#good appreciative fatherly vibes
eggyolkguzzler · 2 days
Just wantin' t' let ya know:
I'm proud of ye.
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Keep bein' - what's the term you young'uns use...?
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Eh.. no matter.
Keep bein' great, Alex J. Mullner.
And remember: if ye need anythin' - anythin' at all - you tell your pal Willy an' I'll come runnin'!
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Thaaaaanks Willyyyyyyy...
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mistydeyes · 1 year
HI😽 kind of hard to explain, but what about like civ!gn!reader x gaz and it’s pretty early in their relationship and the reader meets 141 or his friends or are at some sort of outing with other people or something and like it’s so obvious how smitten reader is with him and it’s noticeable to everyone whereas kyle doesn’t notice much or at all, and is pretty much oblivious to it? like they’re pretty much enchanted by him yk?
like for example; kyle is casually talking about something with the group, reader is sat next to him and he isn’t looking at her as much (bc he’s engaged w what he’s saying and the conversation) but reader is just totally admiring him, starstruck by him. an enamored, infatuated look on their face. just staring at him, not listening much just because they’re just so captivated by him? idk i hope this makes sense!!
maybe during or afterwards, someone lets him know their observations (i can totally imagine it being soap or alex lol, or price in a fatherly kind of way [if it’s 141])
feel free to ignore this especially if it doesn’t make sense! i wasn’t sure how to explain or if it did correctly but i hope i did! THANKS!❤️❤️💕 (sorry if this is long😭😭)
thank you so much for requesting this anon! i feel like this it totally possible for him because while he may be a genius on the field, he gives a lil clueless vibe w relationships
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summary: Despite being such an intelligent and observant soldier, Kyle can be a bit dense. After a chance meeting, you two have been dating casually but you are left wanting more. You think it’s a big step when you meet the 141 but the night goes for the worst. Can someone talk some sense into him?
pairing: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x civilian!gn!Reader
warnings: swearing
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“Are you sure this is okay, Kyle?” you asked as you adjusted your jeans and black shirt. “Mhmm” he replied, without giving you a second look. You tried to hide your nervousness behind a smile but your hands gave it away. You were meeting Kyle’s teammates for the first time and wanted to make a good impression. Despite him reassuring you it would be alright, you still had butterflies in your stomach at the thought. What if you weren’t good enough? You were meeting his captain for god's sake! As you scanned the crowded pub behind him, you hoped you would make it out of this date alive.
“They should be here somewhere,” he reassured, taking a look above the conversing heads and cheers of drinks. “Ah there they are!” he said finally locating the high top at the corner of the busy bar. Without a second look, he maneuvered to the table and you attempted to follow his long stride. You managed to dodge the splash of beer as you reached behind Kyle. “Took us a minute to find you,” he said breathlessly, “Like I said last week this is Y/N.” He gestured to you and you gave a small wave to the group.
“Y/N, our person of the hour!” one of his friends remarked, you assumed it was Johnny based on his thick accent. “Nice to meet you all,” you smiled and you took a free seat beside Kyle. “Mind reminding me of your names again?” you asked politely, It’s not like you didn’t know who they were but you appreciated the clarification. In fact, once you differentiated Simon and Johnny, the entire group and the stories Kyle had told you fell into place. “Gaz, you want to do the honors?” one of them asked but he was already diving head first into the drinks menu.
“Ah I guess I’ll do it,” Johnny said as he cleared his throat. You crossed your hands, preparing for this presentation. “Well here we have Simon,” he said as he gestured to the quiet man who took up a majority of the corner with his broad frame, “doesn’t say much so don’t be bothered.” You nodded as he pointed to the older man who sat drinking a scotch that looked more than your paycheck, “I’m sure you’ve heard of our Captain Price.” Again you nodded and Price stuck out a hand for you. “You can call me John.” “And finally,” Johnny said bringing the attention back to him, “I’m Johnny Mactavish.” You gave a round of applause to his fantastic introductions.
“Well I think you deserve a round for that,” you smiled and Johnny’s eyes lit up, “plus I’m sure Kyle knows what he wants by now.” You smiled at him but his gaze was plastered to the decorations on the wall. “Yeah, and you?” he asked and you smiled at the brief acknowledgement. “Just a rum and coke, my typical order.” You gestured the bartender over and ordered everyone a round of drinks. Your ears rang from their jeers and words of gratitude. “Anything for those who keep Kyle safe,” you smiled as you looked back at him but once again, his eyes were looking somewhere else.
Sensing the lull in silence, Soap spoke up. “So uh did Kyle ever tell you why we call him Gaz?” You shook your head as the bartender returned with your drinks. “He hasn’t actually,” you smiled, “heard he had a fun nickname.” “It’s more of a call sign for us but ever since he joined he’s been Gaz to us,” Simon spoke up as he sipped his chilled bourbon. “Well it all started when I finished basic,” Kyle began and you looked at him. You loved when he spoke about something, especially when he talked to an attentive group. He was a natural storyteller and captivated his audience.
He took a sip of his pint before he started his story. “A buddy of mine said that it was a tradition, something your platoon decides on and he threw a few out there,” he continued and laughed at the memory. He could tell you the most mundane instruction and you loved the way his lips curved into a smile after every statement and how he held eye contact with those who were listening. You could completely drown out all the other extraneous noise and just tune in to the Kyle Garrick radio. “Anyways what started as Garrick turned into Gar and eventually a Lieutenant passed by and just said to call me Gaz,” he concluded and Johnny laughed at the ending.
“And we thought it was more than that,” he joked and everyone joined in. Kyle’s laugh was infectious to you and you suppressed your giggles with your hand. He smiled at the slight jab, sipping out of his glass that was collecting condensation. “Not everyone can be called something like ‘Soap’” he shrugged. You noted to yourself to remember all of these silly little names that were such a foreign concept to you. You’d have to circle back to Simon and John. As the two continued to trade insults and laugh, you finished your drink. You were happy because Kyle was happy. You hoped this wouldn’t be the last time you would be meeting such an interesting group.
Eventually, Simon put an end to their banter and the conversation moved on. “So are you two a couple?” John asked and before you could reply, Kyle beat you to it. “Just have been dating a month or so, nothing official yet,” he replied casually. “Five months,” you mumbled and under the roar of the bar, only Simon heard you. Maybe that was the best way to put it but you wanted something more permanent. Something less fleeting and unemotional. You tried to suppress your disappointment but the tension in the air was evident. You tried to think of an escape route. “I’m gonna go get another drink, I’ll go to the other end of the bar,” you said as you glanced at the swamped counter, “they look busy.” You grabbed your wallet and hopped off the stool, mingling through the crowd.
When you left, Johnny immediately attacked Kyle. “Okay Gaz,” he said calling the attention to himself. “What the fuck are you doing?” he asked suddenly and Kyle turned to him, surprised. “What do you mean?” “That ray of sunshine is clearly into ya and you’re like a sheet of cardboard,” he boasted and the rest of the table nodded. Kyle turned to see you trying to make your way to the bar amongst the crowded room of patrons. “We’ve been dating for a month, I don’t want to make things too serious,” he replied as he turned back to the group. “You should see how they look at you,” Price began, “it’s like you created the stars in the sky.” Despite his efforts on the field and in recon, Gaz strained to remember those recent moments. “I’m just saying,” Price lectured, putting a hand on Kyle’s shoulder, “they’re someone worth putting the effort into.”
As Price loosened his grip, Kyle turned to see you struggling to get the bartender’s attention. “Listen to us, a table of a bunch of single blokes,” Johnny said with a laugh. Kyle laughed along nervously but got up from the table. “I’ll be right back,” he said and his departure was met with hollers from Johnny. As you sighed in defeat as the bartender helped another patron, you felt Kyle hold your waist from behind. “Over here!” he called and in a few moments, the bartender returned to take your order. “They’ll have a rum and coke,” he ordered and you couldn’t help but smile a little wider at his good memory. “This one’s on me, love,” he said as you looked up at him.
“Thanks, Kyle, I appreciate it,” you replied with a slight smile. Before you could turn to get your drink, Kyle placed a hand on your cheek. “Hey uh would you want to be something more permanent?” he questioned and you couldn’t help but be surprised. “Oh Kyle, if this is something your buddies said then–“Before you could finish, he interjected. “No,” he said with a smile, “actually I’m glad you get along with them, they’re a bit of a mixed bag.” You looked over to the group and let out a laugh as Johnny tried to get Simon to take a shot with him. “They’re great, real good people you work with,” you pursed your lips before replying, “but I think I’d like that.” He kissed you softly and you swear you could hear your table cheer. “I really like you, Kyle,” you giggled, almost as if this was a school crush confession. “Good, I don’t know what I’d say if the person I fancied said no,” you both shared a laugh as you returned.
As Kyle checked his phone quickly, Johnny shot you a quick wink. You didn’t know what happened when you left but you were glad that this group looked out for Kyle– not just on the field. As Simon and John held a drunken Johnny up and helped him into an Uber, you felt Kyle interlace his fingers with yours. “Not too early for some PDA?” he questioned and you shook your head. “Never.”
