#gonna go check out an expo n then need to do some work at school so basic fit
princemick · 1 year
todays fit in honor of our met gala king 🫡🫡
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winged-sky-otaku100 · 3 years
Sorry I just need to-
MSM 2017 oc times?? If that's alright with this tiny fandom-
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First of all hewo - it's @weirdotaku1000 / @winged-sky100
I tried making an art acc but that didn't work out too well so ig it's this one.
Second of all-
Hewo to the small msm 2017 fandom, I revamped an MCU oc for this cause why the heck not- :D
Am I a little nervous about posting this? Yes-
Am I gonna post this anyways? Also yes-
Without further ado, meet Nyx, my beloved [which is also partially part of an au thing too]:
Because I am dumb and I know more about Greek Mythology rather than Norse Mythology, Nyx is - kinda like a reincarnation/ "Next Nyx" of the Greek Goddess Nyx- but like - her power stuff is also super nerfed + she needs to learn how to use them so y e ah- stuff happened when she was a baby and more will be explained later bc I don't want this to be too long but she ended up on Asgard + was adopted by Odin because I'm unoriginal and this is, again, a revamp on my old MCU OC so y e e-
NOW it's time for the info dump:
She lives with Tony Stark due to the request of Thor - Thor trusts him enough to take care of Nyx.
Instead of Frigga dying because of the Elves when she was 12 in the MCU, Frigga's death was more recent, along with Loki's fake death [but bc this is a different universe Loki is good and he didn't attack Earth bc I said so, and also bc I haven't heard of Loki being bad on Earth-17628 yet]
Nyx's fear response is freeze bc that's what happened when Frigga was killed, she was hiding and she saw it happen.
She can control the fear freeze she instinctively does but only up to a certain point.
She hates questions about what happened with her staying on Asgard.
She does answer questions about Loki and Thor though bc she has some tea on the both of them- 👁🍵👁
She gets into Horizon High right after the Stark Expo - she was there and she met Peter, Miles, Anya, Gwen, Flash and Harry that way. Stark was also at the Stark Expo to check out some schools to see which one would be good for Nyx to go to bc she grew a liking to robotics when she was recovering from everything at Stark's place.
Nyx is very curious about everything and pretty quiet/nervous around new people.
When she gets excited about something she will ramble about it.
She is allergic to most make-up. She asked Gwen to do hers for a dance once and when she got there it was itchy and it felt weird so she asked both her and Anya to help her get it off - she had red blotches on her face so never again for rn-
She is Asexual Demi-Panromantic - she found that out while hanging out at that one smoothie place with Harry and Pete one day.
After she gets used to everyone/friends with the main group she gives a lot of hugs-
She's still trying to find out more about her powers n stuff bc she's the Greek Goddess/next personification of the night in Greek Mythology.
Apparently in Greek Mythology she has prophetic powers so I'm just reducing it to a Heimdall sight + spidey sense kind of thingy-
Also I'm nerfing most powers too bc in Greek Mythology Nyx is more powerful than Zeus-
I'm keeping the "Zeus fears Nyx" part though-
She calls Miles, Peter, and Harry her best guy friends, and she calls Anya and Gwen her best girl friends.
She's still new to Earth + she isn't used to the atmosphere so for the first few months [maybe even the first year] being on Earth she gets sick often
She already knew about Peter being Spiderman before he told her. Living with Tony Stark has it's perks
Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee C-
Norman Osborn gives her bad vibes and she doesn't shut up about it at Tony's place whenever he's brought up
"Everyone here is a t r e e-"
Discovered Tumblr memes once- her humor was never the same again
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She asks Harry and Peter for help a lot because she trusts them the most with stuff-
Plans to visit Athens one day
Aunt May became a new mother/aunt figure at some point-
And Tony Stark a new father figure
And that's all I'm willing to share rn-
Also also also-
Drawing that picture and trying to sorta copy the shows style was pain-
33 hours and 42 minutes on IbispaintX [breaks and lack of motivation/burn out time not included]. AGSNDNFJFNFJ-
But also fun-
But p a i n-
Anyways I hope yall are good with this- agsjdnfh-
I'm gonna try and post more later so things are less confusing for her character. If I remember to, that is- and if I don't procrastinate/get burned out/lose motivation-
Anyways I hope yall are having a good day/night- uvu
• Ray / Sky •
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canasimagines · 4 years
-Baby Stark- Tony x School Teacher Imagine
Imagine: Being Tony Stark's fiancé and being pregnant while also teaching at the high school in a class that just so happens to hold Peter Parker.
