#good places to eat in auckland
afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
⚡ - Charging Towards a More Electrifying Future
1. The Kissimmee River has been brought back to life—and wildlife is thriving
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The Kissimmee River in Florida was straightened in the 1960s, causing a sharp decline in wildlife and ecological problems. But in the 1990s, a $1 billion restoration project was initiated to restore the river's natural state.
Today, nearly half of the river has been restored, wetlands have been reestablished and rehydrated, and wildlife has returned, including rare and threatened species. Already the biological impact of the project has become clear. As the wetlands have come back, so have the birds.
2. Plastic wrap made from seaweed withstands heat and is compostable
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A cling film made from an invasive seaweed can withstand high temperatures yet is still easily compostable. The material could eventually become a sustainable choice for food packaging.
Scientists started with a brown seaweed called sargassum. Sargassum contains long, chain-like molecules similar to those that make up conventional plastic, which made it a good raw material. The researchers mixed it with some acids and salts to get a solution full of these molecules, then blended in chemicals that thickened it and made it more flexible and pliable.
3. An Eagle Who Adopted a Rock Becomes a Real Dad to Orphaned Eaglet
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Murphy, a bald eagle that had been showing fatherly instincts, has been sharing an enclosure with an eaglet that survived a fall from a tree during a storm in Ste. Genevieve. Murphy, his rock gone by then, took his role as foster parent seriously. He soon began responding to the chick’s peeps, and protecting it.
And when, as a test, the keepers placed two plates of food in front of the birds — one containing food cut into pieces that the chick could eat by itself, and another with a whole fish that only Murphy could handle — the older bird tore up the fish and fed it to the eaglet.
4. World's largest battery maker announces major breakthrough in energy density
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In one of the most significant battery breakthroughs in recent years, the world’s largest battery manufacturer CATL has announced a new “condensed” battery with 500 Wh/kg which it says will go into mass production this year.
“The launch of condensed batteries will usher in an era of universal electrification of sea, land and air transportation, open up more possibilities of the development of the industry, and promote the achieving of the global carbon neutrality goals at an earlier date,” the company said in a presentation at Auto Shanghai on Thursday.
This could be huge. Electric jets and cargo ships become very possible at this point.
5. Cat with '100% fatal' feline coronavirus saved by human Covid-19 medicine
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A beloved household cat has made an “astonishing” recovery from a usually fatal illness, thanks to a drug made to treat Covid-19 in humans – and a quick-thinking vet.
Anya​, the 7-year-old birman cat, was suffering from feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a “100% fatal” viral infection caused by feline coronavirus. That was, until Auckland vet Dr Habin Choi​ intervened, giving Anya an antiviral used to treat Covid-19 called molnupiravir.
6. Kelp forests capture nearly 5 million tonnes of CO2 annually
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Kelp forests provide an estimated value of $500 billion to the world and capture 4.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from seawater each year. Most of kelp’s economic benefits come from creating habitat for fish and by sequestering nitrogen and phosphorus.
7. Medical Marijuana Improved Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms in 87% of Patients
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Medical cannabis (MC) has recently garnered interest as a potential treatment for neurologic diseases, including Parkinson's disease (PD). 87% of patients were noted to exhibit an improvement in any PD symptom after starting medical cannabis. Symptoms with the highest incidence of improvement included cramping/dystonia, pain, spasticity, lack of appetite, dyskinesia, and tremor.
That's it for this week :)
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The Quest for a Name
I hope the wait was worth it loves!
February 25, 2023.
Harry. Melbourne, Australia. 12:30 PM.
The store was rather empty, which allowed me to browse and shop peacefully; Tommy and Jeff were finishing a call while I was browsing the children’s books hoping to find some to bring back home to my girls. My girls. I smiled when I thought about three of the most important women in my life back in England waiting for me to come home.
I ended up picking three books for the girls and started making my way to where Jeff and Tommy were waiting, along the way I got distracted and picked up some finger puppets for bedtime stories when suddenly someone cleared their throat behind me, when I turned, I smiled at the girl standing there, she was using my tote bag and had a nervous smile on her face.
There was something familiar of her, but I couldn’t quite place it, she gave me a tiny wave and shakily whispered, “H-hi Harry”, I smiled, “Hello, how are you?”, she smiled, “I’m good, still recovering from last night’s concert”, and it suddenly dawned on me why I knew her.
“Oh yeah! I remember you; you were with Fauve yeah?”, her eyes were full of wonder, and she smiled while nodding her head in excitement, “Yes! That was me! Oh my God, I can’t believe you remember us!”, I smiled, “Of course I do, what’s your name love?”, she smiled, “I’m Sienna”.
I smiled, “Sienna, I love your name, might just add it to my baby’s name list”, it suddenly dawned what I had said and stood up straighter, Sienna gave me a surprised look before making a sign that her lips were sealed, “You don’t have to worry, I won’t say anything, but congratulations! That is so exciting for you and Y/N”.
I gave her an appreciative nod, “Thank you, we’re really excited to add a new member to our family, and thank you for your discretion; are you attending any other shows?”, she nodded excitedly, “I am visiting my grandma in Auckland, so I will be attending that show and Sydney night two as well, I am so excited”, I smiled, “Well then, I will look for you in the crowd”.
She nodded excitedly before reaching into her bag for a notebook and a sharpie, “Would it be okay for me to ask for an autograph and selfie? I promise I won’t post or disclose it” I nodded and placed my books and shopping to sign her notebook and pose for her selfie. While she put away her stuff, I picked up my shopping and turned to give her a smile.
“Thank you, Harry, it really means a lot, and I wish you and Y/N a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery”, I nodded and placed a hand over my heart, “Thank you Sienna, and I’ll see you in Sidney and I hope to meet you again”, she waved goodbye while making her way to the teen novels and I made my way to the cashier to pay.
February 26, 2023.
Harry. Melbourne, Australia. 9:00 PM.
The call rang for a few moments before the dial changed and my little girl appeared in the screen, she had her hair pulled back with a tiny bow and her face was full of the remnants of her breakfast; yogurt which I knew was one of her favorites right now, when she noticed me, she smiled before screaming “Dada!”, I smiled, “Good morning little love, how are you? Are you eating breakfast?”
She pulled her hands to the screen so I could see the mess she was making, I gave her a surprised look so she would know I was paying attention to her, “Look at those hands! Did you have a banana?”, my smile got bigger when I heard my baby mama outside from the screen, “Say ‘no dada, today I ate peaches!’ Can you say peaches baby?”
Pippa turned to see her mom and gave her a cheeky smile before she said “Pea!”, I smiled before cheering “There you go baby! Good job!”, a few seconds later the screen moved, and I was able to see Y/N sitting there too, I smiled when I saw her reach and caress her bump, “Hi baby, you look so beautiful!”, she smiled and looked down bashfully.
“Oh you flatterer, I feel anything but”, I gave her a sympathetic smile, “How is everything going?”, she sighed, “Nights are getting to an uncomfortable point, but the pregnancy pillow and I are dating now”, I laughed, “I hope you will want to cuddle me once I’m home”, she nodded, “I will baby, I miss you so much”
I smiled before clearing my throat, “So… I thought of another name, well actually I met a fan with this name”, she took a bite of her breakfast before speaking, “Oh really? What is it?”, I smiled, “Sienna”, she swallowed before analyzing the name I told her, “Sienna Anne Styles?”, I nodded, “Well the initials would be cool huh?”
I laughed a little and smiled while at eating her eggs, Y/N spoke up, “I also thought of another name”, I yawned and signaled for her to tell me, “Amelia, and her nickname could be Millie Anne”, I smiled, “I am liking the nickname, Pip and Millie”, she laughed, “Aww that is so sweet”, I decided to tease her.
“So… is Deborah or still off the table?”, she shook her head while she laughed, “If you love it, then we can think of using it baby”, I laughed, “Nah, she deserves a unique name, just like Pippa, and we still have a few weeks to decide, yes? Let’s not forget we decided on Pippa’s name about two days before she was born”, she laughed.
“If I remember correctly, we were set on Ophelia, you even sang the song to the belly as a way to see if the baby was a she”, I nodded before speaking, “But then I read Philippa in a novel and fell in love with it”, she took a sip of her tea while cleaning Pippa’s mouth and smiled, “I remember, when you told me her name, there was something there, like a feeling of peace, of contentment, like ‘that is her name’”
I smiled, “I felt the same way, all warm and fuzzy and excited; and truth be told, none of the names we have discussed have given me that feeling, but I know we will find the name”, she nodded while pulling Pippa out of her chair and settling her on her lap, “Say bye bye to Dada baby”, Pippa smiled before pulling the phone to her face, “Dada bye!”, I laughed, “Bye baby, I love you!”
Pippa gave the phone back to Y/N and I heard her scurry to the living room where we had settled her toys right before I left, I yawned again and Y/N gave me a smile, “You should rest baby, you still have a few crazy days to come”, I nodded, “Before I go, can I see the belly?”
She nodded and smiled setting the phone on the breakfast table before pulling back a little and pulling up her pajama shirt, my heart was beating so fast from the excitement, “Look at that beautiful belly! Oh, she’s growing up so fast!”, she laughed, “Oh yes, she is definitely, oh-wait!” She sat down and grabbed the phone again turning the camera.
After a few seconds and a couple of presses to the side of the belly I saw a knee or elbow rolling around and I smiled, “Oh I miss feeling her move so much”, she laughed, “You’ll still have about four weeks of feeling her once you’re here baby”, I nodded, “And I will have a birthday celebration to make up for”, she nodded, “Rest well baby, we love you and miss you, so so much”, I smiled, “I miss you two too baby, speak tomorrow”, she nodded while blowing a kiss to her screen while I did the same, then waved goodbye and ended the call.
Taglist @adoredeanna @alienorknight @b-reads-things @be-with-me-so-happily @behindmygreyeyes @cherrylovesblog @karenarella22 @daphnesutton @dayxoxodreamer @dirtytissuebox @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @goldenlouvr @groovychaosavenue @harrysficreblog @harryspirate @hoya122 @imaginesofdreams @i-got-the-cinema @infinitely-yellow @irelilien @itsgabbysblog @itsgigikay @itsmytimetoodream @jgoff717 @kathy522 @kaitieskidmore1 @last-saturday-night @michellekstyles @msolbesg @qualitygiantshoepsychic @sagcas-latte @seguin-styles1996 @shawnsblue @sunshinemoonsposts @tinydeskwriter @tinydestinybear @tpwkstyles1d @voosa @watercolorskyy @wherethehellhaveyoubeenharry
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in-death-we-fall · 2 years
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Sex, Drugs and One Armed Groupies
...is gonna be the title of this since there kinda isn't one. Scans were posted by @fuckyeswednesday13 a long time ago. I really liked this article and now it's nice and easy to read (especially the columns. Ask me how much I hated the columns.) Enjoy! (drive link)
The Big Day Out. The Australian travelling musical circus that steamrolls its way around Australia and New Zealand every winter with the hottest bands on the planet flying from all over the globe to join down under’s best bands in a mayhem filled fortnight. This year’s line-up, features among others, The Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age, Jane’s Addiction, Jimmy Eat World, The Hard Ons and deathglam monstrosities, the Murderdolls. So far, the Mid West (sic) based five-piece outfit have been the cream of the festival, appropriately headlining the ‘Essentials’ stage. This is the band’s first time in the Antipodes and quizzical music fans have crowded to see the much-talked about live set. With Sydney copping the biggest crowds of all the legs on the tour, the band are preparing something special. But at 3pm in the afternoon you wouldn’t know it. Most of the band are still in bed from the night before, well, actually… the week before.
The ‘Dolls have been in Sydney for five days before their Big Day Out show and not finding much to do early on in the week they’ve just been getting down to the (sic) rock’n’roll’s most popular pastime: hard drinking. Drummer ‘Big’ Ben ‘The Ghoul’ Graves and bass player Eric Griffin are recovering from last night’s binge. While singer Wednesday and guitarist Joey Jordison are recovering from the night before the night before. Acey Slade, who maintains his sobriety, but still stays out ‘til dawn, has been up since 11am and is the only one ready for the show. With the band on stage at 7:15pm, things need doing. Staggering through their beer can and ‘paraphernalia’-strewn rooms to the showers, they’re down in their van and on the way out to the Big Day Out site just after 4pm.
Situated at the same place that hosted the Sydney 2000 olympics, the festival facilities are first rate and the sell-out crowd of 52,000 festival-goers are making the most of it. The temperature’s pushing a blistering 35°C and being the middle of a drought-ridden summer in Australia, everything’s dry, dusty and cracked. It’s a good 40-minute drive from the city to the festival and the sun’s stinging in through the van windows. Not big fans of the sunlight, the Murderdolls have got their leather jackets up over their heads to avoid even the slightest hint of a tan.
