#good thing I brought that mucinex from the first time it happened
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roylustang ¡ 2 years ago
If I had a nickel for every time I got a cold a few weeks before I moved across the Pacific Ocean I would have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice
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hauntedyouthus ¡ 5 years ago
So, it happened. I didn’t think that it would happen to me but it did. I was tested for COVID19 and it came back positive. I had a mild case of it but even the mild case was scary. This is a wakeup call people… it’s not the flu. Not even close. Let’s start at the beginning… to when I was exposed…
               Saturday – I was working at a restaurant/bar where I work one or two nights a week for extra cash. It was Saturday night – a normally busy night that had thankfully been slow this particular day. I had a customer who was joking saying that they had left Philly because Philly had shut down all non-essential businesses (including restaurants and bars) due to an outbreak of coronavirus and they just wanted to party. They coughed a bit, but I attributed it to the fact that they were smoking. There was a live band that night and I had to get close to them to hear their order – not a good practice of social distancing. I made sure to wash my hands frequently and sanitize after going to every table. But I must have breathed it in or touched my face at some point throughout the night.
               Sunday – All non-essential businesses were closed throughout all of PA.  My manager reached out to me to let me know that the restaurant would be closed and I could work take-out if I wanted to. I didn’t so I turned down the offer. I figured I could use the time off to do grad work.
               Monday – I started feeling sick. Not COVID19 sick but off. I had some chest tightness, a slight cough, and was tired. Thought nothing of it other than seasonal allergies, it’ll pass.
               Tuesday – I woke up with chest pain that wouldn’t go away. It was all day. My cough had got worse but I still wasn’t worried about the cough. I was worried about the chest pain. It was so uncomfortable and I was really distressed by how it wouldn’t go away. I honestly was worried that I was having a heart attack. I reached out to my friend who is an ER nurse and she suggested I go to the hospital. I was stubborn and said I would just call the cardiologist in the morning.
               Wednesday – I woke up with chest pain again. Not as bad as Tuesday but still there. I called my cardiologist at 11 and they asked me to come in at 11:20… Sure. No problem. Hastily I got dressed, threw my hair into a messy bun and went. They screened me before I went in, gave me a mask, and within minutes they had me laying down hooked up to an EKG. The doctor saw the results came in and told me that my EKG was fine but based on my symptoms he wanted me to be tested further. He sent me for bloodwork and scheduled an EKG for Friday. He believed based on my symptoms that I had swelling around my heart which could be related to a matter of things including a viral infection. Went for the bloodwork, was given a mask, and at this point my anxiety was pretty high. I got home and felt like I was having a hard time breathing. Brushed it off as just anxiety. By the time I was getting ready for bed, my breathing had gotten worse and so had my coughing. I couldn’t sleep. Every time I lay down the coughing would get worse. I was gasping for air at some points. I was starting to get scared at this point. I still didn’t think I had coronavirus. I thought no way, not me. But I couldn’t breathe right and I couldn’t stop coughing. This went on the whole night but eventually eased up closer to 4 in the morning. I closed my eyes and fell asleep for about 2 hours. I was woken up by the sudden urge to try to take a deep breath. I couldn’t. I just gasped for air.
               Thursday – After not having slept and struggling to breathe all night, I was exhausted. I stayed in bed all day – sitting up and watching movies. My doctor called me with the results of my bloodwork that afternoon. Everything was normal including my inflammatory markers. He did mention that they were on the higher end of normal though. I was coughing a lot throughout the day and struggling to catch my breath after but it wasn’t as bad as the night before so I didn’t think anything of it again. I didn’t have much of an appetite all day and didn’t bother trying to eat. I thought at this point maybe I was coming down with something… still not thinking it was coronavirus. By the time I was getting ready for bed, my breathing was labored. I was struggling getting a good breath in. I was dizzy, tired, and just wanted to lie down but when I did the coughing got worse and I couldn’t catch my breath. I went through the night like this. At one point, I had to bend over on my hands and knees trying to get a breath in. It was around 2 A.M. at this point and I was fearful that I wasn’t going to get any sleep.
