#gonna go crank out another fucking essay wish me luck
blackshadowswriter · 3 months
So uhhh I'm alive everyone!!! I'm not sure if anyone cares at this point given my um very long writing hiatus (holy shit it's been like a year hasn't it) and dipping for like a month but I just wanted to let my mutuals and anyone who gaf know that I am indeed not dead yet.
I took a brief summer vacay and then my summer classes started and having been kicking. my. ass. Idk why I chose a literature class in the summer, like I don't even need this class to graduate but I guess I love to torture myself. I really shouldn't be complaining bc it isn't that hard, just a lot of busy work and writing essays in like a day and shit, but I have another class starting soon, so I'll probably be going under any time soon.
I probably won't be writing much anytime soon (i'm so sorry about that) since I'm already doing so much of that and not the enjoyable kind, but I'm aiming to get at least one fic out by the end of summer. Setting really loose goals for myself here lol (watch me not even make that one)
@farfromstrange bestie ive missed you sm and i just needed you to know i havent forgotten you and i've been thinking about you all the time and i read all your posts, i just havent found time to reply yet, and im so sorry I hope you aren't mad, but i hope hope hope you're okay girl, i love you <3
and @starfanatic im so sorry to leave you hanging 😭 i swear i wasnt abandoning you, I miss you and our lil convos all the time, and i hope you aren't mad at me either <3
Anyways thanks for listening to my yap session, I will shrivel back into my little hellhole of assignments now :)
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