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eunkitarot · 7 months
Hello can you do enha jay as a boyfriend please, kind of how you did with niki pls.
Jay as a boyfriend a Tarot Read By Eunki Tarot.
Hi sure so lets get into it.
Page of Pentacles: so as a bf, Jay would be a practical boyfriend. Someone that is hands on , would be there for you physically when you are going through a rough patch. He is someone that is loyal and faithful .Now, P of Pentacles is also someone who is ambitious about your relationship and wants to take it far. Combine that with hard work, consistency and faithfulness , Jay wants it to be a successful long-term relationship. He don't really like short term relationships or flings.
The chariot:with this card, it shows that as a bf Jay would be a person that is determined to achieve goals in the relationship. he is more of a doing person than thinking so he will not delay decisions. And if there are things that are unclear, he would want to clear the air as soon as possible so no conflict can fester. Which is good, however there can be downsides to this, because he may be too focused on getting things moving, he might neglect his partner's feelings. He can get stubborn if he already make up his mind. Its giving my way or the high way. This is something he needs to work on, bcs relationships requires both sides to chip in instead of one that controls everything. I think he does this out of fear that any wrong decisions can hurt the relationship. This also mean he lack trust in his partner, thinking that only his decisions is good . Another aspect he needs to work on. Most of the time he is not realising he is hurting his partner by his own actions. All the while he thinks he is protecting the relationship. Comes from a good place but bad execution is what im hearing.
3 of cups: as a bf Jay would be someone that loves to celebrate your wins. he would buy u presents and gifts on every milestone in your life. Whether its your first job, your monthsary, aniversary the list goes on and on. He likes to celebrate and appreciate your little achievements together. This is really cute. And as a bf, he feels like the relationship runs deeper than lust. Its genuine bond and connection. Im visioning an oak tree with deep roots travelling in the soil. That is how he views ur relationship something real. Something stable not just surface level.
Strength:as a bf, he wants to be your pillar of support. Someone u can lean on. Not only that with this card, too he wants to lean on his partner on rainy days. Jay wants to feel deeply cared for by his SO. Jay feels like his SO kindness and compassion really impacted him. He will feel confident and strong with someone that is nurturing. This can be something transformative for him and help him grow.
BOD/overall energy, the emperor: as a bf, he would be very protective of you.He values you deeply, almost in a fatherly way. Reading this made me smile, bcs this is so Jay, him and the dad vibe. he would love to show his love with physical aspects like gifting, act of service, being present etc. He defo wants to be the provider in the relationship. He would spoil you is what im getting. Spoil you with vacations and 5 star hotels. But all this can happen only when Jay really feels secure around you. You must go through a certain amount of thick and thins together for him to feel this way abt you. You must already be his 'rock'. A constant variable in his life. This is not something easy to attain.
I hope you like this reading. Dont forget to like :)
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lampmanliveblogs · 4 months
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”…King? Oh wow, I know I said ’See you in heaven, one day,’ but I didn’t figure it’d be this soon. And I gotta say, I knew the day would come, but it is still so weird to see you taller than me.” -Luz right now, probably
Nah, it’s the Titan of course! In the flesh, or, uh… in the spirit I guess, since his body is left in the Demon Realm, being possessed by Philip Phungi and all that.
Right of the bat, I notice that he’s got that Hooty worm thingy coming out of his right eye (our left). His right eye is also the one that started glowing when Philip started possessing his body.
Philip… is the worm.
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There he is, in all his majestic glory.
The beard. The worm.The wings (which I guess King will start growing one day…). The casual wear: a dressing gown over a Bad Girl Coven shirt (don’t tell Eda about this or we’ll never hear the end of it), the sweatpants with glowing glyphs on them (aw man, I wish I had a pair of sweatpants with glowing magical symbols on them…). The dad bod.
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I’ve only known this guy for like…forty seconds, and I already love him. I love the fatherly vibes he gives off. Appropriate, of course, not just because of his role as a bringer of life to those that live on his decaying body, but it’s also appropriate because we’re at the low point of the episode. We just watched Luz die, Eda, King, & The Collector just watched Luz die, the Boiling Isles are being overrun and slowly torn apart… we need a comforting voice in the darkest hour.
Oh, and something about how Luz’ father is dead and now that she died she got to meet this sort of father figure… something about that, definitely.
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”I think King said it best once; ’I am both king and queen, best of both things.’ But ’dad’ works fine.”*
We stan an asexually reproducing king/queen/both things.
(… do people still say ”stan?”)
I mean, I’m assuming this means titans reproduce asexually. And I just wanna say that as an asexually reproductive organism myself, I appreciate this representation.
Secondly, this also tells us that Titan here knows a good deal of the goings ons in the realm of those still living. And his omniscience is arguable better than mine, because I sure as Demon Realm can’t remember when King said that.
(*I looked it up. Turns out King said that in Enchanting Grom Fright, when he nabbed the Grom Queen crown Luz dropped on the floor after she got back home.)
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I can't wait for Julie Jean and Bucky's reunion but the piece about Julie visiting Thorpe Abbots? Oh my gosh it was delicious! But also so bittersweet. Just so good.
I really loved to see Julie's relationships/friendships with the boys at Thorpe (particularly Crosby), and that was written so wonderfully.
But speaking of friendships I just wanted to say that I really love Herb. His understanding, and care for Julie is so gorgeous and I love their relationship. I don't want to read into it too much, but it's almost, very slightly, in a fatherly figure way? Herb is one of her few companions before Bucky and all those who followed, and I think one of the very few, if not the only man she trusts or who treats her decently before Bucky comes along?
Anyways, I just wanted to say that I love their relationship. You have a real skill at developing side/smaller characters and blossoming them into people who form relationships with others and with the the audience and it is one of the things that makes your writing so impressive.
I quite literally clutched my chest reading this! It means so much to me -side characters have always been many of my most beloved characters in my favorite novels/classics and so to be complimented on my own is utterly gratifying and motivating to keep nurturing the little things that make them more than filler.
But I too love Herb -he’s named after a vet I know and love and who is the grandaddy I never had. Sure he can be considered fatherly. At the very least, despite his crusty ways, he has a real love for Julie’s real nature, and he celebrates her victories with her. Not the studios, not her mother’s, not her image -hers. And he knows somehow some other guy over in the war somehow saw what he does every day despite the young randy fuckers appreciation for the rack -somehow John Egan saw to the Julie that Herb knows and likes her Al the better.
Who on base do yall think Herb would mesh with while Julie and Bucky make knots of their sheets? Rosie has the grandpa vibe to match him, I do believe, and Ev is no nonsense enough to be a good mate
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kiss-me-cill-me · 6 months
Hi! As a new Cillian fan, and a longtime fan of whump, I have a question...I see a lot of whumpy GIFs of Cillian injured and hurt, but I was wondering, are there any movie scenes where Cillian comforts or looks after somebody else who has been hurt? 🙈 I have seen Peaky Blinders and Oppenheimer, but I still have to work my way through the rest of his work 😳 I would appreciate any pointers. Thank you!
Hi, anon! First of all, welcome to the fandom ❤️ We're happy to have you here!
And that is a very good question... I know of a few scenes that might fit what you're looking for, but admittedly I still need to make my way through a large portion of his work as well, so this is by no means comprehensive haha. If anyone else has any to add, please feel free!
Slight spoilers for various films below the cut.
Off the top of my head, there's one EXTREMELY brief scene in Sunshine where he (kinda sorta?) comforts one of his fellow astronauts after a whole lot of scary space shit goes down and they both get hurt. Idk, she's not very comforted by him, but he... tries(?) This one is definitely a stretch.
A Quiet Place Part II has some scenes that might fit the bill a bit more. In various scenes, he picks up and carries several people who have been hurt or are in danger. (Honestly it is worth watching the movie for this aspect alone, imo, if you're like me and enjoy fantasizing about getting carried around by strong men) *ahem* In another scene, he reaches out to comfort a small child who appears to be in distress. He also has a very sweet, fatherly figure type of relationship with the main character in this movie, who has been through a lot of emotional pain. But I would say it's more of a "they help each other find comfort" kind of vibe than exclusively "him comforting someone else."
I feel like 28 Days Later might be the best for what you're looking for, out of the films I've seen. I can't tell you why without giving away basically the entire plot, but a few minor scenes throughout and one big one specifically near the end give me these vibes.
But honestly, I have to admit that I'm kind of struggling to come up with moments where he's comforting someone else but isn't also hurt himself haha. Apparently we just all love beating this poor guy up too much.
Hope this helps, anon, and sorry if none of these fit exactly what you were looking for! If not, hopefully someone else can chime in with something that does <3
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furiarossa · 10 months
Hi there! I need stuff to doodle and have been drawing other artists’ gargoyle ocs! Do you have any gargoyle ocs you’d like drawn? Or even a canon gargoyle works! Hope you’re having a great day 🐸
Oh hi there! That's a neat and generous idea, y'know?
