#good thing i got the weird apartment building instead of a regular room
houkagokappa · 3 months
Did I mention I've been travelling?? I made it to the biological station a few hours ago and I'm sharing a room with a complete stranger???? She seems nice, but like I'm crying, what an introduction
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rey-129-fan · 4 months
Well, it's been a while since I've posted any fanfic... Let's change that.
Good news! I'm not dead! My brain did try to get me to do things that could unalive myself for a bit, and then I lost nearly an entire side of my family over the span of 3 years, but I'm still here and still kicking! And I have two new puppies who are adorable and so loving.
Now for this story, this is inspired by a few posts I saw on @theglamorousferal, mostly the one about Amity Parkers going to college in Gotham and buying a hotel (I'm making it a co-op student house, but I've never lived in one, so if something's unacceptably wrong, tell me, if not, artistic license), but also the one where our main Trio buy a building to set up shop there, and wind up adopted my Jason (I swear, I saw that post after I wrote the first chapter, but it just fit so well).
Honestly, Amity Park was weird long before the Fentons moved there- the original settlers named the nearby lake Eerie, and it wasn’t after the Great Lake.  It’s just that before the Fentons’ machine punched a hole through reality and created a permanent doorway to the land of spirits and ghosts, the weirdness was not as blatant.
Prior to that, Amity Parkers were some of the few that could move to Gotham without suffering a breakdown that was common for new arrivals.  Now there was a slight dip in newcomers for about a decade or two after the Bat made his debut and then the crazies that followed him, but then Amity Parkers got used to the spirits of the dead wandering around following the aforementioned punching through reality.
All this to say that Gotham Universities were a rather common destination for young Amity Park adults seeking higher education.
Now because of this, there were always apartments advertising themselves for people from the small town.  They, after all, tended to not have a breakdown after their fifth rogue attack and just pack up and leave halfway through their lease.  But it got very annoying having to sift through all the advertisements when looking for a place to stay- something Danny Fenton saw his older sister go through when she got in to Gotham City University.  The boy then shared what he was witnessing with his two best friends- Tucker Foley and Sam Manson.  Tucker offered to help filter out the spam, which Danny’s sister Jazz thanked him for but turned down.  Sam… Sam instead got thinking.
Sam had been to Gotham a few times in her life.  She had an idea of the areas closest to the schools and how much those should cost.  And looking at the letters Jazz was getting, the offers were a little too high for a regular college student to afford.  Sam was also familiar with how many hotels were not being used in Gotham- people building them in hopes tourists would come to stay while visiting the East Coast, tourists that could not be convinced to visit due to the high crime rate and the lack of activities or places of interest in the city itself.
She quickly went to work, looking in to these empty hotels.  She was rather upset by their numbers and put together a spreadsheet of them, with details like number of rooms, any amenities they may have, and nearby landmarks.  She then grabbed her two dorks and marched to Casper High’s Community Outreach director.
Now Sam’s presentation raised a few eyebrows, mostly because it was in a completely different state, but Sam shot back that because of the efforts to incorporate the town’s new ghostly residents and provide them with helpful ways to feed their obsessions- efforts led by the Fenton family- Amity Park had very few homeless, and those that were had a huge community safety net to help them get back on their feet.  Additionally, with how many people moved between the city and the town, helping the city could be argued to also be helping the town.
The Outreach Director just sighed and gave Same the green light to at least draft and send out a proposal to the powers that be in Gotham, saying that there wasn’t much that could be done before they got backing and approval.  Sam thanked them before leaving, Danny and Tucker trailing behind.
She was back the next day with a draft of her proposal and a list of who to send it to.
Since returning from the dead in the eyes of the public, Jason Todd was often contacted by groups trying to use the Wayne fortune to fund their own personal projects.  They thought Jason would be the easiest to con- sorry, persuade- since he was a former street kid unlike the rest of his family.  Thus surely he would know just how much this new building with low income housing would help the people of Gotham- it even came with a pool and gym!
Yeah, he did know how much the people of Gotham needed housing, but $2K a month was not affordable when you’re barely making $30K a year!  Oh and the pool and gym were only available for those who could shell out an additional $2K a month.  Jason knows, he read the whole document carefully.
God, sometimes it was hard to tell who was worse, the psychos in Blackgate or real estate investors.  And sadly, he couldn’t just pop a bullet in their heads and be done with it because 1) it would raise too many questions and 2) it would make Bruce get all sad and mopey- again.  Jason just did not have the mental energy to put up with that on top of the rest of his life as a crimelord/vigilante/long-lost adoptive second son of a billionaire.
All this to say, he was not impressed when he first glanced over a proposal to convert the unused hotels around the city into housing units- especially since it was from someone that did not live in Gotham.
Manson?  Wasn’t there a family with that name that would attend some of Brucie’s galas?  Oh yeah, their family made its fortune off patenting the machine that wrapped toothpicks in plastic, as well as a couple others.  And they had a daughter around Repla- Tim’s age.  Hopefully this wasn’t her trying to be a kiss-ass like her parents.
Jason finished reading and sat back.  The proposal wasn’t too bad.  Converting hotels into apartment buildings would be easier than office buildings, and the suggestion to use ex-convicts that wanted to turn over a new leaf as building managers certainly wasn’t the worst.  Also creating a fund for those that couldn’t afford rent, as well as community kitchens and gardens were certain plusses, though would need to have the right people in charge to make sure they actually worked as planned, and to keep the Court of Owls from messing with it.
Overall, it was something Jason would consider, after some research and maybe talking with the rest of the Bats and Birds.  And if this was from the Manson kid, maybe get Dickie or one of the others to talk to her next time there was a gala in town.  Or talk to her himself, if the Pit wasn’t too loud.
…Dick was probably the better option to talk with her if it came down to it.
There's the first chapter. I'm going to go write the next one. When I have a good log of them, I'll then go and edit them and put them on AO3.
This has no title yet because I suck at naming. Feel free to comment with suggestions for a name, both for the fic/au and for the eventual hotel/co op. As well as any shinanegans and majors/colleges/universities for our liminal young adults.
Part 1/? Next >
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sleptwithinthesun · 1 year
hi this is just c/hicago au with j/onathan talking about Stuff™ soon after they move to chicago? no actual sneezing but a few mentions. 0.7K words i hope you enjoy!! (i hate these setup fics so bear with me until the end of this one because it's SHIT lol)
Jonathan's the last one home on Friday evening, three weeks after they moved into their new apartment in Chicago, which is still unbelievable to him. They'd been talking about it for months, practically since they started living together, mentioning that they wanted to live in a city instead of hopping from town to town, and have finally, finally managed to settle down in an apartment with a lease longer than six months.
The floor of said apartment still boasts a handful of broken-down moving boxes that haven't been shoved into the closet yet, just because they've all been so preoccupied with finding jobs. Thankfully, Nancy and Jonathan managed to land jobs as a journalist and photographer, respectively, at one of the major newspapers for Chicago, and Steve's got something going as a floor manager over at the local department store, the position aided by his solid amount of previous experience in retail.
"Hey, Jon," Steve greets, smiling at his boyfriend as he crouches to unlace his boots. Jonathan returns it, the corners of his lips quirking in that way that he does, the one that's more telling of his happiness than an actual smile is. "Work alright?"
"It was fine," Jonathan says, "for the most part."
Nancy looks up from her book, eyebrows furrowed with concern. "What happened?" She and Jonathan work in wildly different areas of their office building, and rarely see each other unless they're both on break or get to work on the same story.
He shrugs. "Other photographer was in the darkroom while I was, and kept moving in and out to get his stuff because he was completely disorganized, which is really just not conducive to developing photographs." Jonathan sits down on the couch next to Steve, sniffling quietly before adding, "Not to mention the light."
"I keep forgetting about the light thing," Steve says offhandedly, feeling his abdomen tighten with unnecessary excitement. Christ, Jonathan's not even ready to deal with that, not after the first talk they all tried to have. He's pretty sure Jonathan forgot about it entirely, considering that the conversation was more than a year ago, and isn't looking forward to bringing all of that up again.
Jonathan sighs. "It'd be alright if people thought it was normal whenever I tell them that the light makes me sneeze, but instead, they just look at me like I'm crazy."
"I mean, it is kind of a weird thing to have to explain," Nancy says, and clears her throat. Steve can tell that Jonathan's getting to her as well, involuntary as it may be.
Jonathan only shrugs. "I guess."
They lapse into a quiet silence after that, and when Jonathan leaves the room to get a book of his own, Steve moves over to Nancy's side.
"We have to tell him," he says quietly. "If these kinds of conversations become a regular thing, we have to tell him."
Nancy frowns. "We did tell him, back in Indianapolis," she whispers.
"I'm not sure if he remembers that."
"Oh, shit. Yeah, you might be right about that."
"Do we want to tell him?"
"...Not really."
"We can wait!" she hisses, glancing toward the bedroom, where Jonathan currently is. "We can wait. It's fine, Steve, we'll bring it up when the time is right."
He hesitates for a moment, then nods. "Whenever you're ready."
Nancy shoots him a tight-lipped smile, and closes her book and stands just as she and Steve stand up. "I think we have the stuff we need for pork chops," she says, letting their conversation flow seamlessly into a discussion about dinner right when Jonathan walks back into the room. "Would that work?"
"Sounds good," Steve says, then looks up at their boyfriend. "Jon?"
"That's fine," he says, and puts his book down on the couch. "Nancy, do you want help in the kitchen?"
"As long as Steve isn't allowed in, then yes. I don't trust him not to set anything on fire."
"Hey! That was one time."
"One time too many, Harrington," Nancy says with a playful grin, and Steve rolls his eyes before grinning back.
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corujalesbica · 2 years
Rock and Roll bugs - a steddie one shot
It was almost noon, and Steve was tired. His suit felt suffocating then, and his muscles were sore. Still, it was all worth it. It always was.
He thought about going home early,but Steve was damn sure no-one would be waiting for him there. Ever since his parents died, he had been living in their huge apartment with his aunt, who was always traveling. He couldn't make himself blame her, she only inherited a small part of his parents fortune, the rest was for him, but of course he would only have access to it once he turned eighteen. His aunt didn't make a lot of money, but she sure did love her job. So he had to start working part time at a local ice cream shop, it was the only way to afford the stuff he needed to keep his Spiderman thing going.
He turned to see the sun, high in the sky. There was not much going on and he could be doing quite literally anything else. So he decided to go to his best friend's place to see what she was up to. He got to the little house painted in pink quickly enough, distances aren't much of a problem when you can jump from building to building with spider webs. The smell of something burning in the stove and the noises made by the neighbor's cat were more familiar to him than the paintings in his living room.
Robin was, of course, reading one of their weird nerdy magazines instead of checking the food that was cooking. Steve almost laughed; they were trying to solve a puzzle with the magazine upside down.
_ Hey weirdo.
_ Hey _ Steve said _ What are you up to ?
He sat on the couch, hearing the strange noise it always made under his weight. The TV was on and some kind of culinary contest was playing.
_ Just, you know, trying to solve the puzzles in this Mexican magazine they gave us. It's my Spanish homework.
_ Nice. _ he paused _ wanna watch a movie or something ?
_ Yeah.
_ What movie then ? _ He got up to get the remote control. _ And don't say-
_ Do revenge! _ she looked at him with puppy eyes _ pleasseeee. _ He shrugged
_ Fine. But next time I'm gonna choose a movie like suicide squad and you're not gonna say a word about it.
_ Ok.
_ Can you put the movie on while I change ?
They just made a kind of positive sound, and Steve went upstairs. Robin's room was like it always was, a mess. There were clothes everywhere, books and DVDs among them and maybe some other stuff he didn't know what was. Steve also didn't know why the fuck Robin still had DVDs.
He got the clothes he brought in his backpack, borrowed one of Robin's binders and went to the bathroom to change.
The movie was actually nice. One of the protagonists looked a lot like Robin, though Steve couldn't imagine his nerdy empathetic friend being that mean to anyone. After that they talked a bit about how both their weeks went and at some point Robin fell asleep lying on his shoulder. Her hair smelled like strawberries and for a little while, the world was a good place.
He ended up leaving after they ate. He had to make some pasta because Robin burned the food they were trying to make. It was a fun evening, and an outsider might think that there was something inherently romantic to it. There wasn't. They cuddled on the regular, because the feeling of having a love that could only be transmitted by hugs, by that innocent physical touch, was too good to let go of.
He took the shortest path back to his big apartment in the center, that is, he swung between buildings, making sure to not be seen, until he got there. The apartment was empty as always. And quiet. Steve turned on the TV to try and feel less lonely; it didn't work. So he got his phone and the first notification he saw was one stating the local news had just released another article talking about him.
His laugh echoed in the house. The article talked about how he was a great hero, and not at all any kind of impostor who would try to trick Hawnkins's great people into praising him for nothing. There was a time though, in which the only thing the Jornal did was attack him. And the then writer, now editor, who was mostly behind all of this was no-one but his ex-girlfriend : Nancy Wheeler.
Nancy and Steve had a rocky relationship. He always felt like he was not enough for her, like her distance was his fault. It took both parts a long time and lots of effort after that, to become friends again. Especially so, when she found out he was Spiderman. Steve would like to say he told her this out of good heart, but in truth she found out by herself. Nancy had many flaws, but being a bad detective was not one of them.
A few months ago he found out she and Robin were dating. It probably should've caused him some feeling of betrayal, but it never did. Both his friends were very happy, he now knew the problems in their relationship weren't all on him, and besides, he was in love with someone else.
Steve met Eddie Munson during a Thursday afternoon. The music and arts building of Hawkins High School was on fire, and as soon as he saw it he got his suit and fortunately could get everyone out safely long before the firefighters arrived. He had been in his basketball practice at the same time some nerds club was having a meeting, and he had to wait for it to end so he could get his neighbor, Dustin, home. Dustin was an adorably annoying, kind of funny kid, and although Steve complained, he always loved the company.
Eddie Munson probably loved Dustin's company too, because he stayed back to be sure the boy got out. Dustin was apparently in the bathroom when it all happened, and as a result Munson had to help him out the window, and then come out through the front door because he didn't fit through that window. When Steve got the others out and came for him, his jacket was literally freaking burning. Somehow he managed to lift an almost passed out Eddie and hold him until the ambulance got there.
After that day he started noticing the somewhat goth guy more and more. The way his smile could light up a whole room, the way his clothes would stick to his skin, the way his hair was messy is the cutest way. One day, after practice, Eddie walked Dustin to Steve's car, and asked him on a date. Dustin was in awe when he said yes.
Eddie left, after kissing Steve's hand, like they were in an old romcom, and walked to his van with a wink. And the truth is that Steve was already falling then. And that's because although most people think he's this stereotypical jock, the guy is actually very much of a hopeless romantic.
He transitioned just after middle school, so most people didn't know he was trans. In his freshman year, he started dating Nancy and for a while they were Hawkins High queen and King. At that time, Steve had a very strict idea of what a man was, and what was his role in the relationship. But contrary to him, Nancy never was that much into cliche ideas of love. So he would try and try to be someone she didn't need, someone he himself didn't like. Eventually, he understood that his manhood didn't rely on heteronormative ideas of what he was supposed to be doing and thinking. Even so, it still hurt to remember how dysphoric trying to constantly prove his identity made him.
With Eddie, he didn't have to. Well, first because Eddie was also trans, and understood him like no-one but Robin could before. But even so, being with Eddie, being in that aquillean relationship, made him feel like the man he was. He felt seen. Suddenly, the gender roles of who was supposed to be doing what didn't matter. He would insist on paying for dates, Eddie would bring him flowers and he loved hugging Eddie, who wrote him the most beautiful letters.
Because after that first date they went on another, and then another and another. Eventually, Steve learned he wasn't that good at keeping secrets after all, because Eddie also found out about his hero persona before he could tell him. His reaction though, was like none Steve had gotten before. Eddie's eyes shined when he confirmed his suspicions, he wouldn't stop jumping and smiling.
_ I'm dating a motherfucking superhero! _ he said before kissing him.
And that was when Steve knew he loved him. Because that smile was the same on the face of every person he saved. Because Eddie reminded him that being a hero was about helping others I'm any way you can, and that he was enough. And at that moment, he was so happy.
Steve got up, feeling nostalgic, and turned the TV off to go to his room. When he got to the long hallway though, he noticed his room's lights were on, which was weird because he remembered turning them off before leaving in the morning. He thought that maybe one of his enemies found him. He didn't have lots of those, but still. Maybe the scientists at Hawkins weird ass lab wanted revenge for the time he broke in and rescued a bunch of kids that were being used as guinea pigs. Or just maybe, it was the FBI , hunting him down for whatever reason. Nonetheless, he prepared for a fight, opened the door, and…
Saw his boyfriend laying on his bed, headphones on, and very concentrated in some Star Whatever magazine. Steve let out the breath he'd been holding. It was not until he lied on the bed too that Eddie noticed him.
_ Hey handsome. Busy day saving lives ?
Steve let out a laugh.
_ No, actually, I spent most of the day at Robin's. What are you doing here ?
_ What, now a guy can't visit his boyfriend ?
_ I gave you that key for emergencies.
_ This is an emergency! I haven't seen you in like, a week. I need one of your hugs soon, or else I'm gonna die!
_ Oh yeah ? My hugs are now some kind of medicine ?
_ Can't… Speak… I.. Am dying. _ Eddie said between forced heavy breaths, while holding his own neck and creating the most dramatic fake death scene Steve had ever seen.
That is, until Steve did hug him.
_ You are such a drama queen.
_ Yeah baby, and you love it.
Steve blushed at the pet name. He still wasn't quite used to being cared for like that. Being called that gave him an amazing kind of fuzzy feeling. He dug his nose in his boyfriend's shoulder, smiling to himself. His shoulder was still hurt from last week's fight though so he had to get away from him.
_ Are you okay honey ? _ Eddies look was now one of worry, his laugh entirely gone.
_ Yeah, it's just this wound that hasn't completely healed. Usually I heal pretty fast, but that guy with the knife last week really got me.
_ Well, then, we should get you some new bandages to go to sleep right ? I'm not a doctor or anything, but…
_ Yeah, sure that makes sense. Can you help me ?
_ No sweetheart, I would rather see my boyfriend and one of my favorite people in the world bleed to death. Now where do you keep your medical stuff ?
Eddie helped him change the bandages. Had it been anyone else, even Robin, he wouldn't be comfortable taking his binder off in front of them. But they knew each other and each other's bodies so well it didn't really matter. If anything, they helped one another by praising each other's figure.
_ And… You're done, bug boy!
Steve snorted.
_ What did you just call me?
_ You _ Eddie held his face _ are my cute lil' bug boy, saving the world with your charm and maybe some spider webs.
_ And you _ Steve put his hand on Eddie's cheek _ are my rock and roll boy, my favorite singer and writer. I may save the world, but it's only so they can all love you for exactly who you are.
Eddie laughed.
_ You are one unique, cheesy, lovable thing, you know that ?
_ Yeah, I do.
They kissed for a while, and then slept cuddling and Steve could not be happier. As long as he had Eddie's shitty jokes, cliche flirts, and unique persona with him, he would be the best hero Hawkins would ever have.
Not my best work, and I will probably review it soon, but I do love the idea of an Spiderman au for then + t4t steddie is my everything
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hongjoongscafe · 3 years
Ateez reactions to finding out Hongjoong has been secretly seeing one of their close friends instead of being at the studio all night like he says.
Sorry if this one sounds weird and is long. 😰
Brooo!!! (Bro as a friend not like bro bro) no sorry... This is perfect 😌 your request is so cute and not weird... Don't worry 😘 just throw the request my way, whenever you have one... Btw, Thank you for your request, my sweet anon💓
Just imagine...
Joongie? Dating?
Hongjoongxreader... Reaction of others
Joongie seemed distracted. It's been a few weeks and he doesn't spend much time with others. Although, he spent most of his time in the studio on regular days, even nights. But this was doubtful. Because other than being stressed he was relaxed, happy. Not that others were not fine with that, it was a good thing. Their leader was feeling well and was well-rested. That was all they ever asked for him.
But one evening, Joongie decided to stay at the studio. It was weird, there was nothing specific to do for him to stay there.
So he decided to stay behind and see if Hongjoong actually works
He heard a door locking in the silent corridor
He carefully stepped out
Not wanting Joongie to be aware of his presence
'I'm just thinking too much, poor Joongie is going home:(' he thought
His mind ran far away
When Joongie's car took an opposite turn
He started following him
'Is he into wrong things? Like... D..rugs?'
Seonghwa's mind could only think worst scenarios
Being the oldest
It was his duty to look after every one
His questions were answered soon
When his leader stopped in front of a familiar apartment building
A familiar person came out to greet the young man
"Y/n?" Seonghwa said under his breath
"Oh, God! Wait, what?"
Seonghwa was confused
Seeing his leader kissing their common friend?
There was a lot
That Joongie needed to tell him
In the morning
He was sitting in the living room
When Seonghwa came out of his room
Not looking in a good mood
"Good morning, Hyung! Don't look in a good mood. Is everything oky?"
He asked
"Wait until Hongjoong comes back"
Seonghwa said
Joongie was in great trouble
That was the first thought that came in his mind
Just observing Seonghwa on the couch
Made him nervous
Then the front door opened
With a wide smile and was humming songs
When Joongie's eyes met Seonghwa's
His smile and humming stopped
But Yunho's mischievous smile grew
"Seonghwa? W-what is it? Why are you looking at me like this?" Joongie asked
"Last night... Where were you?" The said person asked
"If y/n's apartment is your studio then oky" Seonghwa's voice was filled with sarcasm
A loud gasp was heard
That came from Yunho
"You spent the night with y/n!? Hyung?"
Yunho was shocked
But his wicked smile grew more
"So... You spent the night at y/n's. Hmm. Interesting"
Hongjoong knew where Yunho was going
"DON'T! this is why I kept it a secret! You guys make it a big deal"
"Is it a big deal, tho?"
He wiggled his eyebrows
He heard the conversation
In the end,
He could hear clearly in the kitchen
"See I knew it something is going on in between them"
He was excited
"What do you mean?"
Seonghwa got curious
"I saw them strolling in the park the other day. They were so close. Btw, I was in the park to walk and to talk to a wise man"
"Wise man?"
Yunho asked
"Me! Who do you think is a wise man? It's always me"
Yeosang replied
Hongjoong scoffed
"Why did you not tell us?"
Seonghwa chirped
"I wasn't sure so I kept it quiet... I'm a wise man for a reason"
Yeosang was smiling with pride
"Oh man, you suck"
Hongjoong said before storming into his room
He was in the dance room
When Yunho came in
"Hongjoong Hyung is dating y/n!!!"
"WHAT!!!? Seriously? How? When?"
He was amazed by the new information Yunho gave
He always wanted his captain to go out on dates
Was tired of seeing him sitting in his studio all day and night
Hearing this was better than any good news to him
But the fact that he is dating y/n
She was so pretty and kind unlike his leader who was a little grumpy
Was uh-funny
And impressive
"That's so cool... He looks better these days too. So it's a great thing"
He said with a satisfied smile
"Oh he is definitely doing better these nights"
Yunho said
"Oh, I have to agree there"
They laughed
But were happy
He thought of having a snack
And went in the kitchen
There was Seonghwa
Slowly speaking to himself
"Hyung? Everything alright?"
"Huh? No, I mean, Hongjoong is seeing someone and that also y/n our common friend, most trusted and beloved friend, y/n... He should have told me"
Seonghwa complained
Mingi was caught off guard
"H-hong- what?"
He looked so confused
"What happened, Mingi? Aren't you happy that Joongie is happy... I mean he didn't tell us but still"
"That is why he was happy? I thought after working for hours, he finally got crazy..."
"How? What? You know what, leave it"
Seonghwa wanted to facepalm himself but controlled his instincts
But Mingi was still processing the whole thing
It was a lot for the poor soul
After all,
He did think that Joongie went crazy
Playing games on his phone
When a message popped up on his screen
Yeosang: Hongjoong is dating y/n! I was right!
Wooyoung: 🤣🤣
He couldn't stop laughing
It was weird for him
"Hongjoong? Dating? Y/n?... BHHAAHAHAH"
For a second he thought he went crazy
Yeosang: they spent last night together
Wooyoung: oh! I'm gonna be an uncle!? And you too?🤣
Both of them laughed loudly
For a good 10-20 minutes
Then on the dinner table
He was looking weirdly towards Joongie
Tongue poking out and lapping his upper lip
"What is it, Wooyoung?"
Hongjoong gritted his teeth
"When is the due date?"
Hongjoong picked his chopsticks in a defensive manner
Poor guy was just enjoying his meal
When Wooyoung asked that silly question
"What is going on? Who is pregnant?"