"Alright class, by the end of the block you should be done with this assignment and Peter will pick it up for me. As of now though. I need to sit." You huffed out a breath waddling back to your desk. You rubbed your extended stomach which as of late was causing you grief as you sat aching. "Psssst. Miss (L/N). Psssssssssssst-"
"What Peter?" You snapped feeling slightly guilty as he winced.
"Are you okay? Do you need me to call Mr. Stark? Is the baby coming?" Peter whispered leaning across the desk leaning towards your stomach. Ever since he was betrothed God-Brother by Tony he had been at your side during all school hours even going as far as to holding you by the arm when you walk. "Peter. I'm fine. He's just kicking is all and quite a lot." You chuckled waving Peter away. He watched you warily still throughout the whole period until the bell sounded signaling the end of the school day.
Peter walked up to your desk handing you the packs of papers with a sickly sweet smile, "Miss (L/N). Well soon to be Miss Stark?"
"Yes, Mr Parker?" You laughed taking the papers as you stood putting your jacket on.
"I really must express my concern of you working so close to the due date. Additional stress can cause the baby stress and birth defects-"
"Peter, baby, is there any chance my dear Fiancé set you up for this?" You asked patting his cheek as you waddled through the room turning off all the computers.
"No-I mean yes- but also this is genuine concern from my part too. Ever since Mr Stark said that baby is as good as my brother I've just had these nightmares that something bad will happen to it. I'd feel a lot safer if you were at the Hospital Ward at Shield.." Peter whispered the last part as you turned the lights off and locked the door.
"I appreciate your concern, P-Money. But this baby isn't going anywhere and neither am I. I've always been a working woman and baby has to live with it. He's not budging anytime soon and when he does I'll stay my ass at the tower but until then-" you shrug biting into a candy bar you pulled from your bra, "YOLO."
You walked up to your ride as Happy quickly strode over taking your bags and helping you into the black car.
"Do you need a ride?"
Peter grumbled sighing, "No thanks. See you tomorrow."
You laid on the bed glasses clad and grading papers with a towel wrapped around your head and a heating pad on your extended stomach as you preached to Tony who was brushing his teeth.
"Can you believe this? Students not knowing the difference between a preamble and an anecdote. Kill me now please." You sighed marking a failing grade at the top of a paper.
"Not everyone is as smart as me you know." Tony said poking his head from the bathroom grinning.
"Oh hush." You smiled poking your tongue out at him rubbing your stomach, "Maxwell is going to be smart, guarantee it."
"Whose Maxwell?" Tony asked wiping his face as he sat at the end of the bed rubbing your swollen feet gently, "Cause it sure as hell is not the body living inside of you right now. That's a librarian name."
"I was just trying it out." You grumbles into the stack of papers.
"How about Noah?" Tony asked. "Too white." You murmured groaning loudly, "This is harder than I thought."
"You know what would make this easier?" Tony asked with a small smile.
"Don't say Not Working because it ain't gonna happen. I love my job I love my students and I love this baby. Everything is under control, Mr." You smile sitting up as best you could to reach his lips which he raised a brow at smiling and met you in the middle kissing you gently and holding a hand over your stomach.
"I really wish you weren't so stubborn." He mumbled against your lips as he moved up the bed.
"You love it about me though." You smirked proudly.
He glared playfully and pulled your tight fitting shirt up and tapped your stomach gently, "Alright baby. Let's get one thing straight. If you come out as stubborn as your mama I may have to stuff you back in as soon as you come out."
You rolled your eyes laughing at that, "Oh hush."
You went into a fit of giggles as he attacked your stomach with kisses. He finally moved to his side of the bed to turn off the lamp before curling against you holding your waist with one hand and the bump with the other. You were content.
"And so, class. As you can see the differences between the puritans and the rationalists were uncanny and a great-" you dropped your expo marker rolling your eyes at yourself and leaned to pick it over.
"NO MISS (L/N)!" the class screeched.
But it was too late.
*Splash* Your water broke and you were left in a squatting position with an expression like a deer in headlights as Peter rushed to your side along with a few others.
"Taylor! Go get the nurse! Marcus, go to her phone and dial Mr Starks number and tell him whats happening!" Peter demanded.
