#good Henriel food
urban-swan · 1 year
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Happy Anniversary Gabriel and Henry!
~𝟓𝒕𝒉 𝑱𝒖𝒍𝒚~
Omg guys it’s their wedding anniversary :00
Happy marriage day to them.
Idk why, but my funky brain decided that they got married on this day when they were much younger. So I’m going along with it.
Happy wedding day to these guys anyway. I love them so much <33
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brownshoes · 10 months
@01x69homo thx for tagging me to give me something to do rather than work on my essay due tonight ♡
Three ships: rn I'm really into sastiel which was a bit of a surprise? Other than that I'd have to pick henriel (Henry jekyll/Gabriel utterson) and briar rose/cinders (from the mechanisms), and these lesbian vampire ocs I have
First ship: oof good question. First one I can remember being involved in fandom for honestly was probably either percabeth or hollstein (from the carmilla webseries)
Last song: listening to skin and bone by the mechanisms as we speak
Last movie: Mark of the vampire! It was alright I guess. I was a little disappointed by the ending
Currently reading: the Picture of Dorian Gray! I'm loving it. Oscar Wilde has such a witty, charming style, if a bit insufferable at times. And the horror is so genuinely disquieting. Absolutely loving it!
Currently watching: I'm super bad with TV shows but I started watching riverdale last night and lucifer a couple months ago
Currently consuming: a coffee I made myself before I ran out the door this morning (I've taken a couple days to write this lmao)
Currently craving: Hi this is me several weeks later finally remembering to finish this ummmm honestly I kinda feel like a soft taco from the Mexican fast food joint I used to work at. The food there had a weird kinda distinctive taste compared to other Mexican fast food joints but their barbecue sauce kinda became a comfort taste to me lol. Anyway I'm hungry cause I had an early lunch and I'm out but I'm being so very brave by not buying myself a tasty little treat
Tagging @spinosaurusenjoyer @halfmoss @lesbiansagainsttheatre @candlecat624 @unde4dpixel @pixelshiftexe @theswarmkeeper if yall wanna give it a shot and see if u can beat my completion time of several weeks
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nik-the-bik · 3 years
Henriel Week Day 4: Fireside
“Perhaps It’s the Wine”
Summary: Jekyll is super attracted to Gabriel and Gabriel is oblivious
CW: Alcohol, sex mention, and enough sexual tension to take out a priest, but nothing that veers too NSFW.
Gotta thank @corvidayyy for the awesome prompt because I'm surprisingly proud of this one?
It was a bitterly windy evening in January, but the guests at Dr. Jekyll’s home were none the wiser. That night he hosted an extravagant dinner for many of his friends and colleagues, sparing no expense for the endless array of hors d’oeuvres, hearty meats, and assortment of rare wines and spirits. Most everyone left the dinner party warmed with a good meal and head fuzzy from drink. As the evening crawled on into the deepest hours of the night, all that remained in Dr. Jekyll’s parlor were himself and his two oldest friends, Dr. Lanyon and Mr. Utterson.
The three sat around a roaring fire reminiscing about their boyhood follies, having animated discussions as they corrected each other’s memories and laughed at long forgotten stories. Some of the last of the wine was passing from hand to hand as they all sank comfortably into its stupor.
Henry opened the final bottle he had bought for the occasion and poured himself and Utterson another glass as Lanyon finally rose from his chair and stretched.
“What’s the matter, Hastie? We’ve got just a bit more wine left! Surely you can stay for one more drink?” Henry asked.
“As tempting an offer as that is, I’ve had more than my fair share,” said Lanyon, straightening his appearance as he prepared to bid his goodbyes. “I feel that any more would be too dangerous—I’m not as avid a drinker as I used to be, and I’ll lose my head entirely.”
“Suit yourself,” Henry chuckled. He and Gabriel Utterson shook his hand goodnight as Lanyon made his way out the door, but not without a few more jabs at his friends. The three were left with laughter ringing in their ears as he left them, Henry and Gabriel relaxing into the plush armchairs closest to the warm fireplace.
