#good night sugar cubes
yardsards · 2 years
every couple of months i rediscover exactly how much i love tea and go through a period of almost a week wherein i drink multiple mugs a day of it, only to forget again after that
#eliot posts#i love Warm Beveridge#and i have a big stash of tasty flavoured teas and herbal teas/tisanes#but also sometimes just a big rich mug of black tea is the best#i tend to like my black tea quite bittersweet#like super duper strong and a bit oversteeped (and no milk. milk makes it bland and sad)#but with a good amount of sugar#like 3 or 4 cubes of it#in a big ole 16 ounce mug not a lil teacup mind you. i think that much in a teacup would kill me dead. but still quite sweet.#i liked it even sweeter than that as a child (but just as strong and bitter)#prolly should've suspected i had adhd when sometimes mugs of fully caffeinated black tea helped me sleep#i had like. chronic sore throats/tonsilitis for a few years as a child#and my mother's go-to home remedy for sore throats was tea with honey and some toast#which i found to be absolutely delicious#(i liked to sometimes dip my toast in my tea tho and looking back ew i do not think i would like doing that now)#sonetimes i'd complain abt my throat even when it wasn't bothering me much bc i wanted The Tasty Snack at night#tho when i was like halfway through elementary school she showed me how to make it myself so i would quit asking her#and on one hand it was nice that i could have it without having to ask#and making it gave me an excuse to go downstairs after my bed time instead of being trapped in my room w my insomnia#but also i remember missing the feeling of being taken care of (which. being taken care of was a rare commodity in that house)
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lordprettyflackotara · 6 months
Till Dawn || Eyeless Jack
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Smut, 18+, minors dni. Tw: size kink, overall rough ass sex, unrealistic demon sex, stalking, a sprinkle of cnc, safe word IS in place, obsession, blood, blah blah. all the things. i had to lock tf in to finish this, it’s been sitting unfinished foreverrr. here you go my lovely’s <3
part two is here
part three is here
You were a fascinating creature.
EJ thought so, anyways.
Many years had passed since he had been human, his interest in mortals having previously faded. That engrossment only slipping away further after he had moved into Slenderman’s mansion.
Typically, besides killing for food, (and maybe fun), he never strayed from home.
When Jack wasn’t home, he was never staying. Always passing through.
That was, until he saw you.
Your scent was divine, the demon lurking inside the depths of EJ clinging onto the idea of a tasty snack.
Once Jack had found you, he began studying you from a far.
You weren’t hard to find, the annoyed curses leaving your lips giving away your location easily. You were awkwardly stumbling over your arms full of groceries, struggling to unlock the front door to your tiny home.
Typically EJ wouldn’t have noticed your behavior at all, his animalistic instincts shouting at him to break into the window upstairs. To slide in, waiting for you to get settled. To creep behind you and slit your throat. He could hear your heartbeat, the steady pulse sending adrenaline through his veins. His mouth was beginning to salivate under his mask, his interest now peaked as he observed your life.
You liked your coffee mostly black, with a single sugar cube. You were a night owl, giving Jack plenty to watch as he hid in the shadows of darkness. It occurred to EJ as he watched you join another round of an online game, your thick headset covering your ears, that he hadn’t really thought about what humans did in a long time.
Over the years he had sort of lost the man he once was, forcing himself to view mortals as meals, nothing more. After all, one sensitive vital organ and they’d be dead. Humans were so fragile. They aged so much quicker than he did. Why would he ever get attached?
The thought of a potential attachment hadn’t occurred to him, ever. EJ was content with passing through. He was content with his minimum social interacts with his fellow creeps back at the mansion.
But your scent.
Eyeless Jack grew more and more puzzled the longer he studied you. Why did you smell so fucking good? He had never cared for blood before, wounds not visible on your body anyways. Your pulse was normal, but he heard pulses around him all the time. Including two sets he lived with. Unless he was hunting, EJ had grown accustomed to tuning them out.
What was it about you?
It wasn’t until one night he was perched up in an oak tree, watching you prepare for bed. EJ had never considered himself to be a peeping tom. The female body held no interest to him other than the organs it contained. That was of course, until he saw you changing. You had tugged your shirt over your head, your bare breast bouncing as you pulled down your pants. Your panties were lacey, a material EJ hadn’t touched in ages. For the first time in years, Jack could feel his boner brushing against the fabric of his boxers.
You were so innocent, so unaware of his presence. EJ felt heat rush to his cheeks, awkwardly looking around to make sure no one else was looking at you like he was. You were so careless, leaving your curtains open like this. He was sure you figured since you were on the second story no one could see you. Jack liked that idea, him being the only one that could see you like this.
This made him only pay more attention. His attention now was not only on you, but the people you associated with. EJ liked that you mostly had friends and regular coworkers. He had no competition, no problem to deal with. His mind overworked itself trying to come up with realistic scenarios where he could meet you. Where he could feel the heat of your body, his cock buried in your cunt.
Despite Jacks obsession, he knew that the situation wasn’t ideal. His being over 6’5 and having dark gray skin the very least of his appearance issues.
The longer he watched your life, he noticed you were lonely. It didn’t matter how many friends you hung out with, he saw the look on your face deep in the night. The photos in your room of everyone you loved, every single photograph missing yourself. The filthy books you spent your time reading, the romance movies you watched. You needed a lover. Someone to tend to your needs, every dark desire.
He was over the moon when the opportunity presented itself.
Ben had given him a heads up, letting him know a ‘gnarly storm’ was heading the way EJ had recently been camping out at.
Standing in the rain wasn’t ideal for EJ. He didn’t particularly like being wet, the rain beginning to pour down. The thunder clapping and lightning striking was comforting for him, the wetness of the situation, not so much.
It was a usual night for you, your teddy bear wrapped desperately in your arms as you attempted to fall asleep. EJ watched you turn over restlessly, the storm clearly delaying your regular sleeping cycle. His gaze wondered over to the bright pink vibrator charging on your nightstand, his eyebrows raising.
When did he miss that?
It had to have been when he went to hunt earlier. Living off of deer was borderline revolting, his craving for human organs much more prominent. However he knew if he wanted to stay, eating one too many human organs created too much attention. A good chase from the cops taught him that lesson. Took him lots of stitches to heal, ones he had to do himself.
It occurred to Jack in that moment that if he was going to go through on his idea now was the time. He slowly walked down the thick branch of the oak tree, careful not to slip as he approached your window. He crouched down, raising his hand. He tapped on your window with his index finger, the unfamiliar feeling of fear filling him. Would you call the cops? What would you do? He watched you stir in your bed, as if you were internally debating if the noise was real.
EJ waited patiently for the thunder to subside, before tapping again. This time you sat up, your eyes landing on the window. EJ nervously realized this was the first time you were looking at him. He raised his large gray hand, waving at you. Your eyebrows furrowed, throwing the sheets off of you as you approached your window. EJ knew your window was broken, unable to be locked. He noted you pretending to unlock it, before shoving it upwards.
“Can I um, help you?” You asked. The rain droplets were splashing into your dry room due to the wind. EJ didn’t like that. He cleared his throat, trying to sound as non threatening as possible. He knew humans to be sensitive and after all of these years of not thinking twice about his voice, he was thinking about it now. “May I come in? It’s a bit wet out here,” EJ said as calmly as he possibly could. He watched you study him, your eyes fixated on his gray hands.
“I’m n-not so sure that’s a good idea. My brother’s home and I don’t think-” You stuttered, the lies spilling from your lips. Jack didn’t like this. You weren’t a liar. Without touching you, he slid into your room nimbly without a second thought. His drenched clothes were dripping water on the floor, his sights scanning the room up close for the first time.
“Hey! You can’t just barge in here!” You yelled. You stormed over to your nightstand, grabbing a baseball bat with ‘Vikings Middle School’ engraved on it. You rose the bat over your shoulder, swinging it with full intent to hit your intruder. Your eyes widened in fear as EJ caught the bat in mind air, his slender gray fingers wrapped around the metal. He tiled his head to the side, observing you.
First lies and now an attempt at assault. This is not off to a great start.
Jack immediately caught a whiff of your scent, the newly founded fear reeking off of you. And it was divine. EJ pushed the bat aside, taking a step closer to you. “Dont lie to me. I’m not here to hurt you. I’m here to offer you what you truly want in exchange for shelter from the storm,” EJ said. You were adorable, practically shaking in fear as he towered over you.
“I don’t want money if that’s what you’re offering. I’m not interested-” You began protesting. Jack noted your heart racing, his ears twitching at the delightful sound. He made you nervous. EJ’s dark chuckle cut off your sentence, causing you to stop talking. “Thats not what you truly want,” Jack purred. With another few steps towards you, he had backed you into a wall. With his arms on each side of your head, he slowly rose his knee. With an unseen smirk, he placed his knee between your legs.
A skimpy nightgown rode up your thighs, your face turning a light pink. “You’re lonely, I can fix that. I’ll only stay until dawn,” EJ said. Consciously he made an effort to be gentle as he rose his hand to touch your face. You were softer than he could’ve imagined, the softest silks having nothing on your skin. “I’m n-not-” You stuttered. Your heart was racing faster. It was music to EJ’s ears. “The vibrator sitting on your nightstand says otherwise,” Jack replied cockily.
His new found confidence was evident, your attention fully on him. Finally on him. EJ leaned forward, tilting up his royal blue mask as he leaned towards your ear. His voice was deep and soft, his breath hot as you trembled beneath him. “I promise i’ll make you feel really good,” EJ purred. His words were utter filth, your face flushing with heat. You could feel your core throbbing, your lust for a stranger so dirty but so thrilling.
“What’s your name?” You whispered. EJ was surprised by your question, causing him to lean back and slide his mask back into place. “I’m Jack, but you can call me EJ,” He replied. You toyed with the idea of asking him what EJ stood for, but decided against it. You stood up a little straighter, attempting to take more control of the situation. “Well EJ, if you’re going to fuck me, you better fuck me like you mean it. I want you gone at dawn. Understood?” You asked boldly.
A devious smile was curling up EJ’s lips, his mask blocking the view of his razor like teeth. “I knew you’d give into me, I can smell your arousal,” EJ replied. His gaze traveled down your body, soaking in your cleave that was revealed and your plush upper thighs. As if you could sense his devious thoughts, you pushed at his chest. “Hey i’m not kidding. Be gone at dawn or i’m calling the cops,” You threatened. Jack chuckled, before grabbing both of your thighs.
He picked you up with ease, your legs automatically wrapping around his waist. “Gone by dawn. I got it. If you want me to stop say red. Say anything else and I won’t, got it?” EJ asked. He carried you over to your bed, plopping you onto your soft mattress. You audibly whimpered an agreement, staring up at the man in front of you.
“Oh and one other thing,” EJ began, shoving his hoodie over his head. You marveled as his bare chest, his dark gray skin defining his muscles. “Dont freak out,” Jack finished. You stared at him blankly, blinking before he slid off his mask. EJ wasn’t a fan of removing his mask for any reason, not even to his victims. The most he would do is show his razor blade teeth every once in a while. Matter of a fact, he couldn’t remember the last time he had removed his mask in front of anyone.
Jack had pondered about what to do about his appearance, the oozing black empty eye sockets something that couldnt be ignored. He figured revealing it immediately would get it out of the way, and based on the way you reacted, he’d know what to do. His obsession with you wasn’t just pure filth or attraction, you smelled absolutely delicious.
He would win in every scenario.
He would know how to make his choice based on your reaction. You were confused, watching as EJ leaned down over you. He pinned you to the bed, your body on fire with desperation. “Scared?” Jack purred, waiting to hear all of the insults he heard in his worst nightmares. You found yourself nervously chuckling, thunder rumbling outside. “Only of not cumming,” You replied in a cocky tone, causing EJ to smile. Surely the unsettling rows of animalistic teeth were going to set you off.
But they didn’t.
Your approval and calmness gave EJ confidence, his lips bringing themselves to yours. He was careful, restraining himself so he didn’t accidentally nip you with one of his teeth. He kept his tongues in his mouth, deciding that would be a surprise for later. He was rough and needy, his lips practically begging yours to respond faster. His hips pressed down lower on yours, his bulge visible and pressed against your clothed cunt.
You tasted like mint, the taste flooding his tastebuds with an intense craving. You bucked your hips upwards, whimpering in his mouth as he grinded against you. “Needy huh?” Jack taunted. He pulled down your night gown, exposing your bare breast to him. He leaned down, placing soft and gentle kisses onto your chest. “I know you aren’t talking,” You teased.
EJ growled into your skin as he lowered himself down your body, prying open your thighs. “Whys that?” He murmured, pressing his chapped lips against your plush inner thighs. You clamped your mouth shut, your hips involuntarily moving upwards towards his mouth. “Dont think I get any play huh? Thats funny, considering you’re practically begging me to touch you,” Jack snickered cruelly. He was relishing and thriving in your desperation, dragging your panties down with his razor sharp teeth.
They poked holes in your thin panties, the shredded clothing being dragged down your legs. EJ couldn’t take his eyes off of your bare cunt, your cheeks flushing a shade of red as the demon above you admired your dripping wet cunt. Jack had seen a cunt before, in his human life and accidentally in his demon one. But yours, yours was a sight for sore eyes.
With his index finger and middle finger Jack spread open your lips, admiring how wet you were for him. “I don’t have all night-” You began complaining, only for one of EJ’s tongues to lick a stripe up your cunt. Electricity shot through your body, causing you to let out a sinful moan. “You do have all night. I have you until dawn. And trust me, you’re going to remember this long after,” Jack said, returning his attention to your aching core.
To your surprise Jack had three tongues, each of them assaulting your cunt is different ways. Two had made their way inside of you, abusing your cunt by fucking you. The other was attacking your clit, stimulating you into a babbling mess. You grabbed his hair, his name spilling off of your lips involuntarily. It was all happening so fast, your body struggling to keep up with the pleasure. Jack couldn’t contain himself, unable to tease you any longer.
Your pussy tasted better than any fucking organ he had ever eaten. You yanked at the roots of his brunette hair, chanting you were going to cum. This didn’t encourage him to slow down, the killer in between your thighs only wanting to make you do it again.
“F-fuck Jack I-I can’t,” You whined, closing your thighs around his head. Jack smirked as he removed one of his tongues from your clit, allowing him to speak. “You know what to say if you actually want me to stop. I think you like this though. I think you like being treated like the whore you are,” Jack panted. You felt humiliated at his words, your walls squeezing around his tongues.
This made EJ chuckle, his gaze now settled on your bright red face. “You like that don’t you? Being a whore for me?” Jack asked mockingly, continuing to fuck you with his tongues. Truth was when Jack had caught you reading the dirtiest of books, he ensured to do his research. To imagine himself being the one to do the things to you like he read in the filth romance novels.
You tried to hold back your unholy moans, biting your lower lip as Jack stared up at you. His third tongue playfully licked across your clit again, causing your hips to jolt upwards. “I asked you a question,” Jack said sternly. His large hands pinned down your waist, prying your thighs open. “Y-yes I like being a whore,” You replied pathetically, feeling the knot in your stomach tighten. Jack brought his spare hand to your cunt, drawing quick circles around your throbbing clit.
Your legs began to tremble as an animalistic, low growl left EJs throat. “Whose whore are you? Tell me,” Jack ordered, your walls squeezing around his tongues. You could barely make sense of his words, the ecstasy he was providing you too heavenly. “I’m yours, i’m your whore Jack. Fuck, please make me cum,” You pleaded.
She taste good and can beg? Fuck me.
“Cum for me like the good little whore you are.”
Your legs shook violently and attempted to close as you came, Jacks merciless assault coming to an immediate halt. He watched you ride out your euphoria, slipping his tongues out of your cunt. Your pussy was red and puffy, suffering from the abuse of a demon. He wiped his chin with his hand, crawling up closer to you. Your heart was pounding so loudly it took everything in him for Jack not to tear it out of your chest.
“You’re going to feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock,” Jack growled, sloppily pushing down his pants. He leaned back, lightning flashing as he stroked his cock in front of you. “You sure you can handle me? You seem tense,” Jack asked teasingly. He knew was far bigger than you, your eyes widening at the mere sight of his shaft. “I can handle anything you throw at me,” You say, swallowing to create some moisture in your dry mouth. Your throat and mouth having gone dry from making so many sinful sounds.
Jack smirked as he slowly slid inside of you, his tip alone stretching you out. You whimpered, causing Jack to lean forward. He sank into you slowly, peppering soft kisses on your neck. Purposefully he targeted your more sensitive skin, testing the waters to see which areas made you loosen up more. You clawed at his back, your face scrunched up in pain. EJ studied your face carefully, slithering one of his hands down to your puffy clit. “T-too much,” You babbled, your words beginning to slur. Your hand slid down to grab Jacks wrist, the killer above you not changing his mind.
“Need you loosen up a bit more. You’re doing so good. You can do it for me, yeah?”
His words were like a remedy for your pain, his cock now fully buried inside of you. You pulled your hand away from his wrist, your fingertips brushing over the outline of his cock inside of your stomach. You forced yourself to open your eyes, the sloppy circles Jack was drawing around your clit helping you adjust. You swallowed hard, meeting the gaze of the lust filled demon above you. “You can move,” You whispered. Jacks ears twitched, almost as if he was making sure he heard you right.
“Play with your clit for me while I fuck you,” Jack ordered. You did as instructed, your small fingers trailing down to your abused clit. You drew slow circles as Jack propped himself up, slowly bucking his hips into yours. You let out a loud moan, his cock hitting your g spot. The demons gaze fell down to your womb, his eye sockets widening as he saw the shape of his cock slide in and out of you. “So fucking tight for me,” Jack snarled, picking up the pace.
His thrust were brutal and animalistic, unlike anything you had ever seen before. Or felt before. His pace was relentless, his body not seeming to tire. “Jack!” You cried out, wrapping your arms around his neck. He brought you into a sloppy kiss, struggling to be careful not to cut you with his teeth as he fucked you. “You feel so much better than I thought you’d feel. Fuck,” EJ groaned into your mouth, losing his control.
One of his teeth nicked your lower lip, a small tinkle of red crimson blood dripping down your bottom lip. Jack didn’t have time to think, his mouth on yours immediately. But this time, for a different reason. He sucked at your bottom lip as he pounded you, moaning at the taste of your blood. You felt disgusted how accepting your body was of this, your eyes fluttering shut as you allowed him to suck at your lower lip. Jacks orgasm was coming closer, even if he didn’t want it to.
His pace didn’t let up for a second, his body a slave to your pussy. He released your lip with a pop, growling as he felt his orgasm come closer and closer. “I’m going to fucking breed you. You’re gonna be all mine, all fucking mine,” Jack huffed, his control long gone. His gaze met yours, your face fucked out and your moans incoherent. “Cum with me. Cum all over me,” He panted, his orders now weak. Your small fingers were replaced with his own, his slender fingers resuming the assault on your clit.
“Fucking shit, EJ!” You cried out, gripping his arm as you felt your orgasm wash over you. Your walls were milking his cock, begging him for his cum. They were pleading with him to breed your pretty little cunt, to make you all his. Your orgasm was all it took, his hips stuttering as he came inside of you. His moans were no longer the human language, his sounds of pleasure reverting back to incoherent growls. EJ panted as he looked down at you, your bottom lip puffy.
