#gonna wake up to this sjjdjdjdj
theysaywhatasadsight ยท 3 years
Dont rb, its about a dream i had
So i had a dream and it was very fucked up, and now i need to write it down before i forget
So it opens with this huge pool in a nice woodland area, and that grosjean dude is there, and apparently there's some competition? To cross the pool? And theres a HUGE like gargantuan sized chair in the pool but somehow everyone competing matches its dimension so any romain loses it, i think, and then *i* compete in his stead
And then its evening and im the same wooded area, and there is a man passing by with a chained up lion who he claims he found there but idk. I know this lion is grosjean? Then morning comes and this lion is sleeping IN MY HOUSE somehow, and my mom is there and my aunt and uncle, and theyre surprisingly chill? Then my mom has this tranquilizer too. Anyway the lion wakes up and it is now a little girl. We play with her as my mom tranqs her. Then something happens and she ESCAPES and then the scene changes, its my house but more spacious, like a castle stable. And kaz (from the show) comes in and *i* and another person are apologising for letting her go, scene change again and my dad is talking about how there are multiple construction sites near our house, which now sort of is looking like a shaadi venue? Like huge grounds and white statues and stuff.
Anyway that is all i remember and then i woke up shivering so
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