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portokoza · 6 years ago
العبارات البحرية.. وسيلة النقل الأكثر راحة في إسطنبول
العبارات البحرية.. وسيلة النقل الأكثر راحة في إسطنبول
تعد وسيلة العبارات في مدن تركيا لاسيما مدينة إسطنبول الكبيرة الأكثر راحة وموفرة للوقت مقارنة بباقي وسائل النقل، كما تتميز بأنها تربط بين معظم مدن البلاد.
وفي مدينة إسطنبول فمتثل العبارات عنصرا هاما في وسائل النقل، حيث تنقل الأشخاص بين جانبي المدينة الآسيوي والأوروبي، إذ توفر وقتا كبيرا للمتنقلين بين الجانبين، بسبب الزخم المروري الذي تغص به شوارع المدينة، لاسيما في مواسم السياحة في الربيع والصيف.
وتشتهر مدينة إسطنبول بإقبال كبير للسياح من مختلف الجنسيات، فتشهد طرق وجسور المدينة زخما كبيرا في مواسم السياحة، فيصبح استخدام العبارة في بالغ الأهمية، حيث تنقل السياح والمواطنين داخل إسطنبول وتسهل حركتهم.
العبارات في إسطنبول
تمتاز العبارات البحرية في المدينة الكبيرة بالراحة الكبيرة التي توفرها للمتنقلين والسياح، كما تتميز بأنها لا تشترط الحاجة إلى الحجز المسبق كما المتعارف عليه في خط عبارات باقي مدن تركيا.
ويحتاج المتنقل بتلك العبارات إلى قطع تذكرة من نقاط مخصصة تنتشر على أرصفة الميناء، أو عن طريق استخدام الكارت المخصص (Akpil)، أو كارت اسطنبول الخاص بالمواصلات، باستثناء الرحلات المخصصة بجولة البوسفور، لأنها محددة بدفع نقدي.
جداول الرحلات
أما الجداول الخاصة برحلات وسيلة النقل العبارات، فيوجد لكل جهة عبارات بحرية متنوعة، وأماكن محددة للإقلاع، وكذلك مواعيد محددة، حيث يتم تطبيق تلك المواعيد بجداول زمنية مختلفة حسب مواسم السنة، ويتم طباعة الجداول المخصصة وتوزع على شكل كتيبات وتتم بلغتين التركية والإنجليزية، وكذلك تنشر عبر الموقع الإلكترونى الخاص بشركة العبارات المعروفة “ايدو”، وذلك من خلال الرابط التالي: https://www.ido.com.tr 
ما هي أبرز موانئ مدينة إسطنبول؟
– ميناء أمينونو (Eminönü): هو ميناء العبارات الرئيس داخل مدينة إسطنبول، حيث يوفر رحلات عديدة بالعبارات البحرية وإلى محطات متنوعة ومختلفة داخل المدينة، كما يحوي الميناء على أربعة أرصفة:
القرن الذهبى
رصيف مخصص للرحلات المتجهه إلى جزر الأميرات (Prens Adaları)
– ميناء ينى كابى (Yenikapı): هو ميناء بحري في مدينة إسطنبول، ويوفر هذا الميناء رحلات متنوعة إلى خارج المدينة، ��ذلك بين إسطنبول وبعض المدن التركية، ومن أبرز وأشهر رحلاته إلى: يلوا، وبورصة.
ما هي أنواع العبارت في إسطنبول؟
تنتشر في مدينة إسطنبول الكبيرة ثلاث أنواع مختلفة من العبارات البحرية، وهي:
1- العبارة (FERRY): لهذه العبارات ميزات تنفرد بها، ألا وهي الرحلات المتوفرة كل (20) دقيقة، وكذلك الأسعار المناسبة والتي تبلغ 1,5 إلى 3 ليرات تركية، باستثناء رحلة مضيق البوسفور حيث يبلغ أجرها 20 ليرة تركية.
وتبدأ أولى رحلات هذه العبارات فى الساعة 7 صباحا، وتتابع الرحلات حتى نهاية اليوم، أي وقت متأخر من المساء. وتستوعب خلال الرحلة الواحدة بين 700 شخص إلى نحو 2100، كما يمكن دفع أجرة الركوب بواسطة كارت المواصلات (مسبقة الدفع).
ومن أشهر بواخر هذه الخطوط:
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محطات عبارة Ferry في القسم الأوروبى:
وتكون رحلة هذه العبارات المذكورة أعلاه، مباشرة باتجاه محطة كاديكوى (Kadıköy) في القاسم الآسيوي من مدينة إسطنبول.
2- العبارات البحرية الخاصة: وهي تتبع شركات خاصة وتتميز بالسرعة، و هى أصغر حجما من عبارات Ferry ، وتتميز بأنها أسرع وأكثر راحة من باقي العبارات، كما تحوي علةى وسائل تكنولوجية متطورة.
وتوجد العبارات الخاصة فى نفس الموانئ والمحطات في المدينة، أي بجانب عبارات Ferry، ويمكن الركوب في هذه العبارات باستخدام بطاقات الدفع الإلكترونية (مسبقة الدفع)، كما تقبل الدفع نقدا.
أما أكثر الأماكن التي تنتشر فيها العبارات الخاصة، وهي منطقة كارتل، كما توفر رحلات خاصة إلى جزر الأميرات، وتوفر أيضا إمكانية حجز عبارات خاصة لكروبات ورحلات خاصة سياحية أو طلابية.
3- عبارات نقل السيارات: وهي تلك العبارات التي تقتصر على نقل السيارات، وهي من أسهل وسائل للتنقل بين قسمي مدينة إسطنبول الكبيرة: الأوروبي والآسيوى، كما تعد الوسيلة الأكثر راحة لاسيما للنقل الثقيل والحمولات الكبيرة، حيث توفر هذه العبارات الوقت والجهد و بخاصة فى أوقات الزخم في شوارع المدينة.
وتنتشر نقاط خاصة لبيع تذاكر وبطاقات الدفع الإلكترونية للمواصلات الخاصة بهذه العبارات، ويمكن الدفع قبل الدخول إلى الموانئ الخاصة بتلك العبارات.
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istanbul-apartments-blog · 6 years ago
العبارات البحرية.. وسيلة النقل الأكثر راحة في إسطنبول
العبارات البحرية.. وسيلة النقل الأكثر راحة في إسطنبول
تعد وسيلة العبارات في مدن تركيا لاسيما مدينة إسطنبول الكبيرة الأكثر راحة وموفرة للوقت مقارنة بباقي وسائل النقل، كما تتميز بأنها تربط بين معظم مدن البلاد.
وفي مدينة إسطنبول فمتثل العبارات عنصرا هاما في وسائل النقل، حيث تنقل الأشخاص بين جانبي المدينة الآسيوي والأوروبي، إذ توفر وقتا كبيرا للمتنقلين بين الجانبين، بسبب الزخم المروري الذي تغص به شوارع المدينة، لاسيما في مواسم السياحة في الربيع والصيف.
وتشتهر مدينة إسطنبول بإقبال كبير للسياح من مختلف الجنسيات، فتشهد طرق وجسور المدينة زخما كبيرا في مواسم السياحة، فيصبح استخدام العبارة في بالغ الأهمية، حيث تنقل السياح والمواطنين داخل إسطنبول وتسهل حركتهم.
العبارات في إسطنبول
تمتاز العبارات البحرية في المدينة الكبيرة بالراحة الكبيرة التي توفرها للمتنقلين والسياح، كما تتميز بأنها لا تشترط الحاجة إلى الحجز المسبق كما المتعارف عليه في خط عبارات باقي مدن تركيا.
ويحتاج المتنقل بتلك العبارات إلى قطع تذكرة من نقاط مخصصة تنتشر على أرصفة الميناء، أو عن طريق استخدام الكارت المخصص (Akpil)، أو كارت اسطنبول الخاص بالمواصلات، باستثناء الرحلات المخصصة بجولة البوسفور، لأنها محددة بدفع نقدي.
جداول الرحلات
أما الجداول الخاصة برحلات وسيلة النقل العبارات، فيوجد لكل جهة عبارات بحرية متنوعة، وأماكن محددة للإقلاع، وكذلك مواعيد محددة، حيث يتم تطبيق تلك المواعيد بجداول زمنية مختلفة حسب مواسم السنة، ويتم طباعة الجداول المخصصة وتوزع على شكل كتيبات وتتم بلغتين التركية والإنجليزية، وكذلك تنشر عبر الموقع الإلكترونى الخاص بشركة العبارات المعروفة “ايدو”، وذلك من خلال الرابط التالي: https://www.ido.com.tr 
ما هي أبرز موانئ مدينة إسطنبول؟
– ميناء أمينونو (Eminönü): هو ميناء العبارات الرئيس داخل مدينة إسطنبول، حيث يوفر رحلات عديدة بالعبارات البحرية وإلى محطات متنوعة ومختلفة داخل المدينة، كما يحوي الميناء على أربعة أرصفة:
القرن الذهبى
رصيف مخصص للرحلات المتجهه إلى جزر الأميرات (Prens Adaları)
– ميناء ينى كابى (Yenikapı): هو ميناء بحري في مدينة إسطنبول، ويوفر هذا الميناء رحلات متنوعة إلى خارج المدينة، وذلك بين إسطنبول وبعض المدن التركية، ومن أبرز وأشهر رحلاته إلى: يلوا، وبورصة.
ما هي أنواع العبارت في إسطنبول؟
تنتشر في مدينة إسطنبول الكبيرة ثلاث أنواع مختلفة من العبارات البحرية، وهي:
1- العبارة (FERRY): لهذه العبارات ميزات تنفرد بها، ألا وهي الرحلات المتوفرة كل (20) دقيقة، وكذلك الأسعار المناسبة والتي تبلغ 1,5 إلى 3 ليرات تركية، باستثناء رحلة مضيق البوسفور حيث يبلغ أجرها 20 ليرة تركية.
وتبدأ أولى رحلات هذه العبارات فى الساعة 7 صباحا، وتتابع الرحلات حتى نهاية اليوم، أي وقت متأخر من المساء. وتستوعب خلال الرحلة الواحدة بين 700 شخص إلى نحو 2100، كما يمكن دفع أجرة الركوب بواسطة كارت المواصلات (مسبقة الدفع).
ومن أشهر بواخر هذه الخطوط:
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محطات عبارة Ferry في القسم الأوروبى:
وتكون رحلة هذه العبارات المذكورة أعلاه، مباشرة باتجاه محطة كاديكوى (Kadıköy) في القاسم الآسيوي من مدينة إسطنبول.
2- العبارات البحرية الخاصة: وهي تتبع شركات خاصة وتتميز بالسرعة، و هى أصغر حجما من عبارات Ferry ، وتتميز بأنها أسرع وأكثر راحة من باقي العبارات، كما تحوي علةى وسائل تكنولوجية متطورة.
وتوجد العبارات الخاصة فى نفس الموانئ والمحطات في المدينة، أي بجانب عبارات Ferry، ويمكن الركوب في هذه العبارات باستخدام بطاقات الدفع الإلكترونية (مسبقة الدفع)، كما تقبل الدفع نقدا.
أما أكثر الأماكن التي تنتشر فيها العبارات الخاصة، وهي منطقة كارتل، كما توفر رحلات خاصة إلى جزر الأميرات، وتوفر أيضا إمكانية حجز عبارات خاصة لكروبات ورحلات خاصة سياحية أو طلابية.
3- عبارات نقل السيارات: وهي تلك العبارات التي تقتصر على نقل السيارات، وهي من أسهل وسائل للتنقل بين قسمي مدينة إسطنبول الكبيرة: الأوروبي والآسيوى، كما تعد الوسيلة الأكثر راحة لاسيما للنقل الثقيل والحمولات الكبيرة، حيث توفر هذه العبارات الوقت والجهد و بخاصة فى أوقات الزخم في شوارع المدينة.
وتنتشر نقاط خاصة لبيع تذاكر وبطاقات الدفع الإلكترونية للمواصلات الخاصة بهذه العبارات، ويمكن الدفع قبل الدخول إلى الموانئ الخاصة بتلك العبارات.