He asked without any idea
Hongjoong dropped his chopsticks and held his head
Seonghwa gave him a look like he was saying
'Bitch you could have told me and I could have kept it a secret... I thought I was your best friendahhh!'
Everyone at the table had different reaction
Some started laughing
Some gave that weird smile
"Jongho, you don't know yet?"
Mingi asked
"No, that's why I asked and why everyone is acting weird?"
The youngest's confusion was increased
"Well, our minion is dating y/n... And he spent a night there, last night basically... And so many other nights about which I don't know, the best friend doesn't know"
Seonghwa emphasis some words
"I- why did I even bother to ask. I was eating food!"
He said
Hand in the middle of the air with a spoon full of rice
"And gross"
He continued
"What she is so nice to me... There is nothing gross about our relationship"
Hongjoong pouted sweetly
"No, I mean, did you clean yourself properly... Did you even showered!?"
He asked while making a disgusted face
"Oky listen, we did not do anything, oky? We just watched a movie and cuddled and fell asleep. That's it nothing else happened! Eat your food. This is none of your business...IT'S MY PERSONAL LIFE!"
Hongjoong finished his meal quickly
And stormed into his room
"But still, gross"
The youngest said...
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*do NOT repost, plz* *I am not the owner of the pictures, I just edited them*
[ if you want, you can send a request for headcanons (for any idol). I would love to write about that:)]
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All Cream, No Sugar
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Author’s Note: Hello everyone! Here is my sfw fic that was submitted to my friend @writing-in-april​ for the 4th Fic Swap on @imagining-in-the-margins​ ‘s Discord! Not my best work because I have been struggling to manage time lately and balance everything with my school and personal life. But I hope it is enjoyable nonetheless!
It was Thursday. Possibly the worst day of the week. Even more awful than Monday. It always felt like a barricade between the beginning of the week and the weekend. The glorious, lazy weekend. Honestly, now that I think about it...Thursday has the same kind of feel as November.   
I chuckled to myself as I left my apartment. My mind was a special place, and I guess today was no different. Better than thinking about my finals, though. Literally anything was better to think about instead of final exams. That’s why I’m treating myself to a break at my favorite coffee shop. I deserve it, really, after the studying I have been doing all day. At least, that’s what I tell myself so I feel okay about spending all this money on coffee. 
The car ride over there was quick enough. I lived on the outskirts of the city, but this place has the best coffee, and I would drive a ridiculous amount of time to get to it. No matter the distance, it would be worth it. 
And maybe...just maybe…I would see that guy that comes in sometimes. The one with the messy hair and the sweater vests. He was so intriguing. I don’t even know his name, but I always notice when he comes in while I’m there. It was pretty much impossible not to. Hopefully one day I would work up the nerve to talk to him. Maybe that day would be today. 
I walked in the building, and the smell of coffee and sweets immediately hit me. It was so comforting. Almost like a tiny sanctuary away from home, and I was always so appreciative. 
As soon as the little bell on the door rang, the barista behind the counter looked up and shot me a smile. They recognized me quite often. 
“Hey, (Y/N), the usual?” she called from across the floor. 
“You know it,” I said with a wink. 
I took my favorite seat in the shop and looked around. It was pretty empty today, which was just the way I like it. It means less time to wait for my coffee and I can sit in peace. The only thing that would make it better is if that guy came in and I got my big girl pants on to ask him his name. 
After a few minutes, my coffee was brought to me and I handed the waiter some cash for my order, with a good amount leftover for a tip. His smile was bright and thankful, and it made me hopeful for today.
Each time the door opened and another person walked in, my heart skipped a beat. I stopped counting when I got to 10 people that turned out not to be him. It irked me more than I care to admit. 
I was starting to lose hope, staring daggers at the dregs of my leftover coffee. Perhaps I thought I would find him there? I just wanted to see him. 
A tap on my shoulder drew me out of my thoughts. Well, it startled me out of them more like. With a gasp, I jumped and looked up at the person who tapped on me. It was the barista who greeted me and made my coffee. Sophie. My favorite barista to spill all my problems to. 
“You okay? You look like you’re really thinking hard about something.”
I sighed and almost smiled at how ridiculous I was being. 
“Yeah, I’m okay. And I was thinking about something. Can you sit for a minute?”
She nodded, “I’m on break, thankfully.”
Once she took her seat across from me at the tiny table, I wrapped my fingers around the now room temperature coffee cup in front of me. 
“So, what’s up? What could you possibly be thinking about that’s got you looking like that?”
“Um, well. There’s this guy…”
Her eyes widened and she leaned forward a bit, as if to ask me to continue. 
“You might have seen him in here before. He comes in as much as I do, which is why I noticed him.”
“What does he look like?”
“Well, he’s tall. He wears sweaters a lot...um…oh, his hair is kind of messy, but in a cute way. And he has this dumb little satchel he carries sometimes-”
“Does he look like that guy?” Sophie asked as she pointed behind me. 
I followed where her finger was pointing by the door and sure enough, he was there. But he was there with another girl I had never seen him with before. She had dark hair and striking eyes, along with a certain air about her that just gave off badass vibes. Of course he would have a girlfriend. And a gorgeous one at that. 
I turned back to Sophie quickly before he noticed me staring. 
“Uh, yeah. That would be him. But I’ve never seen that girl before. It figures, though. Just my luck.”
The pair began walking farther into the shop, talking quietly as they approached the counter to order. The more they talked and smiled at each other, the more my heart seemed to falter. 
“Oh, (Y/N),” Sophie said quietly so only I would hear, “I’m so sorry.” 
I didn’t respond to her. I didn’t have to. The look in my eyes was enough to let her know what I was thinking and feeling. 
Her break was about to be over, so she placed a hand gently on top of mine, and with a small smile, left me there. 
Well, there was only one thing left to do. Get another coffee, and maybe something sweet to drown my sorrows in. 
I took a deep breath and stood up, grabbing my empty cup to throw away when I got to the front to order. I didn’t see them anywhere now. They must have ordered already and found a seat. But truthfully, I didn’t look around for them long. I didn’t want to. 
I ordered a black coffee and a doughnut, and waited for a second for them to hand me my order instead of going back to my table to wait. Sometimes they put too much creamer in the coffee, so this way I could go over to the cream and sugar stand and make it myself. 
Coffee and doughnut in hand, I made my way over to the small fridge they left out for customers to put in their own creamer and milk. I wasn’t really feeling the flavored seasonal creamers they had, so I just grabbed the half and half and started pouring. I didn’t really want any sugar either. I had my doughnut, which I probably wouldn’t even eat to be honest. My stomach was in knots. 
A sudden voice behind me knocked me out of my thoughts. 
“All cream, no sugar, huh? I’m the total opposite.”
I was so startled that my hand seemed to seize up, causing me to jerk the carton of half and half away from the cup. Now there was liquid all over the counter. 
“Oh. I’m so sorry- Here, let me. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
I still hadn’t looked at who was talking to me, so when the footsteps got closer and I felt someone next to me, I decided I should finally look up. 
It was him. The guy. The one I came here for. Except now he was standing right next to me. 
He grabbed a handful of paper towels and started wiping up the mess on the counter while I stood wide-eyed and in shock. I should probably say something. 
“I’m so sorry. I was...thinking about something and you startled me. I feel so clumsy.”
He looked up at me with a hint of a smile on his face. 
“No, it’s really my fault. I’m not good at talking to people.” 
Once he had finished cleaning up, he threw the paper towels away and turned back towards me. 
“What’s your name? I see you in here sometimes. I guess you could say we’re both regulars.”
A lump formed in my throat that I had to swallow down forcefully. He saw me in here sometimes? He noticed me? Did he ever see me looking at him? Oh no. 
“Um, my name is (Y/N). I see you in here sometimes too. The coffee here is really good, yeah?”
He smiled again, but bigger and more pronounced this time. Nodding his head, he shifted his bag and looked back at me. 
“My name’s Spencer. It’s nice to officially meet you.” 
Now it was my turn to smile. This was going pretty good, all things considered. It’s too bad about that girl he’s with, though. Speaking of the girl, she was walking towards us right now. Fantastic. Just what my anxiety needed. 
“Spencer, we just got a call. Did you not pay attention to your phone?” the woman said in a hurry as she came closer. 
Spencer jumped a bit and started to dig in his pocket for his phone. He pulled it out and laughed nervously. 
“I have it on silent. Whoops.” 
The woman rolled her eyes and then seemed to notice me standing there. 
“Ohh, I see. You had it on mute so you could talk to this girl you were telling me about, hmm? Better hope I don’t tell Hotch”
Spencer opened and closed his mouth a few times, and I was simply shocked. He wanted to talk to me? Like, on purpose? He told this woman about me?
“I’ll meet you outside, Emily,” Spencer groaned at her.
The woman named Emily smiled at me and winked before leaving. So now it was just me and Spencer, standing awkwardly together. Great. 
“I, um...ignore her. She’s a colleague from work...and apparently my wing woman now.”
I couldn’t help but sigh in relief. So she was just a friend. I had gotten myself all sad and anxious for nothing. Honestly, that’s typical for me though, so…
I could only smile. So much so that it made my cheeks hurt. 
“So, do you have to leave? For work or something?”
Spencer shifted his weight nervously.
“Yeah, I um, yeah I’m sorry. I really would like to stay and talk more. I hope you don’t find it weird I told her about you, by the way. I just notice you in here a lot and I think you’re really pretty and I just-”
He cut himself off suddenly and looked at me sadly.
“I have to go, but here.” 
Hurriedly, he pulled out a scrap piece of paper from his bag and a pen. He leaned over the counter and quickly wrote his name and number on the paper and handed it to me somewhat forcefully. 
“Text me or call me...you know, if you want. Um, I really have to go. I’m sorry.”
He turned on his heel and began walking towards the door. 
“Spencer!” I called across the shop.
Spencer stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me, almost with an excited glint in his eye.
I held the paper he gave me gently in my hand and took a deep breath to calm my pounding heart.
“I noticed you, too.”
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reidsconverse · 4 years
memories • spencer reid
Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: none! just 4000 words of pure angst
This was an old fic reworked to be about around spencer so its taking a lottt of creative/artistic liberty with the character, so it kinda sucks im sorry! 😁
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Every moment you had with him was one to be remembered and cherished for better or worse.
It had been a few weeks since Spencer had officially ended things, he had moved all of his stuff out of your apartment and now it seemed as if he had never even existed in the same place as you, as though you two were strangers. That is had it not been for the images of memories the two of you held. So, here you were sat alone in your room, your only company the half-empty bottle of wine and photographs of the two of you which sat strewn carelessly across your floor.
You picked up a picture and stared at it realising you both looked so happy. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder, a cup in his hand and his signature grin sitting across his face. Your head was leaning against his shoulder, the smile on your face reminding you of how free you had felt that night, you had never felt happier and you recognised that night as the night you realised...you were so in love.
"We should have a party," Spencer yelled despite there being no one else other than the two of you in the room.
"Right now?" You looked at him as if he was insane, not only was it completely out of character for your boyfriend but also, it was 1 am on a Wednesday and although your friends weren't those with a regular schedule you presumed most of them would decline a house party in the middle of the week.
"Yeah right now, c'mon doll I'll call Derek and some of the others and you call your friends." His hand was already on his phone texting Derek before you could protest so you followed his instructions and went ahead and invited your friends before getting up and preparing for this impromptu party.
It had only been 10 minutes when you heard Derek and some others open the door shouting for Spencer and you walked over with a grin on your face, "Hey D, Spencers being a diva and redoing his hair, he'll be right down." You said, rolling your eyes as Derek pulled you into a hug, he may have been Spencer's best friend but he thought of you as a sister and always treated you as such.
"Well I have look good for my girl," You heard Spencer say from behind you quickly placing a kiss on your cheek before doing his weird handshake with Derek, "Hey, thanks for coming'."
The three of you made your way to the kitchen to grab some drinks and greet some more guests who had congregated in that area and before you knew it, you were 4 shots in, feeling way past tipsy and in the mood to dance.
"Hey Spence," You said walking over to where he was now sat, a cup in his hand as he held a conversation with JJ and Emily about something that you didn't care too much about. You waved a quick hello to the girls so as not to be rude and then placed your head on his shoulder to let him know of your presence.
"Hey darling, you feeling good?" He turned his face and flashed you a wide grin before wrapping an arm around you to pull you close to him. He enjoyed being near you whenever he could, when he was away he would long for the days where all he did was sit and hold you close to him regardless of what the two of you were doing, so now whenever he had the chance he would hold you close.
"Feelin' great Spence.. wanna dance with you..."  You said pulling out of his hold and grabbing his hand leading him onto the 'dance floor', which was just the open space in your living room. He laughed and quickly finished his drink, discarding the cup somewhere in the room and held you as you both danced to the music playing through the speakers.
After a couple of songs, you both made your way to get another drink and get a break from the crowd, you sat at the kitchen island and passed him a drink."You know, considering you're a genius, I would've thought you'd be able to coordinate a bit better."  You said teasing him about his choice of moves which had essentially been him waving his arms in the air attempting to be in tune with the music.
He looked at you in fake shock and scoffed, "Yeah well it was still better than whatever you were trying to do." Referring to your horrendous attempt at trying to be sexy which in truth was never going to be anything but embarrassing. You stuck your tongue out in a childish manner causing him to laugh and quickly move to place his lips against yours giving you a soft kiss.
You jumped down from the counter after pulling back as a couple of your friends walked in and struck up a conversation about nothing interesting yet you made the effort to look engaged as Spencers's arm slipped over your shoulders and you placed your head against his shoulder.
"Hey guys, look here." You both turned to see your friend Harry, as always with a polaroid camera in his hand. You and Spencer gave each other a quick smile before grinning wide for the camera, both your faces full of love and happiness.
You sat there thinking about how quickly things can change, the people in the image you held so young and naive to the struggles the future would hold. Taking another sip of your wine you skimmed through some more pictures before stopping at one that held a bittersweet meaning. A picture that was taken a few days after what had been your worst fight, you both looked happy but all you could think about the events leading up to the image being taken.
It was your and Spencers 5th anniversary and he had promised he would make it to dinner. You hadn't seen each other in weeks because he was away on a case but he had promised he wouldn't miss this day, he had asked for permission from Hotch to leave for a couple of days so he would be there. "No excuses, No ifs and buts...I'll be there babe. I promise."
But there you were, alone at a table for two. The look on the waiters face held nothing but pity as he walked over for the fourth time to ask if someone would be joining you. Finally, you gave up and shook your head to let him know you would be leaving and would like the cheque. You had never felt so humiliated walking out of the restaurant head held high but tears building up in your eyes and so you cried. You felt so broken, almost as broken as all those promises Spencer had made you. The word promise and sorry had lost all meaning in the last 5 years, simply a courtesy rather than meaningful.
The minute you got home your phone began ringing, it was Spencer.
"Hey doll, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it, the team wanted to go out last night and I kind of missed my -." He began to explain causing you to scoff, 'no ifs or buts' my ass.
"How could you?" Your voice cracking as you tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill for the second time that night. "I waited for 2 fucking hours Spencer, I felt like a fucking idiot."  
"What? What are you talking about?" His voice was full of confusion. "Didn't you get my text?"
"No, I fucking didn't. I didn't get a fucking text. But that's not the fucking point, You should've been here, you promised you would be here."
"Babe, I'm so -," He began but you knew what he was gonna say. The only conversations you seemed to have were stuck on a loop like a broken record.
"Save it. Don't say you're sorry when you don't mean it, stop saying sorry and show it instead."
"Look, I'll get on the first flight out. I'll see you in a few hours, I'll make it up to you I prom-." You hung up the phone before he could continue, his promise worth nothing to you anymore. Walking over to the couch, you fell asleep the minute your head rested against one of the many cushions populating the seat.
You woke up to keys jingling in the door, yet you made no effort to move from where you were. The sound of his footsteps got louder as he approached.
"Babe? I know you're up." He said, kneeling beside you making you sigh and sit up. "Babe, I'm so sorry. I fucked up."
You just stared at him, it might have been petty but you didn't want to give in to his apologies just yet, he had to understand just how much he had hurt you first.
"I couldn't care less anymore, Spencer. I just need to remember that I'll always come second to work and that's fine, it's important to you and I understand that." You got up and walked over to the kitchen to gather yourself.
"Babe you are the most important thing to me, I'm sorry-."
That was the straw that broke the camel's back. "Here we go again, Spencer there's only so many times you can say you're sorry before it loses all meaning. I'm sick and tired of this, I don't know if I can do this anymore. You're never here, you make promises you can never keep and I'm pretty sure you've told me you're sorry more times than you've told me you love me."
"Please don't do this. I love you." His voice was shaking, breaking down at the thought of you leaving him. He moved over to you and turned you so you were facing him. "I know this means nothing to you but I am so sorry. I've been so shitty to you and I know it."
"Spencer, I deserve better than this and I'm sick of forgiving you and acting like I'm fine with how you treat me, you might not mean it but it fucking hurts. I love you so much and I know you love me but would it kill you to put me first for once in your fucking life."
This annoyed him, the lack of sleep and being overworked leaving him less patient and more irritable, "That's not fucking fair, you knew what you were signing up for when you started dating me, I'm doing my fucking best. I go to work for US, to support US. If I could devote all of my time to you if I could, but I can't and it fucking kills me. You can't understand how much I miss you when I'm not here."
Tears welled in your eyes seeing him breakdown, unable to keep up the unbothered facade you had on, "I just...Spence, I miss you too. It hurts not being able to be near you and so when you're not there when you promise you will be, it hurts it really fucking hurts not to mention it's terrifying, how am I supposed to know you're ok if you do shit like that."
He pulled you into his arms as you sobbed into his chest, all the emotions you'd kept bottled up during the argument letting go. "I know baby, I'm so sorry I hurt you. I promise, and I mean it this time, I won't let you down again. I love you." He mumbled into your hair, slowly kissing your forehead whilst consoling you and holding you like he never wanted to let go.
The two of you went to bed that night in silence, not a word was spoken until the next day wherein Spencer switched off his phone and dedicated the whole weekend to you and only you. He kept his word once he had to leave, always fulfiling his promises, never pushing you to the side and communicating with you always. The two of you felt strong again, you were happy.
You put your glass down and walked out of your room and began pacing around the living room, pictures of you and him still up on your walls, the walls that no longer belonged to the both of you. You thought back to when he asked you to move him, how nervous he was and how excited you were.
It was movie night at Spencers house. Each week he invited everyone over to watch a film, everyone taking it in turns to select a film. This week Emily had chosen Midsommar, a film you were yet to see so you were excited. You were sat beside Spencer on the loveseat, his arm around you and your face resting against his chest, a blanket covering you both for extra comfort. You looked up and saw Derek and Penelope lay spread across the floor whilst JJ and Emily sat on the sofa. Bowls of popcorn and sweets were scattered around the room and beer bottles were piling up. It was nights like this that you wanted to treasure forever, for the first time you felt like you had a family, people to call your own, people you could trust.
"Watcha thinking about?" Spencer asked, glancing at you and realising your mind wasn't directed at the movie anymore.
"Nothing, just really lucky to have you in my life," You reached your hand up to hold his face and gave him a soft kiss. "I love you."
He pulled you in closer if that was even possible, "I love you too."
"Ugh, get a room." Derek groaned making you both chuckle.
Spencer responded by throwing some popcorn at him, "Aw is someone jealous, don't worry you'll find someone soon enough."
Derek murmured a quiet, "Fuck off" before turning his attention back to the movie, making everyone laugh.
The movie ended shortly and everyone was discussing what to watch next, you were in the mood for a comedy but Derek wanted to watch Die Hard for the millionth time. After several minutes of slight arguing, you finally decided on rewatching Moana for the 12th time.
Everyone was pretty much settled, drinks refilled, popcorn replenished and everyone back in their positions. Emily was about to press play before JJ stopped her, "Wait before you start I'm kinda cold can I borrow a sweater?" She asked Spencer.
"Yeah sure, take one from our room." He said casually like it was normal but it made your breath hitch in your throat, did he just say our room? As in, yours and his. Unofficially he wasn't wrong, it was your room as much as his, you spent pretty much every night here making having your own apartment redundant, but he hadn't yet asked you to move in with him. You couldn't help the small blush on your face and the way your lips turned upwards at his words. It made you happy knowing he thought of it as something for both of you.
"What has you so happy?" Penelope asked in a teasing tone, she'd picked up on Spencer words and knew exactly why you were smiling.
You just stuck your tongue out at her and looked up at Spencer, "Our room huh?" You asked making him smile.
"Yeah I mean, you're here every day, maybe more than I am. You should just move in at this point." He let out a little laugh after he said leaving you confused as to whether he was being serious, so you just laughed along and waited for JJ to come back so you could start the movie.
A couple of hours later almost everyone was half asleep, everyone apart from you and Spencer. You began making your way to his room followed by him carrying the blanket he had taken from his bed. The two of you went about your night routine, Spencer had insisted on keeping at least half of your things at his place hence why you never had to leave. You quickly changed into one of his shirts which fit you just right and climbed into bed where he was already sitting, reading a book.
"Spence, were you being serious...earlier when you said I should move in?" You asked him, making him put down his book and look at you.
"Would you like that? You don't have to say yes but I would love it if you moved in. The mornings when I wake up and you're still next to me, are the best mornings. Honestly, knowing I'm going to wake up next to you makes falling asleep easier. Plus Tesla and Edison love you, maybe even more than they loves me." He asked, the mention of his fish making you laugh despite the fact your eyes were welling up, what had you done to deserve the sweetest man to walk the earth.
You shifted yourself so you were straddling him and held his face in your hands, "I would love to move in with you." You answered placing a soft kiss to his lips.
"I love you so much," He said as you moved back to laying down next him. "You make me the happiest man alive and I'm so lucky to have you."
"God, Spence you gotta stop before I start crying, I love you too." You said, as he laughed and pulled you into a comfortable sleeping position.
"Goodnight love." He mumbled, already falling asleep.
"Goodnight Spence." You responded, closing your eyes and beginning to drift off but not before saying, "By the way, the fishies definitely love me more."
You hadn't realised you were crying until a tear fell onto the frame you were holding. The image just as blurred as the memories it held. You carefully placed the image face down onto the table rather than placing it back up. Making your way to the sofa, you got your phone out and glanced at the image that had left you in this state. A picture of him and her, his hands holding hers as tight as they once held yours, the grin on both of their faces wide. He was happy, only it wasn't because of you anymore. You closed your eyes again, remembering how it all ended.
He had been distant since he had come back from this last case, he had been away for almost two months trying to catch this unsub and you had thought he'd be more excited to come back to you and finally be home. But he hadn't spent more than 10 minutes with you, the only time the two of you were in the same room for longer than that was when you fell asleep. Recently that had also stopped, he spent more nights away from home and at clubs with Derek and Emily , only coming back once he knew you weren't there. It was killing you but every time you questioned it he shrugged you off, telling you he loved you.
You wanted to scream at him if he loved you why isn't he showing it, why does he refuse to acknowledge you. You knew he was lying to you, he didn't love you anymore, you could see it in his eyes, how he never looked at you as he used to, he never held you like he used to. It was killing you and you knew you should ask him but you also knew that would lead to conversation you didn't want to have, an ending you didn't want to happen. So you kept quiet, went about your day and didn't question his actions, you had decided you would rather have the worst of him than not have him at all.
But that didn't last long. A few weeks later something happened, something you could ignore. Spencer had barely been home, only coming back to grab new clothes and leaving again often returning at 4 am or not all. The nights you spent alone, his side of the bed going cold broke your heart bit by bit. But you weren't ready for it to completely shatter, the images Penelope sent you of him holding that girl, a little too close, a little too tight, a little too much, start to fill your screen causing a lump in your throat and tears threatening to spill. You walked to the kitchen, surprised to see him there, he was sat at the counter head in his hands and a coffee in front of him.
"Spencer, what fuck is going on?" You all but shouted.
"Shh, my heads killing me." He said, burying his head in his hands attempting to block you out.
"You fucking asshole." You screamed at him, the pain and hurt evident in your broken voice as you tried your best not to cry.
This made him look up, far quicker than he should've causing his head to fill with pain and throb, but he didn't care, the memories of last night were coming back he knew he had fucked up. "I-I'm sorry, I was drunk and she was just there, nothing happened.
"You're sorry? Are you fucking kidding me?" You said, moving away from him as he got up to come closer to you. "No, don't fucking touch me. I'm done."
"What? No look I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I love you." The words were said, but the tone held so much uncertainty you couldn't tell if he was trying to convince you or himself.
"No you don't Spencer, not anymore. I know you don't and I've been lying to myself, saying that I'm ok with it when I'm not. I love you so much but I can't keep hurting myself by pretending like we're fine, We're not fine, we haven't been for a long time. Yes that fucking hurts, I thought we were forever, I thought we were going to grow old together and have kids and show them that we were soulmates. I thought we were perfect but we aren't."