We have quite a number of Gargoyle OCs, yes... here's some of them!
Liuneddu (it means "small lion" in Sicilian)! He's a small guy, 156 cm, and he often acts like a pet towards people. He's very pragmatic and smart, and loves to help!
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2. Petrina is a small (even smaller than Liuneddu) garg born and living in Palermo. In the 9th of May 1943, her city was mass attacked by Angloamerican bombers; she managed to survive with her brother Atlas, even if some of her clan mates didn't make it, but during one of the explosions her wings were hit and damaged by the debris bullets that started flying as a result of the severe bombing. She was five. Since she's very light and tiny in size, she could have been one of the few grotesques able to fly, but the damage sustained by the wings which reduced the available surface of the membrane, only allows her to glide (and she's not that balanced either).
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3. Inverno (it means Winter in Italian). He's immediately distinguishable by his delicate colors and his malewife vibe. He diligently watches over a winter garden, and that is where he got his name from.
Fatherly, gentle, and very confident, Inverno has a good sense of humor and appreciates those who show sharp wit, and despite his own kindness, he likes the "vicious ones": fierce, brutally honest, or with a clever, venomous tongue.
He's our tallest garg, with 1,80 m of height!
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4. Frisca/Whistle. She doesn't use a name, you can call her whistling!
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(Here she's with another of our gargs, Chatterbox)
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We have other ones, but these are our main ones :)
(And thank you for contacting us! We hope you'll find many beautiful and interesting gargoyles characters that you'll have fun drawings!)
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egg-emperor · 2 years
I'm very happy to see someone else had issues with Eggman's portrayal (at least the ENG one anyways) in Frontiers! Makes me happy knowing I'm not alone. Which is a shame though, because (while he was barely seen prior) he was very good before the ending.
But I did have a question haha. I actually wanted to know your thoughts on Sage as a character! What did you think of her and her story? Personally, I quite liked it in everything but the ending. And I liked the idea of like, Sage trying to learn about love and never be able to truly apply it. There was this very sad tragedy for her that she was learning emotion and love for her "dad" and how it would always be stomped out by Eggman never giving her that same fatherly affection and respect back (which is good! Eggman always cares about himself first, and I would want nothing less). Which is how a story like that should be tackled with Eggman. Fits the vibe and theme they were shooting for with the game.
It's a real shame that some of Eggman's worst writing is tied to her honestly, because she is and can be a really fantastic character both by herself and in her relation to Eggman as a more 'emotional' creation. I'd like to see how you would tackle this kind of thing in a fic sometime- you always write Eggman really well! Thanks for reading this regardless though, and don't forget to take care of yourself! Have a great day! 💙
I'm really happy I'm not alone in this. I really appreciate those sticking around to hear me out and express my true thoughts and explain why and/or agree. I'm glad people care about Eggman being portrayed accurately.
I honestly don't have strong feelings about Sage right now, she's just not really my type in design or personality. Maybe part of it is just that I don't like how the fandom are treating her with Eggman. But I wouldn't say I hate her, no strong feelings for or against.
I can see potential in her story that might've made me like her, the means were there. Eggman creating something so impressively life-like she has feelings and is influenced by learning from Sonic and co, then wants love and wishes for a real bond with the one she's closest to as his creation.
Maybe she gets a bit delusional like the funny montage scene, thinking Eggman will feel the same but his perception is shallow and self aggrandizing as ever, only seeing her as impressive for her efficiency and how it makes him a genius as her creator and just buttering her up to keep her loyal and useful.
And Eggman just doesn't have the sincere fatherly love and care she wishes for and maybe she's in denial but it starts to set in the more careless and rude he seems, not considering her personal feelings, not being able to think about and praise her beyond what she can do for him and how it makes him such a genius.
And seeing how he acts towards her compared to Sonic and friends with each other with their strong bonds, it begins to shatter those hopes and she realizes he's incapable of caring for anyone else or even praising or valuing creations beyond their use to him and pride in them being manifestations of his genius.
It would have an impactful message. That just because Sage is an AI, it doesn't mean she can't have feelings and emotions of love and care and just because Eggman is a flesh and blood human being it doesn't mean he can because he's too egotistical, self centered, and lacks empathy and care for others.
She learns there are truly bad people but there is still good and love in the world too, even if her "dad" can't give it, as she sees in Sonic and friends. That's how you could still make the dynamic sad and induce "the feels" in people without giving a middle finger to Eggman's important core personality aspects that make him who he is.
I might write a fic exploring this if I figure out how to write Sage. I could write Eggman's side easy no problem and I'd have a lot of fun with writing him being self centered, careless, rude, and an asshole as always, proving his side was never sincere no matter what he said or did and the impact of Sage losing hope over time.
I appreciate that you'd be interested in seeing it from me and that you like how I write Eggman, it means a lot because I always carefully put all my knowledge and passion into writing him and making sure he feels true to himself and I'm happy it pays off. I'll try to, and same to you. Thank you so much 😊💜
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cerebrobullet · 1 year
Sharpe's Fury Semi-Daily Book Report:
i've stepped back into sir thomas monologuing to sharpe who is just " ._. that sucks". what a reentry hhfhd.
OH now i remember, he and pat have got dragged onto a boat to go kill some french, weh. i want more awkward henry/sharpe moments
aight tho, i appreciate sir thomas going "the french hate us because they think we did Shitty Thing. We totally did do Shitty Thing, then lied about it lmao". insert the drug psa with "i learned it from watching you!" only it's america yelling it at england
oh no. sharpe has been handed a Boy, a young innocent ensign. he's gonna be dead soon. god damn it, stop handing sharpe boys to look after!!!
i need to think about writing a fic investigating the idea of kind superior officers being father figures to sharpe :3c. who would be best to use... maybe have it be a collection of oneshots of several different officers being Fatherly....
hhhhhfhhffh ok, that's two counts of "manslaughter it is" problem solving from sharpe in this book. i had a Moment listening to poor pumphry having to tell sharpe not to murder in the middle of a damn church. just out there all "no, no murdering sharpe. bad officer. cease the murder plans."
.... if cornwell would full-ass committed to henry wellesley being queer in this book then sharpe's fury would go into s tier immediately, hands down. like i pretty much know he won't, this is some kind of implication for something else, but im still slamming my fist on the desk while listening to moon accuse him of it rn.
🙏 sharpe talking about going to america with harper and opening a tavern. as a joke about taking the blackmail money from pumphry but, still, like hhgsgsgbsbs. bless.
side note but i def prefer these 2000's era books more style wise. they feel more... tv show ish? but in a good way? the way the plot tends to move and be a bit more... zoomed in and actiony. you can certainly see the influence loop of cornwell using some of the vibes the show created. and also, like, basic growth as a writer and all that.
another aside, i want to write a fic just about pat being stronger than sharpe and easily manhandling him :3c
henry saying "it's really over" me: *looks at amount of time left in the book* uuuuuuuh.....
love how "stay in florida?" works as an appalling idea in the 1810's just the same as it does today lol
..... i vaguely forgot pumphry killed astrid oopsies. how's he gonna gaslight gatekeep girlboss his way out of that one with sharpe lmao...... aw but he's so much fun :( #problematicfave
aight i'm calling it there for today. my brain is mush and i see a battle scene coming, and i would not be able to withstand that rn lol
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Hello! I want have a free tarot reading!
I want adk about my future spouse. Why will I be attracted to them?
Hello, k🎠
For your reading I drew The Emperor
This is really a powerful figure with fatherly vibes and attitude and a leadership vein. I feel like you'll be attracted to his authority yet compassionate nature as I also noticed more times King of Cups and both cards indicate a 'strict' demeneor with a tender heart. This combination of traits of your FS will attract you to them like a moth to a flame.
Despite their need of rules and structure in life, and also a cold facade, they would do anything to protect their loved ones. I feel like family is really important for your FS and they'll be the rock of stability and security in your life too. They may also be good at manifesting their goals. They're focused on their success rather than useless things that block their growth, for that reason they may be truly respected in their workplace.
With the KoC too, they may have a solid spine which means even if life throws them a curveball, their emotional stability help them overcome those challenges with calm and diplomacy. There's a balance between their heart and mind and they may be like an anchor for people that struggle and a guide plus provider for their family and friends. Overall, I feel that is why you'll be attracted to them.