               Friday – I must have fallen asleep at some point Thursday night and woke up Friday fighting to get a breath in around 6 am. I was going to the cardiologist that afternoon for my ECG so I decided to try to be productive in the morning. I tried cleaning but was instantly exhausted and felt like I just needed to relax. I watched some movies on Netflix. I realized I hadn’t eaten anything Thursday so I decided to make myself a salad for lunch. I barely got through one bite of food before I was struggling again. I had to try to catch my breath and I was nauseous and dizzy. I ended up just lying in bed until it was time for me to leave. I got to the cardiologist, was screened given a mask, waited a few minutes and then was brought in for my ECG. The woman doing my ECG had to ask me to not try to take a deep breath because it was messing up her image of my heart. It was a struggle for me because I felt like I needed a deep breath even though I knew I was having a hard time anyways. When it was over and I went home, I felt a little better again thinking that whatever was wrong with me was passing… I was wrong. Friday night was the start of the worst of it for me. I couldn’t breathe. I was gasping for air for what felt like hours. I was scared. My head was pounding. My chest was burning. And then I got one good breath in. But that one breath led to a coughing fit which in turn resulted in me fighting to catch my breath for hours again. This went on all night.
               Saturday – Exactly one week from when I think I was exposed. I was so tired. Felt so sick and was now thinking something was wrong. My doctor called me early that morning with the results from the ECG and told me that the lining of my heart was swollen. It could be that it was irritated from me coughing so much but he said that he suggests I be tested for COVID19. I called my family doctor and did a telemedicine visit. She put an order for a test for me and I went right away. They took my vitals when I got there, my heart rate was high and I had a fever. Then came the test. The test was awful. I guess people say it’s basically like the flu test but I’ve never had a flu test before. They use a swab and stick it up your nose, twist it around and then do it again on the other side. It made my eyes water and my nose run but once it was over, it was over. I was told I would have the results in 7 to 10 days. I went home, scared and worried. My roommate went out and bought me some medicine to help manage my symptoms. All day Saturday, I was struggling to breathe, I was coughing, I had a headache, my chest hurt, and I was flat out miserable. I didn’t sleep again Saturday night. It was like Friday night all over again.
               Sunday – I had a low grade fever from the moment I woke up - 99.7. I was also so fatigued (probably because I haven’t slept in days at this point), coughing, struggling to catch my breath, and my chest hurt. I stayed in bed, feeling miserable and scared. I still haven’t eaten at this point but I wasn’t hungry. The reality was starting to set in that I might not be okay. I honestly didn’t think I was going to survive. By nighttime, I decided to try to sleep early. I took Mucinex PM to try to help me sleep through the coughing and difficulty breathing. Surprisingly, it worked. I slept through the night.
Monday – I woke up with no fever. My cough wasn’t as deep as previously so I thought that I was getting better. Breathing was a little easier – still a struggle but easier. I thought to myself – okay, it can’t be coronavirus because I’m already getting better. I still didn’t feel well but I felt like I could see the other side of this, the recovery. But it was short lived. Even with the Tylenol and Mucinex my fever came back by NOON. I was coughing again, struggling to breath, etc. My anxiety kicked in too at this point and my hands and feet were sweating and tingling and I was scared. I was literally open-mouthed gasping for air but unable to get a deep breath. I went through the whole night like this. Another sleepless night.
Tuesday – Low fever, headache, cough, but not struggling to catch my breath as often. I tried a little solid food but ended up having a coughing fit immediately after the first couple bites. I was weak and tired and my lungs felt like they were on fire after coughing. But I managed to sleep Tuesday night, thankfully.
Wednesday – Still coughing, still had a low fever, still struggling to catch my breath. I was doing better than Tuesday, though. I ate soup, drank a protein shake, and felt like I could be on the mend.
Thursday – I went backwards. I felt so sick again. I didn’t sleep well Wednesday. I was up constantly trying to catch my breath or cough.
Friday – Coughing a lot again. Any activity resulted in a deep cough and then 5 to 10 minutes of trying to catch my breath afterwards. But I ate finally. I actually had an appetite. My breathing was easier but still not great. After each bite, it took me a few minutes to catch my breath again before the next bite. That left me feeling exhausted and frustrated. However, I realized that I was doing much better today than I was a week ago. Progress has been slow but I am doing better.
Saturday – So that brings us to today – I got a call at 11 am this morning. They had my test results. The woman sounded chipper at first but immediately after I confirmed that I was in fact who I am, her voice got very low and she told me that I am positive for COVID19. It took me a little while to process my thoughts and emotions but I decided that I could use this to help others. I know every case is different but if someone else is going through a mild case and is scared or anxious, there is hope. I am exactly at two weeks from when I was exposed and I feel better. Not great, hell not even good, but better. The worst is over (hopefully) and I’m recovering. I still fight to catch my breath every 20 or 30 minutes and I still have coughing fits and eating is still a struggle. But I’m getting better and I refuse to stop trying to get better.