"I never wanted to hurt you, I love you so much but-" He started with a sigh.
"You're not in love with me anymore..." You finished for him
"I'm so sorry. I wish things were different, I wish I could control how I felt. You were everything to me, I really did picture a future for us but things changed, I don't know why and I don't know how. You don't deserve this, I'm so sorry."
"I know Spence, I know." You moved closer to him and he held you like it was the last time... because it was. "I'm sorry too."
You pulled away from him."I'll grab some stuff and go stay at my mom's for a few days. I just need to find a new place to move my stuff to." You said, trying to brush some tears away but failing as they kept falling.
"No, it's fine. I'll go, this is just as much your home as it is mine. I'll stay with Derek for a bit, you take your time sorting stuff out ok?" He said, using his thumbs to attempt to wipe away your tears. You sighed but nodded knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer.
You sat down as he went to the room to gather some things, your mind reeling from the last half hour. How could so much change in such a short period of time, years spent together thrown away so quick.
"I'm done, I'll get going ok?" He said placing his duffel bag down beside by the door.
"So this is it huh?" You said, with a sigh. You felt him walk towards you and take a seat next to you.
"The last 10 years have been the most incredible time of my life, you put up with so much of my shit and loved me unconditionally and I can't thank you enough for giving the eager 25-year-old who wanted nothing more than to impress you a chance. I'm never going to stop loving you, you know that. I'm never gonna forget about you, my first love, the first woman to capture my heart. I'm so sorry things didn't work out like how we'd imagined them. If I could change how I feel I would, I wanted nothing more than for this to be a silly phase, for me to wake up one day and feel how I felt again. But it didn't happen and it fucking sucks."
"I get it, Spence, you have to do what makes you happy and I'm not gonna stop you. I'm just sorry it wasn't me that could give you want and need, but you're gonna make some girl out there very happy if you're even half the man you were when you were with me." You gave him a soft smile as he stroked your hair and kissed your forehead.
He stood up and walked to the door. "Call me when you're ready ok? I love you." He turned and gave you a soft smile before picking up his bag and walking out the door.
You just broke down, you don't know how long you sat there sobbing your heart out but it felt like forever. Everything hurt so bad you didn't think you'd ever feel any emotion other than heartbreak for as long as you lived.
You took a deep breath as your hand hovered over the delete button on your phone, it was time to move on just as he had. As you released the breath you were holding, your finger pressed against the button, deleting all the pictures you had with him and you felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders and the realisation sunk in.
You loved him so much, but he wasn't yours to love anymore.
He was just a memory.
tagged: @gcblers​ @187-reid​ @mgg-theprettiestboy​ @mggbler​ @snitchthewitch​
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lustbile-archive · 4 years
Want To Request a Song?
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Word Count: 3.5k
Summary/Warning: the third installment of the club x series. Full on public sex and exhibitionism, knife/blood play, and can border on being degrading so read at your own risk. This is also the one best at explaining what tf is going on in club x
Apart of my Club X series: Masterlist
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You knew what Club X was way before you even walked through its doors.
A friend of a friend let the details of the gritty part of town spill from her lips when you had gotten together to have drinks and trade gossip in the safety of her apartment. You were equally as guilty of letting your lips loosen from the alcohol swimming in your veins, and you let this girl you knew very little about in on your secret that it had been a while since you had last gotten any. An even longer time since anyone had made you properly come. Why you let her in on such intimate details about your sex life was a mystery, but the advice she shared in response didn’t hurt in the slightest.
“There’s this club you know,” she had said, in a tone that was meant to be a whisper but fell a little short. Her nails that were decorated in chipping polish brushed comfortingly across your shoulder as she wiggled her eyebrows at you, “i’ve only been a few times, but it’s where you need to go if you’re in a desperate need for a fucking.”
You giggled at her choice words, your eyes rolling in disbelief, “so a sex club hm? I don’t know about that.”
“No, no, no,” her words slurred as she returned your laughter, clearly pleased with your doubt, “it’s better than just a sex club. See, you go and it’s like the universe creates the exact person you need right when you walk in.”
“The universe hm?”
“Yeaaaahh. The universe…” her eyes squint as her thoughts drift off momentarily, “like you walk in and they just find you. They find you and it’s like they put this spell on you. It makes you so hot like instantly, and then you’re down to business right then and there.”
“Right then and there?!” you have to admit that you’re humoring her at this point, but you’re still a little scandalized at her words, “like in front of everyone?”
“No! No, no, no,” her hands wave in front of her face like she’s swatting at an invisible bug, “I mean yeah, but it’s like they can’t even see you.”
“What they just ignore the two people just having full on sex in the middle of a club?”
“Yeah, I mean unless you want to be seen,” she explains, her face screwing up in confusion when you don’t seem to understand what she’s saying, “Listen, I can’t explain it the way they do. There’s just something that these people can do that just takes away every worry you have. You’re just there and in the moment. It’s so great you’ll just have to go or you’ll never understand.”
You humor her and let her write the address down in your phone, smiling fondly when she keeps your phone a little longer to add vulgar emojis along side the information.
And for a while that was it. The address remained in your phone, forgotten as it got buried underneath grocery lists and reminders that made little to no sense out of context. All it took for you to finally pay the club a visit was one night.
You found yourself bored out of your mind and far too horny for your own good. You were too frustrated and pissed off at the world to give yourself the satisfaction of masturbating, so instead you just sat on your phone, cleaning out your photos and notepad when you stumbled on the address paired with its mess of emojis.
Without any further thought you were up, getting ready, and calling an uber to take you to the address provided by the bubbly drunk girl. You tried to ignore the wary and judgmental glare from the driver as you pulled up on an old warehouse that was decorated with blaring red neon lights that only read “Club X: Enter at Your Own Risk.”
To say that night was a fluke was an understatement. People approached you of course, but there was no magical hypnosis that you were promised, not that you were really expecting it to actually happen. There were cute people, but no one that cut at your core enough to dull your irritation at the world. Instead you sipped at a drink someone else had graciously paid for, ogled at the pretty man working the DJ booth surrounded by his friends, and then caught another uber home with the personal promise that that would be your first, and last visit to Club X.
Well you told yourself that at least.
It was only about a week later that you found yourself pulling out an outfit and opening your uber app. You chalked it up to needing a good drink, but there was a confused nagging in the back of your mind that told you that you had no good reason for actually returning.
With a different uber driver, but a similar glare, you found yourself back at the dingy club. You sat in the same seat as before, had a new pretty face order you the same drink, as you found your glance being pulled back to the same cute DJ.
You felt some shame finding him so cute. He seemed out of place in the club. Most people here were dressed in party clothes, while he wore neutral toned hoodies, and this time a hat turned backwards. His headphone only left his ears a handful of times so he could laugh and jeer with the men that surrounded him almost like permanent ornaments. Truthfully he was handsome as hell, but other than that what was there to stare at?
You left that night with that thought pulling at your mind, and you returned multiple times after with the same thought nagging you every time.
You were becoming a regular at the club, as embarrassing as it was. Even though you had yet to experience any wild sexual magic like you had been drunkenly promised, it was like the first night your drink was spiked with a magnet that pulled you towards the building almost every weekend at this point. You hadn’t told the girl that had given you the address, and you definitely didn’t tell any of your friends. You just didn’t want them to believe that you were developing an unhealthy dependency on alcohol, even though you would never even finish one glass. And maybe if you were getting shit faced, you would understand why you kept returning, but every time you’d leave so sober that you could convince someone you hadn’t drank at all.
The first few times, you scrambled for an explanation for why you couldn’t stay away, but you always feel short. It was as if your own body was keeping a secret from your mind. It was beginning to be muscle memory they way you’d get dressed and call for an uber every time.
And you’d think with how much time you’d spent at the crowded club, watching random strangers create masses of sexual energy, you’d had seen everything, but you stiffen in confusion when you see it.
A pretty girl hopped up to the dj booth, her wild hair bouncing along with her, as the girl she was making out with only moments before giggled and squirmed in her seat. The look the DJ wears is disinterested, but aware when she leans her hands down on his table to start spilling hiccuped words in his face.
You can only see her mouth moving at a rapid pace, the music and the distance between you making her words impossible to hear. Whatever she asked prompts a gentle nod from the man, and as she prances away he moves his fingers across the knobs and switches until a new song starts to spill out of the speakers tucked into various corners of the room.
Did she request a song change? The questions runs through your mind as your eyes trace her form, your eyes only darting away when she tackles the other girl and shoves her tongue into the space of her mouth.
You had never seen someone request a song from the man, the closest thing maybe being a jab to the back from one of his friends that was a consistent character as he casually suggested something. Realistically, requesting a certain song isn’t incredibly weird, but something about the knowledge that the tall broad man standing on the platform that placed him so highly above the other bodies in the room is actually approachable was frying the nerves in your brain.
A few songs come and go by the time you’re standing up, your legs feeling as if they’re moving on their own. You’re not sure at what point between learning that you were allowed to walk up to him and you actually starting to walk towards him that you decided that you needed to get close, but the time you’re regaining your consciousness, you’re climbing the small set of stairs leading up the stage.
He seems to notice your presence before you reach him, as while you're still a bit away, his head lifts to lock his eyes onto yours. The way he smiles at you makes you stop momentarily and hesitate, one corner of his lips rises higher than the other gives his face a less than good intentioned aura. Instead of making you falter and turn back to return to the drink you had abandoned at the bar, you feel your stomach warm and turn as you pick up your steps.
Your hips bump into the edge of the table as you lean your palms flat on the top, your nails gently digging into the material as you try to form a sentence in your head. Your tongue rolls against your teeth and your lips part before he’s looking down again, but interrupting you with his own words.
“It’s about time you came up here,” he adds a dry laugh when he hears the confused noise that jumps from your chest. He ignores the quiet ‘hm?’ you offer in response before he continues, “I mean I would have made a move first but I can’t really leave my station y’know?”
He shrugs as he returns his eyes to you, clearly entertained by your confusion. Your eyes dart around his face, momentarily moving to glance at the boys that are scattered behind him either holding their own conversations or watching you two in amusement. When you look at him, he looks expectant.
One of the boys jeers at him saying, ‘fuck off John, you know they don’t know what you’re talking about.’ And even though the comment only adds to your confusion, you can’t stop the way your body warms at the spike of embarrassment it puts in you, the man in front of you only responding to the remark by digging his tongue into the inside of his cheek in irritation.
“You came here looking for trouble didn’t you?” it takes you a beat to realize he’s asking you, another moment to realize the question is meant to be suggestive, and one last one to form a response.
“I think I might be,” you feel yourself dumbly nod, as your chest gets fuzzy. Maybe this is when you finally get to experience what that girl had promised so many weeks ago. Could the dj have been your person this whole time?
“Ah ah,” he shakes his head almost disappointedly, “I need a solid yes before I can give you what you need baby. You should know that much at least.”
“I- I mean, okay,” consent you understood, but the way he says it makes your brain swim in confusion. Why wouldn’t you say yes?
“Yes. I’m looking for trouble,” you say, your own confidence finally finding its way into your words, “I’m looking to cause trouble with you.”
The smile he wears is evil, and absolutely giddy with your return of energy. He takes a few steps back from the table and gestures to his side saying, “then please, enter my office.”
You feel a jolt of energy hit you, before you’re rounding the corner of the table. You only have a second to register the sharp pain of where your hip bumped into the corner, before he’s wrapping his large hand around the back of your neck and pulling you to press his mouth against yours.
His warm breath could have been considered an aphrodisiac in the way it fills your mouth and warms your core. His other hand wraps around your waist as he backs you into the table, his hands and lips so suddenly on you is overwhelming, but not enough to distract you from the way his friends begin to start oohing at the spectacle you two put on.
What had that girl said? No one can see you unless you want them to? With the handful of boys surrounding you, you can’t help but to doubt that you can just make yourself vanish from their prying eyes, but even if you could, would you want to? You feel warm in shame, as while his tongue dips behind your teeth and explore the space of your mouth, you start to feel excited at the idea of all his friends watching you get the relief you had been craving for so long.
The moment your subconscious decided you want the boys to see you in such a vulnerable state, one of them lets out a scandalized and excited yelp, before turning to another and exclaiming, “oh shit they want us to see them. Look at that.”
The boys attached to your mouth smiles as he pulls your bottom lip between his teeth, a warm laugh filling the air between you, “hmm so bad aren’t you? You like to be watched?”
You whine in response, as your hands move to claw at his soft t-shirt. Your hips jump and knock into his when his fingers start to grope and squeeze at your flesh. You’re acutely aware at the way he presses his leg between yours and uses his hand to make you start grinding on his thigh.
“How ‘bout you give them a real show and bend over nice a pretty for us,” it’s not a question, but a demand as he lifts you slightly away from the table, and turns you to push your torso down flat. You try to take deep breaths, as his hands run up and down your sides until the tips of his fingers pinch the hem of your skirt.
“There we go,” he sounds overtly proud, when he flips the fabric up to lay against your back, his friends responding to the newly exposed flesh of your ass with appreciative whistles.
He steps to the side of you, his hands slipping between your hips and the table to lift them up. He uses his grip to move you side to side, shamelessly encouraging you to tauntingly move your hips for the many sets of eyes. If it wasn’t for the way your walls softly clench around nothing, you would be ashamed of the way being watched like this makes you drip.
He begins to drag the thin fabric of your underwear down, to tease not only you, but your engaged viewers. Once the fabric hits the floor, there’s a chorus of hisses and groans at the sight of you wet and excited.
You whimper at the feeling of so many eyes tracing your body, even louder when the man grabs onto the flesh of your ass to spread you for them all to see. You don’t know what comes over you when you petulantly kick the floor and let out a demanding ‘please.’
The only response you get in return is his hand running against you to check the severity of your arousal and the jeers from the boys of how, ‘Johnny got a bratty one.’
If it weren’t for the blaring music, you’d hear the metallic sound of his zipper being pulled down, the only thing you get as a warning that he had pulled himself from the restraints of his underwear, is when the leaking tip of his cock begins to dip into you.
You feel the tense strain on your muscles melt away as he presses into you. The size of him stretching you out makes you feel delirious as you’re thankful for the amount he’s managed to make you wet in such a short amount of time, as if he hadn’t you’re not sure he’d be able to fit so easily.
When his hips finally press tightly against you, he lets out a rumbled groan. His hands hold tightly to your hips as he pauses to give you both time to adjust, and you can only somewhat hear the shuffling of the others as they move in an attempt to get a better angle to watch.
His thrusts are lazy and deep as he moves against you, one hand leaves your skin and the fabric of his shirt moves away telling you he’s lifting it in his own attempt to get a better look at where he fucks into you.
Your legs part farther as you begin to desperately shake, the way he digs into every nerve inside you makes you keen, but you want nothing more than to have him move harder.
“Please John,” you beg, trying to see how his name would taste in your mouth, your own hand moving back to wrap tightly around his wrist.
“Shut the fuck up,” you barely register the pain that burns through your skin from where his open palm meets the sensitive skin of you ass. His tone was harsh, but the satisfied chuckle that not only leaves him, but also his friends, makes a dopey grin fill your face as a moan rolls off your tongue.
“Fuck look at how bad they want it,” the voice from your side tells you it’s someone else, the tone excited and bubbly as if they’re watching something a lot more innocent than a stranger get fucked in the middle of a club.
“So bad huh?” Johnny sounds almost proud at the way you and everyone reacts to the pleasure he’s giving you, “such a good little whore, taking everything I’ll give.”
Pleads and begs roll off your tongue as his harsh words fry your brain. His hips only quicken slightly before he’s grabbing your side to pull you up against him. It feels like a flash of time, when he grabs the hem of your shirt, and pulls it over your head. Once you're bare to the stuffy air of the club and your shirt is thrown carelessly over his shoulder, you're just as quickly shoved back onto the table and he’s pistoning fast and harshly into you.
His hand harshly meets you burning skin again and you squeak in response. His voice is rough as he puts all his strength into fucking you deep and he commands to no one in particular, “someone get it for me.”
His words mean nothing as the way he pulls against you starts pushing to the edge of your orgasm. You can only gasp and claw at the table when one of his friends leans closer and taps at your spine right between your shoulder blades and whatever he holds against you begins to cut into your skin.
Once his friend is moved away, he suddenly pulls out making you clench harshly and whine. You feel the trickle of blood that travels down your skin, but the sting of his warm tongue collecting the dripping red and digging into the new wound on your back. The sting is almost unbearable and makes you squirm against him, but the pain is muffled when he reaches down and begins to roll tight circles onto your neglected clit.
His fingers are unrelenting as he rushes you to your finish. The pleasure between your thighs mixing with the sharp pain against your back makes your vision begin to go fuzzy. You can only somewhat register the boyish laughs of excitement that surround you as you finally start to come.
It feels like there’s a monster inside you that claws at you nerves. Every inch of your body set on fire is so distracting, you can only yell into the air when he moves to push back into you. He thrusts only a few times before he stills against you, the warmth of him filling you making your overstimulated nerves scream.
You can only lie there as he starts to fix your clothes, harsh demands of ‘the show is over, go away’ begin thrown over his shoulder as he drags you away and back to the bar.
You sleepily lean against him as he nods at the stoic man handing out drinks. He brings you a glass of water, that Johnny presses against your chapped lips.
“You can come relax behind the booth while I work once you finish the glass,” he reassures as he pets at your damp skin, “the boys are a lot nicer than what you just witnessed I swear.”
You’re too dopey to truly register what he says as you only nod in response before babbling, “so you’re my person?”
The laugh he lets out is soft, a lot sweeter and warming that any he’d offered before, “yeah I’m your person, and you’re wild ass is mine.”
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1994sunflower · 4 years
How would Michael and Y/N deal with online classes during COVID?
omg I love this
well, obviously you’re quarantining with Michael in your apartment
just because you didnt want to bother Ashton with having to deal with you two together 24/7, even more than usual
what's funny is that its a great excuse to force him to go to classes
like you have his schedule and 5 minute before classes, you're forcing him to go on zoom and listen to lecture
but having classes with each other in the same building is weird for both of you
let alone weird for your classmates
imagine their shock when you're sitting there, listening to class with your camera on and they see the feared Michael Clifford in the background of your screen or behind you when you were sitting on his lap or even sitting next to you with his arms around you but they could still tell it was him by his tattoos on his arms
they'd be a little stressed about it also because they knew his calculating eyes were looking over your classmates and they didnt want to do anything that could possibly catch his attention in a negative way
or michael’s classes where under any other circumstances he wouldn't turn on his camera just because he didnt care enough to
even when his professors ask him to
and then suddenly, the camera is turned on because you overheard and turned it on for him 
like the good student you were, following instructions
and there he was, looking as disinterested as always
but this time, you were in his arms
you tried to find a way to hide yourself obviously but he would just make you cuddle into him, head on his chest with his arms around your shoulders or otherwise he’d leave the class
and to his classmates, seeing the mean guy they knew having someone so tranquil and happy in his arms without him looking pissed off was....strange 
if it was a small class and the professor brought your little appearance to attention
you’d wave shyly before maybe even trying to hide yourself further
but Michael wouldn't let you, he’d show you off proudly
sometimes he’d kiss you, on your lips/cheeks/head etc during class just because he got the urge to 
or he’d whisper something in your ear that caused you to giggle and swat at his chest to get him to pay attention to his professor again with him just smiling down at you
and everyone would pretend not to notice but the wide eyes were enough to show that everyone saw the uncharacteristic display of affection
it was like these people were getting a glimpse into the elusive relationship that was always whispered about on campus
whenever he was put into breakout rooms, you would actually unmute him as well and force him to participate instead of him just silently letting his partners do the work or discussion like he would have otherwise
which was SHOCKING to his partners obviously
to see him so willingly obey someone else
and also to hear him talk??? 
the same thing would go for you too
like sometimes in your breakout rooms, they would hear him talk in the background or you in his arms, sitting on his lap, etc
and they'd be so surprised for the exact same reasons 
plus seeing you being so intimate and close to him when they never imagined him allowing that even knowing that he was your boyfriend
everyone just kind of assumed he was cold to everyone and thats why the wonder was always how you could date him
but apparently that wasn't the case
tbh it would feel different for him - in a good way
he still didnt like going to lectures 
but having you with him in a way he never could have you with him before during his classes, he felt almost fine with going
when you weren't right there with him though, like you had a class that overlapped or you were working/cooking
he would just sulk and feel the same distaste for it as he always did 
nsfw under the cut because i couldn’t help myself
and yes he would try to fuck you during your classes sometimes
when your camera/mic was off during your bigger classes
and he suddenly got horny
he’d definitely start making out with you
to which you kept trying to pull away and focus 
but each time he’d just start kissing your neck instead, whispering in your ear
I mean tbh he might try this even with your camera on
he’d try to sneak his hand to your core 
and just see you try to maintain your facial expressions even with however he chose to toy with your pussy
I mean it was hot doing something so dirty semi-publicly 
and his words to you during that....phew
but when your camera was off, he’d even just bend you over completely 
so he was behind you, your chest was to your bed or couch and you were only able to be looking at the screen in front of you with all the different people in your class
helpless to pay attention
and instead just letting him do what he wanted to you
or you could be sitting on his lap and he’d be fucking up into you as you tried to keep listening to class
he was a bad influence really, making you miss huge portions of your classes because you were....preoccupied
God help you if you get called on in either situation because he would not do anything to stop but encourage you to unmute yourself and answer your professor
and his bad influence would rub off on you as well
which you sometimes felt bad about because you didnt want to distract him from his classes
but stopped feeling bad real quick after realizing that he had no shame or care - unlike you 
if you started wiggling against him, whining about how you wanted him after class
best believe he’d take your hand and guide it to his already growing bulge as the professor spoke
he literally wouldn't care if his camera was on because he could control his facial expressions and they couldn't see below his chest
he’d let you rub your hand over him, even take him out and start stroking him
and he’d keep looking down at you, his face serious and tense, small groans escaping him, his breathing starting to quicken
he wasn't being as inconspicuous as he thought he was especially when his focus had obviously completely left his class as he was just staring down at you 
but it gets worse if you decide to suck him off during class
like....obviously they cant see you
but he keeps glancing down
because he keeps looking at you taking him in your mouth
and pushing your head up and down against him
sometimes even thrusting
and he throws his head back, closing his eyes
which makes you freak out because others can see him if they’re looking
a big reason why you almost never never do it when he’s in a class where he has to have his camera on
unless its a big class where the chances of someone looking at him are really slim and he keeps asking you to if he’s horny or if you are
and I mean....you couldn't deny just how much it turned you on knowing you could capture his attention so quickly, making him abandon everything for you and how you made him feel
but you never let him do anything else to you in those circumstances because he would have to get up or move otherwise to get in position and you didnt want anyone to realize anything was up so he kept in his position in front of the camera like a regular student
but when he had his camera off, just like when you had yours off....well that was a different story
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whenisitenoughtrees · 4 years
to be honest, capable (of holding you) (part 1/3)
He walks forward, crouching over the snake, and when it doesn’t stir at all, he works up his courage and pokes it, just a little. Its scales are warm and smooth under his fingertip, and he resists the urge to stroke them. He doubts he could get away with that.
“Janus?” he asks, trying to keep the somewhat hysterical laughter from his voice. “That you?”
Thomas didn't know that Janus could turn into an actual snake, but he's glad to hang out with him regardless. More than glad; ecstatic, even, because he's been trying to figure out how to befriend him for ages, and this seems like a good first step. What he can't figure out is why human-Janus is being so weird about it.
(Alternatively: Janus doesn't trust easily. He wishes he could stop trusting Thomas— it would be so much less terrifying.)
Chapter Warnings: brief fear of strangulation (no actual strangulation occurs)
Chapter Word Count: 2,926
Pairing: platonic Thomceit
(part 2) (part 3)
(masterpost w/ ao3 links)
It starts with the snake in the sunshine.
Thomas supposes that’s not entirely right, because in order to be truly accurate, he would have to acknowledge that ‘it’ started a long, long time ago, when he was a kid, or perhaps even when he was a baby. He’s not certain; he’s never thought to ask any of the sides when, exactly, they developed. And he’s also not certain when they became… the way that they are, instead of just being regular, non-sentient parts of his personality like literally everyone else on the planet is made up of, when his heart became someone called Patton, his logic someone called Logan, and so on. But he doesn’t think that any of that is particularly relevant for this specific situation, so for all intents and purposes: it starts with the snake in the sunshine.
He spots it when he’s coming down the stairs, and promptly stops up short on the third to last step, because, snake. In his apartment. And he knows that things like this happen in Florida, knows that wildlife has a tendency to encroach on human settlements (and he has heard enough horror stories about alligators in people’s backyards to last a lifetime, thank you), but it’s never happened to him before, and he’s not sure what to do about it.