"Oh you were prepare-AHHHH" you screamed gripping Peters hand as he helped lift you up along with some football players and take you down the hall.
"You're okay Miss (L/N) Mr. Stark is on his way." Peter said in a calming voice holding your hand tightly in his own. No more than ten minutes later you lay on a bed in the nurses office groaning and screeching when Tony and Bruce rushed in looking around for you.
"What the hell happened?" Tony asked running to you and shoving some students away to get to your other hand.
"I dropped a marker and went to get it and my whole class watched water flow from my vagina." You seethed breathing deeply.
A few students giggled, "Alright that's it. Everyone out. Back to class. Shew shew. A sub will be there shortly." Bruce said waving his arms for them to leave you.
"Peter you stay." You said taking his sleeve before he could leave, "You get to watch your baby God Brother get born if you want."
"Oh sweet!" He did a dance causing Tony to roll his eyes.
"Well no child of mine is going to be born in a high school so let's get this show on the road." Tony lifted you easily as Bruce followed running and checking your vitals. Peter followed quickly carrying his bags along with your purse and such.
"Tony, she's dilating already we don't have much time left before we at least see top of the head." Bruce called to the front as Tony sped through the streets making many illegal turns to get back to SHIELD.
"Well just hold it in or something!" Tony yelled back as stressed as her and laying on the horn as Peter sat holding his knees in the passenger seat the environment filling him with anxiety. That and the fact there was a woman's coochie stretching just behind him in the backseat.
Tony gulped paling from the front seat as he pulled into SHIELD and a whole paramedic team greeted the car with the best surgeons and Gynecologists they could find.
"Mr Stark. She's scary." Peter said running after him as they wheeled her away to get the baby out.
"I know. It's so hot." He breathed running past a vending machine and doing a double take before deciding this was WAY more important.
Peter blushed and as soon as they stepped into the room you were spread eagled and nurses were wrist deep in to get this baby out.
The team and you all looked over to find an unconscious Peter Parker laying on the ground.
Tony rolled his eyes but called for more doctors to get another gurney and wheel him next to you pulling the curtain.
Hours and hours later Peter woke up to silence.
He stood slowly from his spot on the gurney and pushed the curtain aside to see you laying on your bed. Tony laying beside you and a bundle in both your arms.
"Petey. You're up." You smiled happily.
"Pete, first name that pops in your head. Go." Tony demanded.
"Benji." He answered quickly. There was a movie named Benji about a small dog which aunt May and him would watch together.
"Benjamin Anthony Stark." You smiled softly down at the bundle.
"Little Benji Stark." Tony cooed tearing up, "Aweeee I'm a daddy."
You smiled tearfully as you beckoned Peter over with the nod of your head. It was then he got a good look at his "brother". His brown tufts of hair peeked from the blue cap on his head and his tiny hand gripped Tony's finger in a death-like vice. His big blue eyes gazed up at Peter in wonder and he held a hand out for his finger as well.
"Awe hello Benji...." Peter cooed laying on the other side of you as you made room. He took the baby's hand as you passed him over to him.
"Oh I'm going to teach you so much. You'll learn baseball, and bicycling, and bioengineering. All that easy stuff." He cooed as you snuggled into Tony's chest and he held you tightly grinning proud. "Our boys."
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soulspideys · 6 years
set it up - peter parker [1]
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previous parts: teaser
summary: overworked and underpaid, peter and y/n are the respective assistants to tony stark and pepper potts. needing some free time and less stress, they plot to set up their bosses, unaware of the impact it will have on their own feelings
word count: 2.4k
You groaned, lightly tapping your head against your desk as the : on your desk clock blinked in time. You were too fearful of angering Pepper by being any louder, but you oh-so-desperately longed to slam your forehead into the desk with the force of one of Iron Man’s thrusters, knocking yourself senseless enough to take a sick leave.
“Coming!” You straightened up instantly.
“No, no, stay there,” said Pepper from the doorway of her office. “I’m just — I’m gonna take a nap for a while, and I need you to wake me up at midnight. But don’t scare me, please. Just, like, play music and gradually make it louder. Okay?”
“Okay,” you grunted. As Pepper settled down in her office, you glanced at the sticky note attached to your computer, then down to your wallet with actual cash in it.