Hope you like what I picked. Please, any feedback is highly appreciated! All the best!!! 🤍
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infernalodie · 3 years
how about a cassie x older brother reader, where they were super close and he basically took up the role of being their fatherly figure and helped them and stuff, and cassie would never want to disappoint the reader as to her it would be the worst thing in the world. So the reader is in college and doesnt come around much bc they are super busy or something but they return home after hearing everything that happened with cassie and he isnt happy with her as he always saw her as his sweet little sister
I've been waiting for one of these. But I will add a little bit to it to give it more angsty and fluffy vibes
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 || 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝
“𝘓𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘦, 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘦𝘧𝘵? 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘵 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘪𝘵 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬, 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘐'𝘮 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨“
Inspo: Jacob Banks - Unknown (To You)
Pairing: Cassie Howard x olderbrother!reader
Summary: Cassie and Lexi had always seen you as a father figure. Both having picked out two sides of you that they have seen. You were the person they wanted to become when they got to your age. Cassie grew a bigger attachment to you, always leaning on you for guidance. So, when you leave for College, it tears her up. You came home less and less, even for holidays. But the one time she messes up, you show up suddenly and bring a world wind of emotions that Cassie hadn’t been prepared for.
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(gif used is not mine)
Warnings: Major angst and fluffy near the end
Words 4360
You wouldn’t consider yourself the greatest brother to walk the earth, but you were damn near close to it. Despite not being able to make it home and slowly caring less to make yourself known to your sisters or mother, you always sent gifts with the left over money you had. Willing to show your love and appreciation to them from a large margin of distance. Because it at least showed that you hadn’t forgotten about them and still cared.
Because that’s all you have done for each of the women in that house. You have loved and cared for them. Being the care taker for all them. When your mom was too drunk to interact with Cassie and Lexi, you were there. Staying up late with Lexi, helping her with her homework until she inevitably passed out at the table with a pool of drool around her mouth. From there, you would carry her to her bedroom and tuck her in. With Cassie, you helped style her hair and pick out her outfits for each day of school. Being the supportive brother they needed.
And when you had been planning on leaving to College, you made sure to get your mom sober. Or at least lay off the heavy drinking because if you weren’t there, she had to care for them. Thankfully, she realized this and had taken the initiative to lay off and promise to not get that bad ever again. From what you had been able to gather while being away, she had followed through on that promise.
Everything had been good. Lexi and Cassie had been doing good in school. They had been growing up into young women and you always wore a shocked look when you came home to see them. Taking note to the fact that Cassie seemed to grow a few centimeters and Lexi’s ever growing love for plays. Often sitting there with a beer in hand as they told you all about the stuff going on in their lives.
Safe to say that you were very proud of both of them and you used every minute you had with them fully. Taking them out for diner or just going for a drive. Each holiday was amazing to them because they wouldn’t admit it, but you had become the parental figure to them. The father figure all three of you didn’t have because that rat bastard was probably off somewhere dead in an alley.
But they had taken notice to the fact that you were becoming more drowned in school work and your side job. Making the phone calls shorter, text messages bland, and the visits fewer. They didn’t hold it against you, but they did somewhat resent the fact that there wasn’t anything they could do to help you through it. But even then, you wouldn’t accept their help. Being the selfless person you had always been.
Something had changed. You had felt it all the way in New York. This sinking feeling in your stomach as your phone began to buzz on your coffee table. And that had been when you got the news about Cassie. Booking a flight took less than five minutes and it took you less than 30 minutes to get to the airport.
Suze had waited hours, barely getting any shut eye when you told her you were on your way home. She knew that when you got angry, there was a whole tsunami coming for the person in your path. And just the deep and frustrated tone in your voice from over the phone put her on edge.
Knock, knock, knock!
She practically sprinted over to the door and swung it open. Your tired features fixed into a deep scowl as you moved past your mother. “Where is she?”
“She’s living at Nate’s,” Suze sighed. “I don’t know how long she plans on staying there.”
You hum, scanning the house. Nothing had changed in the months of you not being home. If anything, the familiarity made you repulsed by it. Then again, it could just be your bad move influencing your true feelings.
The appreciation of your childhood home was short lived with footsteps grabbing your attention. Turning to find Lexi, who wore a large grin on her lips. “Y/n!”
For the first time in the past 10 hours, you smiled. Letting go of the handle of your suitcase and opened your arms. Your little sister ran at you and launched herself into your arms. A groan slipped out of your lips as you held her tightly against her.
“Hey there, Loo Loo,” you chuckled. “Good to see you too.”
“Why are you home?” She mused, hopping down to stand in front of you. “I thought you had midterms coming up soon?”
“I do,” you sighed, exasperated. “But I need to talk to our mess of a sister.”
“Oh, she’s at Nate’s place.”
“Yeah.” You jutted your thumb over your shoulder towards your guys’ mother. “Mom told me. When I get back, you can tell me everything going on in your life. I think I’ll be here for a week or so.”
Lexi nodded with a smile, bringing you into another hug that made you smile softly. It felt like forever since you’ve had this type of love and affection. There was something wrong with you for depriving you of this. From receiving love and affection from the people that loved you dearly. You had your own problems, mentally, that had restrained you from even attempting to make any effort to come see your sisters or mother for the past few months.
Suze and Lexi offered to get you set up in your old bedroom while you did what you needed to do. Which also meant, “Get your sister back here, all means necessary.” And you obliged to do so by taking out your old truck that your mother kept in the garage where you raced over to the Jacobs household.
Travelling across town had been fast. Mainly because of the fact that you were dean near speeding through each stop sign and drowned in your own thought. Trying to put together the perfect scolding you could for your sister and not break her down to a sobbing and incoherent mess.
You loved Cassie. You did, truly. But there was a certain line you had set with her and guys. And it wasn’t the super overprotective brother bullshit. No, it was the blatantly obvious one. Don’t fuck your best friends ex.
It felt like you had drilled into both Cassie’s and Lexi mind since they were 14. You had no problem with dating. In fact, you encouraged them to go out there and be who they wanted to be because you would always love them the same. But the line Cassie didn’t just cross one line. She cross ever single fucking one you had laid out.
So, as you walked up the path towards the Jacobs front door, you were trying to keep your cool. Keep the protective side restrained in thick chains and pulled down to the deepest and darkest corner of your heart. While also trying to put together the right words for Cassie to understand.
Knocking on the door, you waited patiently until it finally opened. Cal Jacobs standing at the doorway with a raise brow. “Can I help you?”
“Cassie Howard is here,” you said simply. “I’m her brother Y/n. I need her here so I can take her home.”
But right before the man could speak, the most disgusting sound you never wanted to hear had sounded out through the house.
Cassie moaned.
She fucking…moaned!
That had been the final straw for you as you stormed inside the house. “Kid, if you fucking break anything or touch my son, I’ll call the police!”
“No worries, Cal,” you huffed. “It won’t count as touching him when I break his knees with a bat.”
Storming up the stairs, you walked in the direction of the sounds coming from your sister. Wanting nothing more than to have white noise blasting in your ears instead. But it just worse when you finally stopped outside the room as she was damn near screaming.
Slamming your fist against the door, you growled, “Cassie, get your ass downstairs and out to car or I’ll come in there and break Nate’s fucking head open!” And with that threat left to hang in the air, you walked away and past Cal who stared at you in shock.
You were fuming and your blood was boiling over the fucking brim. It was hard not to just punch something whilst you awaited in your truck. Fingers tapping against the steering wheel impatiently.
But right when you were about to get out grab your sister, her quick footsteps could be heard. Head bowed low in shame as she climbed inside. She felt your eyes burn holes in the side of her head for a few moments before you growled in annoyance.
“You better have a fucking amazing explanation when we get home.” She didn’t respond, not even with a nod. Sitting silently throughout the drive.
She hoped that you would cool off by the time you guys got home. Showed her some type of mercy considering you have been away for almost a year. But she was wishing upon stars at that point because she knew how aggravated you were right now. Just the atmosphere in the air told enough.
And damn, those parental pants hadn’t changed one damn bit since you were gone. It felt so natural and Cassie was unsure if she was glad for it or hating it. But she was glad that you were home, if that even mattered at this point.
When you two arrived at the house, Cassie followed behind you. Scared to even speak in fear that the pent up anger building inside you would burst. It was already reaching its capacity and there was no stopping anyone on the receiving end of it.
Entering, Cassie could even get a breath out before you were glaring at her. “Want to explain what the fuck has happened in the past 2 days?”
Cassie watched as you moved around her and into the kitchen. Silently, she followed and sat at the table as you grabbed yourself a bear. She played with her nails, unsure of how she was supposed to respond.
When no response came, you turned to her and pushed your arms out by your side, indicating you expecting an answer. “Cassie, I have no problem sitting here and waiting all night until you give me an answer.”
“Okay,” she whined. “Maddy and Nate were broken up. Lexi and I got into a fight while we were going to a party and-“
“What were you two fighting about?” You asked, eyes flickering to Lexi, who stood near the doorway.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Cassie finalized tone, stopping Lexi from even speaking was enough for you.
Sighing as you glanced at you mom. “You can go to bed,” you reassured. “I’ve got this. Lexi, sit down because I have feeling that your sister is going to include you somehow.”
Right when Cassie was about to protest, you raised your hand, silencing her. “I don’t want to hear it, Cassie,” you said, sliding into a seat. “Just continue with your story.”
“Anyways, we got into a fight and I got out of the car,” she explained. “Long story short I got a ride to the party with Nate and we fucked.”