Your neck was covered in light purple and brown bruises, his light pepper kisses not as light as he thought. You were fucked out, your body lying limply on the mattress below you. Slowly he slid his cock out of you, your cunt red and puffy from the abuse. EJ watched as a mixture of his and your cum dripped out of you, your breathing slow and heavy. “Y/n?” Jack whispered. He was terrified he had broken you, his gaze landing on the bruises in the shape of his fingers that had littered your soft thighs.
You murmured an audible response, causing Jack to sigh in relief. He looked over his shoulder, the sun coming over the horizon. The storm had subsided, a light spring shower coming down from the sky above instead. You sat up slowly, watching your tall demon lover dress himself. You were dizzy and tired, blinking slowly as he shoved his pants back on. “You don’t wanna stay?” You asked softly, yawning. EJ gave you a cheeky smile, before shoving his mask back on.
“We had a deal didn’t we? It’s dawn,” Jack said. He began to put his hoodie on, your eyes softening with disappointment. Jack could feel his stomach growling, the taste of your blood fueling his desire for a tasty meal. He wanted to stay, but he knew he would kill you if he lost control again. Without thinking he handed you his hoodie, before heading over to the window. You sat there dumbfounded, watching as he gave you a small wave goodbye.
“Don’t worry, i’ll be back,”
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arminsumi · 1 year
↳ GOJO さとる + fem!reader
you and Satoru falling in love despite a language barrier.
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Chapter index
Summary : you've come to visit Japan to meet these two boys you met online. Though Satoru can't speak English and you can't speak Japanese, the two of you still fall in love. Very cute. Very cheesy. Oh no... wait is there a tension between you and his best friend, too? Oh boy...
Warnings : romantic tension with Suguru / potential love triangle, cat scratch
Note : i think of this fic a lot and i found the continuation hiding out in my drafts sooo here 👍
🍒 More from Jay : Gojo works / Gojo fave works / JJK works
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Satoru blinks awake to see your face. His heart beats harder.
結局昨日は夢ではなかったのか? Yesterday was not a dream after all?
He's not an early bird at all, but from the first day of your visit he magically woke up early as if his soul was too excited to sleep when it knew you were right there, in the flesh. No screen. Just you.
When the first day starts, it feels like you've always been together. Was there ever a screen separating the two of you? And were you really going to disappear behind one again in just a month?
今のところ、彼女はここに留まるように感じています。彼女が訪問を終えて出発するとき、私は空港で赤ん坊のように泣くことになると思います。 For now, she feels like she's here to stay. I think I'm going to cry like a baby at the airport when she leaves after her visit.
Morning routines are carried out. The sky is cloudy at first, threatening rain, and by the time you three cluster into the kitchen to make breakfast together, it starts raining.
You and Satoru banter like two cats. Suguru's morning rasp is very strong.
"Satoru... uh... sugar?" you ask, preparing to make yourself a second one and automatically making Satoru another one, since he looks still very bleary-eyed even after spending an hour freshening up in the bathroom.
"...? Yes?" he tilts his head, then you raise the sugar cube jar. "Yes. Uh... four. Thank you."
Suguru's blushing because of the cute tension between you and his best friend. It fills the whole kitchen, which already felt full with their two bodies and a third one now. Everyone keeps bumping elbows and yet not complaining about it, in fact it's enjoyable to be squished together. Maybe because you three waited so long to be together in person, you don't mind it. There's a silent, ever-present comedy in the air about the tight proximity.
You hum happily, tossing in one, two, three... four? That's a lot of sugar. "Suguru, tell Satoru he mustn't have so much sugar all the time. It's not good for his health."
Suguru laughs. "I try to tell him that every day. But his sweet tooth is incurable."
"His dentist must hate him." you smirk at Satoru, who's been looking at you blushingly after hearing his name mentioned.
彼女の声が今では一番好きな音だと思います。 I think her voice is my favorite sound now.
もう一度私の名前を言ってください。 Please say my name again.
"Satoru? Coffee?" you interrupt his lovey-dovey thoughts and he suddenly reanimates himself, because for a moment there he zoned out and just stared at you with those pretty eyes.
"Mmm... thanks." he takes the coffee from you with a noticeable timidness that you can't quite explain. There's a lot about him that's indescribable, you're having a small internal crisis; aren't you supposed to be fluent in English? And yet you can't even begin to describe just how sweet and gentle Satoru behaves. The most you can do is use metaphors that barely justify him.
"Suguru, tell her... her voice is nice, and also sorry for cuddling you in my sleep (and that she can definitely kick me away at night if it bothers her.) Also!" (the three of you head into the living room, and Suguru habitually trips over the cat who stalks under his feet too quietly to notice) "Also tell her... if it rains today, does she still want to go out? Because if we go out in the rain, she might get sick. And I don't want her to get sick on her trip. Not that I'd mind taking care of you, Y/n, of course."
Suguru lets out a long sigh and pulls a funny face. You smile amusedly.
"...It's too early to be a translator..." he grumbles in English after Satoru overloads him.
"What? C'mon tell her everything I said!"
"Let me have my coffee first. How about the two of you write to each other?" he suggests, putting the rim of the cup to his lips and sipping languidly.
"Eh, fine." Satoru pouts, and stalks off into his bedroom to get his phone.
Then, when he's in his bedroom, his chest flutters for some reason when he sees your suitcase standing there opened and emptied into the free cupboard space. He takes his phone, smiles at the homely feeling of seeing your belongings in his room, and leaves.
"Oh..." he has a sudden idea, and remembers the magnetic drawing board that's hanging in the kitchen. He and Suguru usually use it for writing reminders to each other, like get milk or you're an idiot or sometimes it has doodles of Mint the cat with sunglasses on.
So he returns to you with this magnetic drawing board, and points at it meaningfully, then holds one finger up and bows his head as he begins writing very slowly.
Suguru's checking the weather forecast and muttering sour complaints under his breath to you. "Of course it would rain for three days just when you arrive... at least by the weekend it will be clear and sunny..."
"Mmm... it's alright. A little rain never hurt nobody." you respond.
"I like your optimism." Suguru compliments flippantly at first, but then continues; "It's really uplifting. I think Satoru said something about you being a joy once, he said it really poetically but I can't recall it now."
"Aw..." you dip your head beneath your coffee cup, hiding the bashful expression on your face, which Suguru chuckles at.
And then, for a long moment, you just stare and watch Satoru writing on the board. You're completely captured in this moment, completely captivated in his enveloping presence as he sits next to you. He has slow, meticulous wrist movements. His knees press together, like he's worried that he'll invade your personal space if he sits too comfortably close to you. Funny, considering he cuddled you all night and you had no complaints about it.
He's writing very simply and neatly, just like how he texts you. You're a bit baffled by the characters he's using, though he's trying his best to avoid using any kanji knowing that you don't know a lot of it. He's sure you can figure things out by slowly pronouncing each hiragana character, or at least he hopes.
"Here." he hands you the magnetic drawing board, and then raises from the couch to go feed the cat.
"Minto-Minto... " he calls after the cat and makes a small cute sound to lure her out.
You're trying to read each hiragana character, eyes squinting a bit.
Suguru leans in close to you. He just takes a look, but the proximity for some reason gives both of you butterflies.
"Ooh... that's cute." Suguru comments after reading what Satoru wrote. His voice reaches deep in your tummy.
"Hm... I'll spell it out and... figure it out... anyways, why did you name your cat Mint?"
"Oh... well. There's two reasons. So the first..." he sets down his coffee, like he's about to tell you a great story, "Is because Satoru watched this show called Tokyo Mew Mew growing up, and he liked the character Minto. So he calls her Minto. And then I agreed on calling her that, but I call her Mint, because I hate mint the herb."
"You — haha, wait what? You call her Mint because you hate mint?"
"Yes. I hate mint, both the herb and the cat. She hates me too, clearly." Suguru raises his hand to remind you of how the cat scratched him the night before.
"Such a cute Hello Kitty sticker..." you tease.
"Thank you. Only the manliest men wear Hello Kitty Bandaids."
"How did she scratch you anyways...?"
"Oh, she likes to hang out in the washing machine if Satoru accidentally leaves it open. And when I try take her out of her comfy spot, she scratches me."
You sympathize, "Poor thing."
"What, the cat or me?" Suguru laughs.
"The cat." you lie teasingly.
"Wow! And here I thought you were being sympathetic!" he raises his brows.
You giggle and look at him, eyes finally making contact — ooh no that's bad bad bad, better break it immediately. So the two of you look away like you've both just indulged in a taboo intimacy. His stomach flips.
"Minto has been fed. She gave me cuddles." Satoru comes back into the room, and you admire the feeling he brings with him.
"No scratches?" Suguru asks.
"No, obviously, she loves me more than you." Satoru cheeks.
"Fuck you, haha."
Satoru makes his voice lower and leans to Suguru, "(Did she figure out what I wrote yet?)"
"Y/n did you figure out what he wrote?" Suguru asks.
"I'm trying so hard. What does this part mean...?"
Suguru shakes his head and puts his hands up. "Like I said, I'm not Mr Translator in the mornings."
"But you've had your coffee! Please, just this part..." you beg, and he can't deny that sweet begging. He easily folds for it, just like when Satoru begs for anything.
"Okay, where — this? Uh... Satoru your handwriting isn't usually this neat, is it...? That part means... 'voice'."
"Oh... ohhh!" you suddenly realize, and then the boys swoon over you when you pronounce the characters out loud to yourself.
"Uh... I think I know what it means..." you feel your cheeks warm up from the crown to your jawline.
あなたのこえがすき。 a-na-ta-no-ko-e-ga-su-ki.
"I like your voice, too." you respond to Satoru, and he half-gets it and gives you a thumbs up.
You look at each other and then promptly look away with shy smiles.
"You two are cute." Suguru comments.
"Ahah... ahah shut up... hey, the sky has cleared up." you point out.
"Ooh... it cleared up 'cuz Satoru walked back into the room."
You awe at what he said.
"Hey, Translator — (stop talking about me behind my back!)"
Suguru chuckles, "I wasn't! I was just — never mind. Let's get ready to head out."
And so you head into Satoru's bedroom to get ready, and Suguru heads into his bedroom, and Satoru himself goes into the cramped bathroom. Poor boy. He's really too tall for that archway, he bumped his head again.
彼女に花を買ってあげるべきでしょうか?それともちょっと多すぎますか? Should I buy her flowers? Or is it a bit too much?
(なんてことだ)、なぜこのシャツには穴が開いているのでしょう? (Oh my god), why does this shirt have holes?
The door slides open, he steps out of the bathroom half-dressed, and intends to quickly slip into Suguru's bedroom to borrow a shirt instead of awkwardly knocking on his bedroom door and disturbing you.
But oh, you know what? The cheesiest possible thing happens instead. The universe likes making Satoru's life a little more fun in odd times. So the two of you encounter each other in the hallway; you're fully clothed and he's got just pants and socks on.
He stutters once, swallows awkwardly, and even more awkwardly places his hand on your head as if to say sorry for this inconvenience.
But you laugh in response to the funny situation.
ああ、またあの美しい笑い声。 Ah, that beautiful laugh again.
"Sorry." he mutters, and disappears to go get a shirt from Suguru.
"It's okay." you reply.
The image of your pretty smile is burned in his head.
You can hear him telling Suguru something in the other room, and then you hear Suguru's muffled laugh as a response.
"(Don't laugh! I'm embarrassed! She's seen me shirtless now! No one's seen me shirtless except you!)"
"(You're such a virgin.)"
"(Say that again, I dare you.)"
"(Sorry, I don't understand you. I don't speak virgin, only English and Japanese.)"
You're wondering why Satoru sounds so embarrassed and annoyed, and then he groans down the hallway. It feels like you're their roommate, it's funny.
The two of you encounter each other in the hall again. This time he has a shirt, yes. And this time Suguru is there, too, and he's holding back an amused smile. He fluffs Satoru's hair as a way of embarrassing him more.
So Satoru leaves, and he leaves in such a way that it's super comedic, making you and Suguru laugh. Ooh, what a laugh that boy has; his Addam's apple shifts up and down deliciously.
"Ah... Suguru? I need help with the washing machine..."
"...this kid on the plane who sat next to me, he spilled strawberry juice all over my shirt and now it's sticky."
"But at least it smells like strawberries, right?" he jokes. "You can put it in the washing machine, I'll be doing the laundry in a second anyways..." there is a small moment of eye contact shared, then Suguru looks down, and frowns at something he sees, "(SATORU YOU LEFT YOUR SOCK ON THE FLOOR AGAIN!)"
"(Haha, sorry.)" you hear Satoru half-heartedly apologize from the other room.
So Suguru picks up the sock like an annoyed mother and goes to lecture Satoru.
"(You're embarrassing me in front of our guest. For the love of god, don't leave your goofy ass socks on the floor. What if she slips on them?)"
"(You're such a mother, Suguru.)"
You're calmly and casually going to put your juice-stained shirt in the washing machine like Suguru said, but then...
(the boys are talking and there's just this hilariously dramatic scream from the laundry room)
"(Did the cat scratch her?)"
"Ow, y-yeah!" you whine.
Suguru's the first one at the crime scene, and he picks up the cat and proceeds to lecture the cat as if it understands Japanese. It licks its lips and nubby nose and has an evil stare. You giggle.
"I'm so sorry... come, uh — (Suguru, we still have Hello Kitty adhesives somewhere, right?)" Satoru instinctually holds your hand that got scratched.
And he holds it so tenderly and caringly that it makes your whole chest quake for him.
彼女の手の傷はとても小さなものですが、それでも私は心臓がチクチクするのを感じました。 Although the wound on her hand was very small, I still felt my heart tingle.
He leads you to his bedroom, picking up some adhesives and antiseptic on the way, and sits with you on the unmade beds. You watch his fingers nimbly peeling the plastic off the adhesive, admiring how swiftly and perfectly he does even the littlest things. He has such a great attention to detail, it makes you self-conscious; is he thinking of you with the same attention to detail as everything else? Yes... he is.
He dabs some antiseptic on your small scratch, and then gently wraps and pats the Hello Kitty adhesive around it. You're pretty sure he's the one who bought them. Oh, if only you could ask him, but where even is your phone? Lost in a void somewhere, probably.
"Thank you, Satoru."
His eyes light up. His heart thumps. Why did those small, simple words have such a great effect on him?
"Mhm." he hums in acknowledgement. "You're welcome."
あなたの傷がもっと良くなるようにキスしたいです。 I want to kiss your wounds to make them better.
A second after thinking this and looking at your hand, he brings it to his lips and presses a very delicate kiss to the edge of your wrist, where the small cut spanned up to the base of your palm. Can you even call it a kiss? It's more like his lips graze your skin, hovering timidly.
And for some reason... the atmosphere becomes very intimate. Is it because of the place where he kissed you? The inner wrist has never occurred to you to be an intimate spot, and yet you're feeling as if he just kissed you on the lips.
You hear him audibly swallow, like he's conscious of this, too. The both of you become very aware of the tension in the atmosphere.
And then he looks apologetic, as if he overstepped a boundary. So you mutter a small, whispery "thanks..." which lifts his heart up into his throat and reassures him that you don't mind the intimacy.
"Mmm..." he blinks at you, pursing his lips.
His eyes linger on your lips for a moment, and it feels like he's about to... well you know his body just wants to... he sort of...
"Hey, how's the wounded patient?" Suguru interrupts, and you and Satoru spring apart like you're elastic bands that just got released after being stretched.
"Ahah, I'm okay. It's not a bad scratch." you lift your hand, "I'll cherish this Hello Kitty Bandaid forever, thank you."
"Yeah, Satoru bought 'em so you can thank him."
"I knewww he bought them, haha! So expected... cutiepie." you admire Satoru, and he's pretty sure that the last thing you said is some cute nickname, so he smirks.
"Okay, well... anyways, let's head out before the sun rises too high and it gets too hot to walk."
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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satorusugurugurl · 6 months
Brat tamer and daddy kink with geto, gojo and toji please 🙏🔥
Brat Tamer’s
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Toji Fushiguro, FAB!R
Word count: 4,982 (I got really into it)
Warning: unprotected sex, degrading, overstimulating, public sex, dirty talk!
A/N: I literally loved this, I got so excited. I stayed up late editing it when I need to be up in four and a half hours! Please enjoy!
Summary: JJK men and how they fuck the bratty attitude out of you! 🥵
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Gojo Satoru:
Rage boiled in the pit of your stomach as your leg bounced. The foul mood you were in wasn't because you woke up early on a Saturday or due to you sleeping on the couch. No, your sour mood is sponsored by your boyfriend, Gojo Satoru.
The bastard had been the biggest twat tease the previous day. All Friday long, he sent you the most provocative, smutty, thirsty texts the world had ever seen. Sexting, who the hell even sexted anymore?
Gojo Satoru did.
SATORU: damn, I'm thirsty. 😩
YOU: Buy a drink then? 🤨
SATORU: but they don't have what I want. .🥲
YOU: How could the vending machine be out of Cola?
SATORU: I don't want soda. I want that dripping pussy in my face. I wanna lap my tongue up and down, swirl it around your clit, and fuck you with my tongue until you cum on my mouth. Then I'll do it again, this time flattening my tongue over your cunt, encouraging you to use me how you want. In whatever way, Y/N, 🥵 I need you to sit on my face. I promise you the second you get home; I'm going to live between your thighs for the night. 😏❤️🌶
The conversation progressively got hotter and hotter until you found yourself clenching your thighs together to stop the insistent throbbing. God, it was so erotic. You loved reading his nasty words and were disappointed when they abruptly stopped. Maybe he’d taken pity on you, giving you a break to enjoy your dinner with Shoko and Utahime.
You were stripping the second you got home, kicking your shoes off, tossing your keys in the bowl by the door. If you knew how to teleport like Gojo, you would have been in the bedroom instantly. Alas, you had to run for it, sliding inside, hoping to find a naked Satoru with a rose between his teeth. Instead, you saw him snoring, drooling all over his pillow.
He had teased you all day, ruined a perfectly good pair of panties, to end up passing out on you!?
Sure, he was the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer of the modern age, and he needed to get all the rest he could. It didn’t help that he had been on a long mission two days beforehand. But he could have rested after he fulfilled his nasty promises. But no, the bastard fell asleep on you.
“Morning Sweetheart.” Gojo walked into the kitchen with a yawn, oblivious to your rage. “Man, I slept like a baby.” He glanced around, searching for you, as he scratched at his stomach.
“Aw,” he stiffened at the tone of your voice, “did my old man sleep well?” Gojo watched as you lifted your coffee cup to your mouth, taking a long sip and glaring daggers at him.
“The fuck did you just call me?”
“Old man.” You snapped before taking another sip.
Gojo scoffed, grabbing his mug from the cabinet and filling it with hot coffee, fixing it with five cubes of sugar and sweet vanilla creamer. “Why the hell are you calling me that for?” There was only a two-year difference between you two. So he assumed that you woke up in a bad mood or you were being a brat at eight in the morning.
“Oh, I'm so sorry!” Sarcasm laced your voice, “I assumed you turned into an old man last night. Seeing that you passed out at nine o'clock last night. After you were a twat tease all day! You know, promising to eat my pussy in Ultra 4K HD.”
Oooh, that's why you were so pissed off.
“First off, relax; I was so tired when I got home. I just intended to nap, but it turned into an eleven-hour nap. And, you know I'll make it up to you, princess.”