It’s lying in the sunlight slanting through the window, coiled tightly, unmoving. It is white, with dappled yellow patterns all across its back, though there appears to be some kind of black marking on its head. It’s fairly large, too, far larger than any snakes he’s seen outside of a zoo, and he briefly entertains the notion that this might be a zoo escapee, though he’s not certain of how that would have happened. Or of how it got into his apartment in the first place. He definitely would have noticed it sneaking through the door, right?
He manages to overcome his initial fear, carefully dismounting the last few steps and approaching cautiously, sure to stay out of striking range. He doesn’t know much about snakes, doesn’t know how to tell if this is a venomous one or not, and he’s not taking any chances. Though, isn’t it something to do with the shape of their heads? Don’t venomous snakes have pointed heads? That sounds right. And this snake’s head doesn’t look particularly angular, so perhaps he’s safe, though he still doesn’t want to get bitten, venomous or not. The next step should probably be to call animal control and let them handle this.
Something about it seems off, though. Something in its markings, perhaps, that particular shade of yellow, or that odd blot on its head—
Wait. That can’t be right.
He stops. Takes a few steps forward, squinting. Goes so far as to rub his eyes, because perhaps there is a spot in his vision, fooling him into seeing something that doesn’t exist.
But no, it’s still there.
The black spot on its head isn’t a natural marking at all. He’s still not entirely sure his eyes can be trusted, but for all the world, it appears as though there is a tiny black bowler hat perched between this snake’s eyes.
And just like that, everything clicks. All the fear rushes out of him at once, leaving him breathless with relief. He can’t say that there is no apprehension about this new set of circumstances, and a healthy dose of confusion is steadily building, but this is far better than there being an actual, real snake in his apartment.
He walks forward, crouching over the snake, and when it doesn’t stir at all, he works up his courage and pokes it, just a little. Its scales are warm and smooth under his fingertip, and he resists the urge to stroke them. He doubts he could get away with that.
“Janus?” he asks, trying to keep the somewhat hysterical laughter from his voice. “That you?”
Slowly, the snake lifts its head, looking up at him with slightly glassy eyes. For a few seconds, they both participate in what has to be the strangest staring contest of Thomas’ life. Thomas loses, because the snake that is probably-almost-definitely-Janus doesn’t seem to blink.
Snakes don’t have facial expressions. Thomas is fairly certain of that. And yet, he gets the distinct impression that Janus is waiting for something; it’s in the gleam of his eyes, the slight tilt of his head, almost like he’s issuing a challenge.
“It’s totally cool if it is,” he clarifies, raising his hands. “Uh, you can feel free to stay there as long as you want. But uh, I just wanted to make sure that it was you and not some random snake.” He smiles, casting about in his mind for something to say. He’s not yet sure how to talk to Janus, not sure how to interact with him now that he’s offered up his acceptance, but he’s certainly going to try his best. He wants to get to know him, wants to understand him better. He deserves nothing less. “There’s only room for one snake in this apartment.”
Janus stares at him for a while longer, and then nods, a fluid, intelligent motion that is slightly disturbing coming from something that looks like an animal, but Thomas can deal. If his sides can shapeshift into his friends, and puppets, and giant frog monsters with abs, he can cope with his snake-like side becoming an actual snake. It’s hardly the weirdest thing he’s ever seen.
Janus returns to his coiled up position, apparently intent on taking a nap, and frankly, Thomas can’t blame him at all. A nap sounds great right about now. He’s not entirely sure why Janus has chosen to do so here, rather than in the mindscape; he’s certainly never seen any of the other sides sleep in his apartment. But he’s hardly about to make Janus leave, even if he’s bemused and a bit discomfited, so he wanders off to grab a snack and get back to editing, leaving Janus to sleep in the sunlight.
He’s gone by evening, and Thomas isn’t entirely sure when he left. It’s a few days before he shows up again, in the exact same spot, in the exact same sunbeam, and Thomas greets him but otherwise leaves him be.
From then on, it sort of becomes a thing. On cloudless days, Janus pops up as a snake to sun himself in the living room. Sometimes Thomas will chat with him, making idle conversation that he’s not sure is listened to, and sometimes he stays silent, content to do his own thing while Janus does his. It turns into a comfortable habit, on his end, at least, and he hopes that Janus is comfortable with it too. He thinks he is; at least, he never gives any indication otherwise.
He’s still not sure why exactly this is happening, but he hardly feels the need to complain.
But then, Thomas walks downstairs one day to find Janus staring directly at him.
He pauses, thrown by the change to their routine. Most of Janus’ body is curled in on itself, like usual, but his head is reared, and as Thomas watches, he sways back and forth slightly, a constant, seemingly automatic motion. His tongue flickers in the air, but he makes no sound, neither hissing nor speech, and though Thomas isn’t sure that he’s capable of talking while he’s like this, he’s heard him hiss a few times, so this silence is unnerving.
“Hey,” he says uneasily. He gives a half-hearted little wave, which he regrets almost instantly, feeling like an idiot. “Uh, is something the matter?”
Janus looks pointedly to the window behind him, and then back to Thomas again. It only takes Thomas a few seconds after that to realize what the issue is.
It’s raining.
And not a light rain, either, not the kind that casts grey shadows over the world and taps gentle, soothing rhythms against the windowpane. This is a storm, dark and furious, wind whipping and tearing into the trees and sending gust after gust of the torrential downpour against the glass. It is late afternoon, but it may as well be night for how dark the sky is. There is certainly no trace of sun poking through, and thus, no light for Janus to lie in.
He walks closer, though hesitantly. “I’m not sure what to tell you, buddy.” He winces as soon as he says it; ‘buddy’ doesn’t fit Janus at all, feels too presumptuous, like he’s assuming a closeness that doesn’t yet exist. He’ll keep trying. “I can’t control the weather.” He pauses, looking back to the snake, who has drawn up slightly, his head now almost level with Thomas’ waist. “Um, is there not anywhere in the mindscape that you could find some sun?”
Janus hisses, loud and sharp, opening his mouth to flash some fang. Instinctively, Thomas takes a step back.
He’ll take that as a no.
He rubs the back of his neck. “Well, I’m not sure what to do, then,” he says. “It’s supposed to be like this all day.”
Snakes cannot look disappointed. They cannot glare. They are literally incapable of those facial expressions. So how Janus is managing to convey angry dejection is absolutely beyond him. And he doesn’t know how to comfort him, doesn’t know if comfort would even be welcome; in a way, Janus is a lot like Virgil, not that he would ever dare to speak that opinion out loud. They present themselves entirely differently, but at their core, they are both proud, stubborn and guarded, if in varying ways. Thomas has learned Virgil fairly well by now, knows how to slip past his walls, but Janus is a different story.
But still, seeing him so disappointed doesn’t sit right with him. So he reaches out on instinct, running a finger down the scales just past his head in an attempt to offer comfort through touch, and he doesn’t realize that this may have been a mistake until Janus stiffens, going completely rigid and still. He pulls his hand back hastily.
“Sorry!” he says. “I should’ve asked first, I’m sorry.” He frowns, glancing from Janus to his finger and back again. “You’re really cold. Is that normal?”
Snakes are cold-blooded. He does know that much, knows that they rely on external factors in order to maintain their body temperatures. He just never thought that such a restriction would apply to Janus, considering that he is, in fact, an imaginary snake and not a real one. But if he’s wrong, if Janus truly does need an outside source of heat in order to stay warm himself, then that would explain his distress.
Janus hisses at him again and ducks back down, curling into himself until he resembles a convoluted knot, his head nowhere to be seen. It’s almost upsettingly cute, not that Thomas would risk voicing such a thought. He crouches down instead, considering his options. Would Janus accept his help, if he offered it?
There’s only one way to find out.
“Hey,” he says softly. “Um, look, I can’t turn on the sun for you, but you look super uncomfortable, so if you wanted, you could… wrap around my arm, or something? Body heat would help, right?” He hesitates; Janus is fairly long, probably about five feet, possibly a bit longer, so the logistics might be a bit tricky. But he’s sure they could figure it out, if Janus would be amenable. Slowly, he stretches a hand out again, placing two fingers on Janus’ scales and stroking them with a feather-light touch. He really does feel cold.
Janus uncoils himself, hissing loudly, but he leans into the contact in a way that almost seems like desperation, like he’s trying to steal all the warmth he can from Thomas’ fingertips. And after a moment, the hissing stops, and he regards Thomas with an almost wild stare.
“Really,” he presses, unsure of what Janus is thinking. “I wouldn’t mind. Unless it’s not something you’re comfortable with, in which case, that’s fine, we could figure out something else. I… might have a heated blanket?” He casts back in his mind, trying to figure out if he does, in fact, possess a heated blanket, or if he just used to have one and is remembering incorrectly. If he doesn’t still have it, he’s not sure that he owns anything else that would help; snakes like heat lamps, he thinks, but he definitely doesn’t have one of those. Could he turn on the oven and set Janus in front of it? Would that work?
He is jolted out of his thoughts by the sensation of Janus’ head rubbing into his hand, like a cat seeking attention. He freezes, and so does Janus, and for a long moment, they have another one of those staring contests. Then, Janus sets his head primly on the back of his hand, still staring, as if asking for permission. Something bright and warm blooms in Thomas’ chest, and with his free hand, he gestures to his arm, trying to suppress the grin that wants to spread across his face.
Janus hesitates for a second longer. Then, he slithers up and around Thomas’ arm, and Thomas shivers at the sensation of frigid scales sliding across his skin. At first, it seems as though this won’t work, that Janus is simply too big to settle comfortably, but Thomas watches in fascination as Janus begins to shrink, landing on a much smaller size, perhaps two feet long, a length that can wrap around his arm with ease. Somehow, throughout the process, the tiny bowler hat remains perfectly balanced.
And just like that, there is a snake looped around Thomas’ arm.
“Alright,” he says, trying not to sound as giddy as he feels, because this is the closest he feels like he’s gotten to making a personal connection to Janus in months. “Okay, cool. Um, I was planning on getting some more editing done, so you can just hang out while I do that, I guess. Feel free to hiss at me or something if you get uncomfortable.”
Janus remains silent, which he will take as a good sign. In fact, he remains silent for the better part of an hour, lazily regarding the computer screen as Thomas attempts to wrangle his filmed material into something worth posting. He ends up doing most of the work with one arm so as to disturb Janus as little as possible, but he finds that he doesn’t mind. After a time, he almost forgets that Janus is there at all, becomes accustomed to the chilly weight of his scales on his arm, the slight movements as he shifts in place every now and again.
But then, those slight movements become bigger movements, and Thomas stills, tensing as Janus uncoils and begins to slither his way up his arm and under his shirtsleeve. His breath catches, and chills shoot down his spine; Janus is warmer than before, but still cool, and the sensation as Janus moves across his shoulder and emerges from his shirt’s collar is odd, unfamiliar. He exhales shakily as Janus continues to move, looping himself around his neck several times, just tight enough that Thomas is very aware of his presence, of the fact that there is a snake coiled around his neck, and as much as he knows that Janus will not physically harm him (and probably couldn’t, even if he tried), there is an element in his hindbrain that is gibbering at him, insisting that everything about this situation is a very bad idea, and that he needs to remove the threat.
God, he hopes Virgil isn’t paying attention to this. Except, judging from the way he’s feeling right now, judging from the almost audible oh god oh god get him off get him off, he definitely is, and Thomas is very surprised that he’s held back from showing up in person.
And then, Janus lets out a whistling breath and tucks his head between the coils and Thomas’ neck, and all the tension leaks from Thomas’ body as his rational thinking catches up to the situation. The way Janus is gripping him is nowhere near tight enough to cut off his airflow, and it never was, even though he seems to be pressing up as close to his skin as possible. But why--?
Was his arm not warm enough?
“You good there, Janus?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. He receives no response, neither a hiss nor any additional motion, so he tries again. “Are you, uh, asleep?”
Again, no reply, so it’s probably safe to assume. He smiles, wide and unrestrained, and powers down his laptop. The storm outside has calmed to a softer rainfall, pattering against the windows, and other than that, the world seems quiet and still. It’s earlier than Thomas usually goes to bed, but he actually feels like he might manage to fall asleep if he tries, and a little bit of extra rest never hurt anyone. He’s been working in bed already, thankfully, so while he can’t lie all the way down without dislodging Janus in some way, Logan won’t lecture him too much if he falls asleep where he sits.
He reaches over to the lamp at his bedside and turns off the light.
“Goodnight, Janus,” he murmurs. Predictably, he receives no response, but Janus’ scales still press against him in the dark, a comforting presence as he drifts off.
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justatiredpotato · 4 years
Set Me Free | Chapter 1
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Chapter List
Pairing: hybrid!Yoongi x human!reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, coffee shop AU, hybrid AU
Word Count: Chapter: 6,000~  Total: 40,000~ (I’m sorry xD)
Updates daily at 10pm MST
Warnings: violence, discrimination (against hybrids), mentions of injuries and blood, anxiety, panic attacks
Summary: Yoongi, a cat hybrid, has been hurt time and time again by a world that would have him believe he’s worthless. One day he finds himself in your protective care, and gets a new family to boot. But is it really that easy to escape the past and embrace a new beginning?
Author’s Note: I love writing reader inserts but I just can’t write Y/N. It feels weird to me. So in this fic the reader’s name is Yeoji. I hope this isn’t too confusing for anyone! This is my first time posting my work so I appreciate any support it gets!
You raised the blinds just high enough to let a sliver of pre-dawn light in, but low enough that you wouldn’t be blinded when the sun crested the buildings across the way. You peered through the sheer fabric onto the square outside. The area had seen a lot of development in the last few years. Trendy little shops now lined the street. The coffee shop you owned and operated was tucked between a couple of over-priced restaurants with laughably tiny servings. 
While you weren’t thrilled with the increase in your overhead costs, you couldn’t deny the recent boost in business. There was a steady flow of customers through the whole week, not just in the early morning or on weekends. It had even become necessary to hire a couple of part-timers to keep the place open longer. Not that you minded. You were actually glad for the opportunity to give your friend, Jungkook, a job. 
The rabbit hybrid was nervous by nature despite his imposing appearance; he stood at least a foot taller than you. Your brother, Namjoon was fiercely protective of him. Jungkook came into your lives in your final year of college. The police brought a battered and terrified Jungkook to Remedy shelter, which was run by your friend Jin. They hadn’t seen what happened to him, and he wouldn’t say. As far as you knew, Namjoon and Jin were the only people he ever told.
Your eyes focused on the patio before you, as the very bunny you were thinking of appeared at the door. One of the boys came in on the weekends to work alongside you and help with the rush. The square was usually packed with couples on dates, window-shopping and listening to musicians that busked along the sidewalks.
“Morning, noona!” Jungkook chirped with his wide bunny grin.
“G’morning Koo,” you said, attempting to match his energy level despite the early hour. He laughed sweetly at the nickname. You were the only one he let call him that since he turned seventeen.
“Did you have your coffee yet?” He asked. You shook your head no. “Waiting for your favorite hybrid to make it for you?” 
“Don’t let Jimin hear you say that. You know he’ll take any opportunity to pout,” you said. 
Jungkook chuckled at that. Jimin was the shop's other part-timer. Many hybrids were affectionate, but the ragdoll hybrid took it to another level. He spent every possible second with his arms wrapped around his nearest friend. You were counted among his friends from pretty much your first meeting. When the chance to work at your shop had opened up, he thought it would be a great chance to have some independence. 
Jimin had been rooming with Jin for years. Despite his desire for independence he simply couldn’t stand living alone. So he shared an apartment with Jin and Taehyung, a sweet tiger hybrid. Taehyung had been hard to adopt out because despite his good nature, he was an exotic breed, and a predator no less. Few wanted to risk taking responsibility for him, and those that did had less-than-good intentions for him.
Life was scary as a hybrid. Between the massive industry of underground fighting rings, sex trafficking, and abuse in even seemingly decent homes, any adoption was a gamble. Jin tried his best to vet each family, but he couldn’t catch every red flag. You and Namjoon knew better than most how that haunted him.
Several years ago, the two of you stopped by the shelter. Neither of you could reach him on the phone and you were starting to get worried. You finally found him in his office, passed out over his desk with several empty bottles of soju scattered around. Namjoon tried to rouse him, but all he could mumble was ‘dead, dead, dead’ between hiccuping sobs. The next morning you learned that a hybrid he’d helped earlier that year was found dead in a seedy part of town. The couple that adopted her were being investigated on suspicion of hybrid trafficking. 
He wasn’t the same after that. He got back to his usual smiling self, but he was slower to trust, and slower to laugh. Every time a hybrid left the shelter for their new home there was a flicker of sadness and fear in his eyes.
“Noona? What’s wrong?” Jungkook asked, breaking your train of thought. You turned to look at him, blinking to stop your eyes watering at the memory.
“It’s nothing Kookie, just thinking about this sad movie I watched last night.” You and Namjoon both agreed that it was best to keep the more tragic events from the shelter quiet. Jungkook had been through enough in the past, and you didn’t want to hurt him further by bringing up old memories. Jungkook frowned at the response.
“It must’ve been really sad,” he said, sniffing lightly. His frown deepened and he searched her eyes. He seemed to debate pressing it further. You knew that his hybrid senses were telling him you were lying. But he seemed to decide it was best to let it go, instead holding out a hot cup of your favorite coffee, a soft smile returning and making his eyes scrunch.
You took it, grateful for the coffee and his letting you evade the question. You set about your morning tasks, laying out chairs, brewing coffee for the self-serve station, and checking that there was creamer chilled and ready. Sunlight sparkled in the air, reflecting off the morning frost. 
It was supposed to snow that night. You shuddered. You hated winter for forcing you to pay for heating, if nothing else. Whenever your friends got together at your house—a tiny one-bedroom apartment above the cafe—Jimin whined about the cold temperature. But you refused to pay for anything beyond what would keep your pipes from freezing. It was expensive enough to own a building in your area already. Instead you wore layers and piled blankets on your bed. Jimin wasn’t really upset anyway, he loved any excuse to cuddle. Movie night usually ended with him and Taehyung asleep on either side of you.
“You actually going to turn on the radiator tonight?” Jungkook teased.
“I have my radiator on! It’s just… turned down,” you said.
He chuckled, knowing you were too stubborn to waste money on ‘luxuries.’ He turned away at the jingle of the door bell. The first customer of the day came as no surprise. A familiar, slouching form appeared, dropped a couple of equipment cases off at the side of the door, and shuffled up to the counter. The young man had black hair that hung down and nearly covered his eyes, which flicked up to meet hers. His lips twitched in a hint of a smile.
“Good morning, Yoongi” You said with more than your usual morning cheer. Jungkook scoffed and you threw him a dirty look. The young man in front of the counter didn’t seem to pay attention, his eyes determinedly focused on his beat-up boots.
“Morning,” he mumbled, glancing up to briefly meet your eyes.
“The usual?” you asked, trying to hold his gaze.
“Yeah,” he said. This time offering you a genuine smile before he looked away again. He busied himself looking through a well-worn notebook while you relayed his usual order to Jungkook: cheese toast and a small hot americano. You returned to the counter and accepted his punch card. He practically filled one every other week, since he was in nearly every day. 
“Performing in the square again today?” you asked. He was one of the buskers that was a regular in the area. He nodded. “You should put on a coat. It’s supposed to snow later. You’re going to freeze if you’re out there all day like that.”
You looked over his clothes. The hoodie he wore was ragged at the sleeves. He had the hood up, cinched a bit against the biting wind. His signature beanie was just peeking out from under it. He scuffed his feet, uncomfortable under your appraisal. 
“I’ll be fine,” he answered shortly. He looked up at you, eyes wide as he realized how curt he sounded. “I stay warm when I’m performing.”
You weren’t sure how standing behind a keyboard and laptop could keep you warm, but you didn’t press the issue. You handed back the punch card and gave him his total. He rummaged in his pockets before frowning and looking up at the menu.
“That’s wrong,” he said.
“Hm?” you asked, though you already knew what he meant. He pointed to the menu over your shoulder.
“Your prices went up, but this is what it always costs.” He pulled a jumble of crumpled bills and coins from the pocket of his hoodie, counting through them. A couple of coins fell and clattered across the counter.
“I gave you the regular customer discount,” you said. Jungkook chuckled as he joined you at the register with the completed order.
“That’s not a thing,” Yoongi said as he finished counting out his change and handed you the total with the new prices.
“It’s my shop. I’m making it a thing,” you argued, pushing the money back toward him.
“Please, Yeoji-ssi. I don’t need a hand out.”
“I didn’t mean that you need it, I just wanted to,” you finally stammered after an awkward pause. Now you were embarrassed, and you felt bad for unintentionally insulting him. Yoongi cursed quietly under his breath. Beside you Jungkook’s ears twitched, and he sniffed curiously; no doubt sensing something you couldn’t.
“I know, I’m sorry. That’s very generous of you,” he said as he gently pushed the money back toward you. Tucking his toast into the backpack and taking his coffee he hurried back toward the door. He fumbled for a minute, trying to carry his equipment and the hot beverage. As he finally got his things together and went to push the door open, you called after him.
“Hey, drop by if you get a chance to take a break and warm up.”
“I’ll try,” he said, turning around and flashing another soft smile as he pushed through the door.
You thought about Yoongi a lot through the rest of the day. Jungkook noticed and teased you all day. You couldn’t scold him for it though, you’d teased him plenty about his first crush.
As long as Yoongi had been coming to the cafe you’d been curious about him. He was quiet, handsome, and talented. You’d heard him perform in the square before. He played the keyboard but also produced tracks that he played from his laptop, blending the simplicity of the piano with a full-bodied studio sound.
You often wondered why he wasn’t working at a studio, producing for idols. He could have been an idol himself with the good looks he hid behind a beanie, hoodie, and bangs. The more you learned about the boy, the more you wanted to know. On your break, you googled his name and found a few YouTube videos of performances at clubs and underground rap battles. Apparently he wasn’t just a musician, he was a talented lyricist and rapper as well.
“Doing some research on your boyfriend, I see?” Jungkook said, resting his chin on your shoulder. You jumped, turning to swat at him as he quickly danced away.
“Don’t read over people’s shoulders! That’s rude,” you scolded. You could feel your face turning pink, and it irritated you to know that he could sense your embarrassment. “He’s not my boyfriend. And I was just curious about his music.”
“Mhm, right,” Jungkook said dismissively. “You’re seriously browsing Google? Come on, doesn’t this guy have an Instagram?”
“Not one that I can find.” Your tone made it clear that you had made a thorough search and failed.
“Wow, really? No social media presence at all? Maybe he has Twitter.” You shook your head. “Facebook? LinkedIn? MySpace? AOL?”
“AOL did IM and email, you dork,” you interrupted, cracking a smile. “And no, I can’t find him on any platform besides YouTube. He doesn’t seem to have his own channel…”
“Weird…” Jungkook said. “Are we sure this guy really exists?” You snorted. “I’m serious! For someone to be completely off the grid on the internet is like, unheard of. Maybe he’s hiding from the law! Or in witness protection. Noona, what if your boyfriend is a drug dealer!”
You swung at him again, this time successfully landing a smack on his shoulder. He ran back out front when the door chimed.
“He’s not a drug dealer, stupid!” You called after him. “And he’s not my boyfriend!”
Namjoon picked up Jungkook after closing that evening. They were having a boys night at Jin’s house.
“Are you sure you don’t want to join, noona?” Jungkook asked, pouting a little bit to try and convince you.
“We really don’t mind, noona. Jimin and Tae would love it if you came,” Namjoon added.
“I appreciate the invitation, but I’ll be fine Joon. And Koo, you know Overwatch isn’t my style. You have fun with the boys. Make sure to let them win a few times,” you said, getting on your toes to ruffle Jungkook’s hair affectionately.
“I will,” Jungkook said, leaning into your hand for one last ear scratch.
You waved off the boys and set to cleaning up for the night. After mopping and turning out the lights in the front you went in the back to wash the dishes. Through the door leading out into the alley, you heard shouting. Listening for a minute, you shrugged it off. Probably just college kids from a local frat house. You often heard them as they stumbled home from the local bar. It was Friday night after all.
That explanation left your head quickly when you heard a scream. The sound nearly made you drop the mug you were washing. That wasn’t a scream of young men goofing around, it was a cry of pain and fear. Before you could think better of it you shook the water off your hands, grabbed your  phone, and raced for the door. 
You burst out into the alleyway struggling to stay upright on the thin layer of freshly fallen snow.
What you saw made your stomach turn. A group of four young men were crowded around the dumpster. Something, or more likely someone, was crumpled in the corner between it and the wall. You couldn’t see much, just rumpled fabric and a couple of bags laying around. The bags were opened, the paper and garments they had contained tossed around the alley. 