Your face scrunched up at the mention of your sister having sex. You don’t think you would ever get used to that.
“And Rue snitched on you to Maddy?”
There was no explaining the pure look of shock and confusion on Cassie’s face from your simple tone. Especially when you casually took a sip from her beer.
Noticing the look, you raised a brow in question. “What do you want me say, Cass?” You asked.
“I don’t know,” she stammered. “Maybe fucking defend me or something.”
“What is there to defend?” You asked. “You did not only break one rule of mine, but the whole fucking book! And you want me to defend you? Are you fucking high?”
You didn’t mean to be so mean. You knew how sensitive both your sisters were and you knew how badly Cassie could react. But there was no nice way for you to just dance around the problem. Diving in head first was the only way you saw yourself doing this. If Cassie didn’t like that then she didn’t but you sure has hell don’t regret it.
When all you got was silence, you motioned to Lexi, who sat opposite of you. “Do you see your sister going and fucking…” You snapped your fingers, looking to Lexi. “Who’s Rue’s ex?”
“Jules!” You exclaimed, going right back into your rant. “No, you don’t because she’s learned from what I’ve told and raised you two to be. Women. Actual women who didn’t go and fuck their best friends ex.”
“They weren’t dating!”
“If I kidnapped a child but didn’t hurt them, does that make it okay to the point where the parents will forgive me?” You asked rhetorically as Cassie stared at you with pursed lips. Tears streaming down her cheeks as she stared back you. Hating the fact that your anger and frustration had met it’s wits end that she couldn’t even hope for you stop.
“Of course not because I still fucking kidnapped the kid!” You exclaimed with a wave of your hand. “Just like how you backstabbed Maddy and fucked a psycho piece of shit guy!”
Her lack of voice did make your heart uneasy. When you used to give her these talks, she would speak up for herself. Perhaps she understood where she messed up. But if she did, you wanted confirmation. Not just a quiet sister, who cried under your scolding gaze.
But you couldn’t blame her for feeling a way. You had always held a soft spot for both Lexi and Cassie, maybe Cassie a bit more just because how she reacted. Nonetheless, whenever they did something like this and started crying, you did feel a pain of regret for speaking to them like this. Having them in tears just because you’ve practically raised them. You were the father figure to them that they never truly had.
All you could really acknowledge with Cassie was the fact she had taken her freedom a step too far. Drinking in her freedom like it was wine and spending it like she was rich, which she very much wasn’t. You just couldn’t understand what happened to the sweet girl, who always passed out right next to you on the couch countless nights.
“I don’t know what happened to you Cassie in the time for me leaving, but I don’t like it,” you stated. “It makes me almost believe that nothing I have done or ever said even mattered.”
Everything she had done had been because of you. She adored you every second of every day. She loved you more than the entire world and everything in it. Cassie looked up to you as a beacon of hope and as much as she hated disappointing you, it had been your fault she turned out this way.
For too long, she had been walking over eggshells hoping not to disappoint you, but there was always something that would piss you off. She’d had enough and wanted to do something for herself. People change and people grow and that had been your mistake to think she would stay as the innocent little girl you helped raise.
“I think you forget that you left and abandoned us,” Cassie spat. “People change, Y/n. Especially when you don’t care enough to try and visit.”
“Cassie!” Lexi exclaimed, but her sister was too far gone.
“You’re a fucking dick, Y/n!” Cassie moved out of her chair and marched towards you. “All I have ever done is adore you and loved you. You stopped caring about all of us the instant you left and we can all fucking see it. You stopped needing us when you started showing up less. I fucking hate you and wish you would drop dead!”
Your eyes slightly widened with your sobbing sister turning around running up to her bedroom. A heavy and regretful cloud hovering over you as you stared at the ground silently. Nibbling on your bottom lip with a tiny nod, blinking rapidly.
Lexi didn’t know what to say. In a small and proportion, she did agree with Cassie. But only for the fact that you shouldn’t have expected them stay the same as when you last saw them. They would have to break your rules once and a while and just hope you didn’t catch word.
But she didn’t know what to do or say when you silently stood to your feet. Chugging the rest of your drink and placing it on the counter. Clearing your throat as your eyes flickered to Lexi. It had only been for a moment, but it was enough for her to see the sparkling tears running down your cheeks.
“You should…” You sighed, rubbing your eyes. “Um, you should get some sleep, Loo Loo.”
Silently, she obliged by your word and got up to her feet. But before she could leave, you caught her arm. Wrapping your arms around her where she melted and hugged you tightly. Face burying into your chest with handful grabbing at the back of your shirt.
You pressed a kiss to the crown on her head. Rubbing a comforting hand and up down her back. Which was pretty funny just because she was worried about you, but you were the one comforting her. As per usual, you didn’t let others comfort you even when you likely needed it.
“I love you, Lexi,” you muttered against her. “ I love you and Cassie so much.“
She could feel the wet tears hitting her scalp. Each one she felt made her heart clench, pulling you closer without realizing. “We know, Y/n,” she assured. “We know and we love you too. Cassie has just been tough for everyone in the past few weeks.”
Her reassurances carried on until you were at ease and urging her to bed. This time, she did listen and pulled herself away and gave you the space you needed. You didn’t dare risking the chance of going upstairs just by the chance of running into her.
Once upon a time, the three of you, there was a bond that was unbreakable. When you went over something, surely enough, they were hastily following. They did love you and adore you for everything you did for them and image they had placed on you.
And it was now, moments like this when you could just find your dad and beat him to a bloody pulp for leaving. For placing all this weight on to be the father figure your sisters didn’t need. Because let’s be honest, you weren’t it. You weren’t the right person to be taken as inspiration from and used.
It didn’t feel right with you. Not when you consciously tried avoiding your family during holidays. Making up bullshit excuses like you were spending it with a girlfriend. Which you didn’t have because your stressed out mind wouldn’t be able to add another weight to the pile.
They just didn’t understand the type of weight they had placed on you. The unbearable and tiring weight that left you a crying mess every single day. It had been nothing but you caring about them. You wanted to selfish and relieve yourself from that weight a little longer.
But now being back, placing it back on your shoulders and having Cassie back hand comment, you just realized that you couldn’t be selfish. With how long you’ve been gone, it had taken an effect on her. Probably much worse than Suze and Lexi combined.
Which is why you avoided any interaction with the three women for the remainder of the night. Finding your place of relaxation to be on the couch watching TV. A beer bottle in hand as you blinked tiredly. Silently debating on driving over to Fezco’s and buying some weed off him.
“Hey.” Cassie’s voice nearly made you jump out of your spot. Finding her standing near the doorway with large sweater and sweatpants. Hair unkempt in a naturally beautiful way she had always been able to rock since she was a kid. It looked adorable.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “Hey,” you greeted. “What’s up? You need something? Want me to drive and grab you something?”
Still the caring brother, Cassie thought as she shook her head from your questions. “Can I sit with you?” She asked nervously. “I can’t sleep.”
You hummed, scooting over to give her some space. She filled that open space and instinctively leaned against you and you automatically wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
A heavy and blank silence fell over the two of you as you guys just watched TV. Honestly, you were unsure of what to say to her. You had said your piece when she got home and already showed your lack of comfort with her being with Nate. But you knew she wouldn’t listen. Once you were gone, she would go running back to him and you had to accept that.
But you did feel like she was doing it to get your attention. It may have not turned out the way she wanted, but you had a feeling she just wanted you to come back and talk to her. Hell, she may have easily been satisfied with a phone call. Nothing she had done had gotten your guys’ mom to call you. So, while she had broken your rule because she did like Nate, she also had you in mind. But that’s what you thought at least.
“You know what I realized, Cass?” You finally spoke and she hummed in response. “It’s not about justifying your existence. It’s not. It’s about you being so scared and so selfish that you have to break me down.”
At that point, Cassie had already felt the back of her eyes stinging with a new fresh water fall of tears. “Second guess everything I do,” you continued. “Am I good brother? Am I showing enough love to my sisters? Can I do this without them? I don’t know. I better ask Cassie. Maybe she’ll know the answer. Where’s Cassie? I need Cassie. Did you like the gift? Was it good? Yeah, I think so too.”
“God forbid I’m secure enough with what I have done for you two and mom that I don’t need to be here every time you mess up,” you said. “Your whole outbursts of me not being here. About me not caring about you guys because I showed up less. Or that I stopped needing you. You just need a reason to be needed. To be cared for and loved like I used to when you were just a kid.”
“Can we leave this conversation alone?” Cassie whispered, pulling away from you. Trying to wipe away the tears that were streaming down her cheeks.
But before she could get far, you caught her hands in yours and turned to her. “Because if I don’t need you Cassie, what the hell am I still doing keeping it contact with any of you?” You asked. “You want control because you can’t imagine the idea that I still show up is because I love you.”