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fettereise · 2 years ago
Das zweite Kapitel (nach der mühsamen Vorbereitung): die Anreise!
Wir hatten es vorausgesehen, und es ist eingetreten: Die Anreise war ganz schön fürchterlich und anstrengend. Okay okay, wir wollten günstiger fliegen als für 2000€ pro Person und haben deswegen eine semioptimale Verbindung in Kauf genommen. Aber wir hätten drauf verzichten können...
dass in Istanbul alles drunter und drüber geht, das Gate gerade dann gewechselt wird, wenn wir gerade nach einem schnellen schweißtreibenden Fußmarsch das erste am Arsch der Heide liegende Gate erreicht hatten, und der Weiterflug nach Ulanbaataar anderthalb Stunden Verspätung hat
dass auf dem Flug von Istanbul nach Ulanbaataar (auch Chinggis-Khaan, wer wusste, dass das nicht nur ein Song ist?!) zwei mongolische Profiwrestlerinnen hinter uns saßen, die sich tierisch laut unterhielten und ständig die Füße von hinten an unsere Sitze drückten
endlich in Tokio angekommen Torbens Rucksack leider weit und breit nicht zu sehen war.
Natürlich war die weite Reise auch einfach sehr ermüdend, und nachdem der fehlende Rucksack am Flughafen aufgenommen worden war und auch diese Aufregung verflog, konnten wir uns kaum noch auf den Beinen halten.
Allerdings sollte uns noch die bisher größte Herausforderung blühen: der öffentliche Nahverkehr in Tokio. Wir stolpern aus der Ankunftshalle in den Keller zu den Zügen und uns trifft spontan der Schlag. Ich fühle neben betäubender Müdigkeit nun auch noch völlige Sinnesüberforderung. Es ist stickig, heiß, eng, und voller von Menschen, als ich irgendeinen Bahnhof jemals erlebt habe. Überall sind bunte Schilder voller Schriftzeichen, die wir nicht lesen können. Ich sehe Fahrkartenautomaten, die dreimal so viel Knöpfe, Schlitze und Fächer haben, wie selbst die Deutsche Bahn es für nötig hält. Außerdem gibt es nicht nur Züge, sondern auch die Metro, die Subway, Schnellzüge, bullet trains, Sonderzüge zu und von den Flughäfen usw. Da hilft nur eins: an dem Schalter gehen und fragen. Dank Google Maps wissen wir immerhin, wo wir hinmüssen. Wir lernen direkt die erste und wichtigste Lektion: Wenn der Reiseführer sagt, dass Japan ein Bargeldland ist und fast niemand Englisch spricht, sollte man das ernst nehmen. Fahrkarten nur gegen Bargeld, und auch diese kleine Info benötigt Hand-Fuß-Kommunikation. Glücklicherweise ist der Bankautomat direkt nebenan, und nach einigem Suchen finden wir auch direkt den richtigen Zug. Dieser ist so stark klimatisiert, dass ich meinen Pulli anziehen muss - so wird es uns hier noch öfter ergehen. Anders ist die schwüle Hitze manchmal kaum auszuhalten.
Eine gute Stunde später kommen wir endlich an, finden dank Torbens Orientierung das Hotel direkt und beziehen das Zimmer. Es ist winzig und etwas dunkel, aber blitzsauber und gut ausgestattet, und das Bett ist ausreichend bequem. Wir machen noch einen kleinen Spaziergang, der Nudelsuppe und Bier mit einschließt, und fallen dann todmüde ins Bett.
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Ab morgen dann mehr Bilder, versprochen!
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sandnspice · 1 year ago
Istanbul Airport-City Transfer - Bus and metro travel options To avoid the expense of taxis, when planning our visit to Istanbul we decided to arrange our own Istanbul airport-city transfer... #Istanbul #Bus #metro #airport #city #transfer
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burakurnaz · 3 years ago
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geçen hafta istanbuldaydım. tersten giderek anlatıcam:
asıl gitme amacım yıllar önce, 2017'de keşfettiğim bir kadının nihayet türkiyeye geldiği konseriydi. müziği, sözleri, enerjisi harika. galiba 2017de, istanbuldan aktarma yaptığı postunu görünce ankaraya konser için davet etmiştim ve umarız gelirim gibi cevap vermişti. şimdi ise dünya turnesinin ilk konseri için istanbula geldi. innanılmaz
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konser çıkışı mekanın önünde beklerken hayranı olduğum iki kadını daha gördüm. mutluluktan kafayı yiycektim ya harika bir geceydi. merve özgüle de oradaydı ama hiç dinlemedim kendisini. orada da ankaradan iki kişiyle karşılaştım.
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önceki gece dans gösterisi izlemek için kadir has'a gittim. dans gösterisi izlemeye taa kadir has'a gittim? hayır, hem metninde hem de içeriğinde politik de tavrı olan eğlenceli bir gösteri izlemeye gittim
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ilk gün, yıllardır gitmek istediğim bir sanat etkinliği vardı. şansıma tarihleri bana denk geldi ama google maps yolu yanlış tarif edip beni bambaşka bir yere yürüttüğü için galeri kapanmadan yetişemedim.
at gibi bir istanbul tatili geçirdim. konserin biletini aylar öncesinden almıştım. o zamanlar hayatımın şu anki değişimlerinin hiçbir işareti yoktu, hatta sevgilim bile vardı. konser haftası acaba gitmesem mi diye düşünüyordum. son anda trende bilet buldum, oteli ayarladım, arkadaşlara haber verdim. her şey son anda oldu.
bir sürü ankaralıyla karşılaştım. o hafta ankaradaki çevrem istanbuldaymış. sürekli takıldığım mekandan tanıdığım iki arkadaş da gelmişler, birisi konserin ilk gecesine gitmiş. taa 2019da amelies'te çalışırkenki arkadaşla yeniköy marmaray da aynı vagona binerken karşılaşıp aynı yht istasyonuna gitmek ve 1 saat aralıklı trenlerimizi beklerken harika vakit geçirmek nirvana oldu.
istanbulda metro, tramvay, marmaray bunları kullanın arkadaşlar. yaşayanlar için nasıl bilmiyorum ama tatil için gidecekler güzergahlarınızı bunlara odaklayın. bir de istanbulda google maps yaya olarak yol tarif etmede kafası karışıyor ama toplu taşıma ile mükemmel çalışıyor. hepsinin saatlerini falan tam olarak gösteriyor, kullanın kaybolmazsınız.
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fikr · 6 years ago
Anak Tropis bertemu Salju di Bursa ~
(Perjalanan Turki 5~Bursa)
Selasa, 19 Februari 2019
Pukul 07.00 est di hari selasa, 19 Februari 2019. Adzan subuh berkumandang. Kubuka gorden jendela di sampingku. Langit masih gelap, suhu menunjukkan 1° celsius dari layar ponselku. Saat itu kami benar-benar masih kelelahan. Rencana kami untuk berangkat setelah subuh, mundur beberapa jam untuk mengisi tenaga.
Selesai berkemas pukul 10.00 est kami berangkat, menuju kota pertama tujuan kami, Kota bursa. Kota yang ditempuh dengan lama kisaran 3 sampai 4 jam dari kota Istanbul.
Dari rumah esra, kami angkat koper menuruni 5 lantai. Naik otobüsü (busway) menuju halte metro şirinevler. Pagi itu otobüsü penuh dengan para penumpang. Aku sendiri pun juga harus menjaga keseimbangan. Di samping itu ada koper yang harus kujaga juga keseimbangannya agar tidak terjatuh. Ah, di tikungan fly over hampir saja aku terjatuh.
Setelah beberapa menit dan sedikit kemacetan, kami sampai di halte şirinevler. kami ingin mengisi saldo istanbulkart. Karena uang yang kami bawa masih terbilang cukup besar nominalnya. Akhirnya bella berinisiatif untuk menukar uang di bread shop samping pintu masuk metro. Ternyata tidak bisa, karena sistem pembayarannya memakai mesin. Wah.. tidak akan keliru dalam menghitung donk.
Akhirnya bella membeli 2 buah roti simit dan satu kotak kecil susu. Ya.. sekalian mengganjal perut. Agak lapar saat itu, meski sudah sarapan roti dan telur. Tentu masih lapar donk, kurang afdhol kalau tidak makan nasi.
Saat menunggu metro aku melihat kucing berbaring di kursi tunggu. Tidak hanya aku yang memperhatikannya. Bapak-bapak di sekitarnya juga mendekatinya. Aku mencoba mendekatinya, tapi dia bangun, sontak aku langsung terkejut. Bapak yang duduk disamping kucing tadi tertawa dan berkata padaku dalam bahasa turki. Entahlah aku tidak tahu artinya. Aku hanya membalasnya dengan senyum.
Metro yang mengantar kami menuju stasiun otogar sudah datang. Kutarik koper menuju dalam metro. Berdiri di pojok sambil memegangi koper. Beberapa menit sampai di stasiun otogar tujuan kami.
Keluar pintu, biah sudah berjalan duluan memandu jalan kami. Di otogar sudah banyak counter perusahaan bus berjejer. Segala macam tujuan antar kota ada. Kami memilih "Metro Bus". Aku dan bella duduk di kursi, biah yang bertransaksi dengan petugas diantara meja panjang yang memisahkan mereka.
Beberapa menit setelah itu biah berjalan menuju kami yang sedang duduk dengan membawa tiket. 1 orang dikenai biaya 50 tl (Turkish Lira) dengan keberangkatan pukul 10.30 est.
Oia semua bus antar kota di Turki berfasilitas seperti pesawat. Di tiap kursinya ada Lcd tv layar sentuh. Ada Pramugara mengantar makanan ringan dan aneka minuman yang tersedia di rak. Serta fasilitas wi-fi yang membantuku berkomunikasi. Karena kami belum membeli sim card telepon genggam.
Di tengah perjalanan aku menonton film "between us". Sesekali tanganku mengetik beberapa pesan pada Mr.Ibrahim. dia orang asli Turki istrinya asli Indonesia yang kukenal lewat sosial media. Dialah yang akan menemani kami selama 1 hari di Bursa.
1 jam berlalu, Mr. Ibrahim menanyakan di mana posisi kami. Kukirimkan lokasi tepat kami melalui google map. Dia memberi tahu bahwa kami masih di istanbul. Aku sedikit terkejut.
"Sudah selama ini kenapa masih di istanbul?", fikirku.
Setelah kulihat, ternyata bus ini menjemput penumpang lain dulu di beberapa titik terminal di istanbul. Setelah 1 jam selesai, barulah bus ini keluar kota menuju bursa. Jadi kesimpulan dari prediksiku adalah, perjalanan 3 jam ketika sudah keluar dari kota istanbul. Jadi kemungkinan total perjalanan 4 jam dan kami sampai Bursa sore hari.
Sepanjang perjalanan aku sedikit merasa gelisah.
"Padahal kami ingin puas bermain salju, kalau kesorean begini bagaimana ya?",Gumamku.
Bagaimanapun semua sudah terjadi, ini diluar prediksi manusia. Segala apapun yang terjadi sudah kupikir bahwa semua ini atas KuasaNya. Lagipula juga wajar kami terlalu capek karena baru sampai Turki semalam.
Sampai terminal atau dalam istilah turkinya "otogar" pukul 15.00 est. Otogar di bursa bagus tempatnya tertutup, jadi tak perlu kedinginan menunggu di musim dingin. Lalu banyak counter bus dan beraneka macam kedai makanan. Ada juga mini market yang menjual souvenir maupun camilan.
Sampai sana kami ke toilet umum, jangan dibayangkan toilet umum pada umumnya ya. Toilet umum di sini super-super bersih. Pintu masuknya pun seperti di supermarket, tidak akan bisa masuk sebelum membayar. Tiap orang dikenai biaya 1,5 tl. Setelah itu kami melaksanakan sholat di musholla, masih di dalam otogar.
Di dalam otogar kami mencari-cari money changer, sudah tanya sana-sini dan melihat papan petunjuk tapi hasilnya nihil. Bingung sudah kami, uang lira yang kami bawa menipis, hanya ada 30 lira di saku bella.