The two sat in silence for some time, feeling quite at ease with each other. The situation was not new to either of them—many a dinner party had ended with these two being left alone at the end of the night, softly whispering philosophy with each other or simply dwelling on memories while nursing one last drink before turning in for the night. These quiet, intimate moments were perhaps the ones that Henry Jekyll looked forward to most out of these evenings. Jekyll put down his empty glass and turned himself to face his best friend.
Gabriel Utterson looked beautifully relaxed. He had sunken into his own armchair, one arm around the back while the other lazily twirled the little remaining wine in his glass. He had one leg up on the ottoman, and a rare, small smile of sheer contentment rested on his face, as his eyes hungrily watched the roaring fire before them, cheeks rosy from the wine. Jekyll was captivated – warmed both by the glow of the fire and the soft glow of hedonistic bliss radiating from this man before him, a man who had always lingered in the back of his mind as the example of moral perfection. Yes, Gabriel Utterson was beautiful, and finding him in this tiny moment of domestic pleasure, Jekyll felt that old secret yearning ignite within him once more.
His attraction to Utterson was not something Jekyll let himself dwell on frequently, but on instances where the pangs of desire struck, they often were crippling in their intensity. Tonight was no exception.
Henry suddenly regretted that he never learned to be a painter, wishing that he had the talent needed to capture Gabriel Utterson in this moment. When he felt brave enough to confess as much out loud, Utterson let out a soft chuckle, and his eyes twinkled as his smile became broader across his face.
“Whatever would you want to paint ME for?” he asked, turning his attention away from the fire for the first time, and looking directly into Jekyll’s eyes. Jekyll’s heart stopped for the briefest of moments before his insides turned to butter under Gabriel’s warm, affectionate gaze.
“Well,” Henry started, averting his own eyes as he felt the heat rise to his face. “I guess it’s because you look so…effortlessly happy. It certainly suits you.”
Gabriel laughed again, a cozy, inviting laugh. “Perhaps it’s all of the wine.”
Henry Jekyll couldn’t help but grin himself and bring his eyes back to Utterson’s. He reached for the wine bottle that they had started just before Lanyon had left them and decided to refill his glass. “It certainly is good wine,” he said, scooting his chair a bit closer to Utterson’s in order to top off his glass as well.
“It is good wine,” Utterson reaffirmed, clinking their glasses together and giving him a jovial wink. Henry Jekyll nearly choked on his own drink—why was everything that Gabriel did suddenly so captivating, so…seductive? He was grateful that Utterson had turned his attention back to the fire as he dried his lips with a handkerchief, heart beating loudly in his ears. He had been secretly attracted by Utterson plenty of times before, but somehow tonight, somehow this was more than Henry Jekyll was able to take, and perhaps most maddening of all was how the seduction seemed entirely unintentional on Gabriel’s part.
Yes, this entire evening had been near perfect. Great food, plenty of alcohol, engaging conversation—the pièce de resistance for the night would be great sex, and the primal part of Henry Jekyll was suddenly roaring for it.
Another sip of wine as he stared into the open flame of the fireplace, and suddenly his heart was braced and tongue was loosened just enough to do something a bit foolish.
“You should stay the night, Gabriel.”
“Mmm?” Gabriel lazily hummed, turning his attention back to Henry. God was he gorgeous.
“It’s so late, and the weather tonight…I would prefer to know you were here, safe.”
“Thank you, Harry, but I couldn’t possibly intrude for much longer,” Gabriel said, suddenly shifting in his seat.
Jekyll leaned forward, putting a hand on Gabriel’s knee to stop him. “But I insist! It’s no intrusion, none at all, not when I have so many empty beds—”
“I still have my carriage waiting…”
“Send them home for tonight, and tomorrow you can take mine.”
Gabriel was quiet, only just now noticing that Henry’s hand was still resting on his knee.
