#good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. this is your savior (lover) speaking
sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Lieutenant Rogers Universe
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This is the masterlist for the ‘Lt. Rogers’ Unvierse! Here should be able to find everything about Star and her found families!
pairings: romantic!neil ‘omaha’ vikander x rogers!reader, platonic!dagger squad x rogers!reader, plantonic!sam wilson x rogers!reader, platonic!bucky barnes x rogers!reader
series summary: 13 pilots were called back to Top Gun in 2023. at the same time, Lieutenant Rogers learns that her father’s shield was passed down to John Walker.
sources: Top Gun: Maverick (2022) , The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
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Call Sign: ‘Star’
13 pilots were called back to Top Gun in 2023. at the same time, Lieutenant Rogers learns that her father’s shield was passed down to John Walker.
Push Your Limits
after learning of the shield’s new owner, star must press on with her duties as a naval aviator and start her training with her new team.
Holding Onto the Past; Letting Go of the Future
after a pretty rough start, maverick takes the aviators to the beach for a team building exercise. star and omaha invite the squad over for the night. after a quick heart-to-heart with rooster, star has to watch the world forget her father.
Earn It
sam and bucky finally meet john in person. so does star. neither interactions were in john’s favor.
Birds and Promises
while we all know what happens in the air, we don’t know what happens with the aviators on the ground when three nearly die during a training exercise. how do hangman, rooster, and star react to their best friends nearly dying? will it change things between star and omaha?
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. This is Your Lover Savior Speaking
the mission is here. and once again while we know what happens in the sky and in the control room, what’s going through star’s mind as her friends fight for their lives and might not come home?
Shield of Injustice
while star and her friends fly the mission of a lifetime, sam and bucky are on a mission to find karli before john does. but they all get way more than the barganed for...
Safe Places
in the wake of the publicized murder of a flag smasher, star has to wrestle with herself as she comes to terms with everything that has happened and anticipate what will happen in the fall out -- all the while omaha tries not to let his feelings overshadow hers
The Lieutenant Rogers Moodboard Collection
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if you would liked to be tagged in this series, please comment or reblog here!! it’ll just help me to keep up with everyone to have a central hub for tags
lt rogers tags <33: @milesdickpic @roosterscockpit @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @malindacath @twsssmlmaa​ 
love each of you little starlights <33
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trashbag-baby666 · 2 years
Heart Of Glass-Rooster Bradshaw
Chapter Eleven
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WC: 1,738.
C/W: Angst, pregnancy.
HOG Masterlist!
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In hopes of some miracle everyone stood in the command room, the backup daggers still waiting to see if they needed take off. Mazy chewed on her lip pacing the back of the room Phoenix watched her best friend. Mazy had cried all her tears and now was just hiccuping her heart felt like it sat at the bottom of her stomach. The same feeling she couldn't shake since her father went down, since her soon to be husband went down. Mazy didn't know how to react to anything she was feeling.
"Mazy please sit," Phoenix walked over and put her hand on her shoulder. Mazy closed her eyes for a moment and nodded following Phoenix to an open desk chair. Phoenix sat in the one opposite of her and rested her hands in Mazy's.
"They're going to come back," Phoenix sighed.
"How? How is that plausible neither of us saw parachutes both times they went down." Mazy chewed on her lip and looked Phoenix in the eyes. She couldn't rile herself up with false hope it wasn't going to happen. She was now left just like Bradley was left without a father that's how she felt.
She was left without her father or her lover.
Mazy sighed and pulled her hands from Phoenix's and ran them down her face, the cold metal of her ring band cold against her cheek. "I love you Phoenix." Mazy nodded and looked at her, "Please just promise me you'll be here for me no matter what's happening."
"Storm, I'm here for you no matter what. I swear. Always will be. Okay?" Phoenix looked at her. Both of their heads whipped as one of the control people spoke up, "Sir, we're receiving a signal from Roosters ESAT. But there seems to be malfunctions."
"What?" Mazy gasped and she got up running to the man.
"Have you lost him?" Warlock asked.
"No, sir. He's supersonic."
"He's airborne." Warlock stated.
"How? What?" Mazy looked to Phoenix.
"In What?" Cyclone looked at Warlock.
"Sir, overwatch reports an F-14 Tomcat is airborne and on course for our position." Comanchie spoke up.
"That crazy bastard," Phoenix clicked her tongue and held Mazy close.
"I'm gonna kill him," Mazy shook her head, "Both of them."
"Can't be. It can't be!" Warlock shook his head.
"Maverick." Cyclone spoke his eyes wide to everyone in the room in pure disbelief that this was happening.
"My dad is fucking crazy. I can't believe he's doing this." Mazy looked at Phoenix.