Ya sudah, kami memutuskan menuju terminal bus yang akan membawa kami ke gunung salju Uludağ. Sebenarnya Mr. Ibrahim sudah memberi petunjuk naik bus apa untuk sampai sana. Tapi kami bertanya lagi ke petugas yang berjaga di pusat informasi dekat pintu keluar. Setelah bertanya dengan bahasa Inggris eh di jawab dengan bahasa Turki.
Warga lokal di sini memang jarang berbahasa Inggris, karena bahasa Inggris bukan mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah.
Aku dan biah hanya mengangguk-angguk sambil memperhatikan isyarat tangan dan mimik wajah dari petugas itu. Ya kali aja kan, ada ilham tersirat, kami jadi faham maksudnya.
Meski tidak begitu mengerti apa maksud petugas, kami mengambil kertas berisi rute yang ditulis oleh petugas tadi, kami keluar otogar menuju terminal otobüsü. Alhamdulillah kami bertemu warga lokal yang bisa berbahasa inggris, dia juga pernah berkuliah di jerman terangnya. Kami dibantu membeli tiket transportasi otobüsü (Bursa Card) dengan harga tiap orang sekitar 8 tl untuk sekali pakai pulang pergi. Dia juga menjelaskan bagaimana kami bisa sampai di tempat tujuan kami "teleferik".
Aku memandangi bangunan di luar jendela. Swayalan besar, deretan rumah pemukiman. Rintik hujan sesekali menetes membasahi jalan dan mengalir di jendela tempat kami menatap keluar.
Kami menaiki bus nomor 94 dengan koper kami tentunya. Kupikir meletakkan koper tanpa memeganginya aman-aman saja. Ternyata perkiraanku salah. Aku menyasikkan koper kami jatuh beberapa kali, saat bus miring mengikuti jalan yang berbelok. Akhirnya kuubah posisi koper dengan tertidur.
Beberapa menit berlalu, kami agak bingung dimana kami harus turun. Aku bertanya pada sopir, dia hanya mengangguk tanpa berbicara. Pikirku dia tak berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris. Aku melihat jam di tanganku, "sepertinya untuk sampai ke tempat tujuan membutuhkan waktu sampai 1 jam".
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Tentu saja benar, entah tahu darimana biah mengkomando kami agar kami turun. Setelah kutanyakan, dia tetap menjawab dengan yakin bahwa kami harus turun. Kami turun dan sedikit berjalan. Kami belum mempunyai nomor sim card lokal alhasil, kami agak bingung bagaimana caranya menghubungi Mr. Ibrahim.
Kami menghentikan laki-laki yang lewat untuk meminjam telepon genggamnya. Tapi nihil, dia tak mengerti maksud kami. Dia hanya menunjuk pangkalan taksi yang tak jauh dari kami. Ya sudah kami mencoba berjalan menuju pintu masuk dan menanyakan hal yang sama pada polisi perempuan ini. Dia juga tak faham maksud kami. Tapi untunglah dia memanggil teman sesama polisi yang bisa berbahasa inggris.
Bapak polisi ini menanyakan apa yang kami butuhkan. Kami menjelaskan kepada beliau, syukurlah beliau menelepon Mr.Ibrahim. setelah itu beliau menjelaskan pada kami bahwa kami harus turun di pos akhir cable car menuju gunung uludağ untuk bertemu Mr.Ibrahim di sana.
Dari bapak polisi ini juga memberitahu kami bisa menukar uang di loket tiket. Akhirnya... setelah mencari money changer dari tadi. Untuk ratenya jangan tanya deh, tahu sendirilah kawasan wisata.
Kami mendapatkan 3 tiket cable car (teleferik) pulang pergi dengan harga 80 tl tiap orangnya. Untuk orang yang bekerja di sini bisa mendapatkan harga 40 tl. Jadi kalau kamu punya kenalan yang bekerja di sini bisa titip mungkin hehehe.
Di sana tidak ada penitipan koper, jadi kami tetap membawa koper memasuki cable car. Karena kami juga menuruti komando Mr.Ibrahim yang katanya akan menyimpan koper kami. Jadi untuk kalian yang ingin menitipkan koper silahkan titipkan di otogar bursa tadi.
Langit sore tak begitu tampak tertutupi putih salju di sekeliling kami. Teleferik yang kami naiki perlahan naik menuju gunung uludağ. Teleferik ini berbentuk seperti kubus, semuanya kaca tembus pandang. Jadi pemandangan luar tampak jelas. Dibawah kami pohon-pohon hutan cemara berdiri dengan gagah. Ada rasa sedikit takut dan was-was tapi rasa bahagiaku mengalahkan itu semua.
Di pos 2 kami berganti teleferik, sambil mengangkat koper kami harus adu cepat keluar dengan teleferik yang masih terus berjalan. Perjalanan makin menanjak gunung uludağ tampak terlihat jelas dari tempat kami duduk. Aku membayangkan betapa lembutnya salju yang menutupinya.
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Pukul 6 sore kami sampai di pos 3 kami hanya punya waktu bermain di sini selama 2 jam. Karena teleferik tutup pukul 8 malam. Agak sedih sih batinku, tapi bagaimana lagi tak ada yang harus disesali. Turun dari teleferik kami langsung bertemu Mr. Ibrahim yang telah menunggu kami.
Kami diajak ke kafe tempat beliau bekerja. Beliau memberikan kami menu makanan. Maklum harganya lebih mahal dua kali lipat Setelah makanan sampai kami tak boleh berlama-lama makan katanya. Beliau ingin menunjukkan kami tempat bermain ski. Kami langsung bersemangat untuk segera menyelesaikan makan kami. Ketika kami akan membayar Mr.Ibrahim mengatakan bahwa semuanya gratis dari manajer beliau. Sungguh baik sekali mereka semua.
Barang-barang kami dititipkan di cafe. Kami diajak keluar oleh Mr. Ibrahim berjalan-jalan di sekitar kafe. Wah.. tak kusangka aku melihat dan memegang salju dan Langit saat itu cantik berwarna orange kemerahan, kami segera buru-buru berfoto sebelum gelap datang. Kami ditawari untuk menyewa motor ski, ternyata mahal. Ya sudah kami hanya naik ski modelnya seperti mobil-mobilan anak balita hahahaha.
Kami harus berjalan sedikit menanjak dengan menarik mobil-mobilan itu. Setelah sampai di permukaan yang landai Mr. Ibrahim menjelaskan bagaimana cara kerjanya. Kami hanya meluncur saja, stir yang di depan kami sebagai kemudi dan dengan menariknya otomatis akan mengerem. Aku agak takut, lumayan tinggi dan tentu saja licin. Aku meluncur dengan berteriak kencang hahaha, untung saja saat itu sepi sekali.
Setelah puas bermain dan langit sudah gelap kami kembali ke kafe. Beberapa kali aku terjatuh karena licin. Maklum aku hanya memakai sepatu sport, di track batu es aku bisa terjatuh. Jangan ditiru ya hehehe jadi pakailah sepatu boot yang benar-benar boot.
Kami menghangatkan diri di dekat perapian dan meneguk teh panas. Sambil berbincang bersama Mr. Ibrahim menanyakan berbagai hal.
Ternyata waktu cepat berlalu, jika diizinkan aku ingin menginap di sini. Sayangnya kami harus tetap melanjutkan perjalanan. Hampir pukul 8 malam kami segera turun menaiki teleferik. Ternyata suasananya berbeda saat berangkat tadi. Mungkin karena malam hari dan gelap. Kami pun hanya bisa melihat kerlipan lampu dari kejauhan. Kaca teleferik juga tertutup embun air.
Sampai di bawah kami mencari sim card sebelum kembali ke otogar menaiki bus. Mr. Ibrahim ikut mengantar kami juga. Tiba-tiba saja ada laki-laki menghampiri kami saat kami mengobrol. Awalnya aku bersikap biasa saja, tapi ternyata ada firasat aneh di pikiranku. Aku dan lainnya hanya diam, Mr. Ibrahim saja yang meladeni laki-laki itu.
Sesampainya di otogar Bursa kami memesan tiket bus Metro menuju Izmir dengan harga 35 Tl tiap orang. Setelah itu kami berencana berpamitan dan berpisah di situ. Ternyata Mr mengatakan akan menemani kami sampai naik bus. Karena kata Mr. Ibrahim laki-laki su**ah yang kami temui di bus tadi mengikuti kami sampai otogar.
Menuju Izmir...
(To be continue...)
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~ Bersama Mr. Ibrahim ~
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chaletnz · 6 years ago
Istanbul: Taksim Square/Karaköy
My timing this morning was perfect as I awoke gracefully about 5 minutes before the annoying children in the room next door woke up and started their screaming. The breakfast buffet was very busy but I still had some great service - and some French toast! The waiter even poured the milk into my coffee for me from a small jug. I checked out and took the metro to Kadiköy again, then took the ferry across the Bosphorus river to Eminönü where I arrived exactly on prayer time and the mosques were blaring through their loudspeakers. It was raining again and I needed to wait a long time for my bus to the next hotel on my adventure - the Hilton Garden Inn Golden Horn, despite Google maps suggesting there would be buses every 5-10 minutes that I could take. When I got off the bus I looked at my options for walking to the entrance of the hotel and unknowingly chose the very steep path around the back of the property but nevertheless I arrived and checked into my huge hotel room with my own private terrace - although the cleaner had forgotten to clean up outside after the last guests and there were plates, glasses, bottles and towels everywhere! I had about an hour and a half to kill before I could take the next free shuttle into the centre so I decided to check out the Miniaturk park. It was similar to MiniEurope in that it was filled with miniature versions of all the famous buildings and landmarks in Turkey and it was almost like seeing the whole country in the space of an hour. Unfortunately it was very crowded with a lot of annoying children so I raced my way around quite quickly stopping just for brief photos and reading the placards and another time because some guy approached me and asked me to take a photo of him and his friends. Of course right when I tried to his phone started ringing and he shooed me back so I declined it to take the picture - sorry friend! I spent my hour there and then dashed back to the hotel to make the shuttle ride to Taksim Square and in true German fashion I was then immensely bothered by the fact I had practically run back to the hotel just to wait around for the driver for ten minutes. It was a reckless drive across the city but I was dropped off right at the square and could easily spot the monument with all the tourists taking photos of it. I followed the tram tracks down a very busy street lined with shops and cafes - Istiklal Avenue. My first stop was Hafiz Mustafa where I browsed the Turkish coffee on sale and ended up buying a tin for my flatmate for about €3 and while I was waiting in line to pay they offered me a sample of fresh pomegranate Turkish delight that I ate and thought “wow I need more” so I bought a whole roll sliced up to eat as I walked. It seemed to get even busier as I walked further down the street, there were buskers that had drawn in huge crowds that covered the tram tracks and the tram would be forced to wait and ring its bell in vain at the obstruction. At the end I had reached the Galata Tower which was situated in a bit more of a hipster and less commercial area. I had a tavuk dürüm for my early dinner at Patatas and then walked to a schoolhouse nearby to see an art exhibition that I had read about in the inflight magazine. “Borders” was an exhibition about refugees and immigrants and the borders that they face when arriving at a new place to call home. I didn’t really get it overall as I’m not much of an art person and there weren’t any explanations for the pieces. But there were some impressive displays like an entire floor covered in scale sized tents to represent temporary shelter for immigrants. On the walk back to my bus stop I passed a burnt out car and some street cats hanging out on the stairs like a gang so it made the visit worth it! Back in Golden Horn I decided to go for dessert in a small cafe which had a television playing Germany’s first football World Cup game versus Mexico. I waited for a very long time for my künefe and watched Germany’s convincing loss. When the plate finally arrived it was such a perfectly crispy künefe with only a thin layer of cheese inside, that it consumed some of the sadness from the game…
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neijayah · 6 years ago
Seoul, day 1 - Arrival
So to make this journey possible, I had to save up most of my years vacation days plus apply for educational vacation at my company, which was thankfully approved. A lot of preparation had to be made. Not just communication with the company that organized this educational travel, but also making sure my cats are cared for. But I admit, they're like my children. 😅😇
As I would be staying for about a month, I had to pack quite a bit, as I didn't know, where exactly I would be staying until 2 weeks before arriving, and if the residence has a laundry or not. Thankfully the hotel I'm staying at, has both a washing machine and a dryer, though in the cellar, for every resident to use. So it meant I could at least keep clothing limited.
