
3. Decide:-
Time to evaluate all ideas and cast your vote for the best options as a team. Make your ideas into testable theory, and Decide as a team what to sample to answer your sprint questions, after the presentation of person solution sketch, the team will spot the assumptions it wants to test, vote, and pick a direction; a decision medium can help the team calculate ideas.
4. Prototype:-
Prototyping and checking without investing a bunch of money, time, or resources. Prototype only what you need to authorize your ideas in a very little time; hammers out a sensible prototype, a facade of the knowledge you have imagined in the sketch phase. Propose the barest minimum but working prototype, taking benefit for instance of an app that alters pictures of a storyboard hooked on clickable UI, imagine of your prototype as experimentation in order to test out the theory.
5. Validate:-
Lets the team learn several ways to create in a new form, but also hears each other’s points of view on their own designs. Test the prototype with an actual live human, and validate. The team lastly gets to observe live users interact with their ideas and listen to direct feedback from the target audience. Each one on the team observes the Validation sessions: inspecting your users try out the model is the best way to discover chief issues with your design, which in return lets you start iterating immediately. In addition, the team can put in order an evaluation to gather feedback from Leadership Stakeholders and Technical Experts.
If you are curious to know more about Google Design Sprint, then just visit our site - https://blog.digitalogy.co/what-is-a-google-design-sprint-and-how-it-works/
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Riddellはプロフットボール選手用ヘルメット部品の量産のためCarbonと提携 https://idarts.co.jp/3dp/carbon-l1-riddell-speedflex-precision-diamond-helmet/ #3dprinter #3dprinting #carbon #L1 #riddell #GoogleVentures #HydraVentures #GEVentures #EmersonElemental #シリコンバレー #3Dプリンタ #スタートアップ #3Dプリンティング #additivemanufacturing https://www.instagram.com/p/Btdk4pmHdPE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qhslmq2nd9nc
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Today we‘re talking about the journey of a founder and how it can be lonely at times. Something that most founders and CEO‘s aren‘t thinking about is what happens once they do get funded.
This can be troubling or emotionally challenging in more ways that you realize. The problem with this is that not being prepared for this can jeopardize your funding in a way that can have you lose or burn through all of it in a fraction of the amount of time that it took you to get it.
The crazy part is that you‘ll be even worse off at this point than you were when you simply didn‘t have it.
Today you‘ll learn about:
-Why you need to get good at public speaking even if you‘re already funded
-Why you need to ensure that you‘re the leader you need to be before you get funded
-What you need to make certain you‘re doing now, before you get funded, so that you don‘t lose your funding once you do get it.
Go to http://www.PublicSpeakingPros.net/Apply to book a call with me and determine how I can help you get funded, have less anxiety, speak with confidence or simply not feel so alone.
Looking forward! -JB
#SoundCloud#music#JB Public Speaking Coach and Consultant#Tech#techcrunch#publicspeaking#publicspeakingtips#publicspeakingmastery#publicspeakingcoaching#publicspeakingcoach#coach#publicspeakingworkshop#andreessenhorowitz#menloventures#googleventure#peterlevine#executivecoaching#leadershiptraining#leadershipdevelopment#leadership#startups#developers & startups#technology#sequoiacapital#marketing#funding#venturecapital#investors
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FYI. #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurs #entrepreneurlifestyle #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneurquotes #entrepreneurial #entrepreneurslife #entrepreneurstyle #entrepreneurmotivation #entrepreneurtips #entrepreneursofinstagram #entrepreneurialmindset #entrepreneurwoman #entrepreneurquote #success #entrepreneurspirit #entrepreneurgoals #entrepreneurmom #entrepreneurship101 #entrepreneurmind #entrepreneurtip #inspiration #motivation #business #motivationalquotes #entrepreneurn #entrepreneuress #businessowner @brunomars @stark.io @googleventures (at San Diego, California)
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#googletrustedphotographer #GoogleToolbar #googlehangouts #googled #googlemybulbul #googlefiber #googlelamak #googlesnapseed #GoogleApp #googleupdate #googlestore #googlehomemax #googledevelopers #googleadvertising #googleio #GoogleUs #googleimage #googletez #googlecar #googlepremierpartner #googlepr #googlebusinessview #googlekeep #googleventures #googleexpress #googlesearchconsole #googledesign #googlenikcollection #googlefacts #googleforentrepreneurs (at Manassas, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0yzAtUnpLw/?igshid=fvekvk1fbyp3
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Aquele workshop que será um estouro. 💣💥 #designsprint #designthinking #googleventures #ideiascriativas #inovação #vsco
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From the Bluebirds Mouth
RT:StartupGrind: RT DerekjAndersen: Kicking off StartupGrind Europe right. Full room for thulme (googleventures) #SGEurope https://t.co/pSKpNw2TPX Kicking off StartupGrind Europe right. Full room for thulme (googleventures) #SGEurope pic.twitter.com/zoE3vRnXAk — Derek Anderse…
— Pete Biggam (@petebiggam) June 6, 2019
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Great PILLOWS! New order here NOW!!#caymanislands #pillows #sevenmilebeach #camanabay #pillow #beach #beachhouse #homestyle #homedecor #homeart #makeartthatsells #islandlife #islandliving #throws #funpillows #beachfun #entrepreneur #yachtlife #yachtclub #islandliving #cushions @shopvida #googleventures #fashiontimes #thenextweb https://www.instagram.com/p/BZn6m-bFSo6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tc0e1ppm2acc
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2017.4.30.0 | I knew I liked this book... #sprint @googleventures #oceanseleven #hustle (at Starbucks)
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