Pay back pickle guy
So you headed up to the top floor, where you knew Tony Stark was stationed. You walked straight down the hall, glancing in each glass-paneled room and trying not to marvel at the fact that Stark’s area was even classier than Pepper’s.
Then you saw a familiar mop of brown curls on top of a back turned to you, shuffling through some files in a room that was wall-to-wall with filing cabinets. You walked through the open door, saying grumpily, “Hi.”
“Holy—” Peter jumped wildly, spinning around. “Hi.”
“Here’s your stupid interest,” you muttered, handing him the money.
“Thanks,” he said, still confused. As you turned to leave he asked, “Why are you still here? Are you a janitor o-or something?”
You stopped, turning to stare at him with an arched brow. “Do I look like a janitor?”
His eyes flitted away and back to your face, seemingly unsure how to answer the question. You rolled your eyes. “No, I’m not. I work for Pepper Potts.”
Peter started to leave. “Who?”
You stood stunned for a moment before chasing after him. “Uh, Tony Stark’s personal secretary?”
He shook his head, still clueless.
“Oh, my god!” you cried, exasperated. “She’s been there for him ever since he got that stupid shrapnel in his chest thingy. She probably knows more about Tony Stark than Iron Man does.”
Peter shrugged. “Okay. But what are you doing here?” 
You sighed loudly. “I can’t leave until she leaves. And she never leaves, so I’m always here.”
He scoffed. “Um, no you’re not. I am.”
"And why is that?” you asked coldly.
“Oh, I’m an intern for Mr. Stark. Well, the only intern. Which means I do a lot more work than a normal intern. I guess I’m kind of his assistant, except I don’t actually get to do any of the important stuff. I just repair his lesser bots sometimes and organize his files and cover his phones.”
The two of you approached a desk at the end of the floor that looked out upon the New York skyline. Lights blinked through the darkness, somehow illuminating the night scape despite the lateness. Peter sat down at the desk and pulled out a bottle of champagne and two small glasses. You arched an eyebrow.
“I swiped this from Mr. Stark’s trash, don’t worry,” said Peter. “Lots of Iron Man fans aren’t aware of the fact that, uh, constant showerings of champagne at Expos has lead to Tony Stark having a strong distaste for it.” He pushed a glass towards you. “Want a drink?”
“We’re at work,” you said.
“Want a drink?” he asked again.
You gave in, and he poured you a glass. You pulled up a chair and propped your feet on his desk. The two of you drank slowly until you finally said, “This sucks.”
“What sucks?” he asked.
“This. When my mom was my age, she had me. She was married. And pretty successful. I haven’t even had a longterm boyfriend.” You sighed, pouring yourself another glass.
Peter arched an eyebrow. “What, not even, like, a computer lab boyfriend?”
“What does that even mean?”
“You’re like, an adult.”
“How dare you.”
He laughed, taking another drink. “I know what you mean. This is not where I thought I’d be when I was 22. I figured I’d be, like, an Avenger or something.”
“Um, last time I checked, they don’t take totally average people as Avengers,” you said lightly. “I feel like there’s a check box on the requirements part of the application that’s like, Do you have superpowers? No? Too bad!” 
Peter laughed, but it sounded oddly forced. He took another long drink. When he finished, he said, “The point is, I’m an intern for Tony Stark, who I’ve known since I was fifteen. And he’s so stressed out by everything that I never get any free time, and what little free time I do have is taken up by — uh, by my... other job.” He slammed down two drinks in quick succession.
You eyed him. “You okay?”
“Just in need of a break,” Peter managed to say, squinting against the tension in his throat.
“Right?” you groaned. “Pepper needs... she needs....”
“To get laid?” offered Peter.
You scowled at him. “No, she needs to be made love to.”
“Well,” grunted Peter, leaning back, “Mr. Stark needs to get laid.”
“I wish we could just lock them in a room together and let them just... go nuts at each other!” you said.
Peter’s eyes widened. “Oh, my... they’re perfect for each other, aren’t they? Mr. Stark is always going on and on about Miss Potts this and Miss Potts that and he always tries to make sure I’m not in the room when Miss Potts is coming by and... dude, they would totally go nuts for each other!”
“I thought you said you didn’t know Pepper!” you challenged him.
He frowned. “I did not.”
“Yes, you did!”
“No. You’re wrong. Anyway... imagine: if they were busy with each other, they’d be too busy to hassle us all the time!”