So people, please take this seriously. I was fighting to breathe for days and was scared out of my mind. I didn’t know if I was going to come out of this alive or not. Thankfully, I did start getting better. Thankfully it was a mild case. There are people out there that have it much worse than I did or do. Do your part and stay home. Self-isolation and social distancing is the only way that we can flatten the curve.
TL;DR – I have a mild case of coronavirus. I coughed a lot, fought for my breath, but I’m getting better.
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courtschwartz-blog ¡ 7 years ago
Mountain Lakes 100 Training
While I’m not sure what exactly enticed me to sign up for Mountain Lakes 100, I did. A few weeks ago my friend Allisa and I were texting back and forth after she had finished running 50+ miles and we agreed that sometimes you just do things. You don’t always need a why – you just do it, and if it feels special and meaningful to you – then that is great!
Most of me feels like I signed up because I wanted to focus on getting and staying healthy this year and to run another 100 miler without starting on an empty tank. For some reason my mind justified that running a 100 mile race not at high altitude (course sits at about 5,000 ft of elevation) seemed like a great way to focus on striving to get and stay healthy.
For me, staying healthy this last year has meant consistently getting more sleep, resting when my body asked, paying more attention to eating nourishing foods, turning an interest into a lifestyle, dreams into executed plans, mitigating stress, and re-learning to trust (in myself and others). While there is plenty for me to continue to cultivate – there is drastic improvement from this time last year.
Delving into homesteading, sustainable living, raising 39 chickens with Josh and growing/making our own food has helped me in more ways than 100. Expanding in areas outside of running has really been a big factor in becoming a healthier me. Unless we have friends visiting – we typically don’t even talk about running. Most of our conversations revolve around raising chickens, gardening/farming/harvesting, fermented foods, Urban Farmer podcasts and goals outside of running.
I wrote a post about running since Run Rabbit Run back in July, and that theme of “running strong & some hiccups!” has remained true. Since July, I’ve felt mostly great, remained injury free and handled any hiccups that arose the best I could. Did I nail 100% of my training? Nah. Did I do my best at the time? Yes! Can I do even better next time? Always! What matters most to me is that I get to stand at a start line happy, healthy and filled with gratitude. For the record – a 100 mile finish line is the most anti-climatic thing ever compared to your journey (life and training included!) to getting there.
There was a hope that I would recap the races that I ran/big adventures separately over the summer leading up to Mountain Lakes 100… but, that didn’t happen – so here’s the highlight reel!
It was becoming obvious to me that I was struggling with my long runs a bit, so if there was a trail race with an appropriate distance close by that matched up what coach had planned for me – I ran them. No tapers, specific goal times and the only intentions were to run strong, have fun and practice fueling.
Originally I had signed up to run the El Vaquero Loco 50k at the beginning of August. Your classic rugged mountain trail running race, the 50k has about 9,000+ ft of elevation gain in it. 2 weeks before El Vaquero I had a pretty easy time accepting that I wasn’t quite ready for it at that time. I knew I could get the distance done, but that it would take a lot out of me and I was worried about how long it would take me to recover from it. So, I decided to run the 25k which has over 4,500+ ft of elevation gain. That being said – the 25k was still my “biggest mountain run” since Run Rabbit.
El Vaquero was pretty low key and a fun event. The course was well marked, the aide stations provided the basic necessities, and I felt happy and strong in all of the expected places. The bigger climbs of the course were tough for me – and admittedly was a bit hard on myself during these. The finish was super fun, and somehow I managed to finish 5th lady which completely surprised me! While getting a burger at the finish line I met my friend Meredith.
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The next weekend Meredith and I ran 23 miles (my first trans canyon run!) starting at Teton Canyon via an old climbers route, up to Hurricane Pass and traversing over to Static Peak, tagging Static and then down Death Canyon. IT. WAS. AWESOME. Meredith is an extremely talented all around mountain athlete that I have a lot of respect for, and it was great getting to know her more, hear her stories and plan future adventures!
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During the month of August we had anywhere from 1-5 guests staying at our place every day and one of them brought a death cold that Josh caught, and gave to me the day after running with Meredith. I tried to let it run it’s course “naturally” and upped the sleep, zinc and fire cider, but by day 3 I was thanking chemistry and reaching for the Mucinex.
Mostly cleared up by the next weekend other than some congestion and snot – I jumped in the Harriman Park 50k, and was excited that the terrain/elevation appeared to be similar to Mountain Lakes 100. I hadn’t run an ultra distance in almost a year, and was a little nervous but mostly excited and prepared to feel the distance and to dig for strength if I started feeling tired.