In the cool, air-conditioned shade of backstage I get to sit down with Joey Jordison and singer Wednesday 13 to gind out how the band are doing after their meteoric rise over the past eight months. Joey is straight down the line, measured and professional. “This si the first Big Day Out for all of us. Slipknot have only been down here once but not that (sic) this festival. This is something I’ve really wanted to play – something I’ve wanted to do for a really long time.”
For Wednesday, this is another notch on his rise as an international rock’n’roller. “It’s awesome,” he says. “I’ve always wanted to be out on the front of a rock’n’roll band at a festival like this. After struggling doing my own band for six years I actually quit my job back in April and I’ve been touring every since. I’ve done all the things I ever dreamed about. I’ve been to Europe three times, Japan twice and here we are now in Australia and that has all been pretty much in the last six months! Holy shit we’re doing some things that some bands have never done!”
“We just checked out the videotape from the Auckland show the other day and fuck man, it was awesome!” enthuses Joey. “People are saying we are pulling the most people to that stage out of everyone. Our band has been doing really well especially since we’ve only been going for a short time. We hope that after the BDO we’ll be able to come back and do some real headlining shows down here. We are having fun though, thinking about it, we’ve never had so many days off between shows before, it’s more like the Big Day Off!”
The band wasn’t supposed to be so idle. Most overseas bands on the BDO bill play a bunch of satellite shows in various cities around the country and for a month prior, the Murderdolls had been slated to perform a Sydney show with fellow US rockers The Deftones. But with very little warning, the Murderdolls were dumped from the bill just before the show. What really pissed off Joey and the lads was a lot of the Murderdolls fans had bought tickets on the basis that the band would be playing but in the end had to watch the Deftones supported by ex-At The Drive-In chancers, Sparta.
Without much choice in the matter the Murderdolls issued a statement on their website apologising to their fans and kept trying to fly their flag with some instore appearances at local record stores. One in particular at Utopia Records, was insane. There was such a roar when the band turned up, they looked truly surprised at the number of kids who had showed up, most dressed in black and red outfits.
“Someone told us there was only going to be about 150 kids, which was supposed to be a good turn-out for Utopia records for a new band,” retells Joey. “But when we turned up there (sic) almost 500! We talked to fans and signed everything that they had. We were there for a good three and a half hours. And at the Channel V interview it was pretty much the same story. Hordes of kids that wouldn’t let us get away.”
“That’s the cool thing with our fans,” explains Wednesday. “We’re not a radio band or an MTV band with this created army of little kids which I think is more pure than being the Number One radio band or liking it because someone tells you to like it. I know that our fans are real. It is really cool to see these hordes of kids show up, they are dressed like us, they know everything about us, it is just awesome.”
Thinking further ahead fans will be please to know the band are not going to let up on the groundswell already created by the Murderdolls. “I have to go back and finish recording some Slipknot stuff,” reveals Joey. “Then we (the Murderdolls) are going to do some more touring. There’s usually a three to four month sort of break between recording and when an album comes out so we are going to tour pretty much all the way from the end of May all the way to maybe the beginning of October. Which will be good because there’ll be less sunlight at that time of year,” jokes Wednesday raising his non-existent eyebrows and throwing his arms, heavily tattooed with b-grade horror heroes, into the air.
As the hot afternoon drifts into an only slightly less simmering evening, there’s a small problem with guitarist Acey. He’s got indigestion. This amounts to a small crisis because first aid officials must follow procedure and administer the medicine. This takes two St. John’s Ambulance men on pushbikes in a five minute ride from their base at the side of the main stadium. Very un-rock’n’roll indeed.
With the gig just 45 minutes away, the boys are pacing around their trailer, having their pics taken for Hammer. Acey inside in front of the mirror still applying the last of his make-up, Ghoul is getting powdered up, Wednesday’s still with the photographer, while Joey’s nervously pacing around, in the trailer, out the trailer, back in… Eric meanwhile is ready for the stage and cracks open the obligatory bottle of Jack Daniel’s. As a Murderdolls ritual, they’re applying the slap, the band have to listen to Kiss. “Must. Have. Kiss.” stipulates Joey. “‘All American Man’! We sometimes change that to ‘All American Ghoul’,” chimes in the Ghoul.
Just 10 minutes before showtime and the long lanky frame of Ben Graves is stretched spider-like up against the dressing room wall. “I’ll be in pain afterwards,” he explains. Wednesday has by now finished his solo shots with Hamer’s photographer. The day is hot enough anyway, and under the photographers lights the heat is even more stifling. ‘Jesus, it’s fucking hot!” exclaims the frontman. “But I don’t mind… I’m a naturally dead person in front of a camera” he laughs.
More Kiss blares out from the dressing room, this time ‘Dr Love’! Then the moment comes: ground fucking zero at the Big Day Out! The band clamber into the van and head around the back way to the Essentials stage. The bottle of Jack’s being passed around as they approach the stage the band take a quick peak (sic) to see how the crow’s building up. It’s the biggest yet, taking up most of the grassy area out the back of the main stadium. Joey – who regularly suffers from pre-gig nerves as his pre-stage vomiting on Slipknot’s ‘Disasterpiece (sic)’ DVD proves in all its technicolour glory – is bricking it.
Five minutes before the band are due to hit the powerchords and the guys are milling around in the wings. Ghoul is banging on some warm-up pads and everyone is getting psyched. They’ve left the Kiss CD backstage so they have to hum ‘All American Man’ together. Then they make their way to the stage.
A couple of huge Murderdolls logos adorn the stage and in an eruption of noise and energy, the Dolls take the stage and instantly kick off with ‘Dawn of The Dead’. Jordison in black leather Gestapo hat is jumping around stage left, Acey is wailing away stage right while Eric bangs away on the bass doing his best Nikki Sixx impression, while the Ghoul wrecks the trap kit. Wednesday is the last to take the stage and screaming, “We are the dead, coming for you!” And the crowd goes fucking wild.
The kids down the front, dressed up in full glam-goth regalia, know every word and sing along fervently with the band while among the throng watching from the side of stage are some of the biggest names in the Australian music industry. Members of bands like 28 days, Machine Gun Fellatio, Cog, Jimmy Eat World, Pre-Shrunk, and Sparta all stand wide eyed and mouths agape at the outrageous rock revisionism being unleashed onstage.
By the time the band have launched into ‘I (sic) Was a Teenage Zombie’, ‘Let’s Go To War’ and ‘Slit My Wrists (sic)’, the crows know what they’re in for. Most who have showed up for curiosity (sic) sake are still hanging around, but if anything the crowd is building and everyone looks like they are right into it having fun. The intro to ‘Twist My Sister’ is a kid’s nursery rhyme ‘Old McDonald’ which gets the whole crowd singing along.
Unbelievably, some lunatic in the crowd starts throwing bangers at the stage, but the fireworks only make it as far as the front row of fans before blowing up in their faces. Wednesday tries to get the guy to quit while geeing up the rest of the crowd. “All the people down the front tell the people at the back to ‘Die Die Die… my bride!’ he yells as the band grind into the song…
Today’s set includes two new songs, and we can report that both are killer kitsch rock rippers. The first, set for legendary status is called ‘The Devil Made Me Do It… And I’ll Do It Again’ while the second is the set closer, a crowd sing along gem ‘I Love to Say Fuck’. Wednesday grabs his big black umbrella, emblazoned with the word FUCK, Eric, Acey, and Joey are going crazy, jumping up and down in unison, Ghoul is all arms and legs behind the kit while Wednesday is right down in the crowd’s face urging them to stick their fingers in the air and yell ‘Fuck!’. It looks great to watch. “It isn’t choreographed,” says Wednesday later. “Everything’s pretty much spontaneous. There are some things like we all jump on an ascent in the music or whatever but everything else is stuff that just happens on stage.”
They (sic) crowd are almost passing out from the combination of frenzied activity and the extreme heat, but still manage to scream out for more as the band leave the stage. “A lot of people don’t know that’s what drives a show,” explains Wednesday about his relationship with the audience. “You have to make fans feel part of the event and I think we do it better than anyone else.”
The band then jump back into the van for the two minute trip back to their dressing room behind the main stage. When they get back there the guys are all super hyped up. Excitedly buzzing around their dressing room, drinking beers, telling jokes. Joey is busy analysing the gig, and the BDO circus in general. He and Wednesday have got an interview to do with Australian TV scheduled for 8:45pm. It’s almost 9pm and Joey has another issue: “I want to eat! I must eat before I talk!” he exclaims. The interview is postponed for 20 minutes.
Bass player Eric is hanging around, so I grab him for a quick chat. Of all the Murderdolls, Eric seems the shyest but is probably the one most up for anything, especially if it is party related. He may only be small, (even in his Ace Frehley six-inch platforms he’s still barely average height!) but he’s a true rock’n’roller with a party attitude to match. “‘Machine Gun Fellatio’ that’s a cool fuckin’ name,” he squeaks discussing some of the other bands on the BDO bill. And he does squeak, kinda, like annoying Brit ‘comedian’ Joe Pasquale.
I bring up the fact that esteemed record producer, Nick Launey (Silverchair, INXS) was side of stage watching the show and had an interesting story to tell me about Eric. “I think I know where this is going,” smiles Eric slyly. “I met him about two years ago in LA at a party and we were all fucked up. I got dragged down three flights of stairs by my hair and he reckoned it was the biggest rock’n’roll moment of ‘00 for him. First impressions count, man.”
“It was so rock’n’roll!” Launey informs me later. “It was the launch of Orgy’s album and they had these models dressed as prostitutes lying on a bed and Eric jumps up on the bed with them, which of course you weren’t allowed to do. So the bouncers are dragging him out by his hair, kicking and screaming, down the stairs. His head was literally bouncing down each stair like a cartoon character and all the while he’s just got his middle fingers up on each hand and is yelling out ‘Fuck You!’, ‘Get Fucked!’, ‘Fuck you, mind the hair!’ Somehow he got back into the party and I asked him ‘how’s your head?’ and he just said “Whaddya mean?” - it was just so rock’n’roll!”
Eric has pre-arranged with their tour driver to take him over to the Boiler Room, where the BDO’s electronica acts are playing. He wants to see German electronic innovators Kraftwerk. “One of the bands I was in before the Murderdolls was very digital and computer based,” he reveals. “Kraftwerk don’t do a lot of live shows and I don’t think I’ll ever get the opportunity to see them again. They’re pretty important to the genre and even if I catch just 10 minutes of their set I think it will be worth coming over. A short ride through the back entrance, we arrive at the Boiler Room and manage to get in, via a bit of a labyrinth, through the backdoor and into the main arena just at the side of the stage. The Kraftwerk guys are standing robot-like in front of their computers while the huge dome-like venue is dripping with sweat from the 10.000+ strong punters who have basically been locked in the room all day listening (sic) the dance bands. We get a good vantage point but after about five minutes we’re leaving. “Jeez! That was the most boring piece of crap I’ve seen!” exclaims Eric when he gets back to the dressing room. “But it was worth going because I scored some drugs!”
Acey’s just hanging around backstage with his camera and a little doll from The Nightmare Before Christmas. He has a ritual where he takes a photograph of the doll in front of landmarks all around the world. “I have him in front of the Eiffel Tower for instance,” he says. “The other day I took a pic of him in front of the Sydney Opera House.” And with that he takes a photo of the doll sitting in front of a sign that says ‘Sleazy’. Hmmm. Odd man.
Acey and Eric are loving every minute of the Murderdolls ride. They’re both on their first trip to Australia and according to both of them it is (sic) has been “Cool as hell!” “The Gold Coast was really on,” says Eric. “It’s been kinda mellow since we got to Sydney because we’ve had four or five days off before this show so we’ve just been trying to find out what’s been going on. It’s been building gradually… and we’ve been partying a lot – maybe too much,” he adds sheepishly. Rick the tour manager – who’s passing by – agrees: “Yep, they’ve been very naughty boys – they’ve got to go to bed early tonight with no supper,” he jokes.
“He knows we’re the most dangerous band on the tour,” counters Eric. It’s a fact that seems to deter any other bands partying with the Murderdolls too. “The only band that has even reached out to us are the guys in Jane’s Addiction, in particular, Dava Navarro,” offers Acey. “He actually came out of his way to come over and introduce himself. And pretty much comes up and talks to us everyday he sees us along with the drummer, Steven [Perkins]. Everyone else is just kinda like, ‘What’s Up?’ Maybe it’s because we don’t look like we’re the most approachable band. Then again no-one has done anything to piss us off at all.”