“Oh... you’re so right,” you agreed eagerly. “We know everything about them, Peter. We control their whole lives. We could do this!”
“What? Wait, I was joking.”
“I’m not!” you argued. “We could actually do this. Do you want to have actual free time or not, Peter?”
“Free time would be nice,” he admitted. 
“So let’s do it! We are the masters of their fates, Peter! We are those controlling people from the Matrix!”
Peter’s eyes rolled back so far you thought he was going into analeptic shock. “Have you ever actually seen the Matrix?”
You scoffed. “No. Has anyone?”
He stared at you. “I think you should leave now.”
You laughed, pouring yourself one more glass of champagne and downing it before trilling, “Adios!” and heading back down to your floor. The next morning — the term morning is used loosely here, since it was somewhere around 4 am — you woke up in a cold sweat and opened up a google excel spreadsheet. You typed furiously for a good twenty minutes before sharing the document with Peter and falling back asleep.
Hours passed, and the real morning began. You stood at the sink, washing the dishes of everyone in the company — it was still technically morning, noon wouldn’t arrive for another seven minutes — when someone cleared their throat behind you. You turned around and saw Peter looking hassled and on edge.
“Did I or did I not get an email from you at 4:28 this morning containing a spreadsheet of everything you know about Miss Potts?” he asked in a voice cracked with exhaustion.
Your eyes widened. “Oh, my god, it wasn’t a dream. Peter, I am so sorry, I know you said you were just joking, I honestly think I might have been possessed or something—”
“I’m in.”
He nodded, a little reluctantly. “I’m in. While they’re... together... we’re free, right?”
“Right,” you said, starting to smile.
He spread his hands. “So I’m in.”
A few minutes later, the both of you had collected orders from your respective superiors and were down in the thick of things in rush-hour New York. You held a tray of coffees and Peter held a tray of various smoothies.
“Where could they meet?” you asked the city at large.
“Tony spends a lot of his time upstate with the Avengers,” said Peter.
“Could she bump into him there?” you asked.
“Only if she has a superhero costume and can fly there herself,” he said smartly. “That is his superheroes-only zone. He probably won’t take her there until at least the third date. Possibly the fourth.”
“Okay, fine,” you grunted. After a moment of thinking you said, “We just need to set up a meet cute. Right? Like, every amazing love story has a meet cute, where they get stuck in an elevator or something.”
Peter paused. “Then let’s stick them in an elevator.”
“How would we possibly do that?” you asked.
A huge smile spread across Peter’s face. “You haven’t met my guy in the chair?”
After dropping off your drinks in the break room, Peter led you down a lot of stairs — more stairs than you knew Stark tower possessed — and to a darkly lit hallway ending in a door marked “maintenance.”
He knocked on the door and pushed it open, saying loudly, “What’s up, Ned?” You followed, a little less eagerly.
The two of you walked around a shelf full of various electronic gadgets, and you heard the unmistakable sound of chair wheels rolling across concrete. You came up to Peter’s shoulder and saw a boy who looked to be the same age as Peter rolling his way over to you guys in a swivel chair.
“Hey, Peter,” he said with a warm smile. “What can I do ya for?”
“Ned, this is y/n,” said Peter, gesturing between the two of you. “y/n, this is Ned, my guy in the chair. He’s been my best friend since high school, and I just had to get him a job for Stark.”
“Yeah, except I was under the impression that I’d actually be doing stuff, not just staring at screens all day,” said Ned. Then he plastered that smile back on. “But it’s still cool, because I have complete control over everything technical in this whole building.”
“And because I come and visit him every free moment I get,” Peter added.
“I thought you don’t have free moments,” you said.
“He doesn’t,” said Ned.
“Okay, that’s beside the point,” protested Peter. “Ned, we need to stall the elevator so two people can fall in love. Can you do it?”
Ned rolled away, and the two of you followed. As he wheeled his way back to a desk full of screens and a computer keyboard, he said, “Of course I can. You know how much I love love. Especially love in elevators.”
“That’s kind of weird, Ned,” laughed Peter.
“You know what I mean!” spluttered Ned, blushing. “I was making a joke! Long story short, yes. I can do that for you.”
A short time later, the three of you were clustered around Ned’s security monitors while he typed on his keyboard. You watched as Tony Stark got into the elevator on his floor. On a separate screen, Pepper came around the corner and stopped to wait for the elevator, pressing the button.