"He really is living up to all the stories I've heard from you and Rooster both." Phoenix agreed.
"Can you also promise me another thing?" Mazy looked at the other women. They'd known each other as long as they'd both been flying for.
"Yeah hun?" Phoenix gave her full attention to her.
"If they come back will you be my maid of honor in our wedding?" Mazy smiled at her with hope. Phoenix was only one of the few girls she knew, she'd been surrounded by male aviators her whole life.
"Of course. I was waiting for you to ask me." Phoenix giggled.
"I was waiting for a good time to ask you but this seems like a logical one?" Mazy shrugged with a smile. A familiar voice came through the controls.
"I'm going up. I'm taking off." Hangman came through the radio.
"Hangman, you're not authorized to fly." Comanchie came in.
"They might need me." Hangman came in before he had taken off. Mazy and Phoenix made eye contact with both of their faces in shock. I mean Hangman wasn't wrong there could be enemy jets out there and flying in a museum piece like that. It wasn't logical for a good dog fight against fifth gen fighters.
It wasn't long before Hangman's voice came back through the radios, "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your savior speaking. Please fasten your seat belts, return your tray tables to their locked and upright positions and prepare for landing." The sound of Hangman's voice couldn't relieve the two girls more than ever.
"They're coming back," Mazy sniffed as she and Phoenix embraced each other In a tight hug.
"They did the impossible." Phoenix laughed.
"My dad always said it's the pilot not the jet." Mazy giggled as they pulled apart and walked towards the doors. Where they could see the runway.
The two watched in disbelief and happiness as Hangman landed followed by Mav and Rooster. As the jet skidded to a stop Mazy and Phoenix rushed out onto the runway as Mav and Rooster climbed out of the jet. Mazy gave Rooster barely enough time to remove his helmet before she flung himself onto him knocking them both onto the runway.
"I don't know if I should, hug ya, kiss ya, or slap ya!" Mazy smiled at Rooster and lightly slapped him on the chest.
"I'm so happy to see you Mazy darlin'." Rooster sat up and hugged his fiancé tight. Both of them then climbed back up from the ground.
"Nothin' for your old man?" Mav smiled walking over. Mazy hugged him.
"Don't be stupid," Mazy pulled from the hug looking at him.
"Then we wouldn't be back here," Mav chuckled as Hangman and Phoenix walked over along with the rest of the squadron.
Mazy never wanted to let go of Rooster after that moment. But she did momentarily so he could talk to the rest of them.
"Chalked yourself another kill." Rooster smiled at Hangman.
"That makes two." Hangman smiled at him.
"Mav has five. Makes him an ace." Phoenix and Mazy smiled as they walked over. Mazy and Phoenix took their turns hugging Hangman.
"Thanking you for bringing them back for me." Mazy smiled into the hug with Hangman.
"Anytime Storm." the blonde smiled and ruffled her hair.
"Captain Mitchell," Rooster called as he walked over to Mav, "Sir."
Mav took no time in embracing Rooster into a tight well needed overdue hug. Mazy had come to her senses with her father and now she was waiting for Rooster to do the same and well this was the time.
"Thank you for saving my life." Mav looked at Rooster with full seniority.
"It's what my dad would've done." Rooster smiled the two hugging again and Mav pulled in Mazy as she walked by taking her by surprise.
He felt like he had almost lost both his kids up there in the sky. He made a promise to Carole to protect her son and he made a promise to himself to protect Mazy and he felt as if he had broken it. But he had his own redemption inside.
He was proud of himself and his kids for following in both their dad's footsteps and becoming the best of the best pilots. He was sad that it didn't start great and he went so long being ignored by both but now that it counted he was able to make up with both.
When they were back on land Mazy knew it was time to come clean. It had been a couple days and Mav had been crashing in their spare bedroom as he figured out his business with Penny and sort out if he was going to instruct at Top Gun again or not.
Mazy locked her and Phoenix in the bathroom attached to the master bedroom to take a pregnancy test.Phoenix had actually brought three tests. She was more than sure that she was pregnant but she needed to be sure. Mav and Bradley went out for drinks at the Hard Deck and Mazy knew it was time.
"So what's your plan?" Phoenix looked at Mazy as she set the tests out to take.
"If I'm pregnant then I'm gonna make them lunch or maybe dinner. I don't know? I'll sit them down and tell them then. If they're negative I'll throw them out and act as if nothing had happened?" Mazy looked at Phoenix where she sat on the edge of the tub.
"Can I ask you something, Mazy?" Phoenix furrowed her eyebrows. Mazy looked up from where she was reading the instructions.
"Yeah Nat?" Mazy hummed.
"What do you hope the answer is going to be?" Nat looked at Mazy with uncertainty.
