#goofy yokei godneu
tristarnova · 2 months
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To note, Gofurias can’t use magic while their sister, Lyra can, which is why I am curious.
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Mimics in yokei godneu
Mimics are an invasive alien species to pheron and various other planets in the joyous nexus, unlike slimes, how are peaceful and are actually helpful for the enivornment, mimics are destructive and harmful towards it.
They were 1st discovered on pheron by a young gofurias rainudomn, how found them when a meteorite carrying a small colony of them crashed onto pheron, and learned a lot about them, and thus keeping chest mimics all around their secret hideout.
Mimics are primarily carnivorous, they can eat anything up to twice as big as them, using their long tongues and stretchy bodies to eat anything they so please, primarily being adventurers, and anything smaller
While primarily carnivorous, they love any type of mineral, metals, gems, crystals, you name it, they have an love for the wealthy and any materials, which is why they target adventurers, and is the only reason gofurias had managed to tame a whole colony.
Mimics can be tamed by giving them a ton of minerals, ores, gems, metals, and Crystals, but they are very difficult to tame, so it’s wonder how gofurias managed to tame a whole colony of mimics.
Mimics are born with an item disguise, which they keep throughout their entire life, and can’t change, but they can also change their own body on a dime, however, mimics don’t have full transformative powers, and will keep parts of their item disguise no matter what form they take, and are limited.
Mimics unlike slimes how are mostly genderless, mimics on the other hand are primarily female, as throughout their evolution, it has been proven that mimics being primarily female helps them trick people easier and get more prey, leading male mimics to be rare to come by.
Most mimics are the solitary kind, meaning they don’t like interacting with other mimics, and have their own territory, often eating other mimics, how get too close, or ignore them, only interacting with other mimics rarely.
a few, like the ones gofurias found, form a colony, at the top of the colony is the oddly named “king mimic”, how is the strongest female mimic of the colony, how the other female mimics work under, while the few male mimics are at the bottom.
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tristarnova · 29 days
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I should remind you Gofurias despite being a black mage can’t actually use magic, that’s why Gofurias needs outside help, could just change outfits, or use artifacts to do his transformations.
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tristarnova · 2 months
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tristarnova · 2 months
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I think gofurias rainudomn should have at least 3 phases, since I think the major bosses should have at least two phases, and goofy is the last major boss of the main story, I am just not sure how it would work, or how many phases they should have. This is the number for the main phases, aka the healthbars, sub phases don’t count.
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tristarnova · 3 months
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Gofurias Rainudomn or goofy for short is the main antagonist of yokei godneu, both a master theif and a master prankster, gofurias can be identify by any gender. A master theif and prankster at the same time, they are kinda like one of those cartoon villains, but is a mage without magic, that is a total kelptomaniac, stealing just to steal. They often inconveniences the heroes along their quest, and hates being called goofy which the main protagonists call them constantly, but can actually be a threat when they fight them. They are the one behind the theft of the light stones that the games plot revolves around, and while smart, they often tends to leave hints for the heroes to where they are, inculding dropping the map that allows the heroes to follow them in the 1st place. Despite being firmly in the evil alignment, hating and acting outside of the law, they are still somewhat noble, and care for their allies, making them neutral evil.
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tristarnova · 1 month
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Please put if you think they should do something else in the comments below, and reblog or like if you do like it, and please add your opinion too
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tristarnova · 1 month
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Please vote on this also, if you like it, you will get a follower too, by me, I am not joking
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tristarnova · 3 months
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Lyra Rainudomn is the more mature older sister of the main antagonist, gofurias rainudomn, and a mage, just like goofy. Compared to her sibling, Lyra is not a kelptomaniac, and does actually have magic unlike her sibling, and is notably taller than him too. She is rather comically serious and is deadpan, compared to the other characters in yokei godneu, but she still has her comedic moments. However she is a strong magic user despite that, and lives in the mountains, with her fluffy witch outfit protecting her form the cold. Like her brother she is neutral, but unlike gofurias, how is neutral evil, she is true neutral, not really caring about any sort of alignment, not leaning towards chaotic or lawful, and doesn’t care about the fight between good and evil.
