#gonna keep this for aa while hehehe
ode2rin · 1 year
1. ur theme🤭 2. ur theme🫶🏼 3. ur theme😫
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MY POOKIE thank u lovely 💋
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Ahhhh what’s piece. I would say it is one of my favorites but I think that every time you write.
Chrollo if lancery is what you find confortable, why don’t you give it a try for the rest of the ride?
As alway I love how you give personality to darling. It makes me understand better the Yandere obsession.
AA thank you so much 💖💖 i felt for a story like this, darling being more audacious would work best. there's also something funny to me about the dynamic of a feral darling and chrollo trying to keep them somewhat under wraps, while still enjoying their unhinged nature. he's just radiating amusement. he takes so much with a grain of salt. some yanderes have a zero nonsense policy but not chrollo. some nonsense is allowed (and even encouraged).
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LMAOOOO if you were curious about the thought process behind this question that seemingly came out of left field, i was thinking that chrollo wanted to completely throw darling for a loop. hit her with something she wasn't expecting in the slightest. that way, he'd get the most bang for his buck (heheh) because darling would be bound to ramble away, due to how unexpected the question was. so there's that conniving part but also . yeah he's down bad for darling. don't be fooled. he might be quoting the odyssey or whatever like it's what he does for a living, but he's still a man who goes brrr darling hot brrr
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currently sweating bullets because this actually didn’t occur to me when i was writing the story... but it’d seem so cool if it was intentional ... so i’m gonna. say that it was. i’ll roll with it. i really love that observation though!!! at the time, i was thinking about eros/storge/agape, so this does actually line up in a way??? i love that... thank you for sharing this thought <333 
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personally, i think chrollo is the type to hold a grudge over a long period of time, he might not do anything in the immediate aftermath but the bitterness lingers. it’s likely to come back and bite her months later. hell, he’ll even bring it up years later if he’s so inclined. he waits for the most opportune moment to get his payback tenfold. it’d probably be more of a reaction to something reader does or says, he’ll bring up her exact wording from the interaction and challenge her with it. he likes to provoke with a calm smile. 
and thank you so much for enjoying the story <333
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i feel chrollo has the capacity to experience hurt! we see him genuinely emote in the manga/anime when there was nothing for him to gain by acting manipulative. he undoubtedly has super thick skin, but depending on the situation, some of what darling says or does can penetrate that. he wouldn’t be obvious about it though. he’ll either write it off by acting sulky to hide how truly upset he is, or just cover it up completely. you’d have to have a hawk’s eye to realize the extent of it. 
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AAA thank you so much for giving it a shot!! chrollo is my favorite character of all time, across everything i’ve ever watched/read, so i’ve made it my personal mission to introduce him to more people. i can never recommend hxh enough to anyone who might be the slightest bit interested. there’s literally nothing like it. i would give anything to experience the series again for the first time. it’s a masterpiece. 
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sandwichrin · 3 years
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 27)
Chapter 27 - Is it still cold?
Word count: 4k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance.
A/N: Hi! Here’s the next chapter ^^ Let’s get the ship sailinggggg~ (Well, technically, it hasn’t fully sailed but you know, we’re getting there fhdjsjs) Hope you all like this one btw <3
YGE Building (Cafeteria/Rooftop Balcony)
Junkyu stared at the being underneath the table. His knees were starting to feel numb from kneeling at this point.
He had searched the whole 1st floor for you, and never would it cross his mind that you’d literally be underneath a table—at the far end of the balcony, where it’s most exposed to the cold breeze outside too.
Junkyu sat himself down comfortably and scooted closer towards you, him being directly facing you; and struggling to fit himself underneath the table as well.
He lifted his finger to poke your hands that were hugging your knees close to your chin.
Cold. Too cold. How long have you been out here?
Junkyu gulped to himself. Fearing the worst. Is y/n even alive at this point?
He leaned in closer to your face and lifts his finger towards your nose to check on your breathing.
“Ah, she’s still breathing. Thank goodness,” he muttered to himself as he felt warm air against his finger.
But Junkyu was still worried. Why aren’t you moving? Why are your eyes closed even when he poked you?
“Ah, right! I should give Jihoon-hyung a call,” he began rummaging through his pockets—only to realise that he had left his phone in his small bag in the practice room. Junkyu groaned to himself, disappointed that he had rushed off to find you without at least grabbing his phone.
“What should I do now? Why are you unconscious out here?” He asked you even though he knew you wouldn’t answer him.
Junkyu sat there for a minute, taking in your image in front of him right now.
Your head leaning forward, chin resting against your hands—arms hugging your knees close to yourself. You looked like you were in a deep slumber, he thought. Few strands of your hair were covering the sides of your face, making your face look small. Even with your skin turning pale by the second because of the cold breeze outside, Junkyu thought you looked pretty.
Junkyu wanted to maybe stroke your head, maybe push your strands of hair away from your face but he didn’t want to come across as creepy.
His eyes fell towards your hands. Your fingernails were turning blue.
“Ah, you must be really cold right now,” he said, panic in his voice. He realised that this wasn’t the time to stare and be mesmerised by how pretty he thinks you look—he needed to do something.
Should he go downstairs and call for his friends? Should he try to wake you up? But what if you didn’t want to see him? It had been clear that you were avoiding him.
Just what should he do now?
YGE Building (Staircase Loft)
“Hyung! You should eat it this way,” Jeongwoo said as he demonstrated how he dipped his kimbap slice into his ramen broth. He pressed the kimbap into the broth, letting it sit in there for a couple of seconds.