Your own tears began to peak through the brims of your eyes. Sniffling as you shook your head. “I just love you, Cass.” At that point, Cassie propelled herself into your chest and broke down in sobs. You wrapped your arms around her tightly as pressed your cheek to the side of her head. “I don’t need you. But I love you because you don’t see what I see. You don’t see that people love and care for you just like I do. That there’s someone somebody on this planet that just loves you.”
If Cassie was being honest, she wasn’t used to this type of affection. It had worn off over the months of you being gone. With it coming back in full swing, it broke her down into a million pieces. And there you were. Helping pick up the pieces and reassembling everything you could.
“I love the way your mind works, Cassie,” you whispered. “I do. I love the way you see the world. I love the way you think. Your instincts. And I am so fucking grateful for having been able to help you raise you with Lexi. Because everything we’ve been through...that’s what’s made you you. The girl who helped me steal food from the store. The girl who cheered me on when I beat Aaron Jacobs ass. The girl that I love and the girl I fuck with.”
A sob racked your body as Cassie clung onto you tighter. “And I’m sorry, you know?” You cried. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around. I apologized to mom, but I know that I should’ve said it to you and Lexi. I know I fucked up, but I’m trying to do better for the both of you. I’m not the best brother, but I am trying for you.”
Cassie pulled away, pulling your head into her shoulder. Allowing you to let out every regretful emotion and pent up tear that had been held back in New York. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “For making you mad at me. I just wanted to do something for myself and it’s my fault.”
You didn’t respond, clinging onto her for dear life. And the night stayed like that, both of you holding onto one another. So much had been let out that night. Way more than either expected. But it was all out there, giving an insight on the other’s thoughts and past regrets. It only drew the both of you closer.
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cartierbin · 3 years
hey i’m new here, i read some of your works and !! OMG YOU’RE SO TALENTED , and also i just want you to ruin me buT i’m 100% bratty 🙄 soo , for the request, can i ask jeongin!dilf au pls :((
thank you sm baby. and lmao. I got you.
『 pairing — jeongin x reader
genre — smut, + a stressed, single father dilf!jeongin fucking his masseuse
word count — 1.687k 』
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smut under the cut !
out of all the things jeongin could’ve done to take away his fatherly stress, a massage wasn’t one of them. no seriously. usually, an hour or two of hitting the punching bag or doing a couple of weight reps brought him to relaxation the way he needed. but with the mother of his twin daughters refusing to help out at all with them, he was stressed more than usual. and this kind of stressed caused him to be kind of desperate.
he was clicking around on his phone before he found the place. a massage therapy building that he somehow never noticed was that close to his house. on their website at least, they guaranteed that the service they give will bring him to the nirvana that he was looking for. he wasn’t going to second guess anything no— he needed this. he kisses his babies on their forehead before sending them off to his mother’s house for the night.
when he arrived at the building he gave the receptionist his name to which she exchanged confirmation of his paid visit. she nodded, sliding her swivel chair back and reaching into the room right beside her desk to give him a towel. “you can change it the room over there love”. he smiled and thanked her, more than glad to shed his clothing and hurry on with this. for some reason he felt kind of antsy, he could wait for his stress to become undone with all the knots in his muscles and back. but once he was finished you might as well couldve said you were unprepared for the appointment. you had your materials and the table ready yes, but you were nowhere near prepared to massage a gorgeous, five foot seven man with chiseled abs, a sharp jawline in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. he smiled sweetly when he entered, you tried your best to keep your attention off the chain that sat atop of his prominent collar bones and instead focus on the client at hand. but god, your stomach was churning.
“good evening are you yang jeongin?”. you spoke meekly, surprised that you could even get a word out with how ethereal he actually was. he nods. you used a hand to guide him to the massage table and he obliged, quite fond with the decor of the place. he appreciate the fact that it was dark and you allowed candles to scent and heat up the room. he also appreciate the soft red glow lights in the corners of the room, illuminating it in a rather sexy way. he pushed the unholy thoughts to the back of his mind and started getting comfortable, trying to remember that he came here for a massage and massage only. “do you have any music suggestions? I have a soft playlist if not”. the blonde haired man shook his head no while laying his head on his forearms, giving you a perfect view of the tricep muscles in his back. you gulped, positioning your oils on the tray right beside you. you rushed to press play on the music to keep your thoughts on your job.
you shifted the towel down a bit lower and started spilling the warm vanilla scented oil down the span of his back, which already drew him in. he loved the scent dearly. he also loved the way your warm hands applied pressure to the places he needed most. a serene feeling washes over him and he could feel himself relax almost immediately. you glide your hands up the length of his back and shoulders and knead the tension and knots away, you could’ve sworn you heard a soft groan from him in response. nevertheless you continued your ministrations, feeling for other knots that needed to be worked out. jeongin could safely say that he’s hardly ever felt this kind of relaxation before. maybe he should’ve came here sooner. he makes another small noise, one that was rather suggestive, one that had you internally crumbling above him.
“feels good?”. you hum, kneading out other small kinks with your thumbs. he hums and shakes his head yes, feeling quite blissful if he might say so himself. you giggle above him, “you know, the noises you’re making tells it all”. he speaks in choked breaths. “yeah it feels— good, damn— I wasn’t expecting this”. you roam your hands around his body covering it with oil, his tan skin glistens under the red lighting. “is this your first full body massage?”. he nods again. “my first massage ever. I don’t really do this. usually I work out but I’ve been stressed like hell. I need this”. he couldn’t see you and you know it, but you pout your lips anyway. “what’s got a gorgeous man like you so stressed?”. from above you could see his eyes closed, and a small dimple depressing into his cheek as he smiled, appreciating the compliment. “a lot actually. mainly the mother of my girls”. you squeeze another bit of oil into the palm of your hands and this time use them to work the muscles along his neck and arms. you were glad he was laying on his stomach, this mean he couldn’t see the surprised expression you were making.
“girls? you have kids?”. you ask awaiting an answer. to your surprise he nods his head. “yes two of them. they’re twins. lily and lana”. he groans again, making your heart pound that much harder. you distract yourself with conversation. “wow. twins?”. he nods. “you sound shocked”. “yeah I mean... you look like you’re way too young to be a dad. I guess I wasn’t expecting that”. you laugh a little. “I get that a lot”. your hands gradually moved to every part of his upper half, giving it the attention it craved. the fact that he was a dad surprised the hell out of you. he looked as though he was maybe 19, 20 maybe. either way it goes you already decided in your mind that he was an absolute dilf. you worked in silence for the time being, wallowing in the small sounds he made and trying to keep moisture from pooling between your legs in the process. now covered in oil and feeling hands move all around his body, jeongin didn’t know how much more of himself he could help. he was growing hard at the thought of your oily hands sliding up and down his cock. the massage was great. amazing even. but he needed something more. as you edged the towel down his waist he reached back and grabbed your wrist.
“before you continue, can you do me a favor?”. your mind spun at his question. “what is it?”. jeongin breathed. “you’re really good at your job and it’s working but I think I need something more— and I’ll pay you extra just to have if it you keep things confidential between us”. by now your heart was racing. you licked your lips, the room all of a sudden becoming much hotter. “what do you need?”.
“I need to fuck you”. you gulped at how straightforward he was. but the prompt wasn’t unwelcomed. you just didn’t know what to say. he sat up, feeling like maybe he went too far. “you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to I’m just really stressed and I need to take the edge off”. you chewed on the insides of your cheeks. “it’ll be confidential..right?”. he nods. “I won’t tell a soul”. truthfully you didn’t mind being used by him, only you didn’t know how to initiate things so you stood there awkwardly. “I don’t know what to do”. you spoke in a soft gentle voice, matching the vibe of the background music. he pulled you closer to him by the hem of your white masseuse coat, taking his fingers and unbuttoning the shirt you had underneath it. your voice vanished once his lips attached themselves to your nipples, suckling them obediently while groping the cheeks of your ass. you could only throw your head back and let air flow from your lips, the feeling of his soft lips on you was becoming indescribable. the more he sucked the more clothes he took off of you. your jacket was glided off your shoulders as well as your shirt and now he was working his hand around to the button of your pants. he refused to just shed your pants without feeling you first. so on that note his hand dipped into your panties and his fingers brush against your sopping wet lips. you gasp feeling them breach you, twisting and turning inside of you trying to feel the spot that made you make the most noise. they soon found what they were looking for eliciting unholy moans from your throat. “your moans are so fucking sexy”, he growled, becoming more animalistic in his ways, licking and biting your neck in lust.