“No, you won't.”
Your blatant defiance had Satoru choking on his coffee. He sputtered and hacked into his elbow as tears flooded his eyes. The entire time he was fighting for his life, you watched with a smirk. Knowing you were the cause of that reaction.
“I'm sorry, I must have misheard you.” Gojo took a deep breath, clearing his throat. “It sounded a lot like you just told me no. As in, you don’t want me to eat your pussy.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, pressing your breasts together. “You heard correctly.”
“Ha,” Satoru shook his head, leaning forward as he rested both hands on the kitchen counter. “Good one brat. You and I both know you’re lying. Keep it up. See what happens.”
“What.” You said, tilting your head. Assuming you hadn't heard him, Satoru opened his mouth to repeat himself. “Ever.” You finish with a smirk.
Now, that was annoying. Satoru’s blood was boiling as he realized you woke up and chose violence because he didn’t eat you out last night. Annoying as it was, he’d be lying if he said your attitude had his cock twitching inside his pajamas. Two could play in this game. He'd give you one last chance to behave before he taught you a lesson you would never forget.
“You’re going to listen to me carefully, baby.” You whined as he grabbed your face in his right hand, squeezing your cheeks gently, forcing a pout to form. “You’re going to be a good girl, and stop being a brat.”
Releasing his grip on your face, Satoru grinned, pleased with the pout that remained despite not forcing It. Now that you had been properly scolded, he could enjoy his coffee without choking to death. But before he could sip the sugary goodness, your pot twisted into a sly grin.
“Make me.”
Satoru’s eyes darkened before gently placing his cup down. You swallowed hard, your mouth suddenly dry as he walked around the counter, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt. He dragged you across the floor, which was easy, thanks to his curse technique. He whistled a cheerful tune as he entered your bedroom.
Which is where you had been for the last hour.
“S-Satoru!” You cried out, eyes wide as your back arched off the bed.
Satoru pushed your trembling thighs further apart. His tongue gently flickered at your abused and throbbing clit as his fingers curled inside of you. His cerulean eyes never once broke contact with your face in the hour he's been nestled between your thighs. Satoru was a man on a mission. A specific mission that was going to involve you crying from overstimulation by the time he was through with you.
“Too much!” You squeaked as his lips sealed around your clit, sucking on it. “Satoru! Satoru, please!”
He ignored you, promptly sucking harder as his fingers fastened their pace, curling against the spongy spot inside you. With a strangled yelp, you threw your head back, trembling hands reaching for his soft, snowy locks. You yanked him back. Away from your pussy with all the strength you could muster.
Satoru could have easily swatted you away, but he decided to be nice, allowing you to pull him away from your dripping sex. God, he looked as feral as you felt. Eyes narrowed, mouth dripping with your slick, pale cheeks flushed red.
“Oh, sorry, did you say something?” His talented tongue darted out, cleaning your slick off his lips. “Sorry, I’m an ‘old man,’ so I didn't hear you.” His tongue went back to work, swirling slowly around your clit as if it were his favorite candy.
“Mnnngh!” you yelled, gripping his hair tighter, “Toru!” He still paid you no mind, focused solely on making you cum for the sixth, seventh, eighth time? You'd lost count after four. “Toru!” Your legs trembled under his relentless attack. Satoru hummed, knowing you were close. He sped his fingers up, tongue flicking madly over your clit.
“Fuck! Fuck! Ahh!” You cried out as you squirted all over his face. But the man didn't stop; he kept the same speed going. Determined to make you cry from immense pleasure.
It was getting too much to handle. Spots were forming in your vision as you convulsed under him. There might be only one way to stop this never-ending orgasm loop. One that would most likely result in you getting fucked into the mattress, but at least that way, he would leave your poor clit alone for the time being.
“D-Daddy,” you whimpered, “Daddy, please.”
Just like you knew he would, Satoru lifted his head like a puppy being called for dinner. The damn bastard had a shit-eating grin plastered over his cum drenched face. “Oh, you called baby girl?~” His head rested against your thigh while slowly keeping his fingers moving inside of you.
“Nngh, oh fuck, I’m sorry, Daddy, please, I need your cock.” You cried out in relief, relaxing as he sat up, leaning back on the heels of his feet. “Daddy~ daddy, please.”
You knew he couldn’t take much more of this of the endless foreplay himself. His cock was straining against his pajama pants, a small wet spot forming against the gray fabric. Indeed, he was done punishing you. It had been a long, amazing, but still exhausting hour.
“Please, what? Use your words, beautiful.”
“Please fuck me.”
Tilting his head, Gojo rubbed at his slick chin, pondering thought. “Fuck you? You want your sweet daddy to fuck you?”
His hands rubbed up and down your thighs, making you jerk slightly. “Yes! Please, Daddy, I'm so sorry.” Satoru hummed in satisfaction before leaning down and kissing you deeply. You moaned, and he used the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth. The taste of you flooded your mouth. He always kissed you like this before he fucked you.
Finally, the torture could stop.
He hooked his arms under your thighs, lifting your hips to rest over his own. But much to your horror, he pulled back, smirking as he lifted you high and higher until your legs were over his shoulders, and his lips trailed over your inner thighs with nips and hickeys.
“T-Toru! Wait, let's be reasonable!” A pitiful squeak escaped you as he dragged you to the edge of the bed. “I-I said I was sorry, Daddy!!” Terror plastered over your face as he dropped to his knees on the ground.
“Baby girl, I am being reasonable.” He pulled your hips closer to his mouth, his hot breath fanning over your cunt. “You were so hurt and distraught over me breaking my promise last night. So I have to make it up to you. I plan to fuck you all day.” Blue eyes glimmered, half-lidded, as he stuck his tongue out, dragging it slowly over your entrance. “With my tongue.”
Before you could utter another rushed, heartfelt apology, Satoru’s mouth sealed over you again, sucking you like you were his favorite treat. At this rate, he was going to suck the soul out of your body.
Geto Suguru:
“Sorry! Sorry!” You hummed out before stopping right in front of Suguru. You made it a point to bend over, your ass brushing against his crotch. “My shoe is untied!”
Suguru cleared his throat as you pretended to tie your non-existent shoelace. “No worries.” His throat was dry, and you looked over your shoulder to find him staring directly at your ass. This was going exactly as planned!
Last weekend Gojo had asked Suguru if he was a tit or ass man. Usually, your sweet boyfriend would say something along the lines that you as a whole, was his type. But between the shots of sake and the three beers he'd chugged, he eyes you carefully in thought. His dark gaze moved from your chest before he leaned back in his chair, trying to examine the ass you were sitting on. The whole scene had your friends whistling and clapping at the way he practically undressed you in front of them.
“Ya’ know, I was a tit guy in high school.” Suguru downed another shot before he draped his arm around you, pulling you firmly against his side. “But since Y/N and I started dating, I can confidently say that I am an ass man, Satoru.”
This discovery had your curiosity peaked. So there was only one logical thing for you to do. You needed to put his statement to the test. For science, of course. Nothing more than science.
Your first experiment was to see how he responded to you flashing him. When he had just gotten home from the gym, you welcomed him back by lifting your shirt showing him your breasts. In all of his sweaty glory, Suguru didn’t miss a beat. He dropped his gym bag, tossed you over his shoulder, and carried you to the bedroom, where he got his cool-down workout in.
That was the typical when he saw your boobs. Suguru loved your breasts. He loved to caress them, hold them, and bury his face in them after a long and stressful mission. In all of your previous relationships, no one enjoyed playing with your breasts as much attention as Suguru did. So to hear him say, with his own words, was a bit far-fetched.
Thus began your experiment to find out what he really was!
Throughout the day, you purposely dropped your pen, bent down to pick up your keys, and, of course, leaned over his desk in order to retrieve a paper that had mistakenly fallen into the ground. Each and every time you glanced back to look at him, to see an almost distant expression on his face as his eyes were glued to your ass.
His staring was hardly a reaction compared to you flashing him. Either he had been drunk when he answered Satoru, or you weren't putting in the effort needed to truly test him. He left you no choice but to step your antics up.
“Y/L/N-Sensei!” Itadori beamed as you carried a stack of papers into the classroom. “Do you need help with that?”
“No, I got it, Itadori!” You neatly placed the papers on the desk, grinning at Suguru, who was talking to Megumi about his stance in the earlier training. “I do need to borrow Geto, though. Sorry, guys.”
Hearing you call his name, your boyfriend turned, a soft smile gracing his gorgeous face. “Okay, class is dismissed for today. I'll see you all tomorrow.” The three first years left the opposite way that you led Suguru down.
“I needed to grab the box of paper talisman paper out of storage.” You opened the door to the storage closet. “But I can reach it.”
“So you're just using me for my height?” Suguru gasped dramatically. “Has our whole relationship been a lie, Y/N?”
With a giggle from you, Suguru stepped inside, reaching for the box on the highest shelf. Now was the perfect chance to see how he reacted to your ass. You stepped inside the closet with him. Your darling boyfriend is oblivious to your mischievous intentions.
“Oh!” Suguru turned to watch as you shut the door. He didn't get to ask what you were doing when he suddenly stiffened as you squeezed between him and the shelves. “I was wondering where they kept the extra pens!” You stood on your tiptoes, rubbing your ass on his crotch. Suguru hissed, and you could feel his cock twitch in his pants.
“Sorry! I just!” Standing on your tiptoes, you barely reached for the box of pens before dropping down. You repeated this action several times, practically dry-humping against him while attempting to maintain your innocence. “They're just so far away!”
When you reached your fingers again, grazing the box, Suguru’s hand clamped down on your wrist, squeezing it. His labored breathing hit the back of your neck as his cock throbbed hard against your ass. The air inside the closet was suddenly ten times hotter and stuffier than it had been seconds ago.
“I fuckin’ knew it.” Suguru snarled, his lips pressing against the back of your neck as her hands grabbed the hem of your pants. “You’ve been bending over in front of me all day on purpose. Are you seriously trying to test me?”
You were suddenly pushed against the shelves with one of his hands as the other yanked your pants and panties down, pooling them at your knees. “What are you talking about?” You attempt to come off as confused, but hearing the zip to his uniform being dragged down had you shivering.
“Oh, don't play dumb. You were testing to see if I was an ass man or not, weren't you?” He ends his question with a smack against your ass. “That's why you kept bending over, you know, like a brat.”
“Still don't know what you mean.” Your act is slipping up as you hear Suguru spit behind you. A second later, his hot, spit-slicked cock grinds perfectly over your ass. “Oh shit~”
Sugar kneads at your ass, thrusting his cock between your cheeks. “You can keep playing the innocent act, but we both know you're a terrible liar, Y/N.” He adjusts himself, allowing his cock to move further down, his tip teasing the entrance to your pussy.
“I am? Man, what gave me away?”
“Your shoes don't have laces.” With a sudden and sharp thrust, Suguru slams inside of you, his hand clamping down over your mouth, muffling your scream of pleasure. “Silly little brat, you wanted this as much as me, Your pussy is soaking wet for me, and I didn't even get a chance to touch your pretty cunt.”
You scream into his palm as he starts thrusting into you, the shelves shaking, dust flying around the two of you. As boxes and papers fall to the ground, Suguru picks up his pace. Your pussy is so tight and wet. It feels so good to be buried deep inside of you.
“Fuck~ fuck your pussy is the best,” Suguru whispers slowly in your ear, his dark hair falling over your shoulder as he leans fully against you. “This is like my own personal treat for being good and not fucking you in front of the entire school.”
His words, the tone of his gravely voice, and the mere force he was fucking you at. It had you hurdling to the edge so fast you felt like a teenager again. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you convulsed around his cock, cumming so hard you thought you might pass out. And Geto, he wasn't better off. You'd been rubbing up his cock off and on all day, the ultimate edging.
His teeth dug into your shoulder to silence his moans and whimpers as his cock throbbed inside of you, filling you with his seed. You breathed heavily against his palm, gasping for air as he dropped his hand from your mouth to your chin. He turned you to face him, kissing you ever so gently as he slowly pulled out of you.
“We need to go home.” With shaking hands, you tried to pull your clothes back up. “I’m going to fuck you for each time you ground that sweet ass against me today.” Suguru kindly decided to help you with your pants, pulling them up and fastening them secure. “Hope you're ready for a long night, Princess.” His hand slapped your ass as you both headed out of the closet. “Cause that ass is mine.”
In conclusion, you discovered the truth: Geto Suguru was, in fact, an ass man.
Toji Fushiguro:
“We’re having dinner with a potential client tonight. Make sure you wear something nice. Not like your usual t-shirts and shit.”
His words rang through your ears repeatedly as you eyed yourself in the bathroom mirror. You'd show him something nice. The asshole dared to tell you to wear something nice?! Mr. Sweatpants himself? What a dickhead!
After he took off for work, you made it your life's sole mission to get dolled up to a t. If he wanted to impress your potential client, you'd make their fucking jaws drop. You'd be so hot; they'd take the two of you on as clients just in the hopes of seeing you in all your fuckin’ glory!
“I assure you, my partner and I can immediately get the job done for you,” Toji said, sipping on the red wine his potential client so graciously bought.
“You both came highly recommended; I look for— my God.” the elderly man perked up. “What a stunning woman.”
Toji scoffed into his glass; he didn't care to look at other women. You were the only one he had eyes for. You were the only woman that mattered. He did, however, pay attention to the older man’s eyes. They were following whatever poor woman was walking about. Watching the man in his eighties undress them with their beady eyes was a sickening sight.
“Oh!” The man in front of Toji perked up, straightening his tie. “She's coming this way, Fushiguro.”
The sound of high- heels clicking against the tile didn't have Toji intrigued in the slightest. But the smell of your perfume and the sudden silence had him whirling around in his chair. “So sorry to keep you both waiting.” You stood there behind Toji’s chair.
Your makeup was done, and your Y/H/C hair was styled expertly. Toji had seen you dolled up countless times before. That wasn’t new. What was new was the super short red dress you were wearing. It clung to your curves, leaving hardly anything to the imagination. Your breasts bounced, threatening to pop out as you bowed at the elderly client. When you straightened your back, Toji felt the vein in his forehead throb as your dress, which went up to your mid-thigh, rode up slightly, showing off more of your smooth skin.
While you looked absolutely delicious, this was not what he had meant when he told you to dress nice.
“Please don't apologize, darling.” The soon-to-be-dead client motioned to the chair next to Toji. “Please sit. What would you like to drink?”
“Wine, please.” Toji gritted his teeth, eyes constantly darting from you to the client.
Throughout appetizers and drinks, you made sure to lean over, stretch, and emphasize your body in every way you could. In doing so, you caught the attention of passing patrons, the disgusting man in front of you, and your boyfriend, who was fuming with anger. Okay, yes, this was partially his fault. He put himself directly in this situation. Next time, he’ll know better than to tell you what to do.
When they brought out the main dishes, the elderly man licked his lips, holding a fork out to you, noodles expertly wrapped around it. “Have you ever tried the pesto pasta here? It's my absolute favorite. Give it a try, Y/N!~” Fighting back a grimace of disgust, you put on a smile. You leaned over the table, opening your mouth wide as you took the food directly off his fork.
While the act of being fed by a perverted old man was disgusting, the delicious flavor of chicken, pesto, and garlic made up for it. It was so decadent that you moaned as you swallowed the bite. Hearing a sound that was for his ears only made Toji stand up, his chair falling back from the speed of his actions. His face focused on you before he grabbed your wrist.
“Y/N! Pesto has pine nuts in it!” There was a tone of faux worry in his voice.
“Huh?” Cocking an eyebrow, you were about to tell him you knew that. When he scooped you up into his arms.
“You idiot! You're allergic to nuts!”
The clanking of silverware caught your attention, and your eyes peered back at the table. The pervert looks pale, terror painting his face. “I'm so sorry! Do I need to call an ambulance?”
“No! I have an Epi-pen in my car. I’m sorry, but we need to leave right now.”
“N-No! Please don’t; we can reschedule for another day.”
The old man watched as Toji hurriedly carried you out of the dining area of the restaurant, not once hearing the “Not a damn chance we’re doing this again.” From your very pissed-off boyfriend.
Toji suddenly turned and carried you down a hall before B-lining it into a family restroom. He plopped you down on the counter before locking the door behind him. His worried expression melted away, replaced with a darkened, more devious, rageful stare. The sheer power of his stare had you tugging your dress down in an attempt to cover your thighs. Something you had refused to do throughout the dinner.
“Oh no, you don't,” Toji’s large hand smacked yours away, “you’re the one that dressed like a slut, you might as well embrace the look.”
A shuddering breath escaped you as his fingers slipped under the skin-tight fabric, pushing it up to rest above your hips. The whole time his fingers grazed over your skin, you could see the anger in his eyes turning from a simmer to a boil in real-time. You were suddenly regretting your choices.
“Toji, we’re in a family restroom. Someone could hear us.”
“Oh? Suddenly, you're taking note of people noticing you? You didn't seem to mind when that dirtbag was eyefucking you all night. You left very little to his imagination.”
“Well, you told me to wear something nice, so I did.”
“The only place this slutty outfit is good for is in my bed.” He forced your thighs open wide, his fingers curling under the lacey hem of your panties.
His fingers were warm and oh so close to your throbbing sex. “Toji, they’ll hear us.” You scolded in a hushed tone, eyes darting towards the door leading out to a full restaurant of people.
Toji hummed and ripped the flimsy fabric of your underwear in half, causing you to gasp. “Then I guess you’ll be needing a gag.” Grabbing the back of your neck, Toji slammed his lips against yours in a searing kiss.
God, he tasted like rich wine as his tongue slid into your mouth. You followed his lead, massing your tongue against his as he worked at his belt and pants. He deepened the kiss before pulling you closer to the edge of the counter, the tip of his cock rubbing up and down your dripping sex, coating your slick all over his shaft.
“Toji~” You hummed happily as the tip of his cock popped into you. Your hum slowly grew into a whine that worked its way up the back of your throat.
“I don't think so.” Your boyfriend pushed further into you. Using his free hand, Toji squeezed your cheeks in his hand, forcing your mouth open. “You were just saying someone could hear us.” He shoved your ruined panties in your mouth. “So shut the fuck up slut.”
Tasting yourself, combined with his cock slowly thrusting into you, made you cry out around your panties. Your hands shot up, gripping his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin. The sting of pain urged Toji on as he slammed into you harder.
“I know I told you to dress nice, but I take that back.” His fingers dug into your thighs, pulling you closer, pushing his dick firmly against your cervix. “You flaunting your body like that tonight made me realize I don't want anyone lookin’ at ya’ like that” His thrusts turned harder and fast, his cock pressing into your cervix over and over again. “You only dress like that for me, Y/N; you’re my slut.”
Rolling your eyes back, you mumbled some unintelligible response back to him. Hearing the lack of words coming from you had Toji smirking against your neck as he nipped and sucked at your sensitive skin. Bite marks and hickey’s littered your skin, marking you as his. If you even dared to wear something so revealing again, anyone who would dare look at you would know you were taken.
Taken and thoroughly fucked.
Being marked, having Toji fuck you into place. God, it was too much, way too much for you to handle. Your pussy started throbbing, clamping around his cock, as drool seeped out of the corner of your mouth. Wincing at the sting from your nails, Toji released himself from your neck. Tilting his head to the side, he chuckled.