Josh and I drove up the morning of the race. He met me at the first aide station and was then off on his own adventure in the woods for the day. Early on I was questioning the course markers. Some signs had blown over, but luckily I had read the course description about 100 times because the race director had emphasized that it was important. So I trusted what I read and went with my gut. After the first aide station I came up to a course marker (that was a pile of wood with the sign like 5 feet from it and a trail going 2 different ways) that I had no idea what to do with. I stopped and stared at it. Looking both ways. Then I looked behind me and saw the 2nd lady running up. We talked about the situation, and both decided to run back to the aide station together and ask which way to go. So we did. The volunteers came out with us, fixed the sign and sent us on our way together.
After that experience, we both admitted we were nervous about the potential of getting lost, but glad we were running together! This entire experience was new to me – running 1st/2nd in an ultra, working together with another woman during a race, and the course marker fiasco! We talked, laughed, shared stories the entire time, and both looked at each other with “what an interesting day” looks when a girl riding a horse asked if we could stop running and open a gate for her.
As the miles ticked by (we ran like 23-25 miles together?) my mind starting wondering, “Do we finish together? Is she going to drop the hammer? Should I drop the hammer? Maybe we should talk about this!” I told my mind to stop, enjoy the experience, and it would work itself out. With about 2 miles to go my new friend was running in front, and I realized I was running suuuuuper close behind her. She told me that I looked strong and that I should go for it…
I hesitated for a second… and then I went for it.
Finishing 1st lady, 2nd overall with an 80 minute 50k PR time of 4:33:xx. Crossing the finish line first in an ultra trail race was a new experience for me, but running with someone and working together as a team was by far my favorite part of the race.
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After 3 big for me weekends in a row my legs were feeling really good, but by the next weekend – I was starting to feel a bit tired, and took a step back knowing that I had friends coming to town to run the Teton Crest Trail – starting from Phillips Canyon, and ending at String Lake in Grand Teton National Park for a total of 41 miles and 9,000 ft of elevation gain. Becca and Julia both drove up from Colorado, and I was even MORE stoked (didn’t know that was possible!) for the run when I learned that neither of them had been to the Tetons before.
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We couldn’t have asked for a better day when it comes to having a group of 3 people running together who all have different running strengths. We alternated who ran in front every hour, and it was almost seamless other than Julia and I starting to feel the heat going up Paintbrush Divide. Luckily we had Becca to drag our butts up to Paintbrush Divide and then pulled off a rally of a finish to the day! I’ve always looked up to these 2 ladies who not only crush it on trails, but also life and getting to spend the day with them was such a treat!
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The journey to Mountain Lakes starting line has been incredible. To me this weekend is bonus miles to celebrate it, and the people who I’m so grateful for who have played roles in it. Family, Josh, my coach, friends. I wouldn’t be who I am, or in the place that I’m in without any of them. I know it’s up to us to create our own happiness, make decisions, be healthy, but we’re better together. Teamwork will always make the dreamwork!
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ultrakittten-blog ¡ 7 years ago
Good Lord, what a ship wreck I've just been through. Allow me to bullet point what I've had to deal with in the last 24 hours and I'll delve further into detail later:
I have the flu
my septum piercing of 18 mo. has an infection
The cop dumped me
had to put my kitten to sleep
official eviction papers on my door
So, now that I've addressed my main whinges, let's go into a wee bit more detail about why the last few days of my life have been so very devastating. First of all, let's go back in time to my last post about how I went to Drum Jam on Wednesday (Mittwoche!) night. When I woke up the next morning, I wasn't feeling well and it became progressively worse throughout the day. Well, to go into more detail about that day, my colleague and I walked ourselves to the gas station because we were hungry and since I wasn't feeling well I wanted to pick up some medication. When we arrived, we chatted a bit with the station attendant and he offered to purchase the medication for me, which I was beyond grateful for.
The clerk had chosen allergy medicine for me as well as Mucinex and I took one of each when I got back to my desk at work. It was unfortunately, unbeknownst to me that those pills are not friends with each other. I soon became disoriented, felt woozy, and could feel the ground moving as if each step people took were my own personal, hellish earthquakes. Once we figured out why I felt so discombobulated, management decided to let me leave early. I should mention that early in the day I had made an appointment with my doctor for the next day to determine the cause of my oncoming illness.
On Friday, I went to my doctor appointment and they tested me for the flu which came out positive. The doctor told me that he was going to send in my prescription and that would be that. Perfect! Right? Well, after lots of confusion it turns out that he never even sent it in to my pharmacy so I had to deal as best as I could with OTC medicine. Lots of mucus, snots, sweat / chills, sore throat and incessant body aches but I'm on my way up. I'm also dealing with a raw, inflamed septum piercing which is really starting to agitate me. I have to do a sea salt soak when I get home from work today.