“That’s…kinda weird…” Chani said as he watched the younger kid in front of him. “Besides, I thought your ramen finished long ago,”
“Oh, this isn’t mine. It’s Doyoung-hyung’s,”
Doyoung choked on the drink that he was drinking from, earning a slap on his back from Mashiho who was seated beside him on the staircase.
Doyoung wiped his mouth after he was done coughing. “Hey, why’d you soak the kimbap into my broth??” he pulled back his bowl from Jeongwoo’s hands.
Jeongwoo snickered at him. “Heheh I was just teaching Chani-hyung how to properly enjoy the kimbap.”
Chani shakes his head. “Nope, not gonna try it.”
“Aw come on!”
���I’ll try,” Yoshi said with his small smile. He grabbed a piece of the kimbap with his chopsticks and dipped it into his ramen broth, eating it after letting it soak for a while.
Everyone watched Yoshi munched on the kimbap.
“Hmm, good,” he said, his voice slightly muffled as he chewed on the food in his mouth.
“See? It’s good, hyung! Try it!” Jeongwoo said, still trying to convince Chani.
“I don’t know…I mean, I’m not—”
Chani got interrupted when in all of a sudden Doyoung raised his hand.
He lifts a finger to his mouth and whispered, “Shh, I think I hear footsteps approaching,”
Everyone fell silent for a while. They waited to hear if there were any more sounds.
“Hm. Nothing.” Jeongwoo said, assuming that there was nothing else to be heard.
And just as they all resumed to eating their food, they heard a loud gasp coming from behind Mashiho and Doyoung.
All of them turned their heads to look at who it was.
“Oh??” Jaehyuk said as his head popped up behind Junghwan.
“What are you doing down here??” Junghwan asked, his face in shock.
Everyone turned to look at Chani.
“Wait, you mean, me??” Chani questioned as he points at himself.
Junghwan shook his head. “Sorry, I meant—what are you all doing here?? I thought everyone was supposed to go search for Y/n!”
“Uhh, what are you guys doing here?” Chani asked Junghwan’s team back.
Junghwan, Asahi and Jaehyuk all exchanged looks with one another.
“Uhh…” Junghwan scratched his head and looks away from all of his hyungs.
“Ooohhh you’re all here to go sneak and buy some snacks from the convenience store!” Jeongwoo said, teasing the other team.
All three whom were standing on the top part of the staircase began to blush, embarrassed that their plan was exposed this way.
“Yahh, you’re all eating and having fun anyways. Why can’t we do the same?” Jaehyuk said this time, a slight whine in his voice.
“Okay, okay. Let’s not argue,” Doyoung said, getting up on his feet. “Come here, Junghwan. Here, have some of my kimbap,” he held out his ramen bowl to the maknae.
Junghwan leaned forward, peeking into the bowl. “Hyung…There’s nothing left in there…”
“Eh??” Doyoung said loudly. He checked his bowl and uses his chopstick to pick up the already broken kimbap in his broth. “What are you saying? There’s still some kimbap here. If that’s not enough—my love for you will keep you full,”
“Eyyyyyy” Everyone groaned at his pickup line.
“Noooo hyunggg don’t start,” Jeongwoo begged.
Junghwan giggled at his hyungs’ antics and shook his head. “Fine, fine. We’ll join you. What else do you all have here?”
YGE Building (GS25 Mart / Ground Floor)
“That’s weird. I thought Mashiho and Jeongwoo were in charge of being down here,” Jihoon said, as both him and Yedam stood in front of the convenience mart.
Yedam looked around, “Huh. You’re right. I don’t see them around at all,”
The both of them were approached by Hyunsuk and Haruto not long after, both looking tired and hungry.
“Jihoon-aa, where are the rest?” Hyunsuk asked as he walks up towards the two in front of the store.
“Beats me,” Jihoon shrugged. “I told Yedam to text them just now though,”
Haruto pulled out his phone from his pocket and tried to dial Asahi’s number. He shook his head when the hyung failed to pick up his call.
“I guess not all of them brought their phones with them. I saw Junghwan sending his bag to the practice room earlier. He must’ve left his phone in his bag,” Hyunsuk reasoned.
“Yeah, sure, but some of them must have carried their phones with them too, you know?” Jihoon replied.
The four of them looked around the area, noticing how deserted it was considering its way past lunchtime now.
“Oh well, I guess we can buy some food first and wait for them out here after that,” Jihoon suggested. “You okay Ruto? You must be hungry, huh?” he asked the youngest among the four of them there.
Haruto nods back at his hyung, “Somewhat hungry,”
Jihoon snickers at this and gestured them all to follow him into the store. “Come on,”
And just as the four of them were about to enter the convenience store in front of them, they heard the door not too far on their left opening.
It was the door leading to the staircase loft.
The four of them turned their heads just in time to catch—
Jeongwoo and Junghwan walking out of the door and chatting with each other; oblivious that their hyungs were watching them.
“Yahhhh I know that sunbae!! He picks on the girls in my class too! Aish, what a douche!” Jeongwoo said to the maknae who was walking beside him.
“Really?? Aigoo. He should know his limits though! One time, he came over to my class to pick on the girl sitting behind me too! The sunbae said to the girl; ‘your hair is so springy like noodles even my dog wouldn’t date you’,”
Jeongwoo lets out a loud gasp. “That’s so rude?! So, if her hair is super-straight, he would’ve said said ‘my hedgehog wouldn’t date you’??” Jeongwoo said in annoyance.
The both of them stopped by the trash bin at the center of the floor and Jeongwoo discards the ramen bowls he collected from his hyungs before this.
“Oh, right. Let’s stop by the store and grab some soda for the other hyungs,” Junghwan said. Jeongwoo nods back at him.
But then, as they turned around, they saw Jihoon already standing right in front of them, a smirk on his face.