No one may be talking to the Murderdolls but there is talk of the Murderdolls all over BDO. Most centres around their appearance with most Australian musical luminaries agreeing the band are the best dressed at the festival. One member of Aussie band the Resin Dogs even goes as far as to say, “The Murderdolls rock the wardrobe”. Acey is kinda flattered but non-plussed by the comments. “What image?” he exclaims. “This is how we are all day! Obviously we knock it up a notch for the show but this is the real thing. We don’t care if people like us as sexual deviants or not, but one thing’s for sure – they’ll fucking remember us.”
Big Ben Graves strides over to join us at the table. “Did I hear the words sexual deviant?” he announces in his deeply rounded US accent. “I’ve always been like that! Some people have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other – I just two devils. There is NO voice of reason!”
We ask him if he has had any interesting adventures since he’s been in Australia and then instantly regret it…
“Dude, it has been nothing but interesting adventures. For instance last night, he (indicating Eric) he almost screwed a one-armed girl!”
“She had three tits and one arm,” giggles the dimunitive (sic) bassist.
“Yeah. It was weird,” continues the Ghoul, “one of her arms was like a stump and it looked like it had a nipple on it. I must admit I almost fucked her just for the freakiness of it.”
And with that starter for 10, the Ghoul is off. He starts ranting on with these sick freak jokes that crack everyone up and inside a minute you get a window to his personality. “Our drummer is one bona fide sick fuck,” jokes Wednesday of him later. “He stills (sic) freaks us out. I’ll just look at him sometimes and say to myself, ‘holy shit, dude, what planet are you from?’”
“It was weird on the Gold Coast,” says Eric, picking up on the tour adventure thread. “The girls there were the hottest chicks I had ever seen in my life but by the same token I had never got as much shit for the way I look than I have there as well. It was like two opposite poles. At first it was, ‘hey freak, where’s the funeral?’ and the next was, ‘sit down have a drink with us.”
“As far as people looking at you weird, I found Sydney is where I got the stares,” admits the Ghoul. “Sydney sucks! Although we did have some girls staking out our hotel which was pretty funny and I did have an over-zealous fan thrown out of the bar. The guy was just touching me a little more than he should and I didn’t like it,” he says animatedly. “I was like, ‘man, don’t make me waste this perfectly good bottle of Heineken by breaking it over your head. I’ve done it before’. Eric looks at him and says, “yeah he has!” But he was on something. I remember thinking ‘I want whatever he’s on… times ten!”
“I gotta say though, the Sydney crowd today was one of the best crowds we’ve had so far,” offers Acey as he joins the throng. “It was insane. It is good for us this tour, because the kids don’t know what we are all about yet so we have to prove ourselves. By the end of the set they all had their hands in the air.”
By this time Joey and Wednesday have finished their feed and their hastily re-scheduled interview and are looking for some more mischievous fun for themselves. “First of all, I’m going to go back over to the stage we played because there are a lot of kids hanging around over there still wanting to see us,” explains Joey. “Then after that, I’m gonna go directly where ever (sic) the free drinks are at…” Suddenly, Eric’s doubled over in the doorway of the dressing room. It’s been 45 minutes since he visited Kraftwerk in the Boiler Room and the pharmaceuticals are beginning to take effect. We ask if he’s OK. “Yeah man, I just think I’m gonna spew!” he grins. The rest of the band are baiting him ceaselessly.
“C’mon chuck it up man!” they urge and all crack up laughing together.
In the middle of all the commotion Wednesday is taking a piss in the corner of the dressing room. The place is a wreck: there are empty bottles of booze, food scrapes (sic), squashed fruit, hairdryers, make-up, boots, clothes (black and red if (sic) course) and of course a giant mirror. Wednesday is actually pissing into a bottle of Corona. At the same time I am just about to pick up my freshly opened bottle of Corona from the table which is besides (sic) a now suspicious looking bottle. “Yeah I always piss in the empty bottles,” giggles Wednesday. And then I leave ‘em on the table just to piss off anyone who might want to grab some of our rider or whatever. Just be careful just to get bottles from down there in the ice box, he laughs mischievously. Suddenly the oddly warm bottle in my hand seems less than appealing…
As the clock turns 1am the only people left at the stadium are the cleaners, the roadies and the still-partying Murderdolls. Last to leave, the van is parked just outside the dressing room and all I can see through the opened door is the Ghoul chucking around a baguette, now baked hard as a rock over the course of the stifling hot day. “Look at this - it could be used as a weapon to seriously maim you!” he screams bouncing the French loaf off the wall. A post vomit Eric cracks up, as the two hold a mock baguette joust oblivious to the outside world. They eventually make off back to their hotel room in the city, but don’t hang there for too long. The weekend lights of Sydney beckon and they cruise down William street in King’s Cross, to an underground rock venue called Club 77. It’s glam night, just their crowd and they spend the wee hours of the morning hanging out with fans and getting stuck into the sauce with a vengeance. Australia has officially been Murderdolled!
Blood and Glitter
Gavin Braddeley charts the rise of shock rock
Glam is hard evidence that what goes around comes around. Long dismissed as the definitive climax of 70s bad taste, in recent years glam rock has arisen from the grave, albeit with a veil of cobwebs draped over its original dusting of glitter. Originally a violent reaction to the 60s happy fad for all things natural, worthy, meaningful and drab, glam was all about being deliberately artificial, selfish, throwaway and garish.
In the States Alice Cooper was impaling baby dolls and throwing blood bottles around the stage from ‘70 onwards culminating in the vaudeville theatrics of the ‘Welcome To My Nightmare’ album/tour of ‘76.
Back in the UK, the Glam pioneer was lame pop pixie Marc Bolan (sic), photogenic frontman with T-Rex, who caused a sensation when he took to the stage on Top of the Pops in ‘71 with glitter under his eyes, clad in what looked suspiciously like drag. Never one to miss a trick, the lizard-like David Bowie soon jumped from the hippy ship to take on his otherworldly Ziggy Stardust persona.
The older generation may have thought that smearing make-up on your face and covering your clothes in sequins made you look like a ‘pooftah’. Alice Cooper got around this by replacing Glam’s overt ‘fagginess’ with ghoulish melodrama, prompting one critic to observe that Americans were more comfortable with necrophilia than homosexuality. And then came Kiss. Gene Simmons’ monstrous blood vomiting, fire breathing ‘Demon’ persona enslaved an entire generation of US children crossing Glam’s theatricality with heavy metal machismo to create one of the most influential bands in rock music history.
W.A.S.P. and Mötley Crüe supercharged Kiss’s sleaze and violence quotient to spectacular effect in the 80s, and provide the missing link between Glam and the Murderdolls, who happily cite the back-combed bad boys as a large part of their creative DNA. The chief inheritor of the Glam tradition in the last decade, however, is cross-dressing controversialist Marilyn Manson. Bowie may have metaphorically murdered his creation Ziggy Stardust in the summer of ‘74, while Bolan (sic) died more literally in a car accident three years later, but quarter-of-a-century on, Manson used his own dark arts to conjure their spirit on ‘Mechanical Animals’, his own tribute to pop’s most decadent decade.
Dead… and loving it!
The Murderdolls’ five favourite movie death scenes of all time…
The Murderdolls are proof positive that nothing gets some folks’ creative juices flowing quite so freely as a truly delicious cinematic death scene. Joey and Wednesday have a few favourites – both carnage connoisseurs identifying the ‘74 classic power toolfest The Texas Chainsaw Massacre as the gory cream of the crop – a movie currently being remade with a certain Mr. Manson in the soundtrack composer’s chair. (As a curious aside, you never actually see the girl hung on the hook – just a shadow – but such is the film’s sordid impact that most viewers swear you do!)
Joey 1. Texas Chainsaw Massacre “The girl on the hook.”
2. Friday The 13th Part IV “When the knife comes through the bed and impales the chick.”
3. The Exorcist “When the priest is hucked out through the plate glass window.”
4. A Nightmare on Elm Street “Where the girl is getting dragged across the rooftop.”
5. Necromancy “Where a group of devils and monsters take a girl apart.”
Wednesday 1. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre “The girl on the hook.”
2. Dawn of the Dead “When the spiked ball comes down and rips the guy’s head apart.”
3. Phantasm “A silver ball hits the guy in the head and sucks out all his brains.”
4. Hellraiser “Where (sic) the end sequence where the guy is being chased by all these hooks. They attach themselves to him and rip him apart.”
5. Nightmare On Elm Street “Where Freddy rips out the guy’s veins and uses them like strings controlling a puppet.”
Schlock n’ Roll
B-movie classics that have influenced shock rockers of now and then…
Some horror movies are best watched not so much with your tongue in your cheek, as thrust firmly through it, films that by accident or design are more about fun than fear. The same could be said of numerous horror loving bands, including the Murderdolls, where an ‘everyday is Halloween’ ethos prevails. Here are a few examples of B movie blood fests which may not have won any Oscars, have been paid tribute to by schlock loving bands over the years…
Plan 9 From Outer Space (1957) It is no surprise that the mother-of-all cult movies inspired the mother-of-all cult bands, and when Glenn Danzig created a label to release early Misfits material he dubbed it ‘Plan 9’. Frequently voted the worst movie of all time with its ludicrous script, mind bogglingly bad special effects, cardboard sets, and even more cardboard artistry, Plan 9 From Outer Space is irresistibly entertaining. Directed by the cross-dressing caliph of crap Ed Wood Junior, featuring proto-goth babe Vampira and Bela Lugosi (dying of drug addiction, he was replaced mid production by a stand-in who looks nothing like him).
The Abominable Dr Phibes (1971) Featuring horror cinema’s kind of camp Vincent Price as the fiendish Phibes, avenging the death of his wife using maniacal methods borrowed from the biblical plagues, all against wonderful, strangely psychedelic sets. Also possessed of a strange psychedelic sensibility are punk pioneers the Damned, though in the 80s, lead singer Dave Vanian’s horror sensibilities took centre stage, attracting a goth following. The 80 track ‘13th Floor Vendetta’ is a classic example of the band’s game-topping which, if you listen carefully, is all about ol’ Doc Phibes.
Mars Attacks! (1996) Director Tim Burton’s tribute to the drive-in shockers of the 50s and 60s, Mars Attacks! was actually based upon a ‘62 series of bubblegum cards, discontinued because of their gruesomely graphic pictures of earthlings being exterminated by alien invaders. As such this inspiration might suggest Mars Attacks! has little by way of plot, but for anyone with a weakness for vintage schlock sci-fi it’s a true Technicolor treat. This must certainly include the Misfits and when they reformed, they did so without the blessing of founder Glenn Danzig, but with their monster movie obsessions intact – among a multitude of horror movie tributes on their ‘97 comeback album ‘American Psycho’ was ‘Mars Attacks’ (and even an instrumental coincidentally titled ‘Abominable Dr Phibes’!)
I Was A Teenage Werewolf (1957) The drive-in movies of the 50s and 60s typically featured juvenile delinquents or monsters, and this bargain-basement effort delivered both in one lurid package. Before becoming ‘Pa’ on TV’s Little House on the Prairie Michael Landon stars as a troubled teen – though when he starts growing hair in strange places, it’s more than just hormones to blame. A howl from beginning to end, Teenage inspired a number on ‘Songs the Lord Taught Us’, the ‘80 debut from drive-in movie loving ghoulish rockers The Cramps.
Murder, mayhem and a right old mess
Minging Murderdoll tales from the Big Day Out
Who is the messiest Murderdoll of them all? Wednesday: “That would be Eric and The Ghoul. They are just messy as fuck. But you know you’ve just got to get used to living with these people. We’ve been on the road since July. You live on a bus for six weeks which means you’ve got (sic) live in everyone else’s shit.”
Who is the tidy anal doll? Joey: “No-one. We’re all pretty fuckin’ messy.” Wednesday: “I just took two garbage bags of mess out of my room. And just put it in the hallway. Just full of chicken bones and beer bottles and all sorts of shit like that, it was just smelling really bad so I had to get rid of it.”
So you do that yourself? Wednesday: “I don’t let the cleaning staff come into my room and tidy up. I put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign for the whole week I am there.” Joey: “The housekeepers are scared shitless to come into our rooms anyway so we keep it easy for them and put the ‘Do Not Disturb” signs up the whole time. They are going to be so scared to come into our rooms and clean up after we’ve been there for a fuckin’ week!”
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samaraannhan20 · 1 year
Harry Styles Imagine: College AU! Spring Break
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A/N: I definitely rushed the ending of this, but I’ve been working on it since my spring break and never finished it so I wanted to give it some type of ending. 