As per my last post, the cop made his feelings really clear to me and that he wants to remain friends. I am really fond of him so I'm more than willing to make that happen, especially since my best pals have been so distant lately. My 6 month old kitten, Sweetie, hadn't been interested in food or water so I took her to the vet at 8:30 last night. Actually, it hurts way too much to write about this as the wound is too fresh but just know that she had to be put to rest. The reason I brought up the cop is because he gave me a call while I was at the vet and stayed on the line with me until I was ready to drive home. I am so beyond grateful to him for doing that for me. On Thursday, I'll be accompanying him to an appoint with my old psychiatrist who changed my life. He's expressed his unhappiness to me before so I made the appointment for him and we're going to go together. When I meet up with him I'm going to buy him some delicious carrot cake from a deli I know that he likes.
As far as my eviction goes, I found the official papers attached to my door this afternoon and it looks like I have to appear in court at the end of the month. I need to start packing my belongings and figure out if I'm able to get emergency housing or resort to moving most of my things into a storage unit and living in a motel.
{Sidebar--working in customer service, when I say "Great!" is roughly translates to, "You fucking idiot!"} Customers SUCK! People SUCK! I am so sick of these whiny, greedy, adult infants. Go breastfeed and shit in your diaper somewhere the hell away from me.
I'm leaving work early. Fuck everything.
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wavenetinfo ¡ 8 years ago
He once yelled at a drug-dealing kid that he brought piss to a sh– fight. He flew into a petty rage because someone was stealing his narrow spoons, which were the only ones that could effectively navigate his Fage yogurt cups. He made a high-level Silicon Valley exec painfully aware of his advanced age in a torrent of colorful ways. And he more frequently has said the words “pilapa” and “Jian Yang!!!”
He is Erlich Bachman, and a few weeks from now, the notorious incubator, semi-gifted bloviator, Aviato pioneer, Pied Piper investor, wanna-be guru, and clothes-free emperor will bid farewell to Silicon Valley. As announced last month, T.J. Miller is exiting HBO’s beloved, Emmy-nominated tech comedy, with the season finale on June 25 serving as his final episode. “The producers of Silicon Valley and T.J. Miller have mutually agreed that T.J. will not return for season 5,” read the network’s statement on May 25. “In Erlich Bachman, T.J. has brought to life an unforgettable character, and while his presence on the show will be missed, we appreciate his contribution and look forward to future collaborations.”
It is a weighty loss for the just-renewed show — on a scale of 1 to 100, let’s call it a fleventy-five — and one that has already fans pouring out bong water in his Bachmemory. Miller’s Erlich proved to be an early breakout character on Silicon Valley, lording over the proceedings — or at least, attempting to — with a buffoonish, douchey regality while spewing cutting one-liners like, “One of you is one of the least attractive people I’ve ever met and I’m not going to say which one,” and, “He’s in the garage, like a sad bag of potting soil.” He excels at self-promotion, delusion, marijuana consumption, and grammar (“It’s hards-on”) and suffers a severe allergy to self-awareness. In his quest to matter, he has seen his fortunes raised and razed, and they may be (temporarily?) on the upswing again: In last week’s episode, Erlich accidentally charmed his way into the good graces of V.R. guru Keenan Feldspar (Haley Joel Osment), which helped him to maneuver his way into the new firm started by Laurie (Suzanne Cryer) and Monica (Amanda Crew). Whatever transpires or transmogrifies, the boys from Pied Piper who have been reluctantly receiving his shelter and counsel — that’s Richard (Thomas Middleditch), Gilfoyle (Martin Starr), Dinesh (Kumail Nanjiani) and Jared (Zach Woods) — are about to be left to their own devices, handheld and otherwise.
Miller’s move, while surprising, may not come as a complete shock. The industry profile of the always-animated, always-activated, never-predictable comedian has been on the rise — recent films include Deadpool and Office Christmas Party — as has his workload. He executive produces and stars in Comedy Cental’s The Gorburger Show as a giant blue alien, and he’s performing stand-up across the country; his first HBO comedy special T.J. Miller: Meticulously Ridiculous airs June 17. Miller, 35, is dabbling in various genres in the film world: He recently shot roles for the big-screen thriller Underwater and Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of the sci-fi novel Ready Player One. In addition, he’s co-writing an action comedy for Dreamworks titled Ex-Criminals (in which he’d also star) and he voices the lead character in this summer’s The Emoji Movie as well as in 2019’s How to Train Your Dragon 3. Miller will also reunite with Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool 2. And if he runs himself ragged and catches a cold, he’s also the cure. (See: his Mucinex commercials.)
