Khouri Law Firm
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
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Our experienced legal team can help you out of this trouble with expert advice. It is time to consult a professional criminal lawyer in Dubai of your own. Call us now!.
يمكن لفريقنا القانوني المتمرس فى القانون الجنائي مساعدتك في الخروج من هذه المشكلة. اتصل بنا الآن لتحظي بالمساعدة !.
Call Now: +97150 6234989 Visit:
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
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Know your legal rights through a team of expert lawyers in all departments of law in UAE  (criminal - Employment | Labor - Family | Divorce - commercial - real estate)
 Call us now: 0506234989
 Or visit us at: 
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
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اعرف حقوقك القانونية من خلال مجموعة من المحامين الخبراء في جميع أفرع القانون في دولة الإمارات ( الجنائي - العمل - المدني - الأحوال الشخصية - التجاري – العقارات ) 
اتصل بنا الآن : 0506234989
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
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At the point when you discover an attorney close to you who comprehends the lawful complexities encompassing your case, you can have confidence that no stone will be left upturned.
عندما تجد محامياً بالقرب منك يتفهم التعقيدات القانونية المحيطة بقضيتك ، يمكنك أن تطمئن إلى أنه لن يترك أي جهد دون بذلة.
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
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Our team of labour lawyers in Abu Dhabi and Dubai is one of the best legal professionals in UAE who can help you with all your Labour & Employment Disputes. يعد فريق محامي العمل لدينا في أبو ظبي ودبي أحد أفضل المهنيين القانونيين في الإمارات العربية المتحدة والذين يمكنهم مساعدتك في جميع منازعات العمل والتوظيف الخاصة بك. 
To know more about us Call:0506234989
#corporatelaw #corporatelawyer #corporatelawfirms #dubailawyer #lawyers #lawfirms #corporatelawyersin dubai
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
Family Lawyers in Dubai & Abu Dhabi
We Ibrahim Khouri advocates can help you to assess your options and make progress in resolving your family dispute. Book a private telephone consultation with an expert family lawyer in Dubai and begin the journey out of family conflicts.
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نحن مكتب إبراهيم خوري يمكننا مساعدتك في تقييم خياراتك وإحراز تقدم في حل نزاعك العائلي. احجز استشارة هاتفية خاصة مع محامٍ خبير وابدأ رحلة الخروج من النزاعات العائلية. To know more about us Call:056 466 2663 Visit:
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
Best Lawyers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Al ain
We provide personalized legal service focused on our client's satisfaction & that's how we have gained the trust of clients over the years. Our lawyers focuses on casting innovative legal solutions that produce successful results for our clients. We Ibrahim Khouri Advocates is one of the leading lawyers in Al ain, Dubai & Abu Dhabi are here to help you in your hard times. Feel free to contact us with any doubts & concerns at any time.
Call Now: 056 466 2663 Visit:
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
Leading Lawyers in UAE
We Ibrahim Khouri Advocates, one of the leading lawyers in Abu Dhabi are here to help you in your hard times. So don't hesitate to call us, Feel free to contact us with any doubts & concerns at any time. نحن مكتب إبراهيم خوري للمحاماه والإستشارات القانونية متواجدون دائما لمساعدتك . لذلك لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا إذا كان لديك أي مشكلة أو اسألة بخصوص قضيتك .
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To know more about us Call:056 466 2663 Visit: #calllawyernow #asklawyernow #abudhabilawyer #lawfirmsinabudhabi #lawyersinabudhabi #legal #lawyer #lawfirm #lawyers #legalconsultants #legalservices #crimnallawyer #familylawyer #divorcelawyer #lawyersinuae #lawyering #familylaw #lawoffice #attorneylife #khourilawyers #khourilawfirm #abudhabi #uae
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
Leading Divorce lawyer
With well-experienced family & divorce lawyers in Dubai on our team, Ibrahim Khouri advocates & legal consultants can provide you with guidance on how to protect yourself in a family issue. Feel free to contact us with any doubts & concerns at any time.