The men took turns throwing brutal kicks at the person in the corner, who was now curled so that the only thing you could see besides the snow-soaked hoodie was his hands clutching something to his chest. 
“You thought you could fool everyone? Thought you could scam a buck out of us?” One of the men sneered.
“Too bad. We know what you are. Just because no one wants you doesn’t mean you get to do whatever you want,” another said
“You’re just a toy that someone threw away. What were you thinking trying to pull something over on real people?” another said, punctuating his point with a kick to the ribs that sent the victim sprawling onto the snow.
“Hey!” you shouted before you could think better of it. You hurriedly lifted your phone to dial the police. It was dead. Panic shot through you as the four guys turned to you. Thinking quickly you put the phone to your ear and started talking. 
“Hello? I need the police. I’m in the alley behind ***********. There are some young men here and I think they’ve hurt someone.” One of the men took a step toward you, further illuminating his face in the dim security light. You took a step back. “Hey, I have all of this on CCTV! Your faces are on it!” you warned before returning to the imaginary phone call. “Yes, the cameras run 24/7. Everything should be on there…”
The guy closest to you stepped back into the shadows, cursing.
“Let’s go,” he said, turning to walk away and nodding for his friends to follow him. One of them turned to spit on the figure in the corner before walking away.
“You’re lucky, freak.”
You kept talking until the group disappeared around the corner. As soon as they were gone you rushed to the person in the alley. The person flinched away as you approached, tucking in on himself. You stopped, listening as he said something. It was muffled by his arms, which were held up in an attempt to protect his head. 
“What did you say?” you asked, moving a little closer.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry…” he repeated over and over again. The man’s voice trembled to the point it was hard to understand him, but his voice was undeniably familiar. As you came within arms reach you got a clearer view, and your blood ran cold. There bundled in a thin, soaked hoodie, was Yoongi. The snow that had melted over him from his body heat was quickly refreezing. He shivered so badly you could hear his teeth chattering.
“Yoongi?” you asked in a choked whisper.
He looked up at you then. One of his eyes was blackened, almost entirely swollen shut, with a cut through his eyebrow dripping blood onto his eyelashes. His nose was bleeding, possibly broken. The split in his lip lined up with a quickly darkening bruise on his jaw.
“Oh my god, Yoongi! What happened?” you asked, reaching out for him.
“Please,” he said, more of a whimper than a word. You froze. He was scared you were going to hurt him.
“Yoongi?” you said, more softly this time. “It’s okay. They’re gone. I’m not going to hurt you. Would you please let me help you?” The panic in his eyes seemed to clear a little, and he seemed to really see you when he met your eyes again.
“Yeoji-ssi? I shouldn’t be here. I’m sorry. I’ll leave,” he mumbled, wincing as he tried to stand.
“Woah, hold on.” You reached out to steady him. He flinched at the sudden movement, but didn’t pull away this time. “You aren’t going anywhere. Come on, let's get you inside before you freeze.”
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. It’s really not worth the tro-“ he started.
“Yoongi,” you said in your older-sister voice. He seemed to realize that that was the end of the discussion, because he sagged against you as you slung his arm over your shoulders. His free hand was still clutching something to his chest. You glanced at it and your eyes widened. A tail. You looked up at him with a clearly shocked expression. He let out a kind of tired, resigned sigh.
“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. Like I said, I can just go. You can leave me. You probably don’t want me here.”
“Why would you say that?” you said, immediately regretting your tone. He shrank into himself, curling his shoulders in to make himself smaller, even as he winced at the pain of moving.
“Sorry,” he repeated meekly, pulling his arm off as if he expected you to shove him away. You grabbed his hand and settled it back over your shoulder.
“I’m not mad at you, Yoongi. But why would you think I would leave you here?” you said. As you limped toward the door into the café he couldn’t meet your eyes. He’d embarrassed you, again. Of course you’d want to get rid of him. He hung his head and obediently followed you inside. His heart broke as he saw his bags, open and empty, strewn around the alley. His notes littered the floor, already soaked and probably illegible. He glanced around, seeing the edge of his keyboard where it had been shoved under the dumpster in the scuffle. Turning, he realized his backpack—containing his laptop, important papers and notes, and what little money he had saved—was still lying in the corner where you’d found him. 
He turned to you to say something, but found you were already at the door. As soon as the door closed behind him, what little strength he had left him. You eased him to the ground as best you could. He grunted, muffling a whimper of pain. He already felt pathetic enough.
“Okay, I’m going to call the police and an ambulance,” you said, tossing your dead cell phone on the counter and hurrying to the landline. Thank god you hadn’t hadn’t got around to cancelling it yet. Yoongi’s eyes widened and he lurched forward, trying to stand. He only made it one step before he fell, yelping in pain and landing on his hands and knees on the tile. You rushed back to his side.
“Don’t,” he begged through gritted teeth. You stopped short, thinking he didn’t want you to touch him. “No cops. No ambulance,” he got out before lowering himself to lay on his side. You quickly moved to lay his head on your lap instead of the cold floor.
“Yoongi you’re hurt. And those boys should be arrested! Besides, I’m sure someone is worried about you. Don’t you have a…” you trailed off, looking for the right word.
“Owner?” Yoongi said, disgust clear in his voice.
“I was going to say guardian. That’s what most of my friends call their arrangement.” 
“You have hybrid friends? Or your friends own hybrids?” Yoongi asked.
“I guess both, not that my hybrid friends are anyone’s property-“ you cut yourself off. “Yoongi this isn’t important right now. You need help.”
“No. The hospital will call the police, and the police will put me in a shelter.”
“You’re alone?” you asked cautiously.
“Yeah. I’m better his way. If I can just sleep here, I’ll be gone in the morning. Please,” he said. His voice kept getting quieter, losing its bite the more he spoke.
“No,” you said firmly.
“I’m sorry, I know you don’t want me here. I’ll be gone before you wake up. I won’t touch anything. You can just forget all of this.”
“No, Yoongi. I meant I’m not letting you leave like this. I’m getting you help and you’re going to let me.”
You took off your sweater and put it under his head so you could stand and get the phone. Yoongi moved to protest, but you threw him a look and he surrendered. You dialed and watched as Yoongi’s eyes fell closed despite his best attempts to fight it.
“Noona? What’s up?” came the answer on the phone.
“Hoseok, I need your help,” you said, not wasting any time. You could hear the sound of video games and trash talk pause in the background as the other boys asked Hoseok what you called for.
“Shut up a sec and let me ask,” he said to the younger boys who were no doubt hovering around the phone trying to eavesdrop. “Sorry, noona. What do you need? It’s late. Is everything okay?”
“I need a doctor.”
“Are you okay?” he asked immediately, his voice more urgent now. You could hear a whine on the other end already, probably Jungkook, already worried.
“I’m fine, Hobi, but could you take this conversation somewhere more private?” you asked, not wanting to expose the younger boys to any unnecessary trauma. There was shuffling and complaints on the other end of the line, then the sound of a door closing.
“Talk. What’s going on?” Hoseok demanded. The door opened and closed again and you heard Namjoon’s voice.
“What’s happening? Is she okay?” he asked. “Are you okay?” He repeated more clearly, evidently sharing the phone with Hoseok.
“Yes, I’m fine! But I have an injured hybrid here. He doesn’t have a guardian and he’s too scared to let me call an ambulance.”
“What happened to him?” Hoseok asked. He was a doctor specializing in hybrid medicine at the nearby hospital. He often helped out at Jin’s shelter. You felt some relief as you sensed he was in what Taehyung liked to call ‘doctor mode.’
“Some kids beat him up. It’s bad. He’s passed out on my kitchen floor right now. Drenched from the snow too. I can’t carry him into my apartment myself and it’s way too cold in this kitchen.”
“I’m on my way. I’ll have to grab some supplies from the shelter.” 
You heard the door opening again, and a bunch of voices throwing questions at Hoseok and Joon.
“Jin-hyung, shelter keys?” Hoseok requested over the noise.
“I’m going too,” Namjoon chimed in. There was more arguing and shuffling noises as coats were grabbed and shoes were put on and everyone insisted they were coming. You were distracted by a soft murmur from Yoongi, still on the floor behind you. You stretched the phone cord and returned to his side.
“What is it, Yoongi?” you asked, pulling the beanie off to brush some of his fringe off his face. His soft black ears were flattened against his head, and you gently smoothed over them too.
“My bag,” he mumbled, eyebrows creasing even in unconsciousness.
You interrupted the arguing boys on the other end of the phone.
“Bring the boys,” you said.
“Are you sure about that?” Namjoon asked, knowing that you, Jin, and himself all agreed it was best to protect the three maknaes from this kind of situation when it was possible. 
“They can’t come in and see him, but I have a job I need them to help me with. Make sure they dress warm,” you said.
“If you’re sure,” Namjoon said, deciding not to question you. 
“We’ll be there in twenty minutes,” Hoseok said. “Do your best to keep him warm until then.”
“Okay. Please hurry.”
As soon as you hung up, you quickly ran into your apartment in the back. You pulled as many extra blankets as you could carry out of your closet and rushed back to Yoongi. You debated for a minute before pulling off the drenched hoodie, only to find that the black t-shirt he wore underneath was no drier. You weren't confident that you could get the garment off without further hurting him, so instead you piled blankets on top of him. You filled a couple of hot water bottles and tucked them around him; then filled a couple more and tucked them into your bed so that it would be warm when the boys carried him in.
You returned to the kitchen, where Yoongi was barely visible for all the blankets he was packed in. Glancing at the clock, you saw that only 10 minutes had passed. It felt like you’d been waiting for hours. The time crawled as you alternated between watching the seconds tick by and watching Yoongi’s chest rise and fall.
You jumped when the knock finally came at the door. They’d come to the back, the front door to your apartment, and you ran to let them in. Hoseok immediately slipped past you and headed to the kitchen. The others moved to follow, but you stopped them.
“I need you guys to help me with something,” you said. “Those thugs trashed his stuff threw it all over the alley. Joon, can you take the boys and go gather what you can and see if any of it can be salvaged? I know he said his bag is back there. It seemed important to him.”
Namjoon nodded and quickly herded the boys around the building and into the alley. You pulled Jin inside.
“I need you to help Hobi and I get him inside.”
“That bad?” he asked, frowning. You just nodded. He followed you back to where Hoseok was already taking stock of his patient.
“You did good, noona. Seems like you staved off the shock. Move him, and then I’ll dress these wounds.”
You carefully pulled the blankets away.
“Be careful, he was really protective of his tail. I think it’s injured somehow,” you warned before Jin and Hoseok picked him up. They exchanged a glance as they moved toward the apartment door.
“What?” you asked. “Is something else wrong?”
“No,” Jin tried to assure you, though his tone wasn’t comforting. “It’s just… Hobi, I know he isn’t a big guy, but is it normal to be this light?”
“No,” Hoseok answered grimly. “Definitely not.”
Now that your attention was drawn to it, you noticed how slight Yoongi was. His ribs were clearly visible through the thin fabric of his t-shirt. You felt a lump in your throat and looked away, hurrying to open the door.
“You can put him in my room. I put some water bottles to warm the bed.” They nodded and quickly settled him on the bed.
“Do you think we could cut away this stuff?” Hoseok asked, gesturing to his clothes. “It’s all trashed anyway.”
“I don’t know if he has much else…” you said, hesitant to ruin his things.
“I just don’t want to risk further injury trying to get them off intact. And we can’t leave him in these, he’s already nearly hypothermic,” he said.
“We can replace them,” Jin suggested. “I brought a change of clothes. It’s in a bag on your coffee table, noona.”
“Right, great,” you said. “I’ll go get them.”
You hurried out of the room to get the bag Jin mentioned. When you came into the living room you found Jimin, hovering by the door.
“Noona, there was a keyboard by the trash and papers everywhere. Are they his? Should we get them too?” he asked, shifting from foot to foot. His nose twitched, and you realized he could probably smell the anxiety and pain in the air. You sighed.
“Yeah, grab everything you can. We can sort through it in the morning, and see what we can save.” He nodded and turned to leave.
“Chim,” you called and he turned. You wrapped him in a comforting hug. “Thank you.”
A purr echoed in the boy’s chest, even as you heard him sniffle. You knew this whole experience was hard for him. He was one of the volunteers at the shelter the day Jungkook was brought in. That experience still haunted him. It’s why he stopped working at the shelter and took a job at the coffee shop. His tail curled around your waist as he hugged you back tightly.
“He’ll be okay, Chim,” you said, stroking his hair. “We’re going to help him.”
A pained groan came from the room behind you, and you pulled away from Jimin.
“Go back out and help the boys. Once you’re done, leave the stuff in the living room and go to the cafe. Tell Jungkook I said everyone needs a hot chocolate,” you petted his hair one last time and guided him out the door. A shout echoed out of your bedroom, and you couldn’t tell if it sounded pained, angry, or scared. Snatching the bag off the coffee table, you dashed back into the room.
“Get off me!” Yoongi shouted, tail clutched to his now bare chest. Jin stood back, hands up in surrender as Hoseok tried to calm the panicked cat. 
“Look man, your clothes are soaked. We’re risking hypothermia if we don’t get you into something dry.”
Yoongi looked down, seeing what remained of his ratty t-shirt cut open and in the trash. The right leg of his jeans was sliced along the outer seam up to his mid-thigh.
“What the hell did you do to my clothes?” He shouted again. He winced and swayed from the strain of sitting upright.
“Yoongi,” you started softly. Yoongi turned to you, eyes wide with panic. You approached slowly, not stopping when he spat at you to leave him alone, hurling threats and nonsense at you. As you sat on the edge of the bed he shrank back into the bedding around him and refused to meet your eyes.
“Please,” he said, his voice so quiet you hardly heard him. “Please just leave me alone. Please don’t hurt me.”
“Yoongi,” you said again, “I want to help. You’re safe. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.” You reached out to gently take his hands. “I swear, I’m going to protect you. Please let me. These are my friends, and they’re trying to help.”
He drew a shallow breath, wincing at the pain in his ribs and nodded. You stood and moved to leave, trying to spare him some privacy.
“Wait!” he said, stopping you. “Please don’t leave me.”
You turned back to him and took in his face, still chapped from the winter wind. You couldn’t leave him. So you stood with your back turned, awkwardly rocking on the balls of your feet as Jin and Hoseok helped him change.
“That’s much better,” Hoseok said, evidently satisfied that his patient was no longer at risk for hypothermia. You turned to find Yoongi with his ribs already wrapped and Hoseok working on dressing the wounds on his brow and lip. The flannel pajama bottoms Jin had brought were much too big for him, you might’ve giggled at how cute he looked if the situation were different. Without the dark hoodie and ripped jeans, Yoongi was undeniably adorable.
“I brought my clothes since I wasn’t sure what size would fit. I guess we should’ve borrowed Jimin’s instead,” Jin said with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.
“Thank you,” Yoongi said, bowing his head in thanks.
“It’s no problem. I’ll bring by something that’ll fit you better tomorrow.”
Yoongi glanced from you to Jin to Hoseok, then back to his hands in his lap. He focused on Hoseok’s hands, which were now busy setting the break in his tail.
“Don’t worry about it, I probably have something in my bag I can wear…” He trailed off, remembering the state his belongings were in the last time he saw them. “I’ll go clean up my stuff as soon as it’s light tomorrow. Don’t worry, I’ll be out of the way before you know it.”
“Yoongi,” you said, trying her best not to sound frustrated. Yoongi’s ears flattened and you knew you hadn’t succeeded.
“I’m sorry. I can leave now if you want,” he said, tail curling back around him as soon as Hoseok released it.
Your heart, already cracked from all the events of the night so far, finally broke completely. Hoseok stepped aside to make room as you came to sit beside Yoongi again. He was shaking, and you realized that he was terrified. He genuinely believed that you wanted him gone; that you’d throw him out in the snow right then and there.
“Don’t leave,” you said, your own voice trembling now. You reached out and lifted his chin so he’d meet your eyes. He did, and you found they were shining with tears of pain and fear that he was desperately trying to hold back. “Please don’t leave. I want you to stay.”
His shaking hand came up to rest over yours, which still cupped his cheek. He leaned in to the first gentle touch he’d felt in years, and the tears finally fell. You pulled him into your arms, and he let you. He buried his face in your neck and cried as you pulled a blanket over his shoulders. 
Eventually the sobs quieted. His breaths came in little gasps now, as he tried to catch his breath despite the pain in his ribs. You leaned away after a while to look at his face and saw he’d fallen asleep. 
You looked back to find that Jin had gone to check on the boys. Hoseok sat quietly at the end of the bed, not wanting to interrupt. He gave you an approving smile, and you thought his eyes were a bit wet too. It took you a moment to notice Namjoon standing in the doorway. Hoseok helped you ease Yoongi down to lie comfortably, and you carefully disengaged herself from his arms. The two of you exited the room as quietly as you could.
“You were great with him, noona,” Hoseok praised. Namjoon beamed with pride before pulling you into a tight hug.
“I’m proud of you,” he said, planting a kiss on top of your head.
“Thank you, Joonie.” Your voice broke and you finally felt all of the emotions hit you. Your shoulders shook and you struggled to stay quiet as you sobbed into Namjoon’s sweater.
A/N: So so so much thanks to my beta reader @sunshineboysbts​ for helping me create and edit this whole fic! She’s been listening to my ramblings for actual months while I worked on this. Love you, girl!
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marvelbbyx · 4 years
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Hell Hath no...Envy? (Envy Adams x Fem! Reader)
Request: @anon “hi love!!! wanted to please request a envy x reader? following the league on the other one where nobody knows you’re together and she’s your softie BUT.... she’s also possessive??? some other band lead manager or singer trying to flirt with you all night and she’s DONE WITH IT? mine??? (of course smut if you’re comfortable only!!!)”
Author’s Note: Part two to Your Sweet and Sour Girl!!
Warnings! SMUT!! Lucky Y/N...😭
The night was long and arduous, but everything eventually went as planned and the concert was a raging success. Not that it came as a surprise to you of course, and in your opinion, you felt that it was the best one so far. So did Envy, because the second that the concert ended she took you to the tour bus to do some ‘warm-up vocals’ on her 10,000 thread count satin sheets. And the “I love yous” that were exchanged earlier only fueled the fire.
You were on the road to a gig in San Francisco, and you had a meeting first thing in the morning with another band manager for a tour plan—but at the moment—you were more focused on the way Envy’s lips tasted. You were on top of her, clothes forlorn and scattered haphazardly around her room; because neither of you couldn’t wait any longer and needed to have each other at that moment. Breathless moans escaped between kisses while your hands traveled each other’s bodies, exploring and memorizing every inch of each other. You freeze mid-kiss when you hear Todd call out for you,
“Y/N! You got a phone call!” You heard him bang on your door.
“Shit!” You hiss pulling yourself off of Envy, the both of you scrambling out of bed and rushing to put your clothes on.
“These people have a Spidey sense whenever we’re alone,” Envy murmured sourly as she pulls up her pants. “It’s starting to get annoying.”
“I know, we can never get any time to ourselves.” You say sliding on your leggings and then your bra. You hear Todd call you again, banging on your door like he was a police officer. “Fuck, where’s my shirt?”
“I think it’s under the bed,” Envy whispers. “It’s okay I’ll give you one.”
“Don’t you think he’ll know?”
“No, he can barely remember his cues let alone what you and I wear.”
It was true, the last time you got interrupted you slipped on Envy’s signature white jacket, practically parading around in it as you were talking to him. To which he never noticed.
“Well, maybe if you didn’t act like a spoiled brat things would be different!” You shouted at her mouthing after for her play along.
“I can act however I want! You’re the one that has to do whatever I say!” She shouts, quickly catching on to your plan.
“I don’t have to do shit you say!” You retort.
“Then why are you still here? Last time I checked you can leave whenever you want!” Envy hands you a Clash at Demonhead t-shirt, you go to pull it over your head but a part of the shirt gets snagged on your bra.
“Babe—I’m stuck. Oh god,” You croaked in a panicked whisper, your arms caught in an awkward position above your head. “If you don’t want me here so bad, then fire me!”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, relax.” She moves behind you and tries to pull the shirt down from your bra only to get it tangled even more. “Damn, this thing’s on there really good -ahem- I mean...I would, but then you’d probably never find a better job!”
“Wow! Not like I haven’t heard that empty threat before!” Envy manages to get the shirt free, you pull it down; smoothing out any wrinkles before you would speak with Todd. “I love you.” You whisper only for her to hear.
“I love you too,” She plants a small kiss on your nose before moving to your lips.
Your fingers found the door handle, angrily storming out the room and meeting the white-haired band mate outside of your room, he was holding the landline in one hand while his eyes scanned you up and down curiously. “Were you wearing that shirt before?”
“Yes,” You answered quickly, snatching the phone from him. “I changed after the concert.”
“Ookay, it was just a question, Y/N.” Todd raised his hands in surrender before heading off to his room.
You breathe out a sigh of relief, then answer the phone in your best professional voice. “Hello, this is Y/N L/N, manager of The Clash at Demonhead, may I ask who’s calling?”
“Hello, Miss L/N, this is Caroline Briggs band manager for Heroines Of Hiking.”
“Ah yes, H-O-H, I’m a big fan.” You giggle.
“Yes, about our meeting tomorrow morning, was there a specific time that you wanted to meet?”
“No, I’m pretty flexible and comfortable with whatever time you wanted to meet.”
“Oh good, and also if it wasn’t too much trouble, do you think that Envy would be opposed to meeting Amber?”
The answer would be yes. The answer would ALWAYS be yes. Amber was the lead singer to Heroines Of Hiking and she had the same temperament as Envy when she didn’t get her way. Maybe even worse. But like The Clash at Demonhead, Heroines of Hiking was a top-grossing band and this tour was very important to both music lovers and the bands. A highly talked about conversation over the past year.
You weren’t worried about the income from the tour, you could care less about that. But what did concern was whether or not your lover would get along with the other HBIC from a different band.
“I know how you feel,” Caroline spoke up before you could finish. “I feel the same way, I kinda didn’t want this tour to happen myself.”
“I’m just worried about the fire and gasoline situation.” You admit with a breath. “I’m not sure how it’ll affect the tour.”
“If stuff gets too out of hand then we can cancel it?” She suggests.
“I wouldn’t want that though, and I’m sure Nat—I mean—Envy wouldn’t either.” You say.
“No, of course not.”
“But what I do think is that we should keep them apart as much as possible so that there isn’t a chance for problems to start.”
“That sounds like a good idea.” Caroline acknowledged.
“Great, is there anything else that you wanted to discuss?”
“No, no, I think we’ve settled it.” You can hear the smile in her voice.
You smiled back. “Alright, then I’ll see you tomorrow at...”
“Perfect, see you then.”
The Next Morning [9:31 a.m.]
“I hope you know what a terrible idea this is.” Your girlfriend huffed.
You were in an elevator leading up to Caroline’s office for the meeting, Envy had been griping the entire way. More now than ever. As if the second that the bus touched Californian soil, she grew tense and agitated like an animal before a storm.
“Sweetheart,” You tried to soothe her nerves by placing a hand on her cheek. “I’m sure it won’t be that bad.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re not the one performing with a stuck up bitch.” Envy bit harshly.
You laugh toying with a lock of her hair, “Hearing you say that is so weird.”
“And you’re not making it any easier for me...especially when you’re wearing that outfit.” She says, her eyes raking along the curves of your body. Her hands gingerly finding their way to your waist.
You wore a white collared blouse, accompanied by a skin-tight black pencil skirt and a matching blazer, the final touches were your black suede Louboutin heels and gold hooped earrings. You looked good, making you feel good too. Envy certainly seemed to think so—seeing as she couldn’t keep her hands off of you.
“Behave, Nat,” You tell her.
“But, Y/N,” She whines.
“If you act right during the meeting, I’ll give you a reward afterward.” Your voice was subtly sensual and smooth, a velvety whisper which got Envy’s attention fast. “And we can do it in this building, where we can be alone.”
Your lips covered hers in a long warm kiss that left her short of breath, slowly gaining momentum and passion but ceased when the elevator dinged to a stop. You pull away quickly once the doors slid open, Envy whining at the loss of your touch. Caroline waited for you on the other side of the metal doors as well as Amber, who looked like she never wanted to be here.
You felt like a mother bringing her child to a play date and expected said child to act appropriately so that you wouldn’t embarrassed. But the thing with Envy was that she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind or stand down for anyone WHATSOEVER.
Caroline walks up to you with a grin, holding out her hand for you to take. “Hello! And good morning, Miss L/N and Miss Adams, I hope the drive wasn’t too terrible.”
“Oh, no not all,” You smile. “Trust me, after being in a tour bus for a while, no drive is that bad. Then again, I’m not the one driving.”
