"Honest, if I lost my powers tomorrow and they never came back, at least I could say ... ... I had a great run." — Wally West ϟ 2/13/15 I'm sure a lot of you saw this coming eventually (all those spontaneous breaks and hiatuses were justleading up to this, let's be honest), but thank you all for sticking with me anyway! This is probably thelongest I've ever kept an rp account—you guys made it an amazing experience—so, once again, thank you!I don't really have much else to say except that I hope y'all have a good day! If any of you wantto get a hold of me via skype/kik/steam/personal tumblr shoot me an ask. I'll check occasionally, butafter a while I can't make any promises I'll log in again.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
"Honest, if I lost my powers tomorrow and they never came back, at least I could say … I had a great run." — Wally West
I’m sure a lot of you saw this coming eventually (all those spontaneous breaks and hiatuses were just leading up to this, let’s be honest), but thank you all for sticking with me anyway! This is probably the longest I’ve ever kept an rp account—you guys made it an amazing experience—so, once again, thank you!
I don’t really have much else to say except that I hope y’all have a good day! If any of you want to get a hold of me via skype/kik/steam/personal tumblr shoot me an ask. I’ll check occasionally, but after a while I can’t make any promises I’ll log in again.
super big thank you’s @ mouse sally walli kal meg rob arty babs irey jinx
[ bye guys! ]
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"Honest, if I lost my powers tomorrow and they never came back, at least I could say … I had a great run." — Wally West
I’m sure a lot of you saw this coming eventually (all those spontaneous breaks and hiatuses were just leading up to this, let’s be honest), but thank you all for sticking with me anyway! This is probably the longest I’ve ever kept an rp account—you guys made it an amazing experience—so, once again, thank you!
I don’t really have much else to say except that I hope y’all have a good day! If any of you want to get a hold of me via skype/kik/steam/personal tumblr shoot me an ask. I’ll check occasionally, but after a while I can’t make any promises I’ll log in again.
super big thank you’s @ mouse sally walli kal meg rob arty babs irey jinx
[ bye guys! ]
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[ bye guys! ]
"Honest, if I lost my powers tomorrow and they never came back, at least I could say ... I had a great run." — Wally West
I'm sure a lot of you saw this coming eventually (all those spontaneous breaks and hiatuses were just leading up to this, let's be honest), but thank you all for sticking with me anyway! This is probably the longest I've ever kept an rp account—you guys made it an amazing experience—so, once again, thank you!
I don't really have much else to say except that I hope y'all have a good day! If any of you want to get a hold of me via skype/kik/steam/personal tumblr shoot me an ask. I'll check occasionally, but after a while I can't make any promises I'll log in again.
super big thank you's @ mouse sally walli kal meg rob arty babs irey jinx
#big fat thank you's to anyone who's ever put up with me#even if we never talked/interacted#i see you guys on my dash and you're all amazin' people#\ o /#i would've deleted like usual but#i couldn't let go of all those memories#feel free to unfollow and what not#and have an awesome week
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DC COMICS MEME: 3/5 male characters » Wally West
" I don’t wear this uniform to frighten anyone. And I don’t fight for vengeance."
#;hey handsome#many drafts were tackled tonight B) i am v proud of myself#well many for me okAY IT'SBEEN SO LONG#but yeah this might be my g'night post id k#pretty colors yay#;olderself
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"Oh. Wow. Didn't even think of that. Poor guy."
Wally feels like he's just been smacked with a lifetime's worth of secondhand embarrassment. Harsh. And he thought he had it bad in the 'unfortunate names' department. (He will never whine about being dubbed 'Wallass Rude-olph' ever again. Seriously. Ever.)
"Really? That's ... hard to believe." Iris is sweet. In her own, rough-exterior-sort-of-way. "But hey, it's whatever—not judging."
"it’s one of his better nicknames. He gets BJ a fair bit too, which is kind of unfortunate, but, well, Bartholomew Junior? Not really a great name for a kid… or a twenty-five year old, frankly." She shrugged.
"I’d really rather not add more emotional scarring to abandonment issues and post traumatic stress disorder." It was half a joke. She paused and the rolled her eyes, "Truth be told, there are no juicy details."
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*wants to rp with everyone*
*stares at one draft for three hours*
#lmao mE#and when people have those like for starters posts ohmy god i want to like them all#but i know i'll take 230847209 years to reply#bc drafts#and time#hhhhhhHhh#;mun stuff
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"You can't give them to Artemis! She'll eat them all! And then where would we be? In a sad, sad place, that's where—"
He says as he helps himself to a handful.
"Think about the children. ... And when I say children, I mean us. We are the children."
"Umm, sure…"
"Are you still interested in these candies, or should I share with Artemis?”
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"So, what, I remind her of her dad?" For the life of him, he can't say he remembers Iris mentioning her dad at all. Did she? Maybe ... But Wally doesn't wanna think too hard about it, lest his mind start solidifying false truths with the actual truth. That's just a whole 'nother side of confusing he does not want to experience right now. Nope.
So it's no surprise he's all grins when she—Canary—gives him something else to wonder about.
"Let me guess ... somehow, some way, you're related to this world's Black Canary? Or, at least, carry on the mantle, I guess? Man, legacies are so cool." There's a minuscule pause. "Unless that's really your name-name—in which case, doubly cool!"
"Iris? Trust? I’ll believe that when i see it. What you’re getting from her is more likely affection, she has a soft spot for her Daddy, but I know one person who doesn’t have to constant work at gaining and keeping her trust and he hasn’t been born yet." She smirked, "That’s because I didn’t say. You can call me Canary."
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"Any excuse to impress the ladies."