“Okay, okay, this is happening,” you muttered.
“Um, can you make it stop at her floor, buddy?” mumbled Peter.
Ned nodded, pressing a button. The elevator doors slid open and Pepper walked in to stand next to Tony. She glanced at him, prepared to smile, but he didn’t even look up.
“Why aren’t they talking?” you protested. “They know each other!”
Suddenly, a third person was in the elevator. Well, person isn’t the right word. Vision materialized through the wall, coming to a stop in the elevator. Tony nearly jumped out of his skin and Pepper started to laugh.
“Um, what is he doing in there?” Peter mused aloud. 
“Vision, you’re ruining this!” you hissed, knowing he couldn’t hear you.
“Are you guys thinking what I’m thinking?” asked Ned nervously.
You and Peter exchanged glances, nodding. “Call it off,” you said together.
“It’s go time!” Ned said at the same exact moment, hitting a button on his keyboard. The elevator rumbled to a stop. Ned froze. “Wait, what did you guys say?”
“Oh, god,” muttered Peter. “Oh, no, no, no....”
You couldn’t hear anything, but you could see Pepper, Tony, and Vision sharing confused looks. Vision said something, and Tony snapped something back. Pepper glared at Tony and snarled something.
“Wait, we can fix this,” you said. “Ned, start it back up!”
He pressed a button and the elevator started to move again. Vision nodded sagely. Then something happened.
“Wait, why did the elevator stop?” Peter asked, leaning over Ned’s shoulder. “Buddy, why’d do you that?”
“That wasn’t me!” protested Ned. “I think this is an actual system malfunction!”
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” you groaned, running your hands over your face. “And with Vision? I don’t know how Wanda does, he literally oozes the opposite of sex.”
Peter eyed you strangely before turning back to the screens. Vision was vibrating strangely and Pepper and Tony were arguing. Tony had his phone up to his ear and Pepper kept pointing at the panel where the emergency button was. A spark popped in the elevator and Vision seemed to apologize for something. Pepper snapped at Tony, and he snapped right back.
“This is a disaster,” said Peter. “Oh, my god, this is the worst!”
“No, we can work with this!” you said.
After a few more minutes, the elevator started on its own. The doors opened, and Vision phased through the wall. Pepper marched past Tony coldly and he called something after her. Judging from his expression, it wasn’t very nice. Peter dropped his head in dismay and you sat on the edge of Ned’s desk.
“You know, that wasn’t so bad,” said Ned.
“It was okay,” you agreed.
“Okay?” asked Peter, looking up incredulously. “They hate each other, y/n.”
“We can work with hate!” you insisted. “Hate is not the opposite of love! Hate can turn into love!”
“And that,” said Peter, turning to go, “is my cue to leave.”
“Peter, wait!” You thanked Ned hurriedly before chasing your partner in crime back upstairs.
go here to edit your name on my taglist!
@parkerroos @acciopeter @dorkpeter @lil-spidey @tomhollandisthicc @almightyhollands @peteparkerrr @gendryia @softspideys @1enchantedfantasy1 @spiderdudeparker @iamthepenguinwhosearseisonfire @rock-n-roll-queens @peterrrparkerrr @onlineluna @ohcaptains @anythingbutinfinitywar @obsessed-tea @hjosterfield @sam-hollands-darling @spideynblackcat @tomsfireheart @sleepyeugene @emma641 @customcrouton @tomsfireheart @the-real-bea-marley @world-moon @peterrrparkerrr @theasexualbunny @condy-wants-a-cookie
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#Glutenfree Monthly Favorites: Vegan Potato Soup, Online Gluten Free Expo & More!
New blog post!
Another month, another post about what this gluten free celiac has been up to! As usual, February flew by...and I literally don't know where it went considering my schedule was much less exciting than January's. However, I still managed to squeeze in plenty of adventures - whether for Valentine's Day, National Cook a Sweet Potato Day and everything in between!
What did my February look like? And what can you expect from the month of March? Here's what I've been eating and doing...plus what's to come!