Caroline breathes out a laugh. “Well, I can’t argue with that, and how are you, Miss Adams?”
Envy forces a smile. “I’m great, thank you for asking.”
Amber stood by not saying a word, instead, she smiled, but not at Envy...but at you and not just a regular smile either. Of course, you were too caught up with Caroline to notice the girl staring at you like you were the last meal she’d ever receive. Even though you didn’t notice, your girlfriend did and it made her see red—or was it green?
You extend a hand out to Amber with a smile, “I’m a big fan of your work,” You began. “Not as much as Demonhead, but around there.”
She takes your hand. “Oh, I’m not worried, but I have a feeling you’ll be a Heroine fan after the tour.”
“We’ll see,” You chuckle. As you tried to let go of her hand, Amber kept a firm hold of it.
“You have soft hands.” She says, her thumb caressing the top of your hand.
“Thank you.” You say meekly.
A pang of jealousy struck Envy’s chest like an arrow to the heart, followed by a firm hand clapping on top of your shoulder, pulling you away from Amber. In turn, made her angry as well.
“Umm, follow me...my office is right this way.”
Throughout the duration of the meeting, Envy’s hand was placed protectively on your thigh the entire time. She didn’t even hear a word you or Caroline had exchanged, all she was worried about was someone moving in on her territory. And you weren’t just up for grabs either, that whole stunt with the ‘soft hands’ made her go feral. Holding/touching you as you made your way to Caroline’s office and after the meeting, you were good on your word. Giving her her reward for holding her tongue.
Although the same couldn’t be said for you, Envy couldn’t wait any longer and pulled you into the nearest office, making you scream as she brought you nirvana over and over and over again. Oh, how your legs quaked afterward...
It was the first night of the tour, and Heroines Of Hiking was the first to go on stage. You were backstage helping out the band, you couldn’t afford anything to go wrong tonight. No wardrobe malfunctions, no faulty stage lights, no sound booth problems, absolutely nothing could go wrong.
Envy couldn’t say the same.
All day long, she would hear: “Y/N, you wanna share a pack of skittles?” or “Y/N, come watch me sing!” or “Y/N, what do you think about this outfit?” And she was livid. Fortunately, you wouldn’t give Amber the time of day, claiming that you would be busy or had something else to take care of. But the more you said no the more driven Amber was. And what really drove her crazy, was when you had to be around Amber.
If Caroline was busy or had to take care of business elsewhere you had to step in and take care of things on the Heroine side, one of them was helping Amber squeeze into a lace corset. Your hands were meant for Envy and her alone, everything about you was meant for her.
“She’s been bothering you all day.” Envy says through clenched teeth. “Doesn’t it get annoying?”
“It does, but I don’t pay any mind to her.” You reply as you finish sewing a button on Envy’s dress.
“I would hope not.” She grumbles.
You set down your sewing kit, draping your arms around Envy’s shoulders. “Baby, you have nothing to worry about, you’re the one I love.”
She wraps her arms around your waist. “Sweetie, I know, it’s just she’s being annoying with you.”
“Super annoying,” You laugh. “But come to my room after the gig, I’ll show you how much you really mean to me.”
Envy breathes deeply, her eyes fixated on yours, the hazel orbs darkened with every heaving breath that she took. Every nerve ending in her body tingled with excitement as she pulled you in closer, “Show me now then.”
Your eyes widen. “You have to go on soon.”
“I don’t care.” She says breathlessly.
“Nat—“ She silenced you by grabbing your hand and shoving you into Todd’s dressing room. Thankfully he wasn’t there otherwise he would’ve been in for one hell of a show.
Envy’s soft lips pressed aggressively against yours, knocking the wind out of your lungs as she kissed you with every ounce of passion that she had. Running her hands down your body, not like how you would normally make love but better. Hungrier.
“Nat—“ You mumbled against her lips. “Nat, wait—“
She pulls away, allowing you to catch your breath. “Envy. You know that.”
“E-Envy,” You stammer.
“Better.” She says lowly before moving her lips down your neck. She stops at the base of your neck placing a soft kiss to your soft skin. Envy looks up at you through her lashes giving you a smirk, “You’re so pretty, baby.” She cooed. “It’s no surprise that people would want to be around you, but Amber...she needs to know not to touch things that belong to someone else. But she doesn’t know that you’re mine. So we have to fix that, Y/N.”
“Envy, wha-what are you—aahh!” You cried out as you felt her teeth sink into the base of your neck. Latching onto the skin violently.
You squirmed and writhed underneath her, whines of pain and pleasure erupting past your lips. A familiar warmth boiled in the lower pit of your stomach, that same warmth pooling between your thighs. God, this was so hot, especially with it being in Todd’s room. Her teeth detach from your neck with a loud pop, leaving behind a perfectly bruised bite mark.
“Beautiful,” Envy husks. “Now she’ll have to leave you alone.”
“Fuck me,” You breathe. “Fuck me right now.”
“I haven’t even gotten to the foreplay, baby. You want me that bad?” Envy rasps.
You nodded vigorously. “Yes, Envy.”
With that, she pushes you back onto Todd’s bed, your pants barely made it past your hips before two of her fingers delve into your soaked pussy. You throw your head back with a loud moan, gripping the back of Envy’s shoulders as she thrusts them deeper. The pad of her thumb finding your clit and rubbing slow circles. You ground your hips into her touch, releasing throaty moans from deep within.
“You’re so wet, honey.” Envy grunts. “Feel so fucking good on my fingers.”
You moaned lewdly at the huskiness of her voice. She grabs onto your waist while her fingers slam into you, in a brutal and punishing pace, your ears were filled with wet, squelching sounds of her quickly moving in and out of you.
“Mmh—fuck!” You whined, feeling your walls contract against her fingers.
“You’re gonna cum, aren’t you, Y/N? Go ahead and let go, baby. I wanna smell you while I’m on stage.” She pants.
“Fuh—I’m cumming!” Your walls clenched and fluttered as she continued her pace, eventually leading you straight into your orgasm. You went to close your eyes but Envy gripped your face to look her in the eyes.
“Look at me when you cum, and only me.” She demands.
Your entire body twitched as you released into her hand, your breath sparse and labored as you came down from your high. Envy withdrew her hand, shoving them into your mouth. You sucked eagerly, the sweet yet salty taste of you flooding your senses.
Envy looks down at you, a sweet smile gracing her lips, she cups your cheek gently before leaning down to peck a kiss to your lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You whisper.
“Good,” She stands up from the bed. “Oh, and this is far from over. Stay right there, because that was just the beginning.”
Envy walks out of the room only to meet with Amber who had just finished her show.
“You’ve seen, Y/N?” She asks.
“Mm-hm, we just finished up some warm up vocals. Oh man, you should’ve heard her really reach those high notes. She was just screaming.” Envy smirks, making Amber’s eyes grow large. “Well, I have to go get ready, thanks for warming up the crowd for me.”
Not even a second after, you walked out. Your fresh love mark on full display.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
A Stitched Story (END)
JSE Fanfic
Man...this is it. The last one. That’s...wow. This was an AU three years in the writing, and with this, it’s over. I just...wow. I’m gonna need to just think about that for a second. Maybe wait a bit before starting something new. Anyway, this is basically wrapping everything up, taking care of all the final plot points and loose ends. There are emotional moments, including one big one, but...wow. I just have to keep saying that over and over again, it’s all I feel. The boys are settling down. Finally. Man, they’ve earned it. 
Tagging @septic-dr-schneep for inspiring this AU with this post.
Read the whole story: Stitched Together | Season One | Season Two | Torn Apart | Tales to Tell | Threads | Twice Bitten, Never Shy | Two of Souls | The Tower | Time to End
Taglist (finally): @bupine @violet--majesty @ari-trash
It was surprisingly sunny, for an autumn day. Busy, too. Cars rushed through the streets, and pedestrians populated the pavement. Jameson shielded his eyes from the sun’s glare as he peered around a street corner and saw their destination. We’re almost there. One more block, he said, tapping the message out in Morse code on a nearby lamppost.
“Good, I hope we are not late,” Schneep replied. “What time is it?”
JJ checked the clock on his phone. 1:25. Do you think it’s already over?
“Possibly. In any case, it would be better to be early.” Schneep turned the corner, speeding up, running his cane over the sidewalk to check for cracks. JJ hurried to catch up. “Chase would be upset if we are not there.”
He’ll be fine, JJ said reassuringly, now tapping the message on Schneep’s arm. But I suppose we can make haste.
The two of them soon arrived at their destination, turning into the hospital parking lot and walking towards the building’s front entrance. “Oh! I think he is here, yes?” Schneep said.
Yes, I can see him. JJ waved. Chase was standing outside the glass doors, bouncing on his feet and scanning the area. He had his usual bandanna and cap, but was wearing a new sweater, one that the others had given him as a group birthday present to make up for missing it a few months ago, and an old backpack Stacy had lent him. Once he saw JJ waving he smiled, and waved back.
“Ha! Knew it. I am getting good at this,” Schneep said proudly. “If only sensing souls could help with telling apart the toothpaste and burn cream.”
JJ laughed, muffled as usual, and the two of them hurried across the parking lot. Chase ran up to meet them at the edge of the sidewalk. “Hey guys!” he said. “Good to see you.”
“Good to see you too,” Schneep said lightheartedly. “Well, well? Did everything go fine?”
“Oh, uh, mostly.” Chase rolled up the sleeves of his sweater. He wasn’t wearing his wristbands. Instead, there were white bandages. “She managed to get the ones on my wrists off, but said she didn’t want to risk messing with the one on my neck. It’s close to an artery or something? I don’t know, it was some complicated medical stuff.”
“Ah. That is too bad,” Schneep said sadly. Jameson shook his head sympathetically. “But it is glad to hear some of the stitches are gone. I told you that Darla was good. Trustworthy, too. She will not tell anyone.”
“If you say so, doc.” Pulling his sleeves down, Chase turned to JJ. “Are you sure you don’t want to try? I mean, it’s a lot more inconvenient for you than it is for me.”
JJ hesitated, then nodded. I am fine, he signed. I’ve gotten used to it, and yes, there are many downsides, but considering what happened last week, I think it is good enough.
“Man. If you’re really sure,” Chase said reluctantly. “They’re already a bit looser, right? Maybe whatever magic’s making them hard to cut through will fade over time.”
“Wait, Jameson, did you bring up last week?” Schneep whacked JJ’s legs with his cane. “I said that you should not try yourself! Things could go wrong!” He paused. “But everything is fine, right?”
Yes, it was a shallow cut, JJ said. Your scissors are pretty sharp.
“I know. They are not normal, and I am starting to think they were always supposed to be weapons.” Schneep sighed. “Well, I am putting them away soon.”
JJ and Chase exchanged a significant look. “You’re gonna put them away?” Chase repeated.
Schneep nodded. “If I need them again, it won’t be hard to pull them out.”
In the month since they’d finally gotten rid of the strings, Schneep had kept carrying the scissors around. Just in case, he’d said. Just in case those glowing green strands of black magic managed to worm their way back into the world. But the past month had been quiet. Busy in other ways, but nothing had appeared to attack any of them. So maybe ‘just in case’ wasn’t going to come. Maybe it would be fine to leave them at home. Or, well, in whatever pocket dimension they came from.
“If you’re sure, doc,” Chase said. “A-anyway, it’s a bit past 1:30. We should hurry, or we’ll be late to meet up with the others. You guys walked here? C’mon, there’s a bus stop across the street.”
We’d definitely be on time if you drove us, JJ said teasingly.
“Hey, I can’t be blamed for not having a car.”
Ask Stacy.
“Nah, it’s fine. I should practice a bit before I do any serious driving, anyway. It’s been a while.”
“You took the bus here?” Schneep asked, puzzled. “But what about people sitting next to you?”
“It’s okay, I just put the backpack next to me. And it’s alright if it’s you guys.” Chase stepped off the sidewalk curb and onto the parking lot asphalt. “Now let’s go.”
The bus ride was short, and soon the three of them were getting off at a stop outside a small restaurant—or, more of a cafe, really. Despite being near lunchtime, the place was almost empty when they walked in. Soft piano music was playing over a speaker system, and a chalk signboard near the front entrance read “Please Seat Yourselves” with a hand-drawn smiley face. Chase read the sign out loud, and the three of them spotted the rest of the group, sitting at a table in the corner of the dining area, right by a window.
Jack had looked up at the sound of the bell chiming when the door opened. “Hey, they’re here,” he said to the other two sitting at the table.
“Huh? Oh, good.” Jackie was turning the menu over and over, listening to the sound of the laminated paper against the air. Marvin didn’t say anything. His head was leaning against the glass of the window, eyes closed, a pair of earbuds blocking out most sound. But he did make a small sound of acknowledgement.
“Hey guys.” Chase arrived first, taking the chair across from Marvin, next to the wall. Schneep and JJ took the next two. “Did you already order?”
“No, I told the waiter that we were waiting for people,” Jack explained. “But, more importantly, how’d it go? Are they gone?”
“Wrists are.” Chase once again pulled back his sleeves. For a moment, Jackie glanced at the bandages on his wrists, then bit his lip and looked away. “Apparently the neck stitches are too close to an artery or something. She didn’t want to mess with it.”
“Shit. Well, two out of three’s not bad,” Jack said.
“Jack, my friend, how are the repairs going?” Schneep asked.
“Pretty good, I think. The walls just got repainted, and the living room has new chairs and stuff. Still a long way to go.” Jack laughed. “Honestly I’m just glad that the water and Internet didn’t go out.”
Are the police still talking to you? JJ asked.
“No, not really. You guys?”
The other three all shook their heads. Dealing with the police had been...complicated. They had to, of course. They couldn’t just go back to their old lives without people asking “what the hell happened to you?!”JJ had it the easiest, in a way. Nobody had reported him missing, which was a bit sad when he thought about it, and all the regular patrons of his shop had assumed it closed down. Jack and Chase had more difficulty, since they were pretty public figures. The moment Jack had uploaded a video explaining he was back, the Internet had gone up in flames wondering where he’d been.
In the end, they all decided on the same story. It was pretty lame, as Chase often said, but it worked. They all just lied and said they didn’t remember anything. Weird stitches on Chase’s wrists and neck? Nope. Scars all over Jack’s body? Don’t know what happened there. Schneep losing an entire sense and gaining weird scars that looked like tears dripping from his eyes? No idea, officer. The police had prodded them, but eventually given up, essentially leaving the case unsolved and concluding it was a strange psychological phenomenon. The case would go down in history, but nobody would know the truth.
Of course, when it came to Marvin and Jackie coming back to life, things were going to be a bit difficult. Fortunately, they had magic on their side.
“Have any of you heard from Yvonne?” Jack asked, sliding each of them a menu.
“Dude, why would she talk to me? I’m the least magical person here,” Chase said.
Not since she offered to help, JJ added.
Schneep merely shook his head and picked up the menu. “Oh! They actually have—”
“Yeah, I explained the situation when the waiter came over and he gave me a Braille copy,” Jack explained. “Anyway, she called me the other day. Says that the records should be all fixed now.”
“I still say that can’t be legal,” Chase muttered.
“It’s not.” Everyone jumped, a bit surprised to hear Marvin talk. He didn’t move from his position against the window or open his eyes, but he did continue. “She’s not really into stuff being legal, you know. Normal laws or magic laws. Always thought they got in the way, that...that...her. That...name.”
“Yvonne.” Jackie gently bumped Marvin’s shoulder with his own.
Jack gave the others a meaningful look. Memory issues. One of the lingering side effects Marvin and Jackie were dealing with. They could forget something in seconds. Jackie had taken to writing things down, if not with an actual pen and paper, then by finger-spelling it on his hand over and over. Marvin just sort of let it happen, only writing down the really important stuff. “Anyway, it’s all fixed,” Jack continued, looking back over at the other two. “You guys can...y’know, start doing stuff again. When you want. Move out, if you feel like it.”
“Thanks,” Jackie said. He sounded oddly reluctant. Marvin didn’t even bother to answer.
Chase cleared his throat. “Speaking of moving out, Schneep, did you get your apartment back yet?”
Schneep scowled. “I am so close. The stupid building owner is still insisting on keeping it all preserved, and I say, ‘for what?!’ You are clearly not going to sell it, if everything is still how it is when I was living there. So just let me live in! The police do not care anymore, anyway, so there is no crime scene!”
He probably liked the idea of having a flat where someone who disappeared lived, JJ suggested. It lends a bit of mystery and gives the building a reputation. People might want to move in because of that.
“Well he will still have it! I will just be actually there!” Schneep folded his arms and leaned back in the chair. “Ugh. Jamie, I like you, but your guest room is tiny.”
JJ gave a huff of a laugh. Sorry, Hen. I’d never really needed one before so I didn’t hear any complaints. 
“Oh, Chase, what about you? How’s the house search coming?” Jack asked.
“Fine.” Chase shrugged. “I got a few to look at. Y’know Stacy doesn’t seem to mind me staying over. I was surprised, given how she, um...wanted to move out so much a few years ago.”
“Well, things change,” Jack said cheerfully.
“Yeah. I guess that’s an upside of this, we’re, like...friends.” Chase said the word in a tone of bewildered, but welcomed, happiness. The way someone would react to hearing good news that they’d thought was no longer an option. “Again, I mean. A-and I don’t think it’s gonna go further, but...still.”
“That’s great, my friend.” Schneep patted the back of Chase’s hand.
“Yeah, that’s great!” Jackie repeated, suddenly enthusiastic. “So, like, we should order food, right?”
“Oh right.” Jack nodded. “Hang on.” He stood up, looking towards the back of the restaurant where the door to the kitchen was. A waiter was walking out at that moment, and caught sight of the group, quickly indicating he’d be right there. “Oh, nice. I was confused, really, if like this was the type of place where people would come over or if we had to go up there.” Jack sat back down and picked up the menu. “We should go all out. This is a celebration.”
I think I can get a drink, JJ signed slowly.
“Really?” Jack asked, surprised.
Yes, I think the stitches have loosened up enough for that, JJ said more confidently. A small straw or a bit of liquid. Just so long as nobody’s looking when I take off my mask.
“Awesome, man,” Chase said cheerfully. “Honestly, this place looked good on the website. We should get a lot.”
“Celebration,” Schneep repeated, then nodded. “Yes. Yes, that sounds wonderful. Celebration lunch.”
And for most of them, it was just that, wonderful. They were meeting up again, the last of their troubles were ending. Things were looking up.
But a corner of the table was a bit gloomier. Jackie and Marvin were pretty quiet all throughout the lunch. Neither of them ate that much. Marvin kept his eyes closed or looking down at his plate, and Jackie paid more attention to the salt and pepper shakers than anything else. Once the lunch was over and after everyone said their goodbyes, they followed Jack back to his apartment, where they were staying, and drifted off to separate activities. A book for Marvin, an old laptop for Jackie.
They never once said anything to each other.
— — — — — — —
Ignisa: a spell to conjure fire.
Marvin read the simple command word over and over, repeating it mentally. Ignisa. Ignisa. It was one of the simplest spells out there, and one of the first ones he learned. He could visualize the page of the book he read it in. He remembered it. Really, he did. Most of the time. For the occasions that he didn’t he’d written down the command and what it did on a spare bit of paper.
“Ignisa,” he whispered, staring down at his hands, cupped as if to hold water. He sat in the center of the floor in the spare bedroom, as far away from furniture as possible. “Ignisa. Ig-NI-sa. IG-ni-sa. Ig-ni-SA.” Yet, no matter how many times he repeated it, no matter how he pronounced it or how loud he spoke it, no matter how much he concentrated on the feeling of fire bursting forth in his hands...there wasn’t even a spark.
“Fuck.” Marvin gave up, burying his face in his hands. He squeezed his eyes to contain tears of frustration, but he still let one or two sobs slip out. Why couldn’t he do anything? No fire, no lights, no telekinesis. All the magic he remembered was useless. The only spell that sort of worked was teleportation, in fact he actually found it easier now than it used to be, but he couldn’t quite control it. If he was lucky, he’d end up close to where he wanted to be, and if he was unlucky, he teleported to the middle of the sky twenty miles away. That...hadn’t been a fun evening.
There were only a few spells that worked perfectly for him. Taking a few deep breaths, Marvin lifted his head up, and pressed his hands close together, palm to palm. Slowly, he pulled them away from each other. In the space between them were blue glowing threads of magic, which got longer the farther apart his hands got. If he wanted, he could use these strings like a weapon, grabbing things, pinning them to the wall, and maybe with practice he could use them to swing, like some sort of discount magical Spider-Man. But he didn’t want to. He didn’t want anything to do with these. Scowling, Marvin brushed his hands together, and the strings disappeared.
Someone knocked on the door, and Marvin yelped in surprise. He quickly got to his feet. “Wh-who is it?”
“It’s Jack,” a voice said. “Can I come in?”
Jack opened the door, poking his head in through the gap. “Hey Jackie’s making noodles for dinner. Do you want any?”
Did he? Marvin wasn’t really hungry. He didn’t really feel hungry that often anymore. Or maybe he did, and just couldn’t recognize the feeling. Jackie was the same way, but that didn’t stop him from trying to eat. After a bit, Marvin decided it would probably be better safe than sorry. “...Sure.”
“Okay, I’ll tell him.” Jack hesitated. “Do you...want anything? Need anything?”
Marvin hesitated. He glanced over at Jack before looking away. Wait, why was one of Jack’s eyes a slightly different shade of blue? When had that—oh. Right. “No.”
“Alright...if you’re sure,” Jack said reluctantly. “Come out whenever you’re ready.” And with that, he left.
Just in time, too. Marvin backed up until his legs hit the edge of the bed. Immediately, he fell back onto the mattress, pressing his hands against his eyes. “Stop thinking about it,” he said to himself. “Stop thinking about it, stop it, stop.” That only seemed to make it worse. Images flashed in his head, leftover memories that weren’t his, but also were, and were also Jackie’s and someone else’s. The others called him Anti. Anti’s memories. They would pop up whenever something triggered them, and that ‘something’ was usually one of the others. Right now, the memories were about Jack, about what happened to his eye. Marvin could hear himself—no, Anti—laughing.
Shaking, Marvin slowly stood up again, staggering across the room to the door. Why was it that sometimes, his balance just didn’t work? Why was he so clumsy now? He grabbed the doorknob but didn’t open it, just pressing his forehead into the wood. These were the consequences for his actions. The memories, the problems with his magic, the lack of balance. It was all his fault. If he hadn’t gotten into his head that trying the transference spell would be fine, that not telling Jackie wouldn’t cause any problems...It hadn’t even been about helping people, like how Jackie probably wanted to, he just wanted to see if he could do it, to see if he could increase his power. And he caused everything. So this was his punishment. Served him right.
— — — — — — —
“Marvin says he wants dinner,” Jack said, leaning into the kitchen/dining room.
“Okay,” Jackie said cheerfully, grabbing another bowl from the cabinet. It was easy, since that particular cabinet was missing its door. It would probably stay that way for a while, too, since with all the other repairs the apartment required it wasn’t a high enough priority. Jackie set the bowl on the counter next to two others, then looked over at the pot of water. It wasn’t steaming or boiling. Did he forget to turn the heat on? He tapped the edge of the burner under the pot.
“Jackie!” Jack gasped.
“Oh, it’s fine, it’s not on,” Jackie assured him. “I was just checking.”
“You mean you didn’t know if it was on?!”
“It probably wasn’t.” Jackie looked up to see the dial hadn’t been turned. Oh. He probably could have looked at the dial before touching the burner. Well, whatever. He reached over and turned the dial to the 7 mark.
“Please be careful,” Jack said, looking nervous. “You could get hurt.”
“I am being careful,” Jackie said. It didn’t really matter, anyway. He was having trouble feeling pain lately. Or...most things, actually. It was weird, he was a bit numb. Not by too much, but enough to be noticeable, to know that he hadn’t been like that before. Marvin was just the opposite, nowadays he was constantly being overwhelmed with the texture and feel of things. But he was always more sensitive to sensations than the rest of them.
“Well, be even more careful,” Jack insisted. He backed out of the kitchen. “I’m gonna, uh, hang out in the living room. Tell me if you need anything.”
“Okay,” Jackie nodded. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Alright.” Jack hesitated for a second before turning away and leaving.
Everything was fine. Jack really didn’t need to worry, Jackie had everything covered. Making food was easy, really. It was something that he did all the time. The process was automatic, especially for making pasta. Just wait for a bit, occasionally stirring, then drain the water. It was all good. This was a normal thing that normal people did. Things were normal.
Of course, Jackie knew that every single thing he’d just thought to himself was a lie. But it was easier to pretend. Sometimes he pretended so hard that it felt like he was watching a movie filmed in the first-person, instead of actually existing in this body.