“Having fun, kids?”
“Uh oh,” both the maknaes said at the same time.
YGE Building (Cafeteria / Rooftop Balcony)
You felt cold all over. You were starting to feel numb when you felt something poking your arms.
You scrunched your nose, feeling itchy in all of a sudden.
“Yahh, why won’t you wake up? How long do you want to stay like this? It’s cold here,” the voice whined.
You stirred from your position, trying to grasp the feeling of your numb body.
Slowly, you opened your eyes, expecting for your face to be hit by the bright sun despite the cold wind that you felt the whole time.
But then, instead of the sun rays hitting your pupils—you opened your eyes to meet bright, dark brown orbs staring back at you.
The both of you gasped at the same time.
You hugged your knees closer to your chin, surprised to see Junkyu sitting right in front of you, him looking as surprised as you were.
When did he get here? You were sure you had been alone earlier.
And wait—how did you not realise him being here??
Another gasp left your lips when you realised—that you had cried yourself to sleep before this.
You touched your cheeks, feeling the sticky residue from your dried-up tears. You groaned to yourself. You probably look like a mess right now.
Junkyu watched as you touched your face, shaking your head on your own and then rubbing your eyes slightly before finally looking at him again; as if you’d just remembered him being there.
“I uhh,” you began to say. “You…what are you doing here…”
“I should be asking you the same thing. Why are you huddled up here—” his eyes looked around as if judging you for choosing to sit underneath the table. “—and out here too, where it’s cold,”
Your body shivered after he pointed out the weather being cold. He was right though. You still couldn’t feel the tip of your fingers too. Your body must’ve absorbed all the cold whilst you were out asleep, you thought.
“Let’s go, we might catch a cold if we stay here any longer,” Junkyu said when you didn’t respond to his question.
“What—wait, go where?” you asked, your mind still groggy from the sleep you had.
Junkyu looked at you as if he was mortified by your silly question. “Anywhere, duh. You don’t want to stay here, do you??”
You looked away from him. A little taken aback by the way he responded to your question.
Junkyu noticed your expression changing after what he said, making him feel a little guilty. His tone must’ve sounded a little harsh, he thought.
“Look, I didn’t mean to say it like that—let’s just get back inside, okay?”
“Why are you here, Junkyu?” you asked him back, your eyes now on him again.
It was Junkyu’s turn to fall silent now, him being taken aback by your sudden question.
“You…Junkyu, look. I had a bad day. And you being here, after what happened between us; it’s all just making my head hurts. I can’t. I really can’t deal with everything like this, not all at once,” you huffed.
“I know. I’m sorry,” you heard him say, with a small voice.
You sniffled. The crying you did earlier plus the coldness out here must’ve made your nose runny, you thought as you tried to keep your runny snot from dripping out your nose that you couldn’t seem to feel at this point.
“Y/n, I know… what I said had hurt you. And I’m sorry. I really am,” he paused, staring at your eyes, trying to assure you that he meant what he said.
“I hope you know…that I didn’t mean what I said the other day,” he continued.
“But you did.”
Junkyu shakes his head, “No, I really didn’t! I just—I just…” he lowered his gaze, not looking into your eyes anymore.
You let out a sigh. Taking in a deep breath, you tried to move your legs just to make sure it doesn’t stay numb.
Junkyu kept quiet as he watches you again. His mind racing, thinking on how to make it less awkward between the both of you. He said sorry didn’t he? But why is it so hard for you to accept his apology?
After making sure that you could somewhat feel your feet as you tapped your feet against the cold floor, your eyes looked back at Junkyu, noticing that he had been watching you since just now.
“What?” You asked him.
“Where are your shoes?” He asked, curious as to why you were barefoot.
You looked down at your feet, embarrassed that he questioned you this.
“W-well, my feet were hurting from wearing my heels. Also—I don’t see the point of wearing it when I’m sitting down here, duh,”
Junkyu shrugs at your reply, not knowing what to say now.
“You don’t have to stay here, you know.” You said.
“Wait, no. You haven’t answered my question though. What are you doing here??”
Junkyu shifted in his position, trying to make himself comfortable whilst sitting in front of you. He looked down at his hands for a while before looking back at you whom was waiting for his response.
“Well…Chani told us you had gone missing. So, we went around the building searching for you…”
“Yeah, me and the other boys. And well, Chani too,” he added as he rolled his eyes at the moment Chani’s name came out of his mouth.
You stared at him in shock. “Whoa.” Just how did it come up to this? Why would they search for you though?
“Hold on, but you’re here,” you pointed out.
Junkyu nods at this.
“Does that mean…you’re the one that found me first?”
Again, he responds with a nod.
“Huh…” you wondered how much of a coincidence that the only person you dreaded to meet after what happened was the person that succeeded in finding out where you were.
You sniffled again, trying to stop yourself from shivering. One thing you were glad was that you had worn your slacks instead of your skirt today. At least you’d feel less cold out here.
You looked at Junkyu who was giving you a serious look right now. “Hm?”
Junkyu was determined. He was determined to explain himself to you. Sitting out here, underneath this secluded table; the cold wind slowly making his ears feel numb, he realised that this was indeed the only time he would have to actually tell you everything.
When would he get the chance to be alone with you again, right?
And so, with his trembling hands, he reached out to grab your hands in his.
“J-Junkyu,” you stuttered as soon as you felt his warm hands touch yours. What’s going on right now?
Junkyu took a deep breath before saying, “Y/n, listen, okay? I want you to listen to what I have to say.”
You blinked a couple times, your heart beating fast now. You nod your head slowly.
“Okay,” he said before swallowing the lump in his throat as he felt even more nervous now that you’re really focusing on him.