Miller, who will perform Friday at Comedy Central’s Clusterfest festival in San Francisco, emerged from the pile of projects to explain the reasoning behind his fast-approaching goodbye, why he thinks his departure is actually good for the show, and — this one might sting a bit — why you’ll never see Erlich again.
John P. Johnson
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: If this is just a bit, this would definitely be a good time to tell us. T.J. MILLER: If this is a bit, I would never tell you.
How “mutual” was the decision? As mutual as public announcements go. I’m so grateful to HBO because they offered several ways that we could make this work. They were open to all sorts of compromise to allow Erlich to continue to be on the show, but ultimately this just felt like an organic ending. And the relationship with HBO — I mean, they did my special. It’s a dream come true, or at least a living, waking nightmare that was actualized. And on top of that, they gave my best friend, Pete Holmes, Crashing — a show that’s autobiographical, and I get to play myself. I’m not a very good actor; that’s a really easy job. I love HBO, but I thought this would be that thing that would change the show in a positive way. I mean, those guys are the funniest guys working.
Why are you leaving now? I would love to do The Emoji Movie and things like that and have the time to develop animated features. I would like to keep offering up Gorburger and letting people see a very different side of talk show guests. And that was a big part of why I said, “I’ve learned everything I can from this show. I would love to continue to be involved with it, if only because fans really do enjoy the show, and they seem to enjoy the character. But ultimately I just have to make more things and different things.”
I work so much. I do every single platform. I do every single medium, down to podcasting with Cash Levy (“Cashing in with T. J. Miller”), all the way up to being in an underwater thriller with Kristin Stewart and wanting to be the funny part of that. So [I left] for my own sanity, and for the sake of slowing down, and being more present and able to devote more time to this myriad of projects that I have going on. The other thing of it is that I didn’t get into comedy to be a television actor, and the second that I felt that there was a possibility of going on autopilot — of even phoning it in with this particular project — that’s when I say, “Okay, I gotta walk away. I have to do something where this won’t happen. I can’t allow myself to show up and give a B-plus performance on a show that is an A-plus when it comes to television.” That is a huge, huge part of it.
I think for something to come to an organic end, even if it’s before the public wants it to happen, is so much better. Leave them wanting more. There was one adage that’s never wrong. In comedy, you walk off-stage when the laughs are at their peak, and people go, “Wait, what? The show’s over? It’s just over like that?” You leave them wanting more because you don’t ever want them to wish that there had been less….
Also, in a weird way, it’s interesting to me to leave a show at its height. It’s interesting to me to see how the show will grow and change with the exit of this character.
Did you feel that you had creatively plateaued playing this character — that you had said everything you wanted to say as Erlich? There is no plateau when working with [Silicon co-creator] Mike Judge. Mike Judge is a prescient genius… I took a cue from my wife. Her favorite quote from David Bowie is — and I’m not an artist, so put “artist” in quotations marks — an artist should always be just far enough in the water that his feet are barely touching the ocean floor, and that’s where you do your best work. You don’t know what’s going to happen. I chose the most unsafe, destabilizing decision that one could make.
When did the thought of leaving first enter your mind? I think in the middle of the season, I started to think, “If there is a way…” And when I did Underwater, this Kristen Stewart-Vincent Cassel movie, it was a nice reminder because I was a stranger in a strange land — a comedian in an actor’s world and director’s world. Why did I do this underwater thriller? Because it was a Deadpool move — an unexpected move because I get to do something different, to learn from these people — I reminded myself that I didn’t get into this game to become a successful television actor. I didn’t want to be on a sitcom where I made a boatload of money and then could do films but didn’t do a ton, but have a bunch of money and bought a cool house in L.A. and totally rehabbed it so it’s no longer ranch-style. Both of us are already bored with that example. I need to be a stand-up comedian. We’ve got some pretty heavy sh– going on right now, and the best thing I can do is stand-up comedy. I hope Meticulously Ridiculous is both well-received and something that people feel like they can return to for laughs, like Norm Macdonald’s special was for me, and Patton Oswalt’s special was for me.  I’m a good stand-up comedian. But I’d like to be a great stand-up comedian, and that takes an immense amount of focus and work ethic. I have both, but I didn’t have the time.
