shadedpenumbra · 2 years
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[image description: A digital painting of a round fat lizard like creature, with kitty ears, short stubby legs and a big pastel yellow curly tail surrounded by pastel clouds and stars. Their dorsal side is is pastel and multicolored and has a quilted comforter texture. Their ventral side is clear and full pink goo and pastel yellow stars. There is a sleeping cat toy wearing pajamas floating in the goo.  End Image Description.]
Commentary: While I was making some Goo-drop adopts to sell on my toyhou.se I made this one and loved it so much that I decided to keep it. I think their name is either Goo Dreams or Dream Drop... not sure which one I’ll go with yet lol.
Please Don’t Repost My Artwork
Art and Creature © Shaded Penumbra
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kidweekandtoys · 5 years
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The cutest aliens to ever crash-land on earth are the GooGoo Drops from @googoogalaxy they are squishiest and most loveable baby aliens that are out of this world 🤩 . . . @charactertoys @moose_toys #GooGooDay #GooGooGalaxy #goodrops #crashlanded #newtoys #instatoys #squishy #squishies #slime #galaxyslime #galacticslime #alientoys #kidweekandtoys https://www.instagram.com/p/B0G9VGLHREW/?igshid=lfbtafu12522
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ciclismonostalgia · 5 years
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Phil Anderson, nato a Londra, si trasferì a Melbourne, Australia, ancora giovane. Crebbe nei sobborghi di Kew e iniziò a correre nello Hawthorn Citizens' Youth Club. Anderson, ancora dilettante, vinse il Tour of New Zealand nel 1977 e il campionato nazionale di cronometro a squadre a Brisbane nel 1978 correndo insieme a R. Sansonetti, S. Sansonetti e A. Goodrope. Nello stesso anno vinse la corsa in line ai Giochi del Commonwealth del 1978 ad Edmonton, Canada. Nel 1979 si trasferì in Francia, passando nell'ACBB, club di Boulogne-Billancourt nei sobborghi di Parigi, fonte di giovani ciclisti per squadre professionistiche, in particolare la Peugeot. Con la squadra francese vinse il Tour de l'Essonne, il Tour de l'Hérault e la versione non ufficiale dei campionati del mondo a cronometro, il Grand Prix des Nations, a Cannes. Anderson passò professionista nel 1980, proprio nella Peugeot, uno dei più antichi club transalpini. Nella sua prima stagione vinse due gare, il Prix de Wetteren e una tappa alla Étoile des Espoirs, arrivando secondo in altre due. Arrivò quinto nel Tour de France 1982, in cui vinse la classifica giovani, e nuovamente quinto nel 1985, anno in cui vinse il Tour de Suisse. Nella stessa stagione finì secondo al Super Prestige Pernod, predecessore delle graduatorie a punti della UCI. Il miglior risultato raggiunto in carriera fu la maglia gialla vestita nel Tour de France 1981 e, successivamente, per nove giorni nel 1982. Fu il primo corridore non europeo a guidare la classifica generale della corsa. La sua miglior stagione fu la 1985, quando vinse il Tour Méditerranéen, Critérium du Dauphiné Libéré e il Tour de Suisse, giungendo secondo al Giro delle Fiandre e alla Gand-Wevelgem. Nel 1986 vinse la Parigi-Tours. Continuò a correre al Tour fino al 1989, quando terminò trentottesimo, ma contrasse una forma di artrite che lo limitò negli anni successivi. Nel 1991 passò alla americana Motorola e vinse il Tour Méditerranéen e il Settimana Ciclistica Internazionale, una tappa al Tour de Suisse e una al Tour de France. 🚴‍♂️ #ciclismonostalgia 📸 @bicimechanic
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purimpopoie · 9 years
Would you rather be: 1. Donald Trump with a tupee that doubles as an attack boomerang or. 2. Neil deGrasse Tyson that has been turned into a cyborg and works for the Teen Titans
Neil deGrasse Tyson as Cyborg would be an awesome movie. I choose that one.
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lumiosedreams · 9 years
Goodra x Florges or Frogedier x Braixen (I decided to give you Pokemon ships to be non-conventional.
(Always fine with me, something different I choose Goodra x Florges, cause they was so cute in XY69&XY70 and I see them as King and Queen of their home :) 
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dentos-wife · 9 years
How much do you love Goodra?