“I…I may have said some words that hurt you. And I regret it. I really did. I couldn’t sleep just thinking about how much I have hurt you. I saw how you looked at me that day—and it pains me to have you look at me that way. That isn’t the way I want you to see me as,” he shook his head.
“Y/n…I really am sorry. I really am. You might think that I have meant what I said, but I didn’t mean it. No way. You’re not annoying, not at all,” he continued.
You felt your eyes welling up. You could tell that he was trying his best to apologise sincerely but then, him talking about what happened just reminded you of how painful it was to hear him say those words about you. It hurt you so bad—to think that the person you like would have the guts to say that about you.
Junkyu felt your hands tensing up in his, so he gently rubs his thumb along your knuckles, trying to calm you down. “Y/n, look at me,” he said.
You didn’t realise that you had averted your gaze from him while you were reminiscing on what happened that day. Slowly, you lift your eyes to look at him again.
“I am so sorry. I was annoyed—yes, I admit it. But it wasn’t you I was annoyed with. I was just…upset at the time, you see. Your name crossed my mind at the time, but it wasn’t you that was annoying to me, I swear!”
You reluctantly nod at his explanation, trying to understand what he was trying to say.
“Y/n, I…Actually I…” Junkyu took another deep breath, gathering his courage. “I uh, I like—"
Junkyu froze in his spot, surprised by the sudden intrusion as he was about to confess his feelings for you.
“Oh my god, Junkyu! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—” you panicked as you saw him freeze and not blink after you had accidentally sneezed in his direction.
Pulling your hands out of his hold, you looked around, as if you’re looking for something.
“Damn, I didn’t bring ‘em,” you complained to yourself since you were sure you had tissues in your bag.
You turned your attention back to Junkyu who was still silent, probably still in shock of you sneezing at him. Great, he probably thinks I’m gross now, you thought.
“Junkyu, I—”
“Do you want to go inside?” He suddenly says, interrupting you from panicking any further.
YGE Building (3rd Floor / Treasure’s Practice Room)
“Hold ‘em straight! That’s right, just like that,” Jihoon’s firm voice boomed in the walls of their practice room.
“Hyungggg please, my arms are screaming at me, can we please not do this??” Jeongwoo cries out, his arms shaking from holding it up straight for the past 10 minutes.
“It’s only been 10 minutes Jeongwoo,” Jaehyuk said to him.
“Still! I’m tired!” Jeongwoo continued whining.
Jihoon shakes his head at the younger boy and scanned his eyes around the room to see if anyone was trying to get out of the punishment.
The only boys who weren’t punished were of course, Jihoon, Hyunsuk, Haruto and Yedam. The other three aside from Jihoon were sitting comfortably on the floor, eating up hot ramen from their purchase earlier.
“This isn’t fair, my team was the last to join them eating, hyung. We didn’t loiter as long as they did,” Junghwan complained, pointing out that the other teams had indeed stopped their search way earlier than he did.
“Now, now. You all have another 10 minutes to go. If I hear any more complaints, I’m adding another more 5 minutes, get it?”
“Awww nooo hyung!” “No way!” the younger kids in front of him groaned as they struggle to stay still.
“Aigoo Jihoon-aa. Just let them go already. Come here and eat with us, will ya?” Hyunsuk called out to his co-leader.
Jihoon looks back at the boys in front of him before shrugging and attending to Hyunsuk’s side. He sat himself down beside his hyung and grabbed the bowl of noodles in front of him.
“Here, hyung,” Haruto handed him a can of cold drink as he took one for himself.
“Thanks,” Jihoon said, earning a nod from the boy.
“Yah, aren’t you gonna let them go just yet?” Hyunsuk asked again, concerned that the kids might feel too tired for practice later.
“I want to. But I can’t yet.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” Jihoon stopped stirring his halfway-soggy noodles to turn and look at the rest whom were still raising their hands up. His eyes fell upon a specific person, making him smirk as he turns back to Hyunsuk who was still looking at him with concern. “I think it’s kinda fun. Don’t you think so, hyung?”
Hyunsuk furrowed his eyebrows and looks over at the others. “Jihoon…I know what you’re doing,”
“Aigoo, hyung. He deserves it too, no? He’s been bothering you and Junkyu’s minds lately—as if I don’t know that,” Jihoon chuckled, finally taking a big slurp from his bowl.
Hyunsuk looks over at the rest again and mouthed a ‘sorry’ to them since he couldn’t help them much.
“Yah, Kim Doyoung. Stop moving about, will ya? You’re distracting me,” Chani complained.
Doyoung rolled his eyes at the boy. “I wasn’t moving at all. I was just scooting next to Asahi-hyung,”
“Hey, no moving about!”
“There was no rule about changing seat positions, though,” Yoshi defended Doyoung.
“Yeah, he’s just scooting over. Chill it, will ya?” Junghwan replied in annoyance at the hyung.
“This is stupid. Why am I even here anyways,” Chani huffed, dissatisfied as to how he was getting punished as well.
“Yeah. Why are you here, huh?” Jaehyuk asked back.
“Beats me. Your hyungs brought me here along with you guys. This is stupid, I’m putting my arms down—”
“If Chani puts his arms down, I’m adding 10 more minutes for you all,” Jihoon’s voice said in all of a sudden.
Instantly, all the boys surrounded Chani and forced him to raise his arms up all over again.
“Hey, hey! What are you all doing?? Let go of me! Hyungggg they’re all breaking the rules!”
“Hm?” Jihoon tilts his head as he watches his kids and Chani struggling to push one another.
“Yah, yah, yah! That’s dangerous! Stop it, kids!” Hyunsuk said to them but they all ignored him.