“Awww~ is my little slut going to cum?~” Nodding your head, Toji licked his lips. “You gonna cum all over Daddy’s fat cock slut?” Another nod, your hands gripping his shoulders for dear life. “Then what the fuck are ya waitin’ for?” Snarling next to your ear Toji fucked you as hard as he could.
That sent you over the edge. You screamed around your panties cumming all over his perfect fat cock. “That’s it, that's a good fucking girl~ cum on my fat cock.” He hissed through clenched teeth. “Cum on my cock, cum on my cock. That's it~! Gonna fill you up, take it, take it slut.” Toji’s head tilted back as he roared, pumping rope after rope of hot cum into you.
He remained like that, holding you on the counter, buried inside of you. Once his cock softened, Toji pulled out of you. You dug your panties out of your mouth. You were holding the spit-coated fabric in your hands. You looked between them and your boyfriend, who was stuffing his dick back into his pants.
“Who knew me dressing up like this would end with mind-blowing sex?”
“End?” Your panties were snatched out of your palm. “Baby girl, we're just getting started.” he wadded up the fabric before sliding his hand between your legs. “So I'm just gonna—” you gasped as he pushed your panties inside your pussy, “keep you plugged up until I get you home.”
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lancermylove · 7 months
Random Relationship HCs
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Leona, Malleus, Azul, Riddle with gn!Reader
Warning: None
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You and Leona have late-night study sessions, cramming for exams at the last minute. Somehow, he knows everything without even studying. Meanwhile, he is a bad influence on you and watching you frantically studying with an amused smirk.
He loves napping with you, especially under the afternoon sun. The best part is that even if you fall asleep with him on public grounds, no one will bother you because they don't want to get on Leona's bad side.
If you are competitive, well, let the competition begin! He will compete with you in anything, but beware that he doesn't lose, and in case he loses, he doesn't take it well. Convincing him to be happy will take a lot of kisses and cuteness.
He takes you to explore the vast grounds of Savanaclaw. Sometimes, the two of you discover hidden spots that not even Leona knew existed.
If you are the type of person who can be with Leona but be worlds apart at the same time, you will find yourself sitting beside him or in the same room with a comfortable silence. Words are not needed for him to understand you.
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Since he likes the silence of the nighttime, Malleus invites you on walks in the serenity of the moonlight. Neither of you say anything, hold hands, and take in the beauty of nature as the cool night breeze caresses your skin.
Malleus might be the future king of Briar Valley, but he treats you as an equal and values your opinions and decisions. It doesn't matter to him if you are royalty or not, and he will make sure everyone who attempts to look down on you knows that.
At every given moment, his eyes are on you. The prince wants to ensure you are happy and not hiding any sadness or pain from him. One of his goals in life is to keep you happy, and he intends to meet it no matter what.
If he thinks you are serious about the relationship, Malleus will envision his future with you. He may or may not say it out loud, depending on how comfortable you would be with the topic. However, he had already envisioned the two of you ruling Briar Valley together. And opening his eyes every morning to see your lovely face beside his. Just the thought makes his heart pound against his chest.
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You and Riddle sometimes banter over the rules of Heartslaybul. What's wrong with drinking a certain type of tea after 8 pm? Who cares how many sugar cubes someone puts in their drink or if you put honey? Who cares what clothes are worn where? But Riddle disagrees with you, but it's more of a playful argument than a serious one. In the end, the two of you laugh and hug each other.
You two often study together. Not only do you help each other, but you also get to spend time with each other. Moreover, Riddle is good at explaining things in a simplistic manner, so he makes it easy for you to understand anything you have issues with.
Riddle has a habit of overworking and overstressing, so at times, you have to pull him into his room and force him to relax. He likes to put his head on your lap as you stroke his hair. Sometimes, he falls asleep when you do that.
If you have a sweet tooth, specifically for strawberry tarts, the two of you visit local bakeries together to try out different desserts or ask Trey to bake some for you if he has time.
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When Azul has time, he takes you to the depths of the sea for underwater excursions. Who knows, maybe one of these days, you might find hidden treasures or secrets beneath the waves. Just don't ask him to show you his octopus form because he will most definitely say no.
Azul treasures the small moments that happen between you and him, be it you drinking something and a mustache forming on your upper lip or you laughing about something silly; he cherishes it all.
He likes it when you rely on him as it shows your trust in him. So, if you are struggling with anything and go to him, Azul will drop everything and help you. Depending on your mood, he may tease you.
After Mostro Lounge closes, Azul likes to have dinner with you. In the candlelight and glow of the ocean water, he enjoys asking you about your day and telling you about his day. It gives him a sense of a family vibe, like spouses having dinner with each other. He didn't say that out loud, and you didn't heard anything.
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➣ Twisted Wonderland [1][2] ➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Closed
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primrosebow · 6 months
Idea I had
_--> Vox x reader //
!content warnings!: nsfw, vox is a warning of his own right
This is so goofy ya'll.......
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He watches you through the cameras, he sees your every movement: every yawn from absolutely mind-numbingly boring paperwork, every sip of whatever drink you got to try and keep yourself awake, every flick you give to a page to try and make sense of the words after they start to scramble toguether in your mind... he.. felt a familiar pride rise in him as he noticed you do that last one in particular.
Vox... tries to be confident. Were it not annoying, you'd probably commend his commitment to "the bit" (that "bit" being his dominant act). His cold and controlled demeanor carefully stringed toguether by him holds up as well as a sugar cube in tea when he tries to still somehow hold it up even when you are mixed into the situation.
He had been observing you for quite the substantial ammount of time. In your bedroom. In your house. Through your electronics, your every move was permanently etched into his mind so he could look back at it during those times where the strain in his pants got far too uncomfortable to bare- he's getting sidetracked- (probably because that is the exact situation he is in right now) what brought him pride was the way you'd watch his shows with rapt attention, the way you'd talk of him so fondly to your friends, the way he was taking sleep away from you because of how in love you are with him! (Yes, his delusions do run that deep. Whatever it takes not to crush that fragile ego he has, I suppose.) Because you were anxious to be around him because you were flustered, of course, (because he is the equivalent of a ticking bomb except you never know when it's going to explode. But, whatever helps him sleep at night) and it definetly gets to you when you're trying to sleep, and THAT'S why you're so tired (the unshakable feeling of being watched at night doesn't exactly allow for much sleeping.).
And he calls you up to his office, having planned out everything down to his tone of voice. Down to the precise words he would say. His woven persona built with love for what he thinks is what you find attractive laid in front of you as you look at him mildly shocked, but weirdly unimpressed. While of course Vox would do something like this, there is also the "what the hell? What has gotten into him?" Aspect that can't seem to answer itself in your head.
Your silence and furrowed brows as you look at him don't inspire the same confidence he started with. The words that came from you next weren't the kindest, but they made the fuzzy feeling in his brain grow further. Your expression that went from mild surprise to a sly, malicious smile had him reeling- this- isn't going as planned-
"W-Well! Do something about it!" He exclaims after some moments of bickering between the two of you. His voice is slightly glitched out and his screen shows an occasional error message, but, despite that shameful display of vulnerability and lack of control over his emotions, you quickly grabbed onto his thigh and slowly brought it further up so you could get into a more comfortable position yourself. Your willingness to do this made the screaming voices of self deprication get quickly replaced by his unchecked ego. He felt like the most powerful man to have ever walked this earth.
You look at him again as you reach out to touch where he needed it most- and it was better than anything he could have hoped for. It made his entire body jolt as he finally got the reward he's been desiring for ages-
But he can't ever let things just be good the way they are without interfering in it unnecessarily. His resolve was breaking but he couldn't even tell, his screen brightened noticeably as even more glitches were escaping onto it along with a vague noise like building pressure in a lightbulb that was very hard to ignore. It was in the middle of that where he decided that this was a perfectly good moment to establish his dominance (which he hadn't noticed he was barely grasping at) and degrade you.
"You slu-" his voice is suddently cut off by a seeming "system default" one which overcame your senses with the message "[Error 404: "dominance" not found]"
You wanted to laugh-
This is just too perfect.
Your grin widens as he stumbles over an attempt to make up an excuse for what you just witnessed- though he is quickly cut off by you sliding your finger over the leaking tip of his dick.
Your turn.
// //
Goofy recreation of the last scene WHWHEHEHE
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I had so much fun with this.
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@bigfatbimbo as you accepted being tagged in my every post... and because it's vox
I had a blast with this. Not proof read. Not proof anything I'm just word vomiting. It is nearly 4am
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reiderwriter · 9 months
Hi there! It's me :"> again I read that you're closing your request soon and I just want to put another in before the deadline haha But by no mean you should put more pressure on yourself please take all the time you need, I'm always here happily waiting while enjoy reading all of the fabulous writing you had for other requests <3 Much love to your work <3
I have a request for s smut fic when the BAU was called in for a case: the victims were workers at the local bars/restaurants, the bau!reader recognised one of the bars the unsub frequently target is the one she used to work at as bartender/mixologist while putting herself through school and asked to be the undercover while other agents supervise. After successfully closing the case, the BAU decided to celebrate at said bar and the owner was happy to let the reader personally make your friends any cocktails outside of the menu.
The reader then learned about all the mildly irritations and possessive feelings softdom!Spencer had while watching people hitting on you behind the bar, but all of that can be solved with a (almost criminally) 3-sugar-cube level of sweet of a cocktail the reader personally made for him hiding an ungodly amount of alcohol which made the night a lot more interesting ;)
I'm sorry if all of my requests are soo long I know you want to have as much details as possible but please lemme know if you feel like it's too much haha Happy writing!! :">
A/N: Thank you for your request! I was partly inspired by this post to help me out with some of the drinks orders, so go check it out for more character headcannoms!
Warnings: NSFW, soft dom! Spencer, spanking, semi-public sex, jealousy, slight breeding kink/ creampie, thigh fucking etc. 18+ Minors DNI
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It had been a good few years since you quit the bartending job that put you through college, so you didn't realise just how much you'd missed it.
You thought it was the universe intervening when a case popped up in your college town, and the bar you'd spent every weekend in for nearly three years straight from the end of your undergrad to the first years of your masters degree was at the dead centre of Spencer Reid's geographical profile.
You knew the unsub had been hunting from bars, and it took only a few nights of surveillance to catch his scent, and one more of a simple cover to get the guy.
You'd taken up your spot once again, slipping easily back into making cocktails and pouring pints of beer on tap - a skill you were regretfully slow to learn but happy to see stayed with you even in your brief retirement.
You busted the bar while your coworkers tried to look inconspicuous sitting around as customers. Diligently, you served them mocktails and alcohol free beer ad regulars clapped you on the back, greeting you like an old friend as you worked to catch a killer.
JJ was the bait, and you were glad, for once, that it wasn't you, even if that thought made you feel guilty. She slipped out with a crash, and all eyed were on the man that followed her quietly to the alleyway out back.
He practically arrested himself. All in all, it had taken maybe three days to catch the guy, and you'd never been so happy to have had to work a double shift to do it.
“Y/N, if this FBI thing doesn't work for you, I'd be glad to have you back behind the bar. These college students just aren't what they used to be.” Your ex-boss grinned at you, indulging in his own glass of whiskey now that the case was closed.
He'd graciously invited your entire team to spend the rest of the evening at the bar celebrating (for at least a drink or two before his wife came to collect him). You were shocked when Hotch took him up on the offer, but happily stayed behind the bar mixing up the drinks.
“Okay, now that we've found out you're this magic mixologist, you have got to make us personal cocktails. I want to see how drunk you can get me, Y/L/N.” Emily laughed from the corner, finishing the last dregs of her virgin piña colada.
“My dear Emily, it is not the mixologist job to get you drunk, it's the mixologist job to keep you sober for as long as possible so you keep buying drinks.”
“No, come on kid, I'm intrigued as well. I'm not a cocktail guy but you've been pouring like a woman possessed tonight. Help.me out here, Spencer, hasn't she been on fire?”
Spencer's eye caught yours and your heart skipped a beat when he gave you a small smile. He'd been quiet all night, and you felt a little regretful that you'd made him stay so long in a place he wasn't entirely comfortable with. But he was still here, and surprisingly, still drinking, nursing the beer that your old boss had served them all when they'd returned from the crime scene.
“Mixology is an interesting field of study. When you think about it, it's practically chemistry.”
“I like to think of it as alchemy,” you grinned at him, enjoying the way he could turn anything into something more complicated and mathematical than it is. “Because one sip of one of my cocktails will have you thinking you've unlocked the secret of immortality.”
“Okay, if that's how drunk we're getting tonight then I'm calling home now,” JJ laughed standing from her chair and already dialling the numbers.
“Okay - here we go.” You grabbed the bottle of vodka from the counter and started, keeping your eyes focused on Reid as much as you could.
After two hours and about 5 rounds of cocktails, you'd nearly defeated the entire team. Your ex-boss had thrown you the keys half an hour earlier and called himself a cab, leaving you behind to close up just like old times.
Hotchner and Rossi had given in after two drinks each, apparently old and wise enough to know just how much alcohol was in an Old Fashioned and a Negroni each.
“Oh how the mighty have fallen,” Emily had mocked them on the way out, but two drinks later and she was asleep in the back of a cab having been carried out by both JJ and Morgan.
You'd used the good gin in her Aviation cocktail, and it was only a matter of time before she ended up peacefully sleeping the week away.
The only member of the team left standing was, surprisingly again, Spencer.
You'd gone simple with his Espresso Martini, though you'd made a big show and dance about adding twice as much brown sugar syrup than the recipe required.
“A sweet cocktail for the man who drinks the sweetest coffee known to man.” He'd brushed his hand across your fingers every time you'd passed him a refill, and you'd felt the familiar jolts of anticipation pass through you with each shared glance.
Your old boss had even noticed that you were ‘sweet on that little coworker of yours,’ and you'd had to do your best to stop yourself from openly flirting with him whilst he was sat there at the bar.
You'd done it for tips every single shift, not caring about the consequences, buy with Spencer, you so desperately wanted there to be consequences that you never so much as tried.
“We should pack up and head home, Spence.” You said, cleaning up the final glass of Mai Tai Derek had left behind, but when you turned around to see him, he was gone.
More accurately, he'd moved to your side of the bar and was sliding his arms around your waist from behind, pulling you in.
You gasped his name like a prayer, not expecting his cold fingers to curl under your shirt as he buried his head in your shoulder.
“Spencer! What's… what are…”
“Let me hold you.” He didn't say much more than that, but he didn't need to say more. You'd already.relaxed into his touch, eyes shutting so you could focus on the feel of his skin against yours.
“You're good at this,” he mumbled, words slightly slurred. “Everyone was watching you, they all wanted you to pour their drinks.”
You listened to each word of his voice fighting off confusion. Who was everybody? There hadn't been another customer in the bar since you'd made the arrest.
“The old men in the corner, they looked down your top when you picked something up for them. I heard them talking about it, how they thought about stuffing a couple of one's right here,” his hand trailed up to your breasts and you gasped, “like you were some stripper.”
His hands were slowly caressing you as he stood, chest pressed against your back, and you felt desire flood between your legs.
“Spencer, you're drunk, we should get you back to the motel.”
“My blood alcohol level should be around 0.11, so yes, legally I am drunk. If you want me back at the motel, be my guest, but I don't think I can keep my hands off of you tonight, Y/N.”
His words were blunt, delivered the same way he usually talked about case details, or books he'd read. There was nothing in it to indicate he'd meant to turn your world upside down just like that.
His hand had moved under your bra now, and you snapped back to reality, grabbing his hand and halting his movements momentarily as you craned your neck to look at him.
“Spencer, you're not in your right mind, you're going to regret this-” you didn't get to finish the sentence as he cut you off, pushing his lips into yours softly. With each second, his passion grew, until the two of you were caught in a battle of tongues, saliva dripping down your chin as you cared about nothing else but the pleasure you found in each other's mouths.
“The only thing,” he whispered between kisses. “That I'm going to regret, is if I let you walk me out of that door without showing you how much I want to possess every inch of you.”
His words were insistent but there was a question hidden in his movements. He'd withdrawn slightly, giving you enough space to turn him down should you want to.
You didn't.
Instead, you let a hand run up the back of his neck to his hair until you were pulling him down into you, stepping back into the warmth of his broad chest as you opened up to him.
Your other hand relinquished his, letting him explore your chest further and doing much of the same as you tried your very best to twist in your spot to get a better hold of him.
He was holding firm though, despite everything he'd drank, and had pushed you once again against the counter, hand moving between exploring your ass cheeks, and placing your hand firmly underneath you on the table so you could stabilise your position.
He worked his lips down your neck, prying your other hand out of his hair and placing it parallel to the first, before pulling your hips back slightly and encouraging you to arch your back.
You only realised you'd assumed a position for spanking when the first blow landed on your ass.
It was soft, all things considered, and he was still busy bruising your neck that you almost thought you'd imagined it.
The next one was harder though. It was real.
“Spencer!” You gasped as he stroked a hand over your asscheeks.
“Shhhhhhhh s'okay. You have a beautiful ass, I'm just making it prettier.”
His hands fumbled over your pants zipper, and then pulled them down to your knees as he continued stroking your ass and licking your neck.
The material limited your movements, trapping your knees together as he delivered one more blow. The skin to skin contact was too much and you let out a sinful moan, surprised at how loud you were suddenly managing to be.
You'd never been spanked before, never even thought about it, but something about Spencer's hands on you, the lingering scent of alcohol in the air had every hair on your body standing in excitement.
You heard Spencer unzip his own pants and were a little regretful that you didn't get the honour. You wanted to see him hold him in your hand, take him into your mouth and play with him until you knew just how he worked. But your back was still to him, and he wasn't giving you the space you needed to turn around and catch a glimpse.
“Every man in this bar tonight wanted to be where I am right now,” he whispered into your hair as he kissed the crown of your head, and then pushed your panties aside and ran himself along the lips of your cunt.
It was a night of sounds - the zippers, his whispers, your moans - bit you still weren't expecting to be able to hear your arousal.
It was erotic, near pornographic how wet his spanking had made you, and he let out small groans of appreciation as he gathered your juices on his cock.
He didn't try to breech you just yet, but rocked his cock between your thighs and cunt, teasing you just enough to keep you hooked, but nowhere near where you needed him to get you.
“Every man who was in here wanted you, and I got you. Right?” He asked again, practically rutting against your cunt.
“Y-Yes, Spencer.”
“Yes, sir.” He corrected, and you gasped as his hand struck your ass again, dangerously close to where his hips joined yours.
“Yes, sir.”
“Be a good girl for me, baby. I want to take care of you.”
With those words, he lined the tip of his cock up with your entrance and slipped in.
With your knees still locked in place by your pants, it was really up to Spencer to control the pace. You didn't spare a second for the thought that had you been completely naked with a better range of motion that he still wouldn't relinquish this quiet control of you.
With one hand on your hip, and the other curled around to reach your clit as you arched your back against him, it wasn't long before he was setting a vigorous pace.
It wasn't that he was thrusting particularly fast, or that he was doing it ridiculously hard, like some men who knew no better tried. It was the combination of how far he was able to reach with his careful concentration on your pleasure.
You felt him speed up once before quickly drawing himself back to the even tempo, doing his best to not get lost in you.
His fingers traced your cunt in a slow figure eight as first, before experimenting with different movements, shapes, words until he'd been rewarded by your cunt clenching around his cock as you came all over it.