"Can I be honest with you?" Mazy walked over and sat on the edge of the bathtub next to Nat and took one of her hands.
"Yeah of course. Like I said I'll be here no matter what decision you make or whatever the results are." Nat assured her by stroking the top of Mazy's hand. Nat wanted Mazy to be happy; she knew the whole story and she was glad Mazy was coming to peace with her life.
"I hope they're positive." Mazy breathed out, "I don't know if I wanna be done flying but I know I want a baby with Bradley regardless. And maybe the decision isn't clear now but maybe it will be later? You know?" Mazy explained herself, she was so between what she wanted and she also wanted to make sure Bradley was comfortable with whatever was going to happen.
"Let's take these tests," Nat nodded and got up with Mazy and grabbed the instructions.
Mazy had taken the tests and now Mazy and Nat sat against the bathtub with a timer going till they could look at the tests. They sat in utter silence as the time seemed to move on like hours.
Mazy studied the wall of the bathroom, the bathroom was painted a light grey shade with natural light flooding in from the window next to the mirror. They had designed their home to look the perfect way they wanted it. Mazy had studied color theory in high school and liked the contrast of colors and how they were associated with moods. The timer rang, snapping Mazy out of her daze. She scrambled up at the speed she did when she was in basic training. She grabbed the tests and stared at them.
She let out a gasp and covered her mouth with her hand. "What? What?"
"I'm pregnant!" Mazy smiled and showed Phoenix.
"Oh my god...Congrats Mazy." Phoenix smiled and wrapped her in a hug, "You're going to be the best mother I know."
"And you'll be the best godmother." Mazy smiled as tears began coming from her eyes. She was so happy she couldn't contain her flood of euphoric emotions.
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sarahsmi13s · 2 years
Lieutenant Rogers - pt. 6
 Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. This is Your Lover Savior Speaking
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pairings: romantic!neil ‘omaha’ vikander x rogers!reader, platonic!dagger squad x rogers!reader, plantonic!sam wilson x rogers!reader, platonic!bucky barnes x rogers!reader
characters: y/n rogers, neil vikander, the entire dagger squad (admirals and captain included), sam wilson, bucky barnes, john walker, lemar hoskins, misc. characters from both universes
word count: ~4.4k
series warnings: language, blood, fighting, sexual inuendoes, john walker, cannon dangers, cannon deaths, suggestive themes, the flag smashers, super soldiers, angst, if i miss any please let me know
chapter warnings: language, uranium mission, near death, disobeying orders, dogfighting, proceedure inaccuracy, hangster
a/n: if you couldn’t already tell, i’m OBSESSED with crossovers. reader is the daughter of steve rogers, and has the super soldier serum as well
sources: Top Gun: Maverick (2022) , The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
series summary: 13 pilots were called back to Top Gun in 2023. at the same time, Lieutenant Rogers learns that her father’s shield was passed down to John Walker.
chapter summary: the mission is here. and once again while we know what happens in the sky and in the control room, what’s going through star’s mind as her friends fight for their lives and might not come home? 
pt. 1  pt. 2  pt. 3  pt. 4  pt. 5  pt. 7
All the aviators stood on the carrier, stock still at attention. You were in the front by Hangman.
Maverick stood at the front, “It has been an honor flying with you. Each one of you represents the best of the best. This is a very specific mission. My choice is a reflection of that and nothing more.”
You kept your head down, clenching your jaw.
“Choose your two Foxtrot teams.” You sucked in a breath. “Payback and Fanboy. Phoenix and Bob.”
The fact it wasn’t Omaha and Halo loosened the coil in your chest, but it tightened ever so slightly now that it was Bob.
“And your wingman.” Next to you, Hangman straightened and tried not to smirk. Somewhere in the back Omaha held his breath just like you did.
Maverick hesitated for a second before looking up and past you, “Rooster.”
You glanced back at him to see that he was just as surprised. You smiled a little bit, proud of him. Hangman obviously wasn’t happy, but Omaha relaxed and huffed out the breath he was holding.
“The rest of you will stand by on the carrier for any reserve role that’s required. Dismissed.”
“Your target is a clear and present threat,” Warlock started. “A secret uranium enrichment site under rogue state control. It’s an underground bunker, tucked between these two mountains. Your route of ingress is heavily defended by surface-to-air missiles backed up by fifth-generation fighters.” 
“Once your F-18 strike team crosses the border, Tomahawk missiles from the USS Leyte Gulf will launch a synchronized strike on the enemy’s airfield here. This will knock out their runway. But you’ll have to contend with any planes already in the air. The moment those Tomahawks hit, the enemy will know we’re coming. Your time to target will be two minutes and 30 seconds. Any longer than that and you will be exposed to any aircraft the Tomahawks may have missed.”