EF offers to arrange flights from Germany to Korea. Unfortunately, only from two airports in Germany, and non of them near my parents. So it would have meant either traveling by plane, train or rental car to these airports, or organizing the flights myself. The advantage was, that I could decide which flight company I would take and how long stay-overs would be. Taking into account, that most flights - at least in Europe - nowadays are delayed, I didn't want to risk getting stuck somewhere due to the incompetence of others.
I decided for Turkish Airways. Though the German-Turkish relationship is a bit strained right now, Turkish Airways has a good reputation and statistics in crashes. This shouldn't be your concern, but I just watched "Mayday - Air Desaster" way to often. 😅 I could have taken a connection flight with a stay over for 1,5 h. But, as I wasn't sure, if the plane would start on time and how big/complicated the Istanbul airport is, I decided for a 6 h stay-over. Enough time for delays and finding your gate and even eat something valuable.
Only negative point using Turkish Airways and therefore having to use Istanbul as transfer airport is, I have to say, the security check in Turkey. It was hasty and not really thorough. In today's time, not the best decision.
Both flights were eventless. It bit shaky from time to time, that eating your meals and drinking was a bit challenging. My seating neighbor even spilled her water over me. Thankfully, it wasn't the red wine she also had ordered. Unfortunately, Turkish Airways didn't offer any food from the destination country. Usually, flight companies offer two menus, one of the company's origin country and one for the destination. Same for the entertainment. Though I was lucky to even listen to BTS' latest Japanese album.
Immigration in Korea is pretty easy, like most things in Korea. Thanks to Korean technology, when your passport was scanned, they tell you to put your fingers on the scanner in your own language. On the plane they hand out the registration cards for immigration and for "importing goods" if you have packed anything, that isn't allowed in Korea. You don't need to fill these out on the plane right away. There are several points on the way to the immigration desks to fill them out, or get new ones. Pens are provided at these desks as well. Everything worked pretty fine, until I took my suitcase from the treadmill. My lock has been opened and not properly closed again. So I was running around with a extra bag for the commute, that I actually wanted to store in that suit case. Not so nice for a 1h 45 min. travel with some changing and trying to find your hotel. The latter one being the bigger problem. I will come to this problem and how to solve it a bit later.
Before I arrived in Korea I had to think about how to stay in contact with my home country, family and friends. If it was wiser to get a second SIM card or just make sure that I have cheap internet connection. I decided for the internet connection. I don't take phone calls when I'm home. Sure as hell, won't do it in Korea. Several Korean telecommunication companies offer so called Wifi eggs, a mobil internet router. Perfect for shorter vacations. If you're staying longer, like for a few months, and love to talk with home, a second SIM card might be smarter. The SIM card can be obtained at the airport directly. Sources say, it's cheaper there, than in Seoul itself. So inform yourself, where to get everything. SK Telecom offers rented mobil phones, SIM cards and Wifi eggs. Ordering/renting can be done online beforehand, either on their website or on distributors like trazy.com. The pick-up was very easy as well and the prices reasonable. KT Telecom offers the same service. It can also be ordered and found on the trazy website. SK and KT Telecom both have Wifi router in every metro train, as far as I know. So if you buy/rent a SIM or even mobile phone, you're save with these two companies.
EF offers their students to take a taxi with the help of an EF employee. But as I was fine with traveling with public transportation, I chose to take the metro. Pretty easy progress, if you know where you have to go to. Taking public transportation tickets are a necessity. When staying more than a few days, the T-Money card is the best choice. Offering diverse pictures on the front, they all work the same. At the clerks desk at any convenient store (like CS), where you buy the card, you can load it right away with an amount of your choice. 20,000 Won (approx. $20) is a good start. If you don't use all of it, it stays on the card for several years. I used my one about 4 years ago. Nothing got lost.
If you're just staying for a day or two, there a special tourist T-Money cards, with benefits for sightseeing entrances. I had one at my first travel, but it didn't work for the N Seoul Tower. So you might have to be prepared, that it isn't always excepted.
You have several options getting into the city: either taxi, bus, by express train or underground. Train takes less time, but might take you further into the city than needed and may cost more. The underground/metro takes longer, as it is an all-stop train, but you can get off, when needed. Be careful with taxis, as you better have the address written down, preferably in Korean or speak clear Korean without an accent. They might take you to the other side of town, to where you actually wanted to be. And you might get stuck in traffic like every car. The bus is a good option as well, depending on your time of arrival and how strong your stomach is. Be aware, that rush hour times here are around 5 to 8 p.m. You don't want to get stuck in traffic there. Don't know about the early rush hour times. Though, in some areas of town, buses have their own lane. With these airport busses you'll have to name your exit station, so the bus driver can insert the right charge into the T-Money card reader. Baggage is stored in special compartments at the busses belly. You'll get a receipt for your luggage, so you get the right one out at your arrival. If you choose the metro, follow the signs stating "all-stop".
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Commuting with the underground is pretty easy, as everything is signed out. Even if you are actually on the right track, before you even step into the metro. Just know the next station for your direction. But it's wiser to know beforehand which bigger metro station is on that track, as most of the times, while changing from one line to another, they only show bigger transfer stations, that might connect you to another line. So better you have a plan at hand to look after which stop are on your direction.
After getting your T-Money card and have it charged with your money, just follow the signs with trains stated. It takes a bit of walking but nothing compared to finding the right bus or getting the taxi driver to understand clearly where you want to go. Before getting to the tracks you will have to scan your T-Money card to get in. Always be sure to scan them again, when leaving the train station (and bus) and sometimes even when changing the trains. This way the right amount of money will be discounted.
You will find that there are glass fronts all along the train track at the station. A way to prevent suicides or like in Germany getting pushed onto the tracks by some stranger.
Something you should prepare in advance as well, is to figure out, where exactly you have to leave your train station. Not just the right station but also the right exit. There are usually around 6 to 8 exits and more, which can be quite far away from each other as whole shopping areas are located at those stations. Your hotel or bigger sightseeing attractions will usually tell you which exit is the best to leave the station. And by the way, you actually don't need to speak/read Korean when visiting Seoul. Almost everyone speaks at least a little bit of English, more so the younger generations. And every street, metro or other signs are written in Latin/Roman writings. Just smaller shops go with Korean writing. But some necessary words are easy to learn beforehand.
It took me quite long, though to find my hotel. It was a little hidden in a side road. And Google Maps isn't really helpful, as you cannot just give in the address. Naver or Kakao Maps might give you better options and fresher cards. Both also help you taking the right train.
The hotel I'm staying at offers breakfast for an extra charge, which is pretty good. But I decided to get the food for myself. You find most stuff, somewhere around. Still have to find a decent supermarket, though, that isn't into luxury. But basic food, snacks and ready made food can be bought in nearly all convenient stores. And you usually find like 3 and more right around the next corner. And the choice in Ramyeon is beyond expectation.
I stayed at the Urban Place, a nice hotel with good equipments. There are other possibilities to stay, which are usually not more than a few square meters with a toilet/shower cabin, if at all. So if you don't want to spend a huge amount of money, don't expect luxury in all four corners. My room is equipped with a small fridge (really small), a small cooking area with the minimum of kitchen equipment. Shower and toilet are separated and TV and Wifi are included. TV also offers a few British programs and Arirang, a Korean TV station in English.
This was probably more than enough information on arriving and what to do, to get around.
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greenbagjosh · 4 years ago
Feb 2006 Day 3 Crossing the Bosphoros into Asia
EN Hi everyone, we will be woken up at 5 AM sharp, have breakfast about 7:30 on the rooftop of the hotel facing the Asian side of Istanbul, take the ferry across the Bosphoros to Haydarpasa station, ride the Moda tram, have a lahmacun snack before crossing back, go shopping at the Grand Bazaar, ride the metro to Otogar and Esenler (crazy bus ride included), have Iskender kebab for dinner and then plan to ride the ferry to Anadolu Kavagi on Sunday the 12th.
Herkese merhaba, sabah 05.00'da uyanacağız, İstanbul'un Asya yakasına bakan otelin çatısında saat 7.30'da kahvaltı yapacağız, Boğaz'dan geçerek Haydarpaşa istasyonuna giden feribota bineceğiz, Moda tramvayına bineceğiz, lahmacun alacağız. Geri dönmeden önce atıştırmalık atıştırmak, Kapalıçarşı'da alışverişe çıkmak, Otogar ve Esenler'e metroyla gitmek (çılgın otobüs yolculuğu dahil), akşam yemeği için İskender kebabı için ve ardından 12. Pazar günü Anadolu Kavağı'na feribotla gitmek.
Здравейте всички, ще се събудим в 5 сутринта, закусваме около 7:30 на покрива на хотела с лице към азиатската страна на Истанбул, караме ферибота през Босфороса до гара Хайдарпаша, караме трамвая Мода, имаме лахмакун лека закуска, преди да се върнете обратно, пазарувайте на Капалъ чарши, карайте метрото до Отогар и Есенлер (включено лудо пътуване с автобус), вечеряйте с кебап Искендер и след това планирайте да карате ферибота до Анадолу Каваги в неделя, 12-ти.
Salut tuturor, ne vom trezi la ora 5 dimineața, luăm micul dejun pe la 7:30 pe acoperișul hotelului, cu vedere spre partea asiatică a Istanbulului, luăm feribotul peste Bosphoros până la stația Haydarpasa, mergem cu tramvaiul Moda, luăm un lahmacun gustare înainte de a trece înapoi, mergeți la cumpărături la Marele Bazar, mergeți cu metroul spre Otogar și Esenler (plimbare nebună cu autobuzul inclus), luați kebab Iskender la cină și apoi intenționați să mergeți cu feribotul la Anadolu Kavagi duminică, 12.
Поздрав свима, пробудићемо се у 5 сати ујутро, доручковати око 7:30 на крову хотела према азијској страни Истанбула, возити трајектом преко Боспхороса до станице Хаидарпаса, возити се трамвајем Мода, имати лахмацун закуска пре повратка, идите у куповину на Гранд Базаар, возите се метроом до Отогара и Есенлера (луда вожња аутобусом), узмите Искендер кебаб за вечеру, а затим планирајте да се возите трајектом за Анадолу Каваги у недељу 12. године.
Üdvözlet mindenkinek, reggel 5-kor ébresztenek minket, reggel 7: 30-kor reggelizünk a szálloda Isztambul ázsiai oldala felé néző tetőn, komppal átmegyünk a Boszporoszon át Haydarpasa állomásra, közlekedünk a Moda villamossal, van egy lahmacun nassoljon, mielőtt visszautazik, vásároljon a Nagy Bazárba, menjen metróval Otogarig és Esenlerig (őrült buszos utazás is), vacsorázzon Iskender kebabbal, majd azt tervezi, hogy 12-én vasárnap komppal indul az Anadolu Kavagi-ba.
Ahoj všichni, probudíme se v 5 hodin ráno, snídáme asi v 7:30 na střeše hotelu s výhledem na asijskou stranu Istanbulu, vezmeme trajekt přes Bospor do stanice Haydarpasa, pojedeme tramvají Moda, dáme si lahmacun občerstvit se před návratem, jít nakupovat na Velký bazar, jet metrem na Otogar a Esenler (včetně bláznivé jízdy autobusem), dát si ke večeři Iskender kebab a pak plánovat v neděli 12. den trajekt do Anadolu Kavagi.
Hallo allerseits, wir werden pünktlich um 5 Uhr morgens geweckt, frühstücken gegen 7:30 Uhr auf dem Dach des Hotels mit Blick auf die asiatische Seite von Istanbul, nehmen die Fähre über den Bosporus zum Bahnhof Haydarpasa, fahren mit der Moda-Straßenbahn, nehmen ein Lahmacun Vor der Rückfahrt einen Snack zu sich nehmen, auf dem Großen Basar einkaufen, mit der U-Bahn nach Otogar und Esenler fahren (inklusive verrückter Busfahrt), Iskender-Kebab zum Abendessen essen und dann am Sonntag, den 12. die Fähre nach Anadolu Kavagi fahren.