You gasped in shock, and flushed, so shocked it took only that long.
Instead of congratulating himself on getting you off though, he used your orgasm to inform himself of what you liked, what you so desperately needed from his fingers and his cock.
And most importantly, he didn't stop.
Even as your body twitched and spasmed around his cock, he kept up his wrist movements, keeping your body warmed up as he finally took his turn.
“Tell me how much you want this,” he whispered into your ear.
“I want this so badly, Sir, I need your cock pumping in and- ahhh out of me.”
“Tell me how nice my cock feels,” he again ordered and you willingly obeyed.
“Your cock is perfect, it's so big and warm, like it was made just for me.”
“Good girl, now tell me how much you want me to shoot my cum inside of you.”
Your mouth went dry as you choked out a moan, his pace getting rougher and rougher with each thrust. You hadn't heard him correctly, surely, your brain was imagining things.
But he prompted you with a slight tap to your face, a slap that wouldn't leave any mark.
“You don't want my cum all over this bar, do you? It would be a shame for your ex boss to fail his hygiene inspection.”
“Cum in me! God, please cum in me.”
He gripped you tight around your waist as he finally pushed himself over the edge, filling you with his seed and keeping you pinned in his arms until he was sure that none of it would escape.
“I'm glad you agreed, because I wasn't asking,” he said, chest still slightly heaving as he rode out his orgasm, lower body twitching in its sensitivity.
When he finally did pull out, he'd spent so long inside you, cockwarming, that not much of his cum slipped out. He cleaned you up with a clean dishcloth you pointed to on the counter, and pulled your pants back up, quickly manoeuvring his up too.
After a brief moment of silence, you finally turned to look at him, melting into his arms again as you took in his fucked out expression.
He stroked your head quietly for a few minutes, before pulling back from your hug.
“This bar doesn't have CCTV, does it?”
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greymoonfeelings · 1 year
You and Me
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pairing: Jake Seresin x fem! reader
word count: 0.7k
note: this is a little blurb I’ve had in my drafts forever and I wanted to get it published. I firmly believe Jake says says “give me some sugar” when he wants a kiss and you will not change my mind.
You let out a huff, swirling the ice cubes in your drink around with the plastic straw. With your head in your hand, you watch as Jake celebrates his latest pool victory with his friends. He wasn’t ignoring you on purpose, but he was so wrapped up in the energy of his friends that he had yet to realize you weren’t feeling the same.
After Coyote slaps him on the back, Jake spins around to face you. He looks over to you expectantly, hoping to see you smiling at him, but instead notices the downturn of your lips as you stare down at your drink. Jake excuses himself from his friends before approaching you.
“What's wrong, darlin?” He slides into the booth beside you, throwing an arm around your slumped shoulders.
“Nothing.” You force a smile, not wanting to ruin his fun with your sour mood. Jake cocks his head to the side giving you a knowing look. There is no use lying to him. He has always been able to see right through you.
You sigh in defeat. “I thought tonight would just be us. I love your friends, but we’re with them so much and I miss spending time alone with you.”
“Why didn’t you say something earlier?” His tone is soft, not accusing.
“I didn’t want to sound needy.” You peer down at your drink again, pretending to be interested in the condensation running down this side so you don’t have to look your boyfriend in the eye.
You’re terrified of Jake suddenly deciding that you’re too high maintenance. Maybe he wants a girlfriend who’s more go-with-the-flow and less clingy. Jake is a boisterous and extroverted person, why would he ever want to be with someone who was the exact opposite?
Jake recognizes that look on your face. The one you make when your order comes out wrong but you eat it anyway because you don’t want to be a bother. The one you wear when someone suddenly starts talking over you because they either didn’t realize you were speaking or they just didn’t care. Jake hates that look, hates that you feel like you’re not good enough to take up space.
“There’s no one else I would rather spend time with than you, darlin’. You can always tell me what you’re feeling, you don’t have to hide from me or feel embarrassed.”
“You’re so good to me, Jake. I’m not used to my feelings being considered.”
“Your feelings deserve to be treated with respect and I love you, I always want you to be comfortable.”
“I love you too.”
“Gimme some sugar.” Jake leans in, his lips searching for yours.
“Not here.” You duck away from him, looking around at the crowded bar.
“No one’s looking. They’re all too focused on themselves. C’mon, I missed you too, darling.” Jake whispers reassuringly as he presses kisses to the side of your face.
You take another quick look around the bar before deciding that he’s right. You lean into Jake’s side and press your glossed lips against his.
When you pull away, Jake licks his lips trying to savor the taste of you. “Mm, cherry. My favorite.”
“You’re not supposed to lick it off, weirdo.” You laugh and give your boyfriend a playful shove.
“Let’s get out of here. There’s a carton of ice cream back home with our names written all over it and I may have finally caved and subscribed to Disney Plus.”
Jake wraps his arm around your waist and tucks you against his side. After saying goodbye to his friends, he leads you out into the parking lot, his body warming you against the cool breeze from the ocean.
The two of you spend the remainder of the night curled up in bed sharing the tub of ice cream while your favorite movie plays. Jake makes sure you know just how much he cherishes his time with you. Being alone with just him refills your energy just the way you were hoping it would and you fall asleep feeling even more in love with your man.
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wzrd-wheezes · 4 months
Coffee, Cake and a Gossip - James Potter x Reader
AN - this is entirely based off of a scenario where my boyfriend took me for coffee and cake so we could gossip.
warnings: mentions of alcohol briefly but that’s about it. james potter loving a gossip
Y/N pushed the scrambled eggs around with her fork as she spoke, her eyes trained on the fading pattern of the plate as the words tumbled out of her mouth.
“-And it’s just like, I don’t know, I don’t know how many more times I have to tell her before it gets through.” she huffed, setting her fork down with a clatter, “I’m sorry. I know you probably don’t want to hear me moaning about my friend drama again.”
James laughed, taking a slurp of coffee from his mug, “You’re not moaning, my love.” he smiled, “You’re just venting and, in the nicest way possible, I am loving the drama.”
Y/N chuckled, looking up for the first time in a good few minutes. James was sat, patient as ever, staring lovingly at her as she recounted the events from the previous night.
“Yeah, I know but it must be getting old now,” she smiled weakly, standing up. She crossed the kitchen to scrape her plate clean before setting it in the sink.
Light on his feet, James appeared behind her, his big arms wrapping around her shoulders, his chin resting on the top of her head. He pressed a kiss to her temple, one hand sliding down to rest on her waist. He pushed the fabric of her pyjama top upwards, forever a fiend for skin on skin contact.
“I have an idea.” he mumbled into her hair.
“Yeah?” Y/N hummed in response, sudsing up the sponge and beginning to wash the pots from that morning’s breakfast.
“How about we go and get ready, then we can drive to a cute little cafe somewhere and we can go for coffee, cake and a gossip.” he spun her around so that she was facing him, taking her soapy hands in his, “Then, you can tell me all about your friend drama because, to be honest, ever since you went out with them last night I’ve been dying to hear about what happened.”
“Really?” Y/N slipped her hands from his and wiped them dry on a tea towel that was tucked into a drawer, “You’re sure that you actually-”
“Baby. I cannot explain to you how much I would love to hear it. Besides, I’m a sucker for a little sweet treat.” He grinned, “Why don’t you go and get ready and I’ll finish cleaning up down here, yeah?”
James drove them to a café on the outskirts of their town. It was a quiet little place where sunlight streamed in through the windows and the walls were adorned with quirky paintings. Y/N went to find a table while James ordered. She found them a spot tucked away in the corner, two overstuffed armchairs and a small table between them.
Their coffee was served in mismatched mugs, steam rising from the surface as James set them down on the scrubbed wooden table. He disappeared for a moment and returned with two large slices of cake.
“I didn’t know which to get so I just got a slice of each and thought we could share.” he explained, hacking into a slice with his fork.
“Good thinking.” Y/N smiled, picking up the hot mug and clasping it in her hands.
“Okay. Coffee and sweet treats acquired… time to gossip.” he wiped the crumbs from his lips and turned to face her properly, giving her his full attention.
“So, obviously I haven’t seen the girls for a while, y’know, with us all working and whatnot,” Y/N began. She picked up a sugar cube from the bowl and dropped into into her coffee with a plop, “And I thought it would be nice for us all to go for a drink somewhere so I booked us in at this cute little wine bar in town.”
“Ooh, was it good? We should go there next date night.”
“It was so good! We get there and we all get our drinks and one of the girls says that Alice is running late and I’m like, ‘okay no worries’,” she stopped for a moment to take a bite of cake before continuing, “And you’ll never guess what…!”
“What?” James leaned forward in anticipation, his elbows resting on his knees.
“She turns up an hour late with Jackson.”
“She never!” James gasped, “But it was girls night!?”
“I know!” Y/N huffed. She swilled the coffee around in her mug before taking a swig.
“Wait.” James held a finger up, “Wasn’t Jackson the one that cheated on her?”
“Wow.” James let out a bemused laugh, “No wonder you’re annoyed.”
“It’s just so frustrating.” Y/N sighed through a mouthful of spongecake, “No matter how many times we tell her he’s a piece of shit she won’t listen.”
“Well, not everyone can have boyfriends as lovely as yours.” James teased, slipping the last bite of cake onto her plate.
“Very true.”
“So, what did you say to her when Jackson turned up?”. he pressed, his eyes twinkling.
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 4 months
Strawberries and Cream
Paring: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word count: 7.1k
Notes: 🎶 is that a baton in your pocket or are you just happy to see me🎶 please understand I’m gonna shoot myself in the face if I ever have to edit this chapter again it is what it ISSSSS
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Episode 6: Blueberry Pie
This entire chapter be like
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Eddie calls you around 10 pm, asking you to pick him up so he can take you somewhere special. He’s still got a day or two before he’s allowed to drive with his shoulder and you’ve been taking him everywhere lately, just to spend time together.
You show up a little after 10, he’s on his front porch, just chilling, waiting, playing some random game on his phone while he waits for you. 
“You’re late Sugar Cube,” He says as he pushes off the wall, walking to the Jeep
“It’s 10:04 you big baby” You stick your tongue out as he gets in, and he leans over and kisses it right back into your mouth 
“Are you always late?” He buckles his seatbelt and watches you blink slowly, processing what just happened 
“I said,” He kisses you again, a little slower this time
“Are you always late?”
“Ehh??” You shrug, unable to form a sentence and he snorts, taking your phone from the stand and typing in an address for you
“I hope you don’t mind…” He holds up a pink pouch “I bought you a little something” 
He won’t tell you what it is, or where you’re going. He just keeps ignoring those questions and asks you some instead. How was your day? What did you do? Did you miss me? Little things but it’s cute the way he’s interested in these things 
You pull up in front of a large house, the lights are off. You shut off the car and look through the windshield 
“What are we doing here? Are you gonna kidnap me??”
“Yeah I made you drive Buck’s Jeep to my super secret kidnapping hideout” He gets out of the Jeep and comes around to your side, opening the door for you. You hesitantly hop out, narrowing your eyes at him 
“I have friends okay? They’re out of town and they asked me to housesit. Said I could use whatever I wanted… that includes the pool and hot tub”
“We’re going swimming?! Night swimming!? That’s the best kind of swimming!!” You squeal excitedly as he brings you inside. 
It’s a very nice place, these people clearly have money. He brings you to the pool house, handing you the little pink pouch 
“I bought you a new swimsuit… I hope you like it. Buck sent me the size of the one you have now. I hope that’s alright with you”
“A new swimsuit? You didn’t have to do that I have a perfectly good one” You take the bag from him, opening it up to peek inside 
“I know, but I just really wanted to… I wanted to see you in this. If you’re uncomfortable in it I’ll just give you my shirt okay? That’s always an option”
“Thank you, Eddie, I’m sure I’ll love it. Or you know, absolutely hate your guts for it, who knows!” 
He rolls his eyes at your sarcasm and flicks you off
“You change in there, I’ll be on the other side” He shuts the curtain and goes into the little cubicle next to you to change too
You pull the swimsuit from the bag, and honestly? It’s not that bad. It’s a pretty, black, two-piece with the sides cut out on the bottoms and ties and a short-sleeved low-cut top. You’re pretty sure he wanted those sides on purpose just to be able to feel you up.  
He lets out a low whistle as soon as you walk out and you roll your eyes, doing a little spin 
“How do I look?” 
“Good enough to eat” He winks and takes your hand, leading you over to the pool. You step back a little, letting go of his hand as he walks in, he goes under for a minute, swimming out a bit before coming back up
“Aren’t you coming?” He tilts his head, and you shrug a bit
“Awww what’s wrong pretty girl, don’t wanna get wet?”
You cross your arms over your chest “No…no it’s not that!”
“So what is it?” 
You roll your eyes, looking down, and shrug “I can’t… I can’t swim” You mumble 
“Don’t worry about that, mi vida. C’mon the waters warm” Eddie reaches for your hands, water droplets flowing down his body. His gorgeous…sculpted-
“Earth to Y/N. Come on. I’ll hold you” Eddie smirks as you step down into the water, the water is warm and you narrow your eyes at him
“You know the pool chemicals will tell me if you peed” 
His head falls back laughing as he pulls you into his chest, floating backward with you in his arms
“That’s so childish oh my god” 
His body feels good against yours, your arms wrap around his neck and you bury your face in his shoulder. He runs his hands down your bare sides and squeezes your hips. You feel his hands slide over your ass and your breath hitches in your throat
“See? Safe and sound…” He says quietly, nuzzling against you “And I didn’t freaking pee”
You snort into his shoulder and push at him “You’re so annoying oh my god”
“You literally started it!” He gives your ass a swat and your mouth drops open. Ever since the beach…and the drive-in, he’s been openly affectionate with you, there are no labels yet. For you two at least. Buck however is losing his mind every single second of every single day. 
He nuzzles into your neck again, his favorite thing to do. You smell like summer and strawberries and he’s addicted to it 
He carefully lets you go, holding you by your hands and pulling you slowly around the pool. You let him drag you through the water and he goes a little deeper. He pulls you closer, his hands firmly planted on your waist and your hands on his shoulders
“I could teach you to swim,” He says, continuing to walk you around 
“Yeah, but then you wouldn’t have an excuse to hold me”
“Oh sweet girl, I don’t need an excuse to have my hands on you” 
He dips his head into yours, kissing you softly. He pulls away slowly, smirking at the little dazed smile on your face. 
“I don’t need an excuse to want to taste you either… just waiting for when you finally let me” 
“I let you kiss me all the time”
“That’s not what I’m saying” 
There’s a long pause while he stares directly into your eyes, he’s daring you. Practically begging you to take the bait, god it should be illegal for his voice to be that deep, that sultry when he’s saying things like this. His heart flutters at the way you swallow and your lips part, like you’re really considering it and he wants you to be considering it. He wants that pretty little head of yours to think about being with him like that
He walks backward until his back hits a wall and pulls you into his lap. Your legs automatically wrap around his waist and his hands settle on your ass
“Watcha thinkin' about” He grins wickedly and you roll your eyes 
“Nothin…” you feel shy in his lap, suddenly a little self-conscious.
Maybe a bikini wasn’t the best idea. And it had nothing to do with your image at the moment, you’d worn that with confidence
But right now? You wish you were wearing one of those old-timey dress-type bathing suits. His hands feel good, they’re strong and a bit calloused from work. His biceps are… something else as your hands rest on them for a moment. Every little thing about Eddie is driving you crazy right now, especially the way his hair curls a little when it’s wet. 
“Nothin'?” He mimics your voice and you frown at his teasing, he kisses your nose making you giggle 
“Come on… use your words, Princess” 
“God, do you really have to tease me that much?” 
“Do you not like it?” 
“I hate it!” You make a little face at him and he chuckles, nuzzling his nose against yours 
“Oh come on baby girl no you don’t” 
“Okay, I don’t… but can’t I be the one to make you nervous?”
“You do make me nervous Y/N” he scoffs, laughing.
“God since the minute I set eyes on you like two months ago…I can’t seem to do anything right. I literally had my shirt on backward the other day because you called me when I was getting dressed before work!” 
You giggle and run your fingers through the back of his hair as he talks, your cheeks flush and he sighs, leaning into your touch, his body glistening with water in the moonlight 
“I had to sign off on the chore sheet…and I wrote “Y/N Diaz” on it” 
He cringes at that one and you snort, shaking your head 
“Okay that one’s embarrassing”
“You know what was really embarrassing? When Chim found it in the trash and sent it to the group chat. God they still haven’t let me forget that and that was like a week ago or something” 
You feel a little bad, giggling at his cringy misfortune, but it feels good to know you make him just as nervous even if he doesn’t show it as much. Maybe it’s time to give him a little taste of his medicine. It had been a back-and-forth game the entire time you’d known each other and now it was your turn. 
His eyes are still closed and you take the opportunity to kiss him, he breaths out through his nose, laughing a little as he kisses you back, not bothering to open his eyes. 
You run your fingers through his wet curls, tugging his head backward to expose his neck 
“Thanks for bringing me here,” You say sweetly, and he opens one eye, peeking at you 
“We can come again tomorrow night if you want, make use of that hot tub” He moans softly as you kiss his neck, scraping your teeth against his soft skin 
“Yeah okay,” you whisper against his pulse point as you bite down. He hums pleasantly, kneading your hips with his hands, as you give him a necklace. His hands trail up and down your sides slowly as he relaxes into your kisses. He may be quiet on the outside, but you can feel just how much he likes this. 
“Can’t wait to go back to work, wear these with pride” He purrs, his voice gravely and deep. “Gonna wear my collar open just so they can see them” His breath hitches at the end of his sentence and he bounces you in his lap, thrusting his hips against you 
“You should stop” He whispers in your ear “Before I bend you over this pool wall”
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Moving in with Eddie is something that’s been on your mind for days. You guys weren’t actually in a relationship yet… but all your stuff was there anyway
After your little hickey attack, he’d kept a small distance between the two of you as you both floated around, you pouted like a little brat and he laughed about it, cooing and teasing you. Eventually, he’d brought you back into his lap, squeezing you as tightly as he could until you laughed and smiled and told him to let you go before he crushed you. 
“I want to move in with you,” You say suddenly, your forehead against his now as you kiss him. Man, there’s a whole lotta kissing going on for just friends. 
“Three days at your place, three days at Buck’s, and alternating Sundays. When we get together maybe I’ll do four at your place. But I just. I need a home… and I’m ready for it to be with you. You know- sort of. 
“On one condition” He mutters against your lips, you can feel his moving with each word. 
“I want you to move into my room, please?” 
Your heart pounds in your chest, pulling back a little to look at him. He’s serious about it too. He tilts his head cutely…giving you those irresistible puppy eyes 
“Eddie…” you groan “I’m not-“
“You and Buck sleep together”
“We’re cousins!”
“And we’re friends!”
“What if I need space?!” You protest and he rolls his eyes. 
“Fine. You can move into the guest room,” He pecks your lips “But you sleep in my room-“ he pecks them again “With me” he kisses you a little slower this time, tasting the sweet summer strawberry he loves so much “-In my bed”
How can you possibly deny him when he’s kissing you like that?
You spend the rest of the time splashing and messing around in the pool, shushing each other loudly to avoid disturbing the neighbors  It doesn’t work. 