his fingers moved at an excruciating pace in the ridges of your wet hole and you felt weaker at his touch. you were so clouded you hadn’t realize that he already snatched off your panties and you were fully nude, clinging against his oily body while he was finger fucking you into oblivion. the tent underneath the towel was evident, and he acted on it as soon as he felt his tip throbbing in need. he substitutes you on the table instead of himself, removing the towel around his waist and positioning you on your stomach. he pooled some oil in the palm of his hand and rubs it over your back and most importantly over the curve of your ass, watching your skin gleam before he tosses the now empty oil bottle on the floor. he uses his hand to feel your pussy lips from behind, sliding it in between your slit whilst pressing his wet lips against your ear. “just let me use you. I won’t be long”. he made his word his bond, using a veiny hand to grip the edge of the table for leverage and shoving his dick inside you just like that. you yelped, suddenly remembering that you had to keep your noises at a low volume. he sits up and grips the cheeks of your ass, watching the rolls in your backside become more prominent the more he fucked into you. “fuckk this is it”. he groaned now taking a slower pace just so he could hear your oily counterparts slap against each other. he threw his head back and licks his lips in daze, forgetting about his life’s troubles and focusing on the way your walls clenched around him so well. you bit the leather of the massage pillow trying to keep yourself from going insane.
he was riding your ass slow and steady, rocking his hips into your pussy and admiring how much he made you stutter over your words. his body was draped over yours and his hand wrapped around your neck, necklace sweeping along the nape, gifting you low groans and curse words into your ear every chance he got. the way the table creaked each time he thrusted was an ego booster. he smirks and tongue kisses your cheeks without a care in a world for what an oily mess you both were. “you’re going to make me fucking cum, you know that?” he exhaled in the darkest voice he could muster. your eyes drove to the back of your head as his dick drove deeper into you. his strokes were painfully slow but you enjoyed each and every one of them, the tip was hitting spots that you thought only your dildo at home could reach. fire stirred at the pit of your stomach. you could feel yourself gushing with each move of his waist and it was driving you up a wall.
“oh my god”. you whined weakly, making him throb harshly inside you. he took his time to softly kiss down the spine of your back and work his way back up again to the back of your neck. It felt quite nice actually, romantic if you will. he slides a free hand over to intertwine with yours, while his tongue licks the undersides of your neck before delicately kissing those places as well. his lips landed on yours unexpectedly and he kissed you so passionately and careful you could’ve mistaken him for being in love with you. he hastens his pace while his tongue roams your mouth almost as if it were searching for something. you didn’t know what to focus on more, his sloppy tongue kisses or your much needed orgasm that was a second away from rippling through your body. either way you weren’t prepared for them both. streams of white ran down your thighs and he felt it all and groaned much louder. when he felt himself get close he parted the cheeks of your ass just so he could see your pussy getting filled with his seed, unbeknownst to you that he had a thing for cream pies.
he didn’t even give you time to relapse from it, he takes your chin and lands another wet kiss on your lips with his body still hovering over your now exhausted one. “thank you so fucking much. I’ll be booking another appointment soon”.
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celestial-bastard · 4 years
you asked for it
what the character you have as ur display pic says about you
✨twilight edition✨
bella : you’re pretty chill, quite grounded, not abrasive or offensive in anyway, probably short and a virgo, probably quite an activist too
edward : emo master 3000, romantic sometimes to a fault, oh boy do u have some underlying angst, you live off of tension and romanticize forbidden love OR you just obsess over that One Time™️ he wore sunglasses
rosalie : you’re probably really sweet but i am so fucking intimidated by you, ik that most rose stans are sluts for her but u literally take on her initial standoffish hotness with her as ur pic idk how but it’s true (capricorn/scorpio energy)
emmett : THE MOST CHAOTIC PERSON, wholesome but stupid, super fucking funny, just effortless and never ending humour, the backbone of the twilight memes (fire sign energy x1000000)
jasper : you’re a ✨whore✨ and all you want in life is to ride that vampire cowboy into the sunset (and i admire u for it)
alice : you cutie patootie!!! Cinnamon Roll™️, the absolute sweetest with a secret love for mischief, luv u bb
carlisle : daddy kink, doctor kink and vampire kink in one person, how horny can you be?! OR you really admire/look up to kind people in positions of authority
esme : you love LOVE! you admire kindness in people and try your damndest to spread as much love and light as you possibly can, deffo the type to look after their friends if they get poorly and/or give baked goods as gifts
charlie : daddy kink, got a thing for facial hair too, u rlly appreciate father figures and u think that he should’ve got more attention in the story ((but if ur a bootlicker i’ll beat ur ass))
jacob : either ur like 9 years old or you’re hella pissed about how smeyer wrote him after new moon (rightfully so, she’s an ass) and u want to right the wrongs however u can
billy : dad! friend! u wear oversized sweaters with funky patterns on them and say ‘you’re the bomb’ waaayyyy too much, ur personality reminds me of a fatherly chuckle
leah : YOU ARE A KIND SOUL DOING GODS WORK BETTER THAN HE EVER COULD. ur fighting for what is right, intersectional feminist, u love women and always do what u can to empower them (pls marry me)
embry : you want to see positive representation! you love boys and are definitely the carefree, ‘whatever will be, will be’ type and make the best out of any situation OR you really admire that quality in others
victoria : femme fatale!! SO hot, u love women ESPECIALLY ‘evil’ or powerful ones!!, probably into choking, i’m seeing a lot of black clothing and classic red lipstick, ur personality is this emoji 😈
mike : memes memes memes memes. u appreciate lighthearted comedy & root for underdogs. or maybe u just rlly like golden retrievers
seth : literal ray of SUNSHINE, everything is yellow, ur probably quite creative, good hugs, big heart, absolute softie
maria : in personality u lie somewhere between leah and victoria, you’ve got a thing for powerful woman and fight for intersectionality in every way u can, ur hot as hell and super intimidating (not as much as rose stans tho)
aro (or any of the others in the volturi) : CHAOTIC funny but for evil, u like drama and causing a fuss (or like seeing other people doing so), i’m getting a pyromaniac vibe, u probably rlly like castles and/or are a history major
and if you have a combination of characters : you are DESPERATE to have whatever the characters share together (for example; the hale twins = their badass mutual murderous tendencies, eddy&bella = their love, etc)
what they as people could provide you if you were to know them personally (jake&bella = good friendship, carlisle&esme = parental figures)
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ow-anteater · 4 years
A champ at board games. Zero of his kids enjoy playing ludo with him and none of them are sure if he’s cheating, really lucky or actually isn’t kidding about how ‘it’s all just strategy’
Has absolutely rancid vibes when you first meet him. Brusque to the point of mean with strangers
Actually not that bad. Surprisingly quick to laugh when he’s around people he trusts
Really strong. Falls neatly in between Brig and Rein on the ‘challenge them to arm wrestling and you’ll be sorry’-scale (the day she finally beats him will be tinted with equal parts fatherly pride and bitter defeat)
King of silly little ponytails, can’t stand having his hair loose when he works but it isn’t long enough to work properly into one ponytail. If he needs to concentrate properly his beard gets the same treatment
A really good teacher
Absolutely infatuated with his beautiful wife. Won’t shut up about her if you get him started - it’s very sweet but also borderline cloying
Kind of solitary? Especially when he works - he knows what he’s doing and he’s rather tinker with it himself
Into art, used to go to a lot of museums. As a part of his job, he draws a lot, and though his own stuff is mostly purely practical, it has given him an appreciation for drawing and painting that evolved into a general like of visual arts
The best story teller. He also takes a lot of photographs and getting him to talk about the old days and what he and his friends got up to can be an almost religious experience
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cherry-valentine · 3 years
Summer 2021 Anime Season
What I’m Watching:
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Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid is one of the cutest, sweetest series I’ve seen in a while. The plot sounds rather dark, following a young duke who has been cursed by a witch so that anything he touches, from plants to animals to people, will die. Touching through clothes has the same effect. This naturally isolates him, to the point that his own family have shunned him and he’s forced to live in a separate home out in the woods, with only two servants who are kind (or crazy) enough to stay with him despite the danger. One is an elderly butler who takes on a fatherly role, and the other is the beautiful, busty maid named Alice. And this is where a show that could have gone really dark brightens up to an adorable romantic comedy. Alice is not the least bit afraid of the duke’s curse, and her teasing, cheerful disposition practically forces him to open up. Speaking of Alice, I really enjoy the way her character is handled. Just as the show could have gone dark, it also could have gone sexist and gross. Alice is very busty, as I mentioned, and the show does have some fanservice, but the WAY this fanservice is done makes all the difference. Alice is a flirty character who always seems to be an enthusiastic participant in whatever fanservice we see, rather than being an object to be leered at. She’s very much in control of her body and her sexuality, which I appreciated. Also, there’s a lot of restraint on display here. There are so many ways they could have ruined this by going too far, but they didn’t. The fanservice is restricted to some cleavage shots and Alice occasionally flipping up her own dress to display her stockings. It comes across more as “sexy fun times” than “male gaze oggling a woman”. Because Alice is an interesting and well-written character in her own right. On the surface, she’s unflappable, facing a dire situation with limitless patience and optimism. But we get a few small, brief glimpses of the emotional toll it all takes on her, which is refreshing. The duke himself is a fun character, forever flustered by Alice’s antics but clearly not wanting her to stop. There are some amusing side characters as well. The animation has been criticized quite a bit, as it’s CG. It’s not the best looking CG animation I’ve seen, but it’s far from the worst. For a simple, cute show like this, it’s fine. Recommended if you like romantic comedies with a somewhat dark setup.