Today is Saturday 11th February 2006.  It is cold and cloudy and there could be some snow.  I had been in Turkey since yesterday.  About 5 AM, the sabah namazi, or early morning, call to prayer was played, particularly from the Blue Mosque as it was the closest.  I could hear it very well.  
 I took a shower about 6 AM and watched TV for a little while before going to breakfast at 7 AM as it was not ready yet.  Breakfast was served on the top floor of the hotel, where it had a very good view of the Bosphoros, but the weather was too bad to see into Asia that day.  As for breakfast, it had feta cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, hard boiled eggs and beef sausage.  The coffee was very good.  
 After breakfast I left the hotel, to head to Eminönü where I could take a ferry to Haydarpasa rail station.  I passed by Hagia Sophia, a former Byzantine Church which had been a mosque for years and was converted to a museum (in 2020 it was converted back to a mosque).  In Istanbul especially in the tourist areas, there are very pushy tour guides who are eager to give tours.  I did not have the time for such a tour, so I went on to Sirkeci and Eminönü to catch the ferry.
 At Eminönü, there were ferries where you could go across the Bosphoros, or even go as far north as the Black Sea to places like Rumeli Hisari and Anadolu Kavagi which I visited the next day.  I used my Akbil to board the ferry to Haydarpasa.  The ride took about 20 minutes, and I bought a small glass of hot tea.  While drinking my tea, I could see the Topkapi palace, Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque.  Minutes later I arrived at the ferry port adjacent to the Haydarpasa rail station. The rail station dates back to the 1920s after the fall of the Ottoman Empire and when Atatürk came to power and modernized Turkey.
 I walked along Tibbiye Cadessi to Kadiköy, where I could take a ride on the Moda tram.  Moda is a nostalgic circle tram line that starts at Carsi, near Kadiköy, goes along Sögütlü Cesme, turns right on General Azim Gündüz Cadessi, then right on Riza Pasa, finally right on Mühürdar Cadessi and ending at Carsi.  My Akbil was not accepted so I had to buy a ticket for one lira.  It was a nice ride on a 1920's tram.  I passed by the ox statue at Kadıköy Boğa Heykeli, and walked back from Carsi.  After that I looked for a Döner Kebab snack place and ordered a lahmacun.  A lahmacun is a flatbread pizza with tomato sauce, herbs, spices and finely ground beef.  I ordered mine with lettuce, tomato and yogurt sauce.  It was very delicious and authentic tasting.   I remember similar lahmacuns in Germany.
After eating my lahmacun, I went back to Kadiköy and took the next ferry back to Eminönü.  I wanted to get to the Bazaar near Beyazit before it closed.  When I arrived at Eminönü, I took the tram to Beyazit, and went inside to see what I could buy.  I was thinking about getting one of those vests and hats that the Mehter band was wearing, plus a pair of slippers and a wind instrument.  It took me about twenty minutes to find a vendor but the one I found was friendly and the gentlemen spoke English well enough to understand. They even knew some of the Mehter songs. I must have spent about $ 75.00 US. For about $20.00 I could have bought a working clarinet but I declined.    
 With everything, I took it all to the hotel, dropped it off in the room, went back to Sultanahmet and on past Beyazit to Yusufpasa.  At the time, Yusufpasa and Aksaray were the closest that the M1 line got to Sultanahmet. There were two different Aksaray stations, one for the tram and one for the metro but they were not close enough. Instead there was Yusufpasa tram stop next to Aksaray for the metro, but without free transfer and thus an extra fare payment was required.  The metro was comprised of former tram cars and at Aksaray the platform was in the middle. The next two stations had side platforms.  The station announcement was loud enough to be heard.  Otogar was an interesting station.  It had a two central platforms divided by a single track going only to Esenler.  I was expecting to take a bus from Esenler to where there was supposed to be a shopping center but I should have gone only to Karaltepe-Kocatepe where it was closer. In 2006 I did not have a smartphone and Google Maps was not available then.  I had to come back to Sultanahmet.  
 About 4.30 PM I arrived at the hotel.  At the hotel, I had an Efes beer.  Efes is one of Turkey's main beer brands.  About 6 PM it was dinner time.  I found some place on Mimar Mehmet Aga Cadessi, not too far from the hotel, that served Iskender Kebap.  Iskender kebap is lamb, boiled tomatoes, butter and yogurt, accompanied by pita bread.  The one I had was delicious.  There was another traveller who brought his expensive camera, and when he was served, he took his camera with his lens and took a picture of his food.  I wish I had thought to do the same – I did so the next day.  The dinner was delicious.  I went back to the hotel to sleep as I would go to Anadolu Kavagi the next day.
Next adventure – ferry ride on the Bosphoros, getting cash at a military ATM, missed whirling dervish concert at Sirkeci and out in the cold just to get a passport stamp  
Bir sonraki macera - Boğaz'da feribot yolculuğu, askeri ATM'de nakit para kazanma, Sirkeci'de semazen konserini kaçırma ve sadece pasaport damgası almak için soğukta dışarı çıkma
Следващо приключение - разходка с ферибот по Босфора, вземане на пари във военен банкомат, пропуснат въртящ се дервишки ко��церт в Сиркеджи и излизане на студено, само за да се вземе паспортна марка
Următoarea aventură - plimbare cu feribotul pe Bosfor, obținerea de numerar la un bancomat militar, ratat concert de derviș rotitor la Sirkeci și ieșire în frig doar pentru a obține o ștampilă de pașaport
Следећа авантура - вожња трајектом Босфором, узимање готовине у војном банкомату, пропуштени вртложни дервишки концерт у Сиркецију и излазак на хладно само да би се добио пасош
Következő kaland - komppal a Boszporuszon, készpénz beszerzése egy katonai ATM-ben, elmaradt örvénylő dervis koncert a Sirkeciben és kint a hidegben csak útlevélbélyegző megszerzése érdekében
Další dobrodružství - jízda trajektem po Bosporu, získání hotovosti ve vojenském bankomatu, zmeškaný vířící dervišský koncert v Sirkeci a venku v mrazu, jen abyste dostali razítko do pasu
Nächstes Abenteuer - Fahrt mit der Fähre auf dem Bosporus, Bargeld an einem Geldautomaten, verpasstes Wirbel-Derwisch-Konzert in Sirkeci und draußen in der Kälte, nur um einen Passstempel zu bekommen
0 notes
rozisblogbinder · 5 years ago
Istanbul Recommendations, Updated
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You probably told me you’re going to Istanbul and asked about any recommendations I have for you! You’re in the right place. Here’s my compiled list, grouped based on neighborhoods and experiences.
I have two earlier posts from years ago, one list and another step-by-step list. Some info on there is outdated, so I’ll consolidate some of them here and also share some more substantial recommendations with my personal suggestions on things to do in Istanbul.
Also, if you wanted to know if it’s safe to travel to Turkey/Istanbul, here’s my (likely helpful but slightly on edge) response to that as well.
In Beyoğlu, there’s been quite a shift over the past 10 years -- so you won’t be able to see/experience what it was like a while ago when it was on the news/media. However, there are lots to see in the area anyway.
Taksim Square is usually packed with tourists (especially once you start walking down İstiklal Street,) and while it used to be the center of a lot of movement in the city, it’s been transformed into an awkward pedestrian square with too much cement and not much. However, it’s still a landmark.
My favorite cafe in the entirety of the city is Ara Kafe which is up Istiklal street from Tünel. you can also get there from Taksim Square. it's in the middle point between Taksim Square and Tunel, next to Galatasaray High School https://www.lonelyplanet.com/turkey/istanbul/restaurants/kafe-ara/a/poi-eat/402334/360887
Right across from Ara Kafe there is the historical "flower passageway" aka Çiçek Pasajı which has a beautiful courtyard. I think it's worth seeing. http://www.tarihicicekpasaji.com/ on maps: https://goo.gl/maps/Hhk8KAYGJii2gEF96 
Behind Çiçek Pasajı there is a whole bunch of rakı-fish restaurants. I recommend going there for dinner. You might need to make reservations.
The center of the city “life” has somewhat moved to Şişhane/Pera areas, at least according to my friends. 
I recommend that you take the metro to the Şişhane stop, https://goo.gl/maps/z6AxeFzdcgYRDShB6 and just walk around on the side that goes towards the Galata Tower https://goo.gl/maps/n8pGa3ewC7Bfa7sAA You can walk up the steps to the top of the Galata Tower and see a view of the Golden Horn (which is like a side street of the Bosphorus.)
The Jewish Museum which is in Neve Shalom Synagogue is right there. The Quincentennial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews Bereketzade, Büyük Hendek Cd. No:39, 34421 Beyoğlu/İstanbul https://g.co/kgs/RNv64Z
If you like a Western-style place to eat a meal, I recommend Big Chef. Our family eats here before/after weddings we attend at the synagogue.
It's a rather gentrified area so you'll see a lot of that. but know that you're walking in a historically Jewish & Greek-Orthodox area.
One of the few Turkish Nobel prize winners is Orhan Pamuk. He has a book called "The Museum of Innocence". If you read and buy the book there's a free ticket in for the actual museum, featuring different “artifacts” :) Here's the info for that. I heard good things: https://tr.masumiyetmuzesi.org/
Istanbul Modern Museum is a wonderful, off-the-beaten-path museum in that area. https://www.istanbulmodern.org/en They were originally based in Kadıköy, and I think they are now based in Beyoğlu for some time.
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Then you can take the historic tunnel/funicular down all the way to Karaköy. (Alternatively, you can walk down the hill for like 30 minutes or so. It's a steep hill.)
The funicular stop in Tünel is located here https://goo.gl/maps/mhHNcjB6EDhRtBdD6 and drops you off here in Karaköy https://goo.gl/maps/xqiVxVA3vM51EWMM9. 
Here, I recommend that you take the underground walkway to Karaköy İskelesi (mini-port) and walk to Güllüoğlu Baklava and have some yummy baklava. https://www.karakoygulluoglu.com/  https://goo.gl/maps/VYWWe4fopkV1NrB96 
If you’re hungry, right next door is Namlı Gurme which has a selection of foods you can choose to eat. 
If you’re there over dinner time especially in the summer, Akın Balık is a good place to check out for a nice, chill, and local fish dinner. You might need to reserve a table. Azapkapı, Fermeneciler Cd. Gümrük Han 40/A, 34420 Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Turkey +90 212 244 97 76 https://goo.gl/maps/vo4dGCbyLT14ZVLa6
You can go back and take the underground walkway this time to Galata Bridge, and walk on the Galata Bridge all the way across. On the bottom floor of the bridge, there are fish-bread sandwich places. The sandwich is made with fried small fish and a half loaf of bread. It’s cheap and delicious street food. 
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The bridge between Karaköy and Eminönü is a short bridge (because it crosses the Golden Horn). It should be a 15-20 minute walk depending on your pace. When you get to the end, you arrive at Eminönü. 
Take the underground walkway to cross the street and get to the Spice Bazaar, my favorite bazaar in Istanbul. https://www.google.com/search?q=spice+bazaar+istanbul&rlz=1C1GCEA_enIL868IL868&oq=spice+bazaar+istanbul&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.3020j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 
At the end of the Spice Bazaar, there’s the first store of Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi, the largest Turkish Coffee distributor of Turkey. You can get a freshly ground batch of coffee, ground with the dibek. More info here: https://www.theguideistanbul.com/kurukahveci-mehmet-efendi/  www.mehmetefendi.com
There’s also the New Mosque right next to the bazaar, if you wanted to check out a Mosque.
Not so far from this area, there is a whole bunch of cool stuff to see in Eyüp.  
My favorite off the beaten path museum in Istanbul is the Koç Museum: http://www.rmk-museum.org.tr/istanbul/en/visit-us https://goo.gl/maps/7gMFiRSX7ZXzxvXK7
Right nearby there is an old power/electrical plant, turned into a college campus of Istanbul Bilgi University, called Santral İstanbul. They have a restaurant there and a college atmosphere. I think the entrance is free to the public, and there may be a small museum - you can just say that you're tourists to enter if there’s an issue. https://www.santralistanbul.org/en/explore/
If you want to overachieve in your sightseeing, you can also go to Miniaturk which has mini-models of different Istanbul landmarks https://www.miniaturk.com.tr/en
I suggest taking cabs here because public transportation can get confusing.