Is any part of you nervous about this decision? I was anxious for Kate [Miller, his wife]. Kate said, “Are you sure you want to do this? Because people love this character. And you love this cast. And you love working with Mike Judge. Be very certain that this is what you want to do. Because HBO is being very accommodating.” But for myself, no, not nervous. I am so fortunate to have Deadpool 2, How to Train Your Dragon 3, and hopefully Big Hero 7, Ex-Criminals, the movie that I had set up at Dreamworks which put me in Office Christmas Party, and Ready Player One. I want to shepherd and help develop Gorburger. It’s a perfect property, it’s such a f—ing weird show, and I can say a lot more with that than I can with being the funny guy on somebody else’s incredible, great satire, but somebody else’s project. I’m excited. I have some really interesting, exciting opportunities. And more importantly, I love the idea of [using] that time to figure out how I can diversify and offer the public more comedy while also at the same time hanging out with wife, who is my favorite person alive.
My only concern was that the fans would be upset or frustrated that this character wouldn’t be present. And then the other real concern was that people would think — and some people have said this online — “Oh, okay. Well, now he’s in Deadpool, so he thinks he’s too big for this television show.” I’m not too big for anything. I’m the f—ing Mucinex man. [Laughs.] I will do it all to bring laughter to people.
Kate said, “There will be some people who feel like that there’s an arrogance to this, that there’s an element of hubris to this. I want you to think about that.” She also said, “Think about how much your family loves the show. So know that this is going to be a real bummer for everybody that loves you on the show.” And then, of course, I tell my father before I make the definitive decision. In my family, we always have to ask for a counsel of the elders. He goes, “You know what? Erlich was starting to wear thin on me.” In classic father-son fashion, he was like, “Yeah, I was starting to get annoyed by you anyway.” [Laughs]. And that was an interesting barometer for me to say, “The last thing that I want is for people to be like, ‘God, his character is so great, but he’s so one-note.’ [The writers] had given me a lot. They really allowed Erlich to become dynamic. He became a sadder, darker, more ostracized or alienated character, and that gave me a lot to do. But the moment that this character becomes grating to people, that’s going to be such a loss… In the weirdest way, it was protecting this thing that we had made — the dynamic of Richard and Erlich, and Erlich and Jian Yang — so that people would always miss it and think fondly of it, not feel like, “Well, he really jumped the shark in season 6.”
NEXT PAGE: Miller on why his exit will be good for the show — and his castmates’ reactions
2 June 2017 | 5:28 pm
Dan Snierson
Source : EW.com
>>>Click Here To View Original Press Release>>>
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hoteles5estrellas ¡ 8 years ago
August turned six months old today. My wife had planned a European backpacking trip about 2 years ago for our honeymoon. We were just about to get married but new we needed to save for a proper honeymoon.
Well August surprised us when my wife found out she was pregnant about 7 months before we were scheduled to leave. So I pushed the plane tickets back 5 months from the original date and we decided we’d just take him with us, so we did! We decided to just stay in Norway instead of country hopping, but there was a lot to see there so we were very happy with the trip.
Here he is after 23 hours of straight traveling on the way home by trains, busses and planes!
We wanted to travel light, no checked luggage if possible. Our carry ons were pushing it but they let us take them. They were the rolling luggage with pop up handle that is iffy size for carry on. We were prepared to pay and check them but were seriously hoping to save those funds. They did not let us bring them back, they told us at the gate they had to be checked but they let us do it for free since we were that far along. Also, I think have a cute baby strapped to you gets you some favors.
We used a baby carrier, top of the line, can’t remember brand but will edit post when my wife gets home. Babies do really well in these things for extended periods of time, for the most part, I know all babies are different so take all our tips with a grain of salt.
We packed enough diapers & wipes to get there plus a couple days. Check out your destination before hand, if it’s a 1st world country diapers are fairly abundant.
We took 3 bottles, he uses a special kind that simulates the boob flow as he nurses most of the time. We do supplement with formula so we brought some formula as well, enough for 3 or 4 days. We didn’t research this well and should’ve seen what brands are available in Norway. Some babies are fickle about their formula. We were fortunate he liked what we found there just fine.
RESEARCH store hours. Norway has some odd hours for their stores and we didn’t even think about the fact we were travelling over Easter and they shut DOWN on Easter big time. For days… (google booze laws too if you want to have some drinks on your trip, Norway surprised us with the crazy nanny state alcohol laws).
All the main grocery chains there (rema 1000, kiwi, etc.) carried baby supplies.
Bring any meds you might need… we didn’t. My wife caught an awful cold towards the end of our trip and we super lucked out that neither August nor I got sick as well cause we’d have no idea what meds a baby could have and finding an open pharmacy on good Friday was a royal pain in the ass.