Oh, it was happening now, actually. Jackie watched as his hand pulled open the cutlery drawer and took out a long spoon. Then the hand started stirring the pasta in the pot. It was starting to get hot now. There was steam. How hot was it? The other hand reached forward and—
“Shit!” Jackie snapped back to reality, pulling his hand away from the side of the metal pot. “Ah. Fuck.” He looked down. The skin of his fingers was a bit red and tender. He opened and closed his fist a few times to help the leftover burning feeling fade away.
“Is everything okay?” Jack was back, apparently having heard Jackie shout. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just brushed against the side,” Jackie explained.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Of course.”
“Well...okay, then.” Jack reluctantly backed out of view.
Everything was fine. Oh look, the pasta was suddenly done. Time had just flown past. Jackie poured the pasta into the strainer and then scooped it into the bowls. Marvin showed up, and then Jack, and they all ate in silence, after which Jack excused himself to go back to his recording room to do some editing. The moment he’d replaced all the broken computer parts, he’d gone back to making videos, though not nearly as frequently as before. That was...nice. Nice that he could do that.
Jackie wondered what he was supposed to do now. Not just for the rest of the day, but...for the rest of ever. He wanted things to be fine, to be normal, and he was pretty good at pretending they were. But they. Just. Weren’t. He couldn’t find the energy to start looking for a job, or for a new apartment, or even for new clothes. But at the same time, he didn’t want to keep borrowing from Jack. He didn’t want to just stay in place, but he couldn’t move forward.
At one point, he’d thought about going back out onto the streets. He didn’t know what happened to his old super suit, but he could make a new one. Then that train of thought had immediately crashed to a halt with a flash of memory. Not his, but also his. Anti’s. A memory with so much pain in it, and feeling glad at that pain. Somehow triumphantly vindicated to see suffering. No. Someone like that couldn’t be a hero.
So things continued. The same things. Every day.
Everything was fine.
— — — — — — —
Time passed. Autumn progressed, and it became cooler as September blended into October. Jack kept fixing up the apartment, and it was beginning to look good as new. Schneep finally convinced the building owner to let him back into his place, and so he moved out of JJ’s building. Chase was still having trouble finding a house, but he was glad to spend more time with Lily and Moira, absolutely doting on the two of them. Business at JJ’s shop started to pick up again, though he had to get used to carrying around a notepad since most customers didn’t know sign language.
Jackie and Marvin stayed where they were.
One night, a storm rolled over the city. Rain pounded the ground, thunder rumbled in the distance, and nobody went out of their houses. That night, Marvin went into the apartment’s bathroom and pressed his face against the small window to watch the storm. There wasn’t much to see. The glass was cloudy for privacy. But there was water running down the other side, droplets racing each other to the bottom.
Then there was a flash, and a fork of lightning split the window in half. A second later came the thunder. Marvin heard someone gasp, and jumped, spinning around to see Jackie standing in the open bathroom doorway. “Oh. Sorry,” Jackie muttered. “I just saw the lights on in here and—nevermind.”
Marvin just looked at him for a bit, then turned back to the window. Jackie stood there for a moment, then started to turn away.
He stopped at the sound of Marvin’s quiet voice. “Yeah?”
“Are we...bad people?”
Jackie didn’t answer, and that was an answer on its own.
“Should we...be here?”
“What do you mean?” Jackie asked.
Marvin started pulling at his fingers. “Just...what if something...happens?”
Jackie paled. “I-it’ll be okay. It’s all okay.”
Neither of them moved. Then, quietly, Jackie admitted something. “I don’t want to be here.”
“You don’t?” Marvin finally turned around.
“I don’t think I should,” Jackie whispered. “Just...everyone is nice to us. But we...hurt them. Or, kind of us. I mean, he was still us, right?”
Marvin nodded. “I remember doing it.”
“Me too.”
“He can’t come back, though. Right?”
“I mean...no,” Jackie said slowly. “But what if we...what if something happens?” He echoed Marvin’s own words back at him.
Marvin was silent for a moment. “I don’t want to be here, either.”
“Should we leave?”
“What would we do?”
“I don’t know.” Jackie glanced down the hall, towards Jack’s bedroom. “But they’re...good people. And we’re.... We don’t...” He trailed off.
Another crack of thunder.
“Should we leave a note?” Marvin asked.
“No. They can figure it out. Should we stay together?”
“Maybe at first.”
A few minutes later, the power in the apartment building went out. Jack left his bedroom, holding a flashlight. “Hey guys? The storm knocked the lights out. You okay?”
No answer. Not surprising, Jackie and Marvin could be pretty quiet. So Jack went to look for them.
But...they weren’t there. Not in the spare bedroom, not in the bathroom, not in the kitchen, not in the living room. “Guys?” he called, voice rising in worry. “Guys?!”
Still no answer. Swearing under his breath, Jack went back to his bedroom and picked up his phone from where he’d left it. He opened up the group chat and sent a message.
Jackie and Marvin are gone. I think they’ve left.
— — — — — — —
It was still storming when they got off the bus to look around. With the rain pouring down, it was hard to make out details of anything. There were the vague, tall shapes of buildings, the long stretches of clear roads and sidewalks...but everything else was a bit cloudy. “We should’ve brought an umbrella,” Marvin said, trying to shield himself from the rain by covering his head with his arms. It didn’t work.
“I didn’t think he had one,” Jackie said, peering through the falling water. “Do you want my jacket?”
“No, I’m fine.” Marvin shivered.
“I...okay, if you’re sure you’re alright,” Jackie said reluctantly. “Here, there’s a street sign over on that corner.” He walked up to the sign, Marvin trailing after him. “Uh...Everwood Lane. I...I don’t remember where that is. Do you?”
“No,” Marvin admitted. They hadn’t really had much of a plan, had they? Just up and left, trusting they’d figure it out in the moment. Saw a bus stopping at a nearby station, and hopped aboard, pretending to swipe bus passes so the driver, who wasn’t really paying any attention, wouldn’t notice. Then they’d gotten off at random, once they realized they’d been sitting in the bus for a while and they had to be far away by then. Why had they thought any of that would be a good idea? Why had he just gone along with it? 
“Well, uh. Let’s get inside.” Jackie pressed on, now walking up to the entrance of the nearest building. “Maybe we can ask someone in there, and it’ll be dry.” See? This would work out.
Luckily, that building turned out to be open, and they stepped into a front hall. It looked nice, but was completely empty. The only things of note were the pair of elevators, the door labelled ‘Stairwell,’ another unlabelled door, and a directory on a sign attached to the wall.
“No one’s here,” Marvin muttered.
“Someone has to be here, everything’s on.” Jackie scanned the directory. The building was nine floors tall, plus the ground floor, and every floor was listed as belonging to some business, each with operating hours attached. “Uh...what time is it?”
“...I don’t remember,” Marvin said. “And there’s no clock here. And we don’t have phones.”
“It’s fine, we’ll—we’ll just check around,” Jackie said optimistically. He walked over to the unmarked door and grabbed the handle, starting to push it open. Only to stop short when the door wouldn’t budge. Locked. Okay. That was fine. There were more options. Jackie turned around. “C’mon, we’ll take the lifts.”
“Mm-hmm.” Marvin nodded, following him to the elevators.
The elevator arrived, doors sliding open, and the two of them stepped in. “Right, we’ll just start with the first floor,” Jackie said, pressing the button. He waited for a few seconds, but the elevator wasn’t moving. The button hadn’t lit up. “Um...” He pressed it again. Then a couple more times. Then he tried the other buttons, pushing them hard.
“There’s a card reader attached,” Marvin pointed out, nodding towards a black box mounted on the elevator’s panel. “I don’t think it’ll work without the right card.”
“Oh.” Jackie was momentarily at a loss, but then he recovered. They just had to keep moving. That’s all. “I guess we’ll take the stairs, then.”
The stairwell was tall, white, and empty, metal stairs spiralling upwards with only a railing keeping the people walking up and down from falling off. Jackie led the way, climbing up the stairs quickly with Marvin a bit behind. But there was no luck. All the doors that led into the floors were blocked by the same card readers as in the elevators. Just in case, Jackie still tried to open them, both pushing and pulling, but to no avail. So they just kept climbing, stopping at every story so Jackie could try the doors with increasing desperation, while Marvin watched him with increasing annoyance.
Until finally, they reached the last door, this one labelled ‘Roof Access.’ Surprisingly, this one didn’t have a card reader. Jackie hesitated, then pushed it open, letting in a spray of rain from the storm outside. 
“Okay, this was useless,” Marvin said. “Let’s—”
“Well, maybe there’s someone outside,” Jackie suggested.
“In the rain?”
But Jackie was already heading out, pulling on his hood as he stepped into the storm.
Of course there wasn’t anyone there. Disregarding the misery of the weather, it was hard to see anything, including the railing that marked the edge of the roof. It would be dangerous to be up there. But Jackie still walked forward, looking around, until he eventually found that railing along the edge, grabbing the rain-slicked metal to orient himself.
“No one’s here!” Marvin shouted over a clap of thunder. He’d followed Jackie out onto the roof and was now standing about an arm’s length behind him, looking extremely unhappy about the whole situation. “Let’s go!”
“Right.” Jackie nodded. “We’ll just—just try another building, and ask where we are.”
“Then what?”
“Then we’ll—we’ll get a hotel.”
“How will we pay for it?”
“Uh...okay, not a hotel. We’ll...find our way to someone’s house, o-or something, and ask if we can stay.”
“What if no one lets us in?”
“We’ll—we’ll find an empty building.” Jackie grasped desperately at a way to salvage this situation, a way that wouldn’t involve them going back. He wasn’t even sure he could find his way back; he’d forgotten Jack’s address somewhere on the way. “Yeah. And then we’ll go to sleep, and in the morning, figure out a better plan. Yeah! It’s fine. Everything will be fi—”
“Everything will not be fucking fine, Jackie!” Marvin suddenly burst out. “This was a terrible idea! Why did we think to do this?! Why did I go along with it?! It’s raining, there’s lightning, we’re lost, my clothes are wet which I hate more than murder, and you’re being delusional!”
“I—I am being optimistic!” Jackie spluttered, letting go of the railing so he could face Marvin head-on. “I am trying to make the best of a difficult situation—”
“We shouldn’t even be out here!” Marvin interrupted. Another crack of thunder rang throughout the sky, even louder than before. “You suggested this! Why’d you suggest it?”
“Well, why did you ask if we should’ve been staying with the others if you weren’t prepared to leave?” Jackie countered. “You didn’t have to come with me! You didn’t have to go out at all!”
“Oh yeah, what was I going to do, tell Jack and the others, ‘sorry, I don’t know where they went, they said they were leaving and I thought that was alright’? No!”
“You could’ve convinced me to stay!” Jackie shouted. “You could’ve shot it down when I said it! But you went along, so you must have wanted to leave, too!”
“I—yeah, but it was more of a vague thing!” Marvin protested. “A what-if! I didn’t expect us to go right then!”
Jackie grabbed Marvin by the shirt. “Then why did you leave?! Why did we leave?! Why did we want to leave?!”
The sky lit up a brilliant white, electricity crashing. A bolt of lightning had hit a lightning rod attached to the building’s roof, only a room’s width away from the two of them. Sparks flew. Marvin screamed. Jackie instinctively covered him, hugging him tight to his chest and bending over. The sound was deafening, thunder right next to their heads, and even after it faded their ears echoed with the remains of it.
“Holy shit!” Jackie gasped, blinking the brilliant light from his eyes. His eyes...which were now glowing. The left was bright green, the right an equally bright red. Marvin’s were also glowing, though his right eye was the green one, and the other one was blue. “That was—oh my god. Marvin, are you okay?”
Marvin didn’t answer for a moment. He just stared at the lightning rod, still faintly glowing from being struck. And then...he let out a quiet sob.
“M...Marvin?” Jackie took a closer look at him, and realized his face wasn’t just wet from the rain. “Hey, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s fucking not,” Marvin cried. “All I could think about while we were walking up those stairs—all I could think about were the memories, the—you know the ones, the—I wasn’t even there, I was somewhere else. I hate this. I hate this! I hate what’s happened to me! I hate that it’s my fault!”
“Your fault?!” Jackie repeated.
“My stupid fucking selfish spell,” Marvin sobbed. “It’s all because of that! Everything happened because of that! Of course I should’ve realized, if the things I did after the spell were—were like that, then of course! Of course I’m a horrible fucking person that wouldn’t care about what that spell might do!”
“And you’re just going around acting like everything is alright!” Marvin said, jabbing a finger into Jackie’s chest. “You just like—like nothing happened, you keep saying everything is fine, it might be for you, but it’s not for me! No it’s fine, it doesn’t matter!”
“I just want everything to move on, Marvin!” Jackie said, grasping Marvin’s upper arms and pulling him close. “Everything has to be fine, but it’s not, so I have to pretend it is! Because if I stop pretending, all I can think about is what I’ve done. Every time I look at the others, I remember how I hurt them! Every time I look at you, I remember how I killed you!”
Silence, and the sound of rain.
“I didn’t...didn’t know you felt that way,” Marvin said, barely audible.
“I didn’t know you did, either,” Jackie whispered.
“That’s ironic, isn’t it?” Marvin commented dully. “Aren’t we connected now? Aren’t our souls all...mixed up with each other?”
“Yeah...” Jackie nodded. “Yeah.”
The two of them stared at each other. Eyes wide, hearts pounding, breathing heavy. Letting themselves be rained on. Until—
The door to the rooftop burst open, and a couple flashlight beams fell onto the two of them.
“My friends!”
It was the others. All of them. Chase was in front with Jack close behind, then Schneep in the back holding onto Jameson’s arm for extra support. “Are you two okay?!” Chase asked.
“What happened?!” Jack added.
Is everything alright? JJ signed.
“Why did you go?” Schneep said.
Jackie took a step backwards, letting go of Marvin, who was too in shock to even notice. “You guys...h-how’d you find us?”
“JJ did,” Chase explained.
Luckily the tracking spell still works, JJ said. How did you two even get here? It’s the other side of town!
“I...we took the bus,” Jackie said numbly. “How—why are you here?”
“We came to find you, of course!” Schneep said, as if it was obvious.
“Why?” Marvin asked quietly.
“What?! Because you’re our friends!” Chase said, gaping. “If you leave to go out with no note, no anything, in the middle of a thunderstorm—” Thunder rumbled in the distance as if to prove his point. “—and without any way for anyone to contact you, anything could have happened! We were so fucking worried!”
“...why?” Marvin repeated.
“You’re our friends,” Jack reiterated. “We care about you. What if you got hurt? That would be—fuck. I-I don’t even want to think about it.”
Jackie felt tears in his eyes, and he let them slip out, hidden by the rain. “But—but it was going to be better this way.”
“Better? Better?!” Schneep repeated incredulously. “No no no no no no, we went through so much to see you again. You cannot just disappear! And less expect us to be fine with it!”
“But...w-we—I—I hurt you!” Jackie blurted out. “So much! I mean, look at yourselves! You still have the scars!”
“That wasn’t you,” Chase said gently, slowly approaching. “That was Anti.”
“Well, Anti was us.”
“Anti was two parts you guys and, like, seventeen parts black magic,” Chase said. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“It feels like it,” Marvin muttered. “You’d say the same if you remembered doing it.”
“What if something happens?” Jackie said, his voice hushed. “What if we...while we’re around you guys, what if we...hurt you? Th-there’s a possibility, right? As long as we’re around.”
Jack’s next question was soft, almost unheard through the rain. “You don’t want to hurt anyone, right?”
“No!” Jackie said, aghast. Marvin shook his head furiously.
“Then you won’t,” Jack said firmly. “I mean, sure, there will be accidents. But you can’t run from everyone because you’re afraid you might hurt them. A life like that would be so lonely. We trust you. Both of you. And you trust us. That’s what friendship’s built on, isn’t it? Trust.”
Jackie fell silent. The four of them stood firm, agreeing with Jack’s sentiment. Did they...really want them to stay?
“We don’t—” Marvin stammered. “I-I-I don’t—we’re—I’m—not...the type of person...who should have friends.”
“What?” Jack asked, shocked.
“You’re all so nice, a-and good,” Marvin said. “We...I don’t...deserve you.”
“That is ridiculous,” Schneep said. “Marvin, and Jackie, you are both some of the best friends I ever had, and the same goes for everyone else.”
“We’re not...good people,” Marvin said desperately. “If we were Anti, we can’t have been. Good people wouldn’t become...that. A-and you’re all just saying it ‘cause you’re friends.”
Can I say something? JJ, who’d been waiting on the sidelines, finally spoke up. Look, I barely know either of you. I’m new to all this. But I can tell that neither of you are bad people. Flawed, yes, but so is everyone. Chase said that Anti was mostly black magic, and he’s right. You can’t be blamed for what that entity did; its perception was warped and broken. You two are nice, you seem smart, you’re friendly to others. You are not bad people.
“Look, I know, it’s hard to accept that you deserve nice things,” Chase jumped in. “But you do. You want to step away from friends and good things because you think you’re not worthy. It’s gonna be hard to accept that you are. But that’s why we’re here, okay? To help you accept that.”
“And to point out when you need something,” Schneep added. “Something that you think is above you. I swear, I will fight every single bad thought you have, anything that tells you that you do not deserve all the care and love that you do.”
Jack laughed a bit. “Yeah. We all will.”
Both of them were crying, and despite the falling rain, it was quite obvious. Marvin reached over and grabbed Jackie’s hand, pulling him close. “I...I’m sorry,” he choked out.
Jackie nodded. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, voice rasping. “I...we should...I’m going to go back. Are you going to?”
“Yeah. I’m going back, too.”
Jackie nodded again, then let go of Marvin’s hand. He took a deep breath, and walked over to join the others.
Marvin shivered. The rain was starting to feel even colder than it had before. But as he carefully stepped towards the group, it felt a bit warmer.
The moment the two were close, the remaining four huddled around them. Hands were held and tears were shed, slowly joining together in a tight group hug. Everyone kept saying how proud they were of them, how happy they were to have them back, how much they loved them. And more tears leaked out, though of a different sort of emotion altogether. They were so caught up in the moment that they didn’t even notice the rain until they headed back down the stairs.
And as the six headed home, the storm started to lessen.
— — — — — — —
“Can’t believe it’s actually snowing,” Jack muttered, brushing white flakes off his coat. “It never snows here.”
“I like it.” Jackie looked around, taking in the white blanket covering the park, then up at the sky. “Everything looks all clean. I like how the snow is all smooth.”
“Mm. Won’t be for long.” Jack pointed. The two of them were content to sit at a picnic table, sheltered from the snowfall by a nearby tree. But some ways away, two girls were running through the snow, pelting their dad with snowballs. Chase was laughing. It was good to see. Lily tripped over something in the snow, and he bent over to help her up. “There’s gonna be so many footprints when they’re done with it.”
“Aw.” Jackie frowned, pulling his coat closer. He didn’t really feel the cold, but it still affected him, so he had to make sure to dress appropriately for any weather. “Hey...when will the others be here? Do you think they forgot we were going to meet up?”
“I don’t—wait.” Jack paused. “Nope, there they are.”
A car pulled into the nearby lot, and three people stepped out. JJ recently got his license, so he and Chase had become the chauffeurs of the group. He looked around, then waved at the others, turning back to point them out to Marvin and Schneep. The three headed over, and Jack and Jackie made room for them at the table.
“It is so cold!” Schneep immediately started complaining. “There is going to be so much ice later, it is awful!”
“Oh shush, you like having cold weather so you can have warm drinks and stuff,” Marvin said.
“Okay, yes, but that is inside, where I cannot risk the chance of slipping,” Schneep griped.
JJ laughed. Speaking of warm drinks. He pulled his backpack off and rifled through it, taking out a couple thermoses. I thought if we were going to be meeting up out here, we should keep hot.
“Oh nice!” Jack grabbed one with his name written on the side in sharpie. “What’s this?”
Tea and coffee. And hot chocolate for the kids, JJ explained.
“Sweet,” Jackie said, leaning over to grab one as well.
“So, uh...” Jack cleared his throat, and turned to Marvin. “How’d it go?”
Marvin leaned back, rocking slightly on the picnic bench. “Good, I think. I mean, it’s just the first session, but...it was a good sign, I guess.”
“Hey, uh, Marv?” Jackie said. “I...forgot the address.”
“Oh. Right. It’s uh...Hang on a moment.” Marvin pulled out his phone, opening up the notes. “547 Norwich, on the east side. You can’t miss it, there’s a big sign with ‘Riverwood Counseling” on the front. You’re, uh...going soon?”
“Next week.” Jackie copied the address into his own phone. “‘M a bit nervous,” he mumbled.
“Nothing to be afraid of,” Schneep said encouragingly. “They are very good, very reputable. And if things are not working, they will transfer you to someone new without any charge.”
Jackie smiled a bit. “Well, I guess if you guys trust them.”
At that moment, Chase and the girls got tired of their snowball fight and came over to the table. “Hi!” Lily said brightly. “Ooooh, what’s that?”
“It’s a thermos,” Moira explained to her sister. “They’re for hot things like soup. And hot chocolate.”
“Well, would you look at that? There are two with your names on them,” Chase said brightly. “Here you go. JJ, you brought them, right?”
JJ nodded. Cocoa for them. And this one has some tea for you.
“Oh sweet! Thanks, Jays.”
It had been a few months, and the group had decided to meet up for some casual catching up. Chase had finally gotten a new house, just a rental but he hoped to find one for himself eventually. Schneep had started taking online classes. Since he couldn’t exactly continue his surgeon profession he decided to go back and find something else to do. He was particularly interested in physics, and he was convinced that it could explain how his new magic worked. Jack’s apartment was almost entirely repaired, and the Internet had finally settled down about his disappearance. JJ’s shop was picking up business again.
And Marvin and Jackie? Well, they’d found themselves a new place. A small townhouse, just big enough for both of them, part of a row of houses with connected walls. At first, they’d debated whether or not to continue living together or to live separately, but eventually decided on the former. After all, they still had problems, with memory and movement, and more, and decided it would be easier to live with someone who could help out. They were still working on finding new jobs. Jackie wanted something active, and Marvin wanted something quiet. The search was slow going, but they were making do. Jackie had been particularly bored at night, but didn’t want to go out and try being a vigilante again. Maybe eventually. Marvin was still relearning how to use his magic, and was teaching Jackie how to, as well, given Jackie’s new abilities.
The group had been talking for about half an hour when suddenly Moira tugged on the edge of Chase’s coat. “Dad? Who’s that? She’s been staring at us.”
Chase looked over towards where Moira was pointing, and his eyes widened. “Guys. Look who it is,” he said quietly.
The others all glanced in the same direction. “Shi—oh no,” Jack muttered. “It’s that—that magician. Delyth.”
JJ sighed. Well, I suppose it was only a matter of time.
“Who?” Marvin asked.
“She’s with the, uh, the magic police,” Jack explained.
“Oh fu—” Marvin quickly ducked his head, deliberately not looking over to where Delyth was standing, casually leaning against a tree.
“Should we talk to her?” Chase asked.
“I think so,” Schneep said. He paused, then stood up. “I will.”
“Wait, no, she’s coming over here!” Jackie gasped.
There was a sudden flurry of activity as the group tried to act casually, pretending they hadn’t seen her and weren’t keeping an eye on her as she walked over. Until eventually, they couldn’t pretend any longer.
Delyth stopped next to the table. “So...it is you,” she said slowly. “You know, you gave us one hell of a scare when you disappeared.”
“Hey, language,” Chase said, indicating the two small girls sitting next to him.
“Oh. Sorry.” Delyth paused. “We were looking for you, but it was like you all just...disappeared. Correct me if I’m wrong, but was a certain other magician helping with that?” Nobody answered. They weren’t about to throw Yvonne under the bus. Delyth shook her head. “Never should’ve given her access to ABIM systems,” she muttered.
“Did you want something?” Schneep asked.
“Hmm...well, no, not really.” Delyth looked them over, making eye contact with each. “You know, the ABIM is pretty busy. If a case hasn’t been active for two months, it’s deemed low priority, provided there’s no significant danger. If four months pass, we have to permanently shelve it, until there’s evidence for it becoming active again. Marked as unsolved, and people tend to forget about it.” She looked down at her watch. “Well, I have to go. It’s been nice seeing you all again. It’s been, what, five months?” After a moment, she nodded towards Jackie and Marvin. “Glad to see it all worked out. Goodbye.”
 The group remained mostly silent as she left, though Jack muttered a quiet “goodbye” and JJ waved as Delyth disappeared into a car in the parking lot and drove away. Then, once she was gone, Chase turned to the others. “What was that about?”
I think that was her saying the magicians won’t bother us, JJ signed, a bit in awe.
“Oh thank god,” Marvin breathed. “I don’t want to be on their bad side anymore. No more magic police, thank you very much.”