Other landmarks here are the Church of St. Stephen of the Bulgars and the Chora Church, but I’m not so familiar with either of them.
Kadikoy and Moda are more chillaxed/but still quite gentrified neighborhoods on the Asian side of Istanbul. 
You can get there by boat from any of the ports. You can check the schedule here: http://en.sehirhatlari.istanbul/en/timetable/timetables-338.html I recommend having a cup of Turkish black tea on this boat and watch the sea and the city. It's a lot more authentic than taking a touristy Bosphorus boat tour.
For when you get to Moda and Kadikoy, I asked some friends for ideas on what to do there.
In Kadikoy, there is a bar/pub area. The easiest way to figure out where that is to get to the Kadikoy Bull Statue (https://goo.gl/maps/KjDBaqnQtBMY3YRZ8) and walk up that pedestrian street. On the right-hand side, there are lots of side streets with tons of bars/pubs/cafes.
A most recent exciting spot to grab a beer is apparently Bina https://www.timeout.com/istanbul/bars-and-pubs/bina
There's another bar there called Karga, apparently, it's one of the oldest buildings in the area. My friends recommend taking a peek inside. https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g293974-d3602063-Reviews-Karga_Bar-Istanbul.html
Pendor is apparently also nice to get beers. They have a Taksim location as well, which is older. https://www.facebook.com/pendorkadikoy/?rf=1410643425710353
Near that area, there's a famous chocolate store that has a cute garden in the back, called Asuman https://www.asuman.com/ Could be cute to check out, have some lemonade and chocolate there.
There is a Chef's Table episode (on Netflix) about Çiya Sofrası. I went there a while ago with a group of people, the food was good, but I didn't know the significance of the chef's efforts to reinvigorate Anatolian cuisine until I watched the episode. I assume you'd need to call and make a reservation before you eat there. https://www.lonelyplanet.com/turkey/istanbul/restaurants/ciya-sofrasi/a/poi-eat/402382/1339754
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In Moda, which is up the hill on that pedestrian street, a classic thing to do is grabbing some pastries from a stand (like simit, which is the round bread with sesame on it -- you'll see it everywhere -- and some cheese) and walking over to this "tea garden," ordering some black Turkish tea and have a peaceful and simple breakfast  https://goo.gl/maps/LzWpNM3pLQerigk3A  
Also in Moda, Cibalikapı Balıkçısı is supposed to be a great place to have mezes (appetizers) and some beer/rakı https://www.cibalikapi.com/ They also have breakfast.
Viktor Levi Wine House (note: not kosher) is supposed to have good wine. https://www.viktorlevimoda.com/
I recommend having a proper Turkish breakfast. 
One place is in the Beşiktaş “shuk”/bazaar (çarşı in Turkish). It’s a lot more chill, less gentrified, really local. Must have: menemen (Turkish version of “shakshuka”) and bal kaymak (honey and cream to spread on bread). There are tons of places to also have fish in a sandwich there. It’s a thing in Istanbul (especially in the Besiktas and Karakoy areas). You should try it.
Here’s a Beşiktaş recommendation for a breakfast place: Çakmak Kahvaltı Salonu Sinanpaşa, Çelebi Oğlu Sk. No:8, 34353 Beşiktaş/İstanbul, Turkey https://goo.gl/maps/SuzYevpJaGYuD3hZ6
Some other nicer/more restaurant-like places to have Turkish breakfast:
Saray Muhallebicisi (multiple locations, though I recommend going to the one in Nişantaşı or Taksim) http://saraymuhallebicisi.com/ (You can type the restaurant name on google maps and it will show up). 
Another is Aşşk cafe in Bebek (on the water) Aşşk Kahve Kuruçeşme, Muallim Naci Cd. 64/B, 34330 Beşiktaş/İstanbul, Turkey https://goo.gl/maps/xNxTED3c6qdAVs9fA 
In Bebek, you can take a nice walk around a well-to-do neighborhood on the sea. It’s the area where many of the famous Turkish soap operas take place.
Another off the beaten path museum is the Asiyan Museum. https://goo.gl/maps/X6j1mVw37tiPDJwd8 If you’re in the area I’d go there hike up the hill just for the view. https://www.lonelyplanet.com/turkey/istanbul/attractions/asiyan-museum/a/poi-sig/1591615/360887
You can walk back or take a bus back over to Ortaköy, walk around the pedestrian area and buy some souvenirs, take pictures in front of the Bosphorus overlooking the Bosphorus bridge and the local mosque, go up to the terrace of a cafe to have hookah/tea/beers. 
Beyond these, there are the classic, historical recommendations of things to do. General recommendations include: 
Checking out https://www.theguideistanbul.com/ this website seems to have good recommendations. 
I also like Lonely Planet's recommendations and find them to be authentic https://www.lonelyplanet.com/turkey/istanbul.
Just so I don’t skip these, most first-timers do the old city tour of Istanbul. 
This generally includes the Grand Bazaar, Hagia Sophia Church/Mosque, Blue Mosque (across the park from Hagia Sophia,) the nearby Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Sarnici,) and the Topkapi Palace. Here is a general description from Lonely Planet (I have no idea if the actual tour guide they’re advertising is good or not): https://www.lonelyplanet.com/turkey/istanbul/activities/istanbul-old-city-tour/a/pa-act/v-8273P54/360887
My favorite palace is in Beşiktaş, called the Ihlamur Palace in Nişantaşı. I recommend going there, checking out the Palace, and having some tea in the garden. It is not touristy at all, still a palace, and beautiful. http://en.besiktas.bel.tr/entry/ihlamur-kasri/
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And last but not least, if you want to get out of the city a little bit, and check out something completely different, I recommend going to the Princess Islands. https://www.lonelyplanet.com/turkey/princes-islands
And that’s all!
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portokoza · 6 years ago
العبارات البحرية.. وسيلة النقل الأكثر راحة في إسطنبول
العبارات البحرية.. وسيلة النقل الأكثر راحة في إسطنبول
تعد وسيلة العبارات في مدن تركيا لاسيما مدينة إسطنبول الكبيرة الأكثر راحة وموفرة للوقت مقارنة بباقي وسائل النقل، كما تتميز بأنها تربط بين معظم مدن البلاد.
وفي مدينة إسطنبول فمتثل العبارات عنصرا هاما في وسائل النقل، حيث تنقل الأشخاص بين جانبي المدينة الآسيوي والأوروبي، إذ توفر وقتا كبيرا للمتنقلين بين الجانبين، بسبب الزخم المروري الذي تغص به شوارع المدينة، لاسيما في مواسم السياحة في الربيع والصيف.
وتشتهر مدينة إسطنبول بإقبال كبير للسياح من مختلف الجنسيات، فتشهد طرق وجسور المدينة زخما كبيرا في مواسم السياحة، فيصبح استخدام العبارة في بالغ الأهمية، حيث تنقل السياح والمواطنين داخل إسطنبول وتسهل حركتهم.
العبارات في إسطنبول
تمتاز العبارات البحرية في المدينة الكبيرة بالراحة الكبيرة التي توفرها للمتنقلين والسياح، كما تتميز بأنها لا تشترط الحاجة إلى الحجز المسبق كما المتعارف عليه في خط عبارات باقي مدن تركيا.
ويحتاج المتنقل بتلك العبارات إلى قطع تذكرة من نقاط مخصصة تنتشر على أرصفة الميناء، أو عن طريق استخدام الكارت المخصص (Akpil)، أو كارت اسطنبول الخاص بالمواصلات، باستثناء الرحلات المخصصة بجولة البوسفور، لأنها محددة بدفع نقدي.
جداول الرحلات
أما الجداول الخاصة برحلات وسيلة النقل العبارات، فيوجد لكل جهة عبارات بحرية متنوعة، وأماكن محددة للإقلاع، وكذلك مواعيد محددة، حيث يتم تطبيق تلك المواعيد بجداول زمنية مختلفة حسب مواسم السنة، ويتم طباعة الجداول المخصصة وتوزع على شكل كتيبات وتتم بلغتين التركية والإنجليزية، وكذلك تنشر عبر الموقع الإلكترونى الخاص بشركة العبارات المعروفة “ايدو”، وذلك من خلال الرابط التالي: https://www.ido.com.tr 
ما هي أبرز موانئ مدينة إسطنبول؟
– ميناء أمينونو (Eminönü): هو ميناء العبارات الرئيس داخل مدينة إسطنبول، حيث يوفر رحلات عديدة بالعبارات البحرية وإلى محطات متنوعة ومختلفة داخل المدينة، كما يحوي الميناء على أربعة أرصفة:
القرن الذهبى
رصيف مخصص للرحلات المتجهه إلى جزر الأميرات (Prens Adaları)
– ميناء ينى كابى (Yenikapı): هو ميناء بحري في مدينة إسطنبول، ويوفر هذا الميناء رحلات متنوعة إلى خارج المدينة، وذلك بين إسطنبول وبعض المدن التركية، ومن أبرز وأشهر رحلاته إلى: يلوا، وبورصة.
ما هي أنواع العبارت في إسطنبول؟
تنتشر في مدينة إسطنبول الكبيرة ثلاث أنواع مختلفة من العبارات البحرية، وهي:
1- العبارة (FERRY): لهذه العبارات ميزات تنفرد بها، ألا وهي الرحلات المتوفرة كل (20) دقيقة، وكذلك الأسعار المناسبة والتي تبلغ 1,5 إلى 3 ليرات تركية، باستثناء رحلة مضيق البوسفور حيث يبلغ أجرها 20 ليرة تركية.
وتبدأ أولى رحلات هذه العبارات فى الساعة 7 صباحا، وتتابع الرحلات حتى نهاية اليوم، أي وقت متأخر من المساء. وتستوعب خلال الرحلة الواحدة بين 700 شخص إلى نحو 2100، كما يمكن دفع أجرة الركوب بواسطة كارت المواصلات (مسبقة الدفع).
ومن أشهر بواخر هذه الخطوط:
Dentur Avrasya
deniz otobüsleri
محطات عبارة Ferry في القسم الأوروبى:
وتكون رحلة هذه العبارات المذكورة أعلاه، مباشرة باتجاه محطة كاديكوى (Kadıköy) في القاسم الآسيوي من مدينة إسطنبول.
2- العبارات البحرية الخاصة: وهي تتبع شركات خاصة وتتميز بالسرعة، و هى أصغر حجما من عبارات Ferry ، وتتميز بأنها أسرع وأكثر راحة من باقي العبارات، كما تحوي علةى وسائل تكنولوجية متطورة.
وتوجد العبارات الخاصة فى نفس الموانئ والمحطات في المدينة، أي بجانب عبارات Ferry، ويمكن الركوب في هذه العبارات باستخدام بطاقات الدفع الإلكترونية (مسبقة الدفع)، كما تقبل الدفع نقدا.
أما أكثر الأماكن التي تنتشر فيها العبارات الخاصة، وهي منطقة كارتل، كما توفر رحلات خاصة إلى جزر الأميرات، وتوفر أيضا إمكانية حجز عبارات خاصة لكروبات ورحلات خاصة سياحية أو طلابية.
3- عبارات نقل السيارات: وهي تلك العبارات التي تقتصر على نقل السيارات، وهي من أسهل وسائل للتنقل بين قسمي مدينة إسطنبول الكبيرة: الأوروبي والآسيوى، كما تعد الوسيلة الأكثر راحة لاسيما للنقل الثقيل والحمولات الكبيرة، حيث توفر هذه العبارات الوقت والجهد و بخاصة فى أوقات الزخم في شوارع المدينة.
وتنتشر نقاط خاصة لبيع تذاكر وبطاقات الدفع الإلكترونية للمواصلات الخاصة بهذه العبارات، ويمكن الدفع قبل الدخول إلى الموانئ الخاصة بتلك العبارات.
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istanbul-apartments-blog · 6 years ago
العبارات البحرية.. وسيلة النقل الأكثر راحة في إسطنبول
العبارات البحرية.. وسيلة النقل الأكثر راحة في إسطنبول
تعد وسيلة العبارات في مدن تركيا لاسيما مدينة إسطنبول الكبيرة الأكثر راحة وموفرة للوقت مقارنة بباقي وسائل النقل، كما تتميز بأنها تربط بين معظم مدن البلاد.