Goodra’s a cool mon I raised one in X. And Satoshi’s was the cutest thing. I just wish it did drip with goo so much, it hurts how much I love it. Still it’s adorable so I’d say medium level love?
Probably one of the favorites in the Kalos dex though~
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shadedpenumbra · 3 years
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[image description: A digital painting of a round fat lizard like creature, with have short stubby legs and a big curly tail. their dorsal side is a coral pink with white freckles and their ventral side is clear and full aqua goo of pink pearls.  End Image Description.]
Commentary: I was playing around with fire alpaca a while ago and ended up doodling this thing. I thought it was cute and ended fully rendering it the same day I doodled it. I called a goodrop since it looked like a bit like a gumdrop.
Please Don’t Repost My Artwork
Art and Creature © Shaded Penumbra
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kidweekandtoys · 5 years
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It's #GooGooDay and we have been invaded by the cutest aliens from Goo Goo Galaxy check out our YouTube video now to find out more . . @googoogalaxy @charactertoys #GooGooGalaxy #GooDrops #cosmicbestfriend #babyaliens #moosetoys #alieninvasion #alientoys #youtubevideo #kidinfluencer #kidweekandtoys https://www.instagram.com/p/B0GQcKAnmKn/?igshid=7thqrq7aec3x
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pansynews · 9 years
Wait... you like apple flavored Victinis?! Cuuute!
Yep! Super stacy! Just rub ‘em up an’ down, ya know?
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purimpopoie · 9 years
Would you rather be: 1. Misty's Psyduck or 2. A Ducklett that has a curse where they are automatically summoned to Willie Robertson when he blows a duck call to be petted and caressed
What an oddly specific curse.
Misty’s Psyduck because there’s a 0% chance of me getting eating and I can just laze around the pool all day.
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purimpopoie · 9 years
If you could be born again as any 8 year old character and live your life as them, who would it be and why? (Prediction: Serena Incoming). P.S. you can be animals if you want; if that's your thing
Serena feels like such a cheap answer when I could pick a character who’s more powerful/nightmarish. But it’s probably the right one.
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purimpopoie · 9 years
Would you rather be: 1. Bill Nye the Science Guy who is addicted to heroin but can make their own heroine. 2. Ken Ham, Creation Museum founder
Like this is even debate.
Billy Nye.
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purimpopoie · 9 years
Would you rather be... Ash's Pikachu or Serena's Fennekin but you have to evolve into Braixen
Serena’s Fennekin! I could be super cute and do all sorts of performances!
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purimpopoie · 9 years
sinnoans replied to your post:Woah, it's been a while since I visited your blog,...
After a brief discussion, she told me Goodra. :p
So, you know. If you want. :)
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purimpopoie · 9 years
Woah, it's been a while since I visited your blog, and everything has changed! What do you mean you don't live in a world of grey anymore? That line always confused me ^^' You go out with Goodrops now? Congratz! I hope your day has been great, and your week too! You've always been one of my favorite blogs to visit on Tumblr!
My Blog’s old title, “A World of Grey” was a reference to N’s Speech in from Chargestone Cave in Pokémon Black and White:
"Many different values mix together, and the world becomes gray... That is unforgivable! I will separate Pokémon and people, and black and white will be clearly distinct!
When I initially made my blog, I felt like there were so many things in my life mixed together into something grey. There was a lot I was struggling with, and a lot I struggled through. I transitioned from male to female, worked through so many problems, and made a ton of new friends. And things got better. My life got better.
So I guess I did’t feel like “A World of Grey” fit anymore. And so I cast off the old title and now my blog’s MUCH more colorful!
@goodrops and I actually know each other IRL rather than on Tumblr (it my was insistence that made her even start a Tumblr). We’ve been dating for a few years (so all that stuff about me dating other people was just jokes).
And thank you, Anon! I actually got some super great news just a few hours ago, so I’m totally psyched! Thank you for your kind words! I hope you enjoy my blog as the journey continues!
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purimpopoie · 9 years
Do you think that Bonnie and Clemont are secretly bank robbers?
I need a Bonnie and Clyde AU for them. Excpet without the romance between them. That’s ovr the line.
But Clemont and Bonnie as bank robbers is something I can get behind 100%.
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