Warnings: fem!reader, college!reader, slight sexual references
“How was the concert last night H?” I ask Harry over the phone as I sit on the couch, browsing netflix and trying to find something to watch. 
“It was good. I’m excited for the last two concerts, one here and the one in Auckland. Plus, you’re on spring break now, which means I can just call you whenever,” he says, and I can tell that he’s smiling, even though I can’t see him. “By the way, I figured you hadn’t eaten yet, because you’re you,” and I hear him laugh over the phone. “So I ordered you some food. It should be there soon.”
“Oh, okay. Sounds good. I didn’t really want to have to wash dishes anyway. Plus I just cleaned the kitchen today. What’d you order me?”
“It’s a surprise. You’ll see when it gets there,” he says, and then he asks me what I’m going to turn on. 
“I’m not sure yet. I checked out some of the Bridgerton books at the library, so I might watch that. Or there’s a new season of Outerbanks to watch,” I say, and then hear something besides his voice come through the phone, and he carries on a conversation with the other person.
 “Oh, darling,” he says when he stops talking to the other person, “I have to go. It’s almost final check time. I bet whatever you pick will keep you entertained. I’ll text you when the show is over, because I know you’ll be asleep by then. I love you.”
“I love you too H. Have an amazing show,” I tell him, before hanging up the phone. I lay back on the couch, and turn on Bridgerton as I relax and bask in the feelings of being on spring break. I don’t even make it halfway through an episode before there’s a knock on my door.  I slowly get up and go answer the door, and when I open it, it’s not the food I was expecting. “Sarah?”
“Hey! How are you?” she replies as she steps through the door, giving me a hug, before making her way to the kitchen because she has a bag of takeout. 
“Good, but what are you doing here?”
“Haz asked me to bring you some take out, I brought your favorite.”
“Oh, okay,”  I say, and sit down next to her as we eat dinner together. We make small talk between bites, and before long we’re done and just talking. 
“Right, well. Time to start packing,” she says as she stands up. 
“Pack for what Sarah? I’m not going home for spring break this year,” I tell her, a little confused about what’s happening. 
“Oh right,” she says around the mouthful of food she just shoved in her mouth. “I’m supposed to give you,” she pauses as she digs around in her purse. “This envelope. H sent it to Mitch and I’s house, with instructions to give it to you.” She hands the envelope to me, and I excitedly rip it open. 
Dear Y/N, 
Happy spring break my love! I’m so glad you get to take a break from your studies. 
Now, I know that you aren’t going home, and that you were planning to use this week to read a bunch of books and take a break from your homework. But I thought “I have the money. Why don’t I fly my love out to me in Australia, and then fly her back to school from Bangkok?” 
So, that’s what I did. If I timed it right, Sarah will be forwarding the email with your tickets to you right now. You fly out *your* midnight tonight. You have three hours to pack and will still make it to the airport with enough time to make it through security with an hour to sit before your flight (just how I know you like it.) Now, get to packing. I’ll see you when you get here.
All my love, 
Your H
“Sarah, what the fuck did I just read?”
“What do you mean? Check your phone, the tickets are there. Come sit down and eat and  I’ll get your suitcase out. Same place as last time?” I numbly nod my head, as I grab my phone and look at the tickets. I’m scrolling through the email, and then I quickly pull up Harry’s number and call him. 
“Hi darling. I’m guessing you got my gift?” he says, rather snugly, when he answers the phone. 
“Yeah I did. Harry, you didn’t have to do this,” I say, with absolute shock coming through my voice. 
“I know I didn’t. But I miss you, and I figured what better time for you to come visit than when you’re on spring break,” he says, and I can hear that he deeply means it. 
“H, I don’t even know what to say. I can’t believe you did this. I’m so excited I can barely see straight. I love you so much.”
“You don’t have to say anything. Just start packing. I’ll see you in the afternoon. I love you too. I have to get back to work now, love.” 
“Okay Harry. I’ll see you soon,” I say, and then hang up. “Got that suitcase out Sarah?” I shout, before heading in the direction of the bedroom. 
As I pull my carry-on through the airport, I’m constantly shocked by just how different this airport is from the ones in America. I finally find my way to the baggage claim, and grab my bag as soon as I see it. I then turn around and look for Jeff, because Harry had told me he was going to pick me up. I finally spot him with a sign that has my name on it, shake my head, and make my way towards him.
“Hey Jeffrey,” I say as I get to where he is standing. “Any chance my boyfriend is in the car that is waiting for us?”
“Hi Y/N,” he says with an eye roll, “Nice to see you too. I’ve been great, thanks for asking.”
“Oh sorry Jeffey. How are you? Are you enjoying Australia? It’s so nice to see you. Now, is my boyfriend in that car?”
“Since you were rude, you’ll just have to wait. Here, I can take your suitcases,” he says as he grabs the handles from me. 
“Jeff, if Glenne was waiting in the car you would want to know,” I say to him as I trail behind him.
“Not going to work, Y/N. You’ll find out in approximately 50 feet,” he says with a roll of his eyes as he keeps walking ahead of me. I decide to give up and we walk in silence the rest of the way to the car. When we get to the car, I open up the boot for Jeff, and help him put my suitcases in, not noticing a familiar head of hair in the back seat. I walk around the car to get into the front, and notice Nyoh sitting there. I smile and wave at her, before opening the back door. As soon as I do I’m tackled by a body that yanks me into the car.
“Harry quit it!” I exclaim as I laugh while he peppers kisses all over my face. He plants one right on my lips, before pulling away. 
“Were you surprised?” 
“No, Jeff refusing to say anything gave it away,” I start as I settle into my seat, which was difficult because Harry still had his arms around me. “If you weren’t here he would have told me right away so that I was over it by the time we got in the car. I’ve been around long enough for your team to learn the ins and outs of my emotions,” I end with a laugh, and then realize I still haven't said hi to Nyoh. “Hey Nyoh, sorry it took me so long to acknowledge your presence. I was attacked as soon as I open the door,” I say, reaching around the back of the seat to give her a hug of sorts. 
“No worries. I’m just glad you’re here now. He wouldn't stop talking about when you were getting here, and how excited you were when Sarah gave you the tickets. Hopefully you being here will make him bearable for the week,” she tells me with a laugh, and while Jeff and I laugh in response, Harry pouts next to me. 
“Excuse me for being excited to see my girlfriend for the first time in a month. We haven’t even been able to call and talk that much because of the time difference,” he says, still pouting, as you pull up to the hotel everyone is staying at. “Now, if you don’t mind, we have 5 hours ‘til sound check, and I’m going to spend some quality time with my girlfriend,” he says as he opens the door, pulls me out of the car, and then circles around back to grab my suitcases out of the boot. He quickly leads me through the hotel and to the elevator, and tugs me  inside, and immediately brings my body flush with his. “Now that we’re alone,” he whispers, before leaning down and kissing me.  We kiss for a while before I have to pull away to breathe. 
“H,” I breathe out, “Someone could see.”
“I don’t care. We’ve been separated for too long,” he says, before pulling me back into another mind numbing kiss. Before I have a chance to pull away again the elevator stops on our floor. “Okay, now I’ll take it somewhere private,” he says to me as he pulls me and my luggage out of the elevator.  I giggle as he pulls me down the hallway to his hotel room, and laugh even harder when he smacks my ass as we enter the room. 
“Harry!” I exclaim as he drops my suitcase handles, and simply tugs me to the bed, shoving me back onto it. He climbs onto the bed and hovers over me, trapping my body between his legs. 
“Hi love,” he says, with a shit-eating grin on his face, and then starts to kiss down my neck. 
“Hi Harry,” I say breathlessly. 
“I missed you,” he says, pausing his trail down my chest and lifting his face to look at me.
“I missed you too Haz,” I say, and stretch my neck out to kiss him. 
“Let me show you how much I missed you?” he asks when we pull away, and I just giggle and nod my head. 
“Good morning,” I hear a voice in my ear as I start to stir awake in the morning. I feel a smile grow on my face, and I blindly turn my face towards the voice. I hear him laugh, and then he kisses me, over and over again. After a few minutes I shove his face away from me, and lift my body up off the bed. I slide over to the edge of the bed, dragging the sheet with me, and stand up, moving towards the shower. 
“Well,” I say, the first word I’ve said all morning, “are you going to come join me in the shower?” and then drop the towel. Harry laughs, and jumps out of bed and runs towards me, and then shoves us both in the direction of the bathroom. 
I’m sitting on the floor in front of the floor length mirror, applying eyeshadow when Harry walks in from the bathroom, after his actual shower that he took after our… shenanigans, in the shower, where he helped wash my hair and body afterwards, before claiming I had to get out or we would have to do the whole thing all over again. 
“What are you doing?” he asks, sitting down behind me and wrapping his legs around my body,  as I use my finger to smear color over my eyelid. 
“The same thing I always do when I do my makeup,” I say with a laugh. “I don't like using brushes for eyeshadow, so I just use my finger. You’ve seen me do my makeup before,” I say with a laugh. 
“Yeah, but never this close. And usually I was getting dressed when you were doing it,” he says, and then leans his head down to kiss my neck, right where he had left a bruise the night before. 
“Harry, I’m almost done,” I say with a laugh, and shove him away. 
“Good. I’ll stop when you’re done. Might want to be quick or you’ll end up with another one of these before we leave,” he says, and then chuckles into my skin. 
“Okay, I’m done,” I say about a minute later, and then scoot forward a little in order to stand up. As I stand, Harry, ever the cheeky boy, smacks my ass and then stands up behind me. 
“Get your shoes on, I want to get coffee before we go to the venue,” he says, and I turn and kiss him before walking over to where my shoes are. 
“You don’t want coffee,” I say with a laugh. “You just know how to keep me happy.” I slip my shoes on and then go to stand in front of the mirror again. “Okay, wait. I have to put a turtleneck under this before we go anywhere,” I tell him, and then slip over to my suitcase, and grab my black turtleneck. I take off my oversized-T, and throw on the turtleneck, and then put the t-shirt back on. “Okay, ready. But can we take a picture in the mirror first?” I ask him, and he throws his head back in a laugh, before mumbling a yes. I grab his arm to wrap around my waist as we stand in front of the mirror and take a picture. I then shove him away and take a picture of myself, to document my outfit for future reference. After I do that, we head out the door, and Jeff meets us by the elevators.
“And we’re here,” Harry says as the car pulls into the venue in Auckland. 
“It’s so big,” I say as we get out of the car and I look up at the venue we’re about to enter.  Harry laughs and pulls me closer.
“You said the same thing about something else earlier,” he whispers in my ear, and I scoff, laugh, and push him away from me. 
“Shut up,” I say laughing, and he just reaches out and grabs me again, pulling me into him. He kisses me on the forehead as we walk through the back entrance of the venue, and keeps his arm wrapped around my neck as we walk through. We walk through the venue and make it to his dressing room before too long. He pulls me in and shuts the door. 
“So what do you think?” he asks as he pulls me to sit on the couch with him. 
“Well, so far all I’ve seen is backstage babe. But it is very impressive,” I say, and then he pulls me onto his lap, and I wrap my arms around his neck. “Harry?”
“Yes darling?”
“I’m so proud of you. You’re such an amazing person, and you’re using your talents for good, getting out there and spreading kindness with every word. And you do it without taking more than a days break,” I say to him, my voice cracking and eyes watering the closer I get to the end of my sentence. I take a second to clear my throat and wipe at my eyes before continuing. “Every day I become even more thankful that you chose me to do this with you. I’m nothing special. I’m just a college student. I was just another fan that you happened to come across while she had a panic attack. It could’ve been anyone else.”
“No,” he states, interrupting me. “No. You are special. And it never could have been anyone else. Something put us in each others lives, because they, or it, knew that we belonged with each other. You are not nothing. You have become the sole reason that I get up in the morning. I love my fans, and I love performing for them, but I would give it all up if it was doing that or losing you. You are the love of my life, and I am so thankful that I came across you that day. I love you, so much.”
“I love you too, H. I can’t imagine life without you.”
He leans down and kisses me, before pulling back and resting his head on top of mine. We sit in silence for a few minutes, until a knock comes to the door.
“H,” I  hear from the other side, before Jeff opens it. “Sound check time. Let’s go.” Harry groans and kisses me one more time before getting up and heading out the door. 
“Do I have to go home now?” I ask as we pull up to the airport and see the plane that is waiting to take me back to America.
“Yes. Spring break is over,” Harry says, kissing me gently and then resting his forehead on mine. 
“How many days until I get to see you again?” 
“I don’t remember exactly. But your plane leaves the day after your last final. And there’s only like four or five weeks left. It’ll pass by before you know it,” he tells me, not letting go of me. 