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tristarnova · 1 day
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Should make mention all of them are magical artifacts or have some sort of purpose, which is why the main protagonists are trying to get them back.
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tristarnova · 5 days
Character profiles
Don’t call me Goofy
Himika precas
Emperor Evulz
Lyra Rainudomn
Yokei godneu phanteon:
Player character
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tristarnova · 1 month
How the light stones work in yokei godneu
The light stones are speical artifacts that is trying to steal at the beginning of yokei godneu, magicial crystaline artifacts, which produce a magical healing light, and bring color to the planet of pheron, of which they are 7, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
All of the light stones are the same color as their name suggests, red is red, orange is orange, yellow is yellow, green is green, blue is blue, indigo is indigo and violet is violet,
Defeating the major bosses of chapter 1-7 in yokei godneu will grant you the light stone of the respective chapter, red for 1, orange for 2, yellow for 3, green for 4, blue for 5, indigo for 6, and violet for 7, all of which are need to unlock chapter 8.
The light stones however are not just regular collectibles, they can also be used in combat to preform special moves, each light stone has its own special move you can use in combat as soon as you get them, which each do something different.
However to use the light stones, you must use a different resource than MP and HP, this being CP or color power, CP increases by 1 during each chapter, starting at 1 during the prologue to 9 at chapter 8, with upgrades being able to be bought using the main collectible to increase the maximum CP further than 9.
The CP moves can be very useful, but a single cp can be take a while to charge on its own, luckily, do attack commands well enough will speed up the process of getting cp, and they are some moves, which can charge up the cp too.
I will post about the effects of each of the attacks that use color power later once I figure them out, as there is maybe at least one color power move that doesn’t use any light stones learning, and at least 1 or maybe 2 color power moves that uses all 7, learned sometime in chapter 8.
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Spoliers for yokei godneu below, I just got an idea for something that
This is an additional story mode aside form the main story, a prologue to the main story mode, showing how gofurias rainudomn managed to steal the light stones the theft of which is what the main story mode revolve around.
It’s name is goofy’s master plot, where you play as the big bad himself, gofurias rainudomn himself, as he collects his allies to complete his greatest heist so far in the yokei godneu series, being the theft of the light stones.
They are changes from the main story to goofy’s master plot, namely unlike in the main story, where you have your party always, Gofurias is the only character you control, with the other characters being summoned to act as assists, and you don’t have access to the high upper base or hub for short.
The story and need of collectibles are toned down, streamlining the story and collectible process, and including more exploration, puzzle solving, and combat in exchange.
Due to the fact that gofurias and their allies are bosses in yokei Godneu, with gofurias themself being the final boss of the main story infact, their boss fights have been replaced by new boss battles for goofy’s master plot, and Goofy’s hideout is replaced by a brand new area.
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tristarnova · 3 months
This is an tumblr about my fan made eastern rpg with western rpg style exploration known as yokei godneu: to be a hero. Yokei godneu is currently just being created, and follows a more comedic and lighthearted apporach compared to most other RPGs. After the master theif, gofurias rainudomn or goofy stole the magical light stones of pheron, and gave them to their servants, it’s up to a group of unlikely heroes to regain the light stones, and stop whatever goofy is planning.
Poll database: take this to see any active polls I have and any polls that I had
Headcanons: for all your headcanon needs
Character profiles: you can ask any of the characters that have profiles, but please no nsfw
Things about yokei godneu: for more info about yokei Godneu itself
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tristarnova · 5 days
Poll database
Active polls:
Collectible poll
Tami’s species poll
What is Goofy stealing?
Finished polls:
Where should yokei godneu be
Final boss Gofurias part 3
Final Boss Gofurias part 2
Final boss Gofurias
How are the rainudomn siblings
Gofurias’s role
The style of Yokei Godneu
Hopey main protagonist or no?
Tami’s alignment
Inconclusive polls, thus meaning they will likely be remade.
Light stone usage
How’s the butt monkey
Tami’s role
Light stone poll
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