Haruto and Yedam stayed put in their spots laughing as they watched Mashiho managed to hold both Chani’s arms up and the rest of the boys laughing and cheering at him.
Jihoon too, giggled as he watched this. “Hmm, Hyunsuk-hyung is right. Kids, you all can stop.”
“Oh?” The boys stopped and turned to look at Jihoon.
“Yup, you all are free,”
“YAYYYYYYY FREEDOMMMMMM” Jeongwoo ran around the room, chanting the word freedom over and over.
“Except for Chani,”
“What?” Chani looks at him in disbelief.
“Hey, I would’ve let you go but you were the noisiest at the end,” Jihoon shrugs.
“No way,”
“Okay kids, make sure Chani stays putting his arms up for another 10 minutes,” Jihoon said casually before returning to eat his food.
“Hey, that’s not fair! I’m not even your team member. Where’s your sidekick, huh? Shouldn’t he be getting punished too?”
“Huh, he has a point though. Where is Junkyu anyways?” Hyunsuk asks Jihoon.
 To be continued…
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Besides Taira being with the Fujimoris is more then just making sure they're safe from the time bastard, we can also access the true relationship between Divine Luck and Divine Misfortune which will be VERY important information when the topic of Utsuro comes up because the Fujimoris are the key to anything regarding your master.
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Yeah, so...how’d that go?
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Well, nothing blew up, at least.
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I called ahead and Fujimori-sama asked that I show up at about 10 this morning. Lucky for me, I made it on time.
*Earlier that day, Akane arrives at the Fujimori residence in Aoyama*
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(Wow...I knew he was a politician, but this place is huge.)
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(Alright, stay calm. You’re...probably not gonna die or blow up if you touch the baby...and you’re not gonna get sad. You’re here to be a maid.)
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(And you’re here to keep him and his family safe.)
*She hits the doorbell. A few moments later, it opens up*
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Oh, hey there! You’re Taira Akane, right?
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Y-Yeah, that’s me. Umm...is Fujimori Takeo here? I promised him I’d be here by 10. I know it’s 9:58, but still.
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Oh yeah, my uncle had a meeting in the Diet, so he had to leave early. I’ve been keeping an eye on things since then.
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C’mon, I’ll show you around!
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Thank you very much!
*Fumio leads her through the house, talking a bit about his uncle*
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So after the whole serial killer thing and the new commissioner, Uncle Takeo’s thinking about adding that to his platform.
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Can’t say I’m surprised. Are you doing okay?
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Oh yeah, I didn’t get hurt. It was just kind of a big night is all.
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Really freaked my friend Miwa out though...
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You’re sure this house is safe, right?
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For sure! It’s one of the safest places in Japan!
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While you’re here, nobody’s gonna hurt you, promise!
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Well...thank you. That’s reassuring.
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After this whole year, I think we should all feel a little safer.
Emi: Big Bro Fumio!
*A little girl comes running up to him*
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Yeah, Emi-chan?
Emi: You said you were gonna play dress-up with meeee!
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Ah, right...w-well, I needed to show Taira-san around. She’s a new maid.
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Hello there! It’s nice to meet you, Emi-chan.
Emi: Your hair is ratty.
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E-Excuse me?
Emi: Ratty hair! Ratty hair! And your breath stinks too!
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Emi, be nice to her! She’s here to help you guys with-
*Emi sticks out her tongue and runs off*
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S-Sorry about her, she’s...better when she’s around her parents.
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It’s fine, I dealt with kids like her at my orphanage all the time.
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But, uhh...Fujimori-sama mentioned he had a baby recently too?
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Oh yeah, Ayumu’s in his playpen right now. If you wanna go say hi, he’s in the living room.
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I should...probably go look for Emi-chan before she starts screaming. If I come back with lipstick or pink hair, that’s her fault.
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Of course. Thank you.
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Oh, umm...one more thing? Ayumu’s a baby, but...you might wanna be careful around him. Things get...weird.
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Don’t worry. I’m an expert in dealing with weird stuff.
*She heads downstairs and finds a large playpen full of blocks, stuffed animals, and, sitting in the middle of it all, an 8-month-old baby*
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So that’s him...
*He picks up a stuffed toy apple with a happy face*
Ayumu: Aa-buuu...aappuuh!
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Yeah, that’s an apple. Good job!
Ayumu: whh...?
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Hi there. You’re little baby Fujimori, right? My name’s Taira Akane.
*Ayumu tries to stand up, only to fall on his butt*
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Oh, careful.
*He tries again, falls, then gives up and crawls toward her, leaning against the side of his playpen*
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Hi there! I’m gonna be your new nanny.
Ayumu: *He reaches out toward her* naann...nabby! Hehehe!
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Aww, are you happy to see me? Look at you! You’re adorable!
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…Okay, moment of truth. 
*Akane reaches out and gently touches his tiny hand*
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Alright, good! Nothing blew up!
Ayumu: Aahhpuhh....aaaabbuauhh!
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Aww, do you want your apple friend? Or are you hungry? I should probably ask Fumio-kun about that.
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Don’t worry, Ayumu-kun. I’m gonna be here for a while.
*He reaches out and grabs one of her fingers with both hands*
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Ayumu: Mamma.,,awwagh-abaa...
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*Akane smiles from ear to ear*
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He was the cutest thing.
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I mean, yeah, he got a little grabby sometimes, but he was a really sweet baby. He really does like apples too. We made him some applesauce. I actually got to rock him in my arms too.
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It was...just a really good day today.
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Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta (dlc)
"Right... ok... what am I doing, what level and what have I done"
"Ok, let's do the alien thing"
"Ugh, I forgot there's no running in this game"
"I cant remember what I've done in the game, did I poison the water in this playthrough? Have I only done one playthrough... wait what difficulty am I on... very easy, good."