“I’ll call every night,” I say, looking up at him. 
“I’ll answer every night. Now, I love you. Go get on your plane before I decide you can’t leave,” he says, and kisses me one more time before reaching behind me to open my door. 
“I love you,” I say, not moving, and kissing him again. “Five weeks. I’ll see you in five weeks.”
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sunmontuewrites · 3 months
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I did not test positive for Covid. Yay! I got up at 5am Thursday and drove to work in Auckland all day which was a very long freaking day. Then the last 36 hours have been chilled out relaxing and pampering and eating good food.
Went out for lunch yesterday and Uncle Wax (who flew in from London and arrived home at 6.30am yesterday) made place names for lunch. Ended up being 7 of us for lunch, three of whom are doctors. It's weird being an adult and having friends who are surgeons, pediatricians etc.
Introduced Uncles Wax and Max and their flatmate to Ted Lasso as well. Am having a good relaxing and recharging weekend while getting messages from Hubs about the chores as they do them. 💛
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marismoments39 · 1 month
NPA here! I went to visit my sister! She lives in California.... Like the movies... It was very fun. I got to see a cable car and eat good food. Hooray! Ever since I've been so busy but it was worth it hehe. Hope you get to eat something tasty with someone fun soon. I give you a handmade fortune cookie from my trip 🥠
Woah!! yay! that's so cool!! I hope you enjoyed your trip! you definitely did from the sounds of it!!
speaking of cable cars and travels to far places, I'M GOING TO WELLINGTON THE NEXT SHORT SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!! that's our capital!! I live in Auckland though (in New Zealand. did I ever mention that? probably..?!)
I'm going to visit my girlfriend! And I'm staying for a WEEK!!!!!
and she said she'll take me to a cable car too
still don't know what that is!
but yes! glad you're doing great!!
also, by the way~ I'm thinking of starting to post on/use tumblr again!! Not that I ever made a conscious decision to stop, things just happened like that!!!! But yes I am thinking of making a dazzling return to my beloved tumblr!
Thanks for the ask~
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tiredeyes1975 · 2 months
everything i ate in auckland besides hotel food 🍽️
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on monday i had honey lemon ginger tea and fruits for breakfast, and there was a NANDOS so i had to get that since there isnt a restaurant in LA. and for dinner i had shrimp wonton soup :)
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on tuesday i had lamb and chicken on rice with hummus, sweet chili sauce, and garlic yoghurt from a kebab place… soooo fucking good. also had baklava. then wednesday i had birria tacos which i was surprised actually tasted like sthn from home. on thursday i split an egg tart and a mince and cheese pie with my mom. both were so good.. the pastry was just the right texture and the egg tart was the right amt of sweet
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after my last competition on friday, i could finally eat the food that a singer cant have!! so for lunch i got chicken namtok (spicy) and for dessert i had hokey pokey ice cream from giapo’s… ice cream sooooooooo good
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on saturday i had pho and chicken skewers. they were alright but not as good as the vietnamese place i usually go to
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at the airport i tried l&p but i didnt know it was carbonated (i didnt read the bottle 😬) so i gave it to my mom. and i tried a tuna melt on gluten free bagels from best ugly bagels, not bad! and now im home :)
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aonoexpat · 8 months
I can barely believe it, but dear friends, I am writing to you from Auckland International Airport. The time has come, as I knew it would, but it still hurts like hell!
I spent my last days in Wellington figuring out how I was going to get here, saying goodbye to all my loved ones, organising and packing all of my stuff, finishing my scrap book, gifting gifts to people and receiving some too, working my last shifts, spending some time in nature...
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...cocooning with movies and good food, enjoying the summer sun and heartfelt conversations, collecting signatures, ticking the last things off my to do list, and weirdly, barely crying. I was so focused on the process, on getting all my things in order, that I felt like I had quite a grip on myself emotionally. I knew the final goodbye would be sad, but because I hadn't really taken the time to feel my feelings, when it finally came it hit me hard.
About twelve hours ago my housemates and an old friend of mine finished up dinner (that they insisted on paying for despite my protests, y'all are too kind ♥), and they all walked me to the InterCity bus together. Even during boarding I managed to hold it together, but as soon as the doors were about to close I felt like they were going to cut me off from a lifeline. Like I was going to be a lonely little kid, being shipped away from her family. Because that is what these people have come to feel like. They have shown me the most incredible kindnesses over the past year, and I will never forget that.
I had read the most terrible reviews online of the InterCity bus, but I guess I lucked out, because it was perfectly fine and comfortable! The aircon was on, I had all the charging ports I could wish for, I had a little table, and an empty seat beside me (that I could justify claiming for my bags because I had to buy an extra ticket in order to be allowed to bring my second suitcase). I spent some time allowing myself to cry and mentally say goodbye, listening to Westlife, and then I played some Minecraft on my laptop before switching to a scary movie. Once I started getting sleepy I allowed myself to drift off. Sleeping was a little uncomfortable and I wasn't all that successful, but I got at least a couple of hours in!
The bus ran exactly on time, which means that I am now at the airport in Auckland waaaayyyy too early. I had prepared for a cancelled or heavily delayed bus, so this is a pleasant surprise. I'm now watching the sunrise from the international departures area, taking some time to sit down and drink water and eat a little. The sleep deprivation is already affecting me, so I'm mentally buckling up for the plane rides to come. For now I've dropped my luggage off at a secure place, and I'll soon head into the city to meet up with a friend and kill some time!
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junow-honours · 11 months
Forgot to post this earlier, went to the ‘Gothic Returns’ exhibition at the Auckland Art Gallery, and the ‘Medieval Manuscripts’ exhibition at the Auckland Library! Thanks Phoebe for going with me, this was such an awesome experience and I plan to go again soon- specifically to the gothic exhibition, it has etchings from Goya, beautiful!
Gothic Returns: Fuseli to Fomison
“This exhibition explores the persistent appeal of ‘the gothic’, a broad term that embraces some of the most darkly charismatic imagery ever produced. Incorporating all things febrile, esoteric, sombre and downright scary, this nebulous genre has its origins in the late 18th century British Romantic movement. First defined by thee medievalising novels of Horace Walpole (1717-1797) and the disturbingly sensual paintings of Swiss artist Henry Fuseli (1741-1825), it has since proven almost virus-like in its capacity to adapt and thrive across centuries. Whatever outward form it assumes, the gothic has also shown itself remarkably true to its essential character: ominous moods, unsettling themes and a melancholy engagement with the past.”
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(Above left) Barry Cleavin, NZ, Menage a trois, etching and photo-engraving
“Inspired by predecessors such as Francisco Goya, Barry Cleavin utilises historical imagery to expose society’s dark, seedy underbelly. Both the lean, muscular figure standing in contrapposto pose and the work’s scenic, Neoclassical background are drawn from an 18th-century anatomical manual. Superimposing onto those images a harpy and a group of drowning figures culled from a 19th-century Romanticist depiction of a passage from Dante’s Inferno (1314), Cleavin implies that the Enlightenment project to understand and visualise the interior of the human body is not a disinterested science but a sick and twisted fantasy.”
(Above right) Henry Fuseli, The Serpent Tempting Eve (Satan’s First Address to Eve), 1802, oil on panel
“With its themes of confused morality and seductive evil, Paradise Lost (1667) by the revolutionary poet John Milton (1608-1674) had a profound influence on gothic art and fiction. Henry Fuseli painted numerous subjects from Milton’s poem, including this scene, in which a handsome Satan with the body of a serpent beguiles Eve into eating the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve then persuades Adam to do the same, leading to their expulsion from Paradise. The biblical story of Eve’s gullibility was often used as proof of women’s weaker minds and moral character and to explain their susceptibility to the dark arts of witchcraft.”
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(Above) Ronnie van Hout, Psycho, 1999, house model
“The Victorian mansion, with its too-many rooms, has been imagined time and again as a living tomb for outcasts as it has declined into a forlorn relic of urban and social change. Identified by filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock as a structure that can literally breed insanity, few who have seen his 1960 horror film Psycho can enter such places without a feeling of stifled dread. In an overt nod to the cinematic classic, Christchurch-born Ronnie van Hout’s miniature sculpture of a Gothic villa reclaims the idea of the lonely Victorian mansion as a metaphor for the tormented artist’s mind. Through an upstairs window, the artist can be seen going knife-wielding mad in a tiny film, trapped in a mental and auditory landscape of B-grade horror movie tropes.”
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(Above left) Edmund Sullivan, Persephone, 1906, lithograph
“A century after the birth of ‘the gothic’, an interest in its lurid themes and irrational energy resurfaced in the Symbolist movement and its related decorative style, known as Art Nouveau. The mythological story of Persephone was widely known through Ovid’s Metamorphosis. In it, Persephone, daughter of the goddess of the harvest, is abducted by her uncle Hades while smelling narcissi in the fields of Enna. Enjoyed for its thrillingly transgressive themes of illicit love and the Underworld, in this image British illustrator E J Sullivan exploits the erotic tension of two bodies merging into one continuous outline as Persephone embraces her lustful captor in a dreamlike ecstasy.”
(Above right) Henry Armstead, Satan Dismayed, circa 1852, bronze
“Henry Armstead’s sculptures captivated proponents of the Gothic Revival in mid-19th-century England. A depiction of a celebrated passage from John Milton’s Paradise Lost (1667), this bronze shows a lithe, sensuously rendered Satan recoiling as the Son of God transforms the Devil’s benighted followers into slithering, serpentine demons. Milton’s Satan was the prototype of many hero-villains in Victorian Gothic novels. Proud, vain and driven by a perverted desire to corrupt and destroy others, he is here insidiously portrayed as a figure of alluring, angelic beauty.”
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sylphidine · 2 years
[ROTG] Help Me To Dream
Happy holidays to the RISE OF THE GUARDIANS fandom!
This is my ROTG Stocking Stuffer fill for prompt#38... Sandy's Christmas eve rounds
Rowan Castillo loved her job. 
As one of the volunteer coordinators for the “NORAD Tracks Santa” operations center, once a year she got to gently wrangle people, changing a ragtag group of strangers into a lean, [not] mean, answering-phones-and-email machine.
She had been managing a twelve-hour shift of six two-hour volunteer slots for the past ten years. Starting at 4AM Mountain Time, the Santa trackers answering phone calls and emails would cover “Santa landings” in the Pacific Rim and Japan; the midday to mid-afternoon shifts would track “Santa stops” in Asia and Africa; and the night shifts would cover “Santa sightings” in Europe and the Americas. 
This year Rowan planned to stagger her own slots so that she would be on four hours, off four hours, and so on. That meant she could have her metaphorical finger on every continent on her watch, including the various research stations in Antarctica, not to mention the International Space Station. She intended to take full advantage of the breakroom, in order to catch catnaps and eat snacks to keep herself going. It meant a long, long workday at NORAD, spanning the full eighteen hours that the Santa Tracking Team operated, but she loved it and looked forward to it every year.
All volunteers had been coached with answers to frequently asked questions, including those about the International Date Line and whether Santa Claus could time-travel.  Under Rowan’s supervision, each 2-hour shift involved between twenty and twenty-five people each, equally divided between phone banks and laptop stations.  
Some of the returning volunteers on Rowan’s crews wore special red ribbons embroidered with the words “I BELIEVE” in gold thread.  These volunteers were extra-well-prepared for the burning question that had sprung up in 2012 during Rowan’s very first Christmas at NORAD. 
A question repeated every year since, by many, many children around the world.
“Is the Sandman following Santa?”
The answer to that, of course, was “No, Santa is following HIM.”
Sanderson Mansnoozie woke up with a belligerent starfish plastered to his face. It wriggled impatiently to get his attention.
All right, all right. I know what day it is.  And what time it is, too.
One last yawn, one last stretch, and then he was ready for this night’s work. 
He shaped his dreamsand into his oft-favored biplane, weaving himself a pair of goggles and a jaunty aviator’s scarf in the process.
Sandy’s route every Christmas Eve both paralleled that of Nicholas St. North and surpassed it. The Sandman had the job of granting dreams to every soul on Earth who *could* dream; he paid no real attention to mankind’s imaginary borders, and he bestowed dreams on adults as well as children.  But on this night he enjoyed sharing his own gift with his fellow Guardian.  He made sure that those who believed in an immortal gift-giver who traversed the world in one night would be asleep and dreaming sweet dreams while North spread his wonder and good cheer.
It tickled North’s fancy that among his first stops each year were two places that some humans had dubbed Christmas Island, and thus it tickled Sandy’s fancy to give the sleepers of Flying Fish Cove and Tabwakea visions of swooping bats and playful goats, all crafted in golden dreamsand. 