You took in a deep breath, really hating the way sweat dripped down your back.
“This is what you’ve all been training for. Come home safely,” Cyclone said, glancing at the squadron. “Get to your planes.”
Everyone went to the deck and to their planes.
“Star!” You turned and saw Bob jogging towards you. “Bob,” You smiled at him as he hugged you. “Don’t do anything stupid ‘til I get back,” he said, a teasing smirk on his face. You laughed, “How can I? You’re takin’ all the stupid with you.” He shoved your shoulder before going over to Phoenix.
As you stepped on the ladder to your plane, Omaha jogged over.
“Y/N,” you smiled and took your foot off the ladder. “Neil-” You hugged him tightly, even though neither of you were going in the air, you had been chosen for Dagger Spare. 
“Once we get back on land, we’re going to dinner, we're going dancing. All of it.” You laughed and smiled, “You got it.” He pecked your lips and went to his own plane.
As you stepped back up, someone stopped you. 
“Star! Hold on,” he came over as you put your foot back down. “What’s up?” “I told Cyclone and Warlock, I guess they didn’t tell you…” “Tell me what?” He sighed, “Something’s wrong with your plane, we can’t clear her for flight.”
Your heart dropped, “So, even if I was chosen I couldn’t have gone up?” “Yeah… I’m sorry, Lieutenant.” You swallowed and nodded, “I understand, thank you.” When he walked away, you ripped your helmet off.
You were upset that you didn’t get picked, but you were heartbroken at the fact that it wouldn’t have mattered. You huffed as you stowed your ladder and started to walk back into the carrier and try to talk to Cyclone or Warlock.
Hangman had watched the entire interaction, but he couldn’t hear it. However when you yanked your helmet off, he had a pretty good idea of what happened.
Jake watched you stow your ladder before walking away with your head down. He understood how you felt, he wasn’t picked either. But now, it looks like you didn’t have a chance to be a part of this mission at all.
He jogged up to you, “Star!” You kept going, but he knew you heard him.
“Star!” He picked up his pace, “Hey-” “What Hangman?” Your tone didn’t have the edge to it he thought it would, it was annoyed, sure, but it was more disappointed than anything. “What’s going on? Why aren’t you getting ready?”
You sighed and glanced back toward your plane, “Something’s wrong with her. She can’t go in the air.” You looked back at Jake, “Wouldn’t have mattered if I was picked, I would’ve been grounded.”
Hangman frowned but didn’t really know what to say.
You had been selected as the first spare to be deployed if needed. But with you grounded, that was now Jake’s spot.
Except, he wasn’t as happy about it as he’d thought he’d be.
“Be safe, Jake. I’ll see you when this is over,” you gave him a small smile and patted his arm before turning and going back towards the carrier entrance.
Just before you got too far, he called out to you.
“What if we went together?”
The words had left his mouth before he realized what he was saying.
You arched a brow, going back over to him. “Are you serious?”
He nodded, “Yeah, I know you can backseat. And I know how much this mission means to you. Probably more than it means to me.” He stuck his hand out, “What do you say Rogers?” 
You fought the smile threatening your lips, but nodded and shook his hand, “Let’s do this Seresin.”
Jake turned over his shoulder to look at you, “We ready back there, Rogers?” “We are good to go, Seresin,” you smiled at him.
Maverick’s voice came through the comms, “Dagger One, up and ready on Catapult One.”
Jake grabbed his mask, “Dagger Spare standing by.”
Everyone else confirmed their status.
“Dagger Four, up and ready.”
“Dagger Three, up and ready.”
“Dagger Two, up and ready.”
And just minutes later, they were all leaving the carrier.
You and Hangman listened to comms as you sat on the carrier.
“Hey, thank you for doing this, Hangman. You didn’t have too,” you said, trying to come off nonchalant but he knew it meant a lot to you. “Yeah, I know, Star. But, like I said, this mission means more to you than it does to me. And I wasn’t just gonna let you mope. You’re annoying when you mope.”
You laughed as he attempted to brush it off as something beneficial for him, “Whatever you say Seresin.”
“Comanche, Dagger One. Standby check in.” “Comanche 1-1 set. Picture clean. Recommend Dagger continue.” “Copy. Daggers descending below radar.”
“Daggers now below radar. Switching to E-2 picture.”
“Here we go, enemy territory up ahead. Feet dry in 60 seconds. Comanche, Dagger One. Picture.” “Comanche, picture clean. Decision is yours.” “Copy.”
You looked out towards the water, adrenaline kicking in as you listened to Maverick.
“Dagger attack.” “Tomahawks airborne.”
When the missiles passed over the team, Maverick spoke, “Daggers, assume attack formation.”