"Oooh, ok, I forgot how to change weapons, I'm living on fallout 76 controls"
"Cant I take a automated stimpak? Really? Shit ok."
"When I think about it, in every rpg, no actually, in every game I play or have played, I also go with melee, if I can? I fucking will. In halo, mass effect, skyrim, dragon age like- yeah"
"Battle music, what's up?"
*vats locked, ripper ready, one slice, yao guai down*
Me: :0!! Holy shit!
*enclave robot floating*
Me: *destroys it* hehehe
"I knew it was gonna happen, and I still got a jump scare"
"You raaaise me uuuup~"
"Oh no, south park season one episode one vibes"
"Excuse me sir, that is my tralala, my ding ding dong"
"Hes -- aa?? Red screen??? I DID NOT SIGN UP TO GET CIRCUMCISED"
"Get some toy story vibes with that ceiling claw"
"I got my walk through, imma find all the holotapes."
"Ok, I got my electro baton, who do I beat up"
"I like being 3rd pov, but maybe I'll do this 1st."
"Found a rivet city guard, but she didnt wanna talk to me :) now i have better armour"
"Gotta make a list over the recordings, cuz I totally forgot that's what I was doing here"
"Alright, I know I'll fuck this up, but the road may be fun"
"A child"
"AH! Jesus... fucking alien shit"
"Riiight, I forgot I should get my weapons back, lol"
"Damn... I think I have to go back to the beginning, I'm carrying too much stuff... well, sure"
"Back we go"
"Ok, cuz I was like 300 already when I got on the alien ship, now! I got 92/300, so I'm ready to rumble"
" 'you are no longer well rested' bitch, when have I ever been"
"While the aliens played operations on me, I now got me some nice toast and coffee"
"Ah shit, here we go again"
"They should have subtitles for the alien languages, it should say [alien gibberish] I'm just saying"
"Ok... good to check the wiki before leaving the area, guess it's good I began again, i would've missed nr 3"
"I feel like I'm living like a king. I'm eating toast, drinking coffee, it's hot outside, air conditioner inside, I can pause the game at anytime without fearing for my life or my character to die from dehydration or hunger~ good life"
"The aliens have to be sooo irritated with Sally, like, she keeps sneaking out of her cell and shit"
"I wonder where her sister is though"
"Ok got my shit back, and look at that...147/300"
"Screw the electro baton, ripper time"
"I wonder what the samurai is saying"
"This dude looks like he was dragged right from oblivion, same ugly."
"Cryo thing done"
"I have to go aaaaaall the way back to the holding cells uugghhh"
"Okeiii wheres that damn holotape"
"Finally... aaaand now to walk ALL the way back... hhhh"
"I remember vaguely that I'm supposed to find the samurai sword...."
"Yes I can find it"
"Now... robot place thing"
"Kaay, wheres the tapes..."
"Okay wait, I'm confused, I have to look on youtube"
"Ok youtube didnt help at all, but google did yay"
"Cant get the sword cuz bugged yay-.-"
"Ok seems like I got them all, I'm ready to go to the next level"
"I cant jump and float :c"
"My dude sounds like darth Vader"
"Theres a button that let's me spawn brahmin..."
"Awh I can only get 3"
"Ah! Apparently I'm so evil, that I'm named 'the stuff of nightmares' like damn, calm down"
"Oh... ok now I get it, I've enslaved 41 humans... hey i needed the caps ok?"
"Can i shoot the earth with the death ray?"
"Quick save"
"I did, but I didnt get any bad karma? I gotta google to see if this is gonna impact, you know what? No. If I could do the ground zero in new vegas, I can do this. Fuck the world!"
"Awh.. it doesnt do anything.. I mean yay that's good, it would be bad if many people died."
"One holotape left"
"Level UP! Here and now perk and LEVEL UUUP"
"I need to 50% less limb damage plz"
"Its the final countdown wahwahwahwah wawawawah"
"The fucking cowboy died ugh, reload"
"Whoa.... explosion"
"And nobody died! :D"
"Can I come back?"
"Yes, awesome, I own a spaceship"
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sp-ud · 4 years
Forgot to post my bullet point list of liveblogs/thoughts while I was in post limit jail yesterday, so under the keep reading it is if anyone wonders
• Girl help, it's 2pm and I have till 11pm till post limit resets
• I'm not liking any art because I don't like without reblogging
• When did Phil switch to dsmp? I swear he was doing he?
• Also is he spawn proofing ranboks house? Pog!
• But back to tubbo for now
• Is this the earliest I've hit post limit? Makes sense cuz I didn't sleep.
• Wtf happened on Phil's stream? Oh wait did he find the vault? And then the prime room?
• Apparently he found Carl.
• Just saw someone in Phil's chat say "wdym not ur son"... what do you think???
• Ranboos gonna come online to see his house been snowed.
• Might be using Twitter more than notes because it's such a long time
• Tubbo and rnaboo are still shooting stuff? Brub
• Uh oh "let's talk about the dream smp" sounds so onimous...