The dreamweaver’s biplane left golden swirls and curlicues in his wake at each stop in the Pacific Rim… Auckland, Cairns, Port Moresby, Denpasar, Manila, Singapore, Bandar Seri Begawan, Bengaluru, and so, so many more places, both populous and not.
As both Sandy and North started making their respective magic over Tokyo, they started to attract notice from the mortal world.
“There are going to be kids who will tell you ‘I believe, I believe, I believe’, like some kind of mantra,” Rowan had told her newest trainees last week. “All our callers are special, but these ones need particular focus from you in their answers. If they tell you that they can see someone called ‘Sandy’ or ‘the Sandman’, don’t be surprised if you start seeing a special glow on your NORAD chart. It’s not an optical illusion. What it *is*… well, you’ll have to make your mind up about that for yourself.”
The twinkle in Rowan’s eyes became more pronounced as she concluded, “Also, don’t be surprised even you see a glow over spots where traditionally Santa Claus is NOT believed in, like Afghanistan, Algeria, Bhutan, North Korea, Libya, Mauritania, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. There’s a good reason for that. See you all on the 24th!” ___________________________
There were many, many would-be sleepers requiring Sandy’s special skill on this particular Christmas Eve. With equal care he wrapped populous cities like Urumqi, Helsinki and Chicago in shining dreams, as well as scattering his glittering gifts in remote places like Khatanga, Pape’ete, and Babeldaob.
He left dream images of many, many hopeful and soul-cheering things in the minds of those dreamers touched by his tendrils of dreamsand. 
Bottles made of rainbow glass, a comfortable quilt, an unexpected bouquet of flowers, bales and bales of hay that would save one’s cattle from starving. 
A spatula held in a loved one’s hand in a cherished and remembered kitchen, long ago.  
A plush rabbit and a toy top perched on the shelves of a newborn child’s nursery. 
A never-ending bag of popcorn, and all the bananas one could eat. 
A familiar umbrella on a crowded city street, held up by an arm bedecked with bangle bracelets.
A chocolate bar and a comic book, both savored while perched on the wide branch of a gnarled yet sturdy tree.
A worn-out stuffed animal that could have been a hamster, a lion, or a shark at one point in the past, but had been sculpted into a shape that was now unique, with a purpose that made it indispensable, at least in the mind of the child that loved it and couldn’t go to sleep without it.
All these dreams, and many, many millions more.
The Sandman flew on through the night, sometimes beside North’s sleigh as they conversed, but more often ahead of the Guardian of Wonder. 
And below their conjoined and separate flight paths, the world slept more peacefully.
Back at NORAD, Rowan Castillo answered her last “Santa tracker” phone call at ten minutes before midnight. She told a breathlessly giggling child in Denmark, where it was already Christmas morning, that Santa was currently flying over Adak Island on his way back to the North Pole. 
She removed her headset, stretched her back, and rubbed her tired eyes.  She grinned to see the faintest traces of gold on her fingertips.
I believe, I believe, I believe.
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clivemwilliams · 2 years
New Zealand 2022/23
4th- 7th January
After a great time on the Southlands it was time to drive back to Queenstown enjoying a pleasant lunch stop en route. In the afternoon Lydia took us on the steep drive up to the top of the Remarkable Mountains which overlook Queenstown and feature a number of ski runs. We got a bit concerned half way up when the fuel gauge went into a steep decline before telling us we were empty! We carried on using fumes only in the hope that the descent would be ok.
Once we got to the top, with patches of snow still lying on the highest slopes, we went even further up the mountain to Lake Alta. Fortunately I had remembered to bring my walking poles so was able turbo charge my somewhat previous sluggish performance on earlier mountains and hills! Great views around the lake before getting back in the car and praying that we made it to the petrol station at the bottom of the hill - we did!
On Thursday we went with Ellie and Lydia into Queenstown where we spent the morning pottering around the shops, cafes, and parks before boarding TSS Earnslaw (the oldest steamship in the Southern Hemisphere) for a cruise on the lake, which was really interesting and good fun. In the evening we enjoyed a superb meal of roast lamb with Andrew’s brother and family joining us.
On Friday we visited Arrowtown, an old Chinese gold mining settlement, just outside Queenstown that has been developed into a bit of a tourist centre with plenty of shops and places to eat. After a post lunch walk we moved on to the lakeside close to Andrew’s parents house where Lydia and Ellie went paddle boarding and Judith and I took Alfie, Lydia’s recent addition to the family, (he’s a 5 month old dachshund!) on a lakeside walk. In the evening we played ‘glow in the dark mini golf’ before a farewell meal with Andrew and Lydia at a very nice restaurant in Queenstown.
We are now back in Auckland for a week before flying to Sydney next Saturday. Ellie is going to be at work so we are being let loose on our own to explore the Auckland area which I’m sure will be great fun.
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hamtaro636 · 5 months
Been a while, many things happening? well i do wana talk about my trip back to NZ! i finally went back, and looking back at it now, now that im back in Japan, it rejuvinated me in some way, it was a low key satisfying trip that was good for my health, especially mentally
Just a few things.
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First night in NZ, in Auckland. It was surreal finally being back in NZ and at the same time, felt so comfortable being back in my element. Auckland on a personal level, when i was living there from 2012-2016 was an ok time, i didn't enjoy it, i didn't hate it. but now looking back, it was an important time of my life,the start of my journey to finding myself you say. and i had way way way more fond memories than i had initially thought. Auckland in 2024, felt weird, unsafe and empty. no one was in the CBD not like when i used to live there. Overall was great in my quick stay here
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First night in Wellington, it rained crazy the moment we stepped outside the bus, and it was quite the introduction for my wife, son and mom in law, haha, but man, was it good to be back in Wellington again, the thoght of me living here again, yeah its do able, but the same thoughts that crept up on me while i was living here wanting me to move came back, so its a double edge sword you could say. but yeah, same as Auckland, Courtenay place and manners felt more unsafe, apart from that, felt the same. and it was just soo . .good for my heart, especially mentally. now looking back.
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Finally got to meet my mate John and his fiancee Nao. Actually me and John werent good friends till the late late part of the Auckland era, and we havent really hung out much but yeah its a shame i didnt get to know him better earlier. Anyways, was really awesome to see him and meet his lovely fiancee, its a shame i couldnt eat more of the food
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And yes lastly my family, who i love so much, my everything, im really happy i could take the lead most of the times when it came to restaurants, hotels etc, because they do so much for me in Japan, it was finally my turn to do it in NZ, and maybe that is aprt of the missing piece in Japan, no confidence to do that, but hopefully this starts things off slowly but surely Really happy they enjoyed the trip to NZ and that she even mentioned that she would like to live in NZ if ever, so that makes me wonder, because it was always an option, but the door was pretty closed in terms of it being a reality, but now that she mentioned it, the door is more open than ever. . Overall, this trip hits top 5 of all time for sure. in no order 2011 Gold Coast (Arize) 2008 (Philippines) 2014 (Japan) 2024 (NZ) yeah no5 i dunno, gotta think haha
Thank you NZ, thank you
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Last night, we decided to go to One Tree Grill for dinner. We all had three different main menu plates, in addition to half a dozen oysters and some vegetables on the side (not pictured). We also shared a glass of red wine (not pictured also).
For my part, the main I had a seared duck breast, which came with cranberries, red cabbage gnocchi, kohlrabi and dolce forte sauce.
I loved the duck as it was nice, fresh and tender and everything on the plate complimented it as well. The sauce and cranberries complimented the duck very nicely. What I loved about the cabbage is that it doesn't have a "cabbage" taste, something I don't like. The gnocchi was also really nice.
I loved the oysters to, they were creamy and nice. It was a little pricey, but was still pretty good.
Although the menu is pretty pricey, the food is worth it. Definitely recommended for special occasions, or if you are looking for a great place to eat out with friends or family in the Royal Oak/One Tree hill area in Auckland.
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in-death-we-fall · 1 year
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Six Feet Down Under
Metal Hammer 112, April 2003
Touring and whoring on the other side of the world, Hammer kept a diary of death with the Murderdolls through their residency at Australia’s Big Day Out festival. Shock horror: Mark Hughes. B-movie hero: Tony Mott.
(drive link)
The Big Day Out. The Australian travelling musical circus that steamrolls its way around Australia and New Zealand every winter with the hottest bands on the planet flying from all over the globe to join down under’s best bands in a mayhem filled fortnight. This year’s line-up, features among others, The Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age, Jane’s Addiction, Jimmy Eat World, The Hard Ons and deathglam monstrosities, the Murderdolls. So far, the Mid West (sic) based five-piece outfit have been the cream of the festival, appropriately headlining the ‘Essentials’ stage. This is the band’s first time in the Antipodes and quizzical music fans have crowded to see the much-talked about live set. With Sydney copping the biggest crowds of all the legs on the tour, the band are preparing something special. But at 3pm in the afternoon you wouldn’t know it. Most of the band are still in bed from the night before, well, actually… the week before.
The ‘Dolls have been in Sydney for five days before their Big Day Out show and not finding much to do early on in the week they’ve just been getting down to the (sic) rock’n’roll’s most popular pastime: hard drinking. Drummer ‘Big’ Ben ‘The Ghoul’ Graves and bass player Eric Griffin are recovering from last night’s binge. While singer Wednesday and guitarist Joey Jordison are recovering from the night before the night before. Acey Slade, who maintains his sobriety, but still stays out ‘til dawn, has been up since !!am and is the only one ready for the show. With the band on stage at 7:15pm, things need doing. Staggering through their beer can and ‘paraphernalia’-strewn rooms to the showers, they’re down in their van and on the way out to the Big Day Out site just after 4pm.
Situated at the same place that hosted the Sydney 2000 olympics, the festival facilities are first rate and the sell-out crowd of 52,000 festival-goers are making the most of it. The temperature’s pushing a blistering 35°C and being the middle of a drought-ridden summer in Australia, everything’s dry, dusty and cracked. It’s a good 40-minute drive from the city to the festival and the sun’s stinging in through the van windows. Not big fans of the sunlight, the Murderdolls have got their leather jackets up over their heads to avoid even the slightest hint of a tan.
In the cool, air-conditioned shade of backstage I get to sit down with Joey Jordison and singer Wednesday 13 to gind out how the band are doing after their meteoric rise over the past eight months. Joey is straight down the line, measured and professional. “This si the first Big Day Out for all of us. Slipknot have only been down here once but not that (sic) this festival. This is something I’ve really wanted to play – something I’ve wanted to do for a really long time.”
For Wednesday, this is another notch on his rise as an international rock’n’roller. “It’s awesome,” he says. “I’ve always wanted to be out on the front of a rock’n’roll band at a festival like this. After struggling doing my own band for six years I actually quit my job back in April and I’ve been touring every since. I’ve done all the things I ever dreamed about. I’ve been to Europe three times, Japan twice and here we are now in Australia and that has all been pretty much in the last six months! Holy shit we’re doing some things that some bands have never done!”
“We just checked out the videotape from the Auckland show the other day and fuck man, it was awesome!” enthuses Joey. “People are saying we are pulling the most people to that stage out of everyone. Our band has been doing really well especially since we’ve only been going for a short time. We hope that after the BDO we’ll be able to come back and do some real headlining shows down here. We are having fun though, thinking about it, we’ve never had so many days off between shows before, it’s more like the Big Day Off!”
The band wasn’t supposed to be so idle. Most overseas bands on the BDO bill play a bunch of satellite shows in various cities around the country and for a month prior, the Murderdolls had been slated to perform a Sydney show with fellow US rockers The Deftones. But with very little warning, the Murderdolls were dumped from the bill just before the show. What really pissed off Joey and the lads was a lot of the Murderdolls fans had bought tickets on the basis that the band would be playing but in the end had to watch the Deftones supported by ex-At The Drive-In chancers, Sparta.
Without much choice in the matter the Murderdolls issued a statement on their website apologising to their fans and kept trying to fly their flag with some instore appearances at local record stores. One in particular at Utopia Records, was insane. There was such a roar when the band turned up, they looked truly surprised at the number of kids who had showed up, most dressed in black and red outfits.
“Someone told us there was only going to be about 150 kids, which was supposed to be a good turn-out for Utopia records for a new band,” retells Joey. “But when we turned up there (sic) almost 500! We talked to fans and signed everything that they had. We were there for a good three and a half hours. And at the Channel V interview it was pretty much the same story. Hordes of kids that wouldn’t let us get away.”