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Vanitas no Carte is based on a manga by the woman who did Pandora Hearts, so you have some basic idea of what you’re getting into: extravagant period costumes, gothic European scenery, dark and violent themes mixed with goofy humor, and a very complicated web of character relationships. This series features a vampire society that’s being plagued by “curses” which turn the vampires into mindless beasts that can only be saved by mercy killing them. That is, until a human named Vanitas shows up with the power to cure the “curse bearers” using a legendary book that most vampires doubted the existence of. He teams up with Noe, a kind and naive yet physically very strong vampire who has been tasked with finding said book and determining whether its power is real. The result is a bizarre buddy comedy with touches of gruesome violence and gorgeous art. Of the two protagonists, Noe is my favorite. He’s sweet and good-natured, naive but not stupid. He has a disturbing back story (as most of the characters do) but he can still look at the world with excitement and wonder. He also has a hilarious and adorable cat named Murr. Vanitas, on the other hand, is an insufferable asshole. And I don’t mean in the fun way. I mean he literally makes the show hard to watch when he’s onscreen. I normally like the smug bastard types in anime, but Vanitas really pushes the limits of my tolerance. In an early episode he forces a very deep, very long kiss on a woman he has rendered immobile and unable to defend herself, groping her all the while. I found the scene very troubling, and was even more troubled when I read the comments on the episode, almost all of which calling the kiss “sexy” or “hot” or, worst of all, “romantic”. It’s extremely obvious that the woman did not want or enjoy the kiss, but aw, she was all blushy and embarrassed afterward, so it was a cute scene, right? Ugh, no, gross. The woman, named Jeanne, was established as a very powerful, badass vampire. Yet she’s quickly reduced to a red-faced, crying mess by this absolute garbage character sexually assaulting her in front of several other characters. The whole scene was so bothersome I almost dropped the series entirely, because Vanitas never faces any consequences for this act. He just grins smugly after it’s over. However, I kept watching because, aside from Vanitas, the show is amazing. The art and animation are breathtaking. The plot is highly interesting. The characters, Vanitas excluded, are compelling. And then we have Noe, who is pretty much the opposite of Vanitas. Honestly, if Vanitas was the only protagonist, I would have dropped it, but he’s one of two. So... recommended, but with caution. Your mileage may vary on how much Vanitas you can stomach.
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Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi is.,. not something I expected to enjoy. It has a visual style that reminds me of Kill la Kill, a show I absolutely loathed. The overall vibe of the show is a little off-putting for me, but somehow I got myself hooked on it. The basic set up is that, hundreds of years ago, giant monstrous demons roamed the earth. All the gods of the earth got together, defeated the demons, and sealed them away, leaving one young god named Rin behind to watch over the seal and train newly born gods to fight, should the seal ever be broken. Flash forward to the present day, where Rin has only been able to train a very small number of gods because most of them can’t handle Rin’s absolutely brutal training (it mostly consists of her murdering them over and over and letting them regenerate, as they’re essentially immortal). Unfortunately, some demons have come back, and they’ve taken the appearance of humans. This revelation motivates some of the younger gods to resume their training with Rin. And that’s about all I can say for the plot without getting into some bizarre subplots. There’s a lot I don’t like about the show. I’m not crazy about its cartoony look given the subject matter. I don’t like that there’s basically a whole subplot that revolves around human women being repeatedly raped (side note: rape is never graphically shown, though it is made extremely clear what is happening and we see the lead up to it, also this is a rather small subplot that gets little attention after the first episode). And I absolutely hate that a character involved in this subplot, who encourages it, is presented as a character we should actually like. But! There are some things I really enjoy about it as well. I think the setup is really cool. The gods, and their role in the world of the story, are super interesting. They’re practically indifferent to humans, not even taking the slightest bit of interest when one country invades another and slaughters innocent civilians, because to them, it’s like a human intervening when one animal fights and kills another in the woods. So long as humans aren’t completely wiped out, they don’t get involved. Which is a neat concept. I also like the battles, which are frenetic and a blast to watch. And I totally love Rin, who is just a straight up badass in every single way. She’s one of those ridiculously overpowered characters we sometimes get in anime, most of which are usually male. Rin is so absurdly powerful that other absurdly powerful characters are terrified of her to the point that the mere mention of her name triggers panic attacks. Watching her fight is pure joy. Also the music is great, with an absolute banger of an opening theme. Recommended if you like wild, imaginative action anime and aren’t triggered by rape.
Carry Over Shows From Previous Seasons:
To Your Eternity Boku no Hero Academia Shaman King
Best of Season:
Best New Show: Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
Best Opening Theme: Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi
Best Ending Theme: Vanitas no Carte
Best New Male Character: Noe (Vanitas no Carte)
Best New Female Character: Alice (Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid)
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Au in the Percy Jackson world (logicality 👀)
@patton-cake I’ve also never read any of the books, but I’m a lot more familiar with the basics of series, and I’m working on an AU that deals with Gods and such anyway!  I’ve got a little bit of ad-libbing to do so lemme know how this sounds!
- Patton is a the son of a mortal mother while his father is Dagda, the Celtic god of strength, fertility, agriculture, wisdom and time/fate; Dagda seemed the most fitting choice considering he’s considered the a cheerful fatherly god among the Tuatha Dé Danann. Logan is the son of a mortal father and his mother is Scáthach. the Celtic goddess of the dead, those slain in battle and the passage of the dead to Tir Nan Og; honestly, Scáthach is just a badass with an awesome weapon, Gáe Bulg, and we love that for Logan. Seriously, look up the Gáe Bulg, its not called the “spear of mortal death/suffering“ for nothing. - They both attend Camp Dé Danann (coming from the Tuatha Dé Danann, since I couldn’t find anything about a canonical celtic demigod camp on the wiki) and probably meet when Logan first arrives at Camp. The camp is probably somewhere in the highlands for the sake of seclusion and the vast areas to train in. Patton was probably there from a young age, so he’s the one tasked with showing Logan around at first. Likely, Logan wasn’t that impressed with Patton since he’s overly cheeful and not too keen on fighting, but during their sparring matches, Logan was absolutely blown away by how powerful Patton actually is. Which makes sense considering his dad is pretty dang powerful. But power alone doesn’t win battles, so while their first spar ends pretty closely, Logan takes the victory and Patton is surprisingly excited for him considering his opponients usually hate how smug he often comes across in most one on one matches. It’s not until later Logan finds out that Patton - while he’s great with his actual powers - is impossible to train for combat. He just can’t seem to pick it up. Sure, he’s won sparring matches using some pretty witty moves and tricks, but he always seems hesitant to hurt anyone. So Logan makes the spontaneous decision to try and train Patton who he feels almost weirdly protective over once he realises how careless the bubbly demigod actually is the longer they hang out.  At first he has no luck, but upon realising Patton is all about protecting others than holding his own, Logan tries a new approach; teaching self defense and putting Patton in a position where he would need to protect another.  And it works. Patton starts to get better with Logan’s help and finally manages to win a lot more matches than he loses. And of course, spending so much time together, they end up getting closer and closer. It probably comes to a head during a friendly one on one match; Patton and Logan up close and wanting to subtly show off to each other. Perhaps one gets pinned, there’s a moment of silence, then both lean in for a kiss. Also I know you wanted just Logicality, but I love mythos stuff, so for approval, some more basic ideas for the other sides (and Remy and Emile) as demigods: Camp Jupiter: - Roman is the son of Apollo along with Remus, but he’s blessed by Venus and chooses to attend Camp Jupiter over Camp Half-blood so he doesn’t have to deal with Remus..... he does kinda miss him tho. You can pry Healthy-If-A-Little-Competitive Sibling Creativitwins from my cold dead hands. - Virgil’s parent was hard to nail down, but Jupiter sounded most interesting (also can you just imagine Roman trying to show off around camp and Virgil just being like “oh just wait til I tell dad about this guy..”) - Janus.... okay listen, we can sit here all day and debate, but lbr, his dad is Janus sr. I like to think his mortal mother had like, a bunch of names picked out but Janus sr just went “nah, lets call him Janus jr.“, which is probably why Janus doesn’t like giving his name out. Camp Half-Blood: - Remus is the son of Apollo, as stated, but he’s blessed by Posiedon, because you tell me that man would not appreciate Remus’ love of the ocean and eccentricities. Most of the time he’s just vibing and having fun, though he does miss his brother. - Emile would be the son of Psyche, I think. It’d be an interesting idea to explore and I love the idea of Emile having motifs to do with the soul and the mind. - Remy’s mother is Nyx, you cannot convince me otherwise. Remy gets to be a scary bitch because I LOVE him and also because let’s be real, him having dream powers is a given and being the personification of the night? Hell yes. (But yeah thats what I have, I hope this at least made for good reading from someone still an outsider to the source materials but very much interested in reading them if I get the chance sometime!)
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