• It's not serious thank god
• Sdlgkekfnnsa he added that :) knowing what he doing
• The indirects? Uhoh
• I wonder if he's going to address the clashes of certain lore bits
• Hmm gonna lie down because sleepy
• Kinds sleeby but heart go Nyoom
• Hope someone posts fundys lore stuff because I watching jack
• Tired in beddddd
• "We haven't had a sympathetic villain yet" almost true! I'd say wilbur was semi-sympathetic
• Ajfjrkgjsndnv did bad show up just to tell him to join the egg
• I'm getting deja vu
• Also heheh melamine doofensmirtz
• Based on the liveblogs I'm seeing, fundy is trying to move into the arctic. Okay
• Fundys actually on the smp, sorry Jack but I follow one manifoldtwt person so I see all of jack stuff
• I open Phil's stream to see tubbo stream sniping. How cannon is tub o being here? Also when did rnabok and tubbo join phil
• "How is Michael doing"
• Ranboo and tubbo also being in the call while Phil is dunking on fundy for butcher army
• And tubbo killed him
• Tubbo just hit and run fundy
• I am out of bed I got interested in other stuff to quickly
• Go see Michael Phil please
• Ranboo is such an enabler
• Tubbo villain arc that's just his normal self let's go
• This is so cruel, Tubbo why
• 'Aa batteries?'
• Poor fundy flkvkthmdna
• Among us role play time again but now it's town of Salem
• Tubbo just said 'platonic marriage'
• "Your what?"
• Hes definitely adopted rigkrjgnenca
• "Cake time you little shit"
• "Theres not a thought behind those eyes"
• 'Unbiological'
• Please don't free the child fundy
• Phil boutta snoop?
• Fundy just got murdered in michaels room
• Fundy don't threaten the helicopter parents
• Aite tubbo that was a joke too far
• Phil has shclatt
• awww fundy being excited Phil said "runs in the family"
• wh. How bad was my delay on Phil's stream? Totally different point when I switch to fundy
• I just can't bring myself to do school work rn I can't explain it, probably because a lot of it is tests
• Chat o7-ing with no context for c!fundy
• Fundy always accidentally screening himself over damn
• I know foxes are considered sneaky but man calm down
• Just woke up. Tanbkk live.
• Tubbo I think that is called fanfic. No tubbo it is. Tubbo you can't deny it that's still fanfic.
• Bless ranboo for trying to help stop the belief that fanfics are all nsfw
• "Is tubbo drunk" have yall never seen a tired/chaotic person
• Tubbo thought Thomas sanders created vine???
• Going thru that big dream merch post and just blocking so many of them, cuz I don't want those people ever looking at my stuff
• Also so many of them are just... saying straight up misinfo
• "*sigh* are we being overprotective?" "...protection 4"
• "Prot 4 parents"
• Techno just vibing on the server eyes emoji
• Golddigger tubbo returns
• Techno just staring out the window
• He left rkgkrkgjsja
• Yet? ... ramboo???
• Chat stop being weirdchamp :)
• I think I should just not read chat rn
• I saw a dono mention ramboo maybe having EDS, ehlers-danlos syndrome and like... I lowkey been wondering similar stuff?
• I had EDS btw
• My doctor said there's something similar to EDS but involves growing... a lot. *looks at ranboos 6'6 self*
• Why do I suddenly feel really sad about something? Uh oh
• "LORE?" Chat asks while puffy describes how her toilet broke
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freakishrp · 7 years
KAK HELMIKU. Kenapa ya? Kenapa ya? Kenapa sih? Pusing deh aku. Kak Helmi!! Makasih udah mau jadi temanku ya. Aku tahu aku tidak bisa diam dan aku berisik. Terimakasih banyak ya kak!! Lots of love, Me. ☆
Juragan helm. Siap menikah. Panutan anti leave real fokus RP. RP dan RL artis korea. Awet banget sama Ryuwon dan cinta banget sama kampusnya (sampe pensiun ya?). Kapan kita bertemu lagi biar bisa selfie sambil pake helm?
Heh u biji apel. Kok bisa sih mau kapelan sama anaknya ayah agra? Btw, tolong jangan rusaki bias ku ya. Naneun tydac rela. Aku doakan semoga acc u yang rusak bisa bener lagi. Ya kalo bisa sih gausah bener. Biar beli acc sama aku. Xixixixixixi.
huhu hayyy shayankkk apakabar dirimu mwaa. semoga qamu suqses selalu dan makin rekat pertemanannya dengan diri q xixixixi. Kapan kapan dikau bejumpa lagi dengan q ya biar asique hehehe mwa.
Ini jr nya nuest?kalo iya salam buat si cantik ren. Kalo bukan ya salamin aja sih
hehehelm. oppa cumlaudeku yg baik hati rp maupun rl nya, rl nya sudah debut rp nya otw debut. chingu qntl q. ♡
jujurlah padaku jika sebenarnya kau botak
royal jeli jadilah imam yg baik
hay dede! >____< aku suka kenal dengan dede!! >___< tapi kok dede semenjak jadi jonghyun jadi beda ya? kayak lebih cool and manly gitu wkwkwkwkwk. itu ajasih? i love you!♡
Hmmm kamu siapa ya? Sesungguhnya ku tak mengenal dirimu. Hahahahaha!!! Ayo kita mendekatkan diri!!
Selamat sudah peringkat 1, cepat (re) debut dan kembali ke rumah. .yha Jangan sampai tertular kebuasan anak broduceish lainnya~
mt aku gak digubris :( padahal aku kan memuji dirinya. tapi ya mungkin mentab nya penuh
halo semangat produce 101 nya yah!!
Hyung.. Universal leader terimakasih telah mengajarkanku apa artinya kenyamanan kesempurnaan cinta
helm di lap jangan lupa
Jarang keliatan sih di tl ngga tau emang jarang keliatan atau tenggelem :(
Royal hyung akh royal hyung lebih cocok jadi royal daripada chara yang sebelumnya
Usernamenya ada Royal. Apakah orangnya Royal juga?
hai jroyalish, gatau harus ngomong apa. tetap seperti itu. semoga debut ya di produce101 :)
Lets have a convo & be close with me♡
Sojin-ah, annyeong. (gak tahan kalo gak manggil sojin) mau ngomong apa ya. ini aja deh. tolong benarkan otak dan lap helm dua kali sehari biar isinya tidak kopong. thanks very kamsa.