“Daggers set, proceeding to target. Two minutes and 30 seconds in three, two, one, mark.”
“Two mark.”
“Three mark.”
“Four mark.”
You checked your own watch, mentally noting the time. “Did you just check your watch too?” Jake asked from the front. “Yeah. Gives me a little control. Knowing how long it’s been and how much time they have left helps me determine my own course of action.” “That the Rogers in you?” “No, it’s the Avenger in me.”
Hangman nodded and focused back in on the comms where they were noting SAM locations.
Bob came over, “We got two minutes to target.” Payback responded, “Copy. We’re a few seconds behind, Rooster. We got to move.”
You inhaled, habitually checking your watch.
Jake mumbled from his seat, “Come on Bradshaw. Don’t get on your perch now.”
“Thirty seconds to Tomahawk impact on enemy airstrip.”
You glanced back out toward the water, “Tell him how you feel, Jake.” “I don't know what you’re talking about, Star.” You scoff-laughed, “Sure you don’t.” You shook your head and bit your lip to keep yourself from saying anything else.
“Dagger, Comanche. We’re picking up two bandits. Single group, two contacts.”
Your breath hitched, “Shit…”
Phoenix came over, “Comanche, what’s their heading?” “Bull's-eye 090, 50, tacked southwest.” Rooster chimed in, “They’re headed away from us. They don’t know we’re here.”
“The second those Tomahawks hit the air base, those bandits are gonna move to defend the target,” Maverick said. “We have to get there before they do. Increase speed.”
“We got you, Mav. Don’t wait for me.”
The only thing heard for a few seconds was heavy breathing.
“Sir, Daggers Two and Four are behind schedule.”
You checked your watch, “They’ve only got a minute 20. C’mon Rooster.” Hangman tensed and shifted in his seat.
“Tomahawk impact in three, two…  Impact. Enemy runway is destroyed.”
“Bandits are switching course to defend the target.”
“Rooster, where are you?” Mav asked, making both you and Jake hold your breath.
“Come on, Rooster. Bandits inbound. We gotta make up time now. Let’s turn and burn,” Payback encouraged from behind.
“Heads up, Phoenix.”
“Sir, bandits are two minutes from target. Daggers are one minute from target.”
“Guys! We’re fallin’ behind we really gotta move,” Fanboy announced. “If we don’t increase our speed right now, those bandits are gonna be waiting for us when we reach the target,” Payback added.
You ran a hand down your face, “Rooster…”
“Talk to me Dad,” Rooster mumbled over the comms, mostly to himself. You weren’t sure if he knew people could hear him and you weren’t sure who had heard him.
But Maverick did, “Come on, kid, you can do it. Don’t think, just do.”
All you heard from Rooster was a deep exhale and then a grunt.
“Jesus, Rooster, not that fast!” Payback exclaimed and you almost laughed.
“That’s it, kid. That’s it.” “Let’s go.”
“Damn Rooster take it easy!” Fanboy shouted, surprised by the pilot's sudden demeanor change.
“Sir, Dagger Two is reengaging.”
You smiled and looked towards Jake, seeing a small, proud smile on his face.
“Thirty seconds to target. Bob, check your laser.” “Air-to ground check complete. Laser code verified, 1-6-8-8. Laser is a go!”
“Watch your heads!” “Holy shit! Shit!” “Payback, you with me?” “Right behind you.”
“Phoenix, stand by for pop up strike.” “Dagger Three in position.” “Popping in three, two, one.”
You held your breath as Maverick and Phoenix popped and dove into the target, the only thing being picked up by the comms was their heavy breathing.
“Get me eyes on that target, Bob.” “Dagger Three. Stand by, Mav.” “Come on, Bob, come on.” “Stand by.” A long beep of a target lock rang out. “I’ve got it. Captured!” “Target acquired. Bombs away.”
Everyone waited with baited breath as you listened for confirmation.
“We’ve got impact! Check, direct hit! Direct hit!”
You clapped your hands and pumped your fist, “Let’s go! One miracle down.”
“Dagger Two, status!” “Almost there, Mav. Almost there.”
Jake’s shoulders rose with the deep breath he took as Rooster and Payback dove into the target.
“Fanboy, where’s my laser?” “Rooster, there’s something wrong with this laser! Shit! Deadeye, deadeye, deadeye!”
You sucked in a breath, “Oh fuck.”
“Come on, guys, we’re running out of time.” “Get it online!” “I’m trying! I’m trying!”
Your heart rate increased and Jake looked over his shoulder at you with wide eyes.
“Come on, Fanboy!” “Nearly there! Nearly there!”
Maverick, Phoenix, and Bob’s heavy breathing broke up the small moment of silence.