وفي مدينة إسطنبول فمتثل العبارات عنصرا هاما في وسائل النقل، حيث تنقل الأشخاص بين جانبي المدينة الآسيوي والأوروبي، إذ توفر وقتا كبيرا للمتنقلين بين الجانبين، بسبب الزخم المروري الذي تغص به شوارع المدينة، لاسيما في مواسم السياحة في الربيع والصيف.
وتشتهر مدينة إسطنبول بإقبال كبير للسياح من مختلف الجنسيات، فتشهد طرق وجسور المدينة زخما كبيرا في مواسم السياحة، فيصبح استخدام العبارة في بالغ الأهمية، حيث تنقل السياح والمواطنين داخل إسطنبول وتسهل حركتهم.
العبارات في إسطنبول
تمتاز العبارات البحرية في المدينة الكبيرة بالراحة الكبيرة التي توفرها للمتنقلين والسياح، كما تتميز بأنها لا تشترط الحاجة إلى الحجز المسبق كما المتعارف عليه في خط عبارات باقي مدن تركيا.
ويحتاج المتنقل بتلك العبارات إلى قطع تذكرة من نقاط مخصصة تنتشر على أرصفة الميناء، أو عن طريق استخدام الكارت المخصص (Akpil)، أو كارت اسطنبول الخاص بالمواصلات، باستثناء الرحلات المخصصة بجولة البوسفور، لأنها محددة بدفع نقدي.
جداول الرحلات
أما الجداول الخاصة برحلات وسيلة النقل العبارات، فيوجد لكل جهة عبارات بحرية متنوعة، وأماكن محددة للإقلاع، وكذلك مواعيد محددة، حيث يتم تطبيق تلك المواعيد بجداول زمنية مختلفة حسب مواسم السنة، ويتم طباعة الجداول المخصصة وتوزع على شكل كتيبات وتتم بلغتين التركية والإنجليزية، وكذلك تنشر عبر الموقع الإلكترونى الخاص بشركة العبارات المعروفة “ايدو”، وذلك من خلال الرابط التالي: https://www.ido.com.tr 
ما هي أبرز موانئ مدينة إسطنبول؟
– ميناء أمينونو (Eminönü): هو ميناء العبارات الرئيس داخل مدينة إسطنبول، حيث يوفر رحلات عديدة بالعبارات البحرية وإلى محطات متنوعة ومختلفة داخل المدينة، كما يحوي الميناء على أربعة أرصفة:
القرن الذهبى
رصيف مخصص للرحلات المتجهه إلى جزر الأميرات (Prens Adaları)
– ميناء ينى كابى (Yenikapı): هو ميناء بحري في مدينة إسطنبول، ويوفر هذا الميناء رحلات متنوعة إلى خارج المدينة، وذلك بين إسطنبول وبعض المدن التركية، ومن أبرز وأشهر رحلاته إلى: يلوا، وبورصة.
ما هي أنواع العبارت في إسطنبول؟
تنتشر في مدينة إسطنبول الكبيرة ثلاث أنواع مختلفة من العبارات البحرية، وهي:
1- العبارة (FERRY): لهذه العبارات ميزات تنفرد بها، ألا وهي الرحلات المتوفرة كل (20) دقيقة، وكذلك الأسعار المناسبة والتي تبلغ 1,5 إلى 3 ليرات تركية، باستثناء رحلة مضيق البوسفور حيث يبلغ أجرها 20 ليرة تركية.
وتبدأ أولى رحلات هذه العبارات فى الساعة 7 صباحا، وتتابع الرحلات حتى نهاية اليوم، أي وقت متأخر من المساء. وتستوعب خلا�� الرحلة الواحدة بين 700 شخص إلى نحو 2100، كما يمكن دفع أجرة الركوب بواسطة كارت المواصلات (مسبقة الدفع).
ومن أشهر بواخر هذه الخطوط:
Dentur Avrasya
deniz otobüsleri
محطات عبارة Ferry في القسم الأوروبى:
وتكون رحلة هذه العبارات المذكورة أعلاه، مباشرة باتجاه محطة كاديكوى (Kadıköy) في القاسم الآسيوي من مدينة إسطنبول.
2- العبارات البحرية الخاصة: وهي تتبع شركات خاصة وتتميز بالسرعة، و هى أصغر حجما من عبارات Ferry ، وتتميز بأنها أسرع وأكثر راحة من باقي العبارات، كما تحوي علةى وسائل تكنولوجية متطورة.
وتوجد العبارات الخاصة فى نفس الموانئ والمحطات في المدينة، أي بجانب عبارات Ferry، ويمكن الركوب في هذه العبارات باستخدام بطاقات الدفع الإلكترونية (مسبقة الدفع)، كما تقبل الدفع نقدا.
أما أكثر الأماكن التي تنتشر فيها العبارات الخاصة، وهي منطقة كارتل، كما توفر رحلات خاصة إلى جزر الأميرات، وتوفر أيضا إمكانية حجز عبارات خاصة لكروبات ورحلات خاصة سياحية أو طلابية.
3- عبارات نقل السيارات: وهي تلك العبارات التي تقتصر على نقل السيارات، وهي من أسهل وسائل للتنقل بين قسمي مدينة إسطنبول الكبيرة: الأوروبي والآسيوى، كما تعد الوسيلة الأكثر راحة لاسيما للنقل الثقيل والحمولات الكبيرة، حيث توفر هذه العبارات الوقت والجهد و بخاصة فى أوقات الزخم في شوارع المدينة.
وتنتشر نقاط خاصة لبيع تذاكر وبطاقات الدفع الإلكترونية للمواصلات الخاصة بهذه العبارات، ويمكن الدفع قبل الدخول إلى الموانئ الخاصة بتلك العبارات.
0 notes
wecityguidecom · 5 years ago
Istanbul Public Transport Guide for 2020
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To understand the Istanbul Public Transport System, you need to understand how big Istanbul first. Istanbul's population increased over 15 times in the last 6 decades, from 1950 to 2020. There were only 967.000 people living in Istanbul during the 1950s but today more than 15 million! Now imagine how can be the Istanbul Public Transport System can be complex. In this Istanbul Public Transport Guide for 2020, you will find every information about using public transport in Istanbul like an expert. I divided the post up to several headings to let you dive into directly to the topic you are interested in. Before we start let me tell you the dimension of Istanbul. 125 km from west to east and 40 km from north to south. Of course, not all area of the city is a settlement. More than half of Istanbul's area covered by the forests.
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Istanbul's area is 5461 km2 which is more than bigger than most of the major cities (Google Earth) Istanbul is the biggest city in Turkey and the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality is also the biggest one in Turkey. Istanbul divided up to 39 districts based on administrative purposes but all the public transports handle by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and the companies belonging to it, like IETT, Metro Istanbul and etc. Based on the statistics published by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality %77.1 of the daily trips made by buses, %18.6 of made by railways systems %4.3 of made by the seaway.
Istanbul Public Transport: What to Do First?
The first thing you should do when you came to Istanbul is to buy the Istanbul Card. Istanbul Card is the pre-paid public transport card of Istanbul. If you want to travel by using public transport on the road, rail or sea you should buy it. It is valid on all transport except only the minibusses of Istanbul which is also known as dolmuş. What are the Types of Istanbul Card? There are different types of Istanbul Card; Istanbul Card (Can be used by anyone) Mavi (Blue) Card (Monthly subscription - Only for a Turkish Citizen) Discounted Istanbul Card (Only for Turkish Citizens) Free Istanbul Card (Only for Turkish Citizens) As you can see the above there is only one type of Istanbul card which can be used by the tourist in Istanbul. You won't need a discounted version Istanbul card because of the low value of the Turkish Lira to the other main currencies, it is already cheap for the tourist. You have another public transport payment options in Istanbul. If you want to have the limited type of card there is a card that we call it Limited Istanbul Card. This card allow you to take one, two, three or five trips only. It calls "geç" means pass.
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Istanbul card is the thing that you must need during your time in Istanbul (Source).
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Passcards will allow only a limited number of trips (Source). How Much is the Istanbul Card Price? You have to pay the 6 Turkish Lira to buy an Istanbul Card for the deposit. It is possible to take the deposit back when you are leaving from Istanbul but you have to give the card back to one of the Istanbul card offices around the city. By the way, you may want to keep the Istanbul card as a memory from your trip to Istanbul. If you are planning to buy the passcards their prices varies between 5 to 17 Turkish Lira and there is no deposit for them. I'm writing the prices of all type of cards below; Istanbul Card: 6 Turkish Lira Birgeç - ONEPass: 5 Turkish Lira İKİgeç - TWOpass: 8 Turkish Lira ÜÇgeç - THREEpass: 11 Turkish Lira BEŞgeç - FIVEpass: 17 Turkish Lira After you buy the Istanbul Card you have put some money on it to use it on public transport. I will give detailed information about ticket prices in a minute because those prices vary depending on your trips distance, vehicle or time. Generally, first trips are 2.60 Turkish Lira and transfer prices vary depending on the number of the transfer. You can find the list below; First Trip: 2.60 Turkish Lira 1. Transfer: 1.85 Turkish Lira 2. Transfer: 1.40 Turkish Lira 3. Transfer: 0.90 Turkish Lira 4. Transfer: 0.90 Turkish Lira 5. Transfer: 0.90 Turkish Lira Please don't forget these are generalized ticket prices in Istanbul. If you are using Metrobus or ferries these prices can vary. I will give detailed information about them in the following topics. How to Add Money to Istanbul Card? If you buy passcards you cant add money to them. They are only for a limited number of trips. But if you have an Istanbul card it is possible to add money to it and use it anytime you want. As long as you have money on your Istanbul card you can use it anytime you want. There are no restrictions or anything else. You have different options to add money to your Istanbul card. The first options, there are more than 2000 buffet-style mini markets where you can use. You will see the logo of the Istanbul card on those places. The second to add money to your Istanbul card is to use the "biletmatik" machines. These are automated machines to add money to your Istanbul card. They are at all the tram and metro stations and also at the major transfer hubs. Only cash money valid on them and also it is possible to check the Istanbul cards balance. There are different language options on these machines, just don't forget to your language before starting the process.
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You can use "BiletMatik" to add money to your Istanbul card (Source). Istanbul Card Apps Your last option to add money to your Istanbul card is to use to mobile app or web site. If you want to use a mobile app you should first visit your market and download it. At first, you need to create your account through the app and then you can add money to your cards account. This process you should need an NFC supported mobile phone. This process is if you want to use the Istanbul card website. If your mobile phone have NFC options you can instantly add the money to your account but if you don't have you just need to validate the money you add to the Istanbul card from biletmatik machines or validation scanner at stops. If you have any problem with this process please share your questions on the comment section. Istanbul Card app on the App Store Istanbul Card app on Google Play How to Pay with Istanbul Card? The Istanbul card is a contactless payment card. You just need to show to the scanner on the bus or the toll gates at the metro, tram and ferry stop. When you show it to the scanner it will drop the trip price and will show you the current on the screen. Now, you know every detail about the Istanbul card, how to buy it, how to add money on it and how to use it. Let's continue to learn other details of the Istanbul public transport system. By the way, you can get a refund if you used one of the pay as you go lines. You will see the refund machine very exit of the stations.