Kurang kurangin. Nanti akunnya rusak lagi.
kakak oppa sunbaeku! Hehehe aku ga mau ngomongin helm kok beneran jangan suudzon dulu. Ingatkah dengan vidcall pertama kita saat rambutmu merah? Aku kira sojin girlsday ternyata oppa ganteng (?) Aku mau confess kalo aku sangat iri dengan sunbae yang bisa seumur idupnya kesel Cuma garagara the sims nya lupa di save, dan bahagia karena makan. Ya Allah hidupmu sangat simple sekali. Beda dengan ku yang dikit2 senggol bacok subhanallah bagaimana caranya supaya tidak over thinking tolong ajari aku kakak oppa. Tetap terus cheerful ya bangun suasana positif buat orang-orang disekitar kakak oppa! Soalnya entah kenapa kalo kakak oppa yang ngomong itu suasananya jadi seru aja gitu padahal ngomongnnya simpel aja tapi akh sayang dengan kakak oppa.
dulunya hoshi dulunya ten trus sekarang malah jadi kak jonghyun aja. kakak kalau mau jadi jonghyun harus berwibawa sedikit dong?! mana nih tunjukin kewibawaannya (?) suka dipanggil tapir. depertinya bullyable? kak ryuwon aja suka bully juga hehe. tapi lucu sih!
Jaga mamah cupang elok elok😆
hi ol, hai Mantan Bapak Mertua ku. Apa kabar? tidak usah sombong, point u masih dibawah w wokwokwowk suatu kebanggaan. agak aneh konfes kpd sesama lelaki karna sejujurnya lelaki kebanyakan berbicara apa adanya dan tidak ada yg perlu dikonfess kalo dengan sesama lelaki. Ya w berharap semoga tetap kompak denga ryuwonis tetapi humanis tetap tetap menjadi kebanggan kita, penjual helm and penjual cupang.
Hey Helmet. So far so good? Semoga betah menjadi bagian pokemon pokemon club. Ayo nonton day6 bersama.
hello groot(tai).
Hai jonghyun apa kabarmu? Kamu kesini dgn siapa?
selalu terlihat disana sini tp kita gk pernah ngobrol sungguh terlalu! ayo ngobrol nga luh!
Kenapa ramah banget
Jroyal. Aku bacanya jro-yal. Lucu ya? Hehe hihi huhu hoho
Seseorang yang seru untuk diajak mengobrol. Sama seperti anak anak yang lain yang memiliki tingkat kerecehan yang tinggi. Aku senang bisa mengobrol denganmu, ayo kita terus berbicara dan bercakap-cakap seperti dulu.
rp yang doyan ngerpin mantan orang, astaghfirullah bertobatlah dede semoga tetap kuat sekuat helm an semoga langgeng dengan dendeng, wlau dia suka nabrak tembok
Hey bang roy. Aduh apa ya, bingung gua. Interaksi kita kayaknya hanya sekedar baca tweet yang lewat di tl. Oiya, sukses debut bareng produce101 nya ya, biar dipanggil jonghyun cs gitu
hyung jangan keseringan mendelep di dm ryuwon, kasian anak-anak broduceish butuh petunjuk dari hyung.
perasaan saya atau kita memang tak pernah ngobrol
hmm saya sempat naksir anda. tapi anda sudah nembak orang duluan....pokoknya hope we get close more/?
heluw setyupid, kekirim nya sehabis adzan magrib kan ni? aku juga samyang km.
jrさんへ~こんばんは!久しぶりですね. I thought you were a sensitive person lol. Haven't talked with you for a while and we are not that close. Let's get closer in the future! がんばれ!
Kakak eonibugi jangan suka bikin malu ya, ayo mulai mencoba normal dan lupakan tentang helm mu kak! Aku sayang kak eonibugi selalu <3 - dari adikmu yang tercintah
Halo, JR. Karena bingung mau confess apa, jadinya mau mendoakan saja. Semoga langgeng terus sama Ryuwon! Sukses di PD101!
Hyung, sehat? Ayo hyung perbanyak ngobrol sama saya agar tidak jobless seperti yang lain.
KAK JROYAL YANG BAIK SAMA DIDI ヽ(;▽;)ノ Sunbaenim Pledisish, setelah PD101 jangan lupa balik dan traktir-traktir Pristinish ya? (*´・v・)
jroyalish yang tidak royal sama sekali
tbh saya suka jonghyun real tapi kenapa jonghyun kikis begini ya Allah saya sedih. kapan warasnya kalo boleh tau?. kenapa hyung selalu mengeluh kl mentionnya penuh saya, padahal itu keajaiban.
hey kwonfaiyah ayo lebih sering ngobrol lagi, sejak sempat break dengan dendengish jadi jarang berbincang.
Aa ku sayaaaaaang💕
Roy hyung keren🖒
berada di dekatmu mengajarkan ku apa artinya kemalasan
Napadah roy. Gw kira se-ganteng jonghyun rlnya eh gataunya ambyar, anak brodusis. Tapi kayaknya kita butuh sering mentionan lagi hehe.
Hyung!! Hyung!! Hyung!! kapan kita se team.
BANG ROY. Dulunya ketua performance team doang, eh sekarang sudah jadi Nation's Leader aja. Keep up the good work ya dek. Jangan lupa traktir Mint semangkuk mie merapi dengan katsu double. minumnya esteh manis jumbo. Kapan kita jalan-jalan kesasar lagi? Pokoknya harapannya semoga bang Roy meraih kesuksesan RP RL IDOL. Salam sayang, 🐱
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