“Come on, Fanboy, get it online,” Payback threw over his shoulder.
Rooster had to make a decision. “There’s no time. I’m dropping blind.”
Your stomach dropped and Jake’s eyes got wider before he turned back around.
“Rooster, I got this!” “No time. Pull up.” “Rooster, wait!” “Bombs away! Bombs away!”
“Oh my gosh,” Jake mumbled as he focused in on the radio. You mumbled to yourself too, “Hit the target. Hit the target.”
Once again, everyone waited with baited breath.
“Bull’s-eye, bull’s-eye, bull’s eye!”
Everyone cheered.
You leaned forward and caught Hangman, mid-celebratory dance. “He did it, he fucking did it!” He looked over his shoulder at you, “Holy shit!” You both laughed in relief and high-fived. “Now they just need to make it home.”
Coffin corner was chaos over the comms.
Directions and warnings spoken so rapidly you could barely keep up. Missile locks were ringing out through the comms and it increased your heart rate. Calls of ‘smoke in the air’ and defensive maneuvers muddling with everything else; all of it becoming one sound.
Until now.
“Dagger Two defending!” Nothing. “Shit! I’m out of flares!”
Your head whipped up to look at Jake whose eyes nearly glossed over with tears. A brick settled itself in your stomach and your hands felt numb.
“Rooster, evade, evade!” “I can’t shake them! They’re on me! They’re on me!”
Then all you heard was:
“Mav! Mav! No!”
Tears hit the backs of your eyes. Not Mav. God, please, not Maverick.
“Dagger One is hit! I repeat, Dagger One is hit! Maverick is down!” Phoenix confirmed over comms.
You hit your dash, “Shit!” You looked up and took deep breaths, closing your eyes to come up with a plan.
“Dagger One, status. Status!” Rooster tried. “Anyone see him? Does anyone see him? Dagger one, come in!” “I didn’t see a parachute,” Payback finally said. “We have to circle back!”
“Comanche. Bandits inbound. Single group, hot. Recommend Dagger flow south. One minute to intercept.”
“All Daggers flow to ECP. You have bandits headed for you.” “What about Maverick?”
Your eyes shot open, “They aren’t going back for Mav. Hangman we’ve gotta do something.” Jake lifted his mask as you both started prepping, “Dagger Spare request permission to launch and fly air cover.”
“Negative, Spare.”
You stopped your movements and Jake threw his mask down. “What the hell!? We can’t just leave him out there! He could still be alive!” Jake sighed, “I don’t like it either, but, orders are orders, Star.”
“Dagger, you are not to engage.” This command was directed at Rooster, but you still felt that it was directed at you too. “Repeat, do not engage.”
Rooster didn’t respond.
“Dagger Two, return to carrier. Acknowledge.” Nothing. “Acknowledge.”
Phoenix tried to reason, “Rooster, those bandits are closing. We can’t go back.” It was clear she want to say it, but it had to be said. “Rooster, he’s gone. Maverick’s gone.”
All that was heard was Rooster’s heavy breathing before he turned his comms off.
“What the hell is he doing?!” Jake asked, panicked. You huffed out a breath, “Saving his family.”
It was silent for a few minutes as Rooster turned his plane around to search for Maverick.
The hairs on the back of your neck and your arms stood up and you got a gut feeling something wasn’t right.
“Dagger Two is hit. Dagger Two is hit.”
“Dagger Two, come in.” Silence. “Dagger Two, do you copy?” Nothing. “Dagger Two, come in.” Still, nothing.
Your heart dropped. No, you couldn’t do this again. You couldn’t. Your hand was shaking as it covered your mouth. But you had to stay composed.
In front of you, Jake was shocked into motionlessness; the only movement being the rise and fall of his shoulders.
Finally, after a few moments Jake looked toward the sky, “I never told him. I never fucking told him.” “We’ll get him back, Jake. We have to.”
It had been silent for too long.
The other two groups had landed a long time ago and were getting examined.
You shook your head, “I don’t like this, Hangman. Why isn’t Cyclone sending search and rescue?” He shook his head, “I don’t know, but I’m getting tired of waiting.” You arched your brow, “What are you saying?”
Jake turned to you over his shoulder, “I’m saying, we go anyway.” “But I thought you said-” “Yeah, well, I changed my mind.” You smiled, “Alright.” “Now if you don’t want to do this-” “Jake, I’m with you. Whatever you want to do, I’m with you.”
You both clipped on your masks and began to taxi.
“Dagger Spare you were-” Cyclone took over, “Hangman, Star, I gave you an order. Stop what you’re doing.”