مع وجود مجموعة من المحامين ذوي الخبرة الجيدة في قانون الأسرة والطلاق ، يمكننا تزويدك بالإرشادات اللازمة حول كيفية القيام بالإجراءات القانونية الصحيحة لحماية نفسك . لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا في أي وقت
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To know more about us Call:056 466 2663
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
Take advice from experts
Ibrahim Khouri Advocates & legal consultants in Dubai offer expert real estate advice for buying & selling property in residential and commercial real estate in UAE. Take advice from leading real estate lawyers in Dubai before committing to any contracts.
نحن مكتب إبراهيم خوري محامون ومستشارون قانونيون نقدم نصائح عقارية متخصصة لشراء وبيع العقارات السكنية والتجارية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
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To know more about us Call:0506234989 Visit:
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
Where do our clients use the documents witnessed by us?
Document review is the stage of ediscovery prior to production, in which lawyers examine documents to determine if they are relevant, responsive, or privileged. The purpose of document review, then, is to identify what information falls within the scope of discovery. Our clients use the documents witnessed by us to meet the requirements of various government departments and private entities/parties around the world for the following purposes:
Immigration and visa processes including but not limited to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Malta, Bulgaria, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Hungary, Portugal, ST. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, etc.
Setting up businesses and offshore companies.
Selling and buying of property/assets.
Filing various applications at government departments and private institutions.
For opening the Bank account.
Satisfying the Know Your Client requirements.
Presenting the documents to courts.
We Ibrahim Khouri advocates & legal consultants in Dubai is one of the leading law firms in Dubai which offers quality legal services & customer satisfaction at its best from a group of experienced 7 professional lawyers. Our wide range of leal consultants provides support for our clients in all areas of their business and private life.
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
Which documents do we Ibrahim Khouri advocates & legal consultants sign as witnesses?
Our lawyers in Dubai act as witnesses to signatures for the following documents typically used outside the UAE:
Various applications to the government and private institutions.
Agreements and contracts.
Property/asset sale and purchase contracts and deeds.
Affidavits and oaths.
Application forms
Company resolutions
If your document does not fall under the above categories, please contact us to find out if how we can act as a witness to your document.
Once the document is signed by our client in the presence of one of our advocates in Dubai, the lawyer also signs and stamps the document to confirm that he/she has witnessed the signing of the document.
To know more about us, check-
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
Real Estate & Property Lawyers in Dubai
We Ibrahim Khouri advocates & legal consultants in Dubai offer expert real estate advice for buying & selling property in residential and commercial real estate in UAE
.نحن مكتب إبراهيم خوري محامون ومستشارون قانونيون نقدم نصائح عقارية متخصصة لشراء وبيع العقارات السكنية والتجارية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
To know more about usCall:0506234989
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
Divorce lawyers in Dubai & ABu Dhabi
With well-experienced family & divorce lawyers in Dubai on our team, We can provide you with guidance on how to protect yourself in a family issue. Feel free to contact us with any doubts & concerns at any time.
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/#divorcelawyer #familylawyer #familylawyers #familylawadvice #familylaw #divorcelaw #familylawinuae #divorcelawinuae #familylawsolicitor #familylawattorney #divorcesolicitor #familylawyersindubai #divorcelawyersindubai #legaladvice #asklawyer #uaelaw #attorneylife #khourilawyers #khourilawfirm #dxb #dubai #abudhabi #alain7People Reached0EngagementsBoost PostLikeCommentShare
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khourilawfirms · 4 years ago
Insurance lawyers in Dubai & Abu Dhabi
Our expert legal team of well-qualified insurance lawyers provides the clients with delicate legs guidance in any matter related to insurance. Call our lawyer & take expert advice now.
يوفر مكتب إبراهيم خوري للمحاماه والإستشارات القانونية فريق من المستشاريين القانونيين في مجال قانون التأمين ، حيث نقدم خدماتنا فى كل ما هو متعلق بقطاع التأم��ن اتصل بمحامينا واحصل على إستشارتك القانونية الآن.
To know more about us
Call Now: 056 466 2663
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#insuranceclaims #insurancelaw #insurancelawyersindubai #lawyersindubai #lawfirmsindubai #uaelaw #insurancelaws #financelawyers #insurancelawyer #legaladvice #asklawyer #onlinelawyer #dubai #abudhabi #alain #uae #callnow
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