Istanbul Public Transport Map
It is not possible to show all the lines in Istanbul on one map. Because in Istanbul, there are more than 800 bus lines with also metro, tram, ferry, funicular, telpher lines. Putting them on all one map just makes it confusing. So it is better to focus them one by one. We will start with the metro lines. Metro Istanbul You can see the Istanbul metro network map on the image below. On that image, there are only the metro lines. There 7 different active metro lines are currently working in Istanbul. Unfortunately, none of the metro lines are operating at the airports in Istanbul. But they are very effective to go around in Istanbul. Metro lines in Istanbul are the main backbone of the Istanbul public transport that carries most of the passengers every day. Ticket fares are 2.60 Turkish Lira for full-fare, 1.25 Turkish Lira for a student card and 1.85 Turkish Lira for the social cards. You can visit the Metro Istanbul website to learn more things about the metro lines in Istanbul. Also, you can download the Metro Istanbul app from AppStore or Google Play Store. M1A: Yenikapi - Ataturk Airport (Airport is closed in 2019) M1B: Yenikapı - Kirazlı Stops at the main coach station: Otogar M2: Yenikapi - Haciosman M3: Kirazli - Olimpiyat - Basaksehir M4: Kadikoy - Tavsantepe Will be extended to the Sabiha Gokcen Airport M5: Uskudar - Cekmekoy M6: Levent - Hisarustu
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Istanbul Metro Lines Network Map (Source). Marmaray Suburban Train Line Marmaray Suburban train line is operating Gebze (Anatolian side) and Halkali station (Europen side). There are 43 stations on over one line with the undersea tunnel. Marmaray Suburban train line is becoming a very important part of Istanbul public transport after opening. This line intersects with the other metro lines at a different station and you can find the list below. M4 İçmeler station (Currently under construction) M10 Pendik station (Currently under construction) M8 Bostanci station (Currently under construction) M12 Goztepe station (Currently under construction) Sogutlucesme Metrobus station M4 Ayrilik Cesmesi station T1 Sirkeci station M1A, M1B, M2 Yenikapi station M3 Ozgurluk Meydani station (Currently under construction) M9 Atakoy station (Currently under construction) Kucukcekmece Metrobus station
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Marmaray Suburban train line operating intervals (Source). As you can see the image from the above there two different intervals at the Marmaray Suburban train line. The first trains leave from Gebze and Halkali at 06.00 (15 minutes interval) and the last trains 22.00 from Gebze and 22.15 from Halkali. Sogutlucesme and Zeytinburnu ara the more populated areas than the Gebze and Halkali, so there are 8-minute intervals for this part of the line. First trains leave from Sogutlucesme 05.54 and Zeytinburnu 05.50, the last train from Sogutlucesme 23.54 and from Zeytinburnu 23.20. There is a pay as you go ticket fare system for the Marmaray Suburban train line. You can find the list below. 1-7 station: 2.60 Turkish Lira 8-14 station: 3.25 Turkish Lira 15-21 station: 3.80 Turkish Lira 22-28 station: 4.40 Turkish Lira 29-35 station: 5.20 Turkish Lira 36-43 station: 5.70 Turkish Lira
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Marmaray suburban train line map (Source). Istanbul Tram, Funicular, Cable Car and Tunel Lines There are currently 3 active tram, 1 funicular and 2 cable car lines in Istanbul. If you came to Istanbul as a tourist you will use the T1 tram line mostly. Because T1 tram line goes through the historical places of Istanbul like Karakoy, Eminonu, Sirkeci, Sultanahmet, and Beyazit. But be aware this line will be overcrowded during summer and especially on weekends. You can use the Metro Istanbul website to get more information about the tram, funicular, and cable car lines. T1: Kabatas - Bagcilar T2: Taksim - Tunel (Nostalgic line) T3: Kadikoy - Moda T4: Topkapi - Mescid-i Selam F1: Taksim - Kabatas TF1: Macka - Taskisla TF2: Eyup - Piyerloti Tunel: Beygolu - Karakoy (2nd oldest metro in the world)
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Istanbul Tram Lines Network Map (Source). Istanbul Buses (IETT) Buses have a very important and crucial role over Istanbul public transport. Because Istanbul's population is close to 20 million and it not possible to construct metro and tram lines everywhere in the city. So if there is no metro or tram lines buses are the main actor of the Istanbul public transport. Buses are operating by the IETT company which was founded in 1869. It is not possible to write down the bus lines or the map of them because there almost 1000 bus lines operating in Istanbul. Most of the buses in Istanbul are new, suitable for handicapped people and environmentally friendly cars based on Europen Union regulations. You can download the Mobiett app from AppStore and Google Play Store.
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One of the IETT buses (Source). Metrobus Line Apart from all bus lines in Istanbul, there is a metro bus line which should be mentioned separately. Metrobus line is operating between Sogutlucesme and Beyikduzu. Metrobus lines have their own road separated from the current traffic. So, there won't be any delays or problems during the trip. The only problem is about the Metrobus line is there are too many people using it. Especially during rush hours, it will be very hard to use the Metrobus line.
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Metrobuses operates with 30 seconds interval during the rush hours (Source). Ferry Lines (Sehir Hatlari) If you want to experience the Bosphorus and also to get around Istanbul ferry lines are the right option. There are 4 main lines over the Bosphorus. You can find the list below. Each trip will take around 20 to 30 minutes if you use the main lines. You may all information about the Istanbul ferry line from the Sehir Hatlari company website. Every year the percentage of sea transport within Istanbul public transport is increasing. Emionu - Kadikoy Eminonu - Uskudar Karakoy - Kadikoy Besiktas - Kadikoy
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Main lines of Istanbul ferry lines (Source). Besides the main lines, there are different small lines over the golden Horne and parallel lines to the Bosphorus. Also, there is also one car ferry lines operating both sides of Istanbul.  You can find the small lines list below. Halic lines Bostanci - Karakoy - Kabatas Bosphorus Tours (Long and Short) Kucuksu - Besiktas - Kabatas Cengelkoy - Istinye Kadikoy - Sariyer Anadolu Kavagi - Sariyer Uskudar - Ortakoy Rumeli Kavagi - Eminonu Kucuksu - Istinye Istinye - Cubuklu (Car ferry) Prince Island lines
Things to Pay Attention While Using Istanbul Public Transport
Buy the Istanbul card as soon as you arrive at the Istanbul. Add at least 50 Turkish Lira to the card. Download mobile apps to add money from your mobile phone. Download the Metro Istanbul, Mobiett and Sehir Hatlari apps to get the latest information about the lines. Be careful of pickpocketing while you are using Metrobus line during the rush hours. Don't forget to use the refund machine when you use pay as you go lines (Marmaray and Metrobus) If you have any questions about Istanbul public transport system please share them in the comment section. Read the full article
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ayepee99 · 5 years ago
The highlight of the year was the trip through the Scandinavian and Baltic countries in July-August 2019. Though it came after many outings during the year, the experience of this unique trip was absolutely different. It was not a conventional package tour but personalised with homestays and considerable interaction with locals. 
During my trip to Lucknow in February 2019, a casual remark over a drink with Harsh turned the novel suggestion into a real possibility. Why not try the Couchsurfing way to explore new destinations! A new concept, especially for us the “older” generation, we thought of giving it a try. I registered on their website and started by sending out requests. Unfortunately, it appears that the members too felt the same as everyone seemed to be busy on the dates we requested! Hope wasnt lost, efforts continued and finally in between the sheaf of rejection messages, the “maybe” appeared. Not yet confirmed. Some wanted more information, some were curious why to retired Army-men were looking at couchsurfing! The first confirmation I received was from a bachelor in his mid-20s. I am sure it more out of curiosity than anything else.  
The plan was to cover eight nations and working on a tentative timeframe, the duration worked out to 34 days. Keeping for adequate time in each country to have more local experiences.  
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All countries were covered by the Schengen visa, except for Belarus. Belarus however, offered up to 5-day stay visa-on-arrival. This facility was only available if one arrived at Minsk by air. But to apply for the visa we needed to have confirmations of all travel and stay for the duration of the trip. A spree of hotel/hostel booking through the internet followed. And for all the travel between the various destinations. Flight, bus and ferry all made up of portfolio. Schengen visa now required biometrics to be taken. Harsh landed up in Noida in for the appointment for the visa on 24 May 2019, at the Norway desk of VFS. Coincidently, Norway was our first and longest stay, planned for 6 days. 
The visa went through smoothly. and then it was waiting time till departure - and sending of “requests” for our stay at various destinations. We had a majority of places covered with either confirmation or “maybe” before we left. For the rest, we decided to keep the reservations in the hotels made for visa purposes. We cancelled the rest. 
Baggage was also a concern about how much we could carry in the different modes of travel. 20 kgs check-in we assumed should be safe everywhere, This worked, except at Stockholm airport, were we got fleeced! More about it later. 
June passed and I was at the airport early morning on 01July to catch the 06:30 am Turkish Airlines flight to Oslo via Istanbul. Harsh joined me at the airport directly, looking dapper with his beard and hat. Since we were early, we checked into the airport lounge and decided to celebrate the commencement of the journey with breakfast and beer at 5:00 am! Auspicious start for us. 
Had never flown Turkish Airlines and was not sure how it would be. Turned out to be a nice experience - comfort, hostesses and food. An hour and a half layover at Istanbul and we reached Oslo at 05:00 pm, local time. Istanbul was a beautiful airport, I was wondering how we could rate our Delhi one as among the best in the world (as per hoardings all over there). 
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Istanbul Airport 
We had a couchsurfer tied up at Oslo and adequate time to find the place in daylight. We needn’t have worried about darkness - it remained dark for only about 4 hours at night! We found an Indian origin person selling the metro tickets and so got rough directions on how to reach our destination, which required one change en route. The change from the Airport Metro to the city metro was a bit complicated and after a few hits and misses lugging around my check-in baggage, a backpack and a bulky camera bag, we discovered the line a few levels underground! A short ride to the destination. No one seemed to know the address of the house we were looking for. Finally, the metro information office staff looked through Google Maps to point out the rough direction to us! Off we went for a walk along the city streets till more by instinct we spotted the road mentioned in the address - many places during the next month we reached our destinations more “by instinct” than any other way!    
Fortunately, Bimal, our host, was at home when we reached. He had taken the option of “work from home” that day because of us, luckily. It was late afternoon when we arrived, it was a typical bachelors studio apartment. But comfortable and well located near the town centre. We came to know later that house rentals were not cheap in such locations!  A hot cup of much-required tea while we chatted to get to know each other. Bimal turned out to be an excellent cook and made a delicious chana using all the fresh spices while we sat in the kitchen having a beer! A Japanese friend of his came along to join us for dinner, making it an evening well spent. Bimal was from Rajasthan and had been in Oslo for nearly five years and well settled. Into lots of travel and adventure activities. He did mention that when he first received our couchsurfing request, he debated for over a week before accepting it, wondering what he would have in common with us, considering the age difference! But then finally accepted us, to see how it went! By the end of our 3-day stay, I am sure he would have enjoyed our company as much as we did his.  
After dinner (it was still light outside), we went for a walk to the nearby famous Frogner Park, known for its sculptures spread over an area of 45 hectares and comprise sculptures created by Vigeland. It is the world’s largest sculpture park created by one artist.  
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itunesbooks · 6 years ago
Istanbul Sights - MobileReference
Istanbul Sights a travel guide to the top 35+ attractions in Istanbul, Turkey MobileReference Genre: Middle East Price: $0.99 Publish Date: March 8, 2011 Publisher: MobileReference Seller: MobileReference This illustrated Travel Guide is a part of the Mobi Sights series, our concise guides that only feature the most essential information on city attractions. This guide is designed for optimal navigation on eReaders, smartphones, and other mobile electronic devices. Inside you will find a locator map and a list of top attractions linked to individual articles. Addresses, telephones, hours of operation and admissions information are included.  Please search for "Travel Istanbul," part of the Mobi Travel series, if you are interested in the complete travel guide that includes more maps and attractions with additional articles on history, cultural venues, transportation, districts, dining, accommodations, units conversion, and a phrasebook.  NEW FEATURE: The attraction articles now include links to Google Maps. On a dedicated electronic reader with a slow connection and a primitive browser, Google Maps will display the attraction on the map along with metro stations, roads, and nearby attractions. On an internet-enabled device such as the iPhone and the iPad, Google Maps will even show you the route from your current location to the attraction you want to go to. http://dlvr.it/R0k95B
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suetravelblog · 4 years ago
Kadıköy Municipality Istanbul Turkey
Kadıköy Municipality Istanbul Turkey
I’ve been in Istanbul for over a week now, and am beginning to adjust. It’s a huge, fast-moving city (15.5 million) with many districts and neighborhoods to visit. I’ve barely grazed the surface, but am making progress. Today I explored Kadıköy, on the Asian side of the Bosphorus Strait. Google Maps Failure Google Maps threw me to the wolves, sending me on a complicated trip from Metro to…
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