“That’s the cool thing with our fans,” explains Wednesday. “We’re not a radio band or an MTV band with this created army of little kids which I think is more pure than being the Number One radio band or liking it because someone tells you to like it. I know that our fans are real. It is really cool to see these hordes of kids show up, they are dressed like us, they know everything about us, it is just awesome.”
Thinking further ahead fans will be please to know the band are not going to let up on the groundswell already created by the Murderdolls. “I have to go back and finish recording some Slipknot stuff,” reveals Joey. “Then we (the Murderdolls) are going to do some more touring. There’s usually a three to four month sort of break between recording and when an album comes out so we are going to tour pretty much all the way from the end of May all the way to maybe the beginning of October. Which will be good because there’ll be less sunlight at that time of year,” jokes Wednesday raising his non-existent eyebrows and throwing his arms, heavily tattooed with b-grade horror heroes, into the air.
As the hot afternoon drifts into an only slightly less simmering evening, there’s a small problem with guitarist Acey. He’s got indigestion. This amounts to a small crisis because first aid officials must follow procedure and administer the medicine. This takes two St. John’s Ambulance men on pushbikes in a five minute ride from their base at the side of the main stadium. Very un-rock’n’roll indeed.
With the gig just 45 minutes away, the boys are pacing around their trailer, having their pics taken for Hammer. Acey inside in front of the mirror still applying the last of his make-up, Ghoul is getting powdered up, Wednesday’s still with the photographer, while Joey’s nervously pacing around, in the trailer, out the trailer, back in… Eric meanwhile is ready for the stage and cracks open the obligatory bottle of Jack Daniel’s. As a Murderdolls ritual, they’re applying the slap, the band have to listen to Kiss. “Must. Have. Kiss.” stipulates Joey. “‘All American Man’! We sometimes change that to ‘All American Ghoul’,” chimes in the Ghoul.
Just 10 minutes before showtime and the long lanky frame of Ben Graves is stretched spider-like up against the dressing room wall. “I’ll be in pain afterwards,” he explains. Wednesday has by now finished his solo shots with Hamer’s photographer. The day is hot enough anyway, and under the photographers lights the heat is even more stifling. ‘Jesus, it’s fucking hot!” exclaims the frontman. “But I don’t mind… I’m a naturally dead person in front of a camera” he laughs.
More Kiss blares out from the dressing room, this time ‘Dr Love’! Then the moment comes: ground fucking zero at the Big Day Out! The band clamber into the van and head around the back way to the Essentials stage. The bottle of Jack’s being passed around as they approach the stage the band take a quick peak (sic) to see how the crow’s building up. It’s the biggest yet, taking up most of the grassy area out the back of the main stadium. Joey – who regularly suffers from pre-gig nerves as his pre-stage vomiting on Slipknot’s ‘Disasterpiece (sic)’ DVD proves in all its technicolour glory – is bricking it.
Five minutes before the band are due to hit the powerchords and the guys are milling around in the wings. Ghoul is banging on some warm-up pads and everyone is getting psyched. They’ve left the Kiss CD backstage so they have to hum ‘All American Man’ together. Then they make their way to the stage.
A couple of huge Murderdolls logos adorn the stage and in an eruption of noise and energy, the Dolls take the stage and instantly kick off with ‘Dawn of The Dead’. Jordison in black leather Gestapo hat is jumping around stage left, Acey is wailing away stage right while Eric bangs away on the bass doing his best Nikki Sixx impression, while the Ghoul wrecks the trap kit. Wednesday is the last to take the stage and screaming, “We are the dead, coming for you!” And the crowd goes fucking wild.
The kids down the front, dressed up in full glam-goth regalia, know every word and sing along fervently with the band while among the throng watching from the side of stage are some of the biggest names in the Australian music industry. Members of bands like 28 days, Machine Gun Fellatio, Cog, Jimmy Eat World, Pre-Shrunk, and Sparta all stand wide eyed and mouths agape at the outrageous rock revisionism being unleashed onstage.
By the time the band have launched into ‘I (sic) Was a Teenage Zombie’, ‘Let’s Go To War’ and ‘Slit My Wrists (sic)’, the crows know what they’re in for. Most who have showed up for curiosity (sic) sake are still hanging around, but if anything the crowd is building and everyone looks like they are right into it having fun. The intro to ‘Twist My Sister’ is a kid’s nursery rhyme ‘Old McDonald’ which gets the whole crowd singing along.
Unbelievably, some lunatic in the crowd starts throwing bangers at the stage, but the fireworks only make it as far as the front row of fans before blowing up in their faces. Wednesday tries to get the guy to quit while geeing up the rest of the crowd. “All the people down the front tell the people at the back to ‘Die Die Die… my bride!’ he yells as the band grind into the song…
Today’s set includes two new songs, and we can report that both are killer kitsch rock rippers. The first, set for legendary status is called ‘The Devil Made Me Do It… And I’ll Do It Again’ while the second is the set closer, a crowd sing along gem ‘I Love to Say Fuck’. Wednesday grabs his big black umbrella, emblazoned with the word FUCK, Eric, Acey, and Joey are going crazy, jumping up and down in unison, Ghoul is all arms and legs behind the kit while Wednesday is right down in the crowd’s face urging them to stick their fingers in the air and yell ‘Fuck!’. It looks great to watch. “It isn’t choreographed,” says Wednesday later. “Everything’s pretty much spontaneous. There are some things like we all jump on an ascent in the music or whatever but everything else is stuff that just happens on stage.”
They (sic) crowd are almost passing out from the combination of frenzied activity and the extreme heat, but still manage to scream out for more as the band leave the stage. “A lot of people don’t know that’s what drives a show,” explains Wednesday about his relationship with the audience. “You have to make fans feel part of the event and I think we do it better than anyone else.”
The band then jump back into the van for the two minute trip back to their dressing room behind the main stage. When they get back there the guys are all super hyped up. Excitedly buzzing around their dressing room, drinking beers, telling jokes. Joey is busy analysing the gig, and the BDO circus in general. He and Wednesday have got an interview to do with Australian TV scheduled for 8:45pm. It’s almost 9pm and Joey has another issue: “I want to eat! I must eat before I talk!” he exclaims. The interview is postponed for 20 minutes.
Bass player Eric is hanging around, so I grab him for a quick chat. Of all the Murderdolls, Eric seems the shyest but is probably the one most up for anything, especially if it is party related. He may only be small, (even in his Ace Frehley six-inch platforms he’s still barely average height!) but he’s a true rock’n’roller with a party attitude to match. “‘Machine Gun Fellatio’ that’s a cool fuckin’ name,” he squeaks discussing some of the other bands on the BDO bill. And he does squeak, kinda, like annoying Brit ‘comedian’ Joe Pasquale.
I bring up the fact that esteemed record producer, Nick Launey (Silverchair, INXS) was side of stage watching the show and had an interesting story to tell me about Eric. “I think I know where this is going,” smiles Eric slyly. “I met him about two years ago in LA at a party and we were all fucked up. I got dragged down three flights of stairs by my hair and he reckoned it was the biggest rock’n’roll moment of ‘00 for him. First impressions count, man.”
“It was so rock’n’roll!” Launey informs me later. “It was the launch of Orgy’s album and they had these models dressed as prostitutes lying on a bed and Eric jumps up on the bed with them, which of course you weren’t allowed to do. So the bouncers are dragging him out by his hair, kicking and screaming, down the stairs. His head was literally bouncing down each stair like a cartoon character and all the while he’s just got his middle fingers up on each hand and is yelling out ‘Fuck You!’, ‘Get Fucked!’, ‘Fuck you, mind the hair!’ Somehow he got back into the party and I asked him ‘how’s your head?’ and he just said “Whaddya mean?” - it was just so rock’n’roll!”
Eric has pre-arranged with their tour driver to take him over to the Boiler Room, where the BDO’s electronica acts are playing. He wants to see German electronic innovators Kraftwerk. “One of the bands I was in before the Murderdolls was very digital and computer based,” he reveals. “Kraftwerk don’t do a lot of live shows and I don’t think I’ll ever get the opportunity to see them again. They’re pretty important to the genre and even if I catch just 10 minutes of their set I think it will be worth coming over. A short ride through the back entrance, we arrive at the Boiler Room and manage to get in, via a bit of a labyrinth, through the backdoor and into the main arena just at the side of the stage. The Kraftwerk guys are standing robot-like in front of their computers while the huge dome-like venue is dripping with sweat from the 10.000+ strong punters who have basically been locked in the room all day listening (sic) the dance bands. We get a good vantage point but after about five minutes we’re leaving. “Jeez! That was the most boring piece of crap I’ve seen!” exclaims Eric when he gets back to the dressing room. “But it was worth going because I scored some drugs!”
Acey’s just hanging around backstage with his camera and a little doll from The Nightmare Before Christmas. He has a ritual where he takes a photograph of the doll in front of landmarks all around the world. “I have him in front of the Eiffel Tower for instance,” he says. “The other day I took a pic of him in front of the Sydney Opera House.” And with that he takes a photo of the doll sitting in front of a sign that says ‘Sleazy’. Hmmm. Odd man.
Acey and Eric are loving every minute of the Murderdolls ride. They’re both on their first trip to Australia and according to both of them it is (sic) has been “Cool as hell!” “The Gold Coast was really on,” says Eric. “It’s been kinda mellow since we got to Sydney because we’ve had four or five days off before this show so we’ve just been trying to find out what’s been going on. It’s been building gradually… and we’ve been partying a lot – maybe too much,” he adds sheepishly. Rick the tour manager – who’s passing by – agrees: “Yep, they’ve been very naughty boys – they’ve got to go to bed early tonight with no supper,” he jokes.
“He knows we’re the most dangerous band on the tour,” counters Eric. It’s a fact that seems to deter any other bands partying with the Murderdolls too. “The only band that has even reached out to us are the guys in Jane’s Addiction, in particular, Dava Navarro,” offers Acey. “He actually came out of his way to come over and introduce himself. And pretty much comes up and talks to us everyday he sees us along with the drummer, Steven [Perkins]. Everyone else is just kinda like, ‘What’s Up?’ Maybe it’s because we don’t look like we’re the most approachable band. Then again no-one has done anything to piss us off at all.”
No one may be talking to the Murderdolls but there is talk of the Murderdolls all over BDO. Most centres around their appearance with most Australian musical luminaries agreeing the band are the best dressed at the festival. One member of Aussie band the Resin Dogs even goes as far as to say, “The Murderdolls rock the wardrobe”. Acey is kinda flattered but non-plussed by the comments. “What image?” he exclaims. “This is how we are all day! Obviously we knock it up a notch for the show but this is the real thing. We don’t care if people like us as sexual deviants or not, but one thing’s for sure – they’ll fucking remember us.”
Big Ben Graves strides over to join us at the table. “Did I hear the words sexual deviant?” he announces in his deeply rounded US accent. “I’ve always been like that! Some people have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other – I just two devils. There is NO voice of reason!”
We ask him if he has had any interesting adventures since he’s been in Australia and then instantly regret it…
“Dude, it has been nothing but interesting adventures. For instance last night, he (indicating Eric) he almost screwed a one-armed girl!”
“She had three tits and one arm,” giggles the dimunitive (sic) bassist.
“Yeah. It was weird,” continues the Ghoul, “one of her arms was like a stump and it looked like it had a nipple on it. I must admit I almost fucked her just for the freakiness of it.”
And with that starter for 10, the Ghoul is off. He starts ranting on with these sick freak jokes that crack everyone up and inside a minute you get a window to his personality. “Our drummer is one bona fide sick fuck,” jokes Wednesday of him later. “He stills (sic) freaks us out. I’ll just look at him sometimes and say to myself, ‘holy shit, dude, what planet are you from?’”
“It was weird on the Gold Coast,” says Eric, picking up on the tour adventure thread. “The girls there were the hottest chicks I had ever seen in my life but by the same token I had never got as much shit for the way I look than I have there as well. It was like two opposite poles. At first it was, ‘hey freak, where’s the funeral?’ and the next was, ‘sit down have a drink with us.”
“As far as people looking at you weird, I found Sydney is where I got the stares,” admits the Ghoul. “Sydney sucks! Although we did have some girls staking out our hotel which was pretty funny and I did have an over-zealous fan thrown out of the bar. The guy was just touching me a little more than he should and I didn’t like it,” he says animatedly. “I was like, ‘man, don’t make me waste this perfectly good bottle of Heineken by breaking it over your head. I’ve done it before’. Eric looks at him and says, “yeah he has!” But he was on something. I remember thinking ‘I want whatever he’s on… times ten!”
“I gotta say though, the Sydney crowd today was one of the best crowds we’ve had so far,” offers Acey as he joins the throng. “It was insane. It is good for us this tour, because the kids don’t know what we are all about yet so we have to prove ourselves. By the end of the set they all had their hands in the air.”