“She could have been a bit more direct with it, though,” Jackie added.
Jack just laughed. “Wow. So, I guess that’s the last we’ll see of her, then?”
“Provided nothing else strange happens to us,” Schneep pointed out.
“Well, I hope it doesn’t. I’ve had enough strangeness for my entire life.”
So...is it over, then? JJ asked slowly.
“Dad, what was that about?” Lily asked. “Who was that? What did she mean?” Moira nodded, agreeing with all the questions.
“Oh, it’s a bit complicated.” Chase pulled his daughter close and gave her a quick hug. “But it’s nothing to worry about anymore. I’ll explain when you’re older.”
“I guess it’s over,” Jackie repeated.
“Yeah...guess so,” Jack agreed.
Time went on, as it always does. The group ended their get-together shortly after, parting ways for a short while. After a few more months, the strange disappearances faded into local legend, with people speculating what happened but nobody getting close to the truth that was only known to a small group of six friends. Magic remained, side effects lingered, but they settled back into their place, becoming the new normal.
Still, none of them forgot what happened to them for those three years. It would be hard not to. They had scars to prove it, and some memories would never fade. But the past was the past. And together, they moved on, looking forward to the future.
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bearseokie · 4 years
you're being stalked | Got7 Reaction
request: Heyo I was wondering if you could do a got7 comfort reaction where their girlfriend wants to go shopping but last time when she was alone these creepy dudes kept following her. And they don't believe her until they go with her and it happens. Sorry if this is a touchy subject, you don't have to write about it if u don't want to. It uh sorta happened to me before so i was just wondering how they would react. I love ur writing so much especially trash panda yuggie. Have a good hiatus 💚💚
[warnings]: fear (trigger warning: stalking!)
A/N: as much as i wish to have protective got7 around, this is a very serious issue that happens way more often than it should. please, if you ever experience these situations, handle them cautiously. ask for help. carry mace, alarms, lock your car doors, stay around other people. someone will help you.
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got7 m.list | navi.
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Rushing home in a panic, you didn't even have time to text Mark about what you experienced. Attempting to get some groceries for the weekend had turned into a full stakeout session, hiding in every corner you could before you finally escaped the building and made it to your car safely.
Two men had trailed you throughout most of the store, pretending to search for things when employees would walk by to look less suspicious. It was hard enough to keep yourself together, and their quick pace made it to where you couldn't even think straight.
Mark noticed how red your cheeks were when you made it through the front door, a sign of discomfort making him immediately move towards you and ask what was wrong. Explaining what happened, his teeth clenched. Turning around, his keys slid off the table into his hand, grabbing your wrist. You asked him where you were going, eyes watery as you blinked rapidly.
"To get some groceries, and hopefully we run into them again so I can take pictures and we can file a report."
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You were meant to be leaving to go Christmas shopping over an hour ago. Sat in your car in the parking lot of your apartment complex, the key wasn't even in the ignition, but your hands were on the wheel. Shaking at the idea of running into the same, creepy men that had followed you around the mall last time you went shopping alone, you couldn't bring yourself to even drive.
Hand running over your temple, a knock on the window caused you to jump, Jaebeom's concerned look making you frown. Placing the key in and turning it, you pressed the button for your window to glide down.
"Hey, I thought you left already, what's going on?" he asked, arms crossing on the sill of the window as he bent to look at your face.
Slowly explaining the situation to him, you watched Jaebeom's expression shift, bottom lip sucking in between his teeth before he nodded. Moving to open the door, he gestured for you to get out. Sliding down onto the pavement, his arms wrapped around you, placing a kiss on your temple.
"Get in the passenger's seat, I'll drive. I won't let anyone get near you."
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Jackson noticed the guys before you did, the consistent stares enough to make you peer over your shoulder at them. You tried to shrug them off, but Jackson was boiling in anger as they checked you out from afar.
The chair squeaked when he stood, sliding the metal seat back before he made his way towards them. From the looks of the conversation, you could tell he had lost his patience and respect, and now he was laying out flat threats to get them off your back.
The men looked embarrassed, short sentences exchanged before they stepped back and headed towards the exit. Jackson's face was red by the time he sat back down, but his eyes softened when he noticed your worried face.
"They won't bother you anymore," he said, trying to form a smile through the rage he felt.
You weren't entirely scared, having been watched before had sadly become a regular occurrence, but Jackson wasn't standing for it.
"If anyone ever looks at you like that again or tries to follow you around, please tell me." his toothless smile made you feel comforted, returning it as his hand slid over the table to hold onto yours.
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Jinyoung was a skeptic, wanting to believe you but also understanding that the men might have just been looking for something that happened to be near you. Hand in hand walking through the mall after you called him from the bathroom crying, his hold was tight as his gaze fell on the two men you described.
"That's them?" he asked, head gesturing towards the guys standing close to the women's clothing shop. With a short nod, his grip loosened on your hand, looking around before his eyes found a security guard.
Pulling you along, the guard noticed your dried tears, Jinyoung's angered explanation making the guard's forehead crease. Leaving both of you, you witnessed him go up to the two men, escorting them towards the stairs.
"He said they've received complaints about them for a while now, but they didn't have faces to match the descriptions. If you hadn't of called me, they would still be wandering around here stalking people." his eyes were soft, hand caressing your cheek to remove the last few tears escaping. "You did the right thing. I'm glad you're so strong."
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He noticed your nervousness before you even left the house, your grip on your bag tight as you stared the front door down. Scared to leave, his cocked eyebrow was in your vision when he stood before you.
"Still scared because you were followed?" he asked, tone gentle and caring as he pulled you into his chest. "Please don't be. I called the store and reported those guys and they said that it was taken care of."
You knew this, and yet the underlining fear that it would happen again was still there. With a light sigh, he kissed your forehead, releasing you to grab his wallet and keys.
"Why don't I go with you, that way you won't be so nervous, okay?"
You felt worse that he had to tag along, but when you arrived at the store immediately breathing in fresh coffee, Youngjae was practically pulling you along to buy some stuff, the smile on his face calming you.
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He was beyond pissed when he returned to you in the store only to find you hiding in the dressing rooms because you were followed. BamBam had made direct eye contact with the guy, and yet he didn't think twice that anything was wrong.
Pulling you from the chair, his arms wrapped around you, hand caressing the back of your head as he held you to him. You explained how the guy found you when you were looking at some new shoes, and how he got way too close for comfort before you grabbed a jacket and rushed back into the small room to get away.
Lifting the jacket from the handle on the wall, he shrugged, laying it over his arm as he led you out towards the check out counter. Instead of walking up to the cashier, he made a b-line for the man, piercing eyes drilling imaginary holes into him as he spat swears at him. Ending the situation, the man sent you an apology before leaving, the cashier already on the phone calling in a complaint about the creepy guy.
"See," he smiled at you, pulling you under his arm. "I've got it handled."
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You were walking weird when you caught up to Yugyeom in the store, his arm immediately wrapping over your shoulders.
"What's wrong?" he asked, a pout on his lips as he looked at you from the side, walking you into a video game aisle to ease the tension in your neck.
You told him about the creepy guy at the bathrooms that saw you go in and waited for you to come out. They only vanished when Yugyeom put his arm around you, and now you were on high alert.
Yugyeom didn't falter, walking you over to the counter to ask the cashier if he could call for security. It was a matter of minutes before the suited man was escorted away, Yugyeom giving him a dirty look as his hold tightened around you.
"Never be afraid to speak up about someone scaring you or following you around," he said gently, guiding you with his hand on your lower back as you looked over the newly released games. "I'd never let anyone hurt you."
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215 notes · View notes
wellimaginethat · 4 years
Pairing: Crockett Marcel x (female) Reader
Word Count: 1924
Author’s Note: I got a few requests for more Crockett, which is so not a problem because I love him. One of the requests just said more Crockett Marcel, and the other one asked for something fluffy with him, so here we go
Trigger Warning(s): Mention of death, slight injury
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Y/N is a firefighter, and she has a friends with benefits relationship with a certain doctor. That is, until she catches feelings and decides to call it quits. But when she’s injured on the job, she finds out just how much she really means to him.
Y/N = Your Name
Y/LN = Your Last Name
Y/EC = Your Eye Color
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Being a firefighter was stressful at times. You loved it, but sometimes it got to you. Especially when you either couldn’t get everyone out of a building, or found out that someone you did manage to get out didn’t make it.
The day you and Crockett first got together was one of those days.
There had been a fire at an apartment building, you had managed to get everyone out, except a young woman died of smoke inhalation after it triggered her asthma. There was nothing that you could really do, but it still hit you hard when you heard that she died. What made it even worse was that she was the same age as you.
So that was what had brought you to Molly’s. You wanted to hide away, but Stella had talked you into getting drinks with her, Sylvie, and Emily, talking about the four of you needing a girls night out. You were certain that they only did it because they knew the girl’s death had affected you.
As the night went on, your friends left to go home. Stella was the last to leave. “You gonna be okay?” She asked you.
You nodded and motioned to your half full drink. “Yeah, I’m gonna finish this and then head home myself, I’ll be fine.” You assured her with a smile.
She nodded and hugged you before leaving.
You felt guilty lying to her, but you knew if you told her that you planned on sticking around, she would stick around too, and right now you just wanted to be alone. You finished your drink and made your way up to the bar. “Hey, can I get another?” You asked Herrmann once he made his way over to you.
He looked at you for a moment. “You sure you want another?” He asked you, concerned.
You nodded. “I’m fine.” You told him, wondering just how many times you’d said that to everyone that night.
He nodded and made you another drink. “This is the last one, after this you’re cut off for the night.” He informed you.
“I’ve only had three so far.” You pouted, but waved it off and nodded. “Fine fine.” You took a sip then noticed someone walk over towards you.
“This seat taken?” Crockett asked you. You’d met him a few times before, but hadn’t really talked to him much.
“No, it’s all yours.” You told him, motioning to the seat.
He took a seat next to you and ordered a drink, you didn’t hear what it was but it looked to be either scotch or whiskey.
You waited a moment before striking up a conversation with him, and the next thing you know you were following him outside. And then you were at his place, his lips on yours, your hands on his chest, his slipping up your shirt.
When you woke the next day, you only slightly regretted the night before. It had been fun, sure, but now was the awkward part.
When you sat up, you looked over and saw that he was just starting to wake up.
“Good morning.” His voice was gravely and his hair a mess.
“Morning.” You breathed out, clearing your own throat a moment after. “Listen, I’m sorry but I was in a weird place last night.” You started to explain. “I wasn’t myself, I was stressed and a little tipsy and this was just an outlet.”
“You don’t need to explain.” He assured you.
You stopped for a moment and nodded. “I’m gonna go.” You said after a moment, moving to get up then stopping. “Can you...not look at me when I do? I’m kinda naked.”
He sat up, eyes on you, an amused expression on his face. “You realize we did have sex last night, I already saw you.”
“Yeah but it wasn’t awkward then.” You pointed out.
“Why does this have to be awkward?” He asked as he turned his attention away.
You shook your head some and quickly got dressed and headed out without saying goodbye.
The next time you ran into him was a little different, but once again you ended up back at his place. After that the two of you talked and began a friends with benefits relationship. It became a regular thing for the two of you to release some steam.
This carried on for a few months, at first it was purely fun. It was free of the stress of a relationship, but you still had the fun. You guys would hookup, sure, but you’d also make sure that you had lunch or dinner together once a week, or at the very least coffee.
It was fun. Until you caught feelings.
Then it started to hurt. You didn’t stop what you had going, because having him in some way was better than not having him at all. At least you had him as a friend.
But then it started to be too much to deal with, and you were afraid you’d slip up and tell him that you loved him, so you ended it.
He frowned at you for a moment before nodding slowly. “Can I ask why?” He asked you, and you could see the worry in his eyes.
“I started seeing someone.” You lied, having already decided that was what you were going with.
Crockett seemed surprised. “Oh?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I just don’t wanna risk screwing it up.” You felt bad lying to him, but you couldn’t continue sleeping with him with the way you felt about him. “We can still be friends, just without the benefits part.” You tried to joke.
He smiled a bit at that and nodded. “Sounds good.” He told you quietly. “I’d hate to lose you completely.”
You gave him a sincere smile. “Same here.” You said honestly, reaching out to squeeze his arm gently. After that you left his place.
You thought it would help, by ending the ‘benefits’ part of your friendship, but it didn’t. Every time you saw him, you longed for him and not just physically. You wanted him in every way and it was eating you alive.
So you started to avoid him completely, thinking that would help.
It was a month since the last time you saw him when you ended up injured.
You didn’t get hurt that bad, you fell through the floor during a fire. The hospital visit was mostly just a precaution, because you only suffered some bruises.
You were sitting there on the bed, waiting for the paperwork so you could be released, when Crockett walked in.
He had a worried look on his face and immediately walked over to you. “Are you alright?” He asked as he started to look you over.
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine.” You assured him. “Just banged up a little, they’re getting the paperwork around to release me already.”
Crockett had a concerned frown on his face as he continued to look you over, like your word wasn’t good enough and he had to make sure you were really okay.
“Crockett, I’m fine.” You told him, trying to get him to look at your face instead of looking over your body.
His brown eyes finally met your Y/EC eyes and you could see just how worried he was.
You frowned slightly as you looked at him. “Hey, I’m fine, really.” You said softly, a bit confused as to why he seemed so upset.
He took a deep breath and nodded, straightening up as he stood in front of you.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him softly, tilting your head.
“Nothing.” He shook his head. “I was just worried about you.”
“Yeah, I get that, but you’re being awfully quiet.” You pointed out.
He shrugged his shoulders, looking away for a moment before turning his attention back to you. “Have you been avoiding me?”
You took a moment to respond. “No, why would you think that?”
“Because every time you see me you walk in the opposite direction, you haven’t been answering my phone calls or text messages.” He looked at you. “What did I do wrong?”
You stopped, opening your mouth to say something before shutting it. You shook her head. “You didn’t do anything.” “Don’t give me the whole it’s not you, it’s me line.” He told you, crossing his arms and leaning against the cabinet in the room.
“But it’s true.” You said quietly, watching him.
He shook his head. “I doubt that.” He looked at you again. “Just tell me the truth, what did I do wrong?”
“You didn’t do anything.” You told him quietly.
“Then what was it?” He asked, looking at you with a mix of emotions in his eyes.
You looked down at your hands, which were resting in your lap. “I caught feelings.” You mumbled quietly.
He was quiet for a moment, staring at you with a look of shock on his face. “What was that?”
“I caught feelings, okay?” You huffed out, still not looking at him. “I started to fall for you and I knew you wouldn’t feel the same so I slowly cut you out of my life.”
Crockett shook his head, stepping towards you. He gently tilted your head up to look at him again. “Why didn’t you say that in the first place?” He asked you gently.
You stared up at him. “Because I didn’t want to deal with the rejection.”
He shook his head again. “I wouldn’t have rejected you.” He told you quietly, leaning down to kiss you.
You kissed him back before pulling back. “Wait a second.” You said quietly, opening your eyes and looking up at him. “What does this mean?”
He paused for a moment, looking down at you, his hands cupping your face. “I think this means we both want more than what we had.”
You nodded slowly. “So does this mean we’re a couple?” You asked quietly, scared that he’d say no.
“If you want us to be.” Crockett answered you softly. “I know I want us to be.”
“You do?” You asked softly, a smile finding its way to your face.
“You’re not the only one that caught feelings, darling.” Crockett told you, kissing you again.
“You have no idea what a relief that is.” You whispered after he pulled back.
“I think I might.” He answered you.
Maggie cleared her throat from the doorway. “Sorry to interrupt, but I have some paperwork that needs to be signed in order for Miss. Y/LN to be released.”
Your cheeks heated up and you looked down for a moment as Crockett stepped back from you. You looked at Maggie and smiled. “Great, let’s get them signed so I can go home.”
She walked over and held out a clipboard to you. “I need initials here, here, and here, a signature here, and.” She flipped to another sheet. “Initials here and a signature here and you can go.”
You quickly signed everything and then handed the clipboard back to her. “So I’m free now?”
“You are free now.” Maggie nodded, heading to the door.
“Thank you so much.” You stood up, as soon as she was out of the room you turned to Crockett. “After your shift is over, swing by my place.” You stopped. “If you want to, that is.”
He smiled at you, closing the distance and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you to him in a hug. “I’ll be there.” He said softly before placing a kiss to the top of your head.
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skullhaver · 4 years
It's 2021, and I'm watching Buffy for the first time.
The Virgil on my Buffy journey is my long-distance girlfriend, who has loved the show for years. We just finished season 4, and I wanted to write about my favorite episodes so far. I suspect some of my faves are beloved by most fans, but others are weird, personal picks. Buffy fandom, please don't come for me.
I thought this post would be short but I was wrong.
Hono(u)rable Mentions: "Band Candy" S3E6 and "Halloween" S2E6
Both these episodes have fun premises where the Scoobies run around Sunnydale after it was upended by zany, chaotic dark forces. "Band Candy" is fun for devil-may-care teen Giles. "Halloween" is fun for 18th-century-ditz Buffy. These are both very good, and are the sorts of episode I can imagine happily rewatching in the future. I just have more to pontificate upon for the other episodes on this list.
10. "Ted" S2E11
I can’t say I enjoyed this episode, but it did take me for a wild ride. Probably nobody else has strong feelings about this weird story where Buffy's mom dates a stereotypical cheesy family man, who turns out to be a controlling abuser, who turns out to be a robot. I remember shouting at the screen, "Did Buffy just kill a human man?? Is it okay in the moral logic of this show for Buffy to kill a human if he's a direct physical threat to her??" I knew Buffy would have deeper stories than the monster of the week formula we'd seen so far, but this early in season 2, I had no idea when or how that would happen. This was the episode that finally taught me that Buffy is largely not interested in moral ambiguity, or in exploring what it means to be good or bad. Except for season-defining exceptions like Faith and Angel, evil characters are simplistically, essentially evil. But it was wild to believe for a moment that Buffy murdered her mom's abusive boyfriend and would have to live with the consequences.
9. "Helpless" S3E12
When Buffy tries to be genuinely scary, it succeeds with aplomb. The premise of this episode is dumb and contrived ("Giles has to remove Buffy's powers without her knowledge for a seeeecret test by the Watcher's Council") but the chase and fight in this episode are some of the most tense and spooky scenes of the whole series so far. Buffy's vulnerability makes the stakes feel real in a way few other episodes manage. And Buffy's victory is all the more satisfying because she can't punch her way out of this problem, she has to be smart and creative. The fridge horror, of course, is that Giles would endanger her like this in the first place, but that gets sorted out over the emotional arc of the next few episodes.
8. "I Only Have Eyes For You." S2E19
Another spooky episode, this one a classic ghost story of forbidden love ending in murder - but with the twist that the ghosts possess people's bodies to have them reenact their final moments. I love stories about breaking a doomed-to-repeat cycle. I love weird shit like the snakes manifesting in the cafeteria. And I really loved the choice to have Buffy and Angel come to understand their feelings about their own relationship by embodying these ghosts - especially how they embodied different genders than their own to better fit the "roles" of the haunting story, thus subverting the expected pattern. I found this episode clever, poignant, and effective.
7. "Who Are You?" S4E16
"Faith and Buffy switch bodies" is a wild premise, but the real joy of "Who Are You?" is watching Sarah Michelle Geller being an extremely talented actress for 45 minutes, portraying a totally different character. Watching Faith confronted by kindness and love from Buffy's mom, Riley, and her friends, then getting launched into an existential crisis over it is so great. Also, I just dig a good church fight.
6. "Hush" S4E10
As stated above, love an episode that reminds me that these people are talented actors! Featuring demons that render all of Sunnydale unable to talk, we get to watch great physical comedy right next to tense, silent fight scenes. The visual creepiness of the Gentleman and their straight-jacketed weird little helpers is hard to beat. "Hush" is such a clever episode that it ascends monster of the week status to become almost Twilight Zone-esque. Also, for the first time, Buffy sees Riley doing his Initiative thing, and Riley sees Buffy being the Slayer, but they can't talk about it?? That's good shit.
5. "The Wish" S3E9
Both "Something Blue" and "The Wish" feel like the writers decided to use fanfic premises on their own show... so obviously I like them a lot. But getting to watch a dark timeline AU with interesting world-building and attention to detail, a hilarious and horrifying Cordelia POV, AND a smirking kinky vampire Willow? Hello?? And the fact that the Wishverse comes up again in "Doppelgänger" (another truly fun episode) only improves my opinion. I imagine this is the kind of episode fans simply love coming back to.
4. "Restless" S4E22
This David Lynch-ass dream sequence was a weird choice for a season finale, but an extremely ambitious and cool episode. I should say up front that I love David Lynch-ass dream shit. There were creative and well-executed scene transitions as characters moved seamlessly from one dream room into another. Several memorably neat shots - Willow running between endless curtains as she tries to get onstage, Buffy alone in a vast desert with a weirdly high camera angle. And I got myself all excited thinking that the First Slayer would maybe become a different kind of antagonist - maybe not even fully revealed in this episode, or maybe an Id-like aspect of Buffy herself. But I forgot Whedon gonna Whedon, so the First Slayer had to be someone Buffy could punch in the end. And the First Slayer is sadly yet another primitive-themed, emotionally-stunted character of color for this show. Most of her lines in this episode are literally voiced by a white woman speaking for her, and of all the dumb quips to make, Buffy had a line about her hair being unprofessional? Also, I'm a lesbian, so the fact that the most explicit act of intimacy between Willow and Tara this show has allowed us to see occurs in Xander's horny dream sequence... it’s unforgivable, Joss. This episode was one of my favorites ever, deeply marred by some bad writing choices.
3. "Lovers Walk" S3E8
Spike, perhaps the best non-Willow character in this show, is back in Sunnydale, a hilariously heartbroken mess of a man, hell-bent on getting his former girlfriend Drusilla back. (Drusilla left him for a fungus demon.) So Spike breaks into a magic shop to get ingredients for a love spell, where he runs into Willow, who is getting ingredients for a de-lusting spell, because she is worried she and Xander will be too thirsty to behave appropriately in public with their actual partners, Oz and Cordelia. This is a hilarious moment just to exist. This is all the episode needed to do to satisfy me. But the fact that Spike then kidnaps Willow, and it ends with tragic stakes of everyone's relationships coming apart, not to mention me genuinely thinking Cordelia was dead for a minute there - wow. Chef’s kiss. The episode is balanced shockingly well between Spike being an ominous villain, and being the sort of lovable semi-evil (more gremlin-like) side character he'll become in season 4. What a wild ride.
2. "Graduation Day" S3E21-22
I'm counting this two part season finale as one because it's my list and I'll do what I want. "Graduation Day" feels like a quintessential Buffy episode executed to perfection. It has Buffy reaffirming her position as a moral heroine, sacrificing her own blood to save Angel's life even when she thought she had to kill Faith to save him. It has Buffy and Faith (or Buffy/Faith, as I prefer to think of them) getting to square off in a dramatic, tough fight. It has a lot of Mayor Wilkins, a character I truly adore for some reason. Nothing like a public administrator who plays mini golf in his office, wants you to chew with your mouth closed, and will kill a graduating class of high schoolers to gain immortality. The catharsis of the whole school getting to fight back against evil, instead of just Buffy against the world - a real joy. This episode misses the top spot for two reasons. "A special vampire poison and the only cure is the blood of a Slayer" is too contrived for me to let slide, and also I had to see Cordelia and Wesley kiss.
1. "Becoming" S2E21-22
Buffy’s season finales really do have good stories and satisfying payoff. First off, Buffy starts this episode by punching a cop and fleeing from the law. Later, Spike also punches a cop. A.k.a., Buffy said blue lives don't matter. Second - I haven't gotten a chance to comment on this yet, but all throughout season 2, evil Angel is such a joy to watch. As regular Angel, David Boreanaz makes exactly one face ("I am a kicked, angsty puppy") and bless his heart, it gets so tiresome. As evil Angel, he is so expressive, dynamic and terrifyingly creative in his badness. And I love his weird threesome energy with Spike and Drusilla. But also, it's so hard to watch Buffy suffer as she deals with her evil boyfriend doing evil things. Her ultimate choice in this episode, to kill Angel even as Willow's spell restores his soul, gave me some real big feels! Also, this episode marks the first moment of Willow doing big, plot-shifting magic on her own, solidifying her transformation from computer nerd to witch! 
Also, shout-out to the many good smaller moments in this episode: Spike making awkward small talk with Buffy's mom, Buffy constantly dunking on Principle Snyder, and Giles being tortured by visions of Miss Calendar (RIP Miss Calendar, I was your biggest fan.)
"Becoming" is an excellent season finale and the kind of Buffy episode I imagine I will want to re-watch in the future just for nostalgia's sake.
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