“Sir, you haven’t sent search and rescue. Rooster and Maverick could still be out there!” You said, not caring about getting in trouble. “We can’t send search and rescue with bandits in the air, Lieutenant Rogers!” “That’s why you send us to fly air cover.” “You don’t stand-”
“Sir, we’re receiving a signal from Rooster’s ESAT.”
Everyone stopped and listened.
“But there seems to be a malfunction.” The comms picked up Warlock’s voice, “Have you lost him?” “No, sir. He’s supersonic.”
You and Jake looked at each other, your smiles showing through your eyes since the masks covered your faces. “He’s airborne. He’s okay, Jake.” Hangman’s brows furrowed, “What is he in?”
“Sir. Overwatch reports an F-14 Tomcat is airborne born and on course for our position.”
Your jaw dropped, “Maverick.” You laughed, “Maverick’s alive!”
“Dagger Spare, be ready.”
It felt like forever before you heard anything from Rooster and Maverick.
“Where the hell is this guy?”
Jake nearly relaxed at the sound of Bradley’s voice but it was the panic in it that made him hesitate.
“He’s on our nose.”
Your stomach dropped, “No, no, no…”
“Damn it, we’re out of ammo.” You shook your head, not wanting this to be real.
“Smoke in the air! Rooster, flares!” “That was close!”
“We’re out of flares, Mav!”
“Hangman, they’re in trouble, we have to go now,” you said, snapping your mask back on. “Cyclone-”
“This is not good!” Rooster’s panicked voice cut Jake off. “We took another hit!” “No, no, no, no, no!”
You ripped your mask off, “We have to go, now, Jake! If we wait for orders, they will get shot down. If we go now, we have a chance to save them.” He hesitated. “You were willing to risk your career earlier. Why are you hesitating now?” You sighed, “I’ll take every bit of blame.”
He looked at you over his shoulder, “You’d seriously do that? Risk your career, just like that?” “Yes. Especially if it means saving those I care about.” Jake looked in your eyes and knew you were serious.
In moments, you were airborne with Cyclone reprimanding you over the radio. “Seresin, Rogers, what the hell are you doing?” “Saving our friends.” “I didn’t give you the order-” “With all due respect, sir, you took too long.” He sighed, “Save them and get your asses back on this boat. I’ll deal with you when you land.”
As you and Jake flew to their location, all you heard was Maverick screaming at Rooster to eject.
“Rooster, pull the handle! Eject!” “It’s not working!”
Jake pressed harder, willing the plane to go faster.
Your heart drops when you hear a missile lock through the radio. But then, Jake gets a lock on the enemy and he fires just as they do.
You relax back into your seat, “Holy shit…” You let out a laugh in disbelief, “Holy shit…”
Jake’s grinning behind his mask as he goes through the smoke, “Good, afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your savior speaking. Please fasten your seat belts, return your tray tables to their locked and upright positions.” Rooster’s laugh sounded through the comms. “And prepare for landing.”
Maverick pounded the glass and gave you and Jake a thumbs up.
“Hey, Hangman, you look good.” “I am good, Rooster. I’m very good.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m here too, but yeah compliment the pilot.” “Star! You look good too-” You laughed good naturedly, “Save it, bird brain.” All of them laughed.
“It’s good to see you. And Maverick, if you keep pulling shit like that, Nick Fury is gonna make you an Avenger.” Maverick laughed and shook his head before Jake turned the plane, “We’ll see you back on deck.”
You and Jake landed, parking the aircraft as Maverick and Rooster landed.
You both got out, hugging each other. “Thank you, for trusting me.” “Star, I’d be a fool not to trust you. I should be thanking you for trusting me as your pilot.” You just hugged him again.
You pulled away just in time for Bob to sweep you up in a hug and spin you around. “Bob! You did it! You guys did it!” 
He sat you down, breathing heavily, “I thought I told you not to do anything stupid? Disobeying orders? Really?” You just shrugged, grinning as Bob rolled his eyes and hugged you again.
You gave quick hugs to the others before Omaha got his hug and kiss. “I can’t wait to get you on dry land again, Y/N.” You kissed him again, “I look forward to it, Neil. But let’s go see Bradley, yeah?” He nodded and turned his back to you, “Hop on hero.” You rolled your eyes, laughing as you jumped onto his back.
When you got there, you stopped by Mav first, seeing the four other strike team members with Rooster.
Neil sat you down and went over to Rooster.
“Captain?” Maverick quickly turned around and smiled at you. “Star.” He pulled you in for a hug, “Hondo told me what you did. What you and Hangman did.” He pulled back to look at you, “Why? Why would you risk your career by disobeying orders?”
You held eye contact, “Because last time I obeyed orders, someone got killed. I wasn’t gonna let that happen again. I can’t lose anymore family.” Maverick could only nod before pulling you back in for a hug, “Thank you.”