Punctuate that statement with a wink and a smirk and he's totally won her heart (it's so obvious). Zeroing back in on the task at hand, the tornado of a speedster happily engulfs the crook in a smear of red and yellow; helps a truckload the dude's already been dazed by who-knows-what—the flawless work of a true batling—so Kid Flash meets zero resistance. Sweet!
Skidding to a stop (whilst admiring his handiwork of course), Wally really hopes Batgirl meant what she said to be taken literally—because the knobby-kneed jughead is totally workin' that docking rope he's tied up in. Complete with a pretty bow.
"Very slimming. Absolutely accentuates your features, man." (Wally'll choose to ignore the guy's very colorful snarl of a response. Batgirl's nicer to talk to, anyway.) "So. You always patrolling solo?"
Okay, wow. Batgirl didn’t really get starstruck. After all, she had met Batman and the Black Canary. But this was Kid Flash. He had superpowers.
"I’ve got it handled, but you’re welcome to show off that super speed of yours and wrap up the perp."
Like a large, muscled Christmas present for Dad.
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i was actually trying to draw sally and bby jay in that style but it didn’t come out nice hhhgh
#lcverboy#;answered#and i didn't mean to publish this but i clicked 'save as draft' instead of 'answer privately' so sorry orz
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What's with the verbal sidestepping? Well. More like a drunken attempt at the Macarena at this point—Wally's officially one hundred percent lost in Linda's fumble.
"Er ... sorry?" He offers up the half-apology, half-question in a feeble attempt to salvage what's left of their two-step stagger of a conversation. "It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just—you know. I don't think you're, uh, out of line for wondering. If that's the type of 'someone' you were referring to—"
They're both going to drown in word vomit at this rate.
( crud. better drop this topic like a hot potato. )
"Hey, here's an idea—let's get pizza, on me. Cool?"
”Hey- I was kidding” Linda remarked, a little deflated for some reason she couldn’t figure out. “You have an identity to protect and it’s your choice. But, I’m not- I’m- I just don’t want you to confuse me with someone who- I don’t know, whatever. This is awkward, I’m sorry-” she chuckled and tucked a couple of strands behind her ear.
God damn it Park, make it worse why don’t you?
#ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ#ʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔ#look at my army of bears this is important#;ic#liindapark#v; yjmain
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"You ever run into yourself—pfft, literally—with all that hopping around?"
Though Wally can't say he'd much mind running into alternate selves. Walli is a helluva character (who cares if admitting that makes him sound conceited? It's true!), and if there's more hims—hers, and everything in-between—out there then heck yeah Wally wants in on it. Which leads the yellow-and-red clad speedster to hop-skip-jump right on over the obvious flashing sign of "hey, this isn't the iris you know!" and straight out ask:
"Hold up. If this is a speedster thing ... can you teach me?"
"That does sound like me. Hopping is a common hobby of mine. It’s possibly my favourite power. So you’ve met an older me, then? Interesting. What was I like? Well, maybe I just still bottle up my emotions." She mused, seemingly not bothered by the idea, "Things are okay. And Jai is great, he’s always great. Uh, I didn’t this year, but I was patrolling with Dami."
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I love how Wally West's origin is basically
Wally: Whoa! So how'd you get your powers?
Barry: (as the Flash) A bolt of lightning hit a chemical lab one night and caused an explosion that I got caught in.
Wally: Cool! I wish that'd happen to me!
Barry: That's not that likely.
Wally: *walks into chemical lab*
Barry: What the frick-frack snick-snack paddily-wack just happened?
Wally: I have superspeed now!
Barry: Well, that happened.
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I’m making a DC Indie Masterlist very soon. So with that being said:
You must either like or reblog this post
Original Characters are welcomed
I’ll be dividing characters up into sections depending on your description (Or you can send me a message about that)
And that’s it!
Edit: It is optional to follow me, but is suggested to keep up with the masterlist and other DC related things.
You can find the Marvel Indie Masterlist over here.
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tHANK YOU BUDDY i figured it'd be cool to finally change my theme bUT KEEP THE PRECIOUS CHILDREN Y'KNOW? i'm a sucker for cutesy stuff.
#littleladyofmars#rolls into the dust i love this artist so muc h#shakes you#gently#;out of awesomeness#and casually rolls back into the abyss that is my anthro textbook
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lcverboy replied to your post:okay, i totally spend more time customizing my...
Vibrates bc I rlly want to see it also I missed you on the dash h h hh *clings to*
hUGS YOU LEMME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OK BC YOU HAVE GOOD OPINIONS and a great eye for things like maybe i missed something bc i stared at this way too long i can't even—
hughughugs. i missed being on here too hhh. classes have just kept me busy. from games too cries. hopefully i'll be here tomorrow night for a while though bc we're getting our tests over with sO IT SHOULD BE A FREE WEEKEND.
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When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes. :)
kidbigmouth is my lovely wallaby and im Wifey west and we’re married and we’re going to go to Germany with all the bunnies and she’s literally the best okay?
theodorefreakinfinley, this is my mura and she’s so lovely and so nice and everyone should love on her. I’ve known her for a good bit and I wouldn’t be the same without her and I miss her a lot. :c
fenrirthesavage huuuuuuuuuuuuugs bc she’s the sweetest and we have so many plots and threads together and just yes to thebootysavage.
headmistressgoode my panda and could probably maul you, but shhh, bc pandas are cude and cuddly and none of the dangerousness
charmingrebel, this lovely person is so nice and I literally just go to stalk their blogs sometimes and she deserves rainbows and puppies bc she’s amazing and I just love them so much.
#zEEBEEE#you're so sweet \o/#we're gonna buy lotsa chocolates too while we're there ok#chocolate bunnies#just think about that for a sec#;buggaboo#this is your new tag btw#B))#keeps forever
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