Our son has been a bit spoiled with co-sleeping. We used airbnb’s for the most part and a hotel in one location. We brought a small packable walled baby bed that folds up. In the airbnb’s we left it in the bedroom and put him to bed so we could hang out in the living area.
The first night in a new place was always the same, he took and extra hour or more to get to sleep. But after that he adjusted well. In the hotel we put him in the bathroom… was quite funny sneaking in to take a pee as quiet as possible (my wife got good at toilet gymnastics to get the right angles for no splashing).
You can’t ride in cars without a car seat, don’t even think about how you can pull that off just plan around using busses, trains and plains. And babies ride for free! At least with Norwegian Air he did, I know some international make you buy them a seat.
I’m not sure if this is normal but our boy hates when you sit down with him in the carrier, so if it’s a 20-30 minute ride you will probably be standing in the train… which brings me to this point as well, you will be walking a LOT, like a whole lot, so make sure you are physically ready for that. And take a fitbit, you’ll be crushing all your friends on it.
Planes are the obvious big & scary challenge with an infant. We made a bit of a game plan and it worked well. We had a bottle full and ready for him to take right during take off as their ears can pop and chewing on something comforting helps them a lot.
We also kept him awake from his naps before the flight. He got pretty fussy but it paid off as he slept for the majority of the flights. Also, learn to relax. People expect babies to cry, it might be annoying but it’s going to happen so just do your best to keep them quiet and comforted but don’t lose your cool if the baby goes off some. Stay focused and do what you can to calm them down. If seat belts off, get up and walk around with them. Every tends to smile at the cute baby.
The relax thing is super important. After tons of walking and traveling for hours at points, you will be exhausted… so is baby! Stay cool, do your best to just comfort the child. Focus on the child as much as possible and not your own tiredness. Once the baby is calm, it’s like a huge cloud is lifted and everything else is easy.
The HOLY SHIT Moment
My wife looked at me while we were in Bergen and said, “Huh, my throat just got scratchy out of no where.” We both blew it off as transitioning from hot humid Florida to dry cold mountain climate. But it only got worse. My wife has athletic asthma so it’s never really life threatening but if she runs for 20 minutes or so she has to have an inhaler or her throat constricts and breathing gets tough.
Well, she got bad… real bad. She was coughing like crazy and having trouble breathing just from picking up our son. We gave it a day to see if it was nothing serious but it only got worse. So the second night of it she reached a point where she was about to have a panic attack and at 11:00pm on Good Friday or maybe the night before (point is nothing was open and we knew no one) she made a trip to the E.R. in Norway.
Here’s what really makes us frustrated about the whole thing. They drew blood, listened to her lungs and kept here there for a couple hours just for the doctor to say she has the “Norwegian Cold” and time is all she needs to fix it. She can get some over the counter cough medicine for some relief and hit her inhaler once every four hours. Well she’d hit it and feel ok for about 45 mins to an hour then back to misery and trouble breathing and panic attacks, etc.
When we got back to the states she went to her doctor today and they said it was incredibly serious viral issues on top of her asthma and she needs to be having nebulizer sessions four times a day amongst some other treatments and a steroid. Very irritating how nonchalant the doctor was to her, almost making her feel stupid for even coming in. That said, they didn’t bill us a dime so that’s cool.
Deal With It
The impression we got was just to deal with it, so we did. We got on a regiment of cough drops, some weak cough syrup (the nation bans anything like mucinex completely) and a little whiskey/lemon/honey at night all topped with her inhaler once every four hours.
I was stuck with full responsibility for our son. I carried him at all times, I changed him, she still nursed though but doing anything physical at all would get her crazy winded, coughing and breathing issues. (So yea, thankfully we had some good “mom & dad” time at the beginning of the trip).
The last few days we didn’t much walking, we were very fortunate that we got to explore Oslo and Bergen a LOT before this got serious. We spent four nights in Flam near the end of our trip where everything was within 100 yards or so from the hotel. It’s a quaint mountain town with beautiful sites surrounding it, perfect for the situation.
Simply Amazing
We wouldn’t take the trip back for anything. I never knew I’d be bonding so much with my son, I feel like I know and understand him at a completely new level. He’s amazing and so is my wife. We went through heaven and hell together and we are only stronger as a family unit because of that. I highly recommend taking infants on adventures with you, just a bit more laid back adventures, but still a big time.
Here’s some family photos from the trip
Family Pics
Visiting where they filmed Hoth on our way back to Oslo at end of trip
Didn’t want to seem like blog spam so I copied here from a post on my personal blog
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