By this time Joey and Wednesday have finished their feed and their hastily re-scheduled interview and are looking for some more mischievous fun for themselves. “First of all, I’m going to go back over to the stage we played because there are a lot of kids hanging around over there still wanting to see us,” explains Joey. “Then after that, I’m gonna go directly where ever (sic) the free drinks are at…” Suddenly, Eric’s doubled over in the doorway of the dressing room. It’s been 45 minutes since he visited Kraftwerk in the Boiler Room and the pharmaceuticals are beginning to take effect. We ask if he’s OK. “Yeah man, I just think I’m gonna spew!” he grins. The rest of the band are baiting him ceaselessly.
“C’mon chuck it up man!” they urge and all crack up laughing together.
In the middle of all the commotion Wednesday is taking a piss in the corner of the dressing room. The place is a wreck: there are empty bottles of booze, food scrapes (sic), squashed fruit, hairdryers, make-up, boots, clothes (black and red if (sic) course) and of course a giant mirror. Wednesday is actually pissing into a bottle of Corona. At the same time I am just about to pick up my freshly opened bottle of Corona from the table which is besides (sic) a now suspicious looking bottle. “Yeah I always piss in the empty bottles,” giggles Wednesday. And then I leave ‘em on the table just to piss off anyone who might want to grab some of our rider or whatever. Just be careful just to get bottles from down there in the ice box, he laughs mischievously. Suddenly the oddly warm bottle in my hand seems less than appealing…
As the clock turns 1am the only people left at the stadium are the cleaners, the roadies and the still-partying Murderdolls. Last to leave, the van is parked just outside the dressing room and all I can see through the opened door is the Ghoul chucking around a baguette, now baked hard as a rock over the course of the stifling hot day. “Look at this - it could be used as a weapon to seriously maim you!” he screams bouncing the French loaf off the wall. A post vomit Eric cracks up, as the two hold a mock baguette joust oblivious to the outside world. They eventually make off back to their hotel room in the city, but don’t hang there for too long. The weekend lights of Sydney beckon and they cruise down William street in King’s Cross, to an underground rock venue called Club 77. It’s glam night, just their crowd and they spend the wee hours of the morning hanging out with fans and getting stuck into the sauce with a vengeance. Australia has officially been Murderdolled!
Blood and Glitter
Gavin Braddeley charts the rise of shock rock
Glam is hard evidence that what goes around comes around. Long dismissed as the definitive climax of 70s bad taste, in recent years glam rock has arisen from the grave, albeit with a veil of cobwebs draped over its original dusting of glitter. Originally a violent reaction to the 60s happy fad for all things natural, worthy, meaningful and drab, glam was all about being deliberately artificial, selfish, throwaway and garish.
In the States Alice Cooper was impaling baby dolls and throwing blood bottles around the stage from ‘70 onwards culminating in the vaudeville theatrics of the ‘Welcome To My Nightmare’ album/tour of ‘76.
Back in the UK, the Glam pioneer was lame pop pixie Marc Bolan (sic), photogenic frontman with T-Rex, who caused a sensation when he took to the stage on Top of the Pops in ‘71 with glitter under his eyes, clad in what looked suspiciously like drag. Never one to miss a trick, the lizard-like David Bowie soon jumped from the hippy ship to take on his otherworldly Ziggy Stardust persona.
The older generation may have thought that smearing make-up on your face and covering your clothes in sequins made you look like a ‘pooftah’. Alice Cooper got around this by replacing Glam’s overt ‘fagginess’ with ghoulish melodrama, prompting one critic to observe that Americans were more comfortable with necrophilia than homosexuality. And then came Kiss. Gene Simmons’ monstrous blood vomiting, fire breathing ‘Demon’ persona enslaved an entire generation of US children crossing Glam’s theatricality with heavy metal machismo to create one of the most influential bands in rock music history.
W.A.S.P. and Mötley Crüe supercharged Kiss’s sleaze and violence quotient to spectacular effect in the 80s, and provide the missing link between Glam and the Murderdolls, who happily cite the back-combed bad boys as a large part of their creative DNA. The chief inheritor of the Glam tradition in the last decade, however, is cross-dressing controversialist Marilyn Manson. Bowie may have metaphorically murdered his creation Ziggy Stardust in the summer of ‘74, while Bolan (sic) died more literally in a car accident three years later, but quarter-of-a-century on, Manson used his own dark arts to conjure their spirit on ‘Mechanical Animals’, his own tribute to pop’s most decadent decade.
Dead… and loving it!
The Murderdolls’ five favourite movie death scenes of all time…
The Murderdolls are proof positive that nothing gets some folks’ creative juices flowing quite so freely as a truly delicious cinematic death scene. Joey and Wednesday have a few favourites – both carnage connoisseurs identifying the ‘74 classic power toolfest The Texas Chainsaw Massacre as the gory cream of the crop – a movie currently being remade with a certain Mr. Manson in the soundtrack composer’s chair. (As a curious aside, you never actually see the girl hung on the hook – just a shadow – but such is the film’s sordid impact that most viewers swear you do!)
Joey 1. Texas Chainsaw Massacre “The girl on the hook.”
2. Friday The 13th Part IV “When the knife comes through the bed and impales the chick.”
3. The Exorcist “When the priest is hucked out through the plate glass window.”
4. A Nightmare on Elm Street “Where the girl is getting dragged across the rooftop.”
5. Necromancy “Where a group of devils and monsters take a girl apart.”
Wednesday 1. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre “The girl on the hook.”
2. Dawn of the Dead “When the spiked ball comes down and rips the guy’s head apart.”
3. Phantasm “A silver ball hits the guy in the head and sucks out all his brains.”
4. Hellraiser “Where (sic) the end sequence where the guy is being chased by all these hooks. They attach themselves to him and rip him apart.”
5. Nightmare On Elm Street “Where Freddy rips out the guy’s veins and uses them like strings controlling a puppet.”
Schlock n’ Roll
B-movie classics that have influenced shock rockers of now and then…
Some horror movies are best watched not so much with your tongue in your cheek, as thrust firmly through it, films that by accident or design are more about fun than fear. The same could be said of numerous horror loving bands, including the Murderdolls, where an ‘everyday is Halloween’ ethos prevails. Here are a few examples of B movie blood fests which may not have won any Oscars, have been paid tribute to by schlock loving bands over the years…
Plan 9 From Outer Space (1957) It is no surprise that the mother-of-all cult movies inspired the mother-of-all cult bands, and when Glenn Danzig created a label to release early Misfits material he dubbed it ‘Plan 9’. Frequently voted the worst movie of all time with its ludicrous script, mind bogglingly bad special effects, cardboard sets, and even more cardboard artistry, Plan 9 From Outer Space is irresistibly entertaining. Directed by the cross-dressing caliph of crap Ed Wood Junior, featuring proto-goth babe Vampira and Bela Lugosi (dying of drug addiction, he was replaced mid production by a stand-in who looks nothing like him).
The Abominable Dr Phibes (1971) Featuring horror cinema’s kind of camp Vincent Price as the fiendish Phibes, avenging the death of his wife using maniacal methods borrowed from the biblical plagues, all against wonderful, strangely psychedelic sets. Also possessed of a strange psychedelic sensibility are punk pioneers the Damned, though in the 80s, lead singer Dave Vanian’s horror sensibilities took centre stage, attracting a goth following. The 80 track ‘13th Floor Vendetta’ is a classic example of the band’s game-topping which, if you listen carefully, is all about ol’ Doc Phibes.
Mars Attacks! (1996) Director Tim Burton’s tribute to the drive-in shockers of the 50s and 60s, Mars Attacks! was actually based upon a ‘62 series of bubblegum cards, discontinued because of their gruesomely graphic pictures of earthlings being exterminated by alien invaders. As such this inspiration might suggest Mars Attacks! has little by way of plot, but for anyone with a weakness for vintage schlock sci-fi it’s a true Technicolor treat. This must certainly include the Misfits and when they reformed, they did so without the blessing of founder Glenn Danzig, but with their monster movie obsessions intact – among a multitude of horror movie tributes on their ‘97 comeback album ‘American Psycho’ was ‘Mars Attacks’ (and even an instrumental coincidentally titled ‘Abominable Dr Phibes’!)
I Was A Teenage Werewolf (1957) The drive-in movies of the 50s and 60s typically featured juvenile delinquents or monsters, and this bargain-basement effort delivered both in one lurid package. Before becoming ‘Pa’ on TV’s Little House on the Prairie Michael Landon stars as a troubled teen – though when he starts growing hair in strange places, it’s more than just hormones to blame. A howl from beginning to end, Teenage inspired a number on ‘Songs the Lord Taught Us’, the ‘80 debut from drive-in movie loving ghoulish rockers The Cramps.
Murder, mayhem and a right old mess
Minging Murderdoll tales from the Big Day Out
Who is the messiest Murderdoll of them all? Wednesday: “That would be Eric and The Ghoul. They are just messy as fuck. But you know you’ve just got to get used to living with these people. We’ve been on the road since July. You live on a bus for six weeks which means you’ve got (sic) live in everyone else’s shit.”
Who is the tidy anal doll? Joey: “No-one. We’re all pretty fuckin’ messy.” Wednesday: “I just took two garbage bags of mess out of my room. And just put it in the hallway. Just full of chicken bones and beer bottles and all sorts of shit like that, it was just smelling really bad so I had to get rid of it.”
So you do that yourself? Wednesday: “I don’t let the cleaning staff come into my room and tidy up. I put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign for the whole week I am there.” Joey: “The housekeepers are scared shitless to come into our rooms anyway so we keep it easy for them and put the ‘Do Not Disturb” signs up the whole time. They are going to be so scared to come into our rooms and clean up after we’ve been there for a fuckin’ week!”
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mcintoshdennz · 6 months
Understanding the Benefits and Process of Invisalign Treatment
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on understanding the benefits and process of Invisalign treatment. In this blog post, we will delve into modern orthodontic solutions, focusing on the increasing popularity of Invisalign as an alternative to traditional braces. 
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What is Invisalign Treatment?
Let's start by exploring the basics of Invisalign treatment. Invisalign is a modern approach to straightening teeth using a custom-made series of aligners created specifically for you. These aligners are made of smooth, comfortable, and virtually invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth. They gradually and gently shift your teeth into place based on the exact movements your dentist or orthodontist plans for you.
Invisalign treatment Auckland offers numerous benefits over traditional braces. Not only is it virtually invisible, but it's also removable, allowing you to enjoy your favourite foods without any restrictions. The comfort and convenience of Invisalign make it a popular choice among individuals seeking orthodontic treatment.
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The Advantages of Choosing Invisalign
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The Process of Getting Invisalign Treatment
Now, let's walk through the step-by-step process of getting started with Invisalign treatment. The journey typically begins with an initial consultation with a qualified Invisalign provider. During this consultation, your dentist or orthodontist will evaluate your smile and discuss your goals to determine whether Invisalign is the right choice.
If you decide to proceed with Invisalign, the next step involves custom aligner fittings. These aligners are designed to shift your teeth into the desired position gradually and are tailored to fit your unique smile. Regular check-ups with your provider are essential to monitor your progress and ensure your treatment is on track.
Maintaining Oral Hygiene During Invisalign Treatment
While undergoing Invisalign treatment, it's crucial to maintain good oral hygiene to achieve optimal results. Here are some tips for maintaining oral hygiene with Invisalign aligners:
Brush and floss your teeth after every meal before reinserting your aligners
Clean your aligners regularly to prevent bacteria buildup
Avoid drinking sugary or acidic beverages while wearing your aligners
Following these tips and adhering to proper dental care routines will contribute to the success of your Invisalign treatment.
Tips for Finding the Best Invisalign Provider
Several factors must be considered when it comes to finding the best Invisalign provider. Look for an experienced and reputable provider who has a proven track record of successful Invisalign treatments. During consultations, don't hesitate to ask specific questions about the provider's experience and the overall treatment process. This will ensure that you find the best fit for your orthodontic needs.
In conclusion, we have explored the numerous benefits and the process of Invisalign treatment. Invisalign's comfort, convenience, and effectiveness make it a top choice for individuals seeking orthodontic solutions. If you're considering enhancing your smile and oral health, Invisalign treatment Auckland may be your ideal option.
We encourage you to take advantage of this modern orthodontic solution and explore its possibilities for achieving a confident smile. With Invisalign, the journey to a straighter smile can be comfortable, convenient, and virtually invisible. Don't hesitate to contact experienced Invisalign providers and take the first step towards a transformed smile!
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