Eddie is launching you into the pool when the doorbell rings. You both freeze and Eddie gets out of the pool, pushing the button on the wall to open the side gates. You quietly “Ooooooo” him from the pool and he flips you off. 
Two police officers come around back and you shrink down a little, coming to the edge of the pool 
“Hi, I’m officer Nolan this is Officer Juarez. We got a noise complaint? Said the people living here are supposed to be out of town” 
Officer Nolan looks pale as he introduces them, it’s just a noise complaint… 
Eddie runs his hand through his wet hair and you get out of the pool now, walking over to your towels 
“Uh yeah, no uh, my friends let us use the pool I’m sorry, we didn’t realize how loud we were being” 
“Yeah we’re really sorry, we can leave now” You walk over, handing Eddie a towel and he takes it, giving your body a lingering look. Your cheeks flush and you roll your eyes, gesturing to the literal police officers in front of him 
“No that’s okay. We’re sorry for interrupting your night. It’s just your neighbors are old” Officer Juarez shrugs 
“Was it the Schumacher’s?” Eddie rolls his eyes 
“Actually we can’t-“
“Sure was,” Officer Juarez says, putting her hands on her hips and Eddie groans drying off his hair 
“My partner shouldn’t have told you that I apologize. But yes it was them and it would probably be helpful if you left… honestly we get a lot of noise complaints from them but since it was so late we decided to check it out” 
“They’ve done this before” Eddie sighs, turning away to collect your stuff 
“You’ve done this before?” You scoff a little “with who?”
“Oop” Officer Juarez whispers and Officer Nolan glares at her 
“No, no, no, baby I meant like. During the day, I’ve never brought anyone who wasn’t Buck and the team here before at night or any other time of the day, I swear. It’s just you Y/N. Not to mention Buck would totally tell on me if I was lying” 
You sigh and narrow your eyes, you totally believe him but you just want him to be a little nervous
“I promise” He pouts at you, with the sweetest face he can muster and you hear Officer Juarez's breath hitch 
“Oh god I know right” You say turning to her and she snorts 
You haven’t even left Eddie’s driveway before he’s immediately calling Buck. He slams the front door as you drive away and goes to his bedroom, crashing into bed. He doesn’t bother changing yet he’s too excited 
“Eddie? It’s like 1 am Is everything okay? Do you need me to come over?”
“No, no I’m okay. Thanks. I just needed to talk to you right away”
“Okay, yeah what’s up?” He can hear shuffling and a click as Buck sits up and turns on the light 
“Is Y/N sleeping over?”
“No she’s on her way home, I have to be quick. Buck- she’s moving in with me”
“She's moving in with you?!”
Buck screams into the phone and Eddie has to pull it from his ear for a minute as he squeals loudly. He shouldn’t have told Buck before you did but he’s his best friend and he had to tell someone before he burst. 
“Yeah, but just part time! She said she’d live with you the other days of the week but I’m totally going to convince her that staying with me is the best option. It’s gonna be so good” 
“Have you been by the pound lately?” 
“There’s a German Shepherd puppy!!” Eddie practically squeaks when he says it, kicking his legs as he lays in bed “He’s cute, he’s very sweet. He’s the perfect future, Captain Barkley Diaz”
“Aren’t you moving a little fast?”  
Eddie sends Buck a picture of the puppies listed on the humane society’s site
Buck laughs as he looks at the adorable little puppy. He scrolls through the other animals too 
“What about a rabbit? She loves rabbits”
“Why not both!” Eddie starts looking through the site again and Buck giggles 
“Eddie… you can’t just spring an animal on her”
“I won’t! I swear. We’ll go pick one together” he sighs dreamily “We’ll hold hands while she pulls me down the aisle looking at all the cute little dogs
Buck fake gags and rolls his eyes 
“Hey, maybe you should get an older dog! they deserve some love”
“Maybe even two dogs. That’s such a good idea!”
“Okay, not. Not two dogs Eddie” 
“But I want Captain-“
“Don’t say it”
“I want Captain Barkley Diaz to have a friend! Maybe I should see if there’s a dog park nearby…”
“Yeah see! He can make friends… oh my god I’m starting to agree with this. Eddie! You guys aren’t together yet and she’s only living there part-time you gotta rein it in!”
“I’m trying, Buck, I swear. But she’s all I can think about… I just. I want a life with her so badly”
“So why don’t you just freaking ask her out” he sounds so strained when he says it and Eddie chuckles 
“I’m working on it. I just… I’m gonna need some help” 
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Eddie has no damn right looking that fine when he pulls up to the studio to help you move. It’s not like you even need that much help it’s just like three to five boxes. And with his shoulder, he technically shouldn’t even be helping. You finally got him to agree to be on team “folding” with Maddie 
He never comes empty-handed, he brought a cake this time. Strawberry cake with whipped frosting. 
“A cake?” Buck asks as he sets it on the counter 
“I was craving okay. Shut up, you know you’re gonna eat it all”
“You’re not wrong” 
He leads Eddie up to his bedroom where there’s a tiny mountain of clothes on the bed. You and Maddie are sorting through it, so they can be folded 
“Hey Sugar” He smiles, coming over and kissing your head before he plops on the bed. 
Admittedly you do stare at him, his tank top is flowy and lower than normal. He claims it’s his moving shirt. More like his porn star shirt  Okay, not really.
But his arms look so delicious in that tank top and you’re tempted to bite his bicep. Which is completely normal. 
“Mads” He winks and she smirks, tossing a shirt at him 
“Took you long enough, where have you been?” 
“Well I had to make sure the guest room was clean” He shrugs as he takes one of your mini skirts, looking at it.
“That room has been spotless and you know it. What were you really doing?” Buck narrows his eyes and Eddie glares at him 
“It’s a surprise alright?” 
You perk up immediately, looking over at him 
“Surprise? What kind of surprise?” 
“Oh god please tell me it’s not what I think it is. Eddie you promised!!” Buck whines as he puts a box together and throws it down the stairs 
“Oh my god, It’s not that. Shut up” he pulls out his phone and hands it to Buck, who snatches it from his hands 
“Oh my god… Eddieeee” He pretends to blink back tears “That’s so sweet!” 
“What’s so sweet?!” You try to reach for the phone and he holds it out of your reach
“No, you’re gonna ruin it!”
“Wait I wanna see!!” Buck hands Maddie the phone and you try to look over her shoulder 
“Uhhh that’s my property and I’m not comfortable with you looking?!” Eddie gestures awkwardly and your mouth drops open 
“That’s not fair!! Of course, I’m gonna respect your ass!”
Buck points at you, laughing “Ha!!! You’re the only one who can’t see it yet, sucker!! Eddie, I dare you to send it to the group chat”
“I’m already on it” Maddie sends the photo and you get up, throwing down the shirt you were holding 
“Oh come on!! I hate you guys!” 
“Awww don’t be like that Sugar cube I’m sure you’ll forget about it in like 10 minutes”
“She has ADHD so yeah I’m pretty sure she will too” Buck snickers as he tosses a pair of panties at Eddie. 
“Buck!!” You dive across the pile snatching them from Eddie’s hands and stuff them back into the pile closer to Maddie. Maddie puts her hand out in front of her, pushing herself up gingerly 
“I think she’s gonna cry” Buck snorts and Eddie can’t help but giggle with him. They sound like an older brother and his annoying friend. Buck might as well be your older brother at this point 
“I am not!!” You throw a skirt at him and he ducks, it knocks over an empty cup on his nightstand that falls and knocks over his AirPods. He gasps loudly, picking them up off the floor 
“Oh, you’re gonna get it!” He goes to dive for you and you squeal, stumbling backward off the bed 
“Alright okay!”Maddie yells and you and Buck freeze. 
“Since you want to be children. Buck and I are going downstairs, you and Eddie toss the clothes down to us okay? Okay. Buck, now.”
She walks past them down the stairs and Buck follows, sticking his tongue out while you flip off him and Eddie.
Eddie looks at you, putting his fingers up to his lips in a V shape and you throw a pair of pants at his head before he can finish his lewd gesture. Really you’ve got a whole arsenal here if he wants to be nasty. 
“You perv!” 
“I don’t see clothes coming down!” Maddie calls upstairs and Eddie laughs, grabbing your waist and yanking you into him, he nuzzles his face in your neck and takes a skirt, throwing it over the balcony 
“Sorry, Mom!” He yells down and you giggle in his arms trying to wriggle your way free 
“I swear to god if you guys have your first time in my bed I’m gonna cry happily but also slice Eddie’s balls off with my katanas”  You launch a few more clothes over the railing while Eddie kisses your neck 
“You have katanas?!” You yell, looking around for them 
“Yes, he does” Eddie whispers in your ear, his hands sliding up under your shirt. He feels over your torso as he nibbles your ear and you whimper quietly. One of his hands comes up and covers your mouth, keeping you quiet 
Suddenly that little promise he made in the rain pops into your head and your eyes nearly pop out of your head 
“Of course I do! They’re super sweet I’ll show them to you later! Maybe we can fight with them!”
“Absolutely not” Maddie immediately vetoes it, and Buck whines. 
Upstairs, Eddie’s busy kissing your neck and handing you clothes to toss over the balcony. His hand slides from your torso down to the top of your pink sweatpants. He toys with the drawstring and your heart pounds in your chest 
His fingers slip under the top of your waistband and you freeze in his lap, as his fingers slide down over the front of your panties and tease your clit like that, you gasp quietly and he smirks, putting his head on yours. 
“Be a good girl and keep your mouth shut” He whispers in your ear as he pushes your panties to the side, sliding his fingers between your folds and collecting some of your wetness. He lets out a deep sigh as he drags it back through your folds, getting them nice and slick. 
He lets go of your mouth and keeps handing you things to toss over the railings, making sure you stay quiet at the same time. It’s quick, it has to be with them right below you both but it doesn’t make it any less hot. His fingers work deftly, your legs spread wide for him as he toys with your clit. He drags his fingers down your folds again, circling your tight hole with his finger for a moment 
“Hey! I gotta go get some more tape from the store, Maddie is gonna come with, either of you wanna come?” Buck calls up the stairs and the moment is shattered… for you at least. Eddie doesn’t move at all, keeping your legs open for him. 
“Nah we’re good, might start in on that cake while we wait!” 
Buck gasps dramatically as he and Maddie head out “You better not touch that without me!!” You hear the front door shut and Eddie immediately adjusts your bodies, laying you down at a better angle for his fingers to sink deep inside you 
“Can you take two?” He whispers in your ear, his voice is breathy and a bit strained… you can feel why, pushing into your back. He doesn’t have time to stretch you properly like he’s aching to do, he doesn’t know when they’ll be back. 
“Your hand is a lot bigger than mine,” you tell him, looking up. He takes his other hand, holding it up to yours, and smirks a little 
“Yeah, it is… isn’t it?” 
“I want to try anyway”
He doesn’t hesitate in the least and you feel his fingers teasing your clit, smearing your wetness over your lips. His hand comes back over your mouth in case they walk back in as he slowly slides his fingers inside you, allowing you time to adjust a bit before he curls his fingers upwards. 
He slowly works his fingers in and out, following the curves of your body. You pant harshly, whiny and needy for him. 
“Can’t wait to get you home” He bites his lip, and you feel him shift against your back. 
“Can’t wait to have this sweet little cunt wrapped around my cock. Look at how good you’re taking my fingers baby girl… imagine taking this cock instead”
He tilts your head down, making you watch the way your pussy grips his fingers as they thrust in and out of you. They’re coated in your slick more and more with each thrust. He has to bite back his moan as he watches you cum on his fingers, your pussy clenching around them. He chuckles lowly, watching your hips move on them as you fuck yourself on his hand 
“That’s it pretty girl” He purrs “That’s my good girl” He doesn’t stop until you’re whining from the overstimulation and you look exhausted. He pulls his fingers away, his eyes roll back as he sees how sticky and wet they are. He smirks as he stares you down, sucking your juices from his fingers. His eyes flutter closed after a moment, savoring your taste and it’s downright dirty. 
“Fuck I knew you would taste good, from the moment I saw you I knew my sugar cube would be the death of me”
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Buck and Maddie come back to you and Eddie folding clothes together on the couch while watching TV. You’re sat as far apart as you can be 
“Did I miss something?” Buck asks as he puts together another box 
“What do you mean?” Eddie’s tone is nonchalant as he folds one of your skirts 
“You guys are like 10 feet apart. Did you fight??” 
“Buck they’re like a pillow away” Maddie sits in between you two and starts folding with you guys
“Okay but you know them” Buck puts his hands on his hips and you get up from the couch, tossing your shirt into a box 
“Come on let’s go upstairs and toss more clothes down” You walk past Buck and Eddie doesn’t even look 
Buck looks at you, and then back at Eddie, and then back to you again, and one more time at Eddie 
“Later” Eddie mouths and Buck glares at him but shrugs it off because he’s one thousand percent getting the story out of one of you.
It doesn’t take long once you all stop goofing off. You and Buck take all the boxes to his Jeep and awkwardly fit them all in. Eddie sits in the backseat next to two boxes and you sit in his lap, so the front seat can also have a couple of boxes, and because Buck says you have a way less chance of being pulled over that way. 
“I swear to god no funny business back there” Buck threatens and you look at Eddie, who can’t help but lean his head against your arm and burst into giggles. You face forward, you back against his chest and lean into him, turning your head to kiss his cheek 
“Gonna keep me safe?” You ask and he shrugs 
“Or I’ll throw you out the window, haven’t decided yet”
Your mouth drops open and he snickers 
“I’m moving back in with Buck!” You hiss and he smirks, nuzzling into your neck and kissing it 
“Oh no you don’t, you’re stuck with me. Besides it’ll be fun to live with your best friend and not your brother” 
“Since when are you her best friend” Buck snorts as he looks at you two in the review mirror 
“Since this afternoon,” He says with a shit-eating grin on his face and you elbow him in the ribs 
Eddie stands in front of you now, his hands on his hips as you set the last box down in the spare room, your new bedroom. Buck left to go visit with the Bennetts after piling your boxes on the front porch and Eddie helped you drag them inside, even if he shouldn’t have. He kicked a couple of them slowly down the hallway and into the spare room while you picked up what you could. 
“All moved in,” He says, not bothering to hide his excitement and you smirk, walking over to him and wrapping your arms around his waist. You look up at him, your chin on his chest as you smile 
“Uh huhhh, all moved in. Just me and you roomie. And again, thank you so much for the raised garden bed, you didn’t have to go through all that trouble” 
“Hey, it was nothing. I know how much you love your plants. I wanted you to have something that would make you happy every day you saw it…”  
Your hands trail over his torso, just like he’d done to you. He watches you as you tilt your head down and look at his belt. You work it open, nuzzling your head sleepily in his chest 
“Watcha doin' there sweet girl?” He chuckles, letting you continue your little expedition 
“Nothin' huh?” 
“Uh huh” You let his jeans pool around his feet and he actually steps out of them, kicking them to the side 
“Doesn’t feel like nothin”
“Oh?” Your hand slides down the front of his boxers, your fingers brush over his cock and he gasps softly, feeling your hand wrap around him 
“S-shit” He breathes out heavily and your cheeks flush. You give it a couple of tentative strokes, feeling his precum get on your hand too. You look up at him, your eyes softly hooded 
“Is that okay?” You keep stroking him, tortuously slow, enjoying the way he whimpers into his knuckles. He pushes you backward with his body, your hand never leaving his cock. Your back hits the wall and you squeak, he braces himself on the wall, his hand above your head 
“Yeah” His voice is deep and husky “Yeah that’s okay” He tilts your chin up and kisses you, it’s a bit rough and needy and your hand starts to speed up. He growls against your lips, trying to keep from thrusting his hips up into your hand. 
He grabs your wrist, pulling it from his boxers for a second, and holds it up 
“Lick” he instructs you and you do as he says, tasting him on your hand. He shoves your wrist back down his boxers, and your hand slides easier now, wrapped right around his cock. He groans loudly, and you feel the tiniest snap of his hips. You pick up the pace, watching his mouth fall open in an O shape as you jerk him off  His head falls to your shoulder, and you listen to his soft pants, and his quiet little whines… he sounds absolutely pathetic and you giggle, turning to kiss his cheek
“Come on baby… I wanna hear you” You whisper in his ear and his whimpers get louder. He does start to frantically thrust into your hand, pinning you to the wall and getting off on you. 
“Wish it was your pussy” He says, his voice cracking a little in desperation 
“Wish I could fuck you right against this wall an watch your ass shake from how hard I’m pounding it”
Your hand speeds up again and he cries out, cumming all over it and the front of your shirt. He thrusts into your hand a few more times as you milk his cock, spilling out every last drop. 
You do your best to support his shaking frame, but he’s a lot bigger than you. You hold him up, pulling your hand away from his limp cock, and start licking your fingers. He looks at you like he can’t wrap his head around what he’s seeing. You stare into his eyes as you lick your hand clean with a satisfied little smile and his eyes roll back as he pushes himself off the wall. 
“I’m gonna make you pay for that, Sugar Cube”
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Eddie lays in bed staring up at the ceiling. He can’t get over that surprised look on your face as he came all over your hand. Honestly, he can’t get over the feeling of your hand. He can still feel it, the way your nimble fingers wrapped around his cock… his hand doesn’t compare in the least. He strokes himself slowly, dreaming about what you would look like on your knees for him. You’d look so pretty staring up at him with those sweet doe eyes, his cock tapping heavily against your sweet lips 
“Eddie?” He’s startled out of his daydream by your small knock at the door, he covers himself and sits up, running his other hand through his hair 
“Uh… yeah, yeah babe what’s up?” His voice is strained as you open the door and poke your head into his room 
“Uhh…it’s kinda childish” 
You scoot into the bedroom and shut the door, looking around suspiciously
“What is it??” He looks around himself, for whatever the heck you’re looking for
“I had a bad dream” You sigh, letting your head fall against the door and he smirks scooting over in bed and patting it 
“Come on you” 
You bounce on the bed as you get in, immediately snuggling into his arms and curling your body into his. It’s a perfect fit, it always has been. He leans down and kisses your head softly, wrapping his arms around you protectively 
“I’m uh… I’m sorry if earlier was a little forward” You blush as you lay your head against his chest. His pecs are smooth and squishy and the perfect pillow 
“You’re saying sorry?? When I literally touched you while your family was right downstairs?” He snickers, shaking his head 
“Oh Sugar Cube, you’ve got a funny sense of guilt” 
“I should honestly kick your ass for that one” You glare at him and he smirks, you feel him push you back a little so you’re laying flat on your back 
“I said I was sorry” He grins, not sorry in the slightest. You feel him rest between your legs, his favorite place to be it seems 
“Maybe we can… finish something we started?” He asks quietly, and you can feel his hardness poking against your panties 
“It’s not really sex if you don’t put it in?” You snicker, quoting him and he brings your thigh up and hooks your knee around his waist. He rubs your smooth thigh, squeezing it in his hands and massaging it 
“See! Now you’re getting it!” He puts more weight on you, his cock heavy between your legs, you gasp softly, letting your eyes flutter closed and he smirks 
“This cool?” He asks softly, nuzzling your neck as his hips start to roll in those delicious little circles. 