What I'm Eating
The creamiest vegan potato soup I've ever eaten...(and not just because this is only potato soup I've ever made and tasted). As much as I drool over Brandi's recipes at The Vegan 8, I rarely find the time and motivation to try out some new recipes. After randomly dreaming of potato soup in the middle of the night, though, I knew I finally needed to whip up Brandi's Chunky Potato and Zucchini soup. Three potatoes, one large zucchini, and one blender later...the ultimate vegan comfort food. Ironically enough, I think my meat-and-dairy-lovin' sister enjoyed this soup even more than I did! Allll the homemade cheese sauce. I hadn't made my fave vegan cheese sauce for around three months and by the time I was finally reunited with my Vitamix, my taste buds were more than ready. The sauce only makes around 10 minutes to make, but I devoured it for four days straight (before putting the rest in the freezer for safe-keeping). Besides whipping up the usual mac n' cheese, I also did a "sampler" plate of roasted veggies, lettuce and smashed black beans plus homemade chips and baked potato for dipping. Heaven!
So simple...so scrumptious...
Plenty of blackstrap molasses. As I shared earlier this week, my recent doctor's appointment found that I was low in iron - so I decided to rescue my bottle of blackstrap molasses from the back of my pantry. For those who've never tried blackstrap molasses, it definitely can be an acquired taste. However, it tastes delicious on oatmeal, smoothie bowls or yogurt parfaits - and in baking!
What I'm Doing
Spending more time at the Broadmoor Hotel than some of the guests. I was chatting with a friend from college the other day and they asked, "So, besides work and going for walks...what do you do in your free time?" To be honest, my life right now pretty much revolves around work, enjoying the Colorado outdoors, blogging and making/eating food. I think the views while walking around the Broadmoor can make even the most exciting person jealous, though - and I'd say some of the workers are getting used to seeing my face by now! Embracing nightly yoga dates with YouTube. Since I work for most of the day on my computer in one position, stretching out at night has been a must. I'm still loving Fightmaster yoga, though I pretty much just alternate between the same handful of videos: Yoga for Balance, Yoga Total Body Workout With Twists (great for helping digestion!), Total Body Workout Strength and Hips Focus, and Total Body One Hour Vinyasa Flow. I admit I'm usually watching TV as I do my practice...but it still does wonders for my body and mindset!
Me in all of my PJ glory...
Catching up with friends - on and offline. While my folks were away on their romantic vacation (hola Mexico!), I enjoyed plenty of Facetime/Facebook dates with friends. We reminisced on some favorite moments from my last semester of college (for those that saw that photo of me in a fancy dress on a swing saw...that was from PLNU's Fall Ball. I didn't know the photo existed until Chris and I were swapping funny photos!). I also learned that next week is apparently Spring Break for the college kids. I'd say I'm jealous...but I don't think the midterms are worth it. I've also loved getting a bit closer to some of my blogging friends, like the amazing Amber and Ellen. I don't have to meet them in person to know they're 100% awesome.
What I'm Planning Trying out some new recipes and products. I know I say this nearly every month...but my goal for March is to experiment more in the kitchen. Between lack of time and motivation (plus worry over my finicky stomach), getting in food ruts is basically my MO. Some of the recipes I'm eyeing? This bean (!!) packed trail mix, this amazing homemade cereal (that lists GF cookies in the ingredients, not gonna lie), this "oatmeal" made of shredded coconut and nuts and this easy stove top enchilada. Hanging out with Taylor at GlutenAway for his monthly Online Gluten Free Expo! Taylor was kind enough to include me in his featured bloggers for March and, if you enter my (virtual) "booth," you can see my favorite on-the-go snacks and travel tips. If you've never checked out Taylor's expo, definitely do so this month. There's an "expo hall" with nine companies offering a variety of giveaways, plus demos and recipes (including a few of mine).
What you'll see if you click here!
Hanging onto my sanity...one day (and night) at a time! As I wrote earlier this week, these next few weeks have been brutal - and probably will continue to be. However, I'm definitely getting better at taking a step back by jamming to some good music, going for a long walk outside or whipping up a killer vegan scone. One baby step at a time. You've probably heard the old saying,"Time flies when you're having fun." Well, in light of this past February, I'd like to provide an alternative: "Time flies when you're working to stay very busy!" I'm sure March will fly by just as quickly...but that doesn't mean I'm any less anxious excited to see what I'll be typing a month from now. Here's to hoping that, this month, good eats, fun activities and exciting plans are in everyone's future! (FUN FACT: Late on March 1, the day I typed and scheduled this post, I got my first grad school acceptance...so March is off to a pretty good start!) What were some of your favorite eats and activities from February? What are you planning this March? Tell me your thoughts below!
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