He pulled away and patted your shoulder, nodding to the other pilot, “Go see Rooster.” You nodded saluting him before going to see your friend.
When you got there, he was talking to Jake and shaking his hand.
“Chalked yourself another kill.” “That makes two,” Jake said, fighting back a grin. “Mav has five. Makes him an ace,” Phoenix added teasingly.
Bradley and Jake just shared a look and you waited for Jake to make his move.
But he just hugged Phoenix. “Oh- Jake c’mon!” You groaned quietly before going up to Bradley.
“Bradshaw,” you said as you stood in front of him. He smiled down at you, “Rogers.” You sighed before hugging him tightly, him doing the same. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” “Me too.. Me too..”
You pulled away and Bradley looked over at Jake who was waiting off to side for you both to go talk to Cyclone.
Noticing, you pulled him back into a hug that he reciprocated, “Tell him, Bradley. You’ll regret it if you don’t.” You let go and walked towards Jake, sending a smile over your shoulder to Rooster who nodded and went to find Maverick.
“Lieutenant Seresin, Lieutenant Rogers.” You and Jake stood in front of Cyclone at attention. “Admiral Simpson.” He took in a deep breath, “You disobeyed my orders to wait, Lieutenant Seresin.”
You took a step forward, ready to take the blame, “Sir, it’s not-”
“I know, sir. But I couldn’t, in good conscience, wait to be told to take off.” You looked up at Jake, “Hangman-” “Lieutenant Rogers and I decided that if we hadn’t left when we had, Captain Mitchell and Lieutenant Bradshaw would not have made it home. The responsibility falls on both of us.”
You shook your head, “It was my idea, Hangman. What are you doing?” “I didn’t have to listen to you. It was my choice, Star. I’m just as much to blame.”
Cyclone arched a brow at both of you before sighing to gain your attention.
“While I have everything I need to ground both of you. I’m not going to. You’re both right. Had you waited for my order, we would have lost two pilots today. Just don’t let it happen again. Alright?” Both you and Jake nodded, “Yes sir.” “Yes sir.” “Dismissed.”
Both you and Jake exited the room and hugged each other, “Let’s go celebrate!”
A few days later you were all back on dry land and celebrating on the beach with a bonfire/cookout.
Neil had his arm around your waist, “Have you heard from Sam or Bucky?” You nodded and rested your head on his shoulder, “Yeah, it’s been a while though, last I heard they went to Madripor on a lead. They could be anywhere now.” He just nodded and sipped his drink.
Then Jake came up to you. “Star, I need your help.” You walked away from the pit and turned to him.
“What’s up?” “I’m gonna tell him. I’m gonna tell Rooster.” You grinned, “That’s great! I’m happy for you, Jake.” He nodded, hands on his hips. “There’s just one small problem.” You hummed, “And that is?” “I suck at expressing my feelings without being an asshole.” “I think that’s obvious.” He groaned, “Just help me!”
You held your hands up in defense, “Okay, okay.” You looked over at Bradley, “Just tell him. You’re great with words, Jake.” “But what if I fumble-” You noticed Bradley walked over. 
You grabbed Hangman’s hands, “Jake, you’ll be okay.” You squeezed them, “Trust me.” He looked in your eyes, searching for any sign of malicious intent, and found none. “Okay,” he hugged you. “Thank you.” “Go get him, Cowboy.”
You smiled at him before walking back to Omaha. “Is he gonna tell him?” You glanced back over to see them talking to each other and smiled. “I think so.”
Just before you turned around, Jake grabbed Bradley’s face and kissed him. You smiled and turned around, happy for your friends.
They came over not too long later, hand in hand. Everyone noticed but didn’t say anything, only smiling and nodding to the two in congratulations.
Fanboy came over to you, “Star, have you seen the news since we got back?” You tilted your head, “Not really no.” He gulped and showed you his phone, “You probably should.”
You gasped at the title on his screen and pulled out your own phone.
There it was, the article of a lifetime on your lockscreen. It was recent, the article, but the video attached looked about a day old.
You pulled it up and watched it, your chest burning and the feeling of bile rising in your throat.
This was bad.
hi guys! sorry it took so long to get this part out. but i hope you enjoyed!
but that do we think star saw? what was that article about and how will star react? how will the rest of the squad react? 
i hope to get more into the events of falcon and the winter soldier now that we’ve wrapped up with the mission so stay tuned for part 7!!
let me know if you want to be added to my top gun taglist or the lieutentant rogers taglist 
top gun tags <33: @milesdickpic @roosterscockpit @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @malindacath @bananas1234 @mallerz @twsssmlmaa​
thank you guys for being here <33 *mwah*
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