“Mhmmm” you hum in his ear “So cool” you shudder as he picks up the pace, he reaches down between the two of you, pulling your panties to the side, and grinds against your clit. Your hips jerk up into his and he chuckles, kissing your neck 
“Down, Baby” he purrs condescendingly in your ear. He smirks, feeling the front of his boxers get wetter 
“Oh… you like that, don’t you?” He squeezes your cheeks together in his hand making your lips pucker. He kisses them lightly 
“You like when I’m a little mean to you, huh?” He asks softly, turning your head and kissing your neck, not really giving you time to answer any of his questions 
“You just wait until you’re mine… I’ll show you what a good girl like you deserves” 
You didn’t know Eddie knew Spanish, okay maybe you did know and just forgot. But he’s whispering something in your ear as his hips pick up a bit more speed and press down into you harder and you’re praying you can control yourself and not flip him over and ride him until your legs give out.
He doesn’t waste any time as he pulls his boxers down, sliding his cock between your soaked folds, very carefully not inserting himself, and at this point, you’re about to just shove him down and do it anyway. 
“Fuck, such a needy little thing aren’t you?”
His moans are angelic. He’s not afraid to let you know just how good you’re making him feel. This isn’t going to last very long if he keeps moaning like that, saying whatever dirty things come to his mind. Your hands fly up to his face, cupping his cheeks and kissing him heatedly. You run your fingers through his fluffy hair and tug a bit, causing him to groan against your lips 
“Come on sugar… I know you can do better than that” He whispers tauntingly, his eyes dark and cloudy. His breath hitches as you tug harder, pulling him away to look at you  “Better?” You tease and you feel his hips stutter, he stops for a moment, a smug little smirk on his face 
“You’re gonna end this way too quickly”
“You have so much audacity blaming this on me Mr. I know you can do better than that” “
“Are we really gonna have this discussion right now?” He shakes his head chuckling 
“I think you’re using it as a distraction” 
“And you don’t? Need a distraction?” He scoffs
“Okay. Nice to know” 
“That’s not what I me-“
He covers your mouth, pushing you back in the pillows, he slaps your clit, and your body jolts as you cry into his hand
“Oh, bite my finger if you want me to stop okay?” He lifts his hand for a second, rubbing your reddening cunt 
“O-Okay” You nod slowly and he smiles, it’s not sweet in the least, there’s nothing “cute” about him right now. He’s a man on a mission with that devilish look in his eyes
“That’s my good girl” he coos softly 
He covers your mouth again, as you moan and whimper pathetically on his fingers. He’s merciless with the way they plunge in and out of you, his palm slapping against your clit with every thrust of his fingers. This is nothing like it was earlier, no he wants to make you squirt now that you’re in his bed. His knuckles shine with your juices as he laughs evilly in your ear, his voice deep and molten as he watches you come undone all over him.
“Holy shit” He whispers in your ear and your eyes widen, as he keeps going, pulling another orgasm from you. It’s like he can’t get enough of the way you keen and cry out his name, cursing at him over and over like a broken record. His long fingers stroke over that spongy spot one more time and you’re squirting, your hips rising off the bed while crying out loudly.
You manage to push him away before he does it for a third time. He pulls his hand from your mouth and slides his hand down your body, keeping your legs spread for him. 
“Fuck I wish I was recording that” 
He likes watching the way you’re lying there now, an overwhelmed, dazed little smile on your lips. He wants to take a picture of you like this, with your hazy afterglow and shaky thighs. 
Instead, he takes your hand, using you to stroke his cock. You squeeze a bit while biting your lip as hot, thick, white ropes coat your sopping cunt. It takes everything in him not to drag it over your clit with his tip and stuff it back in you, making you take each drop. 
“One day…” He promises, panting harshly after finishing like that and using his fingers instead of his tip to tease your overstimulated body with his cum. 
“One day I’m gonna stuff your pretty pussy and take pictures of the way it drips from you” 
He taps your lips with his fingers “Clean up, honey” He tells you, grinning wickedly when your lips wrap around his fingers and you eagerly lick them clean, he loves how sleepy and cock drunk you look. He’s even more excited to find out how you look when he finally gets to fuck you dumb.
“We’re going to need to discuss limits sometime soon Sugar Cube… I wanna know just how far I’m allowed to push you” 
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stevesbipanic · 7 months
To my most lovely @undreaming-fanfiction Happy Valentine's Day love youuuu 💕💕💕 I hope I managed to do all three of your prompts justice (small routines, learning new things about each other, and ghosts of your past) ENJOY!!!!! And Ty @artbean for putting this together 💕💕💕
After five years together there's not a lot of things Eddie doesn't know about Steve.
He knows that Steve likes to colour co-ordinate the calendar on their fridge and that his favourite day of the month is the first since he gets to write out everything on a clean slate.
He also knows that Steve has a particular way he does his hair, and that it was a big deal just seeing it done let alone being taught how to do it, it helps he now knows Steve loves a good head scratch.
He knows that Steve is an early riser and always goes on a run, but will shower and curl back in bed with him if Eddie is still asleep.
He knows that there's an order to how and when he checks on their family. The Sinclairs are first, making sure he's waited until Lucas should be back from training and Erica back from Tracey's, calling there too if there's a sleepover. Next is the Wheelers, Nancy promising him they're all ok if they're visiting and Mike letting him know if she's available that night if she's at college. Then the Hendersons, Claudia inviting him to dinner in the background as Dustin regales his day. Max is next, letting Steve know if she wants to stay over that night. The Byers are the end of the kids, El and Will promising him it's really over. Wayne is near the end, back from his shift safe and sound. Before they dated Eddie was during this time too, helping him to sleep just hearing Steve's voice. Robin is last and she'll be on the line until they're both safely in dreamland.
Eddie loves learning new things about Steve, especially when now they're further and far between. It comes as a suprise when it's something as simple as tea that teaches him something new about his sweetheart.
They're visiting Steve's grandma, who was a lot cooler about the whole boyfriend thing than Steve's parents were.
"Your grandpa, Otis, had a friend, Freddie, who kept a picture of his boy in his pocket, would've gotten him in a lot of trouble back then but love like that was worth dying for."
She had been I'll lately so him and Steve had taken a drive up to visit her, now living in a retirement home in Indy. She was a riot in Eddie's opinion, and made a mental note to make sure they visited her more, he was happy to drive them, anything for Steve.
They were halfway through a game of Scrabble, where Eddie had successfully convinced Steve that Megadeth should be allowed (it shouldn't), when the question was raised.
Edith, yes Eddie also got a delight out of the fact that they shared a name, buzzed her nurse who popped her head in knowing there were visitors.
"Everything good, Eds?" Eddie's eyes twinkled in mischief, he was teasing Steve about the name similarities when they got home.
"A spot of tea, darling? I'm parched and I'm sure these lovely boys are too. Steve, sweetheart?"
"Oh yes, milk and two sugars please, but cubes on the side instead of scoops of it's not trouble."
Eddie's heart skipped a beat at his answer, "Eddie, you want a tea?"
"Oh um, yes, same as him, please ma'am."
"Such polite boys, we need more grandsons like you visiting," she laughed leaving to make the tea. It was surely just a coincidence that Steve took his tea like that, he's sure plenty of people do.
The real suprise came when the tea was set down, cubes on the side, and Steve picked one up and mixed it in, leaving the other alone. The game continued, Eddie eyeing that lone cube, a similar one on his own saucer. When Steve took his last sip of tea he picked up the cube and popped it into his mouth, crunching it. Eddie did the same.
"Done that since you were a kid, always a sweet tooth."
Steve laughed, "It's how my nanny did it when we played tea party with Carol."
Edith smiled, "She was a lovely woman, shamed they moved outta town."
Something settled deep in Eddie's heart. The rest of the afternoon it sat there, and through the goodbyes and hugs, all through the drive home too.
Eddie didn't mention it as they made dinner, Steve doing the chopping and as always Eddie dutifully stirring. The feeling sat there through the night as they watched tv, curled up in a blanket built for one not two. Nothing was brought up as they cleaned up, Steve washing, Eddie drying. It wasn't until bed, in the safety and quiet of their room that Eddie asked.
"Your nanny? What was she like?"
Steve's eyes lit up, "Oh she was the best, noone as good before her and no-one as good after. She loved taking me to the park, sometimes if his dad said it was ok her son would come too, he was fun, built the best sandcastles. She always baked me cookies too, especially if Carol was coming over for a tea party. And she would tell me the little extra sugar was a treat and that I should always have something a little sweet in life."
Eddie's eyes were tearing up by the time Steve finished, "Eds, baby are you ok?"
"What was her name?"
Steve's eyebrows crinkled, "Sarah, why? Oh." He said, remembering the dark curls that surrounded her face, the ones on her son, the boy laying across from him.
"Your mum, oh Eds, so when the tea? I'm sorry." Steve knew about his mum and how when she died it left Eddie all alone.
"Can't believe in five years, we've never had tea," a wet chuckle followed Eddie's words.
A sad smile graced Steve's face, "We should have more, need a bit more sweetness in my life."
Eddie smiled at him, "Knew there was a reason I called you sweetheart, and I clearly won you over with my awesome sandcastles."
A laugh burst out of Steve and that sound was sweeter than any sugar Eddie could eat.
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its-avalon-08 · 5 months
I liked those song based fics!!! Can you do one about Nico Rosberg based on Love Again — Dua Lipa?
opened my heart again (nr6)
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monaco, 2013. the air crackled with the electric anticipation of the grand prix. nico rosberg, steely-eyed in his mercedes cockpit, tried to ignore the familiar pang of loneliness. a year ago, a high-profile relationship with a model had ended in a blaze of betrayal. since then, nico had thrown himself into work, building a wall around his heart.
across the pit lane, amidst the flurry of activity in the red bull garage, stood a young woman, her sunshine-colored hair bouncing with uncontainable enthusiasm. this was y/n, a brilliant f1 engineer with a smile that could outshine the riviera sun. unlike most engineers, y/n wasn't afraid to chat with the drivers, her outgoing personality a stark contrast to the team's usual stoicism.
three months later, singapore grand prix
nico and y/n's paths kept crossing. they'd bump into each other at press conferences, share a laugh in the paddock, or find themselves seated next to each other during driver briefings. y/n, ever the extrovert, would pepper nico with questions about his car, his training, anything that piqued her curiosity. nico, initially guarded, found himself drawn to her genuine interest and infectious laughter.
i never thought i'd hear my heartbeat so loud
singapore, 2014. the post-race atmosphere crackled with champagne-fueled revelry and post-race dejection. nico, having finished a frustrating third, retreated to the mercedes hospitality area, a scowl etched on his face.
suddenly, a burst of sunshine entered the room in the form of y/n, a tray of cold drinks balanced precariously in her hands.
"hey, nico! congrats on the podium, even if it wasn't the top step," she said brightly, dodging a stray ice cube as a teammate reached for a drink.
nico grunted a response, not looking up from his phone. y/n, ever the optimist, persisted.
"seriously, though," she continued, setting the tray down, "your overtake on lewis around turn 11 was phenomenal. pure guts and precision."
nico finally looked up, a flicker of surprise crossing his features. he eyed y/n warily.
"what do you want?" he said brusquely, "do you need something?"
y/n's smile faltered slightly, replaced by a flicker of confusion. "just complimenting you," she said, her voice losing some of its usual cheer.
"for publicity or what?" nico shot back, his voice laced with suspicion.
y/n's brow furrowed. "stop doubting things that happen to you, nico," she said, her voice firm but kind. "not everyone is trying to take advantage of you or something. sometimes, people just appreciate good driving or a good person."
nico stared at her, the harshness momentarily draining from his face. he hadn't expected such genuine warmth, especially from someone on the rival team. maybe, just maybe, y/n was right.
as the night wore on, the technical talk faded into comfortable silences and shared stories. nico found himself confiding in y/n about his past relationship, surprised at the ease with which the words flowed.
i can't believe there's something left in my chest anymore
"you deserve someone who appreciates you, nico," y/n said, her voice soft. "someone who sees beyond the trophies."
nico looked into her eyes, a flicker of something new igniting within him.
a few months later
abu dhabi, 2014. the desert sun beat down mercilessly on the yas marina circuit. nico and y/n found themselves side-by-side in the shade of a catering tent, seeking refuge between practice sessions.
"ugh," y/n sighed, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. "this heat is brutal. makes me crave something sweet."
nico, still untrusting of easy compliments, raised an eyebrow. "cupcake, perhaps?"
y/n's eyes widened. "oh my god, yes! especially red velvet with that perfect cream cheese frosting. the kind my grandma used to make."
nico, who wasn't one for sugary treats, simply smirked. "sounds like pure sugar overload."
y/n nudged him playfully. "hey, don't knock it till you try it!"
the next morning, the pre-race tension crackled in the air. nico, focused on securing pole position, barely registered the commotion near the red bull garage. then, a delivery boy emerged, a giant box precariously balanced in his arms.
"uh, miss engineer?" he said, approaching y/n. "delivery for vivienne?"
y/n, who went by her middle name at work for professional reasons, looked surprised. "actually, it's y/n, but thanks!"
she peered into the box, her jaw dropping open. inside, nestled in a bed of shredded paper, were a dozen perfect red velvet cupcakes, each topped with a swirl of decadent cream cheese frosting. a small, hand-written note rested on top.
y/n unfolded it, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she read the single sentence: "hope these satisfy your sweet tooth. -nr"
i used to think that i was made out of stone
sebastian vettel, leaning against the red bull car, let out a low whistle. "someone's got a secret admirer, vivienne," he teased, a sly grin spreading across his face.
y/n shot him a playful glare, her heart fluttering. this wasn't just a cupcake delivery. it was a sign, a sweet, delicious sign, that maybe, just maybe, nico was letting his guard down a little.
five month later, italian grand prix
their friendship had blossomed. they'd celebrate victories together, commiserate defeats, and steal moments for stolen conversations whenever their schedules allowed.
one balmy italian evening, after a thrilling race that saw nico finish second, y/n found him sitting on the pit wall, head buried in his hands.
"hey," she said gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. "tough luck out there, but you were amazing."
nico looked up, a flicker of despair in his eyes. "i'll never be good enough," he confessed. "not for the team, not for anyone."
y/n's heart ached for him. "nico," she said, her voice firm, "you're incredible. don't let anyone tell you differently." she sat beside him, their shoulders brushing. "and maybe..." she hesitated, then met his gaze, a blush creeping up her cheeks, "maybe you deserve to be happy again."
but goddamn, you got me in love again
the unspoken words hung heavy in the air. nico stared at her, his heart pounding against his ribs. in that moment, under the starlit italian sky, nico knew. he was falling for y/n, and the fear was a flimsy shield against the tide of his emotions.
budapest grand prix, 2016
budapest, 2016. the champagne had flowed freely on the podium, celebrating nico's dominant victory. now, the after-race party was in full swing, a blur of flashing lights and thumping music. nico, however, found himself drawn to a quieter corner where y/n stood, talking animatedly with a group of engineers.
he approached her, feeling a familiar knot of nerves twist in his stomach. "hey," he said, his voice barely audible over the music.
y/n turned, her smile lighting up her face like a beacon. "nico! congratulations again, you were incredible out there."
nico rubbed the back of his neck, a blush creeping up his cheeks. "thanks, but... well, the real accomplishment is you guys keeping this beast of a car running." he gestured vaguely at a passing red bull mechanic.
y/n chuckled. "we try our best, even with you drivers pushing them to the limit."
a comfortable silence settled between them for a moment, broken only by the pulsing music. nico cleared his throat, trying to formulate his next words.
"y/n," he began, his voice dropping to a low murmur, "i, uh... you're, like, really..." he trailed off, frustration bubbling up. how could he put into words the kaleidoscope of emotions she evoked in him? her intelligence, her humor, the way she lit up a room with her smile – it was all too much.
show me that heaven's right here, baby
before he could spiral further, y/n's hand gently touched his arm. her touch sent a jolt through him.
"nico," she said softly, her eyes sparkling with amusement, "you're rambling."
he groaned, burying his face in his hands. "this is hopeless, isn't it?"
y/n's laugh rang out, a sweet melody that cut through the noise of the party. she reached out again, this time taking his hand in hers. it was warm and soft, a stark contrast to the calloused grip of a steering wheel.
"where were you going with that, nico?" she asked, her voice laced with a playful challenge.
nico met her gaze, his heart pounding in his chest. "i was trying to say... well, i think you're amazing. kind, funny, brilliant..." he trailed off again, a helpless smile spreading across his face.
y/n squeezed his hand, her eyes twinkling. "and?"
nico closed the distance between them in one swift movement, his heart hammering against his ribs. before he could overthink it, he pressed his lips against hers. the kiss was soft and tentative at first, then deepened as y/n melted into him. the taste of champagne and something faintly sweet lingered between them.
when they finally pulled apart, breathless and slightly dazed, y/n's smile was wider than he'd ever seen. "maybe," she said, her voice husky, "you could have just started with that."
used to be afraid of love and what it might do but goddamn, you got me in love again
well i hope you liked it! thank you for sending in your request and do send more <3 happy reading!
leave a like! leave a note!
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lordsukunas · 5 months
hehe thinking abt footman!ness who’s obsessed with you, his gorgeous sorceress.
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his attachment is... interesting, to say the least. ness is never too far away from you — by your side when permitted, fingers twitching beneath his gloves to reach for your hand, standing guard by the door when not, ignoring the barely hushed whispers from the actual guards.
“does he have nothing better to do?”
“you know he is. he worships her grace as if she created the moon and the stars.”
but you did! he knows it, deep down in that overstuffed heart of his. what don’t they get? and even if you didn’t, you’re the one who keeps them shining so brightly, illuminating each and every night.
everything about you is ethereal, and ness makes sure to remind you. every ball, every luncheon, every useless dinner where he’s wrenched away from your presence, he never forgets to douse you in compliments.
“your grace, you are more beautiful than any flower blooming in spring.”
“all the other noblewomen pale and wither in comparison to you.”
oh, how he wishes he could be there to see you waltz around, frilly, regal skirts swishing in time with your graceful movements. the thought is enough to sneak into the gardens and dance, imagining your hand in his, all to some tune in his own mind. he makes sure to filter out the images of you in another man’s arms — they won’t ever have the opportunity to be with you anyway.
but his favorite part is when you say his name.
“oh, alexis? can you fetch me some more sugar cubes, please?”
“alexis, do you think this shade of green suits me? i fear it’s too cool for my complexion.”
“hm? good morning, alexis! did you sleep well?”
alexis, alexis, alexis.
he’ll never grow tired, y’know. you could say his name thousands of times a day, in thousands of different contexts, and his heart will skip a beat each and every time.
you speak his name so delicately, as if it is a porcelain vase you refuse to drop and shatter. it rolls off your tongue with a perfected ease, just like that day you rescued him from the streets.
ness is so glad you saved him. nothing will make him leave your side, and if death comes to claim him? well, he’ll have to take you with him!
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erm... idk what this is, its so incoherent :( i prob shouldve structured it better but then id be here all day. i refuse to lose inspiration!!!! sorry if this ooc btw lol idk shit bout ness
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rottiens · 7 months
What are some random headcanons that come to your mind about Stalker Geto and Priest Toji? Both nsfw and sfw are welcome 😌
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✮ tags. . fem reader, stalker!getō, canon au, 18+ mdni ꒱₊˚⊹ divider credits. — playlist.