“Henry, it would be lovely, but I really shouldn’t stay much later, not when I have so much work waiting for me tomorrow,” he said, turning his face back to the fire.
Jekyll brought the last of his glass of wine to his lips and downed it in one swallow, setting the glass aside and leaning still closer to his companion.
“I am requesting the honor of being hospitable to my dearest friend,” Henry said, voice lilting. He decided to give him the most sultry stare that he could muster. “I do so enjoy the pleasure of your company.”
Gabriel turned his bright, beaming face back to Henry’s, a sweet, naïve giggle escaping him. “I have really enjoyed our visit too.”
Beautiful, innocent, oblivious Gabriel! He had no idea what Henry was getting at!
This wouldn’t do, this wouldn’t do at all. The primal monster inside Henry was hungry, demanding he be sated. He bit down on his lower lip as he pictured himself losing control and yanking Gabriel’s face forward into a deep, passionate kiss, arms encircling his waist, Gabriel’s fingers trailing along his spine... But no, as tempting as the fantasy was, that couldn’t happen either. Not yet.
“It would certainly break my heart to have to spend tonight alone,” Henry said, slowly moving the hand from Gabriel’s knee upwards, rubbing up and down his thigh. “If you were here, well, I could imagine we could make it worth both of our trouble…” he trailed off, delighting in the feeling of Gabriel’s warm, firm thigh in his hand, unconsciously tightening his grip, tongue just starting to touch his lip as he continued rubbing, letting his hand wander ever closer to--
Gabriel’s hand snatched Henry’s away. Henry looked up at Gabriel, who was blushing furiously.
Oh. Gabriel finally understood.
Oh God, he finally understood that Henry--!!
“We shouldn’t,” was all he said.
Henry Jekyll’s heart was racing faster than it ever had before, his face hot with shame, or was it just the fire? Why had he allowed himself to indulge in this secret want of his?
But the foolish, drunken part of Henry’s brain began to chime in. He said WE shouldn’t! Emphasis on the WE!
He didn’t seem offended or angry or ashamed, did he? Just…flustered? Could that possibly mean…?
Jekyll realized that Utterson was still holding his hand. Casting off any sense of caution, he drew Gabriel’s hand towards him, clasped in both of his, desperate to salvage the moment.
“Forgive me, Gabriel, I sometimes forget myself and…”
“It’s alright,” Gabriel said, unable to meet his eyes. His breathing seemed a bit more shallow than usual.
“I'm so sorry if I was inappropriate--I want you to know,” Henry continued, drawing Gabriel’s hand towards his own heart. “That you mean the world to me, and that I would hate to completely jeopardize—”
“It’s alright,” Gabriel insisted again. “You don’t need to apologize. You haven’t done anything.”
“I’m a weak man,” Henry said. “A slave to my most base, sensual urges, many of which, I must humbly confess, center around you.” With that, Henry drew Gabriel’s hand towards his lips, kissing it tenderly. When Gabriel didn’t pull away, Henry continued to plant kisses all over his hand, losing all sense of hesitation as he began to dip into the frenzy of his own desire.
Gabriel finally retracted his hand from Henry’s greedy lips, his whole face red. “Perhaps it’s just the wine making you feel this way,” Gabriel said, pulling his own chair a little further away from Jekyll. “I know I can definitely feel it enacting a certain…influence…”
Henry straightened himself up, running a hand through his hair as he tried to regain his composure after his brief slip into blind ecstasy. “Perhaps it is the wine,” he confessed. He grabbed the bottle, nearly empty now, and decided to pour one small, final glass for himself.
“It’s very, very good wine,” Gabriel said, offering his glass for the remainder. He had his hand half covering his face, still brilliantly pink, eyes sparkling slightly as they peered at him between his fingers.
Henry smiled as he raised a silent toast to his companion, a thrill in his heart as it foolishly began to harbor the belief that maybe, just maybe, this overwhelming desire wasn’t entirely his alone.
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