✮ wc. . 1.1k
✮ notes. i had to physically restrain myself from making this a whole fic, lord have mercy. what have you done to me? i'd like to explore this au more in the future and i'll be talking about toji in another post but give me time bc i need to recover from this.
the thing is, he justifies everything he does. he knows exactly the order of your coffee, and he sneaks into your apartment at night for the same reason: your good. he's just looking out for you, let him take care of you.
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Satoru manages to get his friend to finally admit it.
"It's not being in love," he says. "I just admire her. she's strong." that's all, he assures him.
Despite Satoru trying, and provoking him with the situation, laughing in his face and joking about it, Satoru fails to make Suguru break down and admit it. Suguru inwardly recognizes that it's nothing more than a fleeting admiration that will pass soon, he's nothing more than infatuated with you and the way you deal with problems, kill curses, talk to people. He likes that about you, he doesn't like you, there is an abysmal step between one and the other— He tries to reason with himself.
However, he can't help but slide his eyes over you as if it's a must every time you enter the room, he doesn't know and hasn't asked Satoru if he feels it too but there is a magnetism to which he is attracted when you enter the room. He stops talking suddenly, clenches his jaw and Satoru notices the muscles tense —of course he does it with those all-seeing eyes—, before he can turn around in search of what his friend is admiring, Suguru speaks again, pushing the oval glasses on the tip of his nose up with his middle finger to cover his eyes completely and watch you in peace.
Oh, you're cute. He has to bite his lip and fake a laugh at something obviously not funny so his friend won't notice. He slyly looks you up and down, your hair is tousled, he imagines you running out of your house, leaving your phone behind and having to come back to get it because you're always early, that's why he's here.
But it's 10:48AM, he checks his wristwatch before returning to Satoru. You're forty minutes late and the thought makes him frown. Before he can stop the train of thought he's thinking about you, and the scenarios that could have happened to keep you from being early. You are always on time. He knows that.
You catch him looking, not really. You don't know because you can't see his gaze, but Suguru knows you're watching him out of the corner of your eye and with the sunglasses in between serving as a shield, he lets himself immerse in you without being overwhelmed by the fear that he'll be caught. You glance sideways at him again and soon flee to the table before you weighing up the idea of whether you should have tea or coffee.
You go for coffee, of course. With three sugar cubes, a pinch of cinnamon powder and a spoonful of honey. He's realized for a while now that he's good at those things, at remembering things you do, at remembering your coming and going patterns, how you take your coffee, the wrinkles your nose makes when you laugh, how uncomfortable you feel in your uniform sometimes, how dirty your shoes almost always are.
He sees you pick up honey and a spoon and it makes him smile. Next to him, Satoru laughs.
"Man. You really like her."
At some point Satoru moved to his side to look at you from the same point of view as Suguru. You turn to catch both teachers staring at you, suguru purses his lips into an awkward smile and raises his hand to wave at you. Satoru on the other hand, yells at you as if you’re not a few feet away from them and calls out euphorically with his hand for you to come closer. Suguru knows he is going to try to do something to leave you two alone talking and only this time Suguru allows it.
With coffee in hand you approach them both. His heart is about to burst out of his rib cage, his muscles tense as if ropes were squeezing them, he licks his upper lip looking to moisten his mouth and when you are in front of him he inhales slyly, you smell as if you have just stepped out of the shower, fresh, sweet, maybe that is the reason for your disheveled hair, maybe that is the reason for your tardiness.
And well, maybe he did have a crush, he could admit that to himself at least. A crush that would die soon, because Suguru wasn't one to date the same person for too long, people made him lose interest fast and he knows it would be the same with you.
That was two weeks ago. It's just a crush, he keeps repeating himself.
You're just his co-worker, another teacher, he tells himself. He's doing this for your sake.
He was supposed to check your apartment, exorcise a curse he saw slipping through a window as he walked past your place early in the morning, it's all a funny coincidence that he was in the right place, at the right time really and he decides to sneak out because he wants to look after you, that's all. He was going to come in and out and not touch anything, the sound of rain coming from the bathroom tells him that you'll be early for Jujutsu High today and he should get out of there soon. It's just that he didn't plan to find the red thong laid out as an offering for him on the bed, next to your pillow.
Suguru bites his cheek hard, his teeth that make him bleed control him just a little, the pain brings him lucidity but not enough to stop him when he takes two long strides to the bed. As if in a stupor he stands rigid on the edge of the bed contemplating the fabric that glistens with a wet trace in the center.
Suguru stretches out his fingers as instructed and takes it in his hand. Trembling he brings it to his nose and inhales shamelessly, his breathing heard in the four silent walls. His chest aches, his heart pounding. It smells like you, and he rubs the tip of his nose on it, closes his eyes, his long eyelashes flutter and all the blood rushes to his cock, he's so hard he can't think.
He flutters his eyes open returning to the warmth of your apartment, to the dull noise caused by a silent house, he hears footsteps upstairs from the neighbors or maybe it's yours because he no longer hears the water falling and without wasting time he puts the thong in the pockets of his uniform pants. There is another place where he should be now.
He was supposed to be in the teacher's room first when you arrived, he was going to see you earlier today and that's what matters most to him right now.
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star-writes-sometimes · 7 months
green butter
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word count - 2.2k
c.w. - drug use (marijuana, edibles), reader is said to be shorter than remus, idiots in love, pining, implied insecure reader
a/n - i don’t know if i liked how this turned out so i may rewrite and change the ending idk yet
you could hear remus snoring from where you were in the kitchen. the rest of your apartment was silent except for the soft snores. if you ever tried to mention it when he was awake, remus would always deny that he made any kind of noise when he slept, instead choosing to tease you about your habit of sleep talking when you’ve had too much to drink.
you were doing the dishes, cleaning up from making green butter earlier in the day. remus had been out the night before with sirius and james and he was exhausted. he was in your apartment for less than 10 minutes before he passed out on your couch.
you finished cleaning the last mixing bowl and left it on the drying rack. you dried your hands on a tea towel, threw it over your shoulder and made your way to your living room. you collapsed on the comfy armchair closest to the kitchen and simply watched remus sleep. 
as if he could feel your gaze on him, he twitched in his sleep and rolled over so you could no longer see his face. you huffed in annoyance and used your sock covered foot to reach out and poke his shoulder.
“wake up please lupin.”
he just groaned and shifted tiredly. 
he exhaled sharply and lifted his head up, his annoyed gaze meeting your amused one.
“good morning starshine. the earth says hello!”
“i prefer gene wilder.” remus runs a hand over his scarred face.
“i like ‘em both,” you moved to tuck your feet under you, “makes me feel bad choosing between two things.”
“really?” he smirked, “who do you prefer out of james and sirius?”
“well currently sirius cause he helped me do my makeup a few days ago but it changes depending on which one annoys me less.”
“good choice. james probably would’ve poked your eye out.” he finally sat up, smiling lazily at you, “whats the time?”
“it’s around five so you successfully napped through the afternoon.”
“good that was the aim.” remus stretched, lifting his shirt up slightly, exposing his happy trail.
“do you want dinner, love?”
“no thanks, bunny, but i’ll take some cookies if you’ve got any.”
“i actually need to make some for james and i was gonna make extra,” you paused to yawn, “but i seemed to have misplaced my motivation.”
“aww c’mon bunny,” he got off the couch and knelt in front of your chair, “please make some cookies.”
you tried desperately not to give into his masterful puppy dog eyes, “i thought you were too tired to do anything.”
“i had my nap, now i want time with my super awesome amazing girl who makes the most awesome amazing oatmeal weed cookies.” he pouted up at you, pulling you hand towards him and kissing it, “please baby?”
your resolve couldn’t crumble quicker, “fine, move you big lug i’ll go get started.”
you pushed him aside and walked back into the kitchen while remus trailed behind you closely.
"rem love, can you grab the sugar please?" you asked while pulling the eggs and butter.
"mhmm." he hummed in response.
you grabbed the vanilla extract and a bowl and started to cut up the butter into cubes.
remus came up behind you and placed the sugar on the counter then wrapped his arms around you. 
"ooo green butter," he placed his chin onto your shoulder, pressing into you completely.
"yeah i made it earlier." 
remus reached his hand around a grabbed a cube and quickly popped it in his mouth, "tastes great, bunny."
you swatted him on the side, "don't eat the butter."
"hey that's abuse." he grabbed another bit of butter and popped it into his mouth.
"remus if you eat the butter you'll get high before the cookies are even ready."
"no i won't," he ate another cube, "i'm not a lightweight like you."
"i'm not saying you're a lightweight, love."
he reached for another piece of butter but you slapped his hand before he could grab it.
"whats with all the abuse today?" he asked.
"go sit down and stop eating butter," you pointed to one of the kitchen stools on the other side of the bench you were working at.
remus watched you intently as you made the cookies. whenever you turned your back momentarily though, he would reach across and sneak another cube of the homemade butter.
eventually, once you got the first batch of cookies in the oven you start to clean up, including putting away all the ingredients.
“did you eat more butter?”
“you have no proof of that.”
“i made 500g of butter. i used 250g. there should be 250g left. this isn't 250g.”
“how can you tell that just by looking at it?”
“remus i'm a baker. i do this professionally.”
remus smiled guiltily, “whoops? i’m sorry i’ll help you make more butter tomorrow” 
“rem, i couldn't give less of a fuck about the butter, i’m worried about how high you're about to get.”
“i told you, i am not a lightweight i'm not gonna get high off some butter.”
you roll your eyes and finish cleaning up the kitchen, “whatever you say remsy.”
forty two minutes later and remus was face down on your kitchen floor.
he groaned loudly as you took the third batch of cookies out of the oven. the room already smelled of a pleasant mix of weed and fresh baked cookies but opening the oven intensified it, hurting remus' already sore brain.
“it's cold, my face is cold, it's on something cold, the room smells, smells like a headache.” he babbled, voice muffled slightly by the ground.
“you are face first on the tiles, that's why your face is cold and the headache you smell is weed."
“ngh, no,” he protested and rolled over onto his back, “weed smells like awesome and this is a headache smell, are you baking a headache?”
you couldn't help the giggle that escaped you as you look down at his confused face, “you've overdone it, remmy.”
“noooo,” he whined and covered his face, “‘m not a lightweight.”
“you're not, darling,” you cooed and sat down on the floor next to him. you gently ran your hand through his hair.
he opened his eyes at the touch but immediately hissed and squinted, “bright light, there's a real bright light, i think i'm dying.”
you looked up at the ceiling and tried not to laugh, “that's the kitchen light, and the dying feeling is, once again, the weed.”
he rapidly sat up after you said that and stared at you intensely, “the weed is doing this to me?”
you couldn't help the giggle that slipped through, “yes, love.”
he looked very serious and glared at the ground before he muttered, “that fuckin' giraffe was right.”
it was your turn to be confused, “giraffe- do you mean harold?”
“that scary fucker was right.”
“you were scared of harold the giraffe?”
“he was tall and i couldn't trust his eyes.” he said with such a strong gaze you almost forgot how ridiculous the conversation was, “is he coming to take me?”
“h-harold? you think harold is coming to take you?”
“yeah, i broke his rules, i did drugs and now i'm paying the price, he's gonna come for me.”
you turned your head to laugh silently, not wanting to mock him (while he was like this, you were definitely mocking him in the morning), “love, harold won't come for you, and even if he did you're not a kid anymore, you're tall too.”
he nodded, like he understood, “yeah i’m tall, i could take that skinny twat.” he nodded, seemingly calm. until he once again jolted and looked at you extremely seriously, “you're short.”
“thank you for noticing rem,” you said, slightly sarcastically.
“harold will come for you because he knows i care about you. he'll take you from me.” he said in a panicky tone.
your touched by his care for you but also recognise the absurdity of what he's saying, “remmy, i promise i’m safe, i'm here with you.”
he gave you a look of determination and nodded. as quick as he could in his intoxication he wrapped his arms around your middle and re-laid down on the floor with you. 
“remmy, what are you doing?” you asked, curious, not bothered by his actions.
“protecting you.” he said, voice muffled from where it was buried in your neck.
“hmm thank you,” you hummed out.
he held on tightly and quietly sat there holding you for a few blissful minutes, but the biting cold of the tiles wasn't the most comfortable in the february weather.
“remus, lovie?”
he tapped you as his way of responding, not loosening his grip.
“can we go to bed?”
he squeezed you tighter, “‘m not tired and i need to protect you.”
“i'm tired baby,” you said with a slight breathy laugh.
“i need you to be safe,” he mumbled against your neck.
“we'll stay together the whole time.”
“promise?” he said softly.
“pinky promise.”
at that he slowly rolled off of you but he made sure his hand was touching some part of you at all time - like he was scared you would disappear.
you went to your bedroom with remus following close behind, your fingers tightly threaded together. when you both stopped, remus re-wrapped his arms around you tightly, his large hands going underneath your loose tshirt.
“rem,” you whined softly, “what are you doing now?”
“‘m not close enough to you, need to get closer,” he mumbled and kissed the top of your head.
you giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck, “i don’t think we can get much closer than this.”
“sure we can bunny,” he said with a hint of mischief in his tone, “we can be much closer,”
“we already see each other everyday, spend most of our free time together, and-” his thumb rubbed against your ribs causing you to giggle slightly, “and that. how much closer can we be?”
you looked up at him just in time to see his smirk. he pressed a kiss to your temple and used his free hand to brush your hair behind your ear, “nowhere near close enough,” he said softly and kissed your cheek.
you held your breath. his touch made you shiver. your skin erupted in goosebumps and you leaned closer to him. he gripped your chin and looked into your eyes.
his eyes were bloodshot.
he was high.
you stepped back slightly at the reminder. you grabbed his hands in your own and led him towards your bed, “c’mon rem, bedtime.”
he scrunched his eyebrows together, confused, “what? bunny, i want us to be closer.”
“you’re high, love, you’ll feel different in the morning,” you said softly, trying to hide the disappointment in your voice.
“no, i won’t, why do you never believe me?” he asked.
“because you only say this stuff when you’re high.”
he slumped over with his forehead resting on your shoulder, “‘m not saying it cause i’m high, the high makes me say the truth.”
you swallowed the lump in your throat and pulled away from him. you sat down on your bed and patted the spot next to you. he smiled dopily and sat next to you. as soon as he sat he feel backwards, laying on your bed and groaning slightly.
you let out a breathy laugh and shook your head, “you can’t even sit up.”
“you keep me stable.”
“i’m also the one enabling your edible addiction.”
“it doesn’t matter that you’re enabling me ‘cause you always take care of me.”
you laid down next to him and face him. he clumsily pulled the blanket over you both and let his hand rest of the side of your face.
“my pretty little bunny, i’ll make you believe me one day,” he promised. he wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you close.
you looked at his pretty face, his messy sandy blonde hair, his bloodshot eyes. you wished you could believe him. you wrapped your arms around him and snuggled into his chest. you could at least pretend.
he kissed your cheek and held you tightly, “nice and close bunny, i gotta protect you and make you feel loved.”
you melt into him and laugh softly, “protect me?”
“don’t know if that giraffe is comin’ for us.”
“well we can’t have that now can we.”
it was silent for a few moments.
“what do giraffe’s eat?”
“mostly leaves i think, why, love?”
“i don’t like being scared that you’ll be hurt, we should set a trap tomorrow.”
“for harold?”
“yes, you can bake something and i’ll construct a gaint moustrap for the slimy fucker.”
you tried desperately to keep your giggles to yourself, “that’s a job for the morning.”
“i know, you go to sleep, bunnies need lots of rest.”
“goodnight remmy.”
“goodnight bunny.” he kissed your cheek again, “love you.”
you swallowed the lump in your throat once more, “love you too.”
you could pretend it was real.
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bunnylove1 · 7 months
.*•Wished You On A Star•*.
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.*•Wished You On A Star•*.
  ~.•Alastor x reader!
~.•Warnings! Not really any just a good time with people 
~.•Enjoy darlings!<3
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  You always wish for an old timey relationship ones were you danced in the kitchen to classic music on Christmas Eve night ones were it was nice sunny strolls with cute little picnics in a garden, being a hopeless romantic didn’t help your mind to stop thinking of a relationship like that, you were in hell all these sinners you’ve seen want sex and murder not classic love and romance, maybe you were to outdated but you wished on one of the hell stars that a lover like that would come, stepping back away from the balcony you got ready to sleep and wait to see what the next day brings. 
The next morning wasn’t eventful you got ready putting a dark red polka dot dress on that rested right above your knees and just a regular pair of chunky black heels, grabbing your bag from off the counter you stepped outside to hells pride ring walking down the street you make it to cannibal town, walking by you stop into Rosie’s store 
“Name!” Rosie shouted and came rushing over to give you a hug like she hasn’t seen you in years “hey Rosie” smiling the woman had asked “what are you doing here darling, I know your not here for any clothes” she chuckled coving her mouth with her hand “oh! I wanted to see if you would like to get tea with me” Rosie smiled “well darlin’ I would love to, but we might have to bring a gentleman along” Rosie said instantly you perked up hearing this “oh~ new boyfriend Rosie you cheeky lady” saying giggling a little while I make a Teasing remake 
“Oh please you knew if I had a new boyfriend I would have scared him away already” she said slapping your back “he’s a good friend of mine, name meet alastor he’s a real gentleman” she said bringing the tall red coded fellow over two the two of us, he was cute, definitely looked like a real gentleman “nice to meet you my dear” he picked up my hand and kissing the top of my hand, I couldn’t help but smile “such a gentleman, it’s nice to meet you alastor” giving a warm smile to the man “you’ll be joining us for tea?” Turing your head to the side
“Yes my dear you lady’s lead the way” he kept his big smile on the whole walk  to your garden where all your tea parties with Rosie had taken place “take a seat anywhere!” The round table sat a total of three people, sitting the tea pot down next to the trays of sweet treats I started pouring the steeping water in everyone’s tea cup, Rosie lifted her tea bag up and down getting all the wonderful flowers taste out, “sugar?” I held the sugar bowl and handed it to Rosie who gestured to give her some, “al? Would you like some sugar” I held a cube of sugar with the utensil, for his tea “no thank you darling it’s just fine how it is” he said taking a sip of his tea
The tea party was going wonderful Rosie and me giggling about what was going on in cannibal town, while Alastor, Rosie and I bitched about Susan, “oh Alastor I heard your working at a hotel? Is it true it’s supposed to redeem hells sinners?” Letting the question fall from my mouth before taking another sip of my tea he chuckled “you could say that dear, I think it’s just as ridiculous as you think too” I set my cup down and looked at him “I don’t think it’s ridiculous at all, I think it’s kinda….sweet” 
my words paused for a minute like a mom pausing the tv when it’s interrupted, a low chuckle could be heard from the smiling man “looks like I should get going it was nice to meet you deer” he gave a short bow as I stood up from my seat “please if your so interested in the hotel why don’t you stop on by sometime” he lowered his eyes kissing my hand once again, I simply blushed at his flirt look “w-well uh look at the time don’t want to keep your staff waiting right” I said looking at my imaginary clock while pushing him out of the garden to the streets of hell “thank you Alastor for the lovely time today” 
“it was my pleasure darling goodnight sweet name and goodnight to you to Rosie” he said before I shut the garden gate 
Slumping down the door of the fence falling onto the garden floor “looks like someone’s in love~” Rosie teased looking at my state….
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~.•YES we did it darlings